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SUPERFOODS Rx Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life By Steven Pratt, M.D.

& Kathy Matthews

How Your Diet Is Killing You
Most scientists in the world today agree that at least 30% of all cancers are directly related to nutrition. Eleven disastrous developments in nutrition that are ruining our health 1. Increased portion sizes 2. Decreased daily exercising 3. Unhealthy balance of fats in the diet: an increase in saturated fat, omega-6 fatty acids, and trans-fatty acids, along with a huge decrease in omega-3 fatty acids. 4. An increased consumption of processed cereal grains. 5. An overall decrease in fruit and vegetable intake. 6. A decrease in lean meat and fish intake. 7. A decrease in antioxidant intake and calcium intake from whole foods. 8. An unhealthy ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats 9. A marked increase in refined sugar as an overall percentage of caloric intake. 10. A decrease in whole food consumption, which has led to a marked decrease in phytonutrient intake. 11. A decrease in the variety of foods eaten. More than 125 million Americans have at least one chronic condition like diabetes, cancer, heart disease or glaucoma. Two of three U.S. adults are either overweight or obese compared to fewer than one in four in the early 1960s.

Introducing Phytonutrients
Phytonutrients are nonvitamin, nonmineral components of food that have significant health benefits. Three important types of beneficial phytonutrients

Superfoods Rx Page 2 of 5 o Polyphenols act as antioxidants, have anti-inflammatory properties and are antiallergenic. Foods that contain polyphenols are tea, nuts and berries. o Carotenoids are the pigments found in red and yellow vegetables tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin. Carotenoids include beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene. They function as antioxidants protecting us from cancer and the effects of aging. o Phytoestrogens naturally occurring chemicals found in soy foods, whole wheat, grains and some vegetables and fruits. They protect against hormone-related cancers such as prostrate and breast cancers.

Micronutrients: The Keys to Super Health

Our bodies are heat-generating machines that depend on oxygen to carry out basic metabolic functions. One of the by-products of this use of oxygen, oxidation, is oxygen molecules that have been transformed into what are known as free radicals. Free radicals are missing an electron, which makes them highly unstable. They seek out replacement molecules from neighboring cells damaging these cells. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by giving up an electron in an effort to stabilize them. Stabilized, the free radicals are no longer a threat to cellular health. Its the antioxidants in foods that promote health beyond their ability to nourish the body. Scientists believe that successfully combating free radicals, and the damage they instigate, is one of the keys to long-term health.

The Four Principles of Superfoods Rx

Principle One: Superfoods Rx is the Best Diet in the World Epidemiological studies have allowed us to discover the particular foods eaten by healthy populations. Certain foods pop up over and over again in the diets of the healthiest populations. Nutritious whole foods must be at the center of your nutrition plan: you cant rely solely on supplements to do the job.

Principle Two: Superfoods Are Whole Foods

Superfoods Rx Page 3 of 5 Whole foods are unprocessed or minimally processed in such a way that none of the nutritional characteristics have been intentionally modified. Food synergy is critical to health. Food synergy is the interaction of two or more nutrients that work together to achieve an effect that each is individually unable to achieve by itself. Superfoods Rx is about what you should eat, not what you shouldnt eat. Food is pleasure. Eating should be a satisfying part of your life.

Principle Three: Superfoods Rx Equals Synergy

Principle Four: Superfoods Rx Are a Positive Approach to Nutrition

The Major Superfood Rx Recommendations

Eat at least eight servings (a serving is cup) of fruits and vegetables a day. Think healthy fat: try to increase your intake of seafood, nuts and seeds, avocado, extra virgin olive oil, and canola oil. Eat one handful of nuts about five days a week. Eat fish two to four times a week. Substitute soy protein for animal protein a few times a week. Try to have one or two servings of soy daily. Buy bread and whole grain cereals that have at least 3 grams of fiber per serving. Drink green or black tea, hot or chilled, daily. Have some yogurt for breakfast, or in a smoothie, dip or dessert every day. Add phytonutrient-rich 100 percent fruit juices and jams to your diet. Avoid commercial snacks and baked goods, which contain many unhealthy fats, including saturated fat, trans-fatty acids, and an overabundance of omega-6 fatty acids, and sodium. Eliminate soft drinks, sweetened or diet, except as an occasional treat.

