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Sanskrit Noun Declensions

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The passage discusses the different types of noun stems in Sanskrit grammar such as a-stems, i-stems, u-stems etc. and provides paradigms for declension. It also talks about pronouns and demonstratives.

The main types of noun stems discussed are a-stems, i-stems, u-stems, long vowel stems like ā-stems, ī-stems and ū-stems, and ṛ-stems. Each stem type follows specific declension patterns.

Sanskrit does not have true third person pronouns. Instead, its demonstratives like tat, etat, idam and adas serve this function by standing independently without a modified substantive.


A-stems (// or /a/) comprise the largest class of nouns. As a rule, nouns belonging to this class, with the uninflected stem ending in short-a (//), are either masculine or neuter. Nouns ending in long-A (/a/) are almost always feminine. A-stem adjectives take the masculine and neuter in short-a (//), and feminine in long-A (/a/) in their stems. This class is so big because it also comprises the Proto-Indo-European o-stems. Masculine (kma-) Singular Dual Nominative kmas kmu Accusative kmam kmu Instrumental kmena Dative kmya Ablative Genitive Locative Vocative Plural kms kmn Neuter (sya- 'mouth') Singular sym sym Dual sy sy Plural sy$ni sy$ni Feminine (knta- 'beloved') Singular knt kntm kntay Dual knte knte Plural knts knts

kmbhym kmis syna kmbhym kmebhyas sy$ya kmt kmbhym kmebhyas sy$t kmasya kmayos kmnm sysya kme kmayos kmeu sy kma kmau kms sya

sy$bhym sys

kntbhym kntbhis

sy$bhym sybhyas kntyai kntbhym kntbhys sy$bhym sybhyas kntys kntbhym kntbhys syyos syyos sy sy$nm syu sy$ni kntys kntayos kntym kntayos knte knte kntnm kntsu knts

i- and u-stems
i-stems Masc. and Fem. (gti- 'gait') Singular Nominative gtis Accusative gtim Instrumental gty Dative Ablative Genitive Locative Vocative Dual gt gt Plural gtayas gts Neuter (vri- 'water') Singular Dual vri vri vri vri Plural vri

vri gtaye, gtyi gtibhym gtibhyas vrie gtes, gtys gtibhym gtibhyas vrias gtes, gtys gtyos gtnm vrias gtibhym gtibhis gtu, gtym gtyos gte gt gtiu gtayas

vri vribhym vribhis vribhym vribhyas vribhym vribhyas vrios vrim vrios vriu vri

vrii vri, vre vri

u-stems Masc. and Fem. (tru- 'enemy') Singular Nominative trus Accusative trum Instrumental tru Dative Ablative Genitive Locative Vocative trave tros tros tru tro Dual tr tr Plural travas trn

Neuter (mdhu- 'honey') Singular mdhu mdhu Dual mdhun mdhun Plural mdhni mdhni

trubhym trubhis

mdhun mdhubhym mdhubhis

trubhym trubhyas mdhune mdhubhym mdhubhyas trubhym trubhyas mdhunas mdhubhym mdhubhyas trvos trvos tr trm truu travas mdhunas mdhunos mdhuni mdhu mdhunos mdhun mdhnm mdhuu mdhni

Long Vowel-stems
-stems (j- 'progeny') Singular Dual Nominative js j m Accusative j j Instrumental j Dative Ablative Genitive Locative Vocative j js js j js -stems (dh- 'thought') -stems (bh- 'earth') Singular bhs bhvam bhuv bhuv, bhuv bhuvs, bhuvs bhuvs, bhuvs bhuv, bhuvm bhs Dual bhvu bhvu Plural bhvas bhvas Plural Singular Dual Plural js dhs dhyu dhyas s, js dhyam j dhyu dhyas jbhym jbhis dhiy dhbhym dhbhs jbhym jbhyas jbhym jbhyas js js j jnm, jm jsu js dhiy, dhiy dhiys, dhiys dhiys, dhiys dhiy, dhiym dhs dhbhym dhbhys dhbhym dhbhys dhiys dhiys dhiyu dhiym, dhnm dh dhyas

bhbhym bhbhs bhbhym bhbhys bhbhym bhbhys bhuvs bhuvs bhuvu bhuvm, bhnm bh bhvas

-stems are predominantly agental derivatives like dt 'giver', though also include kinship terms like pit 'father', mt 'mother', and svs 'sister'.

Singular Dual Nominative pit pitru Accusative pitram Instrumental pitr Dative Ablative Genitive Locative Vocative pitr pitr pitr pitri ptar

Plural pitras pitn

pitru pitbhym pitbhis pitbhym pitbhyas pitbhym pitbhyas pitrs pitm pitrs pitru pitu pitras

The numbers from one to ten are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ka dv tr catr paca sapt, spta a, a nva da

The numbers one through four are declined. ka is declined like a pronominal adjective, though the dual form does not occur. Dv appears only in the dual. Tr and catr are declined irregularly.

First- and second-person persons

The first and second person pronouns are declined for the most part alike, having by analogy assimilated themselves with one another. Note: Where two forms are given, the second is enclitic and an alternative form. Ablatives in singular and plural may be extended by the syllable -tas; thus mat or mattas, asmat or asmattas. First Person Singular Nominative aham Accusative mm, m Instrumental may Dative Ablative Genitive Locative mat mama, me mayi Dual vm vm, nau vbhym vbhym vayos, nau vayos Plural vayam asmn, nas asmbhis asmat asmkam, nas asmsu Singular tvam tvm, tv tvay tvat tava, te tvayi Second Person Dual yuvm yuvm, vm yuvbhym yuvbhym yuvayos, vm yuvayos Plural yyam yumn, vas yumbhis yumat yumkam, vas yumsu

mahyam, me vbhym, nau asmabhyam, nas tubhyam, te yuvbhym, vm yumabhyam, vas

Third-person pronouns and demonstratives

Sanskrit does not have true third person pronouns, but its demonstratives fulfil this function instead by standing independently without a modified substantive. There are four different demonstratives in Sanskrit: tat, etat, idam, and adas. etat indicates greater proximity than tat. While idam is similar to etat, adas refers to objects that are more remote than tat. The tat paradigm is given below. Masculine Singular Nominative ss Accusative tm Instrumental tna Dative Ablative Genitive Locative tsmi tsmt tsya tsmin Dual t Plural Singular t tn tt t Neuter Dual Feminine Plural Singular Dual tni s t tni tm t Plural ts

t tt tbhym ts tna tbhym tbhyas tsmi tbhym tbhyam tsmt tyos tyos tm tu tsya tsmin

t tbhym ts ty tbhym tbhyas tsyi tbhym tbhyam tsys tyos tyos tm tu tsys

ts tbhym tbhis tbhym tbhyas tbhym tbhyas tyos tsm tyos tsu


eta, is declined almost identically to ta. Its paradigm is obtained by prefixing e- to all the forms of ta. As a result of sandhi, the masculine and feminine singular forms transform into eas and e. The ayam paradigm is given below. Masculine Singular Nominative ayam Accusative imam Instrumental anena Dative Ablative Genitive Locative asmi asmt asya asmin Dual imau imau Plural Singular ime imn idam idam anena Neuter Dual ime ime imni iyam imni imm anay Feminine Plural Singular Dual ime ime Plural im im

bhym ebhis

bhym ebhis

bhym bhis bhym bhyas bhym bhyas anayos sm anayos su

bhym ebhyas asmi bhym ebhyas asmt anayos em anayos eu asya asmin

bhym ebhyas asyi bhym ebhyas asys anayos em anayos eu asys asym

The asau paradigm is given below.

Masculine Singular Nominative asau Accusative amum Instrumental amun Dative Ablative Genitive Locative Dual am am Plural am amn Singular adas adas amun

Neuter Dual am am Plural amni amni Singular asau amm amuy

Feminine Dual am am Plural am am

ambhym ambhis

ambhym ambhis

ambhym ambhis

amumi ambhym ambhyas amumi ambhym ambhyas amuyi ambhym ambhyas amumt ambhym ambhyas amumt ambhym ambhyas amuys ambhym ambhyas amuya amuyos amm amu amuya amuyos amm amu amuys amuyos amuym amuyos amm amu amumin amuyos amumin amuyos

Enclitic pronouns
The enclitic pronoun ena is found only in a few oblique cases and numbers. Masculine Accusative Instrumental Genitive/locative enam enena enayos enau enn enat enena enayos Neuter ene enni enm eney enayos Feminine ene en

Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural

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