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Public Relation Management: (Fgs Limited)

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The key takeaways are about the introduction to public relations and what it entails. It discusses how PR helps protect and enhance an organization's reputation by managing its relationships with the public and other stakeholders.

The document does not provide a clear profile of any specific company. It discusses topics related to public relations but does not mention a company name or details.

The functions of the PR department discussed include managing media relations, organizing conferences and seminars, maintaining a website and using email for communication, producing audio/visual presentations, and planning special events.



Name: - Farheen Gulzar Shaikh. Roll no: - 77 Class: - SYBMS (B) Subject: - Public Relation Management

Of BACHLOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, SEMESTER FOURTH, have under taken and completed the project work titled PUBLIC RELATION MANAGEMNET during the academic year 2012-2013 under the guidance of PROF. Jharna Tolani. This is a bonafide project work & the information presented it is true and original to the best of our knowledge and belief.

Project Guide

(Prof. Jharna Tolani)

The project PUBLIC RELATION MANAGEMNET is result of co-operation, hard work and wishes of many people. We would like to thank our project guide Prof. Jharna Tolani for her involvement in our project wok and timely assessment that provide us inspiration and valued guidance throughout our study. We are highly indebted to Dr. Mrs. Shakuntla A. Singh, Principal K.G Joshi Bedekar College of Arts & N.G Bedekar college of Commerce, for giving us opportunity to do a project. We would like to thank Prof. D.M. Murdeshwar, course cocoordinator, for his friendly guidance & constant encouragement. We would like to express our gratitude towards our parents our teachers of K.G Joshi Bedekar College of Arts & N.G Bedekar college of Commerce, the library staff and our college friends whose co-operation, encouragement and effort has help us in giving the final shape and structure to the project. Our thanks and appreciation also goes to our college mates and to all those people who have willingly helped us out with their abilities.

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Introduction to Public Relation. Profile of the Company. Organizational structure of PR Department. - PR departments functions. - Number of employees working in PR department. - Recruitment, selection and training of employees. Tools used by PR Department of the Company. Conclusion. Bibliography.

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1. What is Public Relation:Public is a group of similar individuals, an assortment of persons having similar interest, problems, goals and circumstances. It is generally from such sources that OPINIONS emerge. Public comes in many forms and seizes. They have a multitude of desires and wants. Public has its own likes and dislikes which sometimes can even be strong. Employees are one form of public and employers another form. Other members of the public are dealers, wholesaler, brokers and investors. Each of these groups tries to attract a distinct audience with its varied tools and techniques. In short public is any group of people who share a common interest. PR or public relations is nothing but the practice of protecting as well as enhancing the reputation of any particular organization/firm or for that matter any individual. In todays world of fierce competition, where every organization strives hard to work toward its brand image, public relations have become the need of the hour. It is essential for every organization to communicate well with its public/target audience. The correct flow of information is essential. Here comes the importance of public relations. The practice of maintaining a healthy relationship between organization and its public/employees/stakeholders/investors/partners is called public relations. Public relation activities ensure the correct flow of information between the organization and its public also called its target audience. Public relations goes a long way in maintaining the brand image of an organization in the eyes of its audience, stake holders, investors and all others who are associated with it. Relations are the outcome of mutual understanding which is derived from the process of sharing the common interest. The need to establish relation with one another is created because of human wants. The respective wants of two individuals will affect their relationship. To understand any relationship, one must understand the wants of those involved.

By the integration of the above two human elements viz. public and relations we get public relations. It is a profession that is a part and parcel of management function. Public relations (PR) are the practice of managing the flow of information between an individual or an organization and the public. Public relations may include an organization or individual gaining exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest and news items that do not require direct payment. The aim of public relations by a company often is to persuade the public, investors, partners, employees, and other stakeholders to maintain a certain point of view about it, its leadership, products, or of political decisions. Common activities include speaking at conferences, winning industry awards, working with the press, and employee communication. Public Relations are similar to Analyst Relations, Investor Relations and Public Affairs depending on the firm, organization or population it represents. Public relation is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics. Public relations can also be defined simply as the practice of managing communication between an organization and its publics.

Definition:Edward L. Bernays: Public relation is the attempt by information, persuasion and adjustment to engineer public support for an activity, cause, movement or institution. Institute of Public Relations: Public Relation is the deliberate, planned and sustained efforts to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organisation and its public. Public Relation Society of America: Public relation is a philosophy and function of management expressed in policies and practices which serve the public to serve its understanding and goodwill.

