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Nursing Care Plan For Stroke Patients

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The document discusses nursing care plan components like assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, intervention, and evaluation for patients with impaired mobility.

The nursing care plan components discussed are assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, intervention, rationale, and evaluation.

Factors that can contribute to impaired mobility discussed include fractures, weakness, tremors, stroke, and neurological impairment.



Subjective: > Impaired bed Trauma After the rotation  determine  To identify After the rotation
mobility related (slipping) and nursing diagnoses that causative/ and nursing
“Hindi siya to pain secondary intervention the contribute to contributing intervention the
makatagilid to bone fracture at significant other immobility (e.g. factors. significant other
sumasakit daw musculoskeletal pelvic bone of the patient fractures, of the patient
ung bali niya sa impairment. will: hemi/para/tetra/q will:
may bewang Disruptions of uadripegia)
kapag periosteum and a. Verbalize  Note individual a. Verbalize
gumagalaw” as blood vessels understanding risk factors and understanding
verbalized by the of the current situation, of the
sn of the patient. Destruction if situation /risk such pain, age, situation /risk
tissue factors, general factors,
Objective: individual weakness, individual
Bleeding occurs therapeutic debilitation therapeutic
 Impaired regimen and  Determine regimen and
ability to turn Pain safety perceptual/ safety
side to side measures. cognitive measures.
 Impaired Impaired bed b. Demonstrate impairment to b. Demonstrate
ability to mobility techniques/ follow directions techniques/
move from behaviors that  Determine  To assess behaviors that
supine to will enable functional level patients will enable
sitting vise safe classification functional safe
versa. repositioning ability repositioning
 (+) presence c. Maintain  Note presence of c. Maintain
of pelvic position of complications position of
fracture function and related to function and
 (+) General skin integrity immobility skin integrity
of the patient of the patient
weakness  Observe skin for  To reduce
 Tremors as evidenced friction, as evidenced
noted on left by absence of maintain safe by absence of
arm and contractures, skin/tissue contractures,
hands foot drop, pressures and foot drop,
decubitus, etc. wick away decubitus, etc.
pressure to relief
 Provide regular  To prevent
skin care if complications
 Assist with  To promote
activities of optimal level
hygiene, of functioning
Subjective: > Impaired Hypertension After the  Determine  To identify After the rotation
physical ˇ rotation and diagnosis that causative/ and nursing
“Hindi na mobility related Occlusion within nursing contributes to contributing intervention the
makagalaw si to vessels of the brain intervention the immobility factors. patient will:
nanay simula Neuromuscular parenchyma patient will: (e.g. fractures,
nung na-stroke impairment ˇ hemi/ para/ c. Maintain
siya ” as Disruption of blood a. Maintain tetra/ position and
verbalize by the supply in the brain position and quadriplegia) function and
son of the patient area function and  Assess skin integrity
ˇ skin nutritional as evidenced
Obective: Tissue and cell integrity as status and S/O by absence of
necrosis evidenced others report of contractures,
 (+) General ˇ by absence energy level. foot drop,
body Destruction of of  Determine  To assess decubitus and
weakness Neuromuscular contractures, degree of functional so forth.
 Tremors junctions foot drop, immobility in ability d. S/O will
noted on left ˇ decubitus relation to demonstrate
arm and Interruption in and so forth. functional level techniques/
hands transportation of b. S/O will scale behaviors that
 Inability to electrical impulses to demonstrate  Assist or have  To prevent will enable
perform the neuromuscular techniques/ significant complication safe
gross/fine receptors behaviors other reposition repositioning
motor skills ˇ that will client on a
 (+) Paralysis MYALGIA/QUADRI enable safe regular
of left side of OR HEMIPLEGIA repositionin schedule (turn
the body g to side every 2
 functional hours) as
level scale: ordered by the
4 (does not physician
participate in  Provides safety  To provide
activity) measures (side safety
rails up, using
pillows to
support body
 Encourage  Enhances
patient’s S/O’s commitment
involvement in to plan
decision optimizing
making as outcomes
much as
 Involve S/O in  To impart
care, assisting health
them to learns teaching.
ways of
problems of
Subjective: Self care deficit : Hypertension After the rotation  Provide enteric  To meet After the rotation
“Simula nung na hygiene, ˇ and nursing nutrition VIA patient’s need and nursing
i-stroke si nanay, dressing and Occlusion within interventions. The NG Tube for an interventions.
na bedridden na grooming, vessels of the patient should: feeding. High adequate The patient
siya feeding and brain a. meet all fowlers for at nutritional should:
toileting related parenchyma therapeutic self least 15 intake. f. meet all
Objective: to ˇ care demands in minutes after therapeutic
(+) NGT insertion Neuromuscular Disruption of a complete feeding. self care
impairment blood supply in absence of self  Careful I/O  To establish demands in a
Patient is unable the brain area care agency Monitoring and careful complete
to: ˇ b. ABSENCE OF apply necessary assessment on absence of
[HYGIENE] Tissue and cell S&S OF dietary patients fluid self care
 Access and necrosis NUTRITIONAL restrictions and agency
prepare bath ˇ DEFICIT. electrolyte g. ABSENCE
supplies Destruction of [Adequate . balance. OF S&S OF
 Wash body Neuromuscular nutritional  Change  To prevent NUTRITION
 Control junctions intake] position at least decubitus AL DEFICIT.
washing ˇ c. GOOD SKIN ONCE every ulcerations. [Adequate
mediums Interruption in TURGOR, two hours or nutritional
[DRESSING transportation of NORMAL more often intake]
AND electrical URINE when needed. h. GOOD SKIN
GROOMING] impulses to the OUTPUT,  Provide  To protect the TURGOR,
 Obtain neuromuscular ABSENCE OF padding for the patient’s skin NORMAL
articles for receptors EDEMA, elbows, needs, integrity URINE
clothing ˇ HYPER AND ankles and maintaining OUTPUT,
 Put on clothes MYALGIA/QUA HYPOVOLEMI other areas for his first line ABSENCE
DRI OR A [Fluid and possible skin of defense OF EDEMA,
 Maintain
HEMIPLEGIA Electrolyte abrasion. against HYPER AND
appearance at
balance] sickness and HYPOVOLE
an acceptable
d. ABSENCE OF infection. MIA [Fluid
DECUBITUS  An adult diaper  To prevent and
ULCERS AND should be soiling of bed Electrolyte
 Prepare/obtain FOUL ODORS balance]
food for WORN at all sheets,
IN BETWEEN times. Change clothes and i. ABSENCE
ingestion LINENS/CLOT OF
 Handle the diaper as linens
HING AND soon as patient providing DECUBITUS
utensils SKIN [Clean, ULCERS
defecated. maximum
 Bring food to Intact skin and AND FOUL
comfort and
mouth mucus ODORS IN
prevention of
 Chew and membrane] skin irritation BETWEEN
swallow up e. ABSENCE OF if feces LINENS/CL
food ABDOMINAL remain in OTHING
 Pick up food AND contact with AND SKIN
[TOILETING] BLADDER the patient’s [Clean, Intact
Go to the toilet DISTENTION, skin for a skin and
RECTAL long time. mucus
FULLNESS  Promote an  To conserve membrane]
AND Environment energy j. ABSENCE
PRESSURE, conducive to promoting OF
PAIN IN rest and rest and ABDOMINA
DEFECATION [ recovery. recovery. L AND
Meeting toileting Decrease BLADDER
demands ] stimuli and DISTENTIO
Metabolic N, RECTAL
demand of the FULLNESS
body. AND
 Passive ROM  This is to PRESSURE,
Exercises Early improve PAIN IN
morning once a circulation, DEFECATIO
day, 10 times reducing the N [ Meeting
targeting both risk of toileting
upper and atheromatous demands ]
lower formation.
> Lastly, Do health 10. To educate
teaching when S/O the S/O what
is at the optimum factors have
level to receive contributed to the
information. client’s illness
and educating
them to decrease,
if not totally
eliminate those
factors to prevent
recurrence of the
disease and
promote change
for a healthy

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