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Self Assessment and Reflection 1

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Self Assessment and Reflection 1

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Self Assessment Reflection Paper

Nicole DeRoo


University of Phoenix
Self Assessment and Reflection 2

This has been a wonderful class to be in. I was very excited when we were able to

look at our own learning style. This made me really look at the way I processed different

things. It also made me understand the way I learned in a school setting and in everyday

life. In fact, for years I thought that my learning style was visual, and only visual. After

taking an assessment test, that a fellow class mate posted, at styl ass.html, I realized that I actually use all three learning

styles. Those learning styles are Audio, visual, and kinetic. However, my strong learning

styles are audio and kinetic. After finding out my scores I was interested in finding out

exactly what these three learning styles were about. This paper will allow me to explain

how my learning assessment results reflect my style of learning and living. It will also

allow me to express how I feel I can grow and strengthen my learning ability.

During my assessment test I scored a 29 on visual, a 35 on audio, and 33 on

kinetic. As you can see all my scores were very close together, however, the two that

stood out were audio learner and kinetic learner. I was actually very surprised at the

results considering I always thought of my self as a visual learner. In fact I didn’t even

know what a kinetic learner was or that it existed. I decided that I needed more

knowledge on what these assessments meant so I decided to research their meaning.

Audio learners are people learn better by hearing information. They usually have

strong language skills and excellent oral communication skills


after I read that I sat back and thought about it and realized that they were absolutely

correct. I would rather get up and give a speech than to have to sit and write one.
Self Assessment and Reflection 3

I also would rather hear directions than read them. I would rather listen to a lecture than

have a book and sit in silence and read. When I am studying, writing, or reading things I

would rather have noise in the background. It helps me concentrate. It also helps me to

talk out loud to process information. However, it has been stated that, “Audio learners

prefer to work alone in complete silence because they find sound to be distracting when

concentrating on something new or difficult” (Frances Green Western Mail. Cardiff

(UK): Fed 5, When I read this I was amazed they had me down to a

perfection. When I’m confused or having trouble understanding something I need it to be

absolutely quiet. If there is noise it makes it 10 times harder for me to understand. It also

stated that, audio learners have “tape recorders” in their brains rather than, “photo

copiers”, like visual learners have. (Frances Green Western Mail. Cardiff

(UK): Fed 5, I remember as a child, even now, I could/can remember in

detail something that I have heard but would have a hard time knowing the details with

something I have read. Over the years I have compensated and found ways for me to

learn as they call a visual learner.

You are probably wondering why the confusion on why I thought I was a visual

learner. The reasons why I though I was a visual learner is because I always liked looking

to use graphs, charts, and videos when learning. However, I realize that the colors of the

graphs spoke to me and videos had speaking in it. I did score a 29 on visual learner so

some of the visual techniques I use when learning.

Self Assessment and Reflection 4

Visual learners are people, who learn better by taking notes, making lists,

watching videos, and having print outs

( ). They use all these things

because as stated before they have photo copiers in their brain. So by having these things

they can visual the things they are seeing. Some visual learners like to use lots of color

when taking notes (Frances Green Western Mail. Cardiff (UK): Fed 5,

Some like to write and to rewrite what they are learning to understand the material

(Frances Green Western Mail. Cardiff (UK): Fed 5, This is one of the main

reasons why I thought I was a visual learner. Would first highlight what I was reading.

Next I would take notes on what I highlighted. Then I would highlight what I took notes

on. I would write and rewrite my note until I fully understood the material. Finally I

would read my notes into a recorder and play it back to myself to make sure I knew what

I was learning. It was a very long process that most of the time worked. I couldn’t just

learn the material by note taking I had to hear it also. Couldn’t learn in just one

traditional way I had to learn in several different ways. Then came movement. I hated

having to sit in one spot for long periods of time. This would explain the kinetic learning


Kinetic learning? What is it? How did I score a 33 on it? What does this mean?

These are all questions I asked myself when getting the results of my learning assessment

scores and saw Kinetic learner 33. So I went to Google and put in kinetic learner. All

kind of information popped up.

Self Assessment and Reflection 5

The definition I liked the best was, People who are kinetic learners learn better through

physical sensation. They are highly active, and have a hard time sitting to long

(http://school.familyeducation .com/intelligence/teaching-methods). This made perfect

sense I constantly talk with my hands. This is how I best explain things.

If someone told me to sit on my hand and have a conversation I would not

be able to communicate.

It states in an Article called “What’s Your Learning Style?”, “Kinesthetic learners

typically do well with teachers whose attitudes are, “I’ll give you the tools, now it’s up to

you to do the work” (Jessica Jahiel, Practical Horseman. west Chester: Mar 2008 vol.36,

iss 3; pg.32, 6pgs). I couldn’t have agreed more. I remember in a class as a child and

loving the homework that was in bundles. There were directions, materials, and

suggestions all in the bundle. It was all right there all I had to do was build it. I could use

my own unique style but there was no guessing games. No wondering if I was doing it

wrong because I didn’t understand the directions. I believe being a kinetic learner is the

most challenging. If you have a teacher that doesn’t understand this type of learning it

could make it extremely difficult for the learner. Not many teachers are to keen on

letting students walk around while they teach the assignment.

Reflecting back over the years I finally realize all the different ways I had to learn

to make the material easier for me to process. This is something I had to do in order to be

successful as a student. I went to catholic schools all my life and they didn’t have the

resources for certain types of learners so with my moms help and my determination I

figured out how to incorporate different strategies to help me learn.

Self Assessment and Reflection 6

I want to personally thank you for having us take a learning assessment test to

understand the way we process information. I know understand all the different learning


I believe that this is a good thing for all teachers to do they understand that not all

children can learn in a conventional way. Some have to learn non-conventionally.

This class has let me focus on my strengths and improve my weaknesses. I have

learn that even at 33 years of age there is till room for me grows in my learning styles. I

believe that being a well organized and a wise time management person I can overcome

my weaknesses and strengthen my positive aspects of my education.

After closely reviewing this paper I believe that as a teacher I will be able to

adjust my lessons and teaching strategies to students of all different learning styles. I

would hope that I will be able to teach so that all learners can receive the most out of

their education.
Self Assessment and Reflection 7


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