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Poor Mans James Bond 2

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Poor Man’s James Bond Includes ye Meee ey meee this book may be unlawful in some areas. The The Poor Man’s James Bond Volume 2 ©1992 by Desert Publications 215 South Washington EI Dorado, AR 71731-1751 870-862-2077 ISBN 0-87947-226-X. 1514131211109 Printed in U. S.A. Desert Publication is a division of The DELTA GROUP, Ltd. Direct all inquiries & orders to the above address. All rights reserved. Except for use in a review, no portion of this book may be reproduced by any means known or unknown without the express written permission of the publisher. Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for the use or misuse of the information contained in this book. Warning! The Publisher (Desert Publications) produces this book for informational and entertainment purposes and under no circumstances advises, encour- ages or approves of use of this material in any manner. This compilation contains the original “Poor Man's James Bond Volume 2” © 1992 Kurt Saxon (No Index). (Index page 90) (No Index).. (Index page 280) . (Index page 282) . (Index page 476) .. Intelligence Report: Bridge City. ‘The Poor Man's Armorer.. American Jiu-Jitsu Chemicals in War Improvised Munitions Handbook. Chemistry of Powder and Explosives. 169 329 SECRET— NOFORN EXCEPT U. K., CANADA, & AUSTRALIA Detailed Intelligence Report Name: After Action Report B.E. No.: 16-790-9 Date of Report: August 28, 1979 Series: Technical Evaluation EXCLUDED FORM AUTOMATIC REGRADING; DOD DIR 6200.10 DOES NOT APPLY. SECRET— NOFORN EXCEPT U. K., CANADA, & AUSTRALIA FD) ————— SPECIAL REPORT———— DRSX - AS 29 August-1979 TO: Director - Special Operations Division, Special Assistant For Counter-Insurgency and Special Activities FROM: Senior Field Agent David Fischer, acting for Field Agent George Neary (deceased) SUBJECT: After Action Report - Weapons Evaluation REFERENCE: Operation “Bridge City" (16-790-9) DISTRIBUTION: Level 1 Section Heads Only In accordance with Counter-Insurgency Directive 24A-156-75 the following report is forwarded. Please be advised that this initial evaluation covers only an overview of weapons and weapon systems used by and against operational personnel in the Northern districts of Mexico during August, 1979. (Bridge City 16-790-9) For additional information on specific weapons refer to FSTC-CW-07-1-69. Daw) Fischer o. 2 David Fischer ory N ; ae Loft Senior Field Agent cory NO, 2 PACE 7 of JL MAUSER_HSC The Mauser HSC was designed during the 1930's for use as a military-Police weapon. In general it is a well designed and effective pistol. Its primary drawback is that it is chambered for the relatively weak 7,65mm cartridge. A threaded barrel was available to attach a silencer. Caliber - 7.65 mm System - Blowback, automatic Feed cevice - 8 round detachable box magazine Weight - 1.3 1b Muzzle velocity ~ 950 feet per second Effective range - 50 meters MP-6 Spanish Super AZUL, 7.63 mm The Spanish Super Azul is an exact copy of the early mauser MP 1932 selective fire pistol without locking selector switches. The Azul was widely distributed commercially before W.W.II and many have made their way into the United States and Latin Anerica. Caliber - 7.63 mm System - recoil, selective fire Feed device - 10 rd. or 20 rd. detachable box magazines Weight - 2.93 1b. Muzzle velocity - 1575 feet per second Effective range - 100 meters PAGE 2 of it AK-47 Automat Kalashnikov The years following W.W.II saw the Russians with the need to replace their aging submachine guns (PPSH41Y PPS43) and the variety of rifles still in service. The AK-47 filled their needs so well that more than 30 million have been produced since (the production figure includes variations) The AK-47 is far more accurate at a longer range than the Israeli Uzi, British Sten, or U.S. M3-Al "Grease Gun". It will hold a six inch group at 100 yards, about one-half the group size of conventional sub-machine guns. The AK-47 is usually found in two versions, one with a wooden stock and one with a folding metal stock. The AK-47 frequently turns up in smal] guerilla wars around the world. One of the greatest attributes of the AK-47 is its ability