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DB2 Security

Presented by DB2 Developer Domain

Table of Contents
If you're viewing this document online, you can click any of the topics below to link directly to that section.

1. Introduction.............................................................. 2
2. DB2 security............................................................. 4
3. DB2 authentication..................................................... 6
4. DB2 authorities ......................................................... 11
5. DB2 privileges .......................................................... 16
6. Summary, resources, and feedback ................................ 21

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Section 1. Introduction

What this tutorial is about

This tutorial introduces you to DB2 security. To understand the concepts described in
this tutorial, you should already have a basic knowledge of database concepts and an
understanding of operating system security features.

This tutorial is the second in a series of six tutorials you can use to help prepare for the
DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Fundamentals Certification (Exam 700). The material in this
tutorial primarily covers the objectives in Section 2 of the test, which is entitled
"Security." You can view these objectives at

DB2 installation is not covered in this tutorial. If you haven't already done so, we
strongly recommend that you download and install a copy of IBM DB2 Universal
Database, Enterprise Server Edition. Installing DB2 will help you understand many of
the concepts that are tested on the DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Fundamentals Certification
exam. The installation process is documented in the Quick Beginnings books, which
can be found at the DB2 Technical Support Web site under the Technical Information

In this tutorial, you'll learn about DB2 security features, including DB2 authentication,
authorization, and privileges.

Pre-tutorial setup
The examples in this tutorial are specific to DB2 running on a Windows operating
system (with native security features). However, the concepts and information provided
are relevant to DB2 running on any distributed platform.

In order to work through the examples in this tutorial, the user should have:

1. Logged into a Windows machine as a user who is a member of the Administrators

group. In the examples in this tutorial, we will be logged in with the user ID LISAC.
2. Installed DB2.
3. Created a new group on the machine on which DB2 was installed. In this tutorial, we
will use the group ID grp1.
4. Created a second user ID on the machine on which DB2 was installed. In this
tutorial, for this purpose we will use the user ID tst1. Note that the tst1 user is not a
member of the Administrators group.

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About the author

Lisa Cawley, B.Sc., is a DB2 Certified Advanced Technical Expert and a senior
member of the DB2 UDB Worldwide Support team at the IBM Toronto Software
Laboratory. She currently provides technical support to DB2 customers worldwide as
part of the DB2 Tools, Connectivity and Extenders front-line support team. You can
contact Lisa by going to the IBM Global Directory at and searching for her under the Canadian
employees' directory.

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Section 2. DB2 security

Aspects of database security

Database security is of utmost importance today. Your database may allow customers
to purchase products over the Internet, or it may contain historical data used to predict
business trends; either way, your company needs a sound database security plan.

A database security plan should define:

• Who is allowed access to the instance and/or database

• Where and how a user's password will be verified
• The authority level that a user is granted
• The commands that a user is allowed to run
• The data that a user is allowed to read and/or alter
• The database objects a user is allowed to create, alter, and/or drop

DB2 security mechanisms

There are three main mechanisms within DB2 that allow a DBA to implement a
database security plan: authentication, authorization, and privileges.

Authentication is the first security feature you'll encounter when you attempt to access
a DB2 instance or database. DB2 authentication works closely with the security
features of the underlying operating system to verify user IDs and passwords. DB2 can
also work with security protocols like Kerberos to authenticate users.

Authorization involves determining the operations that users and/or groups can
perform, and the data objects that they may access. A user's ability to perform
high-level database and instance management operations is determined by the
authorities that they have been assigned. The five different authority levels within DB2

Privileges are a bit more granular than authorities, and can be assigned to users and/or
groups. Privileges help define the objects that a user can create or drop. They also
define the commands that a user can use to access objects like tables, views, indexes,
and packages.

