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Media Sex

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The document discusses various issues related to the portrayal of sex in different media and research on its potential effects.

The document discusses that concerns have been raised about the perceived increased prevalence and availability of sex in media and its potential negative influence on individuals and society.

The document discusses research on quantifying the amount of sex shown in different media like television and findings on trends of increased sex over time.

Media Sex What Are the Issues?

LEAs Communication Series Jennings Bryunt/Dolf Zillmunn, General Editors

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For a complete listof titles in LEAS Communication Series, please contact Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, at

Media Sex
What Are the Issues?

Barrie Gunter
University of Shefiield


Copyright 02002 by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproducedin any form, by photostat, microform,retrievalsystem, or any other means, without prior written permission of the publisher. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers 10 Industrial Avenue Mahwah, NJ 07430

1 Cover design by Kathryn HoughtalingLacey 1

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Gunter, Barrie Media sex : what are the issues? / Barrie Gunter.
p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8058-3722.1 (cloth) - ISBN 0-8058-4010-9(pbk.) 1. Sex in mass media. I. Title. P96,/S45 G86 2001 306.7.lc2 1

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What Concerns Have Been Raised About Media Sex? How Much SexIs Shown? What Is Acceptable to the Public? Does Media Sex Influence Young People?



129 157 175 194 214


Is Media Sex Degrading Women? to

Does Media Sex Give Men theWrong Ideas? Is Media Sexthe Cause of Sexual Deviance? Can Media SexPortrayals Influence Nonoffenders? Can Media SexSell Commodities?

7 8

How Are Effects of Media Sexto Be Explained

11 12
Can We Trust the Research on Media Sex?
How Effective Are Over Sex? Controls Media


References Author Subject

299 335



Public debate about sex in the media has become increasingly vociferous despite the liberal attitudes that prevail within many Western societies at the beginning of the 2 1st century. Concern aboutmedia sex stems, in part, from the perception increased prevalence and availability of explicit sexof ual materials produced by a burgeoning pornography industry. For some sectors of society, such material regarded as distasteful and offensive, The is products of this industry are no longer simply identified with salacious magazines, but with a vibrant video film production business whoseoutput and is distributed not only through specialist stores, but also via subscription television channels. It not only restricted circulation material that is sex has been challenged. Conservative lobby groups and associated right-wing press have accused even the mainstream media, television in particular, of turning increasingly to the use of explicit sex in a battle ratings. for In the United Kingdom, for example, the countrys most widely read conservative tabloid, the Daily Mail, has waged a major campaign against sex on television. Although virtually no channel has escaped criticism, the campaign has focused principally on the scheduling tactics of the new terrestrial broadcast Channel 5 that has made a point including significant amounts of of risqu6 content on late-night (post-10 p.m.) line-up with naked its game shows, interviews with porn stars, and exposes on thepornography industry that often include clips from explicit movies that would not normally be deemed appropriate for television. The same channel (though it has not been alone in this) has also televised late-night soft-porn films with full vii



frontal female nudity and simulated sex scenes. Such films would previously have been found on encrypted, only subscription television channels broadcast by satellite or transmitted through cable. Despite the negative press coverage, public opinion surveys have not supported the view of antimedia sex lobbyiststhat thereis widespread public disquiet over these developments. The new Channel 5 in the UK has quickly established its presence, and the additional publicity it has achieved in thelight of its controversial scheduling strategy has undoubtedly helped it to reach respectable audience share, in increasingly competitive TV a an marketplace, by fuelling viewers curiosity.The publics viewabout sex on television, however, is fairly open-minded. Subscribers to encrypted television channels have displayed liberal attitudes towards porn channels and displayed an openmind regarding the rights of people to choose for themselves their preferred forms of entertainment. Sex is not widely regarded as unacceptable, though the extent to which it is accepted depends on a range of mediating factors. These include the time of transmission, the channel of transmission, the natureof the program, the appropriateness of its utility in a program, and its treatment when it occurs. Public opinion profiles concerning media can also be affected by the form of questioning used in a sex survey. Survey respondents not uncommonly express greater concern about the possibility of harmful reactions to media sex occurring among other people than among themselves. Weighing up this evidence, therefore, is there cause for concern about media sex?Whether or not sex on television or in themovies, or the even more explicit depictions of pornography magazines or videos, is acceptable is partly a matterof public opinion. Such opinion serves as a barometerof current social values, and these can shift over time. This is not the endof the story, however.The acceptability of media sex must also be judged according to more stringentcriteria that focus on theissue of harm. Regardless of whether people to consume media or acknowledge that even like sex, if it is not something they personally enjoy, others might, there is a separate matter of how viewers might be influenced by the experience. As we willsee in this book, a range of possibly harmful, social and psychological consequences of exposure to media sex have been highlighted over the years. In liberal, democratic societies that enjoy freedomof speech, there is a tolerance for the publication of all kinds of material, regardless of their inherent popularity. The idea of censorship, for example, comes into direct conflict with the fundamental principle of a free press. In the United States, for instance, freedom speech is one of the founding principles of the sociof ety and is a statutorily protected right. The offence that specific publications might cause to the sensibilities of certain sectors of society is not deemed to be a sufficiently powerful reason for restricting the freedom to publish. However, if a solid case can be made that a publication has harmful



effects on individuals or society at large, that would present a clear and present danger, then freedom of speech protection could repealed. The probbe lem here is proving that such harm has occurred is likely to. or In this book, international evidence collated about media sex. A numis ber of fundamental questions are asked about sex in the media. Individually, these questions are not new. However, this book represents the first attempt to examine this breadth of questions within a single volume. The book considers questions about the prevalenceand prominence of sex in themedia, about public opinion concerning that content, about different kinds of effects (usually harmful ones) that allegedly follow exposure to media sex, and about the use of sex as selling device. The reported or supposed harmsof a media sex range from short-term effects on postviewing attitudesto sexual aggression and female sexuality or on behavioral aggression to longer term influences on social values, sexual beliefs and sexual practices. Media sex has been accused undermining social mores, promoting of sexual promiscuity, the early onset of sexual behavior and teenage pregnancy rates, and producing distorted male (and female) beliefs about female sexuality. Each of these issues is examined in separate chapters in book. this As well as these specific questions about provision, tastes, and harms, there are equally important questions to be raised about the quality of the research evidence. Such questions are especially important if research is to be accepted as credible and as being sufficiently robust to inform or guide social policy and media regulation in this area. This book therefore asks questions about how the supposed effects of media sex have been explained in theoretical terms and about the strengths and weaknesses of the research methodologies that have beenused to explore the prevalence of and public reactions to media sex. Finally, the book examinesquestions more directly concerned with media-related policy and regulation. If there is a serious problem with media sex, what steps can be taken to deal with it? This complexarea fraught is a with conflicts of interest and conflicts of value systems that reach to the roots of the founding social principles of some societies. A balance mustbe struck between the speech rights of publishers and broadcasters and the free need to protectsociety from undue harm.The freedom and expectation of the public to choose for themselves what types of media content to consume represent further considerations, particularly in aworld that is empowering ordinary citizens with greater control over personal media consumption. Unless there is a clear-cut case of illegal behavior occurring on screen (e.g., depiction of actual sex with under-age children animals, or real sexor ual assault), it may be difficult to prove harm in a court law. In this case, of the harmwould applyto participants in sexual depiction rather than to the the audience. Instead, alternative measures beneeded that help promay to tect the interests of the public while not restricting freedom to publish.


Such steps might include clearer labelling and advance warnings advisoor ries so that members of the public know what to expect and can choose for themselves what to consume and what to avoid.

What Concerns Have Been Raised About Media Sex?

Sex has been at the centermany forms of public entertainment for many of centuries. Sexual themes have featured prominently in fiction, whether played out on the screen, or page. Ancient Greek stage, comedies were frequently laced with sex. Literary classics such as Chaucers Canterbury Tules and Shakespeares The Turning of the Shrew were filled with sexual double entendres and overtly sexual themes. The blending of sexual titillation with violence, a subject of contemporary concern, was also witnessed in Roman times with the introductionof women togladiatorial contests. Scantily attired with their breasts naked, such women fought with boars and with wild each other in armed combat or from chariots (Guttmann, 1991; Juvenal, 1958; Robert, 1971). In recent history, sex has been one the major themes covered the of by contemporary mass media, including books, magazines, newspapers, film, video, and television. Popular dramatic narratives frequently center on relationships between characters that, often as not, involve sexual interacas tions-no matter how mild these might be. Sex is also the stuff of news. Sexual scandals involving politicians, media celebrities, and other public figures are featuredvirtually every week in tabloid newspapers, with such stories regularly spilling over into editorials and othermedia commentaries or into comedians jokes. Accounts of the sexual lives of ordinary people and sex advice columns also represent prominent aspects of glossy magazines targeted at various sexually active age groups.


Although muchof this media preoccupation with passesoff without sex comment, the representationof sexual behavior by the media has not received universal acceptance. Complaints have been invoked by certain types of sexual presentation inspecific media and underparticular circumstances. An alleged preoccupation with sexual issues in magazines aimed at teenage girls, for example, sparked a controversial debate about the role such publications might play in shaping sexual attitudes among young girls. This concern has been focused especially by statistics showing steady increases in the rateof underage pregnancies among teenagegirls under 16 years of age and of unwanted pregnanciesoccurring among girls age16 and over who are not in a steady relationship with a partner likely to serve as a supportive and responsible father (Harris & Associates, 1986). Even more widespread concern has been publicly voicedabout depictions of sexual behavior in cinema and television programs films that attractive significant audiences. It has been charged that these media have become increasingly preoccupied with and that depictions of sexual behavior have sex become more graphic and gratuitous (Greenberg, 1994).With the growth of cable television and homevideo, sexually explicit audiovisual materials have become more widely availableto the general public, and, more worrisome for some commentators, suchmaterials have become more accessible to young audiences. A number of sexually explicit television channels have launched on cable systems in North America and Europe. Some of these channels, such as Phyboy, Tuxxedo, and American Exxxtasy in the United States and The Adult Channel in the United Kingdom, reach large audiences. Such channels depict explicit simulations and, in some case, real sexual intercourse. Latterly, the Internethas emerged as a source of anxiety among parents because of its largely uncontrolled provision of highly controversial, potentially offensive, and even illegal content and the readiness with which children and teenagers are able to gain access to suchmaterial. WHAT CONCERNS HAVE BEEN RAISED? Concerns about in the sex media havecentered on a number of issues relating to offence to public taste, impacton young people, influences on family values and effects on marriage as a social institution, the social and sexual implications for women, and the potential causal agency of such content in relation to the commission of sexual offences. These concerns have been directed towards the representation of sex in mainstream audiovisual media available to everyone and also towards media content for which they is more restricted access. The latter forms of entertainment include encrypted erotic television channels for which subscription charges are levied and explicitly sexual videos available through special outlets or via mail order.


These materials can take on an extremely graphic nature, showing actual sexual behavior involving same-sex and opposite-sex participants, group sex, and sex with violence. Even mainstreamentertainment channels such as non-encrypted television services and cinemafilms have been criticised for a growing emphasis on sexual themes and wider use of nudity and increasingly explicit simulated portrayals of sexual intercourse. Concern about thesheer volume of media sex begsthe questionof how much sex is actually contained indifferent media. The research evidence on this question is reviewed fully in chapter2.

Offence to Public Taste

One focal point of concern aboutmedia sex is that it can cause offence to large numbers of people. This type of concern has been especially acute with regard to sex on television. Mainstream television channels are freely availa able to anyone with television set. Sexual depictions can therefore be seen readily by anyone who tunes in, should such scenes be included in programs. This experience might not just be a source of personal distaste to viewers, but may also cause them considerable embarrassment if they are watching with their children, parents, or other people. The truth is that public attitudes towards media vary widely with the nature the sexual sex of content, the gender, age, social background, and personality of individuals, and the social context of consumption. Furthermore, while some people may object to having mediasex thrust before them because they find it personally distasteful, they may nevertheless accept thatthis does not meanit should be banned. Indeed, many viewers are prepared to tolerate provithe sion of adult television channels for those with a taste the material such for channels supply, even thoughthey would not wish to watchthose channels themselves (Gunter, Sancho-Aldridge, 6r Winstone, 1994). Ultimately, if individuals are upset enough by sex in mainstream media, In they will let their views be known. the case of broadcast television, for example, viewers are not slow to complain to the authorities when offended. O n some occasions, when a medium too far, professional critics join the goes debate about whether the media are the best interests of the public. serving By the end the 20th century, complaints from of viewers in Britain about sex on television achieved an all-time high. Of 4,892 complaints from viewers received by the Broadcasting Standards Commission in 1998-1999, 31% were about sex, compared with 18% over the previous 12 months (Harvey, 1999). During the same period, Britains commercial television regulator, the Independent Television Commission(1TC)received 3 18 complaints fromviewers about sex on thecommercial television channels, and theBBCs Program Complaints Unit received 40 complaints aboutsex


on BBC programs (5.1% of all complaints). Notall these complaints were upheld by the regulators (Petley, 1999).Concern focused not simply on the nature of the sexual portrayals, but on the time when they were shown. Much of the publics concern centered on sexual stories creeping into programs aimed teenagers and sexual innuendo in at programs that were popular with children. Another of concern was the increasing prevalence of area sexual themes, often discussed in graphic detail, on daytime talk shows (Harvey, 1999). The ITC (2000) reported a total of 280 complaints from viewers about sex in television drama and entertainment during 1999, the biggest single category of complaint, exceedingviolence (121 complaints) and language (133 complaints) combined. Prominent television commentators joined in the chorus of criticism aboutbroadcastersapparentgrowing obsession with sex. Late-night expos& of the sex industry in Europe or reality shows featuring ordinary people talking about their sex lives were billed asinvestigative journalism with an educational function by their producers, but dubbed as mere sexploitationand titillation critics (Dunkley, 2000). Even the regulators by were dubious about the justification for some of the reality shows with strong sexual themes, even though they were transmitted late at night (Petley, 1999). One aspect of concern about in popular entertainment media is that sex it can cause offence to members of the public. This concernstems in part from the perception that portrayals of an erotic nature present depictions of (sexual) behavior that would normally remain hidden. some people, the For sexual act is a privatebehavior. The depiction of graphic sexual portrayals, involving the realistic simulation of sexual intercourse and other intimate sexual practices, is offensive. Herein lies the inherent appeal of sexual depictions in the media. Although media sex is publicly criticised, it is also publicly consumed. By bringing intimate acts out into the open and rendering them available for close scrutiny, they generate extreme curiosity among their consumers who then seek further exposure to what scholars may some call forbidden fruit (Bryant & D. Brown, 1989).Viewers become voyeurs, curious to see other people having sex. The camera brings the details of factor such activity into close-up. As well asthis curiosity, there is the added of increased availability of erotica. More people have ready access to such material in theprivacy of their own home. They can consume it and easily without embarrassment (Zillmann & Bryant, 1989). The natureof the appeal of media sex, however, can itself lead to an appetite for more of the same for a while, but then to a demand more exfor treme materials. Passive consumption on own may loseits appeal after a its while (Zillmann & Bryant, 1988a). As viewers habituate to one of sexkind ual material, they may develop appetitesfor less familiar types. Sustained interest in explicit sexual material may also be driven the role it plays asa by


sexual stimulant or a substitute the real thing (Glassman, 1977). for Erotica can also provide information about sex that its consumers may utilise in their ownsex lives (Bryant & D. Brown, 1989; Lawrence & Herold, 1988). The popularity of erotica varies across the population. Sexually explicit materials are not enjoyed equally by men and women (Bryant & D. Brown, 1989; Day, 1988). Males are more active consumers erotica thanare feof males. Although females will watch sexually explicit material, they usually depend on others to instigate the experience (Lawrence & Herold, 1988). We return to thesubject of public opinion about media in chapter3. sex

Impact on Young People

The concern about theexposure of young people to sex in the media has two main aspects. First, there is a worry that very young children be upmay set by seeing explicit sexual scenes that they lack the maturity to interpret. Second, exposure to media content thatplaces emphasis on sexual themes among teenagers is believed to encourage early onset of sexual behavior and contributes, in turn, to thegrowth in unwanted teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (Greenberg, J. D. Brown, & Buerkel-Rothfuss, by 1993). Social statistics for the United States have indicated thatthe age sexual intercourse. One in of 20,70% of females and 80% of males have had seven of these individuals has contracted a sexually transmitted disease-in some cases AIDS (Greenberg et al., 1993).The United States has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies in the industrialised world (Bigler, 1989; Jones etal., 1985). By the early 1990s, one infour pregnancies occurred to mothers under 20 years of age (Greenberg et al., 1993). This, in itself, may not be so bad, except that often these young mothers are having children before they have themselves reached psychological maturity or financial independence. Early onset of motherhood may, therefore, prevent them from enjoying their teenage and young adult free from the responsibilities of years child rearing. They may be driven to take steps to recapture their youth in later life, with disastrous consequences for familycohesion. The propensity for engagingin unprotected with numerous partners sex increases the likelihood of infection or further unwanted pregnancies. The impact of media sex on young peopleis examined at greater lengthin chapter 4. Media sex has been identified as a contributory factor in connection with all these behavioral trends. The impact of media sex has been hypothesised to operate through a number of stages. First, the media place sex high on the public agenda. Second, the media prime people to think about sex a lot. Third, the media present models for emulation. Fourth, the models role role do not always behave in responsible fashion. Thus irresponsible lessons in a sexual conduct and morality may be learned. These concerns stem from the observation that the mainstream mass media are permeated sexual referby


ences. These references readily occur in television programs, movies, videos, magazines and song lyrics in popular music (Dorr &L Kunkel, 1990; Fabes & Strouse, 1984, 1987; Wartella, Heintz, Aidman, & Mazzarella, 1990). Some media productions present highly explicit sexual depictions. In certain instances, is combined withviolence or horror. Such materisex als, as we see later on, can sometimes producesocially undesirable changes in viewers attitudes towards sex, female sexuality, and the of coercive or use degrading sexual practices.

Effects on Family Values and the Institution of Marriage

Depictions of sex in themass media have been accused taking place outof side of a romantic, loving context. Instead, they tend frequently to represent casual sexual couplings or infidelity and convey an implicit message that promiscuity and unfaithfulness are acceptable and normal forms of conduct. Some writers have called attention to the possibility that this pattern of representation could cultivatevalues among individuals regularly exposed to such content that underpin wider acceptance of sex outside a marriage, childbirth outside marriage, marriage as a temporary rather than permanent estate, and an expectation of many sexual partners in ones adult life (Zillmann &Bryant, 1982,1984). This, in turn, contribute to may the breakdown of traditional family values and thewillingness of people to commit themselves lasting partnerships and the to responsibilities that raising a family entail.

Social and Sexual Implications for Women

For some individuals this trend, and thekinds of portrayals it has brought with it, an undesirable development because the kinds of attitudes such is of material can cultivate among viewers. Feminists claim that depictions of sexual behavior in the mainstream media have tended to show women as sex objects and sexual subordinates to men(Brownmiller, 1975; Diamond, 1985; Longino, 1980). Notonly does this convey certain unwanted messages about the role of women in sexual relationships, but it cultivates a broader set ofbeliefs about the relative power of men and women in society. Zillmann and Bryant (1984,1988a) have maintained that continued exposure to explicit depictions of women engaged in sexual activity may activate thoughts about female promiscuity in viewers. Greater availability of these thoughts in memory (Tversky & Kahneman, 1973) may lead to inflated estimates of womens tendency to desire and engage in unusual and abnormal sexual activities, including rape. The probability that these ideas


will beaccessed and used in evaluations women increases as a participant of is exposed to more of these behaviors in movies. Research with young college-age males found that when a controlled fed diet of movies for up to a week that contained sexually aggressive rape themes, the mens beliefsabout femalesexuality and attitudes towards rape appeared to be changed by the experience. Such psychological changes persisted for over a week to a point when they were for their perceptions tested of a simulated rape trial. Those men who had consumed a diet films with of rape themes exhibited more callous attitudes towards female sexuality, stronger beliefs that women enjoy being raped, sympathy for a rape vicless tim, and more sympathy for the accused, as compared with similar young men who had watched a of erotic movies with nonviolent themes diet (Linz, Donnerstein, & Penrod, 1988). Whether or not increased rape myth beliefs and morecallous attitudes towards women represent normal responses to sexually explicit films aggressive themes has not been consistently demonstrated. further body A of research has found that men are easily affected by sexually explicit not materialsthatportraythesexualobjectificationorvictimisation of women and has detected no relationship between exposure to exsexually plicit material and the development negative attitudes andaggressive of behaviors towards women (Becker &Stein, Fisher & Grenier, 1994; 1991; Langevin et al., 1988; Malamuth &Ceniti, 1986;Padgett, Brislin-Slutz, & Neal, 1989 ). Chapter 6 considers, in great depth, the empirical evidence concerning the role of explicit media sex in shaping male perceptions of women andfemale sexuality.

Causal Agency in Sexual Offences

The appearance of explicit sexual material in the media has often been linked anecdotally to the prevalence of sexual offences in society and to the onset of sexual offending in individuals. A further and more direct has link been made between production and distribution the of certain kinds of pornographic materialand child sex offending. In this context, public concern is not simply focused on thepossibility that graphic depictions of sex in audiovisual (and print) media causes the development sexually deviant proof pensities among those who consume such material, but that the material itself may contain illegal acts of sexual behavior. The relationship between pornography and sex offending has been examined through four principal methodological approaches: (a) studies of sex offenders exposure to pornography; (b) laboratory research with offenders and nonoffenders; (c) aggregate statistical analysis of crime figures and pornography distribution figures; and (d) clinical diagnoses of sex offenders in which pornography has


been identified as a potential causal influence. This literatureis examined in more detail inchapter 7. Research into the effects of media sex on the occurrence sex offending of has focused on theexposure of known sex offenders to pornography. Some experimental research has been conducted to out if sex offenders also find react differently from nonoffenders certain to types of sexually explicit material. Studies of sex offenders have examined the relationship between men convictedof sex crimes and their exposure to pornography. Surveys of sex offenders have so far produced inconclusive evidence thatexposure to pornography was a primary causal agent (Cline, 1974; Cook, Fosen, & Pacht, 1971; Court, 1977; Eysenck & Nias, 1978; Gebhard,Gagnon, Pomeroy, 6r Christenson, 1965; Goldstein, 1973; Goldstein, Kant, Judd, Rice, & Green, 1971;Kutchinsky, 197la). One investigation reported that more than eight in ten convicted rapists admitted regular use of pornography, but was unable to prove that pornography triggered sexually violent behavior (Marshall, 1988). Indeed, some survey evidence has indicated that young sex offenders exhibited a history of less exposure to pornography than did nonoffenders as adolescents (Goldstein, Kant, & Harman, 1974). Laboratory evidence has been regarded some commentatorsas more by powerful in the context demonstrating causal links between exposureto of pornography and sexual violence. Researchers such as Jennings Bryant, Edward Donnerstein, DanLinz, Neil Malamuth, andDolf Zillmann have utilised experimental methodologiesto explore the possibilities that exposure to pornographic materials can changemens beliefsabout female sexuality, shift mens attitudes to be more accepting of callous dispositions towards women, and even affect mens (nonsexual) aggressive behavior towards women. Studies by these researchers have been conducted largely with nonoffending populations. Experimental methods have been used among dysfunctional and offending populations as well (Abel, Barlow, Blanchard, 6r Guild, 1977; Baxter, Barbaree, 6r Marshall, 1986). Reactions contingent upon exposure to pornographic materials can be explored in a more systematic way in laboratory-based experiments. Investigators exert greater control over variables and can manipulate the nature of the materials to which experimental participants are exposed and the conditions under which exposureoccurs. A variety of controlled reactions to pornography havealso been investigated including physiological measures of sexual arousal, self-reported arousal or mood, verbal measures of beliefs and attitudes, and simulated aggression responses. This type of research has typically investigated male responses to pornography, although a small number of studies have also measured femaleresponses. The experimental evidence concerning the impactmedia sex on ordinary male populations of is examined further inchapter 8.


Such experimental studies, based on random assignmentof participants to experimental conditions, provide the best methodology for assessing cause and effect relationships in the laboratory. As is shown later in volthis ume, however, their results have notalways been consistent. Furthermore, there are important issues concerned with generalising from their results to the real world, the spontaneityof participants responses, and thechoice of responding givento participants that bear close scrutiny in thecase of experiments (see Berkowitz & Donnerstein, 1982; Fisher & Barak, 1989). The third type of study into pornography andsex offenders involves the secondary analysis of aggregate statistics on the distribution and consumption of pornographic materials and the occurrenceof sex crimes among a specified population. These studies compare the circulation rates of various magazines or the numberof adult theatres with rates rape and othersex of crimes. Mixed results have emerged from this of research. Evidence has type been reported that relaxing restrictions on pornography is associated with a reduction of sex crime rates (Kutchinsky, 1973, 1985), while some investigators have reported no relationship at all (Scott & Schwalm, 198813) or a positive link in which higher circulation rates of certain kinds of pornography are associated with rape rates (L. Baron &a Straus, 1984). In the latter case, however, there were further mitigating factors connected to economic conditions, urbanisation, and gender-related that may have contribvalues uted significantly towards sex crime rates and interest in pornography(L. Baron & Straus, 1984). The fourth of investigation involves the collection of data in type clinical or therapeutic contexts. Knownoffenders are interviewed in depth about their background, their urges, their self-perceptions, and their sources of ideas for offending.Such interviews also question offenders about their experiences with pornography. Clinical interviews may reveal evidence of habitual or addictive use of pornography and whether itrepresents part of a behavioral syndrome that includes other types of unusual sexual proclivities (Colman, 1988; Robertson, 1990). Pornography addiction, for example, may represent an aspect of a wider preoccupation with sex that becomes manifest in arange of sexual practices, not all of which arenecessarily violent, including masturbation, prostitution,voyeurism, child sex abuse, and sadomasochism (Carnes, 1991).

Sex and Consumerism

Sexual imagery has been widely used to sell commodities for many years. Sex is used to attract consumers attention to products and to render specific brands more attractive (Reid, Salmon, & Soley, 1984; Reid &a Soley, 1983). Although indecency codes restrictions on how far advertisers place



can go in theiruse of sex to sell (Lin, 1997))nudity and sexually alluring females are frequently deployed inadvertising for a wide range of commodities in most developed nations. Although the is still out on the jury commercial impact sex in advertisof ing, with research producing conflicting results about its effectiveness (see Alexander & Judd, 1978; Baker 6r Churchill, 1977; Tinkham 6r Reid, 1988)) there has been concern registered about the indirect impact such imagery might haveon perceptions of women. Criticisms have centered on the objectification of women and theside effects that thefocus on certain types of physical beauty can have on females in the audience. featuring The of women purely as sexobjects in advertising has been supportedby evidence showing that much media advertising features female body parts more than theentire, individual and more than theirfaces (Archer, Iritani, Kimes, & Barrios, 1983). In contrast, faces have been found to appear male more oftenthat male body parts(Hall & Crum, 1994; Sullivan & OConnor, 1988). An undesirable social side effect associated with advertising is that the emphasis on slender female body forms may encourageyoung women to emulate such icons and become preoccupied with their own weight and body shape. This may encourage young women with low self-esteem to diet excessively, with harmful effects on their health (Heinberg &Thompson,1992; Myers & Biocca, 1992; Stice & Shaw, 1994). Chapter 9 analyses these issues and the empirical evidence on sex and advertising in more detail.

When examining sex in the media and its effects on media audiences, it is important tobe clear, in the first place, about whattype of content is being studied. Sexual depictions can appear many forms. They may comprise in verbal references to sex, reports of sex, sexual innuendo, mild sexual behavior, graphic sexual simulations without or without nudity, and depictions of real sexual behavior, including explicit petting, oral sex, and full sexual intercourse. The sexual depictions may involve members of the opposite sex or the same sex. They may depict sex between couples, sex in which one participant has multiple sexual partners, or group sex. Sex may bediscussed in television talk shows, simulated infictional dramas or sex education materials, or presented in highly graphic form in pornographicfilms and videos. Some sexual depictions occur in materials labelled as sexualin nature, whereas other depictions occur inregular entertainment formats in which sex maynot be a dominant theme. Some depictions of sex include unusual techniques, violence, and evenillegal behaviors.



In any reviewof the evidence aboutmedia sex,therefore, it is essential to make distinctions between different forms and contexts of sexual representation. Over successive generations, values change and suchsocial evolution creates a distinct climate of public opinion varying in its tolerance for the overt depiction or discussion of sex. The 1960s witnessed a growth in liberal attitudes towards sex. The introduction of the birth control pill enabled women to take greater control over their sexuality. A perception followed, that may not have been entirely accurate, that an of sexual permissiveness era had opened up in which standards were in decline. This trendwas bemoral lieved, by some critics, to have been reflected within the mass media, for example, in the form of greater sexual explicitnesson television. In Britain, it is probably true to that the say medium had begun explore sensitive social isto sues of which sex was apart.Made-for-televisiondramas(labelled kitchen-sinkdramas) challenged the public to confront issues that normally remained hidden and pushed back boundariesprogram-makers had that formerly been loathe to cross (Shaw, 1999).For critics, there was too muchsex and a potentially damaging erosion of familyvalues. In truth, society was undergoing fundamental changes that television and other media reflected, confirmed and even extended. Equally, although broadcasters dared to feature sex in televised entertainment, inways that would not have been accepted 10 years earlier, 1960s television was relatively tame compared with what was to come inthe next 30 years (Shaw, 1999). Although the attitudes of the public, politicians, regulators, and broadcasters towards the representation of sex in the broadcast media generally underwent a gradual process of modification over time, this evolution of opinion was sometimes givena jolt by specific events. It would also be misleadingto assume that public opinion shifted evenly and in consistent direction in rea spect of all sexual issues. While increasingly liberal attitudes emerged towards sex in mainstream media, the public maintained adiscriminating disposition towards certain sexual issues,particular dramatic treatments sex, and the of depiction or discussion of sex in specific media locations.
Health Risks and Personal Hygiene

There are occasions when critical events causesocieties to confrontissues that they had previously suppressed. In relation to media the AIDScrisex, subjects that had previously sis ofthe early 1980sbrought out into the open been regarded as taboo. Although sex education in schools, the womens movement, and the shifting balance of power in sexual relations between women and men undoubtedly influenced public attitudes towards media treatments of sex, the onset the AIDS of epidemic was seen by some observers as a particularly key event (Shaw, 1999).



The media were drawn intoa majorhealth education initiative that received funding from governments. In Britain, public service and commerby cial broadcasters collaborated scheduling aweek of special programs in 1984. These programs were mostly designed principally to reach known at-risk groups, especially young people, and were unprecedently frank in the way they tackled certain issues, such as safe practices. This kind of treatsex ment was regarded as justified because of the seriousness posed by AIDS. However, it broke through many barriers in thebroadcast treatment of sex and contributed towider public acceptance greater,openness in dealing a of with matters linked to human sexuality.Research showkd that the multimedia campaign with sometimes explicit sexual and references was acimagery cepted by the public as anecessaryapproach, andincreased public awareness of AIDS. Some modification of public attitudes was also registered, but little direct impact occurred on sexual behavior patterns, except among the homosexualcommunity (DHSSNelsh Office, 1987; Sherr, 1987; Wober, 1987, 1988). Another ground-breaking event that stemmed from the publicity surof for rounding AIDS was the relaxation certain rules regarding advertising certain personal products. In Britain, given the openness with which the use ofsafe sex practices had been discussed on air, it became old-fashioned and inconsistent to continue bans on advertising for sanitary protection products(referred tointhe NBC codeonadvertisingstandards as catamenial devices). The initial introduction of suchadvertisements caused controversy Britain becausesome people regardedthem as offenin sive, an invasion of privacy, and embarrassing. These concerns were reflected in public opinion surveys, whose results urged caution on the part of commercial broadcasters in the advertising treatments that were used for these products and resulted in restrictions on when they could be broadcast. Although suchadvertising became accepted, even in the late 1990s a large proportion of the British viewing public foundexcessive bunching of such commercials in the late evening offensive (Svennevig, 1998).

Sex on Mainstream Television

When examining the representation of sex on television, considerationis usually given to two separate matters. The first of these is the overtdepiction of sexual activity screen and the second the discussion of sex and on is related topics. Both kinds of representation have given to public conrise of cern. This concern stems a belief on the part some people that cerfrom tain treatments of sex could subvert traditional moral and family values. There are worries about the also embarrassment caused bringing out into by the open matters that are normally regarded as private. Both of these con-




cerns are particularly acute in contextsinvolving children. Differences of opinion, however,may be found among different sectors of society. Forexample, someethnic andreligious groups may also take deepoffence at depictions of behaviorsthatWesterncultureswouldnotregard as inappropriate or improper in apublic place (see Watson, 1993). In Britain, scheduling restrictions are placed on broadcasters in regard to the inclusion of certain types of content in programs and advertisements. Nudity is permitted in programs, but only partially in advertisements. Explicit depictions of sexual behavior would not normally be allowed expected to or occur on programs on nonsubscription channels before 9 p.m. prior to this watershed; sex may be spoken about inferred, and some kissing caressor and ing may be shown in televised dramas, but nothing beyond that. After 9 p.m. the restrictions on depictions of sex are gradually relaxed scenes of nudity and and simulated sexual activity (including intercourse) are allowed. O n subscription channels, even moregraphic portrayals of sexual behavior may occur, especially after 10 p.m. However, after 8 p.m. on these channels, films originally made for the cinema may contain sexual depictions that would not be allowed before 9 p.m. on nonsubscription channels.

vpes o Sexuality f
The acceptance of increasingly explicit sexual representations as the evening wears on does not mean that kinds of sexual behavior are acceptany able. It is important that sex is justified in relation to the story line. Repeated and gratuitous scenes of explicit sex, even though simulated, may enjoy aless positive reception, even among liberal-minded viewers. There may be an uneasy tension here between dramatic licence and voyeurism. There are other areas where the tension between artistic integrity and crossing the barriers of decency is brought into sharp focus. The depictions of homosexuality and sexual violence are two such areas. Despite increased acceptance of homosexuality in society, there remain sectors of society who regard such behavior unnatural, morally reprehenas sible, or socially irresponsible. Public opinion surveys have revealed conflictingattitudestowardstherepresentation of homosexuality on television. In Britain, for example, audiences have been anxious display to liberal, open-minded attitudes, while at the same time exhibiting reservations about such depictions (Millwood-Hargrave, 1992). Onceagain, the degree of public disquiet over this topic, as with treatments others kinds of of sexuality, is undoubtedlylinkedtowheresuchmaterialoccurs. Late-night broadcasts on channels known for their testing of decency barriers cause less outcry than far less graphic depictions in peak-time broadcasts. Two British soap operas caused a stir by featuring story lines about a



sexual relationship between characters the same sex. In both cases, the of controversy over these plot-lines peaked as a result of scenes showing kisses exchanged betweenthe characters(two menin theBBCs East Enders and two women in Channel4s Brookside). In both cases, the kisses were brief and discreetly shot. Bothscenes, nonetheless, generated a large volume of complaints fromviewers. Public disquiet over the open representation homosexuality on mainof stream broadcast television is not unique toBritain. In the United States, objections were raised about the outing by situation comedyactress Ellen Degeneres of her screen persona (also called Ellen), a short while after the actress herself had declared herhomosexuality. The episode in which this occurred received advance publicity and achieved an audience of more than 40 million viewers.

Sex Talk
As we will see later in this volume, talk about sex is more commonplace than actual depictions of sex (Kunkel et al., 1999). Talking about sex is a regular feature of serious drama, especially long-running serialised dramas or soap operas (Greenberg, 1994). In these programs, most the story lines of revolve around personal relationships, and many of these tend to be of a sexually intimate nature. Althoughnudity and overt depictions of sex are rare in soaps on mainstream television channels (though notso on soaps produced by sex channels suchas The Playboy Channel), talking about sexual relationships is prominent. Talk about sex in the form of sexual innuendo isalso not uncommon in light entertainment programs and is a frequent source of comedy.

Among the most controversial forms of media sex is pornography. In last the two decades the 20th century, the pornography industry expanded signifof icantly. Much of this expansion facilitated by developments in commuwas nications technologies. The growth of the home video market created a wider audience for the consumption pornographic videos. The later evoof lution of the Internet provided a further channel, largely uncontrolled, through which significant market for pornography couldbe reached. The a production and distribution explicit sexual materials thus became transof formed froma seedycottage industry to amore technically sophisticated, mass production business serving a large internationalcustomer base (Hebditch & Anning, 1988).



Debates About Erotica

Media theorists have debatedthe effects of sexual material in the media, and especially the influences of highly erotic content. One central of contenarea tion about erotica is whether the balance of its effects can be considered socially positiveor negative. While much emphasis in public debate has been placed on the offensiveness and potentially harmful effects of media sex, there is an alternative view that erotic material can have important educational or therapeutic functions. These benefits include the provision of valuable lessonsin sexual technique that can enhance consumers own sex life a or be of assistance in the treatment ,of sexual dysfunction (Gagnon, 1977; Kaplan, 1984;Wilson, 1978).Such material may alsobe of use in helping in0 dividuals overcome guilt and anxiety about sex that may impairtheir ability toestablish or maintainmeaningfulemotionalrelationships(Buvat, Buvat-Berbaut, Lemare, Marcolin, 6r Quittelier, 1990). The beneficial effects idea has been roundly rejected by other writers. According to critics of media sex,particularly that featuring realistic depictions of sexual behavior, erotic materials can be damaging to women, cultivate detrimental perceptions of female sexuality,and encouragethe use of violence against women as an aspect of sexual intercourse. Erotica that divorces sex from loving relationships and portrays it as a physical act performed purely for hedonistic reasons may also socialise irresponsible values undermine the that importance of stable marital and family relations, and encouragepermissive sexual behavior bothinside and outside marriage (Attorney Generals Commission on Pornography, 1986; Committee on SexualOffencesAgainst Children and Youths, 1984; Lederer, 1980; Scott, 1986). The sexual callousness model has been voicedrepeatedly, especially in major government-backed commissions of enquiryintopornography (Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, 1970; Attorney Generals Commission on Pornography, 1986). Thisperspective on thehypothesised effects of pornography has been strongly espoused by feminists. Their concern has focused on pornographic themes that emphasise the sexual promiscuity of women. Women are depicted obsessed as with sex, and willing to engage in any kind of sex act with any partner. A further characteristic typical of this entertainment format is that women present themselves to men as easysexual conquests whose principal role is to gratify male sexual needs (Brownmiller, 1975; Diamond, 1985). Such portrayals, it is argued, can send the wrong messages about women and their sexuality. At the very least, this may cultivate perceptions among men that women prefer a subordinate sexual role and, for some men, only further reinforce already callous attitudes about the opposite sex (Russell, 1988). Early commissions of enquiry into pornography reached the controversial conclusion that exposure to explicit sexual materials is not a cause of so-



cia1 or individual harms (Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, 1970; Williams Committee, 1979). This conclusion was not readily accepted within the scholarly community (Cline, 1974; Eysenck & Nias, 1978). Thisview changed in later years with increased recognition being given to the potential harms causedby sexually violent material (Attorney Generals Commission on Pornography, 1986). Whereas pure sex may be harmless, the combination sex with violence could prove be afar more of to damaging cocktail. By the mid-l980s, it was claimed that sexually violent materials had becomeso widespread that a rethink necessary about the was effects of pornography. Whether sexual violence was as prevalent as the 1986 Attorney Generals enquiry claimed, however, was questioned by other researchers prominent in the field (Linz, Donnerstein 6r Penrod, 1987; Malamuth, 1989).

Differentiating Formso Explicit Sex f

It would be misleading to treat all forms of explicit media sex as the same. There are clear distinctions that can be made between different types of sexual portrayal that are associated with the degree of explicitness, whether the sex is real or simulated, whether the sex is nonviolent or violent, whether sex scenes are heterosexual or homosexual, and whether sex scenes depict unusual sexual practices or involve children. In the contextof pornography, Harris (1994) noted that the AttorU.S. ney Generals Commission on Pornography (1986) identified five classesof pornographic material:
1. Sexually violent materials portray rape and other instances of physical harm to persons in a sexual context. Non-violent materials depicting degradation, domi2. nation, subordination or humiliation constitute the largest class of commercially available materials. These generally portray women masochistic, subservient, and as over-responsive to themale interest. 3 . Non-violent and non-degrading materials of viotypically depict a couple having vaginal or oral intercourse with no indication lence or coercion. 4. Nudity shows the naked human with no body obvious sexual behaviororintent. 5. Childpornography involves minors and,though illegal to produce in the United States, still circulates widely through foreign magazines and personal distributions (p.248).

Elsewhere, three mainstream themes have been identified in pornography. These are termed standard, violent,and idealised. In the case of standard pornographic themes, the emphasis is placed on a macho culture which in males are sexually dominant and females are sexually submissive (Day, 1988). Sex a preoccupation in is these productions and the story lines tend to be thinly veiled strategems that result in sexual couplings with minimal build-up. Emphasis is also placed on the physical side of sex, with little time



or plot devoted to the establishmentof emotional relationships between characters (Palys, 1984;Prince, 1990; Slade, 1984;Winick, 1985). Women tend eagerly to give themselves to men (or other women) and engage in multiple sexual encounters (Abeel, 1987; Palys, 1986; Rimmer, 1986).Sex is depicted as a purely hedonistic activity. In violent themes, the usual erotic scenarios occur, but also include an emphasis on violence as an aspect of the sexual act. Often women are shown responding to coercive sex with pleasure. The perpetrators rarely suffer adverse consequences or penalties for their actions. The rape mythis promoted in many these films whereby a womanforced to have disof is sex, plays initial expressions of disgust, but eventually becomes sexually aroused and experiences apparent enjoyment.This typical scenario reinforces a cultural myth thatwomen enjoy being raped (Burt, 1980). Idealised sexual themes present compassionate portrayals of sexuality with emphasis emotional on aspects of heterosexual sex. While graphic displays of physical sex may still be shown, they tend to be contextualised within a story line that provides a strong romantic or affectionate background to the relationship (Steck & Walker, 1976; Abeel, 1987; Hazen, 1983; Senn, 1985).

Sex and Violence

One particular genre that has proved highly controversial is the so-called slasher movie. This horror genre depicts graphically displayed gory violence, often with erotic overtones. Women are frequent targets of extreme aggression, but their vulnerability is magnified by featuring them as naked or scantily clad at the point at which are attacked. In some they scenes, the female victims sexual allure is emphasised prior to her violent demise (Weaver, 1988). The 1986 AttorneyGenerals Commission on Pornography voicedconcerns about the possible link between sexually violent media and violent behavior. The Commission concluded that, in both clinical and experimental settings, exposure to sexually violent materials has indicatedan increase in the likelihood of aggression. More specifically, the research ... shows a causal relationship between exposure material of this type and aggressive to behavior towards women (p. 324). The Commission concluded that the increase in aggressive behavior occurred only in research not settings, but also included unlawful sexually violent behavior by some subgroups the popuof lation. In making this case, the Commission referred primarily to experimental research that showed evidence short-term increases in laboratory of aggression among young college students following their controlled exposure to sexually violent media content-usually film clips (Donnerstein &



Berkowitz, 1981). This part of the Commissions report, however,failed to include the findings of the only study of that period that examined possible long-term effects of repeated exposure sexually violent media content on to laboratory aggression (Malamuth & Ceniti, 1986). That study did not find any such long-term effects. A further element of the 1986 Commissions conclusions related to research into the effects of exposure to violent pornography on attitudes rape. The conclusion reached here that the reto was search had demonstrated that such material could shift male attitudes towards female victims and the actrape itself in a more rape of callous direction. Criticisms of such entertainment-oriented material have stemmed from particular ideological perspectives in which a range of effects on public values have beenhypothesised to occur, though have notalways been empirically tested by their supporters. Nevertheless, a significant body of empiricalresearchemergedduringthe1980sthatexplored,through largely quantitative research methodologies, specific psychological effects of pornographic materials. These effects included measures of perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, and behavior(Krafka, 1985; Linz, Donnerstein, & Adams, 1989; Malamuth, 1984; Zillmann 6r Bryant,1982,1984; Zillmann & Weaver, 1989). This volume examines a number of important questions about media sex. These questions relate to the amount that the mainstream of sex media contain, whether such material is acceptable to thepublic, and whatkinds of effect media sex has on different groups of people. Most of the attention devoted to media sex has concentrated on its potentially harmful effects. In considering whether media sex does cause harm,however, a blanket view that all sexual portrayals or all media consumers are same is unhelpful. the In reviewing the evidencetherefore distinctions are made between different types of media sex, different types of influence, and different types of individuals whomight be exposed toit. Media sex canhavedistinct influences on women, on men, on young people, and on individuals with particular personality profiles. The influences of media sex can take the form of attitudes, beliefs, self-perceptions, values, and behaviors. behavioral effects may involve sexual proclivities or aggressive dispositions. Media sex may also involvedin consumer behavior, when sex is used to help be sell products in advertisements. Finally, having examined the different types of media sex effectsin relation to different types of media consumer, the book turns to othersignificant issues of theory, method, andpractice. Questions are asked about how media sex effects can be explained, whether the research evidence canbe trusted, and whether the evidence points to thefor tighter social polineed cies and regulatory controls over the media and mediadepictions of sex. While a number different explanations of media sex effects have been of put



forward, there have been disagreements among also social scientists and clinicians working in the field over the conceptual and methodological rigor of the published research. Chapter 10 examines the theories and explanations of media sex effects, and chapter 11 considers the methodological debates about theempirical evidence. Uncertainty over the findings of research into the effects of media sex has, in turn, produced mixedopinions about the need more or less regufor lation of media. Regardless of what theeffects of media sex might be, there continues to be debate about the legitimacy of censorship. In a world in which communicationstechnologies have undergone revolutionary development, and continue to do perhaps the most significant change has will so, been the increased empowerment of media consumers.With control over the distribution media content becoming decentralised, the debate about of controversial content has placed greater emphasis on the provision technologies to facilitate control over reception at the level of the individual content, enand on the need for better quality advance information about abling individuals to make more informed choices for themselves. Whether or not the freedom of choice should reside with the producers of content and with the consumers of content, or with acentralised legislator or regulator, depends ultimately on whether itis possible to prove that harmis being done. To date, governments and legislators have paid some lip service to the harms of media sex, but have not yet acted as though fully convinced by the scientific and clinical evidence.

How Much Sex I s Shown?

In considering how much sex is shown in themajor media , such as films, videos or television programs, one approach has been to the audience. ask This, as we will in chapter3 , is usually done in the context enquiring see of as to whether people believe there is too muchsex in these media. subThe jective opinions of media consumers, however, maynot reflect the reality of what the media actually contain. Thus,we need to examinefindings from research that has attempted to quantifyhow much sex is depicted in the media. Most this evidence has been produced broadcast television, alof for though research has also been conducted tomeasure the prevalence and prominence of sexual behavior in magazines, films, and videos as well. In the lattercase, the focus of attention has usually been on theavailability of pornographic material. Some studies have also investigated the frequency with which sexual content occurs in pop musicvideos.

Most of the evidence based on objective, quantitative measures of sex in the media has been obtained through research method content analysis. the of This perspective uses a simple counting method. Researchers using this method begin defining the range ofbehaviors intend to by they subsume under the general heading sexualfor the purposes of their analysis. Trained observers are thenemployed to monitor television programs, films, videos, qualify as sexual behavior, or publications, identify actions or incidents that



and catalogue them. Distinctions are generally made between different categories of sexual behavior such as kissing,touching, petting, andfull intercourse. Talk about sex has also been distinguished from overtdepictions of sexual behavior. Sexual portrayals may also be classified in termsof factors such as whether they are heterosexual or homosexual, whether they take place between marriedor unmarried couples, whether theactors are nude, the age and ethnicity of participants, and the circumstances surrounding the behavior (e.g., a loving relationship between permanent partners, a one-night stand, prostitution, and on). Researchers usually distinguish so the type of program or film in which the behavior occurs (e.g., soap opera, action-adventure, comedy, horror, science fiction, etc.) . Where sexual behavior in videos and films isconcerned, much the focus of has been placed on measuring the prevalence of pornographic materials. In this context, interest centers on the extent which depictions of more unto usual sexual practices are shown. There has also been a great deal of attention given to erotic film and video scenes that feature violence. Depictions of rape have been asource of much concern and hence much the research into of video pornography has studied the frequency and nature such portrayals. of Analysis of themes of sexual aggression against women has not been restricted to pornographicmaterial. Such themes, and the often graphic images that characterise them, can be found in mainstream entertainment media, including general release cinema films and television programs. Historically, trends in mediadepictions of sex have focusedon print media. Longitudinal analyses of sex references in mass circulation magazines, such as Readers Digest, McCalls, Life, Time, and Newsweek have indicated increased volumes of references to sex across the decades since the Second World War. Sex references have also become progressively more liberal. This was evidenced by a decline in references to censorship of sex and increased references to extramaritalsex (Scott, 1986). Sex therefore became a more prevalent theme in the mass media between the 1950s and 1980s. Whether this coverage was instrumental in producing more liberal attitudes towards\sexthat were observed over this period (e.g., Godenne, 1974; Scott, 1986;Scott & Franklin, 1973),or whether the media were merelyreflecting social trends caused by other factors is less clear. In later years, trends in the depiction of sex in broadcast media have emerged as well (Lowry & Towles, 1988; KaiserFamily Foundation, 1996; Sapolsky & Tabarlet, 1991). SEX ON TELEVISION Most of the research into the amountsex in the of media has studied the frequency of sexual portrayals on television. Most of that research has, in turn,



derived from the United States. Given that American television programs are broadcast widely in other countries, however, the findings from this work are probably relevant toreaders beyond the United States. Initial research about on mainstream television began in the United sex States in the mid-1970s. Since then, American writers have observed steadily increasing amounts sex on television-whether in terms verof of bal references to sex or depictions of one form of sexual conduct or another. Franzblau, Sprafkin, and Rubinstein (1977) analysed 61 prime-time U.S. network programs fromone full week in October 1975. They examined 13 categories of physical intimacy ranging from intimate behaviors (sexual intercourse) to more casual behaviors (embracing). The behaviors that appeared most often were kissing, embracing, aggressive touching and nonaggressive touching. The most controversial acts, such as intercourse, rape and homosexualbehavior, had virtually no behavioral appearance. Only verbal references to rape and other crimes occurred, sex usually in the context of discussing crimes to be solved in dramas and crime adventure shows. Situation comedies contained more kissing, embracing, nonaggressive touching, and innuendoes thanany other type of program. Variety shows also displayed frequent nonaggressive touching, but contained only moderate amounts of kissing and embracing; the most distinctive feature of the variety show was the useof innuendoes, particularly in those without canned laughter. Drama programs were more conservative, containing low to moderate amounts of kissing, embracing and nonaggressive touching, but almost no sexual innuendoes. There no differentiation of sexual bewas havior on screen by gender of characters. In a1981 study, Sprafkin and Silverman (1981) found a sharp increase in the amount sexual content in of 1978-1979 prime-time networkprograms: Specifically,contextually implied intercourse increased from no weekly occurrences in 1975 to 15 in 1977 and 24 in 1978; sexual innuendoes increased in frequency from about one reference per hour in1975 to seven in 1977 and to almost 11 in 1978. Most dramatically, direct verbal references to intercourse increased from twooccurrences per week in 1975 six referto ences in 1979 and 53 in 1978 (p. 37). In another study, Fernandez-Collado, Greenberg, Korzenny, and Atkin (1978) focused on drama series from prime-time U.S. network television. They coded intimate sexual behavior and found that sexual intercourse, whether shown or implied, occurred much more often between unmarried partners than between married partners television. Nearly all sexual beon havior or references to such behavior were heterosexual nature and in deviant forms of sexuality were rare. Verbal and visual displays of intimate sex behaviors on television were largely confined to acts of intercourse between



mutually consenting heterosexual partners. Sexual deviancy in form of the rape and alternative sexual lifestyles such as homosexuality were rarely portrayed. Further studies of sex on American network television in the late 1970s were confined largely to touching, embracing and kissing. References to sexual intercourse were implicit and never explicitly depicted (Silverman, Sprafkin, & Rubinstein, 1979). By the end this decade, however, a signifiof cant increase was measured inthe rateof occurrence of sexual innuendoes and verbal references to sexual intercourse. Thisincrease in sexual suggestiveness wasprimarilylocatedinsituationcomedies(Sprafkin & Silverman, 1981). A later study of prime-time television drama series in the United States reported an average of just under three sexual behaviors per hour. Television series included in this research,were Dynasty, Hill Street Blues, Riptide, and Miami Vice. Two types of sexual behavior-intercourse and kissing-were most prevalent. Most sexual activity in prime-time drama series (63%) was verbal rather than visibly depicted. Thus, sexual intercourse was usually talked about and not shown on screen. Among those sexual behaviors that were actually shown, the great majority comprised kissing (70%). Just one in (21%) were intercourse acts (Greenberg, Stanley, Siemicki, five Heeter, Soderman, & Linsangan, 1993).

Sex in Soap Operas

Long-running, serialised dramas represent someof the most popular programs on television. Thematically, much of the drama centers on relationships among thecentralcharacters, with these relationships, inturn, frequently being sexual in nature. Focusing specifically on afternoonsoap operas, Greenberg, Abelman,and Neuendorf (198 concluded: Soap op1) eras have moresexual content than do prime-time programs, but thetypes of intimacies portrayed differ (p. 88). Lowry, Love, and Kirbys (1981)study of soap operas from the 1979 season foundan average of more than six sexual behaviors (i.e., erotic touching, implied intercourse, prostitution) per hour. Like several earlier studies, they found more than three instancesof sexual behavior involving unmarried partners for every instance involving married partners. Greenberg and his colleagues documented an increase in rates sexual of content of 103% in the5 years from 1980to 1985 in television soap operas popular with adolescents. They estimated that the average adolescent American viewer in 1985 was exposed to between 1,900 and 2,400 sexual references on television,depending on his orher viewing patterns (Greenberg, Stanley, Siemicki, Heeter,Soderman, & Linsangen, 1986; Greenberg, Linsangen, Soderman, Heeter,Lin, & Stanley, 1987).



Lowry and Towles (1988) replicated the 1979 study of sexual behaviors on soaps and found substantial increasesex between unmarried a in persons and a norm of promiscuous sex, with few attendant consequences. There was a generally higher rate of sexual behaviors per hour in 1987 compared with 1979, up to 7.4 behaviors perhour from 6.6. In terms of who was engaged in various forms of sexual behavior, there was a major increase in the ratio of sexual behaviors between unmarriedand married sexual partners from 1979 to1987. Although therewas an increased amount of sexual behavior on prime-time television, there was no major increase in soaps. In furthering their work on sex in soaps in the1990s, Greenberg and his colleagues reported on depictions of sex in themost popularserialised dramas among teenagersin the UnitedStates-All My Children, General Hospital, andOne Life to Live. Across ten episodes of each serial, these of of researchers found a total110 acts involving some form sexual behavior. This represented average of 3.7 acts per hour. Nearly nine in ten all sex an of acts (88%)in these programcomprised long kissing and intercourse. Prostitution, rape, and petting (distinguished from long kissing) were virtually nonexistent (Greenberg,J. D. Brown, & Buerkel-Rothfuss, 1993).Much of the sexual behavior was talked about or referred to rather than visibly shown. Talk about sex focused most of all on the subject of sexual intercourse (62% of sex-related talk).Visibly depicted sexual behavior usuwas ally restricted to kissing. In only one in four sexual couplings were the participants marriedto each other. Otherwise, they individuals engagwere ing in extramarital or premarital sexual contact (Greenberg al., 1993). et A n update on the 1980s figures emerged from the same research group in the mid- 1990s, covering threetelevision dramaserials from the earlier the analyses plus two more: The Young and The Restless and Days of Our Lives (Greenberg & Busselle, 1996). Ten episodes were analysed fromeach soap opera in 1993 yielding 333 incidents involving some of sexualbehavkind ior. There was an hourly average of 6.6 sexual incidents in 1994 compared with 3.7 in 1985. With intercourse,just over one infour scenes contained visual depictions (27%). Intercoursewas far more likely to be talked about (73%) than shown. A summary of the distribution of sexual incidents in these serials is shown inTable 2.1. Sapolsky and Tabarlet (1991) foundthat television had not diminished its portrayal sex in an when teenagers and adults of age were being urged to approach sexual intimacy with caution. Comparisons were made with an television offered viewers analysis by Sapolsky (1982). Network prime-time 15.8 instances an hour of sexual imagery or language in 1989 compared to 12.8 an hour in 1979. Noncriminal acts in both sex years were dominated by less sensuous forms of touching, kissing, or hugging. There were few instances of sexual intercourse in either program sample: four depictions in 1979 and nine in 1989.


1880s and 1980s


Sex i n American TV Soaps in the

N m u e of Sexual Act
1994 (5 soaps)

1994 (3 soaps)

1985 (3 S O C Z ~ S )

Unnlarried intercourse Rape Long kisses Married intercourse Miscellaneous Prostitution Petting Homosexuality Total

2.40 1.40 1.14 0.72 0.70 0.14 0.14

1.83 1.07


0.93 0.73 0.16

0.67 0.13 0.23 0.03




0.07 0.00

Not2 Source Greenberg and Busselle, 1996.

Research reported by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Children Now compared sexual messages contained in television programs in the United States between the mid-1970s and mid-1990s during the 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. time slot on themajor networks. A great deal of talk about sex was found, with more than three incidents hour. Actual sexual behavior occurred per much less frequently and was largely restricted to kissing and caressing. There were a few, rare incidents of simulated sexual intercourse. Over a 20-year spell from the mid01970s, sexual depictions became increasingly prevalent on network television programs during the mid-evening time slot, with 43% of programs containing any sexual material in the 1970s and 75% doing so in the 1990s. This overall increase in sex on mainstream television was largely attributable to a greater amount about sex in situaof talk tion comedies and drama series (Kaiser Family Foundation, 1996). The latest research attempting to quantify sex on television has emerged from the United States under the direction Dale Kunkel of the Departof ment of Communications, University of California at Santa Barbara. He compared the depiction sex on American of Family Hour television in 1996 with figures for 1986 and 1976. These comparisons were only possible for the three longest-established television networks, ABC, CBS, and NBC (Kunkel, Cope, & Colvin, 1996). This study analysed 128 network family hour programs in 1996, and compared sex in these with earlier program samples from the 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. period in 1986 (n = 3 1) and 1976 (n = 23). The earlier samples wereobtained from research conducted by George Gerbner and his colleagues under the CulturalIndicators Project.



Ip a furtheranalysis, however, Kunkeland his team examined additional television channels in their own analysis for1996. Kunkel and his colleagues monitored a larger sample of 1,351 television shows over a 6-month period from four major commercial broadcast networks, one public broadcasting station, one local independent television station, and four cable channels (Kunkel et al., 1999).All programs except sports and news were monitored. Across the studies conducted by Kunkel and his colleagues,attempts were made to improve upon previous research methodologies both in respect of program sampling and content coding. At the same time, certain elements had to be retained from earlier research in order to facilitate comparisons over time. Sex was defined as any depiction of sexual activity, sexually suggestive behavior, or talk about sexuality or sexual activity. Portrayals involving talk about sex weremeasured separately from those that included sexual actions or behaviors. To be considered sex behavior, actions had to convey a sense of potential or likely sexual intimacy. Thus a kiss of greeting between two friends did not count. a passionate kiss between two characters with a But discernible romantic interest would be counted. With sexually related talk, any comments about sexual incidents that had already occurred or involving sexual suggestiveness were cataloged. For example, if one charactertold another that he went bed with a woman to the previous night, this would be counted as a sexual incident. Similarly, seductive conversations between potential sexual partners, even when no overt sexual behavior was depicted, would also qualify. Sexual behavior was categorised in asimilar fashion to methodsused in earlier studies. This approach was taken to ensure that the data obtained the 1990s would be for directly comparable to those obtained the two previous decades (Kunkel in et al., 1999). The type of sexual behavior was measured using a rangeof six categories that began with physical flirting (behavior meant to arouse or promote sexual interest), and included passionate kissing (kissing also that conveys a sense of sexual intimacy), intimate touching(touching of anothers body in a that way is meant to be sexually arousing), sexual intercourse strongly implied, and sexual intercourse depicted. A final categoryof other captured highly infiequent behaviors that meet the definition of sexual behavior indicated above but do notfit in any other category, such as self-gratification. A further distinctionwas made between intercourse implied and intercourse depicted. Talk about sex was divided into six categories: comments about own or others sexual actions/interests; talk about sexual intercourse that has already occurred; talk toward sex; talk about sex-related crimes; expert advice; and other. For any material involving either sexual dialogue or behavior, the degree of scene focus onsex was judged, differentiating minor or inconsequential references and depictions from portrayals in which there is a substantial primary emphasis on sex. All scenes were also coded or



for degree of explicitness, which indicated the physical appearance of the characters involved in the behavior., Finally, all scenes were classified in terms of their depictionof sexual risks or responsibilities. This termwas used to describe the issues surrounding theserious outcomes thatcould beassociated with human sexual activity such as unwanted pregnancyor sexually transmitted diseases. The measurement systemapplied by Kunkel and his co-workers did exhibit some modifications to earlier methodologies. Three levels of analysis were deployed to measure sex on television. Distinctions were made between sexual interactions, scenes depicting sex, and theoverall sexiness of an entire program. The fundamental level of measurement was an interaction between two more characters on or screen. An interaction endured so long as it continued within the same sceneand maintained the same characters as the primary participants. Thus, two characters kissing would represent an single sexual interaction. As soon as they stopped kissing the interaction would end. If the camera shifted to another scene while they were kissing (even though they had not finished), this would markthe end of the interaction.A single interaction could also represent asingle scene. However, a scene could contain more than one interaction presented in a relatively unbroken sequence. The Family Hour Study The significance of Family Hour stems fromthe fact that the greatest concentration of young viewers is normally found at this time. During the mid-l990s, audience ratings showed that the four major television networks in the United States (ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox) could attract more than 6 million children and teenagers between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. Family Hour was the subject of broadcast industry self-regulation in the 1970s designed to ensure that programs shownat thistime would be suitable for all viewers (Wiley, 1977). There was widespread concern to control the appearance of sex and violence on television in the early parts of the evening. The industrys commitment toFamily Hour protection was abandoned in the 1980s following legalchallenges by the creative community responsible for producing most television entertainment content (Cowan, 1979). The courts ruled that scheduling restrictions on content violated the First Amendment because the Federal Communications Commission (the industry regulator) had pressured the industry to adopt it. Decisions about appropriate standardsfor sexual portrayals were then made at the networklevel. Some observers have argued that, in response to increased competitive pressure from other television services, particularly cable channels, sexual content on the networks has become both

28 -


more frequent and more explicit. Inasmuch the great as majority of Americans believe that sexual portrayals on television contribute to young peoplehavingsexandtotheevenmoreseriousproblem of teenage pregnancies (Impoco, 1996), is not surprising that calls were heard for a it tighter grip on the use of sex in mainstream television entertainment. It was against this background that Kunkel and his colleagues undertook their research. Kunkel, Cope,and Colvin (1996) found a marked increase, over time, in the proportion programs on the three of television networks that contained any sexual behavior at all. Figures for 1976 showed that 43% of programs contained at least some sexual content, andthis increased to 65% in 1986 and to75% in 1996. The proportion of shows with no sexual content atall diminished from majority (57%) in 1976 one in (25%) in 1996. All a to four movies analysed on these networks contained sex in both 1996 and 1986, 5% inwhereas onlyhalf ( 0 ) did in 1976. Drama showed a more substantial crease in the presence of sex over time. In 1976, none of the dramas analysed contained sexual content, but a little over half (54%) did so in 1986 and an overwhelming majority (8 1%)did so in the 1996. Situation comedies also contributed totelevisions sexual content. Onceagain, the prevalence of sex increased over time, from 33% of sitcoms containing sexual material in 1976,to 41% doing so in 1986,and 60% in 1996 Table (see 2.2). Two types of sexual representation were differentiated in this analysis-one known as talk about sex, and the other labelled sexualbehavior. The latter covered physical actions ranging from kissing or caressing to sexual intercourse. In 1976, about sex was found in alarger proportion of talk Family Hour programs (39%) than was actual sexual behavior (26%). In 1986,both types ofportrayal had increased with depictions of sexual behavior (48%) foundslightly more often than about sex (46%). By 1996, an talk even larger percentage of Family Hour programs contained sexual behavior (61%), slightly outnumbering those containing talk about sex (59%). Family Hour programming in 1996 contained an average 8.5 sexually related of interactions per hour (3.1involving talk about sex and 5.4 involving sexual behavior), compared with3.9 in 1986 (1.8 and 2.1), and 2.3 in 1976 (1.2 and 1.1). It was not only the amountof sex depicted in mainstreamtelevision programs on major networks that changed over the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, but also the nature of that behavior. A trend was noticed between the mid-1970s and mid-1990s away from characters simply talking about sex and towards actually doing it.In 1976, a larger proportion of programs contained talk about sex (39%) than actual depictions of sexual behavior sex (22%). By 1996, although therewere more programs containing in general, the proportionprograms depicting overt sexual behavior of one form of or another (61%) was greater than the proportion containing just talk




Prevalence o Sexual Messages Across v p e s o Programs f f Broadcast During Family Hour






1996 number of Programs 31 78


% %


% %

Talk about sex Sexual behavior None Either 16



33 100

19 62 38


21 78

84 I3

75 31


1986 number of Programs




Talk about sex Sexual behavior None Either 38

41 35

38 54

100 100




0 0 0 0

46 48 35 65

1976 number of Programs




Talk about sex Sexual behavior None Either

53 33 40


50 50 50


0 0 0

39 26



Note. Source. Kunkel et al., 1996. Reproduced with permissionof Kalser Family Foundation.

about sex (59%). Having said that, it should be borne in mind that when sexual conduct was shown on screen, it usually involved little more than kissing or flirting. Of course, even talk about can get erotic at times. However, Kunkel sex and his colleagues observed that intimate seductive conversations(8%of or all sex talk) were quite rare. Instead, most conversations that touched on the subject of sexual matters represented observations about other peoples sex lives on thepart of television characters (32% of all sex talk), orcomments about the characters own (28%)or past sexual sex life history (21%).



Turning to actual sexual behavior, more than eight in ten incidentsof sexual behavior comprised physical flirting (46%) or kissing (39%). More intimate touchingwas the nextmost frequently occurring sexual behavior (12%), whereas sexual intercourse rarely shown on screen (3% of sexwas ual incidents). Across all examples of sexual behavior observed in 1996, two out of three included characters who shared an established relationship with other. each A n established relationship was defined as characters having shared close interpersonal activities and experiences together, which could range from a dating relationship to a long-term committed situation. Whilewas comit mon for those involved the range of sexual interactions to haveesin full an tablished relationship with one another (67%), itwas uncommon for the characters to be married. Individuals engaged in sexual behaviors were much more likely to be unmarried (7 1%) than married (23%). Relationship fidelity was sometimes violated in television programs. Roughly one case out of six involving sexual behaviors (17%) included a character who had an established sexual or romantic relationship with someone other than the partner in that situation. In more than one in five cases (22%) where sexual intercourse depicted or implied, at least one was of the characters had an established relationship withanother person. The Sex on TV Study This later and much study by Kunkel and his colleagues analysed sexbigger ual content presented across the overall television landscape(Kunkel et cable channels.The al., 1999, p. 4). This study coveredboth network and analysis revealed that there are two primary types of portrayals involving sex-talk about sex and sexual behavior. Both types of portrayals have the potential to influence viewers beliefs and attitudes about sexual issues. Across the composite week sample of 942 programs, more than half (56%) contained some sexual content. Of all programs studied, 39% contained one or more scenes with a substantial emphasis on sex. Sex was often not just an isolated incidentin a program. Of the 528programs that contained any sex at all, there was an average of 3.2 scenes per hour involving sex. sex, More than half (54%) of all programs studied contained talk about with an average of 3.0 scenes per hour containing talk; 23% of all programs sex studied contained sexual behavior, averaging 1.4 scenes per hour withsexual behavior shown. Among programs containing any sexual content,sexual material the was rated interms of its degree of explicitness along a four-point scale, encompassing provocative dress, some disrobing, discreet nudity, and nudity. Across all programs including any sexual behavior, the average level of explicitness was low at 0.9. In programs with precursory behaviors only, the



explicitness score was 0.4; in thosedepicting sexual intercourse, itwas 1.9. Although this difference is significant, even incases of depictions of sexual intercourse, thelevel of explicitness was fairly mild. Turning to talk about sex, two thirds of such scenes (66%) involved an individual making comments about or her own anothers sexual interhis or ests. In 15% of cases, the talk was about sexual intercourse that had occurred. In just under one in cases (9%), thetalk was about sex-related ten crimes. In smaller proportions of cases, the talk concerned talk towards sex (talk leading up to sex; 4%) and expert advice or technical information about sex (2%). O n sexual behaviors, three out four cases involved physiof cal flirting (26%) or kissing (50%). Much smaller proportions of cases involved more explicit sexual behavior such as intimate touching (7%), implied sexual intercourse (12%) or depicted sexual intercourse (3%).

A small number of studies have beencarried out beyond the United States in which sex on television has been quantified. Britain, the Broadcasting In StandardsCommission (formerly the BroadcastingStandardsCouncil) conducted regular monitoring of sex on television during the 1990s. An initial content analysis was reported by Millwood-Hargrave (1992) of seven days evening output (6 p.m.-midnight) on the four main UK television channels (BBCl, BBC2, ITV, Channel Four) to assess the depictionof sexual activity and nudity on British television. Out of a total of 277 programs and 524 advertisements,57 scenes of sexual activity were catalogued. All portrayed heterosexual sex. The most frequently occurring sexual behavior was kissing, which was represented in overhalf the scenes (53%). Just under one infour scenes (23%) depicted the coital act. Other scenes were noted to be precoital (11%) or postcoital (9%). Therewere also two scenes (4%) where sex was implied through sound though not actually seen on screen. A further classification of sexual activity in terms of context and characterisation revealed some evidence of gender differences in the depiction of sexual behavior on British television. Although more than third of the reone lationships in which sexual activity occurred were established relationships, few involved married couples (see Table2.3). This patternis consistent with findings in NorthAmerica. Men were much more likely than women to be depicted having an extramarital affair. Women and men, however,were equally likely to be shown engaged in sexual activity on afirst date. Millwood-Hargrave (1992) compared these objective content analysis results to the subjective opinions held by the British public towards premarital and extramarital affairs. The former was largely accepted (54% of re-



Context o Sexual Activity on UK Television f


Established married Established nonmarried Extramarital affair: men Extramarital affair:women Extramarital affair: both First time pick-upby male First time pick-up by female First time pick-up mutual Rape or sexual abuse Prosritution Other
Note. Source Mdlwood-Hargrave, 1992.

5 15
13 1 1

26 23

3 3
6 1

2 2 5



spondents saying it was rarely or not at all wrong and 23% saying it was mostly or always wrong), but the latter were roundly rejected (85% saying it was always or mostly wrong and 3% saying it was rarely or never wrong). Other work on television sex has emerged from New Zealand. analAn ysis of sex on television based on all programs recordedon the three New Zealand broadcasttelevision channels during one week in February 1991 found 287 sexual images, events, or sequences. On Channels 1 and 2, sexual images occurred around once every 90 minutes, and on Channel 3 they occurred onceevery 45 minutes. In thisstudy, coders were asked to code eachimage, sequence, and event the level of public offence they by believed it would cause. They assessed this by reference to past objections filed with the Broadcasting Standards Committee. They were invited to decide the likelihood that an objection would be raised, not whether it would be sustained. Ratings were made along a five-point scale: 1 being 5 being certain to cause complaint. Fifsure not to cause complaint and teen scenes were rated at the 3 and 4 levels, but none at 5 (Watson, Bassett, Lambourne, & Shuker, 1991). Most of the sexual material was found to occur films that were largely in broadcast in the afternoon in the late evening late-night slots. There or or were 24 films scheduled in the week of the analysis. Thirteen of these films supplied 90 out of the total instances of sexual imagery. Most of the sex287



ual imagery seen during thisweek was not of a violent nature. More than one intu70 sexual scenes (56%) were classified as depicting loving relationships; more than one in three (35%) were classified as casual relationships. Nine per cent of scenes contained any angry or coercive behavior. The great majority of sexual scenes comprised kissing (84%)and a further one in ten (9%) contained some petting (hugging, cuddling, stroking, etc). Nuditywas infrequent and any that did occur was carefully staged to avoid giving offence. The only full-frontal images to include pubic hair were within the movie Body Double, which was screened after midnight. In scenes that depicted lovemaking, the camera tended toshow no more than the tophalf of a nakedbody and from behind. There only one instance was when the camera showed almost full-length nudity in ascene depicting intercourse. Womens breasts, however, were shown on 11 occasions. The authors concluded that the amount and nature of sexual activity shown on television was not of a quantity or that would cause concern type to most people. Furthermore, programs that contained explicit sexual more imagery werescheduled lateat night, thus keeping within the requirements of the guidelines provided by the broadcast regulator. GENDER DIFFERENCES IN DEPICTIONS O F SEXUAL BEHAVIOR Few of the early studies of sexual behavior on mainstream television differentiated between genders in terms of the nature of their sexual behavior. One exception was a study by Silverman and her colleagues. Following up an earlier study, Silverman et al. (1979) analysed prime-time network programs from the 1977-1978 season in the United States. They found no overt portrayals of intercourse, but there were occurrences of implied intercourse, where intimate sexual behavior was about to take place or hadjust happened. Touching, embracing, kissing were again the most common and acts. O n this occasion, comparisons were reported between male and female characters. Females represented 32% of the character population studied. Females also accounted for a greater proportion the categories of of physical kiss, physical hug, physical affectionate touching, and implied intercourse than would have been expected the on basis oftheir overall representation. The most likely explanation of this is that thesetypes of interactions are typically done heterosexually, and as the likelihood of male-female reciprocal actions increases, the male-female ratio of performers will reach one to one. Therefore, the category of implied intercourse where, definition, for by a coded instance involves a heterosexualcouple, the ratioreaches an even



split. In addition, females accounted for a disproportionate amount the of physical suggestiveness and references to affectionate touching. Research by Sapolsky and Tabarlet (1991) shows that, in interactions between men and women, the male predominated as the initiator. In 1989, male characters were found to initiate two thirds of sexual behavior and conversation. Male characters initiated three fourths of the noncriminal sex acts in 1989. In contrast, in the 1979 equality of the sexes wasin season, order. Males initiated 110 sexual acts; females precipitated an additional 111 (see Table 2.4). Later research reported a near even between males and split females involved in talk about (49.2% vs. 49.7%) and overt depictions of sexual sex behavior (50.5% vs. 48.9%) inFamily Hour networktelevision the United States (Kunkel et al., 1996).

Frequency o Sexual Incidents on f U.S. Television-1 989

Gender of Initiator-Receiver Female-Male Male-Female

Noncriminal sex acts Touching Hugging Kissing Implied intercourse Explicit intercourse Criminal sex acts Sexual language Touch-hug-kiss Intercourse Prostitution-rape Sexual innuendo Atypical sex practices Sexual responsibility Categories combined Rate per hour 1989
Note: Source: Sapolsky and Tabarlet, 1991.

204 87 36

35 9 29

6 3 3 79 15


0 53 11

32 21 116 9 416 7.23


99 5

20 4



From the earliest studies of sex on television, a preponderanceof sexual action and talk was found to take place among unmarried characters. One analysis of American networktelevision found that three out four nonof criminal sex acts featured unmarried charactersin 1979, and that 10 years later, this figure had increased to eight in ten characters engaged in sexual interaction. Furthermore, all instances of implied or explicit sexual intercourse involved unmarried partners. In 1989, only one verbal reference to intercourse (out of a total of 91) occurred between a married couple (Sapolsky & Tabarlet, 1991). Many of the analyses of sex on television in which the marital status of characters has been focal point have examined soap a operas. This prominent andpopular genre has proved be a richsource of sexually oriented to story lines. By the 1990s, soap operas on American television were shown frequently to depict outside of marriage. Around one in sexual incisex five dents (21%) in thesesoaps involved fictional characters whowere, within the contextof the story, known tobe married to each other, whereas in all other such incidents the participants either single, married but not to were each other, or had an unknown marital status (Greenberg &Busselle, 1996; Greenberg & DAlessio, 1985; Greenberg & Woods, 1999). During the 1990s, evidence emerged that trends were changing. Sex was depicted as something engaged in more often characters who were in esby tablished sexual or romantic relationships. Heintz-Knowles (1996) found that sexual activity was increasingly depicted as a part of an established romantic involvement between partners, and that one-night stands were rare. Another Americanstudy of a wider sample of programs, by Kunkel and his colleagues (1999) found that more than half the characters involved in the depictionof sexual intercourse-related behaviors (53%)were in anestablished relationship (even if not actually married), more than onefour in (28%) had metbefore their initialsexual encounter but had not estabyet lished an intimate relationship, and one in ten (10%) had only just met. This study analysed a composite week of television programs video-recorded from ten channels, including the major networks. The same research group conducted an analysis on a small sample of 15 television shows designed specifically for the teenage audience. The shows analysed wereknown to be the most-watched amongthat age group.In this case, most physical behaviors occurred between participants who were not married (79%). However, most of those involved in some kind of sexual interaction (7 1%) were in an established relationship. Furthermore, in most of these relationships (74%), the characters remained faithful to their romantic



partners. A minority of characters (10%) were depicted as being unfaithful to their established romantic partner in show (Cope & Kunkel, 1999). This the same study found just six instances of sexual intercourse taking place among characters. In every case, these interactions occurred between characters who had an established sexual or romantic relationship with one another. Some researchers have gone beyond simple descriptive counts of the extent on involvement in sexual interactions of characters within or outside of established relationships, to explore the reactions of participants to their sexual relations. Greenberg and Woods (1999) reported thatmarried couples in televised fiction were depicted as overwhelminglysatisfied with their sexual relationship. For the most part, husbands were older than their wives. More than half the husband characters (54%) were in their 40s, whereas less than a quarter the wives were in this age group (23%). The of initiation of sex was evenly divided among married menand women. In those instances where sexual relations occurred among characters who were married to each other, there a tendency the men to not was for be older than the women. The attitudes participants towards their of sexual relationship werealso less clear-cut thanwas the case with married couples. Fewer than half the men (46%) and women (40%) who engaged insexual relations with someoneto whom they were not married were positive about the experience, whereas minority in eachcase (men, 14%; women, 18%) a were not completely satisfied with their relationship. In contrast toearlier studies, however, having sex with someone who was married to someone else was a minority activity for women (12%) and for men (15%). The significance of these patterns of sexual portrayals stems from evidence that they may shape viewers beliefsabout the status sexual relaof tions, faithfulness, and the institution marriage. Regular exposure soap of to operas in which volatile relationships, marital infidelity, divorce, abortions and pregnancy outside marriage are depictedfrequently occurring if not as the norm, can encourage viewers to believe that the world really is much the same as this (Buerkel-Rothfuss &Mayes, 1981). Although the extent to which suchsocial conditioning effects occur may be dependent on the reasons that bring viewers to these programs to begin with(Carveth &Alexander, 1985; Perse, 1986), thereis some suggestion that certaincategories of viewer, who rely on television for much of their entertainment, information about the world, and companionship, could be especially susceptible to such influences. SEX-RELATED RISKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Public opinion about depiction of sex on television has the challenged broadcasters to take a moreresponsible line by building safe sex messages sexinto



ual portrayals. This treatmentis believed to be particularly important given the role that television might play thesex education of children and teenin agers (Millwood-Hargrave,1992). Concerns have been about morality of the televisions depictions of sex as wellas its health implications. The mass media have been criticised for showing sexglamorous or exciting and risk free as (Furstenberg, Moore, & Peterson, 1985) and cited as one of the causes of increased risky sexual activity among the young (Hayes, 1987). Over many years, however, content analysis studies have indicated a tendency for television represent sex as largely hedonistic pursuit rather than to a as part of a loving, established, and long-term romantic relationship, and one publicly sealedthrough marriage. Instead, sex is frequently depicted as an activity indulged in more often by unmarried than married couples. Contraceptives are rarely referredto or used, yetwomen seldom get pregnant, and men and women rarely contract sexually transmitted diseases unless they are prostitutes or homosexuals (J.D. Brown &Steele, 1995; Femandez-Colladoet al., & Neuendorf, 1981; Greenberg, Graef, 1978;Greenberg,Abelman, Fernandez-Collado, Korzenny, & Atkin, 1980; Lowry et al., 1981). Between the mid-1980s and mid-l990s, soap operas on American network television depicted increased incidence of sexual relations (particularly intercourse) between unmarried partners and introduced of date-rape story lines. Discussions of safe-sex practices or use of contraception were identified on five occasions across 50 episodes fromfive drama serials (Greenberg & Busselle, 1996).Although muchTV sex focused on sex between partners who were not married, a great deal of this content was spoken rather thanvisually depicted. Interestingly, spoken dialogue revealed signs of an increasingly responsible attitude towards sex among soapcharacters. Positive attitudes towards sexual activities declined from 69% in 1985 to 50% in 1994. Positive attitudes towards married sexual intercourse, in contrast, rose sharply. Sex outside marriage was increasingly frowned upon. Themes pregnancy-wanted and unwanted-became more promof inent andwere reminders of sexual responsibility and irresponsibility. Across 50 soap operaepisodes, Greenberg and his colleagues looked for special references to safe sex and theuse of contraception. Five references were detected. One case involved a lengthy, lnultiscene discussion between a mother and her teenage daughter about theand demerits of having merits sex with her boyfriend, and one specific mention of AIDS occurred. Twenty out of the 50 episodes included scenes that referred to pregnancy. There were 15 different pregnancies in all. Pregnancies were twice as likelyto be unwanted as wanted, and in most cases, the identity of the father was known. In half these cases, the parents were married to each other and in one in four cases they were not. In othercases, the marital status was unclear. The researchers noted thatgiven the centralityof pregnancy to most



soap operas, it was curious that half of the pregnancies theycataloged were portrayed as being a surprise (Greenberg &L Woods, 1999). The risks and responsibilities factor was regarded by Kunkel et al. (1999) as an important contextual feature in relation portrayal of sex. They to the measured three possible types of themes concerningrisks and responsibilities of sexual behavior: (a) sexual patience: waiting until a relationship matures andboth peopleare equally ready to engage in sex; (b) sexual AIDS, STDs, and/or unwanted pregprecaution: pursuing efforts to prevent nancy when sexually active; and (c) depiction of risks andlor negative consequences of irresponsible sexual behavior. There were 45 scenes containing depiction of risks or negative consequences (2% of sexual scenes). Therewere 35 scenes of sexual precaution (2% of all sexual scenes). Therewere 13 scenes depicting sexual patience (1% of all sexual scenes). Those scenes (n = 78) that included risk or responsibility concerns were categorised as placing either minor or substantial emphasis on suchtopics. A further 37 scenes were classified as minor emphasis and 41 scenes were classified as a substantial portrayal. Talk shows (23% that hadany sexual content) were most likely to contain discussion of risks and responsibilities of sex. Comedy (3%) and drama (5%) were least likely to includeany such caveatsassociated with sex. Kunkel et al. examined the ages of the characters involved in their sex, apparent relationship to one another, and association between sex and any drugs or alcohol. Nearly three quartersof all characters involved in sexual scenes (73%) wereclassified as adults aged 25 or older. Nearly one in four (23%) were classified asyoung adults, 18 to 24 years. Just 3% were clasage sified as teens age 13 to 17. There was just one scene in whichchild chara acter (under 12) was involved. In more than half the scenes depicting sexual activity, the characters were in anestablished relationship (53%). In more than one in four cases (28%) the characters had met before but were not yet in an established relationship. In one in ten cases (lo%), they had just met. Therewere just two scenes in which drugs were involved and 13 scenes in which alcohol was involved. Kunkel et al. found that the majority of shows on television that involve intercourse present no information at all within episodes regarding the consequences for the characters. This held true both programs than for presented talk about intercourse (63% showed no clear consequences) and for those that depicted strongly implied the behavior(59%showed or no clear consequences). When intercourse was the topic talk, there of was relative balance between the programs that included primarily positive and primarily negative consequences intercourse (14% positive vs. 16% of negative inprograms featuring talk about intercourse that has occurred). Whenintercoursebehavior was shown rather than discussedsec-



ond-hand, there a much stronger tendency towards was positive than negative outcomes (27% vs. 7%). VIOLENT SEXUAL PORTRAYALS ON TELEVISION Content analysis studies have indicated considerable variability in the prevalence of violent sexual portrayals in different types of sexually explicit media, as research discussed later in this chapter shows. Around a third of adult books were found to contain references to such behavior (Smith, 1976), as compared to a littlemore than one in tenadult movies (Palys, 1986;Slade, 1984;Yang & Linz, 1990), and about one in 20 soft-core magazines (Malamuth &Spinner, 1980; Winick, 1985).O n broadcast television, however, such depictions are seldom shown in explicit way. an Following the discussion of risk factors associated with the depiction of sex on television, however, in addition to concerned with avoidance risks of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, therehasbeenconcern voiced about violent sexual depictions on mainstream television programs. A study of daytime soapoperas indicated that although violent sexual behavior was the second mostfrequently occurring type of sexual conduct, it was nearly always implied rather than shown on screen (Lowry et al., 1981). A later analysis revealed that evenimplied sexual violence or references to rape were not common,occurring about once inevery 11 hours of broadcasting. In contrast, the sexual activity most frequently referred to-verbal mentions of sexual intercourse-occurred 1.5 times every hour insoap operas (Greenberg & DAlessio, 1985). During the 1990s, date rape emerged as a prominent theme in television soap operas. A nonevent in the 198,0s,within 10 years it emerged as a key issue. Greenberg and Woods (1999)reported two date rape stories in soap operas from the mid-1990s. Both dealt with date rape of teenagers. In one case, the date rape involved multiple assailants and viewers witnessed remorse and guilt from two of the male characters, but not from a third. The pain of the victim was relived frequently in subsequentepisodes. Another story line portrayed a teenageboy holding his potential victim hostage and tormenting her, having raped her sister some time earlier. The episodes in this story ended with the accused rapist stating that he would testify he never had sex with the victim and verbally menacing both sisters.