Foods High in Polyphenols

Odwalla C Monster Trader Joes 100% Unfiltered Concord Grape Juice Trader Joes Organic Blueberry Fruit Spread Knotts Pure Boysenberry Preserves Trader Joes Organic Blackberry Fruit Spread

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The French Paradox

It refers to the contradiction between the French consuming a high intake of dairy fat but have low incidences of cardiovascular disease. This is due to extremely high level of polyphenols in red wine, which is about twenty to fifty times higher than white wine. The polyphenols in grape skins are known to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, a critical event in the process of the development of coronary artery disease.

Good Carbs/Bad Carbs

Like fats and proteins, not all carbs are created equal. Whole grain carbohydrates are good for you. The vast majority of carbs eaten by Americans are refined carbs like cookies, doughnuts, breads and cakes that are loaded with sugar and trans fats. Refined grains are bad for you, such as pasta, white flour, white bread and white rice.

How to Read a Bread/Cereal Label

The list of ingredients should begin with the word whole. The fiber content should be at least 3 grams per serving for bread and cereal.

What is a Whole Grain

A whole grain, whether oats, barley, wheat, bulgur, or a host of others, contains every part of the grain. o The bran the fiber rich outer layer contains B vitamins, minerals, proteins and other phytochemicals. o The endosperm the middle layer that contains carbohydrates, proteins and B vitamins. o The germ the nutrient packed inner layer.

Tips for Eating More Whole Grains

Buy only whole grain bread. Substitute brown rice for white rice. Read breakfast cereal labels: get rid of refined, highly sugared ones. Use whole grain tortillas and pita bread for sandwiches and wraps.

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Four Basic Types of Fat

Saturated Fat o Found primarily in red meat and full fat diary products. o Increases risks for coronary heart disease, stroke, some cancers Trans Fat (partially hydrogenated oils) o Are man-made fats made to extend the shelf life of foodstuffs. o Are worse for you than saturated fats Monosaturated Fat Good fat o Found in olive and canola oils o Protect your cardiovascular system Polyunsaturated Fat o Omega-6 and omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) o Omega-6s are overabundant in the typical Western diet. o Omega-3s come in two distinct forms Plant derived (ALA) Marine species derived (EPA/DHA) Its imperative that we include omega-3 fatty acids in our diets

The Critical Balance of EFAs

Your body cant function optimally without a balanced ratio of EFAs. The optimum balance of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is somewhere between 1 to 1 and 4 to 1. The typical Western diet contains 14 to 25 times more omega-6 than omega-3 fatty acids.

To Get a Healthy Amount of Omega-3s in Your Diet

Eat wild salmon, canned albacore tuna, sardines, trout, etc. two to four times per week. Use flaxseed oil Use ground flaxseed Avoid processed and refined foods whenever possible, including packaged cakes, cookies and baked goods.

SuperFoods HealthStyle by Steven Pratt, M.D. and Kathey Matthews

SuperFood Apples Sidekicks Pears Amount An apple a day Benefit(s) Reduces risk for lung cancer Reduces cardiovascular disease One of the most nutrient dense foods, reduces both total and LDL cholestrol Combats heart disease Reduces cancer risk Lowers cholestrol Preserves cognitive ability, Prevents Alzheimers, cancer prevention, urinary tract health Known for cancer-fighting abilities Comments Fuji and Red Delicious are recommended Loaded with soluble fiber Buy Haas avocados vs light green Florida avocado


Asparagus Artichokes Extra virgin olive oil Beans of all kinds

1/3 to 1/2 of an avocado multiple times weekly


4, 1/2 cup servings per week

The darker the bean, the higher the level of antioxidants Loaded with fiber More benefits than red wine Frozen berries have all the benefits of fresh berries Steamed broccoli preserves most nutrients; boiled broccoli loses as much as 65% of its nutrients


Purple Grapes 1 to 2 cups daily Raspberries, Blackberries Strawberries Red and Green Cabbage 1/2 to 1 cup most days




no suggested amount

Increases cognitive skills - a brain boost Lowers triglycerides & LDL Increases HDL cholestrol Protects against uninary tract infections & periodontal disease Richest in phenolics of all fruits Can consume either fresh, frozen, dried or as juice



no suggested amount

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SuperFoods HealthStyle by Steven Pratt, M.D. and Kathey Matthews

SuperFood Dark Chocolate Sidekicks none Amount 100 calories per day Benefit(s) Improves blood pressure Reduces inflamation of arteries that causes atherosclerosis Lowers blood pressure Decreases triglycerides and LDL levels & increases HDL levels Optimizes blood sugar levels to maintain energy levels and restore muscle recovery Lowers triglyceride levels Reduces atherosclerotic vascular plaques Reduces risk for heart disease, certain cancers, stroke 2 clues that you're buying whole grains: 1) ingredients begin with "whole"; and 2) at least 3 grams of fiber Comments Buy 70% or more cocoa solids


Scallions, Onions

"to taste" multiple times per week

1/2 clove lowers LDL by 10% Garlice supplements are not as good as fresh garlic The darker the color of honey the higher the level of antioxidants



1 to 2 teaspoons multiple times a week



Multiple times per week


Wheat Germ Ground flaxseed Brown Rice, Corn

10 grams of whole grain fiber daily

Olive Oil, Extra Virgin

Canola Oil

1 tablespoon most days

Reduces risk for breast & colon cancer, lowers blood pressure & improves cardiovascular health Lowers cholestrol levels and high Yellow onions 11 times more blood pressure, reduces heart flavonoids than Western white disease onions


Garlic, Scallions, Chives

Multiple times a week

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SuperFoods HealthStyle by Steven Pratt, M.D. and Kathey Matthews

SuperFood Oranges Sidekicks Grapefruits Tangerines Amount 1 serving daily Benefit(s) Protects against some cancers Cardiovascular disease Lessens cognitive decline Comments As supplements take at different times during the day



4 to 8 ounces of 100% pomegranate juice multiple times a week

Reduces blood pressure Recommend Pom Wonderful Improves cardiovascular health by Avoid brands that add sugar reducing LDL Reduces cancer - skin damage Reduces cardiovascular disease Reduces infammatory conditions Reduces cholestrol Reduces blood pressure Reduces cancer risk Reduces cardiovascular disease Reduces cancer, including colon, lung, skin, prostate & breast Lowers blood pressure Decreases sun-induced aging of skin, reduces skin cancer Reduces risk for cancer, heart disease & sun-related skin damage Green tea reduces body fat Loaded with fiber Rich in carotenoids


Carrots, Butternut 1/2 cup 5 to 7 days per Squash, Sweet Potatoes, week Orange Bell Peppers none 10 to 15 grams daily



Romaine lettuce orange bell peppers

1 cup steamed or 2 cups raw most days



1 to 4 cups daily


Watermelon Pink grapefruit

1 serving daily

Drink RW Knudsen Low Sodium Very Vegetable Cocktail

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SuperFoods HealthStyle by Steven Pratt, M.D. and Kathey Matthews

SuperFood Turkey (Breast Only, Skinless) Walnuts Sidekicks Skinless chicken breast Amount 3 to 4 servings per week of 3 to 4 ounces 1 ounce, 5 times a week Benefit(s) Reduces risk for cancer Comments Very low in saturated fat compared to other meats Caution: nuts are high in calories consume in small quanitities

Almonds, Pistachios, Peanuts, Macadamia Nuts, Cashews, Pecans

Reduces risk for coronary artery disease, reduces total cholestrol, increases HDL

Wild Salmon

Halibut, canned albacore 3 to 4 ounces, 2 to 4 tuna, sardines, clams, times per week trout, oysters none 1 to 2 cups daily

Reduces elevated blood pressure, Wild salmon is superior to farmed Promotes cardiovascular health, salmon improves cholestrol levels Reduces both colon and breast Make sure "live active cultures" is cancer, reduces cholestrol levels, on label Lowers blood pressure


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