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Advanced Life Support (Training Manual)

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This guideline was developed by:

The ALS Subcommittee, National Committee On Resuscitation Training Ministry of Health Malaysia

Advanced Life Support Training Manual First published in Malaysia in January 2012 by Medical Department Division Ministry of Health Malaysia The Ministry of Health Malaysia 2012 Institute for Medical Research Cataloging in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the Institute for Medical Research, Ministry of Health Malaysia National Library of Malaysia Cataloging in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of Malaysia MOH/P/PAK/229.12 (HB) ISBN 978-967-0399-09-6

All rights reserved: no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior permission of the Ministry of Health Malaysia.

Director General of Health Malaysia


Chapter 1-10
Chapter 1 Course Overview Chapter 2 The Systematic Approach The BLS Primary Survey The ALS Secondary Survey Chapter 3 Team Dynamics

10 12 12 13 15

Chapter 4 17 Airway Management Overview of Airway Management 17 Oxygen Delivering Devices 17 (nasal cannula/simple face mask/venturi mask /mask with O2 reservoir) Non-invasive Airway Devices 19 (oropharyngeal airway/nasopharyngeal airway) Manual Assist Ventilation 19 (mouth to mask ventilation/bag-mask ventilation) Advanced Airway 21 (supra-glottic airways eg: LMA/ETT) Ventilation with an Advanced Airway and Chest Compression Tracheobronchial Suctioning

32 33

Chapter 5 Defibrillation & Safety What is Defibrillation? The Importance of Early Defibrillation Defibrillators Preparing the Patient Safety Issues Synchronized Cardioversion Supraventricular Tachycardias (Re-entry Rhythms) Ventricular Tachycardia Pacing Summary Chapter 6 ALS Core ECG Rhythms and Recognition Chapter 7 Drugs in Resuscitation Chapter 8 ALS Algorithms Chapter 9 Post Resuscitation Care Chapter 10 Ethical Issues in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

34 34 34 34 35 36 38 38 38 39 39 40 49 54 59 61 64 70

Skill Station Competency Checklist Committee on Resuscitation Training (NCORT)


Director General of Health Malaysia

Advanced Life Support Training Manual

Dato Sri Dr Hasan Abdul Rahman

Director General of Health Malaysia

The 1st Basic Cardiac Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life Support Course were held in Kuala Lumpur General Hospital in 1986. It was jointly organised by the Ministry of Health, Malaysian Society of Anaesthesiologists and National Heart Association in collaboration with the American Heart Association. Since then, a number of changes have been made to both courses to cater to local needs. The Basic Cardiac Life Support Course was renamed Basic Life Support Course and shortened to one day. Similarly the Advanced Cardiac Life Support Course was renamed Advanced Life Support Course and reduced to two days. However, material for the Advanced Cardiac Life Support Course was taken totally from the American Heart Association. With the formation of the Advanced Life Support Subcommittee under the umbrella of National Committee on Resuscitation Training, the Advanced Life Support Training Manual was compiled. I congratulate the Subcommittee for producing the training manual. I hope the participants of the Advanced Cardiac Support Course will find the manual useful and comprehensive. Thank you.


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

chapter 1
Course Overview
The Advanced Life Support Course aims to train doctors and healthcare providers working in critical care areas in the resuscitation of patients beyond the ABC of resuscitation. The course emphasizes on enhancing your skills in the treatment of arrest patients through active participation in a series of simulated cardiopulmonary cases. These simulations are designed to reinforce important concepts, including The Basic Life Support (BLS) Primary Survey The Advanced Life Support (ALS) Secondary Survey The ALS algorithms Effective resuscitation team dynamics

Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to Manage cardiac arrest until return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), termination of resuscitation, or transfer of care Demonstrate effective communication as a member or leader of a resuscitation team and recognize the impact of team dynamics on overall team performance

Course Description
The course concentrates on skills both individually and as part of a team. Lectures are short and few. Therefore you are expected to have read the ALS provider training manual before the course. In addition, strong BLS skills are the foundation of ALS. You must have passed the 1-rescuer BLS/ Automated External Defibrillator (AED) course before enrolment into the ALS course. The course programme is as follows:

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


Day 1
0730 - 0800h 0800 - 0810h Registration

1000 - 1215h 1215 - 1300h

0910 - 0940h 0945 - 1000h

0840 - 0910h

0810 - 0840h

Course overview

Lecture - Algorithm Lecture - Drugs

Lecture - Airway Management

Skill stations: Airway, Defibrillation and ECG recognition + drugs with each station lasting 45 minutes Put it all together Lunch Megacode practice

Tea Break

1300 - 1400h 1400 - 1700h

Day 2
0815 - 0830h 0930 - 1300h 1400 - 1700h 0830 - 0930h Lecture - Ethics in resuscitation

Theory test

Megacode practice

Test on Airway and Megacode


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

chapter 2
The BLS Primary Survey

The Systematic Approach:

The BLS Primary Survey and The ALS Secondary Survey

The BLS goal is to support or restore effective oxygenation, ventilation, and circulation until ROSC or until ALS interventions can be initiated. Performance of the actions in the BLS Primary Survey substantially improves a patients chance of survival and a good (or better) neurologic outcome. Before conducting the BLS Primary Survey, you should assess Danger, check patient Responsiveness, Shout for help (activate emergency medical system and get an AED). The BLS Primary Survey is an ABCD approach using a series of sequential assessments. Each assessment is followed by appropriate action(s) if needed. As you assess each step (the patients airway, breathing, circulation, and determine if defibrillation is needed), you stop and perform an action, if necessary, before proceeding to the next assessment step. Assessment is a key component in this approach. For example: Check for responsiveness before shouting for help and open the airway Check breathing before starting chest compressions Attach an AED, then analyze for a shockable rhythm before delivering a shock

assess...then perform appropriate action. Table 1 below shows an overview of BLS Primary Survey. DRS is included before ABCD for completeness.



Wear PPE (gloves, apron, mask) if available Make sure you, the victim and bystanders are safe

- Are there blood spills, sharps, electric wires? - Is the scene dangerous?


- Is the patient responsive?

Responsiveness Shout for help

Tap shoulders and Say Hello! Hello! Are you OK? Emergency! Emergency! Call ambulance 999 or bring emergency trolley & defibrillator if available

Advanced Life Support Training Manual




- Is the airway open?


Open the airway using non invasive techniques (head tilt-chin lift; jaw thrust without head extension if trauma is suspected) Look for normal breathing in not more than 10s (almost simultaneously when performing head tilt chin lift) Perform high-quality CPR if not breathing or abnormal breathing (gasps) is seen until an AED arrives Provide shocks as indicated Follow each shock immediately with CPR, beginning with chest compressions

- Is the patient breathing and are respirations adequate?


- Is the patient breathing and are respirations adequate?


- Is there a shockable rhythm? Check with a manual defibrillation or use an AED


NB. Make every effort to minimize interruptions in chest compressions. Limit interruptions in chest compressions to no longer than 10s


Prolonged rhythm analysis Taking too long to give breaths to the patient

Frequent or inappropriate pulse checks Unnecessarily moving the patient

The ALS Secondary Survey

The ALS Secondary Survey is conducted after the BLS Primary Survey when more advanced management techniques are needed. Advanced airway interventions may include the laryngeal mask airway (LMA), or endotracheal tube (ETT). Advanced circulatory interventions may include drugs to control heart rhythm and support blood pressure. An important component of this survey is the differential diagnosis, where identification and treatment of the underlying causes may be critical to patient outcome. In the ALS Secondary Survey, you continue to assess and perform an action as appropriate until transfer to the next level of care. Many times assessments and actions in ALS will be performed simultaneously by team members.


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

Table 2: The ALS Secondary Survey


- Maintain airway patency in unconscious patients by use of head tilt-chin lift, orophyaryngeal airway (OPA) or nasopharyngeal airway (NPA) - Use advanced airways if needed (e.g. LMA or ETT) - - Give supplementary oxygen Assess the adequacy of oxygenation and ventilation by Clinical criteria (colour, chest rise, auscultation) Oxygen saturation Capnometry or capnography

- Is the airway patent? - Is an advanced airway indicated?


- Are oxygenation and ventilation adequate? - Is an advanced airway indicated? - Is proper placement of airway device confirmed? - Is tube secure and placement reconfirmed requently? - Are exhaled CO2 and oxyhemoglobin saturation monitored?


The benefit of advanced airway placement is weighed against the adverse effects of interrupting chest compressions. If bag-mask ventilation is adequate, insertion of an advanced airway may be deferred until the patient fails to respond to initial CPR and defibrillation or until ROSC. If advanced airway devices are used: - Confirm proper integration of CPR and ventilation - Confirm proper placement of advanced airway devices by Clinical criteria (colour, chest rise, auscultation) Capnometry or capnography - Secure the device to prevent dislodgment - Continue exhaled CO2 measurement

- - - -


What was the initial cardiac rhythm? What is the current cardiac rhythm? Have you established access for drug and fluid? Does the patient need volume (fluid) for resuscitation? Are medications needed for rhythm or blood pressure?

