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Nairobi | Tuesday, March 26, 2013

KSh50/00 (TSh1,700/00 : USh2,700/00 : RFr900/00)

No. 17530

PETITION | Judges order re-tallying of presidential votes in 22 polling centres as Kenyas best legal brains lock horns

Court battle for power

All forms used in tallying presidential ballots to be checked afresh; Forms 34 and 36 will be used in re-tallying votes in 22 stations to determine if they exceeded registered voters; Uhuru lawyer protests after Raila les new documents. Stories and pictures on Pages 2-5

Chief Justice Willy Mutunga (third from left) leads the Supreme Court during yesterdays pre-trial conference. The court will this morning continue hearing submissions from lawyers representing various parties in the election petition led by Cord presidential candidate Raila Odinga challenging the declaration of Jubilees Uhuru Kenyatta as winner of the March 4 presidential election. The other judges are (from left) Njoki Ndungu, Jackton Ojwang, Philip Tunoi, Mohammed Ibrahim and Smokin Wanjala.



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2 | National News


DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

THE FACE-OFF | Top court in the land gets down to business as the nation refocuses on March 4 poll

Its battle of titans as lawyers argue cases

Wananchi outside the Supreme Court in Nairobi where the election petition was being heard. Most Kenyans followed the case through live broadcasts.


Journalists (right) follow the proceedings from the media section of the court. The hearing was screened live by the main television stations.


Lawyer Ochieng Oduol for Coalition for Reforms and Democracy leader Raila Odinga consults a friend during the case.


Lawyer Njoroge Regeru for TNA activists Moses Kuria, Dennis Itumbi and Florence Sergon follows the case.


President-elect Uhuru Kenyattas lawyer, Mr Fred Ngatia, before the start of yesterdays court proceedings. The court asked him to buy lunch for his colleagues as they ironed out some sticky points.


Cord lawyers Amos Wako (left) and James Orengo follow the proceedings. The coalition has challenged the declaration of Mr Uhuru Kenyatta as winner of the March 4 presidential poll.


DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


National News 3

WHEELS OF JUSTICE | Afternoon spent arguing about an adavit led by Cord

Much good-natured banter in court

Its rare humour in the corridors of justice as Muigai takes a gentle dig at retired Attorney General Wako
BY JOHN NGIRACHU he real moment of drama at yesterdays pre-trial conference at the Supreme Court in Nairobi arrived about an hourand-a-half into the proceedings. Its source was one-time presidential candidate Nazlin Rajput Umar. She had somehow managed to get into the room and sat somewhere in the back before she saw the opportune moment and surged to the front bench, reserved for the lead lawyers, waving a red volume. She was loud and unstoppable, but the thrust of her argument was that Chief Justice Willy Mutunga is biased in favour of Prime Minister Raila Odinga and should not be on the bench. As she rose, the target of her attacks leaned back in the seat, leaving it to his colleagues, who had said nothing since the conference started, to rebut. Clad in a black buibui and waving her application, she continued talking as Justices Mohammed Ibrahim and Jackton Ojwang urged her to sit down. When the police women approached to remove her, she pointed at them and told the judges she would not be intimidated. It was finally left to Justice Smokin Wanjala to force her to sit down. You have to go by the authority of this court. If you expect justice, justice cuts both ways. You dont come to court by your own justice. This court is ready to listen to all Kenyans as long as they are properly before the court. This is not a

A lot has changed since 2009 though. The judges dont have to write down every word, there are secretaries typing away, everybody speaks into a microphone, every word spoken there is recorded and there is a digital stopwatch in addition to the analogue clock on the wall. In the afternoon, Justice Mutunga advised lawyer Kethi Kilonzo that she need not burden herself with the black gown members of her profession like to wear. The Supreme Court Building is old the foundation stone was laid in 1930 and the institution it hosts has been under constant renewal since August 2010, but the rst hurdle was a physical one. It was clear that the high-powered assembly of lawyers plus the journalists and activists who had converged to witness and report on the historical petition could not all t in the room. Judiciary Registrar Gladys Boss Shollei had to shoo out as many people as she could, saying, as she indicated the gallery: If youre not participating, there is more space up there. She said the judges would not like to have anybody standing in court. Only the lawyers participating could t in the seven benches in the court. Even with every window opened as wide as possible, the heat was still stiing. A good part of the afternoon and early evening was spent arguing about a voluminous 900-page document with an orange cover and a black spine that was an afdavit led by Cord. The lawyers passed it amongst them. The judges will decide today whether it will be admitted. This morning, the lawyers are supposed to agree with the judges on how the 15 hours over the next two days will be split between them. With the events live on television, we have another dramatic week on our hands.

The heat was stiing

Security personnel approach Ms Naslin Umar (left) as she raised an issue with the election petition at the Supreme Court yesterday.
political rally. It is the court of law. You have to abide by the orders that ow from this bench. When she attempted a final surge, he held rm. This court is not going to be held at ransom. You defy that order at your own peril. Before she interrupted proceedings, the rst bite of the cake had been given to a senior member of the Kenyan Bar, Attorney General Prof Githu Muigai. Prof Muigai introduced two words that trended for some time on social media amicus curiae, Latin for a friend of the court. He was granted his request in the afternoon. Prof Muigai likes to speak with much gravity and not many could suppress their laughter when he took a gentle dig at retired Attorney General Amos Wako, who is now a Senator-elect and part of the Cord legal team. In the past, the Attorney General would be required in court, but he never appeared, he said. Kenya has began another week of waiting to know what direction the presidential contest could take. This will be the second suspenseful week of March. The rst started on March 4 and ended on the afternoon of Saturday March 9 at the Bomas of Kenya. From the decision by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission sprang the proceedings at the highest court in the land. All eyes will be focused on a wood-panelled chamber at the Supreme Court Building in Nairobi. Before the High Court moved to Milimani, that room was one of the places the court was convened. It is the same room in which Justice Muga Apondi ruled in May 2009 that Tom Cholmondeley would spend seven months in jail for the killing of Robert Njoya, a stonemason from Naivasha.


Force her to sit down

This is not a political rally. It is a court of law. You have to abide by the orders that ow from this bench
Justice Smokin Wanjala to one-time presidential candidate Nazlin Rajput Umar

4 | National News


DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

PETITION | Judges direct that fresh tallying of results from 22 polling stations be carried out today and results given by tomorrow

Court orders scrutiny of all forms used in presidential election

Mutunga assures all parties that his team will deal with all cases fairly, without fear or ill-will
BY PAUL OGEMBA he Supreme Court has ordered the re-tallying of the presidential votes in 22 polling stations across the country. In their rst sitting to set the ground rules for determining three petitions challenging the outcome of the presidential elections, the six judges gave orders and strict deadlines by which the parties are to full the courts orders. The judges also ordered a fresh scrutiny of all Form 34 used by the electoral commission in tallying the presidential votes in all the 33,000 polling centres across the country as well as the Form 36s used by the commission in entering presidential constituency results. There shall be a scrutiny of all forms used in tallying presidential results. The scrutiny shall be aimed at scrutinising all votes cast and the registered voters to establish the accuracy of comparing registered voters with votes cast, ruled the judges. All reports and results of various exercises must be led with the court by 4pm tomorrow. Prime Minister Raila Odinga has challenged the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commissions (IEBC) declaration of Mr Uhuru Kenyatta as winner of the March 4 presidential elections. Mr Odinga argues in his application that some polling centres had


more votes cast than registered voters and that the commission inated the voter turn out to favour Mr Kenyatta. The six judges Chief Justice Willy Mutunga, Justices Philip Tunoi, Jackton Ojwang, Mohammed Ibrahim, Smokin Wanjala and Njoki Ndungu began the pretrial hearing with an assurance of justice for all parties. Dr Mutunga, the courts president, said the judges were alive to the competing expectations the people had placed on the six judges and that they were fully prepared physically, intellectually and psychologically for the task. We shall treat the petitions with objectivity and undertake a fair analysis of the evidence, the Constitution and the law. We shall render our judgment without fear or favour, devoid of ill-will or aection towards any cause that is partisan, unconstitutional or illegal, the CJ said. It was a day in which the judges allowed Attorney General Githu Muigai to be enjoined in the petitions, dismissed an application by Law Society of Kenya to be enjoined and postponed the decision of a similar application by Prof Yash Pal Ghai of Katiba Institute to this morning. The AG in his application to be enjoined said the Constitution gives him power to defend public interest. My brief is not to support any side but to oer legal advice and bring experience from other juris-


What court will rule on

1. The court is set to determine whether presidential election votes were correctly tallied; whether the conduct of the election was free, fair, credible, accountable and transparent; and whether the management and conduct of the election was in tandem with principles of electoral laws. 2. Other issues are whether the IEBC altered tallying of votes and eventual vote percentage in favour of any presidential candidate; whether there was a breach of law and the extent it aected the outcome; whether deployment of technology in presidential election was designed to fail and whether procurement of BVR kits was in violation of procurement rules. 3. Final issues for determination are whether Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto were validly elected; the orders the judges ought to give and whether IEBC ocials committed election oences.
prudence to support the judges in making their decision, he said. He was allowed despite strong

Attorney-General Githu Muigai (left) with his predecessor Amos Wako, now Busia senator-elect and Cord lawyer, at the Supreme Court.
objections from Mr Odingas lawyer, Mr George Oraro, who said the petitions had not raised any complex legal issue requiring the AGs advice. The judges also allowed the consolidation of the three petitions challenging the presidential elections, ruling that Mr Odingas shall act as the lead le. Although the petition by Mr Moses Kuria raises distinctive legal issues, we are of the view that all be consolidated due to the time constraint, they said. The preliminary hearings became stormy when Mr Kenyattas lawyer, Mr Fred Ngatia, led an application objecting to new evidence presented by Mr Odinga. He submitted that the new 900page adavit had introduced an additional 122 constituencies where Mr Odinga claims the IEBC inated the votes cast without giving them a chance to respond. He asked the court to expunge it from the list of evidences. Question is whether the court should allow new evidence led out of time since there was a specic timeline for ling documents. The petitioner had no courtesy even to ask the courts leave to le the additional adavit, he said. Mr Oraro responded that the law does not limit a party from presenting anything supporting its case and blamed the IEBC for the delay in ling the adavit. What we have done is an analysis of the documents IEBC provided. We discovered that the commission deducted other candidates votes in those constituencies and added to the other. How then can we be denied the chance to prove that 11,000 votes were deducted from Mr Odinga and added to Mr Kenyatta with the new discovered evidence? asked Mr Oraro. Mr Odingas application for a forensic audit of the IEBC electronic system was also met opposition from the lawyers representing Deputy President-Elect William Ruto, IEBC and its chairman Mr Issack Hassan. The judges will give a ruling on the two issues today, as well as on an application by a voter, Mr Isaac Aluochier, who has sued the IEBC for accepting the nominations of ve presidential candidates in the March 4 elections.


DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


National News 5

MIND GAMES | The people who will be in the glare of the spotlight

Lawyers set to steal show in historic case

Kenyas best legal brains lock horns in titanic battle as millions watch
BY MARK AGUTU n the run-up to the presidential election petition hearing, attention has largely been focused on the six judges of the Supreme Court. And rightly so for after all is said and done, it is the six Chief Justice Willy Mutunga, Justice Philip Tunoi, Justice Mohamed Ibrahim, Justice Jackton Ojwang , Justice Smokin Wanjala and Lady Justice Njoki Ndungu who will give a verdict on the petition led by Prime Minister Raila Odinga against President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta. Their decision, expected at the end of this week, will be legally binding to all the parties in the dispute and indeed the entire country in as far as the dispute arising from the election is concerned. However, as is the case with all court battles, the people that Kenyans and indeed the global audience interested in the petition will be hearing and seeing a lot are the lawyers. In their capacities as representatives of the parties involved in the dispute, lawyers are the people charged with the task of advancing the causes of their clients. Throughout this week, every minute and second that the case takes, with occasional interjections and preliminary rulings from the judges, will be a display of the legal shrewdness of the members of the bar as they manoeuvre around the legal mineeld that is the petition. And going by the individuals or parties involved Mr Odinga, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, Mr Kenyatta, Deputy President-elect William Ruto and other applicants and defendants in related petitions the line-up of lawyers does not disappoint. It comprises men and women with impeccable legal credentials, with quite a number boasting decades of experience having honed their skills defending clients in some of the countrys most complicated cases. The bar brims with big names in Kenyas legal profession. These include Mr George Oraro, Mr Njoroge Regeru, Mr A.B. Shah, Mr Aurelio Rebello, Mr Fred Ngatia, Mr Ahmednasir Abdullahi, Mr Ochieng Oduol, Mr Katwa Kigen, Mr Paul Nyamodi, Mr Harun Ndubi and Ms Kethi Kilonzo, among others. Mr Oraro and Mr Kigen were part of an elite team of

Global audience

Ahmednasir Abdullahi The former Law Society of Kenya (LSK) chairman is representing the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) chairman Isaack Hassan who is the second respondent in the petition challenging President-elect Uhuru Kenyattas victory. Mr Abdullahi also sits on the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) and played a critical role in the recruitment of judges of the Supreme Court. He is a senior partner in Ahmednassir, Abdikadir and Company Advocates alongside former Mandera Central MP Abdikadir Mohammed.

Fred Ngatia He is representing Jubilee presidential candidate Uhuru Kenyatta whose victory in the March 4 election is being challenged by the Cord Alliance. A senior counsel, Mr Ngatia is regarded in legal circles as the guru of judicial review cases. He has been the lawyer for the late Cabinet minister George Saitoti and represented him at the Goldenberg Commission of Inquiry which recommended that the late minister should face criminal charges for his role in the Goldenberg scandal. He is also representing former Kenya Power boss Samuel Gichuru in an extradition case. Aurelio Rebello Veteran lawyer Aurelio Rebello is in the team of lawyers representing the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) in the presidential election petition led by Mr Odinga. Mr Rebello is best remembered for representing Mr Kamlesh Pattni in the Sh13.5 billion Goldenberg scandal. Katwa Kigen He is representing Deputy President-elect William Ruto, who is the fourth respondent in the petition seeking to overturn President-elect Uhuru Kenyattas victory in the March 4 election. He was representing radio presenter Joshua Sang, who is Mr Rutos co-accused in the crimes against humanity cases at the International Criminal Court.

George Oraro The lawyer is the lead counsel for the Cord Alliance in the petition challenging President-elect Uhuru Kenyattas victory in the March 4 election. Mr Oraro is one of the most celebrated lawyers in the country with over 30 years experience. He hit the headlines last year after he successfully defended former Cabinet minister Henry Kosgey in a case at the International Criminal Court (ICC). The court threw out the case against Mr Kosgey due to insucient evidence. He also represented the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) at the Goldenberg Commission of Inquiry.

Njoroge Regeru He is the lead lawyer for The National Alliance (TNA) activists Moses Kuria, Dennis Itumbi and Florence Sergon who are challenging the inclusion of spoilt ballots in the calculation of votes attained by each presidential candidate in the March 4 election. Mr Regeru is a seasoned lawyer who mainly specialises in commercial disputes. He is remembered for representing former Director of Intelligence James Kanyotu in the Goldenberg Commission of Inquiry chaired by Justice Samuel Bosire. Mr Kanyotu had been named at the inquiry as one of the two shareholders of Goldenberg International.

Kethi Kilonzo She is representing the African Centre for Open Governance (Africog) in the petition before the Supreme Court. She has represented retired President Daniel Moi in a case in which he was sued alongside the State by former journalist and Alego Usonga MP Otieno MacOnyango for unlawful detention and torture. The court cleared Mr Moi. She also represented immediate former Wajir South MP Mohammed Sirat in an election. A daughter of senior lawyer and Makueni Senator-elect Mutula Kilonzo, Ms Kilonzo is fast emerging as a promising young lawyer, handling landmark cases in the country.

Line-up does not disappoint

lawyers who did battle at the International Criminal Court defending Kenyans facing crimes against humanity charges arising from the 20078 post-election violence. Some of the lawyers did battle for their clients in the high-profile and engaging Goldenberg Commission proceedings and, later, the attendant court cases that sprouted from its ndings. At some point, AttorneyGeneral Githu Muigai and deputy Solicitor-General Muthoni Kimani are also expected to feature after an application by the AG to be allowed in as amicus curiae (friend of the

court) was yesterday allowed by the Supreme Court. All of them are articulate, battle-hardened litigators who have proved their mettle and can be relied on to eectively handle the high prole case whose outcome is awaited by 40 million Kenyans with bated breath. Though the lead counsel will be charged with actual courtroom engagement, they are not on their own. They are backed by teams of lawyers involved in research. One thing that stands out is that all the parties have chosen homegrown talent, a show of condence in the Kenyan bar.

6 | National News
HISTORICAL EVENT | Security beefed up ahead of swearing in across the country

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

New dawn as governors take over county aairs

Its a fresh start for regions as county chiefs prepare to take oath of oce
BY NATION TEAM reparations are almost complete for the ceremony to swear in Nairobi governor-elect Evans Kidero tomorrow. By last evening, workers from the Citys Engineering Department were cleaning and repainting the dais at Uhuru Park, the venue of the historic ceremony. Police ocers maintained security around the area to ensure workers nished up the job uninterrupted. Today, they are expected to prepare the sitting arrangement for invited guests. Mr Justice Mbogholi Msagha and magistrate Peter Mulwa will preside over the ceremony expected to start shortly after 10am, according to a schedule released by the Transition Authority. Transition Authority Chair-

List of TSC nominees nullied

The High Court has nullied the contested appointment of members of the Teachers Service Commission. This follows a petition that challenged a re-submitted list of appointees earlier rejected in Parliament. In his ruling yesterday, Mr Justice David Majanja said the submission of a list that contained the names of persons rejected by the National Assembly did not constitute fresh nominations and was therefore a breach of Section 8(II) of the Teachers Service Commission Act and is to that extent set aside. The judge said it was the role of the select panel to pick fresh names from candidates who were interviewed, taking into consideration gender, regional representation and merit. The contested vacancies were for North Eastern, Nyanza and Rift Valley. According to the petition, once the National Assembly rejected the rst set of nominees it was open for the President, in consultation with the Prime Minister, to renominate candidates. This, according to the courts ndings, was not done. The operative word was fresh nominations, the judge said.

man Kinuthia Wamwangi told Nation at the weekend that county ocials would afterwards be expected to prepare for the next budget estimates due in June. At the same time, preparations for swearing in of Coast governor-elect Hassan Joho were in top gear yesterday as Coast residents waited for the historic event to usher in county governments. In Taita Taveta County, governor-elect John Mruttu, THE PROCESS

Stage set for big occasion

1 2 3 4

Governor-elect to take and subscribe to oath of allegiance. Oath must be administered between 10am and 2pm. Governor then signs a certicate of inauguration. Deputy governor to follow similar procedure

whose election was petitioned by Ms Jacinta Mwatela who lost in the March 4 poll, is set to be sworn in. Tents had been taken to Mwatunge Ground at Mwatate which will be the venue of tomorrows ceremony. County Commissioner Haroun Khator said security had been beefed up ahead of the exercise. In Kwale, County Commissioner Evans Achoki assured the public that arrangements to swear in Mr Salim Mgalla Mvurya would be complete by today. Mr Achoki chaired a meeting yesterday morning to make the nal touches for the occasion to be held at the Kwale Baraza Park. Tana River County Commissioner Joseph Rotich said plans had been completed for the swearing in of governorelect Hussein Tuneya Dado. In Mombasa, Town Clerk Tubman Otieno yesterday chaired a meeting of top leaders from the county to prepare for the swearing-in of Mr Ali Hassan Joho. Mr Joho will be sworn in at the Mkomani Agricultural

Nairobi governor-elect Evans Kidero leaves Nyayo House in Nairobi after a meeting with the Transition Authority ocials on March 13.
Show Ground. Lamu County Commissioner Steve Ikua could not be reached on phone but sources said Mr Issa Timamy would be sworn in at the Mkunguni Square Ground on the Island. In Nakuru, interim transition coordinating team said they had made all necessary arrangements to ensure the swearing in of Mr Kinuthia Mbugua goes on smoothly. Reported by Aggrey Mutambo, Daniel Nyassy and Simon Siele


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DPP stops Kimemia poll rigging inquiry

The Director of Public Prosecutions has stopped an inquiry into claims that Head of Civil Service Francis Kimemia planned to rig the March 4 poll in favour of Jubilee presidential candidate Uhuru Kenyatta. Mr Keriako Tobiko has issued similar orders in favour of National Intelligence Service Director-General Michael Gichangi, Kenya Defence Forces boss Julius Karangi and permanent secretaries Mutea Iringo and Joseph Kinyua. The DPP said yesterday there was no evidence to substantiate claims that the ocials, together with Mr Kennedy Kihara of the Oce of the President, attended meetings where plans for rigging the General Election were discussed. Further, there was no evidence to support Coalition for Reforms and Democracy allegations that Mr Kimemia mobilised the Provincial Administration to campaign for Jubilee, Mr Tobiko said. I have carefully analysed the evidence contained in the submitted duplicate inquiry and considered your recommendation thereon... I am in full agreement with you that there is neither direct nor circumstantial evidence supporting the allegations herein, he said. As a result , the DPP ordered the inquiry file at the Criminal Investigation Department closed. In a letter dated February 19, Cord ocials complained to the electoral commission that some top civil servants led by Mr Kimemia were overtly and covertly manifesting actions aimed at subverting free, fair and democratic elections and inuencing the outcome thereof in favour of one party.

Clerks want election case thrown out

The parliamentary clerks have asked the High Court to strike out a petition seeking to stop the swearing in of members of the Senate and the National Assembly. The clerks claim that the case is sub judice because it allegedly raises issues that are currently before the Supreme Court. Dr Calvin Kodongo, Martin Nkari and Ken Orengo led the petition last Friday. They asked the court to stop the swearingin of members of the National Assembly, Senate and County Assembly Representatives elected on March 4. They argue that the Supreme Court may nd that the General Election was conducted using an invalid voter register contrary to the Constitution. The petitioners have told the court that they will also seek the nullication of the Gazette notice that published names of the winners of the elections if the Supreme Court nds that the register was invalid. However, clerks of the two Houses yesterday filed an objection to the petition, terming it an abuse of the court process. The orders sought by the petitioners are based on an ignorance of both the Constitution and the Elections Act.

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I am in full agreement with you that there is neither direct nor circumstantial evidence supporting the allegations herein
DPP Keriako Tobiko
Cord had claimed Mr Kimemia met Mr Kenyatta and URP leader William Ruto at Lake Elementaita Jacaranda Hotel on January 7. It also alleged that Mr Kimemia met DCs, County Commissioners and PCs at Bomas of Kenya on January 29 and appealed to them to back Mr Kenyattas bid.

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DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

8 | National News
CRIME | Incident the latest of a series of gang attacks

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

US ocial loses cash in raid on city house

Police boss says eorts are under way to seize illegal guns from slums
BY FRED MUKINDA AND KNA unmen dressed as security guards raided the home of an American ocial in the latest of a series of gang attacks in Nairobi. Nairobi police boss Benson Kibui said eorts were under way to mop up illegal guns in slums, where armed criminals hide. It has come to our notice that many youths possess firearms, which they use to cause havoc, then vanish into the slums, said Mr Kibui. The latest robbery occurred in the upmarket Runda Estate just after midnight on Sunday. A police report gives the owner of the house as Ms Mary Beth Keever, a programme adviser at the United States Agency for International

Development (USAid). The four gangsters, who were armed with pistols, also harassed Mr Brandon Sowerby, who was in the house o Pan African Insurance Avenue, and tied him with ropes. They stole Sh250,000, $2,000 (Sh170,000), assorted jewellery, an iPad, music players and computer hard drives. A similar incident happened CHRONOLOGY

Recent cases of attacks

March 20: Timber merchant David Kariuki shot and injured by gunmen who raided his premises. March 21: Taxi driver Antony Kimani carjacked in Baba Dogo at around 10pm. March 22: Mr Samuel Kibet rescued by police from gangsters who had cut him in the head with a panga on Kirinyaga Road. One of the gangsters later shot dead.

place in the auent estate on Wednesday last week when four gangsters raided the home of Mr Jason Krull, an ocial of the American Embassy. Police have not yet established if the incidents are linked. During the 4.15am raid, the gangsters broke into the house and injured Mr Krulls forehead. He was treated at the Aga Khan Hospital. The gang took away his laptop, mobile phones, electronic gadgets and passport. In yet another attack, a businessman was shot dead at around 8.15pm at a food kiosk in the citys Dandora area. A police report gave his name as a Mr Ngatia. Four men entered Slope Cafe and shot the 35-year-old man, then ran away towards the Gitari Marigu section, says the report. Mr Kibui said investigations were under way and there were eorts to seize illegally acquired firearms among youths in slums.

(From left) Ms Habiba Hassan, Mr Juma Abdalla and Ms Rehema Kongolo in a Mombasa court where they were yesterday charged with stealing a two-week old baby. They denied the charges and were released on Sh100,000 bond each.


Mother charged with theft of baby

A woman was yesterday charged with failing to protect her two week-old baby girl from being sold. Ms Frascisca Kamene was also charged alongside Ms Habiba Hussein, Ms Rehema Kongolo and Mr Juma Abdalla with preparing to steal the baby. Ms Hussein and Mr Abdalla also jointly faced another charge of stealing the child. The accused, who were before Mombasa senior principal magistrate Richard Odenyo, denied the charges. They were each released on a Sh100,000 bond with a surety in the same amount. The hearing will be on May 30. I apply for bond, the matter is not as serious as it sounds, defence lawyer Jared Magolo told the magistrate while applying to have the accused freed on bond. According to the prosecution, Ms Kamene, who is the mother of the baby, wilfully failed to protect her from being sold. The offences are alleged to have been committed on March 22, this year, at Coast General Hospital, Mombasa. Separately, two men were charged with tracking in sachets of heroin with a street value of Sh2,200. Mr Swaleh Yusuf and Mr Musa Kibirige denied the charge and were each released on a Sh50,000 bond with a surety in similar amount. The hearing will be on May 27. The accused allegedly committed the oence on March 22 at Majengo in Mombasa.

Food kiosk attack

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

National News 9

CRIME | Police searching for two more suspects

Four linked to kidnapping held as twins reunited with parents

The girls were found in a house at a Nairobi estate after being in abductors custody for four days
BY OLIVER MUSEMBI olice are holding three women and a man in connection with the kidnapping of twin girls a few days ago. The children, aged one year and four months, were rescued from a house in Kahawa West, Nairobi, four days after their abduction last Thursday. They had been kidnapped from their home in Membley Estate, Ruiru. Ruiru police boss David Kirui said two of the suspects were a couple and they had been traced to Naivasha through

Minister raises alarm over sexual violence

One in every ve women in Kenya has been a victim of sexual violence, the ministry of Gender and Social Development has said. The number, according to the minister Naomi Shaban, has increased tremendously in the last 10 years. Almost half of the women aged between 15 and 49 have experienced one form of violence, Dr Shaban yesterday told the 57th session of the Status on Commission of Women at the United Nations headquarters in New York. She said a national survey conducted last year indicated that 32 out of a 100 females had experienced sexual violence in childhood. The survey indicated that 18 out of 100 males experienced sexual violence during childhood, she said. The minister further said that Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) was still rampant in Kenya, at 27 per cent. Interventions on strengthening the legal systems to deal with sexual and gender-based violence have been undertaken through the development and implementation of key legislation and policies, she told the session, describing violence against women and girls as one of the most pervasive human rights violations in the world. The minister said the violence was in form of rape, delement, commercial child sexual exploitation, domestic violence, sexual harassment as well as other traditional forms of violence like FGM, widow inheritance and early marriage. Kenyas Constitution provides for the protection of women, men and children from all forms of violence including harmful traditional practices. It provides for freedom from any form of violence either from public or private sources, she said. Other legal approaches like Sexual Oences Act of 2006, Counter Tracking in Persons Act of 2010, and Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act of 2011, among other laws, she said, had boosted the campaign against sexual violence. Dr Shaban said there was a need for political commitment to end sexual and gender-based violence, stressing that it was important to implement relevant laws and policies, and provide health services to victims and survivors.

a mobile phone they allegedly used to demand Sh20 million ransom. Also being held is a househelp said to have been the abductor. He allegedly kept the twins in a house at Kahawa West. A woman who owns the house is also in custody. The childrens mother, Ms Lucy Njeri, said she arrived home from work and found her daughters and her Ugandan househelp missing. She had hired the Ugandan two months ago. Ms Njeri said at her home after being re-united with her children yesterday, that she had spent sleepless nights praying in the company of neighbours for the safety of the children. She said she did not know the househelp well and that the woman had been brought by a mason, who had been working on their house.

Sleepless nights

When the kidnappers made the rst call, I was relieved to learn that my children were alive, but when they demanded Sh20 million I told them we could only raise Sh50,000 and asked them to wait as we looked for more money, said Ms Njeri in the company of her husband, Mr Kanyoro Muturi. She said police advised them not to send the money since they were tracking down the abductors. Mr Kirui and criminal investigations ocer Joseph Murithi said one of the suspects in police custody was a jailbird who left prison recently. He cautioned Kenyans to vet persons seeking employment as househelps because some of them were accomplices of criminals. Mr Kirui said police were looking for two more suspects in connection with the twins abduction.

GETTING READY| Farmers apprehensive over delayed rains

Smallholder famers prepare their piece of land for the planting season in Muhanda, Alego. The long rains have delayed creating anxiety over the grain produce this year.


Prevalence rate of Female Genital Mutilation

The survey indicated that 18 out of 100 males experienced sexual violence during childhood
Gender minister Naomi Shaban

10 | National News

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Foreigners in judge vetting team leave

The Vetting of Judges and Magistrates Board has stopped work following the expiry of two foreign judges terms. Lady Justice Georgina Wood from Ghana and Mr Justice Albi Sachs of South Africa have since gone home. Only Mr Justice Fred Chomba, whose term ends in May, is still with the board. Chairman Sharad Rao said the board was waiting for the National Assembly to conrm the nominations by President Kibaki in consultation with Prime Minister Raila Odinga of three new foreign judges and that of Justice Chomba, who leaves on May 31. The board has nished vetting all judges of the High Court and Court of Appeal, including three who are now in the Supreme Court. All but one of the review applications by judges found to be unsuitable have also been concluded. The board will present in due course and at His Excellencys convenience an interim report on the vetting, Mr Rao said. The board has released determinations in respect of 44 magistrates, including those promoted to judges. The board vetted 53 judges and found about 20 unsuitable to remain in oce. It is also scheduled to vet 109 principal magistrates and more than 200 lower cadre magistrates, an exercise that is expected to stretch up to December. Vetting is designed to reclaim the Judiciary and free it from a corruption.

COURT ORDER | Senate and National Assembly spared


Domestic help denies violent robbery charge

A domestic worker who went missing after robbers raided her employers home and shot dead his son has been charged with robbery with violence. Ms Alice Shibishi allegedly left Mr Manvider Singhs Lavington residence on the night of January 13 shortly after robbers shot Balkat Singh and stole a car and Sh530,000 electronics. Ms Shibishi denied the oence. Her bail application will be determined on April 30.

Persons with disabilities leave the High Court in Nairobi yesterday after the IEBC was stopped from gazetting nominated members of County Assemblies before the hearing of a petition by the National Gender and Equality Commission.



Finished vetting

County Assembly nominees barred from taking up seats

Judges rule members will have to wait until ruling on petition by gender commission
BY PAUL JUMA ounty Assemblies will not have nominated members until a petition challenging the lists of appointees is determined. The petition, led by the National Gender and Equality Commission will be heard on April 4 after it obtained conservatory orders barring the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) from gazetting the names submitted by political parties pending a ruling. County Assembly nominees based on party lists have not been gazetted.

Woman arrested in border bhang nd

Police have arrested a woman on claims of bhang tracking. The suspect was arrested yesterday at Koteko area along Malaba-Bungoma highway while ferrying the drug to Eldoret. She was taken to Malaba Police Station with the narcotic that was packed in a suit case. Teso Police chief Elphas Korir said the bhang worth Sh300,000 originated from Uganda.

In view of the fact that the matter is ready for hearing, it is important that the court preserves the status quo to satisfy itself of the legality of the selection and nomination, a three-judge bench ruled yesterday. The judges declined to extend the order to the Senate and National Assembly as the names had already been gazetted on March 20. THE ACCUSATION

Parties given free rein

The commission accuses the IEBC of failing to ensure that political parties complied with provisions of the Constitution in preparing party lists for members of the Senate, National Assembly and County Assemblies.

Upon such gazettement, they became members of the respective Houses of Parliament, Justice Isaac Lenaola said on behalf of the bench. The judges said those nominated to the Senate and National Assembly can only be challenged through an election petition. The gender commission had sought an order stopping the IEBC from gazetting nomination lists for the National Assembly, Senate and County Assemblies. The commission says the IEBC failed to perform its duty of supervising political party elections to ll the special seats. The IEBC, however, argued that it complied with the Constitution by setting guidelines for the generation of party lists. It said ultimate responsibility for the generation of those lists was with the political parties.


Mpesa agent accused of fraud o the hook

An Mpesa agent accused of defrauding a client was yesterday cleared of the charges by a Nakuru court. Mr Calvince Lengwo was charged with stealing Sh49,155 from Leah Akinyi at Kaptembwa estate on March 27 and 28, 2012 . She was accused of committing the oence while assisting Ms Akinyi to withdraw cash from her account. She was acquitted due to lack of evidence.

Ex-minister says audio tape unclear in graft case

An audio recording provided as evidence in a defamation suit against former anti-graft tsar John Githongo is not audible, the court was told yesterday. Former Internal Security Minister Chris Murungaru, through lawyer Kioko Kilukumi, told the High Court in Nairobi that Mr Githongo, the former Ethics and Governance PS, served him with a transcript and a CD containing the recording, but the recording was not clear. Mr Murungaru (right) sued Mr Githongo in 2006 for defamation, accusing him of causing publication of statements linking him to corruption. Mr Githongo, who ed the country and resigned as PS, said some powerful individuals at the Oce of the President were frustrating eorts to ght corruption in government. The minister sued Mr Githongo while he was still outside the country. The hearing was to begin yesterday, but Mr Githongos lawyer informed the court that the former PS would rely on the audio recording in his defence. He asked for an adjournment to enable the defence serve Mr Murungaru with a clear version of the recording.

Fight corruption

Mr Kilukumi agreed: It is not just a matter of clarity, we simply cannot hear what is recorded in that tape. And although the lawyer was given a transcript of the recording, he could not tell if the transcript is the true representation of the evidence in the recording. The court allowed the adjournment and directed that hearings begin on May 21.

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

National News 11
INVESTIGATION | Ocial transferred before he completed work

Kidnap case women face new charge

Two women who skipped bail in a child kidnap case are in custody in connection with a robbery, a court heard yesterday. The women have been on the police wanted list for two months after they failed to turn up for trial for allegedly abducting a child at a Nairobi church. A third suspect ed to South Africa, the court heard. Investigating officer John Shegu told the court that Ms Charity Wakonyo Gathigi has been spotted in South Africa while Ms Judy Wangui Wambui and Ms Monicah Wanjiru Makumi are at Langata Womens Prison in connection with a robbery with violence case. Eorts to trace the rst accused are underway and I request for an extension of her arrest warrant, Mr Shegu said. Raphael Nderitu, believed to be the mastermind of the kidnap ring, is on death row at Kamiti Prison. The gang has been charged with kidnapping a six-year-old girl at Mavuno Church in Nairobis South C and demanding a Sh5 million ransom from her father, Mr Anthony Maina. Detectives traced the suspected ringleader to Kamiti and rescued the child at a rented house in Nairobis Kariobangi estate after a 10-day ordeal. The hearing was adjourned to allow time for Ms Wakonyos to be traced.

Police bungled probe into Keino death, says detective

I handed over my les prematurely to parallel team before pursuing some leads, ocer tells inquest
BY VINCENT AGOYA olice bungled investigations into the death of university student Mercy Keino, an inquest heard yesterday. A lead investigator visited the scene where Ms Keinos mutilated body was found 11 days after the incident and would not safely conclude whether she had been hit by a runaway motorist or killed elsewhere as suspected and the body dumped on the highway. Mr Japheth Maingi, the initial investigator, also handed over his les prematurely to a parallel team and was unable to pursue certain leads to help him piece together conclusive evidence, the inquest heard. Ms Keino was last seen alive at a night party hosted at Wasini Luxury Apartments in Westlands, Nairobi, and reportedly engaged in an altercation with Kiambu governor-elect William Kabogo, who has been adversely mentioned in the been transferred from Nairobi, said he never got to watch the CCTV footage from the luxury home to establish how it was on the fateful night. He said the footage obtained from the place was not run in my presence and I am unable to tell this inquest much about it. The detective said in his preliminary investigation he formed an opinion that the student may have been hit by a speeding motorist, although he did not reach a conclusion to rule out the possibility that it was a case of foul play. The trac police ocer who visited the scene rst was best placed to know, he added. He recounted how his initial leads pointed to a fatal accident since a witness had claimed seeing a Mercedes Benz, registration number KBM 400H, running over a body. The witness said he never had the opportunity to see photographs of the body and the ones taken at the scene as we had formed dierent teams. He said he learnt from Ms Keinos parents that they suspected murder but they did not disclose their source of information. Further hearings are scheduled for April 2 and 3.


Rustlers shoot elderly man dead in night raid

A man was shot dead and livestock stolen when armed raiders attacked a village in Marigat District in Baringo County. The raiders, armed with ries, struck at around 11pm and shot the 95year-old man in his house. They red several shots in the air to scare o residents before rounding up an unknown number of animals. Village elder John Wendot said the raiders are suspected to be Pokot. (Kna)

Speeding motorist


Senior ocer charged with Sh285,000 theft

A senior police ocer was yesterday charged in a Nakuru court with theft and unlawfully detaining the victim. Mwariki police boss Hillary Kangwamba Ndungu is alleged to have stolen Sh285,000 from Ms Pamela Bundi in Nakuru town and detaining her. Mr Kangwamba denied the charges and was released on a Sh200,000 bond or Sh200,000 bail until May 14.

On death row

I handed over the samples as had been directed and I do not know what became of them
Japheth Maingi, former Gigiri DCIO
case alongside his driver and bodyguards. We were able to get traces of dry blood on the left edge of the road as you drive to Westlands from the Kangemi side on Waiyaki Way. We wanted the blood scooped from the scene and

Former Gigiri divisional criminal investigations ocer Japheth Maingi in a Nairobi court where he testied yesterday.
taken for analysis, said Mr Maingi, the former Gigiri divisional criminal investigations ocer. I was to hand over the investigation to a parallel team before making much headway. I handed over the samples as had been directed and I do not know what became of them, he said. Mr Maingi, who has since



Medical exam ordered for murder case boy, 14

A 14-year-old boy charged with the murder of his father will undergo a medical examination, a Nakuru court ordered yesterday. The Standard Six pupil is alleged to have committed the oence on March 17 in Naivasha. The minor is alleged to have murdered his father after an argument. He did not take a plea before Mr Justice Anyara Emukure and will be arraigned in court on April 10.







12 | Opinion

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Give county leaders space to run aairs

overnors-elect will be sworn in tomorrow. However, a crisis is looming over the fact that most of them do not have oces and residences. Although residences may be seen as a second-tier requirement, having oces to operate from is an imperative for the devolved government and must be dealt with expeditiously. Transitional Authority chairman Kinuthia Wamwangi says the oces had been identied, but the governors-elect rejected them because they preferred to take up the premises currently occupied by the Provincial Administration. Looking at the arguments from both sides, it is notable that there is disconnect and this points to a dangerous trend. First, it must be recognised that the country is transiting to a devolved system and governors and the county representatives are the drivers of the process. To carry out their mandate, they must be provided with the resources they need. Second, when the governors-elect cannot get oces to enable them start their operations, what signal does that send to the public? Does it mean that county governments will serve at the behest of bureaucrats from the central government, when ideally, the two should operate more or less independently? It is in pursuit of independence of the counties that the Constitution spelt out what nancial allocations they should get from the national revenues collected every year. Obviously, the central and county governments must work together, but the latter must have the leeway to conduct their business without being beholden to anybody. Given that county governments have to start operation, it is critical that the oces, residences and their nancial allocations be provided as a matter of urgency.

GLORIOUS DAYS | Macharia Gaitho

Vet sta for Lands team

he National Lands Commission, which was set up recently, has raised issues about its stang. The chairman, Dr Mohammed Swazuri, has said that the commission will vet employees seconded to it by the Ministry of Lands, which has the dubious distinction of being a haven of graft. Suspect land allocations, issuance of fake title deeds and shadowy deals thrive at the ministry. This was the reason why the commission was set up in the rst place. The ministry had failed in its mandate, hence the need for an independent institution to eectively handle land matters. The commission has wide ranging powers, including managing public land on behalf of national and county governments, and addressing historical injustices arising from land tenure. A new institution like this requires fresh ideas that cannot come from those who are entrenched in the old and corrupt way of doing things. Certainly, it requires experienced people and the obvious source would be the Ministry of Lands. But those seconded to it must be vetted. The commission must start on a fresh slate and that means avoiding recycling old structures and systems.


LINUS GITAHI: Chief Executive Ocer JOSEPH ODINDO: Editorial Director MUTUMA MATHIU: Group Managing Editor Published at Nation Centre, Kimathi Street and printed at Mombasa Road, Nairobi by Nation Media Group Limited POB 49010, Nairobi 00100 Tel: 3288000, 0719038000. Fax 221396 Registered at the GPO as a newspaper

ith all the dark and depressing politics that refuses to go away, Kenyans enjoyed a weekend of sunshine, courtesy of great sporting performances on the world stage. The Kenya rugby team reached the semi-nals of the Hong Kong leg of the IRB Sevens, besting powerhouses such as South Africa, England, Australia, France and Samoa. The national football team, Harambee Stars, usually has much to be modest about, but in the dusty Nigerian city of Calabar, our boys deed the bookies to hold the fabled African champions to a 11 draw. That was a stellar performance against a team that usually humiliates us on their home soil, and most signicant was that Kenya was heading for an improbable victory before the hosts snatched a late equaliser in the dying seconds of extra time. We proved that Kenya is formidable in more than just Twitter wars and that now famous #someonetell nigeria hashtag. And then onto Poland. My colleagues from NTV and Qfm have ignored my earnest entreaties for some lessons on how to pronounce Bydgoszcz, the town that hosted the World Cross Country

Victories of athletes remind us of all that is good and worthy in Kenyans W

Championships. That is where Kenyan runners took three of the four individual gold medals on oer and two of the four team golds. The Kenya National Anthem playing time and again in that place where many of our tongues dare not attempt surely brought tears to many eyes. Emily Chebet, Japhet Korir, Faith Kipyegon, Francis Kahata, Arnold Origi, Willy Ambaka, Dennis Ombachi and all the other great ambassadors who brought glory we all revel in did not compete as Luo, Kikuyu, Kalenjin, Luhya, or any other ethnic group. They did not train on behalf of Raila Odinga, Uhuru Kenyatta, William Ruto, Kalonzo Musyoka or any of the myriad politicians who seek national leadership. Our heroes and heroines did not travel to Bydgoszcz, Calabar and Hong Kong as emissaries of Jubilee, Cord or any of the hodgepodge parties within the bigger groupings. They went as Kenyans, competed as Kenyans and won as Kenyans. *** Im beginning to miss Dr Alfred Mutua. The fellow who established and dened the Oce of Government Spokesman often came out rather too shrill for my liking. His hectoring and nger-wagging got on my nerves, but he at least knew how to smile and to engage his audience. Many of us may have had our ll of Dr Mutua, now governor-elect for Machakos, when he presided over those weekly press conferences, but now have to concede that he was not too bad, after all, seeing as what we have now. I have nothing personal against Dr Mutuas successor. I always saw Mr Muthui Kariuki as a pleasant and welcoming chap during his prior engagements in the public relations and corporate communications world. I fear, however, Mr Kariukis new assignment as Government Spokesman in the dying days of the Kibaki administration has unleashed an ogre in him.

Our heroes and heroines did not travel to Bydgoszcz, Calabar and Hong Kong as emissaries of Jubilee, Cord or any of the hodge-podge parties within the bigger groupings

Power sometimes does strange things to people. In Mr Kariuki we are not now seeing the aable and communicator who could sell truckloads of Tusker Lager to the Temperance Movement, but a perpetually angry spokesman who wants to forcefully ram stu down our throats instead of applying tact and persuasion. I dont know why I see in the new Mr Kariuki a reincarnation of the Shari Nassirs, Kariuki Chotaras and other self-appointed Nyayometers of the repressive Moi kleptocracy. Or, going further back, the Kihika Kimanis and other bullies of the Kenyatta era. I cant for the life of me gure out why a generally likeable chap can transmogrify in such a radical fashion. At this time of transition, I can only surmise that many in government are hedging their bets on a new administration that may come into power; one that reverses time to the repressive and dictatorial ways where warnings and threats were the preferred modes of governance. And those who failed to toe the straight and narrow path, naturally, were ushered into the aptly-named Nyayo House torture chambers.

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


HIGHWAY ORDEAL. There is something shy about the arrests of motorists on the Naivasha highway for alleged speeding, says Suraj Shah. He says he fell victim last October and it was not until six-and-a-half hours later that he was released. His main grouse is that there was no proof of speeding. But it is your word against theirs. The policemen are rude, not to mention the most out-dated court procedure and payment of nes. Somebody should investigate this, urges Suraj, whose contact is POLICE THE OFFICERS. Also still smarting from an ordeal in the cells is David Kimeli. The police ocers manning the highway, he claims, have become a menace to motorists. He would like the InspectorGeneral of Police, David Kimaiyo, to check and take appropriate action as soon as possible. Either the new trac laws are not understood or the implementation requires a review. Why should a motorist spend four hours behind bars for such an oence? What is the proper procedure if one is caught speeding? His contact is WHERES THE CASH? Some apparently straightforward matters can be very frustrating, as Stephen Okumu, a graduate of Kenyatta University, has found out. After earning his Masters degree in June last year, he applied for a refund of his caution money of Sh2,000. To date, he has not been paid. The university will not allow you to sit an exam with any fee balance, why cant it exercise similar strictness in processing refunds? He says this is rather poor for an ISO-certied institution. His contact is

LEADERSHIP | Morara Ongaga

s governors prepare to take oce this week, they will have to confront and address a wide range of management issues. First, the transition is the critical period between the election and inauguration, when the focus shifts abruptly from campaigning to governing. To get ready to govern, the governors-elect must first organise a transition team to coordinate and implement the transition. The governorselect must also determine their roles in the transition and with the transition team, including involvement in critical activities and decisions, such as appointments and budgets. Competent and loyal personnel are key to governors ability to lead and manage county governments. The recruitment and selection of gubernatorial sta and appointments to Cabinet positions will largely determine the success of governors and their administrations. Members of the governors sta should have several attributes in common, including loyalty to the governor, competence in their areas of responsibility, political acumen, and dedication to service besides the personal and professional qualities that warrant their appointment to these important positions. Yet well-qualied sta do not necessarily make a good team. Building an effective team

Governors must hire right teams and push appropriate policies to transform counties A
strategy can help build public confidence in government , increase the publics attention to issues and galvanise support for the governors agenda. The governor must organise an effective policy apparatus that helps refine his or her vision, lays out the options for action and devises a strategy for communicating intentions and results. Under a variety of labels and initiatives, governors will be working to initiate a culture of county government which should be a high-performance workplace. The bottom line is to help make government services simpler, faster and more costeective. There is no cookbook of recipes from which a governor can choose to improve service quality. Approaches can and should be tailored to fit the experiences, challenges and management philosophy of each governor. From the lessons learned from State governments in the USA, governors who have pioneered major quality initiatives, the most critical factors for success include: Ensuring the governors personal commitment and involvement; establishing partnerships with key stakeholders; using structures to help steer and support the enterprise; building early successes and rewarding them; developing capacity within and focusing on results.

A council re ghter at work in Eldoret. Counties should provide services that are simple, fast and cost-eective to succeed.
takes time and eort from the team leader as well as the team members. An immediate challenge for new governors is to convert the promise of the campaign platform into a working set of policies for the county. Finding a way to put the incoming governors imprints on existing policy is part of the job. More important is the task of translating the governors mandate from the voters into a framework for action. Governors face important challenges as they attempt to build awareness and acceptance of their agenda. They need to crystallise what that agenda should be and how they will pursue the dissemination of their message. An eective communications

The governors primary role in all matters of governance is leadership including the improvement of the quality of service. In launching or expanding a quality initiative, the governor must want to do it and must be involved in the process. To sustain these eorts, the governors commitment must be real and reinforced by words and deeds. This requires far more than lip service or photo opportunities or occasional accolades. It requires a fundamental commitment to core values in how the business of government gets done. Successful executives, including governors, focus on results. This means identifying goals and desired outcomes, providing the tools needed to achieve results, holding people accountable for results, measuring progress as best as possible and staying focused. If the bottom line for improving service quality is to help make government services simpler, faster and more costeective, then this indeed is a formidable undertaking. Transforming county government into a highperformance workplace is an enormous challenge, but impressive results await those who stick with it. Mr Ongaga is based at Western Michigan University, (Michigan) USA. (

City Hall should repair dilapidated road in South B. ROAD TO HELL. When will the dilapidated section of Kapiti Road in Nairobi South B from the Mombasa Road turn-o to the Total Petrol Station ever be xed? asks a disappointed Ashok Dave. He says pleas to the City Council appear to have fallen on deaf ears, and yet it is evident that this badly damaged stretch is the cause of the endemic heavy trac jams. Bearing the brunt of it all, he adds, are motorists, who suer not only delays, but also damage to their vehicles, as they manoeuvre on the treacherous surface. His contact is
LIVE AND LET LIVE. The storm over the Weka Condom Mpangoni advert is uncalled for, says Anne Mwangi. As much as we try to educate couples on the need to be faithful, there are those who will always go astray. So, whats better? To let the people perish because it seems evil to advertise a condom? The Bible says, My people perish for lack of knowledge. So, let the people know and decide. Innocent people are dying because their spouses choose to ignore condoms, she says. Her contact is NO WAY TO GO. Wamae Mwangi says the advert is an embarrassment to the nation. I wish to register my disgust with the prime-time ad that promotes the use of condoms for promiscuous wives. I know we are low on morals but portraying it as okay so long as condoms are used is a new low. I would urge the removal of this thing. What galls the most is that its partly funded by taxpayers money? As a Christian, I would rather have the Jimmy Gathu campaign against mpango wa kando. Mwangis contact
Have reasonable day, wont you!


Time for Africa to dene diplomatic agenda

he newly endorsed Chinese President Xi Jinping is on a visit to Tanzania, South Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo on his rst African tour. His visit to East Africa comes at a time when political rivalry in Kenya has given the East a totally new meaning: A place to take refuge from the Western value system whenever it is not in favour of the socio-political and economic status quo. Mr Jinping visits a region which in the late 1890s sought refuge in British and German citadels from slave traders and the intolerable tyranny of war-like tribes. The Chinese presidents visit comes at a time when Africa is faced with a great dilemma. The continent is under the rm grip of donor countries (especially the West) who control its strategic agenda. On the other hand, the continent is experiencing a surge in Chinese donor money as the Asian giant is keen to gain a rm grip on Africas natural resources. Africa is undergoing a crisis of ideas and institutions. Having put little or no investment in indigenous thought leadership, the continent risks becoming a battleground for competing global ideological interests once more. The resultant eect will be continued incoherence; being bogged down by numerous interests; balancing between its

This is not the time for Africans to play East and West; it is time to invest in skills and navigation tools to tap from both.
nation-state interests and pressure from competing global interests. The Washington consensus paradigm on unconditional markets that shaped globalisation is now competing with the push for governed markets. Countries from the South that were mostly recipients of policy prescriptions from the North are angling for the reform of international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Trade Organisation and the United Nations. The recalibration of global powers that have dominated Africas worldview for centuries is a scenario Africans must prepare for. The ongoing global policy changes are likely to open up space for a more democratic global governance system in international nancial institutions, justice systems (as in the International Criminal Court), trade and security. Africa must rethink the proposition that

it is in a global village (a low risk space) and wake up to the reality that it is in a global jungle or high risk space. The continuous erosion of national sovereignty by global issues such as migration, climate change, energy security, maritime pollution and international trading systems, among others, further makes it urgent for African countries to rethink confronting the world as individual entities. To the Kenyan political elite and Africas in general oscillating between global power interests does little to prepare a generation that can seek to increase productivity; it instead yields a middle class keen on consumerism. The culture of seeking refuge in new systems without trying to evolve Africas own is what has made the continent an underdog for centuries. This is not the time for Africans to play East and West; it is time to invest in skills and navigation tools to tap from both. President Xi Jinpings visit should inspire all Africans to reect on the wisdom of Kwame Nkrumah, Ghanas founding president, who once said: We face neither East nor West; we face forward. Mr Shikwati is director Inter Region Economic Network and Publisher of The African Executive Online Magazine

E-mail: or write to Watchman POB 49010, Nairobi 00100 Fax 2213946

14 | Letters

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

To the editor
Consider family values in advertising condom
Kenya declared HIV/AIDS a national disaster in 1999. Since then, we have witnessed an upsurge in behaviour change campaigns to prevent the disease from causing future destruction on the economy. Most campaigns have given limited attention to contextual and structural barriers that prevent communities from accessing HIV information and services, such as religious beliefs. I want to reect on the ongoing discussion on the advertisement Weka Condom Mpangoni. The fact still remain that married couples are becoming more at risk because of indelity and mistrust (NASCOP reports on HIV 2011). NANDOYA S. ERICK, Siaya Kudos to the National Aids Control Council for calling a spade a spade not a big spoon. Truth should set us free; our morals have decayed and the earlier we admit it the better. A sick person must accept he or she is sick for the doctor to prescribe any medication. Listening to the Breakfast Show on Classic 105 with Maina Kageni, it is clear mipangos are there, and married couples are cheating on each other. Sad truth is, less than a quarter use condoms. The Church should stop their hypocrisy. Some of the church leaders are also part of the problem. Accepting our weakness is vital for our cure so as to save future generations from this AIDS monster. Since Kenyans cannot do without extra-marital aairs NACC is simply asking them to at least protecting themselves while at it. AUSTIN ADRIANS, Nairobi

The editor welcomes brief letters on topical issues. Write on e-mail to: mailbox@k You can also mail to: The Editor, Daily Nation, POB 49010, Nairobi 00100. Letters may be edited for clarity, space or legal considerations.


Nairobi Governor, please take traders as worthy partners deserving respect

s an investor in the city, I would like to engage our governor on how not to treat businesspeople and residents. The relationship between investors and the county government should be cordial, symbiotic and aimed at development. By-laws should not be punitive, negatively targeting businesses. For instance, why cant business licences run for 12 months rather than be pegged on a calendar year? If I open a business in August, Ill be more tempted to bribe the inspectors for the remainder of the year rather than pay the full licence fee for the full year but actually covering only a quarter of the year. The city council has over the years perfected the game of dealing with investors as if they are a nuisance. Please change this, Dr Evans Kidero. When the city council failed in its re ghting capability, it passed a law requiring all businesses to equip themselves with re extinguishers. That was transferring responsibility, but for the sake of protecting our investments, we fullled this requirement. But how can we justify the fact that the city council also decided to charge a fee for inspecting the re extinguishers? Is this not strange, where a governing entity charges investors for its failure? Mind you most res occur at night when we have closed our businesses, rendering these fire extinguishers redundant. Also note that res also occur in homes and

Emails from correspondents


FACEBOOK WAR: Gone are the days when you used to log into Facebook or Twitter to unwind or interact with friends. Nowadays people log in with their bows and arrows ready to attack anyone who dares say anything against their tribesman. It has literally become a battleeld. The level of fanaticism exhibited by some of these characters is insane and unreasonable. The scariest part is that most of them argue from the highest point of ignorance. Individuals abuse each other based on their ethnicity. Lets realise we are one. MURUGI NJAGI, Nairobi MOVE DUMPSITE: After lamenting for long, people naturally begin accepting the status quo. This happens after their pleas for change go unheard. Although our environmental watch dog, Nema received a pat from Evans Wangotu for enforcing order on campaign posters, the institution remains a toothless dog. Recently the story of a Nakuru dumpsite, Giotto, with no borders was all over the news. That saw a temporary remedy by the relevant authorities but with time all things have gone back to the same old script. JAMES WAKIBIA, Nakuru LOUD PROTESTS: Activist Nazlin Omars protests at the Supreme Courts proceedings to have her case heard is the ultimate show of ignorance of the law. Any case led in a court is always assigned a hearing date. Its therefore unbecoming for anyone to make loud demands for their case to be heard, however urgent. Kenyans gradually restored their faith in the Judiciary and have the patience to wait for their cases to be heard, so its only right that the high and mighty show similar condence. NKONGE MOREEN, Maseno ETHNIC HATRED: In retrospect, I noticed in the piece by Jane Thomas (Nation, March 25) the Kenyan attitude of sweeping things under the carpet. The problem with waiting for the social media hate to zzle out is that it would not address the real underlining issues. What it would do is to suspend the same. Just like the 2007-2008 post-election skirmishes, the real problem was not the bungled elections. The announcement of the election results only triggered the intrinsic hatred that existed long before the elections. Currently, the hate messages only show what lies underneath the Kenyan people. TOBIAS MAURICE, Nairobi

Shoppers at Nakumatt Mega on Mombasa Road early this month. Investors should play a key role in the city.
the requirement for extinguishers does not apply to residences. A better policy would have been to require businesses to take out insurance against fire while encouraging city dwellers to install re extinguishers in their houses. Ive seen water vending bowsers extinguish re. Equipping a tanker with a water pump is not rocket science and we can easily have these trucks in all the satellite centres. Who said we cant improvise? Some by laws are inappropriate. For example at the Karen shopping centre, there is no public toilet. What justication is there for arresting someone who uses the roadside as a toilet in Karen? TOM WAWERU, Karen


House county sta

The decentralised governance system was largely informed by the nasty past we survived under a tyrannical central government. Now we have rows over house allocation for governors-elect who threaten to evict the provincial administrators and the unconstitutional County Commissioners to get oces. Giving governors stuy oces below the PCs stature then blaming them is insincere of the Transitional Authority chair Kinuthia Wamwangi. The governor is the senior-most ocer in a county and his oce should reect that. ROBERT AMALEMBA, Kakamega

May Achebes soul rest in eternal peace

Last week, when the world was told of Chinua Achebes death, I nostalgically recalled Things Fall Apart. According to Achebe, the Ibo believed that the land of the living is not far removed from the domain of the ancestors. An old man was very close to the ancestors. As we bid him farewell, I just wonder whether during his funeral ancestral spirits or the egwugwu as he called them, will appear from the underworld speaking in guttural and awesome unearthly voices while completely covered in raa! The world is poorer by his passing on. God rest his soul eternally. JAMES OMEDO KIHALI, Bungoma

MPs unhappy with their salaries should simply quit

The MPs are at it again, demanding more pay even before they start the job. When you apply for a job and pass the interview, you are oered the job under certain conditions including the remuneration. Once you accept the oer, you cannot turn around and say you are not happy with the salary. No employer will entertain such behaviour: you either agree or quit, and this should apply to MPs who are not satised with the pay. They should resign and look for greener pastures elsewhere. We have had enough of these MPs and the electorate should not tolerate this since the time they used to raise their own salaries is long in the past. MOHAMED FAROOQUE LOW, Nairobi The latest move by the Salaries and Remuneration Committee to rein in the incoming MPs greed for sitting allowances and monthly salaries is highly welcome. It is the only good thing I have read in newspapers for a very long time that the politicians should start behaving like the rest of the taxpayers. I bet other countries are amazed at how we do it in Kenya. I still honestly believe that a further cut of their salaries and allowances will be in order. The SRC needs not give up. Whatever happened to servant leadership? We should not be seen like we are their servants them. CHERUO LEVI CHEPTORA, Trans Nzoia



What do you consider most outstanding about Achebes books?

JANE ASAVA: I think the most outstanding fact is that he spoke and stood for what was upright. He also declined the gifts by his government because he considered the leadership of his country to be corrupt. He was a voice of the voiceless. Who shall speak up for the integrity of the African people?? VICTOR O. MONGARE: Theres a lot of humour, satire, proverbial messages and above all, constructive criticism. If we, as Africans, were to apply the many lessons learned from the books in our daily lives, we would be at par with Europeans in all elds. DAN TUMBO: A focused creativity aimed at educating the readers as well as civilising the society. STEPHEN MUTUA: The most outstanding thing in Achebes books is the vivid description of rural Africa, not to mention his rich proverbs! DAVID K. KANDA: The sharp criticism on African political leadership style, according to his former set book A Man of the People, which is a replica of the political class in our society behaves.

Are MPs and governors-elect justied to demand higher salaries?

Send your comments to:

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


16 | National News

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

ARRESTED | Four held over dumped poll materials


A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 B 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 C 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

Assets Cash (both local and foreign) Balances due from Central Bank of Kenya Kenya Government securities Foreign Currency Treasury Bills and Bonds Deposits and balances due from local banking institutions Deposits and balances due from banking institutions abroad Government and other securities held for dealing purposes Tax recoverable Loans and advances to customers ( Net ) Investment securities Balances due from group companies Investments in associates Investments in subsidiaries Investments in joint ventures Investment properties Property and equipment Prepaid lease rentals Intangible assets Deferred tax asset Retirement benefit asset Other assets Total assets Liabilities Balances due to Central Bank of Kenya Customer deposits Deposits and balances due to local banking institutions Deposits and balances due to foreign banking institutions Other money market deposits Borrowed funds Balances due to group companies Tax payable Dividends payable Deferred tax liability Retirement benefit liability Other liabilities Total liabilities Shareholders funds Paid up / Assigned share capital Share premium / ( discount ) Revaluation reserves Retained earnings/Accumulated losses Statutory loan loss reserve Proposed dividends Capital grants Total shareholders funds Total liabilities and total shareholders funds Interest income Loans and advances Government securities Deposits and placements with banking institutions Other interest income Total interest income Interest expense Customer deposits Deposits and placements from banking institutions Other interest expense Total interest expense Net interest income/(loss) Other operating income Fees and commission on loans and advances Other fees and commissions Foreign exchange trading income/(loss) Dividend income Other income Total non interest income Total operating income Operating expenses Loan loss provisions Staff costs Directors emoluments Rental charges Depreciation charge on property and equipment Amortization charges Other operating expenses Total operating expenses

31-Dec-2011 31-Dec-2012 SHS 000 SHS 000 32,685 242,757 1,197,269 0 709,102 363,831 81,383 5,195 4,110,436 333,896 0 305,390 0 0 0 145,430 0 10,787 3,939 0 103,135 7,645,235 0 5,906,502 170,491 0 0 282,555 0 0 0 0 0 33,208 6,392,756 399,149 0 (16,969) 835,799 34,500 0 0 1,252,479 7,645,235 38,015 447,598 1,707,678 0 500,943 510,760 400,761 0 5,291,220 708,879 0 329,963 0 0 0 142,547 0 77,409 3,908 0 163,138 10,322,819 0 7,560,894 86,226 0 0 568,719 0 30,123 0 0 0 40,851 8,286,813 582,721 370,833 (36,403) 1,065,855 53,000 0 0 2,036,006 10,322,819 GIDEON MAUNDU| NATION

A plain clothes police ocer takes two of the four men arrested at a slum village in Port Reitz to the Changamwe Police station for questioning over dumped election materials yesterday. They were picked up by police for questioning on Sunday morning, but when police arrived at the scene in Port Reitz seven hours later, nothing was found.

RED FLAG | Weed linked to brown water supplied to towns


1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 582,246 70,824 48,545 38,455 740,070 257,399 11,817 0 269,216 470,854 20,596 46,857 30,889 4,500 27,815 130,657 601,511 5,794 119,281 28,615 6,306 15,683 3,420 92,725 271,824 329,687 0 329,687 100,180 (743) 230,250 11.54 3.00 918,691 261,522 93,071 79,532 1,352,816 677,369 11,564 4,085 693,018 659,798 27,532 70,487 25,773 8,100 25,602 157,494 817,292 0 142,521 32,565 8,312 17,104 27,703 98,203 326,408 490,884 0 490,884 140,321 31 350,532 12.85 3.50

Lake faces ecological disaster, warn experts

Scientists ask State to remove dry water hyacinth from Lake Victoria to save sh, and other organisms
BY LILIAN OCHIENG According to the researchers, water hyacinth produces humic acid when it decomposes in water a process that uses oxygen and deprives aquatic plants and animals of fresh air. The acid contains harmful elements like iron and manganese, which the scientists attributed to the brown colour of water supplied in the region by Kisumu Water and Sewerage Company Ltd. Dr Oweke called on the government to make use of colleges and universities in the region to assist in removPROCESS ing the dry weed by use of conveyer belts. This is the time for the government to come in and use conveyer belt mechanism to remove the dry hyacinth so as to save the lake, said Dr Oweke. The manual removal used by Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project in 2011 and late last year was a total waste of money and time because this posed a high risk to the labourers and it also led to over-sprouting of the weed. He said the machines would clear the dry water hyacinth and dump it on the shores, where it would be burned. Mr Reuben Omondi, a senior scientist at Kemfri, said the hyacinth had turned brown because weevils had fed on it and it was drying up. The insects were introduced in the lake by Kenya Agricultural Research Institute in 2005. Weevils are killing the weed and the government needs to respond quickly to remove the drying hyacinth lest a looming danger destroys the ecosystem, he said.

