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The Methodical Study of Politics by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita NYU and Hoover Institution

October 30, 2002

The Methodical Study of Politics Bruce Bueno de Mesquita

Ecclesiastes teaches that To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the heaven. Although methodological seasons come and go, I believe most students of politics are united in their purpose. We want to understand how the world of politics works. Some may be motivated in this purpose by a desire to improve, or at least influence, the world, others to satisfy intellectual curiosity, and still others by mixes of these and other considerations. Within the generally agreed purpose for studying politics, however, there are important differences in emphasis that lead to variations in methodological choices. For instance, those concerned to establish the verisimilitude and precision of specific conjectures about particular political events are likely to choose the case study method and archival analysis as the best means to evaluate the link between specific events and particular explanations. Those concerned to establish the general applicability or predictive potential of specific conjectures are likely to choose large-N, statistical analysis as the best means to evaluate the link between independent and dependent variables. Those concerned to probe normative arguments or to engage in social commentary will find other methods, such as post-structuralism and some forms of constructivism, more fruitful. Whatever the explanatory goal and whatever the substantive concern, research benefits from efforts to establish the rigorous logical foundation of propositions as it is exceedingly difficult to interpret and build upon commentary or analysis that is internally inconsistent. The concern for logical rigor to accompany empirical rigor encourages some to apply mathematics to the exploration of politics Mathematical models whether they are structural, rational choice, 2

cognitive, or other forms provide an especially useful set of tools for ensuring logical consistency or uncovering inconsistencies in complex arguments. As most of human interaction is complex and certainly political choices involve complex circumstances mathematical modeling provides a rigorous foundation for making clear precisely what is being claimed and for discovering unanticipated contingent predictions or relations among variables. By linking careful analysis or social commentary to logically-grounded empirical claims we improve the prospects of understanding and influencing future politics. The mathematical development of arguments is neither necessary nor sufficient for getting politics right, but it does greatly improve the prospects of uncovering flaws in reasoning. As such, mathematics does not, of course, provide a theory of politics anymore than natural language discourse is itself a theory of politics. Rather, each mathematics and natural language is simply a tool for clarifying the complex interactions among variables that make up most prospective explanations of politics. The advantage of mathematics is that it is less prone to inconsistent usage of terms than is ordinary language. Therefore, it reduces the risk that an argument mistakenly is judged as right when it relies probably unwittingly on changes in the meaning of terms. A dichotomy has been drawn by some between those who choose problems based on methodological tastes and those who choose methods based on substantive concerns. This seems to me to be a false dichotomy. As intimated above, different methods are appropriate for different problems or to demonstrate different facets of an argument. I cannot imagine any serious student of politics who is driven to study problems primarily because they fit a particular method. Rather, it is likely that substantive interests propel researchers to rely more on some methods than others. Of course, all researchers are limited in their skills in using some tools of 3

research as compared to others. This too surely plays a role in the selection of research tools applied to substantive problems. It is, for instance, particularly difficult for those lacking the requisite technical training in a method, whether it be mathematical modeling, archival research, experimental design, or statistical analysis, to adapt to the use of unfamiliar, technically demanding tools. We need not, however, concern ourselves here with this limitation as its remedies are straightforward. Researchers can retool to acquire the methodological skills needed for a research problem or they can select collaborators with the appropriate technical know-how. Naturally, the costlier retooling is in time and effort, the less likely it is that the researcher will pay the price and the more likely it is that appropriate co-authors will be chosen. Co-authorship is an increasingly common practice in political science presumably for this reason. With these few caveats in mind, I put the dichotomy between methodological tastes and substantive interests aside and focus instead on what I believe are the linkages between substantive issues and methodological choices. Clearly, when researchers fuse evidence and logic, they improve our ability to judge whether their claims are plausible on logical grounds and are refuted or supported empirically. This combination of logic and evidence has been the cornerstone of studies of politics over more than two millennia. Such an approach typifies the writings, for instance, of Aristotle, Thucydides, Kautilya, Sun Tzu, Acquinas, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Hume, Locke, Madison, Montesquieu, Marx, Weber, Dahl, Riker, Arrow, Black and on and on. Reliance on the tools of rhetoric or on advocates briefs without logic and balanced evidence probably makes evaluating research more difficult and probably subject to higher interpersonal variation than when relying on logic and evidence. With this in mind I begin by considering what forms of argument and evidence are most likely to advance knowledge and persuade disinterested observers of the 4

merits or limitations of alternative contentions about how politics works. As I proceed, I will occasionally offer illustrative examples. When I offer such examples they will be drawn primarily from research on international relations as this is the aspect of political research best known to me.

