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LG 37lp1r-Te

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CONTENTS .............................................................................................. 2

PRODUCT SAFETY ..................................................................................3

SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................6

ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTION................................................................11

TROUBLE SHOOTING ............................................................................15

BLOCK DIAGRAM...................................................................................18

WIRING DIAGRAM ..................................................................................19

EXPLODED VIEW .................................................................................. 20

EXPLODED VIEW PARTS LIST ..............................................................21

REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST ............................................................... 22

SVC. SHEET ...............................................................................................



Many electrical and mechanical parts in this chassis have special safety-related characteristics. These parts are identified by in the
Schematic Diagram and Replacement Parts List.
It is essential that these special safety parts should be replaced with the same components as recommended in this manual to prevent
Shock, Fire, or other Hazards.
Do not modify the original design without permission of manufacturer.

General Guidance Leakage Current Hot Check (See below Figure)

Plug the AC cord directly into the AC outlet.
An isolation Transformer should always be used during the
servicing of a receiver whose chassis is not isolated from the AC Do not use a line Isolation Transformer during this check.
power line. Use a transformer of adequate power rating as this Connect 1.5K/10watt resistor in parallel with a 0.15uF capacitor
protects the technician from accidents resulting in personal injury between a known good earth ground (Water Pipe, Conduit, etc.)
from electrical shocks. and the exposed metallic parts.
Measure the AC voltage across the resistor using AC voltmeter
It will also protect the receiver and it's components from being with 1000 ohms/volt or more sensitivity.
damaged by accidental shorts of the circuitry that may be Reverse plug the AC cord into the AC outlet and repeat AC voltage
inadvertently introduced during the service operation. measurements for each exposed metallic part. Any voltage
measured must not exceed 0.75 volt RMS which is corresponds to
If any fuse (or Fusible Resistor) in this TV receiver is blown, 0.5mA.
replace it with the specified. In case any measurement is out of the limits specified, there is
possibility of shock hazard and the set must be checked and
When replacing a high wattage resistor (Oxide Metal Film Resistor, repaired before it is returned to the customer.
over 1W), keep the resistor 10mm away from PCB.
Leakage Current Hot Check circuit
Keep wires away from high voltage or high temperature parts.
AC Volt-meter
Before returning the receiver to the customer,

always perform an AC leakage current check on the exposed

metallic parts of the cabinet, such as antennas, terminals, etc., to
be sure the set is safe to operate without damage of electrical Good Earth Ground
shock. such as WATER PIPE,
To Instrument's CONDUIT etc.
Leakage Current Cold Check(Antenna Cold Check) exposed
With the instrument AC plug removed from AC source, connect an
electrical jumper across the two AC plug prongs. Place the AC
switch in the on position, connect one lead of ohm-meter to the AC 1.5 Kohm/10W
plug prongs tied together and touch other ohm-meter lead in turn to
each exposed metallic parts such as antenna terminals, phone
jacks, etc.
If the exposed metallic part has a return path to the chassis, the
measured resistance should be between 1MΩ and 5.2MΩ.
When the exposed metal has no return path to the chassis the
reading must be infinite.
An other abnormality exists that must be corrected before the
receiver is returned to the customer.

CAUTION: Before servicing receivers covered by this service unit under test.
manual and its supplements and addenda, read and follow the 2. After removing an electrical assembly equipped with ES
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS on page 3 of this publication. devices, place the assembly on a conductive surface such as
NOTE: If unforeseen circumstances create conflict between the aluminum foil, to prevent electrostatic charge buildup or
following servicing precautions and any of the safety precautions on exposure of the assembly.
page 3 of this publication, always follow the safety precautions. 3. Use only a grounded-tip soldering iron to solder or unsolder ES
Remember: Safety First. devices.
4. Use only an anti-static type solder removal device. Some solder
General Servicing Precautions removal devices not classified as "anti-static" can generate
1. Always unplug the receiver AC power cord from the AC power electrical charges sufficient to damage ES devices.
source before; 5. Do not use freon-propelled chemicals. These can generate
a. Removing or reinstalling any component, circuit board electrical charges sufficient to damage ES devices.
module or any other receiver assembly. 6. Do not remove a replacement ES device from its protective
b. Disconnecting or reconnecting any receiver electrical plug or package until immediately before you are ready to install it.
other electrical connection. (Most replacement ES devices are packaged with leads
c. Connecting a test substitute in parallel with an electrolytic electrically shorted together by conductive foam, aluminum foil
capacitor in the receiver. or comparable conductive material).
CAUTION: A wrong part substitution or incorrect polarity 7. Immediately before removing the protective material from the
installation of electrolytic capacitors may result in an leads of a replacement ES device, touch the protective material
explosion hazard. to the chassis or circuit assembly into which the device will be
2. Test high voltage only by measuring it with an appropriate high CAUTION: Be sure no power is applied to the chassis or circuit,
voltage meter or other voltage measuring device (DVM, and observe all other safety precautions.
FETVOM, etc) equipped with a suitable high voltage probe. 8. Minimize bodily motions when handling unpackaged
Do not test high voltage by "drawing an arc". replacement ES devices. (Otherwise harmless motion such as
3. Do not spray chemicals on or near this receiver or any of its the brushing together of your clothes fabric or the lifting of your
assemblies. foot from a carpeted floor can generate static electricity
4. Unless specified otherwise in this service manual, clean sufficient to damage an ES device.)
electrical contacts only by applying the following mixture to the
contacts with a pipe cleaner, cotton-tipped stick or comparable General Soldering Guidelines
non-abrasive applicator; 10% (by volume) Acetone and 90% (by 1. Use a grounded-tip, low-wattage soldering iron and appropriate
volume) isopropyl alcohol (90%-99% strength) tip size and shape that will maintain tip temperature within the
CAUTION: This is a flammable mixture. range or 500 F to 600 F.
Unless specified otherwise in this service manual, lubrication of 2. Use an appropriate gauge of RMA resin-core solder composed
contacts in not required. of 60 parts tin/40 parts lead.
5. Do not defeat any plug/socket B+ voltage interlocks with which 3. Keep the soldering iron tip clean and well tinned.
receivers covered by this service manual might be equipped. 4. Thoroughly clean the surfaces to be soldered. Use a mall wire-
6. Do not apply AC power to this instrument and/or any of its bristle (0.5 inch, or 1.25cm) brush with a metal handle.
electrical assemblies unless all solid-state device heat sinks are Do not use freon-propelled spray-on cleaners.
correctly installed. 5. Use the following unsoldering technique
7. Always connect the test receiver ground lead to the receiver a. Allow the soldering iron tip to reach normal temperature.
chassis ground before connecting the test receiver positive (500 F to 600 F)
lead. b. Heat the component lead until the solder melts.
Always remove the test receiver ground lead last. c. Quickly draw the melted solder with an anti-static, suction-
8. Use with this receiver only the test fixtures specified in this type solder removal device or with solder braid.
service manual. CAUTION: Work quickly to avoid overheating the
CAUTION: Do not connect the test fixture ground strap to any circuitboard printed foil.
heat sink in this receiver. 6. Use the following soldering technique.
a. Allow the soldering iron tip to reach a normal temperature
Electrostatically Sensitive (ES) Devices (500 F to 600 F)
Some semiconductor (solid-state) devices can be damaged easily b. First, hold the soldering iron tip and solder the strand against
by static electricity. Such components commonly are called the component lead until the solder melts.
Electrostatically Sensitive (ES) Devices. Examples of typical ES c. Quickly move the soldering iron tip to the junction of the
devices are integrated circuits and some field-effect transistors and component lead and the printed circuit foil, and hold it there
semiconductor "chip" components. The following techniques only until the solder flows onto and around both the
should be used to help reduce the incidence of component component lead and the foil.
damage caused by static by static electricity. CAUTION: Work quickly to avoid overheating the circuit
1. Immediately before handling any semiconductor component or board printed foil.
semiconductor-equipped assembly, drain off any electrostatic d. Closely inspect the solder area and remove any excess or
charge on your body by touching a known earth ground. splashed solder with a small wire-bristle brush.
Alternatively, obtain and wear a commercially available
discharging wrist strap device, which should be removed to
prevent potential shock reasons prior to applying power to the

IC Remove/Replacement
Some chassis circuit boards have slotted holes (oblong) through Circuit Board Foil Repair
which the IC leads are inserted and then bent flat against the Excessive heat applied to the copper foil of any printed circuit
circuit foil. When holes are the slotted type, the following technique board will weaken the adhesive that bonds the foil to the circuit
should be used to remove and replace the IC. When working with board causing the foil to separate from or "lift-off" the board. The
boards using the familiar round hole, use the standard technique following guidelines and procedures should be followed whenever
as outlined in paragraphs 5 and 6 above. this condition is encountered.

Removal At IC Connections
1. Desolder and straighten each IC lead in one operation by gently To repair a defective copper pattern at IC connections use the
prying up on the lead with the soldering iron tip as the solder following procedure to install a jumper wire on the copper pattern
melts. side of the circuit board. (Use this technique only on IC
2. Draw away the melted solder with an anti-static suction-type connections).
solder removal device (or with solder braid) before removing the
IC. 1. Carefully remove the damaged copper pattern with a sharp
Replacement knife. (Remove only as much copper as absolutely necessary).
1. Carefully insert the replacement IC in the circuit board. 2. carefully scratch away the solder resist and acrylic coating (if
2. Carefully bend each IC lead against the circuit foil pad and used) from the end of the remaining copper pattern.
solder it. 3. Bend a small "U" in one end of a small gauge jumper wire and
3. Clean the soldered areas with a small wire-bristle brush. carefully crimp it around the IC pin. Solder the IC connection.
(It is not necessary to reapply acrylic coating to the areas). 4. Route the jumper wire along the path of the out-away copper
pattern and let it overlap the previously scraped end of the good
"Small-Signal" Discrete Transistor copper pattern. Solder the overlapped area and clip off any
Removal/Replacement excess jumper wire.
1. Remove the defective transistor by clipping its leads as close as
possible to the component body. At Other Connections
2. Bend into a "U" shape the end of each of three leads remaining Use the following technique to repair the defective copper pattern
on the circuit board. at connections other than IC Pins. This technique involves the
3. Bend into a "U" shape the replacement transistor leads. installation of a jumper wire on the component side of the circuit
4. Connect the replacement transistor leads to the corresponding board.
leads extending from the circuit board and crimp the "U" with
long nose pliers to insure metal to metal contact then solder 1. Remove the defective copper pattern with a sharp knife.
each connection. Remove at least 1/4 inch of copper, to ensure that a hazardous
condition will not exist if the jumper wire opens.
Power Output, Transistor Device 2. Trace along the copper pattern from both sides of the pattern
Removal/Replacement break and locate the nearest component that is directly
1. Heat and remove all solder from around the transistor leads. connected to the affected copper pattern.
2. Remove the heat sink mounting screw (if so equipped). 3. Connect insulated 20-gauge jumper wire from the lead of the
3. Carefully remove the transistor from the heat sink of the circuit nearest component on one side of the pattern break to the lead
board. of the nearest component on the other side.
4. Insert new transistor in the circuit board. Carefully crimp and solder the connections.
5. Solder each transistor lead, and clip off excess lead. CAUTION: Be sure the insulated jumper wire is dressed so the
6. Replace heat sink. it does not touch components or sharp edges.

Diode Removal/Replacement
1. Remove defective diode by clipping its leads as close as
possible to diode body.
2. Bend the two remaining leads perpendicular y to the circuit
3. Observing diode polarity, wrap each lead of the new diode
around the corresponding lead on the circuit board.
4. Securely crimp each connection and solder it.
5. Inspect (on the circuit board copper side) the solder joints of
the two "original" leads. If they are not shiny, reheat them and if
necessary, apply additional solder.
Fuse and Conventional Resistor
1. Clip each fuse or resistor lead at top of the circuit board hollow
2. Securely crimp the leads of replacement component around
notch at stake top.
3. Solder the connections.
CAUTION: Maintain original spacing between the replaced
component and adjacent components and the circuit board to
prevent excessive component temperatures.

NOTE : Specifications and others are subject to change without notice for improvement.

1. Application range
This specification is applied to ML-051A chassis.

2. Requirement for Test

Testing for standard of each part must be followed in below

(1) Temperature: 25°C ± 2°C

(2) Humidity: 65% ± 10%
(3) Power: Standard input voltage (AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz)
(4) Measurement must be performed after heat-run more than
(5) Adjusting standard for this chassis is followed a special

3.General Specification(TV)
No Item Specification Remark
1. Video input applicable system PAL-D/K, B/G, I, NTSC-M, SECAM
NTSC 4.43
2. Receivable Broadcasting System 1) PAL/SECAM BG (ZE/TE)
3) PAL I/I (PAL Market)
6) PAL-N/M 6),7) South America Market
7) NTSC M 7) Except South America NTSC Market (ME)
3. RF Input Channel VHF : E2 ~ E12 PAL
UHF : E21 ~ E69
CATV : S1 ~ S20
HYPER : S21~ S47
VHF : 2~13 NTSC
UHF : 14~69
CATV : 1~125
VHF Low : 1 ~ M10 JAPAN
VHF High : 4~S22
UHF : S23~62
4. Input Voltage AC 100 ~ 240 V/50Hz, 60Hz
5. Market Worldwide
6. Picture Size 800.4mm 37 inch
7. Tuning System FVS 100 program PAL,200 PR.(Option)
8. Operating Environment 1) Temp : 0 ~ 40 deg
2) Humidity : 10~85 %
9. Storage Environment 3) Temp : -20 ~ 60 deg
4) Humidity : 10~85 %
10. Display LCD Module LPL

4. General Specification
No Item Specification Unit Remark
1 Panel 32" TFT WXGA LCD
2 Frequency range H : 31 ~ 61Khz PC Input
V : 56 ~ 75Hz
3 Control Function 1) Contrast/Brightness
2) H-Position / V-Position
3) Tracking : Clock / Phase
4) Auto Configure
5) Reset
4 Component Jack 1:Y Middle east
3 : Pb / NTSC Area
5 : Pr
7 : Line1 Ready
9 : LINE2
11: LINE3
13: Line3 Ready
D4 Jack 2 : Y GND JAPAN Only
(525i,525p,750p,1125i) 4 : Pb GND
6 : Pr GND
8 : LINE1
10:Line2 Ready
5 H/V-Sync Video Power consumption LED
Power ON ON/ON Active ≤ max 190W W Green
Stand by OFF/ON OFF ≤ 3.0W W Red
DPMS Mode ON/OFF OFF ≤ typ. 30W W Green
Power off - - - W *
6 LCD Module Type Size LPL 877.0 x 516.8 x 55.5 mm (H) x (V) x (D)
Pixel Pitch LPL 0.200 x 0.600 x RGB
Pixel Format 1366 horiz. By 768 vert. Pixels
RGB strip arrangement
Coating Hard coating(3H), Anti-glare
treatment of the front polarizer,
Back Light LPL 16CCFL

5.Optical Feature(LCD Module)

No. Item Specification Remark

Min Typ Max

1 Viewing Angle R/L, U/D 176, 176
<CR 10>
2 Luminance Luminance(cd/ ) 500 Typical
Variation MAX/MIN
3 Contrast Ratio 400 600 ALL white/All back
4 CIE Color Coordinates WHITE Wx Typ. 0.285 LPL
Wy Typ. 0.293
RED R Typ. 0.640
Ry Typ. Typ. 0.341 Typ.
GREEN Gx Typ. -0.03 0.287 +0.03
Gy Typ. 0.610
BLUE Bx Typ. 0.146
By Typ. 0.069

6.Component Video Input (Y, PB, PR)

No Proposed
Resolution H-freq(kHz) V-freq(Hz)
1. 640x480 15.73 60 SDTV, DVD 480i ZE, TE, ME
2. 640x480 15.63 59.94 SDTV, DVD 480i ZE, TE, ME
3. 704x480 31.47 59.94 EDTV 480p TE, ME
4. 720x576 15.625 50.00 SDTV, DVD 625 Line ZE, TE, ME
5. 720x576 31.25 50.00 HDTV 576p TE, ME
6. 1280x720 45.00 60.00 HDTV 720p TE, ME
7. 1280x720 44.96 59.94 HDTV 720p TE, ME
8. 1920x1080 31.25 50.00 HDTV 1080i 50Hz (AU Ver.) TE, ME
9. 1920x1080 33.75 60.00 HDTV 1080i 60Hz (ATSC) TE, ME
10. 1920x1080 33.72 59.94 HDTV 1080i 59.94Hz TE, ME

7. PC INPUT Mode Table

No Resolution H-freq(kHz) V-freq.(Hz) Pixel clock(MHz) Proposed
Analog RGB, Digital RGB
1 720x400 31.468 70.8 28.321
2 640x480 31.469 59.94 25.17 VESA
37.684 75.00 31.5 VESA
3 800x600 37.879 60.31 40.00 VESA
46.875 75 49.5 VESA
4 832x624 49.725 74.55 57.283
5 1024x768 48.363 60.00 65.00 VESA(XGA)
56.47 70.00 75.00 VESA(XGA)
60.123 75.029 78.75 VESA(XGA)
6 1280x768 47.776 59.870 79.50 VESA(WXGA)
7 1360x768 47.720 59.799 84.75 VESA(WXGA)
8 1366x768 47.720 59.799 84.75 Supported
9 1920x1080 33.75 60.00 86.375 HDCP DVI Digital 1080i
10 1280x720 45.00 60.00 74.375 HDCP DVI Digital 720p

8. HDMI INPUT Mode Table

No Resolution H-freq(kHz) V-freq.(Hz) Pixel clock(MHz) Proposed

Analog RGB, Digital RGB
1 720x400 31.468 70.8 28.321
2 640x480 31.469 59.94 25.17 VESA
37.684 75.00 31.5 VESA
3 800x600 37.879 60.31 40.00 VESA
46.875 75 49.5 VESA
4 832x624 49.725 74.55 57.283
5 1024x768 48.363 60.00 65.00 VESA(XGA)
56.47 70.00 75.00 VESA(XGA)
60.123 75.029 78.75 VESA(XGA)
6 1280x768 47.776 59.870 79.50 VESA(WXGA)
7 1360x768 47.720 59.799 84.75 VESA(WXGA)
8 1366x768 47.720 59.799 84.75 Supported
9 1920x1080 33.75 60.00 86.375 HDCP DVI Digital 1080i
10 1280x720 45.00 60.00 74.375 HDCP DVI Digital 720p

9. Mechanical specification
<Table 1> Scart Arrangement 1.(Full Scart)

Pin Signal Signal Level Impedance

1 Audio Output B (right) 0.5 Vrms <1
2 Audio Input B (right) 0.5 Vrms > 10
3 Audio Output A (left) 0.5 Vrms <1
4 Ground (audio) - -
5 Ground (blue) - -
6 Audio input A (left) 0.5 Vrms > 10
7 Blue input 0.7 V 75
8 Function Select (AV control) High (9.5 - 12V) - AV Mode
Mid (5 - 8V) - Wide Screen
Low (0 - 2V) - TV Mode > 10
9 Ground (Green) - -
10 Comms Data 2
11 Green input 0.7 V 75
12 Comms Data 1
13 Ground (Red) - -
14 Ground (Blanking) - -
15 Red input 0.7 V 75
16 RGB Switching Control High (1 - 3V) - RGB
Low (0 - 0.4V) - Composite 75
17 Ground (Video input & Output) - -
18 Ground (RGB Switching Control) - -
19 Video output (Composite) 1V including sync 75
20 Video input (Composite) 1V including sync 75
21 Common ground (Shield) - -

<Table 2> Scart Arrangement 2.(Half Scart)

Pin Signal Signal Level Impedance

1 Audio Output B (right) 0.5 Vrms <1
2 Audio Input B (right) 0.5 Vrms > 10
3 Audio Output A (left) 0.5 Vrms <1
4 Ground (audio) - -
5 Ground (blue) - -
6 Audio input A (left) 0.5 Vrms > 10
7 - - -
8 Function Select (AV control) High (9.5 - 12V) - AV Mode
Mid (5 - 8V) - Wide Screen
Low (0 - 2V) - TV Mode > 10
9 Ground (Green) - -
10 Comms Data 2
11 - - -
12 Comms Data 1
13 Ground (Red) - -
14 Ground (Blanking) - -
15 Red input
16 - - -
17 Ground (Video input & Output) - -
18 - - -
19 Video output (Composite) 1V including sync 75
20 Video input (Composite) 1V including sync 75
21 Common ground (Shield) - -

- 10 -
1. Application Range 3.2.3 EDID FOR HDMI(256Bytes)
This spec. sheet is applied to all of the ML-051A chassis 00 01 02 03 04 05
08 06 07 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
(TORNADO) manufactured at LG TV Plant 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF
1E FF 00 6D a b
10 c 01 03 80 46
EA 27 78 D9 B0 A3 57 49 9C 25
20 11 49 4B A5 6E 80
01 31 40 01 01 01 45 40 01 01
2. Specification. 30 61 40 01 01 01 01
50 1B 21 A0 51 00 1E 30 48 88
2.1 Because this is not a hot chassis, it is not necessary to 40 35 00 BC 88 21 00
4E 00 1C 1F 00 80 51 00 1E 30
use an isolation transformer. However, the use of 50 40 80 37 00 BC 88
00 21 00 18 00 00 00 FC 00 33
isolation transformer will help to protect test 60 d 0A 20 20 20 00 00 00 FD
instruments. 70 00 38 4B 1F 3D 09 00 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 01 e
2.2 Adjustment must be done in the correct sequence.
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
2.3 The adjustment must be performed at 25±5°C
00 02 03 21 1C 46 85 04 02 01 03 00 23 09 07 07 23
temperature and 65±10% relative humidity if there is
10 09 07 07 23 09 07 07 83 01 00 00 65 03 0C 00 10
no specified designation.
20 00 01 1D 00 80 51 D0 1C 20 40 80 35 00 BC 88 21
2.4 The input voltage of the receiver must be kept between
30 00 00 1E 8C 0A D0 8A 20 E0 2D 10 10 3E 96 00 13
100~220V, 50/60Hz.
40 8E 21 00 00 18 2A 12 00 10 41 43 17 20 28 60 35
2.5 Before adjustment, execute Heat-Run for 30 minutes
at RF no signal. 50 00 00 00 32 00 00 1C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E
3. EDID 3.2.4 Detail EDID Options are below(a, b, c, d, e)
* Caution a. Product ID
- Use the proper signal cable for EDID Download
Analog EDID: Pin3 exists Product ID
Model name Product ID
Digital EDID: Pin3 exists Dec Hex EDID Table
Caution: - Never connect HDMI & DVI-D & DVI-A Cable 22039(A) 22039(A) 5617 1756
at the same time. 26LX2R
- Use the proper cables below for EDID Writing 22040(A) 22040(D) 5618 1856
30041(A) 30041(A) 7559 5975
No Item Content Hexadecimal
30042(D) 30042(D) 755A 5A75
1 Manufacturer ID GSM 1E6D 30039(A) 30039(A) 7557 5775
2 Version Digital 1 01 30040(D) 30040(D) 7558 5875
30043(A) 30043(A) 755B 5B75
3 Revision Digital 3 03 37LP1R
30044(D) 30044(D) 755C 5C75
3.1 Data 40013(A) 40013(A) 9C4D 4D9C
3.1.1 ANALOG(128Bytes) 40014(D) 40014(D) 9C4E 4E9C
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 1E 6D a b b. Serial No : Controlled on production line
10 c 01 03 01 46 27 78 EA D9 B0 A3 57 49 9C 25 c. Month, Year : Controlled on production line
20 11 49 4B A5 6E 80 31 40 01 01 01 01 45 40 01 01 d. Model Name(Hex) :
30 61 40 01 01 01 01 1B 21 50 A0 51 00 1E 30 48 88
Model Name Model Name(HEX)
40 35 00 BC 88 21 00 00 1C 4E 1F 00 80 51 00 1E 30
50 40 80 37 00 BC 88 21 00 00 18 00 00 00 FD 00 38 26LX2R-ZE 32364C5832522D5A45
60 4B 1F 3D 09 00 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FC 32LX2R-ZE 33324C5832522D5A45
70 d 0A 20 20 20 00 e 32LP1R-ZE 33324C5031522D5A45
3.2.2 DIGITAL(128Bytes) 37LP1R-ZE 33374C5031522D5A45
00 01 02 03 04 05 0806 07 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 42LP1R-ZE 34324C5031522D5A45
00 00 FF FF FF FF FF 1EFF 00 6D a b
10 c 01 03 80 46 EA27 78 D9 B0 A3 57 49 9C 25 e. Checksum: ChangeSable by total EDID data
20 11 49 4B A5 6E 80 0131 40 01 01 01 45 40 01 01
30 61 40 01 01 01 01 501B 21 A0 51 00 1E 30 48 88
40 35 00 BC 88 21 00 4E00 1C 1F 00 80 51 00 1E 30
50 40 80 37 00 BC 88 0021 00 18 00 00 00 FC 00 33
60 d 0A 20 20 20 00 00 00 FD
70 00 38 4B 1F 3D 09 00 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 e

- 11 -
4. ADC Calibration 5. white Balance

4.1 Adjustment of RF/AV/SAV 5.1 Manual white Balance (AV)

* Test Equipment 1) Execute CA-110 Zero Calibration.
- Remote controller for adjustment 2) Execute the SET Heat Run for 30minutes
- MSPG-925F Pattern Generator->Model: 202 / Pattern: 32 3) Push the ADJ Button then you can see the OSD

4.1.1 Method of Auto RF/AV/S-VIDEO Color Balance.

1) Input the Video Signal: 75% Color Bar signal into AV3
2) Set the PSM to Standard mode in the Picture menu.
3) Press ADJ key on R/C for adjustment.
4) Press the (Vol. +) key to operate the set, then it
becomes automatically.
5) Auto-RGB OK means the adjustment is completed.

4.2 Adjustment of Component.

* Required Equipments
- Remote controller for adjustment
- MSPG-925F Pattern Generator->Model: 215 / Pattern: 33

4.2.1 Method of Auto Component Color Balance 4) Push the ADJ Button again for White Balance mode
1) Input the Component 720p 100% Color Bar(MSPG-
925F model:215, pattern:33) signal into Component.
(ZE : component , TE/ME : component 1 or 2)
2) Set the PSM to Standard mode in the Picture menu.
3) Press the ADJ key on R/C for adjustment.
4) Press the (Vol. +) key to operate the set , then it
becomes automatically.
5) Auto-RGB OK means the adjustment is completed.

4.3 Adjustment of RGB 5) Adjust High light with R/B Gain/Offset(G Gain fix, G
* Required Equipments Offset fix)
- Remote controller for adjustment
- MSPG-925F Pattern Generator

4.3.1 Method of Auto RGB Color Balance

1) Input the PC 1024x768@60Hz 1/2 Black & White
Pattern(MSPG-925F model:37, pattern:18) into RGB.
(using D-sub to DVI-I cable)
2) Set the PSM to Standard mode in Picture menu.
3) Press the ADJ key on R/C for adjustment.
4) Press the (Vol. +) key operate To set , then it
becomes automatically.
5) Auto-RGB OK means adjustment is completed.

- 12 -
6. Shipping Conditions
No Item Condition Remark

1 Power Off

2 Volume Level 30

3 Main Picture Input TV

4 Main Last Channel Pr 01

5 Mute Off

6 ARC 16 : 9

7 Station Auto Program

Manual Program

Program Edit

Favorite Program None

8 Picture PSM Dynamic

Dynamic Contrast 100

Brightness 45

Colour 50

Sharpness 50

9 Sound SSM Flat


Balance 0

10 Special Input TV

Child Lock Off

Auto sleep Off

Language English(Area Management)

11 PC H-Position

V-Position Variable by each mode



Auto Configue

- 13 -

1 POWER To turn the TV on or off

To turn the TV on automatically if the power is supplied to the TV. (Use the
POWER key to deactivate): It should be deactivated when delivered.
3 MUTE To activate the mute function.
4 P-CHECK To check TV screen image easily. Shortcut keys
5 S-CHECK To check TV screen sound easily Shortcut keys
6 ARC To select size of the main screen (Normal, Spectacle, Wide or Zoom) Shortcut keys
7 CAPTION Switch to closed caption broadcasting
8 TXT To toggle on/off the teletext mode
9 TV/AV To select an external input for the TV screen
10 TURBO SOUND To start turbo sound
11 TURBO PICTURE To start turbo picture
To enter adjustment mode when manufacturing the TV sets. Use the AV
To adjust the screen voltage (automatic): key to enter
the screen
12 IN-START In-start mute Adjust AV(Enter into W/B adjustment mode) W/B
W/B adjustment (automatic): adjustment
After adjusting the screen W/B adjustment Exit two times (Adjustment completed) mode.

13 ADJ To enter into the adjustment mode. To adjust horizontal line and sub-brightness.
14 MPX To select the multiple sound mode (Mono, Stereo or Foreign language)
15 EXIT To release the adjustment mode
16 APC(PSM) To easily adjust the screen according to surrounding brightness
17 ASC(SSM) To easily adjust sound according to the program type
18 MULTIMIDIA To check component input Shortcut keys
19 FRONT-AV To check the front AV Shortcut keys
20 CH To move channel up/down or to select a function displayed on the screen.
21 VOL To adjust the volume or accurately control a specific function.
22 ENTER To set a specific function or complete setting.
To move the channel down in the PIP screen.
23 PIP CH-(OP1)
To use as a red key in the teletext mode
To move the channel in the PIP screen
24 PIP CH+(OP2)
To use as a green key in the teletext mode
To switch between the main and sub screens
To use as a yellow key in the teletext mode
To select the input status in the PIP screen
To use as a blue key in the teletext mode
To set a function that will automatically adjust screen status to match
27 EYE
the surrounding brightness so natural color can be displayed.
28 MENU To select the functions such as video, voice, function or channel.
29 IN-STOP To set the delivery condition status after manufacturing the TV set.
To halt the main screen in the normal mode, or the sub screen at the PIP screen.
Used as a hold key in the teletext mode (Page updating is stopped.)
Displays the teletext time in the normal mode
Enables to select the sub code in the teletext mode
Used as the size key in the PIP screen in the normal mode
Used as the size key in the teletext mode
Used as the index key in the teletext mode (Top index will be
displayed if it is the top text.)
To select the position of the PIP screen in the normal mode
34 POSITION Used as the update key in the teletext mode (Text will be
displayed if the current page is updated.)
35 MODE Used as Mode in the teletext mode
36 PIP To select the simultaneous screen
37 TILT To adjust screen tilt Shortcut keys
38 0~9 To manually select the channel.

- 14 -




X800(19.6608MHZ) CHECK CRYSTAL X800





CHECK Power on/off CHECK Q1001

(5V) No



- 15 -


P3(PIN 21, PIN 22) No IC800



(12V) No IC1



(24V) No (3.3V)

Yes No




- 16 -

















- 17 -

- 18 -

13 8


1 1


- 19 -
12 2

11 3


1 6631V10004A 6 6631T20032H 11 6631T20033D
2 6631T12006Q 7 6631T20032H 12 6631T20034U
3 6631T20028V 8 6631T25024V 13 6631T11020Z
4 6631T20036G 9 6631T25024X 14 6631T11023D
5 6631T20034V 10 6631T25023G

020 060

070 090 130


- 20 -
160 170
050 3550TKK768A COVER, 37LP10 REAR .

- 21 -
For Capacitor & Resistors, the CC, CX, CK, CN, CH : Ceramic RD : Carbon Film
charactors at 2nd and 3rd digit in the CQ : Polyestor RS : Metal Oxide Film
P/No. means as follows; CE : Electrolytic RN : Metal Film
CF : Fixed Film RH : CHIP, Metal Glazed(Chip)
RR : Drawing

DATE: 2005. 09. 05. DATE: 2005. 09. 05.

C1108 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1008 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1109 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1010 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1011 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1111 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1014 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1113 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1015 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1116 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1016 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1118 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1017 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1119 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1020 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1120 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1021 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1022 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1121 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1024 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1122 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1026 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1123 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1027 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1124 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1028 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1125 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1029 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1031 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1126 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1032 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1127 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1033 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1133 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1034 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1135 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1041 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1137 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1043 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1138 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1046 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1139 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1047 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1143 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1050 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1146 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1051 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1147 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1052 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1149 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1053 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1150 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1056 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1153 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1057 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1154 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1058 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1155 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1059 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1156 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1062 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1159 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1063 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1160 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1065 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1162 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1066 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1163 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1067 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1173 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1068 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1175 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1071 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1176 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1072 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1177 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1074 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1179 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1076 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1180 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1079 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1181 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1080 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1182 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1086 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1183 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1087 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1184 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1088 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1185 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1089 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1186 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1092 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1187 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1093 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1188 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1094 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1192 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1095 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1194 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1098 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1196 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1099 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1198 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1102 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1199 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1103 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1201 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1104 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1203 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP

- 22 -
DATE: 2005. 09. 05. DATE: 2005. 09. 05.

C1205 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1279 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1209 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1280 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1210 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1281 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1211 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1282 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1212 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1284 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1213 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1286 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1215 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1287 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1216 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1288 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1217 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1289 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1218 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1290 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1219 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1291 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1220 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1292 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1221 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1293 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1222 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1294 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1223 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1295 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1224 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1301 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1225 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1303 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1226 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1308 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1227 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1310 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1228 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1315 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1229 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1316 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1232 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1317 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1233 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1318 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1234 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1319 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1235 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1320 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1236 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1321 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1237 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1322 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1238 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1323 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1239 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1324 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1240 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1325 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1241 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1326 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1242 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1327 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1243 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1328 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1244 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1329 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1245 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1400 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1246 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1401 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1247 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1402 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1248 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1403 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1249 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1404 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1250 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1407 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1251 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1409 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1252 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1410 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1253 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1413 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1254 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C302 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1255 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C303 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1256 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C304 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1257 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C305 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1258 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C308 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1259 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C309 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1260 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C310 0CK105DF64A 1UF 2012 16V 20% F(Y5V) R/T
C1261 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C336 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1262 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C340 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1263 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C342 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1267 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C343 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1269 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C348 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1270 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C349 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1271 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C350 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1272 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C353 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1274 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C354 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1276 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C355 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1277 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C356 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1278 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C357 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP

- 23 -
DATE: 2005. 09. 05. DATE: 2005. 09. 05.

C364 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C923 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C365 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C924 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C366 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C925 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C367 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C926 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C368 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C927 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C369 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C928 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C370 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C929 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C371 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C931 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C376 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C932 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C377 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C933 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C379 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C934 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C385 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C935 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C4 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C936 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C439 0CH3563K516 56000PF 2012 50V 10% - R/TP C937 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C440 0CH3223K516 22000PF 2012 50V 10% B(Y5P) C938 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C442 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C939 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C446 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C940 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C5 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C941 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C6 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C942 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C602 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C950 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C609 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C951 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C610 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1001 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C611 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1003 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C615 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1005 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C616 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1006 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C619 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1036 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C623 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1038 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C625 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1039 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C628 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1100 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C629 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1101 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C630 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1167 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C638 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1169 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C639 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1306 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C640 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C201 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C644 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C314 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C645 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C339 0CK105DF64A 1UF 2012 16V 20% F(Y5V) R/T
C647 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C346 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C648 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C373 0CK105DF64A 1UF 2012 16V 20% F(Y5V) R/T
C649 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C435 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C7 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C444 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C703 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C603 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C708 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C704 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C713 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C705 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C721 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C709 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C817 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C710 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C906 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C711 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C907 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C714 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C908 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C715 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C909 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C717 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C910 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C723 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C911 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C724 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C912 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C725 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C913 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C803 0CK105DH56A 1UF 2012 25V 10% X7R R/TP
C914 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C815 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C915 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C820 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C916 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C823 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C917 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C825 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C918 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C826 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C919 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C827 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C920 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C828 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C921 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C829 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C922 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C830 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP

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DATE: 2005. 09. 05. DATE: 2005. 09. 05.

