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.Au Buyers Guide

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A step-by-step

guide to buying
a new home


Best value—now and into the future

Free checklist Style and quality that lasts
inside Healthy, comfortable living
10 steps to your new home
You and You and your builder
your family working together Your builder

step 1 You think about your needs see pages 2–3

step 2 You plan your budget see page 4

step 3 You choose your site see page 5

step 4 You choose your new home see pages 6–9

step 5 You arrange your finance

step 6 Your builder prepares your plans

step 7 You check your plans and discuss changes, if necessary see pages 10–13

step 8 Your builder revises your plans and manages all the approvals

step 9 You select colours, finishes, fittings and appliances see pages 14–20

step 10 Your builder finalises your plans; construction begins; your new home is built

Your new home is ready and you move in!

Which steps are covered in this Guide?

This Guide covers the steps shown in colour in this diagram.
It discusses the choices that you’ll need to make in relation to your new home
(steps 1,2,3,4,7 and 9) but doesn’t cover home finance, drawing up plans,
development approval or construction (steps 5,6, 8 and 10—shown in grey).
Buyer’s Guide
Buying a new home is an exciting process.
This Guide will take you through the
process of choosing a new home
step-by-step, explaining what to look
for and the important questions to ask.

Getting started 2

Planning your budget 4

Choosing where to live 5

Choosing your new home 6

Working with your builder (room by room) 10

Selecting heating & cooling 14

Selecting fittings & appliances 16

Selecting colours & finishes 18

Designing your outdoor living 20

Back pocket:
Your New Home Checklist

You can also find this Buyer’s Guide and

checklist online at
step 1
Getting started
step 2
Your home is important The checklist that accompanies this Guide (on each
right-hand page and repeated in the back pocket) is a
in so many ways useful reminder of features that can add value to your
step 3 home and make it a more comfortable place to live. You
It’s a place to relax, unwind and spend quality time
with family and friends. It’s probably also the biggest can use it when you’re comparing different homes and
investment you’ll make. Use this Guide to choose a products. You might also want to use it as a reminder
home that will meet your needs, will be cheaper to run list when you’re talking with sales staff and builders.
step 4
and will provide the best value for money—now and for We hope this Guide will inspire you to find out
a long time to come. Your family will thank you for it. more. There are links throughout to the wealth of
This Guide is designed for you, to take the stress out information in the Your Home Technical Manual so
step 5 of choosing a home. You might only build once or you can find more about whatever interests you.
twice in your life, so this is the opportunity to create There are different ways you can go about
exactly what you want in your new home. But it can be purchasing your home. You can:
daunting too. There is so much to consider, from prices • purchase your land first, then choose a home to suit
step 6
and layouts through to product and colour selections.
• choose your home first, then purchase your land
• choose a house and land package, or
step 7
• knock down your existing home and rebuild.
These are all really important decisions and the
‘Thinking through what tips here will help you to make them wisely. From
a design perspective it’s better to choose your land
step 8 we wanted first saved first if you can, then choose a home to suit. Choosing
a home and land package minimises some of the
so much time once we complications but it can limit some of your choices.

step 9 started looking.’ Whichever way you decide, aim for the best match
you can get between your land and your home.
Read on to find out how.

step 10

Using this Guide If you live in a tropical climate, design

advice about some issues such as orientation
Use this Guide to:
and shading can vary from what’s written here.
• think through your needs See instead the State-specific information in
and create your ‘wish list’ the back pocket of this Guide or on the Your
• compare different homes Home website at
and products You’ll be amazed by how much good
• find the best value for money, design can improve your lifestyle—and
now and for the future. good design starts with finding the best
match between your land and your home.

Checklist: Getting started
Our family’s ‘must haves’:

Start with a list

The process of buying a home can seem complicated.
There are so many things to consider and sometimes
it’s hard to know where to start. To help you Our family’s ‘wish list’:
remember all the details and get the most out of
the process, it’s a good idea to start with a list.
Write down your ‘must haves’ so you know what
your priorities are. Buying a home is an emotional
process and sometimes it’s easy to fall in love with
a particular house feature or style, forgetting about
what you originally decided you needed to suit your
Number of bedrooms:
lifestyle and budget. Your ‘must haves’ may include
things like number of bedrooms, good natural light, Number of bathrooms:
separate play area for the kids and a breezy, open feel. Other important features for us:
Next write down your ‘wish list’. Your ‘wish list’
should include extras that would be of great value
or use to you, like shaded alfresco dining with good
sunlight in winter, granite benchtops, solar hot
water or a rainwater tank.
There are many places you can go for information and
ideas, including home magazines, websites, display Our budget range:
villages and home ideas centres. Talk to friends and
learn from their experiences—what do they love about
their home, and what would they change? Thinking Tips:
through what you want first makes it much easier
Make sure your ‘must have’ list includes features that save on running
once you start talking to sales people and builders.
costs and enhance resale value, like good insulation and an efficient
Your lists can help you to prioritise what you really hot water system (see page 14).
need, while staying within your budget. They can also Think about how often your family might use a formal living
be really useful when you’re talking with your builder. or dining area before you add them to your ‘must have’ list.

Buying your first home Find out more

If this is your first home, talk to other people who’ve Your Home Technical Manual
already built a home about what’s worked for them. is an award-winning guide
What do they like—what would they change? to housing, with over 60
Which rooms are their favourite, and what is it that factsheets full of handy
makes them so pleasant to spend time in? How tips and ideas, plus home
does the amount of sunlight change the warmth design examples from
and feel of different parts of the home? What around the country.
are their favourite features? Would they change It’s available free online:
anything about the floor plan or the style?

step 1
Planning your budget
step 2
Invest in the long term Factor in all the costs
For most people a home is much more than a place When you visit a display home village, the prices
step 3 to live, it’s a long-term investment. This is your displayed are usually base house prices, from which
opportunity to find a home that’s not only good value point you can choose additional upgrades and features.
upfront, but holds its value over time. Your decisions It’s often difficult to compare ‘apples with apples’
at this stage will have important consequences because what’s offered as a standard inclusion by one
step 4 for your future, so you want to get it right. home building company may not be offered by another.
When you start looking at homes, it’s easy to Many home buyers say they wish they’d known
focus on the short term—‘what can I afford right about the hidden costs right from the start. To
step 5 now?’ But when you think about it, ongoing costs help with your budgeting, check with your builder
are really important too. For example, an energy about which of the following items are included in
efficient home means lower energy bills, so you can the price you’ve been quoted:
use the savings to pay off your mortgage faster. • council approval fees
step 6 Times are changing rapidly and new issues need to • construction insurance premiums
be factored into smart investment decisions. This • soil test by a qualified engineer
is sometimes called ‘future proofing’—making sure • connections to services
that your investment will hold its value over time. • excavation and drainage
step 7
Protect your investment against rising energy, • driveways and landscaping
water and petrol costs by ensuring your • legally required construction extras
home saves energy and water and is close (e.g. scaffolding, security fencing)
step 8 to everything you need, including public • lighting
transport. Choose long-lasting, durable materials
• floor finishes (e.g. carpet, tiles etc.)
that don’t need a lot of maintenance.
• kitchen cabinets, benchtops, sinks and appliances
These choices also have an impact on resale • curtains and blinds.
step 9
value. Regulations for new buildings are getting
stricter all the time, and when you sell your Make sure the cost of meeting State and local council
home you want it to be able to compete with regulations (such as extra insulation, rainwater tanks,
newer, more energy and water efficient homes. etc.) has been factored into the quoted price.
step 10

Banks are aware of ‘future proofing’ too, which is Take time to think about your budget—this
why they are starting to offer ‘green mortgages’. is your chance to lock in features that hold
You can get a lower interest rate when you include their value and save you money, such as:
‘green’ features. This doesn’t mean alternative • quality design that uses space cleverly
materials like mud brick or straw bales. It just means
a well designed, long-lasting home that saves • a comfortable home with a high star rating
precious resources … and saves you money. • water and energy saving features.
Find out about financial assistance such as rebates Many of these features come at no extra
for items like hot water systems and rainwater cost, and those that do cost more upfront
tanks. Your local council should be able to advise are usually quickly paid for by savings in
 you about the rebates available in your area. energy, water and maintenance bills.
Choosing where to live
Location, location! Checklist: Choosing where to live
Location is so important. You have the opportunity to Suburbs or estates our family is considering:
maximise your investment by choosing a block that’s
close to everything you need and well connected to
public transport. Smart investors know this protects
them from the effects of rising petrol prices and
Will we be close to everything we need—shops,
increased traffic congestion. Being able to walk or
schools, parks, public transport, etc?
cycle to shops, schools and public transport not only
makes life easier but healthier too. A better location Our location ‘must haves’:
might mean a smaller block—or even a different
style of home—but maybe it’s worth it when you
think about everyday travel times and convenience.
Did you know that the way your home sits on your
block can have an impact on your energy bills? When
you’re looking at different blocks consider how you
could position a home so that it’s naturally warm in Best location for us would be:
winter and cool in summer. Blocks with their long
side facing north can be ideal—this makes it easy
to position a home so it will have a sunny northerly Will we be able to position a home on our block so it has good access to
aspect. Blocks with their back facing north can sun, ideally with the long side or back facing north (or close to north)?
also be good, making it easy to provide the back
Will any neighbouring buildings have an effect on our
garden and living areas with a northerly aspect.
block’s privacy, views or access to winter sun?
It also pays to look for blocks with good access to
cooling breezes, especially in warm climates. Best block for us:
No matter which way your block faces you can
still get a good outcome—just as long as you
choose a suitable home design. This is explained Tip:
further on—see ‘Find the perfect fit’ next page. Check the bus and train routes near your preferred location—
how long will it take to walk to the nearest bus stop or train station?

Spend less time stuck Find out more Where is north?

in traffic and more time
Your Home factsheets: To find out you can use
enjoying life. Being
a street directory—the
able to walk or cycle to Choosing a site
top of the page is always
shops, schools, parks Design for climate north. Most estate plans
and public transport not Orientation will include a north arrow.
only makes life easier
but healthier too.

step 1
Choosing your new home
step 2
Know the rules Choose the floor plan
First, it helps if you can find out the requirements that works for you
step 3 for homes at your chosen location. You can do this
Looking at builders’ floor plans is where you can start to
by checking with your builder and with the local
compare your ‘must haves’ and ‘wish list’ with what’s on
council. If you’re buying into an estate there may also
offer. You can make choices based on how many square
be additional requirements made by the developer
step 4 metres you can get for your money, but smart investors
that you need to follow. These requirements can
know that there’s much more to a good investment.
cover a range of different things including types
of building materials, façade style, fences and hot Think carefully about what you really need. It’s
water systems, to name a few. Often these are called tempting to want more area for your money but
step 5 bigger isn’t always better—you’ll have less garden
‘design guidelines’ or ‘covenants’ for the estate.
space and more house to heat, cool, light, clean
and furnish. This adds to your costs now and into
the future. Good design that doesn’t waste space
step 6
feels great to live in and holds its value better.

‘We discovered there’s Find the perfect fit

step 7
so much more to it than Make sure the homes you’re considering will fit well
on your block. For example, check the width of the
cost per square metre ... home frontage and any setback requirements (the
step 8 distances you have to leave between your home
our home has character and your site boundaries). Your builder should be
able to help you here—and do the work for you!
and spaces that work Choosing a floor plan that faces the right way on
step 9
well for us.’ your block will make your home more comfortable,
and you won’t need to spend as much on heating,
cooling and lighting.
step 10

Smart tips
The north side is warmer The south side is the If you can’t get an ideal position
in winter and the best coolest and good for for every room, you can still
place for rooms you use bedrooms in warmer have an energy saving home.
a lot, like living areas. climates, as well as rooms You’ll just need to pay more attention
The west side gets hot you don’t use often. to design and this might cost a little
in the afternoon and is The east side gets more. Good position on the block
best for rooms you don’t morning sun and is gives you a headstart and makes the
use often, like bathrooms, good for breakfast rooms, rest easier, so lock it in if you can!
garages and laundries. kitchens and bedrooms.

Here are some tips for positioning your living areas: Checklist: Choosing our new home
• If the front of your block faces south, place living
areas at the rear of your home—an easy solution! Homes our family is considering:

• If the front of your block faces east or west,

place living areas at the rear of your home,
facing onto the north side of your block.
• If the front of your block faces north, try
placing your living areas at the front of your
home and increasing your setback from the
street with a private, spacious front garden. Our preferred home:

If you have a sloping block, think about the kind of

home that would make the best fit with minimum Is it a functional floor plan without wasted
excavation and drainage costs. Discuss this with your space and with plenty of storage?
builder and ask them to suggest a suitable home design.
What would we change about this plan?
Check with your builder that the position of your
home will maintain privacy for you and your
neighbours. Keep bedrooms away from noisy areas
like driveways or neighbours’ living areas. Now is
also a good time to think about where you’ll put
cost saving features like an outdoor clothesline
and water saving features like a rainwater tank.

Why north for living areas? Will our preferred home fit well on our block with
living areas facing north (or close to north)?
North is the best position for rooms you spend a
lot of time in because north-facing rooms get sun
for the longest part of the day. They are also the
easiest to shade from unwanted sun. In summer
when the sun is high, the right size eaves will shade
north-facing rooms, while in winter when the sun
is lower, sunlight will come in under the eaves. Tips:
Talk to your builder about making no cost or low cost changes—
If it looks like your living areas won’t get good
for example, can you flip or rotate the plan?
sunlight ask your builder if you can flip or rotate
the plan for better positioning on the site, or If you have a steeply sloping block, choose a split-level or
make minor modifications to the plan. raised floor design.

A home for life Find out more

You might be planning to live in this home for a Your Home factsheets:
long time so ask for features that will make your
home a safe and easy place to live as you grow
older, like entries and showers without steps. Passive design introduction
The Adaptable House
These features make good sense anyway and
come in handy when you have small children Health and safety
or elderly or less mobile visitors. They could
also make your home attractive to a wider
range of people when it comes time to sell.

step 1
Choosing your new home
step 2
Aim for the stars Moving to a 5-star home can halve your heating
and cooling costs. In a climate like Melbourne
Your home’s star rating indicates how comfortable upgrading to a 7-star home can reduce heating
step 3 it will be and how much you’re likely to save on and cooling costs by 75%! What’s more, a high star
heating and cooling bills. The star rating scale goes rating can improve the resale price of your home.
up to 10 stars—the highest that can possibly be
achieved. In many States new homes are required
step 4 to be at least 5 stars (NSW requires BASIX scores Eaves work wonders
instead of star ratings). Astute home buyers are A roof with eaves is a cheap and effective way to
beginning to ask for 6 stars or more—an indication help keep your home cool in summer. The eaves
of good, energy saving design. help shade walls and windows from high-angle
step 5
The star rating for your home is focused on the summer sun. Eaves work particularly well on the
building ‘shell’—building materials, insulation, north side, providing effective summer shading and
windows—as well as how your home is matched letting in winter sun, without you having to do a
step 6 to your block. All the tips on this page will help thing. This happens because winter sun is at a lower
you reach a good star rating. You can get a good angle than summer sun and comes in under the
star rating with almost any house style, but eaves. Eaves can also help with waterproofing and
some styles work more easily than others. can stop paint from cracking and fading in the sun.
step 7 If you choose a style without eaves, just be aware
that you’ll want to include additions like adjustable
‘We paid extra for better window shutters to keep your home comfortable.
step 8 insulation in the ceiling—
Glass has an impact on bills
it was worth every cent. Glass is the ‘path of least resistance’ for losing or
step 9 We couldn’t believe the letting in heat, so don’t go overboard on it. If you do,
your home may feel like a sauna in summer and an
difference ... we hardly igloo in winter.

step 10 use the heater anymore.’

Home building contributes to some About star ratings

of Australia’s biggest environmental
In the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria,
problems and building regulations
South Australia and Western Australia all new
are changing fast as we find smarter
homes are required to achieve 5 stars. Some of
ways to build. The regulations may
these States also have additional energy and
vary depending on where you live
water saving requirements. In New South Wales
but one thing is certain: homes of
new homes need to comply with the energy
the future will need to get better
and water targets in BASIX. In Queensland,
and better at saving resources.
new homes must meet regulations for hot
It pays to think about this now! water systems, lighting and water savings.

The way the sun moves across the sky means that Checklist: Choosing our new home
some places are better for glass than others—
glass facing north is ideal because you get lots of The star rating of our home will be:
winter sun and all you need are eaves to shade it in (Will we score 6 stars or more?)
summer. Glass facing east or west can overheat in Is there good insulation under roofs, in ceilings and in walls?
summer and needs adjustable shading like shutters Do we need floor insulation?
or louvres. Deep shade pergolas can also work well
in some cases. Glass facing south doesn’t get much Do our windows predominantly face north?
sun and could make your home feel cold in winter. Are our north-facing windows shaded by eaves or overhangs?
If you live in a cooler climate, consider double
glazing to keep your home more comfortable.
Curtains with pelmets also help to keep warmth Are our east and west-facing windows shaded by adjustable shutters?
in. Windows that can open up wide make it easy
to capture cooling breezes in summer. Flyscreens,
security grilles and windows that lock when partly Do we need to consider double glazing? Where?
open allow you to let breezes in whenever you need
to. For more information on choosing glass to suit
your needs, see the Your Home Glazing factsheets. Will we use curtains with pelmets to help keep in heat? Where?

Insulation is a wise investment Comments, things we’d like to change about our home design:
Although you don’t see it, you’ll feel the impact of
good insulation every day. Your home will be quieter
and more comfortable plus you’ll save money on
energy bills. Ask about what’s included in your
price, and, if necessary, talk to your builder about
increasing the amount of insulation in your home. Tips:
Consider adding extra doors to close off rooms for ease of heating
The right level of insulation for your home depends
and cooling—this will also reduce your electricity costs.
on your climate but generally the more the better.
Make sure you have reflective insulation (like shiny Ask your builder whether your ceilings will be high enough to
foil sarking that goes under the roof) as well as bulk accommodate fans—this can help save on cooling costs.
insulation like batts. The higher the ‘R value’ the If you have views to the west, east or south, use small picture windows
better the insulation. Make sure you also have good to capture the view while minimising unwanted heat loss or gain.
draft proofing, including weather seals on windows Make sure your eaves are wide enough to provide good shade—the
and external doors. Your Home Shading factsheet explains how to size eaves correctly.

Did you know? Find out more

In the Australian Capital Territory Your Home factsheets:
all homes for sale must provide
Design for climate Shading
information to prospective buyers
about their energy efficiency. Orientation Insulation overview
Passive solar heating Insulation installation
Choosing a dark roof colour could make
Passive cooling Rating tools
your home overheat in summer as dark
materials absorb heat more readily. Glazing overview

step 1
Working with your builder
step 2
Your living areas Clever design of space is crucial in a living area.
It’s the feeling of spaciousness rather than the amount
Here’s your chance to create your ideal living space, of space that matters most—and how well the spaces
step 3 somewhere you can relax, entertain and spend function. Look for practical, well designed areas that
quality time with family and friends. This is the use space cleverly and don’t waste it—after all, you’re
most lived-in part of your home so it deserves some paying for it! You could also talk to your builder about
extra-special attention. modifications that allow you to use space flexibly, like
step 4
It’s a good idea to face your living areas north or close room dividers or sliding partitions. This way you can
to north if you can. This way you’ll get loads of winter also adapt space to suit your family’s changing needs.
sun and easy shade in summer if you have eaves. To keep living areas cool in summer make sure you
step 5 Anything within the range of 20 degrees west to 30 have windows or openings on more than one side
degrees east of north is good. In tropical climates you’re of the living area. This allows cooling breezes to
best off facing living areas to capture cooling breezes. flow through. High windows or skylights work well
Open plan living is popular and can create a wonderful to get rid of hot air as it rises. Just make sure they
step 6 flow of space. But when living areas are too open, can be closed in winter and the frames have good
especially if they have mezzanines or high ceilings, they weather seals. Double glazing will also help to keep
can be difficult (and expensive) to heat and cool. They heat in during winter—handy in cooler climates.
can also be noisy. Some designs give you the flexibility
step 7
to open up or divide up the space as you need.

step 8 ‘We put in two extra doors, making

our living areas easier to heat and
step 9 cool. This also helps keep the house
quiet when the baby is sleeping.’
step 10

You can use outdoor space

as an extension of your living
room, effectively getting
more space for free!

If you have young children,

design kitchens and living
areas to overlook play areas.

Checklist: Our living areas and kitchen
The living areas we need are:

Your kitchen
Can our living areas be divided up as needed,
Kitchens are said to be the heart of the home, for economical heating and cooling?
where everything happens. It’s often the
kitchen and living areas that people fall in love Will our living areas get plenty of sunlight in winter?
with and that’s important if you’re thinking Will our living areas be shaded in summer?
about resale value. A well designed, functional
kitchen can really add value to your home. Can windows be opened on more than one side of
living areas to let cooling breezes through?
A good kitchen gives you room to move but is
compact enough to allow easy reach between Comments, things we’d like to change:
different activities, like preparing food, cooking
and rinsing. It’s a good idea to leave generous
bench space between the sink and the cooktop
as this tends to be the most useful space for
food preparation. Locate dishwashers close
to sinks to allow easy loading—this also
concentrates your plumbing needs in one place Is our kitchen set out so there is easy reach between different activities?
and saves money. Multi-bin sorters under
kitchen sinks are a great idea—you can separate Do our kitchen cupboards use low emission particle board and finishes?
your rubbish for recycling straight away. Comments, things we’d like to change:
Did you know that the fridge typically uses
more energy in a year than any other appliance?
It’s responsible for about 13% of the average
family’s electricity bill. It pays to buy an efficient
and appropriately sized fridge—see page 17
on appliances for some handy hints. Make
sure kitchen cabinets allow a decent air gap
around the fridge (especially at the back) as it
needs good ventilation to work efficiently. Think about including a multi-bin sorter and compost container
when you’re choosing your kitchen garbage system—this can
make recycling much easier for the whole family.

A good kitchen Find out more

is a healthy kitchen Your Home factsheets:
This is about more than the food you eat! Indoor air quality
Most kitchen cabinets contain glues and
White goods
varnishes which give off fumes, particularly
when they are newly installed, that can cause Health and safety
breathing irritations and allergies. New ‘low- The Adaptable House
emission’ materials provide a much healthier
alternative—ask your kitchen designer or see
the Your Home Indoor air quality factsheet.
step 1
Working with your builder
step 2
Your bathrooms and laundry You can save money on plumbing by choosing a
plan that groups wet areas like the kitchen, laundry
Everybody loves a well designed bathroom. Here’s and bathrooms close together.
step 3 an opportunity to add value to your home and save
Having windows that open to ventilate bathrooms
lots of water in bathrooms and laundries without
and laundries is cheaper and quieter than relying
having to compromise a thing. Your plumbing
on an exhaust fan. Your rooms will have a light,
fixtures will last a long time so it pays to demand
step 4 airy feel and you’ll save on electricity.
the best standard of water savings. When you
come to sell your home you’ll want it to be able If you use predominantly light, neutral colours in
to compete with newer, water efficient homes. permanent finishes like tiles, you can use colour accents
in features that are easier to change, like painted walls.
step 5 The 3-star showerhead shown above costs no extra
It’s a good idea to choose slip-resistant floor tiles.
and can save around $100 in energy and water each
year. A 4-star toilet saves the average household After you’ve locked in good savings with your
about 1,000–1,500 litres of water each year. water efficient fittings you might want to go
step 6 further by using rainwater or treating water for
There’s been a recent trend towards multiple
reuse. See page 20 for more information.
bathrooms in new homes, but it’s worth thinking
about the extra costs and cleaning before you add
bathroom number three to your ‘wish list’!
step 7

Average home Water efficient home

step 8
Shower 9–10 L/minute 6–7 L/minute (3-star)

Toilet 7.5 L/flush less than 4 L/flush (4-star)

step 9 Washing machine 140 L/wash 70 L/wash (4.5-star)

Dishwasher 20 L/wash 12 L/wash (4-star)

step 10

Look for the stars Find the best products

The biggest water users There are star ratings for energy
inside a home are the: as well as water. These websites
– shower can help you find the products
with the best star ratings:
– toilet
– washing machine. Water star ratings
Look for the water star
label—the more stars, the Energy star ratings
better the water savings. •
12 •
Checklist: Our bathrooms, laundry,
bedrooms and home office
Will our bathrooms and laundry have a window for natural ventilation?

Have we chosen fixtures that will save water?

Your bedrooms For example, do our bathrooms and laundries have
3-star showerheads, 4-star toilets and 3+ star taps?
The southern side of the house is the coolest and
usually good for bedrooms. The eastern side gets Comments, things we’d like to change:
morning sun and this can also be a nice aspect,
though you’ll need shading if you want to sleep in!
Avoid bedrooms facing west if you can as they heat
up in the afternoon and can be uncomfortable on
a summer night. Because heat rises, upper level
Can we swap some rooms around so the
bedrooms can get particularly hot. If you just can’t
bedrooms will be cooler in summer?
avoid west-facing bedrooms don’t worry—they
can still be comfortable—you’ll just need to pay Comments, things we’d like to change:
better attention to shading and insulation.

Your home office

If you work from home a lot, try to provide
your home office with a pleasant north-facing Will we use the home office a lot?
aspect—you’ll want it to be comfortable all day. Will it be a sunny, pleasant place to work?

Comments, things we’d like to change:

‘Getting the builder to

make a few changes to
the plan was the best Tips:
Consider features that make your home safe and easy to live in
thing we ever did.’ as you get older.
Use the Top 3 water users calculator on the Your Home website
to calculate your water savings:

Rate your home Find out more

You can use the NABERS Your Home factsheets:
website to check how much
Reducing water demand
energy and water your
household uses compared to Health and safety
similar Australian households. The Adaptable House Orientation
Passive solar heating
Passive cooling 13
step 1
Selecting heating & cooling
step 2
Don’t get into hot Use the chart below to help you decide what type
of hot water system to buy. Always look for the
water with your bills! highest possible star rating.
step 3
Did you know water heating is responsible
l Best choice if you have a gas connection.
for more than a quarter of the average home’s
energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions? l Best choice if you can’t connect to gas or
you want to use 100% renewable electricity.
step 4 The first step is to use less hot water by installing
water efficient showerheads and taps. It’s a l Choose only if you can’t get good access to sun.
double saving—you’ll save energy and water!
Choosing an efficient hot water system is Type of hot No. of people
step 5 water system in the household
your chance to save money and do your bit
for the environment. It may cost you a little 1–2 3 4 5+
more upfront, but usually pays for itself
within a few years through energy savings. Solar gas l l l
step 6
Choosing an efficient hot water system adds Solar electric l l l l
value to your home and can also help you
meet local council or State regulations. Electric heat pump l l l l
step 7
The best choice of hot water system depends on a Gas instantaneous 5+ star l l l
few things, like how much water your household
Gas storage 5+ star l l
uses and whether you have a gas connection.
step 8
Get the most out of your efficient hot water system:
‘We thought solar hot • Install a 3-star showerhead for big savings.
step 9 water would be expensive • Locate your hot water system close to where
you’ll use it, near the bathroom, laundry and kitchen.
but it paid for itself in • Use a shower timer to remind everyone in the
household to save water.
step 10 less than 5 years.’

Did you know? Estimated 7-year running cost of hot water systems

International experts predict that climate Source: Wilkenfeld (2005), see
change will dramatically increase the Calculated for the average
cost of electricity, gas, petrol and water Victorian household; costs will
vary depending on household size,
in the future. Get ahead by choosing climate and energy tariff costs.
a home that helps you save on these
now and has the best resale features. In
a few years, home purchasers are likely
to expect highly energy efficient hot
water systems as a standard feature.
Keep warm and stay cool Checklist: Our heating and cooling
Many of the tips in this Guide can help make Do we have a north-facing roof for solar hot water?
your home naturally more comfortable year
Do we have a gas connection?
round so you won’t need to spend much (or
perhaps anything!) on heaters or air conditioners. Type of hot water system we’re looking for:
If you do install heating or cooling you can
Have we locked in good design features to avoid
save money while keeping comfortable by:
or reduce our heating and cooling needs?
• using fans instead of air conditioners
• only heating or cooling the rooms you need and
making sure the heating and cooling is ‘zoned’
so you can switch different areas on and off
• making sure the systems are the right size for
your needs—oversized systems waste money Can we use fans or evaporative coolers instead of air conditioning?
in upfront costs and running costs, and Would a solar air heater work for us?
• making sure your heater or air conditioner
Does our gas heater have a high star rating?
has a high star rating.
How can we save further on heating and cooling?
Catch some sun
The term ‘solar panels’ can mean two different things:
the collector panels on your solar hot water system,
or photovoltaic (PV) panels that convert sunlight into
electricity. They’re both capturing the sun’s energy— Will we use electricity from renewable sources?
one to heat water and the other to make electricity.
Government rebates can help bring down the
cost of both solar hot water and photovoltaic Tips:
systems. If you’re on a budget but want to make the Use the chart on page 14 to help choose your hot water system.
most of solar energy, a solar hot water system is Consider fans or evaporative coolers instead of air conditioning.
probably the best place to start. If you want green If you’re planning to use gas heaters or air conditioners choose
electricity but can’t afford the upfront cost of a one with a high star rating.
photovoltaic system, ask your electricity retailer If you’re planning on central heating or air conditioning make
about government accredited GreenPower. For a sure it’s zoned and not oversized.
small additional cost you can purchase electricity
The compressor unit of an air conditioner can be noisy so think
from renewable sources like solar and wind. carefully about where to locate it.

Summer running Evaporative coolers are an Find out more

costs per year energy saving alternative to
Your Home factsheets: Green electricity:
6 ceiling fans $18 air conditioners. They work
best in climates with relatively Heating and cooling
Typical ducted low humidity like Melbourne,
Hot water service
air conditioner $265 Canberra, Adelaide and Perth. Solar hot water
Based on 5 hours a day Solar air heaters use the Photovoltaic systems
usage in summer, sun to warm air and circulate
6 fans at 50 W each,
air conditioner at 4,500 W.
it back inside in winter. In
summer, the fan pulls out hot
air to keep the home cool. 15
step 1
Selecting fittings & appliances
step 2
See the light they save energy and last longer—just remember
to choose ‘warm white’ bulbs for a nice warm feel.
Lighting is responsible for 10% of the average Some LED lights save as much energy as compact
step 3 family’s electricity bills but in some homes this can fluorescents and can last three times longer or
be much higher. You could be wasting hundreds more. However, LED lights are still much more
of dollars a year just lighting your home. expensive at the moment. The technology is
Of course, the cheapest solution is to maximise improving rapidly and LEDs are likely to be more
step 4
use of natural light. This is another good reason cost competitive in future—so watch this space!
for following the design tips on pages 6–9 Low voltage halogen downlights use more energy
about placement of rooms and windows. than these efficient types. It’s important to remember
step 5 Choosing energy saving lighting is one of the that low voltage doesn’t mean low energy—so if you
easiest and most cost effective things you can do. want to compare different types of bulbs look at the
Compact fluorescent lights are a great choice because wattage. If you do choose halogens, use IRC (infra-
red coated) 35 W globes instead of 50 W globes.
step 6
Room lighting cost estimates
Options below provide similar light levels
Standard bulbs Downlights
‘We changed
step 7

1 x 15 W
1 x 75 W
5 x 11 W
4 x 35 W
IRC halogen
4 x 50 W
our lighting plan
Lifetime hours 10,000 1,000 15,000 5,000 2,500 when we found
step 8 Purchase cost* $10 $1 $100 $60 $40
Running cost* $33 $164 $120 $350 $569
out how hot and
Total cost* $53 $179 $220 $490 $669 uncomfortable it
step 9 Greenhouse
gas emissions* 219 kg 1,095 kg 803 kg 2,336 kg 3,796 kg is sitting under
step 10
* Over ten years.
Purchase cost includes lamp cost and transformer for halogens. Operational costs and greenhouse
gas emissions will vary with hours of usage, electricity rates and location. One standard bulb is
halogen downlights.’
compared with the minimum number of downlights required to light the average room.

Did you know? Compact fluorescent bulbs use

about 20–25% of the energy of
A kitchen lit by 10 halogen lights
a traditional incandescent bulb
for five hours a night can add about
and last 4–10 times longer.
$140 a year to electricity bills.
The government is phasing out
As well as wasting energy, halogen
incandescent light globes—lighting
downlights get very hot. Because of this you
of the future will be energy smart!
need to leave a gap between your ceiling
insulation and the fitting, and this reduces
the effectiveness of your insulation.
Choose appliances wisely Checklist: Our fittings and appliances
A smart choice is one that continues to save you money Does our home design make good use of natural light?
for the life of the appliance. The questions to ask are:
Our lighting requirements:
• What size do I need?
• Does it have a high star rating?
Star ratings are provided on all white goods to
help you make the best choice. There are star
ratings for both energy and water so a washing
machine, for example, will have a star rating label
for energy use and another for water use. The The costs of running our lighting per year:
more stars, the more efficient the appliance is.
Choosing the right size for your needs is also
important—a big 4-star fridge uses more energy How we can save on lighting costs:
than a small 4-star fridge. Look for the actual
estimates of energy and water use, also provided
on the label. This will give you a sense of the relative
cost of running the appliance. The fridge uses the
most energy each year and the washing machine
uses the most water each year. The energy star rating of our fridge:
It’s worth considering these issues for your other The water star rating of our washing machine:
appliances too—they all contribute to your bills!
If you’re choosing home entertainment equipment Our other major energy-using appliances:
it pays to compare energy use—both when in
use and when in ‘standby’ mode. Some appliances
have an ‘ENERGY STAR’ label (different to the
white goods star rating) which shows they are Tips:
efficient in ‘standby’ mode. Bigger television Work with your lighting consultant to choose energy saving lighting.
screens use more energy, and plasma screens tend Don’t go overboard on downlights. Lighting a room with many energy
to use more energy than LCD screens. Recent saving downlights can still use more energy than a single inefficient light.
Australian research has found that, even when Use the Lighting and White goods calculators on the Your Home website
comparing televisions of similar screen size and type, to work out how you can save on energy bills:
some products use more than three times the energy
Install an outdoor clothesline—let the sun dry your clothes for
of others. It’s worth asking about energy use when
free instead of paying to run a dryer.
making a purchase!

A medium-size 5-star fridge can save you at Find out more

least $650 in running costs over its lifetime,
Your Home factsheets: Online calculators:
compared to a 2.5 star fridge of the same size.
And that’s based on current energy costs—it White goods It’s easy to work out how
doesn’t reflect the impact of future price rises! Lighting much you can save using the
Your Home online calculators
A 5-star front-loading washing machine uses
for Top 3 water users, Lighting
about 50 litres of water per wash compared and White goods:
to 140 litres per wash for a 1-star top-loader.

step 1
Selecting colours & finishes
step 2
Don’t be floored If you use timber, make sure it comes from certified
sustainably managed forests. There are plenty of cost
Carpet gives warmth to an interior and is best used in effective and stylish Australian timbers from these
step 3 combination with other lower maintenance materials. sources, so here’s your chance to do the right thing by
Tiled surfaces or polished concrete give a sleek the environment without compromising on style.
modern look and work well in high-traffic You can get natural varnishes for timber floors,
areas. In some situations they help keep indoor like tung oil or beeswax, that look great and don’t give
step 4
temperatures comfortable by storing heat—find off low level toxic fumes like standard polyeurethane
out more about this in the Your Home Thermal finishes do. Ask your builder if they can use a natural
mass factsheet. Choose slip-resistant surfaces in product for your floors.
step 5 wet areas such as bathrooms and laundries.
Timber and tiled surfaces are low maintenance
Colour your world
and easy to clean. For allergy sufferers they’re also
a healthier alternative to carpet, which can trap Ideally interior paint colours should be the last thing
step 6 dust and other allergy-causing particles. If you you choose after cabinets, carpets and floor tiles. This
want the cosy feel that carpet provides, you could is because there are so many paint colours to choose
consider rugs that you can wash or air outside. from, but far less selection with other finishes.
step 7 White paints have different bases—yellow, pink, fawn
and grey—and it’s important you follow the ‘family
colour’ throughout, so that your paint selection
‘When we painted our old has the same base as your tiles and cabinets. Your
step 8
place you could smell the interiors consultant will be able to help with this.
Using light-coloured interior paints improves
paint for weeks. We’re so daylight levels inside your home. As well as
creating a light and airy feel you’re unlikely to need
step 9
glad we went with low lights on during the day, which saves money.
Sleek contemporary kitchens are achieved with plain
emission paints this time.’ cabinet doors without panelling. White laminates
step 10

Smart tips
• Use natural paints in nurseries and Important to know: Adding colour
bedrooms of allergy sufferers. pigments to a low emission
• Use low emission paints for all light- light-coloured paint base usually
coloured surfaces, and use natural increases the emissions—check
paints for darker coloured feature with your builder or paint supplier.
walls—the most cost effective
way to minimise emissions!
• Good natural ventilation in your home
18 helps reduce the effect of paint fumes.
Checklist: Our colours and finishes
The types of flooring in our home:

and timbers go well with this look. If you prefer the

traditional look, this can be achieved with warm
colours and panelling on cupboard doors. Remember
The timbers used in our home:
that bright, dominating colours in permanent
kitchen fixtures can be expensive to change if you
tire of the colour. Think about using wall paints
or decorative display pieces instead—they can
also provide any bright accents you may want.
Your exterior colour scheme can actually have an The paints and varnishes used in our home:
impact on indoor comfort! Light-coloured walls
and roofs reflect heat and can help to keep your
home cool in summer. The roof colour makes
the most difference, as roofs usually get more
direct sun than any other part of the house.
Examples of colour schemes that we like:
Some paints are
healthier than others
Regular paints give off low level toxic fumes that Have we specified materials that are either
can cause breathing irritations and headaches. low emission or natural products?
Painted surfaces can continue ‘off gassing’ fumes
for months after painting. The good news is that
many paint companies now offer healthier low Tips:
emission products for the same cost. (These are Make sure timber used in your home comes from certified sustainably
also known as ‘low VOC’ products—see below.) managed forests—ask your builder to get assurances from suppliers.
If you want to avoid paint fumes altogether, look Consider alternative options like bamboo or recycled timber flooring—
for paints that contain all-natural ingredients. these are stylish, durable and environmentally friendly.
These do cost a bit extra but are worth it if Check that cupboards, floor finishes, paints and varnishes are either
you have allergies or young children. natural or low emission products.

It’s not just paints and varnishes that Find out more
can give off low level toxic fumes—
Your Home factsheets:
so can many common materials
like carpets and kitchen cabinets. Material use introduction
This is due to the presence of Indoor air quality
‘volatile organic compounds’ Thermal mass
(VOCs). The good news is that many
healthier no or low VOC alternatives
are available.

step 1
Designing your outdoor living
step 2
Go for the great outdoors Checklist: Our outdoor living
Your garden and outdoor areas are an extension of Will our alfresco areas get sun in winter
step 3 your home. The best living spaces are those which flow and be cool and shady in summer?
from inside to outside so you can make the most of
Will we use local native plants, drought-resistant
alfresco living. You can use clever landscape design to:
plants and mulch in our garden, to save water?
• channel cooling breezes into your home, and
step 4 Will we grow our own vegetables and herbs?
• shelter indoor and outdoor areas from winds.
Planting is one of the best ways to provide shade: Comments, things we’d like to change:
• deciduous plants and vine-covered pergolas
step 5 work well on the north side because they
provide summer shade and let in winter sun
• evergreen plants work well wherever
step 6 permanent shade is required, such as west- How many litres will our rainwater tank hold?
facing walls in warmer climates.
What will our rainwater tank be plumbed in to?
Many homes now incorporate rainwater tanks.
To get the most out of your tank make sure you Will we reuse our wastewater? If so, where will
step 7 choose a reasonable size—3,000 litres or more is we collect it from and where will we use it?
ideal—and connect it to indoor uses like the toilet
and the washing machine. If your tank is only
connected to the garden it will be much less useful.
step 8
Domestic water recycling systems are also becoming Tips:
more popular, collecting and treating wastewater If you don’t want one big rainwater tank you could
(from the shower, laundry etc.) for reuse in the garden try a series of smaller, connected tanks.
step 9 or within the home. Regulations vary so check first If you have a pool, use a pool cover to reduce evaporation.
with your local council, then make sure you seek When planting trees take care to place them so their
expert advice on choosing and maintaining your roots won’t damage walls or footings.
system. If you’re reusing laundry water on the garden
step 10 Choose ‘permeable’ paving that allows rain to soak
you’ll need to use special detergents and powders.
through or between pavers.

There are many different choices Find out more

of rainwater tanks, including
Your Home factsheets:
clever designs for tight spaces.
Sustainable landscape
Depending on where you live, up to
50% of the average home’s water is Outdoor water use
used for the garden. You can save a Wastewater reuse
lot of water by choosing local native
plants and groundcovers, which suit
Australia’s dry conditions. They also
look great and attract native birds.
For water and energy saving calculators, copies of this Buyer’s Guide
and copies of the Your New Home Checklist visit

Published by Investa Property Group

Level 6 Deutsche Bank Place; 126 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
© Investa Properties Limited 2007
This publication is copyright. Other than for uses permitted under the
Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without attribution.
National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication data:
Your home buyer’s guide : a step-by-step guide to buying a new home
ISBN 9780980421408 (pbk)
1. House buying - Australia. 2. Home ownership - Australia.
I. Investa Property Group. II. University of Technology, Sydney. Institute for Sustainable Futures.
III. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. Centre for Design.

This document has been prepared as a guide only and is unlikely to contain all the information
that prospective home buyers may expect or require in order to make informed decisions on home
building choices. The data is to the best of the authors’ knowledge accurate as at the date of publication
but may vary from time to time and with location. Prospective buyers should therefore rely on
their own enquiries and obtain appropriate expert advice as part of their decision-making process.

The following organisations collaborated on the production of this Guide:
Australian Greenhouse Office, Department of the Environment and Water Resources;
Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW; Queensland Government Environmental Protection Agency;
The Building Commission, Victoria; Sustainability Victoria; Landcom; Department for Planning and Infrastructure,
Government of Western Australia; Western Australian Planning Commission; Institute of Sustainable Futures at UTS;
Centre for Design, RMIT University; More Communication Design; Clarendon Residential Group; Investa Property Group.

Printed on recycled paper using vegetable-based inks.

Queensland Government
Environmental Protection Agency

Australian Greenhouse Office, Department for Planning and

Department of the Environment Infrastructure, Western Australia
and Water Resources
Western Australian
Department of Environment Planning Commission
and Climate Change NSW Institute for Sustainable Futures,
University of Technology Sydney
More information online: Landcom The Building Commission

Centre for Design,
RMIT University

Sustainability Victoria Clarendon Residential Group

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