Content analyses of the most popularmovies in the United States 1959, of 1979demonstrated a trend towards increasing explicitness in de1969, and



pictions of sexual themes, but thethemes themselves remained stable. Sex in themovies was more about physical gratification than about expressing affection (Abramson & Mechanic, 1983).Movies made for the theatreare frequently shown on television. Analyses of televised films have shown them to amongthe most sexualgenres on broadcast or cable television, be and the most explicitly sexual of any genre in terms of depictions of overt sexual behaviour (Kunkel et al., 1999). Much R-rated (and even some X-rated) material to which theywould be denied admission in a theatre can watched by children andteenagers on be cable channels (Yang & Linz, 1990). Furthermore,withR-rated and X-rated films shown in the theatre, most individuals experience a single viewing, whereas on cable television, movies enjoy repeat showings, giving opportunities for repeat exposures. Video entertainment has become increasingly popular since the early 1980s. Mainstream cinema films, originally produced for theatre showing, are eventually distributed through video releases. However, concern about sexual portrayals in video has focused more emphatically on pornographic movie releases that are exclusive to this medium and on music videos. The pornographic video releases contain a greater quantity of sexual content that is generally far more explicit than anything foundin cinema films. Music videos have caused concern because sex isone of the dominantthemes in popular music and the addition sexual images may of increase the excitement they can arouse in viewers (Zillmann & Mundorf, 1987). They are also especially popular with teenagers. The potential risk of socially undesirable effects on young viewers may increase when already powerful music and lyrics are mixed with visual images(Hendren & Strasburger, 1993).Together, the newer media of cable television and video present increased opportunities for exposure to material of an extreme sexual nature. Against this background, it is important to have data just how much on explicit sex these media present.

Sex in Music Videos

T h e growing popularity of music videos during the1980s, stimulated by the increased availability of economicallyviableproductsin music stores and promoted through specialised television services such as MTV, led a number of researchers to turn their attentiontowards this category of video entertainment. Research into music videoswas further encouraged by anecdotal observations that and violence appeared to sex be prominent themes. As the market for these products became established, investment in their production grew, with the result that their professional quality also improved.



As they became more firmly established on the entertainment scene, music videos were the focus of more concerted criticism. Groups such as Women Against Pornography the National CoalitionTelevision Viand on olence arguedthat thevideos were even moresexist, pornographic, and violent than conventional television (Jaeger, 1984). Others argued that MTV (Music Television) was racist because it did not play adequate numbersof videos of Black performers (Wolmuth, 1983). There particular concern was about the potential impact of these videos given that most of their audience comprised adolescents. Music videos can be divided into performance videos and concept videos. In a performance video, a musical performer group sings a song in a or concert or studio setting. A concept video consists of a story that goes along with the song, which may or may not add a plot to the lyrics (Strasburger, 1985). Both types of video have been found to display sexual content. In performance videos, popular musicartists wear revealing attire designedto enhance their sexual allure make sexually suggestive movements, and in some cases even simulate sexual behavior on stage. Concept videos may display more explicit sexual imagery, involving nudity, and display behavior such as kissing,erotic touching, and simulated intercourse. When such images are combined with explicitly sexual lyrics, the overall effect is a highly sexualised medium. Only a limited number of studies have been published in which prevthe alence of sexual content inmusic videos was measured. An analysis of concept musicvideos in 1985 found sexual intimacyinmore than three quarters of the music videos examined. Visible sexual activity consisted mostly of touching, kissing, huggingand flirting. However, sex wasmore often implied than overtly shown (Sherman & Dominick, 1986).The same study also found that aroundhalf of all the women featured were dressed provocatively and tended to displayedas sex objects. Another study conbe ducted around the same time reported that nearly 60% of concept videos sampled contained sexual themes (Baxter, De Riemer, Landini, Leslie, Csr Singletary, 1985). This study was limited, however, in that restricted analysis to detectit its ing the presence of sexual content in music videos and did not provide measures of how much sexual material i,ndividualvideo productions contained. Even so, it did provide a breakdown of the types of sexual behavior that 1% were identified. Sexual content was signalled by provocative clothing (3 of videos with sexual content), embraces (3 1%), sexually suggestive dancing (27%), other sexually suggestivemovements (Zl%), scenes of dating or courting ( 15%),kissing (11%), scenes depicting males chasing females and vice versa (I 1%), and finally, someone using a musical instrument in sexua ally suggestive manner (8%).



Music videos were found to be not only sexual but also sexist (Gow, 1993; Vincent, Davis, & Bronszkowski, 1987). The earliest studies that emerged in the mid-1980s corroborated less formal, nonscientific evidence about the violent and sexual themes that ran through many of these videos (Baxter al., 1985).At this time, however, fusion of sex and viet the olence was relatively rare. Analysis a random of sample of videos from one week of output on MTV in 1984, for example, found sadomasochism 2% themes in5% of videos and sexual bondage themes in just (Baxter et al., 1985). J. D. Brown and Campbell (1986) conducted a content analysis study to establish what kinds of portrayals music videos contained. They sampled videos from MTV and Black Entertainment Television (BET) and compared howmen andwomen wereportrayed. They distinguished two broad categories of music video. Performance videos contained images of the musical performer or group in concert,with or without a live audience. Concept videos were based on a story line or subject of the story and featured the songs artist(s) as the main performer(s). Love emerged as the dominant theme performance and conceptvidof eos on bothtelevision channels. In one in three on MTV, sexual relacases tions were featured prominently, and this was also true of four in tenvideos from the BET channel. Altogether, just under half (47%) of the songs featured in the videos in this sample were about love, in the context courtof ing, desiring a sexual relationship, or severing a relationship. Further research Vincent and colleagues expanded on these early by his findings, and produced more detailed results on the nature of sexual themes and depictedsexual behavior in musicvideos. In onestudy, they analysed 300 rock videos selected fromMTV and classified the different forms of male-female contact. Thisvaried from simple touching (53.8% of videos) through kissing (26.9%), hugging(25.2%),heavypetting (4.2%,) to implied lovemaking (1.7%). Nearly one in ten videos contained suggested nudity (9.2%), nearly 4 in 10 (38.7%) usedhighly seductive clothing, and one in ten (10.1%) used women in undergarments (Vincent et al., 1987). Vincent (1988) published another analysis of MTV rock videos 2 years later tofind out if the themes noted in the earlier study had changedat all. He found that the prevalence of implicit or explicit nudity (15.6% of videos), ofwomen lingerie (16.4%), and women in bathing in of suits (13 cases) had all exhibited marginal, nonsignificant increases over time. The frequency of nonintimate, sexual touching actually decreased, while kissing and heavy petting remained largely unchanged. Implied lovemakingstill occurred only in small minority (4%) of videos, but had become twice as a prevalent compared with years earlier. 2



Films Aimed at Teenage Audiences

Analysis of mainstream television in the United States indicated that has one in ten scenes containing sexual material involved teenagers. In the great majority of such scenes (83%), teenager characters simply talked about sex, although in some these instances (13%), talk centered sex of on that hadoccurred. About one in sexual scenes (17%) involving teenagsix ers depicted sexual behavior. For the most part, these scenes comprised kissing (63%) or flirting (27%), andnone werefoundtodepict sexual intercourse between teenagers, although in a few cases (8%) sexual intercourse was implied (Kunkel et al., 1999). Analysis of R-rated films known to be popular among adolescents has indicated the presence of more explicit sexual content. Greenberg and his colleagues looked at thesex content of movies such as Friday the2 3th, Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, Risky Business, Porky's 11, and Bachelor Party. All the movies (n = 16) selected for analysishad previously been identified by a teenage sample as being among the most liked movies among their age group. An average of 12.5 acts involving sexual behavior were found per film (or 10.8 scenes per hour). Nude scenes were quite prevalent (9.8 per film), with female nudity exceeding male nudity four to one. The main by (8 category of sexuality was sexual intercourse between unmarried partners acts per film). In sum, these R-rated movies typicallycontained far more sex than television programs (Greenberg, Siemicki, Dorfman, et al., 1993).

Sex in Explicit Videos

Sexual content has traditionally been associated with restricted adult forms of entertainment. Prior to thepopularity of entertainment videos, explicit sexual content could be obtained through printed media, including books and magazines. Much explicit sexual material could be found, instance, for in adults-only paperbacks. During the 1960s and 1970s, the amountof sexual material being made available in this form increased by a substantial margin (Smith, 1976). With therapid expansion of the home video market the 1980s, pornoin graphic videos superseded print media the preferred form of explicit sexas ual entertainment. Several published studies have reported analyses of sexual depictions in thesevideos. While adultvideos contain large quantities of explicit sex, almost by definition, researchers have been interested in the particulartypes of sexual behavior portrayed. The bulk of pornographic material, published in theform of still photo- ' graphs or video and film productions, is nonviolent. Predominantly, it depicts revealing shots of female nudityand acts of heterosexual intercourse.



Themes tend to highlymasculine, preoccupied withthe sex act and be with little surrounding story line or development of romantic relationships. Typical portrayals show heterosexual intercourse, oral-genital contact, lesbianism, group sex, and anal intercourse (Hebditch & Anning, 1988). There tends to minimal communication between partners and expression be little of emotion apart from lust and desire (Brosius, Weaver, 6r Staab, 1993; Prince, 1990; Rimmer, 1986). Palys (1986) examined adult andXXX-rated videos commercially available in Vancouver,Canada. More than 4,200 separate scenes were identified with 150videos, of which abouthalf could be coded for sex, aggression, and/or sexual aggression. The triple -X videos frequently depicted explicit sexualactsamongtheactors,including genital-genital intercourse, oral-genital contact, and thefondling of breasts and genitals. Palys found that XXX-rated videos portrayed more egalitarian and mutually consenting sexual depictions than adult videos. For example, although in adult videos men usually played the dominant role in sexual scenes, in the XXX-rated videos men and women were depicted in the dominant role about equally often. Second, the adultvideos had higher percentages of aggressive scenes and more severe and graphic forms of aggression than the XXX-rated videos and more often depicted scenes in which at least one participant not engage in sex freely or scenes involvdid ing overt aggression. Finally, although Palys found no indication of an increase between 1979 and 1983 in nonsexual aggressive images in either type of video, the percentage sexual violence appeared to have declined of in X-rated materials but remained constant in adult videos. Palys found that females were more likely to be the targets of sexual violence in adult-rated videos than in X-rated videos. In anotherstudy, Cowan, Lee, Levy, and Snyder (1988) analysed more than 400 explicit sex scenes taken from 45 X-rated videos. They found that more than half the scenes they examined depicted themes of domination or exploitation. Four major themes were identified: domination, in which the sex act was controlled by one person (28% of all sex scenes); reciprocity, in whichsex took place between equal and mutually consenting participants (37%); exploitation, in which oneperson used status or coercion toget their own way (26%); and finally autoeroticism, which depicted scenesof self-stimulation and masturbation(9%). Most of the sex scenes were heterosexual (78%). Bisexual or homosexual acts featured female actors only. There was a clear presence in many scenes of aggression-eitherverbal (20%) or physical (23%). Six per cent of scenes depicted rape.The analysis showed that menwere usually the dominant actors, whereas females were submissive recipients was sometimes ofwhat seen as abusive treatment.



A later study by Yang and Linz (1990) analysed a sample 90 R-, X-, and of XXX-rated videos selected at random from a pool more than 1,600 of titles. behavior portrayed in these videos was classified for presence of sex, viothe lence, sexual violence and pro-social activity. Nearly 2,800 behavioral sequences were coded of which 52% were coded as either sexual, violent, sexually violent, or prosocial. Sexual behavior was most frequently portrayed in X-rated and XXX-rated videos. Violence was most prevalent in R-rated videos. Sexually violent behavior was infrequent in all categories. The predominant form of sexual violence overall was individual or group rape (33% of such scenes) followed by exploitative and coercive sexual relations (26%, and sadomasochism (19%).Female and male homosexualrape was the predominant theme in around and 6%, respectively, of sexually 5% violent behaviors. A breakdown by video type showed that in X-rated videos the predominant sexual theme rape (either individual rape or group of was rape a single female by a groupof males). Exploitative and coercive sexual relations not coded rape comprised 21% of the remainingsexually vioas lent depictions, and sadomasochism an additional l% in the X-rated videos. The scenes on XX-rated videos were exploitative and coercive sexual relations (39%), followed by group rape and sadomasochism. In R-rated videos, group rape and exploitative coercive sexual relations, portrayed with nearly equal frequency, were the most frequently portrayed sexual themes. Male homosexual rape and sadomasochism, the next most frequent categories, were also portrayed with about equal frequency in R-rated videos. Among the four typesof behaviors examined here-violent, sexual, sexually violent, and prosocial-the predominant behaviorin bothX-rated and XXX-rated videos sexual, while in theR-rated videos it was violence folwas lowed by prosocial behavior. Sexually violent behavior was infrequent but equally likely to be portrayed in R-rated, X-rated, and XXX-rated videos. When R-rated videos werecompared to X- and XXX-rated types, combined in a slightly more powerful statistical analysis, no difference was found. Pornographic films and videos are highly sexual in nature. They depict frequent actsof sexual behavior, and most of these acts are very explicit. Sex in such material tends heterosexual rather than homosexual, but be to homosexuality is not uncommon and tends predominantly to involve lesbianism. The availability of pornography withcoercive or violent themes is limited (D. Brown & Bryant, 1989). Nevertheless, such materials are not unknown and tend to depict women getting enjoymentofout being raped (Cowanet al., 1988). In a rape myth scenario, womens initialreactions of distress during rape are transformed into sexual arousal and pleasure. Few sexually explicit materials depict idealised sexual themes in



which sex occurs as part of a romantic relationship and where male and female partners are equals in the relationship.

This chapter has reviewed research intoway sex is shown in the methe dia. It has focused on the representation sex on television, films, and of videos. The overriding impression to be gained from studies conducted during the past three decades that the amountof sex in these media is has increased. Television programs contain more overt sexual activity, but more especially more talking about sexual matters. In addition, the degree of explicitness of sexual depictions in mainstream media, such as television and popularfilms, has also increased. Although much of the sex shown o n nonsubscription television channels is mild in nature, rarely going beyond kissing and cuddling, there has nevertheless been a growing propensity to push back the barriers by developing story lines that tackle controversial subject sexual matter, suchas homosexuality, rape, prostitution, and even incest. Explicit depictions of sexual intercourse have remained rare in mainso stream entertainment media, though not in materials madefor adult audiences. Sexin pornographic videos tends tobe graphically portrayed. Indeed, in many of these 'adult only' productions, littleis left to the imagination. The real concern with such sexual depictions lies not with the tastefulness of the nudity and sexual simulations, but with the hidden messages that may be conveyed about women and female sexuality. As we will see in later chapters, this concern has been reinforced by audience research on public opinion about such portrayals (especially that of women viewers) and on theeffects that exposure to this type of sexual depiction might have on the beliefs and attitudes young men about women and of female sexuality. Other characteristics of media sex portrayals are related to the occurrence of sex outside of established emotional relationships and the tendency for sexual couplings to take place with little consideration being given to therisks of casual sex. This pattern has been found to characterise sexual portrayals in media aimed at younger audiences. As such, concern has centered on the lessons that these sexual representations may teach young peopleat a time of life when they are becoming sexually active and media role models aresignificant sources of influence. The analysis of media content canidentify and describeregularly occurring patternsof sexual behavior in television programs, and vidfilms, eos. It does not represent a measure impactof media sex, however. of the To understand thesignificance of media sex as a social phenomenon, itis



necessary to turn to research conducted among media consumers. This search should tell us something about the way viewers perceive media content for themselves and react to what see. In the next chapter, they we continue the analysis of media sex by examining public opinion about sexual content in the media.

What I Acceptable to the Public? s

Studies of media output have clearly demonstrated that sex represents a prevalent featureof motion pictures and other productions that are shown in theaters,on video or on broadcast television. Studies of the representation of sex on screen havedistinguished between different kinds of sexual behavior. Most of what appears on mainstream audiovisual media productions tend to take the of fairly mild form depictions of sexual behavior. More graphic depictions also occur, but tend tobe restricted to films and videos with adult classifications or programs broadcast lateat night and on more specialised subscription channels. Having shown that depictions of sexual behavior occur with some regularity and thatsex has increased in its presence on screenover the past two decades, the next important question is whether sex per se or different types of sexual portrayal are acceptable to viewers. Do viewers display concerns thatsex is too much of a preoccupation infilms and programs? Do they perceive that it has increased in prevalence and in graphic detail over time? Are such developments generally welcome or should they be discouraged reversed? and Establishing whether the depiction sex in films, television programs, of and videos is acceptable to thepublic has been attemptedmostly through public opinion surveys. In addition, qualitative methodologies have been deployed to explore in greater depth the opinions that ordinary people hold about sex on screen.Attemptshave also beenmade through laboratory-based studies to measure viewers perceptions of different types of sex48



ual portrayal and to relate these perceptions to the natureof the portrayal and to thepersonality of the viewer. PUBLIC OPINION ABOUT SEX ON SCREEN Numerous surveys have explored public opinion about sex on broadcast television. This research has examined the publics views about whether there is too muchsex in the audiovisual entertainment media and attitudes towards different kinds of sexual portrayal. Surveys asking aboutthe amount of sex in themedia tended to used most frequently with televibe sion. This is understandable given the ubiquity of the medium, but more especially given the way itenters peoples homes. With cinema films, movie-goers have attend to screenings in a theatre and often have read will advance notices about the films they go to watch. The movie-goer therefore exerts a considerable degree of personal control over what see, when, and to in whose company.With videos, consumers must take deliberate decision a to purchase or rent afilm on video. The choice of when to watch and with whom to watch is also very much under theviewers control. With televid sion, in contrast, programs are scheduled by broadcasters, others with whom one shares ones home may enter andleave the viewing situation at will, and controversial or salacious content can occur without warning. Public opinion, of course, merely reflects the personal views of media consumers. Opinions can vary widely across television audiences and may shift over time. Nevertheless, opinion surveys about public perceptions of sex on television have provided useful snapshots of the climate of opinion that exists at different times. Television, for example, has been identified by members of the public in the United Statesas a major source of learning about sex forchildren and teenagers. While notunduly critical of this role, there was some concern voiced about theaccuracy of the sex-related information presented by television (Roberts, Kline, & Gagnon, 1978). In the United States, example, such surveys have revealed a marked for degree of public concern about the amount of sex shown on television (Greenberg, Graef, FernandezCollado, Korzenny, & Atkin, 1980; Sprafkin & Silverman, 1980). This concern does just take theform of being pernot sonally offended by sex on television, but also stems from the perception that television can encourage young viewers to become sexually active earlier than they would otherwise, often without taking adequate precautions (Planned Parenthood Federation of New York City, 1986). Contrasting opinions have been expressed by some writers who have claimed that television has become moreresponsible in its depictions of sex and has turned to traditional themes of commitment and love, while giving lessemphasis to bed-hopping (Hill, 1987).



In Britain, surveys have addressedthe question the perceived amount of of sex on television head-on. In the early 1990s, more than half a nationally representative sampleof British television viewers (54%) claimed that the amount of sex shown on television was about right. Of those who dissented from this opinion, the great majority (41% of all viewers) said there was too few (2%) feltthere was toolittle much sex on television;onlya (Millwood-Hargrave, 1992). By the end of the 1990s, opinions about the amount of sex on television became morerelaxed. There was a gradual decrease in the percentage British viewers who felt there was too much of sex on television and an increase in thosewho felt the amountwas about right (see Table 3.1). Opinions about the amount sex on television are notuniform in their of distribution across different population subgroups. Millwood-Hargrave (1999) reported that people age 65 or more years (73%) were much more likely to think there too much on television than viewers in general was sex (36%). By the late1990s in Britain, concern about the prevalence of sex on television centeredon levels of explicitness, toomuch talk about sex, and the complaint that it had become almost impossible to avoid it. Viewers perceived the problem of too much on television to be more sex acuteinrelationtoparticularcategories of broadcastthanothers. Millwood-Hargrave (1999) reported that British viewers were especially likely to single out confessional talk shows (47%), television advertising (37%), films on television (33%), television drama (29%), soap operas (29%),andcomedies (21%)as containing excessive amounts of sex. Women were more likely to say there was too much sex shown in films (43%), drama (32%), and comedy (27%). Men were more disagree likely to (28%of men said these was not too muchsex in anyof these genres compared with 15% of all women). By the early 1990s, British viewers expressed the general belief that standards in broadcasting were becoming more liberal and depictions of sex
British Viewers Opinions About the Amount of Sex onTV
1998 1996 1994 1992 1997 1995 1993 1991

Too Much About Right



41 54

40 55

38 58 53

35 58



36 57

Too Little

62 6

Note Data are from Millwood-Hargrave, 1999.




more explicit. Most respondents 1%)expressed the view that the amount (7 of sex on television had clearly increased compared with the past. More than one in three (36%) also felt that television had a stronginfluence in encouraging sexual and moral permissiveness and a similar percentage (35%) felt that it had some influence in this respect. This opinionwas particularly likely to be supported by viewers aged 55 and over, of whom 60% believed that television had a strong or very strong influence in cultivating a climate of permissiveness (Millwood-Hargrave, 1992). By the end of the 1990s, slightly more than one intwo British viewers (54%) said they did not enjoy watching sex on television, compared to approximately one in three (36%) who did. In contrast, nearly three out of four viewers (72%) did not usually find sex on television offensive, compared to one in four (24%) who did (Millwood-Hargrave, 1999). Older viewers went against this trend, with four in ten of those age 65 and over (40%) agreeing strongly that sex on television was offensive, compared with 14% of the general sample. Although most British viewers were not offended by sex on television, more than four in ten (4 1%) questioned whether itwas necessary to show it.For most viewers (58%),while sexwas acknowledged to be a part of everyday life, they did not want to be confronted by it ontelevision. What emerged fromthe early 1990s research, however, was that many people thought about their opinions carefully and were not inclined to give blanket endorsementor rejection of sex on television. Most viewers (61%) denied that they found it offensive to see sex on television, though a marked minority (39%)did find it offensive. Even so, there were mixed views about the possible impact that televised sex could have,especially on young people. More than half of British viewers (56%) in theearly 1990s agreed that showing sex on television only encourages the young to experiment with sex themselves too young, but more than four in ten (43%) rejected this opinion. Opinions were even more equally divided on theissue of whether sex on television encourages immoral behavior, with around half saying that it did (48%) and half saying it did not (51%). Opinions about sex on television were further mediated by the nature and intentionof its inclusion in programs. In theearly 1990s, many British viewers thought that sex on television could have an educational role. However, the perceived educational benefits of televised sex depended on the context in which they were used. O n balance, British viewers were slightly more likely to agree (53%) than disagree (47%) that sex scenes give parents a good chance to about these talk things with their children. In contrast, the belief that showing sex on television is a good way ofhelping to educate children about thefacts of life was rejected (52%) more than it was accepted (45%).Where most viewers were clearly in agreement (81%) was in their endorsement the opinion that scenes on television should imof sex



ply, as much as possible,that condoms wereused and thusgive encouragement to safe sex practices. Regardless of the beneficial functions televised portrayals of sex might fulfill, viewersopinions were also affected by the natureof the production treatment. For most British viewers (75%), sex on television was tolerable provided sex scenes did not go on for too long. Equally,it was important for the great majority of viewers (78%) that sex scenes were necessary to the story (Millwood-Hargrave, 1999).There was less general agreement with statements thatsuggested that the depiction sex wasacceptable because of it was acting (48%) than with the importanceof sex being depictedas part of a loving relationship (63%). In Britain, attitudes to sex on television have been tracked overmany years, alongside opinions about violence and bad language television, by on the commercial television regulator (see Gunter,Sancho-Aldridge, & Winstone, 1994;Independent Television Commission [ITC] , 1999).Public sensitivities to sex on television have beeninvestigated in this survey in relation to a question asks viewers that about what has offended them on television. Although thissurvey does not pindown in precise terms what kind of sexual material is being referred to, it does serve as a measureof the relative importance of sex, as a television-related issue, in the publics consciousness. By the mid- 1990s, around one in ten British viewers expressed concern aboutsex or nudity on thecommercial terrestrial television channels, with around 1 in 20 expressing the same concerns about this on the BBCs two national terrestrial channels. Around one in 20 viewers also made specificreference to sexual violence as a source of offence across these channels. One infive viewers (20%) indicated they had seen programson television over the past year that had contained an unacceptable amount of sex or nudity. One in four (24%) saidthey had switchedoff the television or changed to another channel because the amountof sex or nudity inthe of program they had been watching(ITC, 1998). In a recent review of this surveys findings Svennevig (1998) noted that sex-by which was meant sexual acts and sexual innuendo-was as much a cause of concern as bad language during the 1970s, whereas in the 1980s the proportions of viewers complaining about sex on the main television channels fell. During the 1990s, sex was of less concern to viewers than bad language or violence on television. Yet, by the end the 1990s, sex was the of cause of more complaints from viewers about drama and entertainment on commercial television in Britain than any other single category of content, including violence and bad language(ITC, 2000). Such complainants a are self-solicited group of individuals, of course, who do notcomprise arepresentative sampleof the viewing population in any normative sense. Svennevig (1998) also examined opinions about steps broadcasters take to safeguard children. Respondents were asked say whether, when young to




people underthe age of 11 might be watching, programs had been shown on television which the childrenshould not see. In 1970, when asked to give reasons for saying programs were unsuitable, 22% said because they contained too much 16% saidbecause of too muchviolence, and 16% said sex, because of too much swearing. By 1988, these percentages had shifted to 13%for sex, 24% for violence, and 8% for bad language. This indicated a more relaxed attitude about and language and more concern about sex violence. By 1997, the relaxed attitude towards sex on broadcast television in Britain was further illustrated by the finding that 65% of viewers who could receive terrestrial television channels and80%of those who lived in homes with cable and/or satellite broadcast reception felt that people should albe lowed to pay extra to watch sexually explicit programs not available on other channels if they wanted to (Svennevig, 1998). This more relaxed attitude towards sex on television has been supported by other surveys carried out inBritain. A study by the Broadcasting Standards Council indicated that an overwhelming majority of viewers agreed that if people wantto watch on television, they should be allowed to do sex so (78%) and that people who do not like watching sex can always switch the setoff (88%). There was a moremixed reaction to the view that it is alright to show sexon television because it is what peopledo ineveryday life (51%agreed and 49% disagreed). A majority of respondents in this survey (61%) rejected the notion that on television is offensive, though nearly sex four in ten (39%) did find it offensive. Furthermore, four in ten viewers aged 55 and over (40%) found seeing sex on television very offensive. Another concern about on television lay in perceptions of its possible harmful insex fluences. Nearly half the viewers interviewed in this British survey (48%) felt that showing sex on television could encourage immoral behavior, and a majority (56%) worried that sex on television could encourage the young to experiment with sex too soon (Millwood-Hargrave, 1992). Even though a more relaxed attitude towards sex on television emerged during the 1990s, certain sections of the public nevertheless voiced some concerns about particular kinds of sexual content on television. Many public opinion surveys have examined viewers' attitudes about on television in a sex fairly generalised fashion, divorced from the actual viewing experience. Furthermore, distinctions among viewers have centered on demographic measures. Yet, attitudes towards sex on television may reflect attitudes towards sex in general, in many respects. If this is true, then one should expect variations in opinions about televised representations of sex to be explained in terms of psychological differences among members of the audience. Later in this chapter, research findings are reviewed that derive from studies in which respondents have given opinions about sexual media content that was presented under more controlled conditions, and wheredifferences in reactions were linked to specific psychologicalcharacteristics of individuals.



How Reliable Are Opinion Surveys?

One of the problems faced by public opinion surveys is that the opinion profiles they yield not only change from one point in time to the next, but more significantly, can vary with the type of question asked. Question framing can make a marked difference in the apparent of concern people have level about sex on television. In analysis of American and British public opinion survey data, Gunter and Stipp (1992) demonstrated how views about sex on television can vary widely within the same surveyin response to differently framedquestions. In a British survey causes of offence on television, more than half (57%) a naof tional sample indicated that they had beenoffended by something they had seen on screen in thepast year. Fewer than half of these respondents (46%) mentioned that the source of their offence had been adepiction of sex. Next, a different question was used which provided adifferent frame of reference. Respondents were asked to name any material they would not like to seeon television. O n this occasion, less than one in (18%)mentioned five sex scenes. Finally, a third open question asked respondents to name any subject matter that, in their opinion, should never be shown on television. in Nearly half the sample (48%)were able to mention something response to this question, with14% mentioning sex scenes in this context. Thus, responses mentioning sexual material were clearly less likely to occur in the context of sources of offence, than in connection with things respondents said they would not like to see or that should never be shown. Table 3.2 shows that variations occurred in the extentwhich a numberof potento tially controversial types of scene were mentioned relation to these three in frames of reference. These questions required respondents to supply their own answers. In the same survey, further questions were asked about these issues in which ready-made response options were provided. In thecase of each question, a list of items was presented to respondents and they were asked to choose any that, first, represented items they personally would not want to on see television and, second, representeditems that they believed should never be shown on television. Rape, explicit certain forms of violence, and sex, bad language were the most often selected items. Three points were of special interest here. First, more items were chosen from the that had been self-generated items by respondents. Second, items that had earlier been self-generated survey by respondents were selected by many more respondents from the prompt list. Third, the rank order items of concern from promptlist selections of was different fromthat derived from self-generated choices. Thus, sexual material was more often chosen as the type of content respondents said




Public Opinion AboutSex and Other Matters on Television

Should Never Be Shown
Would Not Llke to See

Base: 1,195





Explicit sex scenes

Factual scenes of violence Child abuse Bad language

14 5

27 18 7

25 11 3

1 52





Note. Source. Gunter and Stlpp,1992. Reproduced by permmion of

they wouldnot wish to see than were violent items when list of options a was provided, whereas violence more often mentioned than when was sex respondents had to supply their own answers (Table 3.3a). A similar comparison was made between items mentioned and item choices in response to a question asking respondents to select items that should never be shown television (Table 3.3b). Again, more respondents on made a response of some sort, items were mentioned more often when chosen from a prompt than when self-generated, and the rank order list of items common to prompted and self-generated questions varied. Rape was once more the most often mentioned item from the prompt followed by exlist, plicit sex scenes. The differences in public opinion that occurreda result of variations in as the frame of reference offered by questions are important. One feature all the types of question have in common that they required respondents to is consider the acceptability of different categories of behavior in an abstract context. The reality of television viewing, however, is that viewers watch programs and programs can provide varying contexts for the depiction of sexual behavior. Research into public perceptions of violence on television has repeatedly shown that context a key factor that viewers take into acis count when judging the seriousness and acceptability of on-screen violent behavior (see Gunter, 1985; Morrison, 1999; Van der Voort, 1986). The same principle can reasonably be expected toapply with respect to public perceptions of sexual behavior on television.

TABLE 3.3a

Content ViewersWould Not Want To See on Television

Unprompted Prompted




Woman raped by man

18 Explicit scenes of love making

Killing of innocent victim Animals fighting/killing each other Bad language Frontal male nudity Killing of criminal Frontal female nudity Close-up of childbirth

55 31
29 28 26

27 3




TABLE 3.3b

Items Viewers Think Should Never Be Shown on TV

Prompted Unprompted




Woman raped by man Explicit scenes of lovemaking Killing of innocent victim Animals fightingkilling each other Bad language Frontal male nudity Frontal female nudity Killing of criminal Close-up of childbirth

60 36 32 27

16 -

23 21
20 12

4 1 1

Note. Source: Gunter and Stlpp,1992. Reproduced by permtsston of publisher.

* Less than 0.5%





Despite somepublic concern aboutshowing explicit sexual material on television, the degree to which audiences object to such material can depend on the treatment afforded the subject matter by particular programs. Wober (1990) reported a study of public opinion about a television series called Sex Talk that appeared over 15 weeks on Channel4 in Britain. This series dealt with a rangeof sex issues and included explicit discussions of safe sex practices, orgasms, prostitution, sadomasochism, and a numberof other sexdrelated topics.Although broadcast lateat night (11 p.m.), the series was ground-breaking and contained material that some observers felt exceeded the boundaries of good taste. Research among a large national television viewing panel of more than 4,000 viewers found that opinions about the series varied dramatically. More than one infour panel members (28%) had watched at least one edition of the series and 6% of panellists had seen three or more editions. More frequent viewers were also more likely to have discussed it with family and friends. General attitudes towards the series were measuredand found to divide the audience into two groups that Wober labelled reticence and openness. The first group exhibited some reservations about the series and the way it have dealt with subject matter. Many panellists (60%)felt that its the series had focusedon thesexual experience and failed to pay sufficient attention to the moral aspect of sexual relationships. Others (54%) were concerned thatsome participants in the were discussing intimate deseries tails about their sexual relationships without having obtained their partners consent. The second group, characterised by openness, felt that young people were luckythat they had healthier, more open attitudes towards sex today (56%), that no aspects of sex should be excluded from examination on responsible television (45%), and disagreed that such programs lowered moral standards (44%). The variation in public response to programs that deal, in explicit terms, with sex on television has been observed elsewhere. Research in New Zealand, for instance, underlinedthis point, using more qualitative lines of enquiry. Watson (1993) prepared a report for the Broadcasting Standards Authority in which he analysed the commentsof participants in ten focus groups who watched final edition of the first series of the Australian the sex education program called Sophies Sex, presented by Sophie Lee. The members of each focus group watched one episode without interruption and then they were taken through the program, section section, withsmall by trigger extracts toremind them of the main stories. They were askedfor their general reactions to each segment and then their specific responses to certain issues raised by each story (e.g., the language used, the level of nudity, or the sexual activity depicted). They also discussed their feelings asto the appropriateness-for themselves and for other groups-of each of the segments shown.In addition, the groups with no members under the age of



18 were asked for their reactions to three explicit sequences from The Lovers Guide (a popular English sex education video) to see whether they would object to the transmission of material even more explicit than that screened inSophies Sex. The final edition of Sophies Sex, broadcast on Tuesday, 13 October1992 at 9:30 p.m.,aroused much interest and little wrath among thegroups focus of polytechnic students, nightclubbers, and the parentsof teenagers who watched it. Most perceived it as essentially educational andbelieved it was authoritative and factually correct. They also admitted to being entertained and informedby it. The material cutby the broadcaster (scenes of genitalia) also would have been accepted as educational by most focus group participants, but only a few were willing to see images of real sexual intercourse being broadcast. Two ofthe threegroups chosenon thebasis of ethnicity, Pacific islanders and Asians (Indians), were embarrassed by the subject matter, bothfor its frankness about recreational sex and its depictions of nudity. Both groups added that theobjections that they had tothis material stemmed from aspects of their cultures approach to sexual matters. Both observed that their own children would have to adapt to the local mores, and they acknowledgedthat they could not protect them from such depictions. The Maoris in thesegroups also said that there were aspects of the program with which they not comfortable, but they, too, suggested were that therewere educational aspects of the program that might have been of benefit to theiryoung people.
ATTITUDES TOWARDS EXPLICIT EROTICA IN FILMS AND VIDEOS Up to this point in the chapter, we have exploredpublic opinion aboutsex on broadcast television. As we have seen, much this work has comprised of standard surveys of one-shot samples of viewers or established viewing panels. Many of these surveys considered sex on television in a fairly broad sense, though a few studies investigated public response to specific programs. Compared with mosttelevision channels, much more graphic and explicit depictions of sexuality can be found in films originally made for cinema or video distribution. Some of these productions may eventually be shown on television as well, though they are usually shown at restricted viewing times (late at night) and onsubscription channels, and even then will often have the most explicit scenes cut. Public opinion evidence has indicated that explicit sexual material is regarded as an important source of entertainment and sexual information (Press et al., 1985; Stengel, 1986). Such materials can serve as marital aids and a useful outlet for sexual frustration. Many people, however, also believe that suchmaterials could contribute to sexual promiscuity, lossof re-



spect for women, and increases in acts of sexual violence. Thus, public opinion is divided over such materials. There is little doubt that there a healthy market erotica. Pornoexists for graphic magazines enjoyed considerable popularity from the 1950s to 1980s. Latterly, videos seem to havereplaced magazines as sources of such entertainment. The pornography business was one of the first to adopt videotape technology as a distribution outlet for its products (Hebditch & Anning, 1988). By 1988, around 1,250 sexually explicit videos were released within the United States (Weaver, 1991). How do public attitudes towards these more sexually explicit materials compare withattitudes towards the kind of sexual material that usually occurs on mainstream broadcast television? So far, much more sophisticated research has been carried out into public attitudes towards sexually explicit cinema films and videos than towards sex on television. This research has also displayed greater methodological variety. Survey research has been complemented by experimental, laboratory-based studies and qualitative research using in-depth individual or group interviews. Furthermore, more concerted attempts have been made to explain the nature of public attitudes through psychological theory.One important content distinction has also been drawn in the context of explicit films and videos-between depictions of a purely sexual nature and depictions of sexual violence. There have been numerous surveys of attitudes towards the acceptability of sexually explicit materials over the past three decades. Most surveys have relied on verbal descriptions of erotic materials (Abelson, Cohen, Heaton, & Suder, 1971; Athanasiou & Shaver, 1971; Diamond & Dannemiller, 1989; Eysenck, 1976; Gallup, 1985; Herrman & Bordner, 1983). Some studies have supplemented survey methods by showing respondents specific examples of erotic materials and eliciting their reactions to these illustrations (Linz et al., 1991; Wallace & Wehmer, 1973). A number of early surveys that did not distinguish between sexually violent andpurely erotic sexual films found that older people, individuals with stronger religious beliefs, and women had more negative attitudes towards sexually explicit materials than anyone else (Athanasiou & Shaver,197 l ; Diamond & Dannemiller, 1989; Herrman & Bordner, 1983). Employing a field study methodology, Zurcher, Kirkpatrick, Cushing, and Bowman (1973) compared the attitudinal and demographic characteristics of ad hoc antipornography and anticensorship groups. Cowan, Chase, and Stahly(1989) examined the similarities and differences in attitudes to# wards pornography control of self-defined feminists and fundamentalists using a structured interview format. A limitation of most of these studies is that researchers did not systematically explore differences in attitudes towards sexually explicit media and sexually violent media. The distinction between them emerged as cenhas



tral in the literature on theeffects of exposure to sexually explicit media (Donnerstein, Linz & Penrod, 1987; Malamuth & Donnerstein, 1982). Linz (1989) concluded that the evidence harmful effects from expoof sure to(nonviolent) sexually explicit media is weak andinconsistent, whereas the evidence consistently shows that exposure to depictions of violence towards women, whether sexually explicit or not, produces acceptance of rape myths and desensitization to the suffering of rape victims. Researchers who have examined public opinion toward sexually explicit materials and made the distinction between violent and nonviolent examples have found thatpublic opinion is considerably harsher toward depictions of sexual violence (Gallup, 1985; Linz et al., 1991). In the Gallup poll, respondents were toldthat the interviewer was going to read to them several descriptions of adult entertainment, and the respondents were asked to indicate whether they thought laws should totally ban any of the following formsof activity, allow them so long as there is no public display-or impose no restrictions at all for adult audiences (1985, p. 6 ) 0. The percentages of respondents willing to ban magazines that show sexual violence (73%), theatres showingmovies that depict sexual violence (68%), andsale or rental of video cassettes featuring sexual violence (63%) were much higher than the percentages of respondents willing to ban magazines that show adults having sexual relations (47%), theatres showing X-rated movies (42%), sale or rental of X-rated video cassettes for home viewing (32%) and even moreso magazines that show nudity (21%). Linz et al. (1991) conducted a public opinion survey to assess viewers and readers opinions about pornographic films and a porn magazine that had been the subjects of a criminal case. A cross-section of residents of a regional community were randomly allocatedto view one of the films or to look at themagazine or to view a controlfilm. Before and after viewing, the participants judged the materials appeal to a prurient interest shameful, morbid, unhealthy interest in and pat(a sex) ent offensiveness (community tolerancefor such material). The legal standard at <hat time required that offensiveness be judgedagainst community standards. This meant that rather giving personal opinion, jurors were than required to consider whether pornographic material would be a probable cause of offence to people in theirwider community. In some obscenity cases, social scientific evidence was called upon as expert testimony. Thus public opinion poll data on theperceived offensiveness of certain types of material were used to reinforce judgments about what fell short of community standards. Linz et al. (1991) presented findings from one suchcase. From a random telephone sample of over 600 adult contacts, 129 individuals eventually participated inviewing sessions in which they gave opinions about pornographic film and themagazine content. The results on this occasion found




that respondents that the felt films and magazine did not appeal to a shameful, morbid, or unhealthy interest in nor did they perceive these materisex, als as going beyond the level of tolerance regarding depictions of sexual conduct for the average adult in their community. After viewing these materials, a lower percentage thought that the community would tolerate the materials they had just seen than when were they asked if they personally would tolerate suchmaterials. Before viewingspecific pornographic films charged in this particular case, 59.1% of respondents felt that the average adult in the community did tolerate adult movies, videos and magazines showing nudity sex; 52.7% endorsed this and opinion after viewing pornographic material themselves. Before viewing porn films, 74.5%of respondents felt that a person should definitely be able to see any such showingactual sex in adult of movies, videos, or magazines if they wanted to, and 75.2% believed this afterwards. Fewer people felt the films appealed to shameful, morbid, or unhealthy interest insex after they had an opportunity see them thanbefore viewto ing. Beforehand, 43.6% felt that pornographic films, videos, and magazines that depicted acts and sex close-ups of sexual organs would appeal an unto healthy, shameful, or morbid interest insex, whereas 16.4% endorsedthis view afterwards. The researchers argued that there were certain advantages to providing jurors in obscenity cases with information about community standards based on summations of personal tolerance for materials actually charged in court cases, rather than on hypothetical judgments about the community and obscenity.

Measurement of the enjoyment sexual content can indicated through of be verbal reports usually filedafter the film or program has finished and via actual sexual arousal while watching. Sometimes these two indicators have been used together. Not all sexual portrayals in film, television programs, or videos are the same, or even same type, however. Instead, a of the variety of a different types of behavior arepossible, with portrayals occurring in variety of different contexts and settings. An important aspect of assessing audiences evaluative reactions to media sex, therefore, is to consider thematic elements within films and programs that can influence viewers enjoyment. Public opinion surveys have indicated that television audiences are largely accepting of nudity, somewhat less accepting of explicit scenes of lovemaking, and display fairly widespread concern about scenes showing rape (Gunter & Stipp, 1992). Further survey research conducted amongst British viewers provided a number descriptions of television scenarios inof volving different types of sexual behavior. In each case they were invited to indicate whetherthey thought the scene acceptable or not acceptable was



for showing on television (Millwood-Hargrave, 1992). Respondents expressed greater caution the sex became moreexplicit. Only 4% felt it was as not acceptable to show a scene which a couple were in clearly preparing for sex, but the itselfwas not shown, as compared with10% who objected to sex a scene in which a couple were having were conlpletely covered by sex but bedclothes, and34% who couldnot accept a scene which a couple were in shown completely naked obviously having sex. As Table 3.4 shows, the acceptability or otherwise of televised sex scenes for viewersis also determined by more specific contextual factors concerning not only the degree of sexual explicitness, but also the social context, nature of the characters, and relationship shown. Five of the six descripthe tions used in this study were found be acceptable for transmission by mito norities of respondents only. The least acceptable scene was one that depicted coercive, homosexual behavior, which was regarded as acceptable by fewer than one in respondents. The only scene accepted a clear five by majority of viewers wasone that dealt the subject of child abuse within with a factual context.The othersignificant point about this scenewas that it was described as a radio broadcast rather than a television broadcast. The reaction to the scene that depicted homosexual behavior ilwas one lustration of a wider negative reaction that found among was British viewers when questioned about the portrayal of homosexuality on television. More than seven in ten British viewers (7 1%) indicated that theywould find it
The Acceptability o Different S p e s of Sex Sceneon Television f
Scenarlo One

A scene from the dramatized versiona novelby a well-known and respected author, of shown late in the evening. of the female characters is having an affair with a friend One she has known for a long time. Theypeel each other's clothesoff in frontof the living room fire, then helies on thesofa and sheclimbs on topof him to have The camera sex. remains fixed on them as they achieve a mutualclimax. Very acceptable - 7%; Quite acceptable - 35% Not very acceptable - 27%; Not at all acceptable - 30%
Scenario Two

An episode of an historical drama shown in theevening. Set in Ancient late Rome, it is based on a true story. During the program there scene in a brothel, where wine, is a of lots women and song result a in full-scale orgy. Characters are seen swapping partners, in unconventional sexualpositions, and havingsex with morethan one person at a time. Although there are range of characters involved, most are overweight, a wealthy Romans, whereas the prostitutes areall young and beautiful. Very acceptable - 6%; Quite acceptable- 35% Not very acceptable - 27%; Not at all acceptable - 38%


Scenario Three


A scene in dramatized documentary about boys school, shown in the late a a evening. A young boy isin the showers alone, having been kept behind detention misbehavfor a for ing in class. An older boy comes in to theshower, sees the younger boy, and decides to take advantage of the situation. He slowly corners the frightenedboy, talking reassuringly to him as he starts to kiss and caress him. His embrace becomes stronger as the scene fades. The next scene shows the smaller boy crying on his bed. Very acceptable - 2%; Quite acceptable - 15% Not very acceptable - 26%; Not at all acceptable - 57%

Scenario Four

A scene from an early evening soap opera. One of the main female characters is committing adultery with the next-door neighbour. She is a very glamorous 40-year- old, but he has onlyjust left school. They into the go bedroom in a passionate embrace, and the door closes on them. They are next seen lying in bed after havingsex. Very acceptable - 7%; Quite acceptable- 3 1% Not very acceptable - 32%; Not at all acceptable - 39%
Scenarro Five

A scene from an early evening dramaseries. A newly married couple are about to make
love for the first time since the wedding. They can be partly seen in thelow, romantic lighting as they slowly undress and have Soft music playing in the background and sex. is sounds of pleasure can be heard. Very acceptable - 7%; Quite acceptable - 3 1% Not very acceptable - 32%; Not at all acceptable - 39%
Scenario Six

A radio documentary in the early evening about child abuse. The physical and emotional effects on the child are discussed in detail, anda lively discussion follows among social workers, doctors, and program makers. Very acceptable - 24%; Quite acceptable- 48% Not very acceptable - 17%; Not at all acceptable - 11%
Note. Data are from Mlllwood-Hargrave,


embarrassing to watch homosexual sex scenes with some the people with of whom they would normally watch television. More than six in ten (62%) claimed they would find the screening of any physical contact between gay men offensive. Despite these opinions, respondents in the same survey were not completely intolerant of homosexual sex scenes on television. Six in ten (60%) believe that it important to is show homosexuality if it is necessary to the story. More than six in ten respondents rejected the view that either gay characters (62%)or lesbian characters (61%) should not be shown on television at all. More respondents disagreed (61%) than agreed (29%) that programsandfilmsaboutgaysandlesbiansshouldbebanned (MillwoodeHargrave, 1992).



Such surveys were dependent on peoples responses to verbal descriptions of filmor program content, however. Reactions to actualfootage may be quite different and dependcrucially on contextual factors that might be regarded as justifyingthe use of a certaintype of portrayal or degree of explicitness. Using verbal reports elicited immediately after viewing sexual film material, Sapolsky and Zillmann (1981) found thatmale viewers were disturbed by scenes of petting but not by scenes depicting sexual intercourse. Female viewers displayed the opposite reaction. Other studies in which respond dents have reported their feelings verballyimmediately after watching sexual media content have found that images of nudes or semi-nudes and scenes depicting sexual behavior up to and including heterosexual intercourse cause viewers few problems (R. A. Baron, 1974a, 1974b; Zillmann, Bryant, Comisky, & Medoff, 1981). Portrayals of masturbation and homosexuality, on the other hand, are more likely to be rated as distasteful (Mosher & OGrady, 1979a). Scenes that depict oral sadomasochism, sex, and bondage also elicit negative verbal reactions (Malamuth, Haber & Feshbach, 1980; White, 1979; Zillmann et al., 1981). Even within the category of otherwise acceptable heterosexual sex, there are depictions that are regarded as unacceptable by some viewers. One might expect to find that scenes depicting mutually consenting sex will be found more pleasurable than scenes of rape. Even with rape depictions, however, whether the ultimate audience reactionof pleais one suredepends on howthevictiminthesceneresponds.Social psychological experiments conducted in the early 1980s, for example, found that film portrayals of female rape produced little immediate sexual arousal in male college student viewers when the victim depicted was as being distressed. In contrast, when the rape victim became involuntarily aroused, so too did male viewers. Indeed, this kind of scene was more sexually arousing than one showing male and female actors engaging in mutually consenting sex (Malamuth & Check, 1980a, 1983). Thus, even with a theme such rape, which survey evidence has indias cated tobe a source of concern to many people, immediate reactions to actual media portrayals depend on subtleties within the portrayal itself to which survey questioning usually insensitive. is By the early 1990s, research with college students in the United States revealed that portrayals of male dominance and the treatment of females as sex objects in unequal male-female relationships were found offensive by male and female viewers alike. Degrading pornographic portrayals of females in which initially unwilling female characters are coerced into having sex and violent sexual attacks on subordinate female targets produced negative reactions and mood states (Cowan Dunn, 1994; Stock, 1991). &




Varying Preferences for viewing Pornography Evidence has emerged from research conducted by Zillmann, Bryant, and their colleagues that viewers can become bored with form of pornograone phy if regularly exposed to it. In consequence, their tastes shift towards may more explicit forms of sexual entertainment. Experiments by Zillmann and Bryant (1982,1984) show that a heavy diet standard, nonviolent pornogof raphy produced habituation and lowered satisfaction with the entertainment value of such material. Consumersremainedinterestedin less common forms of erotica that featured more extreme and unusual types of sexual behavior, such as sadomasochism and bestiality. Zillmann and Bryant (1986) reported further data this issue with stuon dent and nonstudent populations. Participants in theirstudies were shown one movie per week for 6 weeks and gave evaluations of what they had seen at the endeach viewing session. Some participants of viewed a diet excluof sively pornographic films, whileothers viewed only nonpornographic films. After this 6-week film exposure spell, participants were tested their sefor lective exposure to different types of video entertainment. They were left in a roomby the researcher who askedthem towait until called to assist with another part of the study. While waiting, they had access to a selection of videotapes that could be playedover a monitor in the TV room. There were entertainment choices ranging from nonpornographic material through soft porn to more hard-core material featuring bondage, sadomasochism, and bestiality. The equipment was able to register which tapes were played and for how long. Results showed that participants exposed to 6 weeks of standard pornography exhibited less preference for more of the same, and were more likely to choose something else to watch, whether sexual or nonsexual in nature. In fact, they showed some preference for hard-core pornographic materials. For participants not fed the diet pornography, their of selections exhibited a preference for soft-core pornography or nonsexual materials, and they were much less inclined to select hard-core material depicting unusual sexual practices. It was not entirely clear why these shifts in entertainment preferences occurred. Repeated exposure to soft-core pornographic films may lead to habituation whereby theyfail to excite viewers, or it may be that after a while they no longer ignite curiosity. INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN RESPONSES TO SEX SCENES Not everyone respondsto sex scenes in a similar fashion. Consistent differences in the way people react to suchmaterial have been associated with



gender, attitudes towards women, sexual socialisation style, and sexual personality type. Much of the work on individual differences has centered on the way viewers react toexplicit erotica, and especially to those scenes in which the sex takes on anaggressive tone.

Gender Differences
Men and women exhibit largely different orientations towards pornography in terms of tastes, sources of offence and postviewing effects. In general, females have been found display a weaker appetite liking for sexual meto and dia contentthan males,whetherthere is violencepresentornot (Malamuth, Heim, Feshbach, 1980;Sapolsky 6r Zillmann, 1981). Erotic 6r content enjoyed by males will be disliked by females, and sexual material that evenmales find distasteful will be disliked to a stronger degree by females (Sapolsky & Zillmann, 1981). Thus, males like or dislike sexual may media content,but females tend usually to dislike it (Byrne, Fisher, Lamberth, & Mitchell, 1974). When married couples were invited to evaluate a series of pictures or verbal descriptions of heterosexual, homosexual, and autosexual acts and to indicate their feelings afterwards, differences emerged between the opinions of men andwomen. These differences centered on both the nature of their emotional arousal and their opinions concerning these sexually explicit items. Opinions were measured about how pornographic each sexual theme was judged to be and about participants support for legislation restricting thedissemination of pornography. Following exposure to the erotic stimulus materials, women whoexperienced strong negative feelings (anger, disgust, depression, nausea) judged them to be more pornographic and exhibited stronger support restrictive for legislation. Among men, however, negative opinions about pornography occurred only for those individuals who experienced strong negative and weak positive emotional reactions to the stimulus materials. Women high on negative emotional reactions rated pornography negatively even when they also experienced some positive affective reactions (excited, entertained, sexually aroused; Byrne et al., 1974). Female inexperience and discomfort with sexual material be exmay plained partly symptomatic of their conditioning not display sexual as to excitement overtly to avoid sexual exploitation by males. Females avoid may appearing tobe sexually aroused by erotica because such a reaction encourage unwanted sexual approaches from males (Byrne, 1977). In addition, cultural, gender-related values discourage females from acquiring erotica or using it to stimulate their sexual fantasies (Fisher & Byrne, 1978b).




Despite these observations, it is not true to conclude that females never show an interest in eroticathat they never enjoy the experience of being or exposed to it. It is safe to observe, nevertheless, that females and males do display different tastes in sexual media content. Women prefer softer erotica over hard-core material, whereas men often show the opposite taste. Women dislike sexscenes with violence or in whichthe woman is shown in a submissive role (Cowan & Stahly, 1992). Men show greater liking for sex scenes with female subordination themes in which male sexual gratification is the primary concern, whereas women prefer sex scenes in whichthe man and woman are equals and the sexual behavior grows out of a loving relationship (Cowan & Dunn, 1994). Gender differences also emerge in the way pornography is used. One study found that pornographic videos served four different purposes: sexual enhancement (to create the right mood for sex or to provide ideas about sexual technique); diversion (as an escape or relief from boredom); sexual release (to stimulatesexual fantasies); and substitution (replacement a for sexual partner). College men were more likely than college women to report using sex videos for sexual release and substitution. Men who sexvidused eos forsexual stimulation andforeplay with their partners were more likely to hold sexist viewsabout womenand sex. Useof sex videos as a substitute for a sexual partner was related to rape myth acceptance on the part of men, whereas using them for sexual release was associated with rejection of the belief that all women secretly want tobe raped (Perse, 1994).

Sexual Socialisation
Gender has already been identified as an importantfactor in relation to the way viewers respond to pornographic films and videos. One reason for this difference in opinion about and reaction to such material is that men and women receive different social conditioning in relation to theirsexuality. They are socialised according to different scripts(Gagnon &Simon, 1973; Mosher & MacIan, 1994). Such sexual scripts determine the kinds of behaviors that aredeemed to be appropriate for each gender. Put simply, men are socialised to be sexual initiators and women to be more sexually reserved (Mosher &Tomkins,1988).Such sexual scripts can also varywithin genders, with some men displaying more femininescripts and some women displaying scripts more usually associated with men. According to one school of thought, a persons dominant sexual script may influence the way they react to scenes. The degree of liking for a sex sex scene is dependent on the goodness of fit between the sexual script played out by the men and women in the scene and the individuals own dominant sexual script (Mosher, 1980; 1988a, 1994a). When there is a disparity be-



tween the viewers own sexual script (i.e., the manner he or she hassobeen cially conditioned to display) and the one being acted out on screen, the more likely will the viewer find the scene unpleasant (Mosher MacIan, & become sexually 1994). A failure of fit explains why most individuals do not involved in paraphilic fantasies when these areportrayed in pornography. Similarly, low goodness of fit reduced the involvement in heterosexual men who watched gay male pornography (Mosher6r OGrady, 1979a). This theory has been invoked explain why so many women to dislike typical sex scenes in pornographic films. The women in suchscenes are much freer with theirsexual favours than most womenin the audience would be, and the sex scenes tend to be devoid of emotional depth or involvement. Reinforcing this explanation are findings that women respond more favorably to erotic films made by women directors women, which, though for sexually erotic,adheremore closely to dominant feminine sexual scripts (Mosher & MacIan, 1994). The origins of this sexual involvement theory are located script theory. in Tomkins (1979,1987,1991) defined a script as a set of rules for ordering information in family of a related scenes that produce, interpret, direct, enact, and evaluate actions and outcomes those scenes. All psychological proin cesses in any scene are amplified by affect. When these affect-invested scenes are connected in family of scenes, they are psychologically magnia fied by fresh affect that reamplifies the family ofscenes and their rules for ordering information in the connected and growing set of scenes that define the script. Script theory posits gender (Mosher, 1994b) inthe differential socialisation of emotions inboys and girls (Mosher & Tomkins, 1988).Traditional gender socialisation entails a punitive socialisation of discrete emotions that aresplit and stratified into sets of so-called superior masculine emotions (excitement, surprise, anger, disgust) and inferior feminine emotions (joy, fear, distress, and shame). The socialisation of emotions by parents who endorse a normative ideology of gender requires that they manageand inhibit so-called cross-gendered emotions within any socialising scene. Parents thus reward their childrendisplaying for gender-appropriate emotional responses. Any emotional responding deemed to be not normal for the childs gender will bediscouraged. Thus, it lessacceptable for a boy to cry is than for a girl to doso. When emotional socialisation is guided by a normative ideology of gender, it produces a differential magnification of the two discrete positive emotions: Men magnify excitement over enjoyment, whereas women magnify enjoyment over excitement. In addition, the negative emotions form contrasting pairs in men and women. The contrasting pairs are anger versus distress, surprise/excitement versus fear, and disgust versus shame. Moreover, the first emotion is differentially magnified over the second in men,




, i

whereas the second is magnified over the first in women. A gender script is a modular component of the sexual scripts of men and women. Given a traditional normative ideology in parents and a consequent differential punitive socialisation of gender-stratified emotions, traditional gender scripts in men and women reflect this differential magnification of invidiously stratified sets of emotion that indirectly preserve an unjust hierarchy of gender. For men, the differential magnification of excitement invests excitement for many men in physical attractiveness of the partner and affect-amplified sexual drive-scripts of sexual excitement that promote sexual interactions with many partners. For women, the differential magnification of enjoyment is invested for many women in familiar and sensual kinesthetic experience, familiar and loved sexual partners, and parenting. A sexual script is the set rules for ordering information in a connected of and psychologically magnified family of sexual scenes to predict andproduce, to interpret and understand, to direct and defend, and toand justify evaluate the happenings in any ongoing, imagined, or past sexual scene. Goodness offit between the persons sexual script and the events, actions, and affects occurring within the sexual scene deepens involvement, which, along with optimal physical stimulation, producessexual arousal and potentiates orgasmic response. Similarly, goodness of fit between scene and sexual script is required to produce deep involvement in eroticfantasy or pornography. To measure the potential for involvement in sexual scenes, Mosher (1988b) introduced the Sexual Path Preferences Inventory to measure three different paths for deepening involvement: (a) role enactment, (b) sexual trance, and (c) partner engagement. These paths are sexual scripts that map the contours of generally preferred elements in sexual scenes. Prior researchers found that men, compared to women, preferred the path of role enactment for exciting, novel sexual performance, whereas women preferred the pathof partner engagementfor a familiar, loving union (Earnest, 1988; Lenderking, 199 1Sirkin, 1985). ; Mosher and MacIan (1994) assessed the psychosexual responses to X-rated videos intended for male or female audiences. Two hundred male and 195 female undergraduates were randomly assigned to view one of six videos: three X-rated videos intended for men and three X-rated videos designed by and for women. Reactions were assessed on measures of sexual arousal, emotional responses, absorption, and sexual behavior. As predicted, men reported more positive psychosexual responses to all X-rated videos than did women. Women wereless likely than men to express enjoyment and more likely to display disgust. Men were significantly less likelythan women to experience shame,anger, guilt, fear, or surprise in response to pornographic movies. In comparison to videos intended for men, which activated negative affect, women reported more sexual arousal,



more positive and less negative affect, more absorption, and more frequent intercourse after viewing videosdesigned for women. Men were aroused by both types of movie, whereas women responded more favorably to those movies made for women by women (Le., Femme movies). A preference for the sexual script of role enactment, which is more common in men thanwomen, was related to psychosexual responsiveness to X-rated videos of both men andwomen. But the script of partner engagement, which is more common in women than men, not predict respondid siveness to the videos. Those who adhered to a script of role enactment were more likely to enjoy X-rated pornography movies, whereas those for whom this script was not characteristic enjoyed these movies far less. In summary, men were more psychosexually responsive to videos intended for either men or women than were women. The women wereless sexually aroused, experienced stronger negative emotions, and were lessabsorbed by pornography aimed at men. In the 48 hours after watching the videos, the men masturbated more and experienced more orgasms, apparently mostly from masturbation after viewing the videos intended for men. In contrast to the women, these men reported more frequent weekly masturbation, sexual fantasy, and use of pornography during masturbation as typical behavior. O n the other hand, women were far less responsive to conventional X-rated videos intended for men but were relatively more responsive to the Femme videos. Compared to their responses to videos intended for men, women were mildlysexually aroused; became more absorbed the in videos; experienced more enjoyment and interest; experienced less disgust, shame, anger, guilt, fear, surprise, distress, and contempt; and had intercourse more frequently after viewing the Femme videos. These women's psychosexual responses to the Femme videos stand out from most prior reports of sex differences in which men, who reported nonconflicted excitement, were more psychosexually responsive to sexually explicit films than were women, who reported conflicting interest and disgust (Mosher,1973, 1994c;Mosher & O'Grady, 197913; Schmidt, 1975; Schmidt & Sigusch, 1970; Sigusch, Schmidt, Reinfeld 6r Weidemann-Sutor, 1970). Only Mosherand Abramson (1977) found that women were more emotionally and sexually aroused than men to films, one of a man masturtwo bating and one a woman of masturbating, apparently because they were less a turned off than the menby the film of same-sex masturbation. In subsequent experiment, men experienced both homosexual threat and masturbation guilt to this samefilm of a man masturbating (Mosher O'Grady, & 1979a). Mosher and MacIan (1994) believed that psychosexualresponsiveness to pornography is a function the goodness of fit between sexual scene of and sexual script, which means that pornography-or at least erotica-can




be constructed that either appeals to or disgusts anyindividual by matching or mismatching that persons sexual script. These two processes may explain these womens psychosexual responsiveness: (a) thewomens sexual scripts were more compatible with sexthe ual scenes in the Femme videos, generating greater depth of involvement, emotional enjoyment and excitement, and subjective sexual arousal; and (b) the Femme videos were more psychosexually arousing simply because they generated less negative affect-particularly, less disgust- that would attenuate andconflict with positive affect and form abarrier to deepening involvement (Green & Mosher, 1985). Although women reportedfar less exposure to pornography in their everyday lives, their experience with mass media, sexual fantasies, and sexual activities was sufficient to develop their capacity for responding to the Femme videos. Conventional X-rated films intended for a male audience include elements and themes that women may consider offensive to women as a social category or to be personal turn-offs, making such male-orientedvideos harder to assimilate to their sexual scripts. These women may have desired intercourse after the Femme videos because they were aroused withoutbeing as turned off as is the case with the typical X-rated video. It should be noted that theFemme videos still triggered mild disgust and other negative emotions in women. In contrast to the men,most of these womendid not appear to have a pattern masturof bating to pornography. Their sexual arousal to thefemme videos may have been translated intosociosexual behaviors because they were in an established relationship that permitted intercourse whenever chose. (They they were not questioned on this point, however.) From script theory Mosher and MacIanargue that the results of their research could explained by referring to differences in the be gender socialisation of discrete emotional responses and in the gendered socialisation of sexual scenes. The punitive socialisation of enjoyment, fear, distress, and shame inboys leads many men toembrace an ideology of machismo and a macho personality script that ordains a daring, exciting, aggressive, tough, and calloused sexuality (Mosher, 19916; Mosher 6r Tomkins, 1988). The punitive socialisation of excitement, surprise, anger, disgust, conand tempt in women produces a more relaxed and enjoyable but also more fearful, distressed, and shameful sexuality that favors seeking union with powerful men. Gagnon(1990; Gagnon & Simon, 1973) proposed important andrelevant differences in sexual scripts stemming from womens socialisation into heterosociality before heterosexuality, in contrast to mens socialisation into masturbation and heterosexuality before heterosociality. Men and women differed in their use of masturbatioq and pornography because of scripted personality differences that lead men, on the one hand, tosex as exciting view an entitlement andas necessary to their manhood andthat lead women, on the



other hand, view sex as of love and an intimate act provides familto part that iar and enjoyable sexual union. Gender is an important subcultural influence on sexual norms. Accord, ing to claims, for gender-specific sexual socialisation scripts, men are socialised to be hyperresponsive sexual initiators and women are socialised to be more reserved inhibitors (Gagnon & Simon, 1973; Laws & Schwarz, 1981). Early data on gender differences in sexual behavior supported this idea (e.g., Kinsey, Pomeroy, & Martin, 1948; Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin, & Gebhard, 1953). Subsequent suggested a narrowing the gap onvariwork of ous indices of sexuality (Hopkins, 1977; Tavris & Sadd, 1978). Both gender scripts and sexual scripts are always particularised within persons within sexes. For example, although Mosher and MacIan (1994) found a typical pattern of gender differences between men and women in psychosexual responsiveness to pornography, they also found similarities within the men andwomen who preferred the path of role enactment as compared to those who did not. The pattern role enactment was qualitafor tively the same pattern, although quantitatively somewhat intense, as less was the patternfor gender differences. That is, women highon role enactment had a pattern of psychosexual arousal to pornography similar to mens in general, just as men who were low on role enactment responded less to the pornography, like many of the women. From the perspective of script theory, it is the affect socialisation of individual men and women by parents that accounts for each persons preferences for sexual scripts and for how traditionally gendered they become. The characteristics of the path role enactment (Mosher, 1980) include of the following: (a) sexual fantasies are scripted for novelty, drama, and exhibition; (b) sexual techniques display variety and skill in oralsex and intercourse; (c) thesexual style favours active expression in movement, sounds, and facial expression; (d) good sex is ecstatic and nonvolitional expression, with dramaticorgasms; and (e) the meaning of sex is to be a real man or a real woman, fulfilling an archetypal role. Therefore, both the of pornoguse raphy as a sexual aide and the novelty in partners and sexual activities in pornography achieve better goodness of fit with the pathrole enactment. of A sexual script (Mosher, 1980,1994a) may specifythe attractive features in a cast; the appropriate time place for sex; the preferred sexual activiand ties and their sequencing and style; the role expectations for the sexual partner; the sexual talk, fantasies, and other psychological functions; the conception of sexuality; the criterionof good sex; the interpretation the of meaning and the evaluation the outcomeof a specific sexual scene; and of more. For commercial pornography succeed in generating to sexual arousal, it may need to match these scenic elements or, at least, to not trigger negative affect that will attenuate thepositive elements in thescene.



Sexual Personality
This heading usedto distinguish another form of audience differentiation is erotophilia and from the sexual script. A distinction has been made between erotophobia. This distinctionrefers to apersonality measure-a permanent psychological characteristic that predisposes individuals to act in a certain manner across a rangeof situations. Erotophiliacs are people who generally display a moreopen, liberated, and positive disposition towards sex and towards erotica. In contrast, erotophobes characterised by being sexually are more uptight,conservative, and reserved. The latter are less comfortalso able viewing erotic material. These dispositions are again believed to arise largely out of early socialisation experiences with parents (Fisher, Byrne, White, & Kelley, 1988). Sexual arousal plays a role in enjoyment erotica. It is, therefore, underof standable that sex differences might be found in levels of appreciation of sexually explicit material in films and television programs. A common theme across psychosexual models of sexuality is the notion that, from birth, individuals undergo a person-specific sexual socialisation process that shapes theirpursuit of, attitude toward, and response to sexual experiences. Through exposure to direct and indirect communications famfrom ily, friends, authorities, and media and through learning experiences with their sexual responses, individuals develop a dispositional or trait-like constellation of sexually related attitudes, expectancies, and behaviors. In one model of sexual behavior development, the erotophobia-erotophilia dimension serves as a central construct (Byrne, 1977, 1983; Fisher, 1986; Fisher 6r Byrne, 1981). Erotophobia-erotophilia is defined as the disposition to respond to sexual cues along a negative-positive dimension of affect and evaluation (Fisher et al., 1988, p. 124). It is measured by the 2 1-item SexualOpinion Survey. Erotophilia relates negatively to sex guilt and authoritarianism (Greendlinger 6r Byrne, 1985). Both men and women with negative attitudes towards sex have been found to display less taste for pornographic films than those with more positive sexual orientations. Individuals characterised by erotophobia, with relatively restrictive sexual socialisation experiences behind them, did not enjoy sex scenes depicting oral sex and full intercourse to orgasm to the same extent as erotophiliacs who had more liberal and active sex lives (Fisher & Byrne, 1978a). In relation to audience enjoyment of erotica, some evidence has emerged that measures of sexual personality in the form of erotophiliaand erotophobia can discriminate between viewers. Not all the research evidence on this topic to datehas been consistent, however. Sapolsky (1984) reported a study in which erotophobe-erotophile measures failed signifi-



cantly to predict enjoyment of either violent or nonviolent sexual materials on film. In contrast, frequent church attendance, expression of opposithe tion to the showing of sexual films on film or television, and low personal experience of exposure to X-rated films all signalled greater dislike for the erotic film sequences that were shown. Other laboratory studies, however,haveshown that, compared to erotophobic individuals, erotophilic individuals exhibit more willingness to consume erotica (Becker & Byrne, 1985) and exhibit more positive emotional reactions when talking about sex (Fisher, Miller, Byrne, &White, 1980). In a further test the significance of this personality dimension to the of way people respondto erotic material, researchers invited male and female undergraduates to view and evaluate a number of photographic slides, some ofwhich depicted explicit sexual activity between aman and woman with a genitalia clearly visible. Some slides also depicted the man and woman engaged in more devioussexual practices, including sadomasochistic behavior. Differences in the length time spentviewing these slides werefound of between men and women and between respondents whose replies to personality tests had identified them to eithererotophiliacs or erotophobes. be Men tended to spend more timeviewing the eroticslides than did women. The more deviant the erotica, the polarised did mens and womens remore sponses become. In addition, and cutting across gender differences, men or women who exhibited erotophiliac profiles were clearly more comfortable than were those with erotophobic profiles with viewing graphic and deviant sex scenes (Lopez & George, 1995). NATURE OF MALE RESPONSE

It is worth reiterating at this point that the male response to violent sex scenes can vary with the nature the scene itself. Forsome researchers, it is of the violence in violent erotica, and not the that is crucial to the way sex, men respond (Donnerstein et 1987).Women, in addition, are sensial., also tive to the way their sex is depicted even in nonviolent scenes. However, sex evidence has emerged that degrading pornographic portrayals, even with no violence, can adversely affect male attitudes towards women (Check & Guloien, 1989).One reason for the inconsistency in these findings may be that some researchers failed to use nonviolent scenes that were sufficiently degrading to women. A number of specific thematic elements sex portrayals have been idenin tified to produce distinctive emotional reactions and aggression-modifying effects. Men prefer towatch graphic penetrative sex scenes, whereas women prefer towatch scenes depicting loving foreplay(Sapolsky 6-r




Zillmann, 1981). However, there are certain scenes that men and women often bothdisplay negative emotional reactions to. These include portrayals of masturbation and homosexuality (Mosher& OGrady, 1979a), oral sex (White, 1979), sadomasochism (Malamuth, Haber Feshbach, 1980), & and bondage and bestiality (Zillmann, Bryant, Comisky, &Medoff, 1981). With sexual depictions of an extremely graphic nature in which sadistic motives areapparent, the immediate emotional reactions of male observers can depend on theresponse of the female recipient. According to a sexual sadism model, example, men with sadistic or for sexually aggressive tendencies enjoy scenes that depict females in more than men not distress characterised by such tendencies (Heilbrun & Loftus, 1986). Research evidence has emerged from male judgments of photographic slides of women displaying a rangeof facial emotions from happiness, through anger and fear, to disgust. Nonsadistic males found women with happy faces the most sexually attractive, but men with sexually aggressive tendencies were moreattracted to women showing distressed reactions (Heilbrun & Loftus, 1986). Further evidence emerged from a study that obtained young college males reactions to photographic scenes of female bondage taken from pornographic magazines. In these scenes, young, White females were shown scantily clad and bound hand-andrfoot, helpless to avoid the impending sexual advances from a male. These scenes were preclassifiedby independent judges forthe level of distress displayed by these female models. A sadistic component surfaced even within the sexuality of apparently normal males. Pictures of distressed women were found be more erotic sexuto and ally alluring than those of less distressed women. Males who exhibited also antisocial dispositions on a personality test enjoyed the pictures of distressed, bound women more than average (Heilbrun & Seif, 1988). Attitudes Towards W o m e n as an Individual Differences Factor Pre-existing attitudes towards women influence the men respond can way to violentsex scenes. Men who reveal a likelihood of raping, as measured through a clinically developed test (Burt, 1980), tend to exhibit similar patterns of sexual arousal to and attitudinal acceptance rape scenes to of those of known sex offenders. Men who score high on the rape likelihood scale hold morecallous attitudes towards rapeand believe that women secretly desire to be raped to a greater degree than men who score low on this scale (Malamuth & Check, 1980a; Malamuth, Haber,& Feshbach, 1980). Higherscorers on therape likelihood scale are also more likely to believe that men would rapeif they knew they could avoid getting caught,



they identify with rapists in depictions rape, and they attribute of more of the responsibility for rape to victims who they believe derive pleasure from such assaults. Not surprisingly, given this background, men who score high on the rape likelihood scale show greater enjoymentsex scenes in which a woman of becomes involuntarily aroused, as compared withmen who score low on this scale. Indeed, such men may enjoy rape depictions more than portrayals of mutually consenting (Check & Malamuth, 1983;Malamuth & Check, sex finding is 1980a, 1981a,1983; Malamuth, Heim, & Feshbach, 1980). This especially true of self-reported sexual arousal, although similar results have been obtained with physiological measures of penile erection (Malamuth 6r Check, 1980a, 1981a). Men who low on rape likelihood tend to react score to rape scenes with displeasure, even when the woman shown as becomis ing sexually aroused (Malamuth & Check, 1981a). In a study Malamuth and Check (1983), college students were by male administered questionnaires concerning their sexual attitudes and behaviors. One of the items enquired about the likelihood that the participant himself would rape if he could be assured of not being caught and punished. Several days later, the same men listened to one audio tapes of eight containing an interaction that involved sexualacts between a man and a woman. The contents of these depictions were systematically manipulated along the dimensions consent (womans consent vs. nonconsent of to sex), pain (womans pain vs. no pain), and outcome(womans sexual arousal vs. disgust). The findings highlighted the importance of the interaction between characteristics of male listeners and variations in the depictionof the sex act. When the woman was portrayed as experiencing disgust, male listeners tended to be much less sexually aroused themselvesas compared with the scene in which the woman consents to sex. This was true regardless of pre-existing male attitudes aboutwomen or rape. In theexample in which the woman was forced to havesex, initially against her will, but then eventually became sexually aroused, the men became sexually aroused themselves. This arousal was greatest, however, among men who hadinitially exhibited highscores on therape likelihood scale. Laboratory results were confirmedby a field study in which college students were bought tickets to attend either two movies with violent sex scenes or two alternative movies with no such scenes. All movies were viewed in a normal cinema environment. Afterwards, all respondents were administered a questionnaire to measure attitudes towards women and rape. Greater acceptance of rape myth beliefs materialised among those men who watched the two movies with violent sex scenes (Malamuth & Check, 1981b).




MEDIATING EFFECTS OF OTHERS Reactions to sex portrayals can vary with thesocial context inwhich they are seen. Whether not an or individual displays enjoyment of sex scenes ded pends on whom he or she viewing them with. Furthermore, if an individis ual receives information that other people have been sexually aroused by a particular scene, this too canmake a difference to their reaction to it. In a test of this social influence on reactions to sexual material, Norris (1989) found that men andwomen reported feeling more aroused reading by a nonviolent sexually explicit story when they had received a message telling them that other men and women had become aroused by it, but were less aroused by the story if told that othershad not become arousedby it. Men generally reported higher arousal to this story under the condition when told about the strong reactions of a reference group. This enhancedsexual reaction was stronger for both men and women when told that men had become aroused by it than when told that women had become aroused it. One exby planation of this effectof reference group gender could that consumption be of pornography is normally associated more closely with men than with women. Thus, menmay be perceived as a morecredible information source about suchmaterial than are women (Fisher, 1983; Norris, 1989). In a follow-up experiment, Norris (1991) compared the reactions men of and women to explicit written material that contained violence as well as sex. In different versions of a story in which a woman forced to have was sex, she displayed either pleasure or disgust as an outcome to the attack. Both versions contained explicit heterosexual acts, including intercourse, genital fondling, and oral with violent elements, such male actor tearsex, as the ing off the female actors clothes andforcing her to engage in various sex acts. Although initially reluctant toyield to themale characters advances in both versions, the female character in one gave in and expressed pleasure, whereas in the other she remained reluctant and conveyed shock, disbelief, and general distress. Prior to reading the story, all participants were given a research red bogus port indicating that same-sex young adults had become either highly aroused or not very aroused while reading the story. They also answered a brief questionnaire to ensure that they had understood the key elements of the report. This information influenced male ax$,,female participants reactions to bothversions of the story. In the pleasure-ending version, participants perceived less force, greater acceptability, and greater enjoyment by the woman in the scene than did those who read the version in which the woman displayed extreme distress. The reaction to the pleasure ending version was further enhanced by reading that other similar people had responded in a positive way towards the scene.



This chapter examined public opinion about media sex.Although most people do not seem to find sex on television offensive, many more people are likely to believe that thereis too much rather than too sex in programs little (Millwood-Hargrave,1999). Sex is seen as being a part of everyday life,but many viewersquestion the necessity of featuring it so prominently and ofso ten ontelevision. Sex may render programs unsuitable to watch, in the opinion of a minority of people, but most tend to agree that sex on television should not be censored out of existence. Most viewers agree that although sex maynot be to their taste, others who wish to watch it should giventhe be opportunity to do so (Millwood-Hargrave,1992; Svennevig, 1998). Films and videos can provide far more explicit sexual materials than would normally be found onmainstream television channels. Public opinion has indicated, however, that most people would not ban X-rated movies featuring purely sexual content. Most people object to videos or films for do theatre viewing that depict violent sexual material (Gallup, 1985). As with television, personal tolerance for sex may be as widespread as tolerance not on behalf of others. With explicit pornography, individuals may often eschew opportunities to watch themselves, but still feel that othersshould it be able to do so if they wish (Linz et al., 1991). Public opinion aboutsexually explicit media content varies with the nature of the sex portrayals, the social context in which it is experienced, and with thepsychological make-up of the individual. Scenes of mutually consenting, heterosexual sex are generally regarded as acceptable, even though explicit. Scenes depicting rape, sadomasochism and bondage, masturbation, andhomosexual sex, in contrast, are much more likely to be rated as distasteful (Malamuth,Heim, & Feshbach, 1980; Mosher & OGrady, 1979a; Zillmann, Bryant, & Carveth, 1981). The enjoyment obtained from sex scenes can be enhanced whenindividuals are told that othersfound it arousing (Norris, 1989). Men tend to be more tolerant of media sex than women, and prefer hard-core pornography, whereas women prefer soft-core depictions. Men and women tend be socialisedto different sexual scripts. The result of this to socialisation is important topreferences for viewing erotic content. Women prefer sexual themes that represent a feminine sexual script in which sex is depicted as part of a romantic relationship (Mosher & MacIan, 1994). Men, in contrast, gain more enjoyment from watching explicit sex scenes in which the sex act is central and menare shown as being readily ableto obtainsex with beautiful and receptive women. The individuals sexual personality is another important factor underpinning enjoyment media sex. Individuals of who display a more open and liberated disposition towards sex (erotophiliacs)




enjoy watching sexually explicit films and videos more than do individuals whodisplaya n o r e conservativeandawkwardsexualdisposition (erotophobics; Fisher & Byrne, 1978a; Fisher et al., 1988).Among men, in particular, those with pre-existing cynical attitudes towards women obtain more pleasure from scenes that depict coercive sex, especially when the female victim is seen to suEer (Malamuth & Check, 1980a, 1981a, 1983). In determining the acceptability of media sex, therefore, itis important to bear in mind that overall public opinion about broad sexual labels or descriptions may disguisemany important differences between individuals in what they enjoy for themselves or regard as acceptable for others. Although certain kinds of sex scenes may be regarded by most people as acceptable, the numbers of people expressing such an opinion may become progressively smaller as the natureof the scenes becomes more explicit or unusual. At the same time certain categories of individual exhibit exaggerated sensitivities to sex scenes of all kinds, and othercategories of individual display strong preferences for particular types of sexual scene. Much more research is needed that cross-references the defining psychological characteristics of media consumers with of sexual portrayal to establish those depictions types that should be taken most seriously by media regulators.

Does Media Sex Influence Young People?

One of the concerns about depiction sex in the media is the effect that of long-termexposure to itmighthave on viewers. The concern about long-term effects has been focused most especially on young people for whom the mass media representpotentially important sources of learning about social as well as purely sexual relationships. Although sex is a prevalent feature many mass media, exposureto sex of tends to occur mostly via restricted rather than mainstream mediaoutput. Thus, the amount sex to which of teenagers in the United States,examfor ple, were found to be exposed on broadcast television was fairly minimal. However, 15- and 16-year-olds were nevertheless found to haveseen R-rated movies that carried frequent depictions of sex and where portrayals were usually far more explicit than on television (Greenberg et al., 1993). At the same time, it was found that family structure was important with teenagers from households with nonworking mothers tendingwatchless to sex content ontelevision. Indeed, family circumstances had an impact on teenage exposure sex both on to broadcast television and in R-rated movies. Families in which there was a divorcedparent (usually the mother) exhibited less parental supervision of childrens television viewing. This relaxation of vigilance did not extend to teenagers consumption of movies outside the home, however. Even single parents werelikely to ask their offspring about the movies they were going to see (Stanley & Greenberg, 1993). Despite parental monitoringof teenagers out-of-home media con80



sumption, most late adolescents and young adults have acknowledged consuming explicitly sexual media content in the of books, magazines, and form videos (Buerkel-Rothfuss 6c Strouse, 1993). Indeed,the mostpopular R-rated videos among this age group tend to the ones with most probbe the lematic sexual content, inwhich stories revolve around themesof violence and male dominance (Palys, 1986; Yang 6r Linz, 1990). The attraction of sexual content in the media to young people stems from a natural curiosity in learning about sex. Traditional childhood and adolescent experiences may oftenprovide only limited opportunities for learning about sex (Bandura 6r Walters, 1963;Kinsey, Pomeroy,Martin, 6r Gebhart, 1953). In addition, thesocialisation process often attaches a degree of negativity to sexual behavior. This may, in turn, transfer across to opinions about media portrayals of sexual activity. In this traditional frame of reference, sex has been classified assomething that is private. For many people, it is a source of discomfort or embarrassment to talk openly about sex or to be in the presence of others doing Sex may thus becomeassociso. ated with guilt, shame, and evendisgust (Dienstbier, 1977). A psychological climate is then created that further fuels the young persons curiosity. This may then lead young peopleactively to seek out opportunities to find out about this mysterious forbidden fruit. In the absence of adequate information beingderived from family, friends, or school, the media providean available and necessary information source. Carried to an extreme, this drive to find out aboutsex through themedia can lead to a preoccupation with not just mild sexual depictions, but moregraphic erotica later inlife (Dienstbier, 1977).In contrast, some individuals, it can for lead to the rejection of activities divergent from approved sexual practices (Mann, Sidman, &Starr, 1973) a strongly negative disposition to sexual depictions (Fisher or 6r Byrne, 1978a). A number of theories have been invoked to identify and explain different kinds of media effects in thisrespect. Television has been identified, for example, as shaping cultural norms through its depiction of sexuality in stereotyped ways (Gerbner, 1985; Greenberg, 1982). Television can influenceviewers conceptions of social reality by displaying certain patterns behavior on screen, of especially when these portrayals are credible and relevant to the lives of viewers (Hawkins 6r Pingree, 1982; Wober 6r Gunter, 1988). Television and othermedia can convey messages to their consumers concerning how behave in to different settings. Thus, individuals can learn throughobservation and may subsequently copy what they have seenappropriate circumstances should if arise in their own lives (Bandura, 1977; Roberts, 1982). Television also has arole as a socialising agent. Rather than teachingspecific behaviors, it imparts entire scenarios or sequences of behavior to individuals. Some writers have called these sequences of displayed activity scripts.In the contextsexual of socialisation, therefore, the emphasis is not placed simply on specific behav-



ioral actions thatviewers might imitatefor themselves, such as kissing. Instead, the learning that occurs covers a whole range of activities and activity sequences in a sexual context, such meeting aprospective sexual as partner, engaging in a courtship ritual that involves spending time with that person in different situations where each canto know the other, creating get the conditions in which progressively more intimate physical contact takes place,andthenestablishingarelationshipbeyondsexualintimacy (Silverman.Watkins, 1983). Each these theoreticalmodels is now examof ined inmore detail.