To prepare for the next section of the tutorial, you will need to create a database within
the db2inst1 instance. Make sure that the db2instance variable is still set to

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db2inst1, and then create the sample database using the command db2sampl
drive, using the name of the drive where you want to create the sample. For the
examples in this tutorial, we'll create the sample database on our C drive, as follows:

C:\PROGRA~1\SQLLIB\BIN>db2sampl c:

Clients, servers, gateways, and hosts

It is particularly important that you understand the terms client, server, gateway, and
host when considering the security of the entire database environment. A database
environment often consists of several different machines; you must safeguard the
database at any potential data access point. The concepts of clients, servers,
gateways, and hosts are particularly important when dealing with DB2 authentication.

The diagram below illustrates a basic client-server-host configuration.

The database server is the machine (or machines in a partitioned database system) on
which the database physically resides. The DB2 database clients are machines that
are configured to run queries against the database on the server. These clients can be
local (that is, they can reside on the same physical machine as the database server) or
they can be remote (that is, they can reside on separate machines).

If the database resides on a mainframe machine running an operating system like

AS/400 (iSeries) or OS/390 (zSeries), it's called a host or host server. A gateway is a
machine running the DB2 Connect product. Through the gateway, DB2 client machines
can connect to a DB2 database that resides on a host machine. The gateway is also
referred to as the DB2 Connect Server.

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Section 3. DB2 authentication

When DB2 authenticates

DB2 authentication controls the following aspects of a database security plan:

• Who is allowed access to the instance and/or database

• Where and how a user's password will be verified

It does this with the help of the underlying operating system security features whenever
an attach or connect command is issued. An attach command is used to connect to the
DB2 instance, whereas a connect command is used to connect to a database within a
DB2 instance. The examples below walk you through the different ways that DB2 will
authenticate a user issuing these commands. In these examples, we've used the
default authentication type of SERVER in the database manager configuration file.

Log on to the machine where DB2 is installed, with the user ID you used to create the
db2inst1 instance. Issue the following commands:

1. db2 attach to db2inst1

Here, authentication is done implicitly. The user ID used to log onto the machine is
used and is assumed to be already verified by the operating system.

2. db2 connect to sample user tst1 using mypass

Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/NT 8.1.0
SQL authorization ID = TST1
Local database alias = SAMPLE
Here, authentication is done explicitly. The user tst1 with the password mypass is
verified by the operating system. User tst1 is successfully connected to the sample

3. db2 connect to sample user tst1 using mypass new chgpass

confirm chgpass
The user ID tst1 with password mypass is verified by the operating system as in
example 2. The password for tst1 is then changed by the operating system from
mypass to chgpass. As a result, the command in example 2 will fail if you reissue it.

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DB2 authentication types

Authentication types are used by DB2 to determine where authentication is to take
place. For example, in a client-server environment, will the client or the server machine
verify the user's ID and password? In a client-gateway-host environment, will the client
or host machine verify the ID and password?

The following table summarizes the available DB2 authentication types. In a

client-gateway-host environment, these authentication options are set on the client and
gateway, not on the host machine. We will discuss setting these options in more detail
throughout this section. See Clients, servers, gateways, and hosts on page 5 for a

Type Description
SERVER Authentication takes place on the server.
SERVER_ENCRYPT Authentication takes place on the server. Passwords are encrypted at the client
machine before being sent to the server.
CLIENT Authentication takes place on the client machine (see Dealing with untrusted
clients on page 9 for exceptions).
*KERBEROS Authentication is performed by the Kerberos security software.
*KRB_SERVER_ENCRYPT Authentication is performed by Kerberos security software if the client setting is
KERBEROS. Otherwise, SERVER_ENCRYPT is used.

*These settings are valid only for Windows 2000 operating systems.

Setting authentication on the server

Authentication is set on the database server within the Database Manager
Configuration (DBM CFG) file using the AUTHENTICATION parameter. Remember,
the DBM CFG file is an instance-level configuration file. Thus, the AUTHENTICATION
parameter affects all databases within the instance. The following commands illustrate
how this parameter can be altered.