The Case Study Method of Analysis One path to insight into politics is through the detailed analysis of individual events such as characterizes many applications of the case study method. This technique, often relying on archival research, proves to be a fertile foundation from which new and interesting ideas germinate, ideas that suggest hypotheses about regularities in the world that are worthy of being probed through close analysis of individual events and through careful repetition across many events. The Limits of Coercive Diplomacy (George, Hall and Simons 1971), for instance, uses five case studies to infer an interesting hypothesis that ties conflict outcomes to asymmetries in motivation across national decision makers. Subsequent research has replicated the basic insights from that work in applications to other case histories of conflict, though I am not aware of applications yet to decisions to avoid conflict based on an anticipated motivational disadvantage. Case studies also are used to evaluate the empirical plausibility of specific theoretical claims derived from sources other than the case histories themselves. Kiron Skinner, Serhiy Kudelia, Condoleezza Rice and I (2002), for instance, investigate William Rikers (1996) theory of heresthetic political maneuvering by using archival records regarding Boris Yeltsins and Ronald Reagans campaigns to lead Russia and the United States respectively. The case studies in this instance are examined to see whether details of predictions about off the equilibrium path expectations influenced Reagans and Yeltsins strategies in the manner anticipated by 5

Rikers theory. The close probing of case study analysis enhances the prospects of achieving internal validity as it brings the proposed explanation into close proximity with the known details of the situation. The nuances of case histories provide both a strength and a weakness of this method in studying important political issues. By bringing theory as close as possible to the many small events and variations in circumstance that characterize real-world politics, the researcher enhances the prospects of providing a convincing account of the event or events in question. However, to the extent the researchers primary interest is in explaining and predicting other events in the class to which the case history belongs, a focus on the unique nuances of the individual event is an impediment to reliable generalization. The unique features of the case frequently are permitted to become a part of the explanation rather than elements in control variables that do not make up part of a general hypothesis applicable to other events in the class. Case studies can provide existence proofs for some theoretical claims. For instance, a case history and archival research on the Seven Weeks War provides an existence proof that a seemingly small war can lead to fundamental changes in the organization of international politics, contrary to claims in theories of hegemonic war or of power transition wars (Bueno de Mesquita 1990a). Assuming no measurement error for arguments sake, a case study can also falsify a strong theoretical claim rare in political science that some factor or set of factors is necessary, sufficient, or necessary and sufficient for a particular outcome to occur. A single case study, however, cannot provide evidence that the specific details are germane to other, similar occurrences. For those who envision scientific progress in the cumulation of knowledge through the lens of theorists like Laudan (1977) or Lakatos (1976, 1978), a single case study cannot help 6

choose among competing theoretical claims. In these approaches a theorys superiority is judged by its ability to explain more facts or remove more anomalies than a rival theory. That is, these approaches require a theory to account for the findings regarding previously known cases plus patterns that emerge from other cases, thereby requiring more than a single case or even very few cases to judge that one explanation is superior to another. Nor can individual case studies evaluate the merits of arguments that involve a probability distribution over outcomes. Even when arguments are deterministic, replication of case study quasi-experiments is important for building confidence in a putative result. Such replication naturally leads to a second method of investigation.

Large-N, Usually Statistical Analysis Replication of quasi-experiments to test the accuracy of a general claim helps us discern whether specific hypothesized general patterns hold up within cases that fall within a class of situations. Alexander L. George, David K. Hall and William E. Simons (1971, 1994), for instance, examine variations in motivations across disputants in case after case. Each time they are probing the same hypothesis: a motivational advantage can help overcome a power disadvantage in disputes. Their second edition takes the theory of the first edition and adds new case histories to include foreign policy developments through the 1980s, thereby testing and retesting their main hypothesis. I and others, a small sampling of which includes Patrick James (1998; James and Lusztig 19966, 1997a, 197b, 2000, 2003), John H. P. Williams and Mark Webber (1998), Francine Friedman (1997), and Jacek Kugler and Yi Feng (1997), similarly have applied a single, unaltered theoretical construct about political bargaining and decision making to numerous case histories. In these instances the applications were to significant political events 7

whose outcomes were not yet known at the time the analyses were done. These studies involve an effort to evaluate the reliability of the specific theory as a predictive tool. Such case study replications as predictive experiments about unknown outcomes are unfortunately uncommon in political science. Yet they provide a demanding way to test the plausibility of theoretical claims. I return to the question of such natural experiments later when I discuss prediction. As the number of cases used for testing a theoretical claim increases, the general patterns rather than particular details are efficiently discerned through statistical analysis. This is especially true when the predicted pattern involves a probability distribution across possible outcomes. Few expectations in political science, at least at the current stage of theory development, are deterministic. Statistical studies uncover ideas about the general orderliness of the world of politics through the assessment of regular patterns tying dependent variables to independent variables. While the case study approach provides confidence in the internal workings of specific events, statistical analysis probes the generality or external validity of the hypotheses under investigation. Statistical patterns offer evidence about how variables relate to one another across a class of circumstances, providing clues about general causal mechanisms, but generally fail to illuminate a specific and convincing explanation of any single case. Of course, statistical analysis is not intended as a method for elaborating on details within a case just as an individual case study is not designed to expose general patterns of action. Statistical analysis in political science has opened the doors to successful electoral predictions, as well as to the development of insights into virtually every aspect of politics. Within the field of international relations, statistical methods have been used to investigate such important questions as the causes and consequences of war, changes in trade policy, alterations in currency stability, alliance reliability, and so forth. The prodigious contributions of statistical 8