According to cultiwation theory, a steady diet of television can influence viewers conceptions of social reality such thatheavy viewers beliefs about the real world are shaped the images of television (Gerbner, Gross, Jackby son-Beeck, Jeffries-Fox, & Signorielli, 1978). The cultivation perspective suggests that television offers a consistent, stable set of messages that serves as a common socialiser (Gerbner, Gross, Morgan, & Signorielli, 1980). Furthermore, heavy consumptionof the highly repetitive messages of television can create a distorted picture social reality (Carveth & Alexander, of 1985). According to Sapolsky and Tabarlet (1991):
Looked at from the cultivation perspective, prime time televisionoffers a consistent and repetitive setof messages regarding sexual behavior. Sixteen times an hour, entertainment programming adds its particular to vision of sexual world. This world the is noted for its overemphasison sexual activity between unmarried characters a and disregard for the issue of safe sex. Adolescents and teenagers who regularly watch prime time television are offered a steady mix of marital infidelity, casual sex, the objectification of women, and exploitative relationships.As traditional avenuesfor sexual socialisation have diminished in influence, television has become the electronic educator (p.5 14).

Operating withina cultivation effects model, there are numerous published investigations that provide empirical evidence media influences for on gender-role conceptions.Television has been identified as a particularly potent force in this context (Durkin, 1985d; Gunter, 1995). Among pre-teenage children, stronger gender-stereotyped beliefs have been repeatedly correlated with heavier television viewing (Beuf, 1974; Frueh& McGhee, 1975; McGhee Frueh, 1980). These & early studies did not distinguish between exposure to different kinds programs, however. Furof thermore,theirresultswerechallengedonthegroundsthattheir measures of gender stereotyping were weak (Durkin, 198513). More sophisticated studies revealed that televisions cultivation effects among children could moderated by the childs intelligence or educational atbe



tainment levels. Even here, though, closer inspection of the results indicated a far from consistent pattern of relationships between the childs own gender, IQ, television viewing, and gender-role stereotyping (Durkin, 198513). Research among adolescents within a cultivation model found that the correlation between the reported amount of television viewing and gender-role stereotyping was mediated by social classand strength peer group of affiliation. Adolescents of either sex, from lower social classes with few and friends, exhibited stronger gender-role stereotyping when they also watched a lot of television (Morgan & Rothschild, 1983). Althoughheavy viewing of sexist television might influence teenagers attitudes concerning gender-appropriate behavior (such as cleaning the house, washing the dishes, and mowing the lawn), there was no link between television viewing and how much teenagers tended to perform these chores (Morgan, 1987). Admitting tostereotypically inappropriate behavior among pre-teenage children has been linked to their holding stereotyped ideas about each less sex. A contributory role for television was also identified in that the strongest correlations between gender-role attitudes and behavioroccurred among children who were the heaviest television viewers (Signorielli 6r Lears, 1992). Gender-role stereotyping embraces awide range of beliefs and attitudes about masculinity and femininity. Much of the research on gender-role stereotyping touched only peripherally on the issue of sexuality as an aspect of gender-role conceptions. Within a cultivation effects model, exposure to the symbolic environment of television should contribute to viewers beliefs about the nature and frequency of sexual behaviors in thereal world. Adolescents are believed to be especially susceptible to the sexual messages containedinadult television programming. Inthat regard, the types of messages conveyed by television, film or video are of paramount importance when aimed at or, in any case, are likely to be consumedby young audiences. One issue surrounds theresponsibility with whichsexual behavior and sexual relationships are depicted. Considered within the cultivation model, for instance, atelevision world that depicts casual sexual couplings, women as easysexual conquests, or sex asa meansto ends other than a lov, ing relationship between committed partners, might be hypothesised to cultivate sexual beliefs and attitudes that encourage young viewers to behave in a similar fashion. What evidence exists for a cultivation-styleinfluence of television and other media on public conceptions of sexuality and sexual behavior? Not surprisingly, giventheirhypothesised susceptibility to media messages, much of the research on this subject has been conducted with adolescents. In many cases, researchers have confronted perceptions of sexuality di-



rectly; in other cases, measures of sex-related attributes and behaviours have formed part a more extensive investigation of gender-relatedbeliefs. of One early indication thatperceptions of sex-related attributes couldbe influenced by television derived from an experimental study by Tan (1979). This investigation found that adolescent girls aged16 to 18years, who were fed a heavy dose of beauty product commercials emphasising feminine beauty, were morelikely than a control group of girlswho saw commercials containing nobeauty messages to believe that being beautiful is an important female attribute. Those girls who watched commercials that focused on sexual qualities of women were primed ranksex appeal attributes as to being especially important in the context being liked by men. of Evidence has emerged from other studies that media images of beautiful women provide points comparison for men as well as for of women. In the case of men, comparisons are made between women in their own the lives and those seen in the media. Male college students who viewed a single episode of Charlies Angels wereharsher in their evaluations the beauty of of potential dates than were males who had not seen the episode (Kenrick & Gutierres, 1980). Male college students were reported to their own also find girlfriends less sexuallyattractive after being showncenterfolds from Playboy and Penthouse (Weaver, Masland, & Zillmann, 1984). Another aspect of cultivation theory and research has been the demonstration that regular exposure television, with its stereotyped often exaggerto and ated portrayals of behaviors, can affect viewers conception of the prevalence of similar behaviors the real world. in This relationship has been indicated in relation to public perceptionsof violence (Gerbner& Gross, 1976;Gerbner et al., 1980). Given the findings that have been reported about televisions depiction of sexual behavior, similar cultivation effects might be expected to occur with regard to viewers perceptionsof sex-related behaviors. The world oftelevision has been found to exaggerate the prevalence of premarital sex, extramarital sex,rape, and prostitution (Greenberg,1994). The cultivation hypothesis would therefore predict regular exposure such patterns of sexual behavthat to ior on television might affect teenagers perceptionsthe prevalence of these of behaviors in reality and alter their self-perceptions in that they might become and have higher expectations of their proless satisfied with their own sex lives spective partners (Greenberg, 1994). One suggestion from the United States is that American teenagers are exposed to far more media messages about sex than their peers in most other countries. Thismay lead them tobelieve that more of their ownage group are sexually active than really the case. This adds to thepressure on them is to become sexually active (Jones et al., 1985). Teenagers tendto overestimate how many of their peers are sexually active anyway (Zabin, Hirsch, Smith, & Hardy,1984).Regular viewing of television programs that emphasise teenage preoccupation with sex may further accentuate these



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perceptions. This phenomenon may contribute to the gradually but steadily decreasing age at which both males and females first have sexual intercourse that has been observed among American teenagers since the 1970s (Braverman & Strasburger, 1993). Research has been published in which this type of effect was documented. Inthis case, heavy viewing of programs depicting stereotyped pattern of sexual behavior, was associated with anincreased perception of the frequency of sexual activity in thereal world (Buerkel-Rothfuss 6;r Strouse, 1993). College students who were heavy viewers of soap operas estimated higher percentages of people in real world who are divorced have illethe or gitimate children than light viewers (Buerkel-Rothfuss & Mayes, 1981; did Carveth 6:Alexander, 1985). In another study, pregnant teenagers were twice as likelyto think thattelevision relationships were like real-life relationships than were nonpregnant teenagers, and thattelevision characters would not use contraceptives if involvedinasexualrelationship (Corder-Bolz, 1980). SOCIAL LEAFWING THEORY Another perspective on how television or film might influence young peoples sexual attitudes and behavior social learning theory. Whereas cultivais tion theory posits an influence of media representationsof sex on general public perceptions about the prevalence of different sexual practices, social learning theory focuses instead on the specific behavioral influences of individual media portrayals. This theory holds that actions depicted rewardas ing, in the sense that they obtain status,success, or personal gratification, have greater potential exemplars that othersmight copy. Successful beas haviors performed by attractive characters can serve as role models for others to follow. Thus, adolescents who see young adults, a little older than themselves, gaining prestige and peer popularity as a result of their sexual exploits maybe encouraged to engage in similar behaviorthemselves (Bandura, 1977, 1994). To what extent, though, does mainstream television and the films and programs it broadcasts provide the kinds of role models inrelationto sexual conduct to which teenagers are likely to be attracted? One of the significant concepts in social learning theory is identification. The greater the perceived similarity between the viewer and the actor or model on screen, the greater likelihood that theformer may imitate the the latter. To what extent do teenagers and sex mix on television? One way of finding out is t o monitor television output and catalog how often and in what way such scenes appear. Studies of sex-role portrayals television have indicated that male charon acters tend to outnumber female characters by a significant margin (Gunter,



1995; Liebert, Sprafkin, 6r Davidson, 1982). Male characters have been found to portray more authoritative and superior roles than female characters. Furthermore, the status women on television has more of often been defined in terms of their relationships with men (Greenberg, Richards, & Henderson, 1980). It has, therefore, been suggested that the consequences of sexual behavior presented in themedia, especially on television, are usually positive. This is particularly true for male characters. Among the few instances of negative consequences resulting from sexual behavior on television is unwanted pregnancyfor women (Liebert et al., 1982). In a content analysis of American network and cable television stations, Kunkel et al. (1999) studied the extent which teenagers were depicted in to scenes involving sexual behavior. They reported that out of a composite weeks television output, one in every ten scenes with sex involved a teenager. More specifically, one in ten scenes of talking about sex (10%)and a slightly smaller proportion of scenes depicting some form overt sexual beof havior (8%) involved teenager. Most of the scenes containing sexual cona tent and involving teenagers comprised just talk about sex (87%) with only a minority of these scenes (17%) depicting sexual behavior. Of the scenes involving sexual behavior (n = 40), just three containedimplied sexual intercourse and none all contained actual at sexual intercourse. Among these scenes, most (n = 25) comprised kissing, a few (11) depicted physical flirting, and one comprised intimate touching. If teenagers turn totelevision and films forrole models in the context of their sexual development, itis important that these models set responsible examples. Some writers have arguedthat televisions sexual role models often lack sufficient responsibility in their conduct(Elkind, 1993). Intelevision serials popular with young audiences in which story lines revolve around intimate relationships, attractive role models are depictedas sexually active, but lacking in social and moral responsibility. Sexual behavior is depicted with infrequent references to the use of contraception, for example,andsexoftenoccursspontaneouslywithlittleplanningat all (Wattleton, 1987). There is an absence of social learning messages that emphasise safe sex. Later in this chapter we return tothis subject to examine evidencefor risks and responsibilities in sexual portrayals on television in more detail. The need for responsibility is underlined by findings that indicate that adolescents do makecomparisonsbetween television role models and themselves. Adolescents who identify closely with television personalities and believe that theirtelevision role models are more proficient at sex than they are, and who think that televisions sexual portrayals are accurate and realistic, report beingless satisfied with their status virgins or with their as own intercourseexperiences. No relationship was found between the way



television portrayals of sex were perceived and satisfaction in virginity (Baran, 1976a, 197613; Courtright CS;r Baran, 1980). Given the significantly greater frequency, status, and favorable sexual consequences for male actors in the media, researchers have predicted that men are more likely to select medianlodels than arewomen. When college students were asked identify to models of responsible and irresponsible sexual behavior, theyselected primarily media figures (Fabes & Strouse, 1984). This study was conducted with college students. They tended to select both responsible and irresponsible sexual models from the media based more on the context in which sexual behavior took place than the fact they or were not sexually active. This finding were raised important questions regarding not only the type of sexual behaviors displayed by models but also howthesebehaviorsareperceivedand interpreted by those who observe them. In a subsequentstudy, Fabes and Strouse (1987) asked students toprovide information regarding their perceptions of models of sexual behavior. They were asked to name two individuals who they personally felt represented models of responsible or irresponsible sexual behavior. These selected models could be real or fictitious people, famous or ordinary members of the public, male or female. Participants were then asked toexplain their reasons for their selections. In addition, participants were asked questions about their ownsexual behavior. Parents were rarely identified as modelsof irresponsible sexual behavior (7%), but were more frequently identified as responsible sexual models (30%). Men identified media celebrities as sources of irresponsible sexual behavior most all, followed by peers. Women identified peers as sources of of irresponsible sexual behavior most, of all, followed by media models. For men, responsible sexual models were most likely to be found amongpeers, followed by parents and then the media. For women, responsible sexual models were primarily found among peers and then parents, with media models a long way behind the other Menspreference for media models two. may arise out of the fact that they have more models of their own sex to choose from on television, as compared with women. Both men and women identified reasons for selection of irresponsible and responsible models based mainly on the intentions and motives underlying a models sexual behavior (67%),rather than on the nature perof the sons sexual experiences orthe resulting consequences (33%). Mens reasons varied more as a function model type. Men tended identify reaof to sons based on intentionssignificantly more oftenfor their selection of irresponsible sexual models than they did for their selection of responsible sexual models. In addition, men tended identify responsible sexual modto els proportionately more often according to models sexual acts and the pro-



portionately less often according to the models underlying intentions for the behavior than did women. Respondents whoidentified media models or peers as primary examples of responsible sexuality also reported relatively more permissive sexual attitudes, higher rates of sexual intercourse, greater numbers of sexual partners, and lower rates of contraceptive usage. Among young people both of sexes, media models and peer groups represented themajority of both responsible and irresponsible sexual models. However,television may represent a more important source of motivation and behavior styles for men than it does for women. The findings regarding young adults reasons for choice of sexual models have important implications for the ways in which menand women tend to judge irresponsible sexual behavior primarily on the basis ofan individuals motives and intentions. Research shown that men and has women exhibit different motives for sexual intercourse. Mens motives more often include pleasure, fun, and physical gratification, whereas womens motives more often include notions of love, commitment, and emotion (Carrol, Volk, & Shibley-Hyde, 1985). Parallels also exist with sex differences in judgments about sexual behaviors and morality. Women appearto give greater consideration to the human relationships involved in moral dilemmas areless and likely to apply absolute moral rules than are men (Gilligan, 1982).

A third approach to explaining the potential influences of television and film depictions of sex on young people is offered by the sexual socialisation model.
Some observers have suggested that significant changes have occurred the in past 30 to years in the 40 sexual socialisation process. They point to the sexual liberalisation of the 1960s with its emphasis on greater permissiveness and shifting sexual norms (L. K. Brown, DiClemente, &a Peck, 1992; H. T Christenson, 1962;Johnson & Goodchilds, 1973). As result, there may bea a convergence in the responses of males and females and a lessening of guilt and disgust associated with sex and sexualimages (Schmidt & Sigusch, 1970). Suchspeculation must be treated cautiously, however. There is mounting evidence that adolescent and young adult populations are able to experience increased exposure to sexually explicit material. Bryant (1985) and Bryant and D. Brown (1989) reported a telephone survey with 600 respondents age 13 to 15 years, 16 to18 years, and 19 to 39 years. The aim of the questioning was to obtain normative data on amounts of exposure to various types of R- and X-rated media content. Findings indicated that age 15years, 92% of males and 84% of females had looked or by at read Playboy or Playgirl and that by age 18 years, the proportions rose to



100% of the males and 97% of the females. The average age of first exposure for males was 11 and for females was 13. High levels of exposure to sexually explicit films were also reported. Nearly 70% of 13- to 15-year-olds, even though underage, reported exposure to an average of 6.3 sexually oriented R-ratedfilms before age of 13. the In regard to X-rated media, among all respondents the average age of first exposure to a magazine that depicted couples or groups in explicitly sexual acts was 13.5 years. In regard to X-rated films, 92% of 13- to 15-year-olds said they had already seen sucha film, with an average reported age at first exposure of 14 years 8 months. Evidence has emerged, long after the swinging sixties sexual revolution, that college-age populations still find more unusual sexual themes disturbing (Zillmann, Bryant, Comisky, &Medoff, 198 1)and females remain more , displeased than males even with depictions of normal sexual practices (Mosher & MacIan, 1994). Some studies have examined the impact of filmed sexual content on attitude formation. For example, college students shown sexually explicit films reported a greater acceptance sexual infidelof ity and promiscuity than did controls (Zillmann, 1994).Adolescents viewing music videos with sexual content were more likely to agree with the notion that premarital sex is acceptable (Greeson & Williams, 1986). In two further studies, college studentsdisapproval of rape could lessbe ened by exposure to just minutes of scenes taken from television programs 9 and R-rated movies or viewing 5 hours of sexually explicit films over a 6-week period (J. D. Brown, Childers, 6rWaszak, 1990;Zillmann &Bryant, 1982).Finally, both male and female college students exposed to hour-long nonviolent X-rated videos over a 6-week period reported less satisfaction with their intimate partners (Zillmann & Bryant, 198813). The researchers concluded that great sexual joy and ecstasy are accessible to parties who just met, who are in noway committed to one another, and who will part shortly, never to meet again (Zillmann & Bryant, 1988a, p. 450.). Whereas social learning theory focuses on the possibility that young people may copy specific behavioral examples seen on screen, the sexual socialisation perspective examines the longer term influence potential of the media in conditioning generalised norms andvalues surrounding sex. This model recognises that young people can learn about sexual practices not only through witnessing sexual behavior played out onscreen, but also by tuning in talk about to sex. Conversations aboutsex have beenidentified as representing a significant aspect of all sexual portrayals on television (Kunkel et al., 1999). Such talk can contribute to norms and expectations concerning how to be sexual, why and when sex is appropriate, and with whom. Television can thus provide an agenda for sex and represent sexual scripts that youngsters can learn and thenutilise themselves at anappropriate later date (Roberts, 1982).



Before reviewing the evidence for how television and films can influmedia ence the sexual mores of young people, how responsible are these in their depictionsof sex? In particular, is any emphasis all given to the at potential health risks known to be associated with casual or promiscuous sexual behavior?

One of the biggest concerns about television's depictions of sex-and the same point applies to much sexual content infilms and videos as well- is that high-risk sexual behavior often portrayed. Risky sexual behavior is can include sexual practices that increase the likelihood of unwanted pregnancy, especially where this occurs among underage families, or contracting a sexually transmitted disease. Observers in the United States, example, for have noted that risky sexual practices appearto be quite prevalent among American teenagers. Use contraception among of sexually active teenagers is inconsistent (L. K. Brown, DiClemente, & Peck, 1992) and sexual intercourse with multiple partners not uncommon. These is risky sexual behaviors have resulted in a relatively high teen pregnancy rate in the United States compared other industrialised nations(Trussel, 1988) and a steady to increase in sexually transmitted disease rates (Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1991). Full-blown AIDS during adolescenceis rare becauseof the long incubation period. However, more and more health experts believe that many individuals contract thevirus during their teen years (Family Planning Perspectives, 1990). At a time when sexually transmitted diseases are widespread, television's typical depiction of sexual relationships projects message that appears to a run counter to warnings put about health education the by campaigns. Television itself can serve as an incidental sex educator. Although teenagers generally indicate getting information about sex from parents, school, or peers, the media have often been citedthe next as most important information source (Louis Harris & Associates, 1986). Indeed, these differentsex information sources do not provide consistent advice. There is some concern, for example, that thelessons being taught through formal sex education programs may be undermined by counter examples supplied through peer groups and themedia (Strouse & Fabes, 1985). Avoidance of sexually transmitted diseases and the prevention their spread be facilitated by of can adopting safe-sex practices by a nonpromiscuouslifestyle. Another soand cial problem that stems from unprotected sex is the increased occurrence of unwanted pregnancies, particularly among teenagers. To find out more



about how responsible a medium such as television has been in depiction its of sex, researchers once again turned to content analysis methodologies. At a time when increased sexual responsibility is called for in society, studies of television programming have revealed that appropriate sexual role models have been generally inadequate. Notonly has sexual behavior in general increased in prevalence on mainstream television, more importantly, depictions of explicit intercourse have grown in number and frequently take place between partners outsideof a permanent or long-term emotionalrelationshipandwithout any apparent use of protection (Sapolsky &Tabarlet, 1991).Issues of safe sex, sexually transmitted disease, and contraceptionwere rarely addressed on American television between 1979 and 1989. The subject of homosexuality was rarely dealt with. The preponderance of sexual action featured unmarried characters. Lowry and Towles (1988)analysedasample of programsfrom prime-time network television in the United States1987. They were parin ticularly interested in the extent to sexual portrayals contained referwhich ences for sexually transmitted disease prevention, unwanted pregnancies, and AIDS. They found14 references to pregnancy prevention and refer18 ences to sexually transmitted disease prevention, of which 13 dealt with AIDS, out of a totalof 722 sexual incidents coded. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America conducted another study of network television at about thesame timein 1987. This investigation found that references to sex education, sexually transmitted diseases, or abortion were extremely rare, comprising than a tenth 1% of sexless of ual incidents. Research conducted during the mid-1990s by Kunkel and his colleagues at theUniversity of California, Santa Barbara exploredthe prevalence,distribution, and character sexual portrayals on American of network and cable television, and paid particular attention to depictions ofrisks and responsibilities associated with sex (Cope & Kunkel, 1999; Kunkel, Cope, & Colvin, 1996; Kunkel et al., 1999). In a1-week composite sample television output comprising 1,170proof grams broadcast on 10 television channels, Kunkel al. (1999) found sexet ual content in56% of monitored programs, withan average of 3.2 scenes containing sex occurring per hour. More than half the sample of program (54%) contained talk about sex, and just under a quarter(23%)contained sexual behavior. In total, 420 scenes were found with sexual behavior, of which just 45 scenes contained depiction or reference to risks or negative of consequences (2% of all sexual scenes). There were 35 scenes in which reference was made to theuse of safe-sex precautions and 13 scenes that defully picted waiting for sexuntil a relationship had developed more in other ways. Out of 78 scenes in total that included reference at all to risks or any



responsibilities linked to sex, this subject was given substantial emphasis in 41 of these scenes. In the remainder it received little emphasis. The idea that mainstream television depicts a world of rampant promiscuity characterised by frequent casual couplings between partners who hardly know one another not upheld by Kunkel et al.s (1999)analysis of was mid-1990s American programming. more than half (53%) of the scenes In depicting sexual activity, the characters were in an established relationship. In more than one in cases (28%), though the characters had yet esfour not tablished a long-term relationship, they had metbefore. In only one in ten cases (10%) had they just met. Despite this character-relationship profile of televisions sexual couplings, Kunkel et al. (1999) also observed that most television programs that containedscenes of sexual behavior presented no information about the consequences of such behavior for characters. This finding was true both for programs thatpresented talk about sexual intercourse(63% showed no clear consequences) as well as for those that depicted strongly or implied such behavior (59% showed no clear consequences). When intercourse was the topic of conversation, there was relative balance between the programs that included primarily positive and primarily negative consequences of intercourse (14% positive vs. 16% negative). When intercourse behavior was shown rather thandiscussed second-hand, there was a much stronger tendency towardpositive than negative outcomes (27% vs. 7%). O u t of a total of 456 scenes involving sexual behavior, just 9% were found by Kunkel andhis colleagues to containany mention at of risk or all responsibility, although someof these cases involved jokes or minor references that clearly would not convey a serious message about the topic to viewers. Although this represents only a modest degree attention to such of concerns, it does contrast with their treatment in previous decades. In 1976,only a single scene of 27 involving sexuality (3.7%) addressed any risk or responsibility topic, and that involved a humorous remark about abortion. In 1986, again only a single scene out of 48 (2.1%) was observed, and this comprised a discussion about apossible abortion. In contrast, in 1996, 12 scenes were cataloged in which the use of a condom was mentioned. In five of these cases, it was referred to as protection against AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases. Cope and Kunkel(l999) the same general methodology analyse used to the depiction sexual content in television shows of 15 that were top-rated among young people 12 to 17 years in 1996. Three outfour of these age of shows were situation comedies; the remainder were dramas. Three episodes of each series were analysed, giving a totalsample of 45 programs. In 37 of the programs, scenes were found contained either talk about that sex or depiction of sexual behavior. Within these 37 programs, 262 separate interactions were cataloged involving talk about or physical sexual besex




havior across 179 scenes, giving an average of 5.8 sexual interactionsper program, or 9.2 interactions per hour. Most physical behaviors that were portrayed were restricted kissing and flirting. Even so, the authors conto cluded that more intimate behaviors such as heavy petting or intercourse occurred often enough to provide adolescents with an opportunity to learn from them. In fact, there were onlysix portrayals of implied or simulated intercourse in just three programs. None of these scenes could of the be classified as explicit and in every instance, the participantswere portrayed as being in established relationships (in three they weremarcases ried to each other). Of 80 scenes containing talk about sex, only 11 (14%) contained an emphasis on a sexual responsibility theme. The most prominent theme, occupying around two thirds of cases, was waiting to have sex or abstinence. Three scenes made reference to using a condom and scenes made refertwo ence to protection from AIDS. There was just one mentionmade of other scenes sexually transmitted diseases and one mentionabortion. Of the 99 of containing overtsexual behavior, only 3 contained a responsibility theme. This study indicated thatprograms popular withadolescents contain regular references to sex and sexual relations, but relatively modest attention is devoted to messages concerning risks and responsibilities associated with being sexually active. IMPACT ON YOUNGSTERS

As the content analysis evidence has indicated, television does comprise repetitive sequences of activity related to sexual behavior. Entertainment programming emphasises extramaritalsex and displays an apparent disregard for safe sexual practices. Thus, adolescents and teenagers who regularly watchprime-timetelevision,are offered a steady mix of marital infidelity, casual sex, the objectification of women, and exploitative relationships. In a survey of 15- and16-year-olds in three Michigan cities, more than half had seen the majority of the most popular R-rated movies released between 1982 and 1984 either cinemas or on videocassette (Greenberg et in al., 1986). Compared with prime-time television, these movies had seven times more sexual acts or references, which were depicted more explicitly (Greenberg et al., 1993). The ratiounmarried to married people engaging of in sexual intercourse was 32 to 1. As Greenberg (1994) observed, What television suggests, movies and videos do (p. 180). A growing number of researchers have investigated the relationship between exposureto sexual media cqntent andadolescents perceptions, beliefs, values, and sexual behaviors (Baran, 1976a; Buerkel-Rothfuss, &



Strouse, 1993; Newcomer & J. D. Brown, 1984; Peterson, Moore, & Furstenberg, 1984; WalshXhilders, 1991). In general, these studies have shown that there more evidence the impact sexual content on is for of perceptions thanon values and behaviors. Television has, according to some writers, become an important edusex cator because both its frequent, consistent,realistic portrayals of sexof and uality and thelack of alternative sources for learning about sexual behavior (Roberts, 1982). Young viewers are provided with frequentlessons in how to look and act sexy. As a consequence, television has become important an sexual socialisation agent(Baran, 1976a, 197613; Courtright & Baran, 1980). Media depictions of sex can create expectations in the minds of young viewers about the pleasures of sexual activity that contribute towards dissatisfaction with their first sexual experiences. Baran (1976a) surveyed adolescents about this subject and found that themore highly they evaluated thesexual prowess of television characters, theless satisfied they were with their own initial sexual experiences. This negative correlation between the perceived sexual pleasures obtained by fictional characters on screen and satisfaction with ones own life was sex repeated in a subsequent survey among college students (Baran, 197610).The degree to which media depictions of sex are perceived as realistic is also important in this context. This, in turn, may belinked to theindividuals own sexual experience. Adolescents who were sexually experienced perceived media depictions of sex as lessrealistic than did virgins, and saw television characters as having less sexual prowess (Courtright & Baran, 1980). In the absence of alternative sources of information, the sexual lessons young viewers derive from television foster an inaccurate image of sex that can lead to unrealistic expectations, frustration, and dissatisfaction (Baran, 1976a, 197613; Fernandez-Collado, Greenberg, Korzenny, & Atkin, 1978). Documenting the specific nature of sexual portrayals on television thus becomes an important step establishing the reality that influences the perin ceptions of young viewers.

A number of Western countries have witnessed increased prevalence of

births outside marriage and premarital sexual activity, especially among teenagers (Baldwin, 1982). In the United States, researchers have observed that teenagers are engaging in earlier and take more partners inearly sex the part of the sex life, often without contraception (Courtright &Baran, 1980; Planned Parenthood Federation of New York City, 1986). Between 1971 and 1979, for example, the proportion never-married women, aged to of 15 19 years in American metropolitanareas, who had ever had sexual inter0




course rose from 28% to 46%. Comparable trend data were not available for men during this period, but it was known that the proportion of 15- to 19-year-old males who were sexually active in 1979 was 69% (Zelnick & Kantner, 1980). A number of factors have been found be associated with the timing of to initiation of sexual activity. Forinstance, those starting early are more likely to be males and to be Black (Zelnick & Kantner, 1980), to have reached physical maturity earlier (Billy & Udry, 1983),to place greater value on independence and on achievement, to more tolerant deviance, to less be of be less religious, and to be more involved in problem behaviors (Jessor & Jessor, 1975;Jessor, Costa, Jessor & Donovan, 1983), to have lower self-esteem, to come from a single-parentfamily and to live in a poor neighborhood(Hogan & Kitagawa,1983),andtohavelowereducational aspirations (Devaney, 1981; Furstenberg, 1976). For some writers, television has had a part play in this to social phenomenon. Television viewing thought to a is be factor contributing to the high incidence of sexuality among teens. Television has been accused allowing of producers to push back the boundaries of what is acceptable (Beschloss, 1990; Polskin, 1991). Increasingly, risque network programming attribwas uted to reduced censor staffs, and audienceerosion was attributed tomore permissive cable and videos (Beschloss, 1990; Polskin, 1991). Prime-time dramas andmovies were observed venture to ever more graphically into intimate and detailed conversations about sensitive sexual subjects such as impotence andorgasms, while even situation comedies were becoming increasingly filledwith sexual innuendo andsuggestiveness (Beschloss, 1990; Franzblau, Sprafkin, & Rubinstein, 1977). As we have seenalready, sexuality on television is a broadtopic that includes not only suggestive and eroticbehavior, but is also wrapped up with the representation of gender roles, intimacy and affection, and marriage and family life as well (Roberts, 1982).As such, the picture sexuality preof sented by television is often a distorted one (Greenberg, 1982; Roberts, 1982). For example, most references to sexual intercourse on television have tended toinvolve extramarital relationships and references to prostitution. Sex and violence are linked from timeto time, although moreespecially in video sex depictions than on television. Erotic relationships are frequently depicted as occurring outside of warm, loving, and committed relationships (Fernandez-Collado et al., 1978). Studies of the impact televisions depiction of sex on adolescents sexual of attitudes and behavior have usually taken the form of surveys in which Samples of teenagers report on their viewing habits and sexual activity. Peterson, Moore and Furstenberg (1991) used data from the NationalSurvey of Children in the United States to examine the amount of time children



spend viewing television and the extent which the content to viewed that is sexual in nature is related to the initiation of sexual activity. These researchers considered a number of theoretical explanations for the effects that television might haveon young viewers inclinations to begin sexual relations at anearly age. Television was hypothesised to provide setsof role models and a source of social learning. It was felt that children could learn about behavsexual ior by observing it performed on television. Television was regarded as an agent of social conditioning, that could provide children and teenagers with attractiveexamples of how to behave. Another view wasthat televisions effects might operateby reducing socialised inhibitions against engaging in sexual behavior before a certain age, or against committing oneself too readily to sex before a relationship had become sufficiently well developed. Itwas also felt that television could arouse latent tendencies. As teenagers reach puberty and experiencephysical and hormonal changes, sexual drives naturally emerge.Viewing sexual scenes on television could serve a stimulus, adding directly to natural and increasas urges ing the likelihood that thoseurges will be acted upon.Finally, it was also hypothesised that television could serve as an instrument of tension release. Viewing sexual scenes in programs could provide a channel through which sexual urges could be vicariously expunged, thus attributing a cathartic effect to television. The study carried out by Peterson and his colleagues utilised National Survey of Children data at two points in time,nearly 5 years apart. The same children were surveyed on both these occasions, enabling the researchers to investigate relationships between television viewing and the onset of sexual behavior longitudinally as well as one point time. Initial at in soundings were taken when childrenwere between 7 and 11 years old. the At that time, the children were interviewed with a parent (usually the mother) present. The second interview was carried out when the children were 12 to 16 years old. In this interview, all respondents age 15 to 16 years were asked aboutthe sexual experience of their friends and about their own sexual experience. A question was also asked about teenage pregnancies among their friends. During the second survey, 16% of 15-year-old and20% of 16-year-old girls reported having had sex. The initiation of sexual behavior among these girls, however, was not found tobe linked in any significant way to their history of television viewing. Among 15- to 16-year-old boys in the survey, a curvilinear relationship emerged between reported television viewing and sexual experience. The heaviest viewers had the highest prevalence of sexual experience (35%), whereas moderate viewers had the lowest rate of sexual experience (12%). These relationships were



found both in regard to television viewing in mid-teens and during the respondents pre-teenageyears. Finding a relationship between being sexually active in mid-teens and amount of overall television viewing does not provide enough evidence by itself to demonstrate that television was an influential agent this context. in We also need to know something about kinds of material to whichteenthe agers have been exposed television that might be relevant to the shaping on of their sexual behavior. The same study probed further for teenager girls and boys program preferences to find out whether or not especially enthey joyed watching programs knownto containsexual portrayals. Evidence of this kind of relationship did emerge inthis study, but only for girls.Fifteenand 16-year-old teenage girls who admitted to beingsexually active were more likely to name programs with content among their sexual favourites. Among both boys and girls, the strengthof association between overall television viewing and sexual activity varied as a function other factors in of their lives. Among the girls, sexual experience and television viewing were especially strongly linked for those girls who had low self-esteem, who watched television apart from their parents a of the time, and whose parlot ents had more permissive attitude to sex. Among teenage a boys, the association between television viewing and sexual experience was stronger for those who tended to watch television apart from their parents and who also had low educational aspirations. The conclusions reached from study were that television viewing apthis pears not to act in any direct way to influence teenagers sexual behavior. Any effects it might haveare likely to be indirect, taking the form of teaching sexual values and sexual scripts. This role of television in thesocialisation of sexual behavior among teenagers is probably most powerful when other potentialinfluences, such as from parents, are largely missing. Values and scripts that encourage engaging casual sexual behavior, taking many in partners, and in which there is little emphasison using protection, may encourage some teenagers, for whom counterexamples are present in their not own lives, to be less concerned about the risks associated with unprotected sex with partnersthey barely know. Another survey of American teenagers reported that those who chose heavier diets of television programs that contained sexual behavior were more likely than those who viewed relatively little of this material to have had sexual intercourse (J. D. Brown & Newcomer, 1991), The data on which this analysis was based were obtained through questionnaires from nearly 400 teenagers age 13 to 18 years. Once again, repeat surveys were carried out on three separate occasions spread over 3 years. Measures of peer and media encouragement to have wereused. Respondents looked sex at a series of sentences that described sexual activity and decided if TV and



movies, your best male friend, and/or your best female friend do that activity, and whether each these threesources of potential influence encourof aged them to learn about set rules about sex, or encourage themto be sex, more sexually active or to be less sexually active. Further questions were then asked about television viewing habits. Finally, each adolescent respondent was asked about their own degree of sexual experience, progressing from kissing to necking to petting to sexual intercourse. Television viewing patterns were found todiffer by the sexual status of the respondent. Nonvirgins in all but the Black male group, were significantly morelikely than virgins to seek sexy programming. Havinghad sexual intercourse was related toseeking out suchprograms, but not to actual frequency of exposure to them. When a regression analysis was carried out in which various predictor variables were linked to sexual intercourse, the model achieved significance only when the ratio of viewing sex on television was added in. This suggested that the relationship between viewing a high proportion television of shows containing sex and engaging in sexual intercourse held even after controlling for the perceived influenceof male and female friends and previous noncoital experience. Although this is not a conclusive test of the causal sequence betweentelevision viewing and adolescent sexual behavior, it does suggest that teenagers who selectively view television programs with sexual content aremore likely to have had sexual intercourse, regardless of their friends encouragement or discouragement to have and resex gardless of their previous sexual experience. In an attempt to more light the directionany potential causal shed on of relationship between viewing television programs that contained and sex adolescents personal experience sexual intercourse, the researchers exof amined theviewing of sex-containing programs as a dependentvariable. When reported experience sexual intercourse added to the predicof was tor variable list,did not significantly improve the amount variance exit of plainedinsexual activity. This finding, therefore,strengthenedthe conclusion that the direction of causality flowed from a high degree of viewing sex-containing programs to onset of sexual intercourse rather than vice versa.

Mass media are among sources of information aboutsex mentioned by the teenagers (Thornburg, 1981).Teenagers do not turn to the all media for sex information in the same For some teenage way. girls, forexample, media depictions of sex are regarded very useful as sources of guidance by which they are intrigued. For others, media sex portrayals are perceived to have little




relevance to real life. Indeed, for those girls who are sexually experienced, media depictions of sex may be regarded as overromanticised and as not reflecting their own experience (J.D. Brown, White, & Nikopoulou, 1993). Although dispositions towards the media may vary, there is evidence that media sex portrayals may influence young viewers perceptions of sexual activity in reality. Quite apart from any impact media sex depictions that might haveon individuals perceptions of their ownsex lives,there may be wider effects on social reality perceptions. Regular exposure to televised portrayals of sexual behavior, for instance, has beenlinked among American teenagers with their perceptions of the frequencies with which those behaviors occur in the real world. Buerkel-Rothfuss and Strouse (1993) measured relationships between television viewing patterns andteenagers perceptions of a range of male- andfemale-linked sexual behaviors. College students in the high teens asked to reporton their viewing were of television in general, and viewing of daytime serials, action-adventure series, evening serial dramas, situation comedies, and high-brow dramas. They were also asked to indicate their views on aspects of male-related behavior (e.g., having an affair, braggingabout theirsexual experiences, picking up women bars, fathering illegitimate children, committing in rape) and fenlaledrelated behaviors (e.g., having abortions,talking about sex, feeling guilty after sexual encounters, using sexual favors to achieve goals, and sleeping with multiple partners). Reported watching of daytime serials or evening serial dramas emerged as good predictors of a wide range of nonerotic sexual perceptions about both males and females. Serial drama viewing predicted perceptions about problems with sex, sex without love, frequent sex, and perceptions about virginity for both males and females. Viewing ofMTV was related to perceptions that males and females brag about sex, and consumption of X-rated movies, sex manuals, andMTV were the best predictors of perceptions of the prevalence of erotic sexual behavior. In sum, this study indicated a strong link between the nature of the media selected and the social construction of reality by individuals in their late teens. The real world perceptions that appeared to be influenced were those that involved behaviors portrayed in the media. There was no evidence thatperceptions of sexual behavior not depicted in the media werein any way affected by patterns of media exposure. In a related analysis, Buerkel-Rothfuss, Strouse, Pettey, and Shatzer (1993) reported a numberof relationships between television viewing habits and attitudes to General media consumption unrelated to such sex. was attitudes, but the extent to which young adult males females watched and MTV and television soap operas was linked to holding sexually permissive attitudes. This finding applied to both males and females. Although neither



MTV nor television soaps depict explicit sexual content, sexual themes are prevalent in both cases. Even so, the data reported in analysis were inthis conclusive as to the direction of causality, and whether the media were causal agents or whether sexually explicit media content was selected by already permissive individuals.
TELEVISION SEX AND ADOLESCENT MOR4LITY PERCEPTIONS Television depictions of sex can provide fictional examples of sexuality, sexual relations, and sexual behavior that teenagers may learn from and even try to emulate. Apart from the social learning through the observation of overt behavioral depictions on screen, televisions fictional representations of sexual relationships may convey implicit messages about morality. In be or other words, are certain types of sexual liaison deemed to socially morally acceptable forms of conduct? Content analysis studies of sexual portrayals on television have indicated that sexual relationships often occur outside marriage and even outside of any established emotional relationship (Greenberg, 1994). What kinds of lessons might this teach young people who are just becoming sexually active themselves? Bryant and Rockwell (1994) reported three experimental studies designed to investigate adolescents moral judgments about sexual liaisons between characters in popular fictional series broadcast on prime-time U.S. network television. They began manipulating the television viewing diet by of teenage boys and girls, and then had each participant and evaluate a view series ofbrief video vignettes extracted from television series, some of which depicted sexual behavior. They also examined the mediating influences of family communication style, family value systems and the participants own viewing styles on their reactions to televisions sexual scenes. Following a forced diet of television programming 3 hours a night 5 for nights, which covered themes of pre-, extra-, or nonmarital sexual relations, young viewers rated the sexual indiscretions or improprieties depicted in video vignettes as less bad compared with same-agepeers who had viewed nonsexual material. These effects were much weaker, however, among teenagers who were active and selective viewers, whose families had an open, democratic communication style and well established value systems. In another examination the acceptability and value different teleof of vised depictions of sexual conduct, Greenberg, Linsangan, and Soderman (1993)foundthatteenage viewers feltthattheylearnedsomething worthwhile from sexual vignettes about sexuality or about sexual terms. There were variations among differenttypes of sexual scene in termsof how much they were enjoyed or regarded as acceptable for showing on




television. Four categories of sexual scene were used in this study, with three scenes adopted in each case: married intercourse, unmarried intercourse, prostitution, and homosexuality. Each scenewas rated for enjoyment, realism, humour, sexiness, and suitability for viewing. Synopses of each vignette are presented in Table 4.1. The prostitution vignettes were the most enjoyed, and thesegments involving intercourse between married couples were the least enjoyed. In the latter case, scenes of intercourse involving married couples, along with such scenes involving unmarried couples, were regarded as the least humorous. Scenes of homosexual activity were rated as the least acceptable, whereas the other three types of sexual conduct were all rated aboutequally acceptable. The scenes involving unmarried couples engaged insex wererated as the most sexy scenes overall. YOUNG PEOPLE AND PORNOGRAPHY Despite legal restrictions placed on the rental pornographic videos to adof olescents, survey evidence has shown that underage viewing of explicit sexual materials, designated as suitable for adult audiences only, does take place. One survey of American high school students in the mid-1980s found that 46% of junior high school students and84% of high school students interviewed had reportedly seen an X-rated film (see Bryant & D. Brown, 1989). A Canadian survey reported thatamong adolescents in their mid-teens, of nine out ten boys and six out of ten girls claimed they had viewed explicit pornographic videos. The boys indicated thatthey were frequent consumers of pornography andthat they had learned about fromsuch material. sex These regular adolescent users of pornography werealso found tobe more accepting of rape myths and violence against women, as well as being more likely to believe that forcing girls to have intercourse acceptable (Check is & Maxwell, 1992). Further evidence emerged from a sample of Californian teenagers (age 14 to 15 years). This study indicated that exposure to pornography was linked to beliefs that rape is often brought on the actionsor appearance by of women themselves and that it can be excused in part because men have stronger sexual needs, that are more difficult to keep under control, than women do. This pattern of linkages between rape-related beliefs and reported exposure pornography was found among to both female and male adolescents. Indeed, correlations between claimed pornography exposure and rape beliefs were stronger for girls than for boys, especially for those girls who claimed also to have used pornography to learn aboutsex (Cowan & Campbell, 1995).


Television Sexual Vignettes Rated by Adolescent Viewers as Used by Greenberg, Linsangan,and Soderman, 1993
Prostitution Scene One
Scene from Hill Street Bluesin which a young woman is arrested by an undercover policeman for solicitation. Duringthe hearing, the public defender explains to the judge that the young womans familysituation is not too good and thatshe is pursuing job opportunities in California. She convinces the judge that theyoung woman should be tried as an adult. The young woman pleads guilty to disorderly conduct andis given a $200 fine. The young woman is then seen with her boyfriend, who slaps her and calls her a whore. The public defender consoles the young woman and talks to her boyfriend, explaining that the young woman was only trying to help him so they could start a new life.

Scene Two
Again from Hill Street Blues, the scene shows a more stereotypical looking prostitute-wearing a red low-cutand skin-tight dress-who also tries to solicit an undercover policeman. She is arrested and jailed. A police officer drops by her cell. The prostitute asks him why he is staring at her breasts and tells him that he a horny cop is looking for a freebie. She undresses and offers herself to him in exchange for her release. At her hearing, she pleads guilty to solicitation, is fined $200 and warned that if she is arrested again, she will be given 90 days incarceration. She is later arrested.

Scene Three From Night Court. Comic context. Group prostitutes are brought to court. proseof The
cutor informs the court that complaint from a disgruntled formeremployee led to the a arrest of the women in a house of prostitution. The defense attorney moves for postponement pending the location owner of the building. Scene ends when of the Madame of the arrives.

Married Intercourse Scene One

Taken fromCheers. Revolves around Norm, one the regular characters, who is trying of to start family. Banter and one-liners directed at Norm and attempts at hava his wifes ing a baby.

Scene Two From All My Children. Talk concerns one of the main charactersattempts tohave a baby. Her dialogue with various relatives centers on this topic. Her husband wants a baby but
she isnot so sure about it.

Scene Three
Taken from a soap opera; featurs a couple about how much they enjoyed the previtalking ous night together after children had gone bed and how close they felt to each the to other.

Unmarried Intercourse Scene One From Factsoflife. Radio show hostess has a young caller who asks her for advice about going on a camping trip with her boyfriend who hasasked her to sleep with him. The hostess tries to avoid the question, but the caller asks if she should have sex with her boyfriend. The hostess says it is a very difficult question her. She advises the caller to thinkof the for consequences and consider her feelings. Scene Xu0 From One Life to Lwe. A man and a woman are talking about their relationship. The discussion centres on the mans understanding of what the woman needs and the womans confusion about her feelings. Scene ends with man asking woman to stay and go to bed with him. Scene Three From General Hospital, this scene opens with a man andwoman dancing toslow music. They talk about the situation being cozy and becoming even cozier. They kiss. The man is then seen bed waiting the woman. She then in the and under the in for gets bed covers. They embrace, talk, kiss again, and whisper to each other. The woman then gets undressed under the covers and the man discards her nightgown. There follows more caresses and kissing. Homosexuality Scene One From Night Court. A gay tells Dan he finds him attractive. Dan tells his co-workers about this incident and one his co-workers tells everyone about it. Dan stuck of else gets in the elevator with the and tells him that heis wasting his time. Dan gets cold and gay the gay gives him his overcoat. Scene Two From the sitcom Ginme Break. A short scene with the a police chief telling his housemaid abouthis problems at work, one which concerns cop who wants tocome out of a of the closet. Scene Three From Dynasty. Opens with Luke telling Steven that he figured out why Steven has been has distant with him. To the question whetherhe was coming on to Steven, Luke replies that he is capable of a platonic friendship. Adam accuses Steven of having an affair with the little fag he is working with and that is why Stevens marriage is crumbling. The two fight. The scene endswith Steven going to Lukes apartment, with the fairly explicit indication that he wants to be with him again.
Note. Data are from Greenberg, Ltnsangan, and Soderman (1993).




Rock music videos are complex stimuli that combine music with visual content. They can be expected to produce a blend of emotional reactions. by Stronger sexual feelings, for instance, might be provoked very sexy vidor videos are eos than by videos with little no sexual content. Because music teenagers are reaimed at and consumed primarily by the youth market, and garded as more susceptible to arange of potential social and psychological influences of mass media, thereis understandable interest in and even concern about the impactthese videos. The possibility of a link between exof posure to music videos and teenage sexual activity was indicated by an American survey that showed that teenagers who exhibited a strong liking for Music Television (MTV) were alsomore sexually experienced (Peterson & Kahn, 1984). In addition to the sex component of rock videos, many have an additional factor-namely theircapacity tocreate physiological arousal through the natureof the music and thevolume at which it is played. This factor deserves attention because of the theoretical status such physical of arousal when paired with certain types of content. The theory of excitation transfer, for example, captures the way in which arousal produced by rock music mightcontribute towider emotional effects of visual sex or violence within video productions (Zillmann, 1978, 1984). Within excitation-transfer theory, physiological arousal is related to both the intensity of emotional responses to an event (Zillmann, 1978) and the strength its appeal (Canof tor, Zillmann, & Einsiedel, 1978). Thus, both the intensity the viewers of emotional responses to sexual or violent videos and how appealing viewers find them should be related to the level of arousal or excitation provoked by the sexual or violent images. Sexual images can become compounded with the music in a music video to enhanceits audience appeal. Zillmann and Mundorf (1987) conducted an experiment in which they edited R-rated and violence into a rock sex music video, either independently or together. Sex was found to increase the appeal of the music, but notso violence. Sex andviolence together decreased the musics appeal. Hansen and Hansen (1990) conducted two experiments to examine the effects of sex violence in rock music and videos on viewersjudgments of the appeal of the music and otheraspects of the production. In the first study, audience reactions were compared across videos with high, moderate, or low levelsof visual sexual content. Visual sexhad substantialeffects on degree of liking for the music and visual production. Overall, the visual content of videos judged as high insexual content was rated as more enjoyable than the visual content of videos judged to have less sexual content. The




presence of more sexual content also enhanced overall liking for the music. Viewers also reported feeling more sexy after watching the videos with higher sexual content. Combining sexual and violent imagery in musicvideos had the opposite effect of sex on its own. The appeal music videos declined in of the presence of high levels of violence, even though sex was also present. This result confirmed the earlier findings of Zillmann and Mundorf (1987).The latteralso observed, however, that theeffect of sex was felt mostly in the emotional responses of video viewers to the music being played, rather than to the visual elements production. In fact, the of the presence of sex appeared to diminish the appeal visual production of the amongwomen viewers. Hansen and Hansen (1990), in distinction, found that sex had a strong positive effect the appeal both music on of and visual production. The main difference between these two studies was that Zillmann used R-rated sexual inserts, whereas Hansen and Hansen used milder forms sex content that had occurred naturally in of the original video productions. This difference in methodology, taken together with their respective findings, suggests that themere presence of sex per se is probably less important to audience reactions to music videos than is the nature of that sexual content.

Survey investigations of links between verbally reported media consumption habits, perceptions of sex, and self-reportsof personal sexual practices among young people reveal where possible associations exist can between such measures, but really only scratch the surface in terms of improving our understanding of the ways in which media messages about sex can influence them. One important aspect of media influence in this context is the way messages about sex are apprehended and processed by members of the audience. Content analyses of the representation of sex in film and television have identified regular patterns in these portrayals that may present not simply behavioral models to be emulated, but also social scripts that are committed to long-term memory to be invoked to guide behavior in a more general fashion when the right occasions arise. Sexual depictions in the media are notalways overt andexplicit. Often they are implicit and have to be presumed on thebasis of depicted action. It may be moreimportant to understand the extent which different sexual scripts are being learned from to the media than to demonstrate copying of specific incidents shown on screen in relation to establishing how far-reaching media effects on sexual practices can be.



Another relevant factor is that distinct gender-related sexual scripts can be identified. Males tend traditionally tend to be sexual initiators and females are sexual delimiters (LaPlante, McCormick, & Brannigan, 1980). Males are significantly more likely to report that their main motives for sexual intercourse are to have fun and achieve gratification, whereas females report that their main motives are love commitment (Carrol, Volk, & Shibley-Hyde, 1985).The learning thattakes place from media depictions of sex, therefore, may take the form of schemas or broad frames reference of to guide thinking about male and female sexuality and to inform sexual conduct in different situations. Factual information about biological matters linked to sex, such as menstruation and the reproductive process, can be conveyed to young viewers by documentary programs (Greenberg, Perry, & Covert, 1983).Teenage attitudes toward issues such as premarital sex and birth control have beenmodified through a specially produced film about birth control (Herold 6r Thomas, 1980). However, there maybewider scripts about sex than can be effectively communicated not just through factual media productions also through fictional portrayals. but In some instances, the natureof the medias impact on young peoples sexual awareness and understanding depends the specific typeof cognion tive information processing in whichthey engage. One relevant distinction that has been made in this context is between content-centered processing and content-stimulated processing (Hawkins & Pingree, 1986; Thompson, Pingree, Hawkins, 6r Draves, 1991).Content-centered processing involves cognitive activities related to thinking about the content of the message. This might include selectively attending toor focusing on certain information or drawing particularinferences about information missing from the content. Content-stimulated processing occurs when individuals make connections between media content and their own past experiences or when they imagine being in characters place. a One interesting study on comprehension of media sex investigated young womens interpretations of implicit sexual portrayals movies. A small samin ple of female collegeundergraduates (n = 39), all in their late teens and early ZOs, were interviewed about implicit sexual portrayals in clips taken from three movies. Participants were shown either aclip from About Lust Night, Dark Man, or An Ojfiicer and a Gentleman (Meischke, 1995). The clips contained scenes in which sexual intercourse had apparently taken place but was not actually shown on screen. The scenes depicted events leading up to and then following sexbetween aman and woman. After viewing one of these clips, each female respondent interviewed was in a fairly nondirective fashion in which a series of open-ended questions were posed about the scenes depicted. Meischke interested in the schewas mata viewers usedto explain the events seen on screen and to reach a conclusion that sex had or had not takenplace. According to schema theory,



people can reach judgments about what happened in television programs even though film or program itself may a have provided them with only partial information about the events depicted. Schemata are cognitive structures gained from past experience with events, issues, and topics that represent a form organised and often quite of generalised knowledge about those domains of experience. They areused to help make sense of new encounters and underpin the drawing of inferences about events where the all information about them is not present. Some schematafocus on persons featured infilms. Person schematafocus on knowledge about the traits and goals that shape otherpeoples behavior (Fiske & Taylor, 1984). For example,atrait for theschema promiscuousmight include what promiscuous people do. Person schemata also include schema peoples goals, for the motivations and intentions for or associated with their actions. A goal schema is useful for predicting a particular persons behavior in a particular setting based on the notionwhat beof havior goes with what goal. Mieschke was interested in finding out to what extent young female viewers drew conclusions about not just whether sex had occurred, when the physical act itself was not shown on camera, butalso whether perceptions emerged that safe sex had occurred. In the case of the latter perception, what kinds of clues on screen and internal schemata were used to reach this conclusion? During open-ended interviews, it became apparent that these young female viewers wereable to infer that sex had takenplace, even though they had not seen This conclusion was not reached in a conit. sistent fashion, however. Among some viewers, the sex judgment was based on broad generalisations about sexual behavior. For example, in one movie, the woman was believed to be sexually promiscuous and therefore was also believed to have hadsex with the man with whom she depicted, even was though they had not known each other long, because that is what promiscuous women do. Other viewers picked upon production cues and cues from the events that took place on screen. For example, the characters were witnessed dancing, then kissing, and then finally taking each others clothes off. Afterwards they were shown getting dressed. Thus, onelogical conclusion from thesesigns was that they had had sexual intercourse. Such a sequence of events represented a sexual script-a sequence of behaviors associated with having sex. O n the question of whether the sexual behavior that transpired was risky, judgments were more difficult to make. There were no overt clues presented on screen that the actors talked about using or were seen applying contraceptives or other behaviors typical of safe sex. Instead, viewers relied on their schemata of the kinds of sexual behaviors that go with certain relationships or sexual goals. Even then, different schools of thought emerged. For example, some respondents argued that promiscuous women take precautions because



of their high-risk lifestyle. Other respondents counteredthis by arguing that such women tend not to precautions because they are risk takers, fateful, take or do notcare much for themselves. The significance of television portrayals of sexuality for young people can years and moveinto vary with age. As they progress through their teenage young adulthood, young men andwomen areattracted tomedia messages about sexual relationships in different ways. One qualitative study of this topic, grounded in reception theory, has foundthat teenage girls and young adult women exhibit different reactions to the same television serial in which the lead characters were supposedly in their midto late teens (Granello, 1997). In a series of focus group interviews with viewers of Beverly Hills 10, the 902 degree to which respondentswere attracted to thelead male characters, or identified with the lead female characters and their relationship problems, varied between 12-, 17-, and 2 14year-olcls. The 12-year-olds focused mainly on female friendshipsin theshow, although they showed early signs being of attracted to some of the male characters. The 17-year-oldswere interested primarily in the male characters whom they regarded as sex objects. This emphasis grew out of a heightened focus at this age on male-female relationships. The 2 1-year-oldswere not interested in the male characters whom they regarded as too immature. They were seen as boys rather thanreal men. The young age group displayed early signs of understanding the importance of relationships, particularly between members of the opposite sex, but were still embarrassed to talk openly about such matters in front of their own peers. They were aware of the statusof sexual relationships among the charactersonthe show,however. The mid-teensgroupemphasised male-female relationships in their comments more than any other group. Even the 2 1-year-olds focused on sexual relationships between the characters in defining the way different characters related towards one another, even when there were nonsexual relationships and nonrelational story lines featured in the series. The 12-year-olds displayed their sexual immaturity in their reluctance todiscuss sexuality openly, and were critical of too much overt sexuality in the program. Interestingly, the 2 1-year-olds also felt there was too muchemphasis on sex in the series, but they reached this opinion from adifferent perspective to the pre-teenage girls. For these young adult women, the sexuality depicted was inappropriate becauseof the potential influence it could haveon young girls who mighttreat some of the lead female charactersas role models. The 17-year-olds were the only group who did not seem to think thatBeverly Hills 902 2 0 paid too much attention to sexual issues. However,this age group was probablythe one most interested in sexual technique and information about sex (Moffitt, 1987). Consequently, they could be expected to welcome story lines that provided this sort of material.



The importance of this exploratory study lies in the differences that emerged, albeit with a limited sample of respondents, among female viewers of a popular, relationship-oriented television show in their modes of response to its sexual content. All three age groups were aware of the sexual content in this show, but the significance of sexual relationships for these groups varied as a function their own of stage of psychological maturity and sexual socialisation. Among pre-teenage and teenage and young adult girls women, relationships were an important and defining aspect of their lives (Gilligan, 1982). There were, however, developmental differences in the kinds of relationships to which most weight is attached. For pre-teenage girls, female-femalerelationshipsweremost important,whereas for 17-year-oldgirls,male-femalerelationshipswerecritical.Among 2 1-year-old women, relationships with the opposite sex retained aposition of paramount importance, but their greater maturity and experience meant that they questioned the realism of some television portrayals of sexual relationships in a way 17-year-olds did not. According to Granello(1997),this factor may be especially important in the teenage girls and young adult way females react to relationship portrayals in a series such as Beverly Hills 902 IO in which female subordination and inferiority typify many story lines. CONCLUSION Sexual portrayals in the media may serve as sources of information and learning for young peopleas they embark on sex lives of their own. Media sex maytherefore act as an instrument of social learning and sexual socialisation. This form influence may act not of merely through overtdepictions of sexual activity, but also through talk about sex. Sex in media aimed at young people oftenoccurs in the form of conversations about sexual relationships and experiences. This talk about sex can provide an agenda for sex and presents sexual scripts from which young people can learn. Thus, the influences of media sex stem not simply from showing graphic depictions of sexual technique, but from scripts that play out the of sex in the context role of wider interpersonal relations. The concerns about media sex and teenagers center as much on the kinds of scripts that are played out ontelevision, film, and videoas on their early exposure to nudity and scenes of simulated sexual intercourse. In the context of rising teenage pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, the media have been identified as often presenting the wrong kinds of examples to young media consumers. Depictions of sex rarely emphasise the risks and responsibilities that accompany sexual relations. Sex is depicted as fun andlargely as risk Safe sex practices are rarely alfree. lowed to surface, nor are the potential risks associated with casual sexual relations among partners who have not known each other very long. The



accompaniment of sex with violence in films and videos has been widely criticised for cultivating a set of beliefs surrounding coercive sexual relations, that support themyth, for example, that women enjoy being raped, Yet, films that present sexuality in a way that runs counter to thesemore prevalent themes can effective at drawing the attention teenagers and be of young adults to the importance sex as part of a lasting and committed of emotional relationship with someone and that even when sexual partners know one anotherwell, there may still be goodreasons to observe safe sex practices.

I s Media Sex

Degrading to Women?

One of the concerns raised about the depiction of sexual behavior in the media has centered on the way women are represented. For many years, there has been widely voiced criticism of sex-role stereotyping on television and other media in which women are frequently depicted in subordinate positions to men. The media treat women as objects, primarily as sex objects, who are to be admired, manipulated, and used by men. Women have long been underrepresented in mainstream television in most major genres of programming. This pattern has been traced back to the 1950s (D. M. Davis, 1990; Head, 1954; Tedesco, 1974). However, it is not so much the extent to whichwomen appear on screen as the way in which they are presentedthat has caused the greatest controversy. Women have tended to shown in a much narrower of roles than men. The be range traditional pattern has been one in which the domestic role of women is played upand any professional role is played down (McNeil,1975;Butler & Paisley, 1980; Tuchman, Daniels, & Benet, 1978). Even when women are shown in employment, the occupationalroles in which they appear have tended to be traditionally female occupations and positions in which they are subordinate to men (Ceulemans & Fauconnier, 1979). Another aspect of sex-role stereotyping has been manifest in the personality and emotional characteristics women and men. Women have been of depicted as more emotional and less rational than men. As such women have generally been shown as more preoccupied with personal relation111



ships, family, and emotional conflicts (McNeil, 1975). Women were observed to require more emotionalsupport than men (Greenberg, Richards, & Henderson, 1980). Women are more likely than mento be oriented towards marriage. Although some women would be shown in occupations, work was usually secondary to home life (Kuchenhoff, 1977). Men were observed to exude greater authority and competence than women across a variety of situations. Men were more likely to give and women more likely to receive advice (Turow, 1974). If women were successful professionally, the price they paid was failure in their private lives. Females who were successful at work were unhappily married. The same pattern was not so pronounced for men who were portrayed more often than women as being able to achieve asuccessful balance in both their private and professional lives (Manes & Melnyk, 1974). Women were less likely than men, across a range fictional genres on television, to be shown of as having control over events in their Women were more likely to lack lives. control or to be portrayed as believing that they lacked control over their lives (Hodges, Brandt & Line, 1981). These stereotyped portrayals on television persisted throughout the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s to the late1980s (Pribram, 1988). At around this time, however, published research began to emerge that signalled shifting patterns of sex-role portrayal. Women were observed be as prominent as to men in genres such as situation comedy and serialised drama. They remained in a subordinateposition to men in action-drama series, however (Steenland, 1990). Where women were beginning to achieve parity with men, though, this was manifest not only in terms of the prevalence on screen, but in terms of the kinds of roles they played. In particular, there also were signs that the occupationalvariety of womens roles was broadening (Huston et 1992). Indeed, al., single, professional women had started apto with pear in lead roles, demonstrating equal competence male leads even in action-oriented series (Atkin, 1991; Reep & Dambrot, 1987). The depiction of sexuality is one important elementof the representation of the sexes. Much attentionhas focusedon the subordinate position women tend tooccupy vis-%-vis men in sexual situations in the media. This type of depiction becomes acutely focused in scenes in which men force women to engage in sexual activity and sex becomes mixed with violence. Depictions of sexual violence feature most prominently in pornographic materials. However, influential feminist writers have arguedthat in pornogas is raphy, women tend to featured subordinates of men even when there be no overt violence present. Women are depicted existing primarily for the as sexual satisfaction of others (usually men) and as willing to accommodate any and every male advance (Dworkin, 198 1; MacKinnon, 1989). Continued exposure to this kind of representation of women may result in the



acceptance of women in a subordinate sexual role and ultimately lead to behaviors that reflect this perception. SEXUALITY AND THE SEXES The stereotyping of sex rolesand sex traits by television might be expected to characterise representationsof sexual behavior. Few such comparisons have been made between male female characters.One study reported and that females accounted for a greater proportion kissing, hugging,and afof fectionate touching, and of implied sexual intercourse than would have been expected on the basis of their overall representation (Silverman, Sprafkin, & Rubinstein, 1979). In a later examination female and male of involvement in sexual behavior, men were found to initiate a far greater proportion of sexual acts than did females. This finding for American network television in 1989 showed increase in the an propensity of males to initiate sex relative to females, as compared with 10 years earlier, when both sexes had been shown be equally likely to initiate to sexual acts (Sapolsky & Tabarlet, 1991). Research in Britain found that while males and females were equally likely to make afirst-time approach to a member the oppoof site sex, males were much more likely than females to engage in an extramarital affair (Millwood-Hargrave, 1992). PORTRAYALS IN MORE EXPLICIT MATERIALS The expanded popularity and availability of pornography have beenkey factors rekindling andfuelling public scrutiny of and debate aboutvideo pornographic materials (Attorney Generals Commission on Pornography, 1986; Committee on Sexual Offences Against Children Youths, and 1984; Joint Select Committee on Video Material, 1988; Lederer, 1980; Special Committee on Pornography and Prostitution, 1985;Zillmann 6r Weaver, 1989). One predominant and recurrent pointof contention involves classification and interpretation of the content characteristics of sexually explicit materials. One view of pornographic materials is that they are simply entertaining, innocuous communications that pertain to sexual behavior. Advocates of this position contend that modern sexually explicit materials offer onlypositive images of sexual pleasure and abandon (Gagnon, 1977; Kaplan, 1984; Stoller, 1976; Wilson, 1978). Proponents this perspective maintain that of the social and sexual reality portrayed in pornography is so accurate and detailed that these productions provide important educational and therapeutic aids that help eradicate puritanical attitudes about that have sex long dominated oursociety (Goldstein, 1984, p. 32).



Alternatively, it has long been asserted that a distinguishing characteristic of sexually explicit materials is the degrading and demeaning portrayal of the role and status of the human female (Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, 1970, p. 239). Many feminist analysts, in particular, argue that the social and sexual reality conveyed by contemporary pornography portrays women as sexually socially subservient to and dominated men. and by From their vantage point, these analysts maintain that such materials disparage and demean women by portraying them as malleable, obsessed with sex, and willing to engage in any sexual act with anyavailable partner (Diamond, 1985, p. 42);that sexually explicit materials require that women be subordinate to men and mere instruments the fulfillment of for male fantasies ... that our pleasure consists of pleasing men, and not ourselves (Longino, 1980, pp. 45-46); andthat they consistently depict women as anonymous, panting playthings, adult toys, dehumanised objects to be used, abused, broken and discarded (Brownmiller, 1975, p. 394).

Defining the Prohletn

Special concern has been reserved for the way women are portrayed in sexually explicit or pornographic films and videos. Such concern stems not only from the objectification of women, but also from a trend within this category of material to depict scenes of violent sexual attacks on women. Within the psychology literature there have been theoretical disagreements and empirical inconsistencies regarding the effects of nonviolent but degrading sexually explicit material. There is no objective criterion regarding what is degrading,although there may be a consensus about the types of images that are regarded as degrading. Although limited,the available empirical data show that contemporary pornographic productionstypically involve a narrow range highly style of ized content conventions that strongly emphasize a chauvinistically male or machoorientation towards sexual behavior(Crabbe, 1988; Day, 1988). Most notable among these conventions is a seemingly complete preoccupation with sexual activity to the exclusion all other facetsof of human social behavior (Hebditch& Anning, 1988, 15). Many analysts p. have noted,for instance, that pornographic materials typically feature all variants of heterosexual intercourse in innumerable circumstances (D. Brown 6;r Bryant,1989; Palys, 1984,1986;Prince,1990;Slade,1984; Winick, 1985). At the same time, however, depictions of other basic aspects of human sexuality-such as communication between sexual partners, expressions of affection or emotion (except and lust), fear depictions of foreplay, afterplay, or friendly cuddling, and concern about sanitation the consequencesof or



sexual activities-are minimised(Cowan, Lee, Levy & Snyder, 1988; Prince, 1990; Rimmer, 1986).Furthermore, within this context, women are normally shownas eagerly soliciting participation in, and responding with hysterical euphoria to, anyof a variety of sexual encounters (Abel, 1987; Palys, 1984; Rimmer, 1986). Zillmann and Bryant (1982) proposed that degrading but nonviolent pornography haspervasive attitudinal, if not behavioral, effects. Zillmann (1989) and Zillmann and Bryant (1982) reported varied negative effects of degrading pornography both men and in women, including sexual and victim desensitization and changes in broader attitudes and values towards sex and towards women. Later research indicated thatexposure to degrading sexually explicit material was as likely as violent sexual material to increase male proclivity to coercive sex, and bothtypes of material were more likely to do so than nondegrading erotic portrayals (Check & Guloien, 1989). Another study using college women indicated increased mood disturbances in response to nonviolent aswellas to violent pornography (Senn 6-r Radtke, 1990) and more negative feelings towards rape victims as a function of exposure to sexually explicit nonviolent films than eithereroticised (nonexplicit sex) violence or covert violence (Borchert, 1991). Perceptual consequences have been found to occur following consumption of both sexually explicit (X-rated) and suggestive (R-rated) materials portraying the standard nonviolentpornographic theme. Sexual coercion and violence, and idealised sexuality have also revealed strong negative shifts in perceptions of female sexuality and victims of sexual assaults (Weaver, 1991; Zillmann, 1989). Research Weaver (1987) and Zillmann by and Weaver (1989) found that exposure to depictions of both sexual and coercive and/or violent media depictions can induce adverse shifts in perceptions ofwomen and dispositions about punishment a convicted of rapist. Men also rated rape victims as sexually more promiscuous after exposure to media portrayals of sex or sexual violence. Women responded differently. They did not perceive a rape victim as more permissive after viewing sexual themes. However, they did tend to perceive greater permissiveness after viewing scenes of coercive and/or violentsex. A major problem in research on degrading, nonviolent, X-rated pornography has been how to define degrading (to women) material. Different researchers have used quite varied material in investigating the effect of degrading depictions of women. Researchers have disagreed on the teralso minology to be used for this class of pornography, which is distinguished from erotica and violent pornography. Someprefer the use of the word dehummising (Check & Guloien,1989),others common pornography (Zillmann, 1989), and still others degrading pornography (Attorney Generals Commission on Pornography, 1986).



Antipornography feminist writers, such as Steinem (1980) andDworkin and MacKinnon (1988))have contended that the inequality, domination, and objectification of women in pornography are degrading. For example, Steinem (1980) used mutuality and equal power versus inequality as the major distinction between what she labeled erotica versus pornography. To Steinem, erotica occurs between equals, whereas pornography unequal sex. is Hill (1987), a philosopher, suggested that a public display of low status is degrading-that is, a loss of personhood by being treated as a means, not an end. In contrast,Dworkin and MacKinnons (1988) views are based on a political rather than a moral argument. In their view, pornography sexualises the subordinationof women and is a form of sex discrimination. Their proposed civil ordinance spelled out ina more detailed way their definition of pornography. Some of their criteria includedthe graphic, sexually explicit subordination of women in pictures orin words that also includes women dehumanised as sexual objects, things or commodities, postures orposiin tions of sexual submission, servility or display, or womens body parts ... exhibited suchthat women are reducedto those parts, or women presented as whores by nature or inferior or hurt in a context that makes these conditions sexual (p. xxxiii). A point of viewabout what constitutes degrading pornography that does not fully capture thefeminist view is that of Zillmann (1989). To him, degrading (common) pornography depicts women as sexually insatiable and socially nondiscriminating in thesense that they seem eager to accommodate the sexual desires of any man in the vicinity and as hyper-euphoric about any kind of sexual stimulation (p. 135). Donnerstein et al. (1987) also defined degrading sexually explicit material as that which depicts women as willingrecipients of any male sexualurge (excluding rape) or as over-sexed, highly promiscuous individuals with insatiable sexual urges (p. 4). Then,according to Cowan and Dunn (1994), These definitionsfocus on unbridled sexuality as itself constituting the degradation women. The of extent to which mens availability and insatiability are degrading to them is rarely discussed. When the degradation of women is associated primarily with their display of sexuality, rather than by the ways in which sexuality portrays their subordination, not only double standard sexuality being is a of used, but also subordination is discounted (p. 12).

Cataloging Degrading Portrayals

Among the earliestpublished evidence on this topic were studies of the representation of female sexuality printed in media. Smith (1976) found a repeated pattern of male dominance in sexual acts and a perpetuation of the rape myth, wherein the woman initially resists forcible intercourse, but eventuallyenjoys it. Of 4,588 sexual episodes identified 428 paperin



backs, one in five (20%) involved rape, andone third of the sex depicted in these novels involved the use of force to obtain sex, usually with no punishment of the aggressor. Fewer than 3% of the attackerswere reprimanded for their crimes. Smith found that descriptions of forcible sex increased from the late1960s to the mid-l970s, with scenes doubling rape in prevalence during this time. Later, a study of 1,760 adult magazine covers from 1970 to 1981 found an increase in domination and bondage themes which the objectof sexual in domination was usually a woman (Dietz & Evans, 1982). Inanother study of magazines, Malamuth and Spinner (1980) observed that levels of sexually violent themes in certain magazines sex decreased after reachingpeak a in the late 1970s. They found thatdepictions of rape, sadomasochism, or exploitative coercive sexual relations inPlayboy and Penthouse pictures and cartoons increased from 1% in 1973 to about 5% in 1977. No further increase was observed after that. Following the study by Malamuth and Spinner, a study of violence in cartoons and pictures in Playboy from 1954 to 1983found that the violence level with womenas targets rose until the mid to late 1970s, and then descendedagain (Scott & Cuvelier, 1987). Sexual violence occurred in aboutpage out of every 3,000 and in 1 fewer than 4 out of every 1,000pictures. The increase i n sexual violence in erotic magazines observed by Malamuth and Spinner (1980) may, therefore, have covered those years in which suchcontent peaked, before dropping off again. There is relatively little evidenceon the gender role portrayals in sexually explicit film and video materials. Some studies have shownrelatively high levels of violence; others have found less violence and more sex between mutually consenting partners.

Depiction o Women in Restricted Videos f

A number of content analysis studies of pornographic videos carried out duringthe 1980s providedinterestingdescriptivedata,butused nonrepresentative samples of sexually explicit videos (Cowan et al., 1988; Palys, 1984; Prince, 1990; Yang & Linz, 1990) or nonsystematic analytical procedures (Rimmer, 1986). Palys (1984) for example, used a procedure
purposefully biased to permit oversampling of potentially violent pornographic materialsfrom the rental stockavailable on the shelves at several colleagues used a sinzioutlets ina Canadian metropolitan area. Cowan and lar sampling procedure. Prince (1990) and Yang and Linz (1990) sampled only the classic or more notable feature-length productions. Although widely viewed, such productions included only a small proportion (n = 800) of the approximately 5,000 sexually explicit videos available in the contemporary marketplace (Charting the Adult Video Market, 1989).



In an examination of the stag film genre (the 8mm films now shown more oftenin peep shows), Slade (1984) noted that, between 1915 and rape 1972, depictions constituted 5% of this material, on average. During this time period, violence never wentbeyond an upper boundaryof 10% and therewas no indication of any increase in violent images over time. Slade did note that the violence since 1970 had become more graphic and brutal. Stag films were popular before the mid-1970s. Since then they have been replaced by videos. There have been several investigations, using content analysis, of the representation of male and female sexuality in sexually ex2 plicit videos. A number of these studies were reviewed in chapter as part of a discussion about the amount media sex on distribution. However, itis of relevant to examine these studies again at this point, with special reference to whatthey revealed about portrayals that were degrading to women. This review also introduces some studies for the first time in this volume because of their specific relevance to the theme the present discussion. of In a Canadianstudy, Palys (1986) analysed more than 4,000 scenes from 150 adult-rated and commercially availabletriple-X-rated videos. Although the commercially available videos contained scenes of explicit sex and sexual violence, there was greater equality between the sexes in these videos, as comparedwithadult-rated materials, in sexual scenes. Incontrast, in adulterated videos, men were dominant in most scenes.Over the +year sex period covered by this study, from 1979 to 1983, Palys found a decrease in violent sexual imagery in commercially available videos, but no such change in more restricted adulterated videos. A further study in the United States of videos rated R, X, and XXX found sexually violent behavior, in which female victimisation was the norm, to be present in all three categories of production (Yang & Linz, 1990). Sexually violent scenes mostly compriseddepictions of rape, coercive sexual relations, and sadomasochism. For all three types of videos, the predominant theme in the portrayal of sexual violence was either individual rape or group rape of a single female. Further examination of sexual violence against females (female homosexual, individual, or group rape) showed no differences across R-rated and X-rated (combined)categories. A comparison of the frequency of sexual violence across year of production revealed no statistically significant increase in this type of portrayal for either R-rated or X-rated (combined) videos. Sexually violent behavior sequenceswere much shorter inR-rated videos than in others, however. There were no statistically significant changes in durationfor either R-rated or X-rated (combined)videos across the years. Computation of recipient-initiator ratios indicated that females were more often the recipients than che perpetrators of violence and sexual violence in both R-rated X-rated (combined) and videos. But this ratio was different for different ratings categories. Females weremore often recipients of



sexual violence in R-rated than inX-rated videos (4.33 vs. 2.72). Finally, there was generally a greater number of violent (combined)behaviors than prosocial behaviors in both types of videos. An exception was in R-rated materials, which had more than three times as many prosocial as sexually violent behaviors. In another analysis of X-rated videos in the United States, Cowan et al. (1988) focused on the prevalence of debasing portrayals of women. More than half the sexually explicit scenes identified were coded as predominantly concerned with dominationor exploitation. Specific indicators of domination and sexual inequality, including physical violence, occurred frequently. Dominance and exploitation major themes comprised of the sexas 545 ually explicit scenes. Men did most of the domination and exploitation. Of 124 scenes characterised as dominance, 78% were commanded by men, and 22% were female dominated. Of the latter, 37% were depictions of women dominating other women. In 68% of the exploitation scenes, a man exploited one or more women. Women appearedas exploitative in 23%of such scenes, with 38% representing women exploiting other women. Of the total 40autoerotic scenes, 38 depicted women deof 2 and picted men. Some sexual scenes depicted incestuous relationships. These never took the of father-daughter-but did include mother-son, sisform ter-sister, brother-sister, aunt-nephew, and uncle-niece. Of the 14 bondage scenes, 10 showed female bondage. When a man was bound it was done playfully, whereas when a woman in bondage, it more often was was done in a violent, abusive manner. A rape occurred in 5 1%of the films. All rape scenes were rapes of women. Of these scenes, 90% presented a man raping a woman. The remaining scenes depicted a woman being raped another woman. Nearly by one in four of the sex scenes (23%) contained some violence-all directed towards women. Reinforcement the rape myth thatwomen enjoy being of forced to engage in sex occurred in 14% of the scenes, which showed women submitting to dominant, often coercive, acts and ultimately responding with acceptanceand evenpleasure. Two other aspects of these investigations also tend tolimit their usefulness. First, in published reports (Cowan et al., 1988; Palys, 1984; R lmmer, 1986; Yang 6r Linz, 1990), attentionhas focused primarily on quantification of the manifest behavior presented in sexually explicit productions. Consequently, although considerable detail about the occurrenceof various sexual and/or violent behaviors is available, only limited information on the more basic social and relationalmilieux of these behaviors is provided. This omission emerges as a particularly weak aspect of previous research because it is the social reality projected by pornography through the depiction of social roles and contexts-not sexual behavior per se-that is the focus of controversy.



A later analysis of the prominent themes in pornographic films attempted to deal with this issue by utilising more than onelevel of analysis (Brosius, Weaver,&Staab, 1993). In study, a random sample 50 porthis of nographic videotapes was selected from an archive of such materials targeted for heterosexualconsumers,duringthe 1979-1988 period. The research used a three-tiercoding system. In the first tier, information was collected about each movie, such as length and year of release. In the second tier, information was coded about sexual the scenes within each movie. A scene was defined as an uninterrupted sequence of activity (a) by a fixed number of participants and (b) in agiven location. If either of these characteristics changed, anew scene was recorded. The beginning of a sexual scene was defined either by actors removing their clothes or by their initiating of sexual behavior. Each sexual scene was coded for length, number and gender combinations of participating individuals, the nature of the relationships, the nature the persuasive efforts used initiate of to sexual activities, dominance and subordination in institutional relationships, the reasons for engaging sexual activities, and the type of sexual activities in depicted. In the third tier of the coding system, various characteristics of each participant in the sexual scenes were recorded. These included gender, age, somatic features, ethnic background, and clothing. In all, 72 movies wereincluded on the50 videotapes sampled. Of these, 30 films were made during the 1979-1986 period, and 42 were released post-1986. More female (288) than male (227) actors participated in the sexual scenes. The movies contained a totalof 436 sexual scenes (6.1 per film). Overall, 67.6% of the typical movie was devoted to sexual scenes. The average length of sexual scenes was 5.28 minutes. Individual women were more sexually active and appeared in more scenes than theirmale counterparts. Female actors were almost exclusively young (under 35).Approximately two thirds of the men andwomen were naked. Women were more expressive than men and made twothirds of the utterances in these movies. More than half (52%) of utterances referred to the sexual activities, 30% consisted of utterances of pleasure, and 16% instructed partners actions through requests or demands. More than half the sexual scenes (52%) depicted heterosexual couples; about 13% featured a male with two female partners; a female alone was shown inabout 12% of the scenes, and 11% involved two or more females. Almost 38% of all sexual scenes depicted intercourse betweencasual acquaintances or colleagues, and about30% involved strangers. Persuasion was not generally needed. However, between the two production periods, scenes depicting females persuading males sexual activities into increased significantly. Malespersuading females remained unchanged.The most frequent institutional relationships portrayed females as subordinate to males (16%). Females subordinate to females seldom appeared (2%).



In more than three quarters (77%) of scenes, sex was engaged in purely for pleasure. Coitus was depicted at least once in61% of all sexual scenes. Across all scenes Fellatio (54%),cunnilingus (40%), fondling of female genitalia (digital stimulation of the vulva, vagina, and or clitoris; 37%), and fondling of male genitalia (digital stimulation of the penis and/or scrotum, 22%) were also commonly portrayed behaviors. One ormore of these behaviors were involvedin 96% of scenes. The findings also revealed that some thematic aspects of modern pornographic movies have shifted over time. Significant increases were evident in the frequency of portrayals of sex between casual acquaintances, males engaging in sex with female subordinates, female characters persuading males into sexual activities, and the performance of fellatio as the initial sexual behavior among heterosexual partners. Overtime, a significant decrease in the numberof depictions involving sex between colleagues in aworkplace or a prostitute-client relationship was also apparent. Takentogether, however, the datashowed that contemporary pornographicmovies continue to spotlight the sexual desires and prowess of men while consistently and persistently portraying women as sexually willing and available. In the pornographic reality, women were shown more sexually active as with a greater variety of partners than were men.A strong age bias(young) was noted for women but not for men. Women were far more expressive than men during scenes. The pornographic reality frequently depicted sex sexual behavior as occurring outside the bounds of the cultural norms of most Western societies. More than half the sexual scenes portrayed intercourse between totalstrangers or casual acquaintances. Sex between married partners was infrequently presented. There was a significant decline in portrayals of sex between colleagues at work. Women initiated more oftenacross the two time periods. Depicsex tions of women as superordinate to men in institutional contexts, however, increased. This view of pornographic reality was different from the one promulgated by feminist commentators.

Slasher Movies. The subordination of women in videos that contain sexually explicit material and receive adult or restricted-adult ratings often focuses on overt depictions coercive or violent sexual behavior in of which female actors are portrayed as victims. Although women can be subordinated in more subtle to what extent are women ways, victimised by violent male attackers? Are women proportionately more to be viclikely tims of violence than men in these films? In slasher movies, in which a prevalent themeis the violent victimisation women by a maleattacker of who apparently enjoys inflicting pain and suffering on his victims, the violence often involves close-up aggressive acts, frequently including use the of knives and other cuttingsawing instruments. Contrary popular beor to



lief, however, recurrent evidence hasemerged from systematic empirical studies of these films that female characters are nomore likely to be victimised than male characters. Cowan and OBrien (1990) analysed 56 slasher films to reveal no difference in theoverall number of male and female victims. This result called into question the belief that slasher films contained scenes of explicit violence primarily directed toward women(Linz et al., 1988). However, their finding that one thirdof nonsurviving females were presented in a sexual context before or at thetime of their attacksupports the claim that slasher films often juxtapose sex and violence. Weaver (1991) examined the 10 slasher films with the highest box-office earnings in 1987.In terms of the death the protagonist in slasher films, feof males were no more often portrayed as the victim than were males. However, the duration of death scenes was significantly longer for female characters. Therewere only six scenes (out of 406) that depicted a female victimised after sexual activity. Weaver provided further evidence counter to theassumptions that hadbeen posed regarding slasher films. First, in line with findings of Cowan and OBrien, women were not inequitably portrayed as the victims of violence in slasher films. However, femalevictims were shown suffering longer than theirmale counterparts. Second, females rarely fell victim to theslasher subsequent tosexual actions. O n the latter point-the degree to which violence was mixed with sex-the two studies were in conflict. Molitor and Sapolsky (1993) analysed 30 slasher films released in 1980, 1985, and 1989. This study revealed that females were not featured most often as the targets of slashers; a significantly higher number of deaths and injuries were suffered by males. Females, however, were shown in terror for longer periods. Sex and violence were not commonly linked in thesefilms. A death or severe attack of a female duringor after depictions of sex occurred infrequently. There were 92 instances recorded sexual display or of behavior preceding at the of violence, regardless of the gender of the or time victim or the outcomeof the violent act. Less than one in of these infour stances featuredfull nudity or implied intercourse. When female victims were considered, there were 38 instances of death and two instances of major injury juxtaposed with the portrayal of sex. Around one in seven (13.6%) of all sexual incidents in these films were linked to the death of a female and fewer than one in 100 (0.7%) were linked to a females serious physical harm. Just over one in (2 1.6%) of all five innocent female actors were kicked by a slasher during or following a sexual display or act. In answering the central question the study about the link of between sex and violence, one in three the sexual images found in of slasher films were connected to at least one actof violence, When focusing on female victims, however, the sex-violence linkage was substantially smaller.