• To view the authentication parameter in the configuration file:

db2 get dbm cfg
• To alter the authentication parameter to server_encrypt:
C:\PROGRA~1\SQLLIB\BIN>db2 update dbm cfg using authentication

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Setting authentication on the gateway

Authentication is set on the gateway using the catalog database command. For the
examples on this panel, we'll use a host database named myhostdb.

To set the gateway authentication type to SERVER, you would issue the following
command on the gateway machine:

db2 catalog database myhostdb at node nd1 authentication dcs

db2 terminate

Note that authentication is never performed on the gateway itself. In DB2 Version 8,
authentication must always occur at either the client or the host database server.

Setting authentication on the client

Let's consider two scenarios on two separate client machines. We'll configure one to
connect to a database on a server machine (DB2 distributed platform), and the other to
connect to a database on a host machine (DB2 for OS/390, for example).

• Client connecting to a server database: The client authentication setting must

match that of the database server to which the client is connecting (with the
exception of KRB_SERVER_ENCRYPT). Client authentication is set using the catalog
database command.

Let's assume the server authentication type is set to SERVER. The following
command would then be issued to catalog the server database named sample:

db2 catalog database sample at node nd1 authentication server

If the authentication type is not specified, the client will try to use SERVER_ENCRYPT
by default.

• Client connecting to a host database: Let's assume that the authentication type on
the gateway is set to SERVER. If an authentication type is not specified, SERVER
authentication is assumed when accessing a database through DB2 Connect.
Authentication will take place on the host database server. The following command

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issued from the client will cause the password to be encrypted on the client before
being sent to the gateway:

db2 catalog database myhostdb at node nd1 authentication server_encrypt

Now let's assume authentication is set to SERVER_ENCRYPT on the gateway.

Authentication will once again take place on the host database server. The password
is encrypted on the client before being sent to the gateway, and encrypted on the
gateway before being sent to the host machine.

Dealing with untrusted clients

If the server or gateway machine has authentication set to CLIENT, this implies that the
client is expected to authenticate a user's ID and password. However, some client
machines may not have operating systems with native security features. Such
untrusted clients include DB2 clients running on Windows 98 and Windows ME.

There are two additional parameters in the DBM CFG file used to determine where
authentication should take place when the server or gateway authentication method is
set to CLIENT and untrusted clients are attempting to connect to the database or
attach to the DB2 instance. These are the TRUST_ALLCLNTS and
TRUST_CLNTAUTH parameters.

When the server or gateway authentication type is CLIENT, there are two other factors
that come into play in addition to the TRUST_ALLCLNTS and TRUST_CLNTAUTH
parameters. The first is whether a user ID and password were explicitly supplied and
the second is the type of client connecting. The three DB2 clients are:

• Untrusted clients: As described above

• Host clients: Clients running on host operating systems like OS/390
• Trusted clients: Clients running non-host operating systems that have native
security features

When authentication is set to CLIENT

The table below summarizes where authentication will take place when a connect or
attach command is issued by each type of client to a server whose authentication type
is set to CLIENT.


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DRDAONLY refers to host clients only, despite the fact that DB2 Version 8 clients
connect using DRDA as well.

The examples below illustrate setting authentication types and parameters on the
server and client:

• Setting authentication on the server:

db2 update dbm cfg using authentication client

db2 update dbm cfg using trust_allclnts yes
db2 update dbm cfg using trust_clntauth server

• Setting authentication on the client:

db2 catalog database sample at node nd1 authentication client

If the command db2 connect to sample is issued from any client, authentication
takes place on the client. If the command db2 connect to sample user tst1
using mypass is issued from any client, authentication takes place on the server.

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Section 4. DB2 authorities

Introduction to authorities
DB2 authorities control the following aspects of a database security plan:

• The authority level that a user is granted

• The commands that a user is allowed to run
• The data that a user is allowed to read and/or alter
• The database objects a user is allowed to create, alter, and/or drop

Authorities are made up of groups of privileges and higher-level database manager

(instance-level) maintenance and utility operations. Of the five authorities available in
DB2, SYSADM, SYSCTRL and SYSMAINT are instance-level authorities. That means
that their scope includes instance-level commands as well as commands against all the
databases within the instance. These authorities can only be assigned to a group; you
can do so through the DBM CFG file.

The DBADM and LOAD authorities are assigned to a user or group for a particular
database. This can be done explicitly using the GRANT command.

The following panels describe how each authority is assigned and what commands
users with that authority are allowed to perform. Note that any reference to group
membership implies that the user and group names have already been defined at the
operating system level.

Users can determine what authorities and database-level privileges they have by
issuing the following command:

db2 get authorizations

Obtaining SYSADM authority

SYSADM authority in DB2 is comparable to root authority on UNIX or Administrator
authority on Windows. Users with SYSADM authority for a DB2 instance are able to
issue any DB2 commands against that instance, any databases within the instance,
and any objects within those databases. They also have the ability to access data
within the databases and grant or revoke privileges and authorities. SYSADM users are
the only users allowed to update the DBM CFG file.

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SYSADM authority is controlled in the DBM CFG file via the SYSADM_GROUP
parameter. When the instance is created, this parameter is set to Administrator on
Windows (although it appears blank if you issue the command db2 get dbm cfg).
On UNIX, it is set to the primary group of the user who created the instance.

Since SYSADM users are the only users allowed to update the DBM CFG, they are
also the only ones allowed to grant any of the SYS* authorities to other groups. The
following example illustrates how to grant SYSADM authority to the group grp1:
db2 update dbm cfg using SYSADM_GROUP grp1

Remember, this change will not take effect until the instance is stopped and then
restarted. Also, keep in mind that if you are not currently logged in as a member of
grp1, you may not have authority to restart the instance! You would have to log out and
log back in with an ID in the correct group, or add your current ID to grp1.

Obtaining SYSCTRL authority

Users with SYSCTRL authority can perform all administrative and maintenance
commands within the instance. However, unlike SYSADM users, they cannot access
any data within the databases unless they are granted the privileges required to do so.
Examples of commands a SYSCTRL user can perform against any database in the
instance are:

• db2start/db2stop
• db2 create/drop database
• db2 create/drop tablespace
• db2 backup/restore/rollforward database
• db2 runstats (against any table)
• db2 update db cfg for database dbname

A user with SYSADM authority can assign SYSCTRL to a group using the following

db2 update dbm cfg using SYSCTRL_GROUP group name

Obtaining SYSMAINT authority

The commands that a user with SYSMAINT authority can issue are a subset of those
allowed to users with SYSCTRL authority. SYSCTRL users can only perform tasks

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related to maintenance, such as:

• db2start/db2stop
• db2 backup/restore/rollforward database
• db2 runstats (against any table)
• db2 update db cfg for database dbname

Notice that users with SYSMAINT cannot create or drop databases or tablespaces.
They also cannot access any data within the databases unless they are granted the
privileges required to do so.

If you have SYSADM authority, you can assign SYSMAINT authority to a group using
the following command:

db2 update dbm cfg using SYSMAINT_GROUP group name

Obtaining DBADM authority

DBADM authority is a database-level authority rather than an instance-level authority.
In summary, DBADM users have complete control over a database -- almost. DBADM
users cannot perform such maintenance or administrative tasks as:

• drop database
• drop/create tablespace
• backup/restore database
• update db cfg for database db name

However, they can perform the following tasks:

• db2 create/drop table

• db2 grant/revoke (any privilege)
• db2 runstats (any table)

DBADM users are also automatically granted all privileges to the database objects and
their contents. Since DBADM authority is a database-level authority, it can be assigned
to both users and groups. The following commands illustrate different ways in which
you can give DBADM authority.

