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MGB Competition Preparation Manual

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Introduction Foreword Section I

Engine Modifications

Section I1
Setting Up Suspension & Chassis

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Section I11
Specifications - Standard & Competition

Appendix I
British Leyland Competition Parts List
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Appendix I1
Huffaker Engineering Parts List

Many of our readers have no doubt read the Factory Special Tuning Booklet, AKD 4034, which contains much valuable information for stage tuning and competition preparation of the MGB. However, here in the U.S.A. we felt the need for a comprehensive tuning book prepared specifically for S.C.C.A. driving. In this book written by Joe Huffaker, who is without question one of the greatest authorities in the U.S.A. on the competition preparation of the MGB; you will find a wealth of information which will enable you to build a competitive and reliable car. However, do not attempt to follow any of the procedures outlined in this book without a copy of the Workshop Manual and a mechanical parts list. Take particular notice of the instructions regarding ordering competition parts, which appear at the head of Appendix I and 11. All procedures and parts listed are legal under the S.C.C.A. rules for the 1970 competition season. When further changes to the rules take place, amendment to this book will be made. This Department will not knowingly advise any modifications contrary to the regulations. It is, however, the responsibility af each and every driver to ensure that his car conforms with the S.C.C.A. regulations. British Leyland Motors Inc., its Dealers and Distributors, and Huffaker Engineering cannot be held responsible for any protests or disputes resulting from illegal modifications or parts. Modifications of the type described in this book and/or the use of your vehicle for competition render the manufacturer's warranty null and void. If technical assistance is ever required, do not hesistate to contact the writer, as one call or letter may save you many hours of frustration or prevent you from damaging an expensive part. MICHAEL J. R. BARRATT Competition Technical Advisor British Leyland Motors Inc. 600 Willow Tree Road Leonia, New Jersey 07605 (201) 461-7300

The contents of this preparation manual are derived from several years of campaigning the MGB sports car, and countless hours of dynamometer testing and development work on the MGB engine. I will endeavor to include all of the important steps and preparation of the winning MGB in the following text. British Leyland Motors Inc., its Distributors, Dealers, and Huffaker Engineering will not be held responsible for damage or injury which may occur in the following of any procedure outlined in this book.


I. Preparation of the Engine Block The MGB cylinder block is an excellent casting made of close grain cast iron. It is more than adequately strong for the amount of horse power which we are able to extract. The first step in preparing the cylinder block for racing, would be to debur the interior of the block, taking great care not to damage the crank shaft main bearing bores or the cam bearings. An inspection should be made in the tappet gallerys to assure that there are no loose particles or casting flash which may drop off at a later date causing damage to the interior of the engine. These can be very easily removed with a porting tool and deburring stone. Prior to boring for your oversized pistons, the block should be checked to make sure that the block surface is parallel to the crank-shaft line bore. The block may now be bored. It is a good idea to leave at least .0003" to .0004" for a final hone job to get the proper cross hatch finish for proper ring seating. We suggest a bore clearance of .006" for cast pistons, and .0075" for the forged pistons. Final honing should be done with a 200 to 250 grit stone used with honing oil and kerosene. This must be done in such a manner as to give a proper cross hatch pattern on the cylinder walls. On the MGB engine, the exhaust valves overhang the edge of the cylinder block making it necessary to cut a relief in the block for the exhaust valve clearance. This can be done very simply by scribing the cylinder block surface using the competition head gasket for a guide. Dycum may be painted around the cylinder bores to facilitate the layout. The line should be scribed so that it is 1/ 16th of an inch inside the gasket. After removing the head gasket, a relief can be ground in the cylinder block at approximately a 45 degree angle down into the cylinder. This is to be ground in the area under the exhaust valve only. Care must be taken to not exceed a depth of .200", as any greater depth would allow the combustion flame to be directed on the top ring during the firing cycle. This would cause severe ring damage and ring land breakage. It is possible to make this relief with a fly cutter using the exhaust guide as a

pilot. However, we do not suggest this method. The 45 degree chamfer not only clears the exhaust valve but also gives a better gas flow during the exhaust cycle. After all-the machine work has been completed, the bronze plugs at the end of the oil gallerys should be drilled and tapped to a 5/16" coarse thread. This will facilitate the extraction of the plug by use of a slide hammer gripping on a bolt threaded into the plug. After removal of the plugs, the entire block should be dcgreased. As a final clean-up, detergent and hot water should be used to scrub the block, especially in the cylinder bores. It is advisable to use a high pressure hot water column through the oil gallerys followed by a thorough scrubbing with a percolator brush or similar type brush. Follow this up with another flushing with hot water. New plugs can now be pressed into the oil gallerys making sure that they are all slightly below the surface so they do not interfere with proper gasket sealing on the sump and end covers during the final assembly. It is advisable, after washing the block with detergent and water, that it be air dried and immediately sprayed with an anti-rust solution such as WD40. Rust will form almost immediately on the fresh cast iron after a thorough cleansing. Core plugs should be removed prior to cleaning and replaced with either a bolt-in type core plug or new stock core plugs which should be sealed with an epoxy cement. The seating surface for the core plugs should be thoroughly cleaned prior to the installation of the new part. A wire brush in an electric drill works well here. The setting of the deck clearance should be carried out in the following manner: First, install the crank shaft and all of the main bearings and torque them to their proper torque settings. Install the connecting rod and piston assemblies using one old or used top ring only. This will stabilize the piston and make your measurements considerably easier. Of course, the rod and piston assembly must be aligned prior to the installation in the cylinder block for this checking purpose. The rod alignment is best accomplished by putting it into the hands of an experienced automobile machinist. The rod and piston is checked as an assembly by using a Sun or other good testing fixture. The rod and piston assembly is checked to give perfect vertical alignment and also to check for twist in the rod. Using a dial indicator, rotate the crank shaft so that the piston is at top dead center. Checking with the indicator, rotate slightly back and forth until an absolute zero reading is found. At this time it would be wise to check your T.D.C. timing; mark on the front crankshaft damper; correct if not dead on. Now, using a depth mike, carefully check the distance from the top surface of the block to the top of the piston. In this case, a zero deck to a minus .002" would be the optimum height for the flat top piston. If your measurements show the piston to be .015" low, for instance, it would be necessary to mill the cylinder block an amount bringing the deck height to zero. On the other hand, if the piston were above the block by .015" or so, a similar amount would have to be removed across the head of the flat top piston. Setting the deck height with a dome-type piston, a somewhat different

method must be used to find the deck height, In this case, we use a magnetic base with a dial indicator. This base is set on the top of the block with the dial indicator tip next to the cylinder bore but resting on top of the block. The dial indicator is then set at zero and gradually moved toward the bore until the tip of the dial indicator drops down to the edge of the piston. Always check at a point in line with the wrist pin. This reading again should be zero to minus .002" for the deck height. It is very important, however, to use the smallest possible tip for your dial indicator.

1 1 . Crankshaft Preparation
The standard crankshaft is adequate in strength for competition use. It is advisable, however, to make some modifications to insure good bearing life and increased crankshaft life. When crankshaft speed above 6500 rpm is required, it is advisable to cross drill and groove the crankshaft to give full oil feed to the number two and three rod journals, as illustrated in figure I. On the standard crankshaft, the main bearings, numbers 2 and 4, are not drilled. They are fed oil through the cylinder block gallerys but do not, in turn, feed the intermediate rod bearings. This is adequate for normal use for speeds up to 6500 rpm. To further increase the strength of the crankshaft and give a harder and better bearing surface, the crank should be first ground to .006ff undersize then nitrited by a competent heat treater and then reground to .010" undersize. This

will allow you to correct any error in index or size at this time. A crank trcatcd in this l'ashion will give excellent scrvicc and should last several seasons of racir~gif given rcasonablc carc. The finished grind on the crankshaft should give a rod bearing of to .0025" and thc main bearing clcarancc of lo -003". 'The standard B.M.C. bearings are tnade by Vandervell and arc cxccllcrit for conipctitioti usage. ?'he part numbers fox these bearings arc listed in our parts list under Item HAE 286-rod, and HAE 287-main. Kcworkcd crank shaft is HAE 285.
111. Cylinder Head Preparation

Thc first step in thc preparation of the competition cylinder head consists of a careful inspection of thc entire head casting taking special notc of the condition of thc valve seats, both intake and exhaust. It is adviseable to chcck thcsc arcas by usc of magriaflux prior to starting your port and polish job on the cylinder hcad. Thc porting of the cylinder hcad must bc approached with great carc. (Do not try to lighten your car by reriioving vast quantities of cast iron from the ports. This will only look irnprcssivc on thc work bench, not on thc dynamometer.) Stcp I . Usc a standard gasket to scribe the exhaust and intake port shapc on the cylindcr hcad. A sharp scribe and the hcad coated with machinists' Ilycun~ will help hcrc.

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Step 2. Using a carbide burr, preferably % I " diameter, rough out the exhaust ports to just inside the line you have scribed on the cylinder head. Using the same tool, work gradually up the port toward the valve taking care not to change the basic shape. The port should be ground out or opened approximately 1/ 16" all around. Step 3. Carefully grind the boss for the valve guides so that it is flush with the base of the port, and also open up this area, 1/16" all around. This is a critical area. Do not cut close to the valve seat. Stay at least ?4" below the seat while doing your grinding. In the valve pocket, a %" or 1" round stone may be used to blend in the valve pocket to the port area. Step 4. Remove approximately 1/16" material throughout the intake port, trying to retain its original shape. Remove the guide boss here also and blend the valve pocket in with a 1" ball stone after the carbide burr has removed most of the metal. Do not open up the valve seats. Fig. 11. ,Step 5. Use an 80-grit then a 120-grit drum sander to finish off the ports to a smooth surface. 120-grit is fine here as a highly polished surface does not help. Our main objective in the ports is to have a smooth, even, non-obstructed surface for the air to flow. It is not necessary to have a mirror finish.

Step 6. The combustion chambers should be lightly polished to remove all rough casting marks and imperfections. Do not remove any unnecessary material here as it only lowers the compression ratio. Very little can be gained in air flow by excessive grinding in the combustion chamber. (See Photo #3.) Take care to leave all chambers equal in displacement. Step 7. Install the hidural valve guides, item A E H 757-intake, and A E H 861--exhaust. Rough-cut the valve seats at 45 degrees. Use a pair of layout dividers to get the outside seat diameter. The seat should be .005" to ,010" smaller than the valve head diameter. A 25-degree narrowing stone should be used to bring the 45-degree seat diameter to its proper outside diameter. A 60-degree stone is then used to get the proper inside diameter leaving a seat width of .060" for the intake valve and ,080" for the exhaust valve. A 70-degree reamer is next used to blend the 60degree cut into the valve pocket. The average width of the 60-degree and 70-degree cut is about ,070". This can be blended in later with a sanding drum, 120-grit, being very careful of the valve seat area. Finally, a 45degree finishing stone should be lightly touched to all seats to give it a final, perfect finish. Of course, all valves should be exactly the same depth to insure an even con~pressionratio. Step 8. The valves should then be lightly lapped on their seats and marked for their individual positions. The valves then should be removed and using a 37%-degree angle on the valve facer, remove the material


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below the seated area to within .005" to .OIWr of the seated area on the valve. The following illustration will show the seat angles for both the valve seat and the valve itself: Prior to the installation of the valves and springs, it is advisable to machine the intake guides to take the teflon-stem seals, listed as Item HAE 289. The valves should be installed with the proper springs installed depending on which cam shaft you have selected. The spring and collar sets are shown as Item HAE 260 or HAE 265. After the assembly of the valves, springs and collars, each valve stem should be checked individually for length and ground so that the entire set of valves has identical valve stem lengths.

The combustion chamber volume should be 36.5 cc's, to achieve a 12.5 to 1 compression ratio. This usually necessitates milling the cylinder head between .08OV and .10Vf. The same compression ratio of 12.5 to 1 can also be achieved by using a stock head thickness and our dome configuration pistons. These pistons will have a 6%" radius dome and the cylinder head must be machined to conform exactly to the piston dome. One advantage in the dome piston design is that the milling is not required. This leaves the cylinder head deck in much more rigid condition. To prolong head gasket life, when using very high compression ratios, the cylinder head may be 0-ringed. A 20-gauge copper wire around the periphery of the cylinder head gasket is used. This wire protrudes .008"

above the surface of the head and compresses in a localized area so that there is no possibility of head gasket leakage. This machine work must be done in a pantograph using a suitable template for the individual job. Complete head listed as Item HAE 225. IV. Oil Pump and Sump Modifications The oil pump has plenty of capacity but at extremely high rpm may have a tendency for the pressure to drop off due to cavitation in the pump. This can be prevented by machining the pump cover and making twin inlet ports to the pump, as shown in our following illustration:




Diagram skowingporfion of the 18GIl8GA oil pump cover removed Note. Purl o f this machining is already incorporated on 18CB engines

It is normally unnecessary to shim the bypass valve spring to increase oil pressure, but this can be done by placing a circular shim inside the thimble at the spring. It is desirable to run 60 lbs. pressure at all times with oil temperature in the area of 200 degrees Fahrenheit. The standard oil pan may be used by adding the special surge baffle as illustrated. For all-out competition use, I suggest adding 1%" to the depth of the stock pan and also adding the same baffle, as illustrated. This is done by cutting the lower portion of the pan at a line 1" up from the base. This must be done very carefully to assure an even line around the periphery of the pan. A strip of 18-gauge steel, 1%" wide should then be tacked in place approximately every 2 inches until the entire band is attached around the circumference of the pan base. Do not attempt to weld this in place unless it is attached securely to a cylinder block, otherwise warpage and misalignment of the pan will occur. A slight improvement in oil flow will result from the modifications to the oil filter. See the following drawing. # 4 Drawing.