studies in American politics and comparative politics are probably even greater. Consider, for instance, the fruitful statistical research into the links between regime type and war proneness. Research about whether there is a democratic peace and, if so, why it persists (Russett 1993; Maoz and Abdolali 1989; Bremer 1993) illustrates an instance in which a seemingly compelling pattern of variable interaction has led to what some have dared to term a law of nature (Levy 198), a law that could not be discerned by observing only a few individual examples. The exact statement of that law remains open to debate. Is the apparent relative peace among democracies a consequence of shared values and norms, as some argue, or the product of specific constraints on action that make it particularly difficult for leaders who depend on broad support to wage war, as I and others have maintained, or is there some other, as yet uncovered explanation that best accounts for the numerous regularities that collectively are drawn together under the label, the democratic peace? So strong are the statistical patterns that policy makers as well as scholars have embraced the idea that a democratic peace exists. Indeed, Bill Clinton in 1994 specifically cited his belief in the democratic peace findings as a basis for American action in restoring Bertrand Aristide to power in Haiti. Indeed, so strong is the impetus among policy makers that many believe an alldemocratic world, if it is ever attained, will be a peaceful world. These sanguine beliefs require a note of caution. Structural models and accompanying statistical tests also suggest that the impact on peace of spreading democracy is nonlinear (Crescenzi, Kadera and Shannon, 2003) while another statistical and logically deduced pattern shows that democracies are especially prone to overthrow the regimes of defeated rivals through war and, in doing so, are prone to construct new autocracies (Bueno de Mesquita, Smith, Siverson, and Morrow 2003). Leaders pursue war for different reasons, but one apparently is domestic inducements to change a foes policies by 9

altering its regime. Such a motivation is common among democratic leaders . This is readily shown statistically and is illustrated by regime changes imposed by the democratic victors in World War II. A glance at the Thirty Years War or post-colonial African history makes apparent that such a motivation was remote indeed in a world led by monarchs or by petty dictators. The statistical evidence for the generalization that democracies fight more often than autocracies to overthrow regimes and impose new leaders is strong. Autocrats fight for spoils; to gain territory and riches and only rarely to overthrow their foreign foes.

Experimental Design A necessary condition for an explanation to be true is that it passes appropriate empirical tests both of its internal and external validity. Experiments provide the best controlled setting in which to conduct tests of political theory, but in practice laboratory experiments with human subjects throw up impediments not usually confronted by physical scientists. Randomization in case selection is one element in designing reasonable quasi-experiments based on data from the past. Another approach, about which I will have more to say later, is to do predictive studies about events whose outcome is not yet known. These studies are natural experiments. Nature randomizes the value of variables not explicitly within the theoretical framework while the researcher chooses cases without bias with respect to whether they turn out to fit or refute the hypotheses being tested. This absence of such a bias is assured by the fact that the outcomes of the cases are unknown at the time the cases enter the experimental frame. The predictive case studies that I and others have undertaken using the forecasting and bargaining model mentioned earlier are instances of repeated prospective natural experiments in international relations in which the explanatory variables and their inter-relationships are not altered from test case to test 10

case. Of course, in American politics such natural experiments are undertaken all of the time in the context of elections. True laboratory experiments are also growing in prominence in political science. Within the international relations context, the best known such studies relate to experiments about repeated prisoners dilemma situations (e.g., Rapoport and Chammah 1965; Rapoport, Guyer and Gordon 1976; Axelrod 1984), though there is also a literature on weapons proliferation and other conflict-related experiments (Brody 1963). And, of course, the Defense Department routinely runs war game experiments to help train officers for combat. These experiments, however, rarely are designed to test competing hypotheses about the politics of war.

