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Purim - The Great Conspiracy! 2012

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Purim, Esther and The Greatest Conspiracy of the Ages! Esther 1: I.

The Melilla (Scroll) of Esther has intrigued scholars for generations, primarily, because YHVH Himself is never addressed in the book. Yet, hidden within the depths of the Hebrew language a plot twists its tentacles connecting many of the Prophets whose works are eschatological in scope. Ezekiel, Daniel, Nehemiah, Ezra, Zechariah, Joel and Jeremiah! Lets examine the name of Esther: Esther, #635, 'Ecter, it can mean, star, also hidden. It is cognate with #631 - #633, meaning to bind, obligate, imprison, a bond of abstention or agreement. What is YHVH obligating Himself in a bond of abstention to hide? And, from whom? WE WILL FIND OUT! Remember the setting of this account is connected with the supposed end of the 70 years of Israels captivity. She is also called Hadassah her Hebrew name. The theme of Esther and Purim is that of the Bride being hidden until a future time of great upheaval another encounter with Haman, the Anti-Messiah. Yet masked further underneath, is the revelation that the language of Torah, the Hebrew tongue, was also to be hidden until this final encounter, where the Bride and her kindred and her people will be revealed. Wait for itwell be back to visit this Hadassah, #1919, Hadaccah, translated, myrtle. However, Kleins tells us its root, Hey-Dalet-Samech, means to totter, to shuffle along, to walk with tottering steps. *Remember this! It is closely related to #1917, haddam, a noun meaning pieces, to tear into pieces. It is used in Dan. 3:29 to refer to people, nations and tongues who speak against YHVH being TORN! Ironically, the myrtle tree branches were used to construct the Booths of Tabernacles, called, #5521, sukkah, the root of which, #5520, sok, means a cover, or hiding place. With the underlying threat of extinction on the cusp of their release from captivity the future connection is obvious! Though YHVH has hidden Himself, His Word for a time, causing us to shuffle along and totter having been torn from Torah Hebrew, because of our Idolatry, He has promised to provide a future hiding place, a Sok. Spelled Samech-Kaf, its value = 80 the same as the Hebrew letter Pey, meaning mouth, to speak and also that of #3550, kahunnah, the priesthood or office. It is the

restoration or building of the Sukkah, that reminds us of a promise to restore the Pure language as a hiding place, a covert in times of trouble! What was hidden, now becomes the hiding place! The Palace at Sushan! II. Esther 1:2 tells us this event leading to Purim occurs at Sushan, #7800, Shuwshan, translated, lily. The Psalmist uses the word in Ps. 60:1, to describe a musical instrument, shushan eduwth, . This looks like witness of the lillies.However, in 1Chron. 29:2 the Shin-Yod-Shin root is used to describe the white, linen material of the Tabernacle. It also is similar the word for six in Hebrew. Incidentally, 6 is the gematria of the word, #906, bad, a noun that describes linen! Remember, linen was the garment material used to cover Adam after the fall, replacing the garment of Pure Light the Pure language of Torah! If we look back at Ps. 60 it deals with David (Messiah) when he strove with Aramnaharaim, Aram can be translated as Syrian Assyrian and Naharim means two rivers. This is the location of ancient Babylon the place where the Tongues were confused! Biblical proof tells us Sushan was also the residence of both Daniel and Nehemiah during their captivity. Lets look: Neh. 1:1 & Dan.8:2 1. Nehemiah, #5156, Nchemyah, it is translated as; YHVH comforts. Youll note the 2-letter root stem, Nun-Chet, which spells Noah. He constructs and enters into a vessel (Ark) to preserve humanity from destruction! Remember its dimensions? 300x50x30. *Note the gematria: 300 = Ruach Elohiym 50 = Jubilee, 30= Lamed, to urge toward, to teach, instruct. The Spirit of YHVH will urge you toward the teachings and instructions that will bring your jubilee! His Father: Hachaliah, #2446, Chakalyah, it is translated, When YHVH Enlightens, from the root of #2447, which means dark, dull, as in the eyes. 2. Daniel, #1840, Daniye'l, YHVH is my judge. It has a numeric value the same as #5542, selah, a musical term indicating a pause or silence in the score. Hmmm? Arent we stringed instruments and Hebrew the notes?

Remember, Daniel is a made a Eunuch. Lev. 21: 16-18 tells us a Eunuch cannot offer the bread of YHVH. Bread and Word are synonymous. There were other blemishes that disqualified as well. Yet, without the word, there is no seed, and each of us became a Eunuch unable to reproduce without the Torah! Most scholars believe Daniel is referred to in Esther 4: 5 as, Hatach, #2047, Hathak, translated by the Strongs as; verily, truth. However, it is cognate with #2046, hittuk, (same root letters) meaning a melting, (smelting of metal). It is used in Ezek. 22:22 as a simile of how Israel will be purified of her dross. Ezra, the Scribe. II. It is also quite obvious that Ezra the Scribe was also a contemporary of Daniel, Nehemiah, and Esther, as was Ezekiel, and Jeremiah. Ezra, #5830, `Ezra', translated help. However, by breaking apart the Hebrew we something additional. The Ayin can mean, an eye, or a gate, womb, or spring, well. The Zayin-Resh-Alef (Alef and Ayin are interchangeable) root zera, meaning seed. Thus, his name could also mean the womb or eye of the seed. He was a scribe, #5608, caphar, to count, to tell, inscribe, to rehearse. By breaking the Hebrew apart, the Samech infers, to uphold, to lay, to sustain, and to support in a legal sense. The 2-letter root, Pey-Resh, par, means the fruit of the mouth! Ezra was a well, a womb or repository of seed/word and his vocation allowed him to uphold and support the Fruit of the Mouth, the very words of YHVH! Ezekiel, #3168,

Ychezqe'l, YHVH strengthens. He was the son of Buzi, #941, Buwziy, trans. my shame or contempt. Thus, out of my
shame and contempt (what brought this on?) YHVH strengthened me.

Jeremiah, #3414, Yirmyah, commonly translated as; whom YHVH has appointed. The suffix is Yod-Hey for YHVH. The problem of translation lies with the Resh-Mem-Hey, root, which can mean, to throw, to shoot (an arrow). As a verb it can mean to deceive, beguile. The Yod prefix shows action and personal possession. He was, is and will be doing something. Is it possible that YHVH used Jeremiah as an arrow (Torah) to beguile or deceive? His father was Hilkiah, #2518,

Chilqiyah my portion is YHVH. This is

another compromised definition. The root is #2505-2512, Chet-Lamed-Qof, meaning to divide, to flatter, a mouth that spins things deceitfully! Though Daniel was told to seal up the (words of the) Book, these men and women who themselves were hearing from YHVH would have been privy to the same. *Note Amos 3:7: Surely the YHVH will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. Lets look at a couple of Hebrew words here: Nothing, #1697,

dabar, word, speech. Revealeth, #1540, galah, reveal, to uncover (to uncover the nakedness
Lev. 18:6). Also, to take into exile, a spring or bowl. As Israel goes into bondage their nakedness, like that of Adam & Eve is uncovered? Ironically, the root Gimmel-Lamed, hints at the cup positioned at the top of the Lampstand, filled with oil Shemen. It is the root of Galgal, to roll away, a wheel, circle and Golgotha as well. It was here, that Yahshua rolled away the reproach and Shemened Israel again, restoring the covering, waiting until the end of our season of bondage!

Secret, #5475, cowd, counsel. It is this word, Sod, that is used to describe a level of understanding beyond the surface, it hints at a level of confidentiality beyond casual! Servants, #5650, `ebed, servant, a slave. One must note the biblical time period assigned a slave 6 years 6000. This words root can also mean to carry out, to perform. It is the time for the Outcasts, the Slaves to implement the Word of YHVH! Common sense understanding of the Hebrew would insist that if they each were complicit in the Sealing of the Book, then we should expect to hear the unsealing from several different sources. There are 44 letters in Amos 3:7. This value is equal to #4055, mad, a Hebrew word for garment. If we reverse those letters it spells Dalet-Mem, blood, the covering providing the light or word of YHVH. While here, lets look at the Name of Amos in Hebrew to see another connecting piece.

Amos, #5986,

` Amowc, to bear a burden. The book concerns words that he saw, #2372, chazah, this is a more poetic word than raah, to see.
It refers to seeing YHVH, Astronomical signs, etc. He was with the herdsmen, #5349, noqed, meaning shepherd. However, the same root Nun-QofDalet, is an adjective meaning speckled, like the cattle of Jacob who have their DNA changed when the peeled branches are placed in their water. The root stem, Nun-Qof, refers to what is white in color, pure, like Light (seed/word). These men were from Tekoa, #8620, Tqowa`, translated, stockade, (a place of safety, security) it is a wordplay for signal. Its root can mean a trumpet (blown to unite the people) and in its verb form, to pitch a tent, to settle.

