Homeopathy Medicine For All Disease
Homeopathy Medicine For All Disease
Homeopathy Medicine For All Disease
Mag phos should be used when Colocynth fails to relieve abdominal pain.
1. Take a few pills of the selected medicin every 10-15 minutes, till
the pain subsides.
Acidity (Hyperacidity; Burning in the stomach)
Excessive intake of non-vegetarian, spicy or fried foods and mental
tension give rise to hyperacidity. If the condition is not treated in time, an
ulcer may develop in the stomach.
Homeopathic Treatment
Asthma, Breathlessness
Asthma is an allergic disorder characterised by breathlessness, which is
the result of a spasmodic narrowing of the respiratory passages.
Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic Treatment
Aesculus 30: More or less constant pain in the lumbosacral region, which
gets worse from walking or stooping but better from resting or sitting.
Rhus Tox: For stiffness, soreness and pain in the back which are worse
after rest (inactivity), but gradually diminish after rest (inactivity), but
gradually diminish after moving about. Application of dry heat also
relieves pain.
Homeopathic Treatment
Nitric acid 30 : Foul breath associated with spongy, bleeding gums and
loose teeth. The tongue is clean and red. Nervousness, general weakness,
strong-smelling urine and dry, cracked skin are other pointers to this
Nux v 30 : Foul breath with swollen gums, ulcerated lips/tongue and sour
taste in the mouth. An over-sensitive nature, frequent ineffectual desire
for stools and a tendency to catch colds are other indications of this
Puls 30 : Foul breath with dry tongue and sweetish taste in the mouth.
Thirstlessness and a weeping nature are other pointers to this remedy.
Homeopathic Treatment
Apis 30 : Scanty, frequent and painful urination, with great urgency (can
scarcely retain the urine for a moment). Urine flows out drop-wise after
much straining. While passing out, the urine severely scalds the passage;
especially the last drop burns and smarts.
Cantharis 30 : Constant urge to pass urine, but only a few drops pass
out at a time. There is such violent, cutting or stabbing (as from a knife)
pain in the bladder region that the person screams while passing each
drop. Drinking coffee or cold water worsens the problem; warm
applications to the bladder region seem to help.
Summary of indications:
Chicken Pox
Chicken pox is a highly infectious viral disease of children characterised by
skin-rashes which appear in crops, first on the chest and the back and
then spreading to the face, the scalp and the limbs. There is severe
itching of the affected skin. Thick crusts soon form on the rashes and are
finally shed off.
Homeopathic Treatment
Chicken pox can be prevented by giving your child two or three doses of
Variolinum 200 or Malandrinum 200 on successive days. This is, indeed, a
good idea if cases of chicken pox are seen in the neighbourhood or your
child's school.
Dulcamara 30 : Rashes, especially on the face, the scalp and the arms,
without any fever. Scratching of the skin causes intense burning which is
relieved by a warm bath but aggravated by a cold bath. Milky whiteness
of urine is another feature of this medicine.
Kali mur 6 : Rashes and pustules having thick, white contents and
converting into dry, white scales call for this remedy. The tongue has a
grayish white coating.
Mercurius sol 30 : Rashes and pustules with intense itching and pain,
worse at night from the warmth of bed. The discharge from pustules, the
breath and profuse perspiration, all have an offensive smell. An important
feature is acute thirst for large quantities of cold water (like Aconite,
Rhus tox 30 : Rashes with much swelling, burning and itching causing
excessive restlessness. Itching and burning are relieved by warm
applications/bath. There is an aversion to open air.
Colitis means an inflammation of the large intestine.
Homeopathic Treatment
Mere cor 30 : Ulcerative colitis with copious, offensive bloody and slimy
stools. There is severe, colicky pain in the abdomen before, during and
after the stools. Other distinguishing features include: intense thirst and a
moist, swollen tongue.
Pbos 30 : Colitis with burning in the abdomen and the anus, and stools
containing bright red blood. An oversensitive nature and a craving for cold
foods/drinks are other pointers to this medicine.
Homeopathic Treatment
Aconite 30 : Cold from exposure to cold air; sudden attack of cold with
much sneezing, pain at the root of the nose and/or forehead, scanty nasal
discharge and blockage of nostrils; face is red and hot; there is an
'unquenchable thirst for large quantities of cold water and a desire to be
in open air; great restlessness and anxiety.
Arsenic 30 : Cold from eating cold foods, icecream or ice in the winter or
from sea-bathing; thin, watery acidic discharge from the nose which is
less indoors but increases in open air (unlike Aconite, Allium cepa,
Euphrasia, Pulsatilla); there is inexplicable prostration, fear and anguish.
Euphrasia 30 : Profuse, bland discharge from the nose and severe acrid
(burning) tearing, causing sore eyes; the cold may descend to the larynx,
causing 'day time cough'; the person feels better in open air (like Aconite,
Allium cepa, Pulsatilla).
Gelsemium 30 : An attack of cold in cold, rainy weather, which comes on
gradually; there may be symptoms of influenza like dizziness, trembling,
fever, bodyache and dull headache (which is relieved by urination); the
person feels better in open air (like Aconite, Allium cepa, Euphrasia,
Nux vomica 30 : An attack of cold in cold, dry weather; the nose runs
during the day and in open air but becomes dry or blocked at night; a
desire to be in a closed room with body wen-covered and frequent
ineffectual desire for stools confirm the choice of Nux vomica.
Pulsatilla 30 : An attack of cold after eating rich, fatty food; the nasal
discharge is thick, greenish-yellow but bland (non-burning); a desire to be
in open air, thirstlessness and a mild, weeping nature confirm the choice
of Pulsatilla.
Conjunctivitis means an inflammation (swelling) of the most superficial
membrane covering the eye. It is characterised by redness of and
discharge from the eyes, causing their agglutination in the morning.
Homeopathic Treatment
Aconite 30 : Sudden, acute conjunctivitis with red eyes and swollen eye-
lids. The eyes are dry and hot and there is a feeling of sand in them. The
victim is restless and anxious and feels he is going to die. There is an
unquenchable thirst for cold water.