Mathematic Modeling Whatever the source of data for testing hypotheses, I believe that empirical methods alone are insufficient to establish that a given conjecture, hypothesis, hunch or observation provides a reliable explanation. After all, correlation does not prove causation, though a strong correlation certainly encourages a quest for causality and the absence of correlation often provides evidence against causality. In both instances, in the pursuit of internal and external validity, we grow confident in our observations and the prospective causal ties between independent and dependent variables when our tests explore the deductively derived logic of action. This non-empirical methodological approach the logic of action furnishes a proposed explanation for the regularities we discern and for previously unobserved regularities implied by the logic of action. The logic of action establishes the internal consistency of the claims we make or the observations we report. The test of logical consistency establishes a coherent link between those observations and evidence that describe the world and the theory purported to explain why our observations are expected to look as they do. 11

Consider some of the empirical regularities proposed through formal logical analysis, some of which have been tested and other of which remain for future statistical and case study evaluation. Repeated game theory offers fundamental insight into the conditions under which to expect or not expect cooperation. The prisoners dilemma is a model situation in which the absence of trust or credible commitment can prevent cooperation. Through repeated play, however, we know that cooperation can be achieved between patient decision makers (Taylor 1976; Axelrod 1984). This insight is important in uncovering prospective solutions to enduring conflicts and it is supported in laboratory experiments, case histories, and statistical evaluations. Equally significant, however, we also know through the logic of certain repeated games that patience does not always encourage cooperation. Indeed, the chance for cooperation can be diminished by patience; that is, through a long shadow of the future. When costs endured now in preparation for war provide improved prospects for gains later through military conquest, then patient decision makers more keenly appreciate the future benefits of war than do their impatient counterparts. The result is that it is more difficult to deter patient leaders when current costs presage greater subsequent gains. Aggression rather than cooperation is the prospective consequence, as has been indicated in studies of spending on guns or butter (Powell 1999). So, when costs precede benefits, patience is not a virtue that stimulates cooperation; it can be a liability that promotes conflict. The sequence in which costs and benefits are realized apparently alters the prospects of peace. This is an important conceptual insight for those who shape agendas in international negotiations, an insight that was not revealed either through case analysis or statistical assessment. It was uncovered through the rigorous, formal logic of game theory. This insight may help to provide a key to better addressing the fractious issues that threaten relations between 12

India and Pakistan, North and South Korea, Israel and the Palestinians, China and Taiwan, Northern Irish Catholics and Protestants and so on. Finally, I should note that rational-actor models have not only influenced academic understanding, but also practical policy making. Americas nuclear policy throughout the cold war traces significant parts of its roots to the strategic reasoning of Thomas Schelling (1960). More recently, a formal game theoretic model of bargaining has been described by the United States government as producing forecasts . . . given to the President, Congress, and the U.S. government. These forecasts are described as a substantial factor influencing the elaboration of the countrys foreign policy course (Izvestiya 1995) So, contrary to what we sometimes here, policy makers in the United States and elsewhere rely in part on inferences drawn from mathematical models of politics to choose their course of action. I could go on with innumerable examples of studies that show the benefits for foreign policy of political partisanship (Schultz 2001) and yes men (Calvert 1985) or explanations of alliance behavior (Smith 1995), but I believe the point is clear. We have learned much about politics through mathematical reasoning, particularly in a rational choice setting, as well as from statistical assessments and that knowledge spans a wide array of substantively important questions.

Research Through Multiple Methods Convincing, cumulative progress in knowledge is bolstered by and may in fact require the application of ex post case histories, ex post statistical studies, and ex ante natural and laboratory experiments, though the sequence of such applications may be irrelevant to success in uncovering covering laws of politics if they exist. Let me illustrate the benefits of combining methods with a brief foray into a crucial political debate of the early fourteenth century, one that 13

remains pertinent today to those in political science who dismiss this or that method out of hand or out of personal predilections rather than from solid theoretical or empirical foundations. The use of logic, case evidence, and repeated observations within a class of cases to explain behavior and to influence policy was at the heart of the fourteenth century essay De Potestate Regia et Papali, that is, On Royal and Papal Power, written by Jean Quidort (known today as John of Paris) around 1302. John challenged Pope Boniface VIII on behalf of Philip the Fair, King of France, in what was the main international conflict of the day, a conflict that resulted in war, in the seizure, imprisonment and death of the pope, and in the gradual decline of the Catholic Church as the hegemonic power in Europe. In defending the claims for French sovereignty, John of Paris resorted to three methods of analysis: logical exegesis, detailed reference to evidence in history and scriptures and an appeal to the general pattern of relations between the Church and monarchs over many centuries in his effort to show that the pope had no authority to depose kings, contrary to Boniface VIIIs claim in his epistle Unam Sanctum. Indeed, John, foreshadowing modern debate over methods of analysis, warned of the dangers of generalizing solely from a single case. The pope had defended his right to overthrow kings by pointing to the deposition of Childeric III by Pope Zachary centuries earlier. Jean Quidort contested the claim of precedent, noting that, It is inappropriate to draw conclusions from such events which . . . are of their nature unique, and not indicative of any principle of law. (p. 167). He went on to state principles of law and to document them empirically. Furthermore, he went on to argue about when evidence is to be taken as unbiased and when it is biased, foreshadowing contemporary debate about both selection bias and selection effects. He noted, When it is the power of the pope in temporal affairs that is at issue, evidence for the pope from an imperial source carries weight, but evidence for the pope from a papal source does not carry much weight, 14

