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Systems of Equations Unit Plan

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Digital Unit Plan Template Unit Title: Simultaneous Linear Equations Content Area: MATHEMATICS

CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

Name: MATTHEW SMITH Grade Level: 8

8. Analyze and solve pairs of simultaneous linear equations. a. Understand that solutions to a system of two linear equations in two variables correspond to points of intersection of their graphs, because points of intersection satisfy both equations simultaneously. b. Solve systems of two linear equations in two variables algebraically, and estimate solutions by graphing the equations. Solve simple cases by inspection. For example, 3x + 2y = 5 and 3x + 2y = 6 have no solution because 3x + 2y cannot simultaneously be 5 and 6. c. Solve real-world and mathematical problems leading to two linear equations in two variables. For example, given coordinates for two pairs of points, determine whether the line through the first pair of points intersects the line through the second pair.
Big Ideas:

When solving for a system of equations with 2 variables, you will arrive at one of three possible solution sets, thereby indicating whether the equation represent intersecting lines, parallel lines, or the same line.
Unit Goals and Objectives: Students should be able to identify a system of equations and explain that the solution set corresponds to their point(s) of intersection. After completing the group assignment (Where to order pizza?), students should be able to solve a system of equations with 2 variables, and demonstrate that the solution set indicates intersecting lines, parallel lines, or the same line. Students will collaborate in small groups to present their findings to the class and defend their position. After a class discussion regarding the different concepts arrived at during the Pizza game, students should be able to create their own pizza company with a pricing schedule (including a delivery charge and price per pizza) and determine whether this falls under the no solution, one solution, or infinite solutions criteria. Additionally, students should be able to identify at what number of pizzas it makes sense to switch from once pizza company to the other.

Unit Summary:

Students will first be introduced to the pizza ordering analogy, which will lead to a discussion and lecture concerning systems of equations and their solution set. Students will be introduced to the idea that the set of equations can have one solution, infinite solutions, or no solutions. Students will also be introduced to the idea that in terms of real-world applications, decisions to choose one option over the other will often change before and after the point of intersection. Students will engage in a group project to analyze pizza ordering options. Finally, students will prepare and give an oral presentation on their own pizza company. Assessment Plan: Entry-Level: Warm up and discussion We will begin the lesson with warm up activities to activate the prior knowledge. A discussion of these concepts as well as a glimpse into the new unit will serve as an assessment. Formative: Pizza Graphic Organizer to be completed by students collaboratively. Whiteboard Response Students will spend some time interacting with myself and each other, responding to questions on their white boards. Quizlet Scatter Race Students will work in groups to complete the Quizlet Scatter Race, matching Systems of Linear Equations terms, definitions, and solutions. Math Journal Entry - Students will also engage in a math journal writing to discuss one key concept they learned and something they still need additional support on. Instructional Strategies: Communication Collection Collaboration Presentation Organization Interaction Summative: Oral Presentation Students will formally and individually present their Pizza Company information, pricing, and other variables they designed. Popplet Graphic Organizer Student groups will create a collaborative Popplet centering on Systems of Linear Equations.

Lesson 1 Student Learning Objective: Upon completion of this lecture, students should be able to identify a system of equations explain that the solution set corresponds to their point(s) of intersection. Lesson 2 Student Learning Objective: After completing the group assignment (Where to order pizza?), students should be able to solve a system of equations with 2 variables, and demonstrate that the solution set Acceptable Evidence: Evidence will be based students completion of graphic organizer (both individual and group portion), as well as the students ability to participate and contribute Instructional Strategies: Communication Collection Collaboration Presentation Organization Interaction
Lesson Activities: Students will be broken up into groups and given a scenario in which they are responsible for comparing a pizza company to the benchmark (provided by the instructor) in terms of cost to provide pizza for a party. Students will be asked to represent their information in a table, graph, and equation on their graphic organizer. Further, students will be asked to identify whether the system of equations has one solution, multiple solutions, or no solutions. Students will also collaborate on a Popplet to explore and present the characteristics of a system of linear equations.

Acceptable Evidence: Evidence of students reaching the objective will be gauged based on class discussion, answers to teacher led questions, Whiteboard responses, Quizlet Scatter Race, and responses from their Math Journal Entries

Lesson Activities: The lesson will begin with a discussion of variables that factor into the purchase and delivery of pizza (e.g. Whether a store delivers and if so the delivery cost, price per pizza, time to deliver, taste). Introduce students to the problem of ordering pizza for a party and how we would go about that. Segue this discussion into a discussion of and lecture on systems of equations with two variables.

represents intersecting lines, parallel lines, or the same line. Lesson 3 Student Learning Objective: After a class discussion regarding the different concepts arrived at during the Pizza game, students should be able to formulate their own pizza order equation (with a delivery charge and price per pizza) and determine whether this falls under the no solution, one solution, or infinite solutions criteria. Additionally, students should be able to identify at what number of pizzas it makes sense to switch from once pizza company to the other. Unit Resources:

in the pizza ordering assignment.

Acceptable Evidence: Evidence that students have reached this objective will be determined based on their formulation of an imaginary pizza company to expand on the analogy introduced in the class. They will be challenged to present their findings in the class, where a discussion will be read to gauge mastery of the concept,

Instructional Strategies: Communication Collection Collaboration Presentation Organization Interaction

Lesson Activities: Students will be asked to prepare and give an oral

presentation to expand upon the pizza ordering project by creating their own fictional pizza company. They will be responsible for a company name, pricing, visuals (chart, graph, and equation), a solution to the overall system, as well as identify other important factors that customers consider.

Assessment Timeline Quizlet Scatter Race Oral Presentation Directions Oral Presentation Rubric Systems of Equations Prezi (teacher lecture) Systems of Equations Guided Notes Webercise Systems of Equations Popplet (Graphic Organizer) Graphic Organizer Rubric Applet from Pizza Order Graphic Organizer

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