THE PERCEIVED IMPACT OF DEGRADING PORTRAYALS Although the following chapters examine evidence for postexposure psychological effects of sexually explicit or pornographic media content on consumers of such material,it is worth saying something at this point about immediateemotional responses of viewers of degradingportrayals of A women at thetime of watching them. small amount of research has been carried out to investigate whether male and female viewers judge particular sexually explicit portrayals as degrading to women. In one such study, Stock (1991) found that for both females and male college students,the viewing of unequal sex (themes of dominance, objectification, and penis worship) led to more negative mood states (depression, hostility, confusion) than did exposure to eitherfemale availability without inequality, violent pornography or sexually explicit erotica depicting mutuality. Among the women specifically, compared to erotica, exposure to both nonviolent butdegrading (unequal) pornography and violent pornography increased negativemoods. Stock's research supportsthe conclusion that female subordination, more than female sexual availability, is seen as degrading to women. A series of studies conducted by Cowan et al. (1989) among different groups of women indicated that the explicit sexual portrayals found in pornography are generally regarded with some disdain by female viewers. In an initialinvestigation,in-depthinterviewswerecarriedoutwith 44 women-who comprised 29 self-designatedfeminists and 15 fundamentalist women (including Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and Pentecostals)-explored their opinions about pornography. Feminists were also divided into those who favored tighter regulation and censorship and those who did not. All three groups felt extremely negatively about pornography. Themes thatinvolved battery, rape, and incest were the most strongly criticised, but even nonviolent sexual themes were perceived many of these inby terviewees as degrading,demeaning, and dehumanising women. There were differences between fundamentalists and feminist thinking. religious beliefs and Fundamentalists' answers were influenced by their strong conservative ideology. They believed that pornography contributed to violence against women and that presented a distorted of female sexualit image ity. Explicitmedia sex was perceived to beimmoralandwrong. Pro-censorship feminists also believed that pornography harmed women. They wanted to much tighter regulation of pornography in consequence, see and they regarded such control as outweighing the principles of freedom of speech. Feminists who believed that tighter regulation or more censorship would lead to greater repression of women, also regarded pornography as de-



grading women and therefore as a source of potential harm. Althoughthey were concerned aboutthe welfare ofwomen, they perceived that therewere more significant issues of fieedom of speech at stake should censorship be tightened here, that would not benefit women (or men) in longer term. the A second study surveyed a samplerecipients of the National Organisaof tion of Women newsletter about their opinions concerning pornography. This survey was primarily concerned with attitudes about regulation and censorship of pornography that are dealt with in chapterHowever, one 12. question relevant to subject matter of the current chapter responthe asked dents to indicate whether would regard any of six classes content as they of pornographic. These six categories, together with the percentages of respondents who found thempornographic, were: (a) partial female nudity (8% rated thisas pornographic); (b) full female nudity(13%);(c) male nudity (13%); (d) nonviolent, noncoercive, nondegrading, explicit sexual activity (33%); (e) highly degrading or dehumanising, explicit sexual activity (e.g., sexual activity in whichone partneris depicted as unequal and/or exploited or presented as an object to be used; 96%); and(f) violent, sexually explicit activity such as rape, use offorce, or threat of force (95%). Thus, for most of these women, nudity or mutually consenting sexual depictions (even thoughexplicit) were not seen pornographic. Degrading and vioas lent sex acts, in contrast, labelled as pornographic by an overwhelming were majority of the women surveyedhere (Cowan, 1992). In a third study, Cowan and Dunn (1994) assessed ratings of nine themes in commercial pornography testfeminist theory about what degrading to is to women in pornography.O n this occasion, the respondents were 94 febrief male and 89 male college students, who rated nine excerpts of sexually explicit material. Seven of the nine themes depicted typesof inequalitwo ties-active subordination and status inequality; one theme depicted female indiscriminate availability; and one theme depicted equal sex. Category definitions used in this study were as follows:

Sexually explicit behavior: Sexual activity thatis explicit and mutual without indicating an affectionate personal relationship between the two people (Equal was not used with participants.) Availability: Sexual activity showing that the woman is available to anyone who wants her. She is nondiscriminating. Unreciprocatedsex: Sexual activity that one-sided. The woman used to is is is satisfy the mans needs. Her gratification not important. Status reduction: Sexual activity that incorporates the idea that a high-status woman can be reduced to a purely sexual being. Status inequality: Sexual activity and the accompanying scenario that indicates inequality. The woman appears to less power than the man; she have may be younger, less educated, intelligent, etc. less



Submission:Sexual activity that begins with the womans unwillingness to no ultimately participate and ends with her loving it. In this category, means yes. Penislsemen worship: Sexual activity that revolves around worship peof the
nis. The ejaculate (semen)especially central to the is womans satisfaction. Dominance: Sexual activity and the related scenario that explicitly shows that the man dominant. Hemay command her to do what he wishes or is insult her without any regard her desires. for Objectification:Sexual activity that treats the woman as an object or a plaything.

The study was run intwo parts. First, participants were exposed to nine clips, each representing one of the nine themes. These respondents were given a label and definition of each theme, which may have affected the results. Another group was run laterusing the same videos, but withoutdefinitions. Each clip was rated along 13 adjectives on 14-point scales ranging from not at all to extremelysexually arousing, stimulating, boring, educational, realistic, obscene, offensive, aggressive, degrading to women, disgusting, dehumanising, affectionate, and exciting. Consistent withfeminist theory, both men and women who viewed the excerpts rated active subordination more degrading status than inequalities and bothtypes of inequalities more degrading than sexually explicit material with one qualification. Participants found dominance, objectification, and penis worship the three most degrading themes, more so than the themes of status inequalities availability.These themes most and clearly depict active subordination and most blatantly disrespect women. In dominance and objectification, not only were women subordinate in status, but theywere also reduced toobjects and sexual subordinates. Although dominance and objectification are the themes that feminist critiques of pornography have identified as most degrading to women (e.g., Dworkin 6rMacKinnon, 1988), penis worship, the most unifying and ubiquitous theme in pornography (Cowan et al., 1988), explicitly reminded viewers that pornography is male centered. Themes of status reduction and inequality, the less active and more subtle forms of subordination, were rated less degrading than dominance, objectification, and penis worship, but more degrading than female availability and equal sex. These status inequality themes, along with submission, were ratedmoderatelydegrading,withscores aroundthe scale midpoint. Submission, availability and nonreciprocation were rated as less degrading than otherthemes. Submission, or the rape myth that no means yes, was not rated as degrading when presented without its definition. When presented with its definition, it was rated as more degrading. It was also a very arousing theme,



among both men and women. In the video examplesused, however, there was greater focus on the womans face in the submission clips. Her clearly displayed pleasure was found highly-sexually arousing. Nonreciprocated sex was viewed as degrading as were not other inequalities. Apparently, the belief that one person is being satisfied by the other does not lead to theassumption of inequality. Differences were found between men and women in comparisons of theme ratings. Both rated objectification and dominance as the most degrading; however, women rated penis worship as degrading as both of these other two themes.Also, women rated equal as significantly less degradsex ing than the other eight themes. Women rated inequalities and availabilall ity more degrading than equal sex, whereas men ratedactive subordination themes and status inequalities more degrading than nonreciprocated sex and female availability.

Although women may evaluate certain types of media sex as degrading their owngender, does exposureto suchmaterial actually change thatway women feel about themselves? Some feminist writers have contended that women learn to become victims. Passivity is the primary conditioned response in sexual relations (Brownmiller, 1975; Gross, 1978). Men may indeed learn to believe that women will respond positively to force in sexual relations, evenif they initially refuse sexual advances. Meanwhile, women may learn to expect a certain of physical force in sexual relationships degree as normal. Media scenarios in which men and women respond in stereotyped ways in sexual situations may condition such sexual schema among both genders. There is a further complicating factor that has to be considered in this context. We sawearlier in this chapter that reactions to sexual content can vary between individuals. Some individuals, whether male or female, are more sensitive to explicit sexual depictions than are others.Research has shown that this is true of the way women respondto pornographic materials. The evidence for this has derived more from studies of print mediathan film or video media. Here, the effects of reading pornography on women have been found to vary with the sex-role perceptions and self-confidence of the reader. In one study, women high and low in self-role stereotyping read one of three sexually explicit stories portraying different combinations of womens consent or nonconsent and arousal or nonarousal to forceful sexual activity (Mayerson &Taylor, 1987). Compared not to reading a story, reading any of these stories generally led to changes in self-esteem and



greater acceptance rape myths and interpersonal violence. Women readof ers who had exhibited high sex-role stereotyping in theirbeliefs about the sexes had lower self-esteem than women who exhibited sex-role stereolow typing. Exposure to reading storyin which women a a was depicted as sexually abused resulted in lower self-esteem among sex-role stereotyped low women but higher self-esteem among women who initially high in were sex-role stereotyping. The authors speculated that exposure a woman to receiving abusivetreatment could have led female readersof low self-esteem to put their own problems in perspective. Meanwhile, for women high in self-esteem, such exposure have drawn their attention to the may subordination of women by men in sexual relations producing reduced confidence in their own autonomy power through identification with and the victim in the story. Other research has revealed that both men and women with high sex-role stereotyped beliefs exhibit greater arousal rape depictionsin the to media as compared withindividuals with weak-self-role stereotyped beliefs (Check & Malamuth, 1983). More generally, women and men who hold more traditional, stereotyped sex-role beliefs are more likely to have misconceptions about rape (Costlin, Kibler, & Crank, 1982; Dietz, Blackwell, Daley, & Bentley, 1982; Klemmack & Klemmack, 1976).

Women have long been known to suffer underrepresentation in mainstream entertainment media such motion pictures television dramas. as and In broadcast advertising, likewise, men have traditionally dominated the authoritative roles, although this pattern began to change in the past decade. The sexuality of women has beenemphasised in drama and advertising much more so than thatof men. Thispartly stems from the customary stereotyping of the sexes that has depicted women as preoccupied with personal and romantic relations and men as more concerned with professional and occupational success. However, a view has also prevailed that emphasis on the sexual side of women is used to objectify them.Thissexual objectification has been regarded some feminist critics as a degradation by of the female sex. Even in media that depict explicit sexual content, and where women may enjoy greater physical presence (at least equal that men), portrayto of als of womens sexuality continues to subordinate them to men. Although this latter observationmay indeed be true some sexually explicit pornogof raphy, it is not universally true. There are plentiful pornographicfilms and videos in which women are as sexually predatory, dominant, and pleasure seeking as men.



The representation of women in pornography in which sex is combined with violence, however, has given to special concern. Here, it not unrise is typical for women to be shown as almost willing victims of rape. Furthermore, evidence has been obtained that themes of male dominance and female exploitation do occur in many X-rated Although this type of videos. media sex has restricted distribution, there is little doubt that is viewed at it least occasionally by significant numbers of men. There are many men, along with most women, who such content find offensive. Although much media sex is accepted by a majority, it is rejected by a minority. As media sex becomes moreexplicit, its constituency declines. However, although a majority of the public is likely to reject themes of female degradation, explicit media sex with violent themes continues to attract a profitable market. Not only are pornographic portrayals of sexually available women, dominated by sexually demanding men, perceived as degrading to women, evidence has emerged that women who watchthis content may lower their self-esteem, especially if it is low already. The important question whether such is material has even wider, adverse side effects on those who like to consume it. This is the question to which we turn in the next chapters. few

Does Media Sex Give Men the Wrong Ideas?

The previous chapter presented evidence that depictions sexual behavof ior in films, videos, and television programs can be degrading to women. Scenes in which womenare violently sexually assaulted give rise to considerable concern, generating immediate anxiety reactions among female members of the audience and possibly creating a longer term climate of fear. Even nonviolent portrayals or a purely sexual nature may give out the wrong messagesabout female sexuality by depicting women as having sexually voracious appetitesand being nondiscriminatingin terms of who they have sex with. The ultimate concern about media portrayals of sexual behavior rests with thepossible impact they might have the on sexual behavior viewers of (and, in the of some portrayals, the aggressivebehavior of viewers). An case initial consideration, however, is whether such portrayals implant certain ideas in theminds of viewers about what could deemed appropriatesexbe ual conduct, what are healthy ways of expressing ones own sexual urges, and about the sexuality of women. Before turning to evidence thatdeals with the behavioral effects of sexual material films, videos, and television in programs, we should examine the potential influences of such material a at cognitive level. Do sexual portrayals in theaudiovisual media give men the wrong ideas about female sexuality and sexual relations?



Sexual stereotypes abound in the audiovisual media. They can readily be found in mainstreamtelevision and movie entertainment, although often in mild forms.More acute examples of the sexual objectification of women occur in pornographic films and videos. Among the most problematic of media stereotypes are those concerning sexual violence, particularly certain images found in adult videos and slasher films. Research has shown that exposure to depictions rape in which media of the woman appears be responsible for her own victimisation appears to or to enjoy the assault can result in several changes in mens cognitive appraisal of sexual violence (Donnerstein, Linz, & Penrod, 1987).For example, exposure to a sexually explicit rape scene in which the victim shows positive reactions produces lessened sensitivity to rape(e.g., Malamuth a & Check, 1983), an increased acceptance of rape mythsand interpersonal violence against women (e.g., Malamuth & Check, 1981a), and an increase in sexual arousal to rape (e.g., Malamuth, 1981).Furthermore, sexual arousal to rape stimuli, a desire to hurt women, belief that rape and a would be a sexually arousing experience for the rapist are all correlated withself-reportedpossibility of committingrape(Malamuth 6-r Donners tein, 1982). The research evidence can divided under a number headings. Early be of indications that exposure to sexual media content might be associated with mens ideas about womens sexuality derived from correlational surveys. These surveys explored the degree of association between mens reported exposure to sexually explicit media and their thoughts and feelings about women, sex, and inparticular violent sexual behavior. Of course, such surveys do not demonstrate causal relations between media exposure and ideas about sexual conduct, they merely indicate where the two may be correlated. To understand more about the possible causal connection between exposure to sexual media content and subsequent thought processes, some researchers have conducted experimental studies in which the conditions of exposure are manipulated in advance along with natureof the matethe rial that is shown to individuals. The research in this area canbe further divided in terms of the types of cognitive processes that aremeasured. Interest has centered on the potential impact of sexual media content on aggressive fantasies and thoughts, especially when directedby men at women; on antifemale attitudes; and on wider opinions and beliefs about female sexuality. Much of this research has, of course, been primarily concerned with demonstrating effects of pornographic content. There is also a body of work that suggests that depictions of sexual behavior in mainstream media can cultivate distorted of sets beliefs and values concerning relationships, marriage, sexual promiscuity, procreation, and sexual performance (Zillmann, 1994).





One view about theeffects of violent pornographyis that it may teach men how to perform antiwoman acts, relax their inhibitions about doing and so, condition them to experience sexual arousal in relation to such acts (Ch & Malamuth, 1980; Malamuth& Check, 1985). A body of experimental research emerged during the 1980s to complement the survey findings. A number of studies were conducted thatshowed that controlledlaboratory exposure to sexually violent media content could give rise to aggressive thoughts and feelings as an immediate response. One particular body of research examinedthe impact positiveversus of negativerape portrayals mostly in pornographic films. One series of studies assessed how either victim arousal or abhorrence the end a rape depicat of tion changed the way in which the assault was perceived when therape itself remained identical in thetwo versions. When therape victim became aroused, male participants labelled the assault more as a sexual act. They also perceived greater justificationfor it, reported a greater likelihood that they and other men would commit suchan act, and the victim as more saw responsible for what had occurred (Donnerstein, 1984;R. Rapaport, 1984). These effects have been particularly pronounced for more sexually active men. These experiments showed that changing the outcome of a rape affects the way it is perceived. They did not show that these perceptions carry over to perceptions of rape in general. In another series of studies, the carry-over effects of perceptions of and attitudes towards rape were directly examined. These studies assessed whether rapes depicting victim arousal changed male viewers perceptions of other rapes, altered theirbeliefs about womens reactions to sexual assaults, and increased their acceptanceof violence against women. In two experiments, male participants were shown either film depictions of mutually consenting sex between a male and female couple, rape in which the female victim eventually became aroused, or rape abhorredby the victim. Afterward, the participants were shown a rape depiction and asked about their perceptionsthe act and victim. In one of these studof the ies, those participants exposed to thepositiverape portrayalin which the woman became sexually aroused perceived second rapeas lessnegative the than those whoinitially saw a rape depictionin which the womanvictim showed extreme distress (Malamuth &Check, 1980b). Some evidence also emerged that watching a rape victimon film displaying arousal may have led men toperceive rape as a more normal act. In a second experiment, male participants were asked how women in general would react to being victimised by sexual violence (Malamuth &



Check, 1985a). Those shown afilm depiction of a rape with apositive outcome believed that a higher percentage of women would derive pleasure from beingsexually assaulted. Explaining Aggressive Cognitive Reactions One of the ways in whichthe psychological processesthat generate such effects get underway is through the instigation of aggressive fantasies and thoughts about women. This hypothesis has been criticised as overly simplistic and as failingto acknowledgethe influences of life-long learning experiences concerning actions that are socially permitted andthose that are socially proscribed. Critics have doubted that brief and transitory exposure to violentsexual images can move men to antiwomen thoughts, attitudes and acts that areprofound variance with at the remainder their learning of history (Fisher & Barak, 1989, 1991). In a replication of earlier research experimentsconducted by behavioral psychologists such as Malamuth, andusing the same general procedure and similar kinds of film materials, Fisher and Grenier (1994) presented young men with scenes that depicted rape with the victim's sexual arousal, rape without sexual arousal, or nonviolent male-female sexual intercourse. Afterwards, respondents were asked to take moments and few a write down an arousing sexual fantasy of their own. They then completed a projective psychological test also designed to measure sexual fantasies. Although earlier work had indicated thatbrief exposure to rape scenes led more than one third of male participants tofantasise about rape (Malamuth, 1981), that result was not repeated in later study, where not asingle man displayed this such fantasies. CULTIVATION OF ANTIFEMALE ATTITUDES

A number of surveys and studies carried out in laboratory setting have india
cated that exposure to violent sex scenes may alter male attitudes towards women and more especially towards rape.Evidence from surveystudies has generally comprisedan analysis of the degree of correlation between self-reports on the of male respondents of exposure to different kinds of pornopart graphic material (e.g., magazine or film; violent and nonviolent) and their responses to scales designed measure to their attitudes towards women. From this type of analysis, evidence has been reported that more frequent exposure to sexually explicit magazines is linked to beliefs that women enjoy forced sex (Malamuth &Check,1985;Koss & Dinero, 1988). Further, greater reported exposure to sexually explicit films correlated with higher acceptance of rape




myth beliefs (i.e., that all women secretly desireto be raped) and withgenerally callous attitudes towards sexual relations with women (Check, 1984; Briere, Corne, Rmtz, & Malamuth, 1984). These survey findings have beenreinforced by experimental evidence in which male college students were shown films that depicted sex scenes with and withoutviolence and testedfor any changesin their attitudes towards women. Experimentalresearch concerning theeffects of exposure to sexually explicit material began withinvestigations of still photographs and literary passages. It moved on toconsider the effects of sexually explicit films and videos that portrayed consensual sex scenes (Fisher & Byrne, 1978a, 197813; Schmidt & Sigusch, 1970) and coercive sex scenes (Check & Guloien, 1989; Malamuth & Ceniti, 1986). Over time, a body of empirical evidence accumulated that indicated that who are exposed sexually men to explicit materials in which women are portrayed as sexual objects who are receptive to any male (or female) sexual advances or in which violence against women in asexual context is endorsed, developnegative attitudes toward women (Check & Guloien, 1989; Malamuth & Check, 198la; Zillmann, 1989; Zillmann & Bryant, 1989). In atypical study, the participants would be testedtheir attitudes to a for variety of topics (including attitudes to women) in an initial phase of the research. Several days later they would beinvited to take part in apparently an unrelated exercise. This involved listening to audiotape recordings of a man and a woman engaging insexual intercourse. In one version, the woman was a willing participant, whereas in another version she was not. In other versions, the woman displayed pain and suffering or became arousedor upset by the experience. Male listeners who exhibited more callous attitudes to women at the outset were more likely to enjoy scenes in which the woman was forced to havesex, especially if she eventually became sexually aroused (Malamuth& Check, 1983). Such individuals were also less likely to perceive the woman as distressed or the rape as a negative and undesirable behavior (Malamuth & Check, 1980a). Malamuth (1984) reportedthreeexperimentsinwhichparticipants were presented first with eitherpornographic rape scenes in which the aggressor perceived that the assault resulted in the female victims sexual arousal (Le., a positiveoutcome) or with other depictions (e.g., a rape with victim abhorrence or a mutually consenting scene). Afterwards, all of sex these participants were given a different depiction of rape and asked to indicate their perceptions of the experiences of the victim. In two of these experiments, those exposed to thepositive outcome version of the aggressive scenes in comparison to othersubjects thought the rape victim in the second portrayal had suffered less (Malamuth & Check, 1980a; Malamuth, Haber, & Feshbach, 1980).



The third experiment revealed effects on general perceptions about women. In this experiment, male undergraduates first classified low were as versus high in terms of likelihood of raping (LR) on the basis of their responses to a questionnaireadministeredinapreliminarysession (Malamuth &Check,198lb) .A laboratory session was held at a later date. In this session, participants were randomly assigned to listen to audiotapes that were systematically manipulated in their content the dimensions along of consent (womens consent vs. nonconsent)andoutcome (womens arousal vs. disgust). Later, participants completed a questionnaire about their beliefs regarding the percentage of women, if any, that would enjoy being raped. The use of such questions raises an ethical issue, inasmuch as their use may perpetuate or strengthen existing beliefs in rape myths. The deployment of a debriefing session, however, was found to be effective as counteracting such false beliefs (Malamuth, 1984). The results indicated a main effect of LRreports, with high participants LR estimating much higher percentages of women enjoying being raped comin of parison with low LR participants. Within consenting portrayals, the nature the womens reaction had nosignificant impact on participants perceptions ofwomens reactions to rape. However, outcome did make a difference within nonconsenting (rape) depictions. Here, high LR participants were affected by nonconsenting womens arousal. For low participants, manipulation of LR outcome within nonconsenting portrayals had no impact. Garcia (1986) investigated the relationship between exposure to sexually explicit material and attitudes towards rape among male students age 18 to 38. They were questioned about exposure to pornographic magazines, books and films, and about exposure within these media specific sexual to themes (coercive sex, oral sex, consenting sex between a man and woman, a nude woman). They were also administered the AttitudesToward Women Scale (Spence & Helmreich, 1972) and the AttitudesToward Rape Scale (Feild, 1978). No overall relationships of significance emerged between reported exposure to pornography and attitudestowards women.A distinction was then made between their level of exposure to violent and nonviolent sexual themes. This revealed a set of relationships between exposure to violent themes and traditional attitudes towards women. In addition, exposure to violent themes in pornography also correlated with a number attiwas of tudes torape (e.g., stronger agreement that women are responsible for prevention of rape and that rape and that rapists are normal, and disagreement that rapists should be punished or that women should resist). In sum, this study indicated that greaterreported exposure to pornography was correlated withless liberal attitudes towards womenand amore cynical attitude towards rape.



In a further investigation links between exposure to pornography and of attitudes towards women, Davies (1997) examined a sampleof nearly 200 men who voluntarily watched sexually explicit videos of their own choosing. The main focus of this study on the was relationship betweenthe mens renting of porn videos and their attitudestowards feminism and rape. The purpose wasto find out if the men rented the who greater number X-rated of videos displayed more negative attitudes towards feminismand if they were more likely to condone violence towards women as compared with men who rented relatively few videos of this type. The study paid particular attention to a specific category of violent behavior aimed at women-marital rape. In this case, a man uses physical force or the threat force in his sexual relations with wife. Respondents of his were askedwhether or not they considered such behavior a crime and, if so, what degreeof punishment would they proscribe. Options varied from do nothing because it is a private matter through recommendation of counselling, to short- or long-term prison sentences. The results failed to reveal anysignificant connections between number of X-rated self-chosen sex videos rented and opinions about feminism or rape. Of course, withsurvey data of this kind, even in the event signifiof cant correlations emerging between key variables, it would be difficult to determine whether the pattern video rental caused the development of of certain attitudes or whether pre-existing attitudes determined video preferences. On this occasion, evidence emerged support either hypothesis. no to Effects o Heavy D o s a g e E x p o s u r e f In most of the correlational surveys that have explored relationships between reported exposureto explicit sexual material in the media and attitudes towards women, the principal media measure weight of exposure to is specified types of media content. Thus,heavier reported exposure to sexually explicit media content has been positively correlated with reactions more supportive violence against women. consistent finding, for exof One ample, was that higher readershipof sexually explicit magazines wascorrelated with firmer beliefs that women enjoyed forced sex (Malamuth & Check, 1985; Koss & Dinero, 1988). One study of Canadian men,for instance, found that those turned who out to be the heaviest users of sexually explicit media also exhibited the highest acceptance of rapemyths and acceptance of violenceagainst women, and displayed the most callous attitudes aboutsex (Check, 1984). Another study with young college men in the United States found a similar pattern of results (Briere et al., 1984). Not all the research evidence has been consistent, however. Another American survey did not find any significant degree of association be-



tween attitudes supporting violence against women and the extent to which they reported consuming violent or nonviolent pornography. Nevertheless, evidence did emergea link between watching depicting of films women beingviolently sexually attacked and reports among viewers male that there was a likelihood they would commit sexual aggression themselves if they could beassured that they would not be punished for such acts (Demare et al., 1988). Another study that produced nonsupporting results a combinaused tion of survey and experimental approaches (Padgett, Brislin-Slutz, & Neal, 1989). An initial survey administered questionnaires to a sample of nearly 120 college students, around two thirds of whom were female. Self-reportedexposuretopornographydidnotpredictattitudesto women for male or female respondents. follow-up surveywas carried A out among a small sample of patrons (all except one were male) at an adult movie theatre. These individuals reported significantly greater exposure to pornography than the college students. Once again, the quantity of pornography exposure did not predict attitudes towards women. Finally, an experimentwas conducted among male and female college students who were randomly assigned to watch either hourof an erotic film material or nonerotic film material every for 5 days. No of day evidence emerged that exposure to erotica resulted favorable attiless in tudes towards women. The erotica in study, however, comprised soft this pornography only, and it is unclear how seriously degrading to women such material may have been. It would appear that the degree to which claimed viewing of pornographic films is linked to attitudestowards womenis mediated by the level of dependence men show on sexually explicit media content as a source of information about female sexuality. Although a general association between reported exposure explicit material and attitudes concerning to sexual violence may not necessarily emerge, there is firmer evidence that for those men who depend pornography, heavier use ofsexually explicit maon terials is connected to holding attitudes more supportive of violence against women (Malamuth, 198813). Furthermore, peopleraised with little education about sexuality, or in families where sex is treated as taboo, may be more susceptible to theinfluences of explicit media than those reared with more education about such things (Malamuth & Billings, 1985).

In survey studies, researchers are dependent on respondents provide acto curate information about their exposure to explicit sexual content in the media. Experimentalstudies can actually manipulate thisfactor and make




more precise comparisons between effects on male attitudes of carefully the controlled amountsof exposure to film material that depicts sexual or violently sexual behaviors. This approach has yielded the worrying finding that repeated viewing of explicitly sexual or sexually violent films could produce more lasting attitude changes among maleviewers. A program of research conducted by Donnerstein, Linz, and their colleagues during the 1980s systematically investigated the impact of violent erotica on male viewers attitudes towards women and more specifically towards rape (Linz, 1985; Linz, Donnerstein, & Adams,1989; Linz, Donnerstein, & Penrod, 1984, 1988). The initial study caused controversy over aspects of its methodology and discrepancies in thedetails included in different published accounts (Christenson, 1987;Weaver, 1987; Zillmann &Bryant, 1987).This led to subsequent close scrutiny of the series of studies as a whole andthe emergence of replication studies that raised further questions about the findings of this work (Weaver, 1987, 1991). In a typical study, young male participants were exposed to a relatively large dose (approximately 2 hours per day for5 days) of feature-length sexually violent films. During the week of filmexposure, those young men who were shownviolent sexual films exhibited signs of desensitisation to them. They gradually came to perceive these films as less violent, less offensive, and less degrading to women across the 5-day viewing period. These effects carried over for another week to a setting in which the male guinea pigs viewed a videotape a simulatedrape trial and were assessed fortheir attiof tudes towards the rape offence, the victim, and the accused in this case. Young men who had beenfed a week-long diet sexually violent films exof hibited significantly more lenient attitudes towards the accused and less sympathy for the victim as compared with counterparts who seen a diet had of nonviolent, sexual films or nonviolent, nonsexual films. In addition, these same individuals rated the victim in this videotaped simulation as less injured than did a control of males who had not been shown such films (Linz, 1985; Linz, Donnerstein, & Penrod, 1984). Linz (1985) studied the effects of repeated exposure to X- and R-rated feature-lengthfilms portraying sexual violence with primarily negative consequences to victims. He found that these movies had desensitizing effects on viewers. In one experiment, male college students who viewed fivesuch movies had fewer negative emotional reactions to suchfilms over successive viewing sessions.There was even a tendencyfor the participants desensitization to carry over to their judgments of a rape victim in a simulated trial presented following their exposure to the films. In a second experiment, Linz again found thatmales exposed to several R-rated, sexually violent films became less sympathetic to rape victim in asimulated trial and a were less able to empathise with rdpe victims in general.



Linz, Donnerstein, and Penrod (1988) conducted a further investigation of the emotional desensitization of films of violence against women and the effects of sexually degrading explicit and nonexplicit films on beliefs about rape and thesexual objectification of women. Male participants viewed either two or five R-rated violent slasher,X-rated nonviolent pornographic, or R-rated nonviolent teenage-oriented(teen sex) films. Emotional reactions and cognitive perceptions were measured after each exposure. Later these men and no-exposure control participants completeddire quesvoir a tionnaire(asmockjurors),viewedare-enactedacquaintanceor nonacquaintance sexual assault trial, and judged the defendant and alleged rape victim. Participants in the violent condition became less anxious and depressed and were also less sympathetic to the victim and empathetic less towards rapevictims in general. However, longer film exposure was necessary to affect general empathy. There were no differences in response betweentheR-ratedteen sex film andtheX-rated sexually explicit nonviolentfilm,andtheno-exposurecontrolconditionsonthe objectification or rape trial variables. In a later study (Linz, Donnerstein, & Adams, 1989) the original procedure was shortened and no control group was used. Following the usual extensive pre-testing, a sample of male respondents was selected and randomly allocated to one of two experimental conditions. In one condition, participants were shown a 90-minute montage extracts from various films, some of of which depicted sexual violence with nudewomen being brutallytortured or murdered. In the second condition, a montage shown comprising clips was from films depicting nonviolent sexual and nonsexual scenes. Immediately after viewing, participants were questioned about their mood and evaluations of the film montage they had watched. Next, participants were shown two film clips that showed men verbally and physically abusing women. They were then asked about their perceptions of the perpetrator and victim in each instance. As found before, men who had been pre-classified as holding stronger rape-myth beliefs were less sympathetic towards the victim and perceived the perpetrators actions as more acceptable and responsible. However, was it men who had seen nonviolent, sexual clips beforehand who attributed more responsibility forthe attacks to female victimsand less responsibilityto male perpetrators. Men who had seen sexual violence perceived victims as less the injured by their experiences. During the period in which the Donnerstein-Linz studies were being carried out, further studies were carried out by other researchers using similar methodologies. As noted earlier, a debate ensued among these rival groups about theveracity of their findings. One of the key areas of this debate centered on the question whether shifts in rape myth beliefs, attiof tudes towards women, and behavioral intentions or responses towards



women were influenced specifically by the sexual content of erotica or whether violence was a necessary ingredient as well. Other research by Zillmann and Bryant (1982, 1984) suggested that long-term exposure (4 hours and 48 minutes overa 6-week period) to nonviolent but degrading pornography that depicts womenin sexually submissive roles may cause male and female viewers to (a) become more tolerant of bizarre forms of pornography, (b) become less supportive of statements about sexual equality, and (c) become more lenient in assigning punishment to a rapist whose crime is described in a newspaper account. During the same period, another researcher conducted a study with female participants who, after pretesting, were randomly assigned to watch standard sex scenes, sex scenes involving violence, and violent scenes that had sexual overtones. Other participants who served as controls watched nothing (Krafka, 1985). After 5 film-exposure days, during each of which immediate postviewing evaluations of filmswere obtained, participants provided further self-ratings and then watched a videotaped enactment of a rape trial. Although the researcher had originally queried the significance of the data on rape myth acceptance, reanalysis of the original results by Weaver (1991) indicated that exposure to violence with sexual overtones produced rape myth acceptance levels significantly above those of control participants. Exposure to violent sexually explicit materials produced no such effect. Interestingly, women whohad watched a diet of violence with sexual elements associated with it also felt more confident about themselves and their abilities to fend off unwanted sexual advances, including violent sexual assaults. This body of research raised certain concerns in that appeared to show it that violent depictions may influence male viewers attitudes, perceptions and, under certain circumstances, behavior towards women. It falls short of predicting to what extent anindividuals viewing of violent pornography might translateinto a propensity to rape or commit other forms of sexual violence. In this regard, Malamuth and Briere (1986) hypothesised an indirect model of pornography effects. Specifically, sexually violent media and other social stimuli, in combination with person-specific variables (e.g., childhood experiences), are thoughtproduce rape supportive cognitions to and perceptions that, in the contextof other phenomena (e.g., peer support), may generate sexually aggressivebehaviors or proclivities. From this perspective, exposure to certaintypes of media stimulimay be viewed as a contributory, but perhaps not sufficient, condition in the development of sexual aggression. Weaver (1991) challenged the work of Linz and Donnerstein on methodological grounds. The failure of some studies to apply adequate control groups or any control group at all represented one problem. Compounded with this was a possibility that demand characteristics-arising from re-



peated administration of film-evaluation measures that asked questions about sexual abuse and the degradation of women-may have served as prompts to participants who were able to second-guess what the experiment was about. A further problemwas that some of the independent variables-thatis, allocation of participantstowatchdifferent types of film-produced fairly weak effects on attitudestowards women and rape. One possible reason for this may reside in the nature the video rape trial of used by Linz and Donnerstein.The way the evidence was presented in this simulation could have created ambiguity about the accused and victim. Some details about events that led up to the alleged assault were unclear about extenuating circumstances, such as how intoxicated the accused and victim had been when met, whether the female they victim was in any case sexually promiscuous or even a prostitute. The punitive recommendations of observers of this case may have been tempered such factors and may by have been much less equivocal if the trial had recounted an offence in which the woman was clearly an innocent victim who was violently assaulted for no good reason. Weaver (1991) reported a replication study in which some these ambiof guities were tackled head-on. Different experimental conditionswere created for not only the type of film (sexual violence, neutral) but also the presence or absence of cues concerning the degree of suffering and degradation experienced by the victim. During the postviewing evaluation tests, some participantswere asked to say how degradingto women theyfelt the scene had been, while others were asked simply to rate the sequence for film production quality. Afterwards, participants were invited to read summaries of three legal proceedings in which men were said have been convicted physical or sexual to of assault against women, in an apparently unrelated research exercise. Two cases concerned instances of domestic violence in which the perpetrators were unambiguouslyinexcusable, whereas in thethird case, there were mitigating circumstances that could have excused the perpetrators actions to some degree. Male and female participants were used in this study, and both gave evaluations of the male accused and female victim in these three cases. Weaver found that the nature of the evaluations of films, as well as the films themselves, seemed to contribute to subsequent attitudes towards rape victims and their accused. Film evaluation measures that invited respondents to think about the degrading nature film scenes for women produced inof creased disparagement of rape victims and greater understanding of the actions of the male accused inrape cases. There was an interaction effect with gender here. Female participants who had hadtheir attention drawn through film evaluations to the degrading nature of sexually violent film clips for women, were lesspunitive towards the accused rapist in the more ambiguous cases where he allegedly assaulted a female cohabitant. Male participants



showed the opposite tendency, although differences between experimental groups wereno significant. Women inconditions where female degradation was emphasised in ratings of film violence with sexual overtones, however, were less sympathetic and more punitive towards the perpetrator in the unambiguous caseof rape. Punitive judgments were unaffected by exposure to film sequences of sexualised violence in cases where it was unclear whether the accused was guilty of an assault or not. Check and Guloien (1989) found significant differences in the impact of sexually explicit depictions of rape, standard sexual, and idealised sexual themes (sex depicted in a romantic context). participants, drawn Male from student and nonstudent populations, viewed and evaluated 30-minute montage sequences of excerpts from films exemplifying the three themes. They participated in three sessions over a period lasting between 1 and 2 weeks. Five daysafter the last session, participants in the three theme film conditions, and a control group who had been shown no clips, comfilm pleted a questionnaire measuring their attitudes towards aggressive sexual behavior and women. Participants exposed to film clips rape or erotic, heof donistic sexual behavior displayed the strongest likelihood of committing rape themselves. Exposure to a diet of erotica in which women were depicted as sexuallyavailable and promiscuous enhanced self-reported likelihood amongthese young men that they would engage in forcible sex acts as compared with the control group. This effect was especially pronounced among men who pretesting had been shown score high on a in to measure of psychoticism.

Much of the research into the effects of sexual portrayals in film, television, and video has used fairly crude typologies of the portrayals themselves it (Malamuth, Check,6r Briere, 1986).In fact, is probably not unfair to say that much the effects research, that stems primarily from concerns about of the impact of violent sexual portrayals, has largely failed to distinguish different kinds of depictions, other than to say that some have violence and others do not. Even then, distinctions would often have been finer possible (and relevant) regard to the nature and in degree of violence within a sexual portrayal. After all, in some erotic scenes, the violence takes the form of (usually) a male character physically forcing himself upon a(usually) female victim in scenes depicting rape. Other types of violent sex scene, however, might depict bondage and the ofwhips or chains in use sadomasochistic scenarios in which participantsmay or may not be willing. One study that did discriminate between types of sexually explicit material correlated male university students exposure to violent and nonviolent pornography with their attitudes towards women and rape (Garcia, 1986). Al-



though consumptionof nonviolent pornography not correlate with such did attitudes, there a small association between violent pornographyuse and was both traditional attitudes regarding women and greater pro-rape beliefs. This research utilised a simple correlational design and did not relate pornography use to any measure of sexually violent proclivities or behaviours. A subsequent study followed a similar procedure in differentiating between young male college students reported of violent and nonviolent use pornographic films (Denlare, Briere, 6r Lips, 1988).Claimed use of pornography was then correlated with self-reported likelihood or rape and use of sexual force measures. Because sexually violent pornography can involve both themes that contain explicitly sexual content (e.g., rape and forced sexual acts) and themes that more overtly aggressive and sadistic (e.g., are bondage, whipping,or torture), and given the potentially different impacts of each type of depiction, an attempt made to was differentiate between use of predominantly violent versus sexually violent pornographic materials. The researchers hypothesised that sexually violent pornography use wouldbe associated with self-reported likelihood of sexual violence, whereas use of nonviolent pornography would not. Among a sample of more than 200 American college students, the great majority (81%)had reportedly watched nonviolent pornographic films in the past 12 months, whereas well under half had watched either violent (41%) or sexually violent pornography (35%).Just over one in four of these men(27%) indicated that they would rape or use sexual force against a woman if they thought they could do so without being found out. Further analysis of the survey data revealed that claimed viewing of sexually violent films and pre-existing attitudes indicating general acceptance of using violence against women were uniquely associated with the probability of use offorce in sexual relations with women. Amongthe different types of film about which viewing was asked, only reporteduse of sexually violent films wassignificantly linked to the probability of use of force against women. One explanation of this relationship could bethat suchfilms contain sexual themes and examples sexual conduct thatemphasise the use of of violence. Ultimately, though, the evidence that derived from this survey was based on statistical correlations that do not represent a demonstration of a causal connection betweenviewing of certain brands of pornography and propensity to sexual aggression. Experimental research has also indicated that sexually explicit depictions of women in distress have been foundto give rise to mixed reactions among young male viewers. Much of the experimental research on this topic was carried out with male college students as participants. Some researchers have used still photographic materials of sadism and bondage frompornographic magazinesas stimulus materials (Heilbrun 6;r Seif, 1988), some have used verbal descriptions of rape scenes (Malamuth &



Check, 1980a), and others have used audiotaped portrayals of rape or nonsexual aggression (Barbaree, Marshall, & Lanthier, 1979). The observation of pain being inflicted others can generate on sexual excitement in essentially nondeviant populations under appropriate cueing conditions (see Cline, 1994). Even so, male college students have been found to display no sexual arousal to audio depictions of a woman being raped or attacked a nonsexual in way (Barbaree et al., 1979).A key factor in the context of coercive sexual depictions,however, is whether the female victim is depicted as upset and disgusted by the attack on her person or actually appears to enjoy it. If the woman is apparently sexually aroused by her attacker, young male witnesses may then display sexual excitement themselves (Malamuth & Check, 1980b). In thestudy of sexual sadism, it has been argued that erotic gratification may be dependent on the emotional distress of the female victim without real physical harm. For middle-class males conditioned to abhor aggression against women, real physical harm might be expected reduce the to sexually stimulating properties of a sadistic portrayal (Heilbrun & Loftus, 1986). Nevertheless, sadistic sexual gratification remains dependent on least an at of illusion of distress among female victims coercive male sexual advances. Although evidence has shown that exposure to pornography may stimulate aggressive behavior (Sapolsky, 1984; Silbert & Pines, 1984) or encourage the development of callous attitudes about women (Malamuth, 1984), there remains a question to whethersexual sadism playsa part in deteras mining the eroticvalue of sexually explicit pictures. Research conducted with male college students again has indicated that males mayrespond to distress registered by females in photographs depicting bondage and other sadistic sexual situations with increased sexual arousal (Heilbrun Seif, 1988).Women depicted with distraught & facial expressions in sexual scenes in which they were chained or tied up and seminaked had a powerful effect on some male observers. Pictures of distressed women were more likely to be found erotic than were those of women portraying pleasurable reactions. EFFECTS OF INTERACTIVE EROTICA

The growth of computer-based erotica has created a new medium for investigation. Computer-based sexually explicit materials of varying levels of user-program interactivity are becoming extremely popular in the elecof tronic and erotic marketplaces (Harmon, 1993). Three the top ten computer bulletin boards on international computer networks are sexual in nature (Furniss, 1993). An interactive, explicitly sexual CD-ROM has alin ready taken its place among the top ten interactive CD-ROMs the his-



tory of this technology. Penthouse magazine and a multiplicity of others have begun efforts to market interactive erotica and have found that the production of such materials is exceedingly lucrative (Harmon, 1993). Penetration of sexually explicit materials into cyberspace has already U.S. been pronounced enough to provoke congressional hearings aimed at legislation to control computer pornography and courtchallenges to such legislation (Jones, 1995; Wallace & Mangan, 1996). It has also prompted womens magazinesto warn mothers to limit their childrens accessto such materials (Farrell, 1994), and to some 30% of institutions that are conlead nected to the information highway to banaccess to such material through their computer networks (Furniss, 1993; Swan, 1994). Interactive erotica is different from traditional sexually explicit material in that interactive erotica permits the user to manipulate and modify the sexual stimulation that he or she receives. From a theoretical perspective which holds that personality characteristics determine an individuals choice of stimulation, including the individuals choice of erotic stimulation (Bogaert, 1993; Eysenck, 1978; Snyder & Ickes, 1985), the case can be made that the user of interactive erotica will create sexual stimuli that are consistent with his or her preferences. According to this view, interactive erotic stimuli manufactured by an individual reinforces hisor her pre-existing inclinations, including prosocial, benign, or antisocial tendencies, and produces stronger effects than would betrue of relatively passive exposure to traditional types of sexually explicit material that have not been tailor-made to fit the users personality (Byrne & Lamberth, 1971; Mosher, 1988a). Interactive erotica may also increase the viewers depth of involvement in the erotic stimulus and magnify its impact (Mosher, 1980) by facilitating role enactment (the imagined playing out of a sexual script of the viewers choice and creation) and by encouraging the development of a sexual trance(inwhichinteractiveeroticinvolvement becomes the viewers reality and the constraints objective reality fade away). There of is, thus, a theoretical basis for suspecting that the effects of interactive erotic stimulation may beconsiderably more potent than the effects of traditional erotic fare, particularly when antisocially inclined individual an utilises interactive erotica to construct stimuli that reinforce the individuals dispositions and free the individual from perceptions reality-based of constraints on action. Barak and Fisher (1997) examined antifemale attitudes andbehaviors in men as a function the use ofinteractive erotica. A sample of 100 university of males were exposed to (a) neutral, noninteractive stimuli (control condition) ; (b) erotic, noninteractive stimuli; (c) erotic, moderately interactive stimuli; or (d) erotic, highly interactive stimuli on apersonal computer. Participants levels of erotophobia-erotophilia were also assessed.




After exposure to the conditions, participants attitudes towards women and rape myth acceptance were the cognitive variables measured in this study. In addition, participants keyboard activity and self-reported sexual arousal to the erotica were also recorded. Results showed that the erotic stimuli resulted in much interactiveactivity and in significant amounts of sexual arousal, but use ofcomputer pornographyby participants did not affect any of the attitudinalmeasures. Two theoretical perspectives were considered in attempting to explain these findings. O n the one hand, theory has been advanced to suggest that exposure to sexually explicit stimuli that portray women as sexual objects, as sexually receptive and nondiscriminating, or as enjoying sexual assault, strongly reinforces widely held misogynistic views and reliably encourages the developmentof antifemale attitudes and accompanying actions men in who are exposed to such material (Donnerstein, Linz, & Penrod, 1987; Malanluth & Donnerstein, 1982; Zillman & Bryant, 1989). O n the other hand, theory has also been advanced to suggest that sexually explicit stimuli that portray women as sexual objects, as sexuallyreceptive and nondiscriminating, or as enjoying sexual victimisation, are so profoundly at variance with most mens lifetime learning histories and expectancies for reinforcement that such stimuli should have littleor no impact on menwho are not predisposed to antifemale thoughts or actions in the first place. Barak and Fisher (1997) presented findings consistent with the position that it is not easy to promote the development antifemale atof titudes or to perform antifemale behaviors. Individual Differences in Cognitive Responses to Erotica The effects of sexually explicit media content can vary across viewers in accordance with pre-existing personality characteristics or attitudinal profiles. McKenzie-Mohr and Zanna (1990) demonstrated that exposure to pornography can prime men to view women as sexual objects, but this effect does bot occur in men. Men classified assex-typical (as measured by the all Sex Role Inventory; Benl, 1981),who have gender schemas about men and women that emphasise traditional roles, are more sex likely to be influenced by pornography than are men classified asandrogynous or less likelyto rely on sex-typical schemas for processing social information. McKenzie-Mohr and Zanna first classified men whose views were considered sex-typical and then showed them pornography. Afterwards, the men were asked participate in interview with a female to an assistant of the experimenter. Men who were classified as sex-typical and whoviewed pornography were judged to be more sexually motivated towards the interviewer, stood closer to the female assistant duringthe interview, and



recalled more information about the interviewers physical appearance and less of what she said, compared to androgynous men and compared to other sex-typical men who had not viewed pornography.

Stimulation of Attitudes Beyond the Laboratory

Beyond the laboratory, relatively little experimental research has been carried out on the effects of naturally occurring sexually violent content. Experimental studies conducted in the laboratory use conditions divorced from the usual viewing environment of the participants. What we also need to know is whether similar effects can be observed for the viewing of films containing violent scenes when viewing takes place under more natural sex conditions. In astudy by Malamuth and Check (1981a), male and female undergraduates were randomly assigned to one two filmwatching condiof tions. In one condition, participants were given free tickets to view feature-length films on two evenings in a local cinema. These films included portrayals of women as victims of aggression in sexual and nonsexual scenes. These films suggested that the aggression wasjustified and had positive consequences. O n the same evenings, the participants in a second (control) condition were given tickets to other films that did not contain any sexual violence. The movies shown in both conditions hadalso been aired with some editing on network television. Participants viewed these film with moviegoers who were not partof the research. Classmates of the recruited participants who not see the films were also studied as an undid treated control group. Several days after the films were viewed, a Sexual Attitude Survey was administered to the entire class by an independent polling agency, not connected with the experiment as the participants as far were concerned. Participant responses were assessed by scales developed in earlier research (Burt, 1980). These included Acceptance Interpersonal Viscales of olence (AIV) against women (e.g., acceptance of sexual aggression and wife battering), Rape Myth Acceptance (RMA; e.g., the belief that women secretly desire to be raped), and Adversarial Sexual Beliefs (ASB;e.g., the notion that women are sly and manipulating when out to attract a man). Exposure to films portraying scenes of coercive sex in which the woman the eventually became aroused producedsignificantly increased scores on the AIV scale among male, but not among femaleparticipants. A similar pattern was observed on theRMA scale, although theeffect was only marginally significant. A similar study, several years later, replicated these results (Demare, 1985).These findings suggest that films that depict rape scenes or scenes of sexual aggression can produce changes inattitude amongyoung adult maleviewers of above-average intelligence, even when thefilms are


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viewed in naturalsurroundings. This kind of effect is not confined to laboratory environments. Any restrictions on the natureof effects seem to be by determined more the type of portrayal. The key factor to emerge in these field studies, as well asin laboratory studies, is that male attitudes are most likely to be affected by film portrayals of sexual aggression in which the woman victim eventually becomes sexually aroused. Attitudes towards women and female sexuality are not usually affected when scenes depicting rape show the victim suffering extreme distress throughout. This study, therefore, demonstrated that male attitudes towards women can be changed outside the laboratory following exposure to movies that depict coercive sex scenes. Another significant point to note about these findings was that the movies in question were not X-rated pornographic films. Instead they comprised two films (Swept Away The Getaway) that and were eventually shown on broadcast television as well as movie theatres. in Such movies may project more subtle messages, nevertheless false, about womens sexuality as compared withexplicit pornographic films. Such messages maybreak through male viewers defenses against accepting such information uncritically. Another study conducted by Wilson, Linz, Donnerstein,andStipp (1992) evaluated the impact a television movie about acquaintancerape of on subsequent attitudes about This programme, entitled She Said No, rape. was aired during peak-timeby the NBC network. For the study, more than 1,000male and female respondents were randomly allocated to view or not to view the movie that was shown via a closed circuit channel, prior to network transmission. This meant that noneof the respondents could have seen the program before. Respondents were divided into threeage groups: 18-34, 35-49, and 50+. Afterwards, their attitudes towards women and rape were measured. Three categories of rape attitudes emerged: (a) Blame Woman, defined by items indicating support for the idea that a woman is to blame in rape cases; (b) Wrongful Coercion, defined by ideas that coerced sex is wrong; and (c) Societal Concern, indicating a concern societal problems asfor the sociated with date rape (legal system biased against women, etc). The movie increased awareness of date rape as a social problem across all those who viewed it. The movie also encouraged older women to be less likely to blame women in a date rape situation. Males viewers, however, were generally more likely to blame the woman in such situations. In fact, older males who watchedthis movie became even more likely to blame the woman. Viewers of the movie were more likely than nonviewers, however, to perceive date rape as an important societal problem. Personal knowledge of a rape victim made adifference to viewers reactions to this film. Those individuals who did not personally know a rape victim were more likely to blame the woman than were those who know a rape victim. did



The results of this study were interpreted as showing that a dramatic movie on television can be a useful tool in educational efforts aimed at altering perceptions about a social issue such as date rape. More research of this kind is needed at stage. The impact of movies like this this one are tempered by pre-existing attitudesof viewers about femalesexuality and aboutrape. It was also clear that women in this study were more involved themovie in than were men.The elaboration likelihood model would predict that such involvement would result in deeperprocessing of the messages contained within the movie. The events depicted in Said No were presented priShe marily from the female victims perspective. This may have accounted for the difference in reaction older women and men. Older of women may have been more involved and thought about the implications of the movie more deeply, whereas older men relied on more superficial processing strategies, based on stereotypes. Perse (1994) tested two different models of the effects of sexually explicit material among college students. The first model, based a liberal view of on sexually explicit materials, argues that they have positive and potentially beneficial functions. They can be conceived being harmlessfantasy and as provide viewers with a source of sexual stimulation (Linz & Malamuth, 1993). The second model drawn from feminist social responsibility view is a that holds that sexually explicit material objectifies and demeans women and leads those who use eroticatointernalise those themes (Linz 6;r Malamuth, 1993). Perse conducted a study to test different connections between reasons for using sexually explicit material, exposure to erotica, and threetypes of hostile beliefs about women that reflect a cultural background that oppresses women (Burt, 1980). This syndrome of female oppression is reflected in gender-role stereotyping that emphasises traditional gender roles, sexual conservatism that rejects failure to conform with traditionalsexual orientations, and finally rape myth beliefs that comprise a cluster of prejudicial and incorrect beliefs about rape, rape victims, and rapists. Under the liberal view of the effects of sexually explicit materials, laboratory research that suggests that watching erotica produces harmful effects is dismissed as lacking external validity. Adverse reactions to erotica are accounted for in terms of individual characteristics. There is no conclusive evidence, for instance, thatmaking sexually explicit materials more widely available causes violent sex crimes or sexually deviant behaviorto increase in society (Kutchinsky, 1991). In contrast, the feminist social responsibility model argues that sexually explicit materialconveys an anti-female ideology. Erotica is seen as objectifying and dehumanising women, portraying women as servants to mens sexual desires, denying female sexuality, and promoting sexual and social subordination of and violence towards women (Brownmiller, 1975;




Lederer, 1980).Male beliefs and attitudes that justify male dominance and female submissiveness may be rape supportive and may also be associated with broader acceptance of violence across a range of situations-sexual and nonsexual (Linz & Malamuth, 1993). Perse (1994) ran a survey with more than 500 college students of both sexes in which she investigated their reported use of erotic material (e.g., magazines or films), their motives for doing so, and their beliefs and attitudes about female sexuality and gender roles. Four principal categories of viewing motive emerged reading or watching erotic for material. These factors were labelled Sexual Enhancement, Diwersion, Sexual Release, andSubstitution. In the case of Sexual Enhancement, eroticawas used to get in the right mood for sex, for information about sexual technique, and during foreplay. Diversion signalled the use of erotica for escape, relaxation, entertainment, and reduction of boredom. Sexual Release referred to the use of erotica for sexual fantasy and release. Finally, Substitution referred to the use of erotica as a replacementfor a sexual partner. Males and females differed two of the four motives for consuming sexon ually explicit material. Males were more likely to report using erotica for sexual release and as a substitutefor a sexual partner than were females. Exposure to erotica was predicted by all four motivational factors, together with higher rape myth acceptance scores and gender (being male). In a multivariate analysis, gender was linked to Sexual Enhancement (being female) and toSexual Release(being male). Hence,for the college women sampled, erotica was a source of information about sex or a means of enhancing their own life. For male college students, erotica used as sex the was a substitute for a sex life. Beingmale and using erotica for Sexual Release were negatively linked to rape myth acceptance, whereas of erotica as a use sexual substitute, greateroverall exposure to erotica, stronger gender stereotyping, and holding more conservative sexual attitudes were positively linked to acceptance of rape myths about women. Thus, being sexually aroused by erotica does not appear to contribute to development rape of myth beliefs, but dependencyon erotica as a replacementfor an active sex life with a sexual partner seems to make a real difference to the kinds of messages that might be absorbed from such material. If the same erotica-dependent individual already holds gender stereotyped beliefs and is sexually conservative, this further enhances the likelihood of a pattern of beliefs about female sexuality that endorse rape. THE EFFECTIVENESS O F INTERVENTION SESSIONS The evidence that emerged from studies of sexually explicit media content, especially when the is violent in nature, understandably given to sex has rise concerns about the possible effects such material might have consumers. on



There are important ethical considerations to be borne in mind when undertaking research into which deception used to disguise the true is purpose of the investigation and when the experimental manipulations are intended to produce a shift in participants attitudes in a socially undesirable direction. Taking these ethical concerns into account, researchers who work in this field have developed educational procedures designed expose exthe perimental manipulation to participants and draw their attention to the potentially harmful ingredients of explicit pornographic content and the side effects that can result from exposureto them. In addition tohaving a potentially valuable social function, debriefing procedures were used by researchers who conducted experimental research in which deliberate attempts made to manipulate were participants perceptions, attitudes andbehavior. Such educational or counselling procedures represented a counteractive process designed to eliminate the possibility of experimentally observed audience reactions developing into permanent, antisocial dispositions (see Intons-Peterson & Roskos-Ewoldsen, 1989; Intons-Peterson, Roskos-Ewoldsen, Thomas, Shirley, & Blut, 1989; Linz, Donnerstein, Bross, & Chapin, 1986; Linz, Fuson, & Donnerstein, 1990). The research done so far has found that pre-exposure treatmentscan lessen the effects of exposure to explicit sexual materials on some measures, though not others. Desensitization effects, for example, have been reduced by drawing viewers attention to certain facts about female sexuality designed to run counter to rape myth acceptance. to Several researchers have attempted correct the negative effects of exposure to stereotypic media depictions of sex and sexual violence. Some of these educational efforts were designed as debriefings individuals who hadparfor ticipatedinexperimentsinvolving sexually violentmediacontent. Malamuth and Check (1983) conducted a study in which male and female participants were exposedto sexually explicit stories depicting either rape or mutually consenting sexual intercourse. Afterward, those exposed to the rape version were givenstatements emphasising that thedepiction of rape in the stories was fallacious and that, in reality, rape is a terrible crime. Participants were also given specific examples of rape myths and assurance that these commonly held beliefs are fictitious. Those who were exposed the to rape stories and then debriefed were less inclined to perceive women as wanting to be raped and less likely see victimsbehavior as a cause of rape than were those to who read the consenting story and received no debriefing. In a follow-up study, Check and Malamuth (1984) randomly assigned male and female college students to read either a stranger rape story, an acquaintance rape story, or amutuallyconsenting sex story. Inthe stranger rape story, a man secretly followed a woman home, broke her into apartment andforcibly raped her. In the acquaintancerape story, a sexu-



ally experienced womenwas drinking in a bar with a man. She then went back to themans apartment, where they started kissing. When she refused to go anyfurther than that, the man her. The mutually consenting raped sex story was the same as the acquaintance rape story except thatafter kissing the man, the women consented to have with him. sex After reading the stories, all rape story participants andhalf the mutual sex story participants were administered rape debriefing. This debriefing a advised the participants that no woman enjoys being rapedand thatexposure to violent pornography can be sexuallyarousing, even though depicts it behavior that women generally abhor. The rape debriefing statement used by Check and Malamuth (1984) was worded as follows:
Although rape is a terrible crime, rape themes arefrequently found in eroticmagazines. In pornographic magazines and books, writers will often presentsexual violence (e.g., rape) with other highly explicit and arousing materials .... Over time, people may tend to ignore the violence of rape because there are other sexually pleasing aspects to thestories. We do not wantyou to feel, however, that your responses were in any way wrong or deviant, because these stories were designed to be highly sesually arousing and donot in any way reflect the true horrorof real rape. (pp. 2 1-22)

After the debriefing, the participantswere given a number newspaper of articles to read, including one that reported a rape case. The results showed, once again, that the rape debriefing generally increased participants perceptions of pornography as a cause of rape. Those participants who had been debriefed also gave a moresevere prison sentence to the rapist in the newspaper story. Other small-scale educational efforts have attempted to sensitise participants to the issue of acquaintance rape prior to exposure tostereotypic images. Intons-Petersonand Roskow-Ewoldsen(1989; Intons-Peterson, Roskos-Ewoldsen, Thomas, Shirley, 6r Blut, 1989) administered to college-agemen a prefilm briefing dealing with rape and sexual violence towards women. The briefing contained currentinformation about rape drawn from the Uniform CrimeStatistics described common effects on victims, and debunked some general myths about rape by citing relevant statistics. The participants, along with a control group who had not seen the briefing, then viewed either a segment from an R-rated slasher film, a segment from an X-rated film that depicted sexual intercourse between two consenting adults, or a segmentfrom a G-rated film. Following the film, participants viewed a videotaped reenactment a rape trial (Linz, Donnerstein, & Penrod, 1988) of and answered additional questions concerning their empathy for the accused rapist and the alleged victim. The prefilm briefing group showed a statistically significant decrease in rape myth acceptance following exposure to the slasher film segments compared the to nonbriefed control group. Further,the



briefed persons were more likely to think that the accused rapist in the videotape trial had causedinjury to thevictim than were those in thenonbriefed group. Interestingly, the briefing groups increased rejection of rape myths carried over to a session 2 weeks later. Linz, Arluk, and Donnerstein (1990) compared three types of pre-exposure briefings designed to mitigate the effects of portrayals of violence against women. Male college students were shown two rape education films and a documentary on thepsychological impact of slasher films and then were assigned to oneof three conditionsinvolving writing essays about the myths of sexual violence or about a neutraltopic. Two additional control groups that did not watch the educational films were also included. Later, the men watchedclips from sexually violent slasher films and saw a videotaped reenactment of an acquaintance rape trial. Rape myth acceptance was marginally lower for those men in all three intervention conditions. These men also showed significantly higher levels of depression in response to the slasher films, and assigned less responsibility to the defendant than did participants in the control conditions. The interventions just described are only practical with relatively small groups of people in a controlled setting. In contrast, there have been a few large-scale educational efforts that were targeted towards mass audiences. Theseefforts involved documentaries on rape Cry Rape, W h y (e.g., Men Rape, A Scream ofsilence) and on pornography Not a Love Story) (e.g., that were created expressly to increase awareness of such issues among the general public. A preliminary investigation of the impact of one of these documentaries, Not a Love Story, suggests that viewers may benefit from exposure to this type of content (Bart,Freeman, & Kimball, 1984).Bart and colleagues surviewed this docue veyed a group 332 males and 3 18 females after they had of mentary in an art film house in the Chicago area. The findings indicated that exposure to thefilm resulted in changes in beliefs and attitudes about pornography (e.g., I didnt know pornography was that violent and The film made me angrier about pornography). Unfortunately, because the film audience was anaturallyoccurring group, only self-reported attitude change was measured (i.e., respondents were asked their attitudes about if pornography had changedafter viewing the film) No attempt was made to assess prefilm viewing attitudes or to compare the viewers attitudes with a matched control group.
Problems With Intervention Studies

There are various reasons why programs or films aimed at changing attitudes towards rape may run intodifficulty. It is important in thefirst place



that such programs are viewed by large numbers of people. This means they need tobe scheduled favorably. The belief that females deserve orsecretly desire sexual assault may be especially difficult to modih. These beliefs can provide males with a socially sanctioned justification for forced sexual access to unwilling females. A survey of a randomsample of adults in Minnesota reported fairly high levels of agreement with such statements as A woman who goes into the home or apartment of a man on first date implies a she is willingto have sex and otherbeliefs measured by the Rape Myth Acceptance Scale (Burt, 1980). Another study, although preliminary and based on a nonrandom sample, found that college females sometimes engagein token resistance-saying no but meaning yes-in response to sexual double standards in society (Muehlenhard &Hollabaugh,1988).Moreover, there are strong individual differences in beliefs about male-female power relations, sex-role stereotyping, and hostility towards women (Malamuth, 1986). Thus there are many societalandpersonalfactors,includingsex-rolesocialisation, miscommunication betweenthe sexes, and individual differences that can foster rape myths (Koss & Leonard, 1984; Malamuth, Haber, & Feshbach, 1980). Programs designed to modify attitudes about rape may make only a small dent inbelief structures that are reinforced by these other factors. Ethical issues have been raised about studies the effects of exposure to of violent pornography. Because such studiesattempt to change participants attitudes, beliefs, or behavioraldispositions in potentially negativeways, it is an ethical requirement that researchers conducting such investigations implement procedures designed to reduce to minimum possibility that a the participants leavethe study permanently changed this way (Gross, 1983; in Sherif, 1980). These same concerns have also been linked to attempts to counteract the experimental effects reported in some of these investigations. Debriefing sessions work only if all experimental participants attend such treatments. Somecritics have asked for more detailed accounts that such sessions were fully attended. Another serious point about intervention treatments is that they are determined the researchers interpretations by of the psychological effects they have measured among experimental participants. It is important that all the factors that may play a part in mediating participants reactions to erotica, or subsequent attitudinal shifts contingent on such exposure, are taken into account and effectively counteracted by intervention sessions (Sherif, 1980). A comprehensive meta-analysis of the results of published intervention studies during the 1980s attempted to assess the treatment effects of debriefings used in studies of the effects of violentpornography(Allen, DAlessio, Emmers, & Gebhardt, 1996). The typical educational debriefings used in the studies under review compriseda short audiotape or written



hand-out pointing out that the material consumed in the experiment was fictional. The participants were reminded that women do notenjoy forced sexual relations, that rape is a crime that violates and dehumanizes the person, and that sexually explicit material depicts an unreal fantasy about sexual relations. Allen et al. (1996) examined 10 studies and sought to isolate the conditions under which educational efforts were effective. For allconditions, the impact of educational briefings wasto negate, to some degree, the impact of exposure to sexually explicit material. The average effect of educational materials was higher for males than for females. The debriefs were also found to moreeffective in experiments with be control groups than in studies usingwithin-subjects designs. Some studies used prebriefingsand others used debriefings. Whether the educational intervention occurred in the early or late stages of a study, a countering effect occurred. The effectiveness of prebriefing suggests the potential value of innoculation effects. The impact of educational materials was correlated with the ofthe impact of size the erotic material. The greater the impact of the pornographic stimulus materials, the greater also was the effect of the educational intervention. According to Allen et al. (1996) :
The underlying logic ofthe educational material illustrates to the consumer that the consumer media images are false, created representationsof reality. All too often the seems to forget that a media experience assumes a suspensionof critical disbelief to permit a person to enjoy the entertainment experience provided. However, the viewer should remain aware that the material displays fictional ideas not necessarily representative of actual experiences. (p. 139)


Research into media sex has indicated that one adverse side effect of regular consumption of certain types of explicit sexual portrayal is that it can influence male attitudes towards women beliefs about female sexuality. Porand nographic films, videos, and stories with violent sex themes in which women are raped may give riseto increased male beliefs that women enjoy being raped. This reaction especially likely occur among young men exis to posed to film or video portrayals of rape where the woman becomes sexually aroused by the experience. However, this reaction is by no means universal. Although research with American college students has indicated that an increased callousness towards womenand victims of rape can be produced among young men with otherwise stable psychological profiles following exposure to films that depictrape themes, evidence from research with interactive erotica has shown that this effect does not invariably occur. The reactions of men to such content depend on the attitudes hold may they be-




fore hand. For some men, media depictions womensapparent enjoyment of of rape may be so at odds with their own value system and beliefs about women that such depictions are rejected outright.Whether or notyoung men exhibit shifts in their propensity to believe that women enjoy being raped may depend notsimply on their viewing of violent pornography, but on their reasons for viewing such material the place. Those men in first who watch violent pornography a sexual substitute be more prone deas may to velop rape mythbeliefs than other men who watch same material for a the different reasons suchas diversion or personal sexualrelease. Research in this area is fraught with ethical problems. Social scientists must be cautious not to condition psychological changes in experimental participants that may render them more likely to offend or to behave in antisocial ways beyond the research situation. Concern has been within raised the research psychology community about such effects emanating from side experimental investigationsof pornography. In response to this legitimate concern, several pornography researchers have developed and tested debriefing procedures. These procedures have been found to offset any research effects and effectively serve to raise awareness of the potential harmful influencesof violent pornography.

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I s Media Sex the Cause

o Sexual Deviance? f

Perhaps the greatest concern linked to the potential effects of sexually violent films is that they might cause viewers to emulate the behaviors portrayed or use such portrayals to justify their own actions in acting on aggressive sexual fantasies or attitudes. The role played by the media in relation to the development deviant sexual practices has been investigated of over more than 30 years. The focus of this research has concentrated on the potential influence of pornography as a socialising agent or trigger in regard to sexual deviance. Indications thatexposure to explicit sexual material is connected with criminal behavior hasderived from law enforcement data.A study of serial murderers in the United States found that the greatof perpetrators majority (8 1%) reported significant consumption of pornography (Hazelwood, 1985).Another Americanpolice survey of crime statistics found thata significant proportion (42%) of all sex crimes involved pornography either prior to or during commissionof the act (Pope, 1987). The scientific research can be divided into studies of two broad types. The first type of study was conducted with clinically diagnosed or convicted criminal populations in which the role of exposure to explicit sexual material is examined in relation to original onset of their deviant the behaviors or as a trigger mechanism that activates their impulses before offending. The second type of study generally entailed the analysis of aggregate statistical evidence on relationships between the distribution pornography in speciof fied geographical areas and the occurrence sex offences. of



Much of the research among known sex offenders used survey techniques to compare them with nonoffenders in terms of their exposure topornography. A few laboratory-based studies have also been carried out tofind out if sex offendersexhibit different reactions from nonoffenders to erotic film material, especially to scenes that depict violent sexual behavior. EARLY STUDIES WITH OFFENDERS The earliest research on theeffects of pornography focusedon sex offenders. Evidence was obtained through interviews with known offenders and their psychiatrists. Gebhard, Gagnon, Pomeroy, and Christenson(1965) set out to discover the ways in which the sexual histories and social backgrounds of sex offenders, who were divided into 14 categories such as incest and peeping, differed fromthose of nonoffenders. Compared with controls, sex offenders reported somewhat greater exposure and similar reactions to pornography. However, rapists were more likely than controls to report being aroused by sadistic themes. Of all the groups of sexual offenders interviewed, rapists reported thegreatest level of exposure to pornography. The data were self-reports of responses to the question, Does it arouse you sexually to see photographs or drawings of people engaged in sexual activity? Another questionwas, Do stories of rape, torture, or violence arouse you sexually?Although most of the men surveyed noto this question, the said highest responders were heterosexual aggressors, with 16% admitting at least moderate arousal. Comparisons were also madebetweenknown sex offenders, other (nonsex) offenders, and men from the general population onpossession of pornography and reactions to it. No significant differences emerged between these samples in termsof reported sexual arousal to pornographic photographs. One weakness of this research, however, was that itfailed to explore in any detail the possibility of links between tastes in specific types of pornographyand specific categories of offence. For example, did sadomasochistic imagery hold special appeal for rapists? Did depictions of child pornography prove to be distinctly arousing for child sex offenders (Eysenck & Nias, 1978)? Studies of this kind, that dependself-report data and on explore links between pornography exposure and offending retrospectively, are unable to demonstrate causal links. Despite this weakness, much the early research of into the effects of explicit sexual material took this form. The 1970 U.S. Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, for instance, sponsored six surveys of offenders (Cook & Fosen, 1971; K. E. Davis & Braucht, 197la; Goldstein, Kant,Judd, Rice, & Green, 1971; Johnson, Kupperstein, 6,Peters, 197l; Propper, 1972; Walker, 1971).



Walker (1971)compared sex offenders hospital with other in patients, and sex offendersin prison with other inmates. There was a nonsignificant trend for the sex offenders report less exposure to pornographythan the to controls, but thesex offendersclaimed a greater increase in sexual activity after viewing pornography.Johnson, Kupperstein, and Peters (1971) conducted interviews with sex offenders anda comparisonsamplefrom the general population. Both groups revealed similar past experiences with pornography. Cook, Fosen, and Pacht (1971) examined the patterns of exposure to pornography among sex offenders and found that, if anything, they were generally less likelyto consume such materials than were other (nonsex) offenders. Unfortunately, no distinctions were made between different types of erotic stimuli for which different offending groups may have had prefera ence, nor were any detailed distinctions made amongdifferent offending groups in terms type of offence. of Cook and Fosen (1971) had participants rate their degree of sexual arousal to erotic slides and interviewed them aboutprevious exposure topornography. Respondents comprisedsexoffenders and other inmates in a state prison. The two groups were similar their reactions to erotic slides, but the in sex offendersreported less frequent and milder exposure to pornography. Some of this early research conducted as part of the 1970 U.S. Pornography Commissionsenquiry found apositive relationship between exposure to pornography and sexual deviance. K. E. Davis and Braucht (197 la) reported astudy conducted with male students andprisoners in which questions were asked designed measure sexual deviance and moral character, to as well as exposure to pornographic material. Signs of sexual deviance were found to be associated with amountof claimed exposureto pornography. Propper (1972) studied prisoners who were classified as having high or low exposure to pornography. Prisoners with high exposure pornography to were found to have had earlier experience withsex, and to haveengaged more often in group and sex. They werealso more likely to have oral friends involved in sexual deviance and antisocial behavior (unlike the findings of K. E. Davis & Braucht, 1971a). It was concluded that pornography may have played a role in the developmentof sexual deviance in these cases. Goldstein et al. (197 1) conducted a retrospective study based on interviews. Compared with poorly matched controls, offenders were found sex to have experience with pornography, less especially in adolescence. However, many people claimed have tried out to sexual activities depicted in pornography. The sex offenders here includedrapists and boy and girl molesters. There are problems withclaims made hereby sex offenders. There is no way of knowing, for example, whether controls who volunteered for these studies had more experience with pornographydid people who than refused to take part.

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Goldstein (1973) reported a further survey of convicted male rapists, pedophiles, homosexuals,transsexuals, heavy pornographyusers, and a community control group. These groups were all interviewed to assess their experiencewitherotic materials inphotographs, films, and booksduring adolescence and adulthood. Adolescent exposure erotica was significantly to less for all nonheterosexual and offender groups, compared with controls. During adulthood, the offenders transsexuals continued to sex and report less exposure to erotic stimuli than controls. The homosexuals and users of pornography, however, both reported greater exposure during adulthood. Respondents were asked whether anything had been seen erotica materials in that they wished they had tried at a later time. Fewerthan one four responin dents inany groupreportedly imitated sexual behavior experienced through erotic material immediately or shortly after its consumption. Goldstein hadinitially hypothesised that extentof exposure to erotica during adolescence would positively related to the emergence be of sexual pathology in later This hypothesis was not borne out the findings of life. by this survey. Indeed, the control groups who were surveyed here, comprising individuals with no known recordof sexual offence, exhibited greater levels of exposure to erotic material during their adolescent years than did known offenders. When asked about their reactions following exposure to erotic materials, sex offenders and other sexually deviant groups reported a higher incidence of masturbation thandid nonoffenders. The rateof reported masturbation declined slightly from adolescence to adulthood for all groups, except homosexuals. When asked whether thoughts feelings stimulated by erotica or led to sexual activity, around half of all groups reported than they did. Nonoffenders differed from offenders in this context, however, in being more likely to mention the stimulation sexual behavior with a partner, of rather than masturbation. The low exposure to erotica reported by institutionalised sex offenders was compatible with many aspects of their sexual history and attitudes.For the rapists, a very repressive family background regarding sexuality was indicated. Rapists uniformly reported thatsex wasnever atopic of discussion in theirhomes, and that when family members were aware their interest of in erotica,they were highly punitive. The patternof inhibition was consistent with the rapists report thatpornography in adult years did not stimulate them to desire sexual activity or to actually engage in sexual activity. The high percentage rapists reporting frequent homosexual of activity suggested the possibility that the aggressive sexual act can times represent an at attempt at covering homosexual tendencies. Cline (1974) pointedout inconsistencies betweenGoldstein et al. (197 1) and Goldstein, Kant, and Harman (1974). Whereas theoffenders claimed only rarely to act out their pornographic desires, a majority of peo-




ple in general claimed to have tried out activities depicted in pornography. More needs to be known about whatthese imitative practices entail. One problem with all these studies was that measures of exposure to pornography and of sexual deviance were nondiscriminatory. No attempts were made to differentiate between serious and less serious sexual offences. Participants in these surveys were assessed for reactions to nudity, sex play,and intercourse, but not rape or child sex abuse. There was no attempt to to distinguish between different types of sex crime or how they might relate exto posure to different types of pornography. LONGITUDINAL EFFECTS OF PORNOGRAPHY Field research has beenused to try to establish whether there arelinks between exposure pornography and sexual deviance overtime. The studies to reviewed in thefirst part of this chapter all used cross-sectional surveys to obtain data from respondents at one point in time, although one survey (Goldstein et al., 1971) did use a retrospective approach totry to ascertain over-time links. An alternative approach to examine broad trends sociis in ety based on analysis of available statistics. Some studies have used aggregate statistical data to assess the relationship between the circulation of pornographyin society and the occurrence of sexual violence against women. These studies often comparethe circulation rates of various magazines or the number adult theatres with of rape and other crimes. of rates sex According to one writer, the effects of exposure to violent pornography may represent aripple effect on behavior. Laboratory studies try to identify direct linkages between exposureto such material and attitudessimulated or behavior. Social trends identify more general influences of pornography by tracing any changes in the volume of categories of offence that follow on from changes inthe prevalence and availability of pornography. One approach has been assess the changing extent to to which pornography is available in a society and shifts in the incidenceof sexually deviant behavior. Two initial studies of this sort were carried out in Denmark during the 1960s and 1970s (Ben-Veniste, 1971; Kutchinsky, 1971a, 1977). Another examined U.S. statistics (Kupperstein & Wilson, 1971). Ben-Veniste (197 1) conducted a survey of police statistics on reported sex crimes in Copenhagenfor a 12-year period. Results indicated adecline in various sex offences from 1965, with the exception of rape which remained constant at around cases year for period of study. This study 20 a the is often quotedas showing that pornography led to a decrease in sexual deviance. However, this conclusion may not be warranted. First, the data were examined onlyup to 1969 and the impact changes in law regarding porof nography, which took place in Denmark in the mid-l960s, may have not been truly felt for a few more years. Another factor is that both the police



and victims had become more tolerant sex crimes, with theresult of less of reporting of such crimes (Eysenck 6r Nias, 1978). Research in Denmark revealed a negative association between the availability of sexually explicit materials and the incidenceof sexual offences reported to the police (Kutchinsky, 1973). Increased circulation of pornographic materials, following the legalisation of pornography, was apparently linked to a significant drop in reported sexual offences, particularly rape and child molestation. This finding could be interpreted as suggesting that unrestricted distribution of sexually explicit materials served as a safety valve for deviant sexualbehaviors. Other factors were also likely to have been important at this time, including political greater and social participationfor women anda generally increasingly liberal social policy perspective. Kutchinsky (197la) designed a survey to find out whether the decline in reported sex crimes in Denmark was due to changes in public attitudes. He interviewed peoplein Copenhagen about their likelihood of reporting sex crimes. They were also questioned about how seriously they regarded various types of sex crimes and whether their attitudes had shifted over time. The possibility of changes in police attitudes or to the wasalso investilaw gated. It was found that thelaw and police enforcement practices had not changed, but that people had become more permissive with regard to certain categories of sex offence, suchas peeping, exhibitionism, and indecent interference. These results did not shedany light whether availability of on pornography is linked in any way to the incidence sex crimes such as rape. of Indeed, the incidence of reported rape increased in Denmark from the mid-1960s to early 1970s) althoughlevels remained low. Kutchinsky (197la) noted a decrease rates of occurrence of four differin ent types of sex crimes registered by the police in Copenhagen. For three types of offence-exhibitionism, peeping, and (physical) indecencytowards girls-the availability of pornography was identified as a key factor. This conclusion was underlined as tentative only, however. More serious types of sex offence such as rape, rape with robbery, attempted rape, and intercourse on threatof violence did not show evidence of decline over the same period. Indeed, the Danish studys focus on less serious forms of sexual offence meant that it revealed littleof relevance to thesubject of causality of serious sex offences (Court, 1984). This Danish research challenged by other writers (e.g., Cline, 1974; was Court, 1984). Later investigations showed a positive relationship between the incidence sexual offences and the of availability of sexually explicit materials. Data from several other countries indicated that variations in the availability of pornography corresponds positively with changes in reported occurrences of rape (e.g., L. Baron 6r Straus, 1984, 1989;Jaffee 6r Straus, 1987; Scott 6;r Schwalm, 1988a).



