Save The Earth
Save The Earth
Save The Earth
LECTURA: Las inferencias a partir del formato textual de poemas, rimas y listas. La oralizacin de la lectura. ESCRITURA: El mapa semntico. Functions -Giving and following commands -Naming objects and characters in context. -Giving suggestions. Exponents -There is/are It is -We should/ shouldnt Vocabulary -Nature, sky, sun, cloud, ocean, earth, rocks, sand, animals.
Contenidos Curriculares: El ambiente y la salud: La relacin de los animales y el ambiente. El nivel de organizacin ecosistmico: El equilibrio del ecosistema como resultado de una compleja evolucin. Thematic Unit:
LANGUAGE CONTENTS (5th. 6th) ORALIDAD: La exposicin con apoyo de esquemas y grficos. LECTURA: Las noticias con soporte material y/o virtual. ESCRITURA: La explicacin de temticas estudiadas. Functions -Giving warning and advice. -Arguing Exponents -From my point of view/In my opinion -For example/For instance -We should/shouldnt /have to/ must .. Vocabulary -Endangered animals/species, vulnerable species, African penguin, Siberian tiger, Asian elephant, extinction, conservation. OBJECTIVES: 3ro y 4to-To motivate students to write letters. -To enhance the production of posters. 5to y 6to-To encourage students to read scientific texts using different reading strategies. -To make students exchange facts and their opinions about the current environmental problems by writing persuasive texts. -To make students create graphic organizers to represent information contained on a text (news, articles).
OBJECTIVES: K5. 1st. 2nd -To enhance descriptions of living and non-living things in an ecosystem. -To make students familiar with poems and rimes. -To make students perform short dialogues.
Suggested Activities:
- Endangered Animals: Story Books, descriptions. -Role playing activity: One student plays the role of The Earth. Which other roles may other students play? -Dear World,- To write a letter to the world. What would you tell it?/Praise it for its wonders! -Create a chart: which things you should or shouldnt do to help the environment?- DOs vs DONTs -Recycling: Sorting the garbage by creating a School Recycling Center.
-Songs: What a wonderful world by Louis Armstrong; Where do the children play by Cat Stevens. -Labeling the School: to create signs, posters and drawings about how to take care of the Environment and display them around the school. -Brainstorming ideas about environmental problems caused by human beings: greenhouse effect, soil, water and air pollution. -Make recycling crafts with the students. -Material elaborado por el Centro de Recursos y