Like Daniel and the others, Amos bore the burden of the words he saw written in the heavens. With the shepherds of his day, he brought the living Torah, the Pure Light, to a place of security until the trumpet signals it is time to unite the People (Zeph. 3:9) and settle them forever! One More Prophet Most scholars believe that Joel was also contemporary with Daniel. He message pertinent to the ends days and filled with foreboding concerning the scourge that will assault the House of Israel. Lets examine his name: Joel, #3100, Yow'el, translated as YHVH is God. However, the Hebrew cognate root, Yod-Alef-Lamed, Yaal, can mean to determine, to undertake, to attempt to do. His father, Pethuel, #6602, trans. vision of Yah, though the root, #6601, pathach, carries the idea of opening a door. Thus, these names imply, that in the midst of the coming devastation, there will be those determined to open the door to YHVH. How? Through the language of Torah, the Hebrew. Esthers kindred revealed? III. Lets visit this hidden clue again. Esther 2: 20. Esther had not [yet] shewed her kindred nor her people

Shewed, #5046, nagad, to tell, report, to make known. The same root letters can also mean, to flow, to issue forth, like water from a stream. As a preposition, it indicates before, in front of, corresponding to and is used to indicate Eves likeness to Adam. The next cognate word, #5050, nagah, means to illuminate, to shine. Kindred, #4138, mowledeth, birth, family background, origin. Interestingly, the root stem, Mem-Vav-Lamed, mul, means circumcision. The Dalet-Tav suffix forms the word, #1881, Daat, meaning word, law, etc. Females arent circumcised physically, so, what is being said here? People, #5971, `am, this word means people. It is from #6004, `amam, a verb meaning to grow dim, to hide, and to lose brightness. Also, to join together, to gather, to collect. Esther had not yet made known that what issued forth from her, the living water, made her like Adam and would illuminate, as her source of circumcision, the tongue of the Law/Torah. Though captivity had caused it to be hidden, its brightness lost, at the appointed time it would GATHER THE OUTCASTS AND DELIVER THEM AGAIN! Why would the Language of Torah be sealed until the End? It becomes plain that a concerted effort to destroy Israel again is shaping up. The spiritual powers that supported Haman like YHVH are invisible in this book! Yet, the connections with Daniel, Ezekiel, Joel and Amos and others are conclusive: Spiritual powers will be unleashed upon the earth, beings who take on the physical forms of giants displaying lying signs and wonders after their god, Lucifer. Last evening a connection was made to the current or 21st Torah portion of the year the 21st century. Brittney Scott: 21 is also the gematria of Strongs #272 achuzzah possession, property, inheritance; from #270 achaz grasp, take hold, seize, take possession *the same number, 21, points both towards something being lost the garment and kingdom torn apart but to something being possessed again! So our next question becomes how do we possess, inherit, seize and take hold of this garment? prefix = I will & chazah (#2372) to see, perceive, look, behold, prophesy, provide; this term often refers to seeing YHVH or astrological observations, a prophetic vision or insight; this term becomes a declaration from Yahweh I will provide for Joseph to see, perceive, and look upon this! Part of our ability to see these deals with something prophetically written in the constellations that we are now being pushed to look and see and behold!

Ezekiel 32:27 refers to these beings as: Mighty Fallen Ones!

gibborim nephyilm The

In our study of Amos, the same word mentioned above is used: words that he saw, #2372, chazah, in his book, he mentions a couple of Constellations: The Seven Stars (Pleiades) and Orion. Both are in the constellation Taurus: Amos 5: 8, 9. In Aramaic culture, the later term niyphlim refers to the Constellation of Orion, and thus nephilim to the offspring of Orion in mythology. Amos understood that a counterfeit Lucifer and his Anti-Messiah, appearing as The Hunter, would fill the role of Haman, attempting to destroy the Seed of Esther The Hidden One. Amos 5:9 says YHVH will balag, #1082, to burst forth upon, to be brilliant, to shine forth, illuminate (Light-Torah-Hebrew) upon the spoiled, #7701, shod, violence, destruction. Also, a demon or devil, a Shade. The name Orion was probably spelt OARION originally, providing a variant meaning coming forth as light. The Akkadian name was UR-ANA the light of heaven. The word Taurus, bull is spelled, Shin-Vav-Resh, Shor, in Hebrew and though it means ox, bull, it can also mean a wall that surrounds a well. A source of protection for the Living Waters, the language of Torah! For just such a time as this you have been called!

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