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What Is Critical Thinking

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Some key takeaways are that critical thinking is a process of thinking clearly and carefully using logic, accuracy and considering different perspectives. It involves gathering facts, evaluating evidence and conclusions in a systematic way.

Critical thinking is a process of thinking that uses logic and reason to come to a conclusion, rather than just accepting an argument at face value. It involves carefully examining assumptions, considering different viewpoints, assessing credibility of sources and identifying inconsistencies and logical fallacies.

Some tools used in critical thinking are gathering relevant facts, evaluating the significance and applicability of evidence, checking conclusions for logical validity and consistency, and assessing arguments for fairness, depth and reasonableness.


I.7 I.8 I.9

Introduction to Critical Thinking

I.1 What is critical thinking?

I.2 The tools of critical thinking I.3 Tools for getting the facts I.4 Tools for evaluating the facts I.6 Tools for evaluating a conclusion Putting it all together-critical thinking Building a critical thinking lens Summary I.5 Tools for drawing a conclusion-using logic

I.10 Discussion questions

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I.1 What

is critical thinking?

Humans think. You know this. Everyone, whether they seem to or not, thinks. You are thinking at this moment as you read these words. You might be thinking about where the person writing these words (me, that this a good way to start a paragraph on

the author) is going with this topic on thinking. You might be thinking

thinkingtelling you that you think. You might be thinking way to introduce because it is

that this is a lousy a topic on thinking obvious you are

thinking, and you

dont need anyone might be thinking that you might

to tell you that. You

learn something new about thinking you never thought about. You

might be thinking that you already know all there is to know about thinking, and you might be wondering why you are reading this in because you are human, and humans think. the first place. The point is that you are thinking right now. You think

Critical Thinking

Level I


But how do you think? Yes, there is a biology of thinking or a process that is going on in your brain as chemicals are being activated and do you think, and what do you think? What do you think exactly? Do you think that you think clearly, or do you get lost in your deactivated as a result of your thinking. However, beyond biology, how

thinking? Do you sometimes wonder if you are the only one thinking you think?

what you are thinking, or do you wonder if everyone thinks the way

Can you think through a problem, or does it seem like thinking through a problem is the problem? Do you think that there are people who are just naturally good thinkers, like Albert Einstein? Do you think that these naturally good thinkers are the only thinkers who think and

think, and with all their gifted thinking, discover amazing things? Or do you think that you could ever learn to think like Albert Einstein, and someday, think through and discover your own amazing things?

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The fact is that almost anyone can learn to think like Albert Einstein. Yes, some people pick thinking up easily, but everyone can learn to think as well as Albert Einstein. Because everyone can learn to think

well, everyone has within him or her new thoughts that could turn into

new discoveries that are just as amazing as Albert Einstein s discoveries. However, good thinking is hard work. Learning to think clearly and

carefully takes training, patience, and practice. Thinking carefully with scientists, like Albert Einstein, who discover amazing things about the world, have trained themselves to think critically. Critical thinking is the process of thinking in a certain way. Critical thinking is the carefully, with logic and depth; and of thinking open-mindedly, by

clarity, depth, precision, accuracy, and logic is thinking critically. Great

process of thinking clearly, with accuracy and precision; of thinking examining points of view and acknowledging assumptions and biases think critically if the time is taken to learn.

within a given viewpoint. The point is that everyone can learn how to

I.2 The

tools of critical thinking

So what does it take to think critically? What are the nuts and bolts of critical thinking? Just like math or language or science, critical thinking has necessary tools and a method for using those tools.

There are two main activities we do all the time when we think. The first activity is gathering information or collecting data. As humans, the world around us. We use our five senses to gather information our minds are constantly observing and collecting information about

Critical Thinking

Level I


about the world we live in. We are observing the height, size, weight, color, texture, and odor of the objects around us, and we are observing these qualities in relation to each other.

The second activity we do when we think is drawing a conclusion is too high to jump over, or an atom is too small to see with our

based on the information weve collected. We may conclude a building eyes, or a boulder is too heavy to lift with our hands. However, what separates a critical thinker from a non-critical thinker is how she evaluates both the data shes collected and the conclusions shes drawn.

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To evaluate both information and conclusions, the critical thinker questions. To think critically, we must ask questions about the information or data we have collected. Is it important? Is it

must use the most important tools in the critical thinking toolbox:

relevant? Is it applicable? Is it significant? But thats not enough. We must also ask questions about the conclusion weve drawn from the information weve collected. We need to ask the following types of questions: Is the conclusion fair? Is is it logical? Is it reasonable? and Is it consistent with all the information collected?

There are different kinds of questions (critical thinking tools) for

different activities. There are tools for Getting the Facts, Evaluating the Facts, Drawing a Conclusion, and Evaluating the Conclusion.

I.3 Tools
When you first hear a statement or an argument, it is important

for getting the facts

to get the facts. If an officer has been called to an

accident, the very is get the facts. How were they

first thing he does Who was involved?

Critical Thinking

Level I


involved? Which car hit first? Which car hit second? Who was driving? Who wasnt driving? Exactly how fast was the first car going? When as you can. looking at something critically, it is important to collect as many facts

Tools for Getting the Facts include questions like Who? What?

Where? When? and How? The facts need to be accurate, clear, exactly, how much, what time, etc., help to clarify the facts.

and precise. Questions that get to the details of facts, with words like

I.4 Tools for evaluating the facts

Now that you know the facts, it is important to evaluate the facts. When an officer has collected all the facts for the accident, he Evaluating facts is not as evaluations involve not

needs to evaluate the facts. easy as it sounds because only facts, but also involve opinions and preferences.

For example, one driver in because there was a full

the accident may claim that moon, the accident was the

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other drivers fault. It might be a fact that there was a full moon, but is this fact relevant to the accident? Is it a significant fact concerning the accident? The officer has to evaluate the facts to find out if they are facts that should or should not be used to draw a conclusion. Tools for Evaluating the Facts include questions that explore the

relevance and significance of the facts and questions that explore whether or not the facts are substantial, crucial, or applicable to the conclusion.


Tools for drawing a conclusion-using logic

Now that we have collected the facts and evaluated the facts, we can draw a conclusion. A

conclusion is a sums up all of collected in

statement that the information order to make a point or a how do you conclusion decision. But know if the

Critical Thinking

Level I


youve made is valid and consistent, or logically flawed? For example, one driver might not like men in flowered shirts. This driver might want to say that it was not the moon that caused the accident, but that it was the man in the flowered shirt that caused the accident is the driver making a logical error? because men in flowered shirts always cause accidents. Is this true, or

Tools for Drawing a Conclusion use logic (a method that investigates arguments) to help the critical thinker avoid making errors by exploring validity, consistency, and logical flaws.

I.6 Tools for evaluating a conclusion

Sometimes its not enough to have a logical conclusion. Sometimes it is necessary to evaluate your conclusion. We need to ask the following types of questions: Is my conclusion fair? Has my conclusion taken into

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account all the information available? Is my conclusion reasonable? the officer may conclude that the moon did not cause the accident,

and Is there more information that should be considered? For example, and that the man in the flowered shirt did not cause the accident, but that instead, neither man was watching where he was going. One was they are both at fault. But does that conclusion take into account all the information available, or is there more information that must be considered before the officer can make a fair conclusion? looking at the moon, and the other was fixing a button on his shirt; so

Tools for Evaluating a Conclusion include questions that explore the fairness, reasonableness, depth, and breadth of a conclusion.

I.7 Putting

it all togethercritical thinking

In summary, the four main types of critical thinking tools are: Getting the Facts, Evaluating the Facts, Drawing a Conclusion using Logic, and Evaluating a Conclusion.

As weve mentioned, asking questions is the key for critical thinking, thinking tools weve discussed. It is important that we ask questions not just of other peoples thinking, but that we also challenge, and ask questions of, our own thinking.

and it is important to ask questions that incorporate all of the critical

The critical thinking tools weve discussed are different kinds of

questions that explore different aspects of the information gathered,

Critical Thinking

Level I



and that explore different aspects of the conclusions drawn from that information. Throughout this workbook, we will be asking questions using all of the critical thinking tools.

Finally, one of the most important questions you can ask another

person is, Let me understand what you are saying. Are you saying? Then in different words, repeat what you think the other person is saying, or repeat what you think you are saying in a different way. To admit you may not understand what someone else is saying is a way to open up more critical thinking questions.

I.8 Building a critical thinking lens

We have been talking about critical thinking tools, but what exactly do all of these critical thinking tools look like together? One way to envision all of the critical thinking tools is to think about a lens. If our eyes

do not function properly, a lens helps us see objects way, a critical thinking lens can help you think through problems more clearly. more clearly. In the same

Constructing a critical

thinking lens is not very

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difficult. It amounts to asking

questions using the four critical

thinking tools we have been learning. As you improve your ability to ask good questions, your critical thinking lens will improve. A critical thinking lens can help you decide what kinds and what kinds of statements may not be scientifically valid.

of statements are scientifically valid,

I.9 Summary

Critical thinking tools are questions.

There are four main types of critical thinking tools (questions): Getting the Facts, Evaluating the Facts, Drawing a Conclusion using Logic, and Evaluating a Conclusion.

Tools for Getting the Facts include questions like Who? What? Tools for Evaluating the Facts include the following types of questions: Is this fact relevant or significant? Is this fact conclusion? substantial, crucial, and applicable? and Does it support the Tools for Drawing a Conclusion use logic to help the critical thinker to avoid making errors by asking: Is this valid and consistent with other information? and Are there any logical flaws in this conclusion? Where? When? and How?

Tools for Evaluating a Conclusion include the following types of the necessary depth and breadth?

questions: Is this fair and reasonable? and Does my conclusion have

Critical Thinking

Level I



I.10 Discussion questions

Look at the following scientific claim: The moon is made of green cheese. Look at the critical thinking lens on page 15. 2. Can you pick out two Evaluating the Facts questions? 3. Based on the critical thinking lens, do you think that the moon is made of green cheese? Why or why not?

1. Can you pick out two Getting the Facts questions?

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4. Have you considered enough information to draw that conclusion? (Does your answer have depth and breadth?). If not, what other information should you consider?

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Level I



critical thinking lens

These are the thinking tools (the questions) that, together, make the critical thinking lens.

16 Chemistry connects to...

The Atom Critical Thinking

1.1 The atom 1.2 Gathering the tools 1.3 Building the critical thinking lens 1.4 Using the critical thinking lens 1.5 Now you try 1.6 Make your own

Critical Thinking

Level I

Chapter 1


1.1 The


In chapter 1 of Chemistry Level I, you learned all about the atom. You also read about the history of the atom and how atoms were this scientific claim: discovered. Now you will construct a critical thinking lens to evaluate

Matter is made of atoms.

[Note: You will need to consider the information you find in your textbook and other resources as facts in order to complete this exercise. However, know that the facts in your textbook and in other resources are really conclusions that are based on many other facts that have been collected over years of investigation and that have been evaluated by many scientists. As a critical thinker, you are encouraged to examine all facts and to evaluate them for yourself, even those facts that have already been evaluated by other scientists.]

1.2 Gathering
Tools for Getting the Facts

the tools

First, we need to gather the critical thinking tools. The four types of tools we will be using are as follows:

Tools for Evaluating the Facts

questions regarding clarity, precision, accuracy, and detail

Tools for Drawing Conclusions (using logic) Tools for Evaluating Conclusions

questions regarding significance, relevancy, and application questions regarding logical validity, consistency, and flaws questions regarding fairness, depth, breadth, and reasonableness

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A. Tools for Getting the Facts

Answer the following Getting the Facts questions for the statement:

questions regarding clarity, precision, accuracy, and detail Matter is made of atoms.

1. Q: Who discovered the atom, and in what year was it discovered? A:

2. Q: What are atoms made of? A:

B. Tools for Evaluating the Facts

Answer the following Evaluating the Facts questions for the statement:

questions regarding significance, relevancy, and application Matter is made of atoms.

1. Q: Is the fact that the atom was discovered significant to the A: argument that matter is made of atoms?

2. Q: Is the data that says what atoms are made of relevant to the A: argument that matter is made of atoms?

Critical Thinking

Level I

Chapter 1


C. Tools for Drawing a Conclusion (using Logic)

questions regarding logical validity, consistency, and flaws

In this section, you will learn how to recognize valid arguments and

logical fallacies. A logical fallacy is an inaccurate way to formulate an called equivocation.

argument. In this chapter, you will be introduced to the logical fallacy

Logical Fallacy: Equivocation (fallacy of ambiguity) Definition: A word or phrase used in the argument that is not clearly defined, or that changes definition during the argument. from metal.

Example: Because metal sinks in water, you cant make a sink

To prevent committing the logical fallacy of equivocation, the We are using statements of fact to support this argument: Write a definition for matter.

definitions of all of the terms in the argument must stay the same.

Matter is made of atoms.

Write a definition for atom.

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Look at the following two statements and the conclusion. 1. Atoms contain protons, neutrons, and electrons. 2. Matter contains protons, neutrons, and electrons. Matter is made of atoms.

Therefore (conclusion),

Determine if the definitions for matter and atom stay the same. Q: Does the conclusion that matter is made of atoms commit the fallacy of equivocation based on the information you have? Yes No


D. Tools for Evaluating the Conclusion

Answer the following Evaluating the Conclusion questions for the statement:

questions regarding fairness, depth, breadth, and reasonableness Matter is made of atoms.

1. Q: Is the fact that the atom was discovered significant to the A: argument that matter is made of atoms?

2. Q: Is the data that says what atoms are made of relevant to the A: argument that matter is made of atoms?

Critical Thinking

Level I

Chapter 1


1.3 Building the critical thinking lens

You have gathered the facts, evaluated the facts, checked the conclusion using logic, and evaluated the conclusion: Next, put all of the facts, evaluations, and logical checks together to construct a critical thinking lens.
Write the statement you are evaluating in the critical thinking lens.

Matter is made of atoms.

Matter is made of atoms.

Write the two Getting the Facts critical thinking questions.

Write the two Evaluating the Facts questions.

Write two Drawing a Conclusion using Logic statements that dont commit a logical fallacy.

Write the two Evaluating the Conclusion questions.

22 Chemistry connects to...

1.4 Using the critical thinking lens

Look at the critical thinking lens you constructed and think about the Do you think that the statement matter is made of atoms is a good scientific argument? answers to the critical thinking questions in your critical thinking lens.

Why or why not?



Critical Thinking

Level I

Chapter 1


1.5 Now

You run into a scientist on the street, and you start talking. He tells you his scientific opinion:

you try

Evaluate his argument by constructing a critical thinking lens. Tools for Getting the Facts Tools for Evaluating the Facts Tools for Drawing Conclusions (using logic) Tools for Evaluating Conclusions

The cow jumped over the moon.

Write two questions regarding clarity, precision, accuracy, and detail.

Write two questions regarding significance, relevancy, and application.

Write two questions regarding logical validity, consistency, and flaws.

Write two questions regarding fairness, depth, breadth, and reasonableness.

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1.6 Make

Using the questions you came up with in section 1.5, construct your own critical thinking lens.

your own


The cow jumped over the moon.

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