2. Profile of the Company:FGS Limited, formerly FGS Technologies Limited, provides business consulting, technology, engineering and outsourcing services. Its end-to-end business solutions include consulting and systems integration comprising consulting, enterprise solutions, systems integration and advanced technologies; business information technology (IT) services consisting application development and maintenance, independent validation services, infrastructure management, engineering services comprising product engineering and life cycle solutions and business process management; products, business platforms and solutions, including Finical, its banking product, which offers solutions to address core banking, mobile banking and e-banking needs of retail, corporate and universal banks globally, and areas, such as cloud computing, enterprise mobility and sustainability. FGS Technologies Ltd. was started in 1981 by seven people with US$ 250. Today, we are a global leader in the next generation of IT and consulting with revenues of over US$ 4 billion. FGS defines designs and delivers technology-enabled business solutions that help Global 2000 companies win in a Flat World. FGS also provides a complete range of services by leveraging our domain and business expertise and strategic alliances with leading technology providers. Our offerings span business and technology consulting, application services, systems integration, product engineering, custom software development, maintenance, reengineering, independent testing and validation services, IT infrastructure services and business process outsourcing. FGS pioneered the Global Delivery Model (GDM), which emerged as a disruptive force in the industry leading to the rise of offshore outsourcing. The GDM is based on the principle of taking work to the location where the best talent is available, where it makes the best economic sense, with the least amount of acceptable risk. FGS has a global footprint with over 50 offices and development centers in India, China, Australia, the Czech Republic, Poland, the UK, Canada and Japan. FGS and its subsidiaries have 105,453 employees as on September 30, 2009. FGS takes pride in building strategic long-term client relationships. Over 97% of our revenues come from existing customers.

3. Organizational structure of the public relation department in FGS Limited.

Organizational structure of PR department plays very important role in an organisation. Maintaining the good and positive relationship with the internal as well as external customers/public/stakeholders/government is the basic aim of any PR department. The organizational structure of PR department includes the following: PR Department- Functions. Number of employees working in PR department. Recruitment, selection and training of employees.

- Functions of PR department:Public relations functions are designed to benefit an organization by building trust and credibility with targeted groups. In addition, the functions of public relations help raise awareness about an organization as well as give it a chance to define, control and distribute its message to internal and external audiences. Effective public relations functions can also promote an organization or defend it from attack on its reputation. Depending on the field of the organization, PR Department builds its workflow according to assigned functions. Basically, the workflow involves performance of several major functions such as Publications and Periodicals, Marketing and Advertising, Media Relations, and Organizing Events and Internal Communication within the company. Let's briefly consider each of the functions.

1.Publications and Periodicals

Each year our organizations which have PR Department within their structure spend thousands of dollars to produce publications and post articles in periodicals. This is a function of PR Department. In cooperation with graphic design services it organizes production of publications range from simple black-white or colored papers to art and

design productions. PR Department controls event calendar and makes month schedules for most publications, but some publications can be in production to several months before completion. Once the publications are completed, News Bureau Editor watches them and makes revisions if necessary to proceed with periodical appearance. CentriQS has all tools needed for this function. For example: it features the Files view to store files within the database and to link to external files stored on local driver or on the Web.

2. Marketing and Advertising

The Public Relations Office takes part in organizing of marketing campaigns and placing advertisements. We have Marketing & Advertising Manager who works over the program to develop a marketing plan or a media plan in order to promote an event as well as increase the number of readers of the newsletters and news releases. The Department works with a number of specialized marketing and advertising agencies on a regular basis and works out complex marketing packages that often include publications, advertising materials, special events and news releases. CentriQS allows optimizing the marketing and advertising operations within the Department by using templates, which step by step describe actions of ad campaigns.

3. Media Relations
Much publicity about the organization is gained through news releases. The PR Department establishes and maintains relations with media. When an event is held by the organization and news release needs to be issued about this event, Assistant Director of Public Relations assigns employees to write an appropriate release and bring it to the target audience. Assistant develops releases schedule and sets deadlines prior to the event. He arranges writers to prepare the release and translators to translate it into appropriate languages for the web newsletters. When the release is ready for publication, The Department negotiates with media and promotes the release to the appropriate audience. CentriQS helps Assistant Director to increase personal productivity by allowing scheduling individual to-do lists and appointments. The software makes it easier to plan events by details in appointments and task schedule items.

4. Participation in Exhibitions, Fairs, Conferences.

In order to make event releases and newsletters more suitable and attractable, The Public Relations Department involves its employees in Participation in Exhibitions, Fairs, and Conferences. Correspondents prepare reviews; write reports, takes representative functions and other. The Department has also employees responsible for shooting photographs and drawing pictures. Photographers and Designers get tasks to prepare photos about an event or create an image for brochures to decorate news releases. Art Director controls their work, assigns tasks and makes revisions. The Public Relations Office also cooperates with various art design studios which help decorate exhibitions, conferences, parties, and other public events. By using CentriQS software, Correspondents, Photographers and Designers can speed up their work by attaching articles, reviews, pictures, photos and drawings to directly the tasks. Art Director will be able read the attached materials right in the task lists of his subordinates. PR Manager can create a list of tasks which describes the steps for PR Specialists to arrange conferences, meetings, etc. For organization of each the event there can be defined due dates, priorities, responsible employees, budget, etc.

5. Internal communication.
Today, in organizations especially in medium and large companies the dissemination of information among employees becomes important than ever. This gives possibilities for development of internal communications, improvement of employee collaboration, and strengthening of corporate culture. The PR Department is responsible for arrangement of corporate meetings, conferences, parties, and other public events with participation of managers and employees who work at the organization. The Department quickly disseminates information and news to every employee across the entire company by means of electronic mail, online newsletters, reports and press releases, online conferences, Intranet, etc. This helps to keep employees and others on top of what is going on with the organization. It saves the organization time, and it saves on production and distribution costs. PR Department can use CentriQS to organize corporate events and increase effectiveness of

internal communications. CentriQS allows handling internal communications between employees by sending comments on the tasks.

6. Crisis Communication.
Protecting a company from a threat to its reputation is another function of public relations. While media representation is a part of crisis communication, preparing a crisis communication plan and training leadership and employees on its components is handled by a public relations department. A crisis communication plan developed by a public relations team typically includes determining specific logistics for expected reporters, the designation of an official spokesperson for the crisis, the development of targeted messages for internal and external audiences and training for company leadership on how to handle tough or hostile questions.

7. Representing the company.

Representing a company or individual to the media is one of the more well-known functions of public relations. Media management includes developing and distributing both written and video news releases, pitching stories to journalists and responding to reporter inquiries. Depending on the organization, spokesperson duties may also be handled by the public relations department. Media representation also includes monitoring and measuring news coverage of the organization or individual.

8. Content Development
Preparing documents, written and electronic, is another function of public relations. Examples of content developed by a public relations department include company newsletters, blogs, speeches and annual reports. Content may also be written for another member of the company, such as a letter to employees from the CEO. Often, a public relations department will work with another department to ensure a project fits with an overall company message. For example, a public relations department may work with advertising and marketing departments on creating a description, report or other content about a new product or service.


9. Stakeholder Relations.
Stakeholders are any persons or groups who have an interest in or could be affected by an organization's objectives or actions. Representing an organization to stakeholder groups is another function of public relations. For example, stakeholder groups may include local or federal governments, advocacy groups or lenders.

10. Social Media Management.

Establishing, monitoring or growing an organization's or individuals online presence is another function of public relations. Specific tasks may include creating or updating facebook pages, tweeting information and keeping an eye on what others are saying in cyberspace about an organization.


- Employees working in PR Department:Obviously, the public relations staffing and budget are directly related to the function of public relations within an organization. When we speak of professional public relations, we mean, The management activity which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the organizations policies and procedures with the public interest, identifies constituencies or audiences to be reached by the organizations communications, and establishes channels of communication with these groups of people. Whether the organization has good public relations, then, is essentially determined by the organizations senior management. It is they who set the organizations policies and direct daily practices. If those policies and practices are in keeping with the public interest, then the public relations staff can use professional communication techniques to obtain public understanding, acceptance, acclaim, and, if necessary, defense against attack. If a public relations practitioner finds himself/herself representing an organization in which top management is short-sighted and less interested in the public interest than in profit or other considerations, then the public relations person has the responsibility to make recommendations for changes known in every possible reasonable manner. Should management choose not to change its policies and practices, then the public relations professional must choose between leaving the organization or staying, depending upon his/her conscience.

Staff structure of PR department.

The role of public relations varies widely from organization to organization, depending upon the type and size of the organization, the understanding top management has of the proper uses of public relations, and the experience and training of the public relations staff. In many organizations, the person heading the public relations function is a member of senior management and participates as a member of the companys.


In our organisation the services of public relation department is handled by the Manager of Public relation department, who is also called as Chief of Public relation. The basic staff composition includes such employees as Director of Public Relations, Assistant Director of Public Relations, Public Relations Specialists, Advertising & Marketing Manager, News Editor and Art Director. I. Director of Public Relations.

This is the head of PR Department. As any department head, Director performs administrative and representative functions. The basic duties are as follows:

Planning of overall PR operations Overall institutional marketing Spokesperson and representative Controlling material for publications and promotions Controlling periodicals and news Assistant Director of Public Relations.


This person takes control over management of the department employees and replaces Director. The main duties of Assistant are as follows:

Establishing and managing media relations Controlling general advertising General revising and confirming of news for the target magazine and journal Performing office duties Participation in special projects



News Editor.

This important employee is responsible for preparation and issuing of releases and news about the organization. The responsibilities of News Editor cover the following items:

Releases of news Photography Control over student workers and intern supervisor Miscellaneous periodicals Advertising & Marketing Manager.


This Manager takes decisions about advertisement and necessity of arranging a marketing campaign. His duties are as follows:

Maintenance and strengthening of the organization image. Development of marketing campaigns in cooperation with Marketing Department. Events announcing and advertising. Placing advertisements in miscellaneous periodicals. Art Director.


This is responsible for creative arrangement of events and decoration. His duties can be as follows:

Design and decorations of news releases Revisions of photography Cooperation with art design agencies and studios Assistance in web site design and newsletters Decorating conferences and exhibitions Public Relations Specialists.


These employees such as Art Specialists, Copywriters, Photographers, Marketing Specialists, perform orders and instructions

of the department management. The principal duties of the Public Relations Specialists can be as follows:

Writing and preparing news releases Web publications and newsletters updating Making photos and drawing pictures Collecting information for annual reports and bulletins Participation in conferences and exhibitions Government relation PR manager.


Government relation PR manager helps to maintain the good relation with government. It is very important for an organisation to have a good n successful relation with the government of that country in which the organisation exist. Without the support of government no organisation can run and smoothens its business operations. The government relation PR manager is the head of government PR. Following are the different officers working under him:1. Public Information Officers, 2. Public Information Specialists, 3. Public Affairs Managers, 4. Public Affairs Officers, 5. Publication Specialists, 6. Communication Specialists, 7. Community Facilitators, 8. Community Relations Coordinators, 9. Constituent Liaisons, 10. Client Relations Managers, 11. And Dozens of Other Types of Communication Specialists.


Public Relations Department resource list:The activity of PR Department should be well-organized and all staff members should be registered in common resource list. VIP Task Manager allows creating list of resources of the PR Department and registering each employee in common database. The software has Resource List view in which there can be added Director of Public Relations, Advertising & Marketing Manager, News Bureau Principal Editor and other personnel. For each of the employees VIP Task Manager creates a resource with detailed information such as Name, Job Title, Email Address, Phone, etc. According to the job responsibilities, the software defines permissions and roles per employee so the management of the department can restrict permissions to an employee by using options in Resource List and Permissions Panel. For example, for PR Specialists there can be create a new role "Specialist" as well as for Art Director a new role "Management". With Permission Panel each of the roles can configured and permission can be set.


- Recruitment, Selection and Training of Employees.

1. Methods of recruitment:Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organisation needs to employ someone up to the point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the organisation. Selection then consists of the processes involved in choosing from applicants a suitable candidate to fill a post. Training consists of a range of processes involved in making sure that job holders have the right skills, knowledge and attitudes required to help the organisation to achieve its objectives. Recruiting individuals to fill particular posts within a business can be done either internally by recruitment within the firm, or externally by recruiting people from outside. The methods of recruitment open to a business are often categorized into: Internal recruitment is when the business looks to fill the vacancy from within its existing workforce. Advantages:o Cheaper and quicker to recruit. o People already familiar with the business and how it operates. o Provides opportunities for promotion with in the business can be motivating. o Business already knows the strengths and weaknesses of candidates. Disadvantages:o Limits the number of potential applicants. o No new ideas can be introduced from outside the business.

o May cause resentment amongst candidates not appointed. o Creates another vacancy which needs to be filled. External recruitment is when the business looks to fill the vacancy from any suitable applicant outside the business. Advantages:o Outside people bring in new ideas. o Larger pool of workers from which to find the best candidate. o People have a wider range of experience. Disadvantage:o Longer process. o More expensive process due to advertisement and interviews required. o Selection process may not be effective enough to reveal the best candidate. The four most popular ways of recruiting externally are: 1. Job centers - These are paid for by the government and are responsible for helping the unemployed find jobs or get training. They also provide a service for businesses needing to advertise a vacancy and are generally free to use. 2. Job advertisements - Advertisements are the most common form of external recruitment. They can be found in many places (local and national newspapers, notice boards, recruitment fairs) and should include some important information relating to the job (job title, pay package, location, job description, how to applyeither by CV or application form). Where a business chooses to advertise will depend on the cost of advertising and the coverage needed (i.e. how far away people will consider applying for the job 3. Recruitment agency - Provides employers with details of suitable candidates for a vacancy and can sometimes be referred to as head-hunters. They work for a fee and often specialize in particular employment areas e.g. nursing, financial services, teacher recruitment

4. Personal recommendation - Often referred to as word of mouth and can be a recommendation from a colleague at work. A full assessment of the candidate is still needed however but potentially it saves on advertising cost.

2. Selection of Employees:Employee Selection is the process of putting right men on right job. It is a procedure of matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people. Effective selection can be done only when there is effective matching. By selecting best candidate for the required job, the organization will get quality performance of employees. Moreover, organization will face less of absenteeism and employee turnover problems. By selecting right candidate for the required job, organization will also save time and money. Proper screening of candidates takes place during selection procedure. All the potential candidates who apply for the given job are tested. But selection must be differentiated from recruitment, though these are two phases of employment process. Recruitment is considered to be a positive process as it motivates more of candidates to apply for the job. It creates a pool of applicants. It is just sourcing of data. While selection is a negative process as the inappropriate candidates are rejected here. Recruitment precedes selection in staffing process. Selection involves choosing the best candidate with best abilities, skills and knowledge for the required job.


The Employee selection Process takes place in following order1. Preliminary Interviews- It is used to eliminate those candidates who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria laid down by the organization. The skills, academic and family background, competencies and interests of the candidate are examined during preliminary interview. Preliminary interviews are less formalized and planned than the final interviews. The candidates are given a brief up about the company and the job profile; and it is also examined how much the candidate knows about the company. Preliminary interviews are also called screening interviews.

2. Application blanks- The candidates who clear the preliminary interview are required to fill application blank. It contains data record of the candidates such as details about age, qualifications, reason for leaving previous job, experience, etc.

3. Written Tests- Various written tests conducted during selection procedure are aptitude test, intelligence test, reasoning test, personality test, etc. These tests are used to objectively assess the potential candidate. They should not be biased.

4. Employment Interviews- It is a one to one interaction between the interviewer and the potential candidate. It is used to find whether the candidate is best suited for the required job or not. But such interviews consume time and money both. Moreover the competencies of the candidate cannot be judged. Such interviews may be biased at times. Such interviews should be conducted properly. No distractions should be there in room. There should be an honest communication between candidate and interviewer.

5. Medical examination- Medical tests are conducted to ensure physical fitness of the potential employee. It will decrease chances of employee absenteeism.


6. Appointment Letter- A reference check is made about the candidate selected and then finally he is appointed by giving a formal appointment letter.

3. Training and development:New workers in a firm are usually given an induction programmed in which they meet other workers and are shown the skills they must learn. Generally, the first few days at work will simply involve observation, with an experienced worker showing the 'new hand' the ropes. Many large firms will have a detailed training scheme, which is done on an 'in-house' basis. In conjunction with this, staff may be encouraged to attend college courses to learn new skills and get new qualifications. Training thus takes place in the following ways: 1. On the job - learning skills through experience at work. 2. Off the job - learning through attending courses. Promotion within a firm depends on acquiring qualifications to do a more advanced job. It is the responsibility of the training department within a business to make sure that staff with the right skills are coming up through the firm or being recruited from outside. Induction is the process of introducing new employees to an organisation and to their work responsibilities in that organisation.


