PNP Briefing Manuscript
PNP Briefing Manuscript
PNP Briefing Manuscript
GREETINGS! The sequence of presentation is as follows: I. II. PNP Historical Highlights & Its Vision, Mission and Functions PNP Program Thrusts for CY 2006 & 2007
HISTORICAL HIGHLIGHTS The Philippine National Police traces its beginning on August 8, 1901 when the Philippine Constabulary or the PC was inaugurated as an insular police force under the American regime. Since then, the PC had undergone changes which enabled it to confront the challenges of the times. On August 8, 1975, Presidential Decree No. 765 was issued establishing the Philippine Constabulary/Integrated National Police or the PC/INP as the countrys national police force. The once fragmented and diverse local police units were integrated into a national police force with the Philippine Constabulary as its nucleus. After the Peoples Revolution of 1986, a new Constitution was promulgated providing for a police force, which is national in scope and civilian in character. Consequently, Republic Act No. 6975 entitled: An Act Establishing the Philippine National Police under a Reorganized Department of the Interior and Local Government, and for Other Purposes was signed into law on December 13, 1990 which became effective on January 1, 1991. Subsequently, the PNP was activated on January 29, 1991 initially composed of the members of the former Philippine Constabulary (PC) and Integrated National Police (INP) who opted to join the PNP. Selected members from the different major services of the Armed Forces of the Philippines such as the Philippine Air Force Security Command, the Philippine Coast Guard and the Philippine Army were also absorbed. On February 17, 1998, Republic Act No. 8551 entitled The PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998 was enacted to amend certain provisions of Republic Act No. 6975. Under this Act, the PNP shall be strengthened and shall evolve into a highly efficient and competent police force, that is community-service oriented and fully accountable organization in the performance of its functions.
THE PNP VISION, MISSION AND FUNCTIONS The PNP Vision statement defines a desired future state to which all the resources of the organization are directed. It states that The men and women of the PNP are committed to the vision of a professional, dynamic and highly motivated Philippine National Police (PNP) working in partnership with a responsive community towards the attainment of a safe place to live, invest and do business in. In such vision, the important elements are: a) the presence of professional, dynamic and motivated PNP personnel; b) the presence of a police organization that nurtures and develops the potential of its human resources; c) a collaborative partnership with the community; and, d) the presence of a responsive, empowered and engaged citizenry who proactively take part in the fight against criminality to ensure a stable and peaceful community. On the other hand, the Mission statement of the PNP defines its mandates which are to enforce the law, to prevent and control crimes, to maintain peace and order and ensure public safety and internal security with the active support of the community. Pursuant to Republic Act No. 6975, the PNP is vested with the following powers and functions: 1. Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the protection of lives and properties; 2. Maintain peace and order and take all necessary steps to ensure public safety; 3. Investigate and prevent crimes, effect the arrest of criminal offenders, bring offenders to justice and assist in their prosecution; 4. Exercise the general powers to make arrest, search and seizure in accordance with the Constitution and pertinent laws; 5. Detain an arrested person for a period not beyond what is prescribed by law, informing the person so detained of all his rights under the Constitution; 6. Issue licenses for the possession of firearms and explosives in accordance with law; 7. Supervise and control the training and operation of security agencies and issue licenses to operate security agencies, and to security guards and private detectives for the practice of their professions; and
8. Perform other duties and exercise all other functions as may be provided by law. THE PNP PROGRAM THRUSTS CY 2006 The PNP Program Thrust for FY 2006 is anchored on the 10-Point Agenda of HEPGMA and on the various pronouncements/policies of SILG. It is also based on the O.N.E. PNP Program of Action which was a flagship of then C, PNP, PDG HERMOGENES EBDANE. O.N.E stands for the three priority strategic goals and objectives of Gen. Ebdane where O stands for Organizational Reforms in Operations and Procedures. N for Neighborhood Partnership for Community-based Anti-Crime Programs and E for Education, Training and Benefits Improvement. ORGANIZATIONAL REFORMS IN OPERATIONS AND PROCEDURES includes: A. Capability Build-up 1.) Administrative Capability a. b. c. Improve Personnel and unit Image thru strict Implementation of LOI Patnubay (including all its aspects) by: Set-up training and reformatory schools for personnel who shall go astray and fail to meet the standards set by the PNP. Implement belt-tightening measures on the use of electricity and water and other administrative activities;
2.) Operational Capability a. b. c. d. e. Organizational Development (construct/maintain/enhance Community Police Assistance Centers) Fill up shortages in move, shoot and communicate capabilities and Police Stations facilities; Strengthen linkages with Foreign Law Enforcement Agencies; Strengthen linkages with other pillars of the Criminal Justice System and other government agencies; and Download of uniformed personnel and equipment to field units from headquarters on a 90% (Field units) to 10% (Headquarters) ratio.
3.) Development and management of projects under the Integrated Transformation Program. B. Law Enforcement 1.) Solve at least 5% of unsolved cases every month;
2.) Arrest at least 5% of wanted persons every month; 3.) Neutralize at least 5% of criminal gangs every month; 4.) Reduce crimes by at least 10% every year thru intensification of campaigns against Street crimes, Index crimes, Non-index crimes, Organized Crime Groups and Terrorism; 5.) Strict implementation of policy on maximum tolerance for Civil Disturbance Management (CDM) operations; and 6.) Strict implementation of No Plate No Travel Policy. C. Support to Internal Security Operations (ISO) 1.) Timely intelligence thru information sharing, sustained Intelligence gathering, special project and case operations to identify and neutralize threat groups activities; 2.) Investigation and prosecution of internal security cases; 3.) Strengthen the programs for public safety and internal security; 4.) Conduct counter-intelligence operations, to detect and neutralize enemy infiltration, sabotage and subversion activities; 5.) Maintain Barangay Information Network (BIN); and 6.) Quarterly update CPP/NPA and Secessionist Groups Order of Battle and neutralize the same. D. Gender Awareness and Development 1.) Fill-up needed Policewomen in WCCDs; 2.) Recruit at least 5% female applicants for lateral entry and regular Recruitment; 3.) Equal opportunities for UN Peacekeeping Mission, schoolings, training, etc. and, 4.) Rational Distribution of GAD Fund. NEIGHBORHOOD PARTNERSHIP FOR PROGRAMS on the other hand consists of:
A. Crime Prevention thru Community-Oriented Policing System (COPS) 1.) Organize, mobilize, Community-based Anti-crime Programs thru house clustering to fight crimes; 2.) Expand coverage of Patrol 117 and React 166; 3.) Maintain PNP Text 2920; 4.) Harness the Council of Community Elders (CCE) for the Phase-by-Phase implementation of the community monitoring program in priority areas; 5.) Strengthen community partnership through Memorandum of Agreement and joint Activities with LGUs and NGOs; 6.) Design a course for PCR operators to be assigned with PCPs; 7.) Institutionalize Patrol Beat System and Detective Beat System; and 8.) Develop a workable Community Police Assistance Center concept. B. Implementation of Integrated Area/Community Public Safety Plan (IA/CPSP) C. Implementation of Police Community Relations Plans 1.) SAMBAYAN; 2.) SANTINIG; and 3.) Institutionalize of Feedback Mechanism. D. Tourist Protection 1.) Intensify the conduct of Threat Assessment/Security Survey on tourist destinations nationwide; 2.) Enhance linkages with the Department of Tourism, AFP and NGOs and other government agencies promoting Philippine Tourism; 3.) Disseminate tourists travel safety advisories; 4.) Undertake necessary security measures to protect tourists; and
5.) Conduct visibility patrols and other crime prevention measures in tourist hubs and other tourist destinations. And EDUCATION, TRAINING AND BENEFITS IMPROVEMENT includes: A. Human Resource Management 1.) Conduct Education and Training a. Inclusion of QUAD concept in the following areas: Knowledge Enhancement; Skills Upgrading and Development; b. Revision and improvement of existing POIs to be attuned with current situation; c. Increase number of classes for mandatory courses, specialized courses and other schoolings; d. Make representation with foreign counterparts re increase of participants for foreign schoolings; and, e. Offer relevant courses for NUP. 2.) Conduct fair and equitable selection, placement, promotion and awards to deserving PNP personnel. B. Morale and Welfare 1.) Continuous provision of sound, morale and welfare benefits to PNP personnel on time, such as, but not Limited to the following: a. b. c. d. salary; benefits; Project Kalinga; and Poverty Alleviation/Livelihood Programs
2.) Transparent and gender sensitive implementation of the following: a. b. c. Housing Assistance Program; Free Legal Assistance on PNP Work-related Cases; and Scholarship/Education Assistance Program.