Cline (1974) noted that violent sex crimes remained at around 220 per year from 1960 to 1970. Thus, thefindings forDenmark actually indicated a reduction, over the period of increased relaxation of pornography restrictions, in less serious sex offences, not more serious offences. but in Public attitudes also showed increased leniency towards less serious sex offences. Kupperstein and Wilson (197 1) conducted research on the relationship with availability of pornographyand occurrence of sexoffences in the United States. During the 1960-1969 period, when pornography became increasingly available, arrests for sexual offences increased by 18%with rape showing the greatest increase at about 50%. However, the rape figure was less ominous when set against the general increase in crime. Cline (1974) extended this survey by 2 years and found that the increase in rape had accelerated after 1970. He also found a similar trend for divorce rates, a more general index of sexual morality. Kuppersteinand Wilson again failedto distinguish between serious and less serious sex offences. such distinctions are highly relevant Yet when considering the impact that pornography might have sexual offendon ing (Court, 1977; Williams Committee Report, 1979). Trends in minor sex offences have not always run parallel to those in major sex offencessuch as rape (Court, 1980;Geis 6rGeis, 1979). There are also issuessurrounding the types of statistics utilised by researchers to operationally define sex crime trends. Some researchers have used arrest data, others police reports data, or others victimisation study data. Police reports have come to be regarded as most reliable (Court, 1984; Fox, 1976). A cross-national survey of sex crimes and availability of pornography conducted in several countries was made by Court (1977). Results indicated thatreports to thepolice of rape and attemptedrape showed further signs of increase in the mid-1970s. Eysenck and Nias (1978) pointed out,however, that changes inrates of serious sexual offence could have been influenced by a variety of other factors, including the emergence of the womens liberation movement, population mobility (from urban to rural), and the impactspecific campaigns of or media events designed to change public attitudes In the United States Scott and again, Schwalm (1988b)reported no relationship between rape rates and the number adult theatres bookstores. of or However, they found a significant positive relationship betweenrape incidence and capita sales of sexually explicit magazines (e.g.,Playboy, Pentper house), after controlling for demographic factors and the general circulation of nonerotic magazines. Similar data were examined in the mid 1980s by other Americanresearchers. L. Baron and Straus(1984) found a high correlation between circulation rates of certain soft-core pornographic magazines (e.g., Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, Gallery, etc.) and rape rates. This relationship survived statistical controls other demographic and psychofor logical variables believed to be linked to the incidence rape (L. Baron & of

1 64


Straus, 1984). Later research also found a positive correlation between rape rates and sales of Playgirl (L. Baron 6r Straus, 1989). Baron also later reported positive correlations between rape rate and gender inequality, social disorganisation, urbanisation, economic inequality and unemployment. The presumed relationship between magazine circulation and rape rates vanishes statistically when a measure of cultural support for violence is added, which has been interpreted to indicate that a macho culture pattern independently influences men to purchase more pornography and commit morerapes (L. Baron, 1990, p. 364). Thus, magazine consumption and rape are both the outcomes target pattern of traofa ditional masculine attitudes. Kutchinsky (1991) revisited the subject and examined the incidenceof rape in several different societies where pornography had become readily available. He included 20 years crime data in study and assumed that a of his substantial numberof people had been exposed aggressive pornography to due to general trend towards greater a public availability of sexually explicit materials of all forms. He then counted the number of cases of rape and aggravated assault in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, and the United States from 1964 to 1984. The results showed that in no country rape increase did more than nonsexual violent crimes despite the large increase in pornography in each country during that period. In fact, in three countries-Denmark, Sweden, and Germany-rape increased less than other nonsexual assaults. In the United States,rape and nonsexual assault followed about the same pattern over time. The lack of a relationship between the availability of pornography and rape rates in four Western societies, including the United States,suggested that the widespread availability of pornography had not increased rape rates. The conclusion that pornography has impact on rape rates from such no data has been disputed (Lahey, 1991). Research conducted in the United States revealed a relatively strong correlation between pornography availability and rape rates (L. Baron, 1990; L. Baron & Straus, 1984).Baron and Straus tried to account differences in reportedrapes across the 50 states for in the United States. They developed indices to measure state-by-state differences in rape rates. One of these measures was the numberof copies of sex-oriented magazines soldper capita in each state. This was calcuindex lated by looking at sales (subscription and news stand) of eight magazines: Chic, Club, Galley, Genesis, Hustler, O i Penthouse, and Playboy. u, In 1979, there was a highly significant correlation of .63 between sex magazine circulation and rape rates. The correlation between rape rates and magazine circulation in 1980 .55. later analysis of rape rates bewas A tween 1980and 1982 showed a correlation with magazinecirculation of sex .64. This evidence showed that therewas a strong association between only sex magazine readership and incidence of rape, not that one causes the




other. It was alsosuggested that there might be a third variable explanation. Hypermasculine sex role orientation might vary from state to state. Baron and Straus found that a Violence Approval measure each state for cancelled out the relationship between magazine circulation and rape rates. Men predisposed to hypermasculinity may engage in acts of sexual aggression to Validate their masculinity, and they may buy sexually oriented magazines for the same reason. Kimmel and Linders (1996) conducted an aggregated statistics study linking the availability of pornography tosex crime rates in six American cities. Twoof the cities had laws that outlawed pornography within city limits, whereas the others did not have or enforce such laws. The researchers examined the empirical relationship between magazine circulation and rape rates. Rape rates increased dramatically during the 1970s, nearly doubling from 1970to 1980, remained stable during the first half the 1980s,and increased of slightly during the second half. Changes in rates for aggravated assault followed closely changes in the rape rates. The circulation of pornographic magazines in the United States dropped sharply from 1979. The correlation between circulation rates and rape rates for 1979-1989 was strongly negative (r = -.79). State and city data also failedto reveal a positive relationship between changes in rape rates and changes in pornography circulation. One reason there was a lack of relationship between pornography and rape might be to do with the measurement pornographic consumption of solely in terms of magazinecirculation. Pornographic material is available in video form and there was an increase in rentals of explicit videos in the United States between 1980 and The question is whether an 11% in1989. crease in video rentals compensates a reduction almost 50% in the for of ciris one view that the culation of pornographicmagazines.There technological shift from pornographic magazines to X-rated videos has been accompanied by a gender democratisation of pornography consumption. One survey of 500 video stores in 1989 found that only 40% of renters of X-rated videos were individual men, whereas 29% were men with women renting together, and 15% were women renting tapes alone (Kimmel & Linders, 1996). OFFENDERS AND VIOLENT PORNOGRAPHY Research has been carried out with known offenders to find out whether sex their reactions to violent sex scenes differ fromthose of nonoffenders. Evisurveys of offenders dence referred to earlier in this chapter indicated that had largely failed to establish significantly distinct patterns of exposure to to types pornography for this group. Even so, when they are exposed certain of erotic scene, the reactionsof known rapists are different from those of



most nonoffenders. More direct evidenceof the significance of pornography to sex offendingwas gathered from clinical settings and obtained through experiments. Such research examined more directly the specific part thatpornography can play in thegenesis of sex offending, and thedistinctive reactions to pornography displayed by offenders. Clinical Evidence Evidence has emerged from clinical diagnostic settings that knownsex offenders reportthe use of pornography as a facilitatornot only in relationto the acquisition of their deviation, but also as a deviceto break down resistance and inhibitions of their victims or targets of molestation, especially where these are children (Burgess, 1984; Carnes, 1984). According to Reed (1994), addiction to pornographyis an identifiable illness that canbe linked, clinically, to the development compulsive, deof pendent, and addictive sexual behavior. In clinical cases of addiction, the use of pornography is prevalent (Donovan,1988).Pornography addiction is a complex, self-induced pathological relationship. Viewing pornography, masturbating, promiscuity, and evensexual assault have been identified as forms of addictive behavior (Colman, 1988; Herman, 1990; Robertson, 1990). In cases of sexual problem behavior, pornography has generally use featured as part of an overall syndrome (Carnes,1989). Pornography can so by altering beusedtoestablish a desiredmoodstate,butdo neurotransmission patterns (Milkman & Sunderwirth, 1987). Pornography can therefore facilitate changes in behavioral dispositions by altering brain neurochemistry. A category of compulsive-addictive mental illnesses related to sexual deviance has been identified called puruphilias. These are characterised by recurrent,intensesexual urges. Thereareeight of these disorders: pedophilia, fetishism, sexual masochism, sexual sadism, transvestite fetishism, voyeurism, and exhibitionism. Mostsex offenders who manifest these disorders report the onset such tendenciesbefore the age of 18 (Abel & of Rouleau, 1990). This also about the time when adolescents report more is frequent exposure to pornography (Reed, 1990). Overall, data concerning paraphilias have indicated that pornography playa part in their does development and maintenance (Reed, 1994). A table produced by Reed (1994) summarised the role of pornography in the lives of incarcerated sex offenders (see Table 7.1). Some writers have argued that sex offenders should be amongst those influence of who are influencedby sexually explicit materials and that the such materials be manifest in various ways at different points their will in life A of (Marshall 6r Barbaree, 1984). social learning theory rape has been pro-




Role of Pornography in the Lives o Incarcerated Sex Offenders f

1. Compared to nonoffenders, adult masturbatory activity in response to pornography is
more common in offenders (Murrin & Laws, 1990, p. 88). sex 2. Compared to nonoffenders, sex offenders show a greater desire to own pornography; and report owning more; and reported a greater desire to procure pornography for themselves in adolescence (Murrin 6r Laws, 1990, p. 88). 3. Compared to normals, rapists are 15 times as likely to have been exposed to explicit pornography during ages 6-10 (Goldstein, Kant, 6r Harman, 1974). 4. Oneathird of the rapists and nonfamilial child molesters reported exposure explicit to pornography during pubescence (Marshall, 1989,p. 206). 5. High-frequency masturbation behavior patterns predict general pornography use. More paedophilesthan rapists are high frequency masturbators. When they masturbate, they fantasize about raping or child molesting (Marshall, 1989, p. 207). 6. Sex offenders with high-frequency rates masturbation are more of likely to be current users of pornography. plays a more important in the of pedophiles than rapIt role life ists (Marshall, 1988). 7. More than onethird of the rapists and child molestershad been incited the use of by hard-core sexual stimuli (depicting both aggressive and consenting sex) to commit an offense (Marshall, 1989, p. 207). 8. Exposure to pornographyprior to age 14 years predicted greater involvementin deviant sexual practices (Davis & Braucht, 1971a, p. 7). 9. Chronic offenders are more likely to be pornography users (Abel, Mittelman, & Becker, 1985; cited, in Marshall, 1989). 10. Over half the rapists who were current users of consenting sex pornography claimed they used it to stimulate fantasies rape (Marshall, 1989,p. 207). Explicit material of elicits a greater arousal rapists than does nonexplicit pornography (Marshall, in 1989, p. 190). 11. Child molesters and rapists reported use of pornography prior to andduring theiroffenses (Marshall, 1989, p. 205). 12. Rapists and child molesters deliberately use pornography as part of their preoffense preparation to commit an offense, after incitement. The extensive use ofpornography serves asan escalating factorin theirrape and assault cycles (Blanchard, 1989,p. 54; Marshall, 1989). 13. Rapists justifytheir deviant actions viewing pornography that appears to sanction by the behavior (Silbert, 1989); so do child molesters (DSM-III-R).
Note. Source: Reed, 1994. Reproduced wlth permission of Lawrence Erlbaunl Associates.

posed in which it is argued that certain men, a resultof their experience, as would be prepared to respond to pornography in a negative way, whereas others, by virtue of their experience, would be protected from displaying such antisocialurges. It was suggested that certainearly experiences (exposure to traditional views of womens roles associated with exposure a powto erful and forceful male who modelled aggression toward females; poor training in social skills; parenting that either neglectful or other ways was in



failed to instil self-confidence and a concern others) would make young for males search for information that would bolster their sense of their own manliness. Certain forms of pornography (e.g., those depicting rape or sex with children), although interpretable by others in quite different ways, might reinforce views that serve this need. Those men whose experiences have shaped their perceptions of sexuality in the ways described should be particularly receptive to information that they take to confirm their beliefs. These beliefs might include the notion that women enjoy being raped and that masculinity is reflected in coercing someone to havesex and inhumiliating and degrading that person. These are just the types of view presented inthose examples of pornography that depict a man forcing a womanto have with him.For some of these men, sex the thoughtof struggling to overpower a woman too threatening,so they is look to othersources of power and prestige in asexual context. These men are ready to believe that children want to have sex with adults, that child pornography clearly suggests this and also clearly demonstrates that the man in the scenariois in controlof the sexual interaction. A poll of U.S. mental health professionals found that 254 psychotherapists reported that they had come across cases in their clinical practices where pornography was found to be an instigator or contributor to a sex crime, personality disturbance, or antisocial act. Another psychothera324 pists suspected such a link. Many others reported no such relationships, but the totalof 578 who had either evidence suspicions about pornography or represented a significant number (Lipkin & Carnes, 1970). Working with a sample of sex offenders in a voluntaryoutpatient environment, Marshall (1988) found that child molesters and rapists frequently used sexually explicit materials incitefully both immediately prior to and during sexual assault. In addition, Marshall discovered that, when compared with two different control groups, offenders reported substantially greater use ofsexually explicit materials, and that such wassignificantly use related to thechronicity of sexual offenders assaults. These findings indicate a direct between exposure sexually explicit materials and the oclink to currence of criminal sexual offences. Despite the recurrent pattern of results, the limitations inherent to correlational data must be recognised and the findings interpreted with appropriate caution. Of course, not all men with these unfortunate formative experiences become sexual offenders, but, according to the social learning perspective, most sexual offenders come from this type of background and entertain views consistent withthose outlined previously. Regular exposureto sexually explicit materials is not essential to the etiology and maintenance of sexual offending; but should a man with the kind of personality profile right or background be exposedto such stimuli, they could have a stronger impact on him than on others.




Offenders and nonoffenders alike have been found experience sexual to arousal, as measured through self-reports and physiological measures (e.g., penile tumescence), inresponse to nonviolentsex scenes. Rapists are more likely to be aroused, however, by rape scenes, with moreviolent rapists being aroused most of all by particularly violent sex scenes (Abel, Barlow, Blanchard, & Guild, 1977; Abel, Blanchard, & Becker, 1976, 1978). Abel and his colleagues developed a rape index,which is a ratio sexual arousal of to rape portrayals compared with arousal to consenting portrayals. With sex this index, a man whose sexual arousal towards rape is similar to or greater than his arousal to consentingsex would be considered to have an inclination towards rape. In a similar vein, child molesters are characteristically more aroused scenes involving children (Freund, by 1967; Quinsey, 1977). Little research has been devoted to understanding the effects of exposure to sexually explicit material on males who later become sexual offenders.Suchinvestigations rarely distinguish differing content (e.g., consenting versus forceful sex; sex involving children; depictions of violence and humiliation, etc.), nor do they define the stimuli dimenalong sions of explicitness, even though these are relevant to the issues effects of exposure to suchmaterials. Research carried out in Australia in the 1980s found that sex offenders late guilty of rape or child molesting acknowledgedfrequent use of pornographic films and videotapes while preparing themselves to commit an offence and were more likely to engage in deviant fantasies during masturbation. This research distinguished between a number types of sex offender whose use of of pornography was compared with that of nonoffenders. Child molesters (heterosexual and homosexual) andrapists reported more frequent exposure to erotic pornographic materials during adolescent years than did other sex offenders. However, neither of the first two offending groups provided evidence of greater exposure to pornography than nonoffenders during this critical period of psychological development. As adults, the child molesters and rapists made more use ofpornographic materials than did either the nonoffenders or incest offenders (Marshall, 1988). In clinical interviews, such offenders were found to attribute some influence of deviant pornographic material in the offences they committed. Child molesters and rapists were more likely than any other groups to entertaindeviantfantasiesduringmasturbatoryactivitiesandduring nonmasturbatory daydreams. The most disturbing finding, however, was the reported of explicit materials by sex offenders in relation to commituse ting their illegal behaviors. Slightly more than one in threethe child moof lesters and rapists claimed to have been incited to commit an offence following exposure to certain erotic materials. For some offenders interviewed, the role of erotica as an instigator to offend was accidental, or at least the stimuli were not deliberately sought out to excite them tooffend.



However, among the child molesters who were incited to offend, more than half (53%) claimed that they deliberately used erotica in their typical planned preparation for offending, as did one in three(33%) of the rapists who claimed have been to incited to offend by these materials. The demonstration of relationships between the use of sexual stimulias instigators to offend,thestrength of deviantsexualinterest,andtherates of masturbatory activities, strengthened the conviction that child molesters (in particular) are preoccupied with deviant thoughts that unfortunately appear to mediate a high rate of sexual offending. On a cautionary note, however, such datawere derived from retrospective recall accounts, and such accounts are subject to Moreover, there error. was the additionalpossibility, acknowledged by the researcher, that sexual offenders may be eager to attributeresponsibility for their misbehaviors to some external source (Marshall,1988). Cline (1994) believed that pornography could play a significant part in the development of sex offending across such behaviors as child molestation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sadomasochism, fetishism, and rape. Offenders might first become addicted to pornography. It might serve as a sexual release to begin with, but thenalso provide a powerful source of fantasies that might be recalled later. Following initial addiction, there folmay low an escalation effect. Over time, the porn addicts appetite changes, requiring more and more explicit material to achieve a turn-on. If transferred into their own lives, they may begin to require their sexual partsex ners to engage in increasingly bizarre, even deviant sexual practices. A further response is desensitization. Material originally perceived as shocking or repulsive, although sexually arousing, may come to be seen as acceptable. A final response is an increasing tendency to act out sexually the behaviors viewed in the pornography to which they had been repeatedly exposed. It was during this stage that deviant sexual behavior begin to would appear in its fully developed form. There is a need to beyond considering media in a vacuum. Individgo the uals respond to media-including to their sexual content-in different ways according to theirown psychological make-up. Individuals who have been inadequately socialised, for example, may be susceptible to effects of pornography (Fisher 6r Barak, 1991). An early study by Goldstein (1973) reported, in relation to the individuals studied, that the sex deviates had less exposure to what would define as erotica (e.g., heterosexual acts)as we well as lessexposure to whatwe would define as violent pornography (e.g., sadistic and masochistic material) 300). A careful reading a morede(p. of tailed version this same of study, however, indicates that although rapists reported less exposure to pornography in adolescence than did control groups, various aspects of the data suggested that the type of pornography to which rapists were exposedand the degree to which they were affected by it




may have been idiosyncratic to the offending group (Goldstein, Kant, & Harman, 1974). For example, rapists reported an earlier age ofpeak experience with pornography.In addition, theywere far more likely to have encountered pornographic photographs displaying explicit sexual acts (rather than nudes) at an early ageand to have expressed a desire to imitate the activity portrayed in pornography (althoughthey said they wereless likely to have actually done so). Rapists were more likely to relate daily masturbation to thoughts of pornography, to have developed a stronger interest in pornography early in life, to have become repeatedly aroused by a particular theme, and to have feelings of frustration and more guilt related to their exposure to pornography than controlrespondents. Although Goldstein etal. (1974) did not specifically inquire aboutpornography involving coercive sex themes, depictions involving sexual violence (e.g., motorcycle films depicting gang bangs) frequently became part of rapists daydreams and fantasies. These researchers reported that 55% of rapists, compared with 9% of controls, used scenes from pornography in their fantasies and daydreams. How we account for the datasuggesting can that rapists had less exposure to pornography in childhood but may have been moreaffected by such exposure? Goldsteins study, as well as other research, suggests that rapists were morelikely to come from home environments where education about sexuality was highly restricted and sex in general was treated as a taboo subject. With such background, exposure a to pornography might be expected to exert arelatively more powerful influence onrapists responses because it would be more of a primarysource of information and stimulation. Such a conclusion is consistent with other research. In one study, university students indicated how much information about sexuality they obtained in their chddhood from various sources, such as peers, parents, church, educational media, educational courses, sexually explicit media, and doctors (reported in Malamuth, 1993). Sexually explicit media were ranked second only to peers as the most important source of information. Respondents who reported obtaining more information explicit media from also held attitudes more supportive of violence against women. Such a correlation was not found with respondents named other who sources of information as primary. Information from sources such as educational courses actually correlated with lower levels of attitudes supportive of violence against women. In fact, the link of sexually explicit media to antisocial attitudes tended be stronger when compared with to other sources of sexual information than when measured alone. Similarly, Tjaden (1988) asked college students to indicate all sources from which they may have received information about various sexual topics as they were growing up. Sources includedschool, church, parents, peers, mass media, and nonpornographic books and magazines as well asporno-



graphic magazines and films. In general, pornographywas relatively unimportant for females. For males, it was also unimportant for some topics, such as venereal diseases, pregnancy, and childbirth. For other topics such as masturbation, arousal and orgasm, and oral and anal intercourse, however, men reported pornographic materials an important as primary or secondary information source. The impact of a particularvariable may have synergistic effects when interacting with other factors (Malamuth, 1986). Using a nationally representative sample of post-highschoolstudentsintheUnitedStates, Malamuth, Sockloskie, and Koss (1991) examined whether respondents who consumedrelatively high levels of pornography were more likely to be sexually aggressive. Their findings showed that, for the population as a whole, information about pornography did not add great deal preusage a of dictive value. Significant predictive value, however, was found for those men who had earlier been identified as at highest risk for committing sexual aggression. Although these data do allow inferences about cause efnot and fect, they illustrate the importance not relying on simple models of the of potential impactof pornography or any other factor; instead, the potential interactive effects of various factors must be probed carefully, particularly for some individuals.

Experimental Evidence
Clinical evidenceis dependent on post hoc gathering information about of offenders after they have committed offences and requires the identification of factors that characterise offenders and their backgrounds which may have a causalrole in relation to their deviant behavior. Experimental evidence is built on studies in which interventionist procedures are adopted enabling the measurementof offenders (as compared to nonoffenders) responses to pornographic material. In laboratory experiments, researchers have attempted to testcausal hypotheses by controlling the pornographic material to which participating sex offenders nonoffenders are and exposed. The aim of these studies is to find out if convicted sex offenders exhibit different patterns of response to specific categories of explicit sexual material from comparison samples of nonoffenders. The responses that are measured in these studies comprised physiological indicators of sexual arousalas well as verbal, attitudinal responses. The mechanisms underpinning the conditioning deviant sex-related of practices have been demonstrated through experimental procedures. For instance, research demonstrated that deviant sexual behaviorbecould created among hitherto nonoffending individuals, in a laboratory setting. In this case, aclassical conditioning procedurewas adopted through which a




sexual arousal response to highly erotic pictureswas transferred onto a rubber boot.A fetish was created whereby a nonsexual stimulus item came to acquire properties through close association with a sexual stimulus enthat abled the item to produce a sexual response in conditioned male participants (Rachman, 1966). Another writer conducted research that suggested that exposure to special sexual experiences (including the consumption of pornography) and then masturbating to the fantasy the experience could sometimes of lead to participation in deviant sexual acts. Orgasm experienced during enjoyment of pornography provided reinforcement of the experience. Such experiences couldbe powerful enough that memories of them get locked into the brain and difficult to erase (McGaugh, are 1983).Through this type of mechanism, pornography can acquire significant appeal for potential offenders and comes to represent a key source of information that is used to feed their deviancy. Evidence has emerged that known offenders, guilty of crimes such as sex rape, are morestrongly aroused by media depictionsof rape than of mutually consenting sex between two sexual partners. Nonoffender comparison groups, in contrast, have usually been found to respond morepositively towards depictions of mutually consenting It has been sex. suggested that certainmencommitacts of violent sex becausetheyare turned on by depictions of coercive, nonconsentingsex (Baxter, Barbaree, & Marshall, 1986). Not all the evidencehas been consistenton this point, however. In one setstudies, rapists were found, under controlled laboratory conof ditions, to show greater sexual arousal to rape depictions than toscenes of consenting sex. Nonrape offenders, in comparison, were more likely to exhibit arousal scenes in which women consented to (Quinsey &Chapto sex lin, 1984; Quinsey, Chaplin, & Upfold, 1984;Quinsey, Chaplin, & Varney, 1981). Elsewhere, though, a different pattern responses was found to deof pictions of rape and consenting sex. When rapists were presented with audiotaped vignettes in which a woman was either clearly being raped or engaging in consenting sex, convicted rapists exhibited physiologically measured sexual arousal bothtypes of content, whereas nonrapistswere to aroused only by the consentingsex portrayal (Abel, Barlow, Blanchard, & Guild, 1977). Moreover, rapists did not show a preference for the rape scenes. Yet further evidence has emerged that rapists showed similar or even less arousal to rape depictions than did nonrapists (Baxter, Barbaree, & Marshall, 1986; Wydra, Marshall, Earls, & Barbaree, 1983). Interestingly, both rapists and nonrapists were equally able to discern the inappropriateness of the coercive sex scenes (Wydra et al., 1983). Further research indicatedthat males with noprior history or record of sex offending could be aroused by media depictions of rape where the female victim eventually became sexually aroused (Malamuth, Heim, &



Feshbach, 1980). Thus, sexual arousal to rape depictions is not the preserve of violent sex offenders. Taking this line of enquiry a stage further, Malamuth (1981) identified that nonoffender samples college men couldbe differentiated into those of who wereforce oriented in their own and those who were not. Such lives force orientation could also be reflected in their sex lives. Two groups of college males, one force oriented and the other not,were presented with a film that depicted a man stopped car on a deserted to pick up a who his road female hitchhiker. Later, the man and woman havesex. In oneversion, the sex is mutually consenting, whereas in anotherversion the manforces the women to havesexual intercourse, and she eventually ends up enjoying the assault. The menwere then invited to create their sexual fantasies to own achieve a high of sexual arousal. Whereas the non-force-oriented men level were more arousedby the consentingsex scene thanby the rape scene, for the force-oriented men the reverse was true. Thisfinding was further corroborated by a later experiment in which young men were exposed to aud tapes depicting scenes of consenting sex between a man and women, nonconsenting sex where the woman showed sexual arousal, and nonconsenting sex where the women showeddisgust. Again, force-oriented males were moresexually aroused than non-force-oriented males by rape scenes. O n this occasion, however, even non-force-oriented males werearoused by the rape scene in which the woman becamesexually aroused (Malamuth 6r Check, 1983). It clear from this evidence thatit is important toconsider is the potential impact pornography, especially violent sexual content, on of nonoffenders as well as offenders. Furthermore, itis not only the limited release, extreme media sex content, sought out rapists and other offenders, that show scenes vioby sex of lent and degrading sexual behavior that concern. There are is of sexually explicit films and televisionprograms and otherforms of media that contain images of explicit sex. To what extent are such themes sexually arousing to media consumers in general? This the topic to which turn in is we the next chapter.

Can Media Sex Portrayals Influence Nonoffenders?

Leaving aside the possible role it mightplay in shaping the conductof individuals with deviantpersonalities, is media sex a good thing or a bad thing? For ordinary people with stable personality profiles and a socially conditioned senseof moral responsibility, is exposure to media sex necessarily a problem? Opposing schools of thought haveemerged on this question.For some people, the depictionof sex in themedia is a matter of taste and decency. It is deemed to be either acceptable or unacceptable as a matter of personal preference.Another line of thought focuses on the empirical evidence that even among ordinary media consumers, regular exposure to sexual portrayals may have social or psychological side effects that may not always be welcome. In the end, however, this is not a black-or-white issue. Much depends on the type of media sex content under consideration and the nature the of sexual depictions presents. More extreme it and unusual forms of sexual behaviorcancausediscomfortamongmanymembers of thepublic (Millward-Hargrave, 1992). Although sexual depictions that typi& the mainstream media may beaccepted by most people, the more explicit materials that can be found on the fringes of publicly available entertainment command a different reaction. Among this of material is the range of type entertainment labelled as pornography. One view isthat pornography is simplya form of entertainment that people consume for their own amusement (Malamuth 6r Billings, 1986). In



some cases, it might serve educational or therapeutic functions, helping individuals to enhance their sex livesthrough learning new sexual techown niques or by fuelling their fantasies (Goldstein, 1984). Following this line of thinking, the only pornography about which therereally needs to be concern is that whichdepicts sexually violent imagery with womenas victims. Evidence has emerged repeated consumptionsuch material may fosthat of ter negative attitudes about women, female sexuality, and rape among young men (Donnerstein, Linz, &Penrod, 1987).One might also add material that depicts degrading and illegal portrayals of child sex abuse, bestialparticipants are coerced. ity, and certain forms of sadomasochism in which A different school of thought with primarily feminist origins has voiced concerns about wider array of erotic portrayals than those just mentioned. a The concern here centers on demeaning portrayals of women in which they are depicted sex as objects whose sole purpose is to cater to sexual gratmale ification (Brownmiller, 1984; Diamond, 1985). Suchdepictions have been accused of cultivating a climate of loss of respect for women generally (Lederer, 1980; Russell, 1988). Despite the equivocal evidence on whether or not sexual material in of film, television, video, or other media plays a part in the causation sexual offending, a substantial body of evidence has accumulated the on influences of such material on nonoffending populations. This research effort has concentrated on the impact of violent sexual material more than any other, although a handful of studies have investigated the effects of nonviolent sexual content. The key distinctions that can be drawn among studies in this area are based on the nature the stimulus material, the nature the effects being of of measured, and whether the study is conducted in thelaboratory or in the field. Content distinctions are centered on whether the material is stimulus of a purely erotic andsexual nature or whether it contains violence. Similarly, the effects measures can be distinguished between those that focus on a purely sexual response and those that focus on aggressive responding. Much of the research has been conducted under controlled laboratory conditions in which the investigator determines thekind of material to which participants will be exposed and the nature of the response they will be given an opportunity to make. Some researchers have exploredthe possible effects of erotic material in the field using subtle interventionist methodologies or post hoc reporting. In this case, the researcher either manipulates sets of circumstances or systematically measures the effects of naturally occurring changes of Circumstances. In contrast tostudies of potentially adverse effects of media sex, this chapter also considers the usefulness of erotica in a therapeutic context. Clinical evidence has emerged that sexual mediaportrayalscanbeusedtotreatsexualdysfunctionamong nonoffending individuals.



In giving consideration, initially, to the potential impact sexual porof trayals on nondeviantpopulations, evidence exists for effects that operate at a number distinct (thoughpossibly interrelated) psychological levels. of Media portrayals of sex (and violent sex) may influence consumers at cognitive, attitudinal, and behavioral levels. Cognitively, such material may give rise, in the short term, to sex-related thoughts and fantasies. In the longer term, such content affect the way individuals think aboutsexual pracmay tices and male and female sexuality. Continued exposure to explicit depictions of womenengagedin sexual activity, for instance, may activate thoughts about female promiscuity in viewers (Zillmann & Bryant, 1982, 1984). Repeated exposure to scenes of sexual violence may play a significant part shaping public perceptions about the in prevalence of such behaviors in real life. Such thought patterns may, in turn,increase the likelihood that nonoffending individuals will come to accept such behavior in their own lives (Malamuth, Sockloskie, & Koss, 1991). Attitudinally, regular viewing of sexual scenes in whichcasual sex is depicted, where women are shown as being promiscuous, in which women or are portrayed as obtaining pleasure from being raped, create a psychomay logical climateinwhichsuchbehaviorsare classified as acceptable (Malamuth &Check,1985; Malamuth, Haber,& Feshbach, 1980).Effects that operate at the of the ideas that people, and especially men, hold level about sexual relations and female sexuality were discussed in chapter 6. This chapterfocuses on behavioral-level effects that media sex could have on nonoffending populations. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF THE IMPACT O F EROTICA ON SEXUAL BEHAVIOR Relatively little research has been conducted on the impact portrayals of of sexual behavior on mainstream television on audience behavior-whether sexual or otherwise. Focus has instead been placed upon more extreme forms of sexual portrayal than would ordinarily be found on the major television channels, which would generally be classified pornographic. This material as is available either on videotape or through adult-only subscription television channels where consumers must purchase decoding equipment to to be able receive a scrambled television signal. Concern about the impact kind of material has been of this fuelled by research indicating that exposure to particular forms of erotic imagery can result in an increase in aggressive sexual fantasies, cynical attitudes towards women, and aggressive behavior towards male female targets, depending or onthecircumstancessurroundingtheaggression(Malamuth & Donnerstein, 1982). In extreme instances, fusion of sex and violence is the



such that sexual arousal is achieved only through images that depict violent and coercive sexual intercourse (Abel, Barlow, Blanchard, & Guild, 1977). As we saw chapter this sort material can found in 7, of be especially arousing by convicted rapists. The currentchapter, however, is concerned with the impact of different types of sexual portrayal on individuals, especially men, with no history of sex offending.

Sexual Reactionsto Erotic Imagery

In Germany, Schmidt, Sigusch, and Meyberg (1969) found that orgasms, usually through masturbation, were more frequent among male students in the 24 hours following exposure to erotic slides, as compared with the day before the slides were shown. Intercourse, spontaneous erections, petand ting also increased, but not significantly. There was also a tendencyfor the increase in sexual activity to apply more to radical than to conservative students. None of the students admitted to practising any new or perverse forms of sexual activity. This study was repeated several times, with the addition female particof ipants and erotic films and stories. The results were similar each time (Schmidt et al., 1969; Schmidt & Sigusch, 1970). Fantasizing about scenes of erotica was reported more oftenby those who had been exposed to the pornographic material. The increase in sexual activity applied to both men and women, with women being more affected by erotic stories (Schmidt, Sigusch, & Schafer, 1973). This form of experiment was also conducted in research carried out for the 1970 U.S. Pornography Commission. one such experiment, stuIn male dents were assessed for the week before and week after exposure to erotic slides. Although there was a large increase in masturbation on the day of viewing, reported sexual activity over the rest of the week was similar that to of the previous week (Amoroso, M. Brown, Pruesse, Ware, &Pilkey, 1971). In another experiment, married couples were recruited to participate instead of college students. Obviously, they would have more opportunity to (1971) assessed the effects indulge in sexual activities. Byrne and Lamberth of erotica on married couples. The erotic stimuli comprised slides, short passages from erotic books, or erotic scenes that participants were askedto imagine for themselves. One week after this intervention, the couples were assessed for any changes in their usual pattern of sexual activity for that week. Very few reported anychanges. In yet another 1970 U.S. Commission experimentalstudy, K. E. Davis and Braucht(197 lb) showed male college students films portraying couples undressing each other, petting and then engaging in oral sex and coitus. Questionnaires were usedto assess the thoughts and actionsthe students of



during the 24 hours before and after the study. The main effect of exposure to this pornographic material was to produce an increase in daydreaming and talking about There was also evidence of an increase in tension, desex. sire for sex, masturbation, and thinking about the to provide a source films of added stimulationwhile engaging in sex. Further evidence has emerged the ability of pornography to increase of sexual fantasies, although not necessarily to produceany changesin sexual behavior (Mosher, 1). There were more relaxedattitudes towards 197 premarital sex for the sexually experienced, andfor male respondents, indicationsemerged of increasedsexualtension,sometimesmanifest behaviorally in aggression where satisfactory sexual outlets were unavailable for its release.Early evidence also emerged from this study expothat sure to erotica could shift male attitudes towards women a more cynical in of direction, with greater approvalthe use of tactics or even force to get a girl to have sex. Kutchinsky (197lb) also conducted an experimental study to investigate the effectson students of exposure to pornographic material that approached hard-core types.Filmswere presented that contained scenes of threein-a-bed sex and lesbianism, or colored pornographicmagazines and a 15-minute recording of pornographic literature by a poet. The participants in this study were mature graduate students, of whom weremarried. After most exposure to this material, sexual intercourse (rather than masturbation) increased in the hours afterwards. This increase applied mainly to those par24 ticipants who were most aroused viewing the pornography, and was also when more likelyto occur if both partners watchedthe pornography together. The impact of pornography on sexual behavior was short-term only however.No longer tern1 changes in sexual practices were reported. One of the key limitations to all of this early experimental researchwas that participants were for the most part individuals with a prior history of exposure to thekind of pornography to which theywere exposed in the experimental sessions. It therefore remained an open questionas to just how people not familiar with such material would respond to it. Another factor is that in these experimental studies, just session of exposure to erotall one ica was employed.What happens when participants are repeated sesgiven sions of exposure to pornography? In one study, participants had four sessions of watching eroticfilms, held once aweek for a month. The films depicted heterosexualand homosexual sex scenes and group sex as well asmore standardforms of sexual activity. Control participants saw either neutral films or no films at all during this period. The participants were all middle- class couples who had been married for at least 10 years. They made daily reports of their sexual activity the for month before, during, and after the film sessions.



O n the night after the films, there was usuallyan increase in sexual activity, but it only the couplesusual sexual habits that were activated. No evwas idence emerged of imitation of the sex scenes in these films. There was no evidence, either, of disinhibition effects as indicated by an increased tendency to engage in sex with partners other their spouses (although there an is issue about whether such practices would be admitted anyway). There was a tendency for the couples to become moreopen in talking about sex and to become more permissive in their attitudestowards pornography (Mann etal., 1971).A later analysis of the same data indicated a satiation effect with repeated exposure to theerotic films (Mann et 1974). The increase in sexal., ual activity on the film-viewing nights tended to decline over the four sessions, although it remained higher than for other nights of the week. One study investigated the effects of prolonged exposure to erotica. Male college students at an American state university were providedwith a range of erotic materials for 90 minutes a day for 15 days (Howard et al., 197 1; Reifler et al., 1971). They had access to erotic films, photographs, magazines and novels as well as noneroticmaterials. During the first sesto sion, the students spent nearly all the time looking at the erotic materials, but for subsequent sessions the amountof time spent looking them at gradually declined. Satiationwas specific to the erotica and not to sex life; their the frequency of sexual intercourse and other activities remained stable over the course of the study. Satiation with pornography evidenced in was terms of reduced sexual arousal to pornographicfilms and also by an increasingly bored attitude towards all forms of pornography. Participants largely moved towards more permissive attitudes towards pornography and no longer saw it as an important social issue. Regular exposure to pornogralives, but phy did lead to an increased desire to be promiscuousin their own this wish was seldom translated into action. Laws and Rubin (1969) established that four of seven men responded to an erotic film with erections.They then found that the men produce could an erection by relaxing and having sexual fantasies. They were also able to inhibit erections while watching the erotic film by thinking of other things. What this experiment showed wasthat fantasy may play as significant a role in mens responses to eroticaas the eroticstimuli themselves.Thus, inexamining the effects of sex scenes per se, is necessary to controlfor the efit fect of sexual fantasising among viewers.

Laboratory Studies o Violent Media Sex and Sexual Arousal f It is not only the kinds of graphic depictions that appear in pornographic films and videos that have been studied. There are sexually explicit films and programs shown on television in which eroticportrayals are featured,



some of which may also contain violence. Distinct patternsof results have emerged from studies conducted with nonoffenders, as compared with those observed for offenders. However, even withnonoffenders, there are certain types of erotic portrayal that may cause sexual arousal, even when a female is depicted as being raped (Malamuth, Heim, & Feshbach, 1980). What seems to be significant is whether a rape portrayal is depicted with the female victim eventually displaying sexual arousal. Male viewers find this kind of depiction especially pleasurable to watch. Schmidt (1975) reported that both males and females rate themselvesas feeling more aggressive after seeing films ofsadomasochism and group rape than after seeing a film depicting romantic (nonaggressive) sex. In an important series of studies, Malamuth and his colleagues examined the way people respond sexual violence and its association with rape-related attito tudes and behaviors. These researchers showed that, for males, sexual responses to descriptidns of sexual violence are associated with the propensity to rape, callous attitudes towardsrape and victims of rape, and thesirnula, tion of sexually violent fantasies (Malamuth, 1981; Malamuth & Check, 1981a; Malamuth, Haber,& Feshbach, 1980). Experiments conducted with nonoffenders found that rape depictions produced very little sexual arousal in male viewers when the victim was portrayed as being distressed. In contrast,scenes in which the rape victim became involuntarily aroused sexually produced sexual arousal among male viewers and were even slightly higher in the arousal they produced than scenes depicting mutually consenting sex (Malamuth & Check, 1980a, 1983).The reactions of the rape victim are not the factor that may be only at play here. Otherfeatures such as the extent to which scenes contain extreme, vicious violence with blood and gore can also make a difference to the level of audience sexual arousal (Quinsey & Chaplin, 1984; Quinsey, Chaplin, & Upfold, 1984).

One oversight of the early research into theeffects of erotica, particularly that work conducted for the 1970 U.S. Pornography Commission,was the link between sex and violence. This was surprising given work by therapists that had already shown the possibility that exposure to pornography was linked to the occurrence sex crimes or other antisocial acts. Furthermore, of the early German experiments had indicated exposure to erotic that stimuli could produce changes in mood in direction increased aggressiveness the of and decreased friendliness (Schmidt & Sigusch, 1970; Schmidt et al., 1973). Even studies conducted for the 1970 Commission revealed an in-



crease in feeling angry for men relative to women after reading erotic stories (Byrne & Lamberth, 1971). Two other studies dealt specifically with the linkbetweensexualarousaland aggression (Mosher & Katz, 1971; Tannenbaum, 1971). Mosher and Katz (1971) found that thedesire for sexual stimulation can override conscience and by allowing verbal aggression to be expressed guilt against afemale. hey showed malestudents examples of aggressive and derogatory comments and accusations(e.g., You really are a dumb -) and then asked them tobe asverbally aggressive as possible against afemale assistant. After being shown a the students film, were askedto repeat their attack against the female, being told that they had to achieve an increase in their level of aggression if they wanted tosee an exciting sex film. Aggression did increase when made instrumental to seeing this sex film. A more interesting finding was that even males with a severe conscience and guilt about aggression increased the severity of their attack. Tannenbaum (1971) also provided evidence that censorship of an erotic ocean scene in a film can increase aggression. A romantic setting, involving waves crashing onto rocks and dappled sunlight streaming through leaves, was artistically portrayed with two lovers engaged in sex play and intercourse complete with symbolic representation of its aftermath. Male stua dents were shown one of three versions: the original with or without the intercourse scene, or a scenario version in which the intercourse was replaced by a written description it. The students had of earlier been angered by the experimenters assistant and then were given a chance at revenge, by being asked to administer electric shocks himas part of another study. A to significantly higher level of shock was applied by those studentswho had seen the scenario versionof the film. It appeared that their feelings of aggression had been intensified the frustration having their sexual appeby of tite whetted and then having their attention drawn to the nature of the censored scene. This evidencesuggests that regular exposure to pornography will gradually lead to a decline interest in it. This may berestricted, however, in effect to certain categories of individual and may be less likely to occur among in others. Studiesof individuals who routinely consume erotica their own lives indicate that boredom with pornography per se does not occur. Instead, if a porn consumer bored withone type of material, he switches gets to something different (Winick, 1). 197

Laboratory Research
The research evidence for behavioral effects of violent erotica derives mostly fromlaboratory studies. Although such studies enablethe testing of cause-effect relationships, theydo so in artificial settings in which the na-



ture of the viewing experience and theway aggressive behavior is enacted are different from everyday reality. In atypical experiment, the participant is placed in a position where he interacts with another person in the laboratory, who may be male female, and who is also a confederate the experior of menters. In one condition, the other person attempts to antagonise or annoy the participant, whereas a control condition, he she behavesin in or a personable and friendly manner. Later on in the experiment, theparticipant is given an opportunity to retaliate against this person, either by being an critical of his or her performance a task,more usually by being given on or opportunity todeliver electric shocks to that person every time he or she makes a mistake on a task. The number of shocks given and the strength of the shocks delivered are themeasures of aggressiveness. Beforethe retaliatory phase, however, the experimental participant invited to watchfilm is a that, for some participants, contains a scene of a woman being raped, whereas for others it may depict nonsexual violence, nonviolent sex, or scenes containing neither sex nor violence. Much of the research using this basic design has produced results that have been interpretedas showing effects of exposure to violent pornography on subsequentaggressiveness. Although one researcher reported that exposure to nonviolent, erotic stimuli (in the form of still pictures of young women invarious states of undress or nudes taken from Playboy magazine) could serve as a distraction that could reduce angered males inclination to respond aggressively (R. A. Baron, 1974b), most research using film or video pornography has indicated aggression isstimulated by such mathat terial in a laboratory situation. Male Laboratory Aggressionon Males The main distinguishing feature of laboratory experiments has been mathe nipulation of the sex of the attacker and target. Some studies have investigated the impact of erotic materials on male aggression against other males; others havestudied effects on male aggression directed against a female target. The latter is probably more important to the present review. Nevertheless, it is probably worth noting that in experiments in which males are invited to attack other males, aggressive retaliation against a male target (who earlier annoyed the participant) can apparently be increased by exposure to violent or nonviolent sex scenes.Thus, in asituation in which young malewas ana by noyed by another male, the level of retaliatory aggression displayed the former was aroused to an equal extent by watching either pure sex scenes or violent sex scenes. Aggression can be enhanced not by hostile material, just but also by unpleasant material. In this case, a scene that depicted violent behavior (a man being whippedby a female) and one that depicted nonviolent,



but degrading sexual activity (bestial sex) both invoked arousal that led to subsequent aggression (Zillmann, Bryant, & Carveth, 1981). Elsewhere, though, rape scenes were found to produce greater laboratory aggression among men on other men scenes of sexual intercourse with than no violence (Donnerstein, 1980).One explanation for varying behavioral reactions could be that they are affected by how much male viewers enjoy the film extracts they are shown.For example, somesex scenes were found to generate greater laboratory aggression among menon other men when those scenes were disliked. Other equally arousing but liked scenes did not have such effect. Rape scenes depicting female sexual arousal can stimuan late subsequent aggression against male targets in a laboratory, provided the male viewers under observation were previously angered. Less enjoyable depictions of female distress-causing rape, sadomasochism, and bondage did not promote aggressiveness against other males to anything like the same degree (Sapolsky & Zillmann, 1981; Zillmann, Bryant, Comisky, & Medoff, 1981). The importance of enjoyment in combination with excitement to postviewing behavioral effects is examined again later in thesection that deals with psychological explanations of such effects.

Female Laboratory Aggression on Females

It is not exclusively men who have been found feel or respond more agto gressively after viewing material of a violent or deviant sexual nature. Schmidt (1975) reported that bothmales and females rated themselves as feeling more aggressive after seeing films of sadomasochism and group rape than after seeing a film of nonaggressive sex. Female laboratory aggression on female targets has also been shown be to differentially sensitive to different types of sex scene. In the prototypical laboratory design, female participants displayed stronger retaliatory aggression against a female annoyer they had watched a scene after of explicit sexual intercourse and oral (hard core) than after watching a scene with sex sex nudity, but no genitalia showing (soft core). One explanation offered for this difference was the finding that female viewers regarded the hard core scene as more disturbing and displeasing (Saplosky & Zillmann, 1981).

Male Laboratory Aggression Against Females

Most laboratory research into the behavioral effects of violent sex scenes has investigated male aggression aimed at females. Initial findings showed that in the typical laboratory experiment of this kind, males appeared to be reluctant to display aggression against a female target. However, such restraint could be readily dissolved when repeated opportunities were presented for a male experimental participant to retaliate a female who against repeatedly antagonised him. Indeed, the male participant also shown if was



a film sequence that depicted nonviolent this could produceenhanced sex, aggressivenessagainst the experimenters female assistant (Donnerstein& Barrett, 1978;Donnerstein &Hallam, 1978).When, in subsequent experiments, male participants in this situation were shown film clips depicting rape scenes, their aggression against a female target becameeven more pronounced. Indeed, exposure to a sexually violent film clip with a female victim increased male viewers own aggressive responding in a laboratory settingto agreater level againsta female target than a male target (Donnerstein, 1980). A further study found that angered males heightened aggression against afemale target was in evidence whether the scenes of violent sexual behavior shown themcaused distress or sexual arousal to in the female victim (Donnerstein & Berkowitz, 1981). The conclusion reached at this time that violent pornography a potent stimulator of was was male (nonsexual) aggression against females. In another experimental study, male participants were paired with female confederates of the experimenter and exposed to aslide presentation featuring actors engaged in explicitlydepicted precoital and coital heterosexual behaviors or nonsexual, neutral behaviors (controlcondition; Leonard & Taylor, 1983).Of equal importance, three different manipulations of the social situation were enacted by the female confederates during the presentation of the sexually explicit slides. In what was termed the permissive cues condition, the female made apparently spontaneous positive comments such as, That looks funand Idlike to try that. In a nonpemissiue cues condition, she made negative, disapproving comments such as This is disgustingand Oh,thats awful. In a cues condition, the female made no comments. Folno lowing the exposure treatment, the participants presented with a multiwere ple-trial reaction-time task. On first trial, the participants chose a level of shock without knowledge of the confederates intentions (i.e., no provocation). Then, insubsequent trials, the participants responded to inappropriately intense electrical shocks they received at the hands of the female confederates (Le., provocation). For all trials, the shock intensity selected by the participant served as the measure of aggression. Leonard and Taylor foundthatmeninthe permissivecues condition-where the female displayed sexual openness-had a significantly more aggressive response than their counterparts in the other two conditions. The researchers speculated that because of her sexually permissive and promiscuous behavior, participants formed callous perceptions of the female confederate thatdisinhibited aggressive responsiveness. Aggressive Cues Perspective Donnerstein observed that erotic films equated for arousal but varying in aggressive contentledto differinglevels of male-female aggression



(Donnerstein, 1980,1983).The arousal capacityof the stimuli, while contributing to an enhancementaggressive behavior, is not seenas a necesof sary component. Rather,an explanation of the differential effects is based on the proposal that an individual can assume aggressivecue value when he or sheis associated with film-mediated violence (Berkowitz, 1984). Specifically,when a male views a film depiction of rape and is then given an opportunity to aggress against a female annoyer, he inflicts more harm because of the female targets aggressive cue value-her association with lacks aggresthe victim in the film. A nonaggressive erotic film, in contrast, sive cues that would lowerthe males inhibitions for inflicting harm against women and, therefore, male aggression against the female target is lower. The aggressivecues perspective appears account heightened male to for aggression against a female target subsequent to exposure to pornography featuring violence against women, in particular the portrayal of rape. There is also evidence to suggest that nonerotic stimuli featuring aggression against a female can facilitate male-female aggression (Donnerstein, 1983). In a further elaborationon this point, it emerged that young men who had not been angered by their female target, nevertheless responded an in aggressive manner towards her after they had been shown rape scene a in whichthefemalevictimbecame sexually aroused(Donnerstein & Berkowitz, 1981).When they witnessed a rape scene in which the victim appeared to suffer extreme distress throughout, this aggressiveresponse was much more subdued. Thus, a pleasurable outcome ina rape scenemay be especially likely to stimulate maleviewers subsequent aggressive tendencies towards females (Malamuth, Heim, & Feshbach, 1980). A more recent attempt to replicate Malamuth and Donnersteins (1982) results, using the same procedureand similar film materials, foundthat the extent to which a male participant aggressagainst a will female who has annoyed him, in a laboratory setting, depends the options that provided on are for the male response. In the early experiments, the male participantswere permitted to respond only in an aggressivemanner. In a more recent replication, the researchers gave their male participants opportunities either to respond inkind (i.e., aggressively) to thewoman who had annoyed them, or to engage her in nonaggressive way. When this other option provided, a was few men chose the aggressive response option,even though they may have viewed violent sex scenes in the interimperiod (Fisher & Grenier, 1994). INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN RESPONDING Although differences in behavioral responding to violent and nonviolent erotic material have been observed to occuramong males and females, are there other individual differences, perhaps linkedto personality or attitudinal predispositions, that mediate such responding? Evidence discussed was



in earlier chapters that changes in attitude towards women contingent upon exposure to film portrayals of rape can be mediated pre-exposure by attitudinal sets. The difficulty with demonstrating such varying behavioral effects, whether they are manipulated in a laboratory or field context, is that it may be ethically unsound to attempt to enhanceindividuals antisocial , an behavioral dispositions. Researchers have therefore tended to use safer simulations or substitute responses for overt behavior. In a study conducted by Malamuth and Check (1983), a preliminary session was run in which malesubjects were administered questionnaires concerning theirsexual attitudes andbehaviors. One item enquired about the likelihood that thesubject himself would rape if he could be assured of not being caught and punished(Le., the likelihood of raping or LR item). O n the basis of this item, 62 participants wereclassified as low LR (a rating of 1-not at all likely on the 5-point scale) and a further 42 subjects were classified as high LR (a rating of 2 or higher). Several days later, these subjects listened to one eight audiotapes of an of interaction involving sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. The content of these depictions was systematically manipulated along the dimensions of consent (womans consent vs. nonconsent), pain (womans pain vs. no pain), and outcome (womans arousal vs. disgust). The findings indicated the importance the interaction between of individual differences among subjects and variations in the depicted content.n both self-report O and tumescence measures, when woman was portrayed as experiencing the disgust, both low and high LR participants were lessaroused sexually by the nonconsenting as compared with consenting depictions. However, when the woman was perceived as becoming sexually aroused, a very different pattern emerged. Low LR participants were equally aroused to the consenting and nonconsenting depictions, whereas highLR participants showed greater arousal to the nonconsenting scenes. In a further analysis of individual differences, Malamuth and his colleagues in a later study asked subjects to indicate how sexually aroused they thought they would be by forcing a womanto do something against her will (Malamuth, Check, Briere, 1986). They then & analysed whether reported arousal from this measure was predictive of sexual arousal from rape and nonsexual aggression. In addition, they analysed whether differences in sexual arousal to force were associated with four general areas: (a) ideological attitudes concerning areas such as adversarial male-female relations, rape, and male dominance; (b) aggressive attitudes about interpersonal and international aggression; (c) sexual responses such as attitudes, inhibitions, experiences, and knowledge; and (d) self-ratings regarding whether thesubject himself might engagein sexually aggressiveacts andhow attractive he found such acts, well as reactions to as his mutually consenting intercourse.



Results indicated thataggression may be a sexual stimulant some infor dividuals. Mens reported arousal from forcing a woman is predictive of their actual sexual arousal to media depictions of violent sex (as measured by self-reports and penile tumescence).For those who reportedno arousal or moderate arousal force (c70%), thepresence of aggression inhibited for sexual arousal. In contrast,for those who reported relatively high level of a arousal fromforce (c30%), aggression was indeed found to enhance sexual arousal, particularly when assessed via penile tumescence.Those who were more highly aroused by rape depictionswere more acceptingof an ideology that justifies male aggression against and dominance over women. In contrast, arousalfrom force did not relate to noncoercive sexual responses, including attitudes, inhibitions, or sexual experience and knowledge. The data were supportive of theoretical approaches, such as a feminist one and (Brownmiller, 1975),that implicate cultural attitudes roles as causes of aggression against women, but they are not supportive of theoretical approaches that implicate sexualcauses. NATURALISTIC STUDIES One of the critical issues of debate about the largely laboratory-based studies that have been used to test the potential behavioral effects of media depictions of sex or sexual violence is that measurements take place under artificial conditions that to match fail real world viewingsituations andsocial interactions. The impact of films featuring sexualand sexually violent themes on viewers attitudes towards female sexuality, rape and coercive sexual relations has been investigated in a field setting. Malamuth and Check (198 lb) randomly assigned male and female college students to watch films with sexual, sexually violent and nonsexual themes instana dard movie theatre with other members of the public. Classmates of the selected participants, who did not watch thesefilms, were used as controls. Those male students who attended a movie with a sexually violent theme showed the most positive attitude towards the use of violence in a sexual context and greatest acceptance rape myth. of Female college students who watched this type of movie did not exhibit the same opinion profile. This study was restricted to changes in participants perceptions,beliefs, and attitudes. Is there any evidence, from a nonlaboratory setting,that exposure to suchmedia content canproduce negative changesin behavior? Of course, itwould be ethically problematic, in a completely satisfactory way, to test the proposition that certain thought patterns contribute causally to the occurrence rape or other of forms of serious sexualaggression. To do so would require some experimental manipulation would that intentionally increase such thought patterns, particularly among those most likely to commit sexual aggression. To conduct such research real for




would be potentially hazardous and ethically unsound. Nevertheless, a number of studies have attempted to cast on possible links between light exposure to sexual content in the media and real-world sexualaggression among nonoffending populations. Ageton (1983) gauged the extent to which a variety of measures predicted levels of sexual aggression. In this study, 11- to 17-year-old participants were drawnfrom a representativenationalsampleand were interviewed in several consecutiveyears in the late1970s. The sexual aggression focus was added toa studyprimarily designed to focus on other issues, creating somelimitations intheextenttowhichlongitudinal predictions concerning sexual aggression could beproperly assessed. However, the studys design allowedpredictor measures (e.g., attitudes, involvement with peers, etc.) to be obtained before the occurrence of sexual aggression, which was assessed by self-reports. Analyses wereconducted by identifying offendersand comparing them to variety variables discrima of inated between the groups, but ina discriminantanalysis, it was found two that involvementwith delinquentpeers at a youngage was the best single predictor of sexual aggression in later Another predictor, those less siglife. nificant than peer group experiences, was the attitude factor. Ageton did not specificallyassess acceptance of sexual aggressionor attitudes regarding violence against women. These attitudes are likely to be associated with sexually aggressive behavior rather than the type of attitudes assigned by Ageton (i.e., sex-role stereotyping, beliefs in rape myths, and attitudes about aggression in general). Malamuth (1989) challenged the definition of sexual aggression used by Ageton to classify offenders versus nonoffenders. It included allforced sexual behaviorinvolving contact with the sexual partsof the body including rape, incest, sodomy, forced fondling, and attempted sexual coercion where the force component was as mild as verbal pressure or as severe as a physical beating orinjury from a weapon.It may be inappropriate to group together such diverse acts. In a cross-sectional study, Alder (1985) used a subsample from a larger representative sample of men from a county in Oregon to assess variables potentially predictive of sexual aggression. These included family background, social class, educational attainment, war experience, peer behavior, andpersonalattitudestowardssexual aggression. The findings suggested that themost important factor relating to sexual aggression was having sexually aggressive friends. The other two factors found likely to contribute tosexual aggression were attitudes legitimizing such aggression and military service in theVietnam war. Several studies using samples of college men also reported significant links between attitudes and actual sexual aggressiveness (Briere et al., 1984;Koss, Leonard, Beezley, &Oros, 1985;Mosher &Anderson, 1986;K.



K. Rapaport & Buckhart, 1984).These studies measured self-reported sexual aggression on a continuum of behaviors ranging from psychological pressure on women to rape. Similar results were reported by Kannin (1985), who compared the attitudes of 71 university students who admitted committing rape with a control group of nonaggressive college males. He found that a much higher percentageof rapists justified rape in general than did control participants.Moreover, he found that rapists were far more likely to believe their reputationswould be enhanced among their peers by sexually aggressive behaviortowardwomen,particularlythoseperceived as pick-ups,loose,teasers, or economicexploiters. Using a sampleof 155 men, Malamuth(1986) divided the variables that might contribute to sexual aggression into threeclasses : (a) motivationfor sexual aggression included sexual arousal aggression (measured by penile to tumescence), hostility toward women, and dominance motivefor sex; as a (b) disinhibition to commit sexual aggression included attitudes supporting aggression and antisocial personality characteristics, measured Eysencks by psychoticism scale; and (c) opportunity to aggress sexually was assessed by sexual experience.These predictors were then correlated with self-reports of sexual aggression. All the predictors except psychoticism were significantly related to naturalistic aggression, with psychoticism showing a marginally significant relationship. BENEFICIAL EFFECTS OF EROTICA The discussion so far has centered on the hypothesis that exposure to explicit media sex,especially when it combined with violence, has negative is effects. To what extent, though, can the kinds of materials be used to same produce more positive and beneficial outcomes?Two categories of evidence have emerged this question. one on In case, sexual materials have been used as educational interventions to counteract the potentially harmful reactions that may follow fromuntutored viewing of explicit media sex. In the second case, erotic materials have used in psychotherapeutic contexts been as part of a courseof clinical treatment of sexual dysfunction among otherwise normal (Le., nonoffending) individuals. Erotic Material as Education There have been a numberactive advocates of the use ofeducational proof grams to counteract the potentially harmful psychological side effects of watchingpornography (Check & Malamuth, 1984; Linz, Malamuth, & Beckett, 1992;Malalmuth &Check, 1985).These programs can be effective, although not everyone who participates in them responds in the desired way.



Erotic Material as Therapy

Someexpertshavepromotedthe use of erotic video materialin a psychotherapeutic context. Sex counselling clinics have made use of explicitsexualmaterials-includingpictures, films,magazines, and books-to change individuals or couples sexual behavior, beliefs, and attitudes. The value of such materialin aneducational or therapeutic context has been disputed. Accordingto some writers, it is not clear whether this use of pornography countsas education rniseducation (Cline, 1994).Ceror tainly individuals who lead sexually promiscuous lives have reported finding that pornographic films provide a stimulus or model that has been linked, for example, with behavior such men pushing their wives or girlas friends into partner swapping or lesbian sex scenarios (Bartell, 1971). It is understood, evenin psychotherapeutic contexts, that the of erotic mause terials needs care and skill. There is often no guarantee thatexposure to sexually explicit materials will have positive benefits for those with whom they areused. There is a likelihood that theachieved effects willbe the opposite of the ones desired. Despite such caveats, there is a supportive body of professional opinion about using erotic materials in therapy. One surveyof American and Czech/Slovak mentalhealth professionals indicatedthatthe use of soft-core and certain hard-core sexually explicit materials was favorably received in the context sex therapy.Materials featuring violentsexual beof havior or bizarre and degrading sexual depictions were roundly rejected for such application (Robinson, Scheltema, Koznar, & Mantheir, 1996). Visual sexual stimulation (VSS) has beenused for many years in the investigation of sexual dysfunction (Wagner, 1985; Yaffe, 1982). VSS is regarded by its users as a noninvasive and useful first of analysis relation line in to thediagnosis and treatmentof erectile dysfunction. Although this general view about the therapeutic value of explicit sexual material has some support, there remain further questions about which types ofmaterial work best and the need to attain a balance betweenthe effectiveness of the material and not causing embarrassment or offence to individuals being counselled (Buvat et al., 1990). The effectiveness of erotic material in a therapeutic contextdepends in part on the continued ability of specific depictions of explicit sex to facilitate sexual arousal in individuals followed repeated exposures. Men have been foundto show habituation to specific sexual stimuli more quickly with repeated exposure than do women (Laan & Everard, 1995). This means that sexual stimuli may losetheir capacity to produce sexual arousal in men after they have been with the same individuals a number of times. This used habituation effect is likely occur more readily to print to stimuli than to film



or video stimuli. The speed with which this reaction occurs, especially among men, also depends on the degree to which viewers become involved with the sexual stimulus. Greater involvement in an erotic depiction ren0 ders it more arousing (ODonogue 6r Geer, 1985). It has been observed in Britain, for example, that many pornographic films are available on video, but many have been imported are homemade and, or of as such, have not been subject to review by the British Board FilmClassification. Withoutclassification, they are, in principle, not legally distributable to the general public, though they can be used in restricted clinical settings (Riley, 1992). There a real concern, however, about theuse of poor quality is productions because they may be perceived by patients as confirmation that this form of therapy is itself a sleazy procedure (Wylie, 1996). CONCLUSION This chapterconsidered the effects of media sex on nonoffending populations. It was concerned primarily with the impact of explicit media sex of the kind that might be found in soft-core or hard-core pornography. Previous chapters had considered the effects of media sex on consumers thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes. Here, attention was shifted to behavioral effects. Two broad types of effect were examined: effects on sexual behavior and effects on aggressive behavior. One might expect to find a discussion of effects of media sex on sexual behavior, however, as much scholarly attention has been devoted to the question people respond of how to depictions of violent sexual behavior. This chapteralso distinguished between methodologies that have been applied to investigate these mediasex issues. Researchers have used experimental manipulations and surveys to explore the cause-effect refield lationships, if any, betweenexplicitmedia sex andthesubsequent behavior of those who consume it. With such a sensitive as this, resubject . searchers have often found themselves restricted the approaches they in can take either ethical constraints or willingness of people to particby the ipate in such studies. When exploring questions of personal sexual behavior, research often runs into problems linked to what people are prepared to divulge about their lives and how honestly they are to respond sex likely to probing questions about it. Sexual behavior not something that can is be readily studied within an experimental framework. Hence research on individuals sexual reactions to erotic imagery usually confined to suris veys that yield self-report evidence. In contrast, studies the impact of of sexual violence have turned theuse of experiments in which exposure to to media sex scenes and the subsequent behavioral responses of viewers can be tightly controlled. It would be ethically questionable try to mato



nipulate individuals to perform real aggression towards others in a naturalistic setting. Exposure to erotic material does seem to be able to generate sexual thoughts and fantasies that, on the of self-report evidence, in turn basis may be linked to individuals subsequent sexualactivity. Some people use pornography as a sexual stimulantto spice up their ownsex lives. There is no consistent evidence,however, that viewers imitate sex scenes witnessed in erotic films or that they necessarily increase the level of their own sexual activity as a resultof exposure to suchmaterial. Pornography may be used to fuel fantasies and assist with achieving sexual arousal shortly before usual sexual activity. Exposure to sexual violence in a laboratory setting has been found to increase aggressiveness in immediate postviewing situations in which aggressive responding towards another person encouraged to takeplace. is This enhanced aggressiveness has been found to occur among adult young males whether the target their controlled aggression is male or female. of Limited evidence hasalso emerged that even female viewers may be enticed into responding more aggressively towards another female in the laboratory after they have been shown explicit (nonviolent) sex scenes. Not everyone responds in this way, however, even in the laboratory. Personality characteristics and pre-existing attitudes towards rape and coercive sex can mediateaggressive responding following exposure to sexual violence in laboratory settings. Going beyond laboratory,ethical constraints have the generallyprevented or restricted the investigation of the impact explicit sexual materials in natof ural settings. Self-report data andmultivariate statistical analysis techniques have been used to assess the correlates of sexually aggressive orientations. Although these studies have identified a number of psychological and social background characteristics of individuals who exhibit sexually aggressive tendencies, they have produced lessclear evidence on the role that media depictions of sex might playin the causation of such tendencies. Finishing on a more positive note, explicit media sex can be used as an educational and therapeutic tool. Pornography has been used in interventions designed to draw attention to the distortions of female sexuality that frequently characterise such material. Explicit sex scenes from films and to videos have also been used under controlled clinical conditions treat individuals with sexual dysfunction. Although such material to be careneeds fully chosen and used in combination with other clinical techniques by skilled therapists, it canprove to be successful in some cases.

Can Media Sex Sell Commodities?

The use of sexually attractive imagery in advertising has been widespread practice for many years.Sex has been used to sell many different products, but has traditionally been most often associated with clothing, cosmetics, toiletries, and certain foodstuffs (e.g., savory snacks, coffee, ice cream). Sexually attractive females have also been used to sell more expensive items such as cameras, cars, carpets, and furniture. The use of sex in advertising is based on an assumption that sex can help to sell the advertised product by rendering a commercial message more attention-grabbing and memorable to consumers, by creating a more attractive brand image that people want tobuy through association of the product with attractive models or actors, and making the product by itself more desirable because it linked to a certain sexual lifestyle. Sexual messages in advertising may beaimed at men or women. Traditionally, the sexual imagery advertising created through the of alluring female in is use models or actors. These models may be scantily clad or even nudefeaand tured in suggestive poses. The use of sex in advertising has a long history (Trachtenberg, 1986). Over time, theuse of sex in magazine advertising has become much more widespread andgraphic(Schorin & Vanden Bergh, 1985; Soley & Kurzbard, 1986; Sullivan &OConnor, 1988). With television, however, indecency restrictions are more stringent, meaning that there less latis much itude for using sex to sell in televised advertising (Lin, 1997). One of the major concerns about theuse of sex in advertising is the observation that advertisements routinely portray women as objects-most commonly as
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sexual objects. Women are presented as decoration without personalities-often with sexual symbolism (Courtney & Whipple, 1983). Psychological evidence on the importance of physical attractiveness in relation to communicationeffectiveness and attitude change would, in principle, support the potential commercial value of using sexy models promote to advertised products (Chaiken, 1979). Attractive people are usually rated as more desirable, respectable and influential than less attractive people (Berscheid & Walster, 1974; Debevec, Madden,& Kernan, 1986).A physically attractive communicator can also be more persuasive (Patzer, 1985). Despite the evidence on the power of physical attractiveness, the impact of physically attractive models on consumer purchase behavior is not so clear cut (Joseph, 1982).Nudity and erotic content can increase consumer attention to an advertisement, but not necessarily enhance recall or positive attitudes toward a brand (Alexander & Judd, 1978). Other concerns stem from the presentation of women as sex objects. Critics believe portraying females as sex objects and decoration strips them of identity and symbolises them as 'things' to be owned, desired, rejected and replaced rather thanas people (Bern, 1993). Media convey this by presenting pieces, or parts, of female bodies (Kilbourne & Lazarus, 1987; Kilbourne & Wunderlich, 1979). Advertising features female body parts more than theirfaces (Archer, Iritani, Kimes, & Barrios, 1983). Malefaces appear more often than bodies, and males appear twice as much as females (Sullivan & O'Connor, 1988; Hall & Crum, 1994). Sexy body shots are used for such products as undergarments, cologne, and clothing as well as cars and power tools (Kilbourne & Wunderlich, 1979). The traditional woman-as-sex-object representation accused by critics is of reinforcing stereotypical male fantasies about women and promoting a widerideology of masculine dominance in society (Dow, 1990; Gitlin, 1994). The conventional form of advertising in which young, slim, beautiful female models attribute their physical attractiveness to the product has been labelled as exploitative (Kilbourne, 1989). Such advertising is believed to encourage female consumers model themselves these media to on icons. Some susceptible consumers may goto extreme lengths to achieve an ideal look or shape (Downs & Harrison, 1985).The attractiveness stereotypes of advertising can make women feel less adequate about their own physical appearance (Kamins, 1990;Lafky, Duffy, & Berkowitz, 1996). In considering the use of sexin advertising, there are three broad issues that need to examined. The first consideration is the way sex is presented be in advertising. How has the use of sex mediaadvertising evolved over in the years? A second consideration to investigate the impact that in adveris sex tising has on the impact of commercial messages upon consumers. There are many ways in which advertising impact can be measured. Ultimately, advertisers judge the performance of advertisements on the basis of impact



on product sales and market share. However, before this type of impact can be felt, advertising campaigns have make a mark, to psychologically, among consumers. Consumers must attention to an advertisement, learn and pay remember its message, and develop afavorable impression aboutthe product so that it becomes adesirable commodity that they would wish to purchase. Third, there the question what consumers is of think about the of use sex in advertising. Is sex in advertising regarded as acceptable or offensive? Are certain types of sexual image or depiction more acceptable than others? What differences of opinion exist among consumers and are such differences associated with specific consumer characteristics?

Research conducted between the 1950s and 1970s repeatedly found that television advertisements portrayed women as decorative, domestic, dependent on men, and primarily concerned with personal beauty (Caballero, Lumpkin, & Madden, 1989; Ferrante, Haynes, & Kingsley, 1988; Knill, ; Persch, Pursey, Gilpin, & Perloff, 198 1 Lovdal, 1989). Women were more likely to appear as sex objects than were men (Rak & McMullen, 1987; differences were found to perSullivan & OConner, 1988). These gender sist into the 1990s, but the gap between the sexes had narrowed over time (Bretl & Cantor, 1988). Three types of implicit sex appeals were found to occur on television: double entendre, sexual attractiveness, and nudity (Cohen, 1981; LaTour, Pitts, & Snook-Luther, 1991). As with sex in programs, sex in advertisements can be depicted in an overt fashion or appear in more subtleforms such as innuendo and other forms of talk. In consequence, some advertising can be classified as sexually oriented in appeals, whereas other commerits cial messages use sexas a selling point. Although this book is concerned with sex and theaudiovisual media, somereference is made hereto studies of sex in printed media. One reason for doing this is that many trend studies tracking the presence of sex in advertising over the years focused on magazines. Another reason is that atleast one suchstudy investigated the use of sex in printadvertising for television programs. One content analysis of television commercials used a cross-cultural sample of Clio award-winning advertisements to determine the similarities and differences in the use of sex in American and international television advertisements. This investigation found that less than 7.7% of advertisements for the American market contained anything other than fully dressed models, and only 0.5% depicted partially clad models. Overall,nudity was more common in the advertisements aimed at international markets (Reid, Salmon, & Soley, 1984). The same authors conducted anotherstudy that (35%) print advertisementsfor televishowed that more than one in three




sion programsused sexual content (Reid & Soley, 1985). Between the mid-1960s and mid-l980s, a marked increase in the use of provocatively dressed models, male and female, in magazine advertising was found to occur (Soley &Reid, 1988).This trendwas observed to continue a further for 10 years into the mid-l990s, with the percentage of advertisements containing a woman and man involved in sexually suggestive behavior more than doubling from one in five tomore thanonein two (Reichert, Lambiase, Morgan, Carstarphen, 6L Zavoina, 1999). Comparing publications from 1964 and1984, Soley and Kurzbard (1986) found an increase in andmore overtuse of sexuallyoriented appeals in advertising in a content analysis of visual and verbal sexual portrayals in magazine advertisements. Degree of nudity couldbe classifiedalong ascale that indicated the presence progressively lessclothing, from demure, through of suggestive, to partially revealing and finally, nude. Thesevarying degrees of nudity generally applied to femalemodels. Suggestive dress was represented by open shirts that exposed cleavage, tight-fitting clothing that accentuates the body, or mini skirts. Partially clad would include males with their shirts off or female models in their underwear or bathing suits. Nudity ranged from either theimplication that themodel was not wearing any clothing disto plays of full-frontal nudity. Soley and Kurzbard (1986) concluded that visual sexual portrayals increased, along with more frequent, explicit sexual appeals, nudity, and more implicit sexual acts. In addition, the amount of female-male contact depicted in the advertisements they studied tripled between 1964 and 1984, with females more likely to be sexually clad or nude,compared to males. Advertisers increasingly rely on overt sexual messages, but research has not necessarily supported sexs success in all cases.Although highly suggestive poses and semidressed modelsare found to attract attention, consumers have evaluated advertisements with nudesas more offensivethan otheradvertisements. This finding was more pronounced with females than males. Despite the wider useof sex in print advertising, research on advertising on television has indicated that is not a common feature. appeals resex Sex main an important element that advertisers can deploy, but they do not account for thegreat majority of broadcast advertisements. Lin (1998) reported that around 12% of advertisements from a sample of over 500 commercials recorded from week of network American one television contained less than fully dressed models (an increase of 5% on10 years earlier; Reid, Salmon, & Soley, 1984).In this analysis, advertisements were coded for three dimensionsof sexually oriented conduct:physical innuendo (flirting, dressing, undressing, bathing or swimming) ; verbal innuendo (verbal expressions of sexual desire), and physical contact (hand-holding, fondling, embracing, kissing or implied sexual activity). One per cent of the advertisements contained verbal to sex, 7% contained physical refer-



ences, and 8% contained physical contact of a sexual nature. Despitethe relative rarity of sexual content in network television advertising, the customary gender difference survived. Women remained more likely than men to be cast in sexually appealing roles.
U s e of Bodies

Perceiving women as sex objects strips women of their individual identities. They areviewed as things, objects male sexualdesire, or as part of the of advertised merchandise rather than as people (Bem, 1993). This nonhuman image of women can be conveyed by reducing women to body parts instead of a wholeperson (Kilbourne & Lazarus, 1987; Kilbourne & Wunderlich, 1979). For example, womens body parts are featured more than womens faces in printadvertising (Archer, Iritani, Kimes, & Barrios, 1983;Dodd, Harcar, Foerch,&Anderson, 1989).Mens faces, on the other hand, appear more often than mens bodies in print advertising; men also appear twice as often as women (Sullivan & OConnor, 1988). A subtle message is conveyed to the audience through these differences in body and facial images. Intelligence and personality are communicated through pictures of faces, but only attractiveness is communicated through pictures of bodies (Dodd et al., 1989). The number of face-isms (Archer, Kimes, & Barrios, 1978)degree to which a camera shot focuses on the face versus the body-shows that women largely remain stereotypedas unintelligent, attractive bodies with no personality. The type and numberof female body shots in print advertising does not seem to differ with the type of product advertised. For example, sexy body shots are used for such products as undergarments, cologne/perfume, and clothing, as as well cars and power tools (Boddewyn & Kunz, 1991; Kilbourne & Wunderlich, 1979). The use of provocative female models in commercials advertising boots or cigarettes or other products propagatesthe unintelligent/decorative image of women, but theuse of these women in alcohol commercials adds an additional dimension to these Tying these dehumanised ads. female characters with stereotypical aggressivemale images and alcohol may bea volatile combination. Combining beer and sexy female images may be dangerous considering the increasing alcoholism in society, the increasing connection between alcoholand domestic violence,and the promoting of male aggression (Lang & Sibrel, 1989; Miller, Downs, &a Gondoli, 1989). Male aggression is displayed during such sporting events as football, boxing, and wrestling. Marketing research has discovered a strong link between sports viewing and beer drinking; thus beer commercials air frequently during sports events (Alcoholand Sports,1992; Postman, Nystrom,Strate, &




Weingartner, 1988). Researchhas also shown that sports viewing and violence are highly correlated (Horn, 1985). Hall and Crum(1994) conducted research on women in TV advertisements toassess the way in whichmens and womens bodies are used. They focused on pictures in ads and the appearance of bodies and body parts (body-isms), and of faces (face-isms) They addressed the issue of women . as sexobjects and decoration in ads as determined throughobservation TV of the number and of bodycamera shots type used in TV beer commercials. Hall and Crum (1994) analysed a sample of 59 TV beer commercials covering 23 different brands of beer. They identified the number of male and female characters in these commercials and further analysed gender representation in terms body-isms. In otherwords, to what extentwere of male and female characters shown in chest shots, buttock shots, leg shots, and crotchshots. Of 34 commercials containing at least one body camera shot, theaverage number of shots per ad of males was 1.15 and of females was 2.18. This was a statistically significant difference. Overall then, men appeared more often than women in these advertisements. However, female bodily exposure was greater. There was, for instance, a 49% chance that acommercial inthis sample contained at least one camera shot focusing on thewomans chest, butfor men it was only 24%. AUDIENCE IMPACT Analysis of the representationof sexual imagery in advertisements can reveal potential messages about sex, the sexuality of women and of men, and about sexual relations in society, but does not demonstrate that any such messages are apprehendedby consumers who are then subsequently infludisposition towards the advertised enced by them either in relation to their product or in termsof broader social beliefs and perceptions about sex and sexuality. In examining evidence the impact of sex in advertising, therefor fore, research can be divided into those studies interested in measuring the direct or indirect effects of sex on the commercial impact advertising and of those that have investigated a wider social impact of sex in advertising. The Commercial Impact of Sex Sex in advertising is designed to draw consumers attention to an advertisement. This the first stage advertising influence and is increasingly imporis of tantin mediamarkets thathave becomemorecrowded.Any single advertising message on television, for example, may have to compete the for attention of the audience with other advertisements in thesame advertising break, with adjacent program content, andwith advertisements that appear subsequently for competing products in ad-breaks elsewhere in the schedule.



Sexual contentmay also make an advertising message and the product being advertised more memorable.Not only are membersof the audience more likely to pay attention to an advertisement featuring an attractive scantily clad model, they are also more likely to remember the advertisement subsequently. In addition,if the advertisement creates an association between a desired sexual lifestyle or the attainment of personal, sexual attractiveness and theadvertised product, that products image may be enhanced as a result. So what is the evidence each of these kinds of impact for following from the use of sex in advertising? Sexual imagery in advertising may grab audience attention, improve memory for the commercial message, and affect consumer attitudes towards the product. However, these effects do not always occur together, nor do theynecessarily occur in a consistent direction. Hence nudity in advertising might increase consumers attention, may be less effective but than nonsexual illustrations in leading to brand recall (Baker, 1961). This result has been replicated. Courtney and Whipple (1983) found sexual imagery in advertisements, although attracting attention, led to lower levels of recall and appeal evaluations well as as poorer manufacturer and product perceptions. Withprintmedia,such as magazines, advertising researchers have shown higher brand recall with nonsexual printillustrations as opposed to sexual ones (Alexander 6r Judd, 1978; Steadman, 1969). In this type of case, it has been argued that thepresence of sexual material, in the form of female models depicted various stages of undress, could have distracted in readers attention from the brand-related information the advertisement in (Steadman, 1969). However, greater exposure of the naked female form from head bare shoulders to full frontal nudity not produce progresand did sively worse brand recall of magazine advertisements presented to experimental participants as slides (Alexander 6r Judd, 1978). The use of sexual themes in advertisements could have a potential also impact on consumer attitudes towards the advertisement, the advertised product, or both. The evidence thathas emergedon thisissue so far, however, has been inconsistent. Smith and Engel (1968) found that sexual attractiveness in advertisementsinfluencedemotionalandobjective evaluations of the product inmagazine advertisement for a car. This effect a was observed to occur among both male and female participants. Baker and physically attractive models produced more faChurchill (1977) found that vorable evaluations thandid unattractive modelsfor fabricated advertisements for hypothetical brandsof coffee and perfume. Alexander and Judd (1978) found effect of female nudity in advertisementsconsumersatno on titudes towards the advertisement. Further evidence has indicated that,as the levels of nudity or sexiness rise, the intended communicationeffects either dissipate or turn unfavor-



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able (LaTour et al., 1991). Consumers opinions about advertisements with nude female models were linked to demographics, with male responses tending to be more favorable (LaTour et al., 1991). Using aphysically attractive spokespersonis no guaranteeof commercial success in theform of decision to purchase the advertised product (Caballero, Lumpkin, & Madden, 1989). Yet, in contrast, physically attractive celebrity endorsers did elicit better brand recall than unattractive celebrity endorsers (Kahle & Homer,1983).This effect hasbeenconfirmed.Attractivecelebrity endorsers can create a more positive attitude towards advertisementsfeaturing a desired product (Kamins, 1990). Elsewhere, Peterson and Kerin (1977) found experimental subjects did not rate print advertisements with varying degrees of nudity as favorably as they rated advertisements with partially clothed models. They foundthat a female model was more effective for a body oil product than a ratchet wrench set, and argued that audience members see the models role as a more titillating function; thus, the degree congruency between product of and sexual image may be critical. Although the research has thrown out some inconsistent findings (Joseph, 1982), these can be reconciled to some extent by considering more closely the different kinds of sexual appeal that have positive or negative results in terms of commercially relevant consumer responses. The use of nude models was found on a number separate occasions to reduce the of effectiveness of advertisements (Alexander & Judd, 1978; Smith & Engel, 1968;Steadman, 1969),but using physically attractive models can enhance certain aspects of an advertisements communication effectiveness (Baker & Churchill, 1977). Steadman (1969) suggested that when a logical relationship exists between a sexual image-for example, a sexy model-and a product, the sexual appeal may increase recall. Baker and Churchill (1977) offered support for this view in that perception theory would arguephysically attractive models increase source credibility of a product, if congruent. More appropriate sexual appeals, where the consumer some congruinfers ency between sexual appeal uses of the product, are more and highly evaluated(Courtney & Whipple, 1983; Richmond & Hartman,1982; Tinkham & Reid, 1988). One type of sexual appeal in advertising depends primarily on theuse of decorative models. They are nonfunctional that they play no part in demin onstrating the effectiveness of the product how to use it, nor do or they offer any explanation the productsspecial attributes or advantages overother of competing products. Decorative models aremerely an attractive stimulus designed to attractconsumers attention (Reid &L Soley, 1983). In the case of decorative appeals, however, there is seldom any obvious, logical connection between such sexual elements and the product itself. Even so, the



presence of an attractive female model has been found to influence consumers reactions to the product inpositive ways (Smith & Engel, 1968). Advertisements with asexy, female model present have been found atto tract greater attention (Reid & Soley, 1981).Furthermore, thistype of sexual appeal can enhance advertisement recognition, though this effect does not generalise to enhanced brand recognition (Chestnut, La-Chance, & Lubitz, 1977). The overt use of sexual appeals has been found less successful than nonsexual appeals with respect to recall (Severn, Belch, & Belch, 1990). Although sexual advertisements were rated more entertaining, more inas teresting, and more original than advertisements with no sexual content, this positive evaluative response did not transfer over to bettercommercial information processing. Consumers generated more thoughts associated with the advertised product following exposure to advertisements without sexual content. The presence of a sexually alluring model distracted attention from other informational ingredients on the commercial message. The use of explicit sexual imagery in amagazine advertisement yielded a negative effect on copy-point recall (Severn et al., 1990).Researchers argue that the use of sexual imagery interferes with message comprehension, with more product-related thinking occurring in response to the non-sexual than the explicitly sexual appeal (Severn et al., 1990). Although they used a cognitive listing procedure tomeasure their subjects thought processes while evaluating an advertisement, Severn et al. (1990) noted limitations to theirstudy that showed sexual imagery less successful than nonsexualimagery on recall of an advertisements copy. They liberal views on sexuused 180 college students, who might have somewhat ality in advertising, compared to otherindividuals their age or in thelarger population; they manipulated a single magazine advertisement to high be and low in sexual imagery; the study took place in a college classroom, with the magazine print adstimulus projected on a slide screen, creating both an artificial environment for consuming a magazine as well asan artificial ad, print adstimulus. Even so, this was one of the few studies to use a cognitive listing procedure in this context, a higher order cognitive response measure that is more sophisticated than mererecall or recognition. Another factor that has been investigated in relation to the effectiveness of sex in television advertisements is the presence or absence of sexual content in the surrounding program. There is ample evidence that program environment can affect recall of advertising (see Bryant & Comisky, 1978; Furnham, Gunter, &Walsh, 1998; Kennedy, 1971;Norris &Colman, 1992, 1993; Schumann, 1986; Soldow & Principe, 1981). Bushman (1998) reported that placement advertisements in violent program environment of a could impede recall of the commercial information compared to a nonvias olent program environment.



Bello, Pitts, and Etzel (1983) tested the impact sexual and nonsexual of versions of an advertisementfor Calvin Klein clothing when placed within a sexual or nonsexual program environment. sexual program sequence The preceded the critical advertisement. The sexual version of the advertisement was found more interestingby male participants than the nonsexual version, but this factor made no difference to how much the advertised product was liked or likely to be purchased. Female observers found the sexual version of the advertisement more interesting and enhanced their also it intention to purchase the advertised product. Among male participants only, sexual content in the program preceding the advertisement had no effect on interest in the advertisement, but reduced productliking and intention topurchase, when the nonsexual advertisement shown. With the was sexual advertisement, the presence or absencesex in the preceding proof gram had no effect on its communication effectiveness. These results are interesting in their demonstration not onlyan effect of on thecommercial effectiveness of television advertising of sexual content within the advertising itself, but also of sexual material within the adjacent programming. The nonsexual version of the criterion advertisement was less effective on following sexual program content. One explanation offered for this effect is that the advertisement have been perceived an intermay as ruption when following the sexual scenes in the program. By disrupting a drive for closure, the processing of the advertisement may have been impaired (Kennedy, 1971). When thenonsexual version of the advertisement followed the nonsexual program, the advertisement may not have been perceived as disruptive and was processed without interference. Females and males were clearly influenced in different ways by the presence of sexual material. According to Bello et al. (1983), the female participants were angered by the sexy program morethan by the nonsexual program. However, the degree to which this emotional reaction occurredwas apparently not sufficient to interfere with processing of the advertisement. This the finding contrasted with results obtained by Axelrod (1963) and much later by Bushman (1998). One summing up the literature of on the effectiveness of using sexual imagery in advertising concluded that the impact of sex in this context depends on thetype of product advertised, the gender of the receiver and the kinds of measures used to determine commercial effectiveness (Belch, Belch, & Villareal, 1987).

The Social Impact o Sex in Advertising f

Sex in advertising can have incidental effects on observers in addition to any commercial impact. The ways in which womenor men are depicted in advertising can convey implicit messages about male and female sexuality.



