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Year 5 - Whole Numbers

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UNIT 1 WHOLE NUMBERS 1.1 NUMBERS TO 1 000 000 1.1.1 Develop Number sense up to 1 000 000 i.

Name and write numbers up to 1 000 000

The number 590 013 written in words is

Write nine hundred twenty-three thousand six hundred in numerals.

Nine hundred forty thousand and seven =

Eight hundred ninety-seven thousand five hundred and three in numerals is

431 762 in words is

Write 509 041 in words

______ , 432 983, 432 883, 432 783 The missing number is

Write ` one hundred two thousand and six` in numerals.

Diagram 1 shows an abacus.


278 520, x, 280 520, 281 520, 282 520 What is the value of x?

DIAGRAM 1 What is the value represented by the abacus?


Write 790 002 in words.


Four hundred rhousand and twenty-three written in numerals is


5 ten thousands and 8 tens written in numerals is


76 289 in words is


Six hundred and fifty-five thousand two hundred and eighty in numeral is


Write ` Six hundred and twenty-three thousand four hundred and thirty-two` in numerals.


Write 830 482 in words.


One hundred thirty six thousand and eighty-four in numerals is


Write ` One million ` in numerals.


Write 329 006 in words.

ii. Determaine the place value of the digits in any whole number up to 1 000 000

State the place value of digit 7 in the number 734 950.

The value of digit 6 in the number 560 370 is

Write digit has the place value of ten thousands in the number 634 807?


Partition the number 560 792

State the place value of the underlined digit in the number 867 056.


What is the place value and digit value of 9 in the number 98 764?

564 079 can be partitioned as


The place value of digit 6 in the number 206 028 is

What is the value of digit 8 in number 930 082


State the place value for digit 6 in number 206 731

Partition 329 666 according to its place value.


What is the value of digit 5 in the number 753 286?

315 026 can be written in extended notation as.


The place value of 9 in 987 056 is..

State the value of 8 in the number 687 321.


What is the value of 8 in 487 905?

iii. Compare value of numbers up to 1 000 000

Use digits 5, 0, 3, 7, 6 and 9 to form the (a) biggest,

Form the largest and the smallest number from the digits 3, 4, 0, 9, 8 and 2. Then, find the difference between these two numbers.

(b) smallest number.

342 721, 347 221, 347 122, 342 271, and 342 217 in ascending order is

396 421, 356 742, 381 647, 395 644, 361 479

Arrange the number above in decending order.

Write the biggest number of 6 digit that can be formed from digit 2, 5, 1, 7, 0 and 8.

Write ` bigger ` or ` smalller ` 916 217 ................................ than 940 211

Arrange the number given in ascebding order. 221 456, 221 645, 246 215, 252 461, 256 421

Fill in the missing number.

23 300, 23 500,.. , 23 900,

Complete the number line below.


Count on in thousands, What number come after 129 358.

963 250

963 270

963 290

iv. Round off numbers to the nearest tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands and hundred thousands

Round off 837 569 to the nearest (a) hundred

Round off 985 257 to the nearest hundred thousands.

(b) thousand.

484 230 to the nearest hundred thousands is.....

897 452 to the nearest ten thousand is......

Round 0ff 584 657 to the nearest hundred thousands.


998 231 to the nearest ten thiusand is.....

Round off 363 798 to the nearest ten thousands


When 467 345 rounded of to the nearest hundreds in become...........

Round off 629 435 to the nearest ten thousands.


Round off the number below to the nearest thousands.

236 437

Round off 574 892 to the nearest thousands.


569 748 to the nearest tens is......

Round off 76 289 to the nearest ten thousands.


Round off 345 957 to the nearest ten thousands.

1.2 Addition Within 1 000 000 1.2.1 Add Numbers to the Total 1 000 000

i. Add any two to four numbers to 1 000 000

3 258 + 617 497 =

897 632 + 68 745 =

83 763 + 147 652 + 6 897 + 1 462 =

The sum of three hundred thousand four hundred twenty-one and thirty-one thousand six hundred is

719 354 + 671 + 14 598 =

The sum of the values of digit 6 dan digit 4 in the number 567 432 is

147 320 + 23 680 + 47 =

Round off the sum of 147 037, 115 312, 120 851 and 3 203 to the nearest thousand.