- Obtain IV / IO access - Attach ECG leads and monitor for arrhythmias or cardiac arrest rhythms (eg VF, pulseless VT, asystole, and PEA) - Give appropriate drugs to manage rhythm (e.g. amiodarone, lidocaine, atropine, magnesium) and blood pressure (e.g. adrenaline, vasopressin, and dopamine) - Give IV / IO fluids if needed

- Why did this patient develop cardiac arrest? - Why is the patient still in arrest? - Can we identify a reversible cause of this arrest?

Differential Diagnosis

Search for, find and treat reversible causes (i.e. definitive care). Look for 5H and 5T causes. 5H: Hypoxia, Hydrogen ion, Hypothermia, Hypovolemia, Hypo/hyperkalemia. 5T: Tamponade (cardiac), Tension pneumothorax, Thrombosis (pulmonary or coronary), Toxins

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


chapter 3
Team Leader Team Member

Team Dynamics

Organizes the group, monitors individual performance of team members, backs up team members, models excellent team behavior, trains and coaches, facilitates understanding and focuses on comprehensive patient care.

Must be proficient to perform skills within their scope of practice. They are clear about their role assignment, prepared to fulfill the role responsibilities, well practiced in resuscitation skills, knowledgeable about the algorithms and committed to success.

Team Dynamics and Communication

Closed Loop Communication When communicating with team members, the leader should use closed loop communication. The leader gives an order or assignment and then confirms that the message was heard. The team member confirms that the order or assignment was heard and informs the leader when the task is complete. Clear Messages All messages and orders should be delivered in a calm and direct manner without yelling or shouting. The team leader should speak clearly while the team members should question an order if they are unsure what was said. Clear Roles and Responsibilities Every member of the team should know his/her role and responsibilities. To avoid inefficiencies, the team leader should clearly delegate tasks. A team member should not accept assignments above his/her level of expertise. Knowing Ones Limitations Every member of the team should know his/her imitations and capabilities and the team leader should be aware of them. A new skill should not be attempted during the arrest, instead call for expert help at an early stage.


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

Knowledge Sharing A critical component of effective team performance is information sharing. The team leader can ask for suggestions when the resuscitation efforts seem to be ineffective. Constructive Intervention During a code, a team leader or member may need to intervene if an action is about to occur at an inappropriate time. The person recording the event may suggest that adrenaline be given as the next drug because it has been 5 minutes since the last dose. All suggestions for a different intervention or action should be done tactfully. Reevaluation and Summarizing An essential role of the team leader is monitoring and reevaluation of the status of the patient, interventions that have been done and assessment findings. Mutual Respect The best teams are composed of members who share a mutual respect for each other and work together in a collegial, supportive manner. All team members should leave their egos at the door.

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


chapter 4
Overview of Airway Management

Airway Management

The support of ventilation and oxygenation during CPR and the peri-arrest period are still important. The purpose of ventilation during CPR is to maintain adequate oxygenation and sufficient elimination of carbon dioxide. Airway obstruction by the tongue or any other foreign body must be excluded before the purpose of ventilation can be achieved. It is also important to note that both systemic and pulmonary circulation are reduced markedly during cardiac arrest so that the normal ventilation perfusion relationships can be maintained with minute ventilation which is much lower than normal. Empirical use of 100% oxygen during resuscitation from cardiac arrest is reasonable.

Oxygen Delivering Devices

Oxygen administration is always appropriate for patient in acute distress. Various devices are used to deliver supplementary oxygen. Table 3: Delivery of Supplementary Oxygen Device Flow Rates 1L/minute 2L/minute Nasal cannula 3L/minute 4L/minute 5L/minute 6L/minute Simple face mask Venturi mask (Device specific) Mask with O2 Reservoir Rebreathing

Delivered Oxygen (%) -approximate 24 28 32 36 40 44 35-60 24-60

6-10L/minute 4-12L/minute

10-15L/minute 10-15L/minute




Advanced Life Support Training Manual

Nasal Cannula
Consists of 2 prongs Every 1L/minute increase in O2 flow rate increase in FiO2 by 4% Usually 1-6L/minute O2 given Do not use more than 6L/minute O2 as this does not increase oxygenation much, yet dries up nasal passages and is uncomfortable to patient O2 concentration depends on: - O2 supply flow rate - Pattern of ventilation - Patient inspiratory flow rate

Simple Face Mask

Made from silicone rubber or transparent plastic Various size, from paediatric to big adult Adds 100 to 200 ml to the capacity of the O2 reservoir Fits loosely on the face, which allows room air to be inhaled, if needed O2 concentration depends on: - O2 supply flow rate - Patient inspiratory flow rate - Pattern of ventilation - Tight fit of the mask Supplies 35% to 60% oxygen with flow rates of 6 to 10L/minute Does not supply oxygen > 60%

Venturi Mask
Based on Bernoullie principle - O2 is passed through a narrowed orifice and this creates a high-velocity stream of gas. This high-velocity jet stream generates a shearing force known as viscous drag that pulls room air into the mask through the entrainment ports on the mask. Gives desired concentration of oxygen to patient (24% to 60%) Good for patient with chronic obstructive airway disease

Mask with O2 Reservoir

The addition of a reservoir bag to a standard face mask increases the capacity of the O2 reservoir by 600 to 1000 ml. If the reservoir bag is kept inflated, the patient will inhale only the gas contained in the bag. There are two types of mask-reservoir bag devices: Rebreathing system No valve and so gas exhaled in the initial phase of expiration returns to the reservoir bag Provides up to 70% to 80% O2 with flow rates of 10 - 15L/minute. Non-rebreathing system Presence of a one-way valve that prevents any exhaled gas from returning to the reservoir bag Provides up to 95% to 100% O2 with flow rates of 10 - 15L/minute.

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


Non-invasive Airway Devices

Oropharyngeal Airway
A semicircular tube to hold the tongue away from the posterior wall of the pharynx Used in comatose patient or patient with loss of airway reflex May cause laryngospasm in semicomatose patient Various sizes (3,4,5) - The appropriate size is measured from angle of mouth to angle of jaw

Nasopharyngeal Airway
An uncuffed tube made of soft rubber or plastic Used in patient where mouth opening is difficult More tolerable by semi-comatose patient Used with caution in patient with base of skull fracture or with ENT bleeding May cause airway bleeding in up to 30% patients Various sizes (size indicates internal diameter) - The appropriate size is measured from tip of the nose to tragus of the ear

Manual Assist Ventilation

In an unconscious or semiconscious victim, the healthcare provider should open the victims airway by head tilt-chin lift or jaw thrust (if suspected cervical injury). Oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal airways may be used to prevent the tongue from occluding the airway.

Head tiltchin lift

Jaw thrust


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

Mouth to Mask Ventilation

The mask is a pocket mask usually with one way valve Advantages: - Eliminates direct contact - Oxygenates well if O2 attached - Easier to perform than bag-mask ventilation - Best for small-handed rescuers Two ways of carrying out mouth to mask ventilation depending on whether there are 1 or 2 rescuers

1- Rescuer Technique Performed from sides Rescuer slides over for chest compressions Fingers-head tilt-chin lift

2- Rescuer Technique The rescuer chest compression The ventilator stands at head end

Bag-mask Ventilation
Ventilation Bag Oxygen Supply Inlet Connection Air/Oxygen Intake Valve Oxygen Reservoir

Non breathing Valve Exhalation Port

Face Mask

Oxygen Supply Tubing

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


The bag-mask device consists of a self-inflating bag and a non-rebreathing valve - Can be used with a face mask or an advanced airway eg Laryngeal mask airway (LMA) or endotracheal tube (ETT) - Provides positive pressure ventilation - Cannot be used to allow spontaneous breathing The provider should use an adult (1 to 2 L) bag and deliver just enough volume to produce an obvious chest rise Bag-mask ventilation can produce gastric inflation with complications, including regurgitation and aspiration Two ways of holding the bag-mask device on the face for adequate ventilation:

One Hand (E-C Clamp Technique)

Two Hand Technique

Advanced Airways
Bag-mask ventilation is not suitable for prolonged periods of ventilation as it also inflates the stomach. Therefore, ALS providers should be trained in the use of an advanced airway (supraglottic airways or ETT). However, the provider should weigh the need for minimally interrupted chest compressions against the need for insertion of a supraglottic airway or an ETT.

Supraglottic Airways
Supraglottic airways are devices designed to maintain an open airway and facilitate ventilation. Insertion of a supraglottic airway does not require visualization of vocal cord and so it is possible to insert without interrupting chest compression during resuscitation. A number of supraglottic airways are available: Laryngeal mask airway (LMA), combitube and laryngeal tube. The LMA provides a more secure and reliable means of ventilation and is widely used in clinical practice.


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

Laryngeal Mask Airway

An advanced airway device that is considered an acceptable alternative to the ETT Invented by Dr. Archie Brain, a British anaesthetist at London Hospital, Whitechapel in 1981 - The invention causes a paradigm shift in airway management Used in over 100 countries worldwide Over 150 million users to date over 15 years When compared with the ETT, the LMA provides equivalent ventilation; successful ventilation during CPR has been reported in 72% to 97% of patients Technically easier to insert and should allow minimal interruption to chest compression during resuscitation Ventilating patient via LMA may still cause gastric aspiration Composed of a tube with a cuffed mask-like projection at the end of the tube and connected to a pilot balloon

Airway Tube 15mm Connector

Apeture Bars


Infi lation Line

Infi lation Pilot Balloon Valve

Versions of LMA
Many different versions of LMA since its invention: LMA Classic - original reusable design LMA Unique - disposable version for use in emergency and prehospital setting LMA Fastrach (Intubating LMA) - as a conduit for intubation LMA Flexible - soft tubing and not for use in emergency setting LMA Proseal - additional channel for suctioning of gastric contents LMA Supreme - similar to Proseal but with built-in bite block LMA Ctrach - built-in fi ber-optics with a video screen

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


Recommended Size Guidelines for LMA

The following table shows the Recommended Size Guidelines and the Amount of Air needed to infl ate the LMA cuff:

Size of LMA
Size 1 Size 1.5 Size 2 Size 2.5 Size 3 Size 4 Size 5

Weight of patient
< 5 kg 5 to 10 kg 10 to 20 kg 20 to 30 kg 30 to 50 kg or small adult 50 to 70 kg (adult) > 70 kg (large adult)

Max Air in Cuff Not to Exceed

4 ml 7 ml 10 ml 14 ml 20 ml 30 ml 40 ml

Insertion of LMA
Before any attempt to insert an LMA, the following equipment has to be prepared: Personal protective equipment - mask, eye shield/goggle, gloves Appropriate size LMA Syringe with appropriate volume (10, 20 or 50 ml) for LMA cuff infl ation Water soluble lubricant Ventilation equipment Tape or other device(s) to secure LMA Stethoscope

The following are the steps necessary for successful insertion of LMA: Step 1: Size selection - as per Recommended Size Guidelines


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

Step 2: Examination of LMA Inspect surface of LMA for damage, including cuts, tears, or scratches - Do not use the LMA if the airway tube is damaged in any way Inspect interior of LMA airway tube to ensure that it is free from blockage or loose particles - Any particles present in the airway tube should be removed as patient may inhale them after insertion Inflate cuff to ensure that it does not leak Deflate cuff to ensure that it maintains a vacuum

Step 3: Check inflation and deflation of cuff Inflate cuff with the recommended volume of air Slowly deflate cuff to form a smooth flat wedge shape which will pass easily around the back of the tongue and behind the epiglottis

Step 4: Lubrication of LMA Cuff/Mask Use a water soluble lubricant to lubricate Only lubricate LMA cuff/mask just prior to insertion Only lubricate back of LMA cuff/mask thoroughly Avoid excessive lubricants on anterior surface or in the bowl of cuff/mask as inhalation of the lubricant following placement may result in coughing or obstruction

Step 5: Position head for insertion LMA can be inserted even if the head is in the neutral position as long as the mouth opening is adequate Avoid LMA fold over: - Assistant pulls the lower jaw downwards - Visualize the posterior oral cavity - Ensure that LMA is not folding over in the cavity as it is inserted

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


Below are a series of diagrams showing the insertion of LMA:

Method for holding the LMA for standard insertion technique

With the head tilt and the neck flexed, insert the cuff of LMA into the oral cavity; direction of force goes against the hard palate

To facilitate introduction of LMA into the oral cavity, gently press the middle finger down onto the jaw

The index finger pushes LMA in a cranial direction following the contours of the hard and soft palates


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

Maintaining pressure with finger on LMA in the cranial direction, advance LMA until definite resistance is felt at the base of the hypopharynx: note flexion of the wrist

Gently maintain cranial pressure with non-dominant hand while removing index finger

Bite Block


To allow LMA to seat optimally, inflate without holding LMA Inflate cuff with just enough air to obtain a seal - this should correspond to intracuff pressures around 60 cm H2O; do not over-inflate

Tape the bite-block and LMA airway tube downwards against the chin

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


Finally connect to bag-mask or ventilator and look for chest rise Confirm equal breath sounds over both lung fields & absence of ventilatory sounds over epigastrium

Final words on LMA

Test cuff before use Dont lubricate anterior side of LMA mask Insert only in comatose patient Keep cuff inflated until patient awake

Endotracheal Tube (ETT)

The ETT is usually regarded as the Gold Standard of airway control while endotracheal intubation is a highly skilful procedure that requires adequate training and ongoing maintenance of skill. The ETT was once considered the optimal method of managing airway during cardiac arrest. It keeps the airway patent, permits suctioning of airway secretions, enables delivery of a high concentration of oxygen, provides an alternative route for the administration of some drugs, facilitates delivery of a selected tidal volume, and with the use of a cuff, may protect the airway from aspiration. However, it is now clear that the incidence of complications is unacceptably high when intubation is performed by inexperienced providers. Interruption of chest compression significantly reduces chance of ROSC. ALS provider therefore must weigh the risks and benefits of endotracheal intubation during resuscitation against prolonged interruption of chest compression. If endotracheal intubation is deem essential, it should be done by the most experienced personnel and chest compression should not be interrupted for more than 10-20s. Alternatively, if ventilation is adequate with bag-mask or supraglottic devices, endotracheal intubation for cardiac arrest may be delayed until ROSC.

Equipment for Endotracheal Intubation:

The equipment necessary for endotracheal intubation may be remembered as mnemonics MALES: M A L E S - Mask (Bag-mask), Magill forceps - Airways (Oropharyngeal/Nasopharyngeal Airway) - Laryngoscope, LMA, Lubricant gel - Endotracheal tubes + Stylet + tape for securing ETT - Suction (Catheter/Yaunker), Syringe, Stylet

Consists of handle (which contains a battery power source) and blade 2 types of blades: Macintosh blade (curved) for adults Miller blade (straight) for newborn and infants Make sure that the light on the blade works and is bright when lit up


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

Endotracheal Tube
Typical modern ETT has the following features: Marked with - Size with internal diameter in mm; external diameter in smaller lettering - Z-79 which denotes that the material has been implantation tested in rabbit muscle for tissue compatibility - Distance from the tip of ETT at intervals along ETTs length. Most plastic tubes are longer than is usually required and may be cut to size - Other markings which may refer to the manufacturer, the trade name of the type of ETT, and whether it is intended for oral or nasal use - A radio-opaque line to aid detection of ETT on chest X-rays Curved with a left-facing bevel at the distal. A hole in the wall opposite the bevel (Murphy eye) allows ventilation should the end become obstructed by the tracheal wall or mucus or secretions Attached to a ETT connector at the proximal end May bear a cuff near the distal end, with a pilot balloon running towards the proximal end. The cuff is of high volume and low pressure type to reduce pressure on the tracheal mucosa Choosing The Correct Size ETT

Adult Male Adult Female Newborn to 3 months Infants Children >1year If using cuffed ETT

Internal Diameter (mm)

8 - 8.5 7 - 7.5 3 3 - 3.5 (Age/4) + 4 (Age/4) + 3.5

Anchor for Oral ETT

20 - 22 cm 18 - 20 cm weight (kg) +6 weight (kg) +6 3 times size of ETT used/ (Age/4)+12

Preparation for Endotracheal Intubation

It is important to get ready before any attempt in intubation: Ensure equipment ready and in good order: MALES Ensure adequate oxygen source - wall or cylinder - if oxygen source is from oxygen cylinder, check O2 pressure Ensure enough helping hands Ensure equipment to monitoring success of placement of ETT ie Stethoscope, End-tidal CO2 monitor and Pulse oximeter ready and in good order Ensure resuscitation and intubation drugs available and ready

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


The Technique of Endotracheal Intubation

The following are steps necessary for successful endotracheal intubation during cardiac arrest: Step 1: Position patient in the sniffi ng the morning air position Flexion at lower cervical spine Extension at atlanto-occipital joint

To align the axes of upper airway as shown in the diagram below



Extend-the-head-on-neck (look up): aligns axis A relative to B Flex-the-neck-on-shoulders (look down): aligns axis B relative to C

Step 2: Preoxygenation 100% O2 for 3 minutes or with 4 vital capacity breaths

Step 3: Laryngoscopy and insertion of ETT


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

3A: Laryngoscopy

1 . Vallecula 2 . Vocal cord 3 . Arythenoid Cartilage 4. Glottic Opening

Use left hand to hold laryngoscope Enter at right side of mouth and push tongue towards left side Move the laryngoscope blade toward midline and advance to the base of tongue. Advance the blade to the vallecula if the curved blade is used or to just beyond tip of epiglottis if the straight blade is used Lift upward and forward to bring the larynx and vocal cords into view as indicated by the arrow in the diagram above. The direction of force necessary to lift the mandible and tongue is 45 degrees. Do not use the teeth as a fulcrum or a lever

3B: Insertion of ETT

Insert the ETT through the vocal cords. View the proximal end of the cuff at the level of the vocal cords and advance it about 1 to 2.5cm further into the trachea Infl ate the ETT with enough air to occlude the airway (usually 10 to 20ml)

Important point to note:

and preferably less than 15 seconds.

Time taken for laryngoscopy and insertion of ETT should not be more than 30 seconds

Step 4: Confi rm correct position of ETT Observe colour of patient Visualise chest rise with delivery of fi rst manual breath Detect vapour in ETT 5 points auscultation for breath sounds (auscultate epigastrium, anterior chest at bilateral mid-clavicular lines and thorax at bilateral mid-axillary lines) Detect end-tidal CO2 with capnography or CO2 detector device

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


Step 5: Secure ETT with tape

Step 6: Ventilate with a tidal volume of 6-8 ml/kg (visible chest rise) at a rate of 8-10 breath per minute

Use of Devices to Confirm Correct ETT Placement Via Detection of CO2 Production
Detection of end-tidal CO2 during resuscitation: Confirms ETT placement; note that EtCO2 detection will not differentiate between tracheal and endobronchial tube placement. Careful auscultation is essential Correlates with cardiac index Assesses adequacy of ventilation Indicates quality of CPR Signifies ROSC Carries prognostic value for survival post cardiac arrest

There are a number of CO2 detector devices available: i) Esophageal detector device ii) End-tidal CO2 (EtCO2) detector device iii) Disposable calorimetric EtCO2 detector iv) Continuous digital EtCO2 detector device v) Continuous waveform EtCO2 capnography

Complications of Endotracheal Intubation


During intubation

Hypoxia from the procedure itself, esophageal intubation and/or laryngospasm and bronchospasm Hypertension/hypotension, tachycardia/bradycardia and arrhythmias from/parasympathetic/sympathetic response Trauma to teeth, lips, tongue, mucosa, vocal cords, trachea Vomiting and aspiration

During laryngospasm and bronchospasm intubation 32 Advanced Life Support Training Manual

Hypertension/hypotension, tachycardia/bradycardia and arrhythmias from/parasympathetic/sympathetic response Trauma to teeth, lips, tongue, mucosa, vocal cords, trachea Vomiting and aspiration Arytenoid dislocation hoarseness Spinal cord trauma in cervical spine injury

When ETT in-situ

Migration to bronchus/esophagus Obstruction from kinking, secretions or over-inflation of cuff Disconnection from breathing circuit Accidental extubation/ETT dislodgement Lip ulcer in prolonged oral intubation Sinusitis or otitis or nasal ulcer in prolonged nasal intubation During extubation: Laryngospasm Edema of upper airway Pulmonary aspiration

After Extubation Long Term

Sore throat Hoarseness Subglottic stenosis Vocal cord granuloma Laryngeal granuloma

Ventilation with an Advanced Airway and Chest Compression

When a cardiac arrest patient has an advanced airway in place during CPR, there is no more cyclical CPR (i.e. 30 compression interrupted by pauses for 2 ventilations). Chest compressions are delivered at rate of at least 100 per minute Ventilations are delivered at 8 to 10 per minute (1 ventilation every 6-8 seconds) Ventilator and compressor should switch role every 2 minutes to prevent compressor fatigue and deterioration in the quality of CPR Minimize interruptions in chest compressions Avoid excessive ventilations (too many breaths or too large a volume). A lower rate and just adequate tidal volume ventilation is recommended to avoid hyperventilation and over-inflation of the lungs.

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


Tracheobronchial Suctioning
Suction Catheter
Size (FG) = ETT internal diameter (mm) x 3/2 or outer diameter should not exceed 1/2 to 2/3 ETT internal diameter Minimal trauma to mucosa with molded ends and side holes Long enough to pass through tip of ETT Minimal friction resistance during insertion through ETT Sterile and disposable

Suction Pressure
100 to-120mmHg (adults) 80 to-100mmHg (children) 60 to-80 mmHg (infants)

Complications of Tracheobronchial Suctioning:

Sudden severe hypoxia, secondary to decrease in functional residual capacity during the application of negative pressure in the trachea Cardiac arrest if severe hypoxia Increase in intra-arterial pressure and tachycardia due to sympathetic response to suction

Technique of Tracheobronchial Suctioning:

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Always preoxygenate with 100% O2 for 3-5 minutes to reduce risk of hypoxia and arrhythmias Using sterile technique, the suction catheter is inserted without closing the side opening in the proximal end of the catheter The suction catheter is advanced to the desired location which is approximately at the level of the carina where trachea bifurcates Suction is applied intermittently by closing the side opening while the catheter is withdrawn with a rotating motion Limit duration of suctioning to 10-15 seconds. If arrhythmias occur, immediately discontinue suctioning and manually bag patient with O2 Prior to repeating the procedure, patient should be ventilated with 100% O2 for about 30 seconds.

Point to note:

In patient with elevated intracranial pressure (e.g. head injury), temporary hyperventilation before and after suctioning may be indicated


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

chapter 5
What is Defibrillation?

Defibrillation and Safety

The passage of an electrical current across the myocardium to depolarise a critical mass of myocardium and enable restoration of coordinated electrical activity An electrophysiological event that occurs 30-50 ms after shock delivery-the heart is stunned and hopefully the sino-atrial (SA) node will take over Aims to restore sinus rhythm Typically defined as the termination of ventricular fibrillation (VF) for at least 5 after the shock. Shock success using this definition does not equal to resuscitation outcome Only for VF or pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT) where a single shock is given followed immediately by chest compression without any pulse check or rhythm reanalysis after a shock

The Importance of Early Defibrillation

Early defibrillation is critical to survival from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) for the following reasons: 1) Most frequent initial rhythm in out-of-hospital witnessed SCA is VF 2) Treatment for VF is defibrillation 3) The probability of successful defibrillation diminishes rapidly over Time 4) VF tends to deteriorate to asystole over time

For every minute that passes between collapse and defibrillation, survival rates from witnessed VF SCA decrease 7% to 10% if no CPR is provided. When bystander CPR is provided, the decrease in survival rates is more gradual and averages 3% to 4% per minute from collapse to defibrillation. CPR prolongs VF, delays the onset of asystole and extends the window of time during which defibrillation can occur. Basic CPR alone, however, is unlikely to terminate VF and restore a perfusing rhythm.

Modern defibrillators are classified according to 2 types of waveforms: monophasic and biphasic. Monophasic waveform defibrillators were introduced first, but biphasic waveforms are used in almost all Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) and some manual defibrillators sold today. Energy levels vary by type of device and manufacturer.

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Monophasic Waveform Defibrillators

Deliver current of one polarity (i.e. direction of current flow) Categorized by the rate at which the current pulse decreases to zero: - Monophasic damped sinusoidal waveform (MDS) current returns to zero gradually - Monophasic truncated exponential waveform (MTE) current returns abruptly (truncated) to zero

Biphasic Waveform Defibrillators

Equivalent or higher efficacy for termination of VF when compared with monophasic waveforms Different biphasic waveforms have not been compared with regard to efficacy Use the manufacturers recommended energy dose (120 to 200J). If the manufacturers recommended dose is not known, defibrillate at 200J, the maximal dose

Preparing The Patient

Electrode/Paddle Size
Minimum 150 cm2, 8 to 12 cm in diameter for both handheld paddle electrodes and self-adhesive pad electrodes although defibrillation success may be higher with electrodes 12 cm in diameter rather than with those 8 cm in diameter Small electrodes (4.3cm) harmful and may cause myocardial necrosis

Electric/Paddle force
8kg in adult 5kg in 1-8years when using adult paddles

Transthoracic Impedance
Use gel pads or electrode paddles or self-adhesive pads to reduce transthoracic impedance. The average adult human impedance is 70 to 80 . When transthoracic impedance is too high, a low-energy shock will not generate sufficient current to achieve defibrillation

Electrode/Paddle Placement
Can be at antero-lateral, antero-posterior, anterior-left infrascapular and anterior-right infrascapular locations on the chest/back. All these 4 positions are equally effective. For ease of placement and education, anterolateral is a reasonable default electrode placement. Ensure that the paddle and gel or pads are in full contact with the skin Special considerations:


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Breasts - Place lateral pads/paddles under breast tissue - Move pendulous breasts gently out of the way Wet Chest - Briskly wipe the chest dry before attaching electrode pads and attempting defibrillation Hirsutism - Shave hirsute males prior to application of pads - Remove excess chest hair by briskly removing an electrode pad (which will remove some hair) or by rapidly shaving the chest in that area Automated Implanted Cardioverter Defibrillator - Avoid placing the pads or paddles over the device as there is a potential for pacemaker or ICD to malfunction after defibrillation when the pads are in close proximity to the device - Use antero-posterior and antero-lateral locations

Presence of Transdermal Medication Patch (eg patch containing nitroglycerin, nicotine,analgesics, hormone replacement, anti-hypertensives) - Do not place electrodes over transdermal medication patch which may block delivery of energy from the electrode pad to the heart and may cause small burns to the skin - Remove medication patch and wipe the area before attaching the electrode pad if defibrillation is needed

Safety Issues
Ignited by sparks from poorly applied defibrillator paddles in the presence of an oxygen-enriched atmosphere Avoid defibrillation in an oxygen-enriched atmosphere Use self-adhesive defibrillation pads Ensure good padchest-wall contact If manual paddles are used, gel pads are preferable to electrode pastes and gels because the pastes and gels can spread between the 2 paddles, creating the potential for a spark

Accidental Electrocution
Charge paddles after being placed on patients chest rather than prior to being taken out from the defibrillator Ensure that none of the rescuer team members is in contact with patient/victim/resuscitation trolley prior to defibrillator discharge

Safety and Clearing The Patient

Always announce that a shock is about to be delivered Perform a visual check making sure no one is in contact with the patient Clear the patient and rescuers before each shock

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


Make sure that no oxygen is flowing across the patients chest or openly across the electrode pads Carry out the above steps quickly to minimize the time from the last compression to shock delivery

An Example:

One I Clear

(Check to make sure you have no contact with the patient, the trolley or other equipment)

(Check to make sure that no one is touching the patient. No one includes providers performing chest compressions, starting IVs, inserting catheters, or performing ventilation and airway maintenance)

Two, You Clear.

Three, Everybody Clear.

These steps are summarized below:

(Perform a visual check to make sure no one has contact with the patient or trolley)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Attach electrodes to patients chest Turn defibrillator on select leads Analyse the rhythm? shockable Apply coupling agent or pads to patients chest Select energy level Apply paddles to chest Charge the paddles The Clear chant Check monitor again Discharge shock and return the paddles to the machine


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Synchronized Cardioversion
A shock delivery that is timed (synchronized) with the QRS complex Avoids shock delivery during the relative refractory portion of the cardiac cycle when a shock could produce VF

Use of Synchronized Cardioversion

Indicated in a hemodynamically unstable patient (low blood pressure) with a perfusing rhythm (pulse present) Recommended in supraventricular tachycardia due to re-entry, atrial fibrillation,atrial flutter, and atrial tachycardia Recommended in monomorphic VT with pulses Not effective for treatment of junctional tachycardia or multifocal atrial tachycardia

Initial Recommended Energy Level for Synchronized Cardioversion

Narrow Regular: 50-100J Narrow Irregular:120-200 biphasic or 200J monophasic Wide Regular:100J Wide Irregular: defibrillation (NOT synchronized, 360J monophasic or 120-200J biphasic)

Supraventricular Tachycardias (Re-entry Rhythms)

Cardioversion of Adult Atrial Fibrillation: Initial energy dose- biphasic 120 to 200J or monophasic 200J If the initial shock fails, increase the dose in a stepwise fashion Cardioversion of Adult Atrial Flutter and Other Supraventricular Tachycardias: Initial energy dose- 50 to 100J often sufficient If the initial shock fails, increase the dose in a stepwise fashion

Ventricular Tachycardia (VT)

Pulseless VT - Treat as VF Unstable Polymorphic (Irregular) VT With or Without a Pulse - Treat as VF using defibrillation doses)

Unstable Monomorphic (Regular) VT With a Pulse - Treat with monophasic or biphasic waveform cardioversion (synchronized) at an initial energy dose of 100J. If the initial shock fails, increase the dose in a stepwise fashion.

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Synchronized cardioversion is preferred for treatment of an organized ventricular rhythm. However, for some arrhythmias, the many QRS configurations and irregular rates that comprise polymorphic ventricular tachycardia make it difficult or impossible to reliably synchronize to a QRS complex. If there is any doubt whether monomorphic or polymorphic VT is present in the unstable patient, do not delay shock delivery to perform detailed rhythm analysis-provide high energy unsynchronized shocks (i.e. defibrillation doses, 360J monophasic or 120-200J biphasic).

Points to know:

Not recommended for patients in asystolic cardiac arrest as it is not effective and may delay or interrupt the delivery of chest compressions It is reasonable for healthcare providers to be prepared to initiate pacing in patients who do not respond to atropine (or second-line drugs if these do not delay definitive management). Immediate pacing might be considered if the patient is severely symptomatic. If the patient does not respond to drugs or transcutaneous pacing, transvenous pacing is probably indicated.

The recommendations for electrical therapies described in this section are designed to improve survival from SCA and life threatening arrhythmias. Whenever defibrillation is attempted, rescuers must coordinate high-quality CPR with defibrillation to minimize interruptions in chest compressions and to ensure immediate resumption of chest compressions after shock delivery.


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

chapter 6

ALS Core ECG Rhythms and Recognition

Sinus Tachycardia
Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm P Wave >100 per minute Normal and P for every QRS complex Sinus Present

Atrial Ectopic
Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm P Wave Sinus rate Normal and narrow Regular sinus with atrial ectopic beat Normal P wave with presence of ectopic atrial beat

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


Atrial Fibrillation
Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm P Wave Wide range of ventricle response Present Irregular Chaotic atrial fibrillatory waves

Atrial Flutter
Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm P Wave Atrial rate 100 to 350 per minute Present Regular Ventricular rhythm often regular Set ratio atrial rhythm e.g. 2 to 1 No true P waves Flutter waves in sawtooth pattern


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Accessory Mediated Supraventricular Tachycardia

Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm P wave Atrial rate 120 to 150 per minute Normal and Narrow Regular Seldom seen due to rapid rate because p wave hidden in preceding T waves

Sinus Bradycardia
Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm P Wave <60 per minute Normal Regular Sinus Normal, every P wave followed by QRS complex

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First-Degree AV Block
Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm P Wave PR Sinus rate Normal and Narrow Regular Sinus Normal, every P wave follow by QRS complex Prolonged > 0.20 second and fixed

Second-Degree AV Block Morbitz Type I (Wenkebach)

Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm P Wave PR Sinus rate Normal and Narrow Regular Sinus P wave not followed by QRS complex Progressive lengthening of PR interval occurs from cycle to cycle, then one P wave is not followed by QRS complex -dropped beat


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Second-Degree AV Block Morbitz Type II

Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm P Wave PR Usually 60 to 100 per minute Normal and Narrow (Wide QRS complex implies low block relative to AV node) Atrial regular, ventricular irregular Some P wave not followed by QRS complex Constant and set, no progressive prolongation

Third-Degree AV
Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm P Wave Atrial rate 60 to 100 per minute, dissociated from ventricle rate Ventricle rate depend on rate of ventricle escape beats Narrow implies high block relative to AV node Wide implies low block relative to AV node Atrial and ventricular rate regular but independently dissociated Normal

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Ventricle Ectopics
Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm P Wave Sinus rate with presence of ventricular ectopics Normal QRS complexes with presence of single broad QRS complex Sinus rate with irregular ventricular rate Present before normal QRS complex

Ventricle Bigeminy
Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm P Wave Sinus rate with presence of ventricular ectopic Normal QRS complexes with alternating broad QRS complexes Sinus rate with alternating ventricular rate Present before normal QRS complex


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Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm P Wave Sinus rate Normal QRS complexes with presence of broad QRS complexes in Couplet Sinus rate with irregular ventricular rate Present before normal QRS complex

Monomorphic VT
Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm P Wave Fusion Beats Nonsustained VT >100 per minute, typically 120 to 250 per minute Wide and bizarre, PVC like complexes >0.12 second Regular ventricular rate Seldom seen but present Occasional chance capture of a conducted P wave Resulting QRS hybrid complex, part normal and part ventricle Last <30 seconds

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Polymorphic VT
Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm P Wave 150 to 250 per minute Display classic spindle-node pattern Irregular ventricular rhythm Non-existent

Torsades De Pointes
Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex QT Interval Rhythm P Wave 150 to 250 per minute QRS showed continually changing of axis (hence turning of point) Prolonged Irregular ventricular rhythm Non-existent


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Ventricular Fibrillation
Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm 150 to 300 per minute Unable to determine; no recognizable P, QRS or T waves Indeterminate Can be described as fine (peak to trough 2 to < 5 mm), or medium (5 to < 10 mm) or coarse (10 to <15 mm) or very coarse (> 15 mm)


Defining Criteria Rate QRS Complex Rhythm No ventricle activity No deflection seen No ventricle activity

Advanced Life Support Training Manual



chapter 7

Drugs in Resuscitation

Naturally occurring cathecholamines with alpha and beta effects Administration in cardiac arrest will cause intense vasoconstriction (alpha adrenergic action) and divert cardiac output to vital organ such as brain and heart Can improve ROSC although no difference in survival (Retrospective study) Facilitate defibrillation by improving myocardial blood flow during CPR

Dose and Administration For Cardiac Arrest IV/IO: 1mg (10ml of 1:10000 solution), administered every 3-5minutes followed by 20ml flush Higher dose: Specific indication only such as beta blocker or calcium channel blocker overdose. Can use up to 0.2mg/kg Infusion: Infusion rate of 1g/min titrated to effects (typically 2-10g/minute) If IV/IO is difficult to establish, adrenaline can be given through ETT at dose of 2-2.5mg For Profound Bradycardia or Hypotension Infusion at 2-10g/minute, titrated to response