Advertisements have the potential, then, to influence beliefs about sex, sexual relations, and the sexual mores of men and women. In addition to these influences directly related to sex, there are other subtle influences of advertising that depict physically attractive actors or models. One of the most significant areas of concern is that the focus that advertising places on a slim physique as attractive may influence the body self-esteem of certain consumer subgroups. Idealised body images in advertising may contribute to lower levels of self-esteem, especially in relation to their ownbody shape, among some individuals. These effects most commonly occur among young women. Young men also make comparisons between themselves male models seen and in advertising. While the concern young women emphasises need to reof the main slim, for young men the body ideal emphasises the need to maintain a muscularupper torso, slim waist, and small buttocks (Pearson, 1992; Richins, 1991). A number of experimental studies have indicated that exposure to advertisements containing images of alluring models with slim physiques result can in lowered body self0esteem greater overestimation of own body sizeand and weight, especially among young women (Heinberg & Thompson, 1992; Ogden & Mundray, 1996; Stice & Shaw, 1994). Although the effects of such images on female observers body image perceptions have not always been confirmed, further evidencehas emerged that exposure to pictures of attrac, tive and slender female modelsdoes cause women to thinkmore about their own weight (Champion & Furnham, 1999). A combination of advertising with slim, sexually attractive actors and programs with similar body modrole els can have an immediate impacton viewers estimations of their own body size whereby chest, waist, and hip measurements become overestimated compared with pre-exposure levels (Myers & Biocca, 1992). These effects were found to be even more pronounced among non-clinically diagnosed women who exhibited attitudes consistent with disordered eating orientations, and even more so among woman who have been clinically diagnosed as suffering from eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa andbulimia nervosa (Hamilton & Waller, 1993; Waller, Hamilton, & Shaw, 1992). Noncommercial influences of sexual content inadvertising can extend to the maintenance certain gender stereotypes relating to occupational, of professional, and evenpolitical aspirations. The presentation of women as sex objects in magazine ads resulted in men reporting interest in less politics subsequent to exposure. Women were not influenced by such portrayals in this way. However, womenexhibited less interest inpolitics subsequent to exposureto ads depictingwomenindomesticorhomemaker roles (Schwarz, Wagner, Bannert, & Mathes, 1987).The results were explained in terms of the cognitive accessibility of sex role concepts influenced exby posure to certain types of ad portrayal of men andwomen. Exposureto do-




mesticfemale portrayals remindswomen of thistraditional role and suppresses thoughts conducive to political aspirations. It was argued that depictions of women as sexobjects affected mens aspirations because such images reminded menof playboy lifestyles not conducive toserious politia cal career. In contrast, one would therefore expect tofind that exposure to ads depicting women in career roles ought to have the opposite effect to exposure to domestic role portrayals, but this was not tested. Rouner, Domenech-Rodriguez, and Slater (1998) investigated the impact of sexual content inbeer TV ads on adolescents cognitive responses to advertising. They used 72 ads in total-24 beer ads, 24 beer ads with sports content, and 24 non-beer ads. Although not clearly explained, it appears that respondents were invited to express their thoughts and feelings about each ad immediately after it was shown. The authors are not clear whether respondents saw every (72!). This would have been overpowering workload. ad an If they saw a subset of the ads, it is not explained how manyor how these were selected, nor is it clear how much programming surrounded the ads. According to the researchers, the findings indicated that there were many negative stereotypic images regarding females. Most of the advertisements were aimed at males. Beer advertisements were targeted at young and old people, but beer advertisements with sports content were targeted at younger people. Unfortunately, the research discussed in insufficient was detail to demonstratethese findings. Adolescent respondents freely made comments about male images in advertising that were relatively neutral in gender-role presentations. Most comments about females tended to be critical with regard to gender roles and sexuality. Ward (1995) argued that primer time contained common TV themes of sexuality in the shows adolescents view most. These societal constructed scripts from adults establish norms and expectations about how to be sexual, why to have sex, with whom to have it, andso on. Ward added that the youthwho watch theseshows are eager to consume this information, particularly if they do not get it from other, perhaps more realistic, trusting reliable sources. CONSUMER OPINION ABOUT SEX IN ADVERTISEMENTS Interest in the the public reacts to in advertising stems from conway sex cerns about social policy and commercial effectiveness. Media regulations place restrictions on the treatments advertisers use to promote their may products. The principal concerns in this context are that consumers should not be mislead or offended. Even advertisers recognise that commercials that cause offence may be detrimental to the attractivenessof their products. In the context advertising on television, although audiof ences canbe quite open-minded about the of treatments with sexual use



overtones, their judgements about whatis or is not acceptable are tern. pered by the perceived appropriateness of the style of advertisement for the product in question, time it is transmitted and the the type of channel on which itis shown. Research inthe United States shown that consumers haverated adhas vertisements showing a memberof the opposite sex higher than those showing a member their own sex (Baker& Churchill, 1977). This research also of showed attractiveness as an important attention-gettingcharacteristic, but this failed to be related to cognitive acceptance of the ads message. When some portion of a presentation has sexual overtones, only certain consumer segments object; others either to make the interpretation do not fail or find it offensive. For example, older women have been foundto be more offended than younger women by overt sexual material in advertising, whereas younger women were more concerned about sexual inneundo, especially when it could also be considered sexist (Johnson & Satow, 1978). American consumers have shown distaste television advertisements for for acceptable products, like jeans and pantyhose, that had too muchsex orientation (Warwick, Walsh, Miller, 1981). Males and females are likely & to view sexually controversial advertisements as more entertaining and interesting (Severn et al., 1990). A significant body of public opinion research was conducted in the United Kingdom duringthe 1980s that trackedgeneral principles relating to what the public found acceptable in advertising on television. This work was concerned, in particular, with the publics acceptance notjust of sexual treatments in advertising, but with the advertising of products that were associated directly or indirectly with sexual matters (Independent Broadcasting Authority [IBA], 1988; Wober, 1980). One of the keyissuesof controversy was the proposal by the beginning of the 1980s to introduce televised advertising of sanitary protection products. With the emergence of health scares during that decade linked to AIDS, attention focused also on the need to permit advertising on television for condoms as part of a wider campaign to promote safe sex (Shaw, 1999). A national survey of UK viewers in 1980laid down benchmark opinion data on sources of embarrassment to the public in television advertising. Despite concerns among regulators and critics writing in the national press that most people would find advertisements that featured sexual matters or promoted productsfor personal hygiene deeply offensive, a systematic analysis of public opinion indicated that was only a minority of viewers who it voiced real concerns. Only a modest proportion UK television viewers of (16%) admitted to having experienced embarrassment upset by an ador vertisement. Among these individuals, the greatest sources of embarrassby ment were advertisements (mentioned 4 1%) for feminine wear depicting nudity or scenes deemed to be sexy. Three in ten of these individuals



(30%) also said they would find advertisements for sanitary protection perproducts embarrassing(Wober, 1980).To put theseresults into further spective, however, individuals who expressed concern about advertisements withsex or nudity in themcomprised fewer than 7% of all viewers. The same survey alsoasked respondents whether found any adverthey tisements on television annoying. Over one in four (28%) respondents expressed some annoyanceat television advertising, but itwas the treatment of women as sex symbols rather than sex per se that was mentioned as a source of such annoyance (by 3% of all viewers). This attributewas by no means the most often mentioned source of annoyance. A later survey on public opinion towards advertising shifted the question focus from embarrassment and annoyance to offensiveness. A nationally representative UK sample of more than 1,100 UK television viewers were asked if they had ever been caused offence by television advertisements. They were further asked to distinguish between advertising on the main commercial television channel of that time (ITV) and advertising on the second commercialchannel (Channel4). Fewer than one in ten (8%)said that they had been offendedby advertising on ITV, and half that number (4%) said the same of Channel 4 advertising. These individuals were then asked to what it that had say was caused them offence. The most nominated types of advertisement that caused offence were for sanitary protection products (ITV-2% of all viewers; Channel 4-1% of all viewers); AIDS (1% of all viewers); and contraceptives or condoms (less than 1%; IBA, 1988).Proportionately speaking, viewers aged55 and over were much more likely than younger viewers to be offended by advertisements for sanitary protection products and contraceptive products. A series of surveys conducted among British viewers in the1980s tracked opinions about theacceptability of different types of advertising on television. The range of products and services upon which focus was placed in these polls included many connected with sexual behavior. In response to a question about whether thesedifferent forms of advertising should be allowed, the results are summarisedin Table 9.1. It canbe seen that there widespread supportfor advertisements for was family planning clinics and pregnancy advice services at this time. A majority of British viewers wereprepared to accepttelevised advertising for contraceptives, with support for this advertising showing marked growth from the mid- to late 1980s. There was much less acceptance of advertising for homosexual advice services and little acceptance the proposal for adverof tising on television of homosexual magazines. It should be noted that none of these productsor services were advertised on television in Britain when these surveys were undertaken (Gunter & Wober, 1990). One of the reasons people objected to televised advertising for some of these products and services was because theybelieved that watching such



Acceptance of Different Wpes of Advertising on Television in Britain

% Saying TV Advertising Should Be Allowed





Deodorants Underwear Family planning clinics Pregnancy advice services Syringes for diabetics Contraceptives Sanitary napkinsltampons Undertakers/funeral services Marriage/dating agencies Homosexual advice services Homosexual magazines

95 87 78

94 85 80 80 65 67 62 42 37 11

93 85 81 81 65


82 80 60 78/70 66 46

63 56 55 41 36 13

63 40 38 13

34 9

Note Source: Gunter and Wober, 1990. Reproduced with permmionof authors. In 1988 two questions were asked, with a dlstlnctlon made between condoms and other contraceptwes; the first % refers to condoms. 2Question asked in 1988 only.

advertising would make them feel uncomfortable. With advertising for family planning clinics, pregnancy advice services, and marriage or dating agencies, around 10% to 15% of British viewers surveyed through the mid1980s expressed this feeling, whereas for contraceptives advertising, 20% to 30% said they would find such advertisements uncomfortable to watch. Around one intwo viewers said they would be made uncomfortable advertising by for homosexual advice services, and amajority (60% to 75% would experience thesame feeling when faced by advertisements for homosexual nlagazines (see Gunter & Wober, 1990). Research conducted in the 1990s in Britain turned its attention tosome more specific aspects of television advertising including the appearanceof nude or partially nude models and actors commercials. This research in was triggered by the appearance in early 1994 of an advertisement for Neutrulia shower gel that became the first on British television to feature a womans nipple. The campaign was accepted by the television broadcasters for trans-



mission after 9 p.m. (the endof Family Viewing Time) and representedan experiment toassess whether such an advertisement would be acceptable to viewers. As it turned out, the advertisement generated the highsecond est numberof complaints (199) from viewers to thecommercial television regulator, the IndependentTelevision Commission (ITC), for that year, In consequence, the ITC launched its own investigation. This comprised a nationwide attitude survey and focus group research. The survey measured public attitudes towards nudity television advertising and the qualitative in research explored reactions smaller groups of people to specific advertiseof ments containing varying degrees of female and male nudity. Because frontal nudity in British television advertising was nonexistent before the Neutrulia commercial, the study used advertisements from overseas markets where such treatments were more accepted (ITC, 1995). The research found that nudity was not uppermost in British viewers minds whendiscussing televisionadvertising, but thatthey nevertheless expressed some strong opinions when pressed on the subject. It was difficult and, to large degree, meaningless to attempt to a establish universal views because opinions varied with the personalities of viewers, the circumstances under which viewing occurred, and the nature of the production treatment featuring nudity in the advertising itself. The qualitative research, for instance, distinguished between individuals who were embarrassed about nudity (Puritans), those who felt it should not be allowed (Moralists),those who believed it would encourage people to be lessprudish (Crusadors), and those who wanted to see as much nudity as possible (Libertines). The social circumstances of viewing were linked to the perceived acceptability of advertising with nudity, in part because, as observed earlier, viewers can be made to feel uncomfortable by certain kinds of advertising. Furthermore, their discomfort can be exacerbated by the company with whom they watching. Hence, for viewers who did not adopt the extreme are high moral ground that preferred an outright banon all nudity, there were many who found nudity advertising acceptable only within limits. Often in this meant that such advertising should be restrictedto late night viewing or those channels that available on a subscription basis only.This would are help to reduce the likelihood of embarrassment that would becaused by the unexpected appearance such advertisements when watching in the comof pany of children or much older people, or even, for some viewers, when viewing with membersof the opposite sex (ITC, 1995). The natureof the advertising itself and the production treatment given to the nudity were factors that mediated public perceptions of its acceptability. Nudity was regarded as more acceptable when was relevant to the it product. Thus, nudity an advertisement for a bath product, which the in for user would normallybe unclothed when applying it, would be acceptable. Nudity in relation to advertising a car, however, would be lessacceptable.



Nudity became more problematic when there was a sexual side to it. For many viewers, this was a dangerous combination. There were also strong feelings about which parts the body should be exposed. The exposure of of naked female breasts caused some concern, but views wereregarded as side less problematic than full frontal exposure. The rear view ofa male wasalso problematic for some viewers. Exposure of genitals was generally considered as unacceptable for either sex. Other factors, such as the duration of the nudity, how much of the advertisement it occupies, the degreeconof tact between nude people screen, and the degree movement also afon of fected viewersjudgements. Excessive lingering of the camera on the naked body invoked some criticism, as did significant amounts of physical contact between nudesin the camera shot. images were less Still controversial than moving images. Table 9.2 summarises the types of advertisements featuring nudity that emerged as acceptable at any time, acceptable only late in the evening or notacceptable from this study (ITC, 1995).

S p e s of TV A d v e r t i s i n g in Which N u d i t y I s A c c e p t a b l e
Acceptable Any Time Cellnet (mobile phone, UK)
Nude man standing on globe throws net over UK. Frontal from a distance (crotch detail airbrushed out) .

Isotoner (womens underwear, U S A )

Woman cladin underwear moves in balletidathletic manner. Products supporting benefits explained.

Dunepnk (bacon, U K )
Family of naturists (young and old, bodies not perfect) having barbecue, who are clearly naked but all dangerareas cleverly hidden by props.

Pearl (soup, U K )
Brief pan of nude carved figurehead, including bare breasts; shots of naked woman showering using product.

Evian (mineral water, UK)

Pan across snowy mountain range morphs into view of naked woman (breast conside cealed).

Brylcream (mini toiletries, UK)

Man showering (waist up), shaving (using product range). Puts raincoat andgoes out. on Women gather, man arrives and drops raincoat (camera pans very quickly down front). Female heavy breathing starts on soundtrack. Becomes apparent that he is a model for womens art class.

Cleopatra (soap, French)

Epic production in which Cleopatra prepares to bathe, leading to a brief glimpse of topless Cleopatra bathing inasses milk (view from side, using product on arm).

Acceptable After 9 p.m. Watershed Davidoff Cool Water (aftershave, English language)
Shots of man clothed, then diving into sea. Close shots of swimming, not full-frontal. Shots of man, now fully dressed walking.

X S (perfume, U K )
Dark imagery, including panup bodyof shadowed nude perspiring woman, in which light falls on her breast as the camera passes.

Vittel (mineral water, UK)

Nude couple entwined under stream water. No full frontals. of

Tahiti (threesome) (shower gel, French)

Woman and two men are trekking through tropical jungle. It rains, and all use product on (bared) chests. Fully dressed again, they all frolic in a waterfall.

Tahiti (group) (shower gel, French)

Young men, women, and children tropical jungle village, waiting for in rain. Starts to rain and many striptopless and use product.

Acceptable After Later Watershed Neutralia (shower gel, U K )

Products benefits described voice-over followed by shots of on topless girl pleasurably applying product. Girl, now clothed, caresses chest.

Fa (body spray, French)

Nude female on a beach applies product, runs along shorewaving diaphanous veil. Involves repeated close-ups topless. Filmed in black and white.

Perrier Zest (lemon drink, French)

Girl in bikini by pool side pours drink over T-shirt, putsT-shirt and takes bikini top on off. Walks over to seated man and holds bottle to his lips.

Dim (mens underwear, French)

Nude man frolics and swims in sea, including almostfull frontal. Close-up view of rear whilst towelling back. Puts on underwear and runs along shore (close up of crotch).

Bio (yoghurt, Spanish) Camera pansslowly in close-up from nude girls face(eating yoghurt) chest and around to to bottom.

(table continues)
21 1

TABLE 9.2 (continued)


M R (coffee, English language)

Man arrives home, embraces woman, leading to love-making. Sex scenes intercut with shots of coffeepercolating. Couple have postcoital cup coffee.No full nudity. Strapline of is real pleasurecant come in aninstant.

Chilly (feminine douche, Italian)

Nude woman paddlesand jumps up and down sea-shore. Full-frontal nuditythroughout. on

Davidoff Relax (aftershave, English language)

Full rear and side topless views of man andwoman both individually and embracing, caressing in and out water. Black-and-white. of

Old Nick (rum, French)

Nude girl giggling suggestivelyon beach, fondling rum bottle. She for a goes swim then returns tolie beside the rum bottle,involving close-up topless and full-frontal nudity from a distance.
Note Source: ITC, 1995.

THE FUTURE OF SEX IN ADVERTISING Increased use of sex in advertising across the 1970s and 1980s was explained in terms a growth in sexual freedom liberalism (Reichert et of and al., 1999; Soley& Kurzbard, 1986; Soley & Reid, 1988 ). In later years, a shift in the cultural value associated with onset more consersystem the of vative politics and growing concern about the spreadsexually transmitof ted diseases, especially AIDS, produced a transformation from a climate of sexual openness and freedom to sexual selectiveness, monogamy, of one and even celibacy (Hall, 1990; West, 1994). Where sexuality became linked to politically incorrect sexism, pressures were applied to the advertising industry to cleanup its act (Miller, 1992). Indeed, much as the sensitivities about political correctness, the inappropriate or excessive use of nude or semiclad models may have a counterproductiveeffect on advertisingseffectiveness(Belch,Belch, 6-r Villareal,1987;Percy & Rossiter, 1992). Even though overt sexual portrayals can attract attention to advertisements (Alvaro, Reichert, & Ahern, 1997; Belch, Holgerson, Belch, & Koppman, 198 ; Reid & Soley, 1981),sexual material can inter1 fere with effective cognitive processing of brand information (Grazer & Keesling, 1995; Judd &Alexander, 1983; Severn, Belch, &Belch, 1990). Further evidence has indicated that overt sexual appeals may have negativeeffects onattitudestowardstheadvertisementandthebrand (Simpson, Horton, & G. Brown, 1996)and purchase intention (LaTour & Henthorne, 1994).





Despite concerns about sexually transmitted disease, unwanted teenage pregnancies, and political correctness, sex continues to be a regular promotional feature in many advertising campaigns. Sex is used to attract consumer attention andpromote a brand through association with sexual satisfacits tion or certain lifestyles in which is a prominent element sex (Frazier, 1994). CONCLUSION Sex is frequently used asa selling device in advertising. Physically (and hence sexually) attractive female and male models and actors are used to endorse products. Women appear in sexually alluring roles with advertising more often than men, leading to accusations of sexual objectification of women by advertisers. Over the years, there has been an increasing trend in the use of sex to sell, although withoutany empiricaljustification for doing so. The accusation of sexual objectification of women in advertising has received some support from research showing that female body parts are used more frequently than male bodyparts in association with advertised brands. Hence, it is not the identity or personality of the model that is emphasisedin relation to the brand, but simply the attractiveness of the body parts revealed. There is evidence that sexual imagerycan draw increased attention to advertising, may make the advertising message morememorable, and may even influence attitudes towards the product. These effects do not always occur together, however. Furthermore, they may not all change in a consistent direction. Thus, attention to an may beincreased by the use of sexual imagery, ad but recall of the brand may not. Whether or not theuse of sexhas a positive impact on attitudestowards the brand can depend on how appropriate that selling tactic is perceived by consumers to be. Sex in program adjacent to the an advertising break may also affect ad recall. Sex in a program has been found to reduce productliking among some consumers, althoughthis effect may be counteracted insome degree by the use of sex in the ad. Apart from the commercial benefits of sex in advertising, there may be social side effects. One of these concerns the of female actors and moduse els with slender body shapes. Research has indicated that exposure to such imagery can adversely influence the body self-esteem of young female consumers, especially if they already suffer from lowself-esteem. Essentially, the use of sex in advertising is broadly accepted by the public, although withinlimits. It is important that is deemed as an appropriate sex technique given the nature the product, The of nudity in advertiseof use ments for bath products would be regarded as acceptable because people generally take a bath shower without any clothes In contrast, the or on. use of nudity to sell a car may be regarded with more suspicion. The acceptability of sex and nudity in advertising, however, is culturally linked with some countries being more accepting it than others. of

How Are Effects of Media Sex to Be Explained?

Psychologists who investigated the effects of media portrayals sexual scenes of from films, videos, television programs, and other media, with or without violence, have produced a numberof explanations for the effects they have on viewers. Some theories attempt toexplain immediate reactions, whereas others focus on longer term effects. As we saw in chapter 8, research has indicated relationships between exposure to sexual stimuli and aggression among males, aggressionamong females, and aggression perpetrated by males on females. Most of this evidence derived from studies carried out in controlled laboratory environments. Some research was conducted under more natural conditions andsuggested that exposure to films that contain certain kinds of explicit sexual material can cause attitudinal shifts, but was unable to establish whether these led to behavioral effects. An initial body ofwork that emerged during 1970s found contrasting the results. One group of studies found an aggression-enhancing effect for eroticmedia content (Jaffe, Malamuth, Feingold, & Feshbach,1974; Meyer, 1972; Sapolsky, 1984;Zillmann,Hoyt, & Day, 1974).Another group established an aggression- or annoyance-reducing effect (Baron, 1974a, 1974b;R. A. Baron &Bell, 1977; Donnerstein, Donnerstein, &Evans, 1975; White, 1979;Zillmann & Sapolsky, 1977).In studies of interfemale aggression, both a facilitatory (Cantor, Zillmann,& Einsiedel, 1978; Jaffe et al., 1974; Sapolsky & Zillmann, 1981) and an inhibitory (R. A. Baron, 1979) effect for erotica were again observed. To try to explain





these discrepant findings, it is important toconsider various theoretical explanations for media effects that apply in this context and toexamine the methodologies deployedby researchers to investigate the effects of media erotica. This chapterfocuses on ananalysis of theoretical perspectives and explanations, whereas chapter 11 turns attention towards methodological issues.

Exposure to sex in themedia can cause consumersto become aroused. Explicit sexual content especially, whether itoccurs in print media or audiovisual media, can give rise to sexual arousal in readers and viewers. This arousal can be measuredby verbal self-reports of individuals or by physiological measures such as penile tumescence (Eccles, Marshall, & Barbaree, 1988; Malamuth & Check, 1980a; Schaefer & Colgan, 1977), vaginal changes (Sintchak & Geer, 1975), and thermography (Abramson, Perry, Seeley, Seeley,& Rothblatt, 1981). Sexual arousal to stimuli not naturally evoking such response may be learned through classical conditioning. In one conditioning exercise, researchers classically conditioned men to be sexually aroused by womens providing a model boots by pairing the boots with nude photographs, thus for how fetishes could be learned (Rachman, 1966; Rachman & Hodgson, 1968). The degree of arousal is not necessarily highly correlated with the degree of explicitness of the media content. Sometimes less explicit sexual content can be more arousing than more explicit content (Bancroft & Mathews, 1971). The arousal hypothesis has been invoked in particular to explain audience reactions, mostly among maleviewers, to violent sexual content. The interestherecentresnot simply on whether viewers become sexually aroused, but also whether they become aggressively aroused. According to the arousal hypothesis, the aggression-eliciting effect of a violentsex scene is a functionof its ability to excite viewers (Zillmann, 1982). Once aroused in this way, ifa person then subsequesntly annoyed or angered, the is arousal from the erotic material becomes compounded with their anger to enhance it still further. This reaction, in turn, increases the likelihood that thatperson will openly display anger in theform of aggression. One explanation of discrepant findings might therefore be found in the choice of experimental stimuli. Whereas an increase in aggression occurred following exposure to highly arousing, explicit films, a decrease in aggression was found subsequent to viewing mildly arousing, less explicit still photographs. In light of evidence that motion pictures induce greater sexual arousal than still photographs (Adamson, Romano, Burdeck, Corman, &



Chebib, 1972; McConaghy, 1974; Sanford, 1974),it would seemthat an explanation for the divergent findings resides in the differential arousal capacities of erotica. According to thearousal perspective, the aggression-moderating effect of a communication a function its excitatory potential (Zillmannal., is of et 1974). Specifically,following exposure to highly arousing erotica, residues of excitation intensify feelings of anger and aggressivebehavior. In contrast, after exposureto less arousing, mild erotica, minimal residues of excitation are available to intensify subsequent aggression. A n important element in aggression facilitation is the emotional state the aroused individual:A n of aggressive disposition is first established (through provocation) and then later reinstated. Aggression enhancement would not be expected (and, generally, has not been observe) for individuals not predisposed to behave in an aggressivefashion. Moresimply, the excitation transfer paradigm suggests that individuals would beexpected to behave more aggressively when (a) they are angered, they are then exposed to arousing erotica,and (c) (b) residues of arousal areavailable to energize the motivatedaggression when they are again confronted with anannoyer. According to Zillmann (1978, 1979, 1982),exposure to erotica fosters increased sympathetic activity an accompaniment to more specific genias tal responses and, after sexual stimulation, residues of the slowly dissipating nonspecific sympathetic excitation from sexual arousal are likely to intensify these experiencesand toenergize the hostile and aggressive actions incited by them. On the other hand,researchers have suggested that the aggression-reducing effect of nonarousing but usually pleasant erotic fare results from incompatible affective stimulation (R. A. Baron, 1974a, 1977; Zillmann & Sapolsky, 1977).They have argued that the elicitation hedonically oppoof site responses interferes withthe maintenanceof a particular state. The affective-arousal hypothesis is examined in more detaillater, EMOTIONAL INCOMPATIBILITY This hypothesis offers an explanation for aggression-reducing effects of mild sex scenes (Bandura, 1973, 1986). Such scenes are usually experienced as pleasurable and create positive mood among a viewers that is usually incompatiblewithbeing angry (R. A. Baron, 1974b; Zillmann & Sapolsky, 1977). In the presence of a positive, sexy feeling, anger tends to dissipate. Once an annoyed person immersed in pleasant erotica,his anger dissiis pates, thus making it less likely that he will be driven to respond aggressively. In theory, the stronger the eroticstimulus, the greater shouldbe the



emotional incompatibility that is created. Unfortunately, this hypothesis fails to account adequately for research findings that have shown that aggression can be enhanced after exposure to nonviolent erotica (Zillmann et al., 1974).

As a means reconciling the apparent contradictory of findings, a model has been proposed that integrates the arousal capacity and affect-eliciting qualities ascribed to erotica (Sapolsky & Zillmann, 1981; Zillmann, Bryant, Comisky, & Medoff, 1981). Specifically, the excitation-transfer paradigm has been modified through the recognition that affective response to an erotica stimulus may interfere with theaggression-facilitating effect of residual excitation. Likewise, the emotional incompatibility rationale (R. A. Baron, 197413) has beenmodified through the consideration affective reof sponses to eroticaemotionally compatible with annoyance and anger(e.g., disgust and disturbance). Taken together, the components excitation and of affective response are viewed ascontributing additively to thelevel of motivated aggressive behavior. According to this explanation, then, the amount excitement caused of by watching sex scenes needs to be added to much such how scenes are liked to determine how theviewer will subsequently behave. The enjoyment a viewer experiences while viewing a sex scene modifies the effect of any arousal that is also caused by it. A sex scene that is both highly arousing and found to be unpleasant can generatehigher level of aggression in a person a who hasalready been annoyed.In contrast, highly arousing sex scene that a is found to be pleasant can have the opposite effect on an angry person, helping to dissipate their anger. The arousal-affect model provides a number of predictions for the aggression-moderating effects of erotica based a consideration the comon of bined impactof the stimulus excitatory potential andits ability to create a positive or negative affective state:

1. Highly arousing eroticainducingnegative affective reactions would lead to the higher level of aggression through the summation the of aggression-facilitatingeffects of residual excitation and compatible unof pleasant emotions. 2. Highly arousing erotica inducing positive reactions would facilitate aggression but to a level below that of Condition 1 due to the aggression-reducing effect of pleasant emotionscounteractingthe aggression-enhancing effect of high arousal. 3. Moderately arousing erotica inducing negative affective reactions would lead to an increment in aggression belowthat of Condition 1 due



to areduced level of residual excitition combining with compatible unpleasant emotions. 4. Moderately arousing erotica inducing positive affective reactions would maintain the level of aggression (relative to a control condition) due to the aggression-reducing effect of pleasant emotions cancelling out the aggression-enhancing effect of moderate arousal. 5. Nonarousing erotica inducing negative affective reactions would create an increment in aggression solely the on basis of the aggression-enhancing effect of negative emotions. 6. Nonarousingeroticainducingpositiveaffectivereactions would, in the absence residues of excitation, lead to a reduction in of aggression due to the incompatibility pleasant emotion with anger of and aggression. Evidence supporting the arousal-affect model can be found in astudy by Zillmann and Sapolsky (1977) Direct measuresof excitation andaffective response were obtained. Mildly erotic stimuli (pictures of nudes) and highly erotic stimuli (pictures of intercourse, fellatio, and cunnilingus) were found to be no more arousing than nonerotica, and the erotica judgedto be were equally pleasing and nondisturbing. The erotic stimuli thus possessed qualities that, according to the two-component model, would lead to a lowering of aggressive inclinations. Exposure to the mildly and highly erotic stimuli reduced males' expression of annoyance. The erotica did not, however, affect retaliatory behavior, suggesting a lack of strength of the behavior-modifying impact of exposure to mild erotica. Elsewhere, studies found a reduction in retaliatory behavior after exposure to mild erotica (R. A. Baron, 1974a, 197413; R. A. Baron & Bell, 1977; Donnerstein et al., 1975). One exceptionto this pattern is worth noting, however. Following exposure to pictures of sexual acts (intercourse and oral sex), Donnerstein al. (1975) did not observe a reduction aggressive beet in havior. This discrepancy may have resulted from Donnerstein using stimuli that evoked a less positive affective state. Sapolsky and Zillmann (1981) exposed males to erotic motionpictures that ranged fromsuggestive to explicitly sexual (nudity, precoitus, R-coitus [without genitalia showing], and X-coitus [explicit intercourse and oral sex]). The precoitus and coitus films were found to be arousing. Males reported positive affective reactions to thenudity and coitus films but not to the film depicting precoital behavior. Nonarousing erotica eliciting positive affective response (nudity) did not reduce retaliatory behavior, nor did arousing erotica associated with positive affective response (R- and X-coitus) facilitate such behavior. Rather, the retaliatory actions of provoked males wereenhanced by arousing and disturbing erotica: a film ofprecoital behavior. Although the latter finding is projected by the arousal-affect



model, the level of retaliatory behavior subsequent to exposure to the remaining erotic films fails to conform to expectations. One explanation for the coitus films failure to produce an increase in hostile behavior may derive from the males habituation to strong erotica. Zillman, Bryant, Comisky, and Medoff (1981) also demonstrated an aggression-enhancing effectforarousing,negatively valenced stimuli. This facilitory effect in evidence regardless of whether the stimulus was erotic was or nonerotic: nonarousing and pleasing erotica (such as photographs of attractive nude females in sexually enticing poses), nonarousing anddispleasing erotica (such as photographs of masturbating, highly pregnant women, and unattractive women smeared with menstrual blood), arousing and pleasing erotica (such asfilms depicting fellatio, cunnilingus, and coition), or arousing and displeasing erotica (such as filmsdepicting women fellating and masturbating animals, heterosexual flagellation, and the painful deformation of genitals in sadomasochistic activities). The arousal and unpleasant aspects of these stimuli had an additive effect on aggressiveness of viewers, assuming they had been arousedto behave aggressively in thefirst place. Pleasing and nonarousing stimuli reduced aggression because of the affective incompatibility between pleasantness and aggressiveness. Displeasing, nonarousingerotica increased aggressiveness because of the displeasing affective quality of the stimulus. Displeasing and arousing erotica increased aggressiveness because of the negative affective tone of the material and its excitatory capacity, which further motivates aggression. With pleasing and arousing erotica, the net on aggression depends on effect whether the arousing nature or pleasing nature of the material is dominant. Zillmann et al. (1981) did not find an increase in males retaliatory behavior following exposure to arousing erotica eliciting positive affective reactions,nor following nonarousing, negatively valenced erotica. Also, contrary to expectations, nonarousing pleasing erotica were not shown to reduce the level of retaliatory behavior. The erotic stimuli were chosen be to not very pleasing, so as to match the nonerotic stimuli. The studies by Sapolsky and Zillman (1981) and by Zillmann et al. (198 1) are consistent in finding (a) an increase in aggression after exposure to arousing-negative erotica but notafter arousing-positive erotica (coital behavior),and (b) no decrease in aggressionfollowing the viewing of nonarousing-positive stimuli (nudity). One study is particularly relevant to the issue of affective response.A film of rape with the raped female becoming sexually aroused by her attackerled to a greater level of retaliatory behavior by nonangered males towards a female target in alaboratory setting than did a film of rape culminating in the victims extreme distress (Donnerstein & Berkowitz, 1981). The rape versions were found to be equally arousing, no measure of affective response but were obtained. It is presumed that observing a rape victims suffering elicits an



adverse emotional response among viewers, whereas witnessing her experid encing sexual arousal invokes a pleasurable response in viewers. Other research corroborated this point. The depiction of rape with a pleasurable outcome was observed to foster more positive emotions among audience the than a rape portrayal that concluded with the victim experiencing disgust (Malamuth, Heim, Feshbach, 1980). In line with the arousal-affect model, & the greater negative affect associated with the suffering outcome should prompt moreaggressive behavior from male viewers. A n additional explanation the differential effects of exposure to erotfor ica on aggressive behavior is that of cognitive labelling (R. A. Baron, 1979; White, 1979). According to this notion, the label applied to experienced arousal is derived from the affective reaction to specific stimulus. The coga nitive labelling process, in turn, determines whether the source of arousal will foster or impede aggression. If the affective response is positive, arousal will belabelled in apositive manner, leading to a decrement in later aggression. If the affective response is negative, arousal will more likely be labelled as anger, and the resulting aggressive behavior will be intensified.

The catharsis hypothesis posits that emotional arousal can be purged through vicarious experiences. This hypothesis has been discussed most usually in relation to aggression. A strong formof the hypothesis has been discussed most usually in relation to aggression. A strong formof the hypothesis has argued that individuals can release their aggressive impulses by observing mediated aggression. If true, this means that angered viewers watching a violent movie can obtain harmless release of their aggressive urges through vicarious involvement with the action screen. on Experimental tests for cathartic reactions among viewers in the context of aggression discharge provided only equivocal evidence for type of reasons. Laboratory and field experiments conducted by Feshbach andhis colleagues yielded findings that were interpreted as providing evidence for aggression catharsis (Feshbach, 1955,1961; Feshback &Singer, 1971),but these results have not beenuniversally accepted, and attempts at replication have failed to support the catharsis hypothesis (Wells, 1973). A weaker form the hypothesis has suggested that this vicarious release of of hostile urges is not possible for everyone, and that certain personality types may be better equipped to achieve this effect than others (Gunter, 1980). Hence,catharsis became regardedas a formof skill or competence. In particular, it was believed to be associated with an individuals imaginative capacity (Biblow, 1973; Copeland & Slater, 1985). This capacity may be manifest as skills creativity, daydreaming, or fantasy play behavior. Alin


22 1

though thenecessary cognitive apparatus for these processes is available in all human beings, it may not be equally developed throughoutall groups of individuals (Singer, 1966). The practised daydreamer can turn to fantasy activity to work out or resolve anger-arousing problem situations, whereas the inexperienced daydreameris more limited to the direct behavioral expression of his or her urges. High fantasizers have been observed to show greater control over their emotions and behaviors, which is, in turn, reflected in lower levels of overt activity in general than in low fantasizers (Singer, 1961; Singer,Wilensky, 6r. McGraven,1956). Individuals with highly developed imaginations tend to exhibit overt behavioral aggresless sion than individuals with lower imaginative competencies (Pytkowicz, Wagner, & Sarason, 1967; Townsend, 1968). These mentalfaculties are notequally well developed in all individuals. A person who is skilled at using his or her imagination, for instance, may also be better at entering into the dramaof an exciting media sequence, better at identifying with the characters, and more likely, therefore, tobecome vicariously involved with the action. Indeed, highly skilled fantasizers are adept at utilising a fantasy experience to help in changing any negative mood states they might feeling to more positive moods (Biblow, 1973). be The notion catharsis has been considered relation to of in audiences responses to sexual media stimuli. In this context, the catharsis notion argues that consuming media can relieve sexual urges. Magazineor video consex tent, for instance, canserve (in conjunction with masturbation) as an imperfect substitute for real sexual intercourse. The catharsis argument has been used to support the lessening of restrictions on availability of sexually explicit material in countries suchas Denmark (Kutchinsky, 1973, 1985).

This hypothesis derives from behavioral research into media violence effects. It also applies to the more specific form of violence in a sexual context. According to thedisinhibition hypothesis, viewing violence on screen inhibits ingrained social constraints against behaving violently. Attractive exemplars of the use of violence on screen serve to justify the use of violence by members of the audience. In the short term, at least, witnessing the use of violence justified by a film character may legitimise its use in real life as well tor some viewers. In the present context, possibility that disinhibition effects occur folthe lowing exposure to erotic media content, especially when accompanied by violence, derives from evidence that repeated viewing of films that depict scenes of women being rapedcan change mens verbally reported, behavioral intentions towards performingsimilar acts themselves (Malamuth &



Check,198 l a ; Malamuth, Haber, & Feshbach,1980; Check, 1984). Watching a scene in which a woman is raped and appears to become sexually aroused and experiences pleasure may reduce male inhibitions against committing such behavior themselves (Check, 1984; Malamuth, Haber, & Feshbach, 1980). AGGRESSIVE CUE MODEL With this model, aspects of the sex scene, most especially the types of actors involved, are regarded as being as significant as its capacity to excite the audience ininfluencing the way viewers behave afterwards. The arousal capacity of the stimuli, while contributing to an enhancementof aggressive behavior, is not seen as a necessary component. Rather, an explanation of the differential effects is based on the proposal that an individual can assume aggressive cue value whenhe or she is associated with film-mediated violence (Berkowitz, 1984). In a situation in which an individual has been angered another person, by his or her subsequent retaliatory aggression against that person may be ena in hanced by watching film clip which an actor who resembles that person in critical respects is depicted as a victim of violence. For example, when a man views a film depiction of rape and is then given an opportunity to aggress against a woman who hadearlier annoyed him, he inflict moreharm bemay cause of the female targets aggressivecue value-her association with the victim in the film. In contrast, the laboratory target is another man, the if aggression may be less pronounced because immediate connection no would be made between the film violence and the laboratory situation (Donnerstein, 1980, 1983).A nonviolent erotic film, in contrast,lacks aggressivecues that would lower the males inhibitions for inflicting harm against women and, therefore, male aggression against the female target is lower. The aggressive cue perspective appears to accountfor heightened male exposure to pornography featuring violence against women, in particular the portrayal of rape. There is also evidence tosuggest that noneroticstimuli featuring aggression against a femalecan facilitate male-on-female aggression (Donnerstein, 1983).The presence of aggressive cues and the sex of the target of aggression are centralfactors in this interacting rationale. Arousal is also important in this context in that can facilitate the retaliait tory response and is therefore seen as interacting with the content of an erotic communication. DESENSITISATION According to this explanation of media effects, repeated exposure certain to types of media content results in the audience becoming habituated to it.



Any strong emotional behavioral reactions that itmay have caused inior tially become gradually weakened with repeatedexposure. Does repeated exposure to sexually violent media content change peoples arousal by such stimuli? One study looked at this question. Ceniti and Malamuth(1984)classified 69 adultmalesintoforce-oriented, non-force-oriented, andunclassifiable categories based on theirpenile tumescence when presented with portrayals of rape and consensual sex during a pre-exposure session. Those classified as force-oriented had shown relatively high levels of sexual arousal to rape depictions. Those classified as non-force-oriented had shown relatively little arousal to rape depictions, but they had become aroused to consensual sex portrayals. Experimental participants labelled as unclassifiable had shown little arousal to either type of portrayal. Following this classification, participants were randomly assigned to one of three exposure groups: sexually violent, sexually nonviolent, or control. Thoseassigned to thesexually violent conditionwere exposedto 10 sexually violent stimuli (including feature-length films, and written and pictorial depictions) over a of 4 weeks. Participants in the sexuperiod ally nonviolent condition were exposed to 10 presentations of sexually nonviolent activities only. Participants in the control condition were not exposed to any stimuli. Soon after their exposure, participants returned to the laboratory and were presented with depictions similar to the pre-exposure session. Penile tumescence and self-reportedsexual arousal were measured again. Force-oriented participants, whether exposed to violent or nonsexually violentmedia,became less arousedtotherapedepictionsinthe postexposure session than those in the control condition. They tended also to be lessaroused by the postexposure nonviolent depictions, although this effect was considerably less pronounced. Both non-force-oriented and unclassifiable participants, however, showed no significant effects of exposure. The reduced arousal of force-oriented participantsappears similar to the temporary habituation effects frequently found instudies using nonviolent sexual material (Mann, Berkowitz, Sidman, Starr, 6r West, 1974; Zillmann 6r Bryant, 1984). Mann, Sidman, and Starr 1; also Mann, Berkowitz, et al., 1974) ex(197 posed married couples in four consecutive weekly sessions to sexually explicit filmsor, inacontrolcondition,tononerotic films. During the treatment period, participants recorded their sexual activities in diaries. Attitudes about pornography were assessed initially and after treatment. Exposure to erotica was found to stimulate sexual behavior only shortly. Sexual activities were more frequent on exposure days than on the days thereafter. More important to discussion was the finding that the transithis



tory, sex-stimulating effect grew weaker over weeks and became the negligible in the fourthweek. Mann et al. (197 1) emphasised that the stimulating effect was rather nonspecific, manifestingitself in a variety sexual activities with which of the couples werefamiliar. The couples did not readily adopt depictedsexual practices that were not already a part of their behavioral repertoire. Many dormant practices were revived, however. This finding, together with the fact that couples were married at least 10 all for years, would seem to suggest that exposure to erotica to exhibit failed sexual novelties for the participants of this particular investigation and that the lack of specific emulation might not generalise to more sexually naive persons. The sexual maturity of the participants might explain the findingno apprealso of ciable attitudinal change. An investigation conducted by Howard, Reifler, and Liptzin (1971; see also Reifler, Howard, Lipton, Liptzin, & Widmann, 1971) addressed the dissipation of sexual arousal more directly. O n 15 days distributed over a 3-week period, male college students were given access to pornographic films, photographs, andreadings or were not given such access in a control condition. The experimental participants were to choose from among free these materials and from among nonerotic onesin the first 10 sessions. In the following three sessions, the original pornographic materials were replaced by new ones, and in the last two sessions, the nonerotic materials were removed. Each session lasted 90 minutes, and during time the parthis ticipants recorded their activities in regular intervals. Both experimental and control participants were shown an explicitly erotic film. Numerous measures of sexual arousal were taken during and after exposure to these films, and a battery of self-perception and attitudinal measures was recorded following exposure. The findings showed that the young men initially had a strong interest in erotic films. This interest, however, faded rapidly with repeated exposure. Erotic photographs readings received continued attention, but such atand tention was at comparatively low levels. After unrestricted exposure porto nography, even the introduction of novel materials failed to revive initial levels of interest. In fact, such unrestricted exposure to pornography led participants toappraise their reaction to explicit erotica as boredom. Analysis of physiological data confirmed these results. There was decreased interest and increased boredom in erotic materials over time. Compared with responses to the pre-treatment film, exposure to an explicitly sexual film immediately after the conclusion of the longitudinal treatment produced diminished reactionsof sexual excitedness. The findings by Howard et al. (197 1) and Reifler et al. (197 1) highly are suggestive of habituation of sexual and autonomicarousal to eroticaas the result of massive and continued exposure. However, because their in inves-



tigation the longitudinal treatment was both an independent and a dependent variable (Le., exposure was both a measured effect and a potential cause for later effects), amount of exposure varied across individuals and was by no means massive throughout. Zillmann and Bryant (1984) presented astudy to examine habituation to erotica. It also examined the extent to which habituation to erotica generalises to less explicit depictionsof sexual behavior and to portrayals of less common forms of sexual practices to which respondents are relatively unaccustomed. They assigned 80 male and 80 female students to four experimental groups. Three of the groups participated in weekly sessions over about9 weeks. The remaining groupwas a no-treatment control. Participants in experimental groups met in six consecutive weekly sessions. They watched six films of about 8 minutes duration and evaluated aesthetic aspects each movie. In themassive exposurecondition, of participants saw six explicitly sexual films per session. Over the 6-week period, they saw 36 erotic films. In the intermediateexposure condition, participants saw three erotic films and three nonerotic films. They saw a total of 18 erotic films in all. In the no-exposure condition,all 36 films were nonerotic. Participants in all three treatmentgroups returned to the laboratory one week after their final session. At thattime, all participants were exposed to three films in the following order: (a) a sexually suggestive film depicting heterosexual petting and precoital behavior; (b) a sexually explicit film depicting fellatio, cunnilingus, and heterosexual intercourse; and (c) a film depicting both bestiality and sadomasochistic activities (such as a woman fellating and having intercourse with a dog and a man being whipped by a woman during cunnilingus). films were of 8 minutes duration. ParticiAll pants reported their emotional reactions immediately after exposure to each film. The participants returned to the laboratory 2 weeks after their final session of prior exposure treatment. All participants were provoked by a same gender confederate, exposed not exposed to erotica, and then or provided with an opportunity to retaliate against their annoyer. The confederate treatment participants rudely and seemingly deliberately caused them pain when, inviolation of instructions, he or she overinflated a blood pressure cuff and did not deflate it properly. Participants were later given the opportunity to retaliate in the same way. During the third week following the completion of the initial exposure treatment, participants who had received one of three treatments and the participants who hadnot received any prior treatment participated in afinal session. They first estimated, as a percentage, the portion of American adults performing particular sex acts, common ones as well as uncommon ones. Among other things they estimated the portion of sexually active adults, of



adults employing oral-genital stimulation techniques, and of adults practicing anal intercourse, group sex, sadomasochism, andbestiality. The participants were then introduced to a rape case simulation. They read the newspaper coverage a hitchhiking that of resulted in the sexual offence. The rapist's jury conviction was reported, but a sentence was not stated. Participants were asked to recommended a prison term for the particular offence. The lengthof the term was considered to indicate disapproval or condemnation of rape. Sexual callousness towards women was expected to find expression in minimal prison sentences. Physiological measures revealed signs of habituation to erotica over the duration of the study in the massive and intermediate exposure conditions. There was no indication, however, that generalisation occurred from one type of sexual content toanother. Massive exposure to erotica produced diminished affective reactions to it over time. Moderate exposure hadsimilar a effect. The effects of massive exposure to explicit erotica on repulsion and enjoyment were still in evidence 2 weeks after the termination of the initial treatment. Indeed, both massively and moderatelyexposed participants reported being less offended pornography, and even by considered pornography less pornographic, up to 3 weeks after the end of the treatment. , There were some aggression modifying effects of exposure to explicit erotica. Habituation to erotica also resulted in reduced aggressiveness. Massive and moderateexposure produced a trend toward decreased motivated aggression. There was a close correspondence between decreased arousal, decreased repulsion, and reduced aggressiveness. More generally, however, exposure erotic films featuring less common to sexual activities produced more aggressive behavior than did the control condition, and more than the standard erotica condition. It also also should be noted thatfilms depicting sadomasochism or bestiality produced much higher repulsion scores as well and were much less enjoyed. Interestingly, there were no gender effects or interactions in the mediation of aggression. CULTIVATION EFFECTS The notionof cultivation posits that themass media, and especially television and films, have a tendency to present a stereotyped view ofthe world in which certain social groups and patternsof behavior are emphasised the at expense of others. The media offer disproportionate overrepresentations of some groups and behaviors and underrepresentations of others relative to their statistically established rates of occurrence in the world. Individreal uals who are, example, heavy for users of television, become exposed this to distorted 'television world' more often than users of the medium. As a light result, heavy users mayexhibit perceptions of the real world that are consis-




tent with the television world. Hence, those viewers exposed to a regular diet of prime-time television drama programs that frequently depict portrayals of crime and violence may come to see the world as a violent, crime-ridden place, relative to light viewers (Gerbner & Gross, 1976; Gerbner, Gross, Morgan, & Signorielli, 1986) The cultivation effect has been observed to occur in relation to gender-role perceptions and beliefs. The cultivation argument here is that women and men tend to be depicted by television in stereotyped ways. Men and women are differentially represented in particular dramatic roles and tend to further stereotyped in termsdominant personality traits. be of Men have traditionally been depicted in successful professional roles, in positions of authority, as independent,assertive,andcommanding, whereas women have been placed more often in limited domestic roles, subservient occupational roles, and shownas dependent on men, submissive, and pre-occupied by romantic and personal matters (see Gunter, 1995).Accordingtosome observers, television has also emphasised womens physical attractiveness and tended to them as sex objects in use its advertising and its programming (Atwood, Zahn, & Webber, 1986; Venkatesan & Losco, 1975). A key feature of the cultivation hypothesis is that media influences are felt at a cognitive level rather thanprimarily at a behavioral level. Furthermore, media influences are not tied to short-term immediate reactions to or individual portrayals of a specific character. Instead, the emphasis placed is on long-term effects that arise from regular and repeated exposure to stereotyped patterns ofbehavior screen. In relation to the certain social on way groups are displayed, as much weight is attached to messages that are learned from the recipients of actions as fromthe perpetrators actions. In of connection with depictions of violence, for example, researchers have been concerned with the effects of exposure to patterns of victimisation. This emphasis is to be contrasted with traditional behavioral effects research that focused on the influences on viewers ofthe behavior of the perpetrator of violence. In relation to sexualportrayals, certain stereotypes have been identified that may have cultivationeffects on viewers. Most concern has been reserved for cultivation effects associated with portrayals of sexual violence in which women arethe usual victims. Exposure to portrayals of this kind may, according tosome writers, create distorted beliefs among men about female sexuality (Malamuth, 1986). Another of cultivation efform fect that may stem from prolonged exposure erotic entertainmentone to is that have implications for family values (Zillmann, 1994). Pornography depicts many sexual interactions among actors who have just sex The met. takes place outside of any kind established interpersonal romantic reof or lationship. The actors may have sexual engagements with many partners,



and sometimes with multiple partners same scene. Sexdepicted as in the is an activity designedto deliver physical pleasure and little or nothing else. Women are depicted as eager to deliver sexual gratification to any man who happens along (see Brosius, Weaver, & Staab, 1991; Palys, 1984; Prince, 1990).

Cultivation o Sexual Values and Conduct f

It has been argued that repeated exposure to such material may influence values relating to faithfulness and sexual promiscuity, beliefs about marriage, divorce, and child-raising, and perceptions regarding the prevalence of rampant sexuality and own sexual performance (Zillmann, 1994). In studies of young males and females reactions to repeated exposure to pornographic films, Zillmann and Bryant (1982,1984) measured values and attitudes relating to marriage and personal happiness to investigate such cultivation effects. Prolonged exposure pornography under controlled experimental to conditions, lasting about a week, resulted in increased acceptanceof male and female promiscuity. In particular, such exposurewas linked to increased acceptance of sexual relationships prior to marriage and with partners outside marriage. Nonexclusive sexual intimacy accepted to greater degree was a by those young adults who viewed a diet pornographic films in which casual of sexual liaisons were thematically central to the action. Prolonged pornography exposure was associated with the perception that an unrestrained sex life is healthy. Young adults exposed to the pornography diet were much less likely than a matched group who viewed nonpornographic films to be supportive the of institution of marriage. The breakdown of marriage on grounds of sexual disinterest on the partone partner regarded as acceptable by a greater of was proportion of those individualsexposed to the diet pornography than of of those who viewed other material, whereas the continuation of a marriage despite either partnerssexualunfaithfulnessreceivedgreatersupport among the pornography group. Exposure to pornography also apparently weakened the desire to have children. It cannot be concluded that the beliefs and attitudes that were observed by Zillmann and Bryant among young adults exposed to a week-long diet of pornographic films were conditioned solely by their experimentalviewing experiences. Indeed,the researchers noted that one must not discount the attraction that pornography, outside the laboratory, may have for certain classes of individual who already hold cynical attitudes and beliefs about family values. This research does provide evidence nonetheless pornothat graphic films that depictsex as a casual, pleasure-driven activity divorced



from any emotional involvement between sexual partners may reinforce antifamily beliefs. Further support for the cultivation of sexual issues through viewing of soap operas on mainstream television emerged from several other studies conducted during the 1980s and 1990s. Carveth and Alexander (1985) showed soap cultivationeffects among college students in relation to estimates of the numberof illegitimate children and number divorced men of and women. Burekel-Rothfuss Mayes (1981) identified a cultivation efand fect for an overestimate in the number women who havehad abortions of and in the number men and women who have had of affairs and, again, in estimates of the number of illegitimate children. Olson (1994) provided further evidence of the potential of television soaps to cultivate distorted perceptions of reality in relation to sexual issues. Content analysis of television soaps had indicated little, any, portrayal of if safesexpracticesandcontraception,butmanypregnancystories (Greenberg & Busselle, 1996).College students who reported regular viewing of soaps differed from those who were nonviewersexpressing less need in for contraceptives, higher rates of pregnancy, higher rates of adultery and higher estimates of sexually transmitted diseases in everyday reality.
Cultivation o Sexual Dissatisfaction f

Using the samemethodology as their earlier studies (i.e., Zillmann & Bryant, 1982, 1984),Zillmann and Bryant conducted further experimental studies to explore cultivation effects of exposure to media sex on individuals degree of satisfaction with their own sex lives. Participants were recruitedfromstudentandnonstudentpopulations.Exposingsome respondents to a diet of sexually explicit films resulted in lower reported satisfaction with the affection received from, the physical appearance, and the sexual performance of their real life partners, as compared to a control group whodid not see these films. Participants exposed to thesex material also regarded sex without emotional involvement being relatively more as important than the controlgroup. The viewers of explicit media sex exdid hibited greater acceptance of premarital and extramarital sex and gave lower ratings for marriage and monogamy. The explicit sex viewersshowed less desire to have children and greater acceptance of male dominance and female submission (Zillmann6r Bryant, 1988a, 1988b). This particular type of cultivation effect, however, may depend on the nature of the sexual material presented to individuals and theway they are invited tobecome involved withit. Evidence emerged froman earlier experimental study that participants who were to think about their told sexual partners before reading explicit passages about a womans sexual fantasies



laterratedtheirownpartner more sexuallyattractive(Dermer & Pyszczynski, 1978).This contrasting result indicate that may different types of sexual content, presented through different media, give rise to differmay ent levels of sexual fantasizing among consumers. some instance, the In sexual fantasies that are facilitated may produce a positive view of ones own sexual partner, whereason other occasions the reverse reaction occurs. These cultivation influences reflect the cognitive heuristic availmay of ability, whereby we judge frequency of occurrence of various activities by the the ease with which we can generate examples (Taylor, 1982; Tversky & Kahneman, 1973,1974).Recent vivid media instances can lead to an overestimation of such occurrences in the real world. Further explanationsof these effects derives from social comparison theory. Here, it is suggested that media consumers make comparisonsbetween role models seen on screen with people in their own lives.In a sexual context, individuals may compare their sexual partners, in terms of appearance and performance, with actors seen in sexually explicit sequences in films or videos. Men, in particular, seem prone to make these comparisons between their wives or girlfriendsand beautiful female models engaged promiscuous sexin ual activity in explicit pornography. In consequence, they mayrate theirown partners as less physically endowed, although this does not invariably produce lowered satisfaction with their ownsexlives(Weaver,Masland, & Zillmann, 1984). It may, however, affect the perceived depth of their feelings for their partner (Kenrick,Gutierres, &Goldberg, 1989).Further, in the short term, exposure of young men to sexually explicit videos can cause them to respond in a more overt sexual manner towards a female with whom they subsequently interact in the context interview, although this effect appears to of an be most pronounced among men who already hold stereotyped opinions about women (McKenzie-Mohr & Zanna, 1990).

Cultivation o Anti-FemaleValues and Beliefs f

Some theories have explored longer termeffects of pornography on the the public. A viewpoint put forward by antipornography feminists is that sex scenes in eroticfilms tend to promote sexist ideology and discriminatory a practices againstwomen (Brownmiller, 1975). Advocates of this model argue that sexually explicit material conveys an antifemale ideology. Erotica is seen as objectifying and dehumanising women, portraying women as servants tomens sexual desires, denying female sexuality, and promoting sexual and social subordination of and violence towards women (Brownmiller, 1975; Lederer, 1980). This theory has been substantiatedby empirical research findings from laboratory studies that found that repeated exposure ofyoung males to films



23 1

depicting violent and nonviolent degrading portrayals of women can shift male attitudes to women and rape in a more sexist and callous direction (Linz, 1989; Linz & Malamuth, 1993; Zillmann & Bryant, 1982). Furthermore, reported consumption pornography in which of women are shown in subordinate sex object roles is associated with greater acceptanceof rape myths and cynical attitudes towards women (Check & Guloien, 1989). Studies of media violence of a sexual nature suggest three conclusions according to Malamuth, Check, and Briere (1986): (a) Males act against female targets in the majority of the depictions (D. G. Smith, 1976); (b) although media sexual aggression has increased in the last 15 years, it is considerably lower than medianonsexual violence (Malamuth,1986; Malamuth & Spinner, 1980; Palys, 1986; Slade, 1984; Winick, 1985); and (c) sexual aggression isoften depicted quite differently from nonsexualaggression (Malamuth et al., 1986). Experimental research has observed connections between exposure to erotica and several adversarial beliefs about women. Exposureto sexually explicit materials has been linked to perceptions that ones mate is lesssexually attractive (Weaver, Masland, & Zillmann, 1984) and to satisfaction less with ones partners affection, physical appearance andsexual performance (Zillmann & Bryant, 1988). Experiments havealso observed that exposure to erotica leads men tobe more accepting of violence towards women and less sympathetic towards womens viewpoints and feelings inthe sexual andnonsexualarena (Zillmann & Weaver, 1989). Prolonged experimental exposure to sexually explicit materials is associated with increased acceptance of violence against women (Malamuth & Check, 1981b), increased aggressive behavior against women (Donnerstein Berkowitz, 1981),increased acceptance & of rape myths in both men andwomen (Malamuth & Check, 1985), and less compassion for rape victims and recommendations lighter sentences of for rapists (Zillmann & Bryant, 1982). Advocates of the feminist social responsibility model argue that these beliefs and attitudes may justify male dominance and female submissiveness,may be rape supportive, and may be associated with a broader acceptance of violence in nonsexual situations (Linz & Malamuth, 1993, p. 47). Survey research provides some limited support for this model. Malamuth and Check(1985) reported that reading mens magazines such as Penthouse and Playboy was positively related tobeliefs that women enjoy being raped. Burt (1980) noted thatexposure to media treatment of sexual assault was linked to acceptanceof rape myths. Preston(1990) found that exposure to mainstream soft-porn magazines and X-rated videos was related to male college students holding more sex-role stereotypes. Other research, how, ever, located no connections between exposure to explicit material sexually



and several adversarialattitudes towards or beliefs about women (Demare et al., 1988; Padgett, Brislin-Slutz, &Neal, 1989). Researchers have offered theoretical explanations for the connection between exposure to sexually explicit material and hostile views about women and rape myth acceptance. Zillmann and Bryant (1989),for example, suggested that negative depictionsof women in sexually explicit media content may become the basis for schemata or scripts about women and sexuality that direct thoughts and behavior (Fiske & Taylor, 1984). Social learning theory suggests that therewards inherent inexposure to erotica make the content likely to be learned and imitated. Malamuth more et al. (1986) suggested that eroticas effects on sexual aggression are indirect. Accordingto their model, exposure sexually explicit media content to affects how peoplethink about women and rape, whichthen influences behavior. Experimental research on sexual violence has demonstrated that college mens frequency of reading sexually explicit material correlated positively with their beliefs that women enjoy forced sex (Brier, Corne, Rintz, & Malamuth, 1984; Malamuth & Check, 1985). In another experiment, subjects exposed to a positive rape portrayal were less negative in theirresponses to a second rape portrayal (Malamuth & Check, 1980a, 198 Malamuth, Haber, & Feshbach, 1980). a similar 1a; In vein, Linz (1985) found that males exposed to sexually violent films were less sympathetictoarapevictiminasimulatedtrial (see also Linz, Donnerstein, & Penrod, 1984).

Viewing Motives as Mediating Variables

Evidence has emerged that the cultivation effects of mass media can be mediated by the motives underpinning media consumption. Much this work of has been conducted in relation to opera soap viewing and is therefore of relevance to any discussion of media cultivationeffects in relation to beliefs about sex and sexuality. Other work hasbeen conducted with explicit erotic materials. The uses and gratifications perspective holds that exposure to media content provides only part of the explanationfor media effects. According to this perspective, people are active because they select media content for specific reasons. Peoplesreasons for using media content influence attention levels, how they interpret content, how actively they use the content, and attitudinal and cognitive effects (Katz, Blunder, & Gurevitch, 1973; Levy & Windahl, 1985; Rubin & Perse, 1987). Regular soap opera viewers have been found to watch primarily for excitement,to relax, to pass time, and for companionship(Greenberg, Neuendorf, Buerkel-Rothfuss, & Henderson, 1982). In addition to these motives, soap operas have been regarded sources of advice on social isas



sues and as having social utility by giving viewers something to talk about with others (Compesi, 1980). Adolescent have reportedusing soapsto girls cheer themselvesup, forget about problems, and get away from theirfamilies (Woods, 1998). Evidence has emerged that thesex in soaps is a key aspect of theirappeal for some viewers. Babrow (1987) askedsurvey respondents to their reasons for viewing television in general and more give especially for watching or avoiding soaps. Many of the reasons for watching soap operas were common to those mentioned for television in general. Three reasons uniqueto soaps viewingwere the serial format,with never-ending or unpredictable story lines; character development over time; and the sex and romance. Motives for viewinghave been discriminated in broader terms between ritualised and instrumentalreasons for watching. Viewing as ritual reflects nondirectional, habitual forms of viewing for no specific reason. Viewing for instrumental purposes means that media consumers are directed and goal have specific reasons for watching specific programs (Rubin, 1985). Research conducted by Rubin on consumption of television soaps revealed four viewing factors: orientation, avoidance, diversion, and social utility. Orientation referred to theuse of soapsto explore aspects of reality and to learn lessons or strategies in how to deal with other people, situations, or problems. Avoidance referred to watching soaps for escapism and filling time. Diversion referred to the entertainment value of soaps. Social utility meant the use of soaps to acquire things to talk about with others. These four categories of gratification were highly and positively correlated with affinity with soaps and, to lesser degree, with involvement with them. There a was no indication, however, that of soaps for of these reasons, and in use any particular for social utility purposes, was linked to actual levels of social interaction amongviewers. Loneliness has been found to relate closely to soap operaviewing. Perse and Rubin (1990) foundthat chronically lonely people amongregular soap viewers perceived soaps as more realistic. Such individuals viewed soaps mainly to kill time, rather than to stimulate social interaction with others. Whereas people who are alone temporarily in a particular situation may turn to soaps fordistraction and entertainment, the chronically lonely tend to obtainfewer satisfactory escapism experiences from theirsoaps viewing (Canary & Spitzberg, 1993). Elsewhere, more direct attempts have been made to assess the signifiH cance of soap-related gratifications as mediators of cultivation effects arising from these programs. The cultivation hypothesis predicts that heavy television viewers willmake estimates as to the frequency of specific groups and behaviors that are more in accord withthe frequency of television portrayals than theirreal-life frequencies. Such cultivationeffects were found in relation to amount soap opera of viewing, but in more pronounced a way



for viewers who watched soaps for ritualistic reasons rather than instrumental ones (Carveth & Alexander, 1985). A subsequent study added the variable of involvement with or perceived importance of watching television soaps among adolescent females. The prevalence of different relational problems and the perceived usefulness of soaps were correlated notonly with overall reported soap viewing, but more significantly with adolescent girls perceived involvement with soap operas (Woods, 1998). Further research in this vein has examined how viewing motives might mediate cultivation effects of more restricted circulation explicit sexual and materials. Perse (1994) surveyed college undergraduates (two-thirds female) about their use of erotic or pornographic material-magazines or X-rated videos. She established respondents? principal reasons for using such material and related usage data tomeasures of gender-role stereotyping and rape myth beliefs concerning women. From the outset, males exhibited more stereotyped gender beliefs than did females. To what extent, role however, werethese beliefs linked with reported usage of pornographic media content and thereasons for using such material? Four categories of pornography usage motivation emerged. These were labelled sexual enhancement (using erotica to enhance mood or for information about sexual technique); diversion (escape, relaxation,relief of boredom); sexual release (sexual fantasy and release); and substitution (as a replacement for a sexual partner). Males and females differed on two of the four motives for consuming sexually explicit material. Males were more likely to report using erotica for sexual release than were females. Males also scored higher on substitution thandid females. One of the objectives of Perses study was to explore the feminist social responsibility model that holds that exposure to sexually explicit materials is linked to adversarial views about women. These might take the form of extreme sex-role stereotyping or hostile beliefs about women, particularly in relation to rape. Perse found considerable support the feminist social refor sponsibility model. Two ofthe functionaluses ofsexually explicit materials were linked to negative beliefs about women. Sexual enhancement was directly linked to holding adversarial views about women. Males who used erotica for sexual stimulation andforeplay with their partners were more likely to reportmore traditional and conservative beliefs about women and sex. It was reasoned that because erotica depicted asexist view of women (Brownmiller, 1975;Smith, 1976),use of these materialsto stimulate ones female partner might cause, reinforce, or out ofviews that dehumanize grow women and see them as objects that need to turned on. According to be Perse, although advocates of the liberal model often argue that sexual enhancement is a beneficial use ofsexually oriented content, sexual enhancement had significant indirect influenceon rape myth acceptance through a



its connection to gender role stereotypes, sexual conservatism, and exposure, all significant predictors of rape myth acceptance. The use of erotica for substitution was significantly and positively related to rape myth acceptance. Although motive was not strongly endorsed this by the students this study, using in erotica as a replacement a sexual partfor ner was associated with greater acceptance of rape myths. Sexual release was a significant negative predictor of rape myth acceptance, adding support for the liberal model. Using eroticafor solitary fantasy and sexual release was related to lower levels of rape myth acceptance. If this motive reflects one safeapproach to this use of sexually explicit media content sex, may not pose a risk for women or society (p. 507).

Malamuth (1996b) offered a theoretical model within which to consider the impact of explicit sexual material based on evolutionary psychology. An evolutionary model can be used to explain differences between gendersin their consumption media sex. The type of sexually explicit media content of preferred by each gender reflects their wider sexuality strategies. Males prefer erotica that reflect the short-termism of the male sexual strategy. Femalesprefer erotica that emphasise the long-term orientation of their mating strategy. According to its protagonists, evolutionary psychology provides a framework for the analysis of gender differences (Buss, 1995). In some respects, males and females can be expected to have common psychological mechanisms, such as ... in domains wherenatural selection has focusedthe same solutions to adaptive problems for all humans regardless of their gender (Malamuth, 199613, p. 13).In other domains, where males and females have had to contend withdifferent problems over time, different psychological mechanisms have emerged. Sociobiological models that incorporateingredients from psychology, sociology, genetics, and evolution acknowledge the importance of environmental factors in the developmentof the character not just of individuals, but of entire species. Such models place much emphasis on the notion that individuals are hard wired biologicallyand psychologically to display certaindominantcharacteristicsor behavioral orientations. Although these attributes are endowed to a degree by genetic inheritance, their intrinsic nature determined by the environment expeis riences of earlier generations (Cosmides &Tooby, 1987). The genetic codes that are handed down from one generation to the next, therefore, contain a kind of memory imprint of the experiences and knowledge of past generations that predetermines individual members of later generations of the spe,



cies toprefercertainbehavioraloptionsoverothersindifferent environmental circumstances. Where different roles have been adopted by each gender in past generations, resulting in different kinds of environmental experiences, there may be differences in the genetic codes that in result each case. These distinct,gender-specific codes may produce different psychological mechanisms that orient each gender somewhat differently in they way they approach and respond to different classes of environmental stimuli (Tooby & Cosmides, 1990). These psychological mechanisms include cognitive associative networks that are believed to represent connections between perceptions, ideas, emotions, and behavioral orientations (Berkowitz, 1993).For example, across generations, men may establish cognitive networks that predispose them to process information differently and to adopt different behavioral strategies from women (Malamuth, 199613). One area where a difference in evolutionary development can be expected is sexuality. Differing natural selection processes for males and femaleshave resulted in sexual dimorphism inrelevant psychological mechanisms. Thus, men andwomen adopt differing sexual strategies, underpinned by distinct psychological mechanisms. One of the core elements of this genderdifference is the degree of investment required of males and females in the production offspring. The actof conception, usually initiof ated by the male, requires only a few minutes to achieve, whereas pregnancy lasts for many months. females, it is more adaptive to For invest in each offspring by carefully selecting a mate with successful characteristics who will participate in raising the offspring. For males, having intercourse with a large number of fertile females wasmore conducive reproductive success. to Females are able to bear a limited number of children, whereasmales can sire literally thousands of offspring should they wish to. For males, therefore, a sexual strategy that emphasises quantity of reproduction is uppermost, while for females, one that emphasises quality is more important. In ancestral environments, mans reproductive success would have ina creased (other things being equal) he had been if able to (a) gain sexual access to a larger number of women, particularly women who were highly fertile, and (b) minimise commitment and investment in single woman, any so as to enable access to other fertile women (Buss & Schmidt, 1993). Female ancestors did not face such issues. They adopted a different sexual strategy-one that was more advantageousfor them. Partly because mens reproductive ability is less highly correlated with a particular a strategy age, that emphasised short-term mating with many young men could actually have been quite disadvantageous. This may have beenparticularly the case if mens sexual strategy had been inclined to monopolise femalesexuality andmighthaveresultedin aggression againstpromiscuousfemales (Malanmth, 1996a; Smuts, 1995, Wilson & Daly, 1992). Instead, females adaptive problems includedidentifying men who had the ability and will-



ingness to successfullyinvest in them and their offspring. It was also important that such men provide physical protection, particularly during the period of increased vulnerability associated with pregnancy child rearand ing. At the same time, itwas important to mate with a man who possessed as suggest potential parental such attributes sensitivity and kindness, which abilities and the skills to help nurture offspring. Table 10.1shows similarities between major adaptive problems and contents of sexually explicit media. The types of content preferred by males shows casual sex with numerous accessible women who display fertility cues through their age, body shape, and on. Research on body shape has found so that the type of waist-to-hip ratio featured regularly in male-orientedsexually explicit magazines such as Playboy (i.e., a 0.70 ratio) corresponds exactly to the ratio found most attractive by men of various ethnic and cultural backgrounds (Singh, 1995; Singh & Luis, 1995; Singh & Young, 1995). Moreover, such a ratio the most reproductively optimal is across the range of female body weight and size. Many survey and laboratory studies focusing on various media, including magazines, movies, and the Internet, find that, in comparison to women, men are more likely to seek out (even when alone or with a same-sex friend), to consume more regularly, to be moresexually aroused by, to have
TABLE 10.1

Similarity Between Evolutionary Adaptive ProbIems and Content o Sexually Explicit Media f
Males Short-Term Mating Problems Content, Male-Targeted Sexually Expliczt Medza

(1) Partner number problem (2) Sexual access to women problem


(3) Identifying fertile women problem

-+ +

(1) Numerous women depicted (2) Women eager to servicemen sexually

(3) Youthful women with shapelybodies
(cues associated with fertility)

(4) Minimizing investment problem

Females Long-Term Mating Problems

+ (4) Casual sex withoutinvestment

Content, Female-Targeted Sexually Explicit Media

(1) Problem of identifying man who is

able and willing to invest in her


(1)High status man who desires and eventually loves only her Man is powerful, often brutish towards others by end of story

(2) Physical protection problem

(3) Problem of identifying man with
good parental abilities and skills

+ (2)

+ ( 3 ) Man becomes kind and gentle with her

Note: Arrows show correspondence between adaptive problems and media content.



more favorable attitudes towards, and to react with negative affect to less portrayals featuring nudity of the opposite sex or sexual acts devoid of relationship context (Abelson, Cohen, Heaton, & Suder, 1971; Bryant & D. Brown, 1989;Hsu, Kling, Kessler, Knape,Diefenbach, & Elias, 1994; Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin, & Gebhard, 1953; Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, & Michaels, 1994; Mann, Sidman,& Starr, 1971; Rinlm, 1995; Stauffer & Frost, 1976). Another observation that confirms the different sexual orientations of the genders is that women areless likely to volunteerfor studies involving sexually explicit media, regardless of whether thematerials to be used in such studies are described as hard- or soft-core. This does not mean that women universally dislike consuming erotic sexually explicit materior als. They do exhibit different thematic tastes and preferences from men. Women show a preference more often than men forviewing erotic filnls with loving themes as compared to purely lustful hard-core sequences (Kenrick, Stringfield, Wagenhals, Dahl, & Ransdell, 1986). Indeed, research has shown that films with erotic scenes that were contextualised within a romantic story line, in which emphasis was placed on the emotional relationship of a man and woman, are more a likely to arouse female members of the audience (Mosher& MacIan, 1994).

Social scientists who have investigated media sex offer variety of explanaa tions for its impact on media audiences. In considering the theory of media sex effects, it is apparent that the effects themselves arenot invariably sexual in nature. Exposure to media sex has also been linked to nonsexual audience responses, such as aggression. Thus, sexual scenes in themedia may excite and arouse media consumers in sexual and nonsexual ways. This nonspecific physiological response be can psychologically interpreted in more ways than one and hence gives rise to a variety of subsequent behaviors among observers. The link between media sex and audience aggression is too surprising given explicit sex scenes not that are combined with violence in some media sex output. Indeed, other psychological modelsof behavior, originallydeveloped toexplain the effects of media violence, may be applied in the context of depictions of sex and more especially, sexual aggression. Hence, certain categories of media sex (e.g., scenes involving coercive victimisation) can be conceived to influence viewers through such psychological mechanisms as disinhibition, triggering, and desensitisation. Individuals who watch sort of material may experience a this weakening of social inhibitions against behaving similarly, may be stimulated to follow a media actors lead, and may experience a reduction of concern about the consequences such conduct. of



The effects of media sex mayoccur not at a behavioral level, but also just at a cognitive level. A regular diet of explicit media sex maycondition inaccurate beliefs about femalesexuality, shift moral codesand values towards greater acceptanceof sexual promiscuity, and create distorted impressions about the normality of unusual or exaggerated sexual practices. The reactions of media consumersto media sex and thedegree to which their social attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions are influenced by such content are mediated by other factors. Thus, not everyone responds the in same way to sexually explicit portrayals. The nature and instrumentality indiof viduals consumption of media sex are closely linked to whetherexplicitly sexual media content is usedfor purely entertainment purposes and whether itperforms some other deeper-seatedpsychological function. For some individuals media sex is a diversion, whereas for others it a substitute is for the real thing. As with anything sexual, there are gender-related distinctions to be drawn between the nature and explanation of media consumers responses to media sex. Evolutionary psychological theory points to long- established differences between males and females in the nature their inherent of sexuality, that havebecome imprinted as distinct geneticcodes. There are biological reasons why women are stereotypically selective in choosing a sexual partner and men areless discriminating, associated with the degree of investment each gender makes in process of procreation. Such the biological differences are manifest in different sexual behavior patterns among men and women and may, in turn, explain differences in their preferences for and enjoyment of media sex portrayals. Although theories provide a crucial organising framework for any empirical research, knowledge enhancement does not proceed through the acceptance or rejection of hypotheses on which theories are built. There must also be trust in the veracity, reliability, and validity of the research itself. Methodologies must truthfully measure what they set outmeasure. to The findings that are produced in anystudy must be judged in terms of their internal coherence and external relevance. Research media sex on has not been accepted uncritically. The principal methodologies of surveys and experiments havewidely established limitations.In the specific context of their application in the field of media sex, a number of prominent programs of research have faced serious challenges from critics who questioned theirvalidity. The debate that has ensued on this subject is examined in the next chapter.

Can We Trust the Research on Media Sex?

Do depictions of sexual behavior in the media affect sexual values, atreally titudes, or behaviors in society?Television has been accused of becoming increasingly obsessed with sex. Movies have been criticised for regarding graphic sexual portrayals as an essential ingredient of box office success. Videos have been identifiedas a source of immoral influenceby depicting, in vivid detail, scenes of explicit sexual behaviorthat canbe degrading to women anddeeply offensive to thegreat majority of the public. In the latter case, the blending of violence with has been identified, sex socially and psychologically, as a particularly damagingform of entertainment. Even with movies and some television programs, violent sexual themes emerge that, though muchmilder than those found in pornographic videos, have nevertheless been thought by some experts to capable of cultivating the wrong be ideas about women in a sexual context. In this chapter, consider whetherthe results of research carried we out to date onmedia sex can be accepted at face value. Itis important toconsider the methodological limitationsany research before findings can be confiof dently used in the context determining policy guidelines or codes of pracof tice for television producers,film makers, or censors. The evidence for the impact of sex on television has so far been fairly thin. This is probably because it has been overshadowed concerns about theeffects of televised by violence, a topic that has achieved a far higher public profile. Sex in the



24 1

movies and, more especially, in videos, has received more attention than sex on television as an area for investigation by media effects researchers. The reason for this may partly be explained by the fact that sexual portrayals in films made originally for theatre showings or video distribution have tended to be more explicit than those usually shown on mainstream television and also because of the blending of violence with sex in those two media. Hence, the research into the effects of sexual violence has represented extension an of earlier research into theeffects of violence in themedia. Although evidence has emerged that exposure to violent sex scenes can cause men to fantasize about rape (Malamuth, 198l), enhance mens acceptance of rape myths (Linz, 1989),and increase mens direct physical aggression against a woman a in laboratory setting (Donnerstein &Berkowitz, 1981),the evidence these apparently dramatic effects can be challenged for on methodological grounds. Furthermore, not all the evidence that has emerged so far has been consistent either in the strength or direction of media effects that have purportedly been demonstrated. In considering the efficacy ofresearch evidence to date about the representation of sex in the audiovisual media and its effects on audiences, itis necessary to consider the validity and reliability of the methodologies that have been used. Counting procedures have been adoptedto quantify and classify the occurrence of sex in films, television broadcasts, and videos. These have derived from content analysis methodology. Public opinion about sex in the media has been measured primarily through surveys. The impact of sex in the media has been measured either with surveys or experimental methodologies. each case, there are important In issues that need to be closely examined aboutthe way data were collected in order to establish the robustness of the research and its findings and recommendations.

The analysis of sexual representations in the media has depended primarily on content analysis in which sexual behavior has been defined according to an a priori analytical framework.This type of framework specifies the unit of analysis (i.e.,what is to be counted on screen) and the attributes according to which on-screen events are further classified. Thus, content analysis studies of sex on television, for example, have distinguished between different types of sexual behavior largely in terms of degree of intimacy displayed. Sexual behaviors may, therefore,rangefromembracingand hugging, through kissing and intimate touching, to oral sex or sexual intercourse (Franzblau et al., 1977;Kunkel, Cope, & Colvin,1996; Sprafkin & Silverman, 198 1)Distinctions have also been made between physical sexual displays and verbal references to sex (Fernandez-Collado et al., 1978;



Greenberg, Stanley, et al., 1993; Kunkel et al., 1999).Sex as depicted in specific categories of programs, such as soap operas, has been emphasised by other work (Greenberg et al., 1986; Lowry & Towles, 1988). Researchers have also catalogued occurrences of sex offending and sexual violence (Sapolsky & Tabarlet, 1991; Kunkel et al., 1999). These content analyses of the occurrence sex in films, videos, and teleof vision programs have provideduseful evidence of the prevalence and nature of sex in these media. On their own,they represent purely descriptive accounts that cannot demonstrate anything about theimpact or acceptability of media sex. To be really useful, content coding frames need be into formed either by public opinion or media effects evidence. Public opinion data cangive some indicationas to thekinds of portrayals ordinary people find acceptable or offensive. Media effects evidence can indicate how viewers might respond subsequently after exposure to a diet media sex. In the of latter case, interest may center on the impact of sheer volume exposure to of sex in the media. More usually, however, emphasis is given to the kinds of sexual depictions to which individuals are exposed, and their impact on Values, attitudes, perceptions, and behavior. Public opinion seldom remains stable over time. People exhibit shifting attitudes towards the media and their contents. This observation is especially true of public opinion towardsthe representationof sex in themedia. Although significant numbers of people may personally find offence in explicit pornographic materials, equally one might find a relaxation feelings of about less explicit depictions of sex in mainstream media. Over the past two decades, for example, people have become more tolerant nudity simuand lated sex scenes in cinemafilms and television programs. Evidence for this observation derives from findings that showed increases in thelevels of sex on television (Greenberg, J. D. Brown, 6rBuerkel-Rothfuss, 1993; Kunkel et al., 1999), increased availability and consumption of sexually explicit videos (Showers, 1994), and tolerant public opinion concerningsex channels on television (Gunter, Sancho-Aldridge, Winstone, 1994).In part,pub& lic opinion is probably responsive to media producers who push back taste barriers and test public tolerance for more and more explicit sexual depictions. In the context investigating the representation sexin the audioof of visual media, it is important that such analyses are informed by the latest public opinion evidence. As we saw in chapter 3, however, the measurement of public opinion about mediasex can be influenced by methodological artifacts. The form of question wording that used to explore attitudes towards the representais tion of different kinds of sexual content on television, for example, can make a markeddifference to theprofile of opinion obtained.The more directly a formof questioning addresses an issue relating to the depiction of sexual content in themedia, the more extreme is the nature of the audi-



ence's response. Although members of the public may indicate personal offence in response to certain categories of sexual depiction on screen,for example, they may be less likelycall for an outright ban that content. to of While individuals may display varying tastes and preferences for media sex, the question of its impact on them a separate one. Where is evidence exists that specific typesof portrayal may produce a particularly adverse audience reaction, such data need to be taken into account by descriptive analyses of media sex. This argument been made with has some conviction in relation to the debate about mediaviolence. Research evidencehas shown here not only that violent portrayals can be differentiated in terms of how they are perceptually rated by people (Gunter, 1985; Van der Voort, 1986), but also according to the different cognitive, emotional, and behavioral reactions they can trigger (Wilson et al., 1996).Although notinvestigated to the same extent, this last point is probably just as pertinent in relation to the analysis of media sex. Research has shown that depictions of rape may increase men's acceptance of rape myths (Linz, 1989) and cause them to fantasize about rape (Malamuth, 198 Depictions of violent sex in laboratory session 1). can apparently cause young men to show increased propensity to display hostile actions against a female target (Donnerstein & Berkowitz, 1981).Further research has indicated that repeated exposure to diet of media sex in which a marital infidelity and sexual promiscuity are emphasised may cultivate the view that such behaviors are far more prevalent and more acceptable than would otherwise be the case (Zillmann &Bryant, 1982,1984). This evidence therefore provides pointers towards the kinds of attributes of sexual portrayals media content analysts should be examining.

As earlier chapters havealready shown, the impact of media sex can be defined in many different ways. Sexual representations in the media may shape public values, perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes about sexual behavior, sexual relationships, and sexuality orientations and preferences across the genders. There has been concern that certain ofexplicit sexual detypes pictions can act to loosen public morals and challenge established institutions such as marriage and the family. Even more concern has been reserved for the possibility that explicit media sex (especially certain kinds of pornography) can influence sexual behavior. Although some research has considered whether exposure to sexually explicit material renders viewers more sexually active, much more attention been has paid to the links between exposure to extremeforms of pornography and sex offending. Three types of impact methodologycan be distinguished: (a) surveys of offending and nonoffending groups; (b) correlational analysis ofaggregated



statistical data from archival sources; and (c) experimental studies. The choice of methodology rests in part on the nature research question of the being investigated and in part on whatever may be available or obtaindata able of relevance to that question.

Survey and Archival Studies

Although not equipped to demonstrate causal connections betweenvariables, surveys and archival analyses may provide broad indications about where causal connections could lie or suggest the possibility that causal links may exist. Furthermore, such methodologies are appropriate where the researcher is interested in examining historical links, if any, between the variables. In some cases, also, researchers may be interested in examining questions with special groups among whom experiments arenot possible. Hence, surveys have been used to explore possible connections between exposure to explicit sexual materials (Le., pornography) and the onset ofof fendingamongconvicted sex offenders (L. Baron & Straus,1989; Kutchinsky, 1991; Scott & Schwalm, 1988a). One would need to observe extreme caution about conducting manipulative experimental research with suchpotentially dangerous individuals. This would be particularly so where one might be interested infinding out if such individuals offending could be triggered by pornography. One a wider, societal level, there are concerns not just sex offendthat ers may be susceptible to antisocial influences media sex, but that the of general availability of mediated sexual materials-especially those of an explicitnature-couldbelinked to overall changes in sexual mores (Zillmann, 1994) and overall levels of criminal offending (Cline, 1994). If such links exist, then an obvious policy recommendation would be to control or restrict the production and distributionof media sex. Given the knowledge that certain geographical areas have observed more controls than others over the distribution of explicit mediasex, it shouldbe possible to compare these areas in termsof levels of relevant offending over time. If the availability of pornography does cause offending, then one sex would expect to find higher ratesof such crimes in regions where pornography is more readily available. The problem with this type of research is that such studies seldom collect data on rates of exposure to pornography. Varying rates of availability of explicit sexual material does not guarantee varying rates of pornography consumption. Furthermore, such databases do notshow whether sex offenders in the regions being compared exhibited different rates pornography consumption. The fact that pornograof phy is legallybanned from a region does not mean that not available or is it that itis not being consumed.