C831 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1048 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C832 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1049 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C833 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1054 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C834 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1055 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C835 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1060 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C836 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1061 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C837 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C1064 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C306 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1069 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C358 0CH2333K516 33000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1070 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C359 0CH2333K516 33000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1073 0CE477WF6DC 470UF MVK 16V 20% SMD R/TP(
C360 0CH2333K516 33000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1075 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C361 0CH2333K516 33000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C1078 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C437 0CH6151K416 150PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 - C1085 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C601 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1090 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C605 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1091 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C606 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1096 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C607 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1097 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C608 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1110 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C613 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1112 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C614 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1114 0CE477WF6DC 470UF MVK 16V 20% SMD R/TP(
C620 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1117 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C621 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1128 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C622 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1129 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C631 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1130 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C632 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1131 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C633 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1132 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C634 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1134 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C635 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1136 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C636 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1140 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C637 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1142 0CE107WK6DC 100UF MVK 50V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C650 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1144 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C700 0CH6220K416 22PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 - C1148 0CE477WF6DC 470UF MVK 16V 20% SMD R/TP(
C701 0CH6220K416 22PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 - C1151 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C727 0CH6221K416 220PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 - C1152 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C816 0CH6151K416 150PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 - C1157 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C821 0CH6220K416 22PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 - C1158 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C822 0CH6220K416 22PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 - C1161 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C838 0CH6080K116 8PF 2012 50V 0.5 PF C0G R/T C1168 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C839 0CH6080K116 8PF 2012 50V 0.5 PF C0G R/T C1174 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C312 0CH6101K416 100PF 50V 5% NP0 2012 R/TP C1178 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C313 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP C1189 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C441 0CC821DK41A 820PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 R/TP C1190 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C651 0CH6180K416 18PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 R/TP C1191 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C652 0CH6180K416 18PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 R/TP C1193 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C352 0CE108CJ618 "1000UF SHL,SD 35V 20% FL TP" C1195 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C374 0CE108CJ618 "1000UF SHL,SD 35V 20% FL TP" C1197 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1002 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) C1200 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1004 0CE477WF6DC 470UF MVK 16V 20% SMD R/TP( C1202 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1007 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) C1204 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1009 0CE477WF6DC 470UF MVK 16V 20% SMD R/TP( C1206 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1012 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) C1207 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1013 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) C1208 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1018 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) C1214 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1019 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) C1230 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1023 0CE477WF6DC 470UF MVK 16V 20% SMD R/TP( C1231 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1025 0CE477WF6DC 470UF MVK 16V 20% SMD R/TP( C1264 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1030 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) C1265 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1035 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) C1266 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1037 0CE477WF6DC 470UF MVK 16V 20% SMD R/TP( C1268 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1040 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) C1273 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1042 0CE477WF6DC 470UF MVK 16V 20% SMD R/TP( C1275 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1045 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) C1283 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)

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DATE: 2005. 09. 05. DATE: 2005. 09. 05.

C1297 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S IC1004 0IPRPML001A MIC39100 MICREL 3P SOT223 R
C1299 0CE107WH6DC 100UF MVK 25V 20% R/TP(SMD) IC1006 0IPMGSG018D LD1086DT18TR-LF SGS-THOMSON
C1307 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) IC1012 0IMCRSH001A "PQ05DZ1U SHARP 5, SMD TYPE"
C1309 0CE477WF6DC 470UF MVK 16V 20% SMD R/TP( IC1013 0IMCRSH001A "PQ05DZ1U SHARP 5, SMD TYPE"
C1314 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) IC303 0IKE704200J KIA7042AF SOT-89 TP 4.2V VO
C1405 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) IC801 0IKE704200J KIA7042AF SOT-89 TP 4.2V VO
C1406 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) IC806 0IKE704200J KIA7042AF SOT-89 TP 4.2V VO
C1408 0CE476VK6DC 47UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD) S IC1001 0IRH033200A BA033FP-E2 MOLD-3 TP REGULA
C1411 0CE476VK6DC 47UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD) S IC1002 0IRH033200A BA033FP-E2 MOLD-3 TP REGULA
C1412 0CE476VK6DC 47UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD) S IC1005 0IRH033200A BA033FP-E2 MOLD-3 TP REGULA
C3 0CE227WF6DC 220UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) IC1007 0IRH033200A BA033FP-E2 MOLD-3 TP REGULA
C301 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) IC1010 0IRH033200A BA033FP-E2 MOLD-3 TP REGULA
C307 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S IC1011 0IRH033200A BA033FP-E2 MOLD-3 TP REGULA
C311 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S IC802 0ISA721700C LA7217M MFP14 TP SYNC SEPAR
C338 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) IC401 0IPH741400E 74HC14D 14SOP TP SHITTER TR
C341 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C436 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C438 0CE105VK6DC 1UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD) SM L303 6140VB0022A CPS-0810 GET 22UH 21.5TURNS
C443 0CE105VK6DC 1UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD) SM L304 6140VB0022A CPS-0810 GET 22UH 21.5TURNS
C604 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S L305 6140VB0022A CPS-0810 GET 22UH 21.5TURNS
C612 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S L306 6140VB0022A CPS-0810 GET 22UH 21.5TURNS
C624 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S L1102 6210TCE001L HB-1T2012-102JT CERATECH 20
C626 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S L1103 6210TCE001L HB-1T2012-102JT CERATECH 20
C627 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S L1104 6210TCE001L HB-1T2012-102JT CERATECH 20
C641 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S L1105 6210TCE001L HB-1T2012-102JT CERATECH 20
C642 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S L1106 6210TCE001L HB-1T2012-102JT CERATECH 20
C646 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S L1107 6210TCE001L HB-1T2012-102JT CERATECH 20
C653 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S L1108 6210TCE001L HB-1T2012-102JT CERATECH 20
C904 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) L1109 6210TCE001L HB-1T2012-102JT CERATECH 20
C905 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) AB601 6210TCE002B HB-4M3216-121JT CERATECH 32
C952 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) AB602 6210TCE002B HB-4M3216-121JT CERATECH 32
C955 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) AB603 6210TCE002B HB-4M3216-121JT CERATECH 32
C362 0CF4741L438 0.47UF D 63V 5% TP 5 M/PE N AB604 6210TCE002B HB-4M3216-121JT CERATECH 32
C363 0CF4741L438 0.47UF D 63V 5% TP 5 M/PE N AB605 6210TCE002B HB-4M3216-121JT CERATECH 32
AB606 6210TCE002B HB-4M3216-121JT CERATECH 32
DIODEs AB607 6210TCE002B HB-4M3216-121JT CERATECH 32
L1100 6210TCE001L HB-1T2012-102JT CERATECH 20
D1003 0DS226009AA KDS226 TP KEC - 80V - - 4NS L1101 6210TCE001L HB-1T2012-102JT CERATECH 20
D1009 0DS226009AA KDS226 TP KEC - 80V - - 4NS L1000 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
D1014 0DS226009AA KDS226 TP KEC - 80V - - 4NS L1001 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
D1001 0DS226009AA KDS226 TP KEC - 80V - - 4NS L1003 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
D1002 0DS226009AA KDS226 TP KEC - 80V - - 4NS L1004 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
D1004 0DS226009AA KDS226 TP KEC - 80V - - 4NS L1005 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
D1006 0DS226009AA KDS226 TP KEC - 80V - - 4NS L1006 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
ZD1400 0DZ560009DA UDZ S 5.6B TP ROHM-K SOD323 L1007 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
L1008 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
IC L1009 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
L1010 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
IC900 0IZZTSA107A "MX29LV160BTTC-70G,LF MACRON" L1011 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
IC301 0ILNR00015A "NSP-2100A,LF NEOFIDELITY TQ" L1012 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
IC701 0IMMRSG036D "M24C32-WMN6T(P),LF SGS-THOM" L1013 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
IC702 0IMMR00004C "SST25VF040-20-4C-S2AE,LF SS" L1014 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
IC804 0IAL242561B AT24C256W-10SU-2.7V ATMEL 8 L1015 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
IC901 0IMMRHY052C "HY5DU281622ETP-5,PB FREE HY" L1016 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
IC902 0IMMRHY052C "HY5DU281622ETP-5,PB FREE HY" L1017 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
IC302 0IMCRTI028C "TAS5122DCARG4,LF TEXAS INS" L1018 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
IC700 0IMCR02006A FLI8125BB-LF GENESIS 208P/P L1019 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
IC800 0IMCR02005A FLI8532BD-LF GENESIS 416P/P L1020 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M

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DATE: 2005. 09. 05. DATE: 2005. 09. 05.