7 Profit/(loss) before tax and exceptional items 8 Exceptional items 9 Profit/(loss) after exceptional items 10 Current tax 11 Deferred tax 12 Profit/(loss) after tax and exceptional items Earnings per share Dividend Per share


1 Non-performing loans and advances a) Gross non-performing loans and advances b) Interest in suspense c) Total non-performing loans and advances ( a - b ) d) Loan loss provisions e) Net non-performing loans and advances ( c - d ) f) Discounted value of securities g) Net non-performing loans exposure ( e - f ) 2 Insider loans and advances ( including off-balance sheet items) a) Directors, shareholders and associates b) Employees c) Total insider loans, advances and other facilities

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,964 27,010 39,974 824,879 61,654 886,533 1,234,948 700,000 534,948 34,500 1,269,448 5,772,373 20.30% 8.00% 12.30% 21.40% 8.00% 13.40% 22.00% 12.00% 10.00% 36.00% 20.00% 16.00%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,452 51,529 64,981 1,567,354 33,491 1,600,845 2,019,409 1,000,000 1,019,409 53,000 2,072,409 8,257,803 26.40% 8.00% 18.40% 24.50% 8.00% 16.50% 25.10% 12.00% 13.10% 38.40% 20.00% 18.40%

3 Off-balance sheet items a) Letters of credit , guarantees , acceptances b) Other contingent liabilities c) Total contingent liabilities 4 Capital strength a) Core capital b) Minimum Statutory Capital c) Excess ( a-b) d) Supplementary capital e) Total capital ( a + d ) f) Total risk weighted assets g) Core capital / total deposit liabilities h) Minimum Statutory Ratio i) Excess (g- h) j ) Core capital / total risk weighted assets k) Minimum Statutory Ratio l) Excess ( j - k) m) Total capital / total risk weighted assets n) Minimum Statutory Ratio o) Excess ( m -n ) 5 Liquidity a) Liquidity Ratio b) Minimum Statutory Ratio c) Excess ( a - b )

ake Victoria faces an ecological disaster if dry hyacinth weed is left to sink and rot in the lake, researchers have warned. Kenya Medical Fisheries Research Institute (Kemfri) experts yesterday said if the weed sunk, aquatic life would be at risk. Several species of sh in the lake, especially the much cherished Nile perch, tilapia and small sh (omena) that cannot survive in water with low oxygen concentration might be completely wiped out, said Kemfri lead scientist Ojwang Oweke. Mud sh, locally known as kamongo and catsh, locally called mumi, are among the species that can survive in water with low oxygen concentration.

How hyacinth leads to death

n Dry water hyacinth sinks in the lake and decomposes. n Decomposition uses up oxygen and deprives aquatic life of fresh air. n Fish and other aquatic life die due to lack of oxygen.

Man dies after boat capsizes

A young man died and four others escaped death narrowly when their boat capsized. The ve were trying to cross River Sio at Mabasa crossing point in Samia district, Busia County on Sunday evening. Mr Alex Ochieng Nyongesa, 20, was in a group of ve people who had gone to Uganda to attend the burial of their colleague when they boarded a boat to cross into Kenya. Conrming the incident, Busia police boss Kenneth Kimani said the boat was overloaded with motorcycles. It was because of that the vessels balance was aected and it overturned. Mr Kimani stated that a minor who was sailing the boat managed to swim to the shore after the accident and the other four victims were rescued by locals. Mr Nyongesa did not know how to swim and drowned. His body was later retrieved by villagers. Tragedies like this could be easily avoided if we follow instructions. Minors should not be allowed to sail boats because they lack the skills, he said. Meanwhile, residents have called on the government to build a bridge in the area to avoid such accidents. Last year, six shermen perished after their boat capsized in the region.


The above Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Comprehensive income are extracts from the banks financial statements approved by the Board of Directors on 21March 2013. The financial statements have been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers and have received an unqualified opininon. A full set of financial statements will be available for inspection by interested parties at our offices after approval by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. SIGNED KANJI D PATTNI CHAIRMAN Head Office: Victoria Towers, Mezzanine Floor, Kilimanjaro Avenue, Upper Hill. PO Box 41114 -00100, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel Nos: 2719499 / 2719815 / 2710271 Fax Nos: 2713778 / 2715857. E- mail: Branch: 7 Victoria Office Suites, Riverside Drive, Westlands. Tel: 4441955 Fax; 4441953

More bridges

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013



31st Dec. 2011 Shs.000 (Audited) 5,715 25,130 86,565 467,527 302,034 106,616 1,120 774,357 71,094 229,851 2,070,009 392,667 80,000 720 69,590 542,977 1,456,275 247,592 (178,870) 2,035 1,527,032 2,070,009 31st Dec. 2011 Shs.000 (Audited) 94,181 4,829 13,160 112,170 1,841 3,744 5,585 106,585 3,444 5,376 (5,923) 36,834 39,731 146,316 19,456 64,433 11,862 16 8,436 3,470 75,675 183,348 (37,032) (37,032) (844) (37,876) 31st Dec. 2011 Shs.000 (Audited) 179,672 21,370 158,302 66,450 91,852 91,852 4,565 4,938 9,503 34,512 34,512 769,059 700,000 69,059 2,035 771,094 697,929 196% 8% 188% 110% 8% 102% 111% 12% 99% 146% 20% 126%

31st Dec. 2012 Shs.000 (Audited) 52,437 86,273 332,201 414,898 5,398 423 1,308,915 190,045 1,104 771,342 71,094 245,526 3,479,656 1,213,124 120,000 53,093 1,386,217 1,701,380 516,563 (136,540) 12,036 2,093,439 3,479,656 31st Dec. 2012 Shs.000 (Audited) 125,570 32,758 77,413 235,741 21,934 4,428 26,362 209,379 27,952 58,085 653 45,124 131,814 341,193 30,865 103,141 25,281 16 13,733 4,799 110,618 288,453 52,740 52,740 (409) 52,331 31st Dec. 2012 Shs.000 (Audited) 188,945 43,502 145,443 78,364 67,079 67,079 81,206 61,419 142,625 34,212 34,212 1,325,465 1,000,000 325,465 12,036 1,337,501 1,600,495 109% 8% 101% 83% 8% 75% 84% 12% 72% 62% 20% 42%


This request for expression of interest follows the General Procurement Notice for this project that appeared in Development Business (dgMarket) of September 12, 2007 and UN Development Business No.712 of October 16, 2007. The Government of Kenya has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of the Natural Resource Management Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultancy services to carry out studies on appropriate grazing management systems for Dryland Forests in Kenya as REDD+ Strategy Options. Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation is evolving within the country as an attractive means to reduce forest sector carbon emissions through appropriate forest management practices and enhanced forest governance. As the policy frameworks and positive incentives to support its implementation evolve at the international level, a number of initiatives have come up to support developing country efforts to develop and apply strategies and programs to reduce forest sector emissions and enhance carbon sink capacities of forested ecosystems. The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and the UN-REDD Programme represent some of these efforts. Kenya is participating in both FCPF and UN-REDD Programme initiatives to implement its REDD+1 readiness activities. Kenya submitted its Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) which was approved for funding by the FCPF in 2011 and is in the process of fulfilling its commitment to achieve REDD+ readiness. The R-PP provides a road map for assessing the current situation with regards to deforestation and forest degradation, and provides an overview of how the country intends to address this. The quick assessment of land use, forest policy and governance carried out during preparation of RPP identified unsustainable utilization of forest resources, as a critical driver of land use change at the national level. Inappropriate livestock management systems and overgrazing have contributed significantly to this process and has been blamed for the current deforestation and forest degradation in the dry lands. A successful forestry development programme in the dry lands will therefore have to propose appropriate livestock management systems that are acceptable to the largely pastoralist communities that reside therein. This study is intended to provide information on appropriate grazing management systems in the dry lands of the country to inform REDD+ strategy formulation that reduces the negative impacts of livestock on the forest sector. The expression of Interest must be accompanied by the following mandatory requirements: a) Consultant Profile (consultant history, contact address, three referees, CV of the lead and other key personnel and evidence of their professional qualifications) b) Strong background and understanding of grazing systems and the policy environment specifically in drylands in Eastern Africa preferably Kenya c) Must possess a Masters degree in Environment, Range management, Natural Resources management, dryland resources management or related field d) Understanding of interactions between livestock, forest ecosystems and the communities; e) Demonstrated strong analytical skills including economic analysis f) Demonstrated ability to tap into an extensive network of institutions and/or individuals to source relevant information g) Ability to link analytical results for application in policy context h) Demonstrated reporting, writing and presentation skills Demonstrated ability to mobilize a team quickly and deliver products in a timely manner i) j) Key members of the implementing team are based in Kenya k) Provide copies of statutory documents: Certificate of Registration or Incorporation, a valid Tax compliance certificate, PIN and VAT registration l) Proven experience of similar services carried out for at least three (3) years for large corporate organizations, references from those organizations and contact persons A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Banks Guidelines: Selection and Employments of Consultants by World Banks Borrowers; May 2004 revised on October 1, 2006. The selection method will be Consultants Qualification Selection (CQS). The shortlisted firm will be invited to submit technical and financial proposal through a letter of invitation including Request for Proposal. Expression of interest should be delivered to the address below at 12.00 noon on or before 10.04.2013 in the tender Box located at the main reception clearly marked KFS/REDD/EOI/06/2012-2013; CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO STUDY APPROPRIATE GRAZING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS FOR DRYLAND FORESTS IN KENYA AS REDD+ STRATEGY OPTIONS. Do not open before 12.00 noon 10th April 2013. The address referred to above is: Attention: Director Kenya Forest Service Headquarters Karura, Off Kiambu Road NAIROBI Tel No. +254-20-2121042 Fax No. +254-20-8010745

A. ASSETS 1. Cash (both local and foreign) 2. Balances due from Central Bank Of Kenya 3. Kenya Government securities 4. Foreign currency Treasury bills and bonds 5.Deposits and balances due from local banking institutions 6.Deposits and balances due from banking institutions abroad 7. Government and other securities held for dealing purposes 8. Tax recoverable 9. Loans and advances to customers(net) 10. Investments securities 11. Balances due from group companies 12. Investments in associates 13. Investments in subsidiary companies 14. Investments in joint ventures 15. Investment properties 16. Property and equipment 17. Prepaid lease rentals 18. Intangible assets 19. Deferred tax asset 20.Retirement benefit liabilty 21. Other assets 22. TOTAL ASSETS B. LIABILITIES 23. Balances due to local banking institutions 24. Customer deposits 25. Deposits and balances due to banking institutions 26. Deposits and balances due to foreign banking institutions 27. Other money market deposits 28. Borrowed funds 29. Balances due to group companies 30.Tax payable 31. Dividends payable 32. Deferred tax liability 33. Retirement benefit liability 34. Other liabilities 35. TOTAL LIABILITIES C. SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 36. Paid up/Assigned capital 37. Share premium/(discount) 38. Revaluation reserves 39. Retained earnings/Accumulated losses 40. Statutory reserve 41. Proposed dividends 42. Shareholders loans/capital grants 43. TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 44. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY


1. INTEREST INCOME 1.1 Loans and advances 1.2 Government securities 1.3 Deposits and placements with banking institutions 1.4 Other interest income 1.5 Total interest income 2. INTEREST EXPENSES 2.1 Customer deposits 2.2 Deposits and placements from banking institutions 2.3 Other Interest Expenses 2.4 Total Interest Expenses 3. NET INTEREST INCOME 4. OTHER OPERATING INCOME 4.1 Fees and commissions on loans and advances 4.2 Other fees and commissions 4.3 Foreign exchange trading income 4.4 Dividend income 4.5 Other income 4.6 Total non-Interest income 5. TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 6. OPERATING EXPENSES 6.1 Bad and doubtful debts charge 6.2 Staff costs 6.3 Directors emoluments 6.4 Operating lease rentals 6.5 Depreciation charge on property and equipment 6.6 Amortization charges 6.7 Other operating expenses 6.8 Total Operating Expenses 7. PROFIT/(LOSS) BEFORE TAX AND EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS 8. EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS 9. PROFIT/(LOSS) AFTER EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS 10. Current tax 11. Deferred tax 12. PROFIT/(LOSS) AFTER TAX EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS III. OTHER DISCLOSURES


1) NON-PERFORMING LOANS AND ADVANCES a) Gross Non-Performing Loans and Advances Less b) Interest in suspense c) Total Non-Performing Loans and advances (a-b) Less d) Loan loss provisions e) Net NPLs Exposure (c-d) f) Realizable value of securities g) Net NPLs Exposure(e-f) 2) INSIDER LOANS AND ADVANCES a) Directors, shareholders and associates b) Employees c) Total Insider Loans and Advances 3) OFF-BALANCE SHEET ITEMS a) Letters of credit, guarantees, acceptances b) Other contigent liabilities c) Total Contignet Liabilities 4) CAPITAL STRENGTH a) Core capital b) Minimum statutory Capital c) Excess/(Defficiency) d) Supplementary capital e) Total capital (a+d) f) Total risk weighted assets g) Core capital/total deposit liabilities h) Minimum statutory ratio I) Excess/(Defficiency) j) Core capital/ Total risk weighted assets k) Minimum statutory ratio l) Excess/(Defficiency)(j-k) m) Total capital /total risk weighted assets n) Minimum statutory ratio o) Excess/(Defficiency)(m-n) 5) Liquidity a) Liquidity Ratio b) Minimum statutory Ratio c) Excess/(Defficiency)(a-b) The financial statements are extracts from the books of the institution

MESSAGE FROM DIRECTORS The financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2012 are extracts from the audited books of the institution as audited by Deloitte & Touche. James Gacheru Chairman - BOD Samuel Kimani Chief Executive Officer

18 | National News
MENACE | KWS has deployed special security team to protected areas for wildlife conservation

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Lobby groups unveil new tool to ght poaching in game reserves

Technology designed to help rangers work with communities living around parks and forests to ght illegal ivory trade
BY JAMES KARIUKI onservationists yesterday unveiled a new technology to curb poaching in wildlife sanctuaries. The software dubbed Spatial Monitoring And Reporting Tool (SMART 1.0) is designed to help rangers who will work with communities living around game reserves and forests to ght poachers. Mr Benson Okita-Ouma, Kenya Wildlife Service senior scientist attached to the Rhino Programme, said the open source software SMART would help rangers to monitor and evaluate law enforcement eorts. Last year, 25,000 elephants across the world were killed as the demand for ivory especially in the Far East outstripped supply. The trade, which is illegal in Kenya, has seen insecurity in source countries with cartels providing guns and high-tech communication equipment to facilitate poaching. The ght against poaching nearly suered a major blow when some ivory-market countries vouched for one-o sale of impounded consignments of game trophies. The proposal was, however, rejected and a committee formed to monitor ivory trade with a decision set to be made later. SMART enables rangers and managers to measure, evaluate and improve the eectiveness of wildlife law enforcement patrols and site-


Six ocers deny theft of Sh8.2m equipment

Six ocers yesterday denied charges of stealing property worth Sh8.2 million and neglecting their duties while guarding the Nyanza provincial headquarters over the weekend. Messrs Joshua Omondi, Peter Otieno, Elias Okemwa, Augustine Omondi, Kiprop Kibet and George Liru were arraigned at a Kisumu court accused of stealing digital equipment. They were released on a Sh100,000 bond.


Man denies bhang and biting charges

A man was yesterday charged with assaulting a police ofcer and possessing bhang. Mr Samwel Mwangi was arrested on Saturday in Majengo in Nyeri for allegedly having bhang worth Sh200. During the arrest, he allegedly bit the ocers nger. He denied the charges before Nyeri chief magistrate Wilbroda Juma and claimed the ocer stole Sh9,200 from him. He was released on Sh100,000 bond.


Gangs linked to elephant killings

Rogue rangers: The government in January claimed gangs from neighbouring Somalia and former game rangers were behind the stepped-up poaching of Kenyan wildlife. Rogue rangers: Head of Public Service Francis Kimemia says he has directed the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) top leadership to investigate and furnish the Oce of the President with ndings into the Somalia link.
based conservation activities. SMART was developed through a partnership of conservation organisations such as CITES-MIKE, the Frankfurt Zoological Society, the North Carolina Zoo, Wildlife Conservation Society, World Wildlife

Kenya Wildlife Services rangers move impounded ivory in Nairobi last month. Conservationists yesterday launched a new technology to curb poaching in game reserves.
Fund and the Zoological Society of London. The lobby groups said they formulated a new way to ght poaching because traditional approaches had failed to stem illegal killing of tigers, rhinos, elephants, great apes and marine turtles. This vital tool will help the eco-guards on the frontlines of conservation get out ahead of the poachers and protect the most iconic species on our planet. Without SMART, the poachers will remain more sophisticated, which we cannot let happen, said Wild World Funds Asian Species expert Barney Long. At the same time, the Kenya Wildlife Service has raised alarm over inux


of guns in ranches bordering parks in Taita Taveta. Tsavo Conservation Area senior assistant Julius Kimani said crooks were taking advantage of the inux of camel herders into Tsavo East National Park to sneak in re arms. Since the ranch owners began to lease their land to herders, poaching of elephants and rhinos in the had increased, said Mr Kimani. It is worth noting that where there are camels, there are also re arms and this should not be taken lightly, he said. Last week, the KWS deployed a special security team to the region to curb poaching outside the protected areas.


Rustlers steal 100 cattle in one month

Rustlers have invaded Kirinyaga County and stolen more than 100 cattle in one month. Yesterday, the rustlers struck at Ndaba village in Mwea division and drove away ve dairy cows. Pursuing villagers failed to catch up with the rustlers who are believed to have ed to Mbeere District. The residents said the situation was so serious that they were spending nights outdoors guarding their livestock.


Police have three days to wrap up probe into ocers killings

Police have been granted three days to complete investigations into the murder of four police ocers on the eve of General Election in Mombasa. A Mombasa court yesterday also allowed the detectives to hold a woman linked to the attack at Central Police Station until Thursday. The suspect, Ms Mwanasiti Shee Masha, was arrested on Saturday after

Guards sent to jail for theft of Sh1.2m coee

Four watchmen were yesterday sentenced to one-and-a-half years in prison each by a Nyeri court for stealing coee worth Sh1.2 million. Peter Wachira, Robert Gitau, Ephraim Mureithi and Danson Mwaniki were found guilty of committing the crime at Kahiriaini Coee Factory on the night of July 25, 2012. The guards were also charged with stealing paint, gunny bags, screws and spanners.

Police searched and recovered three hand grenades, military training booklets
Inspector A Kitonny.

three hand grenades, military training booklets and an Administration Police tracksuit were found in her house in Likoni. Inspector Augustine Kitonny told the court that they had not nalised investigations into the case and wanted Ms Masha to remain in custody. Mombasa Senior Resident Magistrate Irene Ruguru granted the request after Ms Masha failed to object to the application. She is expected to be arraigned in court on Thursday together

with a man who led police to her house after he was arrested in connection with the attack. Three people suspected to be members of Mombasa Republican Council were last week charged with the murder of the ocers. Mr Jabir Dzuya, Mr Bwanamkuu Alwan and Mr Antony Mwatela denied killing Changamwe police chief Otieno Owouri, Corporal Salim Chebii and Constables Stephen Maithya and Andrew Songwa.

Bishop denies claims snake tried to bite Uhuru at service

A cleric has criticised the media over reports that a snake almost attacked presidentelect Uhuru Kenyatta when he worshipped at a church in Mombasa. Bishop Mary Kagendo Francis (left) of the Kisima cha Neema cha Mwana wa Daudi church also denied reports that the snake slithered to where Mr Kenyatta was seated but was shot dead by presidential guards after it attempted to attack the Jubilee leader. The prelate said she learnt of the snake story through the media, and after enquiry discovered that it was only a small green mamba which was killed by a young boy using a stick. Speaking in Kitui after a crusade at her Mulango home, Bishop Kagendo blamed the local media for creating a political storm out of a small incident, adding that citing of wild animals at the garden where her church is situated is common. We have monkeys, baboons, birds and occasionally see small snakes at our place of worship, but we cannot resort to killing them because we embrace nature, Bishop Kagendo said. She added that her church attracts huge crowd forcing them to worship outdoors where interacting with wild animals is inevitable. The cleric also down played claims that the snake could have been sent by Uhurus political nemesis or witchcraft was involved. She vowed to take unspecied action against those she accused of spreading alarmist falsehoods. (KNA)


Cleric urges students to talk about grievances

Students in Nyeri County have been urged to open up and talk about their grievances to avoid strikes in schools. Nyeri Catholic Archbishop Peter Kairo told students to embrace dialogue with their school administration. If something is not going well in your school, instead of rioting and destroying property, talk to the school principal, said Archbishop Kairo at St Pauls Seminary.

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


COMMENTARY | Albert Muriuki

Eyes on Supreme Court as wheels of justice turn in election petition

f the three arms of government the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary the Judiciary is unique in a constitutional democracy. While the other two arms are run by elected representatives, the Judiciary is run by members accountable to the people but appointed by elected representatives in the other two arms. One of the reasons the Judiciary is appointed is to safeguard the rights of minorities against the will of the majority. Yesterday, the Judiciarys wheels of justice started turning in the election petition seeking to challenge the declaration of Mr Uhuru Kenyatta the fourth President of Kenya. Six Supreme Court judges will have to decide by the end of the week the fate of over 12 million voters who took part in the March 4 General Election. The rights of minorities in a constitutional democracy risk being crushed by the majority. On the other hand, an unelected arm of government might go against the will of the majority, upending their will. It is a paradox. Can the court, for both the long term and short term good of the country nudge the country in the right direction while in fact negating popular will? A counter majoritarian court would. A Judiciary considered counter majoritarian makes decisions and rulings that can eectively be seen to be directing policy against popular will. While the Judiciary is also a law-making arm of government, its law making powers come from correcting laws it deems unconstitutional and directly repugnant to justice. A counter majoritarian judiciary plays an important role in society by not only correcting past injustices, but also protecting the minority from the juggernaut of the will of the majority. Consider three distinct but not dissimilar decisions from the United States Supreme Court that corrected a past injustice, subjugated a majority and protected a powerful yet minority segment. First. The famous case of Brown vs Board of Education is a classic case of a counter majoritarian Supreme Court exing its muscles to not only to correct a past injustice, but also to protect a distinct minority group. Prior to Brown vs Board of Education , racial segregation in public schools in the United States was not only legal, but had been sanctioned by the Supreme Court in a previous case of Plessy vs Ferguson. African Americans were restricted by law from using the same schools and educational facilities

as the majority white Americans. With a population of less than 15 per cent, it was impossible for African Americans to use democracy to correct such injustices. However, the Supreme Court of America, in 1954, went against the majority sentiment and express provisions of State laws and popular culture to reverse the segregation laws in place to literally make a new law banning segregation in public schools. It took the help of the military to enforce this counter majoritarian decision. The merits of the Supreme Court being counter majoritarian in this case are obvious today. Second. A representative reinforcement Judiciary on the other hand, would not have passed a decision like Brown vs Board of Education. The classic case of a strong representative reinforcement Judiciary pandering to public opinion is best illustrated by the United States Supreme Court decision in Koramatsu vs United States.

Cord lawyers Amos Wako (left), James Orengo (centre) with lawyer Haron Ndubi for civil society at the Supreme Court yesterday.
minority group that is however extremely powerful shows the dilemma and paradox of the judicial arm. A digression here. Under the Companies Act in Kenya, four types of companies exist, namely companies limited by shares, companies limited by guarantees, unlimited companies and representative companies. For the purpose of this narrative, societies such as the Law Society of Kenya will also fall within this discussion. In law, companies and societies share some characteristics with human beings. Like human beings, companies can be sued and sue in their respective capacities. They can open bank accounts and transact in shares at the Securities Exchange and engage in business transactions just like people. Moreover, companies, like humans, can form unions to safeguard and promote their interests. The Kenya Bankers Association is an example. In addition, like citizens, companies pay tax and indeed form the bulk of tax revenues for many countries. Non-human persons are articial persons, while human beings are natural persons. In most Common Law states, the concept of articial and natural persons is pretty much an accepted legal phenomenon. But do articial persons have the right to inuence natural persons in exercising civic and constitutional obligations that only accrue to natural persons? Considering that articial persons are a minority compared to natural persons globally, do articial persons have the right to inuence an election outcome? Third. A turn to the US and the nal Supreme Court case illustrating counter majoritarian and representative reinforcement dilemma in this narrative. Like in Kenya, articial persons in the US are a minority. Large corporations in particular are in a minority albeit with enormous economic power. In Citizens United v Federal Election Commission, the US Supreme Court in 2010 made a decision that strengthened the power and say of an already powerful minority group. Indeed for articial persons, it can be argued that a past injustice was being corrected; articial persons were nally being granted the right to free speech. In that case, the US Supreme Court held that the American Constitution barred the government from restricting political campaigning by articial persons. To put it in context, picture Safaricom or Kenya Breweries arguing in court that as tax paying persons,


Can the court, for both the good of the country nudge it in the right direction while in fact negating popular will?
Albert Muriuki
In this case, a popularly supported imprisonment and internment of Japanese-Americans was upheld by the Supreme Court. During the Second World War where Japan and the US were on opposing sides, the US government ordered Asian Americans of Japanese descent in America into relocation camps fearing that Japanese Americans were not loyal to the war effort and Americas position. Japanese Americans were not only a minority in the country, but nationalist rhetoric and sentiment was strongly in favour of any action that would seem to support the American war eort. As a result, hundreds of Japanese Americans were interned in what were nothing dierent from concentration camps in Germany with the full approval of the Supreme Court. The court reinforced public opinion and representation (the internment was ordered by the Executive). Fast forward to the 21st century. A ground-breaking decision by the Supreme Court protecting a

they have the right to actively participate in the electoral process by supporting candidates they deem best suited and attuned to the business climate in the country. If the two were joined by the dominant media companies in Kenya (who are also articial persons), it would be an uphill task for any other candidate to win an election in Kenya. But artificial persons have rights too. In this case, the US Supreme Court held that by denying articial persons the right to participate in the electoral process, the government was breaching their constitutional right to free speech. For millions of employees, shareholders and business entities in the US, this was a welcome move. The input by articial persons in the development and power of the US cannot be gainsaid. Think Google, IBM, Lockheed Martin, CNN and you get the picture. For others, this was unacceptable. To go ahead and give articial persons controlled by natural persons more control over the lives of natural persons who form a majority was unconscionable. These examples seek to illustrate the unique position of the judicial arm. An arm with immense powers rightly so this unelected arm of government has overreaching power over the will of Kenyan citizens. This month, an unelected arm of Kenyas government is set to decide an electoral dispute set to put into place another powerful but elected arm of government in place the Executive. Depending on where one falls on the political spectrum, the rst Kenyan Supreme Court will either be dened as counter majoritarian or representative reinforcement. For the Supreme Court, the denition is in its power. It will be determining whether the IEBC returns were the majoritys opinion and good to go, or that irregularities existed denying a people their democratic right. The writer is an advocate of the High Court.

Lawyer Kethi Kilonzo for Africog at the Supreme Court during election petition submissions yesterday.


20 |

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

MASSIVE |Imports from Africa soared 20-fold in a decade to reach $113 billion last year

SANCTIONS MOVE EU orders easing of Zimbabwe sanctions Page 26

Chinas new president Xi praises Africa ties as he visits Tanzania

First batch of S. Sudanese prisoners arrive home

NATION Correspondent JUBA, Monday The first batch of 50 South Sudanese prisoners who were serving various sentences in Sudanese jails on minor oences arrived in Juba today. This marks the beginning of a scheme to repatriate more than 800 South Sudanese prisoners in Sudan who have been released under a prisoner exchange program reached between South Sudan President Salva Kiir and Sudans Omar al-Bashir in 2011. The sentences of these prisoners range between one year and 25 years and the crimes committed ranged between drug tracking and committed crimes against the child act in the Republic of Sudan, Col. Azmi Abdullah Hamza of Sudans prisons told reporters at Juba International airport. There are four ights spread over two weeks to repatriate 218 prisoners whose transport funding is being met by the government of Sudan. Funds to transport some more 634 prisoners will be met by the government of South Sudan.

China has been a dependable supporter and an ally of African countries and other Third World countries President Jakaya Kikwete
Chinese President Xi Jinping shakes hands with members of a welcoming committee eyed by Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete upon his arrival at Julius Nyerere International airport in Dar es Salaam on Sunday.

Xi Jinping is on his rst foreign trip since being anointed president 11 days ago


hinas new President Xi Jinping hailed today the strength of ties with African nations, in a keynote speech on his rst trip as head of state to the continent. Hailing resource-rich Africa as a continent of hope and promise, Mr Xi addressed leaders in Tanzanias economic capital as my dear friends and spoke of Beijings sincere friendship with Africa. Africa belongs to the African people, Mr Xi said, speaking in a new conference hall built by China. In developing relations with Africa, all countries should respect Africas dignity and independence. Trade between China and Africa reached some $200 billion last year, he said, adding that China would intensify not weaken its relationship and noting a committment to provide a $20 billion credit-line to African nations over the next two years. Whenever I come to Africa two things always strike me the most, one is the continuous progress... I am deeply impressed at the new developments, Xi said, on his sixth visit to the continent. The other is your overwhelming warmth, the sincere friendship of the

African people towards the Chinese people is as warm and unforgettable as the sunshine in Africa. Mr Xi and his Tanzanian counterpart Jakaya Kikwete signed 16 trade, cultural and development accords after his arrival in Tanzania on Sunday, including improvements to hospitals and ports, and the building of a Chinese cultural centre. China is the second-largest foreign investor in Tanzania, with stakes in agriculture, coal, iron ore and infrastructure. We have no doubt that the people of China will continue to work with the people of Africa, Kikwete said, dismissing those who still feared Beijings role despite the end of the Cold War. CEMENTING TIES

So far, China has been a dependable supporter and an ally of African countries and other Third World their appeal for a just and equitable world economic order, Mr Kikwete added. Tanzania, where Mr Xi arrived from after a visit to Moscow, was the rst stop of a three-nation Africa tour that underscores Beijings growing presence on the continent. Chinas first contacts with Africa came with the sea voyages of Zheng He, a Chinese Muslim admiral who led expeditions to the east African coast in the 1400s, but little followed for centuries. Mr Xi, on his rst foreign trip since being anointed president 11 days ago, later left Tanzania for South Africa, where he rst

High volumes of trade

Top market: South Africas two-way trade with China totalled $59.9 billion last year. Top: South Africas trade with China is nearly one-third of total China-Africa trade. Appointment: President Xi will hold talks with President Jacob Zuma and join the leaders of Brazil, India, Russia and South Africa at the BRICS summit of emerging economies. Progress: Chinas vice foreign minister Zhai Jun, has estimated there are between one and two million Chinese entrepreneurs in Africa. Evolving: China has acknowledged growing pains in the relationship with Africa, which he ascribed to many causes.

visits Pretoria, before heading to Durban to join an emerging economies summit. He wraps up the African tour with a visit to CongoBrazzaville. China, which has risen to become the worlds secondlargest economy, sources many of its raw materials from Africa. A new Chinese diaspora has seen huge numbers of traders and small business operators establish themselves across the continent, which has higher growth rates than Europe or the United States. Chinese imports from Africa soared 20-fold in a decade to reach $113 billion last year, according to Chinese government statistics, and China became the continents largest trading partner in 2009. But Chinas presence in Africa has also been accompanied by periodic tensions, and Xi sought to smooth over those who criticise Beijings role on the continent, noting that there is no one size ts all development model in the world. We each view the others development as our own opportunity, and we each seek to promote the others development and prosperity, Mr Xi added. (AFP) TO COMMENT ON THESE AND OTHER STORIES GO TO


Mai Mai own to capital after clashes

Some 230 Mai Mai rebels who battled government forces in the Democratic Republic of Congos mining capital, Lubumbashi, at the weekend were Monday own to the capital Kinshasa on two aircraft, an airport source said. The Mai Mai, a local tribal militia, took refuge in premises of the United Nations after the clashes on Saturday, which claimed at least ve lives. They were disarmed then handed over to the army, which on Monday detained them in a hangar at Kinshasas military airport.(AFP)


Explosion kills two children in Somalia

Twp children died while other 3 were wounded in an explosion in Herale District, about 550 km north of Mogadishu, in Central Somalia. Mr Bashir Dahir Yusuf, the District Commissioner, conrmed that the blast occurred. The children who belonged to families residing in the area had left a Koran school (Madrasa) when they found an object, said Mr Yusuf. (Abdulkadir Khalif , Nation Correspondent)

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


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DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Africa News 23

PROTEST | Lawyers tell of a ploy to silence opposition

Zambia ex-president arrested over graft


Somali female journalist shot dead

Somali gunmen killed a female radio journalist in Mogadishu, the latest in a string of reporters murdered in the war-ravaged capital, colleagues and witnesses said today. Two men shot dead Rahmo Abdukadir, who worked for the private Radio Abduwaq station, late Sunday. One of our female sta members was shot and killed in Mogadishu, said radio station director Abdikarin Ahmed. We dont know why she was killed but we are in shock, he added. Witnesses said men approached the reporter before ring repeatedly and then running away. Two men armed with pistols shot the woman... they red their guns ve times before eeing, said witness Abdi Moalin Shire. There was another girl who accompanied the victim but the gunmen did not target her, she ran away screaming for help, said Issa Mohamed, another witness. (AFP) At least 18 media workers were killed in 2012 double the worst year on record and second only to war-torn Syria but no one has been charged with the killings. (AFP)

Rupiah Banda is out on bail and is due to appear today as he is accused of theft
NATION Correspondent and Agencies LUSAKA, Monday

Amount lost adds to $11m

Mr Rupiah Banda is accused of abuse of oce, corrupt acquisition of public property and misappropriation of public funds. The amount allegedly lost during Bandas tenure as president from 2008 to 2011 is $11 million. The former president is also facing charges relating to 2011 General Election campaign materials.
legations of corruption, money laundering and fraud. He lost power in an election to the current President Michael Sata. Mr Bandas lawyers claim the accusations are part of a ploy by Mr Sata to silence opposition. The charge is extremely vague and our only defence is the truth, he is innocent and the truth will been known, said Bandas lawyer Sakwiba Sikota. We will see the kind of

ambian authorities today arrested and charged former President Rupiah Banda in connection with the procurement of an oil deal worth $2.5million. President Rupiah Banda has been formally charged and arrested in connection with the procurement of oil which did not benet the country, Namukolo Kasumpa, a spokeswoman for government investigators, told reporters. He was immediately freed on bail and is due to appear in court on Tuesday. The arrest came after parliament earlier this month lifted Bandas immunity. The former leader who ruled Zambia between 2008 and 2011 was promptly questioned about al-

witnesses that they are going to bring but we know he is innocent, he said. Appearing exhausted after three hours of questioning by a special government probe unit, 76-year-old Banda told reporters: Naturally I would have been happy to be sitting at home but I have to go through this. Mr Satas government says Banda engaged in corrupt activities in the procurement of crude oil from a Nigerian rm, listed as the Nigerian National Oil Company in ocial documents. Nigerias state oil outt is known as the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). He is also accused of funnelling taxpayer cash into his election campaigns. Since Sata came to power he has rolled out an anti-corruption drive that some have seen as a move to silence dissenting views. Bandas lawyers last week petitioned the regional South African Development Community (SADC) over the unlawful and inhumane events taking place in Zambia.


The Government of Kenya has received a grant from Japan under the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) which is administered by the World Bank towards the implementation of Support to Community Based Farm Forestry Enterprises in semi arid areas of Kenya (SCBFFE) project. The project intends to apply part of these funds for Consultancy Services to carry out a study to establish linkages among selected farm forestry groups and networks currently undertaking farm forestry enterprises and private sector companies involved in trading, processing and micro-financing. The Kenya Forest Service invites eligible and qualified consultants to indicate their interest in providing their services to establish these linkages among selected farmer groups and networks and private sector companies involved in trading, processing and micro-financing. The exercise will be done in the forest zones of Kitui, Tharaka and Mbeere. The expression of Interest must be accompanied by the following mandatory requirements: Provide consultants Profile (Consultant history, first degree in Forestry, Environmental Studies, Economics, Natural Resource Management or its equivalent, list of names and CVs of Key personnel and evidence of their Professional qualifications) A Masters degree in any of the above fields will be an added advantage Provide copies official documents: Certificate of Registration or Incorporation, a valid Tax compliance certificate, PIN and VAT registration Provide proof of experience of similar assignments carried out for at least three (3) years for large corporate organizations, references from those organizations and contact persons. Proven experience of at least ten (10) years in forestry economics or related field Ability to investigate and provide information on opportunities and challenges for the establishment of business linkage between the private sector and farm forestry groups /networks engaged in production of farm forestry products Ability to provide interventions to the identified challenges, recommend partners and policies that may be needed to unlock the business linkage potentials Proven ability to draw business agreements between groups and private sector A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Banks Guidelines: Selection and Employments of Consultants by World Banks Borrowers; May 2004 revised on October 1, 2006. The selection method will be Consultants Qualification Selection (CQS). The shortlisted firm will be invited to submit technical and financial proposal through a letter of invitation including Request for Proposal. Expression of interest should be delivered to the address below at 12.00 noon on or before 09.04.2013 in the tender Box located at the main reception clearly marked KFS/SCBFFE/EOI/02/ 2012-2013: CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR MARKET ASSESSMENT AND PRIVATE SECTOR LINKAGES BETWEEN FARMER GROUPS / FARM FORESTRY NETWORKS AND COMPANIES INVOLVED IN TRADING, PROCESSING AND MICRO-FINANCE Do not open before 12.00 noon 09.04.2013. The address referred to above is: Attention: Director Kenya Forest Service Headquarters Karura, Off Kiambu Road NAIROBI Tel No. +254-20-2121042 Fax No. +254-20-8010745

The Karen Country Club(KCC) invites applications from interested, eligible, capable firms to supply goods and services for the Financial Year 2013-2015 in the following categories:S/ NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CATEGORY REFERENCE NO. KCC/01/2012-2013 KCC/02/2012-2013 KCC/03/2012-2013 KCC/04/2012-2013 KCC/05/2012-2013 KCC/06/2012-2013 KCC/07/2012-2013 KCC/08/2012-2013 KCC/09/2012-2013 KCC/10/2012-2013 KCC/11/2012-2013 KCC/12/2012-2013 KCC/13/2012-2013 KCC/14/2012-2013 KCC/15/2012-2013 KCC/16/2012-2013 KCC/17/2012-2013 KCC/18/2012-2013 KCC/19/2012-2013 KCC/20/2012-2013 KCC/21/2012-2013 KCC/22/2012-2013 KCC/23/2012-2013 KCC/24/2012-2013 KCC/25/2012-2013 KCC/26/2012-2013 KCC/27/2012-2013 KCC/28/2012-2013 KCC/29/2012-2013 CATEGORY DESCRIPTION OF GOODS & SERVICES Supply of general office stationery & printed stationery Supply of computer toners, inks, cartridges, photocopier toners, Supply of computers and point of sale machines Supply of dry goods and household items Supply of cleaning materials and detergents Supply of meat products-fish, pork, poultry, seafood, beef, lamb Supply of dairy products Supply of fruits and vegetables Supply of wines and spirits Supply of beer and minerals Supply of agricultural chemicals and fertilizers Supply of hardware and tools Supply of electrical items Supply of sand, ballast, hardcore and building stones Supply of charcoal Supply of bulk gas and cylinder gas Supply of cigarettes and cigars Maintenance of fire-fighting equipment Maintenance of cold room, fridges and air conditioning units Provision of garbage collection services Provision of pest control and sanitary services Provision of generator service Provision of Motor Vehicle service Provision of IT and computer services Provision of Insurance and Insurance brokerage services Provision of Gym [fitness] equipment service Provision of Kitchen equipment service Provision of Pump and bore hole service Provision of building and construction services

Reference: KCC/001-029/2013-2015

A complete set of documents may be obtained from the Karen country club procurement office a long Karen road during normal working hours between 8.30a.m.- 5.00p.m Monday to Friday upon payment of a non-refundable fee of ksh.3,500 in cash or bankers cheque. Returned tender documents should be in plain sealed envelopes marked KCC CATEGORY NO.and should be deposited in the tender box at the Karen Country Club Reception so as to be received on or before 10.00a.m. On the 20th/04/2013

24 | Africa News

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

PLEDGE | Free and fair elections in three years

LOT .NO. Lot No. 1 ITEM NO. a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. e. f. ITEM DESCRIPTION 160-170 HP Hydraulic Excavator 140-150 HP Hydraulic Excavator 85-90 HP Hydraulic Excavator 50-55 HP Hydraulic Excavator 150-160 HP Motor Grader 70-80 HP Bull Dozer 180-200 HP Bull Dozer 160-170 HP Wheel Loader 10 Ton Self Propelled Vibratory Roller 5.5 HP Slope Compactor QUANTITY 2 2 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 3

Lot No. 2

A video grab made from a an AFPTV video shows suspected looters carrying goods as they walk in a street in Bangui at the weekend. Looters and armed gangs roamed the streets of the Central African Republic capital Bangui after rebels seized control of the city and the coup-prone countrys president disappeared.


1. 2.

This Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice for this project that appeared in Development Business (dgMarket) of September 12, 2007 and UN Development Business No.712 of October 16, 2007. The Government of Kenya has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of the Natural Resource Management Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payments under the contract for supply of equipment in two lots:

LOT .NO. Lot No. 1

Lot No. 2

ITEM NO. a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. e. f.

ITEM DESCRIPTION 160-170 HP Hydraulic Excavator 140-150 HP Hydraulic Excavator 85-90 HP Hydraulic Excavator 50-55 HP Hydraulic Excavator 150-160 HP Motor Grader 70-80 HP Bull Dozer 180-200 HP Bull Dozer 160-170 HP Wheel Loader 10 Ton Self Propelled Vibratory Roller 5.5 HP Slope Compactor

QUANTITY 2 2 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 3

Ousted CAR leader ees to Cameroon

Biya announces that Bozize is seeking refuge but will move to another country
NATION Correspondent and Agencies, YAOUNDE, Monday usted Central African president Francois Bozize has fled to Cameroon, after rebels seized power in a rapid weekend assault that killed 13 South African soldiers. In a statement read over state radio, the oce of President Paul Biya announced that Mr Bozize is seeking refuge in Cameroon and will soon move to another country. Rebel leader Michel Djotodia meanwhile said he planned to declare himself president after his Seleka coalition took control of Bangui in the wake of the collapse of a two-monthold peace deal with Bozizes regime. Following initial mystery over Mr Bozizes whereabouts, the presidents oce in


The National Irrigation Board (NIB) under the Ministry of Water and Irrigation now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for : SUPPLY OF EQUIPMENT IN TWO LOTS

LOT .NO. Lot No. 1

Lot No. 2

ITEM NO. a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. e. f.

ITEM DESCRIPTION 160-170 HP Hydraulic Excavator 140-150 HP Hydraulic Excavator 85-90 HP Hydraulic Excavator 50-55 HP Hydraulic Excavator 150-160 HP Motor Grader 70-80 HP Bull Dozer 180-200 HP Bull Dozer 160-170 HP Wheel Loader 10 Ton Self Propelled Vibratory Roller 5.5 HP Slope Compactor

QUANTITY 2 2 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 3

Yaounde announced in a radio broadcast that he had sought refuge in Cameroon and was awaiting his departure to another host country. Meanwhile, South Africa said 13 of its soldiers were killed and 27 wounded in the weekend ghting in Bangui the countrys heaviest military loss since the end of the apartheid era. As a member of the African Union, South Africa rejects any efforts to seize power by force, President Jacob Zuma told reporters, adding that there were no immediate plans to withdraw troops deployed alongside the weak national army. South Africa deployed 200 soldiers to the Central African Republic in January to support government troops. The African Union took swift action amid international concern about the deteriorating security situation in the deeply unstable former French colony, a poor and landlocked nation with unexploited mineral wealth. The council has decided to

Government troops


Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures specified in the World Banks Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, and is open to all bidders from Eligible Source Countries as defined in the Guidelines.

5. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from National Irrigation Board; Head of Procurement Unit,; and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below from 0830 to 1300 hours and from 1400 to 1700 hours local time; Monday to Friday except public holidays. 6. Qualifications requirements include: Experience and technical capacity documentary evidence of participation as supplier in supply and delivery of goods that have been successfully and substantially completed and that are similar to the proposed goods of at least 10 units in the last three years; submission of audited balance sheets or if not required by the law of the bidders country, other financial statements acceptable to the employer, for the last five [5] years to demonstrate the current soundness of the bidders financial position and its prospective long term profitability: current ratio of more than 1, debt ratio of 1 or less and specified cash-flow requirement, certificate of registration and for bidders registered/incorporated in kenya, a valid tax compliance certificate and the documentary evidence to demonstrate that the goods offered meet the stated technical specifications. A margin of preference for certain goods manufactured domestically shall not be applied. Additional details are provided in the Bidding Documents.

suspend with immediate eect Central African Republic from all African Union activities and to impose sanctions, travel restrictions and an asset freeze on Selekas leaders, said AU peace and Security chief Ramtane Lamamra. Djotodia, a former civil servant turned rebel leader, said Sunday he would declare himself president but told Radio France Internationale the rebels would respect the terms of a January peace deal and hold free and fair elections by 2016. Opposition figure Nicolas Tiangaye, appointed prime minister of a national unity government formed as part of the accord that ended a previous Seleka oensive launched late last year, would remain in the post, he said. Djotodia said he may keep some ministers from Bozizes clan in his government, pledging: We are not here to carry out a witch-hunt. In a city without electricity and no national radio, Djotodia told Radio France Internationale that three years from now, we are going to organise free and transparent elections with everybodys help.

7. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written Application to the address below and upon payment of a non refundable fee of Ksh. 5,000 per Lot. The method of payment will be cash or certified bankers cheque. The Bidding Documents will be collected from the address below by bidders. 8. All Bids, each clearly marked with ICB no. , Lot No., Item No. and Item Description as indicated above, must be delivered to the address below at or before 12.00 noon local time on 7th May 2013.Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below at 12.15 p.m. local time on 7th May 2013. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of not less than 2% of bid price in Kenya shillings or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency.

Darfur gunmen seize 31 displaced people

Gunmen in Sudans Darfur seized 31 displaced people travelling to a conference, peacekeepers said today, highlighting the insecurity of 1.4 million people uprooted by the regions decade-old conict. A convoy of three commercial buses carrying 31 internally displaced persons and escorted by UNAMID peacekeepers was stopped by a large unidentied armed group in military uniforms and seven jeep-mounted guns, said Aicha Elbasri, spokeswoman for the African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID). Despite UNAMID opposition, the armed group forced the IDPs to an unknown location, said Elbasri, condemning the action of the gunmen. The peacekeepers were unharmed in the incident, which happened at about 6: 20 pm on Sunday at a border crossing between Central and South Darfur states. Elbasri added that while some information says the captives were released, ocial government sources have not conrmed this. Some of them are safe, Abdulbagi Ahmed Suliman, media director of Darfurs Voluntary Return and Resettlement Commission, told AFP from the main South Darfur city of Nyala.

9. The address (es) referred to above is(are): Physical Address: General Manager Attention: Eng. Daniel K. Barasa, HSC (General Manager) National Irrigation Board (NIB) Unyunyizi House, First Floor, Room 309 Lenana Road, Hurlingham Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-20-2711380/468 Fax: +254-20-2722821/2711347/2723392 E-mail:, GENERAL MANAGER NATIONAL IRRIGATION BOARD.

Number estimated displaced

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


The Board of Directors of National Bank of Kenya Limited hereby announce the audited results for the year ended 31 December 2012
PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the year ended 31 December 2012 1 Interest Income 1.1 Loans and advances 1.2 Government securities 1.3 Deposits and placements with banking institutions 1.4 Other Interest Income 1.5 Total interest income 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Interest Expense Customer deposits Deposits and placements from banking institutions Other Total Interest Expenses Net Interest Income/(Loss) Non-Interest Income Fees and commissions on loans and advances Other fees and commissions Foreign exchange trading income (loss) Dividend Income Other Income Total Non-Interest Income Total Operating Income Other Operating Expenses Loan loss provision Staff costs Directors emoluments Rental charges Depreciation charge on property and equipment Amortisation charges Other operating expenses Total Operating Expenses Profit before tax and exceptional items Exceptional items Profit after exceptional items Current tax Deferred tax Profit after tax and exceptional items Earnings Per Share - Basic & Diluted 31 Dec 12 Shs000 5,376,734 2,832,325 221,060 8,430,119 3,568,939 86,386 3,655,325 4,774,794 210,327 1,132,203 229,273 1,263,721 2,835,524 7,610,318 725,626 3,110,702 103,791 134,433 374,218 240,403 1,773,737 6,462,910 1,147,408 1,147,408 (508,667) 91,011 729,752 Shs 1.49 31 Dec 12 Shs000 2,247,477 51,405 2,196,072 1,543,344 652,728 652,728 6,322 3,612,084 3,618,406 5,292,850 64,800 5,357,650 9,622,101 1,000,000 8,622,101 404,862 10,026,963 35,280,348 17% 8% 9% 27% 8% 19% 28% 12% 16% 30% 20% 10% 31 Dec 11 Shs000 3,517,135 2,879,939 60,923 6,457,997 1,232,331 144,556 1,376,887 5,081,110 312,664 1,149,208 310,015 942,142 2,714,029 7,795,139 692,423 2,635,180 75,438 118,488 314,974 37,756 1,477,030 5,351,289 2,443,850 2,443,850 (1,073,467) 175,730 1,546,113 Shs 3.19 31 Dec 11 Shs000 1,196,826 42,151 1,154,675 854,456 300,219 300,219 11,233 2,888,391 2,899,624 4,211,887 64,800 4,276,687 9,576,448 700,000 8,876,448 427,357 10,003,805 34,286,442 17% 8% 9% 28% 8% 20% 29% 12% 17% 34% 20% 14% BALANCE SHEET as at 31 December 2012 A Assets 1 Cash (both local and foreign) 2 Balances due from Central Bank Of Kenya 3 Kenya Government securities 4 Foreign Currency Treasury bills and bonds 5 Deposits and balances due from local banking institutions 6 Deposits and balances due from banking institutions abroad 7 Government and other securities held for dealing purposes 8 Tax recoverable 9 Loans and advances to customers (net) 10 Investment securities 11 Balances due from group companies 12 Investment in associates 13 Investment in subsidiary companies 14 Investment in joint ventures 15 Investment in properties 16 Property and equipment 17 Prepaid lease rentals 18 Intangible assets 19 Deferred tax asset 20 Retirement benefit asset 21 Other assets 22 Total Assets B 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 C 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Liabilities Balances due to Central Bank of Kenya Customer deposits Deposits and balances due to local banking institutions Deposits and balances due to foreign banking institutions Other money market deposits Borrowed funds Balances due to group companies Tax payable Dividends payable Deferred tax liability Retirement benefit liability Other liabilities Total Liabilities Shareholders Funds Paid Up/Assigned Capital Share Premium/(discount) Revaluation reserve Retained Earnings/(Accumulated losses) Statutory Loan Loss Reserve Proposed Dividends Capital grants Total Shareholders Funds Total Liabilities & Shareholders Funds 31 Dec 12 Shs000 2,845,876 2,615,115 25,719,061 335,595 1,021,359 1,069,049 371,691 28,346,668 93,224 26,080 19,963 2,673,313 11,467 924,912 66,441 1,014,991 67,154,805 55,191,425 254,694 29,960 21,976 28,629 1,178,145 56,704,829 7,075,000 564,018 2,547,101 263,857 10,449,976 67,154,805 31 Dec 11 Shs000 2,250,352 3,314,646 25,849,231 2,581,409 806,782 828,868 28,068,218 62,872 19,963 2,740,003 11,615 402,400 1,728,157 68,664,516 56,728,163 155,613 21,976 322,357 21,728 24,570 933,635 58,208,042 7,075,000 603,559 2,501,448 276,467 10,456,474 68,664,516

OTHER DISCLOSURES 1 Non-performing loans and advances a Gross non-performing loans and advances Less: b Interest in suspense c Total Non-performing loans and advances (a-b) Less: d Loan loss Provisions e Net NPLs exposure (c-d) f Discounted Value of Securities g Net NPLs exposure (e-f) 2 a b c d Insider loans and Advances Shareholders and associates Directors Employees Total insider loans, advances and other facilities

MESSAGE FROM DIRECTORS The high interest rate environment prevailing during the period adversely impacted the 2012 results. The Bank paid high market rates on deposits but chose to cushion its borrowers by not passing the entire increase in the cost of funds onto the lending portfolio. The high rates also depressed lending volumes in the Banks significant retail portfolio. Expenses also grew on the back of significant investments in the year in new branches, new products, upgrade of the entire technology platform and inflationary pressures on the general cost base. DIVIDEND 1. The Directors are pleased to announce a dividend of Kshs 0.075 per share (1.5%) to preference shareholders. 2. The Directors have resolved to recommend to the forthcoming Annual General Meeting a first and final dividend of Kshs 0.20 per share to ordinary and participating preference shareholders. The dividend will be payable on or about 7th June 2013 to shareholders on register at close of business on 25th April 2013. The register will remain closed on 26th April 2013 for preparation of dividend warrants. CONSOLIDATION Consolidated financial statements have not been prepared as the results and net assets of the subsidiaries are not material. APPROVAL The above balance sheet and profit and loss account are extracts from the audited financial statements which were approved by the Board of Directors on 18th March 2013 and signed on its behalf by: M.A. Hassan S.M. Kitonga (Ms) M.S. Ahmed L.G. Kamweti Chairman Director/Chair - Audit & Risk Committee Managing Director Company Secretary

Off-Balance sheet items a Letters of credit, guarantees and acceptances b Other contingent liabilities c Total contingent liabilities a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o

Capital Strength Core capital Minimum Statutory Capital Excess/(Defficiency) (a-b) Supplementary capital Total capital (a+d) Total risk weighted assets Core capital/total deposit liabilities Minimum Statutory Ratio Excess/(Defficiency) (g-h) Core capital/total risk weighted assets Minimum Statutory Ratio Excess/(Defficiency) (j-k) Total capital/total risk weighted assets Minimum Statutory Ratio Excess (Defficiency)(m-n) 5 Liquidity a Liquidity Ratio b Minimum Statutory Ratio c Excess (Defficiency)(a-b)

To get a full picture of the banks performance, the full financial statements will be available in our offices after adoption by members at the Annual General Meeting. The financial statements were audited by Deloitte & Touche and received an unqualified opinion. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Forty-fourth Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of National Bank of Kenya Limited will be held at the Tsavo Ball Room, Kenyatta International Conference Centre, Nairobi, on Friday 7th June 2013 at 10.00 a.m. REGISTERED OFFICE National Bank Building, 18 Harambee Avenue, Nairobi. P.O. BOX 72866, 00200 Nairobi. Telephone 2828000, 0711038000, 0732018000 Fax 311444. Website :

26 | International News

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Malawi president meets Khama for talks

NATION Correspondent GABORONE, Monday Malawi president Joyce Banda and her Botswana counterpart Ian Khama today held talks in Gaborone on bilateral, regional and international issues of mutual concern. Mrs Banda arrived in Gaborone on Sunday for a three-day visit at the invitation of Mr Khama. Early on Tuesday the Malawi leader will join Mr Khama at the ocial opening of a Poverty Eradication Workshop. The ministry of foreign aairs in Gaborone said Botswana and Malawi enjoyed excellent bilateral relations underpinned by strong bonds of friendship and solidarity and Mrs Bandas visit would serve to further strengthen and deepen cooperation and collaboration between the two countries for the mutual benefit of both countries citizens. Mrs Banda is being accompanied by the Malawis Minister of Foreign Aairs, Mr Ephraim Chiume, the High Commissioner of Malawi to Botswana, Mrs Jane Kambalane and senior government ocials.

REWARDS | Peaceful referendum brings good news

EU orders easing of Zimbabwe sanctions

Zimbabwean lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa heads to court in Harare on March 19, 2013. Ms Mtetwa was freed on bail yesterday.


Mugabe remains among 10 still targeted by an EU travel ban and assets freeze


The number of individuals the 27-nation bloc hasd agreed to immediately suspend restrictive measures against.

he European Union today suspended most of its sanctions against Zimbabwe following a peaceful, successful and credible referendum on a new constitution earlier this month. However, 89-year old President Robert Mugabe remained among 10 Zimbabweans still targeted by an EU travel ban and assets freeze, a European diplomat said on condition of anonymity. An EU statement welcoming the March 16 referendum said the 27-nation bloc had agreed to immediately suspend restrictive measures against 81 people on a 91-name list as well as eight of 10 rms or utilities also blacklisted. The EU congratulates the people of Zimbabwe on a peaceful, successful and credible vote to approve a new constitution, a statement said, adding that this represents a signicant step towards general elections. Elections to end a shaky unity government formed four years ago between Mugabe and his rival Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai are expected later this year, with Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa calling for polls before the end of June. Details on those who remain on the list would be released in the next few days, said the source, who added that the controversial mining rm, the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation, too remained on the EU blacklist.

NGOs and diplomats claim the state-owned ZMDC, a major diamond and gold mining company which operates ve diamond mines in the controversial Marange elds, was channelling money to the Mugabes ZANU-PF. The targeted sanctions were rst imposed in 2002 with the EU citing political violence, human rights abuses and the failure to hold free and fair elections in the southern African nation. Meanwhile, a Zimbabwe High Court judge today granted $500 bail to a prominent human rights lawyer who was arrested last week for allegedly shouting at police ocers during the arrest of four aides of Prime Minister Tsvangirai. High Court judge Joseph Musakwa overturned a ruling by a Harare magistrate denying Ms Beatrice Mtetwa bail last week. The lawyers arrest sparked protests from human rights activists and fellow lawyers who say she is being persecuted for defending President Robert Mugabes opponents. Mr Tsvangirais aides were arrested for spearheading investigations into allegations that ministers from the veteran rulers Zanu PF party were involved in corrupt deals. Their bail hearing is expected on Tuesday. Police had ignored another High Court judgment issued last Sunday ordering them to set Ms Mtetwa free. She was taken to court the following day and was denied bail by a magistrate who said the lawyer was facing serious charges.

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


28 | International News
ROW | Suspension after failure to implement peace deal

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Syria rebels win Arab League seat amid rifts

Stolen seat handed to bandits, state newspaper says as regime is snubbed
DOHA, Monday

AFGHAN VISIT | Kerry mission


Parliament curbs presidents powers

Georgias parliament on Monday unanimously approved curbs to the presidents powers, a move seen as a breakthrough that could ease tensions between the rival camps of the president and prime minister. The constitutional amendments deprive the ex-Soviet republics president of his right to re or appoint a prime minister or cabinet without parliaments approval. Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili has backed the amendments since last October, when his coalition defeated President Mikheil Saakashvilis United National Movement party in parliamentary elections. the amendments pave the way for smooth relations between Georgias rival leaders. (AFP)

ebels won Syrias long-vacant seat at the Arab League today, on the eve of the organisations summit in Doha, despite rifts within the opposition that have marred their political gains. A high-ranking League ocial in the Qatari capital told AFP that the opposition National Council has been invited to the Arab summit and will occupy Syrias seat at the 22-member Arab League. Damascus reacted with fury at the announcement. The League has handed Syrias stolen seat to bandits and thugs, Syrian ocial daily Al-Thawra said. They have forgotten that it is the people who grant the powers and not the emirs of obscurantism and sand, it said, in an apparent reference

to key opposition supporters Qatar and Saudi Arabia. A state television station said: Qatar wants to bypass the rules of the Arab League by giving the seat of a founding member of the League to a coalition that obeys only the money and fuel of the Gulf and submits to American dictates. The news came a day after National Coalition leader Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib announced his resignation, throwing the fragmented opposition into disarray and denting its credibility. However, Khatib said he will address the summit in the name of the Syrian people, while the Coalitions envoy to Doha, Nizar al-Haraki, told AFP that Khatib will head the delegation representing Syria on Tuesday. I have decided to make


The number of countries that comprise the Arab League.

a speech in the name of the Syrian people at the Doha summit, Khatib announced in a statement on his Facebook page, saying he took his decision after prayers and consulting friends. This is not linked to the resignation which will be later discussed, he added. The coalition has said it refuses Khatibs resignation. Haraki told AFP that Khatib will head the eightmember Syrian delegation at the summit and will occupy Syrias seat. The delegation will include Syrias rst rebel prime minister, Ghassan Hitto. The Arab League on March 6 called on the coalition to form an executive body to take up Syrias seat and attend the summit, although Iraq and Algeria have expressed reservations, while Lebanon has distanced itself from the decision. The League in November 2011 suspended Syria after Damascus failed to implement an Arab deal designed to end violence against protesters. (AFP)


Ukraine day o after heavy snow

Ukraine has told its public sector workers in Kiev to stay home today as exceptionally heavy snowstorms blanketed the capital and other parts of the country over the weekend, forcing authorities to declare a state of emergency. Kievs private sector has been urged to follow suit, ocials said Sunday. The equivalent of a months snowfall has covered Ukraine in the last two days, stopping trac and leaving many vehicles buried under snowdrifts. (AFP)

US Secretary of State John Kerry (waving) is escorted by Afghan Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul on his arrival at the Presidential Palace to meet with Afghan President Hamid Karzai in Kabul yesterday. Mr Kerry landed in Afghanistan on Monday for an unannounced visit.


DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

International News 29

DANGER SIGNS| He was depressed

Berezovsky takes secrets to the grave

Exiled businessman wrote letter to Putin seeking forgiveness before return home
MOSCOW, Monday

US owner traced after diving camera drifts to Taiwan

TAIPEI, Monday
A Taiwanese airline said today it has traced the American owner of a diving camera, which was lost in Hawaii in 2007 and was found last month on a Taiwan beach more than 9,600 kilometres away. Flag carrier China Airlines said the owner of the Canon camera, identied as Lindsay Crumbley Scallan from Georgia, would be offered a free round-trip ticket to Taiwan to collect it. The memory card with photos of Scallans Hawaii visit remained intact inside the barnacle-encrusted camera. Ms Scallan is welcome to visit Taiwan so that she can take home the invaluable memories of her trip to Hawaii, said Lee Wen-yi, an ocial of the airline. Ms Scallan lost the waterproof camera in August 2007 during a diving trip in Maui. It was found by Douglas Cheng, a China Airlines manager, while he was strolling along a beach at Taitung on Taiwans east coast on February 13. The memory card allowed Cheng to identify where the camera had been lost. China Airlines staff in Honolulu launched a search for the owner, attracting media attention. The airline said a friend of Scallans in Hawaii informed her Monday that the camera had been found on the other side of the Pacic. (AFP)

The date in February the camera was found.

nigmatic in death as in life, Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky has left a swirl of mystery after his passing, including a letter reportedly begging President Vladimir Putin for forgiveness. The exiled businessman and former Kremlin powerbroker, who won asylum in Britain after falling out with Mr Putin and being convicted in absentia, was found dead at his Berkshire home at the weekend in circumstances that have yet to be made clear. Russias press on Monday leapt at the chance of publishing the wildest conspiracy theories, ranging from an assassination by MI5 to even a staged death that left the real Berezovsky still alive. Friends have suggested he was depressed over a costly court loss against fellow oligarch Roman Abramovich and personal trouble, pointing to suicide as a possible though unconrmed explanation. Berezovsky made a mystery even of his death, said the mass circulation Komsomolskaya Pravda in allusion to his reputation from the 1990s as the shadowy grey cardinal of Kremlin politics. It seemed he liked blurring the boundary between truth and mystication, the business daily Vedomosti said, describing him as a Faust or

Frankenstein who became a King Lear. A journalist for Forbes Russia magazine who spoke to Berezovsky last week said the fallen oligarch had told the magazine that life had lost meaning. Adding to the intrigue was the apparent existence of a letter which Vladimir Putins spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Berezovsky (pictured below) had sent to the Russian president asking for forgiveness. Mr Peskov told the Interfax news agency that the letter was a personal one. He also told TV Rain that the exiled oligarch had passed it on via a third party who he did not name. The editor in chief of RT television, Margarita Simonyan, a key gure in Kremlin media circles, said on her television talk show on Sunday night that a gure close to Mr Putin had read out the letter to her. She said that person, who she did not name, described the letter as a prayer for returning to Russia. I committed many mistakes, I understand how hard it is to forgive me, but I had got confused and I beg for forgiveness, the person cited the letter as saying, Ms Simonyan said. (AFP)

Hong Kong court rejects residency bid by maids

Hong Kongs top court today rejected a bid to give hundreds of thousands of foreign maids the right to live in the city permanently, angering activists who said the ruling amounted to discrimination. In turning down the attempt to give maids the same residency rights as other foreigners, the Court of Final Appeal ruled that there was no need to refer the case to Beijing for a nal say, which would have sparked new controversy. Ocials in semi-autonomous Hong Kong had suggested enlisting the advice of the Chinese central government on the immigration question, sparking warnings that they were jeopardising the territorys cherished judicial independence. But the top court drew a line under the matter by rejecting the two-year legal challenge rst brought by Filipina maid Evangeline Banao Vallejos, a 61-year-old mother of ve who has lived in Hong Kong since 1986. The courts ruling today, it gave its judicial seal to unfair treatment and the social exclusion of foreign domestic workers in Hong Kong, said Eman Villanueva, spokesman for labour rights group Asian Migrants Coordinating Body. (AFP)

30 |

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Executives seek free movement of EA workers
Private sector players say the current limitations have blocked regional expansion
BY CHARLES WOKABI usiness executives in the services industry from the East African Community want legal provisions hampering movement of workers across the member states removed. In a workshop held in Tanzania last week, the private sector players, under the East African Business Council (EABC) and the East African Professional Services Platform, pushed for the community to separate partner states commitments to the free movement of services from their commitments to the free movement of workers across the region. The business council, in a position paper submitted to the East African Community secretary general Richard Sezibera on Friday, said linking the two issues adds confusion rather than clarity to the commitments by partner states under the Common Market Protocol. The issue of concern to business is that the current impasse in implementing services commitments on account of the articial linkage between movement of services suppliers and the movement of workers is preventing the private sector from taking advantage of the opportunities created by the Common Market protocol, EABC executive director Andrew Luzze said. The workshop was attended by players in the services sector, including banking, engineering, tourism, clearing and forwarding, hospitality and health care from all the five East African Community member states. The executives said that the current limitations in the free movement of workers across the member states had blocked regional expansion and made it hard for companies to operate seamlessly across borders. In some circumstances, a service provider may need to send some of the companys personnel with specialist skills from its principal place of business in the EAC to another partner state on a short-term basis to supply services under a short contract, the position paper states. Players in the private sector further said that he limitations in the free movement of workers was contrary to the aim of the Common Market Protocol, which, they said, seeks to establish key freedoms that form the basis for a common market, including free movement of workers, services and service suppliers. According to the workshops submission, market access for key personnel such as managers or specialists has been made subject to the rules for free movement of workers rather than being part of a package of conditions granted to service suppliers. The position paper is set to be discussed further in an ongoing technical meeting in Nairobi to review implementation of the Common Market Protocol.