7000 + 10 000 + 600 + 800 000 =


6 639 + 432 + 101 039 =


83 472 + 122 369 =


39 336 + 251 317 + 500 909 =


36 725 + 72 498 + 21 465 =


43 172 + 209 418 =


Find the sum of 137 020 and 451 360. 19 418 110 = 256 220 +


What number ,must be added to 894 232 to get 1 000 000?


90 thousands + 15 thousands =


454 380 plus 65 949 equal


Find the total of 567 890 and 436 321.


Calculate 356 + 5678 + 23 469.


23 + 456 + 569 567 + 2 890 +

ii. Solve Addition Problems

A factory produced 247 600 bulbs in May. In June, it produced 8 500 more bulbs. How many bulbs did the factory produce in the two months?

There were 8 872 male spectators, 3 827 female spectators and 582 child spectators in a stadium during a football match. Find the total number of spectators in the stadium.

Table 1 shows the number of storybooks in three languages found in a library.

Diagram 2 shows a number line.

Storybook Chinese Language Bahasa Melayu English Language

Quantity 32 742 82 899 63 869

234 760

254 760

DIAGRAM 2 Find the sum of P and Q in the number line. Then, round off the answer to the nearest thousand.

TABLE 1 Find the total number of storybooks in the library

Table 1 shows the population of three districts A, B and C.

The table shows the number of books that have been sold in the three years.

District A B C

Population 13 756 32 742 13 959 TABLE 2

Year Number of Book

2000 51 364

2001 120 451

2002 125 679

TABLE 3 What is the total number of book that have been sold altogether?

Calculate the total population of the three districts.

Last month, Puan Aminah sold 102 798 chickens. This months, Puan Aminah sold 98 46 chiskens. How many chickens does she sell altogether?


A factoru produced 60 309 pieces of paper in March. In April, the number of paper produced was 15 261 pieces more than the previous month. How many pieces of papers were produced by the factory within that two month.

At a concert hall there were 7 620 men, 3 861 children and 5 o014 women. How many people were there altogether in the hall?


A company sold 1 400 yins of canned food on Monday, 250 more tins on Tuesday and 3200 tins of canned food on Wednesday. What was the total number of canned food sold in the three days?

There are 46 780 people in Kampung Damai, 88 640 people in Kampung Sentosa and 105 970 people in Kampung Kenanga. What is the tital number of people in the three villages altogether?


150 000 pamphlets were printed in the printing factory A. 463 800 pam,phlet were printed in printing factory B. Waht is the total number of pamphlets printed by both factories altogether?


Lily has 15 214 beads. Sally has 125 beads more than Lily. Find the total number of beads of both girls.


A factory produced 326 932 pens in January, 336 213 pens in february and 298 323 pens in March. How many pens did the factiry produce in those three months.


There were 203 894 foreigners visited Taiping in the year of 2002 whereas 318 672 foreiners visited Taiping in the year of 2003. how many foreiners came to visit Taiping an two years?


Pak Hassan plants three types of tress in his estate. There are 187 683 papaya threes, 214 568 rambutans trees and 302 674 durian trees. How many trees arae there in the estate altogether.

1.3 Subtraction within 1 000 000 i. Subtract one number from a bigger number less than 1 000 000

700 200

80 215 =

347 650

29 999 =

62 ten thousands subtract 26 thousands is

The difference between 830 000 and 399 292 is

Find the difference between 600 000 and 5 000.

478 264

2 628

847 653 x = 275 329 What is the value of x?


955 900

70 237 =

Subtract 103 413 from 600 000.


Find the difference between 500 960 and 72 964.

Waht is the difference 390 537 and 869 596?


1 000 000 690 450 =

ii. Subtract successively from a bigger number less than 1 000 000

732 289 109 116 25 455 =

485 250 39 243 125 927 =

93 232 4 321 31009 =

501 685 289 321 108 765 =

500 000 283 961 185 434 =

241 544 102 500 755 =

470 000 63 000 7 5 33 =


200 000 5 600 328 =

904 279 376 943 149 245 =


943 276 42 156 172 309 =

677 003 146 556 219 442 =


1 000 000 1 999

99 =

iii. Solve Subtraction Problems

A factory produced 562 500 rulers. Two months later, 18 602 rulers were unsold. How many rulers were sold?

A salesman sold 872 630, 647 292 and 563 725 books in the first three months of 2004. Find the difference between the number of books sold in the first and third month.

A computer factory has 9 240 workers. During lunch break, 6 967 workers go out for lunch. How many workers are still in the factory?

Zulailah has 324 576 stamps and Swee Hua has 189 729 stamps. Find the difference between the number of stamps that collected by Zulailah and Swee Hua.