Cardiac arrest: The first drug to be used in cardiac arrest of whatever cause Symptomatic bradycardia: Can be considered after atropine as an alternative infusion to dopamine Severe hypotension Anaphylaxis

Adverse Effects and Precautions

Hypertension after resuscitation Tachyarrhythmias Tissue necrosis if extravasation occurs Following ROSC, even small doses of adrenaline (50-100g) may induce tachycardia, myocardial ischaemia, VT and VF. If further dose is required, it must be titrated carefully to achieve an appropriate blood pressure

An anticholinergic agent Antagonises the action of the parasympathetic neurotransmitter acetylcholine at muscarinic receptors. Therefore, it blocks the effect of the vagus nerve on both the sino-atrial (SA) node and the atrio-ventricular (AV) node, increasing sinus automaticity and facilitating AV node conduction Dose and Administration The recommended dose for bradycardia is 0.5mg IV every 3 to 5 minutes to a max total dose of 3mg Doses of atropine sulfate of < 0.5mg may paradoxically result in further slowing of the heart rate Atropine administration should not delay external pacing for patients with poor perfusion


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First line drug for symptomatic Bradycardia Organophosphate poisoning

Dose and Administration Use atropine cautiously in the presence of acute coronary ischemia or MI; increased heart rate may worsen ischemia or increase infarction size. Will not be effective in infranodal (type II) AV block and new third-degree block with wide QRS complexes

Naturally occurring purine nucleotide Slows transmission across AV node but has little effect on other myocardial cells or conduction pathways Highly effective for terminating paroxysmal SVT with re-entrant circuits that include AV node (AVNRT) In other narrow-complex tachycardias, adenosine will reveal the underlying atrial rhythms by slowing the ventricular response Dose and Administration Give 6 mg adenosine as a rapid IV push through a large (e.g. antecubital) vein followed by a 20mL saline flush. If unsuccessful, this can be followed with up to two doses each of 12mg every 1-2 minutes

Side Effects and Precautions

Transient unpleasant side effects, in particular nausea, flushing, and chest discomfort Should not be given in patient with asthma In WPW syndrome, blockage of conduction across the AV node by adenosine may promote conduction across an accessory pathway In supraventricular arrhythmias, this may cause a dangerously rapid ventricular response. It may also precipitate atrial fibrillation associated with a dangerously rapid ventricular response. Larger doses may be required for patients with a significant blood level of theophylline, caffeine, or theobromine The initial dose should be reduced to 3 mg in patients taking dipyridamole or carbamazepine, those with transplanted hearts, or if given by central venous access

First drug for most form of stable narrowcomplex PSVT Effective in terminating stable narrowcomplex PSVT due to reentry involving AV node or sinus node May be considered for narrow-complex reentry tachycardia while preparing for cardioversion

An antiarrhythmic with complex pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics Act on sodium, potassium and calcium channels Poses alpha and beta-adrenergic blocking properties. Dose and Administration For refractory VF/pulseless VT - IV/IO 300mg bolus (dilute in 20mL Dextrose 5% solution) - Can repeat in 3-5minutes, 150 mg

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A membrane-stabilising anti-arrhythmic drug that increases the duration of the action potential and refractory period in atrial and ventricular myocardium A mild negative inotropic action Causes peripheral vasodilation through non-competitive alpha blocking effects. Atrioventricular conduction is slowed, and a similar effect is seen with accessory pathways.

For unstable tachyarrhythmias where cardioversion fails 3X, 300mg IV over 1020 minutes For stable tachyarrhythmias, 300mg IV over 20-60 minutes For Maintenance infusion: 900 mg IV over 24h g

Adverse Effects and Precautions

Can cause hypotension, bradycardia and heart block The adverse hemodynamic effects of the IV formulation of amiodarone are attributed to vasoactive solvents (polysorbate 80 and benzyl alcohol) Beware of accumulations with multiple dosing (cumulative doses >2.2g are associated with hypotension)

Refractory pulseless VT/VF (between the third and fourth shock when refractory to defibrillatory shock and vasopressor) Stable and unstable tachyarrhythmias

Essential for nerve and muscle activity Plays a vital role in the cellular mechanism underlying myocardial contraction No data supporting any beneficial action for calcium after cardiac arrest Some studies have suggested a possible adverse effect when given routinely during cardiac arrest (all rhythms) Dose and Administration The initial dose of 10 ml 10% calcium chloride (6.8 mmol Ca2+) may be repeated if necessary

Side Effects and Precautions

Calcium can slow heart rate and precipitate arrhythmias In cardiac arrest, calcium may be given by rapid intravenous injection In the presence of a spontaneous circulation give it slowly Do not give calcium solutions and sodium bicarbonate simultaneously via the same route

Only in Pulseless Electrical Activity caused by hyperkalaemia overdose of calcium hypocalcaemia channel blocker

Act as a calcium channel blocker Dose and Administration Cardiac arrest from VT/VF Initial dose: 1-1.5mg/kg IV or IO For refractory VF: may give additional dose 0.5-0.75mg/kg and repeat 5-10 minutes up to 3 times or maximal dose of 3mg/kg

Alternative to amiodarone in cardiac arrest from VT/VF Stable monomorphic VT with preserved ventricular function


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Side Effects and Precautions

In overdose it can cause slurred speech, altered consciousness, muscle twitching and seizure It also can cause hypotension, bradycardia, heart block and asytole

A chemical precursor of noradrenaline that stimulates both alpha and beta adrenergic receptors In addition, there are receptors specific for dopamine (DA1, DA2 dopaminergic receptors) Stimulates the heart through both alpa and betareceptors Both a potent adrenergic receptor agonist and a strong peripheral dopamine receptor agonist. These effects are dose dependent. Dose and Administration Usual infusion rate is 2-20g/kg/minute and dose titrated according to response

Side Effects and Precautions

Can cause tachycardia, hypertension Can precipitate arrhythmias May cause excessive systemic and splanchnic vasoconstriction for higher dose (10-20g/kg/minute) Correct hypovolemia with volume replacement before starting on dopamine Use with caution in cardiogenic shock with accompanying CHF

Second-line drug for symptomatic bradycardia Use for hypotension (systolic BP < 70 to 100 mm Hg) with signs and symptoms of shock

An electrolye important for maintaining membrane stability Hypomagnesemia can cause myocardial hyperexcitability especially in the presence of hypokalemia or digoxin Given for hypomagnesemia and Torsades de pointes Insufficient evidence to recommend for or against its routine use in cardiac arrest Dose and Administration Cardiac arrest due to Torsades de pointes or hypomagnesemia: 1-2g diluted in 10 mL D5% to be given over 5-20 minute Torsades de pointes with pulse or AMI with hypomagnesemia: Loading dose of 1-2g mixed with 50 mL D5% over 5-60 minute, followed with 0.5 to 1g/hour (titrate to control Torsades)

Recommended in cardiac arrest only if Torsades de pointes or if hypomagnesemia is present Life threatening ventricular arrhythmias due to digitalis toxicity

Side Effects and Precautions

Occasional fall in blood pressure with rapid administration Use with caution if renal failure is present

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A non-adrenergic peripheral vasoconstrictor Causes coronary and renal vasoconstriction No difference in outcome (ROSC, survival to discharge or neurological outcome) with vasopressin (40 units IV) versus adrenaline 1 mg as a first line vasopressor in cardiac arrest (three RCT and meta-analysis of the trials) Dose and Administration For cardiac arrest 40 units IV/IO may replace 1st or 2nd dose of Adrenaline

Adverse Effects and Precautions

Potent peripheral vasoconstrictor. It may precipitate cardiac ischaemia and angina

As an alternative pressor to adrenaline in the treatment of refractory VF or pulseless VT Maybe useful as alternative to adrenaline in PEA and asystole

Sodium Bicarbonate
A strong alkaline agent with high sodium and bicarbonate load Not recommended for routine use in cardiac arrest Dose and Administration 1 mEq/kg IV bolus

Adverse Effects and Precautions

May cause tissue necrosis if extravasation occurs Do not administer with same IV line used for vasopressors Avoid use with IV line used for IV Calcium

Known prexisting hyperkalemia Known preexisting bicarbonate responsive acidosis e.g. : aspirin overdose, diabetic ketoacidosis, tricyclic antidepressant or cocaine Prolonged resuscitation with effective ventilation. Upon return of spontaneous circulation after long arrest interval Not useful nor effective in hypercarbic acidosis (e.g. cardiac arrest or CPR) without tracheal intubation


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

chapter 8
Danger, UnResponsive, Shout for resuscitation team, Airway, No or abnormal Breathing

ALS Algorithms

BLS Adult Algorithm

During CPR
Push hard and fast (at least 100/minute) Allow complete chest recoil after each compression Minimize interruptions 1 cycle CPR 30:2 (2 minute) NORMAL

CPR 30:2 Attach defibrillator/monitor Minimize interruptions

Avoid hyperventilation Secure airway and confi rm placement

Return of Spontaneous Circulation


Rotate compressor every 2 minutes with rhythm check Search and treat for reversible causes -5H and 5T Hydrogen ion Hypoxia Hypothermia Hypovolemia Hypo/hyperkalemia Tamponade, cardiac Tension pneumothorax Thrombosis, Pulmonary Thrombosis, Coronary Toxins Vascular access (IV/IO) Give adrenaline every 3-5 minute


Non-Shockable (PEA/Asystole)

Shockable (VF/Pulseless VT) 1 Shock

Post Resuscitation Care

Immediately resume: - CPR for 2 minutes - Minimise interruptions

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


ALS Adult Cardiac Arrest

Pulseless Arrest BLS algorithm: DRS ABC Attach monitor/defibrillator when available

Shockable Rhythm?

