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Rotation of Axes

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Rotation of Axes

Rotation of Axes
At the beginning of Chapter 5 we stated that all equations of the form Ax2 + Bxy + Cy 2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 represented a conic section, which might possibly be degenerate. We saw in Section 5.2 that the graph of the quadratic equation Ax2 + Cy 2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 is a parabola when A = 0 or C = 0, that is, when AC = 0. In Section 5.3 we found that the graph is an ellipse if AC > 0, and in Section 5.4 we saw that the graph is a hyperbola when AC < 0. So we have classied the situation when B = 0. Degenerate situations can occur; for example, the quadratic equation x2 + y 2 + 1 = 0 has no solutions, and the graph of x2 y 2 = 0 is not a hyperbola, but the pair of lines with equations y = x. But excepting this type of situation, we have categorized the graphs of all the quadratic equations with B = 0. When B = 0, a rotation can be performed to bring the conic into a form that will allow us to compare it with one that is in standard position. To set up the discussion, let us rst suppose that a set of xy -coordinate axes has been rotated about the origin by an angle , where 0 < < /2, to form a new set of x y -axes, as shown in Figure 1(a). We would like to determine the coordinates for a point P in the plane relative to the two coordinate systems.
y y

, y ) P(x, y) P(x r B u A x x

, y ) P(x, y) P(x r f u A x x B



Figure 1


Conic Sections, Polar Coordinates, and Parametric Equations

First introduce a new pair of variables r and to represent, respectively, the distance from P to the origin and the angle formed by the x -axis and the line connecting the origin to P , as shown in Figure 1(b). From the right triangle OBP shown in Figure 2(a) we see that x = r cos and y = r sin ,

and from the right triangle OAP shown in Figure 2(b) we see that x = r cos( + ) and y = r sin( + ).

, y ) P(x y r f x f1u O O x B r

P(x, y)



Figure 2

Using the fundamental trigonometric identities for the sum of the sine and the cosine we have x = r cos( + ) = r cos cos r sin sin and y = r sin( + ) = r cos sin + r sin cos . Since x = r cos and y = r sin , we have the following result. The second pair of equations is derived by solving for x and y in the rst pair.

Rotation of Axes

Coordinate Rotation Formulas If a rectangular xy -coordinate system is rotated through an angle to form an x y coordinate system, then a point P (x, y ) will have coordinates P ( x, y ) in the new system, where (x, y ) and ( x, y ) are related by x=x cos y sin and x = x cos + y sin and y = x sin + y cos . and y=x sin + y cos .


Show that the graph of the equation xy = 1 is a hyperbola by

rotating the xy -axes through an angle of /4. Solution: Denoting a point in the rotated system by ( x, y ), we have 2 x=x cos y sin = ( xy ) 4 4 2 and 2 y=x sin + y cos = ( x+y ). 4 4 2

Substituting these expressions into the original equation xy = 1 produces the equation 2 2 ( xy ) ( x+y ) = 1 or 2 2 x 2 y 2 = 2.

In the x y -coordinate system, then, we have a standard position hyperbola whose asymptotes are y = x . These are the same lines as the x- and y -axes, as seen in Figure 3.


Conic Sections, Polar Coordinates, and Parametric Equations

y y xy 5 1 2 2 y 2 5 2 x x d x

Figure 3 In Example 1 the appropriate angle of rotation was provided to eliminate the x y -term from the equation. Such an angle can always be found so that when the coordinate axes are rotated through this angle, the equation in the new coordinate system will not involve the product x y . To determine the angle, suppose we have the general second-degree equation Ax2 + Bxy + Cy 2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0, Introduce the variables x=x cos y sin and y=x sin + y cos , where B = 0.

and substitute for x and y in the original equation. This gives us the new equation in x and y : A( x cos y sin )2 + B ( x cos y sin )( x sin + y cos ) + C ( x sin + y cos )2 + D( x cos y sin ) + E ( x sin + y cos ) + F = 0. Performing the multiplication and collecting the similar terms gives x 2 A(cos )2 + B (cos sin ) + C (sin )2 +x y 2A cos sin + B (cos )2 (sin )2 + 2C sin cos +y 2 A(sin )2 B (sin cos ) + C (cos )2 +x (D cos + E sin ) + y (D sin + E cos ) + F = 0.

