Da: Old Rate / New Rate Government of India
Da: Old Rate / New Rate Government of India
Da: Old Rate / New Rate Government of India
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Particulars of Journeys and Halts
Allowance admitted No. of Share Distance (for Accounts use only) Rs. Ps.
Rs. Ps.
I was not provided with free boarding/Lodging during the halts/I was provided with free boarding/lodging on at
I did not avail casual leave daring the halts and was constructively in camp during Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays while on tour. The train tickets/Air tickets/Bus tickets in original/Xerox copies/hotel bills are enclosed. The rail journeys were actually performed by the class of accommodation for which TA has been claimed. The amount claimed in this bill has not been claimed previously by me either from contingencies or any other source. I have not received and am not likely to receive any amount on account of TA/DA/Honorarium/Service charges from the Institutions/Undertakings except the amount indicated at SI.No.8. 7. The road distances entered in the bill for which mileage has been claimed were correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 8. The amount of traveling allowance, Daily allowance, Honorarium or other service charges has been received from the Body/undertaking etc. visited or likely to be received is furnished here under. (i) Name of the organization (ii) Amount received/Receivable (iii) Purpose 9. Cost of Travel debitable to: (a) Work pertaining to sanctioned cap project : (b) Work undertaken for other organizations and the amount to be received therefor: (i) (ii) (iii) Name of the Organization Amount to be received from Letter No. & Date for prior consent : : : Signature of the official performing tour. : : :