• db2 create database test

This command gives implicit DBADM authority on the database named test to the
user who issued the command.

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• db2 connect to sample

db2 grant dbadm on database to user tst1
This command can only be issued by SYSADM users; it issues DBADM authority to
the user tst1 on the sample database. Note that the issuing user must be connected
to the sample database before granting DBADM authority.

• db2 grant dbadm on database to group grp1

This command grants DBADM authority to everyone in the group grp1. Again, only
SYSADM users can issue this command.

Obtaining LOAD authority

LOAD authority is also considered a database-level authority, and can therefore be
granted to both users and groups. As the name implies, LOAD authority allows users to
issue the LOAD command against a table. The LOAD command is typically used as a
faster alternative to insert or import commands when populating a table with large
amounts of data. Depending on the type of LOAD you wish to perform, having LOAD
authority alone may not be sufficient. Specific privileges on the table may also be

The following commands can be run by users with LOAD authority:

• db2 quiesce tablespaces for table

• db2 list tablespaces
• db2 runstats (any table)
• db2 load insert (must have insert privilege on table)
• db2 load restart/terminate after load insert (must have insert
privilege on table)
• db2 load replace (must have insert and delete privilege on table)
• db2 load restart/terminate after load replace (must have insert and
delete privilege on table)

Only users with either SYSADM or DBADM authority are permitted to grant or revoke
LOAD authority to users or groups. The following examples illustrate how LOAD
authority can allow our user to LOAD data into a table called sales. Assume that the
command db2 connect to sample has already been issued.

• db2 grant load on database to user tst1

db2 grant insert on table sales to user tst1
With LOAD authority and insert privilege, tst1 could issue a LOAD INSERT or a

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LOAD RESTART, or TERMINATE after a LOAD INSERT against the sales table.

• db2 grant load on database to group grp1

db2 grant delete on table sales to group grp1
db2 grant insert on table sales to group grp1
With LOAD authority, as well as delete and insert privileges, any member of grp1
could issue a LOAD REPLACE or a LOAD RESTART, or TERMINATE after a LOAD
REPLACE against the sales table.

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Section 5. DB2 privileges

Database and object privileges

In the preceding section, we briefly touched on the concept of privileges. Privileges can
generally be placed into two main categories: database-level privileges, which span all
objects within the database, and object-level privileges, which are associated with a
specific object.

The database-level privileges that a user might be given are:

• CREATETAB: Users can create tables within the database.

• BINDADD: Users can create packages in the database using the BIND command.
• CONNECT: Users can connect to the database.
• CREATE_NOT_FENCED: Users can create unfenced user-defined functions
• IMPLICIT_SCHEMA: Users can implicitly create schemas within the database
without using the CREATE SCHEMA command.
• LOAD: Users can load data into a table
• QUIESCE_CONNECT: Users can access a database while it is in a quiesced state.
• CREATE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE: Users can create a procedure for use by
applications and other users of the database.

Database objects include tables, views, indexes, schemas, and packages. Fortunately,
most of the object-level privileges are self explanatory. The following table summarizes
these privileges.

Privilege name Relevant object(s) Description

CONTROL Table, View, Index, Package, Alias, Provides full authority on the object. Users
Distinct Type, User Defined function, grant or revoke privileges on the object to o
DELETE Table, View Allows users to delete records from the obje
INSERT Table, View Allows users to insert records into the objec
IMPORT commands.
SELECT Table, View Provides the ability to view the contents of t
UPDATE Table, View Allows users to modify records within the ob
ALTER Table Allows users to alter the object definition us
INDEX Table Allows users to create indexes on the objec

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REFERENCES Table Provides the ability to create or drop foreign
BIND Package Allows users to rebind existing packages.
EXECUTE Package, Procedure, Function, Method Allows users to execute packages and rout
ALTERIN Schema Allows users to modify definitions of objects
CREATEIN Schema Allows users to create objects within the sc
DROPIN Schema Allows users to drop objects within the sche

Information on object-level privileges is stored in the system catalog views. The view
names are syscat.tabauth, syscat.colauth, syscat.indexauth,
syscat.schemaauth, syscat.routineauth, and syscat.packageauth.