4. Tools used by PR department.

PRINT MEDIA: Most of the efforts chapters make in public relations are through forms of print media, primarily newspapers. These are usually the most visible outlets on college campuses, especially school newspapers, and in the local community. We have done some print PR advertisements in newspapers and magazines. PRESS RELEASE: The press release is the most common material provided to media outlets. These documents provide a brief, yet thorough, description of an upcoming activity, whether it is rush or a service project. FGS has done various press releases to do the publicity of its certain affairs. CASES HISTORIES/ STUDIES: Case studies which show a good image of the company are shared with the media/ investors, community etc. We have launched many products and have published various books for promotion of our company. We have uses some celebrities also for attracting the public/ INTERVIEWS / FEATURES Meeting journalists: Here there is lot of room for different interpretations. More often than not, press releases will not be printed verbatim. Even though your media contact will likely rewrite them, possibly including additional quotes or information they research on their own your press releases should be written well enough. However, there are also times that a press release will encourage a reporter to do more, such as conduct a full interview with chapter members or write a feature article on an upcoming project. While doing sponsorships one should try to brand it with the event simultaneously. BROCHURE: A booklet published by the organization which contains the organisations background, its ethics, vision, mission, its past, present and


future projects, its USP, etc. brochure has given to new employees to give them a gist of the organisation. POSTER AND CALENDAR: Any poster or calendar used to achieve a public relations objective. We every year use to published our calendar which includes our companys logo n mission and vision. WRITTEN SPEECH: The type writer or printed text of a speech given to achieve a public relations objective. INTERNAL NEWSLETTERS AND PUBLICATIONS: We have their internal Newsletters, in which information about the company, its profits, employees etc. is given. EVENT AND PRESS SUPPOR: Special events are acts of news development. The ingredients are time, place, people, activities, drama, showmanship; one special event may have many subsidiary events, such as luncheons, banquets, contests, speeches, and many others as part of the buildup. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Submitting these articles does not require a media contact. This also gives an opportunity for any member to submit a letter on their chapter for printing in a local or campus newspaper. ANALYSTS BRIEF: One tells about the company, what the company is doing. It is done to influence the stock buyers, analysts, employees and media. CORPORATE ADVERTISING: If you believe the image of the company is good i.e. that trustworthy, reliable one, then you can use that as a PR tool. We have done a 10 minutes advertisement on television which is our corporate advertising.

CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS: FGS doing many seminars. It contacts associations and tells them to give numbers of their members so that they can talk to them. The members are contacted through telephones and asked to attend seminar on General topics. In the seminar they talk on General topics for 20 minutes and then the next 10 minutes they talk about the company products. INTERNET: This one medium has helped transform the whole business of marketing and public relations. In a way, it gives any organization the ability to promote themselves without having to rely solely on other media outlets. Websites and e-mail are the two most common methods to use the Internet for PR purposes. WEBSITE: A chapter website should not only be designed to serve as a resource for members, but it should also present a positive message to nonmembers just browsing through. Brief descriptions of chapter history, past projects and activities, and long-standing relationships with other organizations may give an outsider a positive impression of the fraternity. Like the newsletter, information for members shouldnt just inform, it should also encourage involvement and develop enthusiasm.

E-MAIL: Today, this has become the most common method used for communication between fraternity members. It can also be used to promote a chapter to fellow students and others, but it should be used carefully. AUDIO AND VISUAL: This division includes any audio or audio/visual presentation or program which serves a public Relations objective. Audio presentation any sound-only program, including telephone hot lines and other recorded messages, radio programs, public service announcements and audio news releases. Audio / Visual Presentation any internal or external audio-visual

presentation using still illustrations, with or without sound, using one or more projectors. Film Or Video any film or video which presents information to an organizations internal audiences. SPECIAL EVENTS: Special events are acts or news development. The ingredients are time, place, people, activities, drama, and showmanship. One special event may have many subsidiary events, such as luncheons, banquets, contests, speeches, and many others, as part of the build-up. The special event is the coup de maitre of publicity, propaganda, and public relations.


5. Conclusion.
Many people perceive public relations as quite less than respectable as clever strategies to convince the public that something wrong is right. Some see public relations professionals as manipulators of the public mind, rather than conveyors of truth. Of course it is possible to use public relations skills to advance less than noble causes. All too often, we know that bad people and bad causes are advanced through the adept use of public relations. Therefore it is vital that good people with good intentions also master effective public relations skills. Remember that public relations is a two way street: not only must you present your organization to the public, but you must also present the public back to your organization and colleagues. Help them understand how the public perceives their actions. The public relations professional is often the conscience of a company or campaign. Its not always a popular spot to be in, but its an important job. If done well, your PR work should serve both your organization and the news media, and also be a valuable contribution to the greater public good.


Webliography: www.prdepartment/functions/

Bibliography: Public Relation Management- Vipul publications. Public Relation Management- Rishabh publications.


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