unless what the pope says is supported by the authority of Scripture. What he says on his own behalf should not be accepted especially when, as in the present case, the emperor manifestly says the contrary and so too do other popes (John of Paris, p. 170). John clearly understood that a case history or example by itself is insufficient for stating general principles and that such evidence, selected to make the case, is likely to be biased by design. In fact, the case of Childeric and his actual dethroning by Pipin III for domestic reasons and not by Pope Zachary, illustrates the dangers of too readily generalizing from a singular event. John of Paris relied exclusively on ordinary language to make his case for the illogic of Bonifaces claims and he did so rather effectively. Still, he faced the problem that often haunts ordinary language arguments today; that is, his arguments against the pope were interpreted in different (generally self-serving) ways by different listeners or readers. Indeed, phenomenology, post-modernism, discourse analysis and a variety of other contemporary approaches to research are grounded in this very characteristic of ordinary language. With ordinary language, researchers run a great risk that arguments that seem to make sense, when subjected to the closer scrutiny of formal, mathematical logic, fail the test of reason. Yet, today there are still many who denounce the application of mathematical reasoning and quantitative assessments as conceits that cannot illuminate understanding. Often they argue that the interesting problems of politics are too complex to be reduced to a few equations even though it is exactly when dealing with complex problems that mathematics becomes an attractive substitute for ordinary language as it is in complex problems that errors in informal logic are most easily made and hardest to discover. It is in just such circumstances that we too often utter phrases such as It stands to reason or It is a fact that . . . without pausing to demonstrate that these assertions are true. With consideration of multiple methods in mind (and mindful of John of Pariss 15

warnings) I focus the remainder of my discussion on the application of a single mathematical, game theoretic model to numerous predictive case studies and statistical assessments. In doing so, I do not deny or diminish the important benefits of more conventional close historical studies. I have already emphasized the necessity of such studies as one prong in any scientific endeavor. Nor do I suggest that every researcher must engage in mathematical reasoning or in statistical testing, That is as inefficient as it is impractical. Rather my claim is that individual case analyses, by themselves, as John of Paris aptly noted seven centuries ago, are of their nature unique and not indicative of general laws. We uncover such laws by combining techniques of investigation including careful mathematical reasoning about how people interact strategically. Rather than divide colleagues along methodological grounds, we should encourage collaboration among those with historical knowledge, statistical acumen. expertise in experimental design, and mathematical knowledge. Such teams of researchers are likely to greatly uplift the confidence we can have in the insights we uncover.

The Case for Practical Benefits from Rational Choice Modeling In recent years many in political science have questioned the value of rational choice models. Arguments range from the hysterical to those that are carefully crafted (Cohn 1999; Lowi 1992; Green and Shapiro 1994). Elsewhere I have addressed my views on what constitutes some of the important limitations of rational choice approaches (Bueno de Mesquita 2003). Here I focus on some practical contributions of two sets of applied rational choice models. Research on decision-making has progressed over the past few decades from individual case analyses lacking the guidance of an explicit theoretical perspective to theoreticallyinformed, genuinely predictive assessments of decisions in complex settings. Much of this work 16

draws upon elements of social choice theory, game theory, or combinations of the two. Some of this research represents efforts in pure formal theorizing, while others attempt to examine the retrospective, statistical interplay between formal models of decision making and the empirical environment. Still others apply insights from formal models in developing practical tools for use in predicting the outcomes and bargaining dynamics of future decision making. These latter efforts provide evidence regarding the prospects of such models as tools for explaining and predictin g political behavior. In this section I discuss what I term applied formal models. That is, I examine the empirical application of rational actor models as opposed to reviewing the more formal literature that is concerned with deriving theorems that elucidate analytic solutions to abstract political questions. By applied models I mean rational choice models designed to provide computational solutions to complex, multi-actor real-world problems. These models are embedded in, build on, and sometimes contribute to the development of broad empirical generalizations, but their primary purpose is to bridge the gulf between basic theorizing, logically sound explanation, and social engineering. Although there is a growing body of applied models, especially in economics, I draw attention here to models developed and applied by Frans Stokman and his colleagues loosely referred to as the Groningen Group and a model I developed as well as its applications by me and others. I do so because these two groups have been sufficiently active in their effort to convert theoretical insights from rational choice models into tools for real-world experiments and problem solving that they have extensive, often externally audited, track records from which we can assess the potential benefits of such models as tools that help explain political choices and that help guide decision making. Consequently I ignore here other valuable developments 17