L1022 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR606 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1025 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR700 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1026 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR701 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1028 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR702 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1029 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR703 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1034 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR704 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1036 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR705 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1037 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR801 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1038 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR802 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1039 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR803 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1040 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR804 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1042 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR806 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1043 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR807 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1044 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR808 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1045 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR809 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1046 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR810 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1047 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR811 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1048 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR812 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1049 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M AR813 0RHZTCZ001D RCA SMART 22OHM 1/16 W 5% 3
L1050 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R1004 0RH1801D622 1.8K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
L1401 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R1010 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L1402 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R1012 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
L1403 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R1014 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
L301 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R1401 0RH6800D622 680 OHM 1 / 10 W 5% D R/TP
L308 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R1402 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L309 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R1801 0RH0332D622 33 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L314 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R1802 0RH0332D622 33 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L315 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R1807 0RH4700D622 470 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L316 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R301 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L603 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R303 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L604 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R304 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L605 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R305 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L607 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R306 0RH0102D622 10 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L608 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R328 0RH0471D622 4.7 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L609 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R329 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
L610 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R330 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
L611 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R331 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
L612 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R334 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L1002 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R335 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
L1021 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R338 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L1031 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R346 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L1035 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R348 0RH0331D622 3.3 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L1404 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R350 0RH0221D622 2.2 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L2 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R352 0RH0221D622 2.2 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L307 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R353 0RH0221D622 2.2 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L310 6210TCE001S HU-1M2012-121 CERATECH 2012 R354 0RH0221D622 2.2 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L311 6210TCE001S HU-1M2012-121 CERATECH 2012 R359 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L312 6210TCE001S HU-1M2012-121 CERATECH 2012 R360 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L313 6210TCE001S HU-1M2012-121 CERATECH 2012 R361 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L601 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R362 0RH0221D622 2.2 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L602 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R363 0RH0101D622 1.0 1/10W 5 TA
R364 0RH0101D622 1.0 1/10W 5 TA
TRANSISTOR R365 0RH0101D622 1.0 1/10W 5 TA
R379 0RH0331D622 3.3 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
Q1001 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC - R391 0RH0221D622 2.2 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
Q403 0TR150400BA CHIP 2SA1504S(ASY) BK KEC - R392 0RH0221D622 2.2 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
Q1 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC - R393 0RH0221D622 2.2 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
IC1 0TF492509AA SI4925DY TP TEMIC 30V 6.1A R394 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R397 0RH0101D622 1.0 1/10W 5 TA
RESISTORs R456 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R457 0RH2200D622 220 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R627 0RH1004D422 1M OHM 1 / 10 W 1% D R/TP R458 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D

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DATE: 2005. 09. 05. DATE: 2005. 09. 05.

R459 0RH1503D622 150K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R1809 0RH2701D622 2.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R462 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R1812 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R465 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R1813 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R466 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R1815 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R468 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R302 0RH2702D622 27K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R629 0RH0332D622 33 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R307 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R715 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R308 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R716 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R309 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R717 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R310 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R726 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R311 0RH3301D622 3.3K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R727 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R336 0RH2200D622 220 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R729 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R337 0RH2200D622 220 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R734 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R344 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R739 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R345 0RH2200D622 220 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R744 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R369 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R784 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R370 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R785 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R375 0RH2200D622 220 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R786 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R460 0RH5600D622 560 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R802 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R461 0RH0472D622 47 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R809 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R463 0RH3901D622 3.9K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R814 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R464 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R829 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R6 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R842 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R620 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R843 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R621 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R844 0RH3301D622 3.3K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R622 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R865 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R624 0RH2201D622 2.2K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R884 0RH0332D622 33 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R626 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R885 0RH0332D622 33 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R628 0RH0332D622 33 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R886 0RH0332D622 33 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R630 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R887 0RH0332D622 33 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R631 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R890 0RH0332D622 33 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R632 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R891 0RH0332D622 33 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R633 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R894 0RH0332D622 33 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R634 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R896 0RH0332D622 33 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R696 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R897 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R698 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R898 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R7 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R899 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R701 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R903 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R711 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R905 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R712 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R906 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R713 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R908 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R714 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R909 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R719 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R910 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R720 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R911 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R721 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R913 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R722 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R920 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R723 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R921 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R724 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R931 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R725 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R941 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R730 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R942 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R731 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R945 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R733 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R947 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R735 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L402 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R736 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1000 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R737 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1001 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R740 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1002 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R741 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1003 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R742 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1007 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R745 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R11 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R747 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1804 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R748 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R1805 0RH2702D622 27K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R749 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R1808 0RH2701D622 2.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R750 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%

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DATE: 2005. 09. 05. DATE: 2005. 09. 05.

R751 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R900 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R752 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R901 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R754 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R902 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R755 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R914 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R756 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R915 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R762 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R929 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R763 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R930 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R765 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R932 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R776 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R933 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R777 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R934 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R778 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R779 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D OTHERs
R780 0RH2701D622 2.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R781 0RH2701D622 2.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 LED3 0DL233309AC SAM2333 TP KWANG GREEN/RED
R782 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% X401 166-E02F CSBLA500KECZF09-B0 CSB500F9
R783 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% X600 156-A02X HC49U SUNNY RADIAL 27.000MH
R799 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D X700 6212AB2015G HC-49/SM BUBANG 19.6608MHZ
R800 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% X800 6212AB2015G HC-49/SM BUBANG 19.6608MHZ
R801 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R803 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% IR BOARD
R805 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R808 0RH1201D622 1.2K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 C1000 0CN1010K519 100PF D 50V 10% B(Y5P) TA52
R812 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1001 0CE476DF618 47UF STD 16V M FL TP5
R813 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% L1000 0LA0102K119 10UH K 2.3*3.4 TP
R815 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% PA1000 6726VV0006J TSOP2238MQ1 VISHAY 38KHZ MC
R816 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R817 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R818 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R819 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1210 0CE3363F618 "33UF SRE,SE 16V 20% FL TP 5"
R820 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1211 0CE3363F618 "33UF SRE,SE 16V 20% FL TP 5"
R821 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1212 0CE3363F618 "33UF SRE,SE 16V 20% FL TP 5"
R822 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% L1202 0LA0102K119 10UH K 2.3*3.4 TP
R823 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% L1207 0LA0102K119 10UH K 2.3*3.4 TP
R824 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% L1210 0LA0102K119 10UH K 2.3*3.4 TP
R825 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R1272 0RD1000F609 100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52
R826 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1201 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
R827 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1202 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
R830 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1203 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
R831 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1204 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
R832 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1205 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
R833 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1206 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
R834 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1207 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
R835 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% IC1201 0IPRP00533A "UPD16311GC-AB6-A,LF NEC 52P"
R836 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% IC1202 0IKE657830B KID65783AF 20PIN SOP TRAY T
R837 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% Q1201 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
R838 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% Q1202 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
R839 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% Q1203 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
R840 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% Q1204 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
R841 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% Q1205 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
R846 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% Q1206 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
R849 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% Q1207 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
R850 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% Q1208 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
R851 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% Q1210 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
R852 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% Q1211 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
R861 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% Q1212 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
R863 0RH2702D622 27K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R1202 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R864 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R1203 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R867 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R1205 0RH0392D622 39 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R888 0RH0332D622 33 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R1206 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R889 0RH0332D622 33 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R1207 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R892 0RH0332D622 33 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R1208 0RH5100D622 510 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R893 0RH0332D622 33 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R1211 0RH2200D622 220 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%

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R1214 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D SW1204 6600R00001B JTP1289 JEIL 12V DC 1MA VER
R1215 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D SW1205 6600R00001B JTP1289 JEIL 12V DC 1MA VER
R1216 0RH0392D622 39 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% SW1206 6600R00001B JTP1289 JEIL 12V DC 1MA VER
R1217 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% SW1207 6600R00001B JTP1289 JEIL 12V DC 1MA VER
R1221 0RH0392D622 39 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% SW1208 6600R00001B JTP1289 JEIL 12V DC 1MA VER
R1222 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D C2103 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
R1227 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D C2107 0CH6471K416 470PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 R/TP
R1228 0RH0392D622 39 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C2108 0CH6471K416 470PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 R/TP
R1230 0RH0392D622 39 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% L2101 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R1231 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D L2102 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R1232 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D L2104 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1235 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 L2105 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1236 0RH0392D622 39 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R2101 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R1237 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R2102 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1238 0RH1500D622 150 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R2103 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R1239 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R2104 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1240 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R2105 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1241 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R2107 0RH4703D622 470K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R1242 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R2110 0RH4703D622 470K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R1243 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R2111 0RH3001D622 3K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1244 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R2112 0RH3001D622 3K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1245 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R2113 0RH1502D622 15K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1246 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R2114 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1247 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R2115 0RH1301D622 1.3K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R1248 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R2116 0RH5601D622 5.6K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R1249 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R2117 0RH1301D622 1.3K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R1250 0RH0392D622 39 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R2118 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1251 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R2119 0RH5601D622 5.6K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R1252 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R2120 0RH1502D622 15K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1253 0RH0392D622 39 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% ZD2101 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323
R1254 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D ZD2102 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323
R1255 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D ZD2103 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323
R1256 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R1257 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 SIDE BOARD
R1258 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R1259 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D C3103 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP
R1260 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 C3104 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP
R1261 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 L3108 6210TCE001A HB-1S2012-080JT CERATEC 201
R1262 0RH1500D622 150 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% L3109 6210TCE001A HB-1S2012-080JT CERATEC 201
R1263 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R3100 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R1265 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R3101 0RH4703D622 470K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R1266 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R3102 0RH4703D622 470K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R1267 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R3103 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R1268 0RH1500D622 150 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R3104 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R1271 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R3111 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1275 0RH3302D622 33K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R3113 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1279 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R3115 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1280 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R3117 0RH4703D622 470K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R1281 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R3119 0RH4703D622 470K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R1282 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R3123 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R1283 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R3124 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R1284 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R3160 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1285 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D ZD3100 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323
R1286 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D ZD3101 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323
R1288 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D ZD3105 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323
IC1204 6301T00005C YANGWOO LED ASSEMBLY PAL 30 ZD3106 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323
ZD3107 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323
SW1201 6600R00001B JTP1289 JEIL 12V DC 1MA VER
SW1202 6600R00001B JTP1289 JEIL 12V DC 1MA VER C100 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
SW1203 6600R00001B JTP1289 JEIL 12V DC 1MA VER C1001 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP

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DATE: 2005. 09. 05. DATE: 2005. 09. 05.

C103 0CC270DK41A 27PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 R/TP C401 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C104 0CC270DK41A 27PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 R/TP C402 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C105 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C407 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1102 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C408 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C1146 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C409 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1147 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C410 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C115 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C412 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7
C116 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C415 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7
C1169 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C427 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7
C117 0CC270DK41A 27PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 R/TP C428 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7
C1171 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C654 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1172 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C655 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C118 0CC270DK41A 27PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 R/TP C656 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C119 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C658 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C120 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C659 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C122 0CK273DK51A 27000PF 2012 50V 10% B(Y5P) C660 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
C123 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C663 0CH6120K416 12PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 -
C126 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C664 0CH6120K416 12PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 -
C128 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C669 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C129 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 D1003 0DS226009AA KDS226 TP KEC - 80V - - 4NS
C1297 0CC270DK41A 27PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 R/TP D601 0DD184009AA KDS184 TP KEC - 85V - - - 3
C1306 0CH3682K516 6800PF 2012 50V 10% B(Y5P) L100 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
C1308 0CH3682K516 6800PF 2012 50V 10% B(Y5P) L1001 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
C1309 0CH3822K516 8200PF 2012 50V 10% B(Y5P) L101 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
C131 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP L102 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
C1310 0CH3822K516 8200PF 2012 50V 10% B(Y5P) L1023 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
C1314 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP L1024 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
C1315 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP L104 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
C1330 0CK225DH94A "2.2UF 2012 25V 80%,-20% F(Y" L105 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
C135 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP L202 6210TCE001A HB-1S2012-080JT CERATEC 201
C204 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 L203 6210TCE001A HB-1S2012-080JT CERATEC 201
C205 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 L206 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
C220 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP L207 6210TCE001A HB-1S2012-080JT CERATEC 201
C222 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP L208 6210TCE001A HB-1S2012-080JT CERATEC 201
C223 0CH6101K416 100PF 50V 5% NP0 2012 R/TP L209 6210TCE001A HB-1S2012-080JT CERATEC 201
C224 0CH6101K416 100PF 50V 5% NP0 2012 R/TP L211 6210TCE001A HB-1S2012-080JT CERATEC 201
C237 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 L212 6210TCE001A HB-1S2012-080JT CERATEC 201
C240 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 L216 6210TCE001A HB-1S2012-080JT CERATEC 201
C241 0CH6010K116 1PF 2012 50V 0.5 PF NP0 R/T L217 6210TCE001A HB-1S2012-080JT CERATEC 201
C242 0CH6010K116 1PF 2012 50V 0.5 PF NP0 R/T L299 6210TCE001A HB-1S2012-080JT CERATEC 201
C244 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP L302 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
C301 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP L400 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
C304 0CH6010K116 1PF 2012 50V 0.5 PF NP0 R/T L401 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M
C305 0CH6010K116 1PF 2012 50V 0.5 PF NP0 R/T Q102 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
C306 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP Q103 0TR150400BA CHIP 2SA1504S(ASY) BK KEC -
C307 0CH6560K416 56PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 - Q105 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
C308 0CH6560K416 56PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 - Q107 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
C309 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7 Q108 0TR150400BA CHIP 2SA1504S(ASY) BK KEC -
C311 0CH3223K516 22000PF 2012 50V 10% B(Y5P) Q113 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
C313 0CH3223K516 22000PF 2012 50V 10% B(Y5P) Q210 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
C314 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP Q211 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
C316 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 Q213 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
C324 0CH6471K416 470PF 2012 50V 5% NP0 R/TP Q301 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
C326 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP Q302 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
C330 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP Q303 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
C332 0CH3682K516 6800PF 2012 50V 10% B(Y5P) Q304 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
C333 0CH6102K406 1000PF 50V 5% SL 2012 R/TP Q305 0TR102008AA KRA102S R/TP KEC SOT23 CHIP
C335 0CH3682K516 6800PF 2012 50V 10% B(Y5P) Q306 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
C344 0CH3682K516 6800PF 2012 50V 10% B(Y5P) Q307 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
C345 0CH3682K516 6800PF 2012 50V 10% B(Y5P) Q308 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
C375 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7 Q309 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
C390 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 Q400 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -

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DATE: 2005. 09. 05. DATE: 2005. 09. 05.

Q401 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC - R256 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
Q402 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC - R257 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
Q405 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC - R259 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
Q406 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC - R260 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R101 0RH2700D622 270 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R261 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1011 0RH1003D622 100K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R262 0RH4703D622 470K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R104 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R263 0RH4703D622 470K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R105 0RH2200D622 220 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R264 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R107 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R266 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R109 0RH2201D622 2.2K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R267 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R110 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R268 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R111 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R269 0RH4703D622 470K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R112 0RH0102D622 10 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R270 0RH4703D622 470K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R114 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R271 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R115 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R272 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R116 0RH2200D622 220 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R277 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R117 0RH2200D622 220 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R279 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R119 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R280 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R121 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R281 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R122 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R282 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R123 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R283 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R124 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R284 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R125 0RH2200D622 220 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R285 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R126 0RH2200D622 220 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R286 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R129 0RH2001D622 2K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R288 0RH1200D622 120 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R130 0RH2001D622 2K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R290 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R1304 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R291 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R1305 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R292 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R142 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R293 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R143 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R294 6210TCE001S HU-1M2012-121 CERATECH 2012
R144 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R295 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R145 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R296 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R151 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R297 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R157 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R302 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R206 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R303 0RH1501D622 1.5K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R207 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R304 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R212 0RH4703D622 470K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R305 0RH4703D622 470K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R213 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R306 0RH0432D622 43 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R214 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R307 0RH0432D622 43 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R215 0RH4703D622 470K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R309 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R217 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R315 0RH1501D622 1.5K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R219 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R317 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R221 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R318 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R222 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R319 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R223 0RH2702D622 27K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R320 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R224 0RH4702D622 47K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R321 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R225 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R322 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R226 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R323 0RH4703D622 470K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R227 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R326 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R228 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R327 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R229 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R328 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R230 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R329 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R231 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R330 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R232 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R331 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R233 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R332 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R234 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R342 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R235 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R343 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R236 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R349 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R237 0RH0682D622 68 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R351 0RH4703D622 470K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R239 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R355 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R252 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R358 0RH2001D622 2K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R255 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R372 0RH1501D622 1.5K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00

- 32 -
DATE: 2005. 09. 05. DATE: 2005. 09. 05.

R381 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C112 0CE227WF6DC 220UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R382 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C113 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S
R395 0RH2001D622 2K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C114 0CE475VK6DC 4.7UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R396 0RH4703D622 470K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 C1148 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R398 0RH1501D622 1.5K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 C1170 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R401 0RH4700D622 470 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C121 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R403 0RH4700D622 470 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C127 0CE475VK6DC 4.7UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R406 0RH4700D622 470 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C130 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R407 0RH4700D622 470 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1300 0CK105DF64A 1UF 2012 16V 20% F(Y5V) R/T
R408 0RH3300D622 330 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1302 0CE107WH6DC 100UF MVK 25V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R409 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D C1304 0CE106VK6DC 10UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD) S
R410 0RH4700D622 470 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1305 0CE475VK6DC 4.7UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R415 0RH4700D622 470 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1307 0CE475VK6DC 4.7UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R416 0RH4700D622 470 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1311 0CK105DF64A 1UF 2012 16V 20% F(Y5V) R/T
R417 0RH4700D622 470 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1312 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R420 0RH4700D622 470 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C1313 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R423 0RH4700D622 470 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C134 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
R426 0RH4700D622 470 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C201 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S
R428 0RH1201D622 1.2K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 C213 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S
R430 0RH1201D622 1.2K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 C215 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S
R444 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C216 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S
R447 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C219 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R448 0RH1003D622 100K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 C221 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R643 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D C229 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R644 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D C230 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R645 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C232 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S
R651 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D C233 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S
R652 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D C236 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R653 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C245 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
R654 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C246 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
R664 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D C247 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
R665 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D C248 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
R667 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C249 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R668 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C252 0CE105VK6DC 1UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD) SM
R670 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C253 0CE105VK6DC 1UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD) SM
R671 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% C302 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
R678 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D C303 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
ZD213 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323 C312 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
ZD214 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323 C319 0CH6101K416 100PF 50V 5% NP0 2012 R/TP
ZD215 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323 C323 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012
ZD216 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323 C325 0CE335VK6DC 3.3UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD)
ZD300 0DZKE00048A KDZ8.2V USC KEC R/TP NON C327 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
ZD400 0DR050008AA SD05.TC R/TP SEMTECH SOD323 C328 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S
ZD401 0DR050008AA SD05.TC R/TP SEMTECH SOD323 C329 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S
ZD604 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323 C331 0CE475VK6DC 4.7UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD)
ZD605 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323 C334 0CE475VK6DC 4.7UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD)
ZD607 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323 C347 0CE475VK6DC 4.7UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD)
ZD608 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323 C351 0CE475VK6DC 4.7UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD)
ZD609 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323 C372 0CE335VK6DC 3.3UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD)
TU100 6700MF0012A TAUM-W101P LGIT MULTI FS PH C381 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7
TU101 6700MF0012B TAFM-W102P LGIT MULTI FS PH C382 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7
ZD1401 0DZ330009DF MTZJ33B TP ROHM-K DO34 0.5W C383 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7
C101 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C384 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7
C102 0CE475VK6DC 4.7UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD) C386 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7
C106 0CE227WF6DC 220UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) C387 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7
C108 0CE477WF6DC 470UF MVK 16V 20% SMD R/TP( C388 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7
C110 0CE477WF6DC 470UF MVK 16V 20% SMD R/TP( C389 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7
C1101 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) C396 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP
C1103 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP C400 0CE227WF6DC 220UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1104 0CH3103K516 10000PF 50V 10% B(Y5P) 2012 C404 0CE227WF6DC 220UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C1105 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) C406 0CE476WF6DC 47UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C111 0CE475VK6DC 4.7UF MV 50V 20% R/TP(SMD) C411 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S

- 33 -
DATE: 2005. 09. 05. DATE: 2005. 09. 05.

C416 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7 R1303 0RH2002D622 20K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
C417 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7 R242 0RH2201D622 2.2K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
C418 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7 R273 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
C419 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7 R274 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
C420 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7 R275 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
C421 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7 R276 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
C422 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7 R298 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
C423 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7 R299 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
C424 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7 R310 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
C425 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7 R311 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
C426 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7 R312 0RH2200D622 220 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
C429 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7 R313 0RH2200D622 220 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
C430 0CK474DH56A 0.47UF 2012 25V 10% R/TP X7 R314 0RH2200D622 220 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
C434 0CE226WF6DC 22UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) R316 0RH2200D622 220 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
C657 0CE106VF6DC 10UF MV 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) S R373 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
C661 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP R374 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
C662 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP R377 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
C665 0CE107WF6DC 100UF MVK 16V 20% R/TP(SMD) R411 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
C666 0CH3104K566 0.1UF 50V 10% X7R 2012 R/TP R412 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
D100 0DS226009AA KDS226 TP KEC - 80V - - 4NS R418 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
D101 0DS226009AA KDS226 TP KEC - 80V - - 4NS R419 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
D602 0DD184009AA KDS184 TP KEC - 85V - - - 3 R425 0RH4700D622 470 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
D603 0DS226009AA KDS226 TP KEC - 80V - - 4NS R427 0RH4700D622 470 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
D604 0DS226009AA KDS226 TP KEC - 80V - - 4NS R429 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
D605 0DD184009AA KDS184 TP KEC - 85V - - - 3 R433 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
IC1000 0IMCRFA010A "KA7809R, FAIRCHILD 2P D-PAK" R434 0RH1201D622 1.2K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
IC1001 0IMCRSH001A "PQ05DZ1U SHARP 5, SMD TYPE" R435 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
IC201 0IMCRSG010A ST3232CDR SGS-THOMSON SOP16 R436 0RH1201D622 1.2K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
IC300 0IMCRMN028B MSP4410K MICRONAS 80P/PQFP R437 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
IC304 0IPRPTI034B "TPA6110A2DGNRG4,LF TEXAS IN" R438 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
IC400 0ISO206900A CXA2069Q QFP64 BK I2C BUS A R439 0RH1201D622 1.2K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
IC601 0DRSE00018B "SRV05-4.TCT, SEMTECH R/TP S" R440 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
IC602 0DRSE00018B "SRV05-4.TCT, SEMTECH R/TP S" R441 0RH1201D622 1.2K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
IC603 0DRSE00018B "SRV05-4.TCT, SEMTECH R/TP S" R442 0RH1201D622 1.2K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
IC604 0DRSE00018B "SRV05-4.TCT, SEMTECH R/TP S" R443 0RH1201D622 1.2K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
IC605 0ICS240213A CAT24W(F)C02J-TE13 8P SOP R445 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
IC606 0ICS240213A CAT24W(F)C02J-TE13 8P SOP R446 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
IC607 0ISTL00031A "MC74HC4066ADR2G,LF ON SEMI" R449 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
IC608 0ISTLFA058A "74F14SCX FAIRCHILD 14P,SOIC" R450 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
IC609 0ICS240213A CAT24W(F)C02J-TE13 8P SOP R451 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L1002 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R605 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
L103 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R606 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L218 0LC1032101A 10UH 10% 3216 R/TC FI-C3216 R655 0RH1202D622 12K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L219 0LC1032101A 10UH 10% 3216 R/TC FI-C3216 R656 0RH1502D622 15K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L300 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R657 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L301 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R658 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
L606 6210TCE001G HH-1M3216-501 CERATEC 3216M R659 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
Q100 0TR150400BA CHIP 2SA1504S(ASY) BK KEC - R660 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
Q110 0TR830009BA BSS83 TP PHILIPS NON N-CHAN R663 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
Q111 0TR830009BA BSS83 TP PHILIPS NON N-CHAN R666 0RH0222D622 22 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
Q601 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC - R669 0RH0752D622 75 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
Q602 0TR830009BA BSS83 TP PHILIPS NON N-CHAN R672 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
Q603 0TR830009BA BSS83 TP PHILIPS NON N-CHAN R673 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
Q604 0TR830009BA BSS83 TP PHILIPS NON N-CHAN R674 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
Q606 0TR830009BA BSS83 TP PHILIPS NON N-CHAN R675 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
Q607 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC - R679 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D
R100 0RH2200D622 220 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R680 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1002 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00 R681 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R102 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R682 0RH1001D622 1K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1300 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R683 0RH4701D622 4.7K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00
R1301 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R684 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%
R1302 0RH2002D622 20K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R685 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00%

- 34 -
DATE: 2005. 09. 05. DATE: 2005. 09. 05.

R690 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R3110 0RJ0000D677 0 OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP
R691 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R3111 0RJ0000D677 0 OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP
R692 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R3112 0RJ0000D677 0 OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP
R693 0RH0000D622 0 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% D R3113 0RJ0000D677 0 OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP
R694 0RH1002D622 10K OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R3114 0RJ0000D677 0 OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP
R695 0RH1000D622 100 OHM 1 / 10 W 2012 5.00% R3115 0RJ0000D677 0 OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP
X300 6202VDT002H SX-1 SUNNY 18.432000MHZ +/- R3116 0RJ0000D677 0 OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP
ZD603 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323 R3120 0RJ2001D677 2K OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP
ZD606 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323
ZD610 0DZ510009EE UDZ S 5.1B TP ROHM-K SOD323



C3100 0CE106SF6DC 10UF MVG 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C3101 0CE106SF6DC 10UF MVG 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C3102 0CE106SF6DC 10UF MVG 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C3103 0CE106SF6DC 10UF MVG 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C3104 0CE106SF6DC 10UF MVG 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C3105 0CE106SF6DC 10UF MVG 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C3106 0CE106SF6DC 10UF MVG 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C3107 0CE106SF6DC 10UF MVG 16V 20% R/TP(SMD)
C3108 0CK104CK56A 0.1UF 1608 50V 10% R/TP X7R
C3109 0CK104CK56A 0.1UF 1608 50V 10% R/TP X7R
C3110 0CK104CK56A 0.1UF 1608 50V 10% R/TP X7R
C3111 0CK104CK56A 0.1UF 1608 50V 10% R/TP X7R
C3112 0CK104CK56A 0.1UF 1608 50V 10% R/TP X7R
C3113 0CK104CK56A 0.1UF 1608 50V 10% R/TP X7R
C3114 0CK104CK56A 0.1UF 1608 50V 10% R/TP X7R
C3115 0CK104CK56A 0.1UF 1608 50V 10% R/TP X7R
Q3101 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
Q3102 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
Q3103 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
Q3104 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
Q3105 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
Q3106 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
Q3107 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
Q3108 0TR387500AA CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) BK KEC -
R3101 0RJ2200D677 220 OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP
R3102 0RJ2200D677 220 OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP
R3103 0RJ2200D677 220 OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP
R3104 0RJ2200D677 220 OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP
R3105 0RJ2200D677 220 OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP
R3106 0RJ2200D677 220 OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP
R3107 0RJ2200D677 220 OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP
R3108 0RJ2200D677 220 OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP
R3109 0RJ0000D677 0 OHM 1/10 W 5% 1608 R/TP

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Sep., 2005
P/NO : 38289S0004Z Printed in Korea

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