Rotation of Axes

To eliminate the x y -term from this equation, choose so that the coecient of this term is zero, that is, so that 2A cos sin + B (cos )2 (sin )2 + 2C sin cos = 0. Simplifying this equation, we have B (cos )2 (sin )2 = 2(A C ) cos sin and (cos )2 (sin )2 AC = . 2 cos sin B cos 2 AC = , sin 2 B AC . B

Using the double angle formulas for sine and cosine gives or cot 2 =

Rotating Quadratic Equations To eliminate the xy -term in the general quadratic equation Ax2 + Bxy + Cy 2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0, AC . B where B = 0,

rotate the coordinate axes through an angle that satises cot 2 =

EXAMPLE 2 Sketch the graph of 4x2 4xy + 7y 2 24 = 0. Solution: To eliminate the xy -term we rst rotate the coordinate axes through the angle where cot 2 = AC 47 3 = = B 4 4

From the triangle in Figure 4, we see that cos 2 = 3 . 5


Conic Sections, Polar Coordinates, and Parametric Equations

Using the half angle formulas we have cos = 1+ 2

3 5

2 5 = , 5


sin =

1 2

3 5

5 . 5

cot 2u 5 ! cos 2u 5 E 5 4

2u 3

Figure 4

The rotation of axes formulas then give 2 5 5 x= x y and 5 5 5 2 5 x y 5 5 5 2 5 x y 5 5

5 2 5 y= x + y . 5 5 5 2 5 x + y +7 5 5 5 2 5 x + y 5 5

Substituting these into the original equation gives

2 2

24 = 0.

After simplifying we have x 2 + 8 y 2 = 24 5 or x 2 y 2 + = 1. 120 3

This is the graph of an ellipse in standard position with respect to the x y coordinate system. The graph of the equation 4x2 4xy + 7y 2 = 24 is consequently the graph of an ellipse that has been rotated through an angle = arcsin
5 5

26 , as shown in Figure 5.

Rotation of Axes

y u 5 arcsin(5/5) x
24 4 x 4x2 2 4xy 1 7y2 5 24 24

Figure 5

There is an easily applied formula that can be used to determine which conic will be produced once the rotation has been performed. Suppose that a rotation of the coordinate axes changes the equation Ax2 + Bxy + Cy 2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 into the equation x x y x y = 0. A 2 + B y +C 2 + D +E + F It is not hard to show, although it is algebraically tedious, that the coecients of these two equations satisfy 2 4A C. B 2 4AC = B = 0, we have When the particular angle chosen is such that B C. B 2 4AC = 4A However, except for the degenerate cases we know that the new equation x y x y =0 A 2 + C 2 + D +E + F will be: C > 0; i) An ellipse if A C < 0; ii) A hyperbola if A C = 0. iii) A parabola if A Applying this result to the original equation gives the following.


Conic Sections, Polar Coordinates, and Parametric Equations

Classication of Conic Curves Except for degenerate cases, the equation Ax2 + Bxy + Cy 2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 will be: C < 0; i) An ellipse if B 2 4AC = 4A C > 0; ii) A hyperbola if B 2 4AC = 4A C = 0. iii) A parabola if B 2 4AC = A

The beauty of this result is that we do not need to know the angle that produces the elimination of the x y -terms. We only need to know that such an angle exists, and we have already established this fact. If we apply the result to the examples in this section we see that: Example 1. The equation xy = 1 has B 2 4AC = 12 4(0)(0) = 1 > 0 and is therefore a hyperbola. Example 2. The equation 4x2 4xy + 7y 2 24 = 0 has B 2 4AC = (4)2 4(4)(7) = 56 < 0 and is therefore an ellipse. We strongly recommend that you apply this simple test when rotation is required to graph a general quadratic equation. It provides a nal check on a result produced from a considerable amount of algebraic and trigonometric computation. While it will not ensure that you are correct, it can tell you when you are certainly wrong, and this is often more important.

Rotation of Axes

Rotation of Axes Exercises

In Exercises 14, determine the x y -coordinates of the given point if the coordinate axes are rotated through the given angle . 1. 3. (0, 1), = 60 (3, 1), = 30 2. 4. (1, 1), = 45 (2, 2), = 90

In Exercises 512, (a) determine whether the conic section is an ellipse, hyperbola, or parabola, and (b) perform a rotation, and if necessary a translation, and sketch the graph. 5. 7. 9. x2 xy + y 2 = 2 17x2 6xy + 9y 2 = 0 6. 8. x2 + 4xy + y 2 = 3 x2 3xy = 1

4x2 4xy + 7y 2 = 24 10. 5x2 3xy + y 2 = 5 11. 6x2 + 4 3xy + 2y 2 9x + 9 3y 63 = 0 12. x2 + 2 3xy + 3y 2 + (4 + 2 3)x + (4 3 2)y + 12 = 0 13. Find an equation of the parabola with axis y = x passing through the points (1, 0), (0, 1), and (1, 1) (a) in x y -coordinates, and (b) in xy -coordinates.

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