Explicit privileges
Privileges can be explicitly granted and revoked to users or groups using the GRANT
and REVOKE commands. Let's take a look at how you could use these commands on
various objects.

While logged in as a user with Administrator authority on Windows, bring up two DB2
command windows. Make sure that the db2instance variable is set to db2inst1 in
both windows!

From Window 1, issue the following command:

db2 connect to sample

Now, from Window 2, issue this command:

db2 connect to sample user tst1 using passwd

Remember, the commands in Window 1 are being issued by a user with SYSADM
authority. The commands in Window 2 are being issued by tst1, a user with no specific
authority or privileges on the sample database. Note that the schema name associated
with the tables in your sample database will be the name of the user that issued the
db2sampl command. In these examples, that user is LISAC.

Now, from Window 2, issue the following command:

db2 select * from

You should see this response:

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SQL0551N "TST1" does not have the privilege to perform operation "SELECT" on object "LISA

To correct the situation, issue the following command from Window 1:

db2 grant select on table to user tst1

Now our earlier command will succeed! Next, let's issue a more ambitious command
from Window 2:

db2 insert into values (100, 'Tutorial', 1, 'Eastern', 'Toronto')

Again, you'll see an error message:

SQL0551N "TST1" does not have the privilege to perform operation "INSERT" on object "LIS

So, enter the following command from Window 1:

db2 grant insert on table to group grp1, user mytest

Our earlier failed INSERT command should now complete successfully, because tst1 is
a member of group grp1.

Now, let's enter the following command in Window 2:

db2 drop table lisac.emp_photo

Again, you'll see an error message:

SQL0551N "TST1" does not have the privilege to perform operation "DROP TABLE" on object "

So, we'll have the grant that privilege. Enter the following from Window 1:

db2 grant dropin on schema lisac to all

Our DROP TABLE command should now complete successfully.

Now that we've finished our example, let's revoke all the privileges we just granted. Do
so by issuing the following commands from Window 1:

db2 revoke select on table from user tst1

db2 revoke insert on table from group grp1
db2 revoke dropin on schema lisac from all

Note that revoking privileges from a group does not necessarily revoke it from all
members of that group. For example, the following command could have been used to
revoke all privileges (except CONTROL) from grp1 on the table
db2 revoke all on table from group grp1

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However, the user tst1 (who is a member of grp1) would have kept the select privileges
on that table, since he or she had been granted that privilege directly.

Implicit privileges
DB2 may grant privileges automatically when certain commands are issued, without
the need for an explicit GRANT statement to be issued, as you saw in the previous
panel. The table below summarizes some commands that result in privileges being
implicitly granted by the database manager. Note that these privileges are implicitly
revoked when the object created is dropped. They are not, however, revoked when
higher-level privileges are explicitly revoked.

Command issued Privilege granted To whom it is gr

CREATE TABLE mytable CONTROL on mytable User issuing com
CREATE SCHEMA myschema CREATEIN, ALTERIN, DROPIN on myschema, User issuing com
plus the ability to grant these to others
CREATE VIEW myview CONTROL on myview only if CONTROL is held User issuing com
on all tables and views referenced in the
definition of myview
CREATE DATABASE mydb SELECT on mydb's system catalog tables, PUBLIC**

*When a user creates a database, that user is implicitly granted DBADM authority on
that database. With DBADM authority comes implicit CONNECT, CREATETAB,
privileges will remain with the user even if the DBADM authority is revoked.