Experimental Evidence

To investigate cause-effect relationships, it is generally acknowledged that

experimental methodologies are best because they enable researchers to manipulate potential causal variables in advance. Thus, we are interested if in establishing whether a diet erotica leads to ashift in male attitudes of or behavior towards women, experiment could set up in an be which different groups of men arefed varyingdiets of filmsor videos-some erotic and others not. The men could also be tested beforehand for their attitudes and compared afterwards on attitudes and behavior. The behavior would involvealaboratorysimulationratherthan real world behavior (e.g., Donnerstein, 1980; Donnerstein & Barrett, 1978; Zillmann, Bryant, & Carveth, 1981). One the problems with experimentsin this area is that of researchers must avoid contravening ethical guidelines and principles that place restrictions on the manipulation participants' psychological condiof tion thatmay carry over into thereal world with unfortunate and undesirable side effects.Almost inevitably, therefore, experiments take place under artificial conditions that do not generally match those that exist in thereal world. Forsome, this is a critical weakness of experiments (Harre& Secord, 1972). Much of the criticism of media sex research has centered on the application of experimental methods to investigate the impact of explicit sexual materials, including violent pornography.

How Consistent I s the ExperimentalEvidence?

There are now numerouspublished studies that have indicated that exposure to violent sexual material presented on film or video is associated with undesirable changes in young men's attitudes towards women rape and and is apparently linked to actual displays of violence against women in laboraa tory setting. Not all the findings to date have been in a consistent direction (Fisher & Grenier, 1994). To convey the level of inconsistency seen in research on effects of exposure to violent pornography, consider the following results. In oneresearch line, several investigators showed that evenvery brief exposure to violent pornography is sufficient to cause mento fantasize about rape (Malamuth, 1981),toincrease men's acceptance of rapemyths(Donnerstein, Berkowitz, & Linz, 1986, cited in Linz, 1989), and toincrease men's direct physical aggressionagainst a woman a in laboratory setting (Donnerstein & Berkowitz, 198 1). These fairly dramatic effects of exposure to violent pornography were produced by experimental contact with such material which in no case exceeded 5 minutes' duration. In complete contrast, other investigators have shown that even repeated exposures to full-length sexually vi-



olent films had no effect on mens rape myth acceptance, endorsementof the use of forceinsexualrelations,simulatedrapetrialverdicts (Donnerstein, 1984; Linz et al., 1988),self-reported likelihood of raping a woman, or physical aggression against a woman in a laboratory setting (Malamuth &Ceniti, 1986).These failures to find effects of violent pornography occurreddespite repeated exposures to two or more full-length feature films involving sexual violence. Another problem withresearch into sexually violent media content involves the co-variation betweenrespondents endorsements of rape-supportive beliefs and their reporteduse of pornography. Inthe presence of a significant association between these two variables, it is unclear whether a pornographic effect may, in actuality, constitute apre-existing attitude effect (e.g., Briere et al., 1984; Garcia, 1986).Pre-existing attitudes towards sexual violence could create interest in pornography and in violent sexually behavior-any relationship found between pornography and sexual viuse olence would then be spurious.

Cyifique of ~xpeUimer7t.s. It is widely acceptedamong media researchers that experimental studies based on random assignmentof participants to experimental conditions provide the best methodology for assessing cause and effect relationships in the laboratory (see Neuman, 1994;Wimmer & Dominick, 1994). Yet, the results of this work on the question of the impact of media depictions of sex are empirically mixedand anlbiguous. One approach to understanding inconsistencies in the research findings involves identifying methodological and conceptual problemsthe in research. A number of such limitations have been identified (Fisher & Barak, 1989,1991).In relation to research that has adopted experimental methodologies in which participants are placed in a researcher-controlled environment for exposure tospecific portrayals of sexual behavior, there are problemsthat may, in some instances, call into question the validity of the findings. In particular, experimental studies are significantly limited in their external validity. Experimental conditions do not reproduce real-world conditions; in fact, they significantly distQrt the experience of real life media consumption and thus make generalisations to theworld beyond the laboratory difficult. With explicit sexual materials,depictions of sex are decontextualised, removed from their original context and detached from their function(sexual arousal, masturbation). Some studies used onlythose scenes that were sexually explicit, thus removing any semblance narraof tive or character development. Controlled laboratory experiments may provide opportunities an artificial range of available responses to media for sex, forcing participants to react in ways they would not have chosen in more naturalsettings.



Participant Awareness. Many of the laboratory-based studies that have served as a basis for concluding that violent sexual scenes in films and videos can cause anti-female thoughts, attitudes, and actions appear to be highly vulnerable to participantawareness problems. Doubts have been cast on laboratory studies because participantsmay be given sufficient clues as to what the study is intended to achieve, them to for give the experimenter the results he or she looking for (Fisher &a Grenier, 1994; is Orne, 1962). These so-called demandcharacteristics may, in part, arise fromthe limitations or confinement of responses imposed the experimental procedure. by In the typical pornography experiment, for instance, the only response usually allowed is administration of electric shock to an the experimental confederate or the display ofaggressive attitudes. Clearly, where behavioral measures are concerned, researchers have ethical responsibilities to ensure that they do not unwittingly encourage or cause realistic aggressive impulses to be acted on by experimental participants. Nevertheless, the use ofthe electric shock measure offers participants a rather narrow range of response. Furthermore, participants are drawn into this behavior by being angered first by the experimenters assistant. In thereal world, of course, consumers of pornography maynot be angryat the time they see such material. Any effects of pornography may, therefore, be expressedquite differently in the real world, with modes of behavior adoptedby viewers that are quite different from the kind of behavior encouraged in laboratory setting. a In Malamuths (1981) research, for example, in which exposure to brief violent pornography caused men to fantasize about rape, participants were exposed rape themes or scenes heterosexual consentingsex and to of were asked a short time later to generate an arousing sexual fantasy. In Donnerstein and Berkowitzs (1981) research, participants were exposed to violent pornography and were then instructed the experimenter to by choose alevel of electric shock to deliver tofemale target. Participants a may have perceived the experimenters purpose in eachof these studies, and what appear to effects of violent pornography may have been efbe fects of participant awareness and compliance with the experimenters perceived purpose. Berkowitz and Donnerstein (1982) disputed the notion that experimental participants spend their time trying to guess what the study is about or succeed in doing Despite the high so. likelihood that thesefairly obvious experimental procedures would result in considerable participant awareness, however, there was no report the identificationof even a sinof gle suspicious participant in the Malamuth (1981), Check and Guloien (1989), or Donnerstein andBerkowitz (1981) studies. Laboratory experiments oftenprovide evidence of a link between violent pornography and of anti-female aggression, but survey researchon the association the two



innaturalsettingshas rarely indicatedalink (e.g., Goldstein,1973; Langevin et al., 1988; Marshall, 1988). An associated concern aboutexperiments is evaluation apprehension. Although few participants may actually have much interest in trying to guess the experimenters hypothesis, they may nevertheless want to look good to the researcher. At the very least, they may not wish to look bad. They may therefore try to impress the experimenter becausethey believe they are being tested their competence morality in some way. There is for or evidence thatthis desire of experimental participants to please does occur (Weber &Cook, 1972).

Selectiue Attrition. Another problem with experimentsof this sortis that selective attrition of experimental participants may have created effects that appeared, at first glance, to derive from exposureto violent pornography. In one analysis of this problem, researchers found that when young males were allocated either to watch violent pornographic films across a numberof sessions or to a condition where they watched nothing, only the men in the pornography exposure condition exhibited increased self-reported likelihood of raping a woman across the duration the experiof ment. However, the pornography exposure group suffered a 14% attrialso tion rate across experimental sessions as participants dropped out through their distaste for such films. It is possible, therefore, that in the end, the men who wereleft (and among whom the major effectsof violent pornography were measured) were individuals who were any case highly tolerant of viin olent sex scenes and callous towards women,and whose opinions may not have been shaped in the first place by the violent pornography per se (Check & Guloien, 1989).

Nonrundom Sumples. Mostexperimentalstudieshaveused nonrandom samples of college students. In typical social psychology and media experiments, participants are selected from aroster of students, usually in introductorypsychology or communications classes. Although participants may be randomly allocated to experimental conditions,they are originally extracted from nonprobability sample that is not representative a of the wider population either in terms demographics or in terms of releof vant psychological profiles (Brannigan & Goldenberg, 1987a). Chunce Findings. Linz (1989) pointed out that research on effects of pornography often involves the administration large number of a of dependent variables and the detection of a few significant effects. Consequently, thereis reason for concern that some reported effects of violent pornographymay be chance findings among a preponderance of null effects.




Malamuth andChecks (1980a) findings for undesirable cognitive-perceptual changes following exposure to 5 minutes of violent pornography rests on a multivariate analysis of variance maineffect with asingle significant univariateeffect among four dependent variables and a further such analysis with no significant main effects that was nonetheless followed up to disclose a single significant univariate effect for six dependent variables. If such effects of exposure to violent pornography are simply chance findings, the literature may overestimate the impact of violent pornography, and findings for effects of such material may be unreliable.

Preference for Rejection of Null Hypothesis. Related tothe problem of chance findings, there is also considerable prejudice against publication of null findings. Moreover, prejudice against publication of null findings may be especially pronounced in the current instance, in which failures to confirm effects of violent pornography may contradict strongly held moral, political, and philosophical views. Taken together, the reporting of chance findings and the prejudice against publication of null findings would make even the considerable inconsistencies that appear in the literature underestimatesof the actual degree of unreliability in effects of violent pornography. Ecologicd Vullidity. Perhaps the most serious problem for most of the experiments that have been carried media sex is that laboratory on out procedures for studying effects of explicit sexual materials are reprenot sentative of conditions in natural settings. Experiments conducted in a laboratory do not represent the natural, everyday surroundings in which people behave. Critics argue any findings that emerge fromsuch artithat ficial conditions are unlikely to begeneralizable to thereal world. Even in such experiment-driven disciplines as psychology, the widespread reliance on experiments has been regardeda serious shortcoming (Gilmour as & Duck, 1980; Strickland, Aboud, Gergen, 1976). The standardlabo& ratory method for studying effects of violent pornography on aggression against women, for example, involves artificial behavioral constraints that usually require male research participants to engage in some level of antifemale aggression. Several researchers have pointed out that laboratory procedures for studying the effects of the media are so unrepresentative of conditions in natural settings that they reveal little or nothing about relationships between media and behavior in the real world (Brannigan & Goldenberg, 1987a, 198713; Fisher & Barak, 1989, 1991). The measurementof aggressive behavior in a laboratory context has always occurred in highly contrived circumstances. In every case, reactions were measured to very brief scenes and in an artificial setting where the usual societal rules of conduct



were suspended. For example, the standardlaboratory method for studying effects of violent pornography on aggression against women has tended to involve artificial behavioral constraints thatrequire male research participants to engage in some level of antifemale aggression (Donnerstein & Berkowitz, 1981). In the standard laboratory method, male research participants are angered by a female confederate who delivers hostile verbal feedback and painful electrical shock to them, or they are treated equitably Male by her. research participants are then shown violent pornography or comparison stimuli and are told by the experimenter to send some level of electric shock to the woman each she errs a subsequent experimental task. time in Men who have been angered and shocked woman, and have seen by a who violent pornography, generally send higherlevels of electric shocks to her than do men who have seen comparison stimuli or who have been equitably treated. These findings, however, tell us little about how men might respond in natural settings where nonaggressive response options, suchas speaking to the woman or simply walking away, are open to them. The ecologically invalid constraints of the laboratory methodology in question guarantee that some level of antiwoman aggression willoccur, and it is not atall clear that even provoked men who have seenviolent pornography would aggress at any level if they had the opportunity simply to escape the situation to reor spond to the female provokernonaggressively. The ecological unrepresentativeness of laboratory procedures for studying pornography and aggression may help explain why laboratory findings for a pornography-aggression link (e.g., Donnerstein & Berkowitz, 1981) are notalways replicated in research on theuse ofviolent pornography and the commission of sexual aggression in natural settings (Abramson & Hayashi, 1984; Goldstein, 1973; Langevin et al., 1988; Marshall, 1988). Even on this count, however, there is conflicting evidence. In the context of aggression measurement, laboratory measures have been found correlate to withaggressionmeasurestakenbeyondthelaboratory(Williams, Meyerson, & Eron, 1967). Inthis case, 8-year-old boys and girls were provided with an opportunity to punish a peer for mistakes made on a joint task, using a slightly modified version of the Buss Aggression Machine. These laboratoryaggression were then related to an independently validated indexof each childs customary aggressiveness as rated by the childrens classmates. The youngsters of both sexes who were seen by their peers as being most aggressive in their daily social encounters administered significantly more intense punishment on the laboratory apparatus, for longer durations, and with greater frequency did their less aggresthan sive counterparts.Thisresult was replicatedelsewhere(Shemberg, Leventhal & Allman, 1968).



25 1

Do these criticisms totally invalidate experimental research? Can experiments havereal value even thoughthey tend tobe conducted underartificial conditions? Some defenders of the method have argued that they can (Berkowitz 6r Donnerstein, 1982). Itis not the case, as many of its critics would claim, that the experimental method treats participantsas if they were unthinking automatons. The fact is that experimental researchhas placed great emphasis the active on cognitive nature of participants and the varying interpretations they may place on situations and experiences. AccordingtoBerkowitzandDonnerstein(1982),theissue of generalisablity needs to be put into perspective. Should a researcher wish to make broad claims about the status,of relationships between variables in the wider population, then large scale survey with a representative sample a of individuals should be adopted. However, the main interest and is the if aim testing of a specific causal hypothesis, then an experimental methodology is more appropriate. A distinction needs be made between two to different research objectives: tests of the accuracy of statements about specific instances and tests of the universality of findings across a range of different types ofpeople and situations (Kruglanski, 1975). Reviews of large numbers of laboratory experiments and field studies have concluded that theremay be little difference of any social significance between the two types of study in the externalvalidity of their findings (Dipboye 6r Flanagan, 1979). Itis important to recognise that nonrepresentativeness of sampling does not mean that the results are nongeneralizable. A single study as such could not detnonstrate or prove the extentof generalizability of its findings, but they may be shown to have wider applicability with subsequent tests (Bass & Firestone, 1980).

Methodological Critiques of Violent Pornography Work. T h e work of Donnerstein, Linz, Malamuth, Bryant, and Zillmann came under fierce attack in the late by critics who offered challenges to the 1980s veracity of their findings on methodological grounds(Gross, 1983). While focusing on methodological issues, someof these critiques also conveyed a more serious, and unwarranted undertone that the researchers had been selective in the way they reported their findings because of a political agenda (Christensen, 1987; Mould, 1988). Gross (1983) challenged the findings of Zillmann and Bryant (1982).In this study, 80 male and 80 female undergraduates from large eastern unia versity wererandomly assigned to four conditions. In three these, particiof pants took part in experimental sessions of about 1 hour each, during which they saw films.For one group all the films seen were nonerotic, for a second group half of the films were erotic andhalf nonerotic, and the 'massive exposure' group saw only erotic films (a total of 4 hours and 48 minutes of heterosexualactivities, mainly fellatio,cunnilingus,coition,andanal



intercourse). It was noted that noneof the erotic activities entailed coercion or the deliberateinfliction or reception of pain. The dependent variables in the study were derived from responses to questionnaires administered several weeks after the exposure treatment, including thewidely reported question what prison sentence the of participants would recommend for a convictedrapist. The results indicated that the massive exposure participants recommended lighter sentences than did subjects in the mixed and noneroticfilm groups and in the control group that saw no films at all. Gross (1983) was unconvinced by the findings. He felt that experimental participants could have guessed what the study was about andobliged the experimenters by giving them the results they wanted to obtain. Participants may also have talked to each other about the films and experiment outside the experimental sessions. He also raised ethical concerns about attempts to manipulateparticipants attitudes and questioned whether adequate debriefing sessions had been run to ensure that any attitude, or belief, behavioral disposition changes could be undone. Zillmann and Bryant (1983) responded. They confirmed that an ethical committee had been consulted in advance anddeliberated about their had study. The debriefing procedure was rigorous. Participants were fully informed about the study immediately afterwards. The purpose of the research was elaborated fully. Participants also were apprised of likely effects of exposure to eroticmaterials. Zillmann and Bryant felt it was unlikely from the conditions the experof iment that any participants could have second-guessed what questions would be asked of them afterwards. Indeed, itseems entirely reasonable to argue that there was no reason to believe that exposure to pornographic films per se would have led viewers to expect questions about recommended sentences for rapists and other offenders. The criticism that participants sex may have talked to each otheroutside the experiment and that this may have contaminated the results was also dismissed. Zillmann and Bryant argued that in life situations, one might expect real individuals to talk to others about explicitly sexual films they have seen, particularly if, as young people, they often watched such films in the company of others anyway. Thus, any conversations experimental participants in case might have this held about thefilms they saw in the study merely reflected what onewould expect under more natural viewing conditions. Once again, though, it is difficult to see how this phenomenon could invalidate theresults. Mould (1988) wrote a painstakingly detailed critique of experimental studies by Malamuth and Check(1980a) and Donnerstein and Berkowitz (1981). Malamuth and Checks workattempted to demonstrate that sexually explicit rape depictions portraying the victim experiencing sexual arousal have an antisocial effect by changing the perception an actual of



rape experience to one in which the victim is seen as being minimally damaged, as well as helping maintain therape myth that women secretly desire to be raped. Penile tumescencemeasureswere linked to self-reported arousal. A significant correlation was reported by Malamuth and Check (1980a), but was disputed by Mould. He claimed they shared about 9% this variance only-a weak association. Mean levels of arousal within each experimental group the rape-crifor terion tape were substantially higher than arousal to the pre-exposure tapes. (Experimental participants heard audio depicting three types of tapes scene: victim becoming aroused through rape; victim abhorring rape; mutually consenting sex). Arousal among participants themutually desired in sexual intercourse condition was not significantly different from those in the rape depiction group. According to Mould, the main experimentaleffect from the rape abhorrence tapewas suppression of participants subsequent arousal rather than the rape arousal facilitating it. The proportions of men who would rape if placed in the same circunlstances as the perpetrator in the tape were greater after exposure to the rape rape arousal tape as compared to exposure to therape abhorrence story or the mutually desired story. Post hoc analyses, however, showed no significant differences between rape arousal and rape abhorrence conditions on this measure. In thesame study, Malamuth and Check compared the reactions of men high and low in rape proclivity as measured by a technique developed by Abel et al. (1977). The research question in this case was: Are those men high in rape proclivity more like rapists than those low in rape proclivity? Mould suggested that an alternative questionmight be better: Are those high inrape proclivity more like rapists than they are like those low in rape proclivity? Mould argued that no research up to that point had demonstrated that menhigh in rape proclivity held attitudes towards women as callous as those of actual rapists, even though high proclivity male attitudes towards women were generally more callous than those of lowrape proclivity men. Mould went on to challenge experiments reported by Donnerstein and Berkowitz (1981). The latterinvestigated whether the behavior exhibited by the women characters in erotic differentially affects subsequent agfilms gression against male or female targets by angered male participants and what sorts of differential effects could beelicited by varying anger as well as film content in subjects aggression against female targets. Donnerstein and Berkowitz made a numberof predictions: (a) anonaggressive erotic movie would elicit a stronger attack on the male target than on the female target; (b) a violent erotic film with a positive ending and a female target would elicit more aggression than the nonviolent erotic with a female target, film and the violent erotic film with a positive ending and female target would



draw moreaggression than the same film condition with a male target; (c) with female targets, the violent erotic with the negative ending and the film violent erotic film with the negative ending and a female target elicit would more aggression than the same film with a maletarget. There were significant effects for filmand an interaction between gender of target and film type. The first hypothesis was validated. However, the erotic conditiondid not facilitate aggression against the male target (or female target) compared the neutral condition. The authors attributed this to finding to unusually high shock levels in the neutral male target group. film, Mould disputed this explanation on the grounds that other studies had found similar shock levels under similar conditions. Donnerstein and Berkowitzs rationale for predicting higher aggression against the female target in the positive-ending violent condition than either the female target in the erotic condition or a male target in the positive-ending aggressive condition was that (a) the aggressive content of the sex film would evokestrong aggressive reactions from the angry viewers,(b) the posi, tive outcome would lowertheir inhibitions against attacking women, and(c) the female targets sex-linked association with the victim of the assault on the screen would facilitate attacks on her (p. 7 12). Of these, the last two are sex specific,whereas the first is sex neutral. Furthermore, inasmuch the experias mental participants were angry,they were disposed predisposed toward agor gression. Consequently, it would be expected that in the positive ending, violent condition with amale target, they would evidence greater aggression than in either the erotic or neutral conditions with a of male target. Whether this difference is significantor not is not reported. There is, therefore, little clarity asto thefactors producing the experimental effects, and thereare no significant effects for rewarding behavior of the participants, constituting the a failure at convergent validation. A second experiment showed that violent erotica in which the woman enjoys being rapedwould produce more pronounced reactions against a female target. This reaction would be especially strong among angered males in the audience. Theincrease in aggression in the violent erotic positive outcome condition was attributed to participants believing that somehow behaving aggressively towards female targets would have a payoff. It was also suggested that exposure to suchbehavior couldelicit similar behavior among participants. Mould disputed this as well.In doing so, he pointed to findings from Mann et (1974) that althoughmarried couples were more al. likely to have after watching erotic sex movies, this did not facilitate greater amounts of sexual behavior more generally. Couples shifted their sex behavior to those occasions when they watched the erotica. The researchers whose work Mould challenged mounted a vociferous defence. Malamuth (1988~) responded by pointing out many inaccuracies in Moulds arguments his representation of earlier research. The inhibiand



tion of sexual arousal by rape abhorrence, for instance, was consistent with experimental hypotheses. Contrary toMoulds claim, there was no point at which significant differences were reported between variables that did not actually exhibit such differences. The reinterpretation by Mould of the rape proclivity data was dismissed as unhelpful. Whereas Mould argued that one should examine whether those high in rape likelihood are more like rapists than those low in rape likelihood, Malamuth pointed out that convicted rapists often exhibited wide variance in respondingon many measuresand in some instances show profiles similar to those on nonrapists (Feild, 1978). Mould minimised fact that in the the Malamuth and Check (1980a) study, several items showed correlations between likelihood of rape ratings and reactions to the rape and the rapist. He argued that the that significant corfact relations were not found with perceptions of the victims pain and trauma seriously weakensthe findings. Mould regarded these as the two mostimportant items reflecting a callous attitude. But why was this the case? Rather questionable arguments were then made that constructvalidity would require that, on an absolute scale, the rape-related attitudes those of high in likelihood of rape should be belowthe midpoint. This appears to be based on the presumption that convicted rapists would score below the midpoint. Studies with convicted rapists had not shown this to be true (Burt, 1980; Feild, 1978). Mould attempted argue that likelihood of rape to ratings had not been shown to relate to sexual arousal to aggression. He emphasised that the correlations with penile tumescence did not reach statistical significance in the Malamuth and Check (1980a) He failed to study. note that in other studies by the same authors (Malamuth &Check, 1983) and in those of other investigators (Murphy, Coleman, & Haynes, 1986), significant relationships were found with penile tumescence. Donnerstein and Linz (1988) challenged the suggestion that they designed their research to fit with certain public policy requirements. They stated that noevidence existed to support any such claim. Although their work had been involved political debates, Linz and Donnerstein reported in that they had openly challenged some the interpretationsplaced by poliof ticians on their own work and similar work by others. Indeed, they had warned policymakers to beware of the shortcomings of experimental research in terms sampling, external validity, and demand characteristics. of They reiterated the findings of Donnerstein and Berkowitz (1981) and roundly rejected Moulds critique. Male participants exposed to violent pornography acted more aggressively towards a femaletarget than a male target, and did so more vigorously than males shown an erotic or neutral film. The lack of difference between the erotic and neutral conditions was explained by high aggression levels among participants in the neutral condition. This reason not readily accepted by Mould, but his attempt to was discredit it by averaging shock intensity scores across both sexes was dismissed



as questionable. It was misleading because shock intensity scores against female targets were low in the neural condition. Mould not like the use of did cognitive processing to explain the results, but had failed to notice that in the literature, media theory during1980s had movedon to embrace the this form of explanation. In another scathing attack on pornography research, Christensen (1987) argued that aclaim made by Zillmann and Bryant (1986) that pornography has been shown to cause callousness toward womenis flatly false (p. 186). He further accused the authors of presenting misleading evidence toback up this claim, in which from experimental conditions involving violent data pornography when nonviolent pornography had used. This pointcenbeen tered on adebate that hadraged during the 1980s about whether violence in media sexual displays was necessary to facilitate subsequent aggressive responding among male viewers. Donnerstein and Linz were also drawn into thedispute with Christensenas a consequenceof a reference to their work (Le., Linz, Donnerstein, & Penrod, 1984) by Zillmann and Bryant (1986). According to Christensen, the et al. study involved portrayals Linz of violent sexual acts, whereas Zillmann and Bryants study used nonviolent sexual stimuli. Thus, there no unequivocal evidence was from these studies that sexual material alone,in the absenceof any violence, could produce subsequent aggressive responding. Christensen challenged the claim that pornography in general had been shown to cause increased callousness towards women. He further hinted that thereason for these authors making such aclaim may have been politically motivated. Zillmann and Bryant (1987) responded to these criticisms by arguing that their researchhas been misrepresentedalong with thatof Linz and his colleagues. In defending their own position, also indicated an inconsisthey tency in the reporting of their findings by the Linz-Donnerstein group. A summary of Linzs results by Donnerstein (1984) showed in no uncertain terms that the effects of R-rated slasher films, violent X-rated films, and nonviolent X-rated films wereparallel. Exposure to all those materials produced reduced sympathy for rape victims compared to a control group. However, there was confusion because the findings on the effects of nonviolent pornography had been omitted from subsequent publications (e.g., Linz, Donnerstein, & Penrod, 1984). Indeed, findings in questionwere the not found in Linzs (1985) doctoral dissertation either. Further, Zillnlann and Bryant (1987) noted that Check (1984) reported that mens self-acknowledged proclivity to commit rape increased after consumption of nonviolent pornography just as significantly as after consumption of violent pornography. Linz and Donnerstein (1988) joined this particular dispute by offering further clarification on some of the points discussed about their research. They indicated that results from two different experimentsof theirs pro-



duced varying results. In onestudy, prolonged exposureto R-ratedslasher films, X-rated violent pornography, and X-rated pornography was not that overtly violent, but have been demeaning to women, may resulted in participants judging a victim later portrayed in a videotaped re-enactment of a rape trial as less physicallyand emotionally injured as compared with control participants. There was no indication that participants in the exany of perimental conditionsfelt less sympathy for the rape victim, however. A second experiment found that participants empathy or sympathy were affected by exposure to slasher films that combined sex and violence, but not by prolonged exposure to pornographic films (with no violence). They also failedto find significant effects on scales designed to measure endorsement of force in sexual relations, belief in conservative sex roles, and the tendency to view women as sexual objects. Further, there was no evidence for the assignment of greater accountability to the rape victim, no sign of participants willingness to excuse the defendant in rape trial, nor the any change in verdict or defendant sentencefollowing prolonged exposure to degrading pornography. Exposure to nonviolent pornography could hypothetically be expected to produce a change in mens perceptions of women on certain dimensions, given the tendency of such films to depict women as sexuallyinsatiable and the willing receptacles for any male sexual urge. ideas may turn Such in create a psychological mindset aboutwomen more accepting of the use of force in sexual relations. O n this issue, Bryant and Zillmann were broad agreement in with Linz and Donnerstein. These researchers exhibited less agreement about the interpretation results froma study by Check (1984). The latters of study assigned student and nonstudent participants to three conditions in which they watched either nonviolent dehumanising pornography, nonviolent erotica, or nothing. Results showed that exposure to pornography affected participants later self-reports aboutcertain antisocial behaviors. Compared to control participants, those exposed to the dehumanising materials were more likely report that they might commit rape if assured that to a no onewould know and that they would not be punished. Linz and Donnerstein (1988) identified three problems with this study. First, participants were recruited through newspaper advertisements and hence represented a self-selected sample. Second, participants were told that their evaluations of pornography would be used by their government (in Canada) so that theirresponses may have beeninfluenced by social desirability factors. Third, thetime periods during which participants viewed the stimulus materials and the interval between last film viewing the session and completionof postviewing tests varied across participants. Therewas no assurance that these varying time periods varied randomly across participants. These criticisms were not totally convincing, though (Zillmann & Bryant, 1988~). The Check study was not unique inusing newspapers ad-



vertisements to obtain participants (see Malamuth & Ceniti, 1986). The knowledge that theresults would be reported to government have enmay couraged some participants be extra critical of the pornographic material to if they personally found such material offensive, believing that on this occasion such views would carry more weight. Equally, others who enjoyed pornography may have been inclined to offer more liberal views to argue against the introductionof strict censorship. Hence, theopinions of these participants could have balanced out in the end. Zillmann and Bryant ( 1 9 8 8 ~argued for clarification regarding depend) ent variables in pornography experiments. It is clear that various dependent measures have been to show that exposure to pornography can change used male attitudes or behavior. There is no inherentinconsistency in failing to find an effect on laboratory-based aggression effects (e.g., Malamuth & Ceniti, 1986) and changes inattitudes towards rape. Even inthe contextof rape myth effects, however, male viewers reactions may depend upon intrinsic factors within the re-enactment videotape In some of the rape itself. re-enactments, it was unambiguous as to theresponsibility of the perpetrator, whereas in others the attribution of responsibility was far less clear. Where doubtsexisted as to whether, for example, arape had been committed, this could clearly have an important mediatinginfluence on male viewers judgments about the defendant andplaintiff. Another challenge to theveracity of research findings on theeffects of pornography was launched by Christensen (1990).O n this occasion hefocused moreon thework of Donnerstein, Linz, and theircolleagues. He argued that value judgmentshad entered the debate about pornography and should not be allowed to cloud objectivity in reaching conclusions about whether pornographyis socially harmful or not. Feminists had argued that pornography was degrading and therefore offensive to women; it should, in consequence, be banned. Christensen focused in particular on the conclusions reached by Donnerstein, Linz, and Penrod (1987). Although the latter based their conclusions on scientific research evidence, largely derived through experimental research, Christensen (1990) argued that therewere subtle biases in their interpretationsof the scientific evidence. In making his case, Christensen highlighted a numberof specific results that derived from experimentalresearch on pornography for which more than one interpretation in his view, usually was, available. The sexual cynicism supposedly cultivated by exposure to pornography was operationally defined in terms of verbal measures of attitudes and perceptions concerning rape and rapists and the severity with whichsexual offences against women should be penalised. Young men exposed to pornography characterised by purportedly degrading depictions of women were found to recommend more lenient sentences for rapists, as compared to those recommended by similar young men not exposed to pornography (e.g., Zillmann & Bryant,



1982).Christensen argued that such a might be explained other than result simply as a manifestation of a pornography effect on inale attitudes about the seriousness of rape. Instead, thesexual component of a rape crime may come to have less significance for individuals judgments about the crime: ... the metaphysical loss of virtue ... [may come to be seen] ... as not such a tragedy after all (Christensen, 1990, p. 354). The difference of opinion among young men exposed or not exposed to pornography may be explained by rape being perceived as more comparableto other crimes, rather than by some loss of compassion for women. In addition,if sexual anxieties are reduced, the degree of harm suffered by a rape victim may also viewed be differently. For thing, the victim may beregarded as having suffered less. one However, this would not necessarily mean the same a loss of compassion as for serious crimes. Instead, the amountcompassion felt for a victim would of be linked to thedegree of suffering they apparently experienced. The solution to this problem would be education whereby individuals are taught that rape remains aserious offence, even if anxieties about sex are desensitised through exposure to pornographic portrayals, that compassion for their victim is warranted, and that offenders should be severely punished. Christensen (1990) also disputed the way a decrease in respect for women, contingent upon regular diet of pornography, was explained. The a explanation offered here rested on the assumption that regular consumers of pornography come to regard women as naturally highly sexed and easy conquests, because that is the way they are often shown in pornographic films. Christensen argued that the of the opinions about female root sexuality should feature more prominently in any explanation supposed porof nography effects here. A predexisting aversion to the idea of sexually liberated women lies at the root the opinions peasured in these experiof ments. Hostility towards uninhibited female sexuality is a pre-set value that encourages contempt towards women who enjoy an active and open sex life. One should therefore not rush to conclude that pornography is a primary cause of such changedbeliefs or opinions. The impact that pornography may have on perceptions of female sexuality must be examined in the wider context of existing social and moral values that establish what is good or bad conduct. Christensen (1990) went on to question the implicit in so much of view, the literature, that the balance of power between males and females in pornographic films is inequitably distributed. He questioned the view that female sexual subordination is the norm in pornographic materials. Rather, men and womenare more usually portrayed as sexual equals-both being likely to instigate sex and bothenjoying the experience. Both sexes are depicted as equally sexually uninhibited. Christensen challenged the reasoning that observing women engaged readily in a variety of sex acts with a multitude of partners would lead viewers to believe that such women might



not mind beingraped. He argued that we should not lump together various types of pleasurable, consensual behavior with rape. Another finding on which Christensen focused the increased likeliwas hood that men exposed to pornographic materials would commit coercive sexual acts if they thought they would not get caught (Check, 1984).The experimental evidence underlying this finding was questioned. The participants had been found to consume pornography fairly regularly anyway. Among those who did, therefore, could the limited exposure offered further by the experimentreally be expected to make much difference to theirbeliefs? Christensen noted that only the highest consumers of pornography showed an increase on the likelihood-to-rape scale. Findings from pornography research were further criticised for mixing up descriptiveandevaluativemeasures (see Linz, 1985).Accordingto Christensen (1990) ...beliefs about things like other peoples attitudes and or behavior are taken as claims about what good or bad, what ought ought is not tobe felt or done (p. 361). Weaver (1987) reported thatafter viewing sexually explicit materials, his students perceived women in general to be a bit more sexually permissive. However, Christensen argued that not all Weavers measures producedresults in the same direction. Onceagain, a loss of respect for women should be equated with not increased perceptions of women as sexuallydisinhibited (such as the way they are often shown in pornographic films). Perceptual changes on relevantmeasures did not occur in the same directionor to the same extent for different categories of women in Weavers studies (differentiated in termsof their perceivedassertiveness or promiscuity). According to Christensen,scientists have an obligation to speak out on moral issues. But they must do so in a responsible fashion and be sure of their facts before doing so. In this context, the measure of the recommended length of prison sentence for a convicted rapist was discussed. Hence, comparisons are usually made between experimental and control groups, who have respectively been exposed or not exposed to pornographic materials. A pornographic effect is operationally defined as the significance of the difference in recommended sentences the two groups, with experimental of treatmentparticipantssuggestingsentences of shorter duration. Christensen argued,however, that it was a moot pointas to whether the sentence typically awarded by the experimental group (usually between 5 and 6 years) can be regardedas trivial or lenient, despitebeing less than the sentence typically awarded by controls ( l o + years). Perhaps comparisons should be made of the perceived seriousness of rape with other crimes. Is there a pre-exposure to post-exposure shift in the sentencing recommended, for example, for rapists or offenders found guilty of non-sexual crimes?


26 1

Concepfuul Limifafionsin Pornogruphy Research. There are problems of definition relating to different types of pornographic portrayal. Although references are made in theresearch and by social commentators to depictions that are classified as debasing or demeaning to women, among such portrayals can be found a wide range different types of sexual conduct. of In some cases, scenes of violent rape may indeed be justifiably regarded as debasing to women. But can the same be said of scenes in which women are shown as willing and enthusiastic participants in sex driven by purely hedonistic motives?There is clearly a need to derive a more comprehensive taxonomy of sex scenes, defined by the form of the behavior, the nature of the participants and their motives and relationships with one another. The conceptual basis for expecting effects of violent pornography on mens attitudes and behaviors towards women has itself been questioned (Brannigan & Goldenberg, 1986, 1987a, 1987b; Fisher & Barak, 1989, 1991; Mould, 1988). For example, Malamuth, Check, and Briere (1986) theorised that exposure to violent pornography may teach menhow to perform antiwoman acts, relax their inhibitions about doingso, and condition them to experience sexual arousal in relation to such acts. Fisher and Barak (1989,1991) criticised this conceptualisation as an implicit monkeysee, monkey do theory of media effects and pointed out that human behavior is not thesimple equivalent of all the models that human beings may have observed. They argued, in contrast, that the human observer of violent pornographyis a cognitively active person who interprets incoming stimuli and who has lifetime of learning experiences concerning a acts that are socially permitted andthose that aresocially proscribed (Rotter, Chance, & Phares, 1977; Skinner, 1953, 1974). The notion that brief andtransitoryexposuretoviolentpornographycanmovemento antiwoman thoughts, attitudes, and that are at acts profound variance with the remainder of their learning history is regarded as highlyoversimplified and naive (Fisher & Barak, 1989, 1991). Certainly, as exposure to violentpornography accumulates across time, its effects can gain increasing power (Check &Malamuth, 1986). Equally, it must be recognised that reinforcement for self-restraint and behaving decently can also accumulate across time and may do so with greater strength and consistency than is true for vicarious or actual performanceof sexually violent acts (Fisher & Barak, 1989, 199 1). has beenargued that violent It pornography may have particularly strong effects because it reinforces antiwoman values that are pervasive in our society (Check 6r Malamuth, 1986). It must emphasised, however,that violent pornography so obvibe ously offends so many fundamental social values-concerning decency, violence, and the unmanlyofact harming women-that it may prove to be a particularly weak influence on behavior (Fisher & Barak, 1989, 1991).



Finally, it has beenproposed that violent pornography may have especially strong effects on some individuals, such as those who have pre-existing tendencies toaggress against women or those who possess fewinternal restraints against antisocial behavior (Check & Guloien, 1989; Check & Malamuth, 1986). Although such individuals certainly exist, they would seem to be vulnerable to effects of such adiversity of media-ranging from violent pornography to evening news broadcasts-that it would be impossible to keep such individuals from contact with harmful media messages. Empirically, however, it must be emphasised researchers have generally that not found that exposure to violent pornography is a correlateof sexual aggression againstwomeninnaturalsettings (Becker 6r Stein, 1991; Goldstein, 1973; Langevin et al., 1988; Marshall, 1988). Fisher and Grenier (1994) tested the unreliability of effects of violent pornography by exposing men to violent pornographic stimuli of the type and duration often employed in this research area (e.g., Donnerstein & Berkowitz, 198 1;Donnerstein, Berkowitz, & Linz, 1987; Malamuth, 1981). Th' was IS donetocreateconditionsthat shouldproduceantiwomanthoughts, antiwoman attitudes, and antiwoman if violent pornography indeed acts, reliably produces sucheffects. In an initial experiment, male participants exposed to violent porwere nography or to comparison stimuli, and methodological checks were employed to ensure that stimuli had the the desired impact and were perceived as intended. Effects of these stimuli were then assessed on dependent measures of fantasies and attitudestoward women. Fisher and Grenierargued that transient exposure to violent pornography is unlikely to produce changes in a direction that is at profound variance with important and well-learned values to thecontrary. They used a 9-minutesexually explicit violent film clip as master tape, then produced different versions of this in which there was (a) a violent male-female sexual interaction that ended with an ostensible positive outcome for the female; (b) an violent sexual interaction with a negative outcome for the female; or (c) a nonviolent male-female sexual interaction. Measures of sexual arousal to the experimental stimuli included the Sexual Arousal Self-Report Grid (Fisher & Byrne, 1978b), which assessed self-rated sexual arousal on a five-pointscale, and theSelf-Report of Sexual-Physiological Reactions (Fisher & Byrne, 1978a),which assessed self-rated physical excitement ona five-point scale. The film clip itself was rated in each on 13 five-point Likert type scales, including ratings of how well the woman participantwas perceived as being, and how much sheappeared to enjoy the activity. Measures of postexposure sexual fantasy included direct and indirect assessments. Respondents were asked to take a few moments and write down an arousing sexual fantasy. They also answeredquestionstoaThematicApperceptionTest.Measuresof



postexposure attitudes towards women included the Attitudes Towards Women Scale, the Women as Managers Scale, Acceptance of Interpersonal Violence Scale, and Rape Myth Acceptance Scale. The violent pornographic stimuli was similarin content and duration to stimuli that inprevious research appeared to increase mens fantasies about raping awoman(Malamuth,1981), mens acceptance of rape myths (Donnerstein et al., 1987) and mens physical aggressionagainst women in a laboratory (Donnerstein & Berkowitz, 1981). The stimuli were significantly sexually arousing and they were perceived as differentially coercive in the manner intended. However, thesedifferent stimuli produced no effects on attitudestowards womenor rape. Although Malamuth (198 1) reported that exposure to 4 minutes and 20 seconds of violent pornography was sufficient to cause nearly 36% of his male subjects to fantasize about rape, not a single man in the Fisher and Grenier experiment created such a fantasy following exposure to similar stimulus materials. Donnerstein and Berkowitz (1981) found that exposure to roughly 4 minutes of violent pornography was sufficient to cause men to increase their endorsement of rape myths or to engage in physically aggressive behavior against a woman. similar level exposure to A such material in the Fisher and Grenier study produced no such effects on any of the measures of attitudes towards women, including acceptance of rape myths and acceptance inof terpersonal violence against women. In a second experiment, male participants were provoked by a woman, exposed to violent pornography,and given an opportunity to aggress against the woman or toengage innonaggressive responses to her. This design followed that of Donnerstein and Berkowitz (198 1). After male participants were angered by the female confederate, they viewed a violent pornographic stimulus that portrayed a woman who has been sexually assaulted but who eventually appears to be aroused by the assault. At this point, experimental procedures diverged from the usual paradigm in that the men were provided withnonaggressive as well as aggressive options for responding to thewoman who had provoked them.It was hypothesised that exposure to violent pornography would not be a reliable cause of laboratory aggression against a female target when nonaggressive response options were available to men in the experimental situation. This study found that evenwhen men are provoked verbally and physically by a woman, and exposed to violent,positive outcome pornography, they chose to engage in little arguably no laboratory aggression against and their female provoker whennonaggressive response options wereopen to them. Theseresults can be compared to findings from standardlaboratory research in this area (e.g., Donnerstein & Berkowitz, 1981) inwhich, because nonaggressive response options were available, 100% of men who not had seenviolent pornography aggressed against a female experimental con-



federate. InFisher and Greniers study, just two participants opted to send electric shock back to the female who had provoked them. Bothof earlier these individuals had expressed considerable interest in using the electric shock machine when they were first introduced to it and before they were shown the violent stimulus.

This chapter examined the questionof how much trust can be placed in research on media sex. The research on this subject can be divided into studies of the representationof media sex, public opinion about media sex, and the impact media sex. The representation of sex in the of media has been investigated through content analysis. As with mostresearch of this type, the contentdefinitionsand categories areproduced by researchers. The meaningfulness of content analysis data, however, needs be defined in reto lation to audience response. The reasons for conducting content analysis research go beyond the objective of producing adescription of the way the media depictthings. It is important toknow whether the media emphasise themes or images that arelikely to produce a specified audience response. This point has been recognised in relation to long studies of media violence (e.g., Gunter, 1985; Wilson et al., 1996). It applies equally to the study of media sex. Research into public opinion about media can indicate the status sex of public feeling about sexual themes as entertainment at particular points in time. Opinions as such are linked to public values and mores, but arelikely to shift over time. Opinion profiles concerning media (as with media sex violence) may vary at one point in time with the type of questioning that is used. Questions that media consumers indicate their ask to views about media sex with minimal prompting may lead to an apparently lower level of concern than questions that take the form of sweeping generalisations about themedia. Furthermore, although individuals may take personal offence at certain kinds of sexual depiction in the media, may not necesthey sarily also demand a total ban on that offensive material. Most of the methodological debate about media research has focused sex on research into media effects. Experimentalmethodologies has been closely scrutinised and the validity of their findings have been challenged for lacking external validity and leading participants to respond narrowly in defined ways. The debate about experimental research into pornography has, at times, been unnecessarily vitriolic. Scholarly debate should be conducted in a civilised manner andfocus on objective, impersonal analysis of the scientific evidence. Veiled and unfounded accusations of researchers being drivenby political agendas are irrelevantand unhelpful.




Defenders of laboratory experiments have pointed out that some experimental findings have been externally validated through survey research. Furthermore, laboratory behaviordoes not take on the sameform as real-life behavior for sound ethical reasons. Even an artificial aggressive response within a laboratory setting may indicate an intention to commit harm.Despitetheseclaims,moreproblematicevidencefor experimentalists has derived from a modified form of the classic design that offers participants an expanded choiceof behavioral responding beyond a specific aggressive response. In this situation, even previously antagonised participants may be much more likely to choose a nonaggressive response option overan aggressive one, evenif the targetperson hadpreviously annoyed them. Evidence for physiologicalarousal to sexual materials in a laboratory setting may come closer to real-life responding, because of the autonomic nature of that type of response. Furthermore, attitudinal shifts following a controlled diet media sex may also of represent a response, albeit a temreal porary one. Shifts in behavioral response tendencies, however, may be much more difficult to demonstrate through experimental research conducted underhighly artificial conditions. In previous research on violent pornography and antiwoman aggression (e.g., Donnerstein & Berkowitz, 1981) men were provoked by a woman,exposed to violent pornography or to comparison stimuli, and thentold by the experimenter to send electric shock to woman, ostensibly to evaluate her the performance. Men were not permitted to make nonaggressive responses to the woman who had provoked them. Generally, men who had been provoked by a woman and who had seen violent, positive outcome pornography sent the highest level of electric shock to her (Donnerstein Berkowitz, 1981). & Fisher and Grenier(1994) argued that these results mayhave been shaped by the experimental constraints placed on theparticipants. In the event exof perimental participants being offered nonaggressive response options as well as aggressiveones, there is a strong tendency to choose the former over the latter, even among those individuals who earlier have been made angry. While one might be persuaded by the argument that even artificial laboratory measures of overt aggression may indicate real underlying hostility,the suggestion that aggressive responding in lab context may not be the response the of choice places a much more significant question mark overthe veracity of laboratory-based research evidence. Taking a wider viewof the scientific research on theimpact of exposure to the most explicit forms of media sex, some reviewers have identified limitations thatembrace not so much specific methodological techniques,but the failure to consider the circumstances under which serious real life effects are likely to occur (Lyons & Larsen, 1990; Showers, 1994). Although some of the empirical research has indicated thatostensibly normal males



may experience attitude shifts following exposure to pornography, there are certain subgroups of the population who may be especially vulnerable to such effects. Teenagers and sexually deviant personality types may, for varying reasons, utilise pornography inthe service of specific needs and gratifications. Furthermore, many types of media sex may be enjoyed as harmless fun, but certain categories of hard-core pornographydisplay highly disturbing scenes and may be most likely to produce adverse side effects. In addition, the effects of highly explicit media sex may build up gradually over a long period of time. Regular exposure to pornography in thelong term and use of it as a sexual stimulant may cultivate strongly conditioned deviant sexual attitudes and practices. For various ethical and practical reasons, these are difficult phenomena to investigate. Nevertheless, these are arthe eas where the most severe and socially unwelcome effectsof exposureto media sex are likely to be found.

How Effective Are Controls Over Media Sex?

This book has addressed a numberof important questions regarding the representation of sexin media such as films,television, and video. These ubiquitous audiovisual media provide major sources of entertainment for millions of people. The growth of electronic communications and information technologies in thepast 10 years has brought vastly increased choice for mediaconsumers and greater controloverwhatandwhentoconsume. Indeed, although such developments regarded as largely welcome most people, are by there are concerns about the handing over of control to the marketplace. These concerns become especially acute when attention turns to the provision of material of a salacious nature. With the establishment of multichannel television environments in which content is beamed directly to homes from sources beyond a country's own national boundaries and with the rapidly growing popularity the Internet of through which consumers access macan terial from international sources, there are increased opportunities for reaching individuals with material that would once have been banned at least or centrally controlled in terms of its nature and distribution. These communications technology developments have given rise to specific concern about the distribution of erotic or pornographic material. Compounded with this concern is the criticism mainstream movies and of television for joining in a trend towards the depiction of increasingly graphic and realistic erotic portrayals. As the boundaries what is apparof ently deemed by the media industries to be tasteful and appropriate for



mass consumption are pushed back further, some observers have questioned the freedom that given to producers of such material (Dunkley, is 2000). Much of this critical argument stems not from any assessment of public opinion, but from the conclusion that ample scientific evidence now exists to demonstrate thatsalacious, pornographic materials are not just offensive but harmful. The case of harm being caused pornography by or, indeed, by mainstream media portrayals of sexual behavior and the kinds of relationships associated with that behavior, has experienced a mixed reception, however. The review of research evidence providedby this book has indicated that, whereas some studies appear to offer convincing evidence of harmful effects caused by exposure to pornography, especially violent pornography,other studies cast doubt on the veracity of this relationship. The question of whether more controls are needed over the availability and accessibility of sex in the media doesnot have a simple answer. Consideration mustbe given to public opinion and theveracity of research evidence concerned with the harms that sexual depictions in the media might have. The need for regulation, control, and censorship must be balanced against the entitlementof most people to choose for themselves the kinds of entertainment to which they wish to be exposed. Consideration must then be given to the different forms of sexual representation in the media and the different channels of communication through which such material can be accessed. There is an important distinction to be made, for example, between a medium, such as open broadcast television, to which everyonehas free access, and encrypted televisionservices,videos obtained fromspecialised stores, and films shown in art house theaters. In each case, different standards may need to operate. Even with productions that are put on restricted release and explicitly labelledas suitable for certain markets only, it would be unwise to allow a free-for-all; certain legal standards must be observed, and clinical evidence regarding the possible role of extreme forms of sexual representation in the genesis of psychological disorders that are associated with the commitment of sexual offences must be given appropriate weight. In examining the issue of control over in themedia, it is important to sex draw a broad distinction between the representation of sex in mainstream media such as television and the production of pornographic material for film be or video release on a more restricted basis. A further area that can included in this discussion is the potential value of educational and therapeutic applications of sexual material. Explicit sexual depictions have beenused to draw attention to adverse sexual practices and representations that may give rise to distorted or inaccurate perceptions of male and female sexuality, especially the latter. Such materials have also been used as visualsexual stimuli in the context of the treatment of sexual dysfunction, such as impotency (Robinson, Scheltema, Koznar, & Mantheir, 1996; Wagner, 1985).



Sex is part of life. would beunrealistic to expect the It mass mediato ignore it. Whether it causes offenceor harm to the public depends critically on how it is portrayed, and on how it is used by individuals. Blanket controls or restrictions may appease some political or religious lobbies,but may not be welcomed by many other people and will not necessarily result in a diminution of societys ills. The types of controls applied and theway they are applied must be sensitive to the type of medium being considered. Controls also reflect a particular school of thought about the influence of sex in the media. Conservative, liberal, and feminist theories about the impact pornography, for of example, represent different perspectives that would endorse different forms of regulation and control over media depictions of sex.All three theoretical orientations, however, are based on values and assumptions that cannotalways . be empirically tested (Linz & Malamuth, 1993). Hence, any systemof control will ultimately be steered by prominent value systems about the kinds of sexual depictions that asociety regards as socially acceptable. Feminist groups have argued that it not the depiction sex per se that is of is offensive in the media, but rather the women are way objectified in sexual contexts. Controls of particular forms of media sex are called for, rather than a blanket banning erotic entertainment. Indeed, may not be unof it reasonable to state that such might be more accepting of explicit macritics terial in which sexual relations are depicted from a feminine perspective than of less explicit material in which women are shown as sex objects. Equally, concerns have been raised about dangers inherent in moves toany wards more restrictive regulation over the publication and distribution of sexually explicit media content. Any such censorship could be conceived of as the thin end a wedge that might eventually lead to adangerous degree of of constriction of freedom of speech. Commenting on this tension, Cowan ( 1992) observed:
Censorship and the growth of conservative forces within society have become increasingly salient. Liberal feminists, along with liberals in general, are concerned about the proliferation of censorship as the solution to media. Along with censorship of media that oppress women, conservative forces are attemptingto censor material that is only distasteful to some and material that presents nontraditional orientations. Anticontrol liberal feminists legitimate fears of the oppression inherent in the right wing antiwoman, anti-sexuality agenda in pornography control must be addressed (p. 176).


A distinction can be made between content in mainstream media such sex

as films on general theatre or video release, open broadcast television, and the more explicit materials available on video throughspecialist outlets or



on subscription cable and satellite television channels. This may be regarded by some asa distinction convenience. In of reality, some critics argue that sucha distinctionis artificial as increasingly explicit sexual images appear even in mainstream media (Dunkley, 2000). There are, course, plenof tiful examples of explicit sexual depictions in cinema films on general release and infilms, plays,and drama series made specificallyfor television. Moreover, sex channels canalso be found on encrypted satelliteand cable television services containing material that might reasonably be classified as soft pornography. Such channels are openly offered at premium rates within the channel portfolios provided by many cable or satellite television operators. In some of these cases, scenes of real sexual intercourse are depicted, although not in the same degree that one of detail would find in pornographic films and videos available only through video stores or mail sex order services. There are three important areasof media regulation and control tobe considered in this context. First, are currentregulations very clear and explicit? This question is, in part, concerned with whether thosebodies responsible for regulating films and television have detailedand practicable guidelines that are implemented to ensure that adequate and appropriate standards for a particular medium are maintained. is a further considThere eration of whether existing legislation is adequate. This has been a subject of some debate and enquiry in relation to controls over pornography. Second, is the public satisfied that enough beingdone to protect inis its terests through the nature and implementation adequate mediaregulaof tions? Public opinion about media was examined in chapter Whereas sex 3. that chapter concerned with the measurementthe boundaries of acwas of ceptability of media sex to ordinary people, in this chapter, evidencewill be considered on what views the public holds about way media sex is reguthe lated. Suchopinions have been measured respect of sex on mainstream in media and in pornography. Third, how much is done to help media consumers decide what to watch? Are comprehensible and effective systems in place not only to classify film and program content, but to ensure that the public knows what these classifications are and whatthey mean? Linked to this second question is a concern about whether content classifications really work in the way they are supposed to.

It is convenient to consider the regulation and control sex in mainstream of media and sex made available through more restricted circulation channels under separate subheadings. Well-established systems exist for the control



of cinema films, videos and broadcast television material. Most developed nations have bodies with the responsibility for the vetting new filmsprior of to theirgeneral release and systems in place to control, in varying degrees, broadcasters who operate within their national boundaries. The amount and type of regulation varies across different countries, reflecting differthe ent political, religious and cultural value systems that exist around the world. Whereas Muslim cultures have zero tolerance for nudity in films, television broadcasts, or advertising, in most Western nations, restrictions are relatively light. Having made that broad distinction, however, even within the Europeanregion, varying degrees of national tolerance can be found, for example, for the use of nudity inadvertising (ITC, 1995).

Regulation of Mainstream Media

In the United States, regulation of media content must tread fine line bea tween protecting the interests of media consumers and not breaking constitutional rights of freedom of speech. Under this legislative system, media producers mustbe free to publish whatever theywish, provided that by doing so they do not break criminal law, for example, by inciting members of the audience to commit offences. Equally, media consumers should be free to consume whatever they wish. To assist consumers, however, media content ratings systems exist for films, television,video games, andthe Internet. These ratings systems supply advance information to the public about media content in terms of what kinds material are featured more of or, usually, in terms of its suitability for various age groups. The first rating system was devised by the motion pictureindustry in the 1960s.In 1966,Jack Valenti was appointed head the Motion Picture of Association of America (MPAA),which comprised group of film industry profesa sionals, and given responsibilityfor the development of a voluntary industry code of practice for the classificationof filmsin terms of ageappropriateness. The Classificationand Ratings Administration (CARA) was created in1968 to provide the public with advance information about the content of films. Films wereinitially rated as G (suitable for general audiences), M (suitable for mature audiences), (restricted under 16, need parent or R guardian present), and X (no admission if under 17). The M rating was later changed to GP (general audiences, but parental guidance) and then PG. A PG-13 (recomto mend parental guidance under 13) category was added in 1984,and the age X designation was changed to NC-17 in 1990. Appointees to theCARA board are nonindustry individuals who a use reputedly complex, yet ambiguous set of guidelines in the rating process. The appeals panel, which reviews disputed decisions, is comprisedof industry professionals. Obtaining an MPAA rating is voluntary. Attempting to



bypass the system and release a film without a ratingunusual, as the memis bers of the National Association of Theatre Owners have agreed not to show films without a rating. In the United States, legislation was introduced in 1996 encouragnew ing the television industry to create voluntary code for rating programs or a to have one imposed by the industry regulator (Federal Conmunications Commission). Although sex, along with violence and bad language, were each considered, the television rating system was specifically designed to be used in conjunctionwith the V-chip. This technology installed within TV sets enables viewers to block out reception programs ratedas having unof suitable content for children. MPAA president Jack Valenti headed the commission that developed an initial age-based television program rating system. The ratings devised at this stage were: TV-G(suitab1e for all children), TV-Y7 (for children over age seven), TV-G (suitable for all audiences), TV-PG (unsuitable for younger children), TV-14 (suitable for children under age 14), andTV-M (unsuitable for children under age 17). Lobbying by parent groups, media experts, and child advocacy groups such as the National Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), the National EducationAssociation, and the American Psychological Association persisted in supporting a content-basedsystem for television ratings (Cantor, Stutman, & Duran, 1996). Proponents of a content-based system believed that differences in backgrounds, individual characteristics such as developmental as opposed to chronological age, and family standards were not addressed inan age-based system. The age-based system's categories were considered to be overly broad because they encompassed significantly different developmental levels. Content proponents also noted that the age-based system could not allow fordevelopmental variability. The television industry responded to these concernsagreeing to add by content-based descriptors to the age-based advisories. These additional descriptors included S (sexual content), V (violence), FV (fantasy violence for cartoons), L (language), andD (dialogue with sexual innuendo; Salvosa, 1997).
U s e o Television Ratings by Broadcasters f

Kunkel and his colleagues (1998) explored how effectively the new TV rating system had been applied during its first year in operation, during the 1997-1998 television season. These researchers content-analysed a randomly selected composite week of television programming on 11 channels. In addition, a further sample of prime-time programming on the major broadcast networks compiled covering further 3 weeks. While was a the analysis provided a quantitative count of sexual acts in programs, it



also took into account the degree of intensity of the depictions and the context in which they were shown. Sexual behaviorand sexual dialogue were analysedand measures wereused to evaluate levels and explicitness of such conduct. The purpose of this exercise was to compare the amount and nature of violent, sexual and bad language content across programs with different age-based classifications. The principle interest inthis book is on thefindings for sexual content on television. The six ratings were: TV-Y, TV-Y7, TV-G, TV-PG,TV-14, and TV-MA. Programs rated as TV-Y are designed to be appropriate for all children and therefore are expected to contain effectively no sexual content. Programs rated as TV-Y7 are designed for children age 7 and over. Such programs are deemed appropriate children with adfor equate developmental skills to distinguish between fantasy reality. Proand grams rated as TV-G should be found by most parents to suitable for all be ages, though such programs maynot have been produced with a child audience inmind. Again, programs with this rating would be expected to contain little sexual dialogue or behavior. Programs rated TV-PG may contain material that parents could find unsuitable foryounger children. This means that some sexual situations and sexually suggestive dialogue are likely to be featured. Programs with a PG-14 rating are likely to contain some material that most parents would find unsuitable for children under 14years of age. This meansthat intense sexual situations and intensely suggestive sexual dialogue are likely. Finally, programs rated as TV-MA are designed to be viewed specifically by adult audiences and may therefore be unsuitable for children under 17. Such programs may contain explicit sexual activity and crude or indecent sexual language. The rating system also provided forcontent descriptors (V for violence, S for sexual behavior, D for sexual dialogue, L for adult language, and FV for fantasy violence in children's programs). In general, the study found age-based ratingsare being suppliedin that a way that reasonably reflects the content of those programs. The study also identified programs that received questionable if not inappropriate ratings in regard to sexual depictions and dialogue, but these were the exceptionratherthanthe rule. For example,comparing across TV-G, TV-PG, and TV-14 shows, the contentof programs with theseratings fell largely within thebou'nds of the definitionsof those ratingsas provided in the guidelines. The TV-G rating is defined as indicating aprogram with little or no sex. Nine outof ten (91%)TV-G shows contained no sexual behavior. Nine per cent of TV-G shows did contain sexual situations, averaging 1.4 sexual scenes per show, mostly consisting of physical flirting, with some intimate touching or passionate kissing. Almost three quarters (72%) of all TV-G shows had no sexual dialogue at all. Of shows rated TV-G, 28% did contain



sexual dialogue, averaging 2.1 scenes per show featuring talk about sex, with a moderatelevel of emphasis in the scenes. Anlong TV-PG shows, 28% contained sexual behavior and 68% contained sexual dialog. These shows averaged 2 scenes of sexual behavior and 3.8 scenes of sexual dialog, but again with only moderate or low levels of explicitness. TV-14 shows were more sexual. Fifty-six per cent contained sexual behavior and contained sexual 82% dialog. These shows averaged 2.4 sexual behavior scenes and sexual dialog scenes. The level 4.9 of explicitness was higher than in the of the other classifications. case two Although the sexual content found in programs generally matched what would be expected on the basis of their age-based descriptors, content descriptorswere not being used in a majority of programs that contained sex. (The same point was true also of violence and language.) Age-based ratings do not indicate the level or degree of explicitness of sexual content in programs. For this, a content-based label is needed. More than nine outof ten (92%) shows with sexual behavior did not receive an S content descriptor. These shows averaged2.1 scenes of moderate sexual behaviorper show. In general, most of the sexual behavior in shows without anS consisted of acts suchas passionate kissing, although many contained scenes in whichsexual intercourse was depicted or implied. More than eight out ten (83%) shows with sexual of dialog did not receive a D content descriptor. These shows averaged nearly four (3.9) scenes of moderate sexualdialogue per show. A number of reasons were identified as to why programs may not have received content descriptors. The NBC network declined to use content descriptors at all. In addition, under therules, TV-G programs are not required to have content descriptors anyway. But also, not all sensitive content in TV-PG and TV-14 shows received a content descriptor. Some TV-PG and TV-14 programs were identified that contained substantial amounts of sex, but did not receive an S rating. In some cases, ratings guidelines deliberately allowed some sex to go through and would only label a program if the depictions were categorised as intense. Another factor was that movies originally made for the cinema and broadcast on TV can be presented withMPAA ratings instead of new TV ratings. Amongchildrensprograms, 11% receivedacontentdescriptor. Among general audience programs, 23% received acontent descriptor. T h e most frequently used content descriptor on general audience shows was the rating D (sexual dialog), which was applied to 12% of nonex5% empt shows,followed by V (violence) at lo%,L (adult language) at and S (sex) at 3%. In prime-time programming the on major networks, V was the most commonly used content descriptor, appliedto 18% of nonexempt shows; L was applied to 16%; D to 13%; and S to 4% of nonexempt shows.



According to Kunkel and his colleagues (1998), 'In terms applying the of age-based ratings, the evidence from this study indicates that the television industry is generally differentiating well across the basic levels of the system. For allfour areas of content assessed in the study, there is a hierarchical progression with the lowest levels of sensitive material in programs with a TV-G rating, somewhat higher levels found in TV-PG shows, and the greatest level or intensity sensitive content found TV-14 programs' (p. 89). of in Although there was no problem with the application of age-based ratings, these alone reveal relatively little directly about the nature of sexual content in programs. For this, additional content-based ratings are needed. Public opinion surveys have shown that most parents strongly prefer content-based ratings over age-based advisories (Cantor et al., 1996; Kaiser Family Foundation, 1998; Mifflin, 1997).Unless more effective deployment of content-based ratings occurs, the V-chip technology will offer parents only a modest degree help in of identifying programs that are unsuitable for their children. Regulation o Media Sex in Britain f The established audiovisual media in Britain-cinema, television, and video-are all regulated to ensure that their contents do not cause offence or harm to consumers. Although Britain does not have freedom of speech legislation as does the United States, thererecognition in its media regulations is a and regulatory practices that not everyone has the same maturity or tastes. Some people may find media sex offensive; do not. Although there is a others need to protect the interests of younger viewers,there are many households in Britain that are occupied by adults only. Britishbroadcasters, for example, have employed restrictive scheduling practices for many years. principles The of the Family Viewing Policy and 9 p.m. Watershed centre on the need to achieve a balance between protecting the interests of children and catering to theneeds of the adultaudience. Before 9 p.m. on themainstream terrestrial channels in Britain, no programs may be broadcast that are unsuitable for children (under 16 years); after 9 p.m., this rule is gradually relaxed. Most British parents seem to be aware of this regulation (ITC, 1999). More specific program labelling systems are also used. Ratings have been used for many years to classify cinema films and more recently videos. Broadcasters have also adopted cinema ratings systems or derivatives to classify televised films. In Britain, the classification of films for theatre distribution and video productions for sale or rent is carried out by the British Board of FilmClassification (BBFC). The regulatory picture for broadcast television services is more complicated. The British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC) is self-regulated, withan executive board of senior managers being accountable a to



Board of Governors. Commercial television services, whether transmitted via terrestrial transmitters, satellite, cable, are licensed and regulated by or theIndependent Television Commission.However, another body, the Broadcasting Standards Commission(BSC), has also been legally charged with handling viewers complaints on matters relating to the tastefulness or offensiveness of broadcast television content and with conducting audience research into such matters. The deals with complaints from BSC viewers that concernall television services-BBC and commercial alike. Within the context of cinema films, many regulators have adopted increasingly liberal views about the control sexual images in screen enterof tainment, reasoning thatthecinema-going public hasbecomemore accepting of such material. In Britain, films for theater showing are classified as U (Universal-suitable for all), PC? (parental guidance-general viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children), 12 (suitable only for persons of 12 yearsand over),15 (suitable only for persons of 15 years and over), 18 (suitable only forpersons of 18years and over), and R18(to be supplied only in licensed sex shops to persons of not less than 18 years). Table 12.1 shows what each of these classifications means as far as sex content is concerned. In Britain, scenes of simulated sex in films rated with an 18 certificate is generally accepted by the public. Indeed, there is tolerance for some sex scenes within films classified as There is greater concern andvigilance, 15. however, over the combination of sex and violence. Gay sex, however, is treated similarly to heterosexual sex. The degree of explicitness of sex scenes permitted depends on theclassification of the film. The guidelines adopted by the BBFC in Britain are shown in Table 12.1. In 1997,the BBFC was presented with 382 feature films, 58 short films, and 356 trailers for theatre showing to classify forgeneral release. Cuts were madeto 15 (3.9%) features, one short film (1.7%), and 19 trailers (5.1%). No cuts were made to new films offered that year for reasons of sex or sexual violence. In the same year, the BBFC received 3,192 video features,649 video trailers, and 124 video advertisements classification. Cuts were madeto 224 features for (7%), 41trailers (6.3%), andjust one advertisement (0.8%).During 1997, the BBFC made 44 cuts to remove scenes of sexual violence. Most of these were for 18-rated films, and only one was for nonvideo material. The one case of film was forre-release of the movie, Pink Fhmingos, by John Waters. a This film contained the prolonged sexual abuse and forcible artificial insemination of a woman. Despite best efforts, however, the BBFC (1998) its noted the significant increase in the number unlicensed sex shops in Britof ain from whichillegal and unclassified material canbe obtained. Turning to broadcast television, in Britain the BBC is self-regulating and commercial television is regulated by the Independent Television Commission (ITC). In addition, the Broadcasting Standards Commission

TABLE 12.1
British Filtn Classifications and Sex Content
U- UNIVERSAL Suitablefor all Nudity There will be little or no nudity. Sex There will be no sexual behavior or references. PG- PARENTAL GUIDANCE Generalviewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children Nudity There may be occasional nudity in a non-sexualcontext, but should not be nudity for this the sake of it. Sex Sex may be suggested, but should be discreet and infrequent. There may be some mild sexual innuendo.


Nudity Occasional nudity is acceptable. Nudity in a sexual context will be brief and discreet. Sex Sexual activity may be implied, but without any physical detail. Sexual references may bestronger and less ambiguous than in PGfilms and videos, especially in a comedy context.


Nudity Full-frontal nudity may be shown, sometimes in a sexual context. Close-up detail will be avoided. Sex Sexual activity may be shown, but will not include intimate physical detail. Sex scenes will be justified by context and will usually further plot, character or theme. There may be strong sexual references. Casual sex scenes will be brief, and sex will mainly illustrate developing relationships.
~ ~ ~~


Nudity Extensive full frontal nudityis acceptable in a sexual context, as long as there is no undue focus on genitals. (table continues)


278 TABLE 1 2 . 1 (continued)


Scenes of simulated sex are allowed, but sex scenes may be limited because of length or strength. Images of real sex must be brief and justified by context.

The R18category is a special and legally restricted classification for videos where the focus is mainly on real sexual activity. Such videos can be supplied to adults only in licensed sex shops, of which there are about 60 in the UK. R18 videos may not by supplied by mail order. The sex scenes in all R18 videos must be nonviolent and between consenting adults. They must also be legal, both in theacts portrayed and in thedegree of explicitness shown. There are no limits on length and strength apart those of the criminal law. from Group sex is allowed, and there is parity as between homosexual and heterosexual sex. Erections may be shown, as may a broader range of mild fetish material, but threats or no humiliation or realistic depictions of pain are permitted. There must be no explicit sight of penetration, oral, vaginal, or anal. Ejaculation must not be shown. Context may iustify exceptions.
Note Source: Brltish Board of Fl11n Classlficatmn, 1998.

represents anotherbody to which the public can turn to complain about of in broadcast standards. The ITC Code permits inclusion sex and nudity entertainment and dramaprograms. It does not allow for indiscriminate or gratuitous inclusion of sex in programs, however. Any such material should be pertinent to the plot. Furthermore, depictionssexual interof course are restricted to the post-9p.m. period (see Table 12.2). The Broadcasting StandardsCommission has a code thePortrayal of on Sexual Conductfor broadcasters, covering televisionand radio (see Table 12.3). According to the (1998), Radioand television have to meet the BSC expectations of wide audiences which will encompass a spectrumof tolerance towards the portrayal of sexual relationships. However, even those unlikely to be offended themselves may be concerned about viewing some programs in the company of others, and are likely to be mindful of the effects on children (clause80, p. 35). The BSC advises against unjustified explicitness and for the depiction of relations between the sexes within a clearly defined moral framework. Broadcasters are further advised to observe sensitivity to scheduling of sexual matters around the Watershed. Even with encrypted channels, there must be limits to whatis shown, with channels being bound in their depictions of sex by laws relating to hard-core pornographyand obscenity.



The depiction of sexually explicit scenes before the Watershed on television fiction should be a matter ofjudgment atmost senior levels with the the broadcasting organisations concerned. Even in factual programs, stories with sexual aspects should not be presented without due consideration having been givento thescheduling of the program and thelikely presence of children in the audience thetime of transmission. at Although it is legitimate to deal with subjects such as sexual relationships between adults and children, the treatment of such topics must be thought through very carefully, being mindfulof not just the morality but also the legality of certain kinds of behavior. Explicit sexual acts between adults and children should not be transmitted. BSC (1998) makes refThe erence to the Protection of Children Act 1978, which makes an it offence to take an indecent photograph, film, or video-recording of a child under the age of 16, or involve a child under 16 in a photograph recording which is or itself indecent-even if the childs role in it is not. The inclusion in programsof subjects such as incest or child abuse may have apublic information role and can be justified on thatbasis. They may advise children of the dangers of abuse and advise them of the help available. However, realistic, contemporary drama must account of the ease take
TABLE 12.2
ITC Code on Sex and Nudity on Television
~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~

I . 1 General Requirement Section 6 (1)(a) of the broadcasting Act 1990requires that the ITC does all it can secure to that every licensed service includes nothing in programmes which offends against good its taste or decency is likelyto encourage or incite to crime orlead to disorder or be or offensive to public feeling. [Remainder of this sectionrefers to code giving guidance on the depiction of violence.] 1.3 Sex and Nudity
Popular entertainment and comedy have always reliedto some extent on sexual innuendo and ambiguous (or suggestive) gesture and behavior; but this does justify mere crudity. not Much of the worlds great drama and fiction has been concerned with love and passion, and it would be wrong (if not impossible) to require writers to renounce all intention to shock or disturb,but the aim should not be to offend. The portrayal of sexual behavior,and of nudity, needs to be defensible in context and presented with tact and discretion. Representation of sexual intercourse should be reserved until after pm. Exceptions to 9.00 this rule may be allowedin the case ofnature films, programmeswith a serious educational purpose, or where the representation is non-graphic, and must be approved by the licensees most senior programme executive or the designated alternate.

Note. Source: ITC, 1991.

TABLE 12.3

Broadcasting Standards Commission Code on the Portrayal of Sexual Conduct

Research shows that audiences in Britain havegenerally become moreliberal and relaxed of about the portrayal of sex, broadcasters cannot assume a universal climate tolerance but towards sexually explicit material. Offence may be given by making public and explicit what many people regard as private and exclusive. Radio andtelevision have tomeet the expectations of wide audiences whichwill encompass a spectrumof tolerance towardsthe portrayal of sexual relationships. However, even those unlikely to be offendedthemselves may beconcernedabout viewing some programmes in thecompany of others, andare likely to be tnindfulof the effects on children. Broadcasters have a duty act to responsibly and reflect the fact that relations within and between the sexes normally reflect moral choices. Audiences should be reduced not to voyeurs, nor theparticipants to objects. The youth andphysical attractiveness of the participants are no justification for explicitness. Sensitive scheduling, especially within the hour around the Watershed, particularly imis portant for items involving sexual matters. Broadcasters should provide straightforward labelling in clear language and sufficient warnings about programmes containing explicit material. Encrypted subscriptionand pay Per View services offeringexplicit sexual content cater to self-selected adult audiences. But the depiction of sex is bound by the law relating to hard-core pornography and obscenity. Factual Programmes Where a news story involvessexual aspect, it a should be presented without undueexploitation. The relative explicitness ofsuch reports must, in any case, be measured the broadby caster against the time of day at which they are transmitted and the likely presence of children in the audience.Other factual programmes deal with a variety of sexual themes. But producers should ask themselveswhether an explicit representation is justified. Discussion and Phone-in Programmes There is a wide difference ofattitudes, particularly betweenthe generations, towards the open debateof sexual topics. Programmesneed tobe scheduled with care and labelled to give warning of their likely content. Fiction Broadcasters must ensure that actual sexual intercourseis not transmitted.The broadcast of sexuallyexplicit scenes before the Watershed shouldalways bea matterfor judgment at the most senior levels within the broadcasting organisations.O n radio, broadcasters must take into account the likely composition of the audiencebefore scheduling more explicit portrayals of sexual activity. When a scene involves rape or indecent assault, careful consideration must always be given to achieving the dramatic purpose while minimising the depiction of the details.


Rape should not be presented in a way which mightsuggest it was anything other than a tragedy for its victim.

A sexual relationship between adult and child or between under-age young people an a can be a legitimate theme for programmes: it is the treatment which may make it improper, or even unlawful. The treatment should not suggest that such behaviorlegal or is is to be encouraged.
Explicit sexual acts between adults and children should be transmitted. not The Protection of Children Act, 1978, makes it an offence to take an indecent photograph, film or video-recordingofa child under age of 16, involve a child the or below 16in a photograph recording which itself indecent - even if the childs role it not. Even or is in is when legal advice judges material to be on the right side of the law, it shouldbe subjected to careful scrutiny at the highest level over the need to include the sequence in the programme. This applies even when the child is played hy an older actor or actress.
Incest and Child Abuse

The inclusion of these subjects in well-established serials or single programmes may be justified as public information, even in programmes directed at older children. These programmes may also playa legitimate role in warning childrenof the dangers of abuse, and advising them of the help available. awareness ofthe Where a play or film takesincest as its theme, there should be particular relative ease with which some people, including children, may identify characters or actions with their own circumstances, andmay also take them as role models. In television, material of this kind should be accompanied by clear labellingof the programmes content, while sensitivescheduling and labelling are also called for in radio.

Explicit sexual conduct between humans and animals should never shown and should be be referred to inprogrammes only after consultations at a senior level.

There is now a greater relaxation about the human body. The appearance of the nude human body can have justifiable and powerful dramatic effect and be a legitimate element in a a programme, providedit does not exploit the nude person. Butit can also be disturbing and cause offence, especially where it appears that there no clear editorial rationale. justiis The fication must come fromthe intention and the merit the individual programtne itself. of

Sexual humour and innuendomay cause offence especially if broadcast when there are children and young people in theaudience. It may passover the heads of the young, but may nevertheless cause embarrassment older people watching or listening with them. to Care is needed therefore inthe scheduling of risque programmesand programmes whlch would not normallv be exDected to contain material of this kind.
Note Source. Broadcastmg Standards Conmussion, 1996.

28 1



with which certain viewers may identify with events and characters on screen and may, therefore, take them as role models. The BSC code contains a reminderthat explicit sexual conduct between humans and animals is outlawed. The BSC notes that there is a fairly relaxed attitude towards nudity. There is recognition that thepublic, too, has more relaxed attitudes about it. Even so, this is not true of everyone and some viewers may still take offence at certain types of portrayal. Finally, the codedeals with sexual innuendo and humor that cause offence when there are children young may or people in the audience. may cause embarrassment older people viewing It to with them. Thus, care is needed over when to schedule programs with potentially controversial sex content. THE UTILITY OF CLASSIFICATION AND RATING SYSTEMS Media content ratingssystems succeedto the extent that media consumers are aware of, understand, and use the ratings and also to the extent that the guidelines are enforced by producers and distributors. Surveys have indicated that parents are of and use film ratings to make iniaware tial determinations about whether a is suitable for children (Wilson et film al., 1990). Research anlong American parents indicated that program ratings and advisories lead parents todiscourage their childrenfrom watching content labelled as age-inappropriate. When discussing programs with their children, warnings about sex (and violence) result in parents making more disparaging remarks about such programs. Furthermore, a rating indicating the age-appropriateness a program appeared to have of n o r e force than a mere verbal warning about sensitive content (Krcmar 6r Cantor, 1997). Media ratings have been characterised by controversy and confusion about their purpose since the inception movie ratings in 1969. There ever of is a loose consensus that content that is not appropriate for certain segments of the population, specifically children, is present in todays media. There is little consensus, however, about how to limit access to such content. Opponents to rating systems warn that mandatorysystems are a form of censorship, even when their principal goal is ostensibly to be informational. If the ultimategoal of ratings is to provide information that can be used to control access for vulnerable individuals, then it is important to consider both whether control warranted and whether that stated is is goal usually achieved. There are importantissues surrounding the way media content ratings are used media consumers. as a result of their ratings, certain films, for by If, example, are perceived forbidden fruit by those members of the audience as for whom it is deemed to be unsuitable, there may be a boomerang effect



whereby the appeal of the restrictedfilm is heightened (Bushman& Stack, 1996; Kunkel, 1997). This may be less problematic with younger children, if their parentsalready manage their media choices, but may bean important consideration for teenagers, among whom parental control is likely to be more relaxed or even nonexistent (Cantor, Harrison, c m a r , 1996; Can&k tor, Harrison, & Nathanson, 1998). Media ratings have been more sensitive to sexual content than to violent content. In most cases, explicit sex earns morerestrictive ratings than extreme violence, which implies that exposure to explicit sex in media presentations is more harmful than exposure to extreme violence. Research on the influence of explicit sexual portrayals on sexual behavior in children and adolescents has beenlimited by the lingering taboos about asking children about these topics (Strasburger, 1995). The limited information available suggests that sexual portrayals in themedia have limited independent impact in terms of prompting sexual behavior in adolescents (Strasburger, 1995; Wilson et al., 1990). When is combined withviolence, however, sex the effects may be different. In particular, the potential influence violent of pornography (defined as depictions of women victims enjoying sexual assault or rape) and sexualised violence (defined as less sexually explicit depictions, but with more violence such as torture) have raised concerns (Wilson et al., 1990). Sexualised violence is prevalent in many films and television programs. Furthermore,as a significant body of research literature reviewed in earlier chapters indicated, depictions of violent sex or rape can shift male attitudes towards female victims of rape, rape offenders, and female sexuality. REGULATION AND CONTROL O F PORNOGRAPHY Turning from sex in mainstream media to pornography, several important commissions of enquiry have been launched by governments in countries such as Australia, Britain, Canada, and the United States review laws on to obscenity. These enquiries received evidence from various sections of society, from the legal, medical and education professions, and usually commissioned original research or reviews of existing research literature to inform their deliberations. One of the critical features of these enquiries was the relative weight they attached to evidence concerning public opinion and values about and evidence the on potential harms that might be caused by extreme forms of sexual representation. Although references have been madeto research reported under some of these commissions of enquiry earlier in this book, they are considered together collectively at this point because their principal objective was to produce recommendations concerning censorship and control of pornographic publications and productions.



The 1970 U.S. Pornography Commission

The 1970 U.S. Commission on Obscenity and Pornography established was by President Lyndon Johnson analyse the distribution and to effects of consuming sexually explicit material. It also reviewed existing pornography control laws and was charged with producing recommendations approof priate legislative or administrative action todeal with pornography. The finalreport (U.S. Commission on Obscenityand Pornography, 1970) recommended stronger controls on distribution tominors, but anabolition of all limits on access by adults. This recommendation based on the mawas jority conclusion that therewas no evidence that exposure to or use of explicit sexual materials play a significant role in the causation of social or individual harms suchas crime, delinquency, sexual or nonsexual deviancy or severe emotional disturbance 58). This conclusion was not accepted (p. by everyone. Critics accused the commission of being overloaded with anticensorship civil libertarians (Eysenck &Nias, 1978). In the end, though, its majority conclusions were rejected by the new conservative Nixon administration, which was against relaxing controls over pornography. Concerns about the conclusions and recommendations of the 1970s Commission did not emanate only from politicians. There were some social scientists who expressed doubts about the credibility and validity of the evidence and the way it had been interpreted (Cline, 1974; Eysenck, 1972). One problem stemmed from observation that notall the evidence had the been given equalweight. There were findings that could be interpreted as providing evidence for negative effects of pornography, but these were played down or ignored. One of the Commissions studies found that exposure to pornography was associated with promiscuity and sexual deviance (K. E. Davis & Braucht, 197 la). Then, other findings that supported a no-harm position were accepted at face value when, in fact, they were based on dubious self-report measures (Cline, 1974). Manyof the surveys and otherstudies commissionedby the 1970 enquiry into pornography suffered from the characteristic shortcomings such methodologies.Yet, the of Commission members chose to not discuss the findings with appropriate caveats inwhich suchlimitations were highlighted (Eysenck, 1972). Instead, the Commissions conclusion appeared to be strongly influenced by value judgments on the partof the majority of its members (Cline, 1974).
The Williams Committee in Britain

Over the next decade, further conmissions of enquiry were launched into pornography in Britain (Longford, 1972; Williams Committee, 1979) and Canada (Special Committee onPornography and Prostitution, 1985).The



Williams Committee in Britain was set up to undertake a fundamental reconclusion that there view of the laws relating to obscenity. It reached the was no conclusive evidence that exposure to sexually explicit material triggers harmful responses. The Committee recommended the removalof all censorship of pornography inasmuchas it is 'neither immediatelyoffensive nor capable of invoking ... harms' (p. 160). The major piece of legislation governing obscenity at the time was the 1959 Obscene Publications Act, which employed the statutory test of whether theeffect of the material in question was, 'if taken as a whole, such as to deprave and corruptthose who arelikely, having regard to all relevant circumstances, to read,see, or hear thematerial contained or embodied in it.' Despite this presumed test,court interpretations tended to focus on the determination of offensiveness to general communitystandards, as in North America. Considerable problems the interpretation the prevailin of ing standards led to fewer convictions and tosome dissatisfaction with lax judicial enforcement, particularly in light ofwhat was perceived to signifbe icant increases in the volume and explicitness of adult material (Wilson, 1972). It in this context that Williams Committee began work. was the its One of the Committee's majorcriticisms was that the deprave-and-corrupt test ambiguous and tended, in fact, ignored by jurors in decidwas be to ing obscenity cases. O n a more general level, the Committee came to the conclusion that any new comprehensive legislation should be basedon considerations of the harms that could stem from exposure to obscene material. In otherwords, the Committeefelt that unless it couldbe shown that specific harms arose from exposureto obscene materials, the law had noright to suppress such material. The definition of harm chosen was a very narrow one. Before the law can intervene, the Committee recommended, must it be demonstrated that pornography likely to havesome effect on human is behavior, in particular, that it caused the commission of sexual crimes. Three types of evidence were consideredthe Committee in evaluating by by the potential harms caused exposure to pornography: (a) evidence from particular court cases; (b) statistical trends in crime as a function of the availability of pornographic materials; and (c) experimental social psychological evidence. With respect to thefirst typeof evidence, the Committee considered infamous British criminal cases such as the Moors Murders and the Cambridge Rapist, wherepornographic materials, supposedlyfound in the possession of the defendants, were claimed to be instigators to crime, As the Committee noted, it is exceedingly difficult to prove that these crimes would not have been committed had the defendants not been exposed to pornographic material. Consequently, the Committee rejected this type of evidence as inconclusive.