related to prediction, including the use of neural network models (Beck, King and Zeng 2000; Williamson and Bueno de Mesquita 2000) or the innovative recent research on fair division by Steven Brams and Alan Taylor (1996). These promising areas of inquiry are just beginning to build track records that demonstrate their value as tools for practical problem solving about politics. Ultimately, the best way we have to evaluate the explanatory power of a model is to assess how well its detailed analysis fits with reality. This is true whether the reality is about a repeated event, like the price of a commodity, or about important, one-time political decisions. This can be done with retrospective data or prospective data. In the latter case, when actual outcomes are unknown at the time of investigation, there is a pure opportunity to evaluate the model, independent of any possibility that the data have been made to fit observed outcomes. Indeed, perhaps the most difficult test for any theory is to apply it to circumstances in which the outcome events have not yet occurred and where they are not obvious. The prediction of uncertain events is demanding precisely because the researcher cannot fit the argument to the known results. This is a fundamental difference between real-time prediction and post-diction. The models discussed here have been tested in real time thousands of times against problems with unknown and uncertain outcomes. Frans Stokman, his colleagues, and his students have done extensive testing of the reliability of their log-rolling models and have recently edited a special issue of Rationality and Society (2003) that provides an excellent overview of their modeling and of their track record. Their log-rolling models called the exchange model and the compromise model have undergone extensive testing in the context of decision making in the European Union. They generally achieve accuracy levels on their predictions that range between about 80 to 90 percent. What is more, a Dutch company, Decide 18

bv, has used these models in corporate and government projects in Europe for more than a decade. They are credited with playing a significant part in several significant labor-management negotiations in the Netherlands. In one particular instance, Stokman and others associated with Decide bv provided Dutch journalists with advance notice of predicted outcomes of a major Dutch railway negotiation. Their predictions were substantially different from the common journalistic view at the time and from the Dutch governments expectations and yet the logrolling, rational choice models proved correct in virtually all of the details of the resolution of the negotiations. The details of this and other genuinely predictive experiences using the Groningen groups models can be found at Many of the Groningen groups applications have been done in the context of the consulting company they established in cooperation with the University of Groningen. They have, in addition, published all of their theoretical research and many applications in the academic literature. Likewise, many of the applications of the forecasting and bargaining model I developed and that has been used by myself and others have been conducted in a consulting company setting. Few applications from that company, Decision Insights, Inc., have been widely available for public scrutiny, but, like the Groningen group, I have published the theoretical research and many applications in academic journals and books. Even some of the commercial applications are publicly available and so can be used to evaluate the accuracy of these models and their helpfulness in shaping policy decisions. The Central Intelligence Agency recently declassified its own evaluation of the accuracy of the forecasting model I developed, a model it refers to as Policon and which it has used in various forms since the early 1980s. According to Stanley Feder, then a national intelligence officer at the CIA and now a principal in another company (Policy Futures) that uses a version of 19

one of the models I developed: Since October 1982 teams of analysts and methodologists in the Intelligence Directorate and the National Intelligence Councils Analytic Group have used Policon to analyze scores of policy and instability issues in over 30 countries. This testing program has shown that the use of Policon helped avoid analytic traps and improved the quality of analyses by making it possible to forecast specific policy outcomes and the political dynamics leading to them. Political dynamics were included in less than 35 percent of the traditional finished intelligence pieces. Interestingly, forecasts done with traditional methods and with Policon were found to be accurate about 90 percent of the time. Thus, while traditional and Policon-based analyses both scored well in terms of forecast accuracy, Policon offered greater detail and less vagueness. Both traditional approaches and Policon often hit the target, but Policon analyses got the bulls eye twice as often. (Feder 1995, p. 292).

Feder (1995) goes on to report that, Forecasts and analyses using Policon have proved to be significantly more precise and detailed than traditional analyses. Additionally, a number of predictions based on Policon have contradicted those made by the intelligence community, nearly always represented by the analysts who provided the input data. In every case, the Policon forecasts proved to be correct (Feder 1995). A similar view was expressed by Charles Buffalano, Deputy Director of Research at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in private correspondence: [O]ne of the last (and most successful projects) in the political methodologies 20

program was the expected utility theory. . . . The theory is both exploratory and predictive and has been rigorously evaluated through post-diction and in real time. Of all quantitative political forecasting methodologies of which I am aware, the expected utility work is the most useful to policy makers because it has the power to predict specific policies, their nuances, and ways in which they might be changed. (June 12, 1984, emphasis in original) Some examples of issues the CIA has analyzed using these model include: What policy is Egypt likely to adopt toward Israel?; How fully will France participate in SDI?; What is the Philippines likely to do about U.S. bases?; What stand will Pakistan take on the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan?; How much is Mozambique likely to accommodate with the West?; What policy will Beijing adopt toward Taiwans role in the Asian Development Bank?; How much support is South Yemen likely to give to the insurgency in North Yemen?; What is the South Korean government likely to do about large-scale demonstrations?; What will Japans foreign trade policy look like?; What stand will the Mexican government take on official corruption?; When will a presidential election be held in Brazil?; Can the Italian government be brought down over the wage indexing issue? As is evident from this sampler, the modeling method can address diverse questions. Analysts have examined economic, social, and political issues. They have dealt with routine policy decisions and with questions threatening the survival of particular regimes. Issues have spanned a variety of cultural settings, economic systems, and political systems. Feder cites numerous examples of government applications in which the model and the experts who provided the data disagreed. His discussion makes clear that the model is not a Delphi technique--that is, one in which experts are asked what they believe will happen and then 21

these beliefs are reported back in the form of predictions. Rather, this model and the Groningen models provide added insights and real value above and beyond the knowledge of the experts who provide the data. Government assessments are not the only basis on which to evaluate the predictions made by these models. Frans Stokman and I (1994) have examined five competing predictive models. These include an improved version of the so-called Policon model and log-rolling models developed by James Coleman, Stokman, Reinier Van Osten, and Jan Van Den Bos. All of the models were tested against a common database of policy decisions taken by the European Community over the past few years. Statistical tests were used to compare the accuracy of the alternative models relative to the now-known actual outcomes on the issues examined. Results from these models exhibited a high probability of matching the actual outcome of the relevant issues. What is more, Christopher Achen, Stokman and his colleagues have continued this testing on more recent European Union decisions and in other European contexts as well, continuing to show strong predictive accuracy from these rational actor models (Torenvlkied 1996; Van der Knoop and Stokman 1998; Stokman, van Assen, van der Knoop2000; Achterkamp 1999; Akkerman 2000; Achen n.d). These empirical results encourage growing confidence that the study of international negotiations has reached a stage where several practical and reliable rational actor tools are becoming available to help in real-world policy formation. Additional evidence for the reliability of the so-called Policon model can be found in the published articles that contain predictions based on it. James Ray and Bruce Russett (1996) have evaluated many of these publications to ascertain their accuracy. .Motivated by John Gaddiss claim that international relations theory is a failure at prediction, they note that: he does not mention a set of related streams of research and theory that justifies, 22

we believe, a more optimistic evaluation of the fields ability to deliver accurate predictions. The streams of research to which we refer are, specifically: a rational choice approach to political forecasting...The origins of the political forecasting model based on rational choice theory can be traced to The War Trap by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita. The theory introduced there was refined in 1985, and served in turn as the basis for a model designed to produce forecasts of policy decisions and political outcomes in a wide variety of political settings...This expected utility forecasting model has now been tried and tested extensively. [T]he amount of publicly available information and evidence regarding this model and the accuracy of its forecasts is sufficiently substantial, it seems to us, to make it deserving of serious consideration as a scientific enterprise... [W]e would argue in a Lakatosian fashion that in terms of the range of issues and political settings to which it has been applied, and the body of available evidence regarding its utility and validity, it may be superior to any alternative approaches designed to offer specific predictions and projections regarding political events (1996, p.1569).

Ray and Russett (1996) report on specific studies as well as on general principles. They note that the model was used to predict that Ayatollah Khomeini would be succeeded by Hasheimi Rafsanjani and Ayatollah Khameini as leaders of Iran following Khomeinis death . At the time of publication of that study in 1984, Khomeini had designated Ayatollah Montazari as his successor so that the predictions were contrary to expectations among Iran specialists. Khomeini died five years later, in 1989. He was succeeded by Rafsanjani and Khameini. Ray and Russett also note that in 1988 the model correctly predicted the defeat of the Sandinista government in 23

elections; the elections were held in 1990. Gaddis (1992) has specifically claimed that international relations theory failed to predict three critical events: the Gulf War, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the end of the Cold War. In fact, the model discussed here had previously correctly predicted in advance two of these three critical events. In May 1982 in an interview with U.S. News and World Report, I noted that war was likely to occur between Iraq and Saudi Arabia or between Iraq and other states on the Arabian Peninsula once the Iran-Iraq war is settled (May 3, 1982). And on April 3, 1995 the Russian newspaper Izvestia reported that Experts engaging in studies within the framework of this system state that on the basis of long experience of using it, it can be said with a great degree of confidence that the forecasts are highly accurate. The article goes on to report that the model was used in may 1991 to predict the August putsch (translation by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service) that precipitated the downfall of the Soviet Union.. At Gaddiss suggestion, the predictive model has since been used to examine the likelihood of American victory in the Cold War. The model was used in a simulation environment to test alternative scenarios to determine if the end of the Cold War could have been predicted based only on information available in 1948. The simulations show that there was a 68 to 78 percent probability that the United States would win the Cold War peacefully within fifty years, given the conditions in 1948 and plausible shifts in the attentiveness of each state to security concerns over time. Again, no political information or data that was unknown in 1948 was used in this study (Bueno de Mesquita 1998). Other predictions over the years can be found in articles dealing with a peace agreement in the Middle East, political instability in Italy over the budget deficit, the dispute over the Spratly Islands, Taiwanese nuclear weapons capabilities, bank debt management in several Latin 24