Not Shockable (Asystole/PEA)

Shockable (Pulseless VT/VF)

Start CPR immediately for 2 minute When IV/IO available, Give Adrenaline 1mg IV/IO, repeat every 3-5minutes OR Give 1 dose of Vasopressin 40U IV/IO to replace 1st or 2nd dose of Adrenaline Shockable Rhythm?

Give 1 shock Manual biphasic: device specific (120-200J) AED: device specific Monophasic 360J Resume CPR immediately

Give 2 minutes of CPR

Give 2 minutes of CPR

Asystole/PEA algorithm During CPR Push hard and fast (at least 100/minute) Allow complete chest recoil after each compression Minimize interruptions 1 cycle: CPR 30:2 (2 minutes) Avoid hyperventilation Secure airway and confirm placement Rotate compressor every 2 minutes with rhythm check Search and treat for reversible causes*

Continue CPR while defibrillator is charging If shockable rhythm, give 1 shock Resume CPR immediately after shock When IV/IO available, during CPR (before or after the shock) Give Adrenaline 1mg IV/IO, repeat every 3-5 minutes, OR Give 1 dose of vasopressor 40U IV/IO to replace 1st or 2nd dose of Adrenaline

Continue CPR while defibrillator is charging If shockable, give 1 shock Resume CPR immediately after shock Consider anti-arrhythmics: during CPR, Give Amiodarone 300 mg IV/IO, 150 mg second dose Consider magnesium 1-2g IV/IO loading dose for Torsades de pointes


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Bradycardia (with pulse) Algorithm

Assess using the ABCD approach Ensure oxygen given and obtain IV access Monitor ECG, BP, SpO , record 12-lead ECG Identify and treat reversible causes (e.g. electrolyte abnormalities)

Assess for Evidence of Adverse Signs*

Assess for Evidence of Adverse Signs:

Shock Syncope/Altered mental status Myocardial ischaemia Heart failure

Atropine 0.5mg

Interim measures:
Satisfactory Response?


Atropine 0.5 mg IV, repeat to max 3 mg Dopamine 2-10 g/kg/minute Adrenaline 2-10 g/minute


Risk of Asytole?


OR Transcutaneous pacing

Risk of Asystole?
Recent asystole Mobitz II AV Block Complete heart block with broad QRS Ventricular pause > 3s


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Tachycardia Algorithm with Pulse

Assess using the ABCD approach Ensure oxygen given and obtain IV access Monitor ECG, BP, Sp0 , record 12-lead ECG Identify and treat reversible causes (e.g. electrolyte abnormalities)
Possibilities include: AF with bundle branch block, treat as for narrow complex Pre-excited AF, Consider Amiodarone Polymorphic VT (e.g. Torsades de pointes - give magnesium 2 g over 10 minutes) Assess for evidence of adverse signs: 1. Shock 2. Syncope/Altered mental status 3. Myocardial ischaemia 4. Heart failure

is QRS Broad and Regular?


is QRS narrow (<0.12 second)?



If Ventricular Tachycardia (or uncertain rhythm): Amiodarone 300 mg IV over 20-60 minutes; 900 mg over 24hours If previously confirmed SVT with bundle branch block: Give Adenosine as for regular narrow complex tachycardia

is QRS narrow regular?

Continue in next page

yes no

Narrow Complex Tachycardia Use vagal maneuvers Adenosine 6 mg rapid IV bolus; If unsuccessful give 12 mg; If unsuccessful give further 12 mg

Irregular Narrow Complex Tachycardia Probable atrial fibrillation Control rate with: B-Blocker or Diltiazem Consider Digoxin or Amiodarone if evidence of heart failure Anticoagulate if duration >48hours

Normal sinus rhythm restored?

Probable atrial flutter Control rate (eg Beta Blocker)

Probable re-entry PSVT: Record 12 lead ECG If recurs, give Adenosine again & consider choice of anti-arrhythmic prophylaxis


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Assess using the ABCD approach Ensure oxygen given and obtain IV access Monitor ECG, BP, SpO , record 12-lead ECG Identify and treat reversible causes (e.g. electrolyte abnormalities)

Assess for evidence of adverse signs: 1. Shock 2. Syncope/Altered mental status 3. Myocardial ischaemia 4. Heart failure


no Synchronised DC Shock* Up to 3 attempts

Amiodarone 300 mg IV over 10-20 minutes Repeat shock Followed by Amiodarone 900 mg over 24hours

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


chapter 9
Post Resuscitation Care

Post Resuscitation Care

Post resuscitation care starts when there is return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). The chances of achieving ROSC are greatly enhanced when: The arrest is witnessed The underlying arrhythmia is VF or pulseless VT Successful defibrillation is achieved in 2-3 minutes and not longer than 8 minutes High quality CPR started and continued

It emphasises the following measures to improve neurological outcome: Avoid hyperoxaemia after ROSC; titrate oxygen to SaO2 94-96% Glucose control to treat hyperglycaemia (>10mmol/L) and avoid hypoglycaemia Seizure control Maintenance of cerebral perfusion Therapeutic hypothermia

A comprehensive post resuscitation treatment protocol for the management of patients after cardiac arrest includes: 1. Airway Ensure that the airway is open, oxygenation and perfusion are adequate Titrate oxygen to SaO2 94-96% Consider advanced airway support if not instituted Position the unintubated patient in the recovery position to prevent aspiration 2. Hemodynamics/Circulation Always assess the haemodynamic status of the patient Monitor vital signs every 5-15 minutes Report patients progress at intermittent intervals Report any deterioration or drastic changes immediately When resuscitation is prolonged, hypotension is common following ROSC. Should hypotension persist, dopamine titrated to maintain a systolic blood pressure of 90mmHg is the agent of choice 3. Therapeutic Hypothermia Cool patient to 32-340C for 12-24 hours.


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4. Neurology Status Assess patients ability to respond to verbal or painful stimuli Check the motor response to detect any motor deficit Check the pupils size and reaction 5. Drug Infusion Consider anti-arrhythmics that have been effective during the resuscitation as infusions Use infusion pumps to ensure accurate delivery Maintain an accurate record of all fluids given 6. Correct Abnormalities Actively search and correct underlying abnormalities which may lead to arrest Common abnormalities that may require correction after the arrest include electrolyte imbalances, hypoxaemia and acidosis Correct glucose level > 10.0mmol/l and avoid hypoglycaemia 7. Transfer to Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or Coronary Care Unit (CCU) Make immediate arrangement to transfer the patient to ICU or CCU if the patients condition remains critical Prior to transfer, ensure the patients condition is stabilised and patient fit for transfer 8. Documentation of the Resuscitation The resuscitation record is an essential component of any resuscitation effort It provides documentation of the life support procedures that were performed The record allows us to reconstruct the sequence of events with correlation of interventions and responses during the resuscitation The record also allows the evaluation of appropriateness of care and facilities Such documentation allows the evaluation of appropriateness of care and facilities the prospective collection of data for measuring the outcome and effects of training Relatives must always be kept informed

After a successful resuscitation, it is crucial that the patients airway, breathing and circulation are secured and stabilized. Haemodynamic and neurological states are closely monitored before and during transfer to ICU or CCU. Relatives must always be kept informed.

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chapter 10
Ethical principles

Ethical Issues in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Ethical Issues in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is carried out to preserve life. However, in most instances, CPR is initiated without considering the fact whether it is done against the wishes of the victim, family members or if an advanced directive exists.

When caring for those who need CPR, healthcare providers must consider ethical, legal and cultural factors. The decision to initiate or continue resuscitative effort should be guided by knowledge, individual patient or surrogate preferences, local and legal requirements. There are 5 important aspects of ethical principles that govern the decision for resuscitation: 1) Autonomy: Right of patient to accept or refuse therapy. Applied to those who has decision-making capacity unless otherwise as declared by a court of law 2) Beneficence: Benefit provided to patient while balancing risks and benefits

3) Non maleficence: Doing no harm or further harm 4) Justice: Equal distribution of limited health resources and if resuscitation is provided it should be available to all who will benefit from it within the available resources 5) Dignity and Honesty: Patient should be treated with dignity. There must be honesty in revealing information in the best interest of the patient


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

This is an important aspect in deciding whether to start or withhold CPR. It is a legal binding document in the United States and can be either verbal or written, based on conversations, written directives, living wills or from a durable power of attorney. It is important to note that the court of law accepts written advanced directives more than recollections of conversations. Principles of futility Medical futility occurs when an intervention is unlikely to benefit the patient. It is also defined when an intervention fails to achieve patients intended quality goals or the physicians physiological goals. Discontinuation of resuscitative efforts or withholding resuscitation should be considered in such situations. However, if the prognosis is in doubt or uncertain, a trial of treatment should be considered until adequate information is gathered to determine the expected clinical course or the likelihood of survival. Following are instances whereby CPR efforts should be reconsidered: 1) When to stop CPR - Return of spontaneous circulation - Exhaustion - Obvious signs of death - Decision by the caring physician 2) When not to start CPR - Presence of an Advanced Directive by the patient or surrogate decision maker - Valid DNAR by attending physician - Obvious signs of death - Injuries incompatible with life



Advanced Life Support Training Manual

Skill Station Competency Checklist Management of Respiratory Arrest BLS Primary Survey and Intervention
Assesses Danger Establishes unResponsiveness Shouts for help: Activates Emergency Medical Service (EMS) and gets AED OR Directs 2nd rescuer to activate EMS and gets the AED Checks and opens the Airway (head tilt-chin lift or if trauma is suspected, jaw thrust without head extension) Checks for absent or abnormal Breathing (Assesses for absence of breathing almost simultaneously while opening the airway in less than 10seconds) Starts 30 Chest compressions almost immediately if no breathing or abnormal breathing to be followed by 2 rescue breaths Attaches AED-Organized rhythm present Check carotid pulse-Pulse present Performs rescue breaths just enough to see chest rise at the correct rate 1 breath every 5 to 6 seconds (10 to 12 breath/minute)

if done correctly

ALS Secondary Survey Case Skills

Inserts OPA and NPA (student should demonstrate both) Performs correct bag-mask ventilation Administers oxygen Reassesses pulse about every 2 minutes

Critical Action
Performs Primary ABCD Properly inserts OPA or NPA Can ventilate with bag-mask Gives proper ventilation-rate and volume Rechecks pulse and other signs of circulation

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


CPR/AED Testing Checklist VF Treated With CPR and Automated External Defibrillation (1 Rescuer)
Skill Step
1 2 3 4 5 6

Critical Performance Steps

Assesses Danger Checks unResponsiveness Shouts for help: someone to activate EMS and get an AED Opens Airway using head tilt-chin lift Checks for absent or abnormal Breathing Locates CPR hand position Delivers 30 compressions at 100/min Acceptable < 20 seconds for 30 compressions Gives 2 breaths (1 second each)

Adult/Child CPR with AED if done correctly

AED Arrives
AED 1 AED 2 AED 3 AED 4 Turns AED on Selects proper AED pads and places pads correctly Clears patient to analyze (must be visible and verbal check) Clears patient to shock/presses shock button (must be visible and verbal check) Maximum time from AED arrival < 90 seconds

Student Continues CPR

8 Delivers second cycle of compressions at correct hand position, adequate depth and full chest recoil Acceptable <20 seconds for 30 compressions Gives 2 breaths (1 second each) with visible chest rise


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Advanced Life Support Training Manual

Megacode Testing Checklist 1/2 Bradycardia VF/Pulseless VT Asystole Critical Performance Steps Team Leader
Ensures high-quality CPR at all times Assigns team members roles

if done correctly

Bradycardia Management
Starts oxygen, places monitor, starts IV Places monitor leads in proper position Recognizes symptomatic bradycardia Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses Verbalizes the need for transcutaneous pacing

VF/Pulseless VT Management
Recognizes VF Clears before ANALYZE and SHOCK Immediately resumes CPR after shocks Appropriate airway management Appropriate cycles Drug-Rhythm Check/Shock - CPR Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses

Asystole Management
Recognizes asystole Verbalizes potential reversible causes of Asystole/PEA (Hs and Ts) Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses Immediately resumes CPR after rhythm checks STOP THE TEST


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Instructor Signature: ___________________________ Print Inst.Name: ______________________________ Date: _______________________________________

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


Megacode Testing Checklist 3 Tachycardia VF/ Pulseless VT PEA Critical Performance Steps Team Leader
Ensures high-quality CPR at all times Assigns team members roles

if done correctly

Tachycardia Management
Starts oxygen, places monitor, starts IV Places monitor leads in proper position Recognizes unstable tachycardia Recognizes symptoms due to tachycardia Performs immediate synchronized cardioversion

VF/Pulseless VT Management
Recognizes VF Clears before ANALYZE and SHOCK Immediately resumes CPR after shocks Appropriate airway management Appropriate cycles Drug-Rhythm Check/Shock - CPR Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses

Asystole Management
Recognizes asystole Verbalizes potential reversible causes of Asystole/PEA (Hs and Ts) Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses Immediately resumes CPR after rhythm checks STOP THE TEST


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Instructor signature affi rms that skills test were done according to NCORT ALS guidelines Save this sheet with course record.

Instructor Signature: ___________________________ Print Inst.Name: ______________________________ Date: _______________________________________


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

Megacode Testing Checklist 4 Tachycardia VF/Pulseless VT PEA Critical Performance Steps Team Leader
Ensures high-quality CPR at all times Assigns team members roles

if done correctly

Bradycardia Management
Starts oxygen, places monitor, starts IV Places monitor leads in proper position Recognizes tachycardia (specifi c diagnosis) Recognizes no symptoms due to tachycardia Attempts vagal maneuvers Gives appropriate initial drug thetapy

VF/Pulseless VT Management
Recognizes VF Clear before ANALYZE and SHOCK Immediately resumes CPR after shocks Appropriate airway management Appropriate cycles Drug-Rhythm Check/Shock-CPR Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses

Asystole Management
Recognizes asystole Verbalizes potential reversible causes of Asystole/PEA (Hs and Ts) Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses Immediately resumes CPR after rhythm checks STOP THE TEST


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Instructor signature affi rms that skills test were done according to NCORT ALS guidelines Save this sheet with course record.

Instructor Signature: ___________________________ Print Inst.Name: ______________________________ Date: _______________________________________


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

This Manual Is Compiled By The Following Members Of The Sub Committee

Advanced Life Support Sub Committee
Dr Tan Cheng Cheng
Consultant Anaesthesiologist and Intensivist Sultanah Aminah Hospital Johor Bahru

Dr Chong Yoon Sin

Consultant Cardiologist Serdang Hospital Selangor

Dr Luah Lean Wah

Consultant Anaesthesiologist Penang General Hospital Penang

Dr Priya Gill

Physician and Dermatologist Kuala Lumpur Hospital Kuala Lumpur

Dr Ismail Tan bin Mohd Ali Tan

Consultant Anaesthesiologist and Intensivist Kuala Lumpur Hospital Kuala Lumpur

Dr Ridzuan bin Dato Mohd Isa

Consultant Emergency Physician Ampang Hospital Selangor

Dr Wan Nasrudin bin Wan Ismail

Consultant Anaesthesiologist and Intensivist Raja Perempuan Zainab II Hospital Kota Bahru

Dr. Kasuadi bin Hussin
Senior Principal Assistant Director Medical Development Division

Dr Mohd Khairul Anwar bin Shafii

Senior Assistant Director Medical Development Division

Azman bin Hussin

Assistant Medical Officer Medical Development Division

Assistant Medical Officer Medical Development Division

Mohd Faiz bin Johari

Advanced Life Support Training Manual


National Committee On Resuscitation Training (NCORT) Sub Committee

Advanced Life Support Sub Committee
Dr Tan Cheng Cheng
Consultant Anaesthesiologist and Intensivist Sultanah Aminah Hospital Johor Bahru

Dr Priya Gill

Physician and Dermatologist Kuala Lumpur Hospital Kuala Lumpur

Dr Luah Lean Wah

Consultant Anaesthesiologist Penang General Hospital Penang

Dr Ridzuan bin Dato Mohd Isa

Consultant Emergency Physician Ampang Hospital Selangor

Dr Ismail Tan bin Mohd Ali Tan

Consultant Anaesthesiologist and Intensivist Kuala Lumpur Hospital Kuala Lumpur

Dr Adi bin Osman

Consultant Emergency Physician Raja Permaisuri Bainun Hospital Ipoh

Dr Wan Nasrudin bin Wan Ismail

Consultant Anaesthesiologist and Intensivist Raja Perempuan Zainab II Hospital Kota Bahru

Dr Thohiroh binti Abdul Razak

Consultant Anaesthesiologist Kuala Lumpur Hospital Kuala Lumpur

Dr Chong Yoon Sin

Consultant Cardiologist Serdang Hospital Selangor


Advanced Life Support Training Manual

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