CYPRUS SACRIFICES TOP BANKS IN NEW BAIL-OUT Under the agreement, the islands second largest lender Laiki would be wound up overnight. Page 36

HEAVY LOAD | Getting ready for wet and cold seasons

New coding plan for all property in Kenya soon

South African technology rm mapIT is developing a digital address system for the country that should provide respite to local courier and e-commerce rms. At an event in Nairobi yesterday, mapIT chief executive Etienne Louw said the company had already mapped about 80 per cent of the country while the remaining process should be completed by the end of the year. Under the project, a local address coding system will be created in which each property in the country will be identied. The information will then be made available to local businesses that rely on physical addresses to deliver their goods and services. We intend to give every property in the country a unique code to identify them, make them easily accessible as well as give rise to e-commerce, Mr Louw said. The process, he added, would increase accountability in collecting taxes by providing the State with a clear record of existing and upcoming properties.

Regional expansion

A trader transports charcoal on the Nakuru-Marigat road yesterday. The charcoal is sourced from semi-arid parts of Baringo County. Charcoal dealers buy a bag at Sh600 and sell it in urban areas at Sh1,100. The price is set to go up as the wet and cold seasons set in.


We intend to give every property a unique code to identify them and give rise to e-commerce,
Etienne Louw, mapIT chief executive

Bank to rebrand as prot slides by 53pc

The National Bank of Kenya plans to rebrand after posting a 53 per cent drop in after-tax profit for the year ending December 2012. The bank, which had warned on Friday that its full year profits after tax would decline by at least 25 per cent, yesterday said the earnings for the 12 months more than halved because of high interest expenses, dropping to Sh729.8 million from the Sh1.5 billion recorded in 2011. Total interest expenses rose by 165 per cent to Sh3.6 billion against a 30 per cent rise in total interest income to Sh8.4 billion in the period under review. Releasing the results at an investor briefing yesterday, managing director Munir Ahmed said the move to rebrand was part of the banks strategic transformation plans as it sought to become a top-tier bank by 2017. We are rebranding the bank to reflect the fundamental changes we are introducing, Mr Munir noted. Some of the turnaround initiatives that were being executed include the setting up of retail and business banking, corporate and institutional banking divisions, developing new products and controlling the cost growth to drive growth. The bank has embarked on an aggressive expansion of its retail network and distribution channels. After emerging a top performer at the Nairobi Securities Exchange last Friday, the banks stock dropped by 11.11 per cent in yesterday mornings trading session, becoming one of the top losers.

The impasse in implementing service commitments is caused by articial linkage between movement of service suppliers and movement of workers,
EABC executive director Andrew Luzze

Technical meeting

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013



6:04:14 PM


AU D I T E D F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S A N D O T H E R D I S C L O S U R E S A S AT 3 1 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 2
Bank Bank Group Group 31st Dec, 31st Dec, 31st Dec, 31st Dec, 2011 2012 2011 2012 Audited Audited Audited Audited Shs 000 Shs 000 Shs 000 Shs 000
167,704 171,683 167,708 215,514 682,773 1,572,266 682,773 1,572,266 2,601,282 5,182,313 2,601,282 5,233,728 89,542 86,166 96,980 93,796 405,080 458,064 405,080 987,724 18,562 28,665 16,880 26,805 7,073,553 9,789,658 7,073,553 10,133,792 375,483 328,607 375,483 328,607 8,390 10,979 1,611 177,482 174,058 217,850 612,519 428,313 470,376 430,074 481,200 277,899 283,781 24,911 57,611 8,852 5,007 4,762 237,652 294,880 256,017 334,000 12,506,895 19,070,779 12,566,087 19,697,835



Bank Bank Group Group 31st Dec, 31st Dec, 31st Dec, 31st Dec, 2011 2012 2011 2012 Audited Audited Audited Audited Shs 000 Shs 000 Shs 000 Shs 000
280,010 71,705 208,305 134,794 73,511 73,511 433,403 98,308 335,095 130,326 204,769 204,769 280,010 71,705 208,305 134,794 73,511 73,511 433,403 98,308 335,095 130,326 204,769 204,769 -

1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8

ASSETS Cash ( both Local & Foreign) Balances due from Central Bank of Kenya Kenya Government securities Foreign Currency Treasury Bills & Bonds Deposits and balances due from local banking institutions Deposits and balances due from banking institutions abroad Kenya Government and other securities held for dealing purposes Tax recoverable Loans and advances to customers (net) Investment securities Balances due from group companies Investments in associates Investments in subsidiary companies Investments in joint ventures Investment properties Property and equipment Prepaid lease rentals Intangible assets Deferred tax asset Retirement benefit asset Other assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Balances due to Central Bank of Kenya Customer deposits Deposits and balances due to local banking institutions Deposits and balances due to foreign banking institutions Other money market deposits Borrowed funds Balances due to group companies Tax payable Dividends payable Deferred tax liability Retirement benefit liability Other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS Paid up /Assigned capital Share premium Revaluation reserves Retained earnings Statutory loan reserves Proposed dividends Capital grants TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS

10 NON-PERFORMING LOANS AND ADVANCES 10.1 (a) Gross Non-performing loans and advances 10.2 (b) Less Interest in Suspense 10.3 (c)Total Non-Performing Loans and Advances (a-b) 10.4 (d) Less Loan Loss Provision 10.5 (e) Net Non-Performing Loans and Advances(c-d) 10.6 (f) Discounted Value of Securities 10.7 (g) Net NPLs Exposure (e-f) 11 INSIDER LOANS AND ADVANCES 11.1 11.2 11.3 (a) Directors, Shareholders and Associates (b) Employees (c) Total Insider Loans and Advances and other facilities 191,255 96,832 288,087 39,769 161,650 201,419 191,255 96,832 288,087 39,769 161,650 201,419

12 OFF-BALANCE SHEET ITEMS 12.1 12.2 12.3 (a) Letters of credit,guarantees, acceptances (b) Other contingent liabilities (c) Total Contingent Liabilities 2,262,999 760,353 3,023,352 2,926,305 1,001,009 3,927,314 2,262,999 760,353 3,023,352 2,926,305 1,001,009 3,927,314

13 CAPITAL STRENGTH 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 13.10 (a) Core capital (b) Minimum Statutory Capital (c) Excess (a-b) (d) Supplementary Capital (e) Total Capital (a+d) (f) Total risk weighted assets (g) Core Capital/Total deposits Liabilities (h) Minimum statutory Ratio (I) Excess (j) Core Capital / total risk weighted assets 1,531,383 700,000 831,383 67,780 1,599,163 14.62% 8.0% 6.6% 16.9% 8.0% 8.9% 17.6% 12.0% 5.6% 1,644,815 1,000,000 644,815 94,022 1,738,837 10.78% 8.0% 2.8% 13.6% 8.0% 5.6% 14.4% 12.0% 2.4% 1,531,383 700,000 831,383 67,780 1,599,163 14.62% 8.0% 6.6% 16.9% 8.0% 8.9% 17.6% 12.0% 5.6% 1,644,815 1,000,000 644,815 94,022 1,738,837 10.78% 8.0% 2.8% 13.6% 8.0% 5.6% 14.4% 12.0% 2.4%

10,471,279 15,255,406 10,442,446 15,529,235 50,055 609,039 50,055 652,025 759,919 759,919 7,083 3,114 280,360 334,806 300,931 385,431 10,804,808 16,959,170 10,793,432 17,333,693

9,085,928 12,078,548

9,085,928 12,078,548

13.11 (k) Minimum Statutory Ratio 13.12 (l) Excess (j-k) 13.13 (m) Total Capital/total risk weighted assets 13.14 (n) Minimum statutory Ratio 13.15 (o) Excess (m-n) 14 LIQUIDITY 14.1 (a) Liquidity Ratio 14.2 (b) Minimum Statutory Ratio 14.3 (c) Excess (a-b)

1,050,000 (74,558) 658,865 67,780 1,702,087

1,050,000 (4,919) 972,506 94,022 2,111,609

1,050,000 (74,558) 698,206 67,780 31,227 1,772,655

1,050,000 (23,302) 961,531 102,736 273,177 2,364,142

34.64% 20.0% 14.64%

42.50% 20.0% 22.50%

34.64% 20.0% 14.64%

42.50% 20.0% 22.50%


12,506,895 19,070,779 12,566,087 19,697,835

4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7


INTEREST INCOME Loans and advances Government securities Deposits and placements with banking institutions Other Interest Income Total interest income INTEREST EXPENSE Customer deposits Deposits and placement from banking institutions Other interest expenses Total interest expenses NET INTEREST INCOME OTHER OPERATING INCOME Fees and commissions on loans and advances Other fees and commissions Foreign exchange trading income Dividend Income Other income Total non-interest income TOTAL OPERATING INCOME OPERATING EXPENSES Loan loss provision Staff costs Directors emoluments Rental charges Depreciation charge on property and equipment Amortisation charges Other operating expenses Total operating expenses Profit before tax and exceptional items Exceptional items Profit after exceptional items Current tax Deferred tax Profit after tax and exceptional items EARNINGS PER SHARE - BASIC & DILUTED DIVIDEND PER SHARE - DECLARED



949,468 265,866 5,689 45,976 1,266,999 1,713,948 420,939 46,165 43,629 2,224,681 949,468 265,866 5,689 45,991 1,267,014 1,739,705 422,236 59,425 43,688 2,265,054

499,897 14,483 1 514,381 752,618

1,325,631 7,668 16,070 1,349,369 875,312

498,810 14,483 1 513,294 753,720

1,330,726 7,668 16,070 1,354,464 910,590

1 Profit before tax for the bank grew by 8% to stand at Kshs 557 million in December 2012 from Kshs 515 million reported in December 2011. 2 Total Assets grew by 52.5% from Kshs12.5 billion in December 2011 to Kshs 19.1 billion in December 2012. 3 Customer deposits as at 31 December 2012 were Kshs 15.3 billion, 45.7% higher than the Kshs 10.5 billion reported at end of December 2011. 4 Net Loans grew by 38.4% to close at Kshs 9.8 billion in December 2012 up from the Kshs 7.1 billion in the previous year. 5 Total shareholders funds closed the period at Kshs 2.1 billion, up from Kshs 1.7 billion as at 31 December 2011, a 24.1% growth.

Profit Before Tax in Millions

Assets in Billions

64,710 175,890 144,636 371 77,437 463,044 1,215,662

96,158 174,933 160,494 315 74,699 506,599 1,381,911

64,710 175,890 144,636 371 94,295 479,902 1,233,622

96,158 183,040 161,864 315 48,702 490,079 1,400,669

Advances in Billions Deposits in Billions

7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 8 9

11,603 333,141 23,180 40,757 26,191 6,003 259,321 700,196 515,466 515,466 145,693 (3,619) 373,392 3.56 0.80

24,219 436,162 23,250 49,964 30,987 7,973 252,111 824,666 557,245 557,245 130,402 2,960 423,883 4.04 0.80

11,603 350,765 23,180 42,732 26,608 6,681 264,048 725,617 508,005 508,005 146,617 (8,578) 369,966 3.53 0.80

31,113 466,037 23,410 54,474 32,590 9,211 258,295 875,130 525,539 525,539 147,363 (2,467) 380,643 3.63 0.80

MESSAGE FROM DIRECTORS The financial statements are extracts from the audited books of the institutions Signed: Shamaz Savani Managing Director Joseph K. Muiruri Director

32 |

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Business News 33

ALL SET | New mini port for titanium rm

Workers put nal touches to a warehouse that will be used as a mini-port at Likoni Mainland near Likoni ferry channel yesterday. The warehouse is being constructed by Base Titanium for storing titanium sand before being exported for processing in Europe. Base Titanium is expected to start operations in Kwale County by the end of this year.

Kenya told to take grievances to Comesa court

Kenya has been told to seek legal interpretation of regional competition laws only from the Comesa Court of Justice. This is the latest twist in a spat between a local authority and a regional regulator. The Common Market for East and South Africa (Comesa) Competition Commission in a statement on Sunday, urged the Competition Authority of Kenya (CAK) to take its grievances to the regional court instead of appealing to Kenyas Attorney General. It is our view that the Attorney General is not the right office to interpret the provisions of the Treaty but the Comesa Court of Justice is, wrote the regional regulator. The Comesa competition commission further disputes it is engaged in a jurisdictional battle with Kenyan authorities, saying it restricted itself to regulating only those mergers with a regional dimension. The regional commission became operational in January with the mandate to regulate mergers and acquisitions in the region. This sparked concerns among local firms and the government that Comesa was trying to usurp the authority of CAK. Following consultation with Attorney General Githu Muigai, the CAK in February wrote to the Competition Commission that Kenya still had primary control over local mergers and acquisitions.

The year when the process of developing regional competition regulations started.

AGRICULTURE | The harvest is good

Busia farmers face losses for lack of market

There are fears crops worth millions of shillings may go to waste due to limited storage facilities
BY LINET WAFULA Tanui said. Mr Christopher Ngunyi, a rice farmer in the region, said the situation would make it difficult for farmers to pay the loans they acquired at the beginning of the season. The problems, he said, would adversely aect preparations for the next planting season. Most of the rice farmers depend on income obtained from the produce to educate their children and repay the loans they took from nancial institutions, Mr Ngunyi said. Rice production at Bunyala Irrigation Scheme has expanded in the past three years from 500 acres to more than 1,800 acres following the introduction of early maturing and disease-resistant varieties. The improved harvest was attributed to the use of high quality seeds and the extension training services to farmers through the season. However, it is unlikely that farmers will enjoy as much returns as they did last year following the drop in price per kilogramme from Sh48 to Sh36.

ice farmers at Bunyala Irrigation Scheme in Busia County risk losing millions of shillings due to poor storage and lack of a ready market. In an interview with the Nation, the area National Irrigation Board manager, Mr Joel Tanui, said farmers were likely to incur signicant losses of their bumper harvest if the situation persisted. Continuous rainfall in the region has caused panic among the farmers who fear that, with limited storage space, they may lose their produce in case the area oods.

Quality seeds

We fear that the farmers may incur massive losses in case the region experiences ooding like in 2011 when several thousand bags of rice went to waste, Mr Tanui said. The farmers have so far harvested more than 20,000 bags out of the 60,000 expected at the end of the season, with only 6,000 bags having been sold. We are likely to face a major problem if the issue is not addressed as a matter of urgency because farmers need to sell the produce which they have heavily invested in, Mr

Urgent solution

We are likely to face a major problem if the issue is not addressed urgently,
National Irrigation Board manager Joel Tanui

34 | Business
Last 12 Mths High Low Security Yesterday Prices Prev deal Shares traded

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

57.00 22.00 89.00 67.50 148.00 111.00 500.00 400.00 23.50 14.50 13.60 10.00 315.00 180.00


Eaagads Ord 1.25 Kakuzi Ord.5.00 Kapchorua Tea Co. Ord 5.00 Limuru Tea Co. Ord 20.00 Rea Vipingo Plantations Ord 5.00 Sasini Ltd Ord 1.00 Williamson Tea Kenya Ord 5.00

26.25 125.00 21.00 12.20

24.25 76.00 121.00 470.00 21.25 11.85 226.00

100 100 4,000 4,400

113.00 90.00 540.00 28000 131.00 88.00 325.00 180.00 2.50 1.35 7.35 4.00 16.35 8.60

Manufacturing & Allied

107.00 129.00 310.00 2.00 4.50 15.00 11.10 100.00 530.00 126.00 310.00 2.00 3.00 4.50 14.80 100 900 403,800 61,500 2,666,000 3,800 Money Market Funds African Alliance Kenya Shilling Fund Old Mutual Money Market Fund British-American Money Market Fund Stanbic Money Market Fund CBA Market Fund CIC Money Market Fund Amana Money Market Fund Suntra Money Market Fund Zimele Money Market Fund ICEA Money Market Fund Madison Asset Money Market Fund African Alliance Fixed Income Fund CIC Fixed Income Fund Stanbic Fixed Income Fund B1 Stanbic Fixed Income Fund A Standard Investment Income Fund Standard Investment Equity Growth Fund African Alliance Kenya Equity Fund ICEA Equity Fund British-American Equity Fund CBA Equity Fund CIC Equity Fund Dyer and Blair Equity Fund Old Mutual Equity Fund Stanbic Equity Fund Suntra Equity Fund Madison Asset Equity Fund African Alliance Managed Fund British-American Managed Retirement Fund Amana Growth Fund ICEA Growth Fund Amana Balanced Fund British-American Balanced Fund CIC Balanced Fund Old Mutual Balanced Fund/Toboa Suntra Balanced Fund Madison Asset Balanced Fund Zimele Balanced Fund CFC Simba Fund Old Mutual East Africa Fund British American Bond Plus Fund Dyer and Blair Bond Fund ICEA Bond Fund Old Mutual Bond Fund Daily Yield Eective Annual Rate 7.33% 7.58% Kenya Shilling 8.19% 8.50% Kenya Shilling 9.18% 9.65% Kenya Shilling 7.73% 8.01% Kenya Shilling Kenya Shilling 7.96% 8.28% 8.99% 9.37% Kenya Shilling 10.35% 10.55% Kenya Shilling 7.72% 8.03% Kenya Shilling 9.0% 9.31% Kenya Shilling 7.62% 7.91% Kenya Shilling 8.95% 9.33% Kenya Shilling 10.89 10.53 Kenya Shilling 9.73 9.98 Kenya Shilling 99.75 99.75 Kenya Shilling 99.35 99.35 Kenya Shilling 95.54 96.08 Kenya Shilling 74.57 75.24 Kenya Shilling 161.52 151.168 Kenya Shilling Kenya Shilling 113.72 119.70 172.43 177.91 Kenya Shilling 143.52 151.08 Kenya Shilling 12.64 13.30 Kenya Shilling 159.94 168.36 Kenya Shilling 333.41 353.75 Kenya Shilling 139.48 147.21 Kenya Shilling 122.72 129.18 Kenya Shilling 56.24 59.20 Kenya Shilling 19.42 18.29 Kenya Shilling Kenya Shilling 121.42 122.44 91.89 96.73 Kenya Shilling 119.11 125.38 Kenya Shilling 92.37 96.22 Kenya Shilling 176.07 181.21 Kenya Shilling 12.40 12.98 Kenya Shilling 144.94 152.97 Kenya Shilling 106.61 112.22 Kenya Shilling 69.61 72.89 Kenya Shilling 4.42 4.56 Kenya Shilling Kenya Shilling 115.62 121.71 136.72 143.53 Kenya Shilling 150.82 153.90 Kenya Shilling 123.91 126.44 Kenya Shilling Kenya Shilling 92.35 93.28 103.33 105.44 Kenya Shilling

A.Baumann & Co. Ord 5.00 B.O.C Kenya Ord 5.00 BAT Kenya Ltd Ord 10.00 Carbacid Investments Ord 5.00 East African Breweries Ord 2.00 Eveready EA Ord 1.00 Kenya Orchards Ord 5.00 Mumias Sugar Co. Ord 2.00 Unga Group Ord 5.00

29.00 14.20 5.45

Automobiles & Accessories

21.00 12.00 3.40 Car & General (K) Ord 5.00 CMC Holdings Ord 0.50 Marshalls (E.A.) Ord 5.00 Sameer Africa Ord 5.00 12.40 5.20

21.25 13.50 12.35 5.40

100 235,200

9.25 3.75 AccessKenya Group Ord 1.00 9.20 6.50 3.05 Safaricom Ltd Ord. 0.05 5.80 NSE All Share Index(NASI)-(1 Jan 2008=100 Up 0.64 points to close at 114.09 NSE 20 Share Index Up 19.19 points to close at 4732.79 Equity Turnover Close772,066,737 Previous sh 373,945,246

Telecommunication & Technology

8.45 5.80

751,900 17,116,300

Euro BANK ABC Barclays Co-op Equity NBK KCB buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell 110.80 111.08 111.48 112.30 111.54 111.82 111.02 111.45 111.79 110.92 110.90 111.30 111.02 111.84 111.52 111.80 111.71 111.98 111.50 111.80 110.80 111.30

18.50 66.00 154.00 34.25 24.00 42.00 24.00 57.00 315.00 16.50

10.70 34.50 86.00 17.00 13.00 20.25 16.00 25.00 160.00 10.15

$ 85.65 85.85 85.55 86.05 85.60 85.80 85.60 85.90 85.75 85.85 85.70 85.90 85.80 86.00 85.58 85.75 85.70 85.90 85.40 85.60 85.70 86.20

129.46 129.77 130.32 131.28 130.45 130.76 129.70 130.20 130.75 130.87 130.20 130.60 130.59 131.01 130.45 130.76 130.65 130.99 129.40 129.90 130.00 130.50

C$ 83.52 83.72 83.54 84.19 83.68 83.88 83.54 83.86 83.83 83.94 83.90 84.30 83.14 84.20 83.64 83.83 83.77 84.00 83.65 83.90 83.90 84.40

SF 90.36 90.86 91.00 91.72 91.07 91.30 90.72 91.07 91.29 91.41 90.80 91.10 91.19 91.55 91.07 91.29 91.23 91.49 90.55 90.80 90.80 91.30

IR 1.57 1.58 1.60 1.61 1.58 1.58 1.57 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.61 1.58 1.59 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.60 1.58 1.59

JY 89.38 89.68 90.17 90.88 90.24 90.49 89.54 89.87 90.41 90.55 90.40 90.70 90.53 90.89 90.00 90.00 90.38 90.64 88.80 89.05 90.40 90.90

ZR 9.19 9.22 9.21 9.28 9.08 9.36 9.20 9.30 9.23 9.26 9.15 9.35 9.20 9.37 9.23 9.33 9.24 9.27 9.30 9.55 9.20 9.70

Barclays Bank Ord 0.50 CFC Stanbic of Kenya Holdings Ord.5.00 Diamond Trust Bank Ord 4.00 Equity Bank Ord 0.50 Housing Finance Co Ord 5.00 KCB Ord 1.00 NBK Ord 5.00 NIC Bank Ord 5.00 StandardChartered Ord 5.00 Co-op Bank of Kenya Ord 1.00

16.65 58.00 146.00 30.00 22.75 39.00 20.25 49.50 294.00 15.15

16.60 54.50 145.00 30.00 22.25 38.50 22.50 49.25 291.00 15.00

2,016,000 49,900 2,400 632,200 254,,800 5,522,600 108,500 165,600 18,800 310,500

4.50 19.00 21.00 350.00 75.50 31.00 61.00 22.50

Commercial & Services

3.00 10.25 8.50 145.00 40.00 20.00 36.00 9.00 Express Ord 5.00 Hutchings Biemer Ord 5.00 Kenya Airways Ord 5.00 Longhorn Kenya Ord 1.00 Nation Media Group Ord. 2.50 ScanGroup Ord. 1.00 Standard Group Ord 5.00 TPS EA (Serena) Ord 1.00 Uchumi Supermarket Ord 5.00

3.50 11.00 9.00 330.00 71.50 54.00 21.50

3.50 20.25 11.00 8.50 321.00 72.00 24.75 50.50 21.50

800 95,200 3,200 50,500 3,800 9,100 65,100

CBA CFC Stanbic GulfAfrican FCB Prime

74.00 225.00 48.50 16.50 65.00

Construction & Allied

48.75 143.00 24.00 9.55 32.00

Athi River Mining Ord 1.00 BamburiCement Ord 5.00 Crown Paints Kenya Ord 5.00 E.A.Cables Ord 0.50 E.A.Portland Cement Ord 5.00

67.00 220.00 46.50 15.20 53.00

67.50 219.00 47.75 15.45 52.00

1,013,700 244,600 700 19,500 2,400

1 US Dollar 1 Sterling Pound 1 Euro 1 South African Rand Ksh/Ush 1 Ksh/Tsh 1 Ksh/Rwanda Franc 1 Ksh/Burundi Franc 1 UAE Dirham 1 Canadian Dollar 1 Swiss Franc 100 Japanese Yen 1 Swedish Kroner 1 Norwegian Kroner 1 Danish Kroner 1 Indian Rupee 1 Hong Kong Dollar 1 Singapore Dollar 1 Saudi Riyal 1 Chinese Yuan 1 Australian Dollar

14.75 16.95 20.50 18.00

Energy & Petroleum

7.05 9.80 14.00 13.00 KenGen Ord 2.50 KenolKobil Ltd Ord 0.05 KP&LC Ord 2.50 Total Kenya Ord 5.00 Umeme Ltd Ord 0.50

13.80 10.00 18.95 14.25

13.45 10.50 18.55 14.55 10.00

696,400 4,871,200 589,500 12,900 -

9.50 3.80 7.00 3.05 240.00 150.00 16.45 7.15 6.30 11.00 61.50 18.00


British American Investments Co.0.10 CIC Insurance Group Ord.1.00 Jubilee Holdings Ord 5.00 Kenya Re Corporation Ord 2.50 Liberty Kenya Holdings Ord 1.00 Pan Africa Insurance Ord 5.00

8.40 5.45 236.00 14.90 9.90 56.00

8.45 5.50 224.00 14.45 9.80 55.50

175,000 952,600 1,600 202,300 16,700 18,900

18.00 500.00 4.50 37.75

11.05 220.00 3.05 20.00

Centum Investment Co Ord 0.50 City Trust Ord 5.00 Olympia Capital Holdings Ord 5.00 Trans-Century Ord 0.50

17.50 4.10 33.00

17.35 448.00 4.05 33.50

294,400 200 1,500

Mean 85.8258 130.8103 111.5904 9.2157 30.6785 18.8755 7.3871 18.3631 23.3664 83.7403 91.1858 90.3753 13.2263 14.6963 15.0106 1.5791 11.0560 68.9835 22.8857 13.8203 89.7610

Buy 85.7411 130.6278 111.4297 9.1959 30.5900 18.7986 7.3332 18.0537 23.3430 83.6377 91.0017 90.1789 13.2044 14.6712 14.9952 1.5776 11.0450 68.9071 22.8625 13.8061 89.6509

Sell 85.9106 130.9928 111.7511 9.2356 30.7670 18.9524 7.4410 18.6725 23.3898 83.8429 91.3700 90.5717 13.2481 14.7213 15.0259 1.5806 11.0671 69.0599 22.9089 13.8345 89.8710

Algerian Dinar Bahrani Dinar Djibouti Franc Egyptian Pound Jordanian Dinar Kuwait Dinar Lebanese Pound Libyan Dinar Omani Riyal Qatar Riyal Saudi Riyal Syrian Pound Yemeni Riyal UAE Dirham


77.67 0.377 174.75 6.7303 0.708 0.28144 1500 1.2566 0.3850 3.6404 3.75 70.7 214.25 3.6726

Currencies are quoted against the US Dollar



DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

P.O. Box 30483 - 00100, Nairobi, Kenya


GROUP 31 DEC 2011 Shs 000 (Audited) A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ASSETS Cash (both local and foreign) Balances due from Central Bank of Kenya Kenya Government securities Foreign currency Treasury bills and bonds Deposits and balances due from local banking institutions Deposits and balances due from banking institutions abroad Kenya Government and other securities held for dealing purposes Tax recoverable Loans and advances to customers (net) 68,131 300,928 3,380,497 1,273,961 143,857 133,995 16,517 5,901,794 46,153 151,916 4,178 26,755 69,306 76,263 548,591 3,837,543 1,321,183 102,936 265,901 16,937 6,931,620 46,153 166,592 4,117 28,648 64,974 68,131 300,928 3,359,338 1,273,961 143,857 133,995 11,260 5,901,794 46,153 32,048 151,916 4,178 26,447 69,031 76,263 548,591 3,816,383 1,321,183 102,936 265,901 11,967 6,931,620 46,153 32,048 166,592 4,117 28,527 64,814 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 6 3 4 2 GROUP 31DEC 2012 Shs 000 (Audited) BANK 31 DEC 2011 Shs 000 (Audited) BANK 31DEC 2012 Shs 000 (Audited) 1 INTEREST INCOME 1.1 Loans and advances 1.2 Government securities 1.3 Deposits and placements with banking institutions 1.4 Other 1.5 Total Interest income INTEREST EXPENSES 2.1 Customer deposits 2.2 Deposits and placements from banking institutions 2.3 Other Interest on borrowed funds 2.4 Total interest Expenses NET INTEREST INCOME OTHER OPERATING INCOME 4.1 Fees and commissions income on loans & advances 4.2 Other fees and commissions income 4.3 Foreign exchange trading income 4.4 Dividend income 4.5 Other income 4.6 Total Non-Interest income TOTAL OPERATING INCOME OPERATING EXPENSES 6.1 Loan loss provision 6.2 Staff costs 6.3 Directors emoluments 6.4 Rental charges 6.5 Depreciation on property and equipment 6.6 Amortisation charges 6.7 Other operating expenses 6.8 Total operating Expenses Profit before tax and exceptional items Exceptional items Profit before tax Current tax Deferred tax Profit after tax



GROUP 31 DEC 2011 Shs 000 (Audited) 649,186 367,051 24,450 1,040,687 346,671 176,666 182,914 706,251 334,436 24,510 16,491 24,968 9,094 46,895 121,958 456,394 31,599 146,372 11,220 17,850 61 90,291 297,393 159,001 159,001 (55,512) 5,679 109,168

GROUP 31DEC 2012 Shs 000 (Audited) 979,111 426,690 28,149 1,433,950 789,372 125,395 247,051 1,161,818 272,132 22,221 19,067 10,936 7,795 53,755 113,774 385,906 22,818 138,492 11,917 17,938 61 88,421 279,647 106,259 106,259 (34,373) 1,893 73,779

BANK BANK 31 DEC 2011 31DEC 2012 Shs 000 Shs 000 (Audited) 649,186 364,800 24,450 1,038,436 346,827 176,666 182,914 706,407 332,029 24,510 16,491 24,968 9,094 46,895 121,958 453,987 31,412 146,372 11,120 17,850 61 89,735 296,550 157,437 157,437 (55,512) 6,148 108,073 (Audited) 979,111 424,435 28,149 1,431,695 789,528 125,395 247,051 1,161,974 269,721 22,221 19,067 10,936 7,795 53,755 113,774 383,495 23,993 138,492 11,817 17,938 61 87,496 279,797 103,698 103,698 (33,825) 2,080 71,953

10 Investment securities 11 Balances due from group companies 12 Investments in associates 13 Investments in subsidiaries 14 lnvestment in joint ventures 15 Investment properties 16 Property and equipment 17 Prepaid lease rentals 18 Intangible assets 19 Deferred tax asset 20 Retirement benefit asset 21 Other assets







31 DEC 2011 31DEC 2012 Shs 000 Shs 000 1) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 2) a) b) c) 3) a) b) c) 4) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) 5) a) b) c) NON-PERFORMING LOANS AND ADVANCES Gross non-performing loans and advances less: lnterest in suspense Total Non-Performing Loans and Advances (a-b) less: Loan loss provisions Net Non-performing loans and adavances(c-d) Discounted value of securities Net NPLs exposure(e-f) Insider Loans and Advances Directors,shareholders and associates Employees Total Insider Loans,Advances and other facilities Off-Balance Sheet Items Letters of credit,guarantees,acceptances Other contingent liabilities Total Contingent Liabilities Capital Strength Core capital Minimum Statutory Capital excess Supplementary capital Total capital (a+d) Total risk weighted assets Core capital/total deposit liabilities Minimum Statutory Ratio excess(g-h) Core capital/total risk weighted assets Minimum Statutory Ratio excess(j-k) Total capital/total risk weighted assets Minimum Statutory Ratio excess(m-n) Liqudity Liquidity Ratio Minimum Statutory Ratio excess(a-b) (Audited) 1,145,246 90,051 1,055,195 266,015 789,180 789,180 228,726 173,885 402,611 852,596 852,596 1,423,764 700,000 723,764 137,978 1,561,742 5,767,748 22% 8% 14% 25% 8% 17% 27% 12% 15% 36% 20% 16% (Audited) 1,132,396 116,808 1,015,588 379,820 635,768 635,768 342,176 189,080 531,256 650,945 650,945 1,371,847 1,000,000 371,847 261,858 1,633,695 6,558,088 16% 8% 8% 21% 8% 13% 25% 12% 13% 46% 20% 26%

23 Balances due to Central Bank of Kenya 24 Customers deposits 25 Deposits and balances due to local banking institutions 26 Deposits and balances due to banking institutions abroad 27 Other money market deposits 28 Borrowed funds 29 Balances due to group companies 30 Tax payable 31 Dividends payable 32 Deferred tax liability 33 Retirement benefit liability 34 Other liabilities 35 TOTAL LIABILITIES 4,158,736 2,385,620 3,110,310 296,175 9,950,841 6,938,496 1,516,248 3,056,855 258,933 11,770,531 4,170,545 2,385,620 3,110,310 294,820 9,961,295 6,952,883 1,516,248 3,056,855 257,414 11,783,400

36 Paid up/Assigned capital 37 Share Premium(discount) 38 Other reserves 39 Statutory reserves 40 Retained earnings 41 Proposed Dividends 42 Capital grants 43 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 347,500 137,978 1,081,669 1,567,147 347,500 261,858 1,031,568 1,640,926 347,500 137,978 1,076,264 1,561,742 347,500 261,858 1,024,337 1,633,695

Message from the Directors The above Balance Sheet and Profit and loss Account are extracts from audited financial satatements and records of the institution.The financial statements were audited by KPMG KENYA on behalf of THE AUDITOR-GENERAL and received an unqualified report. 44 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 11,517,988 13,411,458 11,523,037 13,417,095 SIGNED : VICTOR KIDIWA CHIEF EXECUTIVE PROF J H KIMURA DIRECTOR

36 | Business News
NEGOTIATIONS | President battles for 12 hours with currency partners and the IMF

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Cyprus sacrices top banks in bail-out

Under the agreement the islands second largest lender Laiki would be wound up overnight
Weve put an end to the uncertainty that aected Cyprus and the euro area over the last few days. Under the terms of the agreement the islands second largest lender Laiki (Popular Bank) would be wound up overnight, an operation Dijsselbloem said would deliver a 4.2-billion-euro ($5.5 billion) saving. Even the best-protected senior bondholders investing in the bank would see their holdings wiped out, Dijsselbloem told journalists. Loans to the government in Nicosia once the parliament there approves the deal in April, will be for 10 billion euro ($13 billion). The Bank of Cyprus, the islands No 1 lender, survives: but it will have to endure a major haircut a forced wipeout of investment value, on all deposits of more than 100,000 euros. That is a massive blow to its major investors and the bank holds the lions share of the islands Russian deposits. The previous plan for a raid on all savings, a move that provoked angry response from everyone from pensioners to Russian President Vladimir Putin was ditched. The new deal, reached after a week of turmoil that plunged the eurozone back into crisis, was

TNT to shed 4,000 jobs as takeover fails

Dutch post and courier company TNT Express said today it would shed around 4,000 jobs over the next three years as it restructures after the failure of a takeover bid by US rival United Parcel Service (UPS). The company will also introduce a new management structure, sell its operations in China and Brazil and reduce its air capacity, resulting in around 150 million euros ($195 million) in costs and 220 million euros in annual savings by the end of 2015, a statement said. The announcement came after rival UPS in January abandoned its bid for TNT Express that would have created the biggest European group in the ght for the global parcel market. Our business faces difficult market conditions and strategic challenges, TNT Express interim CEO Bernard Bot was quoted as saying. We are... taking immediate steps to reshape our portfolio, make the company leaner and pursue eciencies in operational and supporting processes, Bot said. The company said it was exploring options to reduce its exposure to inter-continental capacity. O ptions include capacitysharing agreements, subleases and lease terminations, it said. (AFP)

he eurozone struck a deadline-day deal with Cyprus today to resurrect a bailout for its government but only after a radical downsizing of the Mediterranean islands Russianfuelled nancial sector. Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades battled for 12 hours with currency partners and the IMF, but let one banking chain go to the wall and left major investors in the islands biggest bank take a giant hit. However, no one could say when banks on Cyprus already shut for a 10th day would reopen, or when restrictions on cash withdrawals and other capital controls would be eased. They had been scheduled to reopen tomorrow. Anastasiades said he was content with the deal. And the head of the Eurogroup of nance ministers, Mr Jeroen Dijsselbloem of the Netherlands, insisted:


Talks on the deal faced key hurdles

Russia refused to give fresh aid or extend a 2014 repayment date on an existing 2.5-billion-euro loan. The European Central Bank had yesterday threatened to halt life-support funding for Cyprus if there was no deal.

a much better outcome, said Dijsselbloem. Key details of the deal remained sketchy, with EU and IMF ocials working out the likely percentage levels over the coming weeks. Bail-out bosses could not put a gure on that, Dijsselbloem said. The nal bailout will also involve a Cypriot government austerity programme. (AFP)

European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso (left) leaves following a eurozone meeting at EU headquarters in Brussels.


The Directors have recommended a 1st & Final Dividend to be paid on or about 7th June 2013 subject to the approval of the shareholders at the AGM to be held on Friday, 7th June 2013 at KICC Tsavo Ballroom. In preparation of the dividend payment, the Bank is introducing the option of paying your dividends via MPESA. To receive dividends via M-PESA, a shareholder will be required to: 1. Fill the dividend mandate form available at our Customer Service Desk in any of our branches or at the Shares Department, 9th oor, National Bank Building, Harambee Avenue, Nairobi or our website 2. Indicate your shares/CDSC account number and attach copies of your National ID card/passport and dividend notice/share certicate/CDSC statement duly certied by a National Bank ofcial at any of our branches nearest to you. 3. Be an M-PESA registered customer 4. Be a local Investor (Partnerships and companies are not eligible). 5. Receiving a dividend payment of not more than Kshs 20,000.00 Benets of M-PESA payment Option 1. Convenient:Your dividend is credited to your M-PESA account immediately the payment process begins. Money will be available for use immediately. 2. Affordable:You will not be charged for receiving dividends into your M-PESA account, hence giving you more value for your money. 3. Fast:You need not go through the lengthy process of waiting for your cheque in the mail, depositing it into your bank account and waiting for clearance. 4. Safe: Chances of errors, in terms of wrong names, addresses, bank account number or lost cheques are greatly reduced. CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR BANK MANDATES Shareholders who maintain CDSC Accounts should notify any change of address through their Stockbroker or Investment Bank while shareholders with certicates are advised to do so through the Shares Registrar at the address provided below by 30th April 2013. Notes: (i) Normal M-PESA charges are applicable for withdrawals and sending money. (ii) Please provide your instructions to pay your dividend via M-PESA by 30th April 2013. The details can be hand delivered at any of our branches nearest to you or posted to The Shares Registrar, National Bank of Kenya Ltd, 9th Floor, National Bank Building, P.O BOX 72866-00200, Nairobi. In case of any query, please contact us on or telephone number 020-2828000. COMPANY SECRETARY

May 2013 and September 2013 Admissions are ongoing.


Jomo Kenyatta university of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) on The Award of Charter and ISO 9001:2008 Re-Certication
The Principal Taita Taveta University College P.O BOX 635-80300 VOI.;


DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


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DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Nakuru Town CBA Building, 2nd Floor, Opp-Merica Hotel, P.O Box 25 NAKURU 0711 488 302

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013



1. Introduction The Constituencies Development Fund was established through an Act of Parliament, the CDF Act 2003 (amended in 2007) with an objective of addressing poverty and inequality throughout the country, by dedicating a specific portion of the ordinary Government Revenue to addressing felt needs of the community at grassroots level. The fund is managed by the Constituencies Development Fund Board (CDFB). It is one of several devolved funds set up by the Government to reduce poverty and bridge development imbalances throughout the country. The Fund has registered great success through shifting the role of project identification, planning and implementation from line ministries to communities, hence encouraging local initiative that results into sense of ownership, transparency and accountability. The programme has also encouraged creation of employment at local levels through awarding contracts to local artisans and sourcing materials from local entrepreneurs. Through CDF, the general condition of social infrastructure has improved in many parts of the country, and school dropout rate has reduced through CDF contribution in expansion of learning facilities and provision of bursary to needy students. In January 2013, Parliament enacted CDF Act 2013, hence effectively repealing CDF Act 2003 as amended in 2007. 2. Rationale for enactment of CDF Act 2013 The enactment of CDF Act 2013 was mainly aimed to ensure that the law governing CDF is aligned to the Constitution of Kenya 2010, particularly in compliance with the principle of transparency, accountability, separation of powers and participation of the people. The new law was also aimed to align the operations of the Fund to the new devolved government structure. 3. What has changed? a) Reduction in size of the CDF Board from seventeen to eleven members and introduction of a new officer, the Corporation Secretary as member and secretary to the Board. b) Change in the mode of appointment of CDF Board by obviating the role of nominating Bodies. c) Separation of roles of the executive from those of the Legislature. d) Emphasis on the mandatory role of Project Management Committees in Project implementation. e) Change in the responsibility for submission of Project proposals to the Board which is now the role of the Chairman of the Constituency Development Fund Committee (CDFC), not the area MP. f) Change in size of CDFC (the committee that manages the fund at the constituency level) resulting in reduction of the maximum number of committee members from sixteen (16) to eleven (11). g) Change in the mode of appointment of CDFC members, hence introducing the requirement that Within the first forty-five days of being sworn in, each Member of Parliament for a particular constituency shall convene open public meetings of registered voters in each of the elective wards in the constituency where citizens within the ward shall elect five persons whose names shall be forwarded to the Fund Account Manager in the constituency. Upon receiving the names from all the wards in the constituency, the Member of Parliament in consultation with the Fund Account Manager and the Sub County Administrator for the constituency, shall appoint eight persons to the Committee, taking into account the geographical diversity within the constituency, communal, religious, social and cultural interests in the constituency and the requirements of gender, youth and representation of persons with disabilities. Apart from the above eight persons, the Officer of the Board (Fund Account Manager), the Officer of the National Government as shall be designated by the cabinet Secretary and the Area Member of Parliament shall be ex-officio members of the CDFC, making the total membership eleven. h) New requirement that the Cabinet Secretary shall cause the names of the persons appointed as members of the CDFC to be published in Kenya Gazette. i) Specification of grounds for removal of a member from the CDFC. j) Introduction of a new structure at County level, the County Projects Committee, whose main function shall be to coordinate the implementation of projects financed through CDF. k) Appointment of the Fund Account Manager as the holder of Authority to Incur Expenditure (A.I.E) instead of the District Development Officer as was the case before. 4. Summary of the new Institutional Structure under CDF Act 2013 The new CDF management structure is composed of: a) National Assembly Select Committee on CDF b) The State Department responsible for CDF c) The Constituencies Development Fund Board (CDFB) d) The County Projects Committee e) The Constituency Development Fund Committee (CDFC) f) Project Management Committee (PMC) 5. Composition of CDFC ( the committee at the constituency that manages the Fund) a) The National Government official at the constituency as may be designated by the Cabinet Secretary or an alternate; b) Three men nominated by the Ward Development Committees and one of whom shall be a youth at the date of appointment; (age between 18 - 35 years) c) Three women nominated by the Ward Development Committees and one of whom is a youth shall be a youth at the date of appointment; (age between 18 - 35 years) d) One person with disability nominated by the Ward Development Committees; e) One person nominated from among the active Non-Governmental Organizations in the constituency; f) An officer of the Board seconded to the Constituency Development Fund Committee by the Board who shall be ex-officio and shall serve as the secretary to the Constituency Development Fund Committee. 6. Key players in CDF and their respective Roles a) Citizens To turn up and participate in open public forums convened by the area MP at ward level to elect five persons from whom CDFC members shall be appointed by the MP in consultation with the Officer of the Board and the Sub-County Administrator. To turn up and participate in open public meetings convened by the Chairperson of the CDFC in consultation with the Member of Parliament for the constituency, the Sub-county Administrator and the Ward Administrator within the first year of every parliament and at least once every two years thereafter, to deliberate on development matters in the ward and the constituency, to enable the ward come up with a list of priority projects to be submitted to the CDFC. To participate in project implementation through provision of locally available resources (land, materials, labour or skills) either voluntarily or for pay. To provide feedback to the Board and law enforcement Agencies on matters concerning the Fund.

b) Area Member of Parliament To convene open public forums of registered voters in each elective ward in the constituency within forty five (45) days of being sworn in, whereby each ward shall elect five persons whose names shall be forwarded to the officer of the Board at the constituency and from which members of the CDFC shall be appointed. Appoint members of the CDFC in consultation with the Officer of the Board and the Subcounty Administrator for the Constituency. Ex-officio member of the CDFC. Member of the County Project Committee. c) National Assembly Select Committee (NASC) To oversee the implementation of the Act. To oversee the policy framework and legislative matters that may arise in relation to the Fund To consider and recommend to the National Assembly any matter requiring action by the National Assembly pursuant to the provisions of the Act. To continually review the framework set out for the efficient delivery of development programmes financed through the Fund. To consider and recommend to Parliament with recommendations, any names of persons required to be approved by Parliament under the Act. d) Constituencies Development Fund Board (CDFB) To consider project proposals submitted from various constituencies in accordance with the Act, approve for funding those project proposals that are consistent with the Act and send funds to the respective constituency Fund Accounts with respect to the approved projects. To ensure timely and efficient disbursement of Funds to every constituency. To ensure efficient management of the Fund. To ensure compilation of proper records, returns and reports from the constituencies. To receive and address complaints and disputes and take appropriate action. To submit a report to the National Assembly Select Committee on monthly basis, detailing a summary of project proposals received from the constituencies in the preceding month (including their approval status), a summary of the status of disbursement of funds to constituencies for the preceding month, a summary of disbursement of funds from the Treasury to the National Account, and any restrictions imposed on a constituency account in accordance with the Act. e) County Project Committee (CPC) Receive and discuss project lists from various constituencies in the County for the purpose of aligning the projects with Countys Development Plans and Policies. Ensure no duplication of projects occurs, particularly where it is prudent to combine efforts for projects traversing more than one constituency. Prepare and circulate to various constituencies within the county a list of other government allocations for various projects within the county. f) Constituency Development Fund Committee (CDFC) To deliberate on all project proposals from all wards in constituency and any other projects which the Constituency Development Fund Committee consider beneficial to the constituency Consult with the relevant government departments to ensure that the cost estimates for the projects are as realistic as possible. Rank project proposals in order of priority provided that ongoing projects shall take precedence. Ensure that projects proposed for funding comply with the Act. Monitor the implementation of projects. Recommend to the Board the removal of a member of the CDFC in line with Section 24 sub sections 14-16 of the Act.

g) Project Management Committee (PMC) To implement projects with the assistance of the relevant department of government. To be in charge of sustenance of CDF financed projects after completion. h) Government Departments Assist and guide the Project Management Committees in implementing the Projects; Guide the PMCs in the sourcing of goods and services; Oversee projects/maintain records of disbursements of funds and Assist CDFCs and PMCs track the progress of the projects funded under the Act; Provide sector policy direction and technical inputs to the CDFCs and PMCs. For inquiries, please contact: AG. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER CONSTITUENCIES DEVELOPMENT FUND BOARD HARAMBEE COOPERATIVE PLAZA, TENTH FLOOR P.O. BOX 46682, NAIROBI Email: Tel. (020)2230015/19/27 Or visit our website:

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DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


42 | County News
TACKLING INFECTION | Eight admitted to private hospital

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

NETTED | Commuter arrested and Sh300,000 bhang seized

Health experts step up war on dengue fever

Surveillance on in 23 districts at the Coast, with blood samples collected daily and sent to Nairobi for analysis
BY GALGALO BOCHA weeks ago, Dr Omar told the Nation yesterday. She however had no problem with the decision taken by the institution to have the specimen analysed in South Africa. The move is prudent for quality purposes, she said. Dr Omar said blood samples taken from two other patients admitted to the Aga Khan Hospital tested positive for dengue fever after laboratory analysis at the Centre for Communicable Disease Control in Nairobi. DETECTION They are out of danger and we are monitoring the situation closely. However, there is no cause for alarm as dengue fever is almost similar to normal malaria with symptoms like back pain and can be contained with early detection and proper medication, she said. Dengue fever surveillance has been stepped up in 23 districts in the region, with samples being collected daily and taken to the Nairobi-based facility for analysis. Dr Omar said she was leading her public health team in collecting data from private hospitals where all suspected dengue fever cases were reported and ensure affected areas are properly mapped and residents educated on better ways of protecting themselves from the disease. She called on the residents to ensure they sleep under mosquito nets so that they are not bitten by female ones which transmit the disease, also called breakbone fever.

ealth specialists have been sent to Mombasa to halt the spread of dengue fever following the admission of eight people to a private hospital suspected to have the disease. Blood samples collected from the eight patients at Mombasa Hospital had been sent to South Africa for analysis, according to Coast regional director of public health and sanitation Anisa Omar. They (hospital management) did not alert us as required. Instead, they decided to have the blood samples sent to South Africa. We were, however, aware of the outbreak two

Police ocers inspect bhang that was recovered from a woman travelling from Malaba to Eldoret yesterday in Malaba. The bhang was estimated to have a street value of Sh300,000.


Collecting data

Symptoms of disease
The symptoms, which appear three to 14 days after infection, are: Mild to high fever Severe headache Pain in the eyes Muscle and joint pains Rash

Governor vows to address insecurity

Baringo Baringo Governor-elect Benjamin Cheboi has vowed to deal with insecurity that has derailed development in the country over the years. Mr Cheboi said enough security personnel would be deployed to hotspots to assure residents of their security. Speaking yesterday when he toured Arabal Location, where two people were killed and more than 500 animals stolen by raiders last week, Mr Cheboi said the county government would not tolerate any form of crime in the name of cultural practices. A threat to security in Chemoe in Baringo North District or Arabal is a threat to security in the entire county and hence a threat to our economy, he said. Marigat district commissioner Saul Moywaywa, who accompanied the governor, said the government would provide relief food to Arabal residents who ed their homes due to insecurity. Weve restored calm in the area with the deployment of enough security personnel. He called on the locals to return to their homes as the situation was under control.


Thika Water and Sewerage Company (THIWASCO) is a limited company with the mission of providing quality, reliable and affordable water and sewerage services to its customers through efficient management of resources. The Company hereby invites bids from eligible firms to undertake the following works. TENDER No. THIWASCO/003/2013/039 THIWASCO/003/2013/042 THIWASCO/003/2013/041 THIWASCO/011/2012/020 THIWASCO/003/2013/040 Name and scope of the project Gatundu- Gatuanyaga phase ii estate- 3.6 km DN 75mm pipeline extension and construction of chambers Witeithie Water mains extension 2.1 km DN 75mm pipeline extension and construction of chambers Rehabilitation and disludging of sewerage treatment works Recarpeting car park Supply and installation of centrifugal pump and control panel at old sewage pump hou


Audited statements and accounts as at 31st Dec, 2012
1. STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (FIGURES (FIGURES IN KSHS IN KSHS 000) 000) Year Ended Year Ended 31st Dec 31st Dec 2011 2012 Income Advisory Fees 239,662 205,830 Interest Income 30 13 Other Income 137 156 Fund Management Fees Exchange (Loss)/Gain (8,902) 224 Total Income 230,927 206,223 Expenses Employees Costs Rent Expense Operational and Administrative Expenses Depreciation Expenses Total Expenses Operating Profit Finance Cost Profit Before Tax Tax Profit After Tax Current Liabilities Creditors and Accruals Tax Total Current Liabilites Net Assets (48,387) (48,387) 53,863 (59,388) (3,117) (62,505) 42,807

Tender documents with detailed specifications can be obtained upon payment either in cash or bankers cheque of a non refundable fee of Kshs. 3,000.00 for each document payable to Thika Water and Sewerage Company offices during normal working hours. Completed tender documents in plain sealed envelope bearing no indication of tenderer but clearly marked with the tender number should deposited in the Tender Box placed at our offices located along Hailie Slassie Avenue near Chania falls or addressed to; The Managing Director Thika Water and Sewerage Company P.O Box 6103, Thika So as be received on or before 10.00 AM on 16th April, 2013 Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter at the Companys Boardroom in the presence of tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend. The Company reserves the right to accept/reject any tender in part or whole and is not bound to give reasons for its decision.

Share Capital and Reserves Ordinary Share Capital Revenue Reserves Total Shareholder Funds 3. OTHER DISCLOSURES 1. Capital Strength a. Paid up Capital b. Minimum capital required 2. Shareholders funds a. Total shareholders funds b. Minimum shareholders funds required (a-b) Excess/deficiency 3. Liquidity a. Working capital b. Minimum working capital required 16,500 37,363 53,863 16,500 26,307 42,807

184,588 3,750 24,917 1,828 215,083 15,844 15,844 (4,788) 11,056

167,787 6,030 17,548 1,176 192,541 13,682 13,682 (4,105) 9,577


16,500 10,000

16,500 10,000

Thika Water and Sewerage Company (THIWASCO) is a limited company with the mission of providing quality, reliable and affordable water and sewerage services to its customers through efficient management of resources. The Company hereby invites bids from eligible firms to undertake the following works. TENDER No. THIWASCO/003/2013/039 THIWASCO/003/2013/042 THIWASCO/003/2013/041 THIWASCO/011/2012/020 THIWASCO/003/2013/040 Name and scope of the project Gatundu- Gatuanyaga phase ii estate- 3.6 km DN 75mm pipeline extension and construction of chambers Witeithie Water mains extension 2.1 km DN 75mm pipeline extension and construction of chambers Rehabilitation and disludging of sewerage treatment works Recarpeting car park Supply and installation of centrifugal pump and control panel at old sewage pump house

53,860 10,000 43,860

42,807 10,000 32,807

2. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Non Current Assets Property Plant and Equipment Deferred Tax Total Non Current Assets Current Assets Debtors and Prepayments Tax Cash and Bank Balances Total Current Assets 66,011 1,725 6,056 73,792 73,869 24,490 98,359 27,215 1,243 28,458 5,466 1,487 6,953

25,402 2,000

35,854 2,000

Tender documents with detailed specifications can be obtained upon payment either in cash or bankers cheque of a non refundable fee of Kshs. 3,000.00 for each document payable to Thika Water and Sewerage Company offices during normal working hours. Completed tender documents in plain sealed envelope bearing no indication of tenderer but clearly marked with the tender number should deposited in the Tender Box placed at our offices located along Hailie Slassie Avenue near Chania falls or addressed to; The Managing Director Thika Water and Sewerage Company P.O Box 6103, Thika So as be received on or before 10.00 AM on 16th April, 2013 Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter at the Companys Boardroom in the presence of tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend. The Company reserves the right to accept/reject any tender in part or whole and is not bound to give reasons for its decision. MANAGING DIRECTOR

4. Ratio of Unsecured advances to shareholders funds a. Ratio as computed b. Maximum allowable limit 5. Ratio of borrowings to paid up share capital a. Ratio as computed b. Maximum allowable limit 6. Clients Funds (N/A)

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

County News 43
PROJECT | Bid to end trac jams


Butteries bring cheer to farmers

Coast buttery farmers are set to boost their earnings by selling pupae locally now that the National Museums of Kenya has completed a Sh44 million buttery cage. Project manager Anthony Githitho said the farmers would breed pupae on their farms and sell them to the exhibit cage. Initially, pupae were exported to Europe but with the new cage, farmers will sell them locally, Mr Githitho said, adding that farmers would be paid between Sh20,000 and Sh30,000 fortnightly to replace the butteries.

Agency unveils plan to expand key Coast road

Consultants working on new design to decongest Mombasa town


Heavy rains leave families homeless

Four families have been rendered homeless after rains destroyed their houses in Hamisi District. The Sunday rains also destroyed roads in Kipchegon sub-location. An elder, Mr Philemon Magomere, said the families had been sleeping in the open for two days and needed medical care. He said he had asked the provincial administration to provide food and blankets. The families need urgent assistance as they lost everything in the storm and are dependent on well-wishers for survival, he said.

key road in Mombasa is to be expanded to ease trac jam on the link from the island to the Northern mainland. Consultants were working on the design to expand Makupa Causeway, Kenya National Highways Authority (KenHA) director general Meshack Kidenda said yesterday. Mr Kidenda said the authority would incorporate several line ministries and parastatals to ensure that work starts soon. We hope the lanes will be expanded from Makupa to Mariakani as a permanent solution to traffic jams in Mombasa town which is now experiencing heavy trac jam, he said.

Causeway at Kibarani was expected to recommend how to deal with those who have built on road reserves. Apart from working on how to create room for the expansion, we are also coming up with ways to end overloading of trucks as that had also contributed to the congestion, the KenHA boss said. The causeway is a class A road and should have a width of at least 60 metres as opposed to the current 24 metres, according to Mr Kidenda.


Makupa Causeway width in metres


Villagers up in arms over animal attacks

The killing of livestock by stray wildlife has elicited protest by farmers in Kerio Valley. Livestock keepers yesterday said scores of goats and sheep had been killed in grazing elds by wolves, jackals and hyena from Remoi and Nasolot game reserves. These killer animals maim the livestock and leave them behind after sucking blood, said Mr Tilen Kimutai, a farmer from Cheptuyun village, who has lost ve goats. Remoi Game Reserve chief warden Dominic Kilonzo pledged to look into the complaints.

As we move on with the project, we are having a major hurdle because of the encroachment but we will nd a way to demolish premises built on the road reserves to pave the way for the project. Mr Kidenda said an interministerial committee on encroachment of the Makupa

Demolish premises

We hope the lanes will be expanded from Makupa to Mariakani as a permanent solution to trac jams in Mombasa town
KenHA boss Meshack Kidenda

IEBC wants case on Johos victory stopped

Mombasa The electoral commission wants a petition challenging the Mombasa county results struck out. In a notice of motion led yesterday at the High Court, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) says that the court has no jurisdiction to hear and determine the issues raised and only an election court can determine the dispute. The proceedings are therefore an abuse of the court process, argues the elections agency. Voter Fedrick Ngesa has challenged the election of Mombasa county governor Hassan Joho (above). County returning officer Mwashigadi Mwadime has been enjoined in the suit.


Matatu drivers to ground vehicles

Matatu operators plying the Malaba-Bungoma route have threatened to remove their vehicles from the road in protest against alleged police harassment. The operators accused trac police of giving certain vehicles preferential treatment. They said they were often arrested and charged with crimes they did not commit. We are arrested almost every day and when we question this, we are taken to court on false charges. Area base commander Kipkoskei Bii denied the allegations, saying matatu drivers must abide by the law.

The dispute in the petition can only be referred to an election court, IEBC argues through the A.B. Patel law rm. Mr Ngesa is seeking to have the IEBC or its representatives barred from gazetting and swearing in Mr Joho as the duly elected governor until the petition is heard and determined. However, gazettement and publication of his name has already been done. The case will be mentioned today.

44 | County News

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

TRAGEDY | Victims had attended service

Following the advertisement inviting applications for position of Secretary/Chief Executive Officer that appeared in the print media on 5th March, 2013, applications were received as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Bishop Titus Zakayo Ingana John Gachie Mwangi Adeline Gechemba Ongaki Kennedy Nyambati Paul Tuisang Nicholas Kirui Moses S. Mulama Alex Beja Bajabaja Maj. (Rtd) Billow Khalid, HSC Elijah Ochieng Achoch Silas Oloo McOpiyo, EBS, OGW Margaret Nyambura Karanja James Ombasa Omweno George O. Arogo Justus Omuse Ojuma Joshua Kiarie Nelly Awori Matheka John Tony Gecaga George Natembeya 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Susan Nduta Mucheru Francis G. K. Maina Dr. Thomas Kiprono Serrem Eng. Cyrus Esiera Ambasi Rachel C. Atamba Fredrick Makhoha Shisia Joseph Vincent Magoha Joseph Mwai Wambugu Joshua Willy Wambua Maria Kipkenei Cherono Abel Nyamichaba Kenyoru Kipkorir Lagat Omar H. Salat Jane Nyaguthi Mathu Francis Karimi Mugo Dr. Obuya Bagaka, PhD James Mamboleo Mathew Njoroge Kabetu, MBS Amb. Daniel Ochieng Makdwallo

The National Police Service Commission will conduct interviews for the following shortlisted candidates between Tuesday, 9th April, 2013 and Friday 12th April, 2013 at our offices at Luther Plaza, 1st Floor as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NAME GENDER TUESDAY, 9THAPRIL, 2013 Bishop Titus Zakayo Ingana M Nelly Awori Matheka F Elijah Ochieng Achoch M TH WEDNESDAY, 10 APRIL, 2013 Susan Nduta Mucheru F Joshua Willy Wambua, MBS M Dr. Thomas Kiprono Serem THURSDAY, 11TH APRIL, 2013 Maria Kipkenei Cherono Francis Karimi Mugo Kipkorir Lagat M F M M F M COUNTY/DISTRICT HIGHEST QUALIFICATIONS Bungoma Makueni Siaya Kiambu Makueni Nandi Baringo Nyeri Nandi Kakamega Rachuonyo Master of Science in Geology Masters in International Law Master of Science in Human Resource Management Masters in Personnel Management Masters in Business Administration Doctor of Education (Management & Administration) Master of Education Masters in Business Administration Master of Science in International Marketing & Masters in Business Administration Masters in Business Administration Masters in Public Policy TIME 9.00am 11.00am 11.30am 1.30pm 3.00pm 5.00pm 9.00am 11.00am 11.30pm 1.30pm 3.00pm 5.00pm 9.00am 11.00am 11.30am 1.30pm 3.00pm 5.00pm 9.00am 11.00am 11.30am 1.30pm

Mrs Ruth Kiplagat, the mother of the two children killed at their home at Kapsetek village in Rongai District on Sunday.


FRIDAY, 12TH APRIL, 2013 10 Rachel Carol Atamba 11 George O. Arogo

Family agony as two girls killed by uncle

32-year-old attacker, who is mentally ill, smashed head of one of the children on rock
BY FRANCIS MUREITHI Sunrise Academy where Jepchirchir was a pupil shed tears as she described her last moments with the two girls. She described Jepchirchir as a bright pupil. Mr Brian Kiplagat Wendot, 30, was yet to come to terms with the killing of his two daughters by his own brother. I knew my brother had a mental problem but I didnt know that one day he would turn violent and kill my only children, said Mr Kiplagat. His wife, Mrs Ruth Kiplagat, could not bear the pain and was forced to move to her uncles place, where she is mourning her two children. I went to church very early in the morning and as I was leaving the compound I bid my children goodbye, hoping to see them in the afternoon but when I came back I was shocked to learn that they had been killed by their uncle, she said.

The candidates should bring with them originals of the following documents: 1. National Identity card; 2. Academic certificates, including transcripts and Professional certificates. 3. Any other supporting documents and testimonials 4. Clearance Certificates/letters from the following bodies: Kenya Revenue Authority Higher Education Loans Board Credit Reference Bureau Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission Director of Public Prosecution Criminal Investigations Department Members of the public are invited to submit any information which has a bearing on the suitability of the candidates in writing and addressed to: The Chairperson National Police Service Commission Luther Plaza, 1st Floor Nyerere Road P.O. Box 47363 00100 NAIROBI OR Online through to be received on or before 5th April, 2013 at 5.00 pm. JOHNSTON M. KAVULUDI, EBS, HSC CHAIRPERSON NATIONAL POLICE SERVICE COMMISSION

hen two children attended Sunday School service on Palm Sunday near their home at Kapsetek village in Rongai District, Nakuru County, little did they know that they were bidding their colleagues goodbye. Some hours after the service, four-year-old Scorvia Jepchirchir Kiplagat and her two-year-old sister Joy Jepngetich Kiplagat returned home. And as they played outside their house waiting for their grandmother to serve them food, their uncle, Mr Frank Kiprop Wendot, who is mentally ill, grabbed Jepchirchir and smashed her head on a rock. The grandmother, Mrs Hellen Sogome Wendot, said she heard cries and when she came out of the house, the attacker picked the blood-drenched body of Jepchirchir and threw it at her. The assailant then grabbed the other girl and smashed her tender body on the oor of the house, killing her on the spot. The 32-year-old man then turned on his mother and in the ensuing struggle she broke her left hand. A nursery school teacher at

I knew my brother had a mental problem but I didnt know that one day he would turn violent and kill my only children
Brian Kiplagat Wendot, father of the two girls

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013



1.1. The Government of Kenya has received a grant from the Government of Finland through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) towards the cost of the Programme for Agriculture and Livelihoods in Western Communities (PALWECO) in Busia County and intends to use part of the grant for the procurement of an Individual National Consultant for Team Building Consultancy for the year 2012-2013. 1.2 The Programme for Agriculture and Livelihoods in Western Communities (PALWECO) now invites sealed proposals from qualified individual consultants for Team Building consultancy. 1.3 This Request for Proposal is open to all qualified National Consultants. 1.4 The Request for Proposal (RFP) documents with detailed Terms of Reference (TORs) are obtainable from the office of the Public Procurement Advisor located at the Butete Plaza, 3rd Floor, Busia from Monday to Friday between 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 3,000.00 per set of documents in the form of Cash, Bankers Cheque or Money order made payable to Programme Director, Programme for Agriculture & Livelihoods in Western Communities (PALWECO). 1.5 Completed Request for Proposal documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes, marked with the Request for Proposal number and name and be deposited in the Tender Box at PALWECO offices, Butete Plaza, 3rd Floor, Busia or be addressed to the Programme Director, Programme for Agriculture & Livelihoods in Western Communities (PALWECO), P.O. Box 306 50400, Butete plaza, 3rd Floor, Busia so as to be received on or before Tuesday the 16th April, 2013 at 11.00am. Consultants or their representatives are allowed to attend the proposal opening. Public Procurement Advisor

Join our team and youll help us build on what weve achieved in our 30-year history changing the way people think about water and sanitation, and putting these issues higher on the agenda than they have ever been. In this way, youll help us transform the lives of millions of Africas most vulnerable people, as you bring about change thats never been seen in the country before. Head of Research, Policy and Advocacy Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Competitive INGO salary Youll lead the delivery of key Country programme initiatives relating to advocacy, policy analysis and research. In addition, youll have a pivotal role to play in driving global advocacy initiatives. Through your work, youll increase our influence and build on our success, while developing strong local partnerships and promoting positive change. An articulate communicator and persuasive advocate with strong skills in policy analysis, you must know how to influence people, policy and politics in Tanzania. Widely read, open minded and a champion of change, you must have a track record of networking and working successfully with other partners, local and government networks, campaigns and initiatives and can demonstrate how you have changed the agenda in the region Youll will be experienced in monitoring sector performance accountability and bringing out grounded experience to contribute to advocacy work at both national and local level. A strong background in managing research is required. A graduate in development studies, public policy, administration or a related field, or equivalent experience, you should understand technical and social issues relating to water, sanitation and hygiene education. WASH knowledge and ability to get up to speed quickly with human rights, governance and transparency, economics, environment and development would be a major advantage. For more information and how to apply please visit: Closing date: Friday 29 March 2013.