Table 1 shows the quantity of three types of fish sold by a fish wholesaler. Promfret 7 542 Mackerel 25 670 Seaperch 5 684

Table 2 shows the number of workers in a factory.

Types of fish Quantity

Category Number of Workers



545 892

357 671

TABLE 1 Find the difference between the most and the least number of fish sold.

TABLE 2 What is the differemce between the number of female workers and male workers in the factory?

A company has printed 754 681 science books and 483 472 mathematics books. Find The difference between the number of science books and mathematics books that have printed by the company?


A compony produces 720 842 pairs of stocking. 274 563 pairs of stocking are exported to Singapore and 301 074 pairs of stocking are exported to Thailand. How many pairs of stocking are there left in the company?

A library has 23 420 books. If 12 326 books have been borrowed, how many book are left in the library?


A book company printed 300 500 cards. 290 010 cards have been sold. Haw many cards that are not sold?

20 634 trees were planted in park A and park B. If 12 412 trees were palnted in park A, how many tres were planted in park B?


A baker baked 18 680 cakes. He sold 8 380 cakes to bakery A and 7 680 to bakery B. How many cakes did he have left?


There are 135 726 duck on a farm. There are 15 201 chickens less than ducks. How many chickens are there on the farm?


There are 900 500 male spectators at a hockey match. The number of female spectators is 25 789 less than the male spectators. How many female spectators are there?

1.4.1 Multiply any two Numbers With the highest product of 1 000 000 i. Multiply up to Five digit numbers with a one-digit numbers

34 937 X 6 =

12 736 X 4

60 073 X 9 =

29 678 X 7

52 436 X 6

62 323 X 8 =

78 280 X 8 =


84 260 X 5 =

Multiply 98 415 by 5


Find the product of 4 567 and 5.

Multipli\y 34 569 by 9


32 678 times 9 is ...

ii. Multiply up to Five digit numbers with a two-digit numbers

2 163 X 23 =

70 tens X 3 tens =

34 x 8 512 =

469 X 69 =

5 007 X 81 =

10 246 x 27 =

8 647 X 18 =


10 532 X 23

4 815 X 36 =


5 549 X 32 =

2 863 x 47


6 347 X 13 =

iii. Multiply up to Five digit numbers with 10, 100, 1000

24 445 X 10 =

327 100

Since 5 368 10 = 53 680, therefore 8 360 100 =

3 556 X 100

892 X 1000 =

2 772 X 1 00 =

845 X P = 845 000 The value of P is........


527 X 1000 =

399 X 1 000


65 124 X 10 =

Find the product of 345 and 100.


Multiply 456 by 100.

iv. Solve Problems Involving Multiplication

If a box contains 2 500 beads, how many beads does 96 similar boxes contain?

A fast food restaurant can sell 2 347 pieces of fried chicken in a day. How many pieces of fried chicken can the restaurant sell in the month of November?

One cheongsam requires three pairs of buttons. If one thousand dozens of cheongsam are to be sewn, how many buttons will be required?

Mak Fatin has 29 rows of corn plants. If each row has 2 800 corn plants, how many corn plants does she have?

A printing factory can produce 12 500 books in an hour. After three hours, how many more books must be printed in order to get 500 000 books?

Pak Kassims stall can sell 125 packets of nasi lemak daily. How many packets of nasi lemak can he sell in the month of October, November dan December?

4 A total of 13 600 free packets of milk was distributed to each primary school near I[poh town.How many packets of milk did 8 school receive?

A lorry can transport 5680 chickens. How many chickens camn be transported by 82 similar lorries?

A bottle contains 1 000 vitamin pills. If Dozen Pharmacy ordered 650 similar vitamin bottles. How many vitamin pills did Dozen Pharmacy order?


A glove factory produces 52 340 pairs of glove a month. How many pairs of gloves are produced in five months?


A story book has 1 029 pages. Find the total number of pages of 100 story books?


Mr. Lim rears 17 620 fish. Mr. Lee has seven times the number of fish. How many fish does Mr. Lee have?


A car company sells 3 200 cars a month. How many cars can the company sell in a year?


Aprinter can print 40 800 letters between an hour. How many letters does the printer print in 16 hours?


Pupil is given 15 free text books, How many text books have to be given to 2863 pupils?


An estate is planted 9 rows of cocoa trees. If each row has 48 000 cocoa trees, how many cocoa trees are there in the estate?