Second, the Committeereviewed conflicting research on the relationship between the availability of pornography in Denmark in the 1970s and rape during the same period. The Committee reports of rape and attempted concluded that the research in this area conducted by Kutchinsky (1973; including some research presented to the U.S. commission) was comprehensive, detailed, and scrupulously careful, and was viewed as indicating no relationship between greater availability of pornography and the commission of sex-related crimes. (See also detailed research by Court, 1980 that was rejected by the Committee.) The Committee also rejected the notion that rising trends insexual assaultin GreatBritain in the 1960s and 1970s were the result of greater availability of pornographic materials. Finally, the Committee considered the experimental research that had been undertaken up to about 1976. They concluded that, since much disagreement existed among experimenters the as to effects of pornography on behavior, the Committee could not recommend further suppression of such material. The conclusion that therewas little empirical evidence to demonstrate that exposure to pornography causedharm was challenged. From the time of the U.S. pornography commissions report in1970 until theWilliams report in 1979, three substantial developments had occurred.First, the nature of pornographic materials themselves had changed. Second, public concern with these materials had increased. Finally, a new body of social science research, particularly experimental social psychological research, on the effects of aggressive, sexually explicit materials had been produced (Penrod &Linz,1984).Although the Williams Committee commissioned a literature review, this failed to take account of the findings of experimental studies conducted mostly in the United States during the late1970s. mid to These studies had indicated potential harmful effects of explicit sexual material (R. A. Baron, 1974a, 1974b, 1978; A. Baron &Bell, 1977; Cantor, R. Zillmann, & Einsiedel, 1978; Donnerstein & Barrett, 1978; Donnerstein, Donnerstein, & Evans, 1975; Feshbach & Malamuth, 1978; Zillmann & Sapolsky, 1977). Other clinical work had also demonstrated the sexual arousal of rapists to specific sexual stimuli (Abel, Barlow, Blanchard, & Guild, 1977; Barbaree, Marshall, & Lanthier, 1979). By the latterpart of the 1970s, many people were becoming concerned at what they felt was both anincrease in violence and changes in the nature of pornographic materials. Feminists warned that images of male-female relationships were becoming explicitly perverse in the widespread pornography trade. There was a marked trend in the coupling of sex and violence (Malamuth & Spinner, 1980) in mens magazinesand also in movies (Penrod & Linz, 1984).In the latter instance, trend could be witnessed just in this not limited distribution art house filmsor X-rated videoreleases,but also in some films available on wider general release (e.g., The Getaway and Swept Away).

CONTROLS? HOW EFFECTIVE ARE The Fraser Committee in C a n a d a


Canadas Fraser Committee was created in response to increasing debate over public displays of sexual explicitness. In Canada, as in the United States, there was growing and active opposition to pornography by some feminists, who conceivedof it as a harm rather thanmoral issue. A coma mittee examiningthe issue of sexual abuse had completed investigation its only a year before the Fraser Committee ended its work in 1985 (Government of Canada. Report of the Special Committeeon Sexual Offenses Against Children and Youth. Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services, 1984). Incorporation into the Canadian constitution Charter Rights and of a of Freedoms embodied only freedom of speech rights, but also rights relatnot ing to equality of treatment among different sectors of society. Under this legislation, feminists accused pornography of denigrating women. There was also dissatisfaction with regulatory provisions in the Criminal Code with regard to obscenity and the difficulty in applying consistent criteria (Government of Canada, 1985. Special Committee on Pornography and Prostitution. Pornography and Prostitution in Canada, Volume 1. Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services). The Canadian pornography commission decided not to attempt to define pornography, observing that the terms obscenity, pornography, erotica all and had an elaborate web of various meanings. Instead, the committee decided to concentrate on identifying classes or types of representations and recommending criminal sanctions where these were deemed appropriate. The committee arrived at a three-tier classification system, recommending criminal sanctions for child pornography and sexually violent pornography, and no public display for nonviolent pornography. In adopting this approach, the Canadians recognised the difficulties that the Williams Committee had incurred in specifying intent to arouse as a cornerstone of its definition. Furthermore, the committee clearly adopted the antipornography feminist position that differentiated between erotica and pornography. The Fraser Committee relied on a research review of the literature to guide its examination of the effects of pornography (McKay &a Dolff, 1985). Researchers whose work had been cited were also invited to testify. The committee noted that three distinct points of view-liberal, feminist, and conservative-required different standards for the demonstrationof harm. The liberal view saw freedom of speech as the highest value, a perspective that demanded thatclear and definite link be demonstrated between a pornography and harm to specific individuals. The feminist view was regarded as arguing for a broader interpretation of harm, in which the mere representation of women as dehumanised and demeaned was sufficient to deny women full equality. This view, the committeefelt, made less stringent demands of research findings. The conservative approach espoused concern a



for the sanctity of the family as the cornerstone for the larger social whole. The encouraging sexual relations outside this of context-as pornography was perceived to do-was considered an assault on the family unit. The Committee concluded that the available research was of little use in addressing questions of harms tosociety and to individuals caused by pornography. Problemsstemmedfrommethodologicallimitations of social scientific studies. In examining evidence about sexual offenders, the Committee concluded that the importancepornography as a factor in commission of of the sexual crimes had not been established. The research review commissioned by the committee was very harsh, dismissing correlational studies unequivocally and casting doubt also on laboratory studies. Although arguing that the research evidencewas inconclusive, the committee nevertheless stated that pornographycould impact on the fundamentalvalues of Canadians. The feminist view was accepted, despite reservations aboutthe social science evidence on the harms pornography. Pornography was regarded as of depicting women in a degrading fashionwas contrary toCanadian valthat ues. Hence the notion social harm was accepted, but this view extended of beyond the scientific evidence. The 1986 U.S. Commission on Pornography From the time of the first U.S. pornography commission in 1970 to the mid- 1980s, a number significant changes were noted in the natureof exof plicit sexual media. There had been an increase in sadomasochistic themes and the linking of sex and violence-themes that were relatively rare in 1970. Communications technology developments in form of the penethe tration of cable and satellite television reception and home ownership of video-recorders made sexually explicit materials available in the home more readily. There had also been a significant increase in the production of pornographic videos and films (Showers, 1994). In addition, new social scientific evidence had emerged during early 1980sthat cast doubt on the the conclusions reached by the 1970 Reportof the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography. In thiscontext, U.S. Attorney General,Edwin Meese, instigated anew enquiry into pornography (Attorney Generals Commission on Pornography, 1986) to determine the nature, extent, and impact soon ciety of pornography in the United States. The enquiry was to produce recommendations for the control the spread of pornography, consistent with of the constitution (Paletz, 1988). A fairly stringent test of obscenity was put in place in 1973 inMiller w. California (413 U.S. 15 [ 19731). Material was defined as obscene if it fulfilled all the following criteria: (a) tothe average person, applying contemporary community standards, the material, taken as a whole, appealed to




prurient interest; (b) the work depicted or described sexual conduct in a particularly offensive manner; and (c) the work, taken as a whole, lacked serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific permit. The material has to fail a 1three testsbefore it can found obscene the 2 be in eyes of the law and any penalties prescribed. Thus, something could be labelled as pornographic but still not be legally obscene. I n the dozen or so years that the Miller standard was in place, the number of obscenity prosecutions declined (32) for reasons that included difficulties in defining what was obscene as well as greater overall public tolerance for sexually explicit materials. Given the growth in production, distribution and availability of pornography in America, however, the conservative Reagan administration called for another examinationof pornography 15 years after the first U.S. Commission on Obscenity and Pornography had given pornography a clean of health. bill The 1986 Commission was financially not as wellendowed as the earlier 1970 U.S. Commission.The latter had a mandate to the effects of porstudy nography and obscenity on the public, analyse obscenity laws, and make recommendations, if deemed necessary to regulate the flow ofpornographic materials. This Commission had a budget $2 million, a staff of 22, and 18 of appointed commissioners-plenty of resources to facilitate a large amount of work. The 1986 Commission, incontrast, was less well funded. It had a budget of $400,000 and staff of nine to complete mandate. No original a its research was funded. Few social scientists were called upon as expert witnesses. The major source for social science input came from a Workshop on Pornography and Public Health organised by Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, who separately organised this event toassist the AttorneyGenerals enquiry (Wilcox, 1987). TheSurgeon General organised his independent enquiry because he believed that pornography had received insufficient attention as a social issue. Modest fundingmeant that an economic method had to be adopted to collate relevant evidence. The Workshop invited 19 leading researchers in the field to contribute and present papers based on their own work. This evidence was debated over one weekend and the main conclusions are presented in Table 12.4 (Koop, 1987). The 1986 Attorney Generals Commission on Pornography held public hearings in sixmajorcities around the country. The U.S. Commission avoided the production of a definition of pornography, but it suggested four tiers of sexually explicit materials: sexually violent materials; nonviolent, degrading sexuallyexplicit materials; nonviolent, nondegrading materials; and nudity. Despite being constrained by limited funds, the enquiry nevertheless produced asignificant volumeof evidence for consideration, some of which derived from its review empirical research. A significant amount of space of was also devoted in final report to consideration of legal recommendations its and descriptions of potentially problematic media imagery and content.


TABLE 12.4

Main Conclusions of Surgeon Generals Workshop on Pornography

Children and adolescents who participate in the production of pornography experience adwerse, enduringeffects.This activity was regarded asa route to later involvement inprostitution. child Prolonged useof pornography leads consumers believe that less common sexual practices to are more common than they really are. In otherwords, repeated use of pornography can cultivate in users a distorted perceptionof reality leading them tobelieve that the behaviors depicted in pornographic materials are actually quite normal. Pornography that portrays sexual aggression as pleasurable for the victim increases the acceptance of the use of coercion in sexual relations. Films and videos that depict women being forced to havesex against theirwill, but who then become sexually aroused nevertheless and appear to enjoy themselves, may cultivate the myth thatall women enjoy coercive sex. Such a stereotype could encourage some men tobelieve there is nothing wrong with using violence in sex. Acceptance of coerciwe sexuality appears to be related to sexual aggression. Moving forward from stereotyping effects, this observationassumes that changes in beliefs about womens sexuality mayproduce behavioraleffects wherebymen introduce violence into sexual relations with women. I n laboratory studies measuring short-term effects, exposure to wiolentpornography increuses punitiwe behavior towards women. Under controlled conditions, evidence has emerged that men will display more aggression towards female after being shown a a film of sexually violent behavior. For ethical reasons, this kindof research can only be conductedusing simulated behavior. It may thereforelack some external validity. Nevertheless,experts attending theworkshop believed that this conclusion could drawn about the results of be laboratory-based research, andthat it might be indicative of possible effects in thewider sphere (as reinforced by the results of some survey studies).
Note Source. Koop, 1987.

According to the 1986 Commission, pornography was material (that) is predominantly sexually explicit and intended primarily for the purpose of sexual arousal (pp. 228-229). Obscenity was defined as material that has been or would likely be found to obscene in the context a judicial probe of ceeding employing applicable legal and constitutional standards(p. 230). The Commission covered a wider range of material than would traditionally be subsumed under these headings, however. The Commission considered the issue of pornography and harm and distinguished between harm that may be caused directly to consumers of pornography and spin-off (or secondary) harms that might be caused to others with whom pornography consumers interact. The Commission expressedspecial concern about sexually violent pornography, which was observed to be on theincrease. It was also noted that some research had indicated that exposure to pornography could cause changes mens attitudes towards women and increases in agto gression towards women in a laboratory setting. Some critics the Comof


29 1

missionreview of evidenceadvisedcautioninthe way the existing literature should interpreted. The evidence was not totally consistent on be whether sex alone or sex plus violence was essential to produce attitude shifts or antisocial behaviour. Furthermore, it remained be demonstrated to as to whether the cultivation through viewing pornography of callous attitudes towards womenled, in turn, to enhanced propensity to commit rape offences (Linz et al., 1987). Unlike both the British and Canadian commissions,the U.S. commission made no recommendation to eliminate obscenityfrom legal use, preferring instead to retain the current definition set forth in w. California. The Miller U.S. commission relied to a greater degree than the othertwo commisdid sions on social scientific evidence, concludingthat the research did show a causal relationship between exposure to sexually violent material and aggressive behavior towards women. also concluded thatexposure to such It material could lead to greater acceptance rape myth beliefs. However, it of also recognised that nonviolentsexually explicit materials did not result in the same effects. The limitations of research were noted, butdespite these limitations, the Commission was still prepared to accept some of the evidence. The data sexually for vioIent were lessequivocal. One reason for this lay with the greater consistency of material used in such studies. In addition, there were consistent reactions stimulus materials through self-reto ports and physiological indices. According to Einsiedel(l988), the varying evaluations of social science in these three different cultural contexts may indicate differences in the role of research in public policymaking in each case. Differences in research traditions between Britain (or Europe) and North America may account for the more ready dismissalof laboratory-based research in Britain. The European approach tends to regard social problems as stemming from a range of factors indigenous to the culture, compared with which effects of mass the media are trivial. In the United States, the effects of mass media have been the studied by experimental social psychological approaches in which influence of a single factor is magnified. However, the Williams Commission conducted its enquiry before much of the experimental research referred to by the Canadian andU.S. commissions was published. PUBLIC OPINION AND REGULATION OF MEDIA SEX The issue of harm that might caused by sexual content in be films, television programs, or videos is a separate consideration from publicattitudes towards such material. Regulators and policymakers need tobe mindful of public values and public opinion as well as the possibility that genuine h a m may be caused by sexually explicit material, especially when mixed with violence.



The public has opinionsnot just about sex in themedia, but also about the way it is controlled or regulated. Surveys in Britain, for example, have indicated broadly liberal attitudes towards the showing of sex on television. This disposition is reflected in opinions about the regulation of such content. During the early 1990s)for instance, themajority of British television viewers (78%) agreedthat people shouldbe allowedto watch on televisex sion if that is what they want. An even bigger majority (88%)agreed that people who do not watching sex on television can always switch the set like off (Millwood-Hargrave, 1992). Reflecting a climatethat welcomes greater choice and the need to cater to a of tastes, another survey reported a variety majority of British viewers as endorsing the opinion that people want to if pay extra for pornographic TV channels, they shouldbe allowed to do so (Gunter et al., 1994). Such apparently liberal attitudes did not mean thatBritish public was the prepared to accept on their television screens under any circumstances, sex nor was there universal acceptance of all forms of sexual behavior being shown in programs on mainstream channels. For example, gratuitous sex was frownedupon. Mostviewers (65%) felt was important that scenes it sex should have an important and integral part to play in telling the story in a drama. Although the occasional sex scene mightbe acceptable, a clear majority of British viewers (61%) felt that it was less acceptable to have sex shown all the way through a program. There was a general perception (among 60%)that thebroadcasters operate a clear policy on such matters and do not allow sex to be shown inan uncontrolled fashion. distinction A was made, however, between television and video. Most viewers (83%) agreed that more explicit sex can be shown in videos than on broadcast television (Millwood-Hargrave, 1992).

Perceived Harms and Need for Control

Public opinion about the need tighter controlof media sex has tended for to be driven by beliefs that such material can have harmful on coneffects sumers. This perception usually linked to more is explicit representations of sex and has been especially strongly focused debates about the depicin tion of women. Concerns about harmful effects of media sex have been investigated among American feminist groups. Although feminists regard much pornography as degrading and offensive to women, opinions about what stepsto take relatingto censorship or control vary. Twoopposing positions have become established, distinguishing feminists who support and who oppose greater legislative control of pornography. Some feminists have arguedthat pornography infringes the civil rights of women by depicting them as powerless and subordinate to men (Mackinnon, 1984). Furthermore, pornogra-



phy promotesinequalityandviolenceagainstwomen(Dworkin & Mackinnon, 1988). Opposing this position, liberal feminists fear that increased censorship of pornography could disadvantageous to women and be could lead to other legislative restrictions on womens rights and freedom in other areas including sexual relations and abortion (Killoran, 1983; Tong, 1987). One gtoupwriters adopted an even of more extreme position, opposing antiporn lobbies and arguing that pornography served to release women from a male-dominated culture in which sexual expression among women was repressed. The traditional value system in which femalesexuality was tied to monogamy andthe family narrowed the range of acceptable options for expression of female sexuality (Russo, 1987;Vance, 1984;Willis, 1983). National public opinion surveys in the United States (Abelson et al., 1971; Gallup, 1985) have shown that substantial proportions of their respondents believed that pornography hasnegative effects, such as causing sex crimes or reducing respect for women, or at least, denied that pornography has positive effects, such as improving the sex lives couples. Some reof searchershavedrawnadistinction for theirrespondentsbetween depictions of nonviolent and violent sex and found that public opinion is considerably harsher towards depictions of sexual violence (Gallup, 1985; Linz et al., 1991). In the 1985 Galluppoll, respondents were told that the interviewer was going to read them several descriptions of adult entertainment. Respondents were then invited to give their views on whether they thought laws should totally ban any of these forms of activity, allowthem for so long as there is no public display, or impose no restrictions at all for adult audiences. The percentages of respondents willing to banmagazines that show sexualviolence (73%), theaters showing moviesthat depict sexual violence (68%)) and sale or rental of video cassettes featuring sexual violence (63%) were much higher than the percentages of respondents willing to ban magazines that show adults having sexual relations (47%)) theaters showingX-ratedmovies (42%))sale or rental of X-rated video cassettes for home viewing (32%),and, even more so, magazines that show nudity (21%). Further evidence about different political and moral standpoints on the acceptability of explicitly sexual media content emerged from a study with self-identified fundamentalists and feminist women (Cowan et al., 1989). In-depth interviews were used to probe the attitudes of these women towards pornography. The fundamentalists, and anticontrol or procontrol feminists, exhibited uniformly negative attitudes towards pornography and the belief that pornography is related to violence towards women. Fundamentalist women werealso uniform in their support pornography conof trol, Feminist women were split, however, with some opposing pornography control. Anticontrol feminists tended to have a greater concern for individ-



ual rights and freedom, whereas procontrolfeminists and fundamentalists were more concerned with responsibility for the welfare of others. Summarising the responses of the 119 recipients of the National Organization for Women (NOW) newsletter, Cowan (1992) concluded that virtually all feminists have negative attitudes towards pornography,but many did not support controlof pornography through legislation, because they also were concerned about the harmcensorship, and they associated supof port for censorship with right-wing groups. In this study, Cowan assessed attitudes towardssix classes of pornography: (a) partialfemale nudity; (b) full female nudity; (c) male nudity; nonviolent, noncoercive, nondegrading (d) explicit sexual activity; (e)highly degrading or dehumanizing explicit sexual activity(e.g., sex in which one partneris depicted as unequal and/or exploited or presented an object to be used) ; and (f) violent sexually explicit as activity such as rape, use of force, orthreat of force. An overwhelming majority of respondents found degrading material (96%) and violent sexually explicit material (95%) to be pornographic. Around one in three (33%) found other sexually explicit, nondegrading material to be pornographic. Only a few found either full female nudity (13%) or partial female nudity (8%) to be pornographic. Those who labelled more of these materials as pornographic more strongly agreed that pornography should be legislatively controlled. A procontrol orientation was positively correlated with negativefeelings towards pornography, beliefs that women are portrayedunfavorably, and that men are adversely affected by exposure to suchmaterial. Once again, thosein favour of tighter controls of pornography were less concerned about free speech and the costs of censorship to womens rights. They were primarily concerned about the directharms pornography wrought women. on The results of the Cowan 992) study are limited some extent by her (1 to procedure of asking respondents to only degrading or use sexually violent material as the[ir] definition of pornography when responding to questions concerning pornography control (p. 170). Also, sampling onlymen and women identified feministby their membershipin NOW did not as allow a comparison between the attitudes of feminists and other members of the public. In another study, Fisher, Cook, and Shirkey (1994) assessed willingness to ban various forms of sexual, violent, sexually violent media through a and random-digit dialling survey of a sample in Florida. Of 1,291eligible adults contacted, 304 (23.5%) completed the interview. Substantial majorities (7 1%-77%) supported censoring sexually violent media, about half (47%-54%) supported censoring nonsexual violent media, and about one third supported censoring nonviolentsexually explicit movies (32%) and videotapes (28%; see Table 12.5).


TABLE 12.5


Percentages of Respondents Who Favoured Various Level of Restriction of Different Forms of Adult Entertainment
Entertainment Forms

Levels of Restriction

Magazines that show nudity Sexually explicit magazines Sexually violent magazines Sexually explicit movies Sexually violent movies Slasher films Graphically violent movies Sexually explicit videos Sexually violent videos

25 47

56 43 19 50 19 29 37 50 24

18 9 3 16 8 16

32 71 54

28 65

20 9

This study found generally lower levels of support for censorship, but similar levels of support for censorship of sexual and sexually violent materials to a survey conducted by Newsweek (cited in Fisher et al., 1994). When violent and nonviolent forms of pornography were distinguished, respondents were much less likely to support censorship of nonviolent sexual media than they were ofthose depicting sexual violence. Fewer than one third said they would censor nonviolent, sexually explicit films or videotapes, whereas nearly half would censorgraphically violent or slasher films. At thesame time, more respondents would ban sexually violent media than would ban nonsexual depictions of violence. The combination of sex and violence was critical. Support for censorship of violent media and support for censorship of sexual media are clearly distinguishable attitudes, although they are also correlated in some degree. Support for the censorship of sexual media showed substantial correlations with age, religiosity, gender, authoritarianism, sexual conservatism, role stereotyping, and concern about sex pornographys effects. Concern about pornographys effects was the best single predictor of support for censorship of sexual and violentmedia. Belief that pornography has harmful effects may beone manifestation of cultural fundamentalism, a worldview that favours adherence to traditional norms, respect family and religious authorities, an for ascetic lifestyle,



and a moral outlookon life (Wood & Hughes, 1984).Cultural fundamentalism and belief in the harm pornography results from a setof socialisaof tion processes and represents the expression of strongly heldcultural values. Both interpretations are consistent with Fisher et al.s findings that concern about pornographys harms is greater in older, more religious, more sexually conservative, and female respondents. Fisher and colleagues also found that feminists were relatively tolerant of sexual media, as compared with religious conservatives. Indeed, Fishers feminists were more liberal than were Cowansfeminists. However, the latters respondents were allowed to use their own definition pornography. of The concept of pornography adopted by Cowans respondents may have been more negative than that adopted by respondents in Fishers study (Fisher et al., 1994).

Individual Differences and Tolerance for Restrictions

Attitudes torestrictions on the production and distribution of explicit sexual mediacontent are not uniform across all individuals. This fact emerged in studies of the varying opinions about pornography held different femiby nist groups. In addition to differences of opinion linked to peer group membership and values system affiliation, personality variables have been linked to liberal versus conservative attitudes concerning and media sex. Indisex vidual differences inauthoritarianism,sexualexperience,andanxiety about sexuality may all play a part in influencingan individuals opinions about pornography (Byrne, Fisher, Lamberth, 6r Mitchell, 1974; Byrne 6r Kelley, 1981; Kelley, 198513; Mosher, 1973) Social Behaviors Sequence Theoryoffers an explanationfor the disgust some individuals experience with sex. According to this theory, repressed attitudes about sex may produce in individuals stronger objections porto nography (Kelley &Byrne, 1983).People who hold negative attitudes about sex have also been found to avoid sexual situations (Gerrard6r Gibbons, 1982). People who express positive sexual attitudes are morelikely to approach rather than avoid, and to accept rather than to reject, conto sexual tent (Byrne, 1982). Two specificindividualdifferencevariablesare connected with attitudes towards erotica. These arelevel of sex guilt and authoritarianism. High authoritarians are more intolerant of sexual expression and exhibit stronger desire control the a to freedom of others to express themselves in a sexualway (Kelley & Byrne, 1983). Indeed, authoritarians may label erotica as badper se. In the United States, there is evidence that the most stringent official restrictions on pornography are advocated inby dividuals who fit the pattern of high sexual authoritarianism and high sex guilt (Kelley, 1985a).



Regardless of whatever public calls there may be fortightening regulations relating to the distribution of explicit sexual materials, there has been an uneasy tension observed between evidence the collected by social scientists concerning the harmful effects of pornography and willingness of the lethe gal system acceptthis evidence in a court law.In the United States, to of for example, a number cases have been brought trial in which the commitof to ment of a sex offence was causally attributed to pornography. the courts Yet have generally refbsed to find in favor of the plaintiff in such cases. Even where the social scientific evidence has been accepted, courts haverebeen luctant to endorse greater censorship of erotic materials or tighter restrictions on their distribution because would conflict with thefree speech this rights of individuals under the First Amendment (Linz, Donnerstein, & Penrod, 1984). w. (1978), a In the case of Ohia N. Nutionul Broadcasting Company, Inc. minor brought a civil suit against NBC claiming that a television drama, Born Innocent,had triggered a groupof juveniles to inflict injury on her by raping her with a bottle. was alleged that the perpetrators had It viewed a similar incident in the program and that had causedthem toperform a this similar act against the girl. The case was eventually dismissed on the grounds that the program was protected speech, under the First Amendment. Inasmuchas the sexual depiction under examination not set out did deliberately to incite others to perform illegal act, it retainedits protecan tion under the freedom speech law. This incitement standard emerged of in othercases in which various kinds of speech, mass mediated and otherwise, have been challenged court causes of harmful actions. Such cases in as have served further to reinforce the need to establish, beyond reasonable doubt, that thespeech in questionwas intended to incite legal or harmful actions (Krattenmaker & Powe, 1978). In the context of media sex, any erotic depictions must be demonstrated to have produced direct, particular, and identifiable harms before they lose the protection afforded to any speech by the First Amendment. Given themethodological limitations of much social science research, it is likely to prove extremelydifficult to establish unequivocally that explicit sexual content, even those depictions that include violence, will cause harm. With the debate thathas ranged around the veracity of social-psychological evidence on media effects, and the strengths and weaknesses of survey andexperimentalresearch (e.g., Berkowitz & Donnerstein,1982; Freedman, 1984, 1986; Friedrich-Cofer & Huston, 1986), methodological doubts have undermined the statusaccorded to thescientific evidence in a court of law.



There is another problem with which legislators must contend, evenassuming that the scientific evidence canunequivocally prove acausal link between exposureto media content andantisocial behavior. Serious criminal acts tend to belimited to small numbers of individuals. The introduction of legislation and accompanying regulations designed toprevent exposure to such stimulus material among those small, but high-risk groups would also affect the great majority of law-abiding citizens whose First Amendment rights would belimited by any bans placed that mateon rial. In this instance, any benefits in terms of decreased crime from a legal endorsement of increased censorship would need to weighed be against the concomitant reduction in the speech rights of the majority. free Within the United States, therefore, the First Amendment rights of individuals have been treated as paramount. This can be contrasted with the position adopted by legislators in Canada, who have shown greater willingness to regulate pornography morestringently, despite the lingering doubts about the social scientific evidence on harmful effects. In Canada, however, the law has exhibited concerns about pornography go beyond the need that to protect the public against harmful effects. There is additional concern about causing offence to social values (Government of Canada Special Committee on Pornography and Prostitution, 1985). Although material that is libelous, insulting, inciting to crime, or that features under-age performers would cease to enjoy First Amendment protection, explicit material that does not break the law in any of those ways is unlikely to be censored by the U.S. courts, no matter graphic it may be how or how much some individuals find it personally offensive. One of the reasons for the courts reluctance to adopt a more role in restricting poractive nography has stemmed from anxiety that this would be the thin endof an the wedge. If restrictions were placed on theseforms of free speech, cases would be brought elsewhere restrict other forms of free speech. The conto sequence would be the effective loss of free speech. This effect would have far more severe and wide-reachingimplications for society than inconclusively proven harmsof pornography. Evenif the methodological problems associated with social scientific findings are put to one or are overcome, side the implementationof tighter censorship rules by policy makers would remain a difficult decision to take, given implications for free speech rights. its As Linz and his colleagues (1984) noted:
If regulatory lawsare designed to prevent criminal acts andthe base rate of criminal if acts anlong regulatedgroups i s low, then prediction models based on social psychological variables will tend to overpredictthe number individuals who commit of will an illegal violent act.The question thatpolicy makers mustthen ask is, Are we prepared as a society to deprive all persons, or evensome persons, of their right to view forms of violent material if only avery small percentage of these individualwill become criminally violent? (p. 133)


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Author Index

Abel, E., 17, 115,299 Abel, G. C., 8, 166, 169, 173, 178, 253, 286,299 Ahelman, R., 23,37, 31 1 Abelson, H., 59,238, 293,299 Aboud, E E., 249,329 Abramson, l? R., 70, 215, 250,299, 322 40, Adam, S. M., 18, 137, 138, 318 Adamson, J. D., 216,299 Ageton, S. S., 189,299 Agrest, S., 58, 324 Ahern, R. K., 212, 300 Aidman, A. J., 6, 330 Alan Guttmacher Institute, 90, 300 Alcohol Sports, 198, 300 Alder, C., 189, 300 Alexander, A., 36,82,85, 229, 234,305 Alexander, W. M., 10, 195, 200, 201, 212, 300,315 Allman, L., 250, 327 Alvaro, E., 212, 300 Anloroso, D. M., 178,300 Anderson, H., 198,308 Anderson, L. D., 189,322 Anning, N., 14,44,59, 114, 313

Archer, D., 10, 195, 198,300 Arluk, I,, 152, 318 Athanasiou, R., 59, 300 Atkin, C. K., 22,37,49,94,95, 241, 309, 31 1 Atkin, D., 112, 300 Attorney General's Commission on Pornography, 15, 16, 113, 115, 288, 300 Atwood, E. A., 227,300 Axelrod, J. N., 300 203,

Babrow, A. S., 233,300 Baker, M. J., 10, 200, 201, 206,300 Baker, S., 200,300 Baldwin, W., 94,300 Bancroft, J., 215,300 Bandura, A., 81,85, 216,300,301 Bannert, M., 204, 326 Barak, A., 9, 132, 170,246, 249, 261, 309 Baran, S. J., 87, 93, 94, 301, 306 Barbaree, H. 8, 143, 166, 173, 215, 286, E., 301,308,320,321,332 8, Barlow, D. H., 169, 173, 178, 253, 286, 299 Baron, L., 9, 162, 163, 164, 244,301


Baron, R. A., 64, 183, 214, 216, 217, 218, 220,286,301 Barrett, G., 185, 245, 286, 308 Barrios, M., 10, 195, 198, 300 Bart, l? B., 152,301 Bartell, G., 191, 301 Bass, A. R., 251,301 Bassett, G., 32, 331 Baxter, D. J., 8, 173,301 Baxter, R. L., 41,42,301 BBFC, 276,278,301 Becker, J., 7, 262, 301 Becker, J. V, 169,299 Becker, M. A., 74,301 Beckett, K., 190,318 Beezley, D. A., 189, 3 16 Belch, G. E., 202, 203, 206, 2 12, 301,327 Belch, M. A., 202, 203, 206, 212, 301, 327 Bell, I A., 214, 218, 286, 301 ? Bello, D. C., 203, 302 Bern, S. L., 145, 195, 198,302 Benet, J., 111,330 Bentley, B. J., 127, 307 Ben-Veniste, R., 161, 302 Berkowitz, D., 195, 31 7 Berkowitz, L., 9, 18, 180, 185, 186, 219, 222, 223, 231, 236, 241, 243, 245, 247, 250, 251,252, 253, 254, 255, 262, 263, 265, 297, 302,308,320 Berscheid, E., 195, 302 Beschloss, S., 95, 302 Beuf, F A., 82,302 . Biblow, E., 220, 221,302 Biely, E., 14, 26, 29, 30, 35, 38,40,43, 86, 89,91,242,272,275,316 Bigler, M. O., 5,302 Billings, V, 136, 175, 319 Billy, J., 95, 302 Biocca, E A., 10, 204,322 Black, E. L., 7, 248, 250, 262, 31 7 Blackwell, K. T, 127,307 Blanchard, E. B., 8, 169, 173, 178, 253, 286,299 Blanchard, G., 167, 302 Blumenthal, E., 243, 264,331 Blumler, J. G., 232, 315 Blut, D., 150, 151, 314 Boddewyn, J., 198,302 Bogaert, A. E, 144,302

Borchert, J., 115, 302 Bordner, D. C., 59,313 Bowman, C. K., 59,334 Brandt, D. A., 112,313 Brannigan, A., 248, 261,302 Brannigan, G. G., 106,317 Braucht, G. N., 158, 159, 167, 178,284, 307 85,302 Braverman, l? K., Bretl, D., 196, 302 Briere, J., 133, 135, 136, 139, 141, 142, 187, 189, 231, 232, 246, 261, 302, 307,3 19,320 Brislin-Slutz,J., 7, 136, 232, 323 Broadcasting Standards Commission, 278, 279,281,303 Bronszkowski, L. A., 42,330 Brosius, H-B., 44, 119, 228, 303 Bross, M., 150, 318 Brown, D., 4, 5,45,88, 101, 114, 238,303 Brown, G., 212,327 Brown, J. D., 5,24, 37,42,89, 94, 97, 99, 242,303,31 1,3 16,323 Brown, L. K., 88,90,303 Brown, M., 178,300 Brownmiller, S., 6, 15, 114, 126, 148, 176, 188,230,234,303 Bryant, J., 4,5, 6, 18,45,64, 65, 75, 78,88, 89, 100, 101, 114, 115, 133, 137, 139, 145, 177, 184, 202, 217, 219, 223, 225, 228, 229, 231, 232, 238, 243, 245, 251, 252, 256,257,258,259,303,333 Buckhart, B. R., 190,325 Buerkel-Rothfuss,N., 232, 312 Buerkel-Rothfuss,N. L., 5,24, 81,85, 94, 99,229,242,303, 31, 329 1 Burdeck, J. A., 216,299 Burgess, A., 166, 304 Burt, M. R., 17, 75, 146, 148, 153, 231, 255,304 Bushman, B. J., 202, 203, 283,304 Buss, D. M., 235, 236,304 Busselle, R. W., 24, 25, 35,37, 229, 31 1 Butler, M., 111, 304 Buvat, J., 15, 191, 304 Buvat-Berbaut, M., 15, 191,304 Byrne, D., 66, 73, 74, 79, 81, 133, 144, 178, 182, 262, 296,301, 304, 309, 310,312,315



Comisky, l? VU, 64, 75, 89, 184, 202, 2 17, 219,303,333 Commission on Obscenity Pornography, 15, Caballero, M. J., 196, 201, 304 16,114,306 Campbell, K., 42, 303 Committee on SexualOffences Against Campbell, R. R., 101, 306 Children Youths, 15, 113,306 Canary, D. J., 233,304 Compesi, R. J., 233, 306 Cantor, J., 196, 272, 282, 283,302, 304, Cook, I. J., 294, 295, 296, 309 305,316 Cook, R. E , 8, 158, 159, 306 Cantor, J. R., 104, 214, 286,305 Cook, T D., 248,331 ? Carnes, I J., 9, 166, 305 Cope, K. M., 14, 25, 26, 29,30,34,35, 36, Carns, D. E., 168,318 38,40,43, 86, 89, 91, 92, 241, Carrol, J. L., 88, 106, 305 242,272,275,306,316 Carstarphan, M., 197, 212, 325 Copeiand, G. A., 220,306 Carveth, R. A., 36, 78, 82, 85, 184,229, Corder-Bolz, C. R., 85,306 234, 245,305, 333 Corman, C.L., 216,299 Ceniti, J., 7, 18, 133, 223, 246, 257, 258, Corne, S., 133, 135, 189, 232, 246, 302 305,319 Cosmides, L., 235, 236, 306, 329 Ceulemans, M., 11 1, 305 Costa, E , 95, 314 Chaiken, S., 195,305 Costlin, X., 127, 306 Champion, H., 204, 305 Court, J.H., 8, 162, 163, 286, 306 Chance, J. E., 261, 325 Courtney, A. E., 195,200,201,306 Chapin, M., 150, 318 Courtright, J. A,, 87, 94, 306 Chaplin, T. C., 173, 181,324 Charting the AdultVideo Market, 117,305 Covert, A., 106,3 I 2 Cowan, G., 27,44,45, 59, 64, 67, 101, 115, Chase, C. J., 59, 293,306 116, 117, 119, 122, 124, 125, 216,299 Chebib, E S., 293,269,294,306,307 Check, J. V H , 64, 74, 75, 76, 79, 101, 115, Crabbe, A., 114,307 127, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, Crank, S., 127, 306 135, 141, 142, 143, 146, 150, Crum, M. J., 10, 195, 199,312 151, 174, 177, 181, 187, 188, Cushing, R. G., 59,334 190, 215, 222, 231, 232, 247, Cuvelier, S. J., 117, 326 248, 249, 252, 253, 255, 256, 257,259,261,262,305,319,320 Chestnut, R., 202, 305 D Childer, K. W., 3 16 Childers, K. W., 89,303 D'Alessio, D., 35,39, 153, 154, 300,31 1 Christensen, E , 137, 251, 256, 305 Dahl, R., 238, 315 Christensen, E M., 258, 259, 305 Daley, l C., 127, 307 ? Christensen, H. T, 88,305 Daly, M., 236, 332 Christenson, C.V, 8, 158,310 Dambrot, E H., 112,325 Churchill, G. A., Jr., 10, 200, 201, 206, 300 Daniels, A., 111, 330 Cline, V B., 8, 16, 143, 160, 162, 163, 170, Dannemiller, J. E., 59, 307 191,244,284,305 Davidson, E., 86, 318 Cohen, D. 196,305 Davies, K., 135,307 Cohen, R., 59,238,293,299 Davis, D. K., 330 42, Coleman, E.M., 255, 322 Davis, D. M., 111, 307 Colgan, A. H., 215,326 Davis, K. E., 158, 159, 167, 178,284, 307 Colman, A.M., 202,323 Day, G., 5, 16, 114, 307 Colman, E. J., 9, 166, 306 Day, K., 214, 216, 217,333 Colvin, C., 25, 34,91, 241,316 De Riemer, C., 41, 42,301

Debevec, K., 195,307 Demare, D., 136, 142, 146, 232,307 Dermer, M., 230,307 Devaney, B., 95,307 DHSSNelsh Office, 12,307 Diamond, M., 59,307 Diamond, S., 6, 15, 114, 176,307 DiClemente, R. J,, 88,90,303 Diefenbach, l?, 238,314 Dienstbier, R. A., 81, 307 Dietz, l? E., 117,307 Dietz, S. R., 127, 307 Dinero, T E., 132,316 Dipboye, R. L., 251,307 Dodd, D., 198,308 Dolff, D. J., 287, 321 Domenech-Rodriguez, M. M., 205,325 Dominick, J. R., 41, 246,327, 332 Donnerstein, E., 7,9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 26, 29, 30,35,38,40,43,59,60, 74, 78, 86,89,91, 112, 116, 122, 130, 131, 137, 138, 145, 147, 150, 151, 152,176,177, 184,185,186,214, 218, 219, 222,231, 232,241, 242, 243, 245, 246, 247, 250,251,252, 253,255,256,257,258,262,263, 264,265, 272, 275, 286, 291,293, 297, 298,302, 308, 314, 316, 318, 320,331 Donnerstein, M., 214, 218, 286, 308 Donovan, D. M., 166,308 Donovan, J. E., 95,314 43, 12 Dorfman, S., 80, 93, 242,3 Dorr, A., 6, 308 Dow, B. J., 195, 308 Downs, A. C., 195,308 Downs, W., 198,321 Draves, C., 106,329 Duck, S., 249,31 1 Duf&, M., 195,317 Dunkley, C., 4, 268, 270, 308 Dunn, K. F., 64, 67, 116, 124, 307 Duran, V., 272,304 Durkin, K., 82, 83, 308 Dworkin, A., 112, 116, 125, 293, 308 Dykers, C., 316

Eccles, A., 215, 308 Einsiedel, E. E, 104, 214, 286, 291,304, 308 Elias, J., 238, 314 Elkind, D., 86,308 Emmers, T M., 153, 154,300 Engel, R., 200, 201, 202,328 Et-on, L., 250,33 1 Etzel, M. J., 203,302 Evans, B., 117,307 Evans, R., 214,218,286,308 Everard, W., 191,317 Eysenck, H. J., 8, 16, 59, 144, 158, 162, 163,284,308,309

Fabes, R. A., 6,87,90,309, 329 Fairchild, H., 112, 314 Family Planning Perspectives, 90, 309 Farinola, W J., 14, 26, 29,30,35,38,40, 43,86,89,91,242,316 Farinola, W. J. M., 272, 275, 31 6 Farrell, D., 144, 309 Fauconnier, G., 111,305 Feild, H. S., 134,255,309 Feingold, J., 2 14,314 Fernandez-Collado, C.,37,49,311 Ferrante, C. L., 196,309 Feshbach, N.D., 112,314 Feshbach, S., 64,66, 75, 76, 78, 133, 153, 174, 177, 181, 186, 214, 220, 222,232,309,314,320 Firestone, I. J., 251, 301 Fisher, J. D., 66, 296,304 Fisher, R. D., 294, 295, 296,309 Fisher, W. A., 7, 9, 66, 73, 77, 79, 81, 132, 133, 144, 145, 170, 186,245, 246, 247, 249, 261, 262,265, 301,309 Fiske, S. T., 107, 232, 310 Flanagan, M. F., 251,307 Foerch, B., 198,308 Forest, J., 5,84, 315 Fosen, R. H., 8, 158, 159,306 Fox, J. A., 163, 310 Franklin, J. L., 2 1,326 Franzblau, S., 95, 241, 310 22, Frazier, S.H., 213, 310 Freedman, J. L., 297,310

Earls, C. M., 173,332 Earnest, K.D., 69,308

Freeman, L., 152,301 Frenzel, R. R., 248, 250, 262, 3 17 Freund, K., 169,310 Friedrich-Cofer,L., 297, 3 10 Friendly, D. 58, 324 T., Frost, R., 238, 328 Frueh, T, 82,310, 321 Furnham, A., 202,204,305, 310 Furniss, M., 144,310 143, Furstenberg, F E, 37, 94, 95, 310, 323 . Furstenberg, F E, Jr., 95,310 . Fuson, I. A., 150,318

Grazer, W. F., 2 12, 3 1 1 Green, R., 8, 158, 159, 160, 161, 321 Green, S. E., 71,31 1 Greenberg, B. S., 2, 5, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 35,36,37, 38, 39,43, 49, 79,80, 81, 84, 86, 93, 94, 95, 100, 102, 103, 106, 112, 229, 232, 241, 242,303,309,31 1, 312, 328 Greendlinger, V, 73,3 12 Greeson, L. E., 89,312 Grenier, G., 7, 132, 186, 245, 247, 262, 265, 309 Gross, A. E., 126,312 Gross,84, 82, 153, L., 310, 251, 227, 252, 312 8, Guild, D., 169, 173, 178, 253, 286,299 247, Guloien, T. H., 74, 115, 133, 141, 231, 248,262,305 Gunter, B., 3,52, 54, 55, 56, 61, 81,82,86, 202, 207, 208, 220, 227, 242, 243,264, 292,310, 3 12,332 Gunther, A. C.,312 232,315 Gurevitch, M., Gutierres, S. E., 84, 230, 315 Guttman, A., 1, 312

Gagnon, J., 49, 325 Gagnon, J. H., 8, 15,67, 71, 72, 113, 158, 238,310,317 Gallup, G., 59, 60,78, 293, 310 Gander, M., 58,324 Garcia, L. T., 134, 141, 246, 310 Gebhard, E H., 72,81, 238,316 Gebhardt, L., 153, 154,300 Geer, J., 215,327 Geer, J. H., 192,323 Geis, G., 163,310 Geis, R., 163, 310 George, W. H., 74,3 19 Gerbner, G., 81, 82, 84, 227, 310 Gergen, K. J., 249, 329 Gerrard, M., 296,3 1 1 Gibbons, E X., 296,311 Gilligan, C., 88, 109,31 1 Gilmour, R., 249,3 1 1 Gilpin, I?, 196,316 Gitlin, T, 195, 31 1 Glassman, M. B., 5, 31 1 Godenne, G. D., 11 21,3 Goldberg, L. L., 230,3 15 Goldenberg, S., 248, 261, 302 Goldman, N., 5,84, 3 15 Goldstein, A., 176,31 1 Goldstein, M. J., 8, 158, 159, 160, 161, 167, 170, 171,248,250,262,311 Gondoli, D., 198,321 Goodchilds, J., 88,3 14 Gow, J., 42, 31 1 Graef, D., 37,49,311 Granello, D. H., 108, 109, 31 1 Gray, T, 243, 264,331

Haber, S., 64,66, 75, 133, 153, 177, 181, 222,232,320 Hall, C. C. I., 10, 195, 199, 312 Hall, C. R., 212, 312 Hallam, J., 185, 308 Hamilton, K., 204, 312, 330 Handy, L., 248, 250, 262, 3 17 Hansen, C. H., 104, 105,312 104, Hansen, R. D., 105,312 Harcar, V, 198, 308 Hardy, J. B., 84, 332 Harman, J. J., 8, 160, 167, 171,311 Harmon, A., 143,144,313 Harre, R., 245, 313 Harris Associates,2, 3 13 Harris, R. J., 16, 313 Harrison, K., 283,304 Harrison, S. K., 195, 308 Harry, B., 307 Hartman, T. E, 201,325 Harvey, O., 3 , 4 , 3 1 3 Hawkins, R., 81, 106, 313

Hawkins, R. E, 106, 313, 329 Hayashi, H., 250,299 Hayes, C. D., 37,313 Haynes, A. M., 196,309 Haynes, M. R., 255,322 Hazelwood, R. R., 307, 3 13 Hazen, H., 17, 313 Head, H., 111,313 Heaton, A., 59, 238, 293,299 Hebditch, D., 14,44,59, 114,313 Heeter, C., 23,43, 80,93, 241, 242,3 12 Heilbrun, A. B., Jr., 75, 142, 143, 313 Heim, M., 76, 78, 174, 181, 186,220, 320 Heinberg, L. J., 10, 204, 313 Heintz, K. E., 6, 330 Heintz-Knowles, K.E., 35,313 Helmreich, R., 134, 328 Henderson, L., 86, 112, 232, 312 Hendren, R. L., 40,3 13 Henshaw, S., 5, 84, 315 Henthorne, T. L., 2 12, 3 17 Herman, J. L., 166,313 Herman, M. S., 59,313 Herold, E., 106, 313 Herold, E. S., 5, 3 17 Hill, J. M., 49, 116, 313 Hirsch, M. B., 84, 332 Hodges, K. K., 112,313 Hodgson, R. J., 215, 324 Hogan, D., 95,313 Holgerson, B. E., 212, 301 Hollabaugh, L. L., 153,322 Homer, E M., 201, 315 Hopkins, J. R., 72, 314 Horn, J., 199,314 Horton, S., 212, 327 Howard, J., 180,224, 325 Howard, J. L., 180, 224, 314 Hoyt, J. L., 214, 216, 217, 333 Hsu, B., 238,314 Hughes, M., 296,332 Huston,A. C., 112, 297, 310, 314

Independent Television Commission, 52, 209,210,212,271,275,279,314 Intons-Peterson, M. J., 150, 151,314 Iritani, B., 10, 195, 198, 300

Jackson-Beeck,M., 82,310 Jaeger, B., 41, 314 Jaffe, Y., 214, 314, 320 Jaffee, D., 162, 314 Jakobovits, L.A., 314 Jeffries-Fox, S., 82, 310 Jessor, L., 314 95, Jessor, R., 95, 314 Jessor, S., 95, 3 14 Johnson, D. K., 206,314 Johnson, E, 88,3 14 Johnson, W. T., 158,159,315 Joint Select Committeeon Video Material, 113,315 Jones, S. G.144,315 Jones, S. S., 5, 84, 315 Joseph, W. B., 195, 201,315 Judd, B. B., Jr., 10, 195, 200, 201, 212, 300, 315 Judd, L.L., 8, 158, 159, 160, 161,311 Juvenal, , 3 15

Kahle, L. R., 201, 315 Kahn, J.,104, 324 Kahneman, D., 6,230,330 Kaiser Family Foundation, 21, 25, 275, 3 15 Kamins, M. A., 195,201,315 Kannin, E. J., 190, 315 Kant, H. J., 8, 158, 159, 160, 161, 311 Kant, H. S., 8, 160, 167, 171,31 1 Kantner, J., 95,332 Kaplan, H. S., 15, 113, 315 Katz, E., 232, 315 Katz, H., 182, 322 Katz, E A., 112, 314 Keesling, G., 212,3 1 1 Kelley, K., 79, 296, 304, 309, 315 73, Kennedy, J. R., 202,203,315 Kenrick, D. T, 84,230,238,315 Kerin, R. A., 201,324 Kernan, J. B., 195,307 Kessler, C., 238, 314

Ickes, W., 144,328 Impoco, J., 28,3 14 Independent Broadcasting Authority, 206, 207,314

Kibler, K. J., 127, 306 Kilbourne, J., 195, 198, 315,316 Killoran, M. M., 293,316 Kimball, E, 152,301 10, Kimes, D., 195, 198, 300 Kimmel, M. S., 165, 316 Kingsley, S. M., 196,309 Kinsey, A. C., 72,81, 238,316 Kirby, M., 23, 37, 39, 319 Kirkpatrick, R.G., 59, 334 Kitagawa, E., 95, 313 Klein, J. D., 3 16 Klein, L. J., 59, 60, 78,3 18 Klemmack, D. 127,316 L., Klemmack, S.H., 127,316 Kline, D., 49, 325 Kline, J., 112,313 Kling, A., 238,314 Knape, K., 238,314 Knill, B., 196, 316 Koop, C. E., 289, 290,3 16 Koppman, J., 212,301 Korzenny, E, 22,37,49,94,95, 241,309, 31 1 Koss, M. E, 132, 153, 172, 177, 189,316, 320 Koznar, J., 191, 268, 325 Krafka, C. L., 18, 139,316 Krattenmaker, T. G., 297,316 Krcmar, M., 282, 283, 304, 316 Kruglanski, A. W., 25 1 , 316 Kuchenhoff, E., 112,316 Kunkel, D.,, 14, 25, 26,29, 30,34, 35,36, 6 38, 40,43, 86, 89, 91, 92, 241, 242, 243, 264, 272, 275, 283, 306,308,3 16,33 1 Kunz, H., 198,302 Kupperstein, L. R., 158, 159, 161, 163, 315, 317 Kurzbard, G., 194, 197, 212,328 Kutchinsky, B., 8, 9, 148, 161, 162, 164, 179,221,244,286,317

Lamberth, J., 66, 144, 178, 182,296, 304 Lambiase, J., 197, 212, 325 Lambourne, R., 32,331 Lance, L., 59, 60, 78,318 Land, K., 59, 60, 78,318 Landini, A., 41,42, 301 Lang, A., 198,317 Lang, R. A., 248,250,262,317 Langevin, R., 248, 250, 262,3 17 Lanthier, R.D., 286,301 143, LaPlante, M. N., 106,317 Larsen, D., 265,3 19 LaTour, M. S., 196,201, 212,317 Laumann, E. O., 238,31 7 Lawrence, K., 5,317 Laws, D. R., 167, 180,317,322 Laws, J. L., 72, 3 17 Lazarus, M., 195, 198, 316 Lears, M., 83,327 Lederer, L., 15, 113, 149, 176, 230, 318 Lee,C.,44,45, 115, 117, 119, 125, 307 Lemare, A., 15, 191, 304 Lenderking, W. R., 6 9 , 318 Leonard, K. E., 153, 185, 189,316, 318 Leslie, L., 41, 42, 301 Leventhal, D. 250,327 B., Levy, D.,44,45, 115, 117, 119, 125,307 Levy, M. R., 232,318 Liebert, R., 86,3 18 Lin, C. A,, 10, 194, 197, 318 Lincoln, R., , 84, 315 5 Linders, A., 165, 316 23,43,80,93, 100, 102, Linsangan, R., 103, 241,242,312 Linz, D., 7, 16, 18, 39,40,45, 59, 60, 74, 78, 81, 116, 117, 118, 119, 122, 130, 137, 138, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 176, 190, 231, 232, 241, 243, 245, 246, 248, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260, 263, 264, 269, 281, 283, 286, 291, 293, 297, 298,308, 318, 323,33 1,332 Lipkin, M., 168, 318 Lips, H. M., 136, 142, 232, 307 Lipton, M. A., 180, 224,325 Liptzin, M. B., 180, 224, 3 14, 325 Loftus, M. E, 75, 143,313 Longford, L., 284,3 18 Longino, H. E., 6, 114, 319

Laan, E., 191,317 Lachance, C., 202,305 Laflcy, S., 195,317 Lahey, K. A., 164,317

Lopez, I? A., 74,319 Losco, J., 227, 330 Louis Harris Associates, 90, 2 9 3 Lovdal, L. T., 196,319 Love, G., 23, 37, 39, 319 T., Lowry, D. 21,23,24,37,39,91,319 Lubenow, G., 58,324 Lubitz, A., 202,305 Luis, S., 237, 328 Lumpkin, J., 196, 201, 304 Lyons, J., 265, 319


Mazzarella, S.R., 6,330 McCall, I?, 59, 60, 78, 318 McConaghy, N., 216,321 McCormick, N., 106, 3 17 McDaniel, A., 58, 324 McGaugh, J. L., 173,321 McGhee, I?, 82,321 McGhee, E E., 82,310 McGraven, V., 221, 327 McKay, H. B., 287,321 McKenzie-Mohr, D., 145,230,321 McMullen, L. M., 196,324 McNeil, J., 111, 112, 321 M Mechanic, M. B., 40,299 Medoff, N. J., 64, 75,89, 184,217,219,333 M a c h , E., 67,68,69, 70, 72, 78,89, 238, Meischke, H., 106, 321 322 Melnyk, I?, 112,320 Mackinnon, C.,112, 3 19 Meyberg, V., 178,326 Mackinnon, C. A., 116,125,293,308 Meyer, T. I?, 2 14,32I Madden, J., 196,201,304 Meyerson, L., 250,331 Madden, T. J., 195,307 Michael, R.T., 238, 3 17 Malamuth, N.M., 7, 16, 18,39, 60,64, 66, Michaels, S., 238, 3 2 7 75, 76, 78, 79, 117, 127, 130, Mifflin, L., 275, 321 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, Milkman, H., 166, 321 139, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, Miller, B., 198, 321 149, 150, 151, 153, 170, 172, Miller, C. T, 74, 212, 310, 321 174, 175, 177, 181, 186, 187, 321 Miller, J. D., 188, 189, 190, 214, 215, 220, 50, Millwood-Hargrave, A.,13,3 1,32,37, 222, 223, 227, 231, 232, 235, 51, 52, 53, 62,63,78, 113, 175, 236, 237, 241, 243, 245,246, 292,321 247, 249, 252, 253, 254, 255, Mitchell, H. E., 66, 296, 304 257, 258, 261, 262, 263, 269, Moffit, M. A., 108, 321 286,302, 305, 309, 3 14, 3 18, Molitor, E, 122, 321 31 9,320 Moore, K. A., 37, 94, 95, 310, 323 Manes, A. I., 112,320 Morgan, M., 82, 83, 84, 227,310, 321 Mangan, M., 144,330 Morgan, S., 197, 212, 325 Mann, J., 81, 180, 223, 238,254, 320 Morrison, D., 55,321 Mantheir, R., 191, 268, 325 Mosher, D. L., 64, 67, 68, 69,70, 71, 72, Marcolin, G., 15, 191, 304 75, 78, 89, 144, 179, 182, 189, Marhsall, W. L., 8, 143, 166, 167, 168, 169, 238,296,311,322 170, 173, 215, 248, 250, 262, Mould, D. E., 251, 252, 261, 322 286,301,308,320,321, 332 Muehlenhard, C.L., 153, 322 Martin, C. E., 72, 81, 238, 316 Mundorf, N., 40, 104, 105, 333 Masland, J. L., 84, 122, 230, 231, 33 1 Mundray, K., 204,323 Mathes, L., 204,326 255,322 Murphy, W. D., Mathews, A., 215,300 Murrin, M. R., 167, 322 Maxwell, D., 305 101, Murray, J. I?, 112, 3 14 Mayerson, S.E., 126,32 1 Myers, l? N., 10,204,322N Mayes, S., 85, 229, 303 36, Namuth, T., 58,324

Nathanson, A., 283,304 Neal, J. A., 7, 136, 232, 323 Neuendorf, K., 23, 37, 232,31 1, 312 Neuman, W. L., 246,322 Newcomer, S.E , 94, 97,303, 323 K. Nias, D. B., 8, 158, 162, 163, 284, 309 Nikopoulou, L., 99,303 Norris, C. E., 202, 323 Norris, J., 77, 78, 323 Nystrom, C., 199, 324

Peterson, R. A., 104, 201,324 Petley, J., 4, 324 Pettey, G., 99, 303 Phares, E. J., 261, 325 Pilkey, D.W., 178,300 Pines, A. M., 327 143, Pingree, S., 106, 323, 329 81, Pitts, R. E., 196, 201, 203, 302, 3 17 Planned Parenthood of New York City, IIIC., 49,94,324 Polskin, H., 95, 324 Potneroy, W. B., 8, 72,81, 158, 238,310, 316 Pope, D., 157,324 Porter, C., 3 16 Postman, N., 199,324 Potter, J., 243, 264, 331 Powe, L. A., Jr., 297, 316 Press, A., 58, 324 Preston, E. H., 231,324 Pribram, D., 112, 324 Prince, S., 17, 44, 114, 115, 117, 228, 324 Principe, Y, 202,328 Propper, M. M., 159,324 158, 178,300 Pruesse, M., Pursey, G., 196,316 Pyszczynski, T. A., 230, 307 Pytkowicz, A. R., 22 1,324

O'Brien, M., 307 122, O'Connor, O., 10, 194, 195, 196, 198,329 O'Donogue, W T, 192,323 O'Grady, K. E., 64,68, 70, 75, 78,322 Ogden, J., 204,323 Oliveri, J., 316 Olson, B., 229, 323 Orne, M.T, 247, 323 Oros, C. J., 189,316

Pacht, A., 8, 159,306 Padgett, V R., 7, 136, 232,323 Paisley, W., 11 1, 304 Paletz, D. 288, 323 L., Pa1ys.T S., 17,39,44, 81, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119,228,23 1,323 Patzer, G. L., 195, 323 Pearson, J. L., 204, 323 Peck, T., 88,90,303 Penrod, S., 16,60, 74, 116, 122, 130, 7, 137, 138, 145, 151, 176, 232, 246, 256, 258,263, 286, 291, 293,297,298,308,318,323 Percy, L., 212,323 PerlofY, R., 196, 316 Perry, K., 106,312 Perry, L., 215,299 Persch, M., 196,316 36, Perse, E. M., 67, 148, 149, 232,233, 234,323,326 Peters, J. J., 158, 159, 315 Peterson, J. L., 37, 94, 95, 3 IO, 323

Quinsey, V L., 169, 173, 181, 324 Quittelier, E., 15, 191, 304

Rachman, S., 173,215,324 Radtke, H. L., 115,327 Rak, D., 196,324 Randall, B., 281, 283, 33 1 Ransdell, H., 238, 315 Rapaport, K., 190,325 Rapaport, R., 131,324 D., Reed, M. 166, 167, 325 Reep, D. C., 112,325 58,324 Reese, M., Reichert, T, 197, 212, 300, 325

Reid, L. N., 10, 196, 197, 201, 9, 202, 212, 325, 328, 329 Reifler, C. B., 180, 224,3 14, 325 Reinfeld, A,, 70, 327 Report of the Special Committeeon Pornography Prostitution, 325 Rice, C. J., 8, 158, 159, 160, 161,31 1 Richards, M., 112,312 86, Richins, M.L., 204, 325 201, Richmond, D., 325 Riley, A., 192, 325 Rimm, M., 238,325 Rimmer, R. H., 17, 44, 115, 117, 119, 325 Rintz, M., 135, 189, 232, 246,302 133, Robert, L., 1,325 Roberts, E., 49, 81, 89, 94, 95, 325 Robertson, J. C., 9, 166, 325 Robinson, B. E., 191, 268,325 Rockwell, D., 100, 303 Romano, K. R., 216,299 Roskos-Ewoldsen, B., 150, 151, 314 Rosoff, J., 5,84, 315 Rossiter, J. R., 212, 323 Roth, E., 14, 26, 29,30,35,38, 40, 43, 86, 89,91,242,316 215,299 Rothblatt, D., Rothschild, N., 83,32 1 Rotter, J. B., 261, 325 Rouleau, J. L., 166,299 Rouner, D., 205,325 Rubin, A. M., 232, 233,323, 326 Rubin, H. B., 180,317 Rubinstein, E. A., 22, 23, 33, 95, 112,241, 310,314,327 Russell, D. E. H., 15, 176, 326 Russo, A., 293, 326

Schaefer, H. H., 215,326 Schafer, S., 178, 181, 326 Scheltema, K., 191, 268, 325 Schmidt, D. 236,304 E, Schmidt, G., 70,88, 133, 178, 181, 184, 326,327 Schorin, G. A., 194,326 Schumann, D. W., 326 Schwalm, L. A., 9, 162, 163,244,326 204, Schwartz, N., 326 Schwartz, E, 72,317 Scott, J., 59, 60, 78, 3 18 Scott, J. E., 9, 15, 21, 117, 162, 163, 244, 326 ? Secord, I E , 245,3 13 Seeley, D., 215,299 Seeley, T, 215,299 "I, Seif, D. 75, 142, 143,313 Senn, C. Y., 115,327 Severn, J., 202, 206, 212,327 Shafer, B. J., 59, 60, 78, 318 Shatzer, M., 303 99, Shaver, E, 59,300 Shaw, C., 11,206,327 Shaw, H. E., 10,204,329 Shaw, J., 204, 330 250,327 Shemberg, K. M., Sherif, C., 153,327 Sherman, B. L., 41,327 Sherr, L., 12, 327 Shibley-Hyde,J., 88, 106, 305 Shirkey, E. C., 294,295, 296,309 Shirley, M., 150, 151, 314 Showers, R., 242,265,288,327 Shuker, R., 32,331 Sibrel, l?, 198,317 Sidman, J., 81, 180, 223, 238, 254, 320 Siemicki, M., 43, 80, 93,241, 242, 3 12 23, Signorielli,N. 83, 84,227, 310, 327 82, Sigusch, V, 70,88, 133, 178, 181,326,327 H., Silbert, M. 143, 167, 327 Silverman, L.T, 21, 23, 33, 49, 113, 241, 327,328 Silverman-Watkins,L.T., 82,327 Simon, W., 67, 71, 72,310 212, Sitnpson, E M., 327 Singer, D. G., 333 Singer, J. L., 221,327,333 Singh, D., 237, 327, 328 Singletary, M. W., 41, 42, 301 Sintchak, G., 215,327

Sadd, S., 329 72, 9, Salmon, C. 1, 196, 197, 325 Salvosa, M.E, 272,326 Sancho-Aldridge,J., 3, 52, 242, 292,312 Sandford, D. A., 216,326 Sapolsky, B. S., 24, 34, 35, 64, 66,73, 21, 74,82,91, 113, 122, 143, 184, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 242, 286,321,326,333 Sarason, I. G., 221, 324 Satow, K., 206, 3 14

Sirkin, M. I., 69,328 Skinner, B. E, 261, 325 Slade, J., 17, 39, 114, 118, 231, 328 Slater, D., 220,306 Slater, M. D., 205, 325 Smith, D. G., 43, 116, 231, 234,328 39, Smith, E. A., 84,332 Smith, G., 201, 202, 328 200, Smith, S.L., 243, 264, 331 Smuts, B., 236, 328 Snook-Luther, D. C., 196, 201, 3 17 Snyder, D., 44,45, 115, 117, 119, 125, 307 Snyder, M., 144,328 Sockloskie,R., 172, 177, 320 Soderman, A., 23,43,80,93, 100, 102, 103,241,242,312 E Soldow, G. , 202,328 Soley, L., 194, 197, 212, 328 Soley, L. C., 9, 196, 197, 201, 202, 212, 325,328 Special Committee on Pornography Prostitution, 113, 284, 287, 298, 328 Spence, J., 134,328 Spinner, B., 39, 117, 231, 286,320 Spitzberg, B. H., 233, 304 Sprafkin, J., 86, 318 Sprafkin, J. N., 22, 23, 33, 49,95, 113, 21, 241,310,327,328 Staab, J. E, 44, 119, 228, 303 Stack, A. D., 283,304 Stahly, G. 59, 67, 293, 306 B., Stanley, C., 23,43, 79,80,93,241, 242, 312, 328 Starr, S., 180, 223, 238, 254,320 81, Stauffer, J., 238, 328 Steadman, M., 200,201,328 Steele, D. G., 328 Steele, J. R., 37, 303 Steenland, S., 112,328 Stein, R. M., 7, 262, 301 Steinem, G., 328 116, Stengel, R., 58, 328 Stice, E., 10, 204, 329 Stipp, H., 54, 55, 56,61,147,312, 331 Stock, 'X, 64, 123,329 Stoller, R., 113, 329 Strasburger,V. C., 40, 41, 85, 283, 302, 3 13, 329 Strate, L., 199, 324 Straus, M., 9, 162,163,164, 244,301 Straus, M. A., 162,314

345 Strickland, L. J., 249,329 Stringfield, D. O., 238,315 Strouse, J., 90,329 Strouse, J. S., 81, 85, 87, 94, 99, 303, 6, 304,309,329 272,304 Stutman, S., Suder, C., 59, 238, 293,299 10, Sullivan, G., 194, 195, 196, 198, 329 Sunderwirth, S., 166, 321 Svennevig, M., 12, 52, 53, 78, 329 Swan, J., 144, 329

Tabarlet, J. G., 21, 24,34,35,82,91, 113, 242,326 Tan, A., 84,329 Tannenbaum, E H., 182,329 Tavris, C., 72, 329 Taylor, D. A., 126, 32 1 Taylor, S. E, 185, 318 Taylor, S.E., 107, 232, 310 Tedesco, N., 1,329 11 Thomas, L., 150, 151, 314 Thomas, R. E., 106,313 Thompson, J. K., 204,3 13 10, Thornburg, H., 98, 329 Tinkham, S.E, 201, 329 Tjaden, E G., 329 170, Tomkins, S.S., 68, 71, 322, 329 67, Tong, R., 293,329 Tooby, J., 235, 236, 306, 329 Towles, D. E., 21, 24,91, 319 Townsend, J. K., 221,330 Trachtenberg, J. A., 194, 330 Trussel, J., 90, 330 Tuchman, G., 1, 330 11 Turow, J., 112,330 Tversky, A., 6, 230, 330

Udry, J. R., 95, 302 Upfold, D., 173, 181,324 US. Commission on Obscenity PornOgraphy, 284,330

Van der Voort, T. H. A., 55, 243,330 Vance, C., 293,330

Vanden Bergh, B. G., 194,326 Varney, G., 173,324 Venkatesan, M., 227,330 Villareal, A., 203, 212, 301 Vincent, R. C., 42,330 88, Volk, K. D., 106,305

Wiley, R., 27, 331 Williams Committee Report, 16, 163, 284, 33 1 Williams, J., 250, 331 Williams, R., A. 89, 312 Willis, E., 293, 33 1 Wilson, B., 147, 243, 264, 331 Wilson, B. J., 281, 283, 331 Wilson, J., 285,331, 332 Wilson, M. 236, 332 Wilson, W. C., 15, 113, 161, 163,317, 331 Wimmer, R. D., 246,332 232,318 Windahl, S., Winick, C., 17,39, 114, 182, 231, 332 Winstone, E, 3,52, 242, 292, 312 Wober, J. M., 12,57, 81,206, 207, 208, 312, 332 Wolmuth, R., 41,332 Wood, M., 296,332 Woods, M. G., 35,36,38,39, 233, 234, 3 12,332 Wright, E, 248, 250, 262,3 17 Wulf, D., 84, 315 5, Wunderlich, R., 195, 198, 316 Wydra, A., 173,332 Wylie, K.R., 192, 332

Wagenhals, W., 238,315 Wagner, D., 204,326 Wagner, G., 191,268,330 Wagner, N., 221,324 Walker, C. E., 158, 159,328,330 Wallace, D. 59,330 H., Wallace, J., 144,330 Waller, G., 204,313, 330 Walsch-Childers, K., 330 94, Walsh, D., 202,310 Walster, E., 195,302 Walters, R. H., 81,301 Ward, M., 205,330 Ware, E. E., 178,300 Wartella, E., 6,330 Warwick, Walsh Miller, Inc., 206, 330 Waszak, C. S., 303 89, Watson, C., 32, 331 Watson, C. A., 13,57,330 Wattleton, E , 86, 331 18, Weaver, D., 113,231,333 Weaver, J. B., 17, 44, 59, 84, 115, 119, 122, 137, 139, 140, 228, 230, 231, 260,303,331 Webber, G., 227,300 Weber, S.J., 248, 331 59,330 Wehmer, G., Weidemann-Sutor, I., 70,327 Weingartner, C., 199, 324 Wells, W. D., 220, 331 West, C., 212, 331 West, S., 180, 223, 254, 320 Westoff, C., 5, 84,315 Whipple, T. W., 195, 200, 201,306 White, A. B., 99, 303 White, L. A., 64, 73, 74, 75, 79, 214, 220309,3 10, 33 I Widmann, D. 180,224,325 E., 112,314 Wilcox, B. G., Wilcox, B. L., 289, 331 Wilensky, H., 221,327

Yaffe, M., 191, 332 Yang,N., 39,40,45, 81, 117, 118, 119, 332 Young, R., 237,328

Zabin, L. S., 332 84, Zahn, S. B., 227, 300 E, Zanna, M. 145,230,321 Zavoina, S., 197, 212, 325 Zelnick, M., 95,332 Zillmann, D., 4, 6, 18,40, 64, 65, 66,74, 75, 78, 84,89, 104, 105, 2 13, 115, 116, 122, 130, 133, 137, 139, 145, 177, 184, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 223, 225, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 243, 244, 245, 251, 252, 256,257, 258, 259, 286,305, 326, 33 1, 332,333

Zuckerman, D. M., 112,314,333 Zurcher, L. A., 59,334 Zwanin, L., 272, 275,316


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Subject Index

Abortion, 91,92, 93 Acting out, 160-161, 170 Addiction, 166, 170 Adolescents, see also Teenagers/young adults erotica and sexual deviance, 160 sexual behavior, 35-36,43 soap operas, 23, 24 Adult entertainment, 59, 294, 295 Adult language, 273-274 Advertising future, 212-213 sexual imagery, 196-1 99 social issues, 203-205 use of sex, 9-10, 194 Age, 51, 108. 171,206 Aggression -attitudes link in male nonoffenders, 179,181-182,188-190 erotica viewing, 183-185 media sex effects arousal, 215, 216 arousal-affect model, 217-220 catharsis, 220 media sex research, 250, 254, 258 -sex link and XXX-rated home videos, sexual and link to pornography, 172 Aggressive cue model, 185-186, 222 AIDS, 5,11-12,91 Antifemale attitudes, see also Attitudes conceptual limitations in pornography research, 261-264 cultivation effects and media sex, 132-136,230-232 interactive erotica, 144-145 male response to violentsex scenes, 75-76 trusting media sex research, 256-257, 259 Antisocial behavior, 298 Antisocial deposition, 75 Archival studies, 244 Arousal model erotica and nonoffenders, 180, 181, 187-188 explaining media sex effects, 2 15-2 16 trusting media sex research, 253 Arousal-affect model, 2 17-220 Attention, audience, 200, see also Advertising Attire, provocative, 4 1 Attitudes changes and viewing of sexually explicit materials, 137



commercial impact of sex, 200 erotica and nonoffenders, 179, 188-190 intervention sessions, 150-154 media sex influence on teenagedyoung adults, 89 public opinion of acceptability of sex,

BSC, see Broadcasting Standards Comtnission

Cable television, 2, 26, 27, 270, see also Television Canada, 287-288,298 C A M , see Classification and Ratings Administration Catamenial devices, 12 Catharsis, 220-221 Censorship, 124, 182, 293, 295 Character realisms, 94 Children, 52, 274 Classification and Ratings Administration ( C A M ) , 271,272 Cognitive labeling, 220 Cognitive listing procedure, 202 Cognitive responses, computer erotica, 145-146 Commentators, 4 Commercials, 197-198 Commission on Pornography, 17-18 Commodities, advertising audience impact, 199-205 consumer opinion, 205-2 12 future of sex, 2 12-2 13 representation of sexual imagery, 196-199 Community standards, 60-61, see also Standards Complaints, 3-4, 209 Comprehension, messages, 202 Concept videos, 41 Conditioning, 173, 2 15 Consumerism, 9-10 Consumers harmful effects of sex, 292 opinions, 205-2 12 Content analysis, 91-93, 242 Content-centered processing, 106 Content-stimulated processing, 106 Context, acceptability, 55,62-63 Contraception consumer opinion about sex in advertisements, 206, 207 risks/responsibilities and media sex, 37, 85, 90, 91, 93 Counseling clinics, 191 Counting method, 20-2 1

puritanical and pornography, 113 sex-related and television, 37 stimulation beyond the laboratory, 146-149 Attractiveness, sexual, 196 Attrition, selective, 248 Audience commercial impact of sex, 199-203 social impact of sex, 203-205 Australia, 169 Authoritarians, 296

BBC, see British Broadcasting Corporation BBFC, see British Board of Film Classification Beer commercials, 198, 199, 205 Beliefs, 6-7, 93, 168, 203-204 Bestiality, 65 BET, see Black Entertainment Television Beverly Hills 902 IO,108 Bias, 258 Bisexual sex, 44 Black Entertainment Television (BET), 42 Blacks, 95 Body-isms, 198-199, see also Advertising Body parts, see Body-isms Body self-image, 204, see also Advertising Bondage, 75, 119 Bookstores, adult, 163 Brand recall, 200, 201 Britain regulation of media sex, 275-282, 292 pornography, 284-286 sex on television, 3 1-32 public opinion of acceptability, 50 British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), 275,277-278 British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 3-4, 275 Broadcasters, television ratings, 272-275 Broadcasting Standards Commission (BSC), 276,278,279,282

Courts, 298 Criminal behavior, 157 Cultivation effects, 226-235 Cultivation theory, 82-85 Cultural fundamentalism, 295-296

35 1
beneficial effects, 190-192 consumer attention and advertising, 195 debates, 15-16 films/videos and attitudes, 58-61 exposure and early studies of sex offenders, 160 gender and individual responses, 66 impact on sexual behavior in nonoffenders, 177-181 violent and aggressive behavior, 181-189 interactive effects, 143-149 media sex effects antifemale values/beliefs and cultivation effects, 230, 23 1 arousal model, 2 16 arousal-affect model, 2 17-2 19 desensitisation, 224 emotional incompatibility, 2 16 violent and disinhibition, 22 1 motivational factors for use in maledfemale, 149 pornography distinction, 116 sexual personality, 74 trusting media sex research, 253-254, 255 use and sexual deviance, 169-170 viewing and male attitude toward rape, 138 Erotophilia, 73-74, 144 Erotophobia, 73-74, 144 Ethnicity, 58 Evaluation apprehension, 248 Evidence clinical, 166-172 experimental exposure to violent pornography and sexual deviance, 172-174 consistency, see Media sex, impact consistency social science and effectiveness of controls of media sex, 297-298 Evolutionary theory, 235-238 Excitation transfer theory, 104 Exploitation, 44, 119, 195 Exposure heavy-dosage cultivation of antifemale attitudes, 135-136,137

Date rape, 39, 147, see also Individual entries Daydreaming, 220-22 1 Decency barriers, 13-14 Decorative models, 201-202 Dehumanizing pornography, 115, see also Pornography Denmark, 161-163 Deprave-and-corrupt test, 285 Desensitisation attitudes toward women, 137, 138 explaining media sex effects, 222-226 portrayal of women in pornography, 115 trusting media sex research, 259 Deviancy, see Sexual deviance Disinhibition, 221-222 Domestic roles, 1 1 1 12 1, Dominance females as sex objects in advertising, 195 portrayal of women in sexually explicit material, 44, 116, 119, 125 sex portrayal and acceptability, 64 Double entendre, 196 Drama programs, 22

Ecological validity,249-25 1 Education, 51-52, 136, 190 Emotional incompatibility, 2 16-2 17 Etnotions sex-role stereotyping in media, 111 socialization and script theory, 68-72 Empathy, 137 Encrypted channels, 278 Erectile dysfunction, 191 Erection, 180 Erotica availability and offence to public taste,


erotica impact on sexual behavior in nonoffenders, 179-180 pornography and early studies of sex offenders, 158-159 Extramarital affairs, 113

perceived impact of degrading portrayals of women, 116, 123, 124, 125 public opinion surveys on regulation of media sex, 292-293 Femme videos, 70, 71 Fidelity, 30 Films arousal model, 2 15 attitudes toward erotica, 58-61 implicit sexual portrayals and message comprehension, 106-107 regulation of media sex in Britain, 276,277-278 sexually explicit and influence, 86,89 slasher, 17, 121-122 First Amendment rights, 297, 298 Forced sex, 133, 142, 174, 223, see also Rape Fraser Committee, 287-288 Fundamentalists, 123, 293

Face-isms, 198, 199 Faces, male, 198 Family, 6, 80, 227 Family hour, 27-30 Family planning clinics, 207, 208 Family Viewing Policy, 275 Fantasies catharsis in explaining media sex effects, 221 instigation of aggressive in males, 131-132 pornography use and sexual deviance, 169,171 sexual and erotica impact in nonoffenders, 177-178, 179, 180 Females advertising, 203, 204 degrading by media sex perceived impact of portrayals, 123-126 portrayals in more explicit materials, 113-122 self-regard and pornography, 126-127 sexuality and the sexes, 113 erotica damaging, 15 sexual personality, 74 viewing violent and aggression, 184-185 responses to sex scenes, 66 sexual activity and role of television, 96-97 sexual scripts, 69-72 social/sexual implications and media sex, 6-7 television role models, 85-88 Feminists cultivation effects and media sex effects, 233 erotica debates, 15-16 media sex portrayals on nonoffenders, 176

Gallup poll, 60, 293, see also Surveys Gender commercial impact of sex, 203, 205 differences in depictions of sexual behavior, 33-34 individual responses to sex scenes, 66-67 script theory, 68-72 Gender-role stereotyping, 82-84 Germany, 164

Habituation beneficial effects of erotica, 191-192 explaining media sex effects, 223, 224-225,226 soft-core pornography, 65 Health, 11-12 Heterosexual sex, 22-23, 44 Heterosociality, 7 1 Homosexuality, 13-14, 44, 63, 64 Hostility, 220, see also Aggression

Idealised pornography, 17, see also Pornography

Identification, social learning theory, 85-86,87 Immoral behavior, 53 Incarceration, 166, 167 Incest, 119 Incitement standard, 297, see also Standards Independent Television Commission (ITC) media sex and offence to public taste, 3-4 regulation of media sex, 276, 279-281 Infidelity, 6 Information processing, 106, 202 Innuendoes, 23,95 Intercourse, sexual, 23, 24, 25 International markets, 196 Internet, 2, 143-144 Intervention, 149-154 ITC, see Independent Television Comtnission

Mainstream media, regulation, 271-272 Male-female relationships, 108 Males erotica viewing, 183-186 nature of response to violent sex scenes, 66, 74-76 pornography and sexual offences, 8-9 sex in advertising, 203, 204 sex-role stereotyping, 112 sexual activity and role of television, 95,96-97 sexual scripts, 69-72 television role tnodels, 85-88 wrong ideas and media sex cultivation of antifemale attitudes, 132-136 do effects vary with portrayal types, 141-143 effectiveness of intervention sessions, 149-154 experimental research, 136-141 instigation of aggressive fantasies, 131-132 interactive erotica, 143-149 Marital infidelity, 93 Marital rape, 1.35,see also Individual entries Marriage, 6, 228 Married couples, 178, 223-224 Mass media, 21 Masturbation erotica, 160, 178, 179 individual responses to sex scenes in X-rated videos, 70, 71 sex portrayal in media and acceptability, 64 Media consumers, rating systems, 282-283 Media images, 84 Media models, 85-88 Media sex concerns causal agency in sexual offenses, 7-9 family values and institution of marriage, 6 impact on young people, 5-6 offense to public taste, 3-5 sex and consumerism, 9-10 social and sexual implications for women, 6-7

Judgment, punitive, 141

Kissing, 23, 24 Kitchen-sink dramas, 11

Laboratory research, 182-186 Laws, 165 Learning, 80-81,94, 106 Legal system, 297-298 Likelihood of rape (LR), 134, 187, 255, 260, see also Individual entries Longitudinal studies, 161-165 Love, 42 Lovemaking, 33 LR, see Likelihood of rape Lyrics, 41

Magazines, adult, 60-61, 117

control effectiveness need for tighter regulation, 269-270 mainstream media regulation, 271-272 regulation in Britain, 275-282 public opinion and regulation, 291-296 regulation and pornography, 283-29 1 social science evidence and legal system, 297-298 television ratings use, 272-275 utility of classification and rating systems, 282-283 explaining effects aggressive cue model, 222 arousal model, 2 15-2 16 arousal-affect model, 2 17-220 catharsis, 220-221 cultivation effects, 226-235 desensitisation, 222-226 disinhibition, 221-222 emotional incompatibility, 2 16-2 17 evolutionary theory of gender orientation, 235-238 impact consistency chance findings, 248-249 conceptual limitations in pornography research, 261-264 critique of experiments, 246 ecological validity, 249-25 1 experimental evidence, 245 methodological critiques of violent pornography, 25 1-260 nonrandom samples, 248 participant awareness, 247-248 preference for rejection of null hypothesis, 249 selective attrition, 248 survey and archival studies, 244 movies and video, 39-40 explicit videos, 43-46 films aimed at teenage audiences, 43 music videos, 40-43 pornography, 14-19 quantifying, 20-2 1 risks and responsibilities, 36-39 television, 2 1-23

family hour, 27-30 gender differences in depictions of sexual behavior, 33-34 marital relations and sex, 35-36 outside the United States, 3 1-33 soap operas, 23-27 study, 30-3 1 violent portrayals, 39 what is, 10-14 Memory, 200 Messages comprehension and media sex, 105- 109 sexual imagery in advertising, 197 sexual on soap operas, 25 social learning, 86 television and media sex influence, 81 Methodological artifacts, 242-243 Miller v. California, 288-289 Molesters, 159, 168, 169 Monitoring, 20-2 1 Monkey see, monkey do theory, 261 Mood states, 22 1 Moral rules, 88 Morality, 100-101 Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), 271,272 Motion pictures, see Film Motivation, 88 MPAA, see Motion Picture of America MTV, see Music television Music television (MTV), 40-41,99-100, see also Television Music videos, 40-42, 104

National Organization for Women (NOW), 294 National Survey of Children, 95-96 Naturalistic studies, 188-190 Neurochemistry, 166, see also Pornography New Zealand, 32, 57-58 Nonoffenders erotica beneficial effects, 190-192 experimental studies on sexual behavior, 177- 18l violent and aggressive behavior, 181-186

individual differences in responding, 186-188 naturalistic studies,188-190 Nonrandom samples, 248 Nonreciprocated sex, 124, 125, 126 NOW, see National Organizationfor Women Nudity films aimed at adolescent audiences, 43 public opinion surveys on regulation of media sex, 294 sex in advertising, 200-201 consumer attention, 195 consumer opinion,208-2 12 representation of sexual imagery, 196,197 sex portrayal in media and acceptability, 62, 63, 64 slasher movies, 122 Null hypothesis, 249

Performance videos, see Videos Permissiveness, 180 Personal hygiene products, 11-12, 206 Personality, 1 11 Persuasion, 120, 195 Physical force, 126 PZayboylPlaygirl, 88-89, see also Magazines, adult Politics, 204-205 Pornographic magazines, 134, 163, see also Pornography Pornographic television, see Television Pornography aggressive cue model, 222 conceptual limitations in research, 261-264 desensitisation,223-224 heavy exposure and sexual values/conduct, 228 home videos, 43-46 intervention sessions, 153, 154 longitudinal effects, 161-165 magazines, 134, 163 male attitudes toward women, 139, 142 media sex, 14-19 nonoffenders, 175-1 76 offenders, 165-174 portrayals of women, 1 13-1 14 cataloguing degrading, 116-1 17 defining the problems, 114-1 16 depiction in restricted videos, 117-122 perceived impact, 123 preferences for viewing,65 rape association and consistency of experimental research, 245-246 regulation and control Fraser Committee in Canada, 287-288 U.S. Commission on Pornography, 1986,288-29 1 U.S. Pornography Commission 1970,284 Williams Committee inBritain, 284-286 self-regard in women, 126-127 sex offender studies, 158-159 sexual deviancy, 7-8 sexual scripts, 68, 71-72

Objectification,females effectiveness of controls of media sex, 269 perceived impact of degrading portrayals of women, 125 pornography, 114, 116 sex in advertising, 194-195, 196, 198 Obscene Publications Act, 1959, 285 Obscenity, 290, 291 Offenders, 158-161 Olivia v. National Broadcasting System, 297 Oral sex, 64

Pain, 143 Paraphilias, 166 Participant awareness, 47-48 Passivity, 126 Peers, 83,97-98, 171 Perceptions degrading portrayals of women, 123-126 gender-role, 227 impact of media sex, 93

teenagerdyoung adults, 101 trusting media sex research, 250, 257 methodological critiques, 25 1-260 Portrayal of Sexual Conduct,278 Portrayal types, 141-143 Pregnancies, 5, 37-38, 91 Premarital sex, