Beasts of Fey Woodlands
Beasts of Fey Woodlands
Beasts of Fey Woodlands
Roll D6 three times to determine Beast's lower and upper body and head type. Also roll D6 once for Special Ability.
1 2 3 4 5 6 Horse Lion Stag Eagle Tree Man
Fighty & Claws M-U spell M-U spell Flight & Eggs Flight, Eggs, Claws vulnerable to fire vulnerable to fire Smart/organized
+1 Special Ability Fighty Charge attack Beak vulnerable to fire Smart/organized 1 2 3 4 5 6
Shy/Oracle Teleport Healing Giant Wake trees Magic resistance
All Beasts have 4 HD. Beasts with Lion or Tree parts add D3 HD. AC is D4+2. -1 for Trees, Eagles or Shy. Attacks are typically 1D6. 1D8 if HD is 6 or greater. MV is 2x Man for Horse, Stag and Lion (sprint only for Lions) Tree is Man, Eagle MV is Flig ht at 2x Man. No. Appearing is D6. +2D6 for Horse, x10 for Man. (The above modifications apply if any part of the creature is that type) Abilities and Special Abilities: Fig hty: creature is aggressive. -2 reaction rolls. Claws: Damage die is one size larger. M-U spell: Random first or second level. Eggs: Eggs & offspring are very valuable. Charge attack or Beak: extra D10 attack Vulnerable to fire: +d6 damage from fire attacks, +1 Special Ability smart/organized: will use weapons, shields or tools
HD: AC: Attacks: HD: AC: Attacks: HD: AC: Attacks: HD: AC: Attacks: HD: AC: Attacks: No. App: MV: No. App: MV: No. App: MV: No. App: MV: No. App: MV:
Shy/Oracle: can only be tamed by virgin or innocent and/or is capable of prophecy. Teleport: 1 mile max. once per day. Healing: 3d6 HP/day Giant: x2 HD, damage die is one size larger Wake Trees: once per day: animate d4 trees in 60' radius MV is Man, HD: 2d6 ea. Magic Resistance: unaffected by magic 1:4 on D6.