**PUBLIC is a special DB2 group that includes all users of a particular database. Unlike
the other groups we've discussed thus far, PUBLIC does not have to be defined at the
operating system level. There are some privileges granted to PUBLIC by default. For
example, this group receives CONNECT privilege on the database and SELECT
privilege on the catalog tables automatically. GRANT and REVOKE commands can be
issued against the PUBLIC group, like so:

db2 grant select on table sysibm.systables to public

db2 revoke select on table sysibm.systables from public

Indirect privileges

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Privileges can be obtained indirectly when packages are executed by the database
manager. A package contains one or more SQL statements that have been converted
into a format that DB2 uses internally to execute them. In other words, a package
contains multiple SQL statements in an executable format. If all the statements in the
package are static, a user would only require EXECUTE privilege on the package to
successfully execute the statements in the package.

For example, assume db2package1 executes the following static SQL statements:

db2 select * from org

db2 insert into test values (1, 2, 3)

In this case, a user with EXECUTE privilege on db2package1 would indirectly be

granted SELECT privilege on the table org and INSERT privilege on the table test.

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Section 6. Summary, resources, and feedback

Now that you've completed this tutorial, you should have a fundamental understanding
of the following topics:

Elements of a DB2 security plan: You should understand the structure of the entire
DB2 environment, which includes client, servers, gateways, and hosts. You should also
understand authentication, authorization, and privileges.

DB2 authentication types: You should know how to set authentication types using the
db2 update dbm cfg using authentication type command on the server,
and using the db2 catalog database command on the gateway and client.

DB2 authorities: You should understand the basics of the SYSADM, SYSCTRL, and
SYSMAINT authorities, which are set in the DBM CFG file, and DBADM and LOAD
authorities, which are set via the GRANT command and revoked using the REVOKE
command. You should definitely know what command each authority is allowed to run.

DB2 privileges: You should have an understanding of the different types of privileges
and what they allow a user to do. Examples are CONTROL, INSERT, DELETE,
CREATEIN, DROPIN, REFERENCES, and SELECT. You should also know how a
privilege is obtained/revoked explicitly (GRANT/REVOKE commands), implicitly, or (for
packages only) indirectly.

You can learn more about DB2 instances from the following resources:

• DB2 Version 8 Administration Guide: Implementation, Chapter 4. Controlling

Database Access
• DB2 Version 8 Connect User's Guide, Chapter 14. Security

For more information on the DB2 Fundamentals Exam 700:

• IBM Data Management Skills information

• Download a self-study course for experienced Database Administrators (DBAs) to
quickly and easily gain skills in DB2 UDB.
• Download a self study course for experienced relational database programmers
who'd like to know more about DB2.

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• General Certification information -- including some book suggestions, exam

objectives, and courses.

Check out the other parts of the DB2 V8.1 Family Fundamentals Certification Prep

• DB2 V8.1 Family Fundamentals Certification Prep, Part 1 of 6: DB2 Planning

• DB2 V8.1 Family Fundamentals Certification Prep, Part 3 of 6: Accessing DB2 UDB
• DB2 V8.1 Family Fundamentals Certification Prep, Part 4 of 6: Working with DB2
UDB Data
• DB2 V8.1 Family Fundamentals Certification Prep, Part 5 of 6: Working with DB2
UDB Objects
• DB2 V8.1 Family Fundamentals Certification Prep, Part 6 of 6: Data Concurrency


This tutorial was written entirely in XML, using the developerWorks Toot-O-Matic tutorial
generator. The open source Toot-O-Matic tool is an XSLT style sheet and several XSLT
extension functions that convert an XML file into a number of HTML pages, a zip file, JPEG
heading graphics, and two PDF files. Our ability to generate multiple text and binary formats
from a single source file illustrates the power and flexibility of XML. (It also saves our
production team a great deal of time and effort.)

You can get the source code for the Toot-O-Matic at The tutorial Building tutorials with the
Toot-O-Matic demonstrates how to use the Toot-O-Matic to create your own tutorials.
developerWorks also hosts a forum devoted to the Toot-O-Matic; it's available at
We'd love to know what you think about the tool.

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