A bookshop ordered 8 boves of story books. Given that each book c ontains 21 456 story books, How many story books are there in 8 boxes?


Pak Hamid sells 86 200 mongoesteens every day. Cakculate the total amount of mengoesteens that will be sold by him in a week.


A dictionary has 608 pages. How many pages are there in 100 dictionaries of the same kind?

20 3550 buttons

How may buttons are there in 26 similar boxes?

1.5 Division with 1 000 000 1.5.1 Divide A Number Less Than 1 000 000 by A Two Digit Number i. Divide Number Up To six Digit Number by A One Digit Number

690 213 3 =

42 840 2

Divide 632 562 by 6.

883 289

623 450

525 264

600 000


Find the remainder when 435 698 is divided by 6.

Find the remainder when 586 394 is divided by 4.


883 249 7

938 744

9 =


85 372 7

ii. . Divide Number Up To six Digit Number by 10, 100, 1000

34 000 10 =

80 300 100

489 625 1 000

396 420


167 237 10

361 442 1000

600 530 100

547 700 10

896 200 1000


345 321 10


Divide Number Up To six Digit Number by A Two Digit Number

300 528 16

399 960 36

650 000 40

813 456 12

843 652 21

What is the remainder when 328 420 is divided by 50?

Find the remainder of 584 762 15.


847 552 16 =

Divide 1 million by 60


What is the remainder when 262 180 is divided by 30?

What is the remainder when 328 420 is divided by 50?


67 361


Iv. Solve Problems Involving Division

Liza requires 20 satay sticks to make a rose bud . She has only 36 820 satay sticks. How many rose buds can she make?

A shop has 542 000 shirts in yellow, blue, green, black and red. If the number of shirts of each colour is the same, find the number of shirts in red.

Pak Mat puts 282 600 mangosteens into 50 gunny sacks. How many mangosteens are there in one sack?

If 498 000 biscuits are filled in egually in 1000 tins, how many biscuits are there in each tin?

A factory produces 100 000 bars of soap in 5 days. How many bars can the factory produced in one day?

200 400 packets of chocolates can be divided equally into 24 boxes. How many packets of chocolates will there be in each box?

639 460 btttons are repacked in equal numbers into 1000 packets. How many buttons are left unpacked?


780 444 eggs is divided equally among 18 shops. How many eggs does each shop get?

85 372 apples neet to be sent equally to 7 hawkers. How many apples does each hawker receive.


A farmer has sack containing 56 993 potatoes. He packs the potatoes into boxes of 24. How many potatoes will be left?

A factory can produce 14 203 pens pe day. How many pens can the factory produce in 10 days.


EG Supermarket has 568 380 pens. If one box cam be filled with 20 pens, how many boxes are needed?

1.6.1 i.

Perform Mixed Operations Involving Multiplication and Division Calculate Mixed Operation on Whole Numbers Involving Multiplication and Division

20 000 40 X 12 =

4 X 14 000 8 =

Solve 2 600 9 4. Round off the answer to the nearest thousand.

1 000 X 12 6 =

93 000 12 X 6

3 627 36 4 =

225 5 30 =


86 700 1 000 10 =

120 292 34 6 =


832 428 36 14 =

120 292 34 6 =


Since 960 30 = R, therefore R 9 =


23 X 844 4


27 X 128


652 500 9

X 4


3 140 X 300 15


420 X 16


56 243 10

X 20


Solve Problems Involving Moxed Operations of Division and Multiplicaion

120 000 packets of chocolate milk are shared equally among 24 schools. How many packets of chocolate milk do 8 schools get?

Marissa loves to collect bottle caps. She has 26 750 bottle caps. Her sister gives her another 37 500 bottle caps. If Marissa gives away 50 500 bottle caps for recycling, how many bottle caps does she have now?

In conjunction with the festive season, 834 750 festive cards were printed. These cards were distributed to 7 distribuiton centres around the country. How many cards did each distribution centre receive?

A lorry can transport 250 car batteries. If 950 000 batteries have to be distributed, how many lorries are needed to transport them?

If 986 000 pens can be equally filled into 200 boxes, how many pens are there in 22 similar boxes?

Mr Tan sold 2 340 dirians in 18 days. How many durians did he sll in 60 days if he sold the same number of durians each day?

A farmer puts 5 580 eggs equally into 45 10 baskets. Count the number of eggs in 16 such baskets.

There are 25 boxes. Each box is filled witch 480 packets of noodles. The packets of noodles are distributes equally between 12 schools. How many packets of noodles does each school get?

There are 365 000 houses in 1000 similar housing estates. How many houses are there in 3 housing estates?


90 000 are divided equally inti 20 crates. How many oranges are there in 4 crates?

A shopkeeper bought 60 boxes of erasers. Each box has 54 erasers. The shokeeper repacked the erasers in to a small boxes of 18 erasers. How many small boxes are there?


A factory can produce 15 722 t-shirt in 7 days. Calculate the number of t-shirt produce by the factory in 15 days.

WHOLE NUMBERS PAPER 1 - Answer all the questions. Each questions is followed by four answer choices. Only one of the answers is correct. Choose the correct answer? 7 1 Six hundred fifty-five thousand two hundred and eighty in numeral is A. B. C. D. 665 208 665 280 655 208 6 652 8 2 315 026 can be written in extended notation as A. 30 000 + 10 000 + 5 000 + 20 + 6 B. 300 000 + 10 000 + 500 + 20 + 6 C. 300 000 + 10 000 + 5 000 + 20 + 6 D. 300 000 + 100 000 + 5 000 + 20 + 6 3 What is the value of digit 7 in the number 370 265? A. B. C. D. 4. 700 7 000 70 000 700 000 75 002 30 = A. B. C. D. 2 005 remainder 6 2 050 remainder 2 2 500 remainder 2 2 550 remainder 6

416 208 written in words is A. Four hundred sixteen thousand two hundred and eight. B. Four hundred sixteen thousand two hundred and eighty C. Forty-one thousand sixteen two hundred and eight D. Four thousand sixteen hundred and twenty eight.

9 The product of 4 007 25 is.. A. B. C. D. 10 100 175 10 175 1 175 175

9 620 4 30 = A. B. C. D. 1 282 2 405 60 322 72 150

Round off 629 435 to the nearest ten thousand. A. B. C. D. 620 000 630 000 629 000 639 000

11 62 323 4 321 31 009 = A. B. C. D. 27 902 27 802 26 822 26 993

6 639 + 432 + 101 039 = A. B. C. D. 106 110 107 210 108 220 108 110

12 226 528 4 16 = A. B. C. D. 906 112 906 121 906 122 906 221

The difference between 201 948 and 5 820 is.. A. B. C. D. 196 128 198 405 205 128 207 768

13 Find the sum of 476 508 and 5 129. A. B. C. D. 481 637 481 709 482 501 483 429

14 What must be subtracted from 183 247 to get 49 249? A. B. C. D. 15 122 998 122 989 133 998 133 989

18 The diagram below shows two number cards.

171 062

639 812

Diagram 1 What is the difference between the value of the two digits 6 in the number above? A. B. C. D. 19 599 940 599 400 59 994 59 940

Which of the following numbers has 5 as the smallest value? A. B. C. D. 306 541 452 179 527 003 901 258

Which of the following is correct? A. B. C. D. 3 089 3 389 3 566 3 656 16 59 56 46 = = = = 48 424 200 482 189 696 169 176

16 The table below show the number of umbrellas produced by a factory in four months. Month March April May June Table 1 Calculate the total number of umbrellas produced by the factory in the first three months. A. B. C. D. 131 804 182 180 264 091 299 706 22 21 Number of Umbrellas 35 615 96 189 50 376 117 526 20

63 326 = 462 311 + 449301 What is the missing number in the A. B. C. D. 974 938 973 938 911 612 911 512

Round off the sum of 63 219 and 149 321 to the nearest thousands. A. B. C. D. 213 000 223 000 224 000 233 000

17 John has 6132 boxes of cards. There are 120 cards in each box. What is the total number of cards John has? A. B. C. D. 725 820 735 840 745 850 755 860

82 667 buttons are divided equally into 13 bags. How many buttons will 9 bag contains? A. B. C. D. 57 321 57 231 57 213 57 232

23 845 P = 845 000 The value of P is A. B. C. D. 10 100 1 000 10 000

30 24 206 400 32 = What is the missing value? A. B. C. D. 6 540 6 450 6 350 6 340

The place value of digit 9 in 596 273 is A. B. C. D. hundreds thousands ten thousands hundred thousands


Find the value of 3 991 multiplied by 51. Round off the answer to the nearest thousand. A. B. C. D. 200 000 203 500 203 541 204 000

25 Which of the following numbers when rounded off to the nearest hundred becomes 560 000? A. B. C. D. 558 960 559 960 568 960 569 860

32 There are 32 boxes. Each box is filled with 40 packets of drink. The packets o drink are distributes equally among 5 schools. How many packets of drink did each school get? A. B. C. D. 160 256 778 1 280

26 There are 12 450 plates in a store. 743 are broken and 5 470 are sold. How many plates are left in the store? A. B. C. D. 6 237 7 723 17 177 18 663

33 There are 23 560 glasses in a store. 112 are broken and 9 770 of the glass are sold. How many glasses are left in the store? A. B. C. D. 13 678 13 790 23 448 33 442

27 300 512 is read as A. three hundred five hundred and twelve B. three hundred thousand five hundred and twenty-one C. three thousand five hundred and twelve D. three hundred thousand five hundred and twelve. 28 Which of the following has the highest value? A. B. C. D. 8 720 + 44 967 + 2 355 516 664 23 578 209 440 6 540 10 23 12 488 6 24

34 There are 750 rubber trees in an acre of land. How many rubber trees can be found in 16 acres of land? A. B. C. D. 11 000 11 500 12 000 12 500

35 There are 100 boxes of oranges. Each box contains 35 oranges. If some workers repack the oranges into packet of 4, how many packets of oranges would they get? A. B. C. D. 3 500 875 550 140

29 A chicken farm produced 350 000 eggs in a week. They sold 120 445 eggs to a market. How many eggs were there left? A. B. C. D. 470 445 230 445 229 555 109 110

36 The difference between two numbers are 738. If the smaller number is 266, what is the product of the bigger number and 75? A. B. C. D. 55 350 35 400 26 760 19 950

39 700 220 16 = A. B. C. D. 43 751 remainder 6 43 751 remainder 12 43 763 remainder 6 43 763 remainder 12

37 Factory R produced 118 740 pairs of shoes. Factory S produced 651 pairs of shoes less than factory R did. How many pairs of shoes were produced by factory S? A. B. C. D. 38 237 480 236 829 119 391 118 089


Diagram 2 shows a number line.

3269 Diagram 2


Which of the following has a product that is more than 100 thousands? A. 8 082 8 B. 7 347 12 C. 4 887 15 D. 5 488 20

What is the product of Y and 36? A. B. C. D. 3 069 3 169 110 484 110 494

Paper 2 - Answer all the questions. Show your working and write the answer in the space provided.

Write 169 201 in words.

Take away 112 670 from 305 750.

( 1 marks )

( 2 marks )

39 336 + 251 317 + 500 909 =

Multiply 98 515 by 5.

( 1 marks )

( 2 marks )

955 900 70 237 =

Find the remainder when 75 002 divided by 30

( 1 marks ) 4 Round off 199 650 to the nearest thousands.

( 2 marks )

14 000 4 8 =

( 1 marks )

( 2 marks )

What is the place value of numeral 8 in 487 905?


The sum of three number is 940 000. Two of the numbers are 119 236 and 53 253. What is the third numbers?

( 1 marks )

( 2 marks )


12 116 magazines are equally distributed to 26 shops. How many magazines will each shop receive?


A plantation owner took 15 days to plant 3 240 oil palms. How many oil palms can he plant in 4 days?

(2 marks )

( 2 marks )


If there are 1 326 pages in one book, How many pages will there in 46 similar books?


A lorry distributes 204 340 packets of flour to 4 hypermarkets. How many packets of flour are there in each hypermarkets?

( 2 marks )

( 3 marks )


Company Y printed 756 000 greeting cards. However, only 423 988 cards were sold. 184 000 of the unsold cards were send back to company Y and the rest were send to the recycle centre. How many cards were recycled?


A factory produces 53 746 bags in 11 months. If the factory produces the same number of the bag every months, how many bags are produced in 5 months?

( 2 marks )

( 3 marks )


A farm has 289 585 chickens, 245 831 rabbits and 267 764 quails. Find the total number of animals on the farm.


A machine produces 8 550 bottle caps in one hour. How many bottle caps can the machine produces in a week if the machine works 8 hours every days?

( 2 marks )

(3 marks )


The table shows the number of pieces of paper produced by a factory in three months. Number of Pieces of Paper 199 200 210 000 260 400 Table 1 How many pieces of paper produced in three months?


157 210 participants were told to get into groups of twenty during a ` Love Our River ` Campaign. How many participant were without a group?

Months February March April

( 3 marks )

( 3 marks )

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