Details of the increased-capacity oil pan



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Diogrorn showing portion of oil /iI~er head removed


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Detail of o i l pan baffle plate

V. Flywheel The standard flywheel is adequate for competition use as supplied. The balance should, of course, be rechecked before assembly on the engine. It is possible to lighten the stock wheel to a minimum of 16 lbs. I do not advise going lighter than 16 lbs. for safety reasons. Care should be taken while machining the stock flywheel to insure that no section is less than 7/16" thick. When lightening the wheel, a %" minimum radius should be used at all corners. A factory lightned flywheel is available for 18GB engines. Part #AHT 86. Photo #4.

VI. Distributor Modifications The vacuum advance can be removed and the mechanical advance should be reworked to be compatible with the other engine modifications. As a general rule, the MGB fully modified and tuned as this book describes, will require 28 degrees at 4000 rpm and 30 to 32 degrees at 6000 rpm with the advance stopping at 6000 rpm. This modification can be accomplished by use of special distributor springs and weight modifications on the centrifugal advance mechanism in the distributor. This is listed as Item HAE 278. VII. Inlet Manifold It is necessary to match up the ports to the cylinder head and the carburettor openings to the fiber blocks. Then blend in the opening in the manifold to give an even tapered bore, direct to the port diameter. Do not open up the inlet manifold beyond the carburetor outlet size which is 1%". A small increase in air flow can be achieved by grinding a small radius, approximately %", at the opening of the balance tube cavity. This is to be done on both the leading and trailing edges. It is a good idea to drill through the intake manifold flange and into the cylinder head face while it is in its proper position and install a %" dowel to locate

the port openings. Warning - do not drill more than ?A" deep into the cylinder head. This hole should be drilled parallel to the center line of the intake manifold studs. VIII. Push Rods
It is advisable to use, for competition usc, the special tubular steel push rods available as part no. HAE 275. These tubular push rods come in two lengths, one standard and one special to acconimodatc either a rcground cam heel diameter or a standard heel diameter. If a special length push rod is required, they can be easily shortened by using a parting tool ground to the proper width and turned in an cnginc lathe. The button ends need not be removed completely during this operation. Thcsc push rods are not appreciably lighter but are much more rigid and not subject to high frequency harmonics during extreme rpm. Thcrc arc two valve spring kits which are available with our competition cam shafts. See parts list appendix 11. These are mandatory for use with a high lift, long duration competition camshaft. They consist of a premium valve spring with alloy collars which will assure safe high rpm operation without valve float. The valve springs must be installed in the cylinder head exactly to thc specifications which are furnished with each valve spring kit. Failure to do this will cause undue strain on the rocker arm and push rod resulting in either fractures, bending or severe engine damage. In some cases, the cylinder head must be spot faced to allow for the increased lift without coil binding the valve spring. In other cases, a spring shim may be required to get the proper poundagc and installed length.

X. Camshaft Selection
We have available several excellent competition camshafts. You will see on graph # 1, page 38, a power curve comparison which will help in the selection of the cam you wish to run in your own engine. The comparison chart was done using exactly the same engine in all respects with exception of the camshaft. You must take into consideration the rpm range in which you expect to operate your engine. It would be foolish to select a cam which gives you maximum power at 7500 rpm and you plan only to operate your engine to a maximum of 6800. If this selection were made, the power lost at the low end, such as 4500 rpm, would be a detriment in the performance of your car and not going up to the power peak would also curtail your performance; therefore, a cam, using shorter duration, with good mid-range power output would be a better selection in your case.

XI. Degreeing the Camshaft

Unless you are completely familiar with all aspects of the degreeing in the camshaft, we do not suggest you try this operation at all. Simply fit the cam sprockets and chains to their standard timing marks as extreme

accuracy has gone into the machining of the aforcn~entionedcamshafts. If you do, howevcr, feel that you wish to check your own camshaft out, all checking clearances are taken from the canishaft itself, not at the valve. We do this to be sure that the camshaft is not blamcd for faulty rocker ratios, flexing push rods, loose rocker bushings, ctc. Checking specifications are available on each camshaft. They are givcn in thousandths of an inch of lift at top dead center on the ovcrlap strokc only. 'The best way to chcck this is to install the camshaft, install the intake and exhaust tappet or number 1 cylinder. Use a dummy push rod and 2 dial gauges with a minimum of Y2" lift. Rotate the engine until both valves are completely closed. Zero both dial indicators. IZotate one completc turn to top dead center on the overlap stroke and read both indicators. If your intake valve reads .186" and the exhaust valvc .150", it is obvious that thc cam is advanccd; from this you may back thc camshaft up slightly and thcn bring forward in the normal rotation until both indicators arc the same. Checking your degree wheel, you will find the degrees of advance or retard necessary to split the overlap on the eamshaft. This can be donc by broaching a new keyway in the proper position or by using an offset kcy. However, in many cases, cams are designed to run in this condition. That is, in an advanced or possibly a retarded position. Checking specifications on cams are given with the individual cam. XII. Spark Plugs

A competition engine, modified to the extent which we have covered in this book normally requires an N60Y Champion spark plug. This is my recommendation for competition use. However, an N63Y and an even warmer N64Y plug is available for short duration races or warmups. In nearly all cases, the N60Y plug will be adequate for warm-up, practice, and all-out competition use, without danger of fouling or burning. This extended-tip type spark plug generally gives 2 to 3 horse power over a standard racing gap plug in an MGB. Overtightening the spark plug is a common failure with most mechanics. It is necessary only to tighten the plug so that the gasket seats properly. This can be done with one hand and a T-handle. It requires approximately 15-foot Ibs. of torque. In most cases, the N60Y plug will last two to three weekends of racing unless completely fouled by improper carburettor adjustments or burned by lean mixture or too much spark lead. Use .025" plug gap. XIII. Ignition Wiring
The standard high tension lead, which is supplied on the MGB is for normal usage and quiet radio operation. It is not, however, for racing use. This carbon-filled wire should be discarded and a new wiring harness made up either of the Packard 440 wire or the Lucas yellow and black stripe competition wire. We do not suggest the use of any high resistance wire for this case. Champion waterproof spark plug connectors-part number 13H1950 are recommended as they are an extremely tight fit on

the spark plug and resist falling off during the race. They also keep out moisture during operation in rainy weather. A Lucas sport coil is completely adequate for competition use although a number of Amerieanmade coils by Dclco or Mallory are also an excellent choice. When installing the wires in the distributor cap, make absolutely sure that the pointed screw is inserted directly in the center of the wire so that no insulation remains between the screw and the wirc core. -No radio noise supressors. XIV. The Exhaust System For a competition exhaust system, the factory competition header part no. AHH 7103 is proven to be an cxcellent all-round system. Many hours of dyno devclopment have gone into various styles and configurations, some of which wcrc better and some of which were worse, but all of the types which resultcd in incrcascd horse power at one particular rpm lost more than the gain at some othcr given rpm. Therefore, I suggest the factory header as a standard to work with. This cxhaust header should be complemented by the use of 1 % " OD exhaust pipe running to the back of the car and ternminating in a megaphone. Thc length of this system including the megaphone should be measured at the junction point of the two down pipes on the header, and should bc 8 ft. 3 ins. long; exactly. I am sure you will notc that there are many othcr configurations of the exhaust system running on MGB's throughout the country, but this particular-set-up has proven best in all cases for us.

XV. The Cooling System The standard MGB radiator is adequate in most areas of the United States for competition but, under certain high temperature conditions and high power outputs, this cooling capacity is borderline. 1 suggest the radiator tanks be retained and a new core installed fully 1" thicker than the standard core. This will still fit in the standard mountings and is legal in SCCA regulations. In having the radiator recored, also specify a high quality radiator core with the highest number of fins per inch available. A recored, heavy duty, MGB radiator, Item No. HAE 7000, is available. Be sure to check all radiator hoses thoroughly before reinstalling. It is advisable to replace these as a matter of maintenance 2 or 3 times per season. A good trick to insure that the hoses will not burst under extreme pressure conditions, is to thoroughly wrap each hose using plastic electrical tape. This also protects the hose from abrasions which might be the result of other parts rubbing against them during competition. To install a surge tank use tank part #AEA 326 and replace radiator cap with CAP #ARK 1045, CAP #GRC 104 is used on the surge tank, eonnect the radiator overflow to the surge tank with hi-pressure hose and hose clamps.
XVI. Connecting Rods The rods should be first cleaned thoroughly and magnafluxed. Once proven clear, they should be inspected and all scratches, nicks or flaws

polished, ground or filed out. Balance next. Then shot peen or glass bead peen to remove all signs of tool marks or imperfections. Rod bearing bore must be checked after this procedure as it may relieve stresses in the rod and cause its size to change. Resize if necessary. Check end to end length to get all within plus .002" to minus .002". The rods should then be side ground to give .017" side clearance. Check the rod alignment next and you are ready to install. I advise the use of special rod bolts, Item HAE 290. Specially prepared stock rods are also listed as Item HAE 300.

XVII. Cylinder Block Breather The best place to breath the MGB engine is in the front side cover over the tappet gallery. This can be done very simply by using the tappet front cover from the 1100 MG Midget, part No. 12A1212. The top of this breather can be opened up and a short piece of 1%'' tubing brazed in. The bottom of the breather should be drilled and a short length of E N steel tubing brazed in position, angling towards the front, left corner of


the pan. A similar Errpiece of tubing should be installed below the oil level in the front left corner of the engine sump and brazed into position. Connect these two Y2" tubes with an armored oil line. Clamp the line in position to make a drain for the breather. The top of the breather at the 1 Y2" outlet can be routed to a convenient spot and connected to a I ?hto 2 quart container which is required by the SCCA Technical Committees. By building the breathcr in this manner, any oil which does find its way into thc breathcr will automatically drain back into the oil pan, rather than go into the tank. I do not advise any other engine breathers, especially on the rocker cover. An equal pressure in the rocker cover and the oil sump are required for adequate drain-down of the oil during high rpm operation. See photograph # 5 . XVI I I. Engine Balancing O f course, the entire engine should be balanced to a very close tolerance. This can only be done by a competent balancing shop and should not be put into the hands of anyone who does less than exceIlent work. Many hours of careful preparation on the cngine can be ruined by an improper balance job of a careless workman during the balancing operation. All reciprocating parts should be balanced within l/lOth of a gram. XVIX. Clutch With the increase in power output, it is essential to fit a competition clutch assembly and component parts (See Appendix I for part number). It is also desirable to improve ventilation of the bell housing. This may be done by removing the drain split pin from the base of the bell housing, drilling the hole out to %", and discarding the rubber bellows from the clutch operating lever. If the factory lightweight flywheel, part number AHT 86, is used it must be balanced with the clutch assembly and crank'ines. shaft. This flywheel is only suitable for use on 18 GB en&'

XX. Gear Box

Alternative close ratio gears are available for the MGB gear box as fitted to the 18G/18GA and 18GB. For vehicles fitted with all syncro boxes, i.e., 18GD/18GF, a special gear set is available. Note that the three syncro and four syncro gear boxes are not interchangeable. Early 18G/ 18GA -and 18GB gear boxes fitted with the small diameter layshaft may be modified to accept the later and stronger layshaft by boring out and line reaming the layshaft mounting holes to .6688"/.6699" and fitting layshaft part number 22H 57 1.

XXI. Oil Cooler

For maximum oil cooling use oil cooler part number ARO 9875. If your vehicle has not been previously fitted with an oil cooler, see the mechanical parts list for part numbers of pipes and clips, etc. The following drawing shows the general layout of the oil cooler installation.

The oil cooler general arrangement

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Oil cooler. Screws-coole~ to front apron. Washers-plain-for screws. Washers-spring-for screws Flexible pipes. Grommets. Clip-flexible pipe. 8. Strap--support 9. Screw--clip to support strap.

14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Washer-spring-for clip. Nut for clip. Clips-strap (rubber). Plates+lamp-for strap clip. Screws for clamp plate. Washers-spring-for clamp plate Nuts for clamp plates. Union adaptor. Washer-union adaptor.

SECTION I1 A. Setting up your MGB suspension for Road Racing.

1. FRONT SUSPENSION One of the very first steps to consider in the competition preparation of any sports car is the complete teardown and Magnaflux inspection of all the running gear components. It is advisable to completely steam-clean the undercarriage and suspension parts prior to dissassembly and then visually inspect to make sure that none of the suspension components has been damaged in a collision or by general fatiguc. The spindles and kingpins as well as thc upper and lower A-arms should all be Magnafluxed, the front hubs should have the wheel studs removed and Magnafluxed individually. It is advisable to use either glass peining or steel shot peining in the radiuses on the front spindles and king-pins. This removes any minute scratches or imperfections in the finished machine work which could eventually start a fatigue crack. 2. FRONT SPRINGS The standard front springs from the MG Tourer can be used by removing one full turn and having the spring rcset. However, the ideal situation is to use the factory Competition Spring AHH-5789 or the reworked spring listed as HAE-557. This spring gives a total drop to the front end of 1% " to 2". We also suggest the use of a % I " or 13/ 16ths inch front anti-roll bar. The 3 4 inch bars is AHH-7924; the 13/ 16th inch bar is HAE-500. 3. CASTER AND CAMBER I have found through extensive testing that the MGB handles best with the following static settings: Caster should be 4?h0 to 5'; front camber should be $4" to '/z negative; toe-in on most high-speed courses should be from 0" to 1/16" toe-in. For slower courses as much as 3/16" toe-in may be used to accentuate rearend oversteer.

4. COMPETITION SHOCK ABSORBERS: The reworked competition shock is HAE-558. During competition the rubber grommets which are used in the lower A-frame and the top of the king-pin may frequently become compressed or worn. These should be checked visually by dismantling every two or three races to make sure you have good support on your lower and upper A-frames. These bushings may be replaced by Teflon Bearing Kit HAE-651. Factory competition shock absorbers and shock absorber valve assemblies are available. See Appendix I. Do not fit comp. valve assemblies to worn shock absorbers.


1. Disassemble the entire rear suspension housing, springs, shock absorbers, shock links, etc. Check the attaching points in the frame for fatigue cracks in the chassis or imperfect welds in this area, and repair as necessary. Magnaflux the rear hubs, first removing the studs; Magnaflux

the wheel studs separately. Magnaflux the ends of the rear axle housing, and check with a micrometer to ensure that the bearing support surface is the proper size and is not out of round. Pay special attention to the threaded area on the end of the housing, as the threads may have been damaged by previous overtightening of the retaining nut. Magnaflux the rear axles, paying particular attention to the inner end which engages in the differential and in the outer radius on the flanged-type rear axle. A reworked rear hub and axle assembly which is excellent for competition use is listed in our Competition Parts List as Item HAE-575. 2. REAR SPRINGS Standard rear springs for the Tourer may be used for competition by de-arching 1%" (this is best done by a competent spring shop). Alternatively the rear spring No. HAE-581 may be used. This spring affords a 1%'' drop to the back of the car. In order to use the current 6%" wide magnesium wheel and the current wide racing tires, it is necessary to use spring set and lowering block assembly HAE-585. This spring has offset eyes which allows the spring to give more clearance at the tire, yet retains its standard mounting points. 3. Panhard: A PANHARD ROD (Shown in photo #6) should be used to locate the rear axle when the car is used for competition. This kit is listed as HAE1601. A rear sway-bar and linkage should be used in conjunction with the 13/ 1 6 t h ~ inch front anti-roll bar mentioned in Section I. This bar gives excellent balance in relation to the front bay for high speed cornering and allows very little body roll without the use of excessively stiff springs. This is listed as HAE-615.


4. A LIMITED SLIP DIFFERENTIAL is a must for competitive road racing. This allows equal traction to both the rear wheels while accelerating out of a turn, and affords a much better balance to the car than by using a locked-up differential such as welding the axle spider gears. This item is HAE-675. 5. THE STANDARD DIFFERENTIAL BREATHER should be removed and a '/a" pipe thread fuel line fitting installed in the housing so that a rubber vent tube may be extended from the housing up inside the trunk to a high location. This will allow proper breathing of the differential during racing conditions. It will eliminate the possibility of wheel seal leakage.


It is advisable for ease of maintenance while preparing your car to remove the insulation and floor mats from the floor and completely strip away the paint and body deadener. This can then be sealed with a very durable epoxy enamel which will allow for much easier maintenance on your car. I suggest prior to doing this painting, that a roll cage incorporating a loop underneath the dash and attached to a sturdy roll-bar, should be installed (see photo #7). It is aadvisable to strip all the paint from the engine compartment and re-coat with epoxy enamel at this time. This will resist the constant cleanings and will also resist brake fluid if spilled on the paint. A low-drag windscreen which will comply with the GCR for SCCA racing is available as HAE-650. The driver's seat should be replaced by a sturdy, well-mounted bucket seat to afford good protection as well as confort for the driver (see photo #8). A bucket seat, HAE-655, is listed in our parts catalog. 6. BRAKE BALANCE MECHANISM I suggest the use of a balance bar and dual master cylinder for competitive use. This system incorporates the use of two %" bore master cylinders spaced 3%" apart and attached by a cross-bar pivoted on a self-aligning Una-Ball mounted on the brake pedal. The ends of the balance rods are atached by clevis pins. The balance bar is threaded so that it may be adjusted by moving the locking units to either side, thus giving bias to either the front or the rear brakes as needed.

Photo $7

Photo #8



HUFFAKER Competition Spear.
Engine Type Number of cylinders Bore Stroke Capacity Firing Order Compression ratio Capacity of combustion chamber (valves fitted) B.H.P. Torque (lb. ft.) Octane rating Cooling system Oversize bore Maximum Crankshaft Main journal diameter Minimum regrind diameter Crankpin journal diameter Crankpin minimum regrind diameter 18Gl18GA (3 main bearings) 18GB (5 main bearings) 4 3.16 in. (80.26 mm.) 3.5 in. (89 mm.) 1798 C.C. (109.8 cu. in.) 1,3,4,2 H.C. 8.8 : 1 (L.C. 8 : 1) 42.5 to 43.5 C.C. (2.59 to 2.65 cu. in.) 95 110 (15.2 kg. m.) at 3000 r.p.m. Minimum requirements for knock-free operation. H.C. 98+ Thermo-siphon, pump- and fan-assisted .040 (1,840 c.c.)

3.200" 3.500" 1840 C.C. 12:l - 12.570:l 40 cc. capacity of unswept area 137 BHP approx.

104+ octane



2.126 to 2.127 in. (54.01 to 54.02 mm.) 2.086 in. (52.984 mm.) 1.8759 to 1.8764 in. (47.65 to 47.66 mm.) 1.8359 in. (46.64 mm.)

2.125-2.11255" 1.8755"

Main Bearings Number and type

Material Bottom half Top half Length Front, centre & rear Intermediates (18GB only)

18G/ 18GA 18GB

- 3 thinwall, - 5 thinwall
Steel-Backed VP lead indium

Steel-backed copper-lead Steel-backed copper-lead 1.125 in. (28.575 mm.) .785 in. (22.23 mm.) .002 to .003 in. (.051 to .076 mm.) Taken by thrust washers at center main bearings .001 to .0027 in. (.025 to .0688 mm.)

.003" to .005"

Running clearance

.0025" to .003"

Stock Specifications (cont'd)

Connecting Rods Type 18Gl l8GA 18GB Length between centers Big-end bearings Material, top half Material, bottom half Bearing side-clearance
Bearing diametrical clearance Gudgeon pin bore (18GB) Angular-split big-end Split clamp small end Bush small end 6.5 in. (165.1 mm.) Steel-backed copper-lead Steel-backed copper-lead .008 to .012 in. (.203 to .305 mm.) .001 to .0027 in. (0.25 to .0688 mm.) .8126 to .8129 in. (19.68 to 19.95 mm. Aluminum alloy Forged alloy Use grade 8 bolt

VP lead indium .015" to .017"

Pistons Type Clearances Bottom of skirt

Top of skirt Oversizes

.0018 to .0024 in. (.045 to .060 mm.) ,0036 to .0048 in. (.091 to ,121 mm.) .010 in., .020 in. .O4On to .047" .030 in., ,040 in. Flat top or domed (+ .254 mm., 5 0 8 mm., (+.762 mm., 1.016 mm.)

+ +

Piston R i g s Compression: Plain Tapered Width

Thickness Fitted gap Clearance in groove Oil control ring Width Thickness Fitted gap Clearance in groove

Top ring (chrome-plated) Second and third rings .0615 to .0625 in. (1.56 to 1.58 mm.) .I37 in. (3.48 mm.) .012 to .017 in. (.304 to .431 mm.) .0015 to .0035 in. (.038 to .089 mm.) Slotted scraper .I552 to .I562 in. (3.94 to 3.99 mm.) .I37 in. (3.48 mm.) .012 to .017 in. (.304 to .431 mm.) .0016 to .0036 in. (.040 to .091 mm.)

Plain 1/ 16" (1) Stepface 1116" (2)

5 piece steel (3)

Gudgeon Pin 18Gl 18GA Type Fit (in piston) Diameter

Clamped Free fit to 20C. (68F.) .75 in. (19.05 mm.)

Stock Specifications (cont'd)

18GB Type (Fit (in piston) (Fit (in bush) Fully floating .0001 in. to .0035 in. (.0025 to .007 mm.) Hand push 3-1 1/64 f .Ol5 in. -.000 in. (80.6 -4- .400 mm. -.000 mm.) .023 in. (.584 mm.) compressed 3.055" Ft piston 3.145 Dome Piston

Cylinder Head Cylinder head depth

Thickness of cylinder head gasket Capacity of cylinder hcad gasket Capacity of combustion space Capacity of piston head below block face including capacity of piston concavity Capacity of plug center hole Inlet and exhaust manifold gasket Valve seat angle in cylinder head

42.5143.5 C.C. (valves fitted) H.C. 10.87 C.C. (L.C. 17.43 c.c.) H.C. 6.25 C.C. (L.C. 12.8 c.c.) .2 C.C. Part No. 1G 2417

Valves and Valve Gear Seat angle Inlet and exhaust Head diameter Inlet
Exhaust Stem diameter Inlet Exhaust Throat diameter Inlet Exhaust Valve stem to guide clearance Inlet Exhaust

1.562 to 1.567 in. (38.67 to 38.8 mm.) 1.343 to 1.348 in. (34.1 1 to 34.23mm.) .3422 to .3427 in. (8.692 to 8.709 mm.) .34175 to ,34225 in. (8.680 to 8.693 mm.) 1.3125 in. (33.33 mm.) 1.156 in. (29.36 mm.) .00155 to .00255 in. (.0394 to .0648 mm.) .00200 to .00300 in. (.O51 to .076 mm.)

1.567" 1.347" Same Same

Stock Specifications (cont'd)

Timing markings Chain pitch and number of pitches Valve Guides Length Inlet Exhaust Diamctcr lnlcl and exhaust Outside Inside Fitted height above hcad Valve Springs (stock) Free length Inner Outer Fitted length Inner Outer Number of working coils Inncr Outer Pressure Valve open Valve closed Dimples on timing wheels 318 in. (9.52 mm.), 52 pitches

1.518 in. (41.275 mm.) 2- 17/64 in. (56.96 mm.)

1.625" Hronze 1.625" Hronze

.5635 to ,5640 in. (14.3 129 to 14.3256 mm.) ,34425 to .34475 in. (8.74269 to 8.75665 mm.) ,625 in. (1 5.87 mm.)

.h25 with Teflon stem seals

1-31/32 in. (50 mm.) 2-9/64 in. (54.372 mm.) 1-71 16 in. (36.51 mm.) 1-91 16 in. (39.69 mm.)

Inner 50 lb. (22.7 kg.) Outer 117 Ib. (53.08 kg.) Inner 30 Ib. (13.6 kg.) Outer 72% Ib. (32.89 kg.) Flat base. Barrel type 13116 in. (20.64 mm.) 91 16 in. (14.29 mm.) 2.293 to 2.303 in. (58.25 to 58.5 mm.) .751 in. (19.07 mm.) .616 to .620 in. (15.65 to 15.74 mm.) .7485 to .7495 in. (19.01 to 19.04mm.) 1.426 : 1

Total 260-270 with valve open

Tappets Type Diameter Body Working face


Same Re-Radiused stock tappe

Rockers Outside diameter (before fitting) Inside diameter (reamed in position)

Bore of rocker arms Rocker ratio

Stock Specifications (cont7d)

Camshaft Journal diameters Front Centre Kear 1.78875 to 1.78925 in. (45.43 to 45.44 mm.) 1.72875 to 1.72925 in. (43.9 1 to 43.92 mm.) 1.62275 to 1.62325 in. (41.22 to 41.23 mm.) .003 to .007 in. (.076 to .I78 mm.) 3. Thinwall stccl-backed copper-lead 1.920 in. (48.76 mm.) 1.860 in. (47.24 mm.) 1.754 in. (44.55 mm.) 1.79025 to 1.79075 in. (45.472 to 45.485 mm.) 1.73025 to 1.73075 in. (43.948 to 43.961 mm.) 1 A2425 to 1 A2475 in. (41.256 to 41.269 mm.) .001 to .002 in. (.0254 to ,0508 mm.)


.OOIo - .0OOv


& type

Outside diameter (before fitting) Front Centre Kear Inside diameter (reamed in position) Front Centre Rear Diametrical clearance

Engine Lubrication System Oil pump Type

Relief pressure valve operates Relief valve spring Free length Fitted length Identification colour Oil filter Type Capacity Oil pressure Normal running Minimum Maximum

Eccentric rotor

Stock pump re-worked (see text) Same Same Same

70 (4.9 kg.lcm.2) 3 in. (76.2 mm.) 2-5/32 in. (54.77 mm.) at 16 lb. (7.26 kg.) load Red spot Tecalemit 1/2 pint (.6 U.S. pint, .28 litre)

Torque Wrench Settings Cylinder head nuts Main bearing nuts

45-50 1b.ft. (6.2-6.9 kg.m.) 70 Ib.ft. (9.7 kg.m.)

50 lbs. ft. 70 lbs. ft.

Stock Specifications (cont'd)

Connecting rod set screws Clutch assembly to flywheel Flywheel bolts Gudgeon pin set screws Fuel System Carburetor Make and type Diameter Carburetor piston 40-45 1b.ft. (5.5-6.2 kg.m.) 25-30 Ib.ft. (3.45-4.1 kg.m.) 40 Ib.ft. (5.5 kg.m.) 25 Ib.ft. (3.45 kg.m.) 45 Ibs. ft. Special screws

25 Ibs. ft.
45 Ibs. ft. 25 Ibs. ft.

S.U. twin HS4 semidowndraught 19'2 in. (38.1 mm.) Part No. AUC 2061

1.600" inlet Re-worked

Air Cleaner
Make and type Cooling System Type Filler cap spring pressure
Ignition System Spark plugs Size Plug gap

Pressurized radiator, thermo-siphon, purnpand fan-assisted 7 Ib. (3.175 kg.) or 13 Ib. Champion N-9Y 14 mm. .024 to .026 in. (.61 to .66 mm.) Lucas Lucas, Type 25D4 .014 to .016 in. (.35 to .40 mm.) Borg & Beck 8 in. (20.3 cm.) diaphragm spring. Strap drive Horglite 6

Use 13 lbs. cap and surge tank 13 lbs. with surge tank

Coil Distributor Distributor contact point gap Clutch Make and type Diameter Damper springs

Lucas sport coil Re-worked adv curve (see text) 58" to 60" dwell
8" HD cover
8" bondedcomp disc

Gearbox (Standard & Overdrive) 18G/18GA/8GB 4 Number of forward spccds Synchromesh Second, third & fourth gears Overdrive .802 Ratios Top Third Second First Reverse

Stock Specifications (cont'd)

Overall ratios Overdrive TOP Third Second First Reverse Speedometer gears ratio Optional axle ratios Overdrive Top Third Second First Reverse Overdrive Top Third Second First Reverse Overdrive TOP Third Second First Reverse
Gearbox (close-ratio) (Nonoverdrive and Overdrive) Number of forward speeds Synchromesh Overdrive ratio Ratios TOP Third Second First Reverse Overall ratios Overdrive TOP Third Second First Reverse

M.p.h. per 1,000 r.p.m. 3.135 : 1 22.3 3.909 : 1 17.9 13.09 5.36 : 1 8.65 : 1 8.11 14.20 : 1 4.94 18.60 : 1 3.77 9 : 28 (overdrive 5 : 16) Overall ratio - M.p.h. per 1,000 r.p.m. 3.649 : 1 19.2 15.4 4.55 : 1 6.24 : 1 11.24 9.98 : 1 7.03 16.54 : 1 4.24 21.63 : 1 3.24 3.449 4.3 5.9 9.52 15.63 20.44 3.288 4.1 5.63 9.07 14.90 19.49
: : : : : :

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

20.3 16.3 11.89 7.37 4.4 3.43 21.3 17.1 12.44 7.73 4.70 3.60

: : : : : :

4 Second, third & fourth gears .802 1.0 : 1.268 : 1.620 : 2.450 : 4.7552: 3.135 3.909 4.956 6.332 9.577 18.588
: : : : : :

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

M.p.h. per 1,000 r.p.m. 22.3 17.9 14.1 11.0 7.3 3.7

Stock Specifications (cont'd)

Speedometer gears ratio Optional axle ratios Overdrive TOP Third Second First Reverse Overdrive TOP Third Second First Reverse Overdrive TOP Third Second First Reverse 9 : 28 (overdrive 5 : 16) Overall ratio - M.p.h. per 1,000 r.p.m. 3.649 : 1 19.2 4.55 : 1 15.4 5.769 : 1 12.1 7.371 : 1 9.5 11.147 : 1 6.3 21.635 : 1 3.2 3.449 4.30 5.452 6.966 10.535 20.447 3.288 4.10 5.198 6.642 10.045 19.496
: : : : : :

1 1

1 1 1 1

20.3 16.3 12.8 10.0 6.6 3.4 21.3 17.1 13.4 10.5 7.0 3.6

: 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 :1 : 1

The following parts are manufactured by British Leyland Motor Corporation, Special Tuning Department, and may be ordered through any authorized AustiniMG Dealer in the U.S.A.

CAMSHAFT & DISTRIBUTOR 24", 64", 59", 29", Lift 0.25" Half race Full race SO0, 80, 75", 45", Lift 0.315" Sprint 60, 80, 75", 45", Lift 0.315" Super-sprint 60, 80, 85", 55", Lift 0.315" Distributor (for full race camshaft) CYLINDER HEAD & VALVE GEAR Valve guide - inlet (Hidural) " - exhaust (Hidural) dia. (Nimonic) Inlet valve 1.56" Exhaust valve 1.34" dia. (Nimonic) Valve spring - Inner 57 Ib. " - Outer 140lb. " -Inner 601b. Valve spring top cup (For nimonic valve and ,, " bottom cup for double springs) Valve collets - pairs (for nimonic valves) Valve springs - triple (Set of 3) Valve spring top cup (for triple springs) Valve rocker - strengthened Rocker shaft bracket - front Rocker shaft bracket -rear Distance piece for rocker - long Distance piece for rocker - short Tappet adjusting screw (undrilled) Push rod - short

AEH 714 AEH 770 AEH 863 AEH 862 BHA 4415 AEH 755 AEH 756 AEH 757 AEH 758 I H 1112 AHH 7264 AHH 7265 AEH 760 AEH 801 AEH 761 AHH 7309 AHH 7313 12H 2037 AEH 762 AEH 763 AEH 764 AEH 765 AEH 766 AEH 767

1 1

1 1
4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8


8 1 1

2 8 8

PISTONS, CONNECTING RODS & GASKETS High competition pistons (1 8 G i 18GA only) -t- 0.040" (use with connecting rod set AJJ 3357 only) Piston ring - top Piston ring -second -third Piston ring - scraper Cylinder head gasket - competition CRANKSHAFT & BEARINGS Connecting rod bearings (18GB only) Connecting rod bearings (18 G i 18GA only) Crankshaft chain wheel (Steel)

AEH 073643 AEH 738 AEH 854 12H 759 AEH 768

4 4 8 4 1


Part No.