Pursuant to Article 126(2) of the Constitution, the President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander in Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces has, vide Legal Notice No 55 of 21st March, 2013, notified that the First Sitting of the National Assembly shall be held in the National Assembly Chamber at the main Parliament Buildings, Nairobi on Thursday, 28th March, 2013 at 9.00 am. Members are expected to be seated in the Chamber by 9.00 am. The business to be conducted at the First Sitting of the National Assembly as contained in the National Assembly Standing Orders include swearing of Members-Elect, election of the Speaker of the National Assembly and election of the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly. To facilitate security arrangements and the smooth operation of business during the First Sitting, Members-Elect of the National Assembly are requested to register themselves starting today, Tuesday 26th March 2013 and Wednesday 27th March, 2013 during working hours at the registration desk in Room No 7, Main Parliament Buildings, Nairobi. The following documents are required for registration purposes(a) The original and a copy of the Member-Elects identification document (National Identity Card or passport) (b) The original and a copy of the certificate of election issued to the Member-Elect by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission; (c) The Member-Elects four recent passport size coloured photographs; (d) The Member-Elects Curriculum Vitae. JUSTIN BUNDI. Clerk of the National Assembly

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DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Business Hours

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We are located at: Nkurumah Rd. Furaha Plaza, Ground Floor

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013





We represent a large multinational research based Pharmaceutical company in Kenya and are seeking the services of qualified and experienced medical sales representatives to embrace an exciting and challenging opportunity within our sales force. The incumbent will be responsible for the successful launch, promotion and sales of his/her specific products to the medical, nursing and pharmacy professions. Requirements: Minimum degree in Biochemistry, Biomedical Sciences, Veterinary Medicine or other Biological Sciences. Medical sales experience for at least six (6) months. Skills: Excellent communication skills and mature personality enabling him/her to deal with medical professionals. Entrepreneurial skills. Honest and team player. Hardworking. We offer a competitive market related package in relation to proven levels of skills and experience. All applications must be submitted on or before 5th April to reach; The Advertiser, P.O Box 2049-00200, Nairobi You can also email

Ritho House OPP. H.F.C.K. 1st Floor Suit No.2 | Tel: 061-2030280 OR 0771746498 Cell Phone: 0722-338247 0735-468218 | P.O. Box 2024-10100, NYERI Email address: - PUBLIC AUCTION Under instructions from the court we shall sell the under mentioned parcel of land together with all the improvements erected thereon if any. NYERI CMCC NO.11 OF 2010 (RICHARD MWANIKI & OTHERS(Suing on behalf of Ndathi Mens Self Help Group) Vs DAVID NJAGI MWANIKI & OTHERS) ON TUESDAY 9TH APRIL 2013 AT NYERI OPP. NYERI GENERAL POST OFFICE STARTING AT 11.00AM All that parcel of land known as NYERI/NDATHI/743 registered under the name of DAVID NJAGI MWANIKI and measures 1.0 hectares approximately. The property is situated at Biriri sublocation, Kabaru Location, approximately 600m from Biriri shopping centre. The land is used for horticulture , there stands a temporary building and an unfinished permanent building. Piped water is connected to the subject property and Electricity passes nearby. CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All interested purchasers are requested to view the property and verify the details for themselves as these are not warranted by the Auctioneers or the Advocates. 2. Deposit of 25% of the purchase price in cash or bankers cheque must be made immediately at the fall of the hammer and the balance within 30 days to the decree-holders Advocates. 3. The sale is subject to a reserve price and land board consent where applicable.

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DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

P.O BOX 465-10100 NYERI, TEL 061-2032330, 0724477942 FAX 061-2032852 E-Mail, EXCEL IN SKILLS AND TECHNOLOGY ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED Applications Are Hereby Invited For The Following Courses Which Commence In May 2013.
Course Name (DIPLOMA) DIPLOMA COURSES Business Management.Mod (1&2) Supply Chain Management (1&2) Sales & Marketing (1&2) Information Comm. Tech. Mod (1,2,3) Human Resource Management mod (1,2,3) House Keeping Management Pharmaceutical Technology Applied Biology Analytical Chemistry Food Science Technology Cooperative Management Accountancy Electrical & electronics Mod 2 Mechanical Engineering Mod. 2 Automotive Engineering Mod 2 Secretarial Studies Building Technology(Masonry) Science lab. Technician Fashion Design & Garment Making Business Management Information Communication. Technology Supply Chain Management Electrical And ElectronicsMod. 2 Mechanical Engineering Mod. 2 Automotive Engineering Mod. 2 Secretarial Studies (Single & Group) MIN QUALIFICATION DURATION/EXAM BODY MAY 2013 INTAKE (MODULAR COURSES) Six Months KNEC Pass In Relevant Certificate Or Grade C-(Minus) & Above. Mod. 2 pass in Mod. 1 Pass In Relevant Certificate Or Grade C-Minus) & Six Months KNEC Above. Mod. 2 pass in Mod. 1 Pass In Relevant Certificate Or Grade C-(Minus) & Six Months KNEC Above Mean Grade C- (Minus). Mod. 2-Pass In Mod. 1, Mod. Six Months KNEC 3- Pass In Mod. 2 Pass In Relevant Certificate Or Grade C- (Minus). Mod. 1 Year KNEC 2-Pass In Mod. 1, Mod. 3 PASS IN Mod. 2 8 TERMS KNEC Pass In Relevant Certificate Or Grade C-(Minus) Mean Grade C & Above With C In ENG., Maths/Phy, Chem & Bio Pass In Relevant Certificate Or Grade C-(Minus & Above Pass In Relevant Certificate Or Grade C-(Minus & Above Pass In Relevant Certificate Or Grade C-(Minus & Above Pass In Relevant Certificate Or Grade C-(Minus & Above Pass In Relevant Certificate Or Grade C-(Minus & Above Pass In Module One (1) Pass In Module One (1) Pass In Module One (1) Pass In Relevant Certificate Or Grade C-(Minus) & Above CERTIFICATE COURSES Mean Grade D And Above Mean Grade D And Above Mod One-Pass In Related Artisan Course Or Mean Grade Of D & Above Module One-Mean Grade Of D And Above Mean Grade D And Above Module One(1) -Mean Grade Of D And Above Pass In Module One (1) Pass In Module One (1) Pass In Module One (1) Mean Grade D And Above 8 TERMS KNEC 8 TERMS KNEC 8 TERMS KNEC 8 TERMS KNEC 8 TERMS KNEC 8 TERMS KNEC 8 TERMS KNEC 8 TERMS KNEC 8 TERMS KNEC Mod one(six Months)KNEC


KASNEB C+ & Above With C+ In English & Maths,Be Registered Six Months KASNB CPA 1,11 & 111 With KASNEB D+ For Level 1 & Pass In ATC (Level 1),For Level II Be ATC Level 1 & 11 Six Months KASNEB Registered With KASNEB Holiday Studies April Holiday (Starting 2nd April 2013.) And Part-Time Courses(May.2013) Boarding 4,500 For Holiday Students 1 Year Daily 4:30pm 6: Dip Electrical & Electronic Certificate pass Or Mean Grade C (Minus) and above 30pm (Power) Mod 1 & Weekends 1 Year Daily 4:30pm 6: Electrical Installation Craft Artisan Certificate Or Mean Grade D(Plain) and above 30pm Module 1 & Weekends Electrical DIT Certificate 6 Months Daily 4:30pm 7: DIT Jua Kali Artisans Grade 3,2&1 30pm Information Com. Tech Module One (1). Diploma mean grade C- and above Six Months 2 6 Pm Or Two (Certificate & Diploma). Certificate Mean Grade Of D And Above Holidays Tuition 20,000.00 per session IT- Essentials Module One(1) Mean Grade of C- And Above 1 Month Each Cisco, (Cisco),CCNA IT-Packages Std 8 And Above 5 Packages -3,500. Information Technology All Those Who Are Referred In Any. Of the module April Holiday / Part-Time Mod. 2 & 3 Bridging In Maths, Phy, Four Weeks 8,000 Per D- (minus) in the subject Chem, Bio & Eng. Subjects. Internal certificate Holiday Tuition:Maths,Phy, High school students. Two Weeks 500 Per Subject Chem,Bio Form-1,2,3&4 Motor Vehicle Mechanics, Interested Mechanics 2Pm 6 Pm Daily Vehicle Electrician -Grade 3,2 & 1 Motor Vehicle Mechanics 6 Terms (2-6 Pm Daily) Mean Grade D- Or STD 8 Artisan Tuition -20,000 Per Term Diploma Automotive Pass In Relevant Certificate Or Grade C-(Minus And 1 Yr Daily 4:30pm 6:30pm Engineering-Module 1 Above & Weekends 1 Year Daily 4:30pm 6: Motor Vehicle Mechanics Artisan Certificate Or Mean Grade D(Plain) 30pm Mod. 1 & Weekends General Fitting (Artisan) 6 Terms (2-6 Pm Daily) Machinist (Artisan) Mean Grade D- Or Std 8 And Above Tuition -20,000 Per Term Turner (Artisan) Diploma in Food and 4 Holidays,KNEC KCSE Mean Grade Of C- Or Craft In Food And Beverage Beverage-(Mod-1) 2 Years Daily 2 6 Pm Or Food and Beverage Artisan Mean Grade D- OR STD 8 Six Holidays Basic cookery 1 Month Holiday 20,000.00 Any Interested Persons Each; Boarding Fee Cake Making & Decoration 4,500.00,Exam Internal Library & Information Tuition 18,000 Per Holiday Pass In Relevant Certificate Or Grade C- (Minus) Science 3 Holidays Social Work and Tuition 18,000 Per Pass In Relevant Certificate Or Grade C- (Minus) Community Development Holiday3 Holidays

Job ref: HR-BR-03-2013 BEAT REPORTERS


If so, we could have just the job for you

As one of our top team of crack correspondents working nonstop on Nairobis newest and most exciting newspaper. Want to know more? If you are university-trained in media and street savvy, send an email right now - not later than Tuesday March 26th and tell us why we cannot afford to lose you. Email:

All Qualified Candidates Should Send A Dully Filled Application Form Accompanied By Photocopies Of ID Card, Result Slip, Leaving & birth Certificates, A Money Order/Bank Slip Of Kshs 1,000.00 Application Fee (Non-Refundable) To Reach The Undersigned On Or Before 30th APRIL . 2013. You Can Download Application Form on Our Web Or Collect One In The Registrars Office During Working Hours (Monday-Friday) THE PRINCIPAL NYERI TECHNICAL TRAINING INSTITUTE, P.O BOX 465-10100, NYERI

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


Muhu Holdings 3rd Floor Kenyatta Market, Nairobi. P.O.Box 63279, 00619 Nairobi, Tel: 2720470

Wireless 020 2592949,020 2592990, Cell: 0722 715838/0786 318663,,

Under instructions received from the chargees advocates, we shall sell by public auction the under mentioned properties together with buildings and improvements erected therein
1. PRIME AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY IN OL JORO OROK SETTLEMENT SCHEME, NYANDARUA DISTRICT ON TUESDAY THE 26TH DAY OF MARCH 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE THE MAIN POST OFFICE IN OL JORO OROK TOWN All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. NYANDARUA/OL JORO OROK SALIENT/ 21580 KWA GAHII AREA OLJORO OROK SETTLEMENT SCHEME NYANDARUA DISTRICT registered in the name of JOHN NDIRANGU NDEGWA c/o P.O Box 69-10106 Othaya and/or c/o P.O Box 723-00600 Nairobi. This property is situated approximately 400m off Nakuru-Nyahururu highway to the East of Kwa Gahii centre. It measures approximately 1.21 hectares (2.990 acres) and is undeveloped. The title is freehold interest and mains water and electricity services are available while drainage would be to septic tanks. 2. PRIME COMMERCIAL CUM RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN RUNYENJES TOWN, EMBU COUNTY ON THURSDAY THE 28TH DAY OF MARCH 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE THE MAIN POST OFFICE IN EMBU TOWN All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. RUNYENJES TOWNSHIP/280 registered in the name of ELIAS MURIITHI KINYUA c/o P.O Box 103-60102 Runyenjes. This property is situated within Runyenjes town centre. It is approximately 300 metres by road from the Matatu/bus station and few meters away from Runyenjes town market. It is easily identified by the name Denca Fox Cinema.. It measures approximately 0.0148 hectares (0.0365 acres) and is developed with a one-storey commercial cum residential building. Accommodation includes: ground floor: one (1) cinema/Video show room, four (4) store rooms, one (1) bathroom with overhead shower, one (1) toilet room with a W.C First floor: One (1) single residential room, one (1) three-bedroomed self-contained residential unit and a two-bedroomed self-contained unit. The title is leasehold interest for a term of 99 years w.e.f 01.02.2002 at a revisable annual land rent of Kshs500 and mains water and electricity is connected while foul drainage is into a septic tank. 3. PRIME RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN KIGAA TOWNSHIP, EMBU ON THURSDAY THE 28TH DAY OF MARCH 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE THE MAIN POST OFFICE IN EMBU TOWN All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. KAGAARI/KIGAA/T.328 registered in the name of ELIAS MURIITHI KINYUA c/o P.O Box 103-60102 Runyenjes. This property is situated within Kigaa Township approximately 400 meters away from the shopping centre. Kigaa township is itself approximately 2 kms to the south of Runyenjes town. From the Kigaa shopping centre, one drives past Kigaa Primary School, Kigaa Catholic Church and up to a left hand compact earth surface road junction. It measures approximately 0.05 hectares (0.124 acres) and is developed with a three-bedroomed residential house and a two-roomed servants quarter. The title is freehold interest and mains water and electricity services are connected. 4. PRIME RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN TURITU, KIAMBU MUNICIPALITY ON TUESDAY THE 9TH DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 11.00 A.M AT OUR OFFICES IN MUHU HOLDINGS HOUSE All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. KIAMBAA/KANUNGA/2007 TURITU TOWNSHIP KIAMBU MUNICIPALITY registered in the name of ANTONY GEORGE KAMAU NJUGUNA c/o P.O Box 4232-00506 Nairobi g/t MARY WANJIKU NGATIA c/o P.O Box 4232-00506 Nairobi. This property is situated about 50 metres off the Kiambu-Kanunga tarmac road, within Turitu Shopping Centre and 3 kms from Kiambu Town, within Kiambu Municipality. It measures approximately 0.45 of a hectare (1.1115 acres) and is developed with a four-bedroomed bungalow, with an extension at the back to provide three more bedrooms, a pit latrine, a cattle shade and a borehole. The title is freehold interest and mains electricity and water are connected while drainage is into a pit latrine. 5. PRIME RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN THIMBIGUA, RUAKA KIAMBU DISTRICT ON TUESDAY THE 9 DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 11.00 A.M AT OUR OFFICES IN MUHU HOLDINGS HOUSE All that parcel of land known as L.R NO. KIAMBAA/THIMBIGUA/4719 RUAKAKIAMBU DISTRICT registered in the name of JOHN KIMANI GITAU c/o P.O Box 6292-00300 Nairobi. The property is located about 500 metres off and to the east of Ruaka-Banana Road within Ruaka area of Kiambu district. The turn-off is near the Animal Farm Premises. It is approximately 16 kms from Nairobi City Centre. It measures approximately 0.04 hectares (0.099 of an acre) and is developed with a three-bedroomed bungalow. The title is freehold interest and mains electricity and water services are available while drainage would be into septic tank.

is freehold interest and mains electricity and piped water are available for connection while drainage would be to septic tanks. 9. PRIME COMMERCIAL PROPERTY IN MAJENGO, MOMBASA ISLAND (WITH ESTIMATED MONTHLY RENTAL INCOME OF KSH 100,000) ON MONDAY THE 22ND DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE THE MAIN POST OFFICE IN MOMBASA CITY All that parcel of land known as L.R NO. MOMBASA/BLOCK XII/76 MAJENGO MOMBASA ISLAND registered in the name of LEMMY K. MBOGORI c/o P.O Box 88660-80100 Mombasa. The property is situated on an unnamed road off Lumumba road in Majengo area of Mombasa Municipality. It lies about 100 metres east of Makupa Post Office within Mombasa Island. It measures approximately 0.0223 hectares (0.0551 of an acre) and is developed with double storey commercial cum residential block that is currently being refurbished into offices/stores. Accommodation comprises: (i) Ground Floor: two (2) rooms, shower room, WC (ii) first floor: landing passage, large office suite with showerroom/WC, open to sky terrace (iii) second floor: two (2) WCs, kitchen. The title is freehold interest and mains water and electricity are connected to the property. NB: The chargee may finance the successful highest bidder subject to such a bidder making prior arrangements with the company. 10. PRIME RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN WEBUYE MUNICIPALITY BUNGOMA COUNTY ON THURSDAY THE 25TH DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE THE MAIN POST OFFICE IN WEBUYE TOWN All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. NDIVISI/KHALUMULI/2737 WEBUYE MUNICIPALITY registered in the name of PATRICK MANGENI YUSTO c/o P.O Box 535-50205 Webuye and/or P.O Box 145-50205 Webuye. The property is situated in Chetambe area along an unnamed murram road to Nilo approximately 800 metres from the fly-over on the tarmac Webuye-Bungoma highway, within Webuye Municipality, Bungoma County. The property is approximately 200 metres from Wintha Hostel and a further 1.5 kms from Webuye Town Centre. It measures approximately 0.2 of a hectare (0.4942 of an acre) and is developed with a three-bedroomed main single storey residential house, two detached single storey blocks comprising a twobedroomed residential unit on one block and three single rooms on the other block and three ablution blocks. The title is freehold interest and mains services are connected. 11. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN SYOKISINGA, MACHAKOS COUNTY ON MONDAY THE 29TH DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE THE MAIN POST OFFICE IN MACHAKOS TOWN All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. KINYATTA/SYOKISINGA/76 KATANGI DIVISION YATTA DISTRICT MACHAKOS COUNTY registered in the name of DAVID MUTISYA MUTHIKE c/o P.O Box 70-90106 Katangi g/t AGNES NTHENYA MWINZI c/o P.O Box 8012-00300 Nairobi. The property is located approximately 2.3 kms off Machakos-Katangi-Kitui Road, and off a rural access road, branching off approximately 2.5 kms to Katangi Trading Centre, past Malatani Primary School and approximately 800 metres due west of Malatani Trading centre, Malatani Village, Syokisinga sub-location of Machakos county. It measures approximately 2.58 hectares (6.37 acres) and is developed with a three-bedroomed residential house, an external two-roomed kitchen, water tank, animal sheds and an ablution block. The title is freehold interest. Water is drawn from nearby rivers while drainage is into a pit latrine. 12. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN SYOKISINGA, MACHAKOS COUNTY ON MONDAY THE 29TH DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE THE MAIN POST OFFICE IN MACHAKOS TOWN All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. KINYATTA/SYOKISINGA/79 KATANGI DIVISION YATTA DISTRICT MACHAKOS COUNTY registered in the name of SAMUEL MUTUKU MUTISYA c/o P.O Box 70-90106 Katangi g/t AGNES NTHENYA MWIZI c/o P.O Box 8012-00300 Nairobi. This property is located next to the property described above. It measures approximately 1.62 hectares (4 acres) and is developed with a four-bedroomed residential house, three-bedroomed house, a two-roomed kitchen and an external ablution block. The title is freehold interest and mains electricity is not connected, water is drawn from nearby rivers while drainage is to a pit latrine.

6. PRIME COMMERCIAL PROPERTY NEXT TO SWEET VALLEY GUESTHOUSE, KERICHO TOWN (WITH ESTIMATED MONTHLY RENTAL INCOME OF KSHS100,000) ON WEDNESDAY THE 10TH DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE THE MAIN POST OFFICE IN KERICHO TOWN All that parcel of land known as L.R NO. KERICHO MUNICIPALITY/BLOCK 4/456 NEXT TO SWEET VALLEY GUESTHOUSE KERICHO TOWN registered in the name of JOEL KIPKOSGEI SIGEI c/o P.O Box 1608-20200 Kericho g/t SMART GUARDS LIMITED c/o P.O Box 1608-20200 Kericho. The property is situated next to Sweet Valley Guesthouse within about 0.4 kms to the southeast of Kericho Town Police Station, off the Kericho-Nakuru Highway. It measures approximately 0.3673 of a hectare (0.908 of an acre) and is developed with three detached residential buildings comprising: (i) a block of four (4) flats two (2) on the ground floor and two (2) on the upper floor (ii) two (2) buildings (iii) two (2) other residential units. The title is leasehold interest for a term of 99 years w.e.f 01.02.1992 at a revisable annual ground rent of Kshs2,225 and mains water and electricity are connected. Drainage is by way of septic tank. 7. PRIME COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES IN MWEA, KIRINYAGA COUNTY ON THURSDAY THE 11TH DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE THE MAIN POST OFFICE IN MWEA WANGURU TOWN All that parcel of land known as TITLE NOS. MWEA/TEBERE/B/1817, 1818, 1819, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1837, 1838 & 1839 WANGURU TOWNSHIP KIRINYAGA DISTRICT all registered in the name of JULIUS MUTHII KINYUA t/a SHIRIKISHO MWEA ACADEMYc/o P.O Box 178-10303 Wanguru. These properties are situated approximately 200 metres off Wanguru Mosque murrum road and 500 metres due north of Wanguru Jamia Mosque. This road branches off Makutano-Mwea-EmbuMeru highway at Wanguru Jamia Mosque and Wanguru Muslim Academy which are located along Makutano-Embu-Meru Highway, within Wanguru/Mwea Township. Each parcel measures approximately 0.10 of a hectare (0.247 of an acre). Parcel No. 1817 is developed with two (2) blocks of classrooms (total 8 class rooms) & 1818 is developed with one block of class rooms (total 4 classrooms) Parcel No.1819, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1838 & 1839 are undeveloped, Parcel No. 1837 is developed with two (2) attached classroom blocks each block accommodating twelve (12) classrooms (total 24 classrooms) and an ablution block. The title for each plot is freehold interest, mains electricity and water services are available while drainage would be into septic tanks. All these plots form part of a proposed school compound. 8. PRIME VACANT PROPERTY IN JUJA FARM, THIKA DISTRICT ON FRIDAY THE 12TH DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE THE MAIN POST OFFICE IN THIKA TOWN All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. RUIRU EAST/JUJA EAST BLOCK 2/234 JUJA FARM THIKA DISTRICT registered in the name of ROBERT MUHIA KARANJA c/o P.O Box 54790-00200 Nairobi and/or c/o P.O Box 656-00232 Thika g/t DANSON MUREITHI MURAGURI & CATHERINE WAIRIMU MUIRURI c/o P.O Box 54790-00200 Nairobi. The property is situated off Thika Super Highway and within Juja Farm scheme zone P in Kiambu County. This is approximately 1km off Juja town-Juja Farm murrum road, branching off to the opposite of Juja Farm Secondary School at Safaricom and Airtel Communication Masts. It measures approximately 1.3 hectares (3.211 acres) and is undeveloped. The parcel is planted with young Eucalyptus trees. The title

CONDITIONS OF SALE (1). All intending purchasers are requested to view the property and verify the details as these are not warranted by the auctioneers. (2). A deposit of 25% must be paid in cash or bankers cheque at the fall of the hammer. The balance will thereafter be payable within thirty (30) days) and ninety (90) days for property No.9 to the chargees advocates. A bidding deposit of Kshs1million (by way of bankers cheque) will be mandatory for properties Nos. 4, 6 & 7 (3). For all the aforementioned property, details of encumbrances including names addresses e.t.c. together with user and any other restrictions plus rates/rents payable will be made available on request at our offices. (4). Sale of the above property will be subject to reserve prices and land board consent if applicable. (5). Conditions of sale are available on request at our offices and viewing of property is possible during normal working hours by prior arrangements with ourselves.

F o r h u n d r e d s o f o t h e r p r o p e r t i e s , l o g o n t o w w w. g a r a m . c o . k e

50 | Leisure
ACROSS: 1. An alphabetical list of names and addresses of people of a country, Or particular group 7. In what manner for what reason, etc. 8. The day before a religious festival 10. A narrow passage of water extending into the land 12. A narrow valley with steep sides 13. To prosecute at law 14. A light narrow ships boat 16. To breathe in 18. Supply that is kept in reserve and ready for use 20. For each 21. By way of 22. Punishes for the purpose of making right DOWN: 1. People who get things accomplished 2. To pass a rope through a block 3. Part of the face below the lower lip

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

YESTERDAYS SOLUTION ACROSS: 1. Bellows 7. Irony 8. Stellar 10. Ton 11. Teat 13. Ash 14. Posh 16. Ate 18. Learned 20. Shoal 21. Edice

Sudoku with Steers

Two winners win a Free Meal with Steers daily on 4567!
Fill in the 3 shaded digits and send the values ABC to 4567 for your chance to win a Free Meal with Steers. Start the SMS with the word Sudoku e.g Sudoku 1,2,3 Check your Wednesday paper to see if you are a winner. Winners will be contacted directly by Steers within 2 weeks to receive their prize .

SMS cost: 10/=

4. The quality of sound 5. A large nocturnal bird of prey 6. Nevertheless 9. To boast of, display boastfully 11. Banishment 14. Opens the mouth wide as from wonder drowsiness, hunger, etc. 15. Microbes

16. The rainbow 17. Spruce 18. To command a dog to attack 19. Eggs

DOWN: 1. Bust 2. Lien 3. Oil 4. Wrath 5. Sore 6. Cyst 9. Togo 12. Ante 13. Ahead 14. Post 15. Sloe 16. Ante 17. Edge 19. Ali


ACROSS 1 Go to pieces as rents increased (5,2) 9 Outline in which one car is overturned (8) 10 Grandee adopted defensive stance (2,5) 11 Cares not about one farther up the tree (8) 12 Creator of a ramshackle hut nished with gold (6) 13 Escape outpouring that follows passing of coach perhaps (10) 15 Old Bob is able to look at something quickly (4) 16 American native whose day always seems the same? (9) 21 Artillerymens pints carried away (4) 22 Nice cat lad gets befuddled its not intended (10) 24 Count governed in a daze (6) 25 Told of French beginning to take Scottish isle, suering complete reverse (8) 27 Increase prison sentence (7) 28 State of uncertainty caused by southern coppers reportedly holding American (8) 29 Film expert standing in front of gallery (7) DOWN
2 Reject belief in bird losing weight then adding weight (8)

Each number in our Codeword grid represents a dierent letter of the alphabet. For example, today 8 represents H so ll in H every time the gure 8 appears. You have two letters in the control grid to start you o. Enter them in the appropriate squares in the main grid, then use your knowledge of words to work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you get the letters, ll in other squares with the same number in the main grid and control grid. Check o the list of alphabetical letters as you identify them.

1 Beside 4 Mass Noun 9 Domain 10 Implying 11 Goldenrod 13 Holst 14 Coniston Water 17 Chain Reaction 21 Adieu 23 Testimony 24 Inscribe 25 Marina 26 Antilles 27 Pellet

3 In conict about ogging (8) 4 Marks after articles from France and Germany, getting stress (10) 5 Graphic symbol of swindlers confession? (4) 6 Lay out trendy underwear (6) 7 One of the family runs into trouble (7) 8 Bid of 100 raised by end (2-5) 11 Cut o a date line when travelling (9) 14 Second Catholics disposed to be concerned with education (10)

17 Incline to fail, interrupting scholarship perhaps (8) 18 Part of shoe damaged its a blow (8) 19 Glossy coat to go missing, worn by Romeo (7) 20 Player putting key in a lock (7) 23 Reread novel thats more treasured (6) 26 Otherwise gripped by Handels Esther (4)

1 Bad Egg 2 Simulacra 3 Drive In 5 Armed Forces 6 Salchow 7 Oriel 8 Nugatory 12 Respectable 15 Tonsorial 16 Sciatica 18 Neutral 19 Imitate 20 Dynast 22 Inset

AQUARIUS | JAN 21 - FEB 19 Refuse to allow bigotry or prejudice to come between you and a transaction you know to be sound and above board. Anyone taking a moral high ground probably doesnt realize just how painstaking you can be when reputations are at stake. Anyway, it is too late to turn back, even if you wanted to. PISCES | FEB 20 - MAR 20 You may feel sluggish, lazy or too tired to move on or do very much. However, if you were suddenly to exert yourself, you would cure the problem once and for all. There are times when adrenalin rush is all you need to get back in frightening form. You would look more appealing too. ARIES | MAR 21 - APR 20 The eorts you put into your work is recognized


all round even though you sometimes feel you are taken for granted. And now that the planets are giving you a gentle shove, you will attract some interesting oers of all which promise to leave you feeling a lot better o. TAURUS | APR 21 - MAY 20 This is a time for taking the initiative at work. You have sat back long enough listening to the ideas and suggestions of other people and secretly you have decided that your own thoughts are so far superior. Do not attempt to put other people down. GEMINI | MAY 21 - JUNE 21 Unlike those born under other signs, you tend to make a big deal one of fullling your duties. But perhaps you should change tactics as your modest manner is depriving of the attention you deserve.

CANCER | JUN 22 - JULY 22 Although your behavior has impeccable an intensely personal relationship has probably not produced the results that you really want. So make big gestures for a change it will make you feel stronger than you have for a while, and thats what you need right now. LEO | JULY 23 - AUG 22 Your own hopes and dreams may not have been in line with those of loved ones and you feel you have been overruled or ignored once too often. However, this is not the time to be antagonistic as you will soon discover that a joint endeavor has much to oer. VIRGO | AUG 23 - SEP 23 Someones casual mistake may bring crucial issues to a head which could be just what you need to get formal matters running smoothly.

Dont be afraid to respond to ashes of inspiration which urge you to be more daring. There is no need to play safe so many funs and supporters close by. LIBRA | SEP 24 - OCT 23 Rivals or fair weather friends will be wise to take cover, as you set to pull o an impressive stunt with regard to legal property or nancial aairs. Even you cant yet see how many heaven sent opportunities await you, but be ready to leap into action without nding out comsideration. SCORPIO | OCT 24 - NOV 22 Having borne the brunt of other peoples bad moods, you must be proud that you have never let it get it down. There comes a point however, when you must show you will not be pushed too far and if bad behavior persists you are capable of going on the attack.

SAGITTARIUS | NOV 23 - DEC 21 If you have been thwarted in pursuit of certain wishes, you may feel like hitting out at those who could have been more complaint. However, you would be wise not to enter the battle zone until you know the strength of your enemies. CAPRICORN | DEC 22 - JAN 20 It can be dicult to choose between personal and professional ambitions, but during the next few months you will combine the best of both worlds with things dove failing neatly together one particular person will see what you have been driving at for so long. To receive NATIONmobile horoscopes on your mobile, SMS the Star you want, eg LEO to 6667 at 5/- above normal rates.

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Leisure 51


5:00am: Password Repeat 6:00am: NTV This Morning 8:30am: Backstage 9:00am: Supreme Court Petition, live 1:00pm: NTV at 1 3:00pm: Password 4:00pm: NTV at 4 4:15pm: Password Reloaded 5:00pm: The Beat 6:00pm: Dont Mess with an angel 7:00pm: NTV Jioni 7:30pm: Maid In Manhattan 8:30pm: Beba Beba 9:00pm: NTV Tonight 10:00pm: My Unspoken 11:00pm: NTV Late Night 11:15pm Focus on Africa 11:45pm Movie: The Last King Of Scotland 01:45am CNN

6:00 The Easy Breakfast with Munene 10:00 Make an Easy connection and more with Sheila Mwanyigha 2:00 Easy DJ Mix 3:00 Join Angela Angwenyi & Edward Kwach as they discuss real life issues in love, money and music 8:00 The Homerun.

Maid In Manhattan 7:30pm

Todays highlight:


Leticia tries to convince Marisa not to let Sara steal Cristobal from her.Jerome informs Goyo what Estanislao is oering him.Marisa asks Lalo to talk with Victor his dad, so that Victor calms down and stops bothering them.Tania is really worried and doing everything possible to nd money for the operation her grandmother needs.
Petition 12:00 Toleo La Mchana 12:30 Supreme Court Petition 3:45 Gozomo- Gospel Medallion 4:00 Vipasho

5:00 Changamka na Rashid Abdalla & Aggy Owande 10.00 Kazi Burudani with Lynda Oriaso 1.00 Maafte with Kajairo The Reggae Show with Kajairo! 4:00 Drive na Awinja 8:00 Tuliza with Ronclie Odit and Elvina Omalla

QTV 5:00 AL-Jazeera 6:00 Sifa 6:30 Toleo ya Asubuhi 7:00 Tumsifu 8:00 El Cartel 9:00 Supreme Court

4:05 Mahewa 4:35 Sakata Rumba 5:00 Vipasho 5:05 Gozomo - Gospel Focus 5:30 Children Of My Heart 6:30 Planets Funniest

Animals 7:00 Saath Phere 8:00 Toleo La Jioni 9:00 WWE: Afterburn 10:00 Legacy 11:00 Dira ya Dunia 11:30 Gozomo 1:30 Black Cobra 2

5:00 Pambazuka 6:00 Power Breakfast 9:00 Afrosinema 11:00 News Updates 11:05 Triumpho Of Love 1:00 Live at 1 1:30 Afrosinema 3:00 News Updates 3:05 Afro- Sinema Continues 4:00 Citizen Alasiri 4:10 Pambazuka 5:00 Mseto Esat Africa 5:30 Generations 6:00 Gabreila 7:00 Citizen Nipashe 7:35 Tahidi High 8:05 LaFuerza 9:00 Citizen News at 9 10:00 Afrosinema Movie 11:00 Afrosinema Movie 12:00 Late Night News 12:00 Kata Rumba 1:00 Lunchtime News 1:25 Planet Earth 2:00 Financial Markets Live 2:30 Movie 4:00 Highlights 4:05 Hannah Montana 4:30 Straight Up 6:00 Daniela 6:55 KTN Leo 7:40 Rafaela 8:35 Changing Times 9:00 KTN Prime 10:05 Shree 10:35 Movie 11:00 KTN Late Night News 11:30 Movie /CNN 01:20 Wildlife SOS 01:50 Shamwari 02:45 Animal Precinct 03:40 Wildest Latin America 04:30 Escape To Chimp Eden 05:00 The Really Wild Show 05:30 Dogs 101 06:25 Animal Airport 07:20 My Cat From Hell 08:15 Monkey Life 08:40 Wild Africa Rescue 09:10 Rescue Vet 09:35 Escape To Chimp Eden 10:05 Wildest Latin America 11:00 Wildlife SOS 7:00 German Bundesliga highlights. 10:30 UEFA Champions Highlights




6:30 Sunrise Live 9:00 Mid Morning Show 9:30 The Gardners Daughter

07:10 Vet On The Loose 07:35 Wildlife SOS 08:00 The Really Wild Show 08:25 Too Cute! 09:15 Dogs 101 10:10 Crocodile Hunter 11:05 Wildest Latin America 12:00 Animal Cops Houston 12:55 Rescue Vet


11:00 English Premier League review. 12:00 English Premier League Highlights 6:00 French Football League highlights.

5:00 BBC News 5:30 Gear Up 6:00 Damka 8:00 Good Morning Kenya 9:00 Sing and Shine 10:00 Alma 12:00 Club 1 1:00 KBC Lunchtime News 1:30 Business Dened 2:00 Grapevine 2:30 Documentary 4:10 Club 1 5:30 Dunda Kikwetu 6:30 Nyundo Utosini 7:00 Taarifa 7:50 Tussle 8:30 Street Court 9:00 KBC Channel 1 News 10:15 Mela House 11:00 CCTV 12:00 Club 1 12:30 BBC News


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DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


Malteser International, the worldwide relief agency of the Order of Malta for humanitarian aid, works in more than 20 countries in Africa, Asia and the Americas for people in need, regardless of their religion, origin or political affiliation. Its mission is to provide emergency relief as well as to implement rehabilitation measures and to facilitate the link between emergency relief and sustainable development. Christian values and the humanitarian principles of impartiality and independence form the basis of its work in the following areas: Relief, Reconstruction & Rehabilitation; Health & Nutrition; Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH); Livelihood & Social Programmes and Disaster Risk Reduction. In Kenya, Malteser International is present since 2001. So far, programs were concentrated on TB and HIV in the slums of Nairobi, while also providing humanitarian assistance in emergencies such as droughts and floods in Northern Kenya. In order to support sustainable solutions, drought resilience and disaster preparedness, Malteser has shifted its focus in Northern Kenya to recovery and development projects. In August 2012, an office was opened in Illeret, one of the most remote and under-developed areas in the northern district of Marsabit County/ Northern Kenya with the aim to address the needs of the pastoralist population of the area. Current activities, to be implemented until the end of 2013, aim at increasing the access to safe drinking water, mainly through rainwater harvesting techniques at household and community level accompanied by health/hygiene education activities, and the improvement of educational facilities. The programme should be followed by multi-sectoral activities in the areas of livelihood/ income generation, small infrastructure facilities, and possible other sectors according to needs. All planned community based activities will ensure participatory approaches involving communities and relevant stakeholders in the design, planning and implementation of the projects. To coordinate our programme in Illeret/Northern Kenya, Malteser International is looking for a


TEL: 020-2015366 / 0723400611


Tenders are invited from eligible suppliers and service providers for the following items:Categories GDCS/03/13 GDCS/04/13 GDCS/07/13 GDCS/08/13 GDCS/10/13 GDCS/11/13 GDCS/12/13 GDCS/13/13 GDCS/14/13 GDCS/15/13 GDCS/16/13 GDCS/17/13 GDCS/19/13 GDCS /20/13 GDCS/21/13 GDCS/22/13 Items Provision of statutory auditing services Provision of Legal Services Provision of Decoration services Repair and servicing of PABX machines, Telephone sets and Fax machine Consultancy Services Repairs and Maintenance of Generator sets Provision of Internet and WAN services Provision of Staff Medical insurance Cover brokerage Services Supply of Queue Stands Provision of Architectural Services Provision of Electrical Engineering Services Provision of Quantity Surveyor Services Provision of offsite data backup services Provision of valuation services for land and motor vehicles Provision of conferencing facilities in Nairobi,Kiambu,Nakuru,Naivasha Repair and maintenance of motor vehicles

As a Programme Coordinator you will be responsible for implementing and developing Malteser International interventions in Illeret with administrative and logistic support by the Country Office in Nairobi. In this position you will be supported by short term (technical) experts according to requirements and supervised by the Regional Coordinator for Africa and the regional desk in headquarters. Responsibilities: Overall coordination and supervision of all programme activities in the project area according to proposals and implementation plans Develop and initiate multi sector activities (livelihood/ income generation, small infrastructure facilities, education) and conduct regular needs assessments Support mobilization of communities for involvement in programme activities Management of location office incl. overall responsibility for resource management (personnel, budget, material) Ensure the implementation of Malteser standards in administration, finances and logistics Ensure regular and timely project documentation and reporting according to Malteser and donor standards Represent the Malteser programme and coordinate with all relevant stakeholders on local, district and county level Keep safety standards for all staff updated according to local context and ensure their implementation at all times Qualifications/Requirements: Strong programme development, management, organizational skills Advanced project design and project cycle management skills Basic technical skills Proven skills in community development At least five years working experience in development countries out of which at least two years in Africa Working experience with pastoralist communities is an asset Ability to work under pressure, independently and with limited supervision Improvisation and multi-tasking skills Physical and mental strength and experience in and willingness to live and work in a remote project location and under basic conditions Fluency in English, knowledge of German is an asset Conditions: Starting date: 15 May 2013 Duty station: Illeret/ Northern Kenya Duration of contract: minimum 12 months (extendable) Salary according to qualification and experience, insurance package, accommodation in team house, return flight If you are interested in this position, please apply online until 07.04.2013:

Completed tender documents may be obtained from the SACCO premises at Githunguri town upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs 3,000 for a particular category during office working hours (between 8.30 and 4.00pm.) Prices should be gross (VAT Inclusive where applicable), in Kenya shillings and should remain valid for three months or 90 days. Completed tenders in plain sealed envelope and clearly marked with appropriate tender numbers should be delivered and placed in the tender box at our Githunguri office addressed to: The Chairman Githunguri Dairy & Community SACCO Ltd P. O. Box 896-00216 Githunguri On or before 11th April 2013 at 10.00am. The opening will be done immediately thereafter in the presence of tenderers or their representatives who wish to witness the opening in the Main Boardroom at the Saccos Head office in Githunguri town. Those who had applied earlier for the re-advertised tenders need to re-apply. The SACCO reserves the right to accept or reject any application and it is not bound to give reasons for the rejection or acceptance thereof.

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013



Phone:0739362317, P.o Box 27 Kerugoya, Kenya. TO ALL KERUGOYA BOYS HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI 1964 to 2012.


The school moulded us to the citizens we are today. We would like to share our experiences among the old boys and the current students at the school in addition to meeting your schoolmates of earlier years. We are therefore calling on all the old boys of the school to come to the school on SATURDAY 6TH April 2013 AT 10.00AM. The objective. TO SHARE OUR EXPERIENCES AND MENTOR THE CURRENT STUDENTS AND GIVE THEM HOPE FOR THE FUTURE. YOU ARE THE LIVING EXAMPLES OF KERUGOYA BOYS HIGH SCHOOL. Join us to energise our students of today. Please come all. Kindly confirm your attendance for logistic reasons by calling the Principal on : Tel. 0714448803 or 0733962298. Or Email Richard Muriuki Githinji. BOG Chairman & 1969 Class John Gichangi Mwaniki PRINCIPAL & 1975 Class.



The Transition Authority in collaboration with the Centre for Parliamentary Studies and Training (CPST) and Kenya School of Government (KSG) has organized the first Induction workshop for All the Elected and Appointed Leaders in charge of the County Governments. The Leaders invited for this induction workshops are: 1. All Governors and deputy Governors 2. All County Assembly Speakers and deputy Speakers 3. All the Interim County Secretaries 4. All the Interim County Assembly Clerks 5. All the County Transition Coordinators. Venue: Great Rift Valley Lodge, Naivasha Arrival: 4.00 P.M 1st April 2013. Departure: 10.00AM 6th April 2013. Theme: SUPPORTING DEVOLUTION: TOWARDS ACCOUNTABLE GOVERNANCE AND ENHANCED SERVICE DELIVERY. Objective: To establish a common understanding on the modalities of implementing the devolved system of government. Goals: 1. To establish a common understanding on devolved government structure, processed and procedures 2. To enhance understanding of the enabling legislation for the operationalization of the devolved system of Government. 3. To enhance knowledge of key institutions that counties will interact with. 4. To establish a framework for interface and consultation between the county institutions and national government institutions. 5. To understand the role and operations of both county executive committees as well as county assemblies. This notice complements the official invitation that has already been sent to all the invited leaders. For further clarification, kindly contact the following officers : Joyce Omariba Tel : 0722315720 Email : Emily Orioki Tel : 0729527718 Email : CLARIFICATION The swearing in for Mombasa Governor will be at the ASK Show Ground and not Mombasa Stadium as advertised in the local dailies. The County Executive Offices for Vihiga County will be at Municipal Council Building in Mbale town and not the CDF offices in Majengo.

Court Brokers, Bailiffs, Repossessors and Debt Collectors

Under instructions received from the chargees we shall sell the following properties. PRIME PROPERTY IN WAITHAKA NAIROBI 1. ON 28TH MARCH, 2013 AT 10.30 A.M. OUR OFFICES, NHC HOUSES 1ST FLOOR, AGA KHAN WALK, NAIROBI. All that piece or parcel or land known as L.R.NO. DAGORETTI/RUTHIMITU/530 the plot measures area is approximately 0.4 of a hectare or 0.9884 acres. The property is situated in Dagorettis Waithaka area fronting the main Kikuyu road within Waithaka trading Centre and registered in the name of WILLIAM NJIHIA KIMANI. The plot is developed with three storey block of two (2) bedrooms units, single storey residential blocks of single units, a proposed multi-storied block, guard house and ablution block. PRIME PROPERTY WITHIN AIRPORT NORTH ROAD EMBAKASI 2. ON 28TH MARCH, 2013 AT 10.30 A.M. OUR OFFICES, NHC HOUSE 1ST FLOOR, AGA KHAN WALK, NAIROBI. All that piece or parcel or land known as APARTMENT 45 A ERECTED ON L.R. NO. NAIROBI/ BLOCK 153/576 - HONEY SUCKLE APARTMENTS. The property is within Honey Suckle Apartments, on the second floor of Block F and is easily identified as apartments 45A. Honey Suckle Apartments are situated about 500 meters off and to the left of Airport North Road (approaching from Mombasa Road) deviating at Kobil Petrol Station and registered in the name of THOMAS GARDINER OKOTH. The apartment comprises of 3 bedroomed with master ensuit. CONDITIONS OF SALE. All interested purchasers are requested to view and verify the details as the financiers or the Auctioneers do not warrant these. A deposit of 25% must be paid in CASH or Bankers Cheque at the fall of the hammer and the balance within 30 days. Viewing of the property can be done between 10.00 Am to 4.00 Pm and conditions of sale to obtained from our offices. Sale is subject to a reserve price.

M/S OSERO AND COMPANY ADVOCATES do hereby notify the General Public that all that parcel of land known as L.R NO. 13302/8 I.R 44558/3 situated at Syokimau along Mombasa Road in Mavoko Municipality is registered in the name of Mohinder Singh Suri (deceased). It has come to the knowledge of The administrator of the Estate of Mohinder Singh Suri that a group of people and or persons have illegally trespassed the said land and have sub-divided the same and are intending to sell the parcels of land to unknown members of the General public by purporting to be the registered owner(s). Take Notice that if any member of the General public purchases and/or enters into a contract for sale in part or whole of the aforesaid private property, he/she shall be doing so at their own peril and/or detriment. Any enquiry regarding the said property shall be channeled to M/s Osero and Company Advocates Mobile Number 0720947030. Dated at Nairobi this 26th day of March 2013 Drawn by Osero and Co. Advocates Moi Avenue Capital House, 2nd Floor Suite 21 P.O Box 990-00100 Nairobi

KICC Building 5th Floor, P.O. Box 10736-00100, NAIROBI, Telephone: +254-0710287080 Email: or

54 |
1. Geothermal Development Company Ltd invites eligible suppliers to submit sealed applications for Pre-qualification of suppliers and Service providers for the categories specified below for the Financial Years 2013/2014 and 2014/2015. GOODS (Closing Date: 16th April, 2013 at 11.00AM) Supply of fuel and lubricants Supply of tyres and tubes Supply of car batteries Supply of building materials, hardware tools, paints and fittings Supply of electrical fittings and lighting materials Supply of detergents, cleaning materials and toiletries Supply of computers, printers and accessories Supply of ICT software Supply of Telephone sets and accessories Supply of Tonners & Cartridges Supply of Personal Protective Equipment Supply of copiers, faxes and related spare parts and consumables Supply of general office stationery Design and printing of stationaries Supply of office furniture and other furnishings Creative design and layout of magazines, calendars, promotional materials, brochures, notebooks and dairies, Printing of magazines, annual reports, calendars, diaries, brochures, Christmas cards and booklets. Provision of branded promotional/publicity items and give-a ways Supply of Newspapers Supply of office and ground flowers Supply of bottled water and Bulk water Supply of bulk water Supply of packed fresh milk Supply of staff uniforms and shoes Supply of airtime/scratch cards Laboratory reagents and chemicals Supply of Library Materials Supply of Medical consumables Supply of tree seedlings for social afforestation SERVICES (Closing Date: 17 April, 2013 at 11.00AM) Supply and maintenance of firefighting equipment Security printing services Public Relations agency services, Communication Audits and customer satisfaction surveys Advertising/Creative service agency Production of documentaries, photography and videography services, PA System and related services. Event management/organization, exhibitions and dcor services Outside catering services Conference and accommodation facilities Environment impact assessment and audit services Motor vehicle electrical and mechanical services Human resources management training and other related services Air travel ticketing services Car hire services Provision of Auctioneering Services Provision of Website Design Provision of Ambulatory Services Servicing and rewinding of AC Motors, DC Motors, Transformers & Submersible Pumps Provision of Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Services Provision of Wire-line Truck & Fishing Services Provision of Directional Drilling Services Provision of Drilling Consultancy Services Provision of specialized Welding Services Mechanical Fabrication and maintenance works Building & civil works maintenance and repairs Maintenance of refrigeration and related services Architectural and design services Geo-scientific lab services Solid Waste Management and Disposal Services Mobile Toilets and Septic Tank Exhaust Services Provision of Legal Services Provision for Transport services/ Haulage services Supply of Welding Gas

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


CATEGORY A GDC/PQ/01/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/02/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/03/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/04/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/05/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/06/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/07/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/08/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/09/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/10/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/11/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/12/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/13/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/14/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/15/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/16/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/17/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/18/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/19/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/20/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/21/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/22/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/23/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/24/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/25/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/26/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/27/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/28/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/29/2013-2015 CATEGORY B GDC/PQ/30/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/31/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/32/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/33/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/34/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/35/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/36/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/37/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/38/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/39/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/40/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/41/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/42/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/43/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/44/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/45/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/46/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/47/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/48/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/49/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/50/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/51/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/52/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/53/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/54/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/55/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/56/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/57/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/58/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/59/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/60/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/61/2013-2015 CATEGORY C GDC/PQ/62/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/63/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/64/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/65/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/66/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/67/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/68/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/69/2013-2015 GDC/PQ/70/2013-2015

Motoring / Property Classifications: VAT Inclusive All Days 400/= per line per day Sat, Sun - Thur per day 450/- per line Other Classifications Friday only 500/- per line

Beauty/Medical/Health/Herbal & Acupuncture Sections Sat, Sun - Thur per day 400/- per line Friday only 450/- per line SEMI DISPLAY (BOXED CLASSIFIED) Minimum size 4cm x 1 column

All Days 1,750/=pscc +vat

Beauty/Medical/Health/Herbal & Acupuncture Sections All Days 2,000/=pscc +vat Minimum size 4cm x 1 column DNA Voucher Fee 3,500/- + VAT

Mombasa Furaha Plaza, Ground floor, Nkuruma Road, P.O.BOX 80708 Tel: 2224122, 2225830, 22225479. Fax 2230264 Nakuru C.K. Patel Building, Kenyatta Avenue Te (051) 2215506, 2215740, 2211688 Nyeri Kona Hauthi House P.O. BOX 1396, Tel: (061) 2030640, Tel/Fax: (061)2034120 THIKA Jopaka Enterprises Jogoo Kimakia Building Patrick Kamau: 0725856687 Mbambu Communications Clairbourn Building, Uhuru Street along Kwame Nkuruma Road Room No.A7, Maggie: 0722755823 Email: EMBU Peterson Stationers/Bookshop County Council ADC House Peter Kangugi: 0722894910 Email: Admedia International Ltd, Nguviu House, 1st Floor, Rm 02 Above Mbuni Dry Cleaners Silas Nthiga: 0722357028/020 2114546 Email: KAKAMEGA Friends Communication Ambewe Complex, 2nd Flr, Rm 6, Wycliffe Irangi 0722375680 KERUGOYA S.N. Peter Designers, Ushirika Bank House, 2nd Floor, Lucy Gitura: 0725608918 Kisumu Mega Plaza, 3rd flr, Wing B Tel: (057) 2021699, 2021230 Fax (057) 2020388 Kisumu Eldoret Zion Mall, Nairobi Mall, Wing C, Tel: 0722 200 773, 0719038950/1


MACHAKOS Mwanzia Building, Next to Katubas Bob Odalo: 0733943230 Email: KARATINA Harmony Plaza, First Flr. Next to Equity Bank, Stephen Munyiri: 0733277993/ 0711411515 Email:

KISII Mwalimu House, Telfax: (058)31386 Peter Angwenyi: 0722478171 MERU Ndiungi Agencies Kingora Building, Opposite Meru Teachers House Sophia Ntinyari: 0712628022 Email: Isiolo Video Den Pwins Plaza, 1st floor, opp. Uchumi Supermarket Peter Kaluai: 0721405815 Email: NAIVASHA/NYAHURURU Njabini Service Station Tel: 0713 375405/0723019528 Email:

For further enquiries, call: 0719 038 8661/3/4/5/6 or

TOOLS AND SPARE PARTS (Closing Date: 17th April, 2013 at 11.00AM) Supply of Engineering Tools and Equipments Supply of Rig Instrumentation System Spare Parts Supply of SCR Spare parts Supply of Top Drive System Spare parts Supply of DC Motor spare parts(ZYD800-4 series excited DC Motors) Supply of Circuit breakers ,contactors, overload relays, electrical timers and electrical panels and associated components Supply of Power and control cables and plugs Supply of programmable logic controller and associated components Supply of Electrical Transformers

2. Interested eligible candidates may obtain further information from and inspect the tender documents at the Office of Manager Supply Chain at GDC Riverside Office, located along Riverside Drive, GDC Nakuru (Generations house) and GDC Naivasha Offices (Lakeview Estate) during normal working hours between 9.00am and 4.00pm during weekdays. 3. To be eligible, the candidate MUST prove that they qualify to participate in public procurement by providing copies of MANDATORY documents as stated in the Pre-qualification document. 4. The applicants MUST comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions and particularly ensure that all the forms required are properly completed and submitted to the: THE MANAGING DIRECTOR GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LTD, RIVERSIDE DRIVE OFFICE P.O BOX 100746 -00100, NAIROBI, KENYA And deposited in the Tender Box at GDC Riverside Office, Ground Floor, located along Riverside drive, Nairobi on or before 16th April 2013 at 11:00 am ,for Category A and 17th April 2013 at 11:00 am for category B & C. All applications MUST be submitted to GDC Riverside Drive office and deposited in the tender box provided on the ground floor. 5. Pre-qualification applications will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of candidates representatives who choose to attend at GDC Riverside Office Boardroom. 6. An electronic copy of the prequalification document can be obtained upon payment of a non - refundable fee of Kshs. 3000.00 (Three thousand shillings only) for each category in cash or bankers cheque to our cash office at GDC Riverside Office, GDC Naivasha Offices (Lake view estate) and GDC Nakuru Offices (Generation house) between 9.00 A.M and 4.00P.M during normal working days. 7. All current GDC suppliers are required to apply afresh. MANAGER, SUPPLY CHAIN

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Classieds 55
Vig-RX for men size 1,500/= Viguor & Power Plus 200/= USA Maxman Mens size 1,500/ Slimming Belts for Tummy Trimmer & Beer Belly Breast Firming & Enlarging Hip & Thigh Booster & Weight Gain Wild Growth Hair Oil USA V-Drops & ladys Vibratrs Lose 5kg in wks ORIGINAL


A105 In Memorium
- Dominic J.J. In ever loving memory of our dearest dad. You are always in our thoughts especially today and affectionately remembered with love by your family. R.I.P


B457 Bar Codes
BARCODE GSI EA Cannon hse. Tel.
0711717717, 2229962, 0738717717

WE loan source n search & certify a

car for you 0713389744

B595 Security Services

RAZOR Wire @450/mtr 0736915073

A871 Miscellaneous

B546 Machinery for Sale


A691 Carpet Care
SOFAS, Carpet, Pests 0726-811836

B462 Business for Sale

HERBALIST /ASTROLOGER Doc BYPASS Club Kamakis Palace 3m neg
Call Owner 0725233801

A116 Marriage
SERIOUS love sms LOVE to 4804 ASIAN/WHITES sms 0714133500 ASTROLOGER. Want a certain

MIHAYO THE answer of your diseases and problems.Instant results call now 0711278895

FAST food in Food court 0724614008 NYAMAKIMA Mpesa shop for sale
urgently 0726-596296


A822 Computers

MENO Safi Herbal Clinic whitening

brown teeth 0723-587930


man/woman 2marry u? is she/he unfaithful & want him or her 2 commit 2u alone? want back ur partner & restore ur love etc. Call: Sowari 0722140527, 0733291085 GET LOVE PARTNER SMS O702-213570 Single looking for a serious life partner? SMS Single to 0725255440 Now!! S/MUMY'S AVAILABLE 0711908517 TRACK ua cheating wife/ (trackways africa) 0788404275 WHITE PARTNERS sms 0725124740

MENS instant hardrock 200/- 0726272266 MEN size & stamina 0714467776 MENS vigrx & maxman 0725218027 NATURAL beauty. 0710374643 PRO-EXTENDER machine (USA) REFLEX Centre Call: 0731252262 TEETH Replacement 0704477100 VIGRX, Vmax, 4 size 1500 0720892977

Sale Bar & restaurant Dagoretti corner Call 0735-720704

Salon Kimathi St busy 4.5m 0727073416 SHOP /Boutique for sale fully stocked,
located in CBD next to Jamia Mosque. Call 0722172078, 0725233371


for size, 100% guarantee 0722-506355 Visit:

B469 Business Offers

1 PHD/ masters proposals 0727493916 BANK proposals & Business Plans, 0713-032 797
owners. Call 0702091713 today.

SH 250,000 FREE package 4 restaurant

A244 Herbal Medicine

NATURAL viagra 200. 0710374643

B476 Business Opportunities

BIG operational cyber 2let 0722569684 LEARN how to make and sell African
theme cakes, african pot, modern cake making & decoration, guitar, football, teddybear, blackforest, swissroll, plastic icing, samosa, bread, meatpies, yoghurt, pizzas, cookies, sweets, soup, fish, rice, spaghetti e.t.c. 2,3,4 & 6wks practicals. Continuous intake. 25% sponsorship available. Also new imported bakery machinery available. Call Principal NCBCT 0722237181, 0203504453 or visit 1st Flr NHC Hse Aga-khan walk Nbi. Mombasa branch next to summerlink hotel, Meru rd off Digo rd. Mombasa wanted countrywide 0736-915073

A167 Acupuncture
3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217 CHILDREN - Disorders. 3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217 DELIVERYPOST- Firm up and Slim up. 3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217 MEMORY - Tiredness and Moods. 3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217

CAT Grader 140G for sale 6m


A265 Medical

CHARCOAL Briquet machine Ksh

42,000/= Tel 0722-281127

WEB hosting, unlimited space, emails, free domain @ 2900/ year 0712500 500

GAS cylinder 4 sale 0722111605

BLOODPRESSUREHeadaches & Pains


Desbro Engineering Limited

P.O. Box 42469 Nairobi, Kenya Brand New Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant. Capacity: 2,000/Lts Per Hour Skid Mounted, ready to be installed and to be used immediately

Get a FREE Modem & Line loaded with 4GB data with every Laptop Purchase
Bright Technologies Old Mutual Bldg-Ground floor Kimathi Street Phone: 0729 204621 or


SKIN, Asthma and other Allergies.

3748561, 0737540562, 0721170217

SMOKING - Stop all Addictions.

3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217

SPEEDGOVERNOR fitting agents

A181 Beauty
0723408602@Mombasa mens delay gel 0723408602 @ mombasa mens VigrX BEAUTI Centre manicure, pedicure
at Kileleshwa 0726656450

B485 Business Services A279 Notices

MINISTRY OF LANDS Telegrams: URBAN PLAN KERUGOYA Telephone: KERUGOYA (060) 21573 When replying please quote DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL PLANNING DISTRICT PHYSICAL PLANNING OFFICE P.0. BOX 483, KERUGOYA REPUBLIC OF KENYA PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT (CAP 286) COMPLETION OF LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN PDP NO. -CKR/72/13/01; EXISTING SITE FOR P.C.E.A. CHURCH KERUGOYA. NOTICE is hereby given that preparation of the above plan was on 28th February t at 2013. The part Development Plan relate to land situated within Kerugoya/Kutus Municipal Council.

Office Mobile: +254 0700118161/ 0735333433/0703403092 Telcom Wireless: 020 2426068 / 2426067 / 2042928


returns 0722320998




B490 Computer Services

CONFIG: 0900 620111

18,000 + VAT

20,000 + VAT

GITHURAI 44 15 RMS 0731477917

B498 Construction


Revlon Plaza, Upper Ground Floor Shop No. 9 Biashara Street MClean 0714-950652 Linah 0715-910455 Lydiah 0723-604119 Fred 0717-572824

Call for Bulk deals of Murram, Unwashed sand, Crusher Run, Quarry Chips, Contact on 0772896253
B525 Financial
@0770738814 cash on ipads&iphone5 020-2245564 spot loans on Toshiba,
Macpros& HP Laptops btwn 20K-50K


Point Of Sale Systems & ETRS Available
Bright Technologies Old Mutual Bldg-Ground floor Kimathi Street Phone: 0720 704045 or

020 5004401 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 8 020 2194401 / 2 / 3 0734 440444 / 0721 378629

PATTAYA pedicure 0722795917 Pedi Hurlingam 0704546764

A202 Entertainment
6K 0704628656 SMS "DILDO"

Copies of the plan have been deposited for public inspection at the office of the District Physical Planning Officer Kirinyaga, at the District Commissioners Office Kirinyaga Central and the Kerugoya/Kutus Municipal Offices The copies so deposited are available for inspection free of charge by all persons interested at the above mentioned address between the hours of 8.00 a.m. and 5. 00 p.m. Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in connection with or objection to the above plan may send such representations or objection in writing to be received by the District Physical Planning Officer, P.0. Bob 483, Kerugoya, not Later than 60 days from the date of this publication and any such representations or objections shall state th ground on which it is made. Dated 25/3/2013 W.L. Loka For: DIRECTOR OF PHYSICAL PLANNING


A230 Health
020-2245564 ( 020-2245564offer on Vimax pills @ 2000 0700050544mens power & size 1500/= 0723408602@ Msa hardrock @200 0723408602 @Msa Hip booster 0723408602 Cavanossa size, caps @3k 0723408602 Maxman pills @1500/= 0723408602 Original vimax 60 pills 0723408602 Rockhard instant @200 0723408602 Tiger Power 2K 0723408602 Vigrx big-size @1500
Offer VigRx VigRx & maxman power @ 1,500/- Vimax for size & stamina Instant Super control for men Hip boosters. B. Firming & Weight gain Tummy Flat, weight loss & Weight gain Grey hair in 2wks & hair grower Tooth whitener & dark spot Magic Slim, loose 5kg in 2wks Free Delivery & Private Consultation call NRB; 0723978617, NACICO Chambers, Moi Ave. next to Tuskys Beba Beba, 3rd Flr. Rm. 1. Nyeri, KSM 0708238432. KTL, ELD & Bungoma 0723978617. MSA 0708238432. Thika & Embu 0722387695

ETR(KRA) Approved 0712-097340 ETR KRA approved 0714933225 ETR-KRA approved 0724523434 FREEWEBSITE.CO.KE 0722-216522 Laptop *repair,we buy dead! 0721486136 MAc*repairs we buy dead!

PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT CAP 286 CHANGE OF USER The registered owners of plot no Nyeri/ Mun/Block 11/1315 located off Kianda Road propose to change the user from light industrial User to Residential Cum commercial user subject to approval by Municipal Council of Nyeri. Plans and attendants briefs are deposited at councils office for inspection. Individuals, institutions, e.t.c. with comments or objections are requested to submit them in writing within 14 days of this notice to The Town Clerk Municipal Council of Nyeri P.O Box 180 Nyeri

Available UCP/F/205/207/208/209/211

0729840857 a loan on ur car (1hr) CASH Against cars/logbooks Call

4441921, 0787 610 083, 0706 622 516

CASH on Car l/top land 0722534960

FINANCIALLY 0713744908 stable partner sms

For Discounted prices Visit Us at: Lusaka Road, Shop No. 29. Opp. ASL Trading Division 1 Tel: 0770 333034 Industrial Area, Nairobi

ROSER ROOFING TILES REDEFINE THE DEFINITION OF A HIGH QUALITY ROOF. CONTACT US ON: TEL: 0720 814141 0736 814141 EMAIL: Elephant Soap building. Shimo la tewa Road. Off Lusaka Road(Next to CMC) OFFER ON LIMITED COLOURS

Website,Host+Domain 0724600493

A286 Personal
INSTANT luck rings 0725-092428

B581 Printing
DIGITAL A3 bulk 59/= The Print
Hub Standard st shop 13 0719504109

A836 Electrical Appliances

POWER bk up inverters 3KVA -6KVA auto 10hrs f/inst 0722747246


MENS big size & confidence 0726272266

LOANS on the spot between 15-40K

with laptops as security, 0723408602

56 | Classieds
A531 Hotels
BLUE Hut hotel Ngara accommodation
starting ksh.1,250 per person sharing, buffet lunch and sizzling alarcate. Conference space also available. 0721203350, 0737676034

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


A988 Dogs, Pets, Kennels
0720960800 PUPS 14, 000


Security, Drivers. 0708991270, 0708991277, 0707471131. or

B403 Colleges

B148 Tyres, Spares and Accessories

DUBAI: Work & live in Dubai. Wide


Your Comfort Uncompromised
1 Bedroom Executive Suites From 120,000 per month. Daily Rate From 10,000. 5 Star Class Swimming Pool All Appliances Excellent Ambience Restaurant Free WI-FI For Reservations Call: 0727 539 846 Email:

GSD Puppies 0731477917

range of well paying jobs available. We also arrange for quick visa, ticket & accommodation on arrival. Come to: Frank Adams Ltd. St. Ellis Hse, 1st flr, Rm 109, Wabera St. (Nakumatt City Hall) 0702980740, 0723543737

B008 Othr
PIG preg mother 25k 0720811056

B015 Poultry
Incbtors 60-5000 eggs 0738-508230 Incubtors n chicks 0722850673

B243 Domestic
5H/help wntd good sal+off 0722702558 H.Helps wntd Best Sal+off 0722466091

18 Roomed Nairobi boutique hotel has the above vacancy Must have atleast 5yrs experience in hotel industry Must be able to manage accommodation food and beverage Must have an existing hotel and restaurant clientale Salary is 100% income based Call: 0786 241246 Email:

ECD College in Thika (Kenol). April

admissions, Diploma boarders 7,000/= Dip day 5,800/=, certificate boarders 4,800/= cert day 4,000/= 0722172697

Free Basic TV & film training 0710717269

Business class in the heart of Westlands

Card access to rooms Wi-Fi LCD TVs Safes Air-con Balcony rooms 6TH floor, Krishna Centre, 12 Woodvale Grove, WESTLANDS Tel: 0732515705 / 0729418241 Email: Website:

JOBS work at home no cv or

experience needed sms 'JB' to 5242 10/-

B250 Gnral
A private day school in Nairobi seeks a Special Education Teacher for students aged 8-13 years. Applicants should hold a Diploma in Special Education and minimum 3 years work experience. Email CV & cover letter to:-


Required to join a Loss Adjusting firm in Nairobi. Applicant should have: Minimum one year experience as Loss Adjuster Bachelors Degree or ACII/AIIK will have added advantage Aged between 25 and 37 years Clean and valid driving license Applications to include CV, relevant academic and professional certificates and testimonials to reach the undernoted by 5th April 2013: The Managing Director, P.O. Box 28557-00200 NAIROBI


LADIES 5yr exp in copy print bind

scan bureau good pay come to Hurlingham next BBK Unipen Hse 1st flr on Wed 27 th 0722602395
req at Bakery




A557 Apartments Available
ARROW Furnished Apts 0734786202

Application deadline is:Thursday 28th March.

required with DL send CV to Law Firm requires a Secretary, Clerk & a pupil, CV to Box 9403-00200 Nairobi. Tel 0787894481, Email by 4th April 2013

B049 Car Hire
0700128555 4hire cars + Rav + Voxy MERC Gwagon, parts 0772368855

A564 Hostels
Boys & Girls Hostels home away from home. Situated along Juja Rd. Pangani next to Total Petrol Stn. Ample parking secure N/hood. Hot showers, dstv. Ksh. 3,400. Contact: 0202466193, 0722619799.

A571 Hotels
A Special offer! luxury dbl rm @3000/=

0700047835 15 supermarket att rq 0700091268 Mpesa att&4 shop att 0700131854 drivers & turnboys 0700288091 NGO drivers & T/Boys 0700351966 Trailer Turnboys rqd 0700452229 NGO Turnboys rqd 0700511305 Office Ast & receptn 0700513314 Bank Cleaners & messgr 0700513314 Canter driver & t/boy 0700602030 Receptionist blw 30yrs 0700766982 8BCE driver&t/boys rq 0700834614 Mpesa /shop att rq F4s 0700902936 cleaners & messenger 0700903205 Airport cleanrs rq 0700927672 office/a&customer/c rq 0701535385 Airport cleaners F4s 0701622443 FH drivers & turnboys rq 0701820174 4 Mpesa & shop urgnt 0701820354 Trailer turnboys rq 0701846272 Bank cleaners req 0701949940 4 long/ driver & t/boy rq 0701954501 L/Dist drivers T/Boys 0701989204 Office ast & cashier 0701989205 14 airport cleaners F4s 0703856994 WE need kcb cleaners. 0704427191 10 aircraft cleaners 0705915444 12 Bank cleaners rqd 0715579539 Hotel rq 10 waiters 0720722649 Supermkt att 20p F4s 0723076239 JOBS IN SUDAN 55K 2 Office/ass, waiters 0701989615 3 AIR/P cleaners,recep 0701989614 10 supermkt att urgent 0701730902 AIRPORT casuals (paidweekly) sms
your phone no 0726896596 WORKERS

NGO cashiers & clerks 0702-668080 NGO rq F4s 42K SMS 0720750440
ONLINE jobs. Make $20/day =>

B113 Motor Vehicle Repairs

ORGANIZATION Seeks youth to

train in projects jobs guaranteed after training for info on interview tel 0723079306

B277 Domestic
0722516342, 0721834778 trained h/g

pharmaceutical quality controller


with exp. required email cv to dezippy


Hotel Ambassadeur
Freedom to stay your way
Conference And Meeting Rooms Bar & Restaurant | Free wi-fi For reservations please call: +254 202246615/6 | +254724259829 Email: SINGLE BO: 2,300 | DOUBLE BO: 2,800



needed; be 18-28 years, form 4 and residing in Mombasa. Call 0732330000.

B389 Books & Stationery

0721144998 New clean NZE @1500/-

CARS wtd 40-50k adv py 0722212628

QATAR:drivers &security 0708293755 QATAR: Sales / Marketing, Cargo

loaders. 10 PP Photo size, 2 Full photo, C.v, copies of documents & Passport. 0708991270, 0708991277, 0707471131 or (Free Air ticket& visa for loaders)

B120 Motor Vehicles Wanted

WTD 0722428300 l-term 40-50k

PROBOX/Suceed 05/06 0736915073


B893 General

B085 For Sale, Private

T/FIELDER 05 BS&T 950k 0720-970917 TOY NZE 05 BT 950k ono 0720748980 TOY Shark X-tour 14 units+ 10 nis td
27from 850K 0729-953985

LEVERAGE Car Hire & Tours need

well maintained saloon cars for long term lease 0721555647, 0726034973

REQUIRED- storekeepers, cooks

and receptionists write director box 346-00204 ATHIRIVER; Email state expected salary

NZE KBU 10DAYS 10K 0707598345

ISUZU3.3 AG 3 units 950K 0722409341 ADVANCE selling ur car 0710746831 ADVANCE selling ur car 0722833300 BMW M3 04 BQ 1.2m blk 0722724641 BMW X5 04/05 0722228273 BMW X5 05 KBS L/M 0710589700 CALDINA 2006 /3 silver KBU 666
17alloy rims 1790cc 0714984507

SWEDEN: Cleaners.10 PP Photo

PHINEKARS carhire 0716-616761

AIRPORT JOBS 0700208284

0725521165 AVAIL

size, 2 Full photo, C.v, copies of documents & Passport. 0708991270, 0708991277, 0707471131 or

RANA Ltd cabs & car hire, 0729365999

B382 Schools
F3&4 Boys boarding sch in THIKA SMS aplication to 0726229880

TEACH in China. Visit our website:

VICTOR safaris & tours ltd car hire

0720545192, 0722379197

A Supermkt att 4post 0723295377 CHINA: Shipping job both ladies &
men. 10 PP Photo size, 2 Full photo, C.v, copies of documents & Passport. 0708991270, 0708991277, 0707471131. or

DAT 120Y st KPY 125k 0786422484

UN JOBS 35K SMS no 0701725223 UN Jobs SMS ur E-mail to 0700103666

VACATION job, live/work in the
sea-84k.Sms ur no 0708357869

KISERYAN Girls Senior Academy

B063 Driving Schools

AT Seniors from Kshs.
5,000/= All branches. Receive your gift on payment by one installment 0707299880, 0729461713

DAT 160J KQN 125k 0786422484 DISCOVERY 3 KBU 0722598277 Discovery td5 02 1.4m 0725104903 Discovery TDV6 05 06 0719490444 Discovery V8 petr 850k 0724588925 FIELDER KBS 980K 0713808681 HARRIER Lexus 2400cc black KBR
kshs. 2.2m ono 0722718823

Girls Boarding Sch. F I Admission ongoing Tell: 0722-829239

B894 Tour Services

PAGOAIRWAYS get your dubai
visa in 2 days, fares from 36k, IATA courses available,9 months, Galileo practicals, hotel mngt 2 yrs, electricity hse 0722583759, 0734583759

CLEANERS, office/ass 0700465412 DATA clerks, comp literate, 29k, C.V



your phone no to. 0700325280

TSC teachers seeking transfers? for

advice call 072710721

DRIVERS rqd in Airport 0701939626 FORESTRY Ngo Trainees0737318766 JOBS IN NORWAY 0727824578

WANTED sale girl for cosmetic

B150 Tracking & Fleet Management

USA Uni. Admissions. 1-20, 0722520167 CAR tracking system 0724600493

shop river road sms 0702-393976

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

FOR Immediate Sale two Nissan Urvan
E24 in good condition. For further details please contact Tel; Nairobi 0202416977/78 or 0723844423

Classieds 57
MIT FH/Canter/fighter Isuzu bus/lorry
new/used dep from 500K balance financed. Tel 0732774634 Afri 185M 0729-953985


manual v/clean 300k 0701699456 Patel

504 p/up KAC cream

Harrier Lexus 05 2.5m 0727464775 HONDA CRV 05 KBS 0710589700 Hyundai Acent 220k KAG0726035369 ISUZU 3.6 KAZ 850ksh 0726-522500 ISUZU Direct KXG q/sale 0711883601 ISUZU Dmax d/cab 2005 0720852366 ISUZU Dmax KBK clean 0722578059 ISUZU DMX P/UP KAW 550K

MITS Canter Ex-Japan BD 1.7M BM MITS FH c/b KBL 4.1M 0720442945 MITS Fuso KBH 08 4.4m 0720442945 MITS HD 04 AS C/B 1.75M 0716664834 MITS HD KAU Tel 0722784193 MITSUBISHI Canter 4D34, 05/06
mdls, freezer body, front leaf springs, v/clean, 2.45M neg. Call 0723 574 352 red-top 2.39M 0722/0733-515430

PRADO 'BL 2.4M ono 0722-516322


Prado GX BJ 01 1.15m 0722709719 Prado TX auto 99 1.6m 0727464775 PREMIO KAU @475k 0727211933 PREMIO KBU 1800cc 1500cc white
silver 1.1m Allion 1m Fielder 920k NZE 900k Toy Wish 930k Isis 940k Avensis 1.15m Wingroad newshape 750k Probox 670k Passo 550k Suceed 700k Vitz 630k Bluebird Sylphy 730k Noah 900k Toy Ist 730k Townace 750k Xtrail 1.4m Rav4 1.7m CRV Honda 1.6m Rush 1.4m Kluger 2m Toy Alphard 1.6m Mark X 1.4m Harrier 2.4m Rosa Coaster 4.2m Canter 1.5m-2.3m Shark 1.8m Prado 3.4m Fuso Fighter 3.7m Vx Landcruiser 4.8m also hire purchase terms Ruto 0721713237 Mombasa
0722673389. KBN v/c 340K

T/NZE g-grade kbu 960k 0720791992 T/NZE KAV 550k auto 0720823232 T/NZE KBN 595K v/c 0722347398 T/Premio 06 alloys KBU 0723-545288 T/Premio 06 KBU 1.2m 0725923311 T/premio BC v/c 580k 0724264244 T/Premio KAS 1800cc 520k 0720261760 T/Premio KBA 590k 0720078797 v/c T/RAV4 08 manual 4wd 2.0L vvti

TOYOTA Ipsum, KAT/KBJ, pearl & TOYOTA Noah o/shape, KAV/KBD, TOYOTA

silver, 7-seater, v/clean, from Kshs 430K Call 0723 577 726 diesel & petrol, v/clean from Kshs 500,000 Call 0723574352 NZE, KBJ/BK&BM, G-grade, beige, alloyrims, CD player, from 670K Call 0725 563 142 clean 630k 0701699456 Patel


B740 Land, Plots for Sale
1 /2ACRE Nairobi Loresho quick sale
22m 0721347080, 0722270313 Nyotu

1 /4 plots Chumvi 995k ready titles

0722994938, 0704615977

TX 1.5m KBB, diesel, auto, v/clean, choice of 4 from 1.39M Call 0723 577 726

n/shape nave Blue alloys 0723344388

1/8 Plot Gachie. 4m o.n.o contact 0722333520 1.5Arable

acres with water Nyahururu Rd Ngobit tel: 0722772644 deposit with clean titles 400,000 bargain Tel: 0725210219


L200, KAR/KAX, petrol & diesel, v/clean from Kshs 680,000 neg. Call 0724 571 990

ISUZU ELF nkr 02 1.4m 0727464775 ISUZU Frr bus BJ 51p 2.3m 0722543724 T/Hilux petrol AE 850k0716664834 ISUZU NQR AY 08 2.2M 0729953985 ISUZ D/Max AX 08 1.15M 0720748980 T /Hilux pick up 09 BP 1.8m BA 1.65M
AW 1.45m AS 1.25m 0722409341 2.5m choice of 2 0716-664834

LAND Rover 110 tdi swagon 06 TOY L/cruiser p/up 04 1.9K 0722409341 ISUZ FVR AM 1.95M AN 2M 0720428042 T/d/cab AV1.55m BD 2.35m 0725498847 ISUZU FVR tiper 12 BS 5m 0720442945 ISUZU NPR KAU 33str 0722578059 ISUZU NPR KBA body minus engine
propeller diffu 0722412872 ISUZU pick-up 400k 0720-200199

M/LANCER AK 220k 0711397572 N/B12 KAC saloon 110k 0720366886 N/diesel bus 29st AX 1.85m 0725-498847 N/March 05 BS neat 490k 0720791992 N/Navara xUK BT 06 2.6m 0723845474 N/S B12 KAG local 145K 0733653862 NIS/Navara model 05-090719490444 NIS 1400 AW 460 BC 650k 0720748980 NIS Atlas 05 1.35m 0716-664834 NIS B15 saloon BA 460k 029953985 NIS B15 v/c 310k KAY0720863275 NIS B15 yr 03, 330K NEG 0733899358 NisBbird 06 auto green 0724040754 NIS h/body D/cab 03 1.25M 0720748980 NIS March 06 wine 580K 0713-354148 NIS Qd32 kbb 450k 0720203721 NIS QD KAS v/clean 395k 0723845474 NIS Sahara KZG @230k 0726-837024 NISSAN AD man 585k 0722-244510 NISSAN H/body d/cab, KAV local,


T/REGIUS KBJ yr02 1M 0733948702 T/SHARK AT,AU 350&410k 0721794163 T/Shark KAY v/c 600k 0732571658 T/Shark KBL v/c 0719-139072 owner T/Starlet KAP 195k 0722-322196 T/T.ace KBN diesel 04 0722743852 T/VITZ 05 1.3L sky Blue, keyless KBT
v/clean q/sale 0723344388

100x100 plots Isinya 3km off tarmac 15AC Kajiado @120k p.a 0721687359 40x80 Umoja & Makadara 0725683481 50x100 plots Isinya town 30mtrs off
tarmac with clean titles 750,000 Cal: 0722682286 owner

0722379197 0720545192

Probox KBU Kshs 780 0727265177 PROBOX yr06 700k 0723806382 R/SPORT 2006, 5.3M Call 0722 524 752 R/VOGUE 2005, 5.2M 0722 524 752 R.ROVER classic 3 units 0724588925 RAV4 03/4 auto 0721946752 Rav4 08,07 auto 0722515239 RAV4 2000cc in good condition Tel
0727-478809 0722718823

T/VOXY 04 Silver alloy fogs camera

spoiler 5seater KBQ 0723344388

T/Wish KBS yr05 q/s 820k 0724268552 T.Noah KBL auto 660k 0720791992 T.PRADO 05/6 KBT/U diesel/petrol

RAV4 2002 mint kshs. 1.6m ono S/Vitara n/s 3dr 600k 0727-682466 S.Forester 00-04 580k 0719490444 S.Forester 97 KAT 580 0722709719 SALVAGE prado '05 1M 0722-516322

L/Cruiser h/tops 94 850k 0727464775 L/CRUISER P/UP 96-06 0719490444 L/DSCVRY '05, 3.9M 0722 523 667 L/DSCVRY 2009, 9.2M 0722 524 752 L.Cruiser h/top 05 2.4m 0722709719 L.Rover defe 96-07 BS/BU 0724588925 Lancer wagon 05 1.5 kbu 0724101880 LIMO for hire 0722704085 M/Canter4D32 BH 08 2.1M 0725498847 M/CANTER KBJ Shs 1.1. 0723876249 M/DEMIO BN 440K 0721576684 M /Demio KBS 1300cc 05 Ks 610 call
0702160184 kihiko

T.WISH 06 1.2m sil neg 0722980177 T110 ultra clean 460k 0727-682466 TCaldina 04 BL @650k 0736-915073 Tfielder 06 auto white 0722515239 T Hilux KAW 1.050m 0722305546 THK Ngoingwa 80x100 0727657205 TNZE KBU auto 06 1030M 0722974073 Touareg '07, 4.4M 0722 524 752 TOWNACE yr04 750k 0733948702 TOY 1000 P/up with body 0722212564 TOY 100 KAM 170K 0702517927 V/C TOY 100KAP 150K 0729178813

TOYOTA Premio n/shape, KBG,

Konza City (Behind Malili) 50x100.40,000 100x100....................................70,000 1 Acre.....................................250,000 Kitengela ICT City 50x80........110,000 1 Acre.....................................700,000 Thika Gatuanyaga 40x80 (Titles ready)..250,000 Thika Ngoingwa (Tora) 40X80) Titles ready....600,000 Makuyu 50x100.........................55,000 100x100....................................85,000 1 Acre.....................................280,000 Nairobi Information hse 4th flr rm 409 Thika Kigio plaza top of Fina bank 3rd Flr Rm K43 Kitengela Milele Centre 2nd Flr (behind Equity) 0732-435100, 0729-293781, 0736-441579, 0729-293559

KBH, KBK, alloys, CD player, n/tyres, v/clean, 770K neg. Call 0723 091 259. auto, v/clean, 595K neg. 0734 574 352


TOYOTA Premio o/shape, KBA, 1.8L

ATHIRIVER 4.5acres 2.5km from

Mombasa rd 9.5m per acre 0738725250

alloyrims, n/tyres, v/clean, Kshs 1.39M neg. Call 0725 563 142

S-ESCUDO 05 manual 0770383496 S/OUTBACK, '06, 850k,


CLAYWORKS Thika road Kasarani

33x66 3.5m 0708-760061

NISSAN H/body p/ups, KAS & KBD,

SUBARU Forester Cross Sport 05

sky blue KBT/V 1.45m 0722-799093 Imported KBU/B 0722-854759


COMMERCIAL plots 40x80 Kdo rd EASTERN bypass 15acre 4454285 FINELANDS Isinya 50X100 100K
offer 0724816611,0722417074 Call 0724816611, 0722417074

05 & 08 mdls, cream & white, manual, v/clean from 950K 0724 302 014 1ton diesel p/up sold new by DT Dobie 11000 KMS only silver colour Ksh 1,850,000 ono 0722584179 call 0722854150, 0202330466

104 0722827118



dep. 100000/= bal 4months, titles ready, 020-2610923, 0700497890 Homeward

NISSAN Hardbody KBS year 2012

SUBARU Forester XT Manual Just SUBARU Impreza STI KBN 6-speed

red-top 1.39m 0722/0733-515430

TOY 110 AV neat 460k 0720428042 TOY 91 KAK 265k neg 0729-780728 TOY 96 KAN 155K V/C 0710960311 TOY Avensis 04/05 0720852366 TOY d/cabin KAU 4x4 0722804138 TOY fortuner 4wd petrol Auto 2007
1.9m 0722827118

shape, auto, silver & white, a/rims, CD player, from 850K Call 0721 154 985 Kitengela Isinya 50x100 250k 0724816611, 2472045 Ruai 50x100 350k near Msa Road 0722417074, 2472045

M/FH215 BJ 37 MAN 1.95M 0720428042 M/VEHICLE salvages 0714-214250 MAZDA B16 p/up KAB white manual
v/clean 350k 0701699456 Patel

NISSAN hardbody local KBM 1.3m NISSAN Hard Body pick up KBU 08
J56 2700cc 1.5M 0711672418 owner


Impreza WRX 2004 manual blue 920K Call 0721911252 f/loaded 1.29M 0722/0733-515430

SUBARU Legacy B4 KBS 05 n/shape SUB Impreza, KBC, silver, auto, alloys,
CD , v/clean, 550K neg. 0723 829 713

MAZDA Bongo van, 06 mdl, diesel,

auto, v/clean, 890K neg. 0721 754 760

MAZDA Demio 01 370k 0722316590 MAZDA KBU 520,000 0722784395 M/BENZ 280SE XQ 375k

NISSAN Matatu KAT 0720-239448 NISSAN Murano, KBQ, gunmetallic,

2.4L, a/rims, CD player, n/tyrtes, v/clean, 1.75M neg. 0723 091 259.

TOY h/top KAY 07 2.9m 0720442945 TOY Hiace Nissan QD32 new/used
finance Dep from 350k 0738661203


TOYOTA Rav4 06 2M 0721216443 TOYOTA Spacio, KBH, 2002 mdl,

w/red, a/rims, CD player, v/clean, Kshs 650,000 Call 0725 563 142

NISSAN Navara, 2005 mdl, silver,

6-speed manual, leather, s/roof, power seats, CD player, r/rails, v/clean, 2.39M neg. Call 0723 091259

SUB Imprza 06 6,000km 0722980177 SUB Legacy KAY 490K 0723930034 SURF '93 500k 0722-516322 SUZUKI Escudo 05/6 0722598277 SUZUKI Jimmy 06 580k tel: 0722409341 T/110 KAV v/c 385K 0721577194 T/ALLION BJ 02 v/c 700k 0723015146 T/ALLION BL 03 690K 0720494919 T/Allion BR/D 1.8cc 04 835k 0729009111 T/Allion BR sil 05 2L 0733963097 T/Allion Premio KBU 2006 0722658917 T/Avensis 05 ExUK 970k 0707398962 T/Caldina KBJ 580k 0732-903466 T/CALDINA L/S KBE 0722-283435 T/carib AP v/c 360k 0716266379 T/Carib KAP manual 380K 0726035369 T/carina mnl 390k 0722513105 T/EE 103 mnl l/spring 495k 0723352141 T/Fielder 1.8 manual 595k 0720840671 T/FIELDER KBU 06 995K 0722772724 T/Fielder KBU silver 1030M 0725654288 T/FIELDER Local 07 0751559911 T/Harrier 05 silver 1.98M 0721701854 T/Hiace Shark & Nissan Caravan 14pass
06 KBUs 1.75m&1.2m 0722616632


TOY Hilux d/c 06 2.6m 0733530834 TOY Hilux p/ups, 07, 08 & 2010 mdls
local, manual, white & grey, diesel, v/clean, from 1.45M 0725 563 142

Ready Title 0722417074, 2472045

FINELANDS Ruai 50x100 400k 1km

0724816611, 2472045, 0722-417074


MERC 200E auto 580K 0723930034 MERC200 m/blue 200K 0718198260 MERC C180 2008, 3.2M 0722 523667 Merc C180 KBT/U05/6 0722598277 MERCC200 03 BG silv1.25m 0720748980 MERC E200 2004, 1.9M 0722 523 667 Merc E200 Kom BU 2.1m0720791992 MERC E200 maroon white inter clean
1050m patel 0725160228

NISSAN Navara 06 2.4m 0723806382 NISSAN Sylphy, KBU, charcoal grey,

CD, v/clean, 780K neg. 0723 091 259

TOY Ipsum KBU 06 silver 0789564845 TOY Isis 05 black 750k 0720013086 TOY L/Cruiser tour 2.2m 0720200199
TOY mark 2 KBD 690k 0722827118

Vitz, 1.0/1.3L VVT-i, KBB/KBC/KBJ, pearl/silver & blue, 420K neg. Call 0725 563 142


EVERGREEN Kiambu road. A special 12 Acre corner plot in a walled and spectacular gated community just 50metres from tarmac kshs 26M. EASTERN BYPASS Nairobi 4 acres, Level and just 600m from the everbusy bypass. All Amenities nearby. Kshs 5M per acre.

TOYOTA Wish, 03/05 mdls, 1.8/2.0L

VVT-i silver, blue, black & p/white, v/clean from 750K Call 0724 735 727


Terrano, KAM, local, manual, maroon, alloyrims, CD player, 850K Call 0725 863 242

NISSAN Tiida 05 680K 0715-372102 NISSAN Vannette, 2006 mdls, 1.8L

petrol EFI, manual & auto, v/clean, 780K neg. Call 0724 571 990

TOY NZE 03 silva 580k 0722760336 Toy NZEs 06, 05 auto 0722659595 TOYOTA AE102 KBF white auto
clean 480k 0701699456 Patel

TOY Prado 05 KBU auto 0725104903 TOY RAV-4, 05 mdls, 1.8/2.0L VVT-i, TOY Rav4 2005 Tel 0771-792300 TOY Rav4 05 manual 1.4m0724588925
TOY shark 3L kap 330/- 0722288901
black & white, auto/manual, a/rims, v/clean, 1.59M neg. 0723 091 259

TOYOTA AE91 KAL white manual

EFI clean 300k 0701699456 Patel


MERC E250 2009, 5.2M 0722 523 667

NISSAN X-trail, 02/03/05/06 mdls,

auto & manual, red, pearl, silver & blue, s/roof, alloys, v/clean, choice of 5 from 850K Call 0724 571 990

TOYOTA Alphard, KBP, 8-seater,

ISINYA 100x100 400k 0725719405 JOSKA 1/8ac @500,000 t/d near

premier Acad 0722985712

black, a/rims, CD, 1.39M 0725 563142 1.8/2.0L, auto/manual, 04/05/06 mdls, v/clean from 850K Call 0724 735727

TOYOTA Avensis, saloon & s/wagon,

TOY Shark BL 1.2m dep. 400k bal 2yrs

34k monthly 0723769577

NISSAN Xtrail 05 KBS 0710589700 NISS B15 KBA 01 355K 0722743852 NISS Xtrail 04/05 0721946752 NISS Xtrail KBR 04 s/roof0725104903 NIS TD27 staffvan 295k 0720863275 NIS Tiida BP clean 680k 0720428042 NOAH yr05 KBT/BU 1m 0723806382 N/X-TRAIL KBD F/L 795K

TOY Startlet KVA 125k 0786422484 TOY surf '93 500k 0722-516322

JOSKA 50x100 dep. 50,000 balance

4months, titles ready, 020-2610923, 0751201267 Homeward, Viewing free

TOYOTA Corolla 104 KBB, n/tyres,

a/rims, great music system, v/clean 585K neg. Call 0722 968 863

JUBILANDS:Isinya Konza/Malili rd 90k

0714915424,0728879191,0736901000 0714915424,0728879191,0736901000
s/offer 200k 0714915424,0728879191

TOYOTA d/cab 04 1.7m 0720285110 TOYOTA Fielder, 04/05/06 & 07 TOYOTA Grandhiace, KBH, diesel

TOY SURF 2003,1.5M 0722 523 667 TOY VX '02, petrol Call 0722 523 667 TOY VX 2012 Call 0722 523 667 TOY Wish, KBU, 2.0L VVT-i, p/white,
7-seater, v/clean, 880K 0721 754 760

JUBILANDS: Isinya Pipeline rd 220k JUBILANDS: Kitengela Isinya 50x100 JUBILANDS: Ruai 50x100 110k 0714
915424, 0728879191, 0736901000

mdls, new & latest shapes, black & silver, from 750K Call 0724 571 990

NZE KBL 2003 AUTO 520K. PAY 30K MERCEDEZ atego lorry KBP Tipper
10whl difflock 5.5m 0720203721 PER MONTH. TEL 0721727540

turbo, alloys, 8-seater, v/clean, Kshs 1.15M neg. Call 0723 577 726

T/Hilux 06/05 auto/man 0722228273 T/HILUX 4x4 03 1.45m 0722316590 T /HILUX - D/Cab Fielder wish Allion
Premio NZE etc. Terms Cash & Finance arranged Dep. from 350k 800k Bal 1year 0723769577

TOYOTA Harrier, 2.4/3.OL VVT-i,

KAW/KBB, a/rims, CD player, v/clean units from 950K Call 0723 577 726

TPasso06 1000cc BU0733763052

PRIMEO 0722759899 450KS KAT V/C

JUBILANDsIsinya Konza/Malili rd 115k


NZE KBL 03 630k 0726075967 OPEL Astra KAD q/s 185k 0720967771 PAJERO 4D 56 400K 0722519831 PAJERO io KAW 99 silver 520k neg

MERC S320 1994,1.1M 0722523667 MERC S320 2001,1.85M 0722 523 667 Merc S350 06 6.2M Call 0722 523 667 MERECEDES
Benz 2534 Puling 0720913601, 0726909060

TOYOTA Hiace n/shape, 2005 mdl,

diesel auto, v/clean, Kshs 1.9M neg, Call 0724 735 727

Twish 06 1.8cc beige 0722539418 VW/GOLF 04 Mark5 Black 2.0L fogs

alloys not used KBR 0723344388

JUJA Farm 50x100 180k 0715-335261 JUJA farm 50x100 bypass 130 B/OF
0720938283, 0705147102 PATTMOS
tarmac. Owner 0737004111


PAJERO Mits 2800cc diesel 4x4 silver

yr2006 mint Kshs.1.8m 0722718823

T/Hilux 05 4wd 2.6m 0725104903 T/Hilux Vigo BT/U 05-7 0722598277 T/Ltourin v/c mnl 499K 0722903838 T/NZE 2006/3 KBU/Q 1M 0720707652 T/NZE BS 05 sil 1.5cc 0733963097

Hilux d/cab, KAX, 5L engine, green, a/rims, n/tyres, v/clean, Kshs 1.75M Call 0720 217 583 KAK x-japan v/c 0721212789 2.4diesel

VW Golf BL wagon 780k 0720791992 VW Golf FSI, 2.0L, 2005 mdl, black,
v/clean, 990K neg. Call 0723 829 713

KAJIADO 14 acres 1.5km from KAJIADO T /ship . plots 1/8 , 1/4

with title. Owner 0737004111

MIT Canter 06 0721946752 MIT Canter KZL 490K 0722-388581 MIT FH215 KAY 2007 0724801973

TOYOTA Hilux Pickup

PEUGEOT 307 KBQ Japan sunroof

leather 799k 0722/0733-515430

Toyota MarkX 05 1.3m 0700-060721 TOYOTA NZE KBK 0722663864

VW Toureg 04/05 0722767752


S/FORESTER KBT 0724330460

Corner 1/8ac @3.5m controlled Dev 0722705101, 0722985712, 2219459,

58 | Classieds
KAMITI - Corner 100ac 0722801486 KAMULU 1ac 2m; 50x100 350k LIMURU
both with title owner 0721555654 KAMULU 50x100 dep. 50,000 bal 4mths. Ready titles. 0202-164920, 0788-953862, 0707-965632 Sideway Proper ties Ltd. Vedic Hse 7th Floor KAMULU- JOSKA at KBC 500m 50x100 titles 300,000/= 0722312387 KAMULU- JOSKA at KBC 800m titles 50x100, 280,000/= 0733582208 KAMULU- Joska at KBC Dev. area 50x100titles 230,000/= 0722312387 KAMULU- JOSKA at KBC farm C 50x100 titles 150,000/= 0733582208 KAMULU- Joska at Sunshine 50x100 dev. titles 250,000/= tel: 0722-312387 KAMULU- JOSKA near Green Houses 50x100 210,000 0733582208 nxt to Kiboko Hotel 50x100 0724-230729 LOWER Kabete 3/4ac 0733233995 LOWER Kabete plot 200ft from tarmac Quick sale. Call 0715-761380 MAIMHIU 5ac @1.5m 0707-387751

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Ngoingwa (Tola) 20acs Murrum soil q/sale 0722952555 THIKA rd Ruiru b4 Ruiru Rainbow resort prime 1/8ac 0720285110

Mebly 1/4ac 4.5m 40x80 2m 0722885302 MERU Kaithe 1/4 prime 0722687025 MUA Hills 6acres price neg 0737746311 MUIMARA res. plot 6m 0733233995 MWEA SHAMBAS 1 to 8 acs

UTAWALA 1/4acre 2m 0722743852 Utawala 30x60 700k 0720285110 UTAWALA bhd Airways H.School

KAHAWA sukari 4br 0711330727 KIAMUMBI 3br H 8.5m 0722699817 KIMATHI 3br+ext q/s 0725072951 LAV 4br apt 14m 0733530834 L AVINGTON Kingara rd. 2&3 bedrm MBOTELA off Jogoo Road single
rooms with kitchenette Kshs. 5,000 call 0202598001/ 0724726361/ 0725778841
garden gated shs 6.5m Tel: 0721287142 master ensuite, s/pool. 0735120462

LANGATA 1&2br flat 0727-816618 LANGATA 3br maisonette comp

40k Tel 0733760515, 0722760515


D531 Hotels

Coast Numbers Only)

LANGATA Dam-2 3brm apartment

m/ensuite 42k + b/s 13k 0729-957520

NJORO-NAISHI 10acres freehold

40x80 600K, Joska (Ndovoini) Mission of Hope 50x100 300K, St. Francis Pry 50x100 400K. Tel. 0722890759, 0722948925, 0718612825 UTAWALA Githunguri 80x30 2nd row after tarmac 0734-511759, 0702-161855

LAVINGTON 3br maison. 4454285 LAVINGTON Valley 2 bedroom apt

Ksh. 50,000/ month call: 0722720382
(Penthouse) 55K: 0722510914.

LAVINGTON - Vanga Rd 2Br Apt


3br houses on 1/8acre

3br m/ens 4.2m

LAVINGTON West s/q clean 9k

Tel 0733760515, 0722760515



KAMULU KBC 1/8 title 0770-341180 KAMULU KBC 4.3ac 6.5m 2.4kms

frm tarmac 0722224385, 0722643025 KAREN 10 Acres tarmac 0722408888 KASARANI Clayworks 0716-405114 KATANI 1/8ac near Syokimau r/titles Aberdeen 0722829195, 0734572994 KATANI50X100 dep. 100,000 balance 4months, Titles ready, 020-2610923, 0715514989 Homeward, viewing free KENOL gated est 50x100 with ready t/deeds 600K 0727892600 KIAMBU 1acre prime town plot Ksh 26M tel: 0734595124 Kiambu Kirigiti 1/8a 4m 0720285110 KIAMBU Municipality Village Inn Road near Starehe Girls 1/2 acre plots 10.5 million negotiable contact Vera Properties Ltd Jubliee Hse 1st floor Tel: 0722859346, 0738-500886 KIAMBU Town 0.050 Ha 5.5m 0722224385, 0722643025 owner KINANIE 20acres prime 0725316714 KISAJU 1acre near tmc 0722876345 KISAJU 2km from road,1/8 @700k installments, Call 0704-592971 KISANJU near hawa childrens hm 100x100 @850,000 1ac @3.2, ready titles Tel: 0722985712 KISERIAN 1/4 p/rd 500k 0722723512 whistling thorns hotel 1/2acre plots fully serviced titles ready contact Vera Properties Ltd Jubiee Hse 1st floor. Room 103. 2.3m negotiable. Tel: 0722859346, 0738-500886 KISUMU 10acres Riat Airport side 2.2m @acre 0723318955 KITE /kisaju 2 ac land for sale 1.5km from main rd 0787434051 KITE 1/4ac plus; tarmac near Pinto 13m neg Q/sale 0722255173 owner KITE Acacia 1ac 5m 0702963975 KITE complot 1/4 8M 0721696776

clean title 0712652333 owner NYERI 4Km frm Nyeri Town 100m frm tarmac 1/8ac 800K 0727892600 NYERI plot 1/8 acre 0754699989 ONGATA Rongai. 50x100 plots 800m from Tuala. 510K Dep 250K bal in 3 months 0727683440

B761 Premises, Offices for Sale

PUB / restaurant/ college etc space
available 6400sqft atCBD 0733233995

NYAYO Emba 3b/rm



Forest View 3br apartments Ngong rd tel: 0721370072 LOWER Kabete 2BR 0715521991

B768 Premises, Offices to Let

CAFEpub shop Lodge CBD 0725817817 CHEAP furn offices 0728692695 GODOWNS 5000-10000sqft 4454285 NGONG Rd Lenana Forest Mall
Office /Store Tel: 0734977622 OFFICE 15k 34k 50k 0723521594 OFFICE Moi Ave 15K 0719719616

RUNDA Mhasibu 1/4acr 0722-782493 SOUTH B 2b/rm m/ensuit DSTV Tel

0715-418199 WETEITHIE 11 rms 2.2m 0733948702

LUCKY Summer vacant choice of 2

self contained 0722-312693


3br apt 45k Tel 0733760515, 0722760515

ORONGAI 3acres 0725-883320

B789 Properties to Let

1&2 BR shops DSTV Tiled wardrobes
at pipeline stage opp Total pet stn 10-25k 0737014784

MADARAKA NHC 3br 0722345499 MBUGANI South C 3bedroom with

sq 55k 0724788601, 0721653620

1. MILIMANI 1/2 Acre..............................@Kshs.3.4M 1/4 Acres.............................@Ksh.1.8M 1/8 Acres..............................@Ksh 1.2M 2. THORNGROVE 1/8 Acres........................@Ksh.750,000 3. SIFA FARM 1/8 Acres......................@Kshs.700,000 4. KISAJU Next to Mosque 1/4 Acres............@1.2M Next to Jamii Bora 1/8 Acres.@390,000 5. MILLENIUM 5 Acres........@4.5M P.A CONTACT OLDMAN PROPERTIES LTD 0724-594009, 0723-254111 0722-668736, 0738-909910



OFFICES 7000&5000 Nbi 0725830757 OFFICES 7k Tomboya St. 0722770064

1br Valley Arcade 15K 0716266150 1bs Riverside dr 5000 0720040895 2,3 br state hse rd 20-38K 0720020410 2BR Imara Daima 25k 0721-642555 2BR L/Kabete excellent finish various
0720410030, 0720408686.

2br /offices 0733-619066, 0722599165 75k Tel. 0720390244, 2734490


MILIMANI 3br maisonette with sq MIREMA DRIVE 4 bdrm bungalow on

1 acre ideal for commercial use Kshs. 150,000/Call0202598001/ 0722799222/0722232083

2BR Mwimuto 12k/10k 0722-804574 2br Parklands, 25,000/= 0716266150 2BR Sigona Zambezi 10K 0721774752 3Bedroom + Sq Riara rd near


for sale at Kasarani 0707-252316/ 0707252315 Ridgeways 1/2acre 25m 0722850443 50x100 Ruai 200,000/= Truelands 2250594, 0720738141, 0734800400 50x100 Isinya 110,000/=, Truelands 2224667, 0720738141, 0734800400 50x100 Isinya 150,000/=, prime Truelands 2224667, 0720738141 50x100 Ruai 125,000 Truelands 2250594, 0720738141, 0734800400

SHOPS & offices to let Kasarani near

Naivas 0718-770894 SOUTH B between 400-1000 sqft 0722446055/ 0733446055/ 4441195 WESTLANDS 5br 0.5acre 4454285

Nakumatt junction @90,000/= Call 0724-787115 3BR apt 1 ensuite Muringa rd Kilimani 65k Tel 0738-508611 from 7pm 3BR master ensuite flat Athi View complex 19000 solo 0722-736075, 0722230742 ADAMS 1br 8k 0729579496 owner ADAMS 2br 14k 0715916959 owner

MSA rd 4b/d mais 40k 0723977119 MT/View 4bd bung 120k 0722816073 NBI West 2br apt 50K 4454285 NGARA 1b/r 0716-358030 NGARA 3b/r ensuite 0712422955 NGARA 3bed flat 0734-978295 Owner NHC Langata 3br apt 0722813866 N/WEST 3B/R 35K0722925393

BEACH Front Villas in Bamburi 2/3

bedrooms special Easter offer with versatile cooks availble. Nrb 0733 764549, 0725109387 Msa 0722411315 S/pool, DSTV, Accommodation, Parking, Serene Enviro 0732844942

Hotel Costa Mtwapa Pocket Friendly, NEWLY

Refurbished beach villa special easter rate Tel 041-2312123/4 020 556570 0710 470000

NYAYO/EBA 3BR 25K 0725440643


ATTRACTIVE rent: self contained

NYAYO Emba 3br apt 0722813866 NYAYO Estate 3br master ensuite
massionatte 35k 0729-037964

B782 Properties for Sale

2BR Apartments Kiambu Plinth 95 sqm
Price Kshs 4.5M few remaining 4br maisonettes Kitengela Plinth 250 sqm price Kshs 12M Tel: 0718800448 / 0722856900 3BEDROOM apartment Imara executive finish 7.2M 0713047449 3BR+sq Airportview 0733233995 3br+sq Plainsview 17m, 4br Kariba 11m 3br Riverbank+sq 9m 0733233995 3br+sq South Lands 0733233995 3BR KINOO RUNGIRI ON 1/8AC 6.5M 0722790200, 0732229050

KISERIAN off pipeline road near

50x100 Ruai 400,000/=, very prime

Truelands 2224667, 0720738141 RUAI 1/8ac (50x100) 250,000/= 0722 450218,0722986680, Nemuge Co. Ltd RUAI 1/8ac 350,000/= prime with title 0202632731,0722986680 Nemuge Ltd RUAI 1/8acre 120,000/= best s/offer 0722450218, 0722986680 Nemuge
Co. Ltd. Free Viewing Wed & Sat 9.30am

1bed room/studio &bedsitter Eastleigh Sec 3. 0706116647, 0702408937 AVE/PRK 1/BR 6K 0720592200 OWNER BURU 2BRM/HS 14K 0723313935 OWNR

NYUMBALINK Skyline apartments

new gated 500mts behind Tuskys Embakasi 3br m/e @23,000 0716-619989, 0715-270393
5thAv.2BR14K&1BR9k. 0705096448


BURU 4 2br hse 0733245217 owner BUSTANI Villas Msa rd 3br+sq 45K


RUAI 1/8acre 150,000/= sp/offer 0789

0725-939618, 2316208 Global Plan

767109, 0722986680 Nemuge Co. Ltd

RUAI 50x100 250k with t/deeds devd RUAI-JOSKA 40x80 65k, 50x100
400k, KBC 1km 200k, 5km 100k, Kamulu 50x100 400k, 450k & 500k ready titles. Viewing Sat 10.30am. Hope Realty Ltd Tusker Hse opp. Naivas 0727-867432, 0735-696835 RUAI Joska 50x100 400k with t/deeds devd 0725939618 Global Plan

KITENGELA 1/4 1.8m 0725450925 KITENGELA 1/8acre behind E/a

Univ @700,000 opposite newlight sch @1.3m Safaricom area @1.5m ready titles. Tel: 2219459/60, 0722-705101 0722985712 KITENGELA 1/8acre Kshs 1.2m tel: 0720861103 owner KITENGELA 10km from tarmac at KCA 50x100 110,000/- 0722312387 KITENGELA 13km ICT City Malili 50ftx100ft 100,000/- 0722312387 KITENGELA 15km ICT City Malili 50ftx100ft 95,000/- 0733582208 KITENGELA 1ac next Olooloitikoshi Delights-Lodge pipeline Rd 1km off tarmac 0712352252

RUAI KBC 50x100 150K special offer

devd 0725939618 Global Plan

Call 0787-709950 Trinnette phase II I bdrm extension Kshs. 12,000 Call 020-2598001/ 0722232083/ 0722213771

3br Villa Franca 8.5m 0733233995 4BR+sq Akila-I 18.5m 0733233995 4br+sq Fivestar 16m 0733233995 ATHIRIVER new 3bd apt Kshs 4.5m BURUBURU

vacant owner 0722494843 CITY Park Est 3br apart and SQ 70K. 0729-037964 DOLNHOM Spacious 3bedrooms Ksh 25,000/= Tel 0722-801811 Donholm 4br m/ens 0727816618 EASTLEIGH Umoja 1 bedroom Hses, tiled floors, DSTV, hot shower, and Tel: 0722477200, 0720924792,

1&2b /r 0727816618, 0722584668, 0715863225

rooftop s/pool, 24/7 security, internet, Star TV. BANDARI VILLAS - 4 Bedroomed serviced apartment, fans, Star TV Call 0713 984660

NYALI Meiplace serviced apartments,

PRESTIGE Apartments Mtwapa fully


Exec flats 2brm Tel: 0738115242 or 0721329668 P/LANDS 1BR 9K 0726941131 OWNER

furnished 2 & 1b/room self catering s/pool AC DSTV WIFI restaurant 3000/= p/day

RIRONI 1br tarmac 6k 0722255173 RUIRU 4BR Bungalow 40k 0723687678 RUNDA View apts in Ruaka. 3B/r
beautiful finishing. @45k. 0720736295

D571 Hotels
BLUE swallow hotel Diani luxury rms
s/pool BB 4000/- dbl 0733-511719
from Ksh 750 pps 0787885584

EASTLIEGH 1& 2 bdrm flats Kshs.

15,000-20,000- call 020-2598001/ 0724726361/0722232083

0727897999, 0202361152

SAVANNAH 4Br masionette with

SQ near Kamindi 0712126440 SOUTH/B 2BR 15K 0727059133 OWNER SOUTH-B new 1,2br apts, ensuit & studios 23k,29k&36k borehole lift 0729165571, 4451131/2

TOPVILLE Hotel Mtwapa rooms

D557 Apartments available E740 Land Plots for Sale

delivered anywhere 0715-046690 delivered anywhere 0715-046690 in mombasa


Kigwaru Kiambia 1/4ac t/deed ready 9.9M 0731423736


RUAKA plots 0720-041251 RUIRU 40x60 160 b/f,250k, 300k,450k


R/title 0720938283,0705147102 Pattmos RUIRU 60x40 Matangi 525K, title deed 0722681052 v/prime SAMJO

KITENGELA Acacia 1.5acs 0722799093 KITENGELA Near Yukos 1/4ac

Ruiru bypass 1/8 1.5m title 0722557356 RUIRU bypass 50x100 with title Ksh
1.5m Tel 0722695679

plots 2Million Tel: 0734977622 KITENGELA Oltoroto Town near KCA University 50x100 @300k deposit 150k, bal. in 10 months 0715193591, 0724688912 KITENGELA plots 1/8 acre 300k, deposit 150k bal. in 10 months 0720063333 KitenglaTown 1/4a 2.6m 0722885302 KOMOrock plot 120x40 0733276980 KONZA City land /plot 0727920521


Juja farm bypass plots app 50X100 Ngurish invst Ltd 170k - 650k 40% bal in 6 months 0724523948

RUIRU Membly 500metres from Eastern

by-pass 3 bedrooms 0739166961

RUIRU one acre prime t/d 0720366886 RUIRU plot 50x100 with title 300m
from Eastn bypass owner 0720708153

2 Units massionattes built on same plot with each unit comprising of: 4 bedrooms (all en suite) Large living & dinning area Sizeable kitchen Study room All rooms with ceramic Tiles Inbuilt Wardropes High quality finish Water & electricity connected Stone walled perimeter fence With Clean Title Secure place About 800m from main Nrb-Namanga tarmac Rd Price Kshs.16 Million (both units) Ready for occupation by (1st May 2013) 0721552182/0735320532

EMBAKASI - Single rooms old airport road near City Cabanas 5K Tel 0713 158066/ 0717 491 332. FIVE Star Msa Rd. 3br 0722813866 FOURWAYS Jun Kiambu rd 3br & SQ 70K. 0729-037964 FURNISHED 2-3br apart 4454285 Garden Estate 4bdr 100k 0722850443

SOUTH C 2br ens apart 4454285 SOUTH C bedsitters 0724341087 SOUTHC Five Starone 4br+sq
0754996061 65k

in mombasa

SOUTH Park 4br+sq mnet Msa rd

Kshs 45K 0726-596296

HAZINA 4BR+DSQ 0722640629 JAMHURI-II 2b/r flat 0727816618 JAMHURI-II 3bdrms 0772592623 JAMHURIII ware hse 0713019567 KAREN 4bd t/se 90K 0721699161 KAREN 4br with master ensuite and
detached sq Call 0704-741666

SValley 4bd Tse 130K 0722-969343 T/NZE BU mnl/gear 980K Niss AD auto
& mnl KBUs 610K & 650K 0723687678

E768 Premises, Offices to let


Section 9. Commercial building with several lecture rooms ideal for colleges or hostel enquire for details Call - 0202598001 / 0722799222/0733271622


South single & double rooms,Kshs.5,000/-call 020-2598001/0722232083/072577884 1 Apart 0722846673 Owner

UMOJA -1 2br 14,000/= 0722522350 UPER/H 2BR 15K 0725440643


KILELESHWA Milimani Splendour KILIMANI Riara rd 3brm apat all

ensuite + sq 95k 0722760143 Three B/room Bungalows in a gated community near Yukos 23K Tel 0713158066 / 0717 491332 KOMA 3BR MHSE 16K 0720794014 OWNR

UTHIRU87 2br flat 0720693881 VALLEY RD 3br+sq 45k 0723865095 VILLA Franca 4br maisonette
1ensuite+bedsitter 0722656344

KONZA City prime 7.8acres for sale KONZA town - 5 acre plot around
2.5 Km from the ICT fence, going for Kshs 9.5M negotiable. Call 0717583983. Call 0727-209230

RUNDA, Loresho 1/2ac 21M 0722885302 SAGANA 1/4 acre red soil nxt to
Sagana technical 800k 0750780899

GREATWALL 2br apartment classy

finish 4.5m 0720742032


WESTLAND 1br 9k0725133187

Shops available to let in new extension, each with private toilet and store 4m glass front facing car park, reasonable rent, terms and conditions, the BEST location in South Coast, join some of Kenyas leading brands and shops See or contact 0724-853936 or for more details.


SYOKIMAU 1/4ac 2.5m 0721717544 SYOKIMAU 1/8ac 1.5m 0722743852 SYOKIMAU 4Km frm Msa Rd
50x100 1.4M 0727892600 Alleygram

GREENFIELD:4br 6.7M 0722344197 GREEN Hse office: 1300sqft @

Ksh.130 (Excl) on busy Ng'ong rd. 0715008946

WESTLANDS - 1/2 bed furnished/

unfurnished apartments 0722446055 / 0733446055


E782 Properties for Sale

MTWAPA beach villa 2 cottages
s/pool & workshop 39M 0722411084 Web:

HSE for sale Langata Phase-III type D

0736-079882 owner

KONZAtwn 1-50acs title 0722876345 L/KABETE 1 & 1/4acre 0722842020 LAND For Sale Kitui / Kanyangi /
Kanyongonyo 167 acres @150,000/= per acre Neg Call 0722-293791

SYOKIMAU 5acres 48m 0721699161 THIKA 2.5acres prime Indus Kshs15M

Tel 0734595124

THIKA 50x100 ft near Castle. Prime

Ksh 2.9m ono Tel 0708-122827

Loresho prime 1/2acre 0722467230

THK Ngoingwa 80x100 0727657205

4broom water & power Tel 0728249724 owner KAHAWA Sukari 4br+sq 1/4 acre plot 30m ono 0720-769732

Jogoo rd Posta 2br 3.6m 0724516954 KABETE 1 /4acre for sale with

KOMAROCK 4br mais 0722813866 KOMAROCK Sec 3B hse 178 KUGERIA est 3b/r off Kiambu rd
0727816618, 0722584668 0711788255/0719424535

WESTLANDS spacious 2bdr flat

24hr security 45k 0723-313245

3bedroom maisonette with 1b/r extension. Decent 0724892945

W/LANDS SQ 6K 0721383711

NEW 4 UNITS 1 B/R & 2 B/S Tiled

Title 6M Jahazi Marine 0722313198

B817 Wanted to Rent

OPEN yard with offices & water for
repairs & selling cars within Nbi area 0722144300

E789 Properties to Let

New Exec 1BR 8500 & B/S 5500

LANGATA & Jamhuri 1&2br 18-23k

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Transition 59
Death and Funeral Announcement
We regret to announce the passing on of Paul Karanja Mwangi (Nairobi West) after he was shot by robbers on Thursday night. He was the husband of Rachel Mukami Karanja. Father of Peter Mwangi John Gichiri, Jeremiah Kamau and David Kabera. Son of the late Peter Mwangi Ruthi and Margret Muthoni. Son in-law of John Guchiri and viginia Muthoni (Mai Mahiu). Brother of Jeremiah Kamau, Julius Njoroge, Damaris Mwihaki, Joseph Kamina, Elizabeth Mugure, John Kabiro, Monicah Njoki and Geoffrey Njuguna. Cousin of Paul Mwangi Nguku (Kitale) and many others. Funeral arrangements are going on at his fathers home at Mucharage in Trans Nzoia County. The cortege leaves Mount Elgon Hospital mortuary on Wednesday at 8.00 a.m. for burial at his mucharage farm in Trans Nzoia County. May he rest in peace.

We, the family of the late Eng. Kennedy Otieno Jaccojwang wish to express deep and sincere gratitude to all those who shared our sadness, celebrated his life and supported us following his untimely death. Thank you for the phone calls, text messages, cards and visits, as well as the spiritual, emotional and nancial assistance that you accorded us. We wish to recognize the tremendous and invaluable contributions of family, friends, our funeral committee in Nairobi and Seme, and others who partook in the process. We highly appreciate the support and encouragement of BOC Gases, friends (Kenya and Zambia), Upperhill Junior and Matumbato residents. Special thanks to Rev. Adera and Rev. Mutangili (AIC Plainsview) and Rev.Yonah (Runda AIC) who stood by us during the trying moments. Since we cannot mention each one of you, be assured your input and contributions were all the way very much appreciated. Through standing with us you gave us strength and grace to bear this great loss.

Death and Funeral Announcement

Its with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of Charles Githira (Mwangi) Magira. Son of the late Jimna Magira and Peris Wanjiru Magira.. Husband of the late Agnes Wangari Mwangi. Father of Jimnah Magira, Daniel Njoroge, Stanley Kamithi and Solomon Mugwima. He was son-in-law to Daniel Njoroge Kagunyi and the late Jane Wanjiru Njoroge. Brother of the late Catherine Nyambura, the late Stanley Kamithi, the late Esbon Imera, Samuel Ngungu, Jane Njeri, Eunice Wanjiku, Margret Waigwe,Timothy Kanagi and Benson Gitau. Brother in-law of Stephen Karuditu. Grace Imera, Jemimah Wachuka, John Kanyua, John Hawkins, Winnie Nyambura, Joseph Mwariri and Nyambura Gitau. Friend and relatives are meeting daily at his home Watuha, Kangema and at Ebony meeting chambers 2nd oor Tom Mboya Street Nairobi from 5.30pm

Eng. Kennedy Otieno Jaccojwang

Paul Karanja Mwangi

Charles Githira (Mwangi) Magira

God bless you all abundantly for your kindness.

Death and Funeral Announcement Gone too Soon

We the family of Jennifer sadly announce the departure of our beloved Jenny. She departed us on 19th March 2013 after a battle with illness at Kenyatta Hospital. Funeral Arrangements are going on at her parents home at K. South. A Mini-harambee for relatives & friends will be held on 26th March 2013 at Antonios Restaurant next to Holy family Bacillica. Main Harambee to be held at her parents home on March 24th from 5.00 p.m. The body will leave Chiromo on 28th March 2013 for her parents home and later on the same day travel up-country for burial. Jenny will be laid to rest on 30th March 2013 at her parents rural home at 2.00 p.m
It is with deep sorrow but humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of Geoffrey Kipkurui Chelelgo (Kipkapto) of Siginon Group Logistics Mombasa after a long illness. He was the son of the Late Micah Chelelgo Kipkapto and Elizabeth Kabon Chelelgo. Step-son of Susan Sote Chelelgo. Loving Husband of Viola Biwott, Father to Elvis Kimutai and Marion Chebaibai. Brother to Late Hellen Chesire, Mary Ojiambo, Late Alfred Kapto, Livingston Kapto, John Kapto and Winnie Tomno. StepBrother to Irene, Caroline, Dinah, Leah, Naomi and Late Kipkogei. Son-in-Law to James Kibet Kibiwott, Magdalene Kabon, Anna Kimoi and Mary Teriki of Muserechi. Brother-in-Law to Chesire, Ojiambo, Mary, Leonida, Jeniffer, David, Peninah, Japheat, Emily, Charles, Faith, Gilbert among others. Fundraising to offset Medical Bill and Funeral Expenses will be held at home Kiplombe-Kokorwonin and in Nairobi at Rosette Restaurant (Harambee Plaza) same day on Wednesday 27th March 2013 from 5.00 pm. MPESA0717069100. The Cortege leaves Aga Khan University Hospital Mortuary on 30th March 2013 for prayers and Burial at his home Kiplombe (Kokorwonin-Village), Eldama-Ravine. I have fought the good ght, I have nished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7

The cottage leaves Mathari Hospital Mortuary in Nyeri on Thursday 28th March 2013 at 8 am. Funeral service will be at Rutumo Ack St.Peter Church Kangema. Burial will take place at his home next to the church. May God rest his soul in eternal peace. Amen

Gitwe Girls Secondary School Geoffrey Kipkurui Chelelgo (Kipkapto)

The BOG, PTA and the entire Gitwe Girls Secondary School fraternity sadly announce the death of our student; Catherine Wambui Karomo. Daughter of George Karomo Kimani and Jane Njeri Karomo. Sister of Lilian Wanjuhi Karomo (Ndumberi Girls), Sherline Wanjiku (Simmoga Valley Academy) and Brian Kimani.

Death and Funeral Announcement

Jennifer Wesa Akatsa

Rest in eternal peace Jenny We love you but God loves you more.

Death and Funeral Announcement

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of Mary Chedi Lino. Formerly of Kenya Police which occured on 22/ 03/2013 at Pandya Memorial Hospital Mombasa after a short illness. She was the daughter of Mr & Mrs Danson Lino Melanyi. Mother of Joyce Yula Nguta and Martha Mutava. Sister of Melanyi, Mdachi, Wakesho, Loshewu and Mombo. Prayer and meetings are taking place at 4.30 p.m. at Pandya Hospital. The Cortege leaves Pandya Hospital on Friday 29/03/13 at 10.00 a.m. Funeral Service and burial will take place on Saturday 30/03/13 at their home Mahoo Taveta.

Death and Funeral Announcement

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the sudden death of Lydiah Nyarangi Oyugi (former TKL) on 21st March 2013. She was the wife to the late Jones Batasi Nyambati and daughter to Martha Kwamboka and the late James Oyugi Onsarigo. She was daughter-in-law to the late Nyambati Arara and the late Rebecca Nyarinda (Nyagware village mokomoni sub-location kiabonyoru division nyamira north)mother to Rebecca Batasi (former student Kenya High 2012) and Edwin Nyambati of Nyambaria Boys High School. Sister of Bosibori (former TKL), Joyce, Richard Josphine, Fred, late Onsarigo and Maureen. Step sister to Shem and Momanyi. Sister in-law to Margret Ronald, Cllr. Jimmy late Orpha Miriam Nyonga and Beatrice. Niece to late Kiana, late Onsarigo (Kitale), Nyanchama, Truphena, Cannon Onsarigo (F.T.C), Nyabeta (Kitale) Biransio and late Areri. Cousin to Kiana (KNH), Jenifer (Nation) Margret, Milly, Gatembe (OCS Ruai) Evans, Edna, Mrs. Obino (P.H.Q) Kangina. Aunt to Dennis (USA), Divina Nicholas and Makori, Davis of K.U and Moruri.

The cortege leaves Kihara Sub-District Mortuary on Wednesday 27th March, 2013, followed by burial at her parents home, Ruaka near Slaughter on the same day. In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you live forever. Amen.

Catherine Wambui Karomo

Mary Chedi Lino

Lydiah Nyarangi Oyugi

Our hearts may grieve but your extra ordinary Love, Care, Strength and Character remain our Shield. May God rest her soul in Eternal peace

Gone Too Soon

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the sudden death of Collins Odhiambo Okongo after a brutal attack at huruma roundabout family house on 17 th march 2013. His body is lying at Kenyatta University Funeral Home NRB. Husband of Lancer Adipo, Loving father of Seline Akinyi and Kingsley Alando. Son of Joseph Okongo Alando and Seline Akinyi Okongo (Kasgunga Dwele, Gembe Central, Suba District). Son-in-law of Francis Adipo and Pamela Adipo (Asembo). Brother of Aine Adero Onyango (Kengen), Damianus Ajwang, Christine Anyango and Betty Atieno Okongo. Relatives and friends are meeting daily at their Huruma Roundabout family hse No. B6/4. There will be harambee on Wednesday 27/3/2012 at Garden Square from 5:00 p.m. Well wishers can send their donations via MPESA no 0722-899526. Rest in Peace.


Friends and relative are meeting at gardens square on Monday 25, 26/03/2013 respectively for their fundraising and main harambee will be at Professional Centre on Wednesday 27/3/2013. The cortege will leave Chiromo Mortuary on Thursday 28/03/2013 and proceed for funeral service to be held at their home in nyagware village Mokomoni Kiabonyoru Division, Nyamira North District on Friday 29/03/2013

Death and Funeral Announcement

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of Benedette Mbithe Wambua which occurred on 22nd March, 2013 after a long battle with cancer, bravely borne. Daughter of late Harun Matolo Mukuthi and Leah Muthoki Matolo.Wife of the late Martin Wambua Musisia. Mother of Mary Ndeto (Transition Authority), Anastasia Mutisya Kisini (Tala Boys), Francis Kioko, Victoria Muthoki, Prexides Nzisa (Athi River), CIavia Gathiru (Fidelity Bank), Sylvester Nthakyo (Athi River Police), Angelica Nduku (National Bank-Ruiru), Sr. Evelyn Kalondu (USA) and late Conzalis Nzula Kikotha. Motherin-law of Harry Ndeto, Pimark Kisini, the late Francis Gathua, James Muasya, Nicholas Kikotha, Rose Kioko and Lucia Nthakyo.

Promotion To Glory

Collins Odhiambo Okongo

Aunt of Victor Ndolo, Fidelis, Winny, Kitungu, Pauline Kimeu, Stella Mutisya, the late Kivondo and Muema among others. Sister of Gregory Musembi, Naomi Mutile, the late Regina Paul Angelina Paul, Helena Muasa, Luici Mumbe and Margaret Mwelu among others. Sisterin-law of the late Lawrence Musisia, the late Agustine Musisia, the late Benedict Musisia, Brigid Muinde among others. Grandmother of Jennifer Ndeto (State Law Ofce), Dr. Faith Ndeto (Mama Lucy Hospital),Winlaus Wambua (Safari Park), Mbithe Wambua (Fairmont), Georgina Mbithe (Windsor Hotel), Ndanu, Jessica, Emily, Nzula and Mwende among others. Great grandmother of Fredrick Mulamula, Mark and Stacy. Family Members, relatives and friends are meeting for prayers and funeral arrangements at All Saints Cathedral from Monday 25th March, 2013 to Thursday starting from 6.00pm and at her home Mbilini Village, Kangundo, Machakos County. Burial and funeral Service will be announced later.

Benedette Mbithe Wambua

We the Munyao family announces with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of Gods will the death of our beloved mama Rael Syomiti Kivuvo who passed away on the 20th March, 2013. Wife of the late John KivuvoMunyao. Daughter of the late Munguti Mbili and late Anna Mbete Kivanga (Kalimani Kdo). Daughter in law of the late Munyao Kasovya and Kathule Munyao (Katoe). Mother of Consolata Maingi (Machakos), Celestine Mutei (rtd nurse Kdo), Gregory Muthoka (Gikomba), Peter Nzoka, Mary Sela Mulwa, Abednego Munyao, Antony Ndolo (Athi River), Michael Mbithi (K.Police,Rachuonyo), Daniel Kitonga (Msa), Bendetta Kathule (Agility Log) & Christopher Kitonyi (Businessman Kikambuani). Mother-in law of Theresia Muthoka, Eunice Nzoka,Norah Munyao, Gladys mbithi (CID, Buruburu), Angela Kitonga (brinks security) & Anjelina Kitonyi; late Maingi Kinuthia (Mks), Joseph Mutei &David Mulwa. In-laws of late Aloice, Muindi,late Titus Mbau (Mukaa kilungu), Benjamin Kithome (Matiliku) & late Simon Muasya (Karaba Mwea). Sister of Muthio Mutie (Kalimani Kdo), late Kitonyi Munguti, late Elija Matheka & late Nzau Munguti. Grandmother of Salome, Mbithi, Fidelis, Kivuvo, Nzoka, Harrison, Muthike, Linet, Munyao, Robert, John, Keith & Kivovo kitonyi. She is survived by 20 grandchildren. Family and friends are meeting at Afya Centre Mez r and at her home Ikulu village Kanzalu. A fundraiser will take place tomorrow Wednesday 27/3/2013 at Afya Centre from 6.30 p.m. Cortege leaves Kenyatta University mortuary on Saturday 30/3/2013 at 9.00 am and burial at her Ikulu village home Kangundo district. I am weak and poor, come to me quickly Oh God.You are my savior Oh Lord, Hurrry to my aid Pslas 70:5

Death and Funeral Announcement

Daniel Kiura Githumbi

14/11/59 22/03/2013
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will, that we announce the death of Daniel Kiura Githumbi. He was taken ill on 21st March 2013 and died on 22nd March 2013 at Karen Hospital. The late Daniel worked at the Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources- Headquarters until his death. Husband of Scholastica Mukima Kiura of Ofce of the President Police Department. Father of Frank Kibe of SDV Transami and Lucy Karimi of Fidenza Nursing School- Kyeni. Father in law of Lilian Kibe of Music Copyright Society. Son of Lucy Wambura Simon and the late Simon Githumbi Son in Law to the late Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kibe of Gatundu, Gatei Village. Brother of Charles Koori (CBK), late Peter Mwangi, Michael Njuguna (BHC), Jane Githumbi (Kerugoya Hosp.) Catherine Muthoni (Karoti Secondary School) and Alice Githumbi (La-Marina Restaurant), Monica among others. Brother in Law to Daniel Anthony Kibe, Martha Kimani, Ruth Mugambi, Margret Mungai and Mary Kimani among others. Relatives and friends are meeting daily at Tin-Tos Restaurant, Co- operative Bank House from 25th March 2013 from 5.30 P.M. The Cortege will leave Montezuma Funeral Home on Thursday 28th March 2013 at 7.00a.m, for burial at Kaweru Village, Karumandi Location, Kirinyaga County. We love you Daniel but God loves you most. Rest in peace our beloved.

Rael Syomiti Kivuvo

60 | Transition
It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce untimely death of Joseph Mwangi Mugori following a tragic road accident on 22nd March, 2013 a long Jogoo Road Nairobi. He was Son of Mr. and Mrs. David Z.M. Ngugi of Oljabet Marmanet, Laikipia County. Brother of Zachary Ngugi (Fairmont Norfolk Hotel), Elizabeth Wanjiru Kamande (Ministry of Health), John Njoroge (Green Hills Hotel Nyeri). Brother in-law of Joyce Tayo (Hilton Hotel) and Samuel Kamande. Friends and relatives are meeting daily for prayers and funeral arrangements at his parents home in Oljabet Marmanet. The cortege leaves Nyahururu District Hospital Mortuary at 8:30 a.m. on 28th March, 2013 followed by the burial on the same day at His parents home in Oljabet Marmanet. In Gods Hands you are in a better place. In our souls, you will always be cherished forever. Rest in peace Brother.

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Death and Funeral Announcement

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the sudden death of Duncan Ngatia Wakahia, who was the proprietor of Bridge School, Maua, Meru County. Husband of Winnie Karambu and father of Caleb Wakahia & Joy Nyaguthii. Son of Daniel Wakahia & Joyce Nyaguthii of Muramati Farm, brother of Peter Wangai, Margaret Wairimu, Geoffrey Gakunga, Samuel Gakwa and the late Gathure. The cortege leaves Maua Methodist Hospital Mortuary at 8.00am on Thursday 28.03.2013 for burial which will be held on the same day at Muramati farm, Ndaiga, Nanyuki. Teacher Dan We loved you, but God loved you more. Rest in eternal peace. Amen

Death and Funeral Announcement

Joseph Mwangi Mugori

Duncan Ngatia Wakahia

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the departure of our beloved brother Erick Anyumba (Nyambu) formally of Madison Insurance Nairobi on 20/03/2013 at MP Shah Hospital Nairobi. Husband of Phylis Anyumba (KCB-KICC Branch). Loving father of Teddy Anyumba (Maseno School) and Ian Anyumba (Juniorate School Komarock). Son of late James and Hellen Chao Anyumba (Apondo Kasaye, Nyakach District). Grandson of late Silfano and Mariam Anyumba (Kasaye Village), Zephenia and Sylvia Nyambu (Taita Taveta). Brother of Esther Achieng, Mary Atinga (Kisian Sec, Sch.), Sceva, Frank Njuma, Raymond Obonyo (Nyeri Baptist),Wanja, Evelyne, Stephen, George Mboha, Sila Mboha (Moi Girls Nbi.), Boniface, Gerald, Bollins, Caroline Achieng (UNICEF), Risper, Terry, Sarah, Rehema, Pamela and Beryl. Nephew of late William Mboha, late Ogada, late Melly, Washington Okal, Manase Michura, Ajode,Wilkister, Merab, late Jane, Hulda, Janet, Nelly, Gladys, Risper, Sophia, Bahati, Ogen among others. Son-in-law of William and Rebeca Omukuba (Khwisero Ebuchero Kisa). Brother-in-law of Enock, Atinga, Lily, Caro, Lorna, Kisaka, Hezbon, Cheruiyot, Hermon and Otigo among others. Friends and relatives are meeting daily at his residence in Komarock Estate Sec. 3B Hse# 96 and Antonios Restaurant from 5pm. There will be a fundraising to assist in settling the medical bill on 28/03/2013 at Proffesional Centre from 5pm. The cortege leaves Chiromo on 04/04/2013 for a funeral service at Bethel Baptist Church-Komarock 3pm, thereafter the body will proceed to his residence in Komarock for an overnight stay. Burial will take place on 06/04/13 at his home Apondo Kasaye village, Nyakach District. The lord gave, and the lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the lord. RIP(Job 1:21).

Death and Funeral Announcement

Erick Anyumba

It is with profound grief that we announce the passing on of Emily Koki Mwendwa after a long battle with cancer. Loving wife of David Mwendwa Kitonyo. Adoring mother of Sammy Mwendwa (C.I. Kitui), Mary Kennedy (Teacher Kitui),Alice Musyoni (Nrb) and Nleson Kanyalya Mwendwa (Businessman Nrb). Mother-in-law of Rev. Kennedy Mulanga (Kitui), John Munyoki (Vege-pro Ltd Co.), Risper Sammy (K-Rep, Kitui) and Sarah Kanyalya (KCB Hqs Nrb). Granny to Kasyoka, Emily, Dina, Koki, Eliaza, Nyakio and Mwendwa. Sister and sister-in-law of many. Friends and relatives are meeting daily at KNUT House basement from 6.30pm. There will be a major fundraising on Wednesday 27/0/2013 at KNUT house 2nd r conference hall from 6.00pm. The cortege leaves Chiromo Mortuary on Saturday 30/03/2013 at 8.00am for a funeral service and burial at her home in Kamumbu village, Kitui County. In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you live forever.

Celebration of Life Well-lived



Emily Koki Mwendwa Jane Wanjiku Kanyi

1952 - 2003

It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the sudden death of George Otieno Ogola (Kenya Railways Mombasa) on 19th Mar 2013. He was the son of Mzee Edward Ogola Onyullo and Dorca Ogola (Obaga Village, South Asembo, Rarieda District). Step son of the late James Ochung, Peris, Dr. George Onyulo (USA), Maureen (KQ), Jared Otieno (Obaga village) among others. Son-in-law of the late Richard Odima Otin and Eunita Odima (Olua Ngiya). Husband of Linda Otieno (Utawala Nairobi), father of Ashley Candy Awino. Brother of George Janam, Grace Okeno (Min. of Livestock Headquarters), Margaret (Kenya Poly), Jane Njoga (Oyugis), Peter Okoth (Lands Kisumu), Mary, Monica Odemba, Ngala, Kadogo all deceased, Margaret Oluoch, Lilian Omondi (CBK-Kisumu) among others. Brother in law of Henry Achola, Samuel Okeno, Solomon Njoga, Tom Odemba, Agnes, Doris, Betty, (Fred, Sandra, Connie, Faith, Ann) of Odima family. Uncle of Peris, Otieno (KCB Malaba), Kevin Onyango, Kevin Njoga, Alyn, James Ochieng, Onyango Achola, Calisto (China) among others. Body is lying at Chiromo Mortuary Nairobi. Friends and relatives are meeting daily at Garden Square and his residence Utawala in the evening for funeral arrangement. Main fundraising to offset funeral expenses will be held Wednesday 27th March 2013 at Garden Square from 5.00 pm. Burial and funeral service will be announced later. I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:6

Celebration of Life Well Lived

Henry Chege Mwithaga (Ash)
18/03/60 - 28/02/13 We, the family of the Late Henry Chege Mwithaga (Ash), wish to convey our heartfelt gratitude to the almighty God for giving us the privilege of knowing Henry. We express our sincere thanks to all relatives, friends, and well-wishers for their overwhelming presence and more so, prayers during Henrys hospitalization, throughout preparations for the funeral and after. We wish to especially appreciate all the groups which contributed so wholeheartedly towards the funeral. Since it is not possible to mention each one of you who shared in our grief, showed your concern, and gave so generously during this difcult time, please accept this acknowledgement as a humble token of our appreciation to you.

Elizabeth Wangari Kanyi

1979 - 2012

It is now 10 years & 1 year since our dear mother Jane Wanjiku Kanyi & dear sister Elizabeth Wangari Kanyi left us. We still thank God even when we miss you painfully for it is Him who knows why. Dearly missed by your husband & father Samuel Hiuhu Kanyi,your children & siblings Andrew Kanyi, Edward Nduati & Joyce Wanjiru. In Gods hands you rest but in our hearts you live forever.

George Otieno Ogola

Promotion To Glory

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing-on to glory of our beloved Mama Florence Nyakerario Bogonko from Kambini Village which occurred on 22/03/2013 at Ram Hospital Kisii. A Loving wife of the late Ibrahim Bogonko Mokaya. Daughter of the late Miranga and late Kerubo. Daughter-in-law of the late Mokaya Nyagesero. Mother to the late Mokaya, Moraa, Obiero, Gesare, Nyabate, Bosire, late Ombui, Ogwaro, Mokeira, late Mongare, late Ogeto, Makori. Aunt of the late Ombonyo,Geteri, Mokaya, late S. Ogeto, Ombonyo, W. Swanya, Simeon, Michael, late Orandi, Kennedy and James. Mother-in-law of Jerusa, Agnes, late Jane, Elizabeth, Nyamoita, Bathsheba, late Phyllis, Moruri, late Yucabeth, Agnes. Grandmother of George, Dr. Evans, Duke, Fred, Geoffrey, Samuel, Darwin, Elikana, Isaac, Evans, Job, Nyasimi Ogeto, Nathan, Grace, Kerubo, Zipporah, Irene, Lillian, Nancy and a great grandmother of many. Sister of late Kwamboka, Bonareri, late Nyambane, Late Ikobe, Nyachwaya, Oira, Ongondo, Nyangena, Mwangi. Sisterin-law of late Nyasimi, Ombui, late Swanya, late Matwere, late Machira, late Mayieka, Nyanoti. Korera of late Matara, late Bosire, late Ongweso, late Magetto, Makori, late Moindi, late Onchaga, late Otino, late Machuki, Bisonga. A funds drive will be held today 26th March 2013 at Garden Square Nairobi as from 5.30 p.m. The cortege leaves Ram Mortuary on Thursday 28th and burial will take place at her home in Kambini Village, Sungututa sub-location, Gesima Location, Masaba North District, Nyamira County on Friday 29/03/2013. In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you remain forever, Amen!!

Celebration of a Life Well Lived

Celebration of Life Well Lived

Mama Florence Nyakerario Bogonko Beth Nyakihiu Thumbi Sarah Wanjiku Mbatia
Sunrise 1926- 21/3/2013
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of our dear mother Sarah Wanjiku Mbatiah the wife of the late Benson Mbatiah Muya of Eldoret, Kimumu. She was the beloved mother of Zacharia Mbatia (Eldoret), late Julius Mirie Mbatia (Ndondori), Eunice Njoki (Subukia), Philiph Waweru Mbatia (director-RBM Thika, late pastor Titus Wahienya Mbatiah (Chrisco Church-Eldoret). Martha Njeri, late Joseph Gathungu, late George Ngaruiya, Reuben Kamanu, Johnson Kahira Mbatia of (RAI-PLY wood K. Ltd -Eldoret), E. Kuria Mbatia (CMC Motors Nakuru) and Charles Mbatia. Survived by many grandchildren and great grandchildren.
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we celebrate the promotion to glory of our dear mum, Beth Nyakihiu Thumbi. Daughter of late Muturi Kiragu and the late Njeri Muturi. Wife of the late Phares Thumbi Wambari. Co-wife to the late Margaret Wahu and Mary Kanyi. Mother of Wambari and Bilhah, Esther Kimani, Prof. Muturi Thumbi and Miriam, Lilian Njeri and Thuku, Charity Nyamweru, Fred Chege and Mary, Samuel Mbugua and Margaret, John Gichuha and Irene. Step Mother of Wambari and Miriam, Wambui, Chege, Mwika, Nyamweru, Kanoo, Rahab, Wanjiru, Late Wambui,Waithira,Wambari and Esther, Muigai and Ann, Chege and Florence, Dr. Nyamweru and Phaita, Njenga and Nelly. Sister of Rev. George Ngugi, Monica Njoki, Sarah Nyagithima, Rahab Muthoni and late Samuel Mbugua. Grandmother and great grandmother to many. Family and friends are meeting at St. Andrews church Old Church Hall from 5.30pm on Tuesday 26th, 27th and 28th March and also at her home at Gatana village from 4.00pm The cortege will leave Lee Funeral home on Saturday 30th March at 9.00am for a church service at PCEA Laban Kimungu Memorial Church at 12.00pm and burial thereafter at her home at Gatana village, Githunguri Division, Kiambu County. Our dear Mum, you fought a good ght, nished the race and kept the faith. (2 Tim. 4:7-8)

It is with the deepest regret and greatest sorrow that we announce the tragic and sudden demise of Mr. Chimanlal Meghji Naya Sumaria Shah of Padamshi Naya & Co. Ltd. Beloved son of the late Mr. Meghji Naya and late Mrs. Viraben Meghji Sumaria of Dabasang. Son-in-law of late Jeshang Ramji and late Mrs. Monghiben Jeshang Jankharia of India. Most beloved husband of Mrs. Lilaben Chimanlal Sumaria. Father of Niksha, Poonam and Darshan. Brother of Kanchan Nemchand Shah, late Sobhagchand Meghji of London and Nitin Meghji of Padamshi Naya & Co. Ltd. Brother-in-law of Daxa Nitin, Nemchand Harakchand, Nemchand Jechang, Dhanji Jeshang, Vanita Vijay and Preeti Navin of Mumbai, India. Uncle of Cyril, Raakhi, Ankeet, Urvi, Smit, Sagar, Parul, Kavita, Bhavin and Jigar. Funeral cortege will leave Oshwal Centre at 2.30 p.m for Hindu Crematorium on Tuesday 26th March 2013. Prayers will be held at 8.00 pm on Tuesday 26th March 2013 at Oshwal Centre, Ring Road Parklands Opposite Nakumatt Okay Centre. May his soul rest in Eternal Peace. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Jai Jinendra, Jai Mahavir, Jai Ambe

Death and Funeral Announcement

Chimanlal Meghji Naya Sumaria Shah

Family and friends are meeting daily at her home- Eldoret Kimumu farm from 6.00 p.m. The cortege leaves Moi Teaching and Referal Hospital at 8.30 a.m. on 28/3/3013, for burial and service in Kiplombe cemetery.

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Transition 61
We announce the death of Mama Winnie Nduta Mbogo which occurred on Thursday 21st March 2013 in Nairobi. Wife of the late Reuben Mbogo of Karunge Village, Mathioya District. Mother of Zipporah Wangeci, Beatrice Wambui, Edward Gikabia, Millicent Wanja, Ephraim Kamau, Gladys Wangui Muchiri, Marion Mbogo and Margaret W. Kamau. Grandmother of Reuben Mbogo of Airtel Kenya, Crispus Mbogo of Coffee Development Fund, Anthony Githimbu of Telkom, Edward Maina of APA Insurance, Winnie Nduta of KARI, Reuben Mbogo of Wangige, Winnie Nduta of Rongai, Johnson Njairia, Jane Wangari of Cooperative Bank Thika, Tom and Reuben Mbogo Muchiri, Winnie Nduta Mwangi, Zipporah Wangeci and Linet Wambui of Kibutha Girls High School and Beatrice Wambui. Friends and relatives are meeting at Timboroa Hotel, Sheikh Karume road, every evening from 6.00 pm beginning Monday 25th March 2013. On Saturday 30th March, 2013, burial ceremony will be held at her home after a memorial service at ACK Trinity Church, Karunge at 11.00 am.

Following the death of mama Pacica Mongina Orumi which occurred, on 21.3.2013, the family wishes to invite friends and relatives to a fundraising to meet burial expenses on Wednsday 27th March,2013 at Tinto Restuarant (Upstairs) Cooperative House next to Bom blast Memorial Park from 5.00 p.m. Wife of Orumi Oigo Sister-in-law of Oseko Oigo, Abuta Oigo, Aricha Oigo, Maroro Miyoro, Onderi Chairo, Onderi Obegi, Late Abigael Oseko, late Sigara Oseko, late Nyamusi Orumi, late Robina Magoma among others. Mother of Zablon, Evans Orumi (Ministry of Lands) Nyanchongi, Abel Orumi (HT Kemoreko) Charles (UN Sudan), Nelson (KPLC Nyeri) Nyamusi, Nyanchama, late Meshack Juma, Orangi Oseko, Orangi Orumi, Zablon Oigo, late Oigo Orumi, Oseko (KRA), Isaac Mbaka, Hezekiel, James Oigo, Charles Oigo, Hezekiel, Mayianda, Hellen Moraa, Kerubo, late Kanisa, Kwamboka mamori, Kanisa, Abincha. Mother in-law of Mary, Gladys, Bosibori, Ebisiba Sarange, Pauline, Jelia, Maria, Linet (KPLC). Grand mother of Orumis, Osekos, Irene Mbaka(KPLC), Josephine, Rose (Migration), Orumi Oigo (OP) among others. Aunt of Onyimbo, Johnson Masenge, Nyabicha, Enock, Bongoye and others. Sister of the late Nyaboke, late Nyarangi, Mokobi, Milka and Kemunto. The cortege leaves Hema Mortuary on Friday 29th March,2013 at 2.00 p.m. to Magena-Emesa for funeral service. The burial will be on 1st April,2013. Baba you meant a lot to our hearts and may your soul rest in peace

Death and Funeral Announcement

Death And Funeral Announcement

Pacica Mongina Orumi

Winnie Nduta Mbogo

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of L.Leader Nason Munguti Nzuki of ABC Ngoleni on 22nd March 2013.Husband to the late Sarah Muthue. Son of the late Jorum Nzuki Itumo and the late Rebecca. Step son of Rael Nundu. Father of Simon, Beatrice, Late Willy,Martin,Annah,Ta bitha,Rev.Sammy Samson, Agnes, Ruth, Elizabeth, and Late Peninah. Brother of Mwikali, late Mbithi, Kilila and Nzioka.Step brother to Thomas, Philip, Grace, Phoebe, Esther among others. Grandfather of Pstr Abed, Judy among others. Father-in-law of Muthoka, Barak, Susan, Cecilia among others.

Promotion To Glory

Alex Ndegwa Mwihia

It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of Alex Ndegwa Mwihia on 10th March 2013 in Perth, Australia. He was the son of Frederick Mwai Mwihia and the late Enid Kaguna Mwihia. Brother to Sheila Mwihia and Martin Munene. Stepson to Rodah Njeri and Stepbrother to Ruth Nyambura. The body arrived in Nairobi from Australia yesterday Monday, March 25th. There will be a memorial service on Wednesday, March 27th at the Mamlaka Hill Chapel at 2:00pm. The cortege leaves the Lee Funeral Home on Thursday, March 28th at 8:00 a.m for burial at his parents home in Kirinyaga.

I have fought a good ght, I have nished the race, I have kept the faith 2Tim 4:8

Friends and relatives are meeting at Magomano Restaurant in Nairobi on Monday to Wednesday from 5.30p.m and daily at his residence Ngoleni, kathiani Location.The cortege leaves Machakos Funeral Home on Thursday 28th March 2013 at 8.30 a.m. for burial at his home Ngoleni Sub-location, Kathiani District, Machakos County, burial service starts at 11a.m. L.Leader you have fought the good ght, nished the race and kept the faith. Rest in Peace.

L.Leader Nason Munguti Nzuki

It is with great sadness, we announce the passing away of Joseph Rutunu Macharia on 18th March 2013 In Mckinney (Texas-USA). He hails from Othaya, Nyeri. Loving husband of Anne Gathoni Rutunu (Texas), Loving father of Stella Nayla Rutunu (Saudi Arabia), late Martin Rutunu, Diana Rutunu (Germany), Angela Nkonu (Kenya) and Abu Rutunu (Texas). Son of the late William Macharia and late Haggar Nyatetu, Son-in law of the late Kabue Kariuki and Catherine Wangui. Brother of late Rahab Wangui, Jean Matu, David Wambugu, Christopher Gacheche, John Karegi, Hosea Muriuki, Leah Njoki, Anne Chege and Hellen Ngari. Brother in law of Charles Kariuki, Wanjiru Gitu, Gladwin Njoroge and Edward Njogu. Father-inlaw of Saud Karama,Tom Kimoi Mwibanda and Michael Kwame Nkonu. Loving Guka of Kairu and Eli Kimoi, A and Rutunu Nkonu, Saeed, Majid, Rowan and Hatim Karama amongst others. Uncle of many.

Lifes Race Well Run

I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever. Psalm 23: 6b

It is with acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of Douglas Mwangi Mutitu (Mzaliwa), formely of Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) that occurred on 21/3/2013 after a short illness. Son of the late Dishon Kabae Mutitu and the late Esther Njeri Kabae. Husband to Mary Njeri Mwangi . Father to Catherine Muthoni (Concern World Wide), Caroline Wanjiku (Capacity Kenya- Ministry of Public Health), Diana Wanjiru (Mombasa), Pauline Nyambura (New Milimani SACCO), Elizabeth Wanjeri (Milango Micro Finance), Morris Mutitu (Mzaliwa Hardware, Mombasa),Grace Waithira (formerly St Francis Girls, Mangu) and James Kanja. Brother to Millicent Wanjiru, Linus Kabugu, Keziah Wanjiku, Evans Kamau, the late Jane Mbaire, Eudious Wambui, the late Julia Wangari and John Maina (National Cereals and Produce Board, Mwea Depot). Father in law to Michael Ndichu (PLAN Kenya), Francis Irungu (National Housing Corporation, NHC), and Lazarus Nengo (Mundeke Enterprises, Mombasa). Grandpa to Douglas Mwangi, Leroy Ndichu, and Wesley Kariuki. The Cortge leaves Kiria ini Mission Hospital Mortury, on saturday 30/3/2013 at 9 am. Burial Service will be at ACK, St Stephen, Kiambugi, at 12 noon and burial thereafter at his home in Munyu Village. Friends and relatives are meeting daily at his Munyu home (4- 6 pm), Holy Family Basilica, St Bhakita Hall (5.30pm). Mombasa at his Home Kiembeni, St Pauls Kiembeni ACK Church from 4 PM, and Mundeke Bar Kiembeni from 7pm.

Celebration of Life

There will be a memorial service held on Friday, 29th March at 2.00 p.m. at Emmanuel Baptist Church, Kingara Rd off Gitanga Rd. The body will leave Nairobi from Umash Funeral Home at 7.30 a.m. on 30th Saturday for Gachami Village, Rukira Location, Othaya, Nyeri, where the burial will take place. Meetings are being held daily from 6.00 p.m. at Walkers Cafe, Re-insurance Plaza Nairobi. Well wishers can send their donations via Mpesa to 0700189595. The pain of our loss shows what you have given to us. You were beautiful and we have loved you more dearly than the spoken word can tell. Rest peacefully in some place green, some place nice, some place thats paradise.

Joseph Rutunu Macharia

Life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight. Rossiter Worthington Raymond

Death and Funeral Announcement

Douglas Mwangi Mutitu (Mzaliwa)

Promotion to Glory
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing of Salome Wambui Kangethe. She was the daughter of the late Karanja wa Gachaga and the late Wamune wa Karanja. A loving wife of the late Kangethe Kibinge and a doting mother of the late Ngige Kangethe, Michael John Karanja (Cooper Kenya Limited), the late Mwaura Kangethe, Hillary Francis Mburu, the late Wanjiru Kangethe, Margaret Karura, John Nganga Ph.D. (Washington D.C.), Francis Thuo M.D. (Chicago), Rosemary Wanjiku (Capital Hill Forex Bureau), Bernard Shomba (My IT Provider Limited) and Anthony Maina (Maina Kangethe & Associates). An inspirational mother in-law of Peggy Karanja, Agnes Mburu, Jane Shomba and Ninda Maina. A caring sister of the late Nyambura Mubea, the late Ben Mburu, Wanjiru Muchoki and the late Njoki Karanja. A devoted grandmother of many and great grandmother of even more and a great great grandmother of some. Family and friends shall be meeting at her home in Kamahuha at 4pm on Tuesday 26th March 2013.

John Kago Wanjihia

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of John Kago Wanjihia son of the late Wanjihia Wanjema and the late Wangui Wanjihia. Husband to Esther Njeri and Teresia Wangui. Father to Teresia & Dominic W. Huru, Peter & Teresia Wanjihia Kago, Lucy & James Mbugua, Salome & Wilson Mugane, Joseph & Alice Njore Kago, Francis & Nancy Karanja (Wanjema), Ann & Paul Muchemi, Margaret & Rev. Michael Mwangi, Regina & Peter Nganga, Boniface & Cecilia Wanjihia, James & Ruth Wairia Kago, Philip & Lucy Kago, Francis & Esther Waruiru Kago, Stephen & Salome Kago and Rev. Fr. Moses Kago of Blessed Sacrament Buru Buru. Brother to the late Nyagititu Wakaba, Late Wanjema Wanjihia, Late Duncan Kiwara, Late Onesmus Muriu, Late Kariuki Wanjihia and late Mumbi Gakarau. Uncle to the Wanjemas, Kiwaras, Murius, Kariukis, Gakaraus and Wakabas. Grandfather and Great Grandfather to many.

The cortege shall leave Bishop Okoye funeral home in Thika Kangethe at 9:00am on Wednesday 27th March 2013 for requiem mass at Thaara Catholic Church at 11:00am; followed by burial Sunrise 1910 - Sunset 22nd March 2013 thereafter at her home in Kamahuha, Maragua constituency, Muranga County. May God rest her soul in eternal peace.

Salome Wambui

Family and friends are meeting daily at St. Pauls Catholic University Chaplaincy Hall and at his home in Kirangi Ndarugu from 6.00 p.m. starting from Friday 22nd March 2013. The cortege leaves Kenyatta University Mortuary on Wednesday 27th March 2013 at 8.00 a.m. followed by a funeral service at 11.00 a.m. at his home, Kirangi village Ndarugu, Gatundu South Kiambu County. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, Whether we live or die we belong to the Lord (Romans 14:8)

62 | Transition
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of our dear Benson Wanjohi Maringa. Benson died on 20th March 2013.

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Death and Funeral Announcement

Benson was husband of the late Loise Wambura. Father of Eunice Wambui, Lucia Wanjiru, Alice Wamuranga, Mugo Maringa, Geofrey Gicira and Albert Mathai. Father in-law of Immaculate Mugo, Agnes Gicira and Margaret Mathai. Grandfather and great Grandfather of many. The cortege leaves Kibugi Funeral Home on Wednesday 27th March 2013 at 10.00 a.m. for funeral service and burial at his home in Kaminji. In Gods hands you are in a better place. In our souls you will always be cherished forever. R.I.P

It is with humble acceptance that we announce the demise of Mr Jacob Angelo Mendes which occurred on 22nd March 2013. Husband of Mrs Anna Mendes and father of Phyll and Frank, Margaret, Anjelina, Angelo, Mary Ann, Lourdes, Carmeline and Eileen. Grand father of Aaron, Raul, Christian, Tamara, Keisha and Keitric. Brother to Simao, John.,Concecao, Vijdor and Francis (all deceased) and Sushila and uncle to many.

Death and Funeral Announcement

Celebration of a life well lived

Benson Wanjohi Maringa

Born 1925 Sunset 20/03/2013

The funeral service will take place on Tuesday 26th March 2013 at Consolata Shrine, Westlands at 2.00 p.m. Thereafter the burial will take place at the Langata Cemetary.

Jacob Angelo Mendes

We the family of Jacob Mendes would also like to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to Irene, Charles Wahinya, Dr Githegi, Professor Samnakay, Dr Twahir, Thomas, Henry and Jackson. No owers please.

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the promotion to glory of Mzee Daniel Ndungu Kahindo which occurred in the early hours of Thursday 21st March 2013. Husband of the late Sarah Wambui and the late Peninah Waigumo. Father of Damaris Muthoni (Wa Mwaura) of Nguthuru-Kandara, Joses T.N Kahindo, Beatrice Wanjiru Nathan, Salome Njeri (Nyina Wa Nancy) of Sagana, Dr. David Kamau of Thome Estate Nairobi, Rosalind Njoki Maina of Thunguri Primary School-Othaya, Julius Kahindo of G4s Thika, Arthur James Gichuhi of Tana Water Services Board Nyeri, Parpetuah Wagituu of Dandora Nairobi, Shadrack Kinyua of Kikuyu and Maryanne Wangui of G4s Nairobi. Father-in-law to Peter Kimani Gichuru, Mary Wairimu, Dr. Agnes Wanjiru of Nairobi University, Daniel Maina Muchiri, Margaret Wangechi of Githanga Primary School and Lydia Wangui of Bishop Njuguna Academy Thika. Grandfather, greatgrandfather and great great grandfather to many. Friends and relatives are meeting daily at 6p.m at his Geitwa home, at Zimmer Beach-Zimmerman Nairobi, at EmAccra Hotel Nairobi and at Kabati (Arthur Gichuhis residence) for prayers funeral arrangements.The cortege will leave Bishop Okoye Funeral Home Thika on Thursday 28th March 2013 at 9.00a.m for funeral and burial service to be held at his home in Geitwa Sub-location, Gaturi-Muranga County starting at 11.00a.m. In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you remain forever. Amen.

Celebration of a Life Well Lived

Donations to Deep Seas Dispensary

Cyrus Kinyua Muya

We celebrate the life of our father Cyrus Kinyua Muya. He was a retired Church Elder. Son of the late Jackson Muya and Jane Njeri Muya. Son-in-law of the late Arthur Mwaniki and Marion Wambui. Husband of Monica Wanjiru Kinyua. Father of James Muya Kinyua, Nancy Njeri Kinyua, Marion Wambui Kinyua-Njoroge, Isabel Nyawira Kinyua (Isa) and Agnes Daniella Wanjiku Kinyua. Father-in-law of Charles Wahome, Meshack Njoroge and Joyce Muya. Brother of Samuel Mureithi, Cyrus Kinyua, Teresiah Nyawira, Mary Gathoni and the late Mwai Muya, Samuel Rumuru Muya and Francis Muriuki Muya. Grandfather of Wendy Wanjiru, Labby Cyrus Kinyua, Luis Kinyua, Stephan Njamumo, Margaret Tiffany Wanjiku and Monica Shantelle Wanjiru. Uncle, cousin and friend to many. Friends and family are meeting at Clarion Hotel Nairobi, opposite Jevanjee Gardens on Moi Avenue and at his residence in Langalanga (Top Ten) in Nakuru starting at 6 p.m. daily The cortege will leave Nakuru War Memorial Hospital Mortuary on Thursday 28th March 2013 at 7.30 a.m. to P.C. E .A. Dr. Arthur Memorial Church Nakuru for the funeral service at 10.00 a.m. and thereafter burial will be at Nakuru North Cemetery. Rom. 14:8 If we live, we live to the Lord and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord

Mzee Daniel Ndungu Kahindo

1913 2013

We, the family of the Lydia Njeri Wanyoike would like to thank the Almighty God for the very treasured life of our loving mother, grandmother and great-grandmother who passed on 17th March, 2013. We wish to express our heartfelt and deep gratitude to all our relatives, friends and well-wishers for the overwhelming presence, prayers, calls and messages accorded to us during hospitalization and funeral arrangements for our departed mother.


We, the family of the late Martin Lucas Idele (Malteser International, University of Nairobi and formerly of USIU), who died on 20th March 2013 at The Nairobi Hospital following a serious road accident, wish to inform all that our beloved husband, son, brother and true friend shall be buried on 30th March 2013 at his fathers (the late Andrew Bon Idele) rural home in Teso North District, Moding Location, Moding Village. The burial shall be preceded by a funeral service to be held on 27th March 2013 at The Consolata Shrine, Westlands from 2:30 p.m. Thereafter, the cortege shall depart from Chiromo Funeral Parlor, Nairobi on Friday 29th March 2013 at 8:00 a.m. for the burial on 30th March 2013 as stated above. The family invites all well-wishers for a prayer meeting and fundraising ceremony to be held at the Holy Family Basilicas Main Hall on Tuesday, 26th March 2013 starting at 5:15 p.m. Donations may be made through Mpesa or Airtel Money 28/05/1983 - 20/03/2013 using telephone number 0721 684 269. Martin shall be fondly remembered by his loving wife Stella Shyamalla (Standard Chartered Bank), his mother Mrs. Anne Nabwire Idele (USA), his sisters Roseline Anya Idele (NDIKenya) and Eunice Amo, his brothers David Idele (Charterhouse Bank), Moses Wabukoya (Barclays Bank - Nakuru), Timothy Ikoli (Kenya Army) and Ronald Kivi, his aunties, Mary Murunga, Agnes Oteba, Dr. Priscilla Idele, Sophia Masai and Florence Idele and his Uncle, Peter Ikamar. Martin shall be solely missed by his In-Laws, (the late) Mr. Harun Shitabu & Mrs. Elizabeth Shyamalla and her entire family, Mr. & Mrs. John Omondis Family, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Shimengas Family, Mrs. Margaret Muthonis Family, Mr. & Mrs. Benedict Mwenda Kasyualas Family. Family and friends continue meeting at his sisters (Roseline) House in Kileleshwa from 5.00 p.m. daily for prayers and funeral arrangements. Come all, let us celebrate a life exceptionally lived. Let us seek the Lords Solace, and be glad in Him, for He is great.

Funeral Announcement

Martin Lucas Idele

Death Announcement

Special thanks go to Holy Cross Catholic Church-Gatanga, Fr. J.B. Mungai-Gatanga Parish, Fr. Jackson Wanjohi-Mwea Parish, sisters of Emmanuel, Dr. Muriithi Nyamu, Doctors and Nurses of Nairobi West Hospital for the great care they accorded her.

Lydia Njeri Wanyoike

Death and Funeral Announcement

Since its not possible to thank everyone individually for the overwhelming assistance you gave us. Please accept our sincere and heartfelt gratitude for your seless support. God bless you abundantly.

Dr. Callisto Joseph Nyayieka Omondi

Death and Funeral Announcement

Its with humble acceptance of Gods will we announce the death of Moses Muriithi Thuo (MT). He was an employee of KRA Nairobi Times Tower. Son of the lates Naftalie Thuo and Rispa Wanjiru. Beloved husband of Millicent Gathoni Father to Joyce Wanjiru, Mary Wanjiru (Zetech College), Francis Thuo(Vision College), James Mwangi (Strathmore University) and Samuel Nduati (Highgate Academy). Brother of Titus Mwangi Wakahia (TM), Mpeketoni-Lamu), Rachel Njeri (Gatumbi Village), Jamlick Wairegi (Lamu), Nelson Thuo (Ministry of Agriculture Kinamba Ngarua), Geoffrey Kuria (Ministry for Education Gatumbi), the late Mary Muthoni, Benson Kahoro (Mombasa), Alice Wangui (Ministry of Agriculture Nyahururu) and Jennifer Wanjiku of Muthengera Laikipia. Son-in-law of Gatambuki Theuri and the late Lucy Wanjiru Gatambuki of Ngorano, Mathira, Nyeri County. Brother-inlaw of Wamuyu Gatambuki (Mombasa), Wangu (Nakuru), Mumbi(Ahiti Ndomba), Njeri (Githurai 31/12/1956 - 22/3/2013 Kimbo), Muriithi (Mombasa), Wangare (Kili), and Wangui Gatambuki (Mombasa). Family and friends are meeting daily at his home in Mikindani estate Mombasa, Rosset hotel Harambee Plaza Nairobi and at their home in Gatumbi (Kiambage).There will be fundraising to assist the family in burial expenses on Wednesday 27h at Harambee Plaza Rosset hotel at 6.00pm. The cortege leaves Montezuma mortuary, Mbagathi Road, Nairobi at 7.00am on Saturday 30/03/2013. Funeral service will be at Gatumbi Primary School at I 1.00am. The burial will follow on the same day at his home in Kiambage Farm Gatumbi village Kigumo, Muranga County. Happy are those who die in The Lord for though they are gone they ve forever. RIP MT

(30/01/1945 to 18/03/2013)

It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of DR. Callisto Joseph Nyayieka Omondi former Deputy Director Clinical Services Kenyatta National Hospital on 18th March 2013 at M.P. Shah Hospital after battle with cancer.

ClIr. James Mutie Mutiso

It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden demise of ClIr. James Mutie Mutiso which occurred on 19th March 2013 after a brutal attack by thugs at his home on 16th March 2013. Beloved husband of Sarah K. Mutie, Father of Rose Musyoka (People Daily), Peter Mutie (Dama Safaris), Christopher Mutie (KCB), Thomas Kyalo (, the late Hellen Lumumba, Eng Simon Mutie, Susan Katumbi (BBK), Naomi Mumbua (Jamii Bora Bank) and Paul Mutie (NIC Bank). Father in-law of Liz (Dama Safaris), Francisca (BBK), Judy, Catherine (JKUAT) Angeline (BBK),Bonface (Heifer), DR. Lumumba (UON), David and Nick ( Dubai) Son of the late Mutiso Mulwa and Tabitha Mutiso, brother of John Keli, the late Raphael Mutava, the late William Muia, Kitheka Mutiso and Esther. He was grandfather of Curtis, Sharleen, Mwende, Mutheu, Mark, Mwendwa, Melvin, Cyril, Moni, Claudia, Precious, Sarah, among others. He was Uncle of Patrick, Wayua, Ndunge among others. Friends and Relatives are meeting daily at The Holy Family Basilica Cardinal Otunga Hall starting 6.00 p.m - 8.00 p.m. and at Holiday Inn Hotel in Matuu Town for funeral arrangements. There will be a mini harambee on Wednesday 27/3/2013 at Six Eighty Hotel starting 6.00 p.m. and on Thursday 28/3/2013 at Holiday Inn Hotel, Matuu Town starting at 6.00 p.m. The cortage leaves Kenyatta University Hospital Mortuary on Saturday 30th March 2013 for funeral service and burial at his home in Matuu location, Kiaanisyoni Village.

He was the son of the late Mzee Francis Onyango Nyayieka and the late Mama Sulmena Anyango Nyayieka. Loving step son of Mama Ada Atieno Nyayieka. Son-in-law of the late Mzee Odero Sewe and Mama Cecilia Sewe. Beloved husband of Leonida Faustine Atieno Omondi and Dorcas Adongo Waswala. Father of Benedict Omondi (Centum ltd), Lilian Renee Omondi (Advocate and Vice Chair LSK), Dr. Caroline Omondi-Ohonde (Radiologist), Philomena Anyango (APA Insurance Nakuru), Stephanie, Valerie, Daniel and Francis. Father-in-law of Pauline Aduol Omondi and Eng. Daniel Ohonde. Grandfather of Christian, Trevor Joseph, Micheal, Jeanette and Andrew Joseph. Brother of Margret Ombala (Ugenya), Philista Maison (Alego Usonga), Pascal Nyayieka (Ndere), the late Ladslan, Romanus Nyayieka (Oil Libya),Wilfreda Aluoch (Lolwe), George Nyayieka (Eco Bank), Gertrude Nyayieka (Ministry of Immigration), Rosemary Nyayieka (Ulafu Pri. Sch. Siaya), Bertha Nyayieka, Christine Nyayieka (KNH), late Alex and Jacinta Nyayieka (Kisumu). Brother in-law of Ann Nyambura, Mary Awour and Grace Onyango. Beloved uncle and godfather of many. Prayer meetings are being held daily at his residence in Loresho. There will be a harambee tomorrow, Wednesday 27th March 2013 at All Saints Cathedral from 5pm. Burial arrangements will be announced later. ( 2 Timothy 4:7) I have fought the good ght, I have nished the course, I have kept the faith. Rest In Peace Daddy.

Moses Muriithi Thuo (MT)

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

IAAF CHIEF PRAISES KENYAN LEGENDS FOR STERLING ROLE Lamine Diack pays tribute to Paul Tergat and John Ngugi for their contribution to the sport globally. Page 65

BY LARRY NGALA After weeks of preparation, all the nine teams featuring in this years Tannahill Shield have nally announced the names of their participating teams. This years tournament, which marks its 90th year, and that is being sponsored by Coca-Colas Dasani, is set to begin on Friday at the Royal Nairobi Golf Club. Each club or team will be represented by eight players and two reserves, making a contingent of 10 players, with most of the teams being accompanied by their club ocials. The clubs being represented in this years Tannahill Shield, also known as the Easter Tournament, will be hosts, Royal, Mombasa, defending champions, Muthaiga, Limuru, Sigona, Windsor, Railway, Karen, and Western, whose team is drawn from most of the Western Kenya clubs. For the purpose of the Tannahill Shield, Western Kenya begins from Naivasha. During last years tournament, only eight teams participated since Windsor had been relegated and was replaced by Railway, while the ninth team, Vet Lab, was not invited following their last minute withdrawal from the event last year. Impressive teams This will be the rst time in many years, and particularly since Windsor was established, that a Windsor team will be in action besides that from

All set for 90th Tannahill Shield at Royal Nairobi club

Railway. Over the past two decades, Windsor and Railway have always avoided each other through on account of relegation. Going by the line-ups released during the weekend by hosting captain, Jack Okuku, both hosts, Royal, and the defending champions are, like is their tradition, elding strong teams. Royal has brought in two junior golfers, Joshua Ichangi and Peter Muigai. Also joining the Royal team is Jonathan Chebukati, formerly of the Nyali Golf Club.


Talam, Nduta victors in Karandi 10k race

Festus Talam and Naomi Nduta emerged top in the inaugural Karandi 10K road race which is aimed at sensitizing people in Nyahururu District, Laikipia County, on the need to conserve the environment. Talam clocked 35:16.8 and Nduta 42:33.4 to take home prizes of black mamba bicycles each during the weekend race held at Karandi trading centre. The environment-friendly prizes also included solar lamps for runners up and plastic water tanks for third place nishers and reless cooker baskets for fourth position.

GOLF | 37-year-old American wins Arnold Palmer Invitational in Florida by two strokes

Prowling Tiger reclaims No.1 spot


Yong FC whip hapless Kea, top county league

Mwingi-based Yong Generation FC moved to the top of the Football Kenya Federation Kitui County football league in style when they whipped helpless Kea FC 5-0 in a fast paced and ercely thrilling football match staged at the Musila gardens. The nal score line did not, however, reect the manner in which the match was played because both teams gave a good account of themselves, keeping every goal custodians of both sides and the every department in both teams on their toes throughout the ninety minutes of match play.

Tiger Woods hits a shot on the practice ground during the nal round of the World Golf Championships-Cadillac Championship at the Trump Doral Golf Resort & Spa in Doral, Florida, on March 10. Woods has reclaimed the top spot after winning the Arnold Palmer Invitational in Orlando, Florida, yesterday.

Djokovic cruises into fourth round in Miami

World No. 1 Novak Djokovic cruised into the fourth round of the Miami ATP Masters and WTA tournament on Sunday with a 6-2, 6-4 victory over Indias Somdev Devvarman. Djokovic remained on course for a third straight title on the hard courts of Key Biscayne a fourth overall and will battle German veteran Tommy Haas for a place in the quarter-nals. The 25-year-old Serbian, who won the title in 2007, 2011 and 2012, had little trouble against Devvarman, who has fallen to 254th in the world after a nearseven month absence last season with a shoulder injury.

Woods returns to top of the board for the rst time since October 2010

ORLANDO, Florida iger Woods returned to the top of the world rankings for the rst time since October 2010 after winning the Arnold Palmer Invitational by two strokes yesterday. The 37-year-old had played two holes of his nal round when a torrential storm ended proceedings in Florida on Sunday. Resuming with a three-stroke lead he added four more birdies and dropped three shots in a 70 for a 13-under-par total, his third PGA victory of 2013. Englands world number ve Justin Rose also carded a 70 to nish second. It was a sixth title in his last 20 starts on the PGA Tour for Woods, his 77th in total and the eighth time he has won the Bay Hill tournament.

Rickie Fowler moved to within two shots of Woods with four holes remaining but dropped four strokes in the next two holes, including a triple-bogey eight at the 16th, when he put two shots into the water. Woods, who leaked several tee shots to the right, was in the large fairway bunker at the 16th, from where he found the water

on Friday, but struck a majestic escape into the heart of the green and calmly two-putted for a birdie. Recorded four birdies Rose, who was at the top of the leaderboard on the first two rounds before dropping back with a 72 on Saturday resumed four shots adrift with 16 holes of his nal round remaining. He dropped a shot at his rst hole of the day and at the third, but recorded four birdies, ensuring sole possession of second with an assured up and down from the greenside bunker at the par-three 17th. I play well here, its as simple as it gets, said Woods, number one for the 11th time. Im very pleased with the way Im playing. (BBC Sport)

I play well here, its as simple as it gets. Im very pleased with the way Im playing
Tiger Woods, World number one for the 11th time


Western Stormers prop Steven Kitsho has been banned for one week and will miss the Super 15 xture against New Zealand visitors Canterbury Crusaders Saturday.





Dorminant Red Bull face championship crisis

Red Bull faced a pivotal moment yesterday in their push for a fourth straight double world title, with the team in crisis after Sebastian Vettel deed strict orders at the Malaysian Grand Prix. Team principal Christian Horner admitted the British-based outt would have to go through dicult discussions after Vettels late overtaking manoeuvre incensed stablemate Mark Webber and left him considering his future. As Webber ew back to Australia for a surng break, and Vettel headed in the other direction to Europe, the teams deep divisions recalled the tensions of some of the sports great internal rivalries.

Sri Lanka match rained o

The second one-day international between Sri Lanka and Bangladesh at Hambantota was abandoned due to rain yesterday. Sri Lanka, leading 1-0 in the three-match series, were 33 for no wicket o ve overs when play was called o. The nal one-dayer will be played in Pallekele on Thursday.


The Miami Heat won their 26th straight game by crushing the lowly Charlotte Bobcats 109-77 despite playing without their all-star guard Dwyane Wade Sunday at American Airlines Arena.

Kenyas draw with Nigeria in their 2014 World Cup qualier on Saturday

64 | Sport

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Teenage talent Korir repays faith

2013 WORLD CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS | Squad claims easy victory in Poland

Kenyas all-conquering athletes

Bydgoszcz Japhet Korir was blithely unaware that he had become the youngest ever senior mens champion in the history of the IAAF World Cross Country Championships, when he triumphed in the Polish city of Bydgoszcz on Sunday. Oh really? was his underwhelmed answer when informed of the fact. However, when you consider the list of past senior mens champions in the last 40 years - as IAAF President Lamine Diack called it on Sunday: a roll call of long distance running greats - a list that includes names like Stewart, Lopes, Ngugi, Skah, Sigei and Bekele, then you realize that it is quite a feat. At 19 years and 266 days, Korir beat the former record for being a prodigious talent, which had be held by no less a gure than the aforementioned Kenenisa Bekele after his win in the now defunct short course race in 2002, by 17 days. However, Korir was lucky to be on the starting line in Bydgoszcz at all. Kenyan selectors mulled over whether he was worth bringing to Poland after his sixth place at their own trials last month. However, his form in training in the last four weeks convinced them that it was a gamble worth making and it paid o handsomely. On a day when other Kenyas other medal hopes in the senior mens race metaphorically and literally froze, he became his nations fth champion. I was spiked during the Kenyan trails in 5000m for the IAAF World Junior Championships last year and I had a very bad injury with my Achilles, revealed Korir, who limped home eighth in that race in Nairobi and stayed at home nursing his ankle instead of battling with Ethiopias eventual gold medallist Muktar Edris for the title in Barcelona Finished sixth in trials Look, he demonstrated, quite happy to pull down his socks and show a nasty scar that still glowed through the Bydgoszcz mud that was still caked around his legs. I had to spend some time in hospital and I was worried about how it was going to aect my running but then I started training again and slowly regained my form. Before coming here (to Bydgoszcz), I only had two races since the injury. One was a local race in Kenya and the other was the Kenyan trials. However, once I nished sixth in Nairobi and started training for the World (Cross Country) Championships, I trained very hard and I think people saw that I was in good shape. Call it was you will, naivety, inexperience, youth or just simply exuberant talent, but Korir never seemed to be overawed by his surroundings despite there being only three younger men among the 102 runners on the start line of the race. He did not even look unduly concerned by the sight of Ethiopias defending champion Imane Merga. (

After sweeping the board in Poland, stars train sights on the next big stage for more glory

enyas world-beating team returns home today from the World Cross Country Championships in Poland where it scooped ve individual and two team titles. And as the team savours glory, focus will shift to the IAAF World Championships this August in Moscow, Russia. The triumphant athletes were due to leave Warsaw, Poland at 3pm yesterday for a stop-over in Dubai where they would take another flight at 9.50am today before arriving in Nairobi after ve and half hours. Unlike in 2010 where Kenya was represented in the championships by experienced athletes such as Vivian Cheruiyot and Linet Masai, who swept to a 1-2, this years squad was relatively new. Also missing the Poland action were Geoffrey Kipsang and Mark Kiptoo. The team had to endure adverse weather conditions in Poland, including snow and temperatures as low as -3 degrees Celsius. It was simply inspiring for Japheth Korir, who had been dropped from the nal team only to be recalled just before he boarded a bus back to Kericho. From a bronze medal finish in 2010, Korir, who turns 20 on June 30, reigned supreme in senior mens 12km race to become the youngster ever winner in the category. History repeated itself when Emily Chebet battled a heel injury to recapture the senior womens title she won at the same course in 2010. The lioness in Chebet did it in amboyant style, as she launched a vicious attack, slicing the 100m gap set by Ethiopian Hiwot Ayelew at the Myslecinek Park course to win. Just like Chebet,

world junior 1,500m champion Faith Chepngetich, who is the only other Kenyan woman to capture the world cross title twice did it in fashion as well. Running in her last junior event, Chepngetich orchestrated a 1-2 nish with Agnes Chebet. Things looked tough for junior men who had no international experience with little known Leonard Barsaton losing to Ethiopian Hagos Gebrhiwet. Both Korir and Chebet won US$ 30,000 (Sh2.6m) while the senior womens team pocketed US$ 20,000 (Sh1.7m). Senior mens team that nished third after Ethiopia and USA got US$12,000 (Sh1.044m). Head coach Sammy Rono, who was making he debut at the World Cross is happy with the performance despite awful course that got the better of some of his charges. Proud of athletes This is my rst time with a cross country team and I am excited with the performance. I am proud of the athletes for displaying a good ghting spirit despite the adverse weather conditions, said Rono. This is a course that can make newcomers quit. It was strange and needless for the course creators to put obstacles at downhill. Rono said he was worried at one point that he could miss out on team placing in the 12km race after Jonathan Muia Ndiku fell o with an injury as Korir tumbled on a downhill obstacle to fall before raising to storm to victory. We had dropped him but a stich in time no doubt saved nine for us as we brought him back to the team immediately, Rono explained. Rono said he had confident in Chebet and Chepngetich right from the national trials. I knew we were right in business when Chebets injury showed great improvement, Rono said. He added: I literary smiled after three-time champion, Tirunesh Dibaba, stayed away. I knew Chebet would be home and dry. Indeed she ran like a machine to leave Ayelew choking in ice.

Top: Ethiopias Imane Merga (left), silver medal, Kenyas Japhet Korir (centre) gold medal and Eritreas Teklemariam Medhin, bronze medal, on the podium after the senior race of the 2013 World Cross Country Championships in Bydgoszcz, Poland, on Sunday. Above: Kenyas Emily Chebet and Margaret Wangari Muriuki hug at the nish line of the senior womens race. Chebet won gold.


DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Sport 65

UNBEATABLE | We know what will be at stake this year and Kenya will be on the lips of everyone

now shift their focus to Worlds

IAAF boss Diack hails legends Tergat, Ngugi as well as Vivian and Masai for contribution to sport

Chebet eyes the global 10,000m title


he International Association of Athletics of Amateur Federations (IAAF) president Lamine Diack yesterday paid tribute to Kenyan cross country legend Paul Tergat and John Ngugi for their contribution to global athletics. Diack said cross country represents the pinnacle of long distance running competitions and Kenya has been part and parcel of the rich culture that has produced a majority of the worlds greatest athletes. He said cross country has made great strides from the inaugural event that attracted 287 athletes from 27 countries to this years event that has drawn 443 athletes from 45 countries. Diack said its from this encouraging development that the World Cross country Championships will be considered for inclusion in future World Championships and Olympic Games. We know what will be at stake this year (at the World Championships in Athletics in Moscow) and Kenya will be on the lips of everyone, going by their great performance in 2010, Diack said. They won all the gold medals on oer, both individual and team. Ngugi was the rst man in history to win ve World titles with back-to-back victories

BY AYUMBA AYODI After recapturing her World Cross country title she last won in 2010, Kenyas Emily Chebet (above) has now set her sights on compatriot Vivian Cheruiyots World 10,000m title. I think I should say I have closed the cross country chapter in style and its now time to look ahead, said the 27-year-old athlete from Bomet. I want to try my luck on the track and battle it out for positions in the 10,000m race before moving to the marathon later. Chebet herself who is married to 2008 Kenyan 10,000m champion Edward Muge - was pleasantly surprised by the outcome on a snowy course in sub-zero temperatures. Chebet said she has high chances of making the team, especially after recapturing the title she won in 2010 at the same course in Bydgoszcz, Poland. The Police ocer, who is based at Chebirbelek Training Camp in Kericho under trainer Zane Branson, said she will ne-tune her form in selected road races over 5km and 10km as she hopes to gain the right shape ahead of the Kenyan trials before the World Championships in Athletics due August in Moscow, Russia. I want to train hard and try my luck in the 10,000m race. Im going to make sure I get the opportunity to run for my country by working hard and staying in shape for the trials, said Chebet at a press conference after her victory. Chebet made her World Cross debut in 2003 when she nished fth before winning bronze in 10,000m at the 2006 Africa Senior Athletics Championships. The bronze winner at the Africa Cross last year has a personal best of 31:31.39 in 10,000m. Japhet Korir, winner of the senior mens 12km race and junior mens 8km race, have also expressed their interests to make the 5,000m Kenyan team for the World Championships. After finishing fifth in junior mens race, World Junior 3,000m steeplechase champion Conseslus Kipruto plans to take his stab at the World Championships title. This is just the start and the best is yet to come from me, said Barsoton, who had not represented Kenya at any level. A red-up Korir said: I know its long since Kenya celebrated the 5,000m World or Olympic victory. I believe the current champion Mo Farah is beatable. He should be ready for the big fall.

We know what will be at stake this year and Kenya will be on the lips of everyone, going by their great performance in 2010. They won all the gold medals on oer
Lamine Diack, IAAF president

Kenyan cross country legend Paul Tergat (centre) and Athletics Kenya secretary-general David Okeyo (right) were part of Team Kenya delegation at Sundays World Cross Country Championships.


from 1986 to 1989 before making it again in 1992. Then Tergat equalled his record, but with another record of winning in succession from 1995 to 1999. However, Diack said the 2011 edition of the championships proved that not only Africans can win medals as American Shalane Flanagan won bronze in senior womens 8km race as Kenyas Vivian Cheruiyot and Linet Masai claimed the rst two places. No Scandinavian country Diack also paid tribute to Cheruiyot and Emily Chebet for raising the level of competition at the event at the 2011 edition. However, Diack regretted that no Balkan and Scandinavian country has graced the event but said the IAAF Cross Country Committee

will hold a seminar in one of these regions to nd out why and what can be done to promote the event. Although we are in Europe, many European countries are not competing here, no one from the Balkan countries, no one from the Scandinavian countries, many countries are not here, he said. Diack said its a matter which the IAAF Cross Country Committee would discuss. We will have a seminar before the end of the year to discuss what can be done. I hope that is not because East Africa is winning a lot of the time, but we have to face this challenge and discuss how to bring back more and more countries to this event. It is, after all, an easy event to organise.

Change of pace the next step for junior champ Chepngetich

Bydgoszcz She may have successfully defended her IAAF World Cross Country Championships junior title over 6km in the Polish city of Bydgoszcz on Sunday but Kenyas Faith Chapngetich now intends to step down in distance in order to challenge the seniors on the track. After emerging as a comfortable winner in the ercely competitive Kenyan trials, last month Chapngetich edged marginally clear of her teammate, Agnes Chebet Tirop, in the closing metres of the race to clinch the gold medal. Im so happy to defend my title in Bydgoszcz, it delights me so much, commented Chapngetich, clutching a cup of tea after warming down after triumphing in sub-zero temperatures. My training went well in the run-up to this event, I was training on Mount Kenya and its a place thats relatively cold as I knew it would be here. I expected to win but I knew it would be tough here, I just hoped to defend my title. The course was tough, there was a lot of ice and it was very cold for me but my hope was still to win. The 19-year-old became only the third woman in the history of the event to defend her title after her compatriot Viola Kibiwot won in 2001 and 2002 and Ethiopias 2012 World indoor 1500m champion, Genzebe Dibaba enjoyed back-to-back victories in 2008 and 2009 before embarking on a ne senior career. However, with the Championships now embarking on a two-yearly cycle, it may be a long time before anyone equals Kipyegons specic feat of winning twice in three calendar years. She is now looking to new challenges, and preferably races in warmer climes. Kipyegon revealed that she now plans to concentrate on the shorter 1500m distance during the forthcoming track season. Last summer, she set a personal best of 4:03.82 in her opening race of the season at the Samsung Diamond League meeting in Shanghai. She returned home and nished third in the Kenyan Olympic trials and, after winning at the 2012 World Junior Championships in a Championships Record of 4:04.96, she was selected for the London 2012 Olympic Games but, sadly, failed to progress beyond the heats. This summer, utilising her Olympic experience as well as the strength gained in cross country races this winter, she hopes that she will be able to compete more effectively against her older peers on the international stage at the IAAF World Championships in Moscow. (

Korirs plans

Kenyas Faith Chengetich trains at St Marks Kigari College in Embu on March 19. She won gold in Bydgoszcz.


66 | Sport

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Nakuru All Stars take early lead in Division One League

BY JOHN ASHIHUNDU Nakuru All Stars beat West Kenya Sugar 3-0 at Nakurus Athletics ground to take an early lead in this years Division One league, which kicked o this past weekend. The Nakuru-based side led Zone B1 with three points, followed by GFC 105 and Kisero on the same level but with an inferior goal aggregate. Zone B2 leaders are Hotspring who beat Kisumu Olympics 2-0 at Eldoret Polytechnic. Former Premier League side, Shabana FC, were beaten 3-1 at Gusii Stadium while hosts, Nzoia United, drew 1-1 with Mumcop at Sudi Stadium in Bungoma. Kolongolo FC, coached by former AFC Leopards coach, Jan Koops, found the going tough at the Afraha Stadium in Nakuru when they were forced to a goalless draw against Comply. Former Premier League team, Agro Chemicals, beat St Joseph in Muhoroni to sound an early warning against future contenders. Other results were GFC 105 2 ADC Swam 0, Finlay 0 Oserian 0. Twenty combined ve teams Meanwhile, the chairperson of FKF leagues and competitions, Doris Petra, said any club which failed to honour three league matches in the same season without providing written explanations acceptable to the committee would be suspended for the rest of the season. Additionally, such a team would be relegated to a lower league for the next season and may face other disciplinary action which may be imposed by the Leagues and Competition Committee. Zone B1 teams include Nakuru All Stars, GFC 105, Kisero, Nzoia United, Mumcop, Comply, Kolongolo, Shabana, ADC, Swam Orchard, West Kenya Sugar, Timsales and Zoo Kericho. Zone B2 comprises of Hotsprings, Raiders, Agro Chemicals, Finlays, Oserian, Longonot Horticulture, St Joseph, Kisumu Olympics, Utawala, Kisumu Municipal, Outgrowers and Kakamega Stars.

Devolution to lock out young stars

BY PHILIP ONYANGO The devolved system of government is likely to dim the stars of many young champions whose schools will, for the rst time in many years, miss out on the National Secondary School Games. The new system, which has seen some districts merged together into dierent counties and schools from dierent counties classied under singular umbrella terms owing to proximity, will see sti opposition at the regional level, where schools which could otherwise have met at the national nals, will sort themselves out at the regional level. The new system has also seen the provinces abolished and replaced with regions with dierent names following amalgamation. Only Coast Province, which has been renamed Mombasa, Nyanza province, henceforth the Lakeside region and Northern Eastern, which maintains its name, will remain with the same boundaries while the rest of the former provinces either have the inclusion of new districts or have had districts carved out. Nairobi province will now be known as Metropolitan region, and has been expanded to include Kajiado district, chipped o the former Rift Valley, Makueni and Machakos districts, carved out of the former Eastern province. The former Western province has been named Nzoia region with the inclusion of West Pokot and Trans Nzoia districts, formerly part of Rift Valley province, the former Central province will be known as Abaderes region with the inclusion of Laikipia formerly in Rift Valley while the former Rift Valley will be known as Nakuru region. The upper Eastern which has Embu, Meru and Isiolo will be known as the Northern Region Reigning national boys basketball champions Laiser Hill Academy formerly from Rift valley province and Upper Hill who were runners-up at last years national championships held at Maseno School will later this week battle for a sole ticket to the national championships in the new Metropolitan region after Kajiado, Makueni and Machakos districts were merged with Nairobi. Sti competition is also expected in the new Nzoia region(formerly Western province) where former national girls basketball champions Tigoi girls will be up against st Brigit Kitale curved out of Rift Valley for a sole ticket for the national. In Netball it will either be St Cecila Misikhu from Bungoma or former national champions Manor House who are no longer in Rift Valley. According to the Kenya Secondary Schools Sports Association secretary general David Ngugi, the sports disciplines have also been reorganized with netball ,Rugby 15s and athletics being brought to term one games swapping placed with hockey, Rugby sevens, decathlon and Heptathlon which will now be in term Two A.

KENYAN PREMIERSHIP | Logarusic cautions players against underrating their opponents

Gor accost Ulinzi in city collision

KOgalo to engage soldiers without playmakers Kiongera and Odhiambo
BY ISAAC SWILA n their second game of the season, Gor Mahia confront 2010 league champions, Ulinzi Stars, tomorrow at the Nairobi City Stadium. In an early kick o match at the same venue, the ambitious Sofapaka side will get the ball rolling as they take aim on 2008 champions, Mathare United. Gor which face a stern test from the soldiers, have been blowing both hot and cold, will be without the services of two key players, something that could aect head coach Zdravko Logarusic game plan. Leading light , Paul Mungai Kiongera, and the ever-green playmaker, Moses Dube Odhiambo, are still nursing injuries and will not resume training until after at least a fortnight. The duo picked injuries two weeks ago and missed the clubs Caf Confederation tie against Egyptian side, ENIPPI, in Cairo slightly over a week ago. Logarusic, however, says he has able replacements. Kiongera and (Moses) Odhiambo have not been training and we dont expect them back until after two weeks from today, but we have to give other players a chance, he said. Logarusic will also have to do without utility defender, David Owino, who played the full match on Saturday in Harambee Stars 1-1 draw with Nigeria. The player was due to jet in last night with Harambee Stars from Lagos. The coach said that Owino would need rest and recover from jet lag, but gave a strong hint that

Gor Mahias current league position with one match played, against Ulinzis four outings

Gor Mahias Edwin Lavatsa shields the ball from Sofapakas Collins Kisuya during their Premier League match early this month at Kasarani. Lavatsa is touted as a possible start in tomorrows match.


Edwin Lavatsa, who made a cameo ten-minute appearance in the tie, could be t to play. Worthy opponnets This will be Gors second match of the season after blanking Sofapaka 1-0 in their season-opener. They are currently rooted at position 12, three points adrift of the soldiers who have played three games more. Logarusic has, however, cautioned his charges not to underrate their opponents. We must give them (Ulinzi) full respect. The boys know that they are a top team and so we must never let anything slip. In the absence of

Kiongrea and Dube Odhiambo, Ugandan import , Dan Sserunkuma, who has been an unlikely starter this season, could lead the attacks alongside Rama Salim, as Kevin Ade Omondi prowls in the mideld. The defensive formation, however, is unlikely to change. Ulinzi Stars coach, Salim Ali, on his part heads to the tie under the pressure having just won a single match in four outings. The soldiers beat Bandari FC 1-0 in their seasonopener, but have since registered two draws against Muhoroni Youth and Sofapaka while suering losses of a similar proportions to Stima.

Kahatas free-kick got me off-guard, says Enyeama

Super Eagles goalkeeper and captain, Vincent Enyeama (pictured), has admitted that he had no clue that Harambee Stars attacking midelder, Francis Kahata, would curve such an articulate free kick, which left him speechless, literally, in Saturdays World Cup qualifying match in Calabar. According to Nigerian publication Punch Online, the Eagles shotstopper was lost for words at the skills of the 21-year-old Kenyan young star. He said: It was one of the best free-kicks I have ever witnessed. Truly, I never expected such a kick from a Kenyan; thats the kind of shot you expect to get from a South American, like a Brazilian. But you saw what happened; the ball curled very well into his intended angle. I was surprised by his skill. I have seen a lot of free-kicks but not a top corner like that. It was a perfect kick into the right corner, said Enyeama. Kahatas brilliant goal not only put Kenya ahead in the match but also left the best goalkeeper of South Africa 2013 Africa Cup of Nations stranded. That single goal shook the Eagles bench and left fans at the UJ Esuene Stadium wondering just when the match would end. Back home in Nairobi, Kenyan fans cheered and held

Great skill

their breath as they hoped for the best. Against Kenya, Eagles were stretched to the limit and needed a dramatic late equaliser from substitute, Nnamdi Oduamadi, who scored three minutes into stoppage time to save them from a would-be embarrassing home defeat. However, Thika United head coach, John Irungu, who has coached Kahata since he was 16, said that he was not surprised by the skill displayed by his treasured player. I know his talent; he and others, like Miheso (Clifton), always practice the skill (free-kick taking) in our training sessions. He has the potential to even go higher, an impressed Irungu said.

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Sport 67
2014 WC EUROPEAN STANDINGS Group A Belgium Croatia Wales Serbia Macedonia Scotlan Group B Italy Bulgaria Denmark Czech Republic Armenia Malta Group C Germany Sweden Austria Ireland Kazakhstan Faroe Islands Group D Netherlands Hungary Romania Turkey Estonia Andorra Group E Switzerland Albania Iceland Norway Cyprus Slovenia Group F Russia Israel Portugal Northern Ireland Azerbaijan Luxembourg Group G Bosnia Greece Slovakia Lithuania Latvia Liechtenstein Group H Montenegro England Ukraine Poland Moldova San Marino Group I France Spain Georgia Belarus Finland Todays xtures: P 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 3 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 3 W 4 4 2 1 1 0 D 1 1 0 1 1 2 L 0 0 3 3 3 3 0 0 1 1 2 4 0 0 1 1 4 4 0 1 1 3 4 5 0 2 2 2 3 4 GF GA P 10 1 13 8 2 13 5 12 6 6 7 4 3 6 4 3 7 2 10 10 5 3 2 1 18 8 11 7 1 2 4 3 4 4 4 12 6 5 2 8 11 15 10 9 5 5 3 0 13 8 7 7 1 0 15 10 10 6 3 0 10 9 9 7 3 3 12 8 8 3 3 2 13 10 8 5 4 1 13 11 5 5 4 0 10 8 4 3 2

2014 WORLD CUP QUALIFIERS | Defeat in Paris will leave the champions ve points behind Les Bleus

Spain face France in must-win tie

Any slip-up by World Champions after home draws could jeopardise chances for Brazil party

3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 4 2 2 2 0 0 5 3 3 2 1 0 3 3 3 2 1 1 4 2 2 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 1 0 4 3 1 1 1 0 3 2 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 0

he prospect of the reigning world champions missing next years World Cup nals in Brazil will become a very real one if stumbling Spain suer another slip-up in France today evening. Vicente Del Bosques side have not lost a competitive match since the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, but two consecutive home draws have seen them fall behind France in this qualifying campaign. After being held 1-1 by France in Madrid in October, La Roja allowed Finland to escape with a draw by the same score in Gijon on Friday and are now two points adrift of the French at the top of Group I. The result is disastrous, admitted David Villa after Spain failed to add to Sergio Ramos opener against the groups bottom nation despite monopolising possession and camping in the opposition half, and Finland hit back to equalise late on. Lose at the Stade de France and Spain will be ve points behind Didier Deschamps side with just three matches remaining, all but ending their chances of qualifying automatically. This game will be a nal for both teams, striker Alvaro Negredo told Spanish media, before adding: We have the quality to win in any stadium in the world. Negredo was one of several attackers used by Del Bosque over the course of

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0 8 1 13 1 9 1 3 2 2 3 2 0 1 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 1 3 5 18 6 6 4 6 2

High stakes

Spains midelder Sergio Busquets (right) vies for the ball with Finlands defender Mikko Sumusalo during their FIFA 2014 World Cup qualier at the Molinon stadium in Gijon on March 22. The game ended in a draw 1-1. Spain face France today in another 2014 World Cup qualier.
Fridays game, but Spain just could not kill o a well-organised Finnish side. However, France are likely to adopt a more attacking approach in front of their own demanding support in SaintDenis, and Negredo believes that will play into Spains hands. This game will be dierent to the rest of the qualifying campaign, he added. It will be much more open, against a team that will try to create chances and will leave us spaces. We will try to benet from the fact that we will be playing against quality opposition who will look to play football. Deschamps team played with great maturity in holding the European and world champions in Madrid and eased to a 3-1 victory against Georgia on Friday. Goals from Olivier Giroud and Franck Ribery either side of a strike by the superb Mathieu Valbuena allowed Les Bleus to see o the former Soviet Republic and take full advantage of Spains unexpected faux pas. It was like the perfect evening for us, Deschamps said of Friday night. Sticking 11 men behind the ball might appear the most likely way of taking anything from Spain, but Deschamps insists that France will try and take the game to their visitors. My intentions will not change because Spains will certainly not change, said the 44-year-old, who lifted the World Cup as France captain in 1998. They will look to monopolise possession of the ball and win the match. I dont see myself telling my team to just defend. Spain oblige you to defend but a win would be a very good result for us, even if a draw would still be a good result. Our objective is to qualify for the World Cup and the best way to do that is by nishing rst in the group. (AFP)


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Frances victory over Georgia in the 2014 World Cup qualifying campaign last Friday

1 0 8 2 0 7 1 3 3 0 3 3 2 1 2

England braced for journeymen Montenegro

Podgorica, Montenegro
Four days on from their 8-0 rout of San Marino, England face a potentially decisive World Cup qualier today against a Montenegro side who will not be anywhere near as obliging. With four games still to come in Group H, it is too soon to cast the game as a make-or-break encounter, but the ramications for success and failure are vastly dierent. Win, and England will go top of the group, ahead of a kind run-in of xtures that will see them play three of their nal four matches at home. Lose, and they will allow Montenegro to streak ve points clear in the contest for the one and only automatic qualifying berth. Montenegro, 28th in the FIFA ranking, avoided defeat in their two encounters with England in qualifying for Euro 2012 and their Podgorica City Stadium is expected to provide a hostile setting. England manager Roy Hodgson (left), however, says that his side have been steeled for a scrap ever since the start of the qualifying campaign. We always knew this was going to be a bit of a dogght, so only time will tell whether we can aord to lose Tuesdays game, he said. But we are not going there to lose. If Montenegro want the three points they will, hopefully, have to play very well, or we will have to have a very bad day. We have no intentions of having a bad day. We are going into the game with condence. Hodgson is expected to make as many as six changes to the side that demolished San Marino, although centre-back Gary Cahill and forward Theo Walcott will both miss the game through injury. The England manager


has also revealed that Liverpool rightback Glen Johnson should be t to play, having been excused from duty in Serravalle to rest a toe injury, although he may need a pain-killing injection. We hope it will get better in the next couple of days, said Hodgson. If it doesnt, it might need an injection, but there is no problem. On Englands last visit to Podgorica, 17 months ago, they recorded a 2-2 draw that allowed them to secure a place at Euro 2012, where they reached the quarter-nals. However, the game was marred by the dismissal of striker Wayne Rooney for recklessly kicking out at Montenegro defender Miodrag Dzudovic. In anticipation that Hodgsons men will once again face an intimidating atmosphere in the Montenegrin capital, England captain Steven Gerrard has urged his team-mates to keep their heads. (AFP)

Group A: At Novi Sad, Serbia: Serbia v Scotland. At Swansea, Wales: Wales v Croatia. At Brussels; Belgium v Macedonia. Group B: At Yerevan: Armenia v Czech Republic. At Copenhagen: Denmark v Bulgaria. At Valetta: Malta v Italy. Group C: At Dublin: Republic of Ireland v Austria. At Nuremberg, Germany: Germany v Kazakhstan. Group D: At Tallinn: Estonia v Andorra. At Istanbul: Turkey v Hungary. At Amsterdam: Netherlands v Romania. Group F: At Baku: Azerbaijan v Portugal. At Belfast: Northern Ireland v Israel. Group H: At Odessa, Ukraine: Ukraine v Moldova. At Warsaw: Poland v San Marino. At Podgorica; Montenegro v England.


Prandelli mum on team for Malta match

Italy coach Cesare Prandelli will leave the selection of his starting line-up for todays World Cup qualier against Group Bs bottom side Malta until the last minute. Before leaving for the Mediterranean island, the Azzurri boss said he was still undecided about whether to start Torinos Alessio Cerci, who impressed in the 2-2 friendly draw against Brazil on Thursday. I wont tell you the line-up, Prandelli said yesterday.

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

KENYA SHIFT FOCUS TO WORLDS After conquering the globe in the cross country championships, stars train their sights on next battle stage. P.64


NUMBERS WAR | Cord to meet over House seats as race for speaker posts gets crowded

Six New Ford-K MPs join Jubilee



KOgalo to engage Ulinzi without several key players in Premier League match. P.66

Wamalwas party signs a post-poll agreement with Uhuru team ahead of todays retreat

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ubilee coalition yesterday formally signed a post-election pact with Justice minister Eugene Wamalwas New Ford-Kenya ahead of the alliances retreat today. Deputy President-elect William Ruto said with the six New Ford-K MPs joining the alliance, Jubilee would have a majority of 195 seats in the National Assembly besides being the majority party in the Senate. Speaking during the signing ceremony in Nairobi, Mr Ruto, the leader of URP party, said affiliate parties would join the Jubilee family at todays retreat at Great Rift Valley Lodge, where the parties would share seats in the National Assembly and the Senate. We shall go to craft a team that will spearhead the leadership and management of both

the Senate and Parliament. Jubilee is committed to go out of its way to create an inclusive government both outside and inside Parliament, he said. Mr Ruto, who with President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta will attend the retreat , pledged that Jubilee would work openly and transparently with the aliates for the best interest of Kenya. Lobbying for top positions in Parliament and the Senate intensied last evening as new entrants joined races for speaker positions. Former MPs Justin Muturi and Abdikadir Mohamed are seeking Jubilees support to win the National Assembly Speakers seat while Mr Kenneth Marende of Cord is seeking to retain his position. They will battle it out with 12 other candidates who picked application forms yesterday. Garissa Township MP Aden Duale and his Mandera West counterpart Mohamud Mohamed are eyeing Majority Leaders post in the National Assembly. The coalition will have to pick the candidate for the Senate Majority Leader from Senators-elect Kithure


Candidates eyeing seats

n Speaker (NA): Justin Muturi, Kenneth Marende and Abdikadir Mohamed. n Deputy Speaker (NA): Dan Maanzo and Joyce Laboso. n Speaker (Senate): Francis Kaparo, Philip Murgor, Ekwee Ethuro. n Majority Leader (Senate): Kithure Kindiki and Kiraitu Murungi.

Mr William Ruto (centre), Mr Eugene Wamalwa (right) and Mr Francis Kaparo after signing the agreement at KICC yesterday.
Kindiki (Tharaka Nithi, TNA), Kiraitu Murungi (Meru, APK), Kimani Wamatangi (Kiambu, TNA) and Mutahi Kagwe (Nyeri, Narc). The Senate Speaker competition pits former Turkana Central MP Ekwee Ethuro against former Speaker Francis ole Kaparo. They will face o with Mr Phillip Murgor, Mr Okongo Mogeni, Mr Farah Maalim and six others who have joined the race.


And even as the lobbying continued, Senators allied to the Jubilee alliance asked their parties to consider a Majority Leader who is a unifying agent in the Upper House. Cord leaders are also expected to meet in Nairobi today to strategise on how to capture key seats in the two Houses. Report by Julius Sigei, Billy Muiruri and Njeri Rugene.

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smart company

the weekly business magazine

Consumers win under new law

From being a footnote to how they are treated, the customer will now be the king



Leave the Amboseli park alone, says Nema


High cost of farm inputs hits planting season



2 smart company
NOBODY said it better than Brazils representative to the International Monetary Fund, Paulo Nogueira Batista, when he termed the move by Cyprus to impose a tax on customer deposits as a highly problematic decision. He was questioning the wisdom of the IMF and European Union decision to levy tax as part of conditions for the tiny island in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea to access a $13 billion (about Sh1.1 trillion) rescue fund. Cyprus, which seats north of Egypt, is a member of the EU, whose members are currently battling a debt crisis. Greece, Spain, and Italy are Cyprus compatriots in the debt quagmire. I was surprised and dismayed by the announcement, Mr Batista told AFP on Thursday. I dont know where that brilliant idea came from... Asked about the criticism, an IMF spokesman told AFP that IMF standard practices were followed in informing the executive boards decision. The proposal is to levy a tax of up to 15 per cent on savings by customers, which has been equated to meting out violence on depositors. In Moscow, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev condemned the IMF-European proposals as absolutely absurd. Moscow, though, is an interested party, with almost half of the deposits traced to Russians, most said to be proceeds from fraud. That brilliant idea now threatens to destroy Cyprus banking industry, with the government ordering banks to remain closed for the past two weeks, an act termed an extreme and rare measure, although not a rst in the world. The closure is to avoid a run on the banks by customers seeking to withdraw their deposits. The country had until yesterday to agree to the bailout terms or, as the German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned mid last week, exhaust the patience of eurozone partners. Cyprus is not the rst to suer because of such absurd decisions. Kenya and a number of developing countries were casualties under the infamous IMF and the World Bank-led structural adjustment programmes in the 1990s dressed as free markets and poverty reduction policies. The generic nature of the policies and non-involvement of the aected countries ended up hurting more than helping them. You can read more about this at structural-adjustment-a-major-cause-of poverty. My boss once challenged me to name a single country that has developed by listening to the advice of IMF and the World Bank. I am still searching for one, and I hope that Cyprus does not disappoint at this critical moment. WACHIRA KANGARU
EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Joseph Odindo MANAGING EDITOR: Mutuma Mathiu BUSINESS EDITOR: Wachira Kangaru SUB-EDITORS: Abuna Ayiro, James Wambua STAFF WRITERS: Immaculate Karambu, Grins Omwenga, Muthoki Mumo CONTRIBUTORS: Joshua Masinde, Charles Wokabi, John Njiru, Mercy Gakii, Mwaniki Wahome, David Muturi, Esmond Shahonya PRODUCTION EDITOR: Peter Wangai GROUP DESIGN EDITOR: Kathleen Bogan CHIEF GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Rogers Mogusu SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Nzisa Mulli, Andrew Anini, Hassan Ibrahim, Michael Mosota GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Benjamin Situma , Dennis Makori, Alice Othieno, Davis Mulyango, Ken Kusimba, Joy Abisagi, Virginia Borura, Oscar Anaswa, Felix Miringu, Teddy Murimi COVER GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATION: Teddy Murimi
Smart Company is published every week by the Nation Media Group Limited. It is distributed free with every Tuesdays Daily Nation. Nation Media Group Limited, 2011. All rights reserved. Unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, transparencies are submitted at the senders risk. While every care will be taken on receipt of such material, the Nation Media Group Limited cannot accept responsibility for accidental loss or damage. Email:


Tuesday March 26, 2013 DAILY NATION

No peanut earnings


A man rides past bags of peanuts at a Chinese-owned warehouse in the central Senegalese village of Dinguiraye. Peanut farming has brought wealth to Senegalese farmers, who have been selling their crop for higher prices to Chinese exporters while local oil producers speak of unfair competition.


Student makes chair out of rubber bands

An art student started making a ball of rubber bands in class and 65,000 bands later, it has stretched into the worlds bounciest oce chair. Preston Moeller, 26, has turned the classic rubber band ball that can be found in most oces the world over into an art form. He began exing his talents by making models of musical instruments, then a rubber band man, and nally this comfy and colourful chair. It weighs in at a hefty 23 pounds (about 10.4 kilogrammes) and took 300 hours to loop together. Mr Moeller, from Cleveland, North Carolina, began wrapping bands together for an art project tasking students to make something that describes you. A keen saxophonist, he made a small saxophone out of chicken wire covered in rubber bands, which started his obsession rolling. The Appalachian State University graduate said: Soon I had a whole band of instruments made from rubber bands. Then a classmate told me about a chair design competition. It was important that the chair kept the look and feel of the rubber band all the way through. Adding: When guests go to sit in it, they start by bracing themselves with their arms and slowly lowering themselves into the chair. (

smart company

Samsung says it is ready and willing to supply school children with solarpowered laptops. While giving laptops to kids who dont have proper clothes, shoes or books to go to school with, you might as well give a homeless man dying of starvation a microwave. Im not saying its bad idea. Im just saying now is not the time. Richard Raymond Start by giving the teachers rst. How can the kids, some in very remote parts of Kenya know the value of laptops when their teachers, who are expected to guide them on their usage, have completely no idea on how to work with one? -Physi Chemis AccessKenya recorded a 39 per cent increase in after-tax prot for the full

year 2012, buoyed by increased revenue from a growing customer base. Happy to note that you are now in the protable zone Johnson Kibocha u200F@TheSmartCompany #NMGInvestorBrief I bought 14,000 #NMG shares today and I have made Sh140,000 in half an hour says investor Chris Kirubi @chimondero @TheSmartCompany @CKirubi #NMGInvestorBrief #NMG assume buying price is Sh280, thats a prot of 3.57 per cent... not a big deal! @KenNNgugi @TheSmartCompany @CKirubi Thats a real quick hit, incredible, proves that

smart thinking, plus action, plus some capital pays u200F@TheSmartCompany #NMGInvestorBrief Dividend up to Sh10 from Sh8 and bonus share of 1 for 5 u200F@mykemure @TheSmartCompany Does this make NMG the highest-paying dividend company for this FY? Damn Sh10 per share is salivating u200F@TheSmartCompany #Limuru Teas prot up 151 per cent u200F@Enoch_OO @TheSmartCompany I think I will invest in a tea farm. Hopefully there are no tea lords. Compiled by John Njiru

Investor brieng
The British High Commissioner to Kenya, Mr Christian Turner (left), chats with the Nation Media Group (NMG) chairman, Mr Wilfred Kiboro (right), and Uchumi chief executive, Mr Jonathan Ciano, during an investor brieng in Nairobi last week. NMG declared a dividend of Sh10 per share, up from Sh8 last year. PHOTO | STEPHEN MUDIARI

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


smart company 3




At one time, charcoal selling was one of the most lucrative businesses in Kenya. Many people took up the business because of high demand for the fuel that was then an aordable source of energy for most families. Fast forward to the present day and the fortunes of the business have plummeted as families switch to cheaper and more ecient sources of energy. The price of charcoal has been on a steady rise, making it expensive and unattractive to households. Things have worsened for charcoal traders as the drive to encourage people to adopt cleaner and more ecient sources of energy, especially cooking gas, intensify. The cost of LPG, which is a clean source of energy, has been on a downward trend for the past year, making it aordable for many households as competition between service providers stiens. The worst-hit charcoal traders are those operating in Nairobi. Dealers in low, middle, and high-income suburbs lament their dwindling fortunes. While middle and high-income families have switched to cooking gas and electricity, households in the lower segment mainly rely on kerosene. Charcoal selling is no longer a lucrative business. It may be just a matter of time before our businesses collapse since people are not buying the product as they used to, said Mr Stephen Metonik, who operates from Komarock.

Kenya seeks new flower markets

Industry lobby says the country has reached a stable level that could remain stagnant unless other outlets are sought


Unable to clear them Mr Metonik has stocked seven bags of charcoal at his stall, but he cannot recall when he last replenished his stock. I think it was sometime in December or November last year when I had 13 bags. I have not been able to clear them. I had hoped that I would sell most of them during the festive season, but it came and passed. With the pace at which people are buying, perhaps I will have sold them by June, he said. Like many other traders in Nairobi, Mr Metonik sells the charcoal in four kilogramme tins since most customers do not buy a whole bag. I have been in this business for close to three years and I cannot recall selling a whole bag to a customer. People buy in tins, mostly two, said Mr Metonik, who engages in other businesses to keep aoat. Traders blame the increase in charcoal prices to strict government policies structured to stop the depletion of forest cover. Most of the charcoal sold in Nairobi comes from Narok in Rift Valley and Eastern provinces, where environmentalists have complained of declining forest cover. With the increase in price, charcoal remains unattractive to many consumers. The prices of cooking gas and kerosene makes them aordable compared to that of charcoal. If I mainly use charcoal for all my cooking, I will need at least two 5kg tins a day. This comes to about $1.54. It is expensive compared to using kerosene for cooking, said Ms Frida Mbusya, a mother of four who lives in Nairobi. She said a 13 kilogramme cylinder of cooking gas lasts her family about one-and-a-half months, which makes this source of energy cheaper. (Xinhua)

he possibility of the horticultural industry stagnating in coming years has forced Kenya to start looking for new markets According to the Kenya Flower Council chief executive, Ms Jane Ngige, the countrys earnings and production capacity have reached a level of stability and are likely to stay there if Kenya does not scout for new markets. We have sort of reached a plateau and we project the sector to stabilise at this level, but theres aggressive pursuit of new markets to push the sector higher and also to increase our competitiveness, Ms Ngige told Smart Company. She said that last years production was relatively good despite the eurozone crisis, but both earnings and volumes declined marginally compared to 2011. According to statistics from the Horticultural Crops Development Authority (HCDA), Kenya earned Sh89.87 billion from export of flowers, fruits, and vegetables last year, down from Sh91 billion realised in 2011. Of these, cut owers accounted for more than half the export revenues at Sh64.9 billion, with rose owers accounting for Sh39.4 billion of total revenue. The total capacity of the three produce categories flowers, fruits, and vegetables dropped by 4.9 per cent to 205.7 million kilogrammes compared to 216.2 million kilogrammes reported in 2011, but volumes are projected to rise this year due to expected good rainfall. Industry stakeholders, however, say they are exploring new

Kenya is seeking new markets for its horticultural products including owers.

WE HAVE SORT OF REACHED A PLATEAU, Kenya Flower Council chief executive ocer, Ms Jane Ngige

markets, mostly outside the traditional European zone, where the country also faces sti competition from other producers. According to Elgon Limited director Bimal Kantaria, the industry is eying new customers in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Dubai following strong emergence of other global producers targeting the US and Europe, Kenyas traditional main market. Elgon Limited deals in the supply of inputs for horticultural produce. At the moment, increasing rivalry from countries like India, China, Colombia, and Ecuador has eaten into Kenyas market share, especially in Europe, which accounts for about 90 per cent of the countrys total exports and has taken sector players back to the drawing board to come up with strategies to pursue new markets. Last year, the dip in earnings for the sector was compounded by recession in most European

countries, which eroded purchasing power as the countries resorted to austerity measures to avoid sinking further into debt. According to the National Horticulture Policy document released by the Ministry of Agriculture in June 2012, the African market also presents a good opportunity for Kenyas horticultural products. In the African region (Uganda, Tanzania, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Africa, and Egypt), Kenya was between 2006 and 2010 a marginal net importer in terms of volume but a signicant net exporter in value of exports, stated the document. Kenyas exports to these African countries were valued at Sh30.5 billion, which is six times the value of imports of Sh4.8 billion from the region. Horticultural production for the domestic market has a fair share of challenges, with continued inux of similar products from regional markets.

Farmers in Kenya yet to reap the benets of research

Kenyan farmers lack access to useful information that could turn around their fortune and cushion them against heavy losses caused by problems researchers have found solutions for. In a recent Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (Kari) eld day in Embu, farmers were fascinated by fast-growing climbing bean varieties on show, but still did not have any idea they were in the market. We realise that these beans grow really fast, but we dont know where to get them. How do we get them easily so that we can plant them on our farms? One cannot get them easily from seed outlets, said a farmer from Runyenjes in Embu District. Mr Robinson Njiru, another farmer, said, We have been shown high quality semen for breeding cattle but we do not know where to source it. While research bodies in the country such as Kari, the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), the International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) have continued to churn out new innovations every year, farmers rarely have access to these technologies. Similar problems have been cited across the continent as the biggest hindrance to boosting food security as well as dissemination of new technologies. During the recent African Green Revolution Conference in Oslo, Norway, African scientists complained that although research institutes have developed seeds that can improve crop yields, there has been little to show on the ground. The continuing puzzle for us is that the adaptation of these technologies is very limited. We cannot see yield improvement in our countries, said Spook Bokanga, executive director at the African Agricultural Technology Foundation. deployment of new technologies. Florence Wambugu, the Africa Harvest Biotech Foundation chief executive ocer, says. I believe we need to have a better focus on strategic research, but also need to focus on deploying the research to smallholder farmers. We need to plug the gap between the lab and the eld, says Dr Wambugu. She has been spearheading the promotion of tissue culture bananas in Kenya. In Kenya, the biggest drawback to getting new innovations o the shelf is the poor dissemination of information. While the mass media newspapers and radio have done their part in getting the information through, it has become imperative to get most of the research work to farmers directly, which is expensive. Field days and exhibitions are rare and widely spaced. They are also held in major towns, where most ruralbased farmers cannot visit. Previously, government extension ocers ensured that new innovations in agriculture reached the farmers at the grassroots. With the government cutting back on extension sta, the gap between the researchers and the farmer has continued to yawn, making strides in research of no value to the farmers who badly need them to boost food production. Although Kenya has a well-developed agricultural research system, use of modern science and technology in agricultural production is still limited.

Fail to reach grassroots

Bokanga said a large number of improved seeds and planting technologies are implemented to great success in targeted development projects like the UNs Millennium Villages but fail to move to the grassroots, where they are most needed. While the money for research has increased, funders have ignored the


4 smart company

business map

Tuesday March 26, 2013 DAILY NATION



The Kenya Electricity Generating Company will have to spend at least Sh170 billion annually over the next 17 years to meet the countrys projected power demand.

A suit led by local car dealer CMC seeking to prevent Jaguar Land Rover from terminating an exclusive distributorship deal has been dismissed by the High Court in Nairobi.

Matatus at a Nyeri stage last week. The cost of transport is expected to go up following an upward revision of fuel prices in the country by the Energy Regulatory Commission, with a litre of petrol selling at Sh119.1 and diesel at Sh108.7 in Nyeri town. PHOTO I JOSEPH KANYI

Farmers to get subsidised inputs following President Kibakis directive to the Ministry of Agriculture. The Kenya Ferry Services is set for a major improvement with the launch of a Sh200 million information communication and technology plan.

International round-up
ACCRA: If you own a mobile phone and spend sunup to sundown watching the trac pass in Ghanas capital, then Iddrisu Mohammed wants you to be his spy. With an iPad in his hands and two phones in his pants pockets, Mohammed crisscrosses Accra on foot, looking for people to become informants for Jamless, a recently launched trac information service that hopes to restore a little sanity to the capitals hectic commute. NEW YORK: Boeing said on Friday it would cut between 2,000 to 2,300 jobs by the end of the year in the Seattle region as it winds down development of its 787 and 747 aircraft. About 800 workers of Boeing Commercial Airplanes will be laid o, with the rest of the cutbacks coming through attrition.

Import duty to drop by at least Sh12 billion annually if Kenya signs an economic partnership agreement with the European Union.

President Kibaki has directed that a fertiliser plant be set up at the Coast. The Treasury conrmed that it would release over Sh3 billion needed to subsidise the cost of the input.

The amount in Kenya shillings that I&M Bank borrowed from a continental fund to enhance its lending to SMEs.




The percentage increase in 2012 for Limuru Teas after-tax prot due to good weather conditions and favourable tea prices.


The amount in shillings that Nation Media Group will pay in dividends for each share.


Working as a strategist in a depressed stock market

Title: Bear Market Investing Strategies Author: Harry D. Schultz Reviewer: ( )
The next time rumours are rife about a drop in stock prices, sit back and act cynic. Take it with calmness. And for a keen investor, it will be the right time to draw the cards. There is no need to be swayed at such crucial times by general opinion. In practice, a market experiencing an acute declination in the value of properties or stocks is termed bearish. This is a natural condition, says the author, a long-time bear market strategist. Like the great empires that ultimately crumbled in spite of all their resources, every market must suer a plunge. A bearish market deserves tact, a factor of uniqueness to any business mind. More specically, this market is a diculty to the established investor. For those who own securities, prices may fall below the average, prompting anxiety over possible nancial disaster. The right time to sell securities, the author says, is during a price lunge. This is done with a rational resolution without deluding oneself that things might brighten up and fall in place, although sometimes it does for a short period. In a way, the value in a market may slightly rise, then take a plunge and, better still, there are more unknown possibilities. But for a bear market strategist, a slight increase is a harbinger to a fall, which could be a sign of an economic depression. Depressions are caused by basic changes of supply or demand or credit, says the author. The other way of approaching a market is by becoming a bear market strategist, who is undoubtedly an optimist. A bull market strategist believes that when market prices are on incline, they would be driven higher by market forces. The bear and the bull market strategists are capital market professionals. Most of their productive time is spent buying or selling securities. This is a more liberal approach to acquiring value, even in the face of uncertainty. Often, a bear market strategist is labelled a deserter for they retract their capital when the market needs it most. However, it is always a result of intense deliberation leading to a bold attempt towards salvaging capital. This action is sometimes unacceptable and must be taken with nimble steps. Such caution is cradled in this book. It follows that a market strategist relies on knowledge in making decisions. And the emphasis on caution looms over the real intentions of the book. Each advice is oered with a warning. As the author strongly emphasises that knowledge on the market shifts are important, but more important are personal judgments. The use of software in decision-making is also reproved.


Nema halts setting up of projects in Amboseli

Investors wishing to put up hotels will have to wait for a year before getting nod from the habitat body

nvestors intending to build projects in the Amboseli National Park will have to wait for a year before getting licences after the authority responsible for environmental conservation sought to arrest further destruction of the ecosystem. The environment which hosts the famous park has seen rapid and unplanned settlement and construction of facilities fuelled by the increase in the number of tourists. No new developments or projects will be licensed to operate in the area until the Amboseli ecosystem management plan is completed and gazetted, said the National Environment Management Authority (Nema). The one-year moratorium will run until March next year. The implication of the moratorium is that Nema and relevant lead agencies shall not issue requisite licences for any new/proposed developments or projects as listed in the second schedule of Environmental Management and Coordination Act, 1999, said the notice on moratorium. The notice that took eect from February 28 is expected to aect investors who had planned to set up hotels and other tourist facilities in THE AMBOSELIthe area as they are supposed to wait until March next year when the direcECOSYSTEM tive will be reviewed. The Amboseli ecosystem has been HAS BEEN under siege from rising population, UNDER SIEGE haphazard development which have FROM RISING come up such as unplanned tourism POPULATION. facilities, drilling of boreholes, construction of airstrips, farming, settleNema director- ment, land sub-division in the middle of wildlife corridors, unpredictable general Georeyand prolonged drought, among othWakhungu ers. This has resulted in diminishing wildlife and wildlife migratory routes and dispensed areas being choked, said the Nema director-general, Geoffrey Wakhungu. The Amboseli ecosystem stretches


over an area of 5,700 square kilometres from Chyulu hills, Tsavo West National Park to the Kenya-Tanzania border. In 2011, the number of visitors to the national park stood at 167,000, with reports from the Kenya Wildlife Service that the elephant population has increased in recent years. Stakeholders have agreed on the Amboseli ecosystem management plan and have been waiting for its gazettement to arrest the unplanned development that is putting pressure on the natural resources. Apart from human settlement fuelled by the prospects of business brought in by the tourists, horticulture farming is the latest intrusion into the already ailing ecosystem. The plan envisages zoning of the ecosystem to protect the environment by having various activities separated while taking into consideration the concerns of the communities in the area. In the plan, farming zones will be separated from grazing areas while hotels and other social facilities will be in a dierent zone. Amboseli is among the major tourist destinations in the country due to its wide variety of wildlife, scenic landscapes, proximity to Mount Kilimanjaro, and authentic Maasai culture. The decision to institute a moratorium was arrived at after extensive consultations with Kenya Wildlife Service, the Kenya Forest Service, the Olkejuado County Council, the Kenya Investment Authority, the Ministry of Regional Development, and the Amboseli ecosystem trust.


The estimated number of visitors who toured the Amboseli National Park in 2011. The park has been under threat from human encroachment.

The elephant population in the Amboseli National Park has been on the increase in recent years but encroachment on the ecosystem by humans is putting pressure on the environment.


6 smart company


Tuesday March 26, 2013 DAILY NATION


EAC seeks more from its minerals

Lack of comprehensive data on mineral resources, inadequate investment framework, and weak capacity have been cited as barriers to the East African Communitys eorts to secure maximum benets from the regions deposits. According to a statement from the trading bloc, there are a number of barriers standing in the way of the regions eorts to secure optimum returns from its minerals through extractive industries and value addition. In recognition of the challenges, the EAC has requested the Commonwealth Secretariat to provide technical assistance towards formulation of a list of steps to enable the region to maximise the economic value of its abundant mineral wealth. This, it said, will be done through facilitating and regulating development of extractive industries and mineral value addition in a sustainable manner. This will help in improvement of knowledge on availability and utilisation of industrial mineral resources through information dissemination and sharing mechanisms among partner states, reads the statement. It also suggests development of regulatory and institutional framework to facilitate investment in extraction and mineral processing industries and hence stimulate industrial linkages within the region. The secretariat has also recommended strengthening of regional and national capacities in industrial mineral extraction, prospecting, and processing. At a meeting in Bujumbura, Burundi last week, experts were set to netune the nal draft framework to guide the development and promotion of extractive industries and mineral value addition. The meeting aimed to examine and identify the mineral resource potential and opportunities for value addition within the region. It also seeks to identify existing legal, regulatory, and institutional policy frameworks in the extractive and mineral processing industries and examine areas in which alignment of frameworks within the community is most attainable or would be most eective. The experts explored opportunities, challenges, constraints, and linkages associated with development of strategic mineral resources for value addition investment promotion at partner state level and at the regional stage. It is due to make appropriate recommendations on measures and instruments for eective development of extractive industries and mineral value addition in EAC region. -Yvonne Kawira

Ariel washes Omo from top spot as consumers favourite

Survey says that four years after re-entry, detergent is now the leading choice among customers in the Kenyan market
our years after its re-entry into Kenya, Proctor & Gambles washing detergent, Ariel, has edged out Unilevers Omo from the market leader position. According to a survey carried out by Consumer Insight Africa, Ariel now controls 25 per cent of the market while Omo holds 18 per cent. Going by the results of the newest REJA shopper study from Consumer Insight, Ariel has successfully captured a loyal following, said Consumer Insight. Ariels coup is reective of a competition that is gathering steam in the fastmoving goods markets as multinationals and local rms battle it out to capture Kenyas growing consumer base. In 1998, Proctor & Gamble introduced Ariel to Kenya, only to slink out following a bruising battle with the Anglo-Dutch Unilever. In 2009, P&G made a grand re-entry ready to splurge heavily on marketing and with a strategy to gain market leadership in ve years. Nearly four years and one price war later, the company appears to have achieved its growth ambitions. However, Unilever may yet have the last laugh. According to Consumer Insight, although Ariel is now the market leader, a combination of Unilever brands still control the largest chunk of the market. Sunlight detergent, Unilevers answer to the low-end market, now has a market share of 17 per cent. This,


combined with Omos market share means that Unilever holds 35 per cent of the laundry detergent market, well above P&Gs 25 per cent. But Omo and Sunlight both from the multinational have a combined share that more than beats what Number One (Ariel) controls. This proves that a multiple brand strategy within one category is actually workable, said Consumer Insight. Nevertheless, this is a step-down for Unilever, whose Omo has been a market leader for more than four decades. Research rm AC Nielsen in 2009 reported that Unilever controlled 50 per cent of the market. Kapa Oils Toss detergent came in fourth with a six per cent market share, tying with PZ Cussons Ushindi bar soap. Coming in at a respectable position is Ushindi, whose brand is based on the broad appeal at the mid to upper class. This simple fact alone makes it the brand to watch in this segment, said Consumer Insight. Bidcos Gental and Power Boy had four per cent and three per cent market share respectively. Trends in the detergent market are replicated across other segments of the fast-moving consumer goods sector where multinationals have bitten a larger piece of the pie of local industries. Consumer Insight surveys on market share of product categories ranging from bathing soap to spices and sanitary towels show that multinationals, led by P&G and Unilever, are leading the pack. The research firm notes that brands

that are easily recognisable and which have been in the market for decades still hold sway among consumers. In the sanitary towels division, P&Gs Always holds a 62 per cent market share and Consumer Insight warns that it will be extremely expensive for any other brand to topple it from this position. With a consistent marketing formula target the youth, execute relentlessly, grow with your market the brand has successfully engaged its core audience. This dominance, a lead of over 51 per cent, is costly to overcome, so not worth the eort, writes the research rm. Other brands that have beneted from advertising include Unilevers Royco, which was ranked as having the second best television commercial last year. Unilever dominated the list of most memorable advertisements following a survey of 12,000 television and radio commercials. Blue Band, remained a favourite in the spreadable oils and fats segment, capturing about 76 per cent of the market. The brand beat Kapa Oils Prestige Margarine and Bidco Oils Biddy, also buoyed by strategic advertising. Although the big spenders in advertising are multinationals, Consumer Insight found that the utilisation of Kenyan advertising agencies and artists made a crucial dierence in the eectiveness of the advertisement. However, some locally produced adverts were also ranked among the worst performers.

Advertising benet

Reasonable position


What type of detergents did you buy?



25% 18%

Unilevers combined market share in the detergents market. P&G holds 25pc, says Consumer Insight.




Toss Ushindi

6% 6% 5%



4% 3% 14%

Power Boy Others

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

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8 smart company

Tuesday March 26, 2013 DAILY NATION



New law makes the Kenyan consumer king

Among other dictates, rule requires that all regulators include a rights agent in its board
he Central Bank of Kenya will be required to reconstitute its board before the expiry of the current members term to comply with a new law. The Consumer Protection Act, 2012, which came into eect two weeks ago, provides that all regulators must appoint a representative of consumer rights bodies to their board of directors. This requirement has been the subject of a running battle between the Consumer Federation of Kenya (Cofek) and the Communications Commission of Kenya, the regulatory authority for the communications industry in Kenya, with the federation suing to have the court compel the commission to appoint its representative to its board. It now has legal backing. There shall be consumer representation on all regulatory bodies and




Consumer Protection Act, 2012

It provides that all regulators must appoint a representative of consumer rights bodies to their board of directors.

the respective appointing authorities shall have due regard to accredited consumer organisations and the Advisory Committee in making such appointments, reads the Act. The other organisations required to reconstitute their boards are the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), the Capital Markets Authority (CMA), the Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK), and the Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA). They have been accused of ignoring consumers concerns in favour of pursuing businessfriendly policies. Consumer representation is expected to change this. But that is just one facet of a law that is designed to turn the doing of business in the country on its head; from advertising, how banks treat their customers, to mechanics duty in repairing motor vehicles. It seeks to end an era where consumers and their concerns were relegated to footnotes to making them the kings. There has been a denite vacuum in the regulation of consumer matters. This will remedy that, said Prof Joseph Kieyah of the Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA). The first beneficiaries, though, seem to be the mushrooming consumer rights groups which, by the publication of the gazette notice, were turned from hecklers of anticonsumer decisions made by the government to an integral part of national policy formulation and regulation. In the past, we have been left on the sidelines and often end up reacting to decisions instead of helping to formulate them. This will change, said Cofek secretary general, Mr Stephen Mutoro. However, acquiring and keeping seats in the regulatory boards will by no means be a smooth ride. For one, consumer organisations in Kenya are a fragmented, poorly funded, and sometimes shadowy lot. In a 2012 report titled The State of the Kenyan Consumer, the Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS), noted that civil society groups and consumer organisations had limited capacity to carry out their mandate and often had little or no government cooperation and support. (There is) lack of long-term sup-

port from government departments for consumer organisations. (Another challenge is) uncooperative regulators and a lack of consumer support, says the CUTS report. Dissenting voices have also warned that the new Act may simply be used for proteering even among the legitimate consumer rights associations. By proceeding to place vetted associations at state regulatory bodies, the new legislation has been criticised on social media as being an avenue for job seekers wearing consumer protection clothes. But time will tell, said ICT Consumers Association chairman, Mr Alex Gakuru. While acknowledging these challenges, Mr Mutoro said the newly effected law makes explicit provisions for the regulation of consumer rights associations. Only those organisations registered under the Societies Act for purposes of consumer protection will be allowed to nominate members to the nine-member Advisory Committee that is tasked with spearheading consumer-friendly policies. The Advisory Committee has also been granted the power to monitor the development of consumer associations as well as create industry standards for the conduct of such



Not a smooth ride


Unscrupulous mechanics ha nowhere to hide

All motor vehicle repairers will be require to provide a minimum warranty of 90 days or 5,000 kilometres, whichever comes rst on new or reconditioned spare parts which they instal in vehicles. Should the parts fail before the warranty expires, the vehicle can be repaired at the cost of the mechanic.

r story

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

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Consumer Rights!!!

disdain over the manner in which the CCK has handled the matter of digital migration, even going to the courts to challenge the commission. Last week, Mr Mutoro publicly chided the ERC for increasing the price of fuel. Once the members of the Advisory Committee are appointed and consumer rights representatives seconded to regulatory bodies, they will have the formidable task of bringing the rights of the customer into focus in a market where these rights have been consigned to the back burner for years. Before the gazettement of the Act, the rights of Kenyan consumers were addressed in no less than nine pieces of legislations implemented by as many agencies. Although not necessarily incompetent, these agencies were often unable to deliver their consumer protection mandate due to overlapping responsibilities and competing priorities. They have other priority objectives apart from consumer protection and the latter is often a secondary role, which faces implementation challenges, notes CUTS. The new law will, therefore, consolidate the breadth of consumer protection provisions from myriad sectors under one overarching regime. Further, the new law provides Kenyan consumers with unprecedented protection and empowers them to seek redress. In line with provisions made in the Constitution, consumers will now be free to pursue class action suits without rst seeking the approval of the courts. Class suits are those in which a group/class of people can bring a claim to a court against one or more parties. This is bound to be a game changer locally. As the ease of l-

ing such suits increases, companies are likely to be wary of sparking the wrath of consumers and risking heavy nes in damages. There have been fears that the tightening of these regulations could potentially harm Kenyas business environment. Mr Kieyah, however, argues that the private sector is equally empowered and that the co-existence of robust lobbies on behalf of both businesses and consumers will create the ideal operating environment. The interests of consumers and businesses are antithetic to one another. In the process of both these forces pulling in opposite directions, we are likely to see more balanced government policies, he said. Nevertheless, Kenyan businesses will have to go back to the drawing board on some of their strategies, especially in marketing, as a consequence of the new regulation. The Act elaborates on deceptive advertising and proposes nes of up to Sh10 million for some of these practices. Commentators have, however, warned that the Act will not be a panacea for all that aicts the Kenyan consumer. Mr Gakuru notes that as long as a culture of impunity when it comes to economic crimes persists, the Act will do little to change the current situation. Further, although the law might be in place, Kenyas consumer base remains unaware of its rights and might, therefore, need aggressive public education before it can start taking corporates to task. One hopes that the body charged with consumer protection under this Act does not turn out to be like the moribund Monopolies and Prices Commission of Kenya, occasionally popping up with sweet comments, but whose market and consumer protection eects were rarely felt, said Mr Gakuru.

Go back to drawing board

Empowered to seek redress

bodies. We have seen people say that they are ghting for consumer rights but they have not always been legitimate. The Act oers this legitimacy, said Mr Kieyah.

Even so, there is the inescapable fact that providing consumer lobbies platforms in regulatory bodies may in some cases create strange bedfellows. The associations have often collided with government regulators

over fundamental issues and if they are unable to reconcile their dierences, it could result in lags in the implementation and enforcement of government regulations. Cofek, in particular, has expressed


The Act seeks to protect consumers from deceptive advertisements. Alleging that goods contain certain qualities that they, in fact, do not have could land suppliers in jail. The law also outlaws ambiguous, exaggerated, or innuendo-lled adverts. Companies will be required to guarantee the quality of the services and goods advertised.


Advertisers in the spotlight



Regulatory authorities forced to reconstitute their boards Government regulatory bodies, such as the Central Bank and the Capital Markets Authority, will have to incorporate consumer rights representatives in their operations. The representatives will be appointed with the input of the accredited consumer rights associations and the Kenya Consumer Protection Advisory Committee.


End of penalty charges on earlier repayment of loans

uired ays rst, ch ail can

Banks will be put under tighter scrutiny, with the Act requiring that they provide their clients with information on any changes in interest rates higher than one per cent within 30 days of such changes. Further, borrowers will be entitled to pay the full balance of a loan at any time without being charged prepayment fees.

The venerable in society have recourse Companies are also forbidden from selling goods at a price that grossly exceeds the cost of similar good or services readily available to like consumers. Suppliers of goods who knowingly enter into agreements with consumers who cannot protect their own interests because of ignorance, inability to understand language, or illiteracy will also be taken to task.


10 smart business


Tuesday March 26, 2013 DAILY NATION



Farmers grapple with high input costs as planting starts

Court case led by a farm input supplier against the cereals board delays the distribution of subsidised fertiliser


SEACOM is upgrading its submarine network and this is expected to contribute to more aordable Internet access in East and Southern Africa. The upgrade includes key countries in its 17,000 kilometre undersea network, including India, Egypt, Dijbouti, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, and South Africa. The project will allow Seacom to deliver its capacity in very short time-frames and cater for future demand. Connectivity services in Africa are booming due to the growing needs of business IT users, the rise of cloud-based services, and growing requirements for the processing and storing of personal data, said Claes Segelberg, the chief technology ocer at Seacom.


price of a 50 kilogramme bag of fertiliser is Sh3,500 in the stores. The board sells it at Sh2,480. The boards public relations manager, Mr Evans Wasike, has, however, asked farmers not to worry, saying the NCPB would supply them with the input as soon as the case was determined. We have already awarded the tender and are just waiting for the ruling this month before we start normal distribution of fertiliser to farmers, said Mr Wasike. The NCPBs North Rift regional manager, Mr Jonah Marindich, told farmers to be patient as the importation of fertiliser was already underway. However, some farmers are worried that they cannot wait because the rains are almost starting. It is better that I buy the fertiliser at a higher price and avoid the inconvenience of planting late, said Mr Peter Okumu, a farmer in Trans

he absence of a popular brand of subsidised fertiliser and rising costs of maize seed have growers worried. A 25 kilogramme bag of maize seed is now selling at Sh4,500, up from Sh3,750 after the Kenya Seed Company increased the price by 20 per cent. For the past two years, growers have had it rough during the planting season owing to a number of hiccups, among them the distribution of fertiliser after planting has started. Last year a court case led by MEA Limited questioning the procedure that the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) was using to distribute fertiliser almost paralysed farming. The suit saw the distribution of the input start late, forcing some farmers to plant without the crucial ingredient.


Total Kenya Limited has introduced high boiling point brake uid for the Kenyan market. The new product is ideal for modern cars equipped with disc, drum, and anti-lock brakes (ABS) operating in severe conditions. Mr Ken Koskei, the Total Kenya lubricants technical and training manager, said HBF DOT 5.1 has a high boiling point even after extended periods under severe conditions at high temperatures. As this safeguards against vapour lock, users are always assured of the best possible stopping power. He said another benet is the brake uids limited water take-up, which is technically known as low hygroscopy. The life of vehicle brake circuits is protected by HBF 5.1 because it is compatible with both natural and synthetic rubber parts and does not corrode metals, he added.
Smallholder farmers prepare land for the planting season in Muhanda, Alego.


This year, the situation is not any dierent. A court case led by Erad supplying company has stopped all transactions at the board. NCPBs bank accounts have been attached by auctioneers on behalf of Erad, paralysing its activities. The board has been ordered by the court to pay Sh500 million resulting from the cancellation of a tender that Erad had been awarded in 2004. The price of DAP fertiliser in retail shops has gone up as the shortage of the subsidised product from NCPB bites. The

No dierent situation

Nzoia County. The Fertiliser Association of Kenya (FAK) has called on the government to look into the possibility of buying the fertiliser from private importers and selling it to farmers at subsidised price to avoid late planting. In an interview, association chairman Eustace Muriuki said private importers have more than enough fertiliser in their stores to last the entire planting season. Private importers have 100,000 tonnes of planting fertiliser and it would be wise for the government to buy from

Have more than enough

them, then sell it to farmers at a subsidised rate, he said. Mr Muriuki, however, asked farmers not to wait. This comes in the wake of the board urging farmers to use other types of fertiliser instead of waiting for the subsidised Diammonium Phosphate (DAP). For long, farmers have been using DAP as the only source of planting fertiliser, but it is time they changed by adopting alternatives such as SSP and NPK, which are equally productive, said Mr Marindich. A visit by Smart Company at Eldoret established that some farmers have decided to go for alternatives.


Oracle Corporation has released its second generation PeopleSoft application due to what it said increased demand for world class professional services. The application, dubbed PeopleSoft 9.2 provides comprehensive business and industry solutions, enabling organisations to increase productivity, accelerate business performance, and provide a lower cost of ownership. With revolutionary innovations in user experience, this revised application has new features and functionality designed to help users work more eciently, get their work done quicker, and in a way thats more familiar based on consumer technologies, said Paco Aubrejuan, senior vice-president and general manager of Oracles PeopleSoft Applications.


KFA asks growers to test their soils for acidity

The Kenya Farmers Association has asked growers in the North Rift region to take their soils to the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services (Kephis) laboratories for acidity testing. According to the associations Iten branch manager, Mr Moses Karamai, it is important for farmers to know this so that they can be advised on the most appropriate type of fertiliser to use for maximum yields. The KFA manager said farmers should submit the samples at the KFA oces for onward transmission to the Kephis laboratories in Kitale or to the University of Eldoret formerly, known as Chepkoilel College, for testing. Speaking during a stakeholders meeting in preparation for the Kamariny agricultural exhibition last week, the county director of agriculture, Mrs Esther Tallam, said studies had shown that soil in the area was highly acidic and was negatively aecting production. She said that farmers preferred using Diammonium Phosphate (DAP) since the crops do well even without topdressing, but said in the long run, it aects the soil and appealed to them to consider using Nitrogen Phosphate and Potassium (NPK) or Single Super Phosphate (SSP) fertiliser. If the crops are topdressed with Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) they can still do well, she said. Given that there is high demand for agricultural inputs as the planting season gets underway, Mrs Tallam called on farmers to beware of fake inputs sold by unscrupulous traders who may take advantage of the high demand. She, therefore, advised farmers to keep the receipts, the seed packaging, and lot number until harvest time, saying this would enable them to seek compensation in case the crops did not do well. She added that this would also enable seed companies and the Agriculture Ministry to trace where the seeds were bought. The forums head, Mr Jonathan Chesesio, called on the National Cereals and Produce Board to provide the NPK fertiliser at Iten town to save farmers the cost of travelling to Eldoret for the same.

Philemon Sutter

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


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Hawkers display their wares on tables outside the City Mall in Nyali during the opening of the Masai Market in Mombasa.

Ms Emma Mwongeli Ms Mwongeli has joined the National Bank of Kenya (NBK) as head of institutional banking and cash management. She has worked in the banking industry for over 20 years, having served in dierent capacities. She holds an MA in communication and a BSC in business administration. Mr Norman Ambunya Mr Ambunya has joined NBK as head of nance and administration. He was previously at Bank of Africa in the same capacity. He has also worked in internal audit and IT at KCB. He holds a Bachelors and Masters degrees in economics from the University of Nairobi.

Market brings out the African in Kenya

Dealing in wares ranging from stylish clothes, bags, beads, paintings, and decor items, this is the place to be for handicraft lovers
aasai Market is one of its kind in Mombasa and is well known for the colour that radiates from the wares on display. The market, which will now be known as the African Crafts Market, is one of the hallmarks of the Jua Kali Association which came up with the idea to both preserve culture and nd an outlet for local artists. Opening twice a week at Nakumat City Mall, the market brings together men and women with diverse talents to showcase their products. The dealers make the items, which range from home decor to fashion for both men and women, themselves. The market has its headquarters in Nairobi but plans to go around East Africa selling its products. According to the regional coordinator and exhibition ocer, Ms Jane Munyau, the initiative was mooted to boost


local talent. It stocks baskets, womens accessories, traditional attire, paintings and sculptured soapstone, pots made of clay, stools made of wood, metal works, and beads among other handicrafts. The market accommodates anyone with talent for making something. Artists come up with the products themselves and we help them to sell their items locally and internationally at trade exhibitions, she said. Apart from being the coordinator, Ms Munyau is an artist who makes baskets from waste polythene and rua material. The baskets are then decorated with beads or scarfs. She also makes clutch bags from waste rugs. All the materials

she uses are sourced locally, apart from rua that she imports from Madagascar. One of the youngest artists at the market is Ms Ashley Mutisya, 23 who makes a variety of African jewellery from waste material from tailors. She started doing this while still in high school. I used to make beaded earrings and necklaces and that is when everyone told me I had a talent. After I completed high school and went to college, I started looking for a job with no success, so I decided to concentrate on jewellery making on a wider scale, she said. Her skills have grown immensely and she now makes

I was told I had a talent

shoes from Ankara. For many buyers, a collection of childrens toys made from soda bottle tops is something that cannot be missed. According to Mr Isa Hamidi, the man behind the initiative, the idea came to him when his child began playing with bottle tops. This inspired him to make the toys in form of cars and animal gures. Paintings range from drawings on boards to canvas. Mr Francis Ngugi, who is responsible for the canvas paintings at the market, said it was an art he learnt from a friend who was a retired teacher. After mastering the skill, he ventured out on his own but decided to use canvas, which, according to him, is better than board. The pictures vary from animals, people, landscapes, and anything else requested by the client. The market has attracted both local and international customers, who want it to be open everyday of the week.

International customers

Mr Thomas Gachie Mr Gachie has joined NBK as head of ICT. He holds a BSc, a postgraduate diploma in computer science, and an MBA (Management Science), all from the University of Nairobi, and a graduate diploma in banking from the University of London. Mr Molu Halkano Mr Halkano has joined NBK as head of Islamic Banking. He holds a B.Com and an MBA, both from the University of Nairobi. He joins the bank from First Community Bank, where he was the head of nancing. Previously, he was in charge of credit and administration.


The age of the youngest artist at the African Crafts Market


EAC to set up shared markets along borders

Shared markets will be set up for communities residing at the borders of the ve East African Community member states, further enhancing regional integration. The communities will also enjoy better facilities after a draft report that will see the setting up of the shared markets, among other facilities that include water, sanitation, storage facilities, information centres, access roads, and health facilities, was adopted last week. The rst meeting of experts noted that border communities within EAC partner states are faced with many challenges and, therefore, agreed that these facilities be shared by the member states, said the East Africa Secretariat. Part of the criticism of the East African Community trading bloc was its lack of focus on local residents, hence the inability to make many embrace the regional integration concept that was viewed as state-driven rather than people-driven. The meeting held last week was to also to consider locations for these facilities and explore ways of mobilising funds for putting them up. The parley convened under the African Trade Policy Centre is a culmination of discussions that have been going on about how to empower the communities residing at the boundaries of these states to enhance regional integration. The residents have been trading among themselves for many years, even before EAC was mooted, mostly through informal means, making it dicult for states to get appropriate data on the volume and type of business carried out.

-Mwaniki Wahome

Mr Solomon Alubala Mr Alubale has joined NBK as head of treasury. Mr Alubale holds a BA in economics and joins the bank from Cooperative Bank, where he was head of trading. He is also the outgoing chairman of ACI Kenya. He has previously worked at NIC Bank, Chase Bank, and Middle East Bank.

12 smart business


Tuesday March 26, 2013 DAILY NATION


Happy managers, happy sta, and happy customers

Every time I walk into a retail outlet, restaurant, or front oce, I am quick to notice if the sta are happy or unhappy. Those who are happy are always lively and willing to help. The sad ones are usually gloomy, negative, and uninterested in their customers and possibly even in their colleagues. Another major but unfortunate observation is that some unhappy sta are only eager to assist their customers when their unhappy manager is watching. Even when we telephone an organisation, we may be quick to identify whether the person receiving the call is sluggish or upbeat and this, too, can be a good indicator of their happiness levels. Many surveys have linked happy sta to happy customers and happy shareholders. Is your organisation proactively driving sta happiness? Hearty discussion I believer that sta happiness at work starts at the individual level. Happiness is largely a choice we make. I shared this thought at a recent training and a number of frontline sta were of a dierent opinion. They felt that their bosses determine their happiness at work. After a hearty discussion, most participants decided to make happiness at work their responsibility, irrespective of their managers happiness levels. When recruiting for my clients, I look out for managers and sta who are positive and enthusiastic. If the sta will be dealing with customers all day, they had better be keen to help them and in the process manage their feelings eectively. Managers, too, must create the right environment. On a happiness scale, would your managers and sta rate as very happy? Some managers and business owners assume that sta happiness is wholly a factor of pay and benets. At the point of hiring a sta, the pay is agreed upon. Unhappiness can only result if an organisation fails to honour a promise or does not make clear the performance targets pay raises will be based on. If a promise is made to review the pay annually, then it needs to be kept. Pay and benets There is, however, more to sta happiness than pay and benets. My all-time favourite customer service centric organisation,, is a true believer that for its customers to be happy, then the sta must be happy, too. In his book, Delivering Happiness: A Path to Prots, Passion, and Purpose, the CEO, Tony Hsieh, shows how creating a company culture that values happiness, then delivers on it can achieve remarkable results. Many sta members are unaware that happiness at work is their responsibility and, as such, managers must proactively drive a culture of happiness. If you want happy customers, you need to start by being a happy manager. In her book, Make More Money by Making Your Employees Happy, Dr Noelle Nelson explains it this way: When employees feel that the company takes their interest to heart, then the employees will take company interests to heart, Care more about your sta and they will not only care more about your customers, but will do it happily. Are you a manager? You could simply start every day with a warm hearty greeting to make your team feel appreciated. World Happiness Day was on March 20, but that does not mean that we should not have a happy day today.
Lucy Kiruthu is a management consultant and can be reached on or via twitter @kiruthulucy

Social media and the vice of hate speech in cyberspace

Any attempt to mess up with social media freedom will be seen as state-censorship, yet it can be used to forment trouble

uring the Arab spring revolution, the Libyan government showed the lengths to which some states can go in a bid to tame the cyber world. The country had an Eagle spy system whose purpose was to perform massive interception of Internet content. The traffic from Libyas Internet service providers and mobile phones was harvested using a method known as deep-packet inspection, thus enabling security agents to intercept emails, online chats ,and Facebook messages. Whereas some Internet interception systems carry out basic ltering on IP address, the Eagle spy system of Libya analysed and stored all the communications in a massive style of interception. The system was designed to provide cyberspace surveillance and tame social media. However, it failed to tame the uprising, paving the way for the unthinkable approach of shutting down the Internet. Generally, in cyberspace, it is tricky to dissect the four aspects of freedom of expression, state security, privacy, and on-line policing. In the real sense, if a country decides to mess with the freedom of the Internet, it turns into a case of state censorship, attracting global criticism, just like what has been happening to China and the Arab world. Social media gives many users a voice that they would not have got from mainstream media. Sites like Facebook are visited by millions of people who share information and interact in virtual meeting joints. In the political world, social media and the Internet at large provide a forum where users and politicians share information. The dark side of this rears its head on the web when users abuse their rights of expression or engage in criminal activities. Such is the case for hate speech as we embrace this transition period. Technically, the task of dealing with vices like hate speech in cyberspace is tricky. A keen observation of the hate speech on the Web reveals that many of the posts are done by people hiding behind anonymous identities. The In-


ternet is well known for ease of anonymity. A user in a public cyber caf can log onto a website with an anonymous identication, email, or username. The case of Internet anonymity is made even trickier with the availability of programmes and apps that promote extra stealth and multimedia messages that self-destruct to conceal evidence. Some free web programmes oer anonymous URLs and email identities that can help a person to post content without a trace. The same anonymous identities and the posted content can also be designed to vanish from the web through a self-destructing mechanism so that there is no trace left of any communication. The government can trace people with the help of Internet protocol addresses. However, the basic fact is that connected devices can either use that static address or the dynamic address. Now, the tricky part of tracking a person is when dynamic IPs are in use. There are tools and softwares on the Web that can be used by a techsavvy purveyor of hate speech to hide all his dirty laundry and escape without a trace. Such stealth browsing tools are sometimes used by hackers and cybercriminals to hide their activities.

Big brother


Kenya, like other countries on the globe, has a daunting task of taming cyberspace-related vices as well as crimes on other digital platforms. Recently, Information permanent secretary Bitange Ndemo said mobile telephone service providers block more than 300,000 text messages deemed to spread hate daily. The government, through the National Cohesion and Integration Commission, has also revealed that four individuals face arrest for spreading hate speech on social media. Social media creates virtual meeting joints for discussion, debate, and exchange of information. Such a sphere will certainly attract the prying eyes of the state and Internet marketers. It is worth noting that the basis of the business of social networking sites and Internet companies like Google is vested in advertisements based on the users information, interests, and demographics. Besides, in the quest for state security, some countries resort to crude methods like Libyas Eagle spy system, hence leaving users open to privacy breaches. The writer is an ICT analyst and a telecommunication engineer.


Number of messages in thousands which mobile telephone service rms block daily for being deemed to spread hate

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

smart business 13

14 smart company

business life
There are many lessons to be learned in startups.

Tuesday March 26, 2013 DAILY NATION



A business-oriented government would do great for Kenya

I WISH FOR an entrepreneurial government. These are times of great expectations in our country, great expectations in terms of transformation of how we manage our aairs, how we run our institutions, our resources, our leaders, and the led. As I was reecting on my own expectations and sought to know what can work, I came across a book whose content I would be happy to share with our governors and other leaders whom we are looking up to for change. The book, Reinventing Government: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit Is Transforming the Public Sector, is written by Osborne, David, and Ted Gaebler. The authors talk about 10 principles of an entrepreneurial government, which in my view would meet the great expectations in our counties and the nation as a whole. The great expectations would be met by an entrepreneurial government that is catalytic, that separates steering or providing guidance and direction from rowing or producing goods and services. It focuses on creating an environment for producing rather than attempting to produce. These huge expectations would be quenched by a communityowned government that empowers rather than serves. It pushes control of services out of bureaucracy into the community. The Constituency Development Fund is an excellent example. We should do more of this. It would be nice to have a government that encourages competitiveness for cost eciency, not necessarily privatisation, but ensuring good use of resources to stretch to the limit for maximum coverage. Mission-driven government It would be nice to have a mission-driven government that deregulates internally to eliminate burdensome internal rules and simplifying their administrative systems such as budget and procurement. This would then free managers to nd the best way to accomplish that mission within legal bounds. It would be exciting to have a result-oriented government that funds the outcomes and not the inputs. This would shift accountability from inputs to outputs the results. This will ensure that they measure performance and reward agencies accordingly, so they often exceed their goals. It would work to have a customer-driven government that pays attention to meeting the needs of the customer with as little bureaucracy as possible. Such a government would make an effort to perceive the needs of the customers and to give them a choice of producers. They would use surveys and focus groups to listen to their customers, and put resources in the customers hands. Great expectations would be met by an enterprising government that earns rather than spends, this government would stress on earning rather than spending money. They charge user fees and impact fees, and use incentives such as enterprise funds, shared earnings, and innovation funds to encourage managers to earn money. Great expectations would be met by an anticipatory government that believes in prevention rather than cure, a government that seeks to prevent problems rather than delivering services to correct them. They redesign budget systems, accounting systems, and reward systems to create the appropriate incentives. Great expectations would be met by a decentralised government that shifts from hierarchy to participation and teamwork. Such a government transfers decision-making authority to those individuals and organisations at the bottom of the group hierarchy. They restructure organisations and empower employees and create labour-management partnerships. And nally, a market-oriented government that leverages on change through the market by utilising the market mechanism instead of an administrative programme to provide goods and services to the public. They reinvent themselves through the application of marketoriented incentives.
Mr Muturi is the executive director, Kenya Institute of Management.

Building a family-friendly workplace for your sta

As a business head, there is a need to create a exible system for workers who are building their career while at the same time raising their children
ith the release of the book Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg, the chief operating ocer at Facebook, there has been a lot of healthy debate in the US about how companies can enable employees, especially women, to pursue their goals at work while raising children and caring for their family. With women entering the workforce in increasing numbers, and since technology has blurred the lines between working hours and personal time, people in many countries now face the same problems. Reading Lean In, Sheryls personal story of how she struggled to balance family and work as she advanced in her career, reminded me of how essential exibility in the workplace is when you are raising a family. At the Virgin Group, we are committed to making sure that our female sta have the tools they need to succeed, and that is one of the reasons Virgin America has taken part in activities arranged by the nonprot group, which was established with the mission of oering women inspiration and support to help them achieve their goals. Whether you are launching a startup or helping to grow an established company, nding solutions tailored to your groups needs will help you to build a happy, creative, dedicated team. Here are three suggestions that will help you to design more effective policies:


Make your oce familyfriendly.

Many people spend more waking hours at the oce than at home, which can be problematic for employees who must also handle the chores of family life: caring for young children and sick family members, and helping the elderly. As a business leader, you should creatively provide family-friendly benets, which will help your company to attract and retain sta. Flexible work arrangements and guaranteed paid family leave tell workers that you recognise and value their responsibilities. In Lean In, Sheryl admits that she did not realise how cumbersome parking in a spot far from the office entrance could be for pregnant women until she got pregnant, and only then did she ask her employer to reserve some spots close to the doorway for expectant mothers. Not everyone has the authority or condence to speak up like Sheryl, so be sure to ask your sta how you can help do not wait for them to come to you.

children while taking on more responsibilities over the years. Today, her home oce permits her to work across many time zones, which is essential for the person who is in charge of all my global speaking events.


Lean in and listen to your colleagues and sta


Create more opportunities for women to succeed

Sheryl puts the responsibility on women to speak up, take advantage of opportunities, and prove themselves as leaders, but from my perspective, companies also need to do more. Make sure, for example, that at your company women get equal pay and that they are given opportunities to prove themselves able to take on leadership roles. The exible policies you put in place at your rm can help all your sta to succeed. One of our employees at Virgin, Debbie, has worked from home since her rst days with us. This arrangement allowed her to raise two

Sheryl encourages all women to lean in and speak up: She cites a meeting where there was not enough room at a table, and so former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithners young female associates elected to sit in the back of the room. But business leaders need to do their part by listening something we all need to be reminded about pretty frequently. If people are not speaking up, it is your responsibility to change that situation: At the meeting with Geithner, one of the senior executives should have ordered a larger table when the problem became evident, or just gotten rid of it and rearranged the seating so that everybody could contribute to the discussion. When your employees do speak up, then it is your turn: it is time to earn their condence by acting on their feedback, whether that means simply discussing a decision or promoting their ideas. While there are many ways to congure an oce, the workplace is no place for old-school thinking. If you have ideas for creating a vibrant work environment where women and men can juggle their many work and family roles, please send them in. Richard Branson is the founder of the Virgin Group of companies. Questions from readers will be answered in future columns. Send them to RichardBra


Richard Branson

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


smart company 15

AccessKenyas share rally continues

Opening the year at Sh4.25, the Internet service rms share now stands at Sh8.47



Ernst & Young one of the largest nancial advisory services rms in the world is racing to cash in on the increasing opportunities in the Eastern Africa region as it opens a new oce in Juba, South Sudan. This is the eighth ofce in the region and makes it the only Big Four rm with the largest footprint across Eastern Africa. The rm has oces in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. Ernst & Young is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction, and advisory services and operates in 33 African countries.


ccessKenya continued its lead as the best performing counter this year at the Nairobi Securities Exchange, closing last weeks trading up 21 per cent. Last year the share price gained over 60 per cent and has already bagged another 98 per cent jump this year. Opening trading at Sh4.25 per share in January 2013, the stock closed last week at Sh8.47.

Analysts at NIC Securities said speculative trading of the Internet service providers counter started with its managements statement about being open to a potential takeover at the right price. The rally has persisted, with the stock hitting a fresh 12-month high of Sh8.45. The counter is riding on renewed investor confidence following the strong full-year performance as well as the announcement by major shareholders that they were open for a takeover, said the analysts. AccessKenya reported a 39 per cent increase in full-year earnings that saw it pay a dividend for the rst time in three years. The company is riding on increased subscription, with their corporate segment netting 700 more customers to 5,400.

Open to investor

ket, Afrika Investment analyst Ronald Lugalia told Smart Company. The Internet service provider has embarked on strengthening and optimising its network to increase eciency, targeting the corporate sector for increased business deals, which look headed to boost its revenues going forward. According to Standard Investment Bank (SIB) analysts, who attended an investor brieng with the company last week, AccessKenya looks to spend Sh300 million in capital expenditure this year, with a chunk of the nances expected to expand its bre network to reach more buildings and move some existing clients from WiMax. 2012 had started weaker as a result of a slowdown around the elections but expected business to pick up. The company is increasing its focus on IT and value-added services for the coming years, SIB analysts noted in their weekly report. In the full year that ended in December 2012, the company reported a 39 per cent rise in after-tax prots to Sh151 million, compared to Sh109 million reported in 2011, supported by increased connections and strengthening its grip on the corporate market segment. The company also resumed payment of dividend of Sh0.30 per share to its shareholders after a three-year drought.


National carrier Kenya Airways has awarded six customers free return air tickets to dierent destinations across the world in the fourth draw of a rae to mark its 36th anniversary. They are among 31 free return tickets to Lagos, Cairo, Delhi, Seychelles, and Kilimanjaro that the airline has been giving out to winning travellers since the rst draw of the Fly and Win Competition in February. We are rewarding our loyal customers who have been behind our impressive growth journey over the past 36 years, Kenya Airways marketing director, Mr Chris Diaz, said during the draw.

Value-added services


Increased subscription

AccessKenya has been strengthening and optimising its network to improve eciency.


Car and General has won a $10,000 grant from the -Cummins Foundation to help alleviate poverty in Samburu through sustainable agriculture and assisting children in education. The award will be used for building another water pan. The rm participated in the environmental challenge and was among six participants from Africa.

I wouldnt want to speculate so much on the takeover, but the rm is a much better target for other big rms locally or internationally, which may be looking at Kenya as an ICT hub and are eying the mar-


Telcos counter dominates trade even as turnover declines

THE NSE 20 Share Index shaved o a total of 60.52 points last week to stand at 4,713.60 points. The All Share Index (NASI) slid 0.19 per cent to settle at 113.45 points. Week-onweek turnover declined to Sh2.36 billion from Sh4.12 billion posted the previous week while the number of shares traded stood at 117 million. The telecommunication and technology industry was, as always, the busiest sector, trading 47 million shares, representing 40.46 per cent of the weeks traded volume. The bond market registered reduced activity with bonds worth Sh7.1 billion ATHI RIVER MINING LTD. (ARM) transacted, compared to Sh7.5 billion posted the previous week. ATHI RIVER Mining dipped 2.17 per cent for the week despite showing strong protability for the year 2012 to settle at Sh68. Its turnover increased to Sh11.4 billion from Sh8.1 billion, thanks to cement sales which rose by 64 per cent from increased market share in Kenya and Rwanda and contribution of three months sales from its Dar es Salaam plant, which became operational in October 2012. SAMEER AFRICA Limited pulled up 3.9 per cent last week as investors scrambled for the stock on the back of improved results. The groups turnover grew by 7.9 per cent to stand at Sh3.96 billion in 2012 driven by Yana tyres brand sales, which grew by eight per cent as a result of competitive pricing, aggressive sales, and marketing thrust in new export markets. Reduction in imported raw material costs impacted favourably on prot margins, allowing its earnings before tax to rise to Sh300.6 million from 148.4 million in 2011 a 102.5 per cent jump. LIMURU TEA Company traded at at Sh470, barely registering any bullish interest despite impressive results for last year. Its total turnover increased by 13.7 per cent to Sh116 million from Sh102 million in 2011. Fair weather conditions in the fourth quarter of last year and favourable tea prices provided support to the increased sales. Pre-tax prots rose by 145 per cent to Sh146.6 million as a result of a 98 per cent increase in the value of biological assets and a 74 per cent increase in nance income. NATION MEDIA Group rose 13.83 per cent to close at Sh321, exchanging a total 426,000 shares for the week. The mini rally was partly driven by its end-year results, which showed its turnover increasing by 9.82 per cent to Sh12.3 billion on the back of improved performance by new products and market share gains. Pre-tax prot increased by 24.7 per cent to Sh3.5 billion from Sh2.8 billion in 2011. The directors also recommended, subject to the approval of the shareholders, the Capital Markets Authority, and the Nairobi Securities Exchange, the issue of one new fully paid ordinary share for every ve ordinary shares held.
Rufus Mwanyasi


MAR 01 2012- MAR 29 2013 (DAILY CHART)

MAR 01 2012- MAR 29 2013 (DAILY CHART))


MAR 01 2012- MAR 29 2013 (DAILY CHART)


MAR 01 2012- MAR 29 2013 (DAILY CHART)

16 smart company

stocks & bonds

7.439% 10.500% 22.844% 13.826% 11.114% 12.496% 12.382% 12.844% 12.940% 9.50% 9.50% 9.50% 9.50% 6.951% 6.671% 7.636% 11.855% 11.50% 12.00% 9.75% 13.25% 12.75% 9.75% 13.50% 6.00% 13.25% 8.50% 14.00% 14.00% 10.75% 10.75% 10.75% 10.75% 10.75% 8.79% 9.307% 12.705% 13.75% 14.00% 13.00% 12.50% 12.00% 12.00% 14.50% 13.50% 12.50% 12.50% 12.50% 10.25% 9.00% 11.00% 11.25% 13.75% 10.00% 12.00% 11.25% 12.00% 1,439 880 23,437 6,470 16,315 13,800 20,777 18,457 19,967 4,095 14,809 10,008 13,239 11,925 11,969 21,714 22,588 5,948 2,318 8,270 3,319 2,657 15,908 3,060 32,872 2,705 5,929 3,451 5,028 9,309 2,993 13,505 4,152 4,967 12,053 14,934 10,965 4,031 3,901 4,865 19,727 18,898 36,499 3,655 7,237 18,030 7,381 9,420 10,206 12,036 19,530 4,262 18,449 6,011 7,564 20,193 17,086 28 182 245 399 518 581 637 700 728 28 147 210 539 784 973 1,036 1,519 28 266 483 329 693 1,792 749 2,338 77 140 1,085 1,148 1,666 1,785 1,939 2,002 2,212 2,576 2,765 3,367 1,631 1,967 2,240 2,877 3,164 3,829 3,269 3,360 3,514 3,640 4,214 4,368 4,641 5,278 5,432 5,551 6,615 7,161 8,099 10,164 9.600 10.600 11.315 12.695 12.785 12.830 12.870 12.915 12.940 9.600 10.200 10.920 12.800 12.930 12.905 12.900 12.835 9.600 11.555 12.760 12.645 12.910 12.000 12.935 12.000 10.295 10.120 12.890 12.885 12.815 12.790 12.825 12.840 12.885 12.965 13.005 13.720 12.820 12.830 12.890 12.100 12.200 12.200 13.115 13.135 13.210 13.200 13.135 13.120 13.090 13.020 13.300 12.800 12.900 13.100 13.200 13.300 102.9741 99.9525 114.6724 106.6748 98.7194 104.5474 102.3037 100.8444 100.0000 103.9972 100.6250 103.2290 95.8504 91.4461 88.4307 88.9326 100.7418 104.9900 103.4924 98.0827 101.7446 100.9325 94.0756 106.9424 80.0110 104.3846 100.3658 102.9384 107.6163 97.5387 93.7421 93.9878 91.9324 95.7146 84.7357 86.2198 97.8935 103.3538 105.7747 104.9143 102.4196 102.9594 105.0161 107.4562 105.5013 100.4727 96.1740 101.5365 82.8859 77.1734 86.9767 87.6847 109.6872 83.0714 96.1747 88.8544 91.3920 3.1473 0.0000 7.4682 5.5836 0.8549 5.0465 3.0955 0.9880 0.0000 4.0192 0.9135 4.0192 0.1827 2.4061 2.1809 1.1748 3.8757 4.8654 3.2308 1.6875 1.2740 1.2260 0.7500 5.9712 0.4615 3.8221 0.9808 0.2692 4.8462 4.5481 1.0337 1.8606 0.0000 4.5481 3.7188 3.7586 3.1763 0.2644 1.3462 4.5000 1.2019 3.6923 5.7692 0.2788 3.6346 4.3269 0.0000 5.2885 0.0000 2.2500 0.0000 0.8654 3.4375 3.2692 3.9231 2.8125 0.9231 99.8268 99.9525 107.2042 101.0912 97.8645 99.5010 99.2082 99.8564 100.0000 99.9779 99.7115 99.2098 95.6677 89.0400 86.2498 87.7579 96.8661 100.1246 100.2616 96.3952 100.4706 99.7066 93.3256 100.9712 79.5495 100.5625 99.3850 102.6691 102.7702 92.9906 92.7084 92.1272 91.9324 91.1665 81.0169 82.4612 94.7172 103.0894 104.4285 100.4143 101.2177 99.2671 99.2469 107.1773 101.8667 96.1458 96.1740 96.2480 82.8859 74.9234 86.9767 86.8193 106.2497 79.8022 92.2517 86.0419 90.4689
INSURANCE British-American Investments Co (Kenya) Ltd Ord0.10/CIC Insurance Group Ltd Ord.1.00 1/Jubilee Holdings Ltd Ord 5.00 5/Kenya Re Insurance Corporation Ltd Ord 2.50 2.50/Liberty Kenya Holdings Ltd Ord.1.00 1/Pan Africa Insurance Holdings Ltd Ord 5.00 5/INVESTMENT Centum Investment Co Ltd Ord 0.50 City Trust Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS Olympia Capital Holdings Ltd Ord 5.00 Trans-Century Ltd Ord 0.50 AIMS 8.50 4.80 207.00 13.90 8.30 52.50 cd 8.15 4.95 208.00 14.50 8.55 54.50 -4.12% 3.13% 0.48% 4.32% 3.01% 3.81% AGRICULTURAL Eaagads Ltd Ord 1.25 AIMS Kakuzi Ltd Ord.5.00 Kapchorua Tea Co. Ltd Ord Ord 5.00 AIMS The Limuru Tea Co. Ltd Ord 20.00 AIMS Rea Vipingo Plantations Ltd Ord 5.00 Sasini Ltd Ord 1.00 Williamson Tea Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS AUTOMOBILES & ACCESSORIES Car & General (K) Ltd Ord 5.00 CMC Holdings Ltd Ord 0.50 Marshalls (E.A.) Ltd Ord 5.00 Sameer Africa Ltd Ord 5.00

Tuesday March 26, 2013 DAILY NATION

FXD2/2011/2 FXD3/2011/2 FXD4/2011/2 FXD1/2012/2 FXD2/2012/2 FXD3/2012/2 FXD4/2012/2 FXD1/2013/2 FXD2/2013/2 FXD2/2008/5 FXD3/2008/5 FXD4/2008/5 FXD1/2009/5 FXD1/2010/5 FXD2/2010/5 FXD1/2011/5 FXD1/2012/5 FXD1/2007/6 FXD2/2006/7 FXD1/2007/7 FXD1/2006/8 FXD1/2007/8 IFB1/2010/8 FXD1/2006/9 IFB2/2010/9 FXD1/2003/10 FXD2/2003/10 FXD1/2006/10 FXD2/2006/10 FXD1/2007/10 FXD1/2008/10 FXD2/2008/10 FXD3/2008/10 FXD1/2009/10 FXD1/2010/10 FXD2/2010/10 FXD1/2012/10 FXD1/2006/11 FXD1/2006/12 FXD1/2007/12 IFB1/2009/12 IFB2/2009/12 IFB1/2011/12 FXD1/2007/15 FXD2/2007/15 FXD3/2007/15 FXD1/2008/15 FXD1/2009/15 FXD1/2010/15 FXD2/2010/15 FXD1/2012/15 FXD1/2013/15 FXD1/2008/20 FXD1/2011/20 FXD1/2012/20 FXD1/2010/25 SDB1/2011/30 CORPORATE BONDS BARCLAYS BANK MEDIUM TERM NOTES FR(MTN)/2008/7 FX(MTN)/2008/7 14-Jul-08 14-Jul-08 08-Jul-13 08-Jul-13 27-Apr-12 16-Jul-13 16-Jul-13 30-Oct-11 02-May-13 02-May-13 02-May-13 29-Jul-13 29-Jul-13 06-Jul-15 T.B.+1.00% 06-Jul-15 27-Oct-16 Fixed Fixed 9.100% 11.750% 13.00% 9.843% 12.50% 12.50% 12.704% 12.25% 7.75% 13.250% 13.50% 0.740 1.260 622 98 2,402 25,000 463.40 7,049.60 4,487.00 1,750.00 250.00 105 833 1,312 113 1,209 2,411 38 588 994 2,310 2,310 12.000 12.000 13.000 12.500 12.500 12.000 13.000 12.000 11.000 13.250 13.500 98.8814 101.5529 93.6048 100.5218 102.3250 92.9318 102.4893 105.4489 92.5410 101.9934 103.0202 1.9197 2.4788 5.3068 1.8338 2.3288 2.8767 4.9772 4.7993 3.0363 2.0385 2.0769 96.9617 99.0741 88.2980 98.6880 99.9963 92.9318 97.5121 100.6496 89.5047 99.9549 100.9433 25-Apr-11 26-Sep-11 28-Nov-11 30-Apr-12 27-Aug-12 29-Oct-12 24-Dec-12 25-Feb-13 25-Mar-13 28-Apr-08 25-Aug-08 27-Oct-08 21-Sep-09 24-May-10 29-Nov-10 31-Jan-11 28-May-12 30-Apr-07 25-Dec-06 30-Jul-07 27-Feb-06 26-Feb-07 01-Mar-10 24-Apr-06 30-Aug-10 23-Jun-03 25-Aug-03 27-Mar-06 29-May-06 29-Oct-07 25-Feb-08 28-Jul-08 29-Sep-08 27-Apr-09 26-Apr-10 01-Nov-10 25-Jun-12 25-Sep-06 28-Aug-06 28-May-07 23-Feb-09 07-Dec-09 03-Oct-11 26-Mar-07 25-Jun-07 26-Nov-07 31-Mar-08 26-Oct-09 29-Mar-10 27-Dec-10 24-Sep-12 25-Feb-13 30-Jun-08 30-May-11 26-Nov-12 28-Jun-10 28-Feb-11 22-Apr-13 23-Sep-13 27-May-13 29-Apr-13 26-Aug-13 29-Apr-13 24-Jun-13 26-Aug-13 23-Sep-13 22-Apr-13 19-Aug-13 22-Apr-13 16-Sep-13 20-May-13 27-May-13 29-Jul-13 27-May-13 22-Apr-13 17-Jun-13 22-Jul-13 19-Aug-13 19-Aug-13 26-Aug-13 15-Apr-13 26-Aug-13 10-Jun-13 12-Aug-13 16-Sep-13 20-May-13 22-Apr-13 19-Aug-13 22-Jul-13 23-Sep-13 22-Apr-13 22-Apr-13 29-Apr-13 24-Jun-13 16-Sep-13 19-Aug-13 20-May-13 19-Aug-13 03-Jun-13 01-Apr-13 16-Sep-13 17-Jun-13 20-May-13 23-Sep-13 22-Apr-13 23-Sep-13 24-Jun-13 23-Sep-13 26-Aug-13 24-Jun-13 27-May-13 27-May-13 24-Jun-13 26-Aug-13 22-Apr-13 23-Sep-13 25-Nov-13 28-Apr-14 25-Aug-14 27-Oct-14 22-Dec-14 23-Feb-15 23-Mar-15 22-Apr-13 19-Aug-13 21-Oct-13 15-Sep-14 18-May-15 23-Nov-15 25-Jan-16 22-May-17 22-Apr-13 16-Dec-13 21-Jul-14 17-Feb-14 16-Feb-15 19-Feb-18 13-Apr-15 19-Aug-19 10-Jun-13 12-Aug-13 14-Mar-16 16-May-16 16-Oct-17 12-Feb-18 16-Jul-18 17-Sep-18 15-Apr-19 13-Apr-20 19-Oct-20 13-Jun-22 11-Sep-17 13-Aug-18 13-May-19 08-Feb-21 22-Nov-21 18-Sep-23 07-Mar-22 06-Jun-22 07-Nov-22 13-Mar-23 07-Oct-24 10-Mar-25 08-Dec-25 06-Sep-27 07-Feb-28 05-Jun-28 05-May-31 01-Nov-32 28-May-35 21-Jan-41 Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed

CNOOC says 2012 prot fell 9.3 per cent

CHINESE oil giant CNOOC on Friday reported that 2012 net prot fell 9.3 per cent, blaming higher operating costs including exploration and the poor global economy. The state-owned energy company said net prot for last year was 63.69 billion yuan ($10.25 billion), down from 70.26 billion yuan in 2011. Revenue rose 2.8 per cent to 247.63 billion yuan
from 240.94 billion yuan the previous year. The Beijing-based company attributed the fall in prots to the increased cost of searching for new wells and operating existing ones. Operating expenses increased by 17.4 per cent to 21.45 billion yuan, while exploration costs increased by 73.3 per cent, the company said in a ling to the Hong Kong stock exchange, where it is listed. CNOOC said it saw a net production 342.4 million barrels of oil equivalent, a 3.2 per cent year-on-year increase, largely due to greater production from North American shale oil and gas projects and oil sands project in Canada. In 2011 CNOOC took over Canadian oil sands developer OPTI for around $2.1 billion. (AFP)

NSE Equities
Ordinary Shares Par Value VWAP Last Fri: VWAP This Thur: Prices Shares Change Traded % During the week 0.00% 4.71% 0.00% 9.30% 3.57% 7.05% 8.64% 1,500 100 7,400 1,000 87,300 82,600 5,200 Total Shares Issued 32,157,000 19,599,999 3,912,000 1,200,000 60,000,000 228,055,500 8,756,320 Mkt Cap. Kshs Mn. EPS DPS P/E Dividend Yield 1/25 5/5/20/5/1/5/24.00 85.00 115.00 430.00 21.00 12.05 220.00 24.00 89.00 115.00 470.00 21.75 12.90 239.00 771.77 1,744.40 449.88 564.00 1,305.00 2,941.92 2,092.76 1.36 28.06 19.93 33.70 6.34 1.72 93.74 1.25 3.75 7.50 7.50 1.10 1.00 57.50 Sector PE 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.20 Sector PE 1.00 0.00 1.90 1.25 1.40 1.90 0.40 1.00 12.50 0.50 Sector PE 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 8.00 0.60 0.00 1.30 0.30 Sector PE 0.40 10.50 1.25 1.00 0.00 Sector PE 0.60 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 Sector PE 0.10 0.09 4.50 0.35 0.40 3.00 Sector PE 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.25 Sector PE 0.00 6.80 32.50 5.00 8.75 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.75 Sector PE 0.30 0.22 Sector PE 17.65 3.17 5.77 13.95 3.43 7.50 2.55 4.28 2.83 75.00 -1.05 15.00 35.02 10.12 5.56 8.31 9.20 6.83 9.37 6.35 8.33 11.01 8.10 9.07 -0.60 -1.10 3.18 -22.37 22.20 32.58 8.36 11.42 20.87 11.00 29.66 17.34 8.73 8.53 -6.05 22.67 10.23 5.23 7.90 5.10 9.71 7.85 5.82 18.33 6.30 4.55 4.97 7.50 6.47 8.94 53.02 10.26 28.05 14.34 -5.50 12.97 16.20 11.08 22.51 -3.47 75.00 3.52 5.36 18.58 10.14 19.22 19.12 5.21% 4.21% 6.52% 1.60% 5.06% 7.75% 24.06%

cd xd


21.00 13.50 12.40 4.50

xd S

22.00 13.50 12.40 5.25

4.76% 0.00% 0.00% 16.67%

3,100 300 656,800

33,419,424 582,709,440 14,393,106 278,342,393

735.23 7,866.58 178.47 1,461.30

7.78 0.18 -11.80 0.35

2.50% 0.00% 0.00% 3.81%

BANKING Barclays Bank of Kenya Ltd Ord 0.50 0.50/CFC Stanbic of Kenya Holdings Ltd ord.5.00 5/Diamond Trust Bank Kenya Ltd Ord 4.00 4/Equity Bank Ltd Ord 0.50 0.50/Housing Finance Co.Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 1/Kenya Commercial Bank Ltd Ord 1.00 5/National Bank of Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 5/NIC Bank Ltd Ord 5.00 5/Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Ltd Ord 1.00 COMMERCIAL AND SERVICES Express Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS Hutchings Biemer Ltd Ord 5.00 Kenya Airways Ltd Ord 5.00 Longhorn Kenya Ltd Ord 1.00 AIMS Nation Media Group Ltd Ord. 2.50 Scangroup Ltd Ord 1.00 Standard Group Ltd Ord 5.00 TPS Eastern Africa Ltd Ord 1.00 Uchumi Supermarket Ltd Ord 5.00 CONSTRUCTION & ALLIED Athi River Mining Ord 1.00 Bamburi Cement Ltd Ord 5.00 Crown Paints Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 E.A.Cables Ltd Ord 0.50 E.A.Portland Cement Co. Ltd Ord 5.00 ENERGY & PETROLEUM KenGen Co. Ltd Ord. 2.50 KenolKobil Ltd Ord 0.05 Kenya Power & Lighting Co Ltd Ord 2.50 Total Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 Umeme Ltd Ord 0.50 5/1/-

17.35 60.00 146.00 30.00 20.50 38.25 19.10 49.00 294.00 14.80

xd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd

16.30 55.00 145.00 30.00 22.00 38.50 20.25 50.25 292.00 14.90

-6.05% -8.33% -0.68% 0.00% 7.32% 0.65% 6.02% 2.55% -0.68% 0.68%

5,265,200 714,100 139,900 20,411,300 1,550,100 12,914,400 1,066,700 872,400 159,800 10,573,300

5,431,536,000 395,321,638 220,100,096 3,702,777,020 235,750,000 2,970,249,681 280,000,000 542,984,148 309,159,514 4,190,845,080

88,534.04 21,742.69 31,914.51 111,083.31 5,186.50 114,354.61 5,670.00 27,284.95 90,274.58 62,443.59

1.61 9.90 17.44 3.26 3.22 4.11 3.19 6.03 26.51 1.84

6.13% 0.00% 1.31% 4.17% 6.36% 4.94% 1.98% 1.99% 4.28% 3.36%


3.60 20.25 10.85 9.00 270.00 68.50 24.75 49.00 19.70

xd cd

3.90 20.25 11.40 8.50 282.00 72.00 24.75 51.50 21.50

8.33% 0.00% 5.07% -5.56% 4.44% 5.11% 0.00% 5.10% 9.14%

22,700 3,970,300 21,400 109,500 1,652,500 44,600 131,800 656,400

35,403,790 360,000 1,496,469,034 58,500,000 157,118,572 284,789,128 81,481,478 182,174,108 265,426,614

138.07 7.29 17,059.75 497.25 44,307.44 20,504.82 2,016.67 9,381.97 5,706.67

-6.47 -18.34 3.58 -0.38 12.70 2.21 2.96 4.51 1.03

0.00% 0.00% 2.19% 0.00% 2.84% 0.83% 0.00% 2.52% 1.40%


64.00 205.00 46.00 14.80 50.00

cd cd

69.00 211.00 47.50 14.85 55.00

7.81% 2.93% 3.26% 0.34% 10.00%

3,311,700 107,500 18,200 1,028,700 111,300

495,275,000 34,173.98 362,959,275 76,584.41 23,727,000 1,127.03 253,125,000 3,758.91 90,000,000 4,950.00

2.33 12.17 5.44 1.74 -9.09

0.58% 4.98% 2.63% 6.73% 0.00%


12.60 11.00 18.40 15.40 10.00

13.10 11.55 18.65 15.55 10.00

3.97% 5.00% 1.36% 0.97% 0.00%

4,498,800 3,351,900 12,333,700 111,000 -

2,198,361,456 1,471,761,200 1,951,467,045 175,028,706 1,623,878,005

28,798.54 16,998.84 36,394.86 2,721.70 16,238.78

1.28 2.21 2.36 3.05 1.03

4.58% 8.66% 2.68% 0.00% 0.00%

DTM/DTC-if FloatingYTM/YTC-if Floating

MABATI ROLLING MILLS MEDIUM TERM NOTES FXD (MRM) 2008/8 27-Oct-08 CFC STANBIC BOND FR 2009/7 FXD 2009/7 FXIB /2009/10 92.0000 SCOM-FR1/09/5 02-Nov-09 03-Nov-14 T.B.+1.850% 03-Nov-14 14-Dec-15 22-Jul-19 22-Jul-19 Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed SCOM-FXD01/09/5 02-Nov-09 SCOM-FXD02/10/5 20-Dec-10 SENIOR SUBORDITATED 30-Jul-07 30-Jul-07 16-Jul-09 16-Jul-09 02-Nov-09 16-Jul-16 T.B.+1.750% 16-Jul-16 31-Oct-19 Fixed Fixed

cd cd

4,354,000 8,365,400 32,300 3,036,700 496,000 368,600

1,891,451,850 2,179,615,440 59,895,000 700,000,000 515,270,364 96,000,000

15,415.33 10,789.10 12,458.16 10,150.00 4,405.56 5,232.00

1.40 0.27 33.00 3.19 1.72 7.27

1.23% 1.82% 2.16% 2.41% 4.68% 5.50%


15.25 448.00 3.85 27.75

s cd

16.00 448.00 3.90 34.50

4.92% 0.00% 1.30% 24.32%

2,062,700 54,500 350,500

665,441,775 5,728,314 40,000,000 273,950,284

10,647.07 2,566.28 156.00 9,451.28

1.79 8.45 0.38 1.23

0.00% 0.00% 2.56% 0.72%



MANUFACTURING & ALLIED A.Baumann & Co Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS B.O.C Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 British American Tobacco Kenya Ltd Ord 10.00 Carbacid Investments Ltd Ord 5.00 East African Breweries Ltd Ord 2.00 Eveready East Africa Ltd Ord.1.00 Kenya Orchards Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS Mumias Sugar Co. Ltd Ord 2.00 Unga Group Ltd Ord 5.00 TELECOMMUNICATION & TECHNOLOGY AccessKenya Group Ltd Ord. 1.00 Safaricom Ltd Ord 0.05


11.10 101.00 539.00 126.00 297.00 1.85 3.00 4.80 14.50

S cd xd cd


11.10 100.00 530.00 127.00 303.00 2.05 3.00 4.65 15.05

0.00% -0.99% -1.67% 0.79% 2.02% 10.81% 0.00% -3.12% 3.79%

739,600 130,500 61,000 2,215,100 356,300 14,274,200 208,700

3,840,066 19,525,446 100,000,000 33,980,265 790,774,356 210,000,000 12,868,124 1,530,000,000 75,708,873

42.62 1,952.54 53,000.00 4,315.49 239,604.63 430.50 38.60 7,114.50 1,139.42

-2.02 7.71 32.71 11.46 13.46 -0.59 0.04 1.32 2.81

0.00% 6.80% 6.13% 3.94% 2.89% 0.00% 0.00% 10.75% 4.98%

DISCLAIMER: This information has been compiled by Eugene Mwai, a Fixed Income Analyst based in Nairobi. While every care has been taken in compiling the data, he does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. For more information, email:


6.95 xb cd 6.00

7.00 6.15

0.72% 2.50%

2,686,300 77,256,700

208,084,296 1,456.59 40,000,000,000 246,000.00

0.69 0.32

4.29% 3.58%

FIXED INCOME MARKET SECURITIES SEGMENT (FISMS) Preference Shares Kenya Power & Lighting Ltd 4% Pref 20.00 20.00/Kenya Power & Lighting Ltd 7% Pref 20.00 20.00/-

8.00 5.50

8.00 5.50

0.00% 0.00%

1,800,000 350,000

14.40 1.93

0.80 1.40

10.00% 25.45%

Source: NSE

DISCLAIMER: Utmost care has been taken in the preparation of this report. However, the Nairobi Stock Exchange does not warrant accuracy, adequacy or completeness of this information and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in this information. No warranty of any kind, implied, express or statutory, is given in conjunction with the information.


Consumers the winners in new business regulation



Clay Muganda on the hypocrisy of Kenyas religious leaders

Daily Kenya Living

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A one-man judicial system

Patrick Shaw, a man described by former President Moi as oering constant, seless, sacricial and untiring service to law and order for the benet of his fellow men, was also accused by Parliament of extrajudicial killings. Despite his larger-than-life persona, the dreaded police hitman was not infallible

PAGE 2&3


DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Kablam! The only language

Many have questioned why this police hitman operated as if he was above the law, why he broke the very rules he was supposed to uphold by playing the role of investigator, judge and executioner. The explanation given at the time is that Shaw knew that, should the men he arrested be sent to jail, they would come out harder and even more dangerous. The correctional facilities of the 1970s were nothing to write home about, as were the courts. Reporting by David Smith
t was in Dagoretti in 1986 when I rst saw Patrick Shaw in action, a friend of mine recalled. A gang of five had robbed a shop and taken o in a getaway car. The Flying Squad and Shaw showed up in minutes and encircled the area, trapping the suspects. Shaw parked his trademark Volvo and laid in wait along a road that was the only known way out. As the officers from the Flying Squad began to ush out the suspects, they radioed to Shaw that their vehicle was enroute towards him. Soon, the thugs getaway burst through a corner, bearing down on him. Shaw jumped into the middle of the road, a pistol in each hand, and began to unload on the occupants of the car. The driver was the rst to he hit, bringing the car to an abrupt halt, the eyewitness remembers. His passengers tried to escape, but they were also shot down. One by one, the bodies of Shaws victims were turned over for identification. As a crowd gathered, Shaw called the fallen criminals by name, then turned to the crowd and, as he always did on such occasions, warned them to stay o crime. In the midst of all this madness, the Flying Squad dragged in, alive, another suspect, still clutching onto the loot. After perusing through the contents of the bag, Shaw asked the police ocers to step aside, raised his pistol and... kablam! The crowd gasped in horror, unable to believe how a man of the law could execute a suspect in cold blood and in the full view of the public. But that was not Shaws most famous encounter. It came in 1977, when he gunned down Nairobis most infamous gangster Nicholas Mwea, alias Wakinyonga. Wakinyonga was huge, very rough and tough. He stood out from the crowd courtesy of his dreadlocks, jewellery and fancy clothes. In the 70s, a man in dreadlocks stood out like a billboard. After a spate of violent robberies, the culmination of which was the murder of the CEO of Total Kenya in broad daylight, Wakinyonga became Kenyas most wanted criminal, and Shaw started hunting him down. The man had a colourful history with the police and the law courts, but when he learned that Shaw was

trailing him, he knew that the end was nigh. The Standard reported that, as Shaw closed down on him, Wakinyonga dug his own grave in the backyard of the house he lived in and went on a spending spree, buying people crates of beer at Nyakombani Night Club in Nairobis Kangemi area. One night, as he was enjoying his beer, Shaw stepped into the club. Wakinyonga looked up and beheld the burly man smile coyly at him. This was going to be easy for the crime-buster, after all. After a shoot-out during which several patrons were injured, Wakinyonga lay in a pool of blood, dead. But, even though the ocial story is that it was Shaw who red the fatal bullet, an aging taxi driver who says he witnessed it all says Shaw happened into the scene minutes after Wakinyonga had been shot dead by the police, and that the grave in his backyard was actually a newly dug pit latrine. But the drama was not over yet in the Wakinyonga script. At the funeral, as the fallen criminals casket was being lowered into his grave, Shaw led a group of police ocers into the scene and ordered everyone to lie face-down. Many were arrested for questioning. That was trademark Shaw. Whenever he gunned down a suspect, he always made a point of showing up at the funeral, where he would arrest a number of mourners, including family members, for questioning. He would then proceed to warn anyone who looked suspect to never step in Nairobi, or else... Many have questioned why the man operated as if he was above the law, why he broke the very rules he was supposed to uphold by playing the role of investigator, judge and executioner. The explanation given at the time was that Shaw knew that, should the men he arrested be sent to jail, they would come out hardened and even more dangerous. The correctional facilities of the 1970s were nothing to write home about, as were the courts. Many thugs could somehow bribe their way out of the tightest of cases. In an era where the capacity of the police and the CID was limited, and where corruption and crime were rampant even within the police ranks and the Judiciary, Shaws crime-ghting techniques


Peter Njuguna Kimani wails after being arrested by the police on robbery-withviolence charges in 1978. Back then, a wave of crime engulfed Nairobi, and police reservist Patrick Shaw was billed as the only man who could put things back in order. Njuguna was later jailed for eight years, but he was among the lucky few. Had he crossed paths with Shaw, he would have been killed on the spot.

had to be equally unethical and brutal. One criminal named George Kamau, alias Slim, a protg to Wakinyonga and leader of a gang known as the Disciples of Jesus, knows that all too well where he sleeps, forever. Slim is alleged to have killed 52 people in the late 1970s and 1980s. After getting o on a series of technicalities or because of scared witnesses withdrawing their testimonies, Slim was nally put away for six years for three separate violent crimes in 1981, but not before threatening to kill Shaw. A month before Slim was released, Shaw visited Kamiti prison and warned him that, once free, he was to leave Nairobi forever. Slim, of course, ignored the warning and proceeded to do various jobs in the city. It was not long before Shaw decided to put things to rest. One night, as Slim and another suspected criminal named Stephen Mbaraka Karanja whiled the evening away in the city, they were accosted by a team of police

Whenever he gunned down a suspect, he always made a point of showing up at the funeral, where he would arrest a number of mourners, including family members, for questioning. He would then proceed to warn anyone who looked suspect to never step in Nairobi, or else...

ocers who bundled them into a car and headed to Karura Forest. There, it is alleged, the two were shot dead on the orders of Shaw. So, was this man a crimebuster or a psycopath let loose on the streets of Nairobi... with a loaded gun? Many who spent time with or

near him say they were convinced the man had a split personality. Despite the extrajudicial killings and his run-ins with the darker side of Nairobi, one of his informants says, the man would every now and then exhibit the traits of a humanitarian angel. For instance, he was able to set aside his psycopathic ways and become the principled, fun-loving guy at Starehe Boys Centre. A police ocer he worked with described Shaw as completely out of control and out of bounds of the constitutional description of what an ocer should be . He did not report to any particular police station, he used his personal car, and had no xed jurisdiction, the retired police ocer says, but admits that it was this nature of self-deployment that made Shaw so eective. To counter the claim that the man reported to no one, and was thus some sort of a one-man vigilante, a former informant cites that Shaws rank was Senior Superintendant of Police, and that his position as a police reservist justied his modus operandi.


GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Nzisa Mulli, Andrew Anini, Dennis Makori, Alice Othieno, Davis Mulyango, Michael Mosota, Ken Kusimba, Hassan Ibrahim, Benjamin Situma Joy Abisagi, Virginia Borura, Felix Miringu REPORTERS: Joy Wanja COVER GRAPHIC: Dennis Makori

is published every week by Nation Media Group Limited. It is distributed free with every Daily Nation. Unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, transparencies are submitted at the senders risk. While every care will be taken on receipt of such material, the Nation Media Group Limited cannot accept responsibility for accidental loss or damage. Nation Media Group Limited, 2009. All rights reserved.

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Patrick Shaw spoke



Top right: A Nairobi businessman shows injuries sustained during a robbery attack in 1979. Above: A suspects relative begs for his life along Nairobi streets in 1978. Patrick Shaw is said to have instilled both fear and loathing in the hearts of criminals in the city.
Despite roiling and toiling with Nairobis most wanted, none of them ever got the best of Big Pat Shaw. But in July 1979, the man had his closest shave with a thug. One Friday afternoon, a gang of three Ugandans stormed into the house of Dr Gulam Mustafa while the family was having lunch. They shot death the Mustafas house-help Simon Ngeresa, his wife Jane and Mustafas wife Parvin before ransacking the house for loot, after which they harassed Mustafas two daughters and a nephew of the family. While they were still in the house, Shaw pulled up at the family gate. One of the gang members red through the window of Shaws car, hitting him in the shoulder. Shaw sped to Nairobi Hospital for treatment, but the police arrived shortly afterwards to clean up the mess. One of the gang members was gunned down while bystanders and police captured another. A submachine gun was found on the dead suspect, later identied as Marua Wakamune, but Patrick Walimba, the man blamed for shooting Shaw, escaped.

After having the bullet removed, Shaw refused to spend the night at the hospital, upon which Dr Georey Grin, Starehes Director, was called in to talk to his friend. Griffin arrived at the hospital to nd Shaw pacing the hallways. An assistant administrator with gangrene would be of little use, Grin told Shaw, and eventually persuaded him to stay one night and to take it easy. In 1981, Shaw nally caught up with Walimba and, in the presence of other officers, gunned-down the gangster at a bar in Jerusalem Estate. It is difficult to estimate, even modestly, how many suspected gangsters Shaw killed. Literally hundreds, one former informant estimates. At least one fatality a week. But the man was, like all men, still mortal. On February 14, 1988, while visiting a friend named David Rowe, Shaw started feeling weak. His heart was failing. It is said he was reading a newspaper when he stood up shouting and fell to his knees, his gun still in its holster. He was rushed to Nairobi Hospital where he was pronounced dead, aged 52. The next morning, all three major newspapers run front-page stories on the man who was known simply as crime-buster . Over the course of the following week, condolences were telephoned and wired in from around the world. On Saturday, February 20, 1988, the once indomitable Patrick David Shaw was laid to rest. The Starehe school chapel, where the funeral service was held, was packed to absolute capacity, while hundreds more sat on the grass of the quadrangle , a newspaper reported. A group of boys, some of whom considered Shaw their father, carried his con past the buildings built under his supervision and through the funds he helped to raise into a


hearse. The cortege of police cars and motorcycles that accompanied the man on his nal journey to Langata cemetery was two miles long. It was like a royal procession, remembers his sister. Chief Justice Cecil Miller read a message of condolence from then President Daniel arap Moi, praising Shaw for his constant, selfless, sacricial and untiring service to law and order for the benet of his fellow men . Shaws close friends, including the late Georey Grin, scoed at the notion that Shaw died from anything

The sun shines for both the evil and the good, but there are those who keep their faces to the sunshine and cannot see their shadow, Shaw is reported to have once said. At the time, he had come under scrutiny over his extrajudicial killings and the omnipresence he exhibited in the criminal underworld. It was, however, the disappearance and later murder of politician J M Kariuki that sent shivers down the hitmans spine. His character had been called to question by MPs, who wondered how the man was always the rst to arrive at scenes of crime, way before the police did. When word went around that Shaw had been involved in the arrest of JM, the world started crumbling all around him. Suddenly, he was no longer a revered crime-buster, but a likely criminal himself. In 1981, John Keen, then Assistant Minister in the Oce of the President, was summoned to give testimony to Parliament on the progress the government had made in controlling crime. Nine hundred and eighty one gangsters were arrested in the past year, he testied. In a supplementary question, one MP asked: And why is it that Patrick Shaw is always the rst to arrive on the scene of a crime and not African police? Parliament erupted in laughter, but, begrudgingly, Keen responded by saying that all police ocers, both Black and White, were doing a ne job. Still, the country was not convinced that the fellow was such a ne policeman as claimed, and henceforth viewed him with suspicion.


The year Patrick Shaw reportedly gunned down Nairobis most infamous criminal Nichoalus Mwea aka Wakinyonga.

other than a heart attack. But most in Nairobi, including the students at Starehe, believed foul play was at hand, that the man who lived by the sword had to have died by the sword. These rumours were only compounded when the students were prevented from viewing the body, a decision Griffin made to prevent the funeral proceedings from being sensationalised. Later, the Weekly Review, at its time the foremost political magazine in Kenya, carried a story on Shaw highlighting his prowess as a civil servant and crime ghter. Mystery always seemed to surround him and the police were probably content to leave matters so in order to enhance the aura of invincibility that surrounded him, the Weekly Review wrote. One photo of Shaw looking smug was included, with the caption reading simply: Shaw: awesome reputation .

During the 1982 coup attempt by ocers from Kenya Air Force, Shaw was in Europe fundraising for Starehe. On August 1, a Corporal from KAF named Ngatia was assigned to arrest president Moi. But before doing so he and his fellow rogue ocers decided to rst head to Starehe and take out Patrick Shaw. James Dianga, author of the book Kenya, 1982: The Attempted Coup, says Ngatias mission to kill Shaw was also fuelled by the fact that Shaw was investigating Ngatia for his role in a series of bank robberies. Cpl Ngatia was a supporter of Spt Hezekiah Ochuka, one of the senior coup plotters. Ochuka had helped to delay Shaws request that the KAF hands over Ngatia for interrogation. In exchange for his assistance, and knowing that Ngatia was in a tough position, Ochuka handed Ngatia the task of arresting president Moi. Upon hearing of the plot, Shaw immediately ew back to help sort out the mess, says his sister. He immediately started interrogating the key suspects, and is said to have been behind the torture of many who were arrested in connection with the failed coup. Dear reader, David Smith is researching the life of Patrick David Shaw. If you wish to share any information, stories or anecdotes on his personal or professional life (as an agricultural ocer, administrator at Starehe and police reservist) or of the real-life characters covered in this story, please email him on The identities of sources will be kept anonymous and in strict condence.

DAILY NATION Monday, January 11, 2010


DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


Sheath your hypocrisy, dear religious leaders


That the Kenyan nation is a winner even in situations where we have lost is never in doubt, more so when it comes to hurling invectives and invariably displaying our ignorance. To this end, we have found a new tool called the new media social media is too mainstream for me, you know and we are out to prove that ours is the Silicon Savannah. By sitting behind computer monitors and letting our ngers do the talking, we can bully foreign aairs ministers of other countries into apologising and call foreign sports federations enough names to ll up Olympic-size swimming pools. Ironically, while we are aware of the power of the new media, we forget that we always tell others about our dark sides, considering that we are so good at trashing each other on the same new media. We are such small sh in even smaller ponds and we are yet to realise that we live in a borderless global village and most of our local television channels broadcast to other countries or stream their broadcasts online. Ease up, people. Its not a matter of lifeand-death. Seriously.

Living in Utopia: Is Kenya really a nation where morality reigns and wellmannered couples do not share their endowments? I did not think so either, so lets end this hypocritical debate and stock up on the rubber


clay muganda

ON A MORE PERSONAL NOTE: Now that we are no longer shy to talk about condoms, can someone explain to me what happened to Durex Performa, which have disappeared form the shelves?

ear sex gods who live in our minds, we humbly ask you to help our clergy see the light at the end of the long tunnel and follow it before it goes o and they are left in the dark. We know they will be with other Kenyans who have also turned their back to that light because it is hurting their extremely sensitive eyes. It would be wrong to condemn the clergy and call them names because they have refused to see the light or to get out of the tunnel. It would also be wrong to label only them pretenders since we all love to pretend we are comfortable even when we have such a big problem like a foreign condom in our midst. This latex sheath, which was reportedly made famous by the French company Durex, is currently our biggest problem. It is so big and growing so fast that if we do not bring it under control, it will come between us and our earthly pleasures and denitely smother us to death. If we are not careful, we will suocate under a surfeit of the condom, which might as well be a part of the larger sinister foreign hand. When did the condom start falling on us, when did it start coming between us and our morals, when did it start turning stable families in to dysfunctional ones? These are questions many of us cannot answer unless we scratch our heads, an action we might want to avoid because it would spoil our months-old weaves which exemplify not just our love for embracing change, but also our preference for dressing like sheep yet, deep inside, we are wolves. But that is not the point.

The main reason we may not answer it lies in our education system, buried in a subject called History. That we are an extremely moral society has never been in doubt, and the people who have safeguarded our morality are none other than the overly religious men and women in our midst fake or not aided and abetted by our extremely caring and self-righteous politicians who love us so much that they never want to hurt our feelings. Many years ago, our religious men and women gured that it was not prudent for school-going children to learn about their sexuality because it was going to corrupt their morals. It was a clear display of fake emotions over some half-hearted attempt to introduce Family Life Education into the (primary) school curriculum, and the overall feeling was that the young ones would know a lot about their bodies that, instead of working hard so that their parents can dance on national television while mumbling about God when results are released, they would be busy cavorting, canoodling and making babies. As a nation, we got so busy teaching morality and failed to prevent young

school-going children from getting children from supermarket shelves as had been the norm. We live in denial and do not even realise that those children have won international tenders from Postinor and are popping morning-after pills regularly. The cycle of denial has been our stock in trade, a handy weapon against change even when we are running out of burial space for victims of sexually-transmitted infections. Ours is a wonderful country where nothing but morality reigns; a nation of well-mannered couples who spend more time together when they are in trac than at home; a country of resourceful men and well-endowed women who gleefully share what they have with other couples or the unmarried compatriots and when they are reminded of their exploits, they throw tantrums. All is not lost though, for together with the clergy, we can bury our heads in the empty packs of morning-after pills and pray for the foreign rms that are corrupting childrens minds through advertisements that depict their mothers as sexually-starved, insatiable cheats who should sheathe their excess desires.


Never in the history of this country has the media been put on the defensive like now. Journalists are now answering more questions than they are asking. The other day, I attended an Open Forum on Post-election Analysis on the Role of the Media, organised by Article 19 (Eastern Africa), an international nonstate body whose mandate is to defend freedom of expression and information. Journalists spent the whole day doing nothing but defend themselves and, in the process, some government body, National Steering Committee on Media Monitoring, through its committee secretary Mary Ombara, went on record that mainstream media failed to report on events it noticed were amiss at dierent polling centres across the country because it wanted to propagate peace. Journalists appeared to have been scared, she said, and the media took the peace messages too far and moved from one extreme of being impartial observers and became players. That hurts.

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


Processed foods are quick, convenient and sinfully delicious, but they are packed with harmful ingredients that ultimately compromise your health

You are what you eat


ver the past twenty years, a lot has changed and the foods that we eat are creating a sicker generation of children. As a result, we now have epidemic increases in diabetes, heart disease, obesity and cancer. The commercialisation of nutrition has forced food companies to nd newer, cheaper mechanisms to increase the shelf life of food, improve colour, taste and perceived nutritional value. The result a dietary system heavily laced with preservatives, articial colourings and chemicals. Processed foods are one of the greatest dangers to ones overall health as they provide little actual nutritional value. These foods are commonly loaded with unhealthy sugars, salts and fats that create inammation, spike blood sugar and elevate blood pressure.

Instant noodles topped with MSG There are many brands of instant noodles but few will win any health food awards. The immediate danger is in the avour packet that comes with the noodles. This packet often contains monosodium glutamate or MSG and very high amounts of salt. One of the most common causes of high blood pressure and kidney disease is eating too much salt. One can incorporate instant noodles into a healthy diet by simply leaving out the avour packet. Sweet addictions The vast majority of sweets and candy are high in saturated fat and a large portion of the calories come from sugars. They are also a very poor source of vitamins and minerals. Not only is the sugar bad for ones teeth, its also a leading cause of inammation and weight gain. It is appalling to nd a small sweet packed with over 234 calories, 25g of sugar and 12g of fat. Sugar is addictive as it manipulates ones taste buds, metabolism and brain into seeking out more. Soda aecting heart beats People often drink soda in place of water. Soda has an alarming amount of sugar, calories and harmful additives that have absolutely no nutritional value. Studies have linked soda to osteoporosis, obesity, tooth decay and heart disease. The caeine found in soda can cause jitters, insomnia, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, elevated blood cholesterol levels, vitamin and mineral depletion, breast lumps and possibly even some forms of cancer. Soda also contains phosphoric acid that can interfere with the bodys ability to use calcium, which can lead to osteoporosis or softening of the bones and teeth. Phosphoric acid also neutralises the acids in the stomach making it dicult to properly utilise nutrients. Crisps ousting healthier snacks An occasional handful of crisps may not cause irreparable damage to someone consuming an otherwise healthy diet but the real dangers arise when one consumes crisps on a regular or daily basis. Crisps are typically low in vitamins and minerals, and they tend to replace things in the diet that have better nutrient values. They are typically high in fat and energy, which can raise the risk of weight gain and obesity.

Disease experts called Sunday for decisive leadership and more research funding to fend o the very real risk of an untreatable strain of tuberculosis (TB) emerging as more and more people develop resistance to existing drugs. In a series of papers in the Lancet medical journal to mark World TB Day on Sunday, they warned that health systems risked being overwhelmed by increasing numbers of drug-resistant TB patients. Already, more than 30 per cent of newly-diagnosed patients in parts of eastern Europe and central Asia have multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB, a form of the disease which does not respond to the two most potent drugs isoniazid and rifampin. There were believed to be about 630,000 MDR cases out of some 12 million TB cases in 2011. Extensively drug resistant (XDR) TB, thus far reported in 84 countries, does not respond to an even wider range of drugs. The widespread emergence of XDR tuberculosis could lead to virtually untreatable tuberculosis, wrote the authors of one study, led by Alimuddin Zumla, director of the Centre for Infectious Diseases and International Health at University College London Medical School. With ease of international travel and increased rates of MDR tuberculosis... the threat and range of the spread of untreatable tuberculosis is very real, they said. TB was declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organisation (WHO) 20 years ago, but remains a leading cause of death by an infectious disease. The study authors urged a radical change in political and scientic thinking. The global economic crisis and reduced investments in health services threaten national tuberculosis programmes and the gains made in global tuberculosis control, they wrote. The world needs to acknowledge the serious threat of drug-resistant tuberculosis before it overwhelms health systems. Most needed are new drugs and better, quicker diagnostic tools. FYI: In 2011, 8.7 million people fell ill with TB and 1.4 million died, said the WHO. Over 95 per cent of TB deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries, and it is among the top three causes of death for women aged 15 to 44. In 2010, there were about 10 million orphans who had lost their parents to TB.

As an example, one ounce or 15 to 20 crisps of a popular brand contained 10g of fat and 154 calories. Sugary cereals no better than biscuits Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It provides the energy for the day, nutrients needed to repair bodily tissues and activate ones metabolism to maintain a healthy weight. Junk food, also known as sugary cereals in the morning can do more harm than good. According to a recent study, childrens breakfast cereals should be in the chocolate biscuit aisle of supermarkets. One cup of a popular brand of childrens cereal contained more sugar than three cookies.

energy, high-sugar, low-nutrient beverages. Consumers should be urged to check the food label before purchasing any of their favourite juices. Processed meats producing cancers Many processed meats are made with unhealthy nitrates, nitrites, trans fats, saturated fats and large amounts of sodium and sugar. A recent study showed a 67 per cent increase in pancreatic cancer for people consuming moderate amounts of processed meat. The high level transfat and saturated fat content can sabotage ones heart and waistline as well. Sodium nitrite can be found in nearly every packaged meat product imaginable. Its listed on the food label of products such as bacon, breakfast sausages, dried meats, pepperoni, sandwich meats, ham and even the meats found in canned soups. Sauces and articial colourings Processed and unhealthy, just the thought of the powdered imitation sauce alone should make one cringe. These products contain excessive amounts of salts and preservatives to ensure the shelf life of the product. Articial colourings, stabilisers and emulsiers are chemicals used to make the food more attractive and palatable. Imitation powdered sauces often contain chemicals like articial dye Yellow #5 and #6. Yellow #5 is a water-soluble articial dye that is also known as Tartrazine. Other foods that contain Tartrazine includes cake, pudding, biscuits, cookies, muns, breads, pie crusts, frostings, sand so on. The problems do not stop there. Packaged sauces also contain a fattening secret known as partially hydrogenated oils. The entire process of partially hydrogenating an oil will produce unhealthy trans fats. Trans fatty acids are toxic to our systems, produce inammation and allow diseases to develop. Partially hydrogenated oils also have a negative eect on cholesterol levels as they raise LDL (bad cholesterol) and lower HDL (good cholesterol). These oils have also been linked to the development of diabetes and a variety of cancers.


Arnold Schwarzenegger paid tribute to tness publisher Joe Weider after he died Saturday aged 93, calling him a father gure who helped Austrian-born Arnie achieve the American dream. Weider, who built a multimillion-dollar publishing empire that included Muscle and Fitness, Flex, Shape and Mens Fitness magazines, died of heart failure at his home in Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Times reported. Arnie called him the godfather of tness, saying: Today, I lost a dear friend and mentor, and the world lost one its strongest advocates of living a healthy lifestyle. Joe Weider was a titan in the tness industry and one of the kindest men I have ever met, Schwarzenegger added, in a statement posted on his Twitter feed. Weider was born in Montreal in 1920, and began bodybuilding as a young teenager to stand up to bullies in the gang-infested neighbourhood where his family lived. He created the Mr Olympia event in 1965, and discovered Schwarzenegger at a body-building contest in Europe two years later, the LA Times reported. Schwarzenegger recalled how he heard about Weider even before he arrived in the United States, where he became a champion bodybuilder, Hollywood superstar and governor of California from 2003-2011. I knew about Joe Weider long before I met him he was the godfather of tness who told all of us to Be Somebody with a Body. He taught us that through hard work and training, we could all be champions, Schwarzenegger said. As I read his articles in Austria, I felt that he was speaking directly to me and I committed to move to America to make my vision of becoming the best bodybuilder, to live the American dream, and to become an actor a reality. Joe didnt just inspire my earliest dreams; he made them come true the day he invited me to move to America to pursue my bodybuilding career. I will never forget his generosity, Schwarzenegger added.

The amount of calories found in a small sweet packed with 25g of sugar and 12g of fat.


Researchers looked at 50 cereals overall and 32 were too high in sugar. Even brands advertising themselves as healthy options tipped the scales. Healthy options usually indicates the fortication of vitamins or minerals. Fortification is a process of articially implanting nutrients to improve product sales. Boxed juices or boxed sugar Infants less than a year old should not drink any fruit juice, one- to six-year-olds should not exceed six ounces of fruit juice per day and older children ages seven to 18 should not consume more than eight or 12 ounces per day, ideally divided into two servings, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Sensationalist claims on the box make it dicult to gure out if the juice is actually healthy or not. Numerous studies detail the dangers of drinking too many high-


DAILY NATION Monday, January 11, 2010

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013

Beer and nyama choma with

When it comes to health, male peer pressure can play a positive or negative role as most mens lifestyle choices are inuenced by their nearest and dearest friends
have come to accept that my husband has many wives. There is the one whom he considers his best friend and asks for his counsel, the one who gives him the quickest remedies for a simple disease so that he does not need to go to hospital, the one he spends his Friday with till around 3am and the one he spends time with on Saturday afternoons as they enjoy their nyama choma (roasted meat) and plenty of drinks and no, not fruit juice. Not forgetting the one who makes fun of him when he is with his wife in the evenings. These were the words from Wangui, a frustrated wife, explaining her dilemma regarding her husband. From her story you have probably gured that the wives are not actually clandestine women but his male friends who contribute signicantly to his life. These dudes are the ones I have come to consider more important than me, the ones he considers to be the ultimate advisors, she added. Clearly, she was unhappy with the inuence her husbands boys were having on his life. So dude , how much pressure do get from your boys? Have you ever felt inclined to do or say something that you actually didnt quite believe in or wanted to do? Does this inuence aect your mental, social or physical health? Could this be the reason men die younger than women? MENS SHORTER LIFESPAN Longevity is denitely not an advantage for men. Men are taller, stronger and faster than women however they are more likely to be overweight. Between the ages of 15 years and 24 years, more men than women die mainly due to

motor vehicle accidents, homicide, gun violence, suicide, cancer and drowning. This increase in deaths in younger men has been shown to be related to the spiking of the sex hormone testosterone. Testosterone is what denes men: aggressiveness, high libido and competitiveness. Researchers ascribe the male mortality to what is known as testosterone toxicity . The genetic dierence in men and women also aects death rates. Men have XY chromosomes while women have XX .These carry genetic information that make your body function well. If there is a problem in the chromosomes diseases e.g. cancer can occur. When women have one X chromosome that is abnormal, the other can use the normal gene and avoid expression of disease, On the other hand, men cannot rely on an alternative chromosome and if a gene on one of the sex chromosomes is defective, there is normally no alternative. As men age, their lifestyles in their youth determine their illnesses in their older age. Lifestyles of alcohol use, smoking, lack of exercise and poor eating habits begin to show as illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and strokes which are leading causes of death in men as they turn 50. At this point, the long term eects of testosterone appear. According to research, testosterone increases levels of the bad cholesterol and reduces levels of good cholesterol in the blood. This puts the men at greater risk of developing heart disease and stroke. The information about mens shorter lifespans can be scary, however we need to look at social factors that greatly influence mens health habits. Unbeknown to many, society plays a big role in the development of the men. One of the biggest inuences is his male counterparts or the people Wangui referred to as the boys . NEGATIVE INFLUENCES Despite appearing independent, strong and assured, men depend

Moderate alcohol use is frowned upon by the boys and getting drunk on Fridays and Saturdays evenings is considered normal with Sunday being the designated recovery day with the family.

on other men. This co-dependence by men has them open to inuence. However this co-dependence is not always open as society tends to misinterpret when men show aection towards each other. Men influence each other in peer groups or in cliques. Pressure from peers (age mates) is a major contributor towards mens health and their behavior. Peer groups oer a sense of feeling valued and a sense of belonging, they give one somewhere to t in, there is increased self-condence, a sense of security by being understood due to acceptance in the group. The peer group also offers a safe place to test values and

increasingly gives one a chance to practice getting along with others. They help in developing friendships, one learns to practice give and take and also not forget the influence the peer groups have in making decisions about their life. These groups can either make men or break men. They can make men live healthy lifestyles, exercise, be spiritual, work harder, be better workmates as attested by Pastor Nicholas Katale of Hope United Church in Lavington who said Men can influence each other in their friendships in various ways. Men are known to be people who are not open. They like


later on, with encouragement, take it up and perform very well in it. However, we cannot entirely rule out the fact that at times due to societal pressure, girls tend to pursue careers or hobbies that have been dominated by the female gender. It could be due to fear of challenge or a fear of the unknown. This also applies to boys. They may not take up a career due to the societal pressure of being termed as gay for being in sectors dominated by women. At times they feel they need to take up courses like engineering which have been labeled, dicult so that they can prove their manhood. However, another study demonstrated that this sort of insecurity is all in our heads. In that study, girls math scores improved when they were told that the exam was gender-neutral, while white mens scores on the same test dropped when they were told the scores would be evaluated against Asian mens scores. This seems to suggest that we can easily overcome any biological dierences, or we can just as easily doom ourselves to fullling these prophecies. Research is still being conducted on the human brain using male species as it is believed that the female brain would show wildly inconsistent results during various phases of the menstrual cycle. Some brain disorders like depression and chronic anxiety are often diagnosed in women than in men. This may be due to either: The dierences in the chemical composition of the brain. Women produce only about half as much serotonin (a neurotransmitter linked to depression) as men and have fewer transporters to recycle it. How the various sides of the female brain respond to emotions and pain. Women are not the only victims in brain disorders. Men are more likely to be diagnosed with dyslexia and schizophrenia. In addition to this, disorders like schizophrenia and Alzheimers disease can show up dierently in men and women Based on the location of neurons, brain injuries may aect men and women dierently too. These dierences in the brain once mastered can change the way drugs and treatments are administered between male and females. Before then, I guess we may keep ghting for equality. This article has been written by a DN2 panel of health professionals. For the next three weeks we will discuss mens health. Kindly send all your health questions to

Theres always a big dierence in the way new born girls boys are treated even with the most equality-driven individual. Girls will be dressed in mostly pinks and boys in blues. The former will be given dolls as presents while the latter cars. These environmental dierences may play a big role in shaping the childs brain. If there are dierences in peoples brains, it might be due to how society has shaped a person, with neurons and synapses pruned away as the brain deemed them unnecessary. However, not every psychologist agrees that the environment has a major role to play in brain development. Some believe that our brains are structured at birth. When looking at Albert Einsteins brain, scientist found that it had a unique structure that was most probably already formed at birth. This theory may help to explain why we dont have many Einsteins in the world today. It is still usual to see more ladies as tailors than men and more men as mechanics than women. Theres also a stereotype of women being weak in Einsteins favourite subjects of physics and math and hence the brain structure theory can back that

up proving there may be slight dierences in the structure of the female and male brain. It may be that the rate of development between girls and boys is dierent; however, our educational system doesnt take that into account. We have seen that when a child takes up a hobby or a subject they are not yet ready to tackle, they may give up too quickly but

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


the boys is killing men softly

retreating in their caves . Whereas there is some truth in it, the relationships they have do inuence each other. I have an accountability partner who is a man. This is a relationship that has been there for over ten years now. One thing that has happened is that I have become more condent and passionate about what I do . On the ipside, men seem to unknowingly lead each other to early graves. Nowadays it is common to see men gathered together in the evenings and over the weekends drinking alcohol and eating unhealthy foods mostly fried food or nyama choma (roasted meat). A trend that is now common is that a large number of these men are overweight and their bellies are protruding. Little do they know that this increases their chances of getting, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, arthritis, obesity, diabetes and heart diseases signicantly. Moderate alcohol use is frowned upon by the boys and getting drunk on Fridays and Saturdays evenings is considered normal with Sunday being the designated recovery day with the family. Although this may seem harmless, the damage that long term use of excess alcohol has on the body and society is immense. Pancreatitis (inammation of the pancreas), Gastritis (inammation of the stomach wall), alcohol addiction, gout, obesity, low libido, liver cirrhosis(liver scarring), liver cancer, low blood sugar(hypoglycemia), road trac accidents, risky sexual behavior and domestic strife are but some of the eects of alcohol use. When a member of a peer group or clique decides to refrain or slow down, it is not uncommon to hear him being chided for not being a man. They pressurise him using threats, insults or guilt in order to inuence him to join him. This kind of pressure has led to many young men having their rst sexual encounters early in their teens because they are tired of being taunted about being virgins. The young men, ignoring the list of potential dangers, engage in sex and a majority of times it is unsafe. Could this be the reason we have a large number of young people living with HIV? sense of belonging. However if these men have unsure about themselves they may end up doing whatever the group tells them to do. They follow easily so as not to be left out of the group ultimately fearing rejection. If men are self-condent, assertive, and follow their instincts they will end up doing things they are comfortable with. Health wise that would mean moderating the amount of alcohol drank, limit food intake, improve choices of food and also manage time for the boys and the family. This may sound simple and logical but it is an enormous task that men have to grapple with every day. Pastor Katale concludes A man can be your best friend or worst enemy if they lose the big picture on friendship. The standard should be one that builds somebody and does not take away in every area of life social, economic, spiritual, nancial. Hebrews 10:24 talks of how we should spur one another towards love and good deeds. As Wangui grapples with her family predicament, we only hope her husband manages to realise the eects his time with the boys is having on his health and his body early enough. Just a note, though things may look grim for the male species, lving longer for women doesnt necessarily mean better health. Women may live long but they may also suer chronic conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis and auto immune disorders. By Dr Torooti Mwirigi. Send your health questions to

15 to 24
More men than women die in this age bracket due to motor vehicle accidents, homicide, gun violence, suicide, cancer and drowning.
Promiscuity and reckless sexual behavior involving multiple partners can also be caused by inuence from peers as men dare each other or brag of their conquests. It is usually seen as uncool not to have multiple sexual partners. Pastor Katale adds I have also seen that some of the other negative inuences (of friends) have been especially in areas of relationships, marriage, work and life status . So how do we manage this pressure from peers? It is dicult but not impossible. Men are in these groups so as to t and have a

Title: Salaa and the Magic Mirror Author: David G. Maillu Publisher: Longhorn Publishers

DAILY NATION Tuesday March 26, 2013


made to me about my future?Yes, I remember everything.How will that promise come true if I stay with this ugly face? Would any young man want to look at me and propose marriage to me one day?The grandmothers voice replied, My beloved grandchild, I dont know.I feel completely destroyed.Youll just have to wait and see. I... the voice grew faint and faded away, leaving Salaa alone again. She begged the spirit to return and tell her what to do. When she woke up the next morning she found some strange white beads on her sleeping mat and all over the oor. She cried, Oh my God, what are these things? She picked them up. Each bead was the size and shape of a teardrop, but when she tried to crush them, they were too hard to break. She collected them into her palm and studied them carefully. She then took them outside in order to see them much better under the sunlight. Oh my God! she cried. These are my tears, they have turned into beads. What kind of magic is this?



Because I am in a spirit form. Spirits cannot be seen but they can be felt. Now tell me, what has happened to your face?Salaa replied, Milia and Ananaki poured a poisonous sap from the euphoria tree all over my face. See how ugly I have become. No one will want to look at me. Grandmother, what can I do to become beautiful again?Why did they do that to you?They are jealous of my beauty. Remember the promise you

Take the number in bold in the rst box of each row and subject it to all the operations that follow as you move towards your right. The nal answer for each row is given at the right of the box. Check if your answer matches the answer given. Time yourself. Row A should take you about 42 seconds to arrive at the correct answer. Row B, which is more challenging, should take you about 45 seconds. This is a fun maths game. Challenge your friends and family and see who gets the correct answer in the shortest time.



Subtract from 100 How many hundreds is this?

Multiply by 3 Divide by 1/4

Answer Add 36 6 x2 Time: Answer 0.04 Time:

Row A = 16 Row B = 7 SOLUTION



Two thirds of this.

Square it.

Square root.

Decrease by 0.52

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