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Bulgarian Rulers

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BULGARIA (BLGARIJA) The Bulgars appear to have included several Iranian- and Turkic-speaking tribes that had been co-opted into the Hunnic confederacy after migrating westwards. After Attilas death in 453, the Bulgars withdrew to the northern and eastern coasts of the Black sea together with various other remnants of the confederation, like the Kutrigurs and Utigurs. In the early 7th century Kubrat overthrew Avar and Turkic overlordship and emerged as an ally of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire against both Avars and Persians. On his death in 665 his sons divided the tribes and fell prey to Khazar attacks. Asparuh migrated westwards at the head of Bulgars proper and Onogundurs, crossed the Danube in 680, and settled in Moesia after defeating the Byzantine emperor Knstantinos IV. In part subjugating and in part co-opting the local Slavs, the Bulgars expanded their state across the Balkans. The kings of Bulgaria claimed descent from Attila, though the actual relationships are only detailed in a 17th-century Volga Bular source (the Dagfar tarihy). In 705 the Bulgar king Tervel aided the deposed Byzantine emperor Ioustinianos II in regaining his throne and was rewarded with the court title of caesar (kaisar). This led to cooperation with Byzantium, and the Bulgars aided the Byzantines against the Arabs in 718. In the 2nd half of the 8th century a series of campaigns launched by emperor Knstantinos V destabilized Bulgarias leadership, and in the 811 Nikphoros I sacked the Bulgar capital Pliska, before being ambushed and killed by Krum, who proceeded to devastate Byzantine Thrace and advance on Constantinople. A more peaceful relationship followed the accession of Omurtag in 814. Boris Is conversion to Christianity in 864 helped diminish the distinction between Bulgars, Slavs, and other ethnic elements within the state, and increased Bulgarias exposure to the cultural influence of Byzantium. Simeon I sought to emphasize his independence from the Byzantine Empire by obtaining from it the title of emperor (car, tsar) in 913 (confirmed in 927). Simeon I and his son Petr I also obtained an independent patriarch for the autocephalous Bulgarian Church at the capital Preslav. Russian and Byzantine invasions led to Byzantine occupation of eastern Bulgaria in 971, but the Bulgarian state survived in the west under the leadership of Samuil, who temporarily recovered much of the lost grounds. In 1018 the Byzantine emperor Basileios II entered Ohrid and completed the subjugation of Bulgaria, which remained under Byzantine domination until the revolt of Petr IV and Ivan Asen I in 1185. Under Kalojan and Ivan Asen II the restored Bulgarian state expanded, defeating all Balkan rivals and, under the latter, the Bulgarian patriarchate was restored at the new capital Trnovo in 1235. This period of prosperity was interrupted by the Mongol invasion in 12411242, and usurpations, civil wars, and foreign invasions plagued Bulgaria in the second half of the 13th century. Stability was restored in the reign of Todor Svetoslav after 1300, but Mihail Asen IIIs defeat and death in battle against the Serbs in 1330 demonstrated the danger of overreaching. In spite of a promising start, Ivan Aleksandr was not able to arrest the devolution of central authority, to which he may have contributed by conferring imperial status and territorial principalities to his several sons. This, and the growing autonomy of hereditary lords like those of Wallachia and Dobruda, coincided with the initial stages of the Ottoman conquest. Trnovo fell to the Ottomans in 1393, Nikopol and Dobruda in 1395, and the last vestiges of the remaining Bulgarian state of Vidin disappeared in 1422. The Medieval Bulgar kings (not entirely accurately called khans in historiography) had used the title kanasybigi, rendered in Latin as rex, in Greek as arkhn, in Slavic as knjaz, and in Turkic as qaan. From 913 this title was changed to emperor (and autocrat), rendered in Greek as basileus (kai autokratr) and in Bulgarian as car (tsar) (i samodrec). The Ottoman domination ended in 1877, when outrage over the brutal suppression of local rebellions led to a final Russo-Turkish war and the establishment of the Third Bulgarian State. In 1878 Aleksandr I of Battenberg was elected autonomous prince (knjaz) of Bulgaria and annexed another Bulgarian autonomous principality, Eastern Rumelia, in 1885. In 1908 Ferdinand I proclaimed himself completely independent from the Ottoman Empire. Although he took the traditional title of car (tsar) of the Bulgarians, he was recognized internationally only as king, just like the modern Greek basileus. The death of the popular Boris III was closely followed by Soviet occupation and the monarchy was abolished in 1946. The list below follows the chronology of Moskov (1988) with slight emendations, and supplies some gaps in the information (e.g., the name Ajjar for the anonymous king in 715 and most specific genealogical relationships down to c.800, indicated by *), faute de mieux, on the basis of excerpts from the controversial Dagfar tarihy.

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Names are rendered in standardized forms and in scientific transliteration of the Cyrillic alphabet. The numbering of rulers is often inconsistent in Bulgarian historiography. The list distinguishes between names, nicknames, dual names and patronymics (e.g., Mihail Asen III, son of iman, not Mihail iman). Kings and emperors of the Bulgarians (First Bulgarian State) House of Dulo 629?665 665668 668694 694715 715 715721 721737 House of Vokil 737754 House of Ukil 754760 House of Ugain 760763 House of *Bilig 763765 House of Ukil 765 House of Dulo 765766 House of Ukil 766767 House of Ugain 767777 House of Dulo 777797: :802814 814831 831836 836852 852889 889893 893927 927969 969977 977997

Kubrat son of *Alburi, descendant of Irnik, son of Attila Bat Bajan son of Kubrat; remained in Old Bulgaria 668690 Asparuh son of Kubrat; settled in Moesia 680 Tervel son of Asparuh *Ajjar *son of Asparuh Kormesij *son of Tervel Sevar *son of Kormesij Kormiso *son of Uran by Bozok, daughter of Ajjar Vineh *son of Urus Bugu by Zuhra, sister of Kormiso Telec *husband of daughter of Umor (below) Sabin husband of daughter of Kormiso; *son of Kelbir; fled to Byzantium Umor *father-in-law of Telec; fled to Byzantium Toktu *son of Kermek, son of Sevar Pagan *son of Vineh Telerig *son of Telec; fled to Byzantium Kardam *brother of Toktu Krum *son of Toktu Omurtag 1 son of Krum Malamir son of Omurtag Presian I son of Zvinica, son of Omurtag Boris I 2 son of Presian I; abdicated, died 907 Vladimir son of Boris I; deposed, died 893? Simeon I son of Boris I; emperor 913 Petr I 3 son of Simeon I; abdicated, died 970 Boris II son of Petr I 4 Roman son of Petr I 5

The inference from hagiographical sources that two kings, Dukum and Dicevg, intervened between Krum and Omurtag in 814815, remains unproven and is generally considered unlikely. 2 Baptized as Mihail 863, canonized as saint (Boris-Mihail). 3 Canonized as saint. 4 In Byzantine captivity 972977 (during Byzantine occupation of eastern Bulgaria). 5 In Byzantine captivity from 991.

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House of the Komtopouloi 9971014 Samuil son of count Nikola; regent 971977 and since 991 10141015 Gavril Radomir son of Samuil 10151018 Ivan Vladislav son of Aaron, brother of Samuil 1018 Presian II son of Ivan Vladislav; abdicated, died 1060? 10181185 (to the Eastern Roman Empire, partly interrupted by the rebellions of the following) (10401041 Petr II Deljan son of Gavril Radomir; deposed) (1041 Alusian son of Ivan Vladislav; abdicated) (1041 Petr II Deljan restored; deposed, died 1041) (1072 Petr III Bodin son of king Mihailo I of Zeta, son of prince Stefan Vojislav by daughter of prince Vladimir I by Kosara, daughter of Samuil; deposed; Zeta 10811099) Emperors of the Bulgarians (Second Bulgarian State) House of Asen 11851197 & 11881196 & 11961207 12071218 12181241 12411246 12461256 1256 12561257 12571277 12771279 & 12781279 12791280 House of Terter 12801292 House of Smilec 12921298 Petr IV 6 leader of revolt against Byzantine rule Ivan Asen I brother of Petr IV Ivan I (Kalojan) brother of Petr IV Boril son of sister of Petr IV; deposed, died 1218: Ivan Asen II son of Ivan Asen I Kaliman Asen I son of Ivan Asen II Mihail Asen I son of Ivan Asen II Kaliman Asen II son of sebastokratr Aleksandr, son of Ivan Asen I; expelled, died 1256 Mico Asen husband of daughter of Ivan Asen II; expelled, rival 1257c.1262, died :1278 Konstantin Asen I married Eirn, daughter of emperor Theodros II of Nicaea by Elena, daughter of Ivan Asen II; son of Tih[omir?] Mihail Asen II son of Konstantin Asen I; associated c.1272; deposed, died 1303: Ivajlo 7 married Maria Kantakouzn, mother of Mihail Asen II; deposed, died 1280 Ivan Asen III son of Mico Asen; fled to Byzantium, died 1302 Georgi Terter I husband of Marija, daughter of Mico Asen; fled to Byzantium, died 1308? Smilec husband of daughter of Knstantinos Palaiologos, brother of emperor Mikhal VIII of Byzantium Ivan II son of Smilec; expelled, rival 12991300, died :1330

12981299 House of Terter 12991322 Todor Svetoslav 8 son of Georgi Terter I; associated c.12851289 13221323 Georgi Terter II son of Todor Svetoslav; associated c.1321? House of iman 13231330 Mihail Asen III son of despots iman of Vidin by daughter of sebastokratr Petr by daughter of Ivan Asen II 13301331 Ivan Stefan son of Mihail Asen III; associated 13231324; expelled, died 1339:

Originally named Todor. The attribution of the name Ivajlo to this usurper is uncertain; it may be a nickname for his rival Ivan Asen III. 8 Although Todor Svetoslav came to the throne under the protection of g (aka), son of the Mongol prince Noqai, it does not appear that g actually reigned as Bulgarian emperor in 12991300, as traditionally held.
6 7

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House of Sracimir 13311371 Ivan Aleksandr son of despots Sracimir of Karvuna by Petrica, sister of Mihail Asen III + Mihail Asen IV son of Ivan Aleksandr; associated c.13321355 13561397 Ivan Sracimir son of Ivan Aleksandr; associated 13371356; in Vidin9 + Ivan Asen IV son of Ivan Aleksandr; associated 13371349 13711395 Ivan iman son of Ivan Aleksandr; associated 1356; in Trnovo + Ivan Asen V son of Ivan Aleksandr; associated 13561388? 10 13971422 Konstantin Asen II son of Ivan Sracimir; associated 1395 in Vidin; deposed, died 1422 14221878 (to the Ottoman Empire) Princes and kings of the Bulgarians (Third Bulgarian State) House of Battenberg 18781886 Aleksandr I son of Alexander, son of grand duke Ludwig II of Hesse; prince of Bulgaria (also of Eastern Rumelia 1885); abdicated, died 1893 House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha 18871918 Ferdinand I son of August, brother of king Fernando II of Portugal; prince of Bulgaria and Eastern Rumelia 1887, then king of the Bulgarians 1908; abdicated, died 1948 19181943 Boris III son of Ferdinand I 19431946 Simeon II son of Boris III; deposed (republic 1946)

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: ANDREEV, J., and A. PANTEV, Blgarskite hanove i care, Veliko Trnovo, 2004 BOILOV, I., and V. GJUZELEV, Istorija na srednovekovna Blgarija, VIIXIV vek, Sofija, 1999 FINE, J.V.A. Jr., The Early Medieval Balkans, Ann Arbor, 1983 FINE, J.V.A. Jr., The Late Medieval Balkans, Ann Arbor, 1987 IGNATOV, V., 100 mita ot blgarskata istorija, vol. 1, Sofija, 2007 MOSKOV, M., Imennik na blgarskite hanove, Sofija, 1988 NURUTDINOV, F., et al. (eds.), Bahi Iman, Dagfar tarihy, vol. 3, Orenburg, 1997 ZLATARSKI, V., Istorija na blgarskata drava prez Srednite vekove, vols. 1-3, Sofija, 19181940


In Hungarian captivity 13651369 (during Hungarian occupation of Vidin). Perhaps only as despots?

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