Argentum n 30 : Severe conjunctivitis, the inner corners of the eyes
looking especially red. There is profuse, pus-like discharge from the eyes.
There is a tired, aching feeling in the eyes which lessens on tightly closing
the lids, or applying cold compresses. A craving for sweets and an
apprehensive nature (causing diarrhoea) are other features of this
1. Redness and pain, without any discharge from the eyes excludes
conjunctivitis and signifies some other (perhaps serious) eye-
problem, warranting the attention of an eye-doctor.
2. If redness and discharge do not diminish in a day or two, consult an
eye-doctor without further delay
Constipation is the natural consequence of leading a sedentary, irregular,
modern life.
Homeopathic Treatment
Notes :
Cough; Bronchitis
Cough is the chief symptom of most respiratory diseases. It is nature's
method of expelling out any offending matter that is present in the
respiratory tract. Since it is a protective reflex, it is criminal to suppress it
with over-the-counter cough syrups.
Homeopathic Treatment
Hepar sulph 30 : Dry, hoarse cough from exposure to dry and cold air,
causing suffocation and perspiration; a sensation of splinter in the throat;
the person is highly chilly, keeping himself covered with warm clothes;
uncovering the body excites an attack of cough; the cough is worse in the
morning or from cold foods/drinks.
Ipecacuanha 30 : Dry cough with wheezing and rattling in the chest and
accompanied by nausea and vomiting; a bout of vomiting does not relieve
nausea; long bouts of cough render the person breathless and blue in
face; cough is worse in cold, dry weather (winter) but improves by
warmth; thirstlessness (like Pulsatilla).
Arg nit 30 : For diarrhea resulting from eating excessive sweets (sugar).
The stools are watery, greenish (looking like chopped spinach) and slimy.
The abdomen is filled up with gas which escapes from the mouth
(belching) or the anus.
Cuprum ars 30 : For copious, dark, watery stools with pain and rumbling
in the abdomen. The resultant dehydration causes cramps in the calf-
muscles. The urine has a garlicky odour.
Gelsemium 30 : For diarrhea from undue mental nervousness and
apprehension just before attending to any important work. Trembling,
dullness, dizziness, drowsiness and thirstlessness are other features of
this medicine.
Veratrum alb 30 : For diarrhea before and during menses and preceded
by cutting pain in the abdomen. Stools, which are profuse, watery and
gushing, are accompanied by cramps in hands and feet, and cold sweat
on the forehead. Each bout of diarrhea leaves the victim weak and
exhausted, on the verge of a collapse.
Dysentery is a disease caused by a bacterial or amoebic infection of the
intestines and characterised by abdominal Pain and frequent ill-formed
stools with mucous and blood.
Homeopathic Treatment
Aloe 30 : Pain in, and distension of the abdomen, early in the morning,
from accumulation of gas. The patient is driven out of the bed and has to
hurry to the lavatory. A lot of gas and a small amount of stool, laden with
yellowish mucous pass out, causing burning of the anus. The abdominal
pain ceases after the stool but the victim is left weak and perspiring.
Homeopathic Treatment
Chamomilla 30 : Severe pain and ringing in the ear driving the victim
frantic. The affected ear feels numb and stopped. The patient, usually a
child, constantly cries from pain and becomes quiet only when carried in
an arm; warm applications worsen pain.
Merc sol 30 : Severe pain in the ear, especially in the evening and at
night, with thick, foetid, yellowish or bloody discharge. Pain is worse from
warmth. A trembling body, constant profuse perspiration and intense
thirst for large quantities of cold water are other pointers to this remedy.
Eczema is considered an allergic disorder of skin characterised by patches
of redness with itching, burning, vesicle-formation and oozing. The skin-
patches appear black, raised and thickened.
Homeopathic Treatment
Psorinum 30 : Eczema of the scalp, checks and ears with violent itching
and soreness, which becomes worse on bathing and from warmth.
Incessant scratching leaves the skin hard and thickened. Perspiration is
absent or minimal. Inexplicable general debility and chilliness (requiring
warm clothes even in summer) are other features of this remedy.
Fever is a symptom, not a disease. The cause of fever should be sought
and treated. However, in early fever, when it is not possible to diagnose
the actual cause, one of the following medicines may be tried, if the
symptoms match.
Homeopathic Treatment
Flu (Influenza)
Flu is a viral disease characterised by fever, malaise and body-ache.
Homeopathic Treatment
Gouty Arthritis
Gout is a metabolic disorder characterised by a deposition of uric acid
salts (especially sodium biurate) in connective tissues, like cartilage of
joint/s. In an acute attack, the affected joint becomes red, swollen and
excruciatingly painful. The joint of the big toe is most commonly affected
but other small joints (of fingers, ankles, wrists) are not immune to the
Homeopathic Treatment
Arnica 30 : For gout in which the affected joint develops a sore, beaten-
up sensation. The patient cannot tolerate the joint being touched.
Bryonia 30 : Gout with red, swollen and hot joint which is exceedingly
painful. Pain gets aggravated with slightest motion, forcing the patient to
keep still. Symptoms get worse from warmth (weather, food/drinks) but
better by absolute rest, firmly bandaging the joint, pressing (massaging)
the joint or by lying on it.
Colchicum 30 : For gout that moves from one joint to another. Pain is so
severe that the patient can't bear even light touch. Joint-pain is worse by
slightest motion (like Bryonia), at night and in cold, damp weather but
better by rest and application of dry heat.
Eupatorium perl 30 : Indicated for gouty arthritis of left great toe that
recurs every third or seventh day and is accompanied by headache. There
is a feeling of soreness and broken bones in the whole body. The joint-
pain is worse from motion, pressure or exposure to cold air.
Urtica urens 30 : For gout from eating shell-fish. Useful in acute gout
because it facilitates elimination of uric acid from the body. Gout is
associated with violently itching skin-rashes. Sometimes, joint-pain and
skin-rashes occur alternately. Joint-pain is worse from touch, pressure
and cold applications.
Headache occurs from a variety of causes, common among which are
mental tension, colds, sinusitis and eyestrain.
Homeopathic Treatment
A few medicines have been suggested for each variety of headache. The
reader should confirm the suitability of the medicine by referring to its
general symptoms.