American countries; the content of NAFTA, the Maastricht referendum in Europe, admission of the two Koreas to the United Nations, policy changes in Hong Kong leading up to and following the return to China in 1997, the leadership transition in China, resolution of the Kosovo War, among many other topics.1 Each of these instances includes accurate predictions that were surprising to many at the time. For example, in 1990 the model predicted that Yasser Arafat would shift his stance to reach an agreement with the next Labour government in Israel by accepting very modest territorial concessions that would not include autonomy (Bueno de Mesquita 1990b). The prediction was made and published well before the Gulf War and yet foreshadowed rather accurately the steps Arafat ultimately took. Francine Friedman has demonstrated that the model indicated in December 1991 that the Croat-Serbian conflict would in the end settle for Croatian independence with some Croation (territorial) concessions to Serbia but also that the Bosnian Muslims were the next likely target for extremist Serbian forces (1997, 55). At the time, this seemed an unlikely event. As with the applications within the U.S. government, the accuracy rate across all of the published work is around 90 percent. More recently, the model was pitted against prospect theory predictions regarding the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland (Bueno de Mesquita, McDermott, and Cope 2001). The predictions were made well in advance and were designed to predict and explain the detailed political dynamics through 2001. The prospect theory predictions, undertaken by a former student of Amos Tversky, achieved about 50 to 60 percent accuracy while the forecasting model and its bargaining component proved accurate in this instance in 100 percent of the cases (eleven distinct issues), including that the resumption of violence would not lead to a breakdown in further negotiations toward implementation of the 1 The bibliography of such studies is too copious to list everything here. I would be happy to provide citations to all or any such studies on request. 25

agreement (while the prospect theory prediction indicated renewed violence would terminate further efforts to implement the Good Friday Agreement) and that the IRA would do only token decommissioning of weapons and the Protestant paramilitaries would do none. To be sure, some predictions have been wrong or inadequate. The forecasting and bargaining model successfully predicted the break of several East European states from the Soviet Union, but failed to anticipate the fall of the Berlin Wall. The model predicted that the August 1991 Soviet coup would fail quickly and that the Soviet Union would unravel during the coming year, but it did not predict the earlier, dramatic policy shifts introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev. To be fair, the expected utility model was not applied to that situation so that such predictions could not have been made. This, of course, is an important difference between prediction and prophecy. The first step to a correct--or incorrect--prediction is to ask for a prediction about the relevant issue. Both my and the Groningen groups predictive models and bargaining components have important limitations of course. They are inappropriate for predicting market-driven events not governed by political considerations. They can be imprecise with respect to the exact timing behind decisions and outcomes. The models can have timing elements incorporated into them by including timing factors as contingencies in the way issues are constructed, but the models themselves, though dynamic, are imprecise with regard to time. The dynamics of the models indicate whether a decision is likely to be reached after very little give and take or after protracted negotiations. Most importantly, the models by themselves are of limited value without the inputs from area or issue experts. While the views of experts are certainly valuable without these models, in combination the two are substantially more reliable than are the experts alone (Feder 1995). The limitations remind us that scientific and predictive approaches to politics are 26

in their infancy. Still, some encouragement can be taken from the fact that in many domains it has already proven possible to make detailed, accurate predictions accompanied by detailed explanations.

Conclusions Existing applied models seem to produce accurate and reliable predictions (Feder 1995; Ray and Russett 1996; Thomson 2000), with these predictions accompanied by detailed explanations of why choices are likely to turn out in particular ways and how each individual decision maker involved in a decision is likely to behave. What is more, some of these models have proven themselves not only in the social science laboratory, but also in the perhaps more demanding domain of the market place where survival depends on producing information valued by clients.2 The track record amassed by these models provides encouragement for the belief that even after relaxing assumptions to turn concepts into practical tools, rational choice models of decision making are effective in predicting and helping to steer complex negotiations. Of course, confidence in such tools must also be tempered by the need for still more extensive and thorough tests of reliability. These and other models point to the benefits that may be developed by linking mathematical 2 At least three companies use applied formal models of political processes to analyze government regulatory decisions, mergers, acquisitions, labor-management disputes, litigation and so forth. These are Decision Insights, Inc., a New York based consultancy that relies on the latest version of Bueno de Mesquitas dynamic forecasting and bargaining model; Decide bv, the Groningen-based company that relies on models by Stokman and colleagues, and Policy Futures, a Washington-based consultancy that relies on the 1985 version of my forecasting model. Of course, business applications do not prove reliability, but the fact that a company survives and enjoys repeated business is evidence in favor of reliability. Decision Insights has been in existence since 1981. Decide BV is more than a decade old. 27

logic, game theoretic reasoning, case studies and statistical analysis in the pursuit of internally and externally valid accounts of important political phenomena.


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