4.) Implement a credible grievance committee for NUP. 5.) Establish and/strengthen PNP cooperatives.
Just in time for the assumption of the new Chief, PNP, PDG OSCAR C CALDERON, the Directorate for Plans formulated and disseminated the New PNP Program Thrusts for CY 2007 incorporating the identified priority program thrusts of the C,PNP himself. Beginning second semester this year until the following year, the focus of his operational thrusts, among others, is much on the preventive aspect of criminality and pursuing the new and active support role of the PNP in internal security operations. OPERATIONAL THRUSTS I. Anti-Criminality a. 5% reduction of street crimes thru: a.1 a.2 a.3 a.4 a.5 b. c. Increased police visibility thru Police Security Containment Ring System and Integrated Beat Patrol System Sustained night watch operations Continuous conduct of checkpoints/chokepoints operations Deployment of police detectives to arrest criminals in buses and jeepneys and other places of convergence Establishment of police outposts in crime prone areas
Continuous strengthening of police stations Intensified anti-crime operations against all forms of criminality c.1 c.2 c.3 c.4 c.5 5% increase in the solution of unsolved cases per quarter 5% increase in the arrest of wanted persons per quarter 5% increase in the neutralization of criminal gangs per quarter 2% increase in crime solution efficiency per quarter 5% decrease in total crime volume per quarter
Anti-Insurgency (ISO) a. Conduct of new and active support role in internal security (ISO) by: a.1 a.2 a.3 a.4 a.5 operations
Dismantling the Politico-Military structure of the LCTs thru SOT like operations Conducting special intelligence projects against high value targets Pursuing legal offensive thru IALAG Utilizing SAF/RMGS/PMGs as the maneuver forces Making use of Municipal and City Police Stations as territorial defense forces
Implementing the IA/CPSP Organizing a Speakers Bureau Maintaining a Barangay Information Network (BIN)
Anti-Terrorism a. Sustained implementation of the Three Tiered Defense System, the PNPs basic action framework against terrorism: a.1 a.2 a.3 b. Intelligence Target Hardening Incident Management
Strengthening intelligence sharing thru linkages with other regional intelligence community or international/bilateral exchanges
Police Community Relations a. Crime prevention thru Community Oriented Policing System (COPS) a.1 a.2 a.3 b. Forging community partnerships and collaboration to harness the vast resources of the community in our fight against criminality and lawless violence Enhancement of PNP Text 2920 to encourage crime reporting and improved PNP response system Design a course for PCR Operators to be assigned with PCPs
Implementation of Police Community Relations Plans b.1 b.2 b.3 SAMBAYAN SANTINIG Institutionalization of Feedback Mechanism
ADMINISTRATIVE THRUSTS I. II. III. IV. V. Implementation of the PNP Integrated Transformation Program Construction of housing units for PNP personnel Instilling basic courtesy and discipline Addressing morale issues through incentives, awards and decorations and strengthening the police disciplinary machineries Upgrading the Move, Shoot, Communicate and Investigate Capability a. b. Training Acquisition of Equipment
c. d. VI.
Adherence to the Chain of Command and to the duly constituted authority a. b. Effective leadership. Interpersonal communications and inter-action
Continue the conduct of Integrated Training Programs for NUP Conduct for equitable selection, placement and promotion to deserving PNP personnel. Gender Awareness and Development a. b. Fill-up needed Policewomen in WCCDs. Recruit at least 10% female applicants for lateral entry and regular recruitment. c. Equal opportunities for UN Peacekeeping Mission, schoolings, training, etc. d. Rational Distribution of GAD Fund e. Provide police personnel mechanism and facilities for effective parenting without necessarily sacrificing time at work and responsibilities by: e.1 Constructing day care facilities at the national, regional and provincial levels of PNP offices e.2 Conducting orientation seminars on responsible parenting