OIL SUMP & COOLER Deep type sump (18G & 18GA only) Deep type sump (18GB only) Packing piece for strainer (18G & 18GA only) Packing piece for strainer (18GB only) Competition large capacity oil cooler Packing oil relief valve spring (Std. on 18GB) ENGINE ANCILLARIES Pulley for dynamo (reduced speed) Fan belt (for reduced speed pulley) Blanking sleeve thermostat by-pass CLUTCH & FLYWHEEL Competition cover assembly Competition driven plate Thrust bearing assembly Thrust bearing retaining spring Lightened flywheel (for 18GB engines only) GEARBOX Close ratio gears - 1st Motion Shaft 18G & 18GA 1st Motion Shaft 18GB 2nd Speed Gear (was 1H 3299) 3rd Speed Gear Laygear - small diameter Laygear - large diameter Close ratio gear set for 18GD (all synchro box) CROWN WHEELS & PINIONS (Early Tourer only) 4.3 ratio 10/43 4.55 ratio 9/41 (Tubed Axle only) 3.07 14/43* 3.307 13/43* 3.909 11/43* 4.22 9/38 4.55 9/41 *These ratios require new differential cage BTB 840 SUSPENSION Shock absorber comp. setting - front Shock absorber comp. setting -rear R.H. Shock absorber comp. setting -rear L.H. Shock absorber valve assy. - front Shock absorber valve assy. - rear

AHH 7252 AEH 832 AHH 7238 AEH 847 ARO 9875 AEH 798

1 1 1 1 1 1

BHA 4642 BHA 4519 27H 2609 22B 66 AHT 86 22H 472 22H 846 22H 1094 1H 3300 1H 3298 22H 932 AJJ 4034

1 1 1 2 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

BTB 900 BTB 841 BTB 856 BTB 975 BTB 966

1 1 1 1 1

AHH7104 AHH 7 105 AHH 7106 AHH 7217 AHH 7218

2 1 1 2 2


Part No.

Qty.1 Car

AHH 7329 Anti-roll bar 9 / 16" (Std. on late Tourers) Anti-roll bar % (Includes bearing & locators) A H H 7924 AJJ 3306 Installation kit (See Booklet for use) A H H 6451 Front coil spring rate 348 Ib./in. (Std. on Tourer) " rate 480 lb./in. (Std. on GT) AHH 5789 ,, 3 % " rate 480 Ib./in. (Lowered) AHT 21 Rear leaf spring rate 93 lb./in. (Std. on late Tourer) AHH 7080 " rate 99 lb./in. (Std. on early Tourer) AHH 6455 " rate 100 lb./in. AHH 8343 , " rate 99 Ib./in. (Std. on GT) AHC 31 " rate 124 lb./in. AHH 7346 " rate 124 lb./in. (Lowered AHH 7346) AHT 20









BRAKES DS 1 1 Brake pad set VG95/ 1 Rear brake shoe and lining assembly VG95/ 1 Rear brake lining with rivets Rear wheel brake cylinder assy. 34" dia. Pawl (for fly-off hand brake) Rod (for fly-off hand brake) Early cars Later cars Brake servo kit BODYWORK Bonnet securing strap set LITERATURE Work Shop Manual Parts list - mechanical Parts list - body Factory Tuning Book (not for SCCA racing)

8G 8834 8G 8828 8G 8829 17H 8773 AHH 7223 AHH 7222 AHC 55 1 8G 8732 AJJ 3381 AKD 3259 AKD 3547 AKD 3548 AKD 4034F

1 1 1 1

The parts listed below are manufactured by Huffaker Engineering and should be ordered directly from Huffaker Engineering, 22 Mark Drive, San Rafael, California 94903. DO NOT ORDER THESE PARTS THROUGH YOUR LOCAL AUSTIN/ MG DEALER. No. HAE 225 HAE 226 HAE 227 HAE 228 HAE 229 HAE 230 HAE 240 HAE 241 HAE 232 HAE 244 HAE 247 HAE 250 HAE 255 HAE 256s HAE 260 H A E 261 HAE 265 HAE 269 H A E 270 HAE 271 HAE 275 HAE 278 HAE 280 H A E 28 1 H A E 285 HAE 286 HAE 287 HAE 289 HAE 290 HAE 295 HAE 300 HAE 301 HAE 500 HAE 501 H A E 550 HAE 556 HAE 557 H A E 558 H A E 561

Flat Top Racing Pistons, + 040, +047 Dome Top Racing Pistons, +040, +047 Flat Top Forged Pistons, '040, 1- 047 Dome Top Forged Pistons, t 0 4 0 , +047 Rings for Forged & Racing Pistons, +040 Taper Bored Comp. Pins (18125 only) Camshaft 288" Auto Cross 7208-9 Camshaft 312" Full Race 7808 Camshaft 3 16" Super Race 7906 Billett Cam 316" High Lift 7906 Lightened Reradiused Tappets (Super Duty replacement Gear) (Set - Dist. Drive & Oil Pump Drive Gear) Tube Push Rods, Std. Length Tube Push Rods (to order) special length H.D. Springs for 7208-7808 Cams Alloy Collars for (260) Springs Spcl. High Tensile Springs for 7906 Cam & Collar Set Alloy Flywheel Huffaker Modified Carbs. 1Y2" SU with Special Rams Ram Tubes, Pr. Prepaired Cyl. Head complete, Pano Competition Dis. (Recalibrated Adv. Curve) Lightened Flywheel 18GA Eng. Lightened Flywheel 18GB Eng. Reworked Nitrited Crank (Legal) Bearings - Rod Bearings - Main Stern Seals (Teflon) Special Rod Bolts (Stock Rods) Special Rod Ball (HAE Rods) Reworked Rods and Bolts (18GB) Reworked Rods and Bolts (18GA) Front Anti Roll Bar, 13/ 16" Rear Anti Roll Bar, 13/ 16" Anti Sway Bar Comp. Rear Springs (2" drop) Front Springs, Racing Front Springs (reworked) Teflon Bushing Kit


H A E 575 H A E 581 HAE 585 H A E 601 HAE 615 H A E 650 H A E 655 HAE 660 HAE 675

Comp. Rear Auxiliary Comp. Rear Springs Spring Kit Lowering Block and Offset Eyes Panhard Bar Kit Anti Roll Bar Kit, Rear Wind Screen (Racing) Bucket Seat, Upholstered Competition Wheel (Steering) Limited Slip DifTercntial

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