Check if most symptoms of any of the below-given remedies match with
most of your symptoms:
Carbo veg 30 : Even simple foods disagree, causing excessive gas, which
accumulates in the upper abdomen. Belching and passing flatus gradually
relieve the discomfort.
Insomnia (Sleeplessness)
Mental tension, worry, excitement, lack of physical fatigue, adverse
weather, tight clothing, uncomfortable mattress and drinking tea/coffee all
can lead to insomnia and sleeplessness. Indigestion and gas-trouble can
also drive sleep away. Besides, sleep has a tendency to gradually diminish
with advancing age.
Homeopathic Treatment
Arsenic 30 : Useful for sleeplessness from anxiety and fear (of death);
the person just cannot fall asleep from 12 to 2 a.m.; sleeplessness causes
undue prostration; the person likes to sleep in 'head-high (semi-
recumbent)' position.
Homeopathic Treatment
Jaundice is a disorder caused by liver-dysfunction and characterised by a
yellow discoloration of the skin, nails, eyes, mucous membranes and
Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic Treatment
Ocimum 30 : Again for right-sided renal colic with cramps in the loins.
Urine has musk-like odour and contains sand-like red sediment. Ocimum
should especially be considered for stones of uric-acid salts.
Pareira brava 30 : Constant urge to urinate. Urine flows out after great
straining and only when the person goes on his knees, pressing the head
against the floor. There is great pain in the bladder region, which goes
down into the thighs during efforts to urinate.
Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic Treatment
Thuja 30 : Profuse, thick, greenish leucorrhoea with pain in the left ovary
and groin. Menses scanty and delayed. Vagina extremely sensitive,
Malaria is a periodic fever, whose onset is heralded by a chill (shivering).
Homeopathic Treatment
Measles is a highly infective, viral disease (usually) of children, which
though bothersome is not serious. It sets in with symptoms of catarrh
e.g., sneezing, running nose, redness and watering of eyes, hoarse
cough, prostration and fever which may go quite high (103 - 104° F). At
this early stage, it is difficult to distinguish measles from an attack of cold
or influenza. However, in about 24 hours characteristic Koplikspots
(raised, white, salt-like spots) develop inside the mouth, confirming the
diagnosis. On the fourth day appear small, red rashes, first on the face,
then on the neck/body and finally on the legs; adjacent rashes may
coalesce to form raised blotches. With the appearance of rashes, the fever
declines. The rashes disappear in 4 - 5 days.
Homeopathic Treatment
For most women, this transition from fertile to infertile life is smooth and
uneventful. However, a few women suffer from distressing symptoms like
hot flushes causing warmth in the face and ears, sweating, undue fatigue,
headaches and inexplicable mood-changes.
Homeopathic Treatment
Amyl nitrite 30: Surging of blood to the head and the face causing
anxiety, palpitations, throbbing headache and a desire for open air,
followed by profuse, hot perspiration and exhaustion; the lady keeps
away from mental or physical exertion and frequently stretches her limbs.
Homeopathic Treatment
Mumps is a disease of children and young adults, characterised by a hard
swelling over one or both cheeks due to a viral infection of the parotid
(salivary) glands, accompanied by pain and fever.
Homeopathic Treatment
However, if your child has already contracted mumps, give him that
remedy from the below-listed ones, whose symptoms match with those of
your child:
Arsenic 30: Burning pain in the affected cheek, which is better by warm
/ hot applications! Another distinguishing feature is undue fear (of death)
causing severe anguish and restlessness.
Nausea or Vomiting
Check if most symptoms of any of these medicines match with most of
your symptoms:
Osteoarthritis is the commonest form of arthritis caused by a gradual,
progressive degeneration of the jointcartilage (pad) with advancing age.
It is characterised by
1. Pain and stiffness in the affected joint (usually a joint of the lower
limb) which increase very gradually over the years,
2. Absence of any real swelling, redness or warmth in the affected
3. Presence of a typical crackling noise (called crepitus) on moving the
joint and
4. Formation of new bone (in the form of projections called
osteophytes) along the joint-margin.
Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic Treatment
Check if most of your symptoms match with most symptoms of any of the
below-given medicines:
Calc flour 30 : For painful heel which feels better with heat treatment;
especially useful for calcaneal spur.
Homeopathic Treatment
Xanthoxylum 30 : Menses too early, with pain in the back and lower
abdomen, extending down the left thigh. The discharged blood is thick
and almost black.
Homeopathic Treatment
Piles (Haemorrhoids)
Piles is a varicosed condition of the veins of the anus. These produce a lot
of pain and, sometimes, bleed profusely.
Homeopathic Treatment
Aesculus 30 : Rectum feels sore, as if full of small sticks. Stools are hard
and dry and, therefore, difficult to evacuate. After the stools, there is
intense pain, which lasts for hours (like Aloe and Sul) and spreads
upwards to the back. Piles are painful but don't bleed. Pain in the piles
gets worse on standing or walking.
Nitric acid 30: Bleeding piles that protrude with every stool. Burning
pain and a splinter-like sensation in the anus which lasts for hours after
the stool. Extreme sensitiveness, nervous trembling, severe prostration
and a strong-smelling urine are other features of this medicine.
Paeonia 30 : Severe pain, burning and itching in the anus with and after
each stool, followed by a feeling of internal chilliness.
Sul 30 : Burning and painful piles with redness of the anus. Sudden
intense hunger at 11 a.m., a dislike for bathing and a craving for sweets
are other features of this medicine.
Pimples are small boils affecting the skin of the face of adolescent girls /
boys, perhaps caused by hormonal changes.
Homeopathic Treatment
Calc sul 30 : Pimples with yellowish scabs. If burst open, the resultant
wound does not heal rapidly. Burning and itching of soles is another
Hepar sulph 30 : Pimples with splinter-like pain. The skin of the face is
so sensitive that the person can't even bear the touch of a towel. On
pressed open, the pimple discharges a thick pus, smelling like old cheese.
Intolerance of cold weather / foods, an unhealthy skin and profuse sour
perspiration are other features of this medicine.
1. Maintain good facial hygiene. Wash the face with soap and water 3-
4 times a day. Facial steam once or twice a week is also helpful.
Avoid facial creams and cosmetics.
2. Consume a well-balanced diet having an abundance of sour-sweet
(citrus) fruits. Cut down the intake of salt and refined flour (maida).
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is chronic, inflammatory, destructive and deforming
variety of arthritis that affects many joints (especially the small joints of
the fingers and the toes) at the same time.
Unlike osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis victimises young persons,
especially females.
Homeopathic Treatment
Bryonia 30 : Rheumatism with red, swollen and hot joints which are
exceedingly painful. Joint-pains get aggravated with slightest motion,
forcing the patient to keep still. Hot weather, warm room, warm
foods/drinks also worsen joint-pains. The person feels better by absolute
rest, firmly bandaging the joint, pressing (massaging) the joint or by lying
on the affected joint.
Ruta 30 : For sore, beaten up feeling in the affected joints, giving rise to
restlessness (like Rhus tox). Joint-pains are worse from rest but better by
gentle movements (not exertion); warm applications and massage also
help in relieving pains.
Summary of indications:
Homeopathic Treatment
Ferrum met: For pain in left shoulder, making it difficult for the victim to
raise the arm. Pain gets worse from rest but is relieved by gently moving
about the arm.
Rhus tox 30 : There is a feeling of stiffness, soreness and pain in the
shoulder which is worse after rest (inactivity) but gradually diminishes on
moving the shoulder or applying dry heat.
Sinuses are air-filled cavities present in the skull-bone, communicating
with the nose through tiny openings. Therefore, a nasal infection
sometimes spreads to one or more sinuses causing a swelling of their
inner surfaces. Symptoms of sinusitis include throbbing pain in the
forehead or cheeks which gets worse on stooping, moving, the head or
coughing and, sometimes, fever.
Homeopathic Treatment
Kali iod 30: Chronic sinusitis causing throbbing pain and burning in the
nose and the sinuses; the pain is Worse' at night or from steam-inhalation
but diminishes on moving in open air; profuse, watery and hot discharge
from the nose.
Pulsatilla 30 : Sinusitis, with pain that shifts from one part of head to
another (like Kali bich); the pain gets worse from steam-inhalation but is
relieved by pressure, cold applications or moving in open air; profuse
thick, greenish yellow, bland discharge from the nose. A mild, weeping
nature and thirstlessness confirm the choice of Pulsatilla.
Silicia 30 : Headache starts from the back of the head and settles above
the right eye (right frontal sinusitis); the pain is worse from movements
(stooping), noise and cold air but is relieved by pressure (tying a tight
band around the head) and urination; great chilliness (like Hapar sulph)
so that the person wraps himself with warm clothes even in summer.
Aconite 30 : Sudden, severe pharyngitis with severe pain and high fever.
The victim is extremely anxious, fears death and wants the doctor to be
summoned immediately. There is an almost unquenchable thirst for large
quantities of cold water.
Apis 30 : Acute pharyngitis, the throat looking fiery red, with burning,
stinging pain. There is such sensitivity to touch that the victim can't
tolerate clothes around the neck. Thirstlessness is an important feature.
Mere sol 30 : Severe pharyngitis, the throat looking bluish red. The
tongue is large and moist and shows an imprint of teeth. Profuse,
offensive perspiration, trembling of the body and extreme thirst for large
quantities of cold water indicate this medicine.
Sprained Joint
Sudden twists and turns may wrench, disrupt or damage the ligaments
and tendons around a joint causing 'joint sprain'. This is followed by
pouring (effusion) of a fluid into the joint, swelling and pain. The most
common sprains are those of the ankle, the wrist, the fingers and the
Since shock is always present when a sprain occurs, give a dose of Arnica
200 immediately. Arnica controls shock as well as bleeding in the tissues,
and may be all that is needed. If, however, after a day or so improvement
seems to Come to a standstill, Ruta graveolens 30 will help. Ruta, given
four times a day, beneficially acts on wrenched and torn ligaments and
promotes healing.
If Ruta does not relieve pain and swelling within twenty-four hours, a
deeper-acting remedy Symphytum 30 can be tried. Symphytum, made
from a plant comfrey, was called 'knit-bone' by ancient physicians.
On the other hand, if pain and stiffness are worse after a period of rest
(i.e., when beginning to move) and better after some activity, Rhus tox 30
given every six to eight hours will help.
Ledum 30, when there is much swelling, and the affected joint is numb
and cold, yet feels better with cold applications.
Homeopathic Treatment
Staphisagria 30 : For recurrent styes that come one after another and
leave behind hard nodes. This remedy can be tried if Pulsatilla fails.
Prolonged exposure to the rays of a hot, summer sun may cause a heat-
stroke. The self-cooling mechanism of the body (through evaporation of
sweat from the skin) fails, giving rise to very high fever, hot and dry skin
and rapid, bounding pulse. The victim is dizzy, nauseated, weak and,
generally, has a headache. If not treated in time, vomiting, delirium,
convulsions or unconsciousness may occur.
Even more important than homoeopathic remedies are the following first-
aid measures:
Tonsils are small masses of lymphoid tissues, one lying on either side of
the back of the mouth. They work like guards intercepting all micro-
organisms that happen to enter the nose or the mouth and preventing
them from going deeper into the body. In turn, the tonsils become
inflamed (termed tonsillitis) causing pain in the throat, difficulty in
swallowing and sometimes fever.
Apis 30 : Burning, stinging pain in the throat with fever, worse at 3 p.m.,
tongue fiery red; uvula and tonsils look puffy and oedematous, causing
suffocation; cannot bear tight clothing around the neck; weeping
disposition, thirstlessness, a craving for cold milk and swelling on lower
eye-lids confirm the choice of Apis.
Homeopathic Treatment
Mercurius sol 30 : Loose and painful teeth with spongy, bleeding gums.
There is sweetish taste in the mouth with excessive saliva. The tongue is
thick and moist, and shows imprint of teeth. Hot foods / applications
worsen tooth-pain. There is thirst for large quantities of cold water.