to function under adverse conditions, Even when rarely cleaned and firing "corroded" ammunition it continues to be an effective weapon. AK-Assault Rifle Caliber: 7.62 mm Weight 10 1/2 Ibs. System: gas, selective fire Muzzle velocity: 2330 F.P.S. Feed device: 30-rd. detachable box magazine Rate of Fire 600 r.p.m. copy NO. 2 “PAGE 3 of Browning High Power 35 pistol This was the last pistol designed by John Browning. Though in design and function it is very similar to the Colt .45 1911A1 (Browning designed) there are major differences. The High Power was used extensively during W.W.II by the British and Canadian governments, and is still the main service sidearm in those countries. ‘Models are frequently found with tangential sights and detachable shoulder stocks. The effectiveness and availability of the 9 mm cartridge has made this a highly desirable sidearm in most countries outside the U.S. Caliber - 9 mm parabel1um Weight - 0.8 kg. System - recoil Muzzle velocity - 450 meters per second Feed device - 13 round detachable box magazine Effective range - 70 meters 2-50 Pistol The model 1950 pistol is no longer in service with the Czechoslovakian army. Large numbers of these weapons have been given to the "emerging" and third world nations. The CZ-50 is frequently encountered in both Africa and South America. Caliber - 7.65 mm (pistol) Weight - 1.5 1b. System - blowback, semi-automatic Muzzle velocity - 919 feet per second Feed device - 8 round removeable box magazine Effective range - 50 meters copy NO. 2 D PAGE 4 of If Browning .30 Cal Nachine Gun The original design dates from 1910, but the design was finally adopted by the Army in 1917. Early versions were water cooled, but these have been obsolete for years - though occasionally found_in use in third world nation. The excel lent air cooled version was replaced by the M-60 machinegun in the 1960's. It is, however, still used as secondary armament in armoured vehicles or for infantry use with a wide variety of tripod mounts. Caliber - 30 in. System - recoil operated Feed device - 250 round fabric belt, or disintegrating Tink belt Weight - 14 kg. Muzzle velocity - 850 meters per second Effective range - 900 meters Leftist Guerilla Found Armed With AK-47 copy NO. 2 PAGE 5 of Lb FN-FAL rifle (Fabrique Nationale Herstal Belgium) ___The FAL is the most successful of all assault rifles developed since World War IT. With minor modifications it is in use by more than 65 countries around the world. The FAL is a selective fire weapon that fires from a closed bolt. Two variations of the rifle are dn general use - one with a fixed stock and one with a folding stock. Caliber - 7.62nm System - Gas Feeding device - 20 round detachable box magazine Weight - 4.5 kg. Muzzle velocity - 730 meter per second Effective range - 500 meters 9M UZI_Submachinegun ‘The 9 MM UZI submachinegun was developed by an Israeli arny officer during the early 1950's. The design seems to have been influenced by the Czech M-23 submachinegun; however, the UZI has several novel features for a submachinegun: A bayonet and a spigot type grenade launcher. The UZI is considered to be an extremely reliable weapon The UZI is manufactured in Israel and Belgium. It is a standard weapon in Israel, W. Germany and the Netherlands. It is also carried by members of the U.S. Secret Service Caliber - 9 mm System - blowback Feed device - 25 rd., 32 rd., or 40 rd. detachable box magazine Weight - 8.8 Ibs. Muzzle velocity - 435 meters per second Effective range - 200 meters copy no. 2 PAGE @ of Jk Remains Of Guerilla Found Armed With FAL copy NO. 2 PAGE § of dd VZ 61 Skorpion Machine Pistol (Czechoslovakia) The Skorpion is a true machine pistol. The highly concealable Skorpion was designed for use by armoured venicle crews. Though it fires a relatively weak cartridge, the weapon is highly functional and is in general service with Czechoslovakian troops. The weapon has recently began turning up in Africa and South America. Caliber - 7.65 om System - blowback, selective fire Feed device - 10 or 20 round detachable box type Weight - 1.31 kg. Muzzle velocity ~ 305 meter per second Effective range - 50 to 75 meters Guerilla Found Armed With CZ-50

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