Plantago Q : Severe toothache which radiates to the ear or the eye. The
pain lessens while eating.
Some people suffer from vertigo, with nausea and vomiting, while
travelling by a ship or a vehicle. This is called travel-sickness. Other
causes of giddiness include: ear-disease, head injury, sudden changes in
blood-pressure or a disturbance of blood-supply to the brain.
Homeopathic Treatment
Typhoid is a serious, unremittent fever which runs a prolonged course
distinguished by high temperature, 'peasoup' stools and skin rashes which
appear 7-8 days after the onset.
Homeopathic Treatment
Arnica 30 : Fever, with a sore, bruised feeling in the entire body, causing
restlessness. Everything on which the patient lies feels too hard.
Arsenic 30: Typhoid with burning in the body, severe prostration and loss
of appetite (the victim can't even bear the smell or sight of food). There is
great anguish in the mind, the person feeling that death is imminent.
Like any other disease, worm infestation, too, is better prevented than
treated. This is relatively easy if drinking water is boiled and all outside
eatables are avoided.
Calcarea carb 30 : Fat, flabby child with a ravenous appetite; craving for
indigestible things (like chalk, coal, pencils) and eggs; aversion to meat
and milk; crawling and constriction in rectum and anus; habitual
constipation; excessive, sour sweating; head sweats profusely during
sleep, wetting the pillow.
Sabadilla 30 : Nervous, timid child with a desire for sweets and hot
foods and a lack of thirst. The skin is dry and the nails are thickened.
1. For guidance about the dose and repetition of the selected remedy,
Bryonia is created from wild hops. The mother tincture is made from the roots of the
plant. It’s remedy is good for rheumatoid arthritis, physical trauma, tendonitis,
connective tissue disease, low back pain, sciatica, bursitis, headache, migraines,
vertigo, nosebleed, toothache, constipation, diarrhea and gastritis.
Blood Pressure
The remedy Lachesis is taken from the poison of the surukuku snake, also called
Trigonocephalus lachesis. The snake is native to South America. The remedy was
created by homeopath Constantine Hering. This remedy has many acute
applications. It aids coagulation of the blood, varicose veins, ulcers, tumor, lowering
blood pressure and ulcers.
Natrim Muriaticum (Nat Mur) is made from sodium chloride, or regular table salt.
Because this chemical compound is so common to our environment and is indeed a
natural part of our own bodies, the remedy taken from it is one of most benign and
curative. It is one of Hahnemann’s first remedies. Natrum Mur is is one of the best
remedies for digestive ailments that can be traced to an overuse of salt, especially
high blood pressure, chronic migraines and headaches and diabetes.
Colic & Gas Homeo-Care is a liquid homeopathic treatment that includes some of
the following ingredients;
Chamomilla is taken from the German chamomile. The plant must be picked when
in full flower. The entire plant is used in the creation of the remedy. Situations that
suggest Chamomilla: coughs, fever, colic, pain, especially associated with teething
and toothache. This remedy is also used for hot flashes that accompany
menopause. It is a great remedy for use with those with behavioral problems. It is an
excellent remedy for cases involving diarrhea that follow general pain pattern.
Bryonia is created from wild hops. The mother tincture is made from the roots of the
plant. It’s remedy is good for rheumatoid arthritis, physical trauma, tendonitis,
connective tissue disease, low back pain, sciatica, bursitis, headache, migraines,
vertigo, nosebleed, toothache, constipation, colic, diarrhea and gastritis.
Nux Vomica (Nux vom) is taken from the gray seeds of a tree. This tree is related to
the Saint Ignatius bean, making Ignatia and Nux Vomica was created by Samuel
Hahnemann. This remedy aids constipation, hemorrhoids, influenza, also diarrhea,
colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, high blood pressure, spasms and twitches of all
sorts. Sleep disorders, insomnia, addictions to coffee, tea, drugs, alcohol, tobacco
and also coughs and colds, acute asthma, chronic fatigue, environmental illness and
neuralgic pains.
China (Chin off) is also known as cinchona. It was the very first remedy in the
homeopathic pharmacy. It was created from the bark of the Cinchona officinalis. a
bark from which the allopathic medicine quinine is also take. The substance, which
was know for centuries for its medicinal qualities, was named Kina-Kina, or "bark of
barks," by the natives of Peru. China was created by Samuel Hahnemann. This
remedy is used for fevers of all sorts, influenza, and respiratory infections of all sorts,
coughs. Also colic: constipation and diarrhea, hemorrhoids, headache, vertigo
tinnitus and menieres disease, deafness, rheumatism, hip pain, backache. Also food
poisoning and indigestion, suffocation, acute asthma, home recovery from strokes,
sleep disorders.
Digestion Aid
Digestion Aid is a liquid homeopathic treatment that includes some of the following
Belladonna is taken from a plant that for many years has been used as an herbal
medicine. The remedy is created from the whole plant, picked at the flowering stage.
This remedy aids fever, digestion migraine, convulsions, constipation, hemorrhoids,
influenza, low back pain, sinusitis, tonsillitis, vertigo. Also Meniere’s disease and
otitis media.
Chamomilla is taken from the German chamomile. The plant must be picked when
in full flower. The entire plant is used in the creation of the remedy. Situations that
suggest Chamomilla: coughs, fever, colic, pain, especially associated with teething
and toothache. This remedy is also used for hot flashes that accompanymenopause.
It is a great remedy for use with those with behavioral problems. It is an excellent
remedy for cases involving diarrhea that follow general pain pattern.
Acontitum Napellus (Aconite) is created from the roots and stems of the plant
Aconitum napellus, which is also known as wolfsbane and monkshood. the plant is
native to Europe, and must be gathered in the floweingstage in order to me made
into the remedy Aconite. This remedy is good for Upper respiratory infections, colds
and flu, conjunctivitis, croup, otitis media, pneumonia, tonsillitits, neuralgia, vertigo,
angina, arrhythmia, headache, injury and trauma.
China (Chins off) is also known as cinchona. It was the very first remedy in the
homeopathic pharmacy. It was created from the bark of the Cinchona officinalis. a
bark from which the allopathic medicine quinine is also take. The substance, which
was know for centuries for its medicinal qualities, was named Kina-Kina, or "bark of
barks," by the natives of Peru. China was created by Samuel Heinemann. This
remedy is used for fevers of all sorts, influenza, and respiratory infections of all sorts,
coughs. Also colic: constipation and diarrhea, hemorrhoids, headache, vertigo
tinnitus and menieres disease, deafness, rheumatism, hip pain, backache. Also food
poisoning and indigestion, suffocation, acute asthma, home recovery from strokes,
sleep disorders.
Belladonna is taken from a plant that for many years has been used as an herbal
medicine. The remedy is created from the whole plant, picked at the flowering stage.
This remedy aids fever, digestion migraine, convulsions, constipation, hemorrhoids,
influenza, low back pain, sinusitis, tonsillitis, vertigo. Also Meniere’s disease and
otitis media.
#Cantharis. [Canth]
Cantharis symptoms are usually the first ones inquired after when a case of urinary
difficulty presents itself. Its symptoms are clear cut, and should not be confounded with
those of any other remedy. There is a persistent and violent urging to urinate, with great
tenesmus; the urine is passed only in drops and seems like molten lead passing through
the urethra, so intense is the burning.
There is with this, usually an aching in the small of the back. It is often indicated in
acute cystitis, gravel and urethritis, the great keynotes being the burning and the
tenesmus of the bladder; haematuria also calls for Cantharis under certain conditions.
Baehr doubts that Cantharis is ever suitable to the chronic form of cystitis.
#Terebinth. [Tereb]
The urine of Terebinth is one of its most characteristic features. It is smoky, turbid,
depositing a sediment like coffee grounds, which indicates the presence of disintegrated
blood cells. Haematuria from venous congestion of the kidneys calls often for Terebinth.
It has burning during micturition and most painful strangury; the urine, too, may contain
albumen and has the odor of violets. Peculiar odors to urine may be fond under the Viola
tricolor, where it smells like that of the cat, and Benzoic acid, where it smells strong and
ammoniacal,like that of a horse. Terebinth is a useful remedy in cystitis, with much
tenesmus of the bladder and the scanty, bloody urine; there is also pressure in the
bladder, which extends to the kidneys. In acute and chronic nephritis it is often
indicated. The urine, oedema and the bronchial catarrh may all point to the remedy.
#Causticum. [Caust]
In paralytic conditions about the bladder Causticum deserves first place. It is one of our
great remedies in enuresis, and its characteristics are involuntary micturition at night in
sleep, when coughing, sneezing or blowing the nose, showing a weakness of the
sphincter. Another indication of this is the difficulty the patient has in passing the last
few drops of urine; the fact that he has to wait a long time before it starts, and that
during the act it is expelled very slowly, showing not only a weakness of the sphincter
but a weakness of the whole muscular system of the bladder. Nocturnal wetting of the
bed in children, occurring during the first sleep at night,calls for Causticum. Paralysis of
the bladder after labor also calls for this remedy. Zincum is another excellent remedy in
these bladder troubles, and it has some symptoms similar to Causticum, such as
involuntary spurting of urine when coughing or sneezing; there is apt to be more pain in
Zincum cases, however; Scilla and Natrum muriaticum also have involuntary micturition
when coughing. Another symptom of Causticum is an excessive deposit of urates in the
urine. Another remedy which clinically has proved very useful in enuresis from weakened
muscular action is Ferrum phosphoricum. Rhus aromatica has enuresis of nervous origin,
and has been used successfully in senile cases.
#Sepia. [Sep]
One of the prominent remedies for lithaemic conditions is Sepia, and the condition of the
urine becomes an indication for its use. It has a reddish clay-colored sediment adhering
to the vessel, a sediment of red sand so-called. The Sepia urine differs from others in
being offensive. Sepia is also a remedy for wetting the bed at night during the first sleep.
Lycopodium is a prominent remedy for the indication of red sand in the urine. It is a sort
of gravel and is passed in quantities, so that often the child will scream with pain on
passing the water. Lycopodium will then help. Sarsaparilla and Benzoic acid have similar
symptoms, the latter having as a characteristic a strong horse-like urine. Natrum
muriaticum also has their red sand or brick-dust sediment. Another remedy having this
symptom very marked in Ocimum canum. This is a very useful remedy in renal colic and
gravel. The patient has to micturate every few minutes, during which he wrings his
hands and groans with pain. Nausea is often present. The quantity of sand deposited is
very large. In cystitis, with a constant desire to urinate and dragging in the bladder,
Sepia may prove useful; here it will be indicated by its general Symptoms.
Vesicaria is recommended to favor expulsion of gravel and sand in urine, also Thalspi
bursa Pastoris.
For glandular tumors, varicose veins, prolapsus uterus, bone affections etc
This salt is indicated in all diseases affecting the substance forming the surface of the
bone, the enamel of the teeth and part of elastic fibres, no matter in what structure they
may be found. A deficiency of the elastic fibres in the muscular tissue causes a
relaxation, which is a primary condition in many diseases.
Indicated in all ailments that can be traced to a relaxed condition of the elastic fibres,
including dilatation of blood vessels such as blood-tumors, piles, enlarged and varicose
veins, indurated glands, enlargement of the heart, relaxed uvula, prolapsed of the
womb, etc. Also useful in the diseases of the respiratory organs with difficult
expectoration of small yellow lumps. The symptoms are all worse in damp weather and
are relieved by fomentation and by rubbing.
The sphere of the Phosphate of Lime includes all bone diseases, whether due to some
inherited dyscrasia or to defective nutrition in osseous and other structures dependent
upon a proper distribution of lime molecules in the body. It is the bone cell-salt. Without
this element, no bone can be formed and hence it is a valuable remedy in childhood
when the bones are in the condition of being formed. Cal. Phos. is also found in the
gastric juice and plays an important part in the process of digestion and assimilation. It
is of importance in anaemia, in chlorosis, in convulsions and spasms, in weak scrofulous
subjects; during dentition when the teeth are slow in making their appearance and decay
too rapidly; also in other teething disorders. In convalescence after acute and chronic
wasting diseases, it acts as a tonic by building up new red blood corpuscles and by
restoring the lost vitality. Deficient development of children and young people emaciation
without apparent cause onanism, suppuration of bones, spinal weakness and curvature.
Aids the union of fractured bones. Rheumatism of the joints, chronic enlargements of the
tonsils and goiter. Cholera infantum, faeces hot and offensive. Dyspepsia; food seems to
lie in a lump; vomiting after cold drinks. Cold, change of weather, motion, getting wet,
generally aggravates symptoms. Relieved by rest, warmth and by lying down.
Ferrum Phos. Is given in the initial stage of all congestions, inflammations and fevers.
This salt possesses an affinity or attraction for oxygen and carries it to all parts of the
body and hence is an important agent in all diseases in which the blood and the
corpuscles are involved. Consequently, the first remedy in all cases depending upon the
relaxed condition of the muscular tissue and in abnormal conditions of the corpuscles of
the blood themselves. It gives strength to the circular wall of the blood vessels. It
supplies the colour to the blood corpuscles. A deficiency of this cell salt is the cause of
fevers and inflammatory conditions and so indicated in all febrile disturbances and in
inflammatory and congestive diseases at the beginning, especially before exudation has
commenced. The principal accompaniments of these conditions calling for Ferrum Phos
are manifested by flushed face, fever with full pulse, hot, dry skin, thirst, pain and
redness of the part. An excellent remedy in anaemia, chlorosis, pneumonia,
inflammatory rheumatism, tonsillitis, diphtheria, cystitis, nosebleed, incontinence of
urine, apoplexy, gastritis etc. The symptoms calling for this remedy are always
aggravated by motion and ameliorated by cold.
Kali Mur. is given for the sequel of all inflammations, for exudations and infiltrations,
especially of a fibrous character and in inflammations of serous membranes, when the
exudation is plastic in nature. A most excellent remedy in the later stages of all catarrhal
states. This cell-salt works with the fibrine, which is found in every tissue of the
organism except boric. In inflammatory exudations we find fibrine in the serous cavities
and on the mucous membranes. The use of Kali Mur. usually follows Ferrum Phos. in
inflammatory disorders. The characteristic symptoms of Kali Mur which is always
indicated in the second stage of the inflammatory diseases, are glandular swellings,
discharges or expectorations of a thick, white fibrinous consistency, white or gray
exudations and a white or gray coating of the tongue. The efficacy of this remedy is
demonstrated in chronic catarrhal conditions, croup, diphtheria, dysentery, pneumonia
etc. Diarrhoea with pale, yellow faces. With Ferrum Phos is should be given in coughs.
Useful in deafness from the catarrh of the Eustachian tubes, in skin eruptions with small
vesicles containing yellowish secretions, ulcerations, ulcerations with swelling and white
exudations, in rheumatism with swelling of the parts, in leucorrhoea and gonorrhea with
characteristic discharge. Symptoms in general are worse from motion, while gastric and
abdominal symptoms are worse after taking pastry, rich and fatty foods.
Kali Phos. is a constituent of the brain, nerves, muscles and blood vessels. It unites with
albumen and creates nerve fluid or the gray matter of the brain. Nervous symptoms
indicate a deficiency of this cell-salt, which must be supplied to restore the normal
condition. Whatever disease can be traced to the nerve degeneracy, we enter the field of
Kali Phos. Nervous condition known as neurasthenia is a field in which this salt has
become prominently curative. The results of the want of nerve power, such as
prostration, loss of mental vigor, depression, brain-fag, softening of the brain, insanity,
paralysis, epilepsy, hysteria, locomotor ataxia and when there is rapid decomposition of
the blood. It is curative in septic haemorrhages, scorbutus, gangrene, stomatitis,
offensive carrion-like diarrhoea, dysentery, a dynamic or typhoid conditions, incontinence
of urine, urticaria, predisposition of epistaxis in children, dizziness and vertigo from
sleeplessness, nervous exhaustion, nervous dyspepsia, asthma, neuralgia, nervous
headaches, tongue coated as if with dark liquid mustard. Symptoms are aggravated from
noise, by mental or physical exertion, by rising from a sitting position. Pains worse in
cold and ameliorated by gentle motion.
Kali Sulph is a carrier of oxygen. It furnishes vitality to the epithelial tissues. Light
yellow, sticky and watery secretions are the characteristics of this remedy. The chief
indication for this remedy is yellow deposit on the tongue. It has been given in bronchitis
with yellow, slimy or thin, watery expectoration, in whooping cough, pneumonia pthisis,
skin diseases with a sticky yellowish secretion and peeling off of the epidermis.
Epithelioma, rheumatism, retrocession of eruptions in measles. Dyspepsia with slimy
yellow coating of the tongue, catarrh of the bowels, diarrhoea, leucorrhoea, ophthalmia
etc; with light yellow, watery secretions; dandruff; yellow scales in skin diseases.
Amenorrhoea, menstruation too late and too scanty with weight and fullness in the
abdomen etc. All ailments are worse in a warm room and toward evening and better in
cool, open air.
It is a constituent of muscles, nerves, brain, bone, spine, teeth and blood corpuscles. It
helps to create the white fibres of the muscles and nerves. It uses water and albumen to
form the transparent fluid, which nourishes the white threads and fibres of nerves and
muscles. The deficiency of this salt allows the fibres to contract, causing spasms,
cramps, convulsions and other nervous phenomena. It is a remedy to be thought of in all
maladies having their origin in nerve cells and in the muscular tissue. It is particularly
indicated in lean, thin, emaciated persons of a highly nervous temperament. Magnesia
patient is always languid, tired and easily exhausted. The value of this remedy is shown
in all forms of spasms, cramps, tetanus. St. Vitu's dance, epilepsy, spasmodic retention
of urine, paralysis agitans, hiccup, whooping cough, chorea. It is the remedy for the
neuralgic pains in the head, face, teeth, car, stomach, abdomen etc. spasmodic
palpitation of the heart, dysmenorrhoea. Attacks are often attended with great
prostration, sometimes with profuse sweat. Valuable remedy for flatulent colic forcing
the patient to bend double. Dysentery with cramp-like pains, angina pectoris, sciatica
with excruciating spasmodic pains, angina pectoris, sciatica with excruciating spasmodic
pain writer's and piano-player's cramps. All pains are lightening-like, shooting or boring,
and change their location frequently and are worse on the right side, from cold air,
washing in cold water, and from touch. Relieved by warmth pressure, friction and by
bending double.
For catarrhal affections with thin, clear, transparent, watery secretions, influenza, hay-
fever, diarrhoea, constipation, leucorrhoea, intermittent fevers and skin diseases.
This salt is a constituent of every liquid and solid part of the body. Its function is to
regulate the degree of moisture within the cells. It properly distributes the water through
the organism.
Deficiency in this salt causes the disturbance of water in the human organism. An
unequal distribution of water in the system sometimes causes excessive dryness of
mucous membranes in some part, while there may be a copious, watery fluid from
another part. Naturm Mur. will set things right and will establish equilibrium. It acts upon
the lymphatic system, the blood, liver, spleen and upon the mucous lining of' the
alimentary canal. It is indicated in headache, toothache, faceache, stomachache and also
where there is either salivation or hyper secretion of tears or vomiting of water and
mucus. Catarrhal affections of mucous membranes with secretion of transparent, watery,
frothy mucus. Small watery blisters, breaking and leaving a thin crust. Skin diseases
with watery symptoms. Diarrhoea with transparent, frothy, slimy stools. Constipation
with dull headache and profuse tears. Conjunctivitis with clear watery discharge. Tongue
clean, slimy, small bubbles of frothy saliva on sides. Leucorrhoea with watery, smarting
or clear, starch-like discharge, gleet, coryza with loss of smell and taste, follicular catarrh
of the pharynx, thrush with salivation, diphtheria with drowsiness, inflammation of uvula
with elongation, catarrh of the bladder, impotence, prostatic fluid, paralysis, chorea,
chlorosis, insomnia, pneumonia with loose rattling phlegm, intermittent fever, especially
after abuse of quinine. Anasarca, gout, chronic swellings of lymphatic and sebaceous
glands. Hemicrania.
For gastric and intestinal disorders with sour and acid symptoms, worms, acidity,
Through the presence of this salt, lactic acid is decomposed in carbonic acid and water. It
eliminates the carbonic acid through the lungs. It has also the power to eliminate any
excess of sugar from the blood.
This is the remedy in all cases where there is an excess of lactic acid. It acts also upon
the bowels, glands, lungs and abdominal organs. Deficiency of this salt in the gastric
juice will bring about acid and sour fermentations, and so it cures sour belching and sour
rising of fluids. Sour vomiting, sour eructation with flatulence, greenish, sour smelling,
diarrhoea, colic, spasms due to acid conditions of the stomach. Fever from acidity of
stomach in children. Febrile condition with acid and sour smelling perspiration. Ague with
characteristic coating of the tongue. Thick, moist, golden yellow coating of the tongue
and palate and also a creamy yellowish exudation are the characteristic symptoms
calling for this remedy. Eye complaints discharging a creamy yellow matter. Intestinal
worms. Incontinence of urine in children with acidity. Atony of bladder, seminal emissions
without dreams, leucorrhoea. with creamy or honey colored or acid and watery
discharge, uterine displacements accompanied by rheumatic pains. Goiter, scrofulosis
with acid symptoms. Hives, crusta lactea.
For hepatic diseases, bilious attacks, intermittent fevers, headaches, diarrhoea, diabetes,
asthma, la grippe, dropsy.
This salt aids and regulates the excretion of the superficial water. It eliminates and
excess of water from the blood. It keeps the bile in normal consistency. The three
natrum salts work in the body as follows. Natrum Phos creates the water by splitting up
of lactic acid; Nat Mur distributes the water through the system. Nat. Sulph. regulates
the quantity of water in the organism. Nat. Sulph. is preeminently a liver remedy. It
exhibits a marked similarity to the uric acid diathesis and is certainly a valuable remedy
in combating or numerous phases of that malady. Dirty, brownish green or grayish-green
coating on the root of the tongue. Dark greenish stools from excess of bile, bitter taste,
vomiting of bile, diabetes from jaundice, bilious headache, dropsy, diseases of the liver.
Excellent in influenza, intermittent fever and ague in all stages with vomiting and other
bilious symptoms. Enlargement of the liver, erysipelas, smooth, red shiny eruptions
coming in blotches with swelling of skin. Gravel, sand in urine, gout, fig warts, asthma
and dyspnoea aggravated by change to damp weather, edematous inflammations of the
skin, skin diseases with moist, yellowish scales, yellow watery secretions in all vesicles.
Vomiting in pregnancy with bitter taste, fistulous abscesses discharging watery
secretions, tendency to warts around the eyes, scalp, face, chest and arms etc.
Symptoms are worse in the morning, in damp, wet weather and from lying on left side.
Relief in warm dry weather and in the open air.
It acts more upon the organic substances of the body, involving prominently bones,
joints, glands, skin and mucous surfaces, producing malnutrition and corresponding to
the scrofulous diathesis. Its action is deep and long lasting. It is especially suited to
imperfectly nourished constitutions. It is a remedy for deep-seated chronic and acute
suppurations and ulcerations, affecting the tendons, periosteum and bone. promotes
suppuration. Indicated when there is hardness and indurations with suppuration.
Infiltrations terminating in suppuration. It ripens abscesses by promoting suppurations.
Valuable also in diseases resulting from suppressed foot sweats. Metrorrhagia in
menstruation, associated with icy coldness over the whole body. Constipation and fetid
foot-sweats. Ozena, carbuncles, tonsillitis, scrofula, syphilitic indurations, glandular
swellings which become hard and threaten to suppurate. Styes on eyelids. Epilepsy
especially nocturnal arid with change of moon. Gouty deposits in large joints of fingers.
Chronic dyspepsia, copious night sweats especially in phthisis. Third stage of
tuberculosis. Symptoms are always worse at night, during full moon, in the open air and
from suppressed foot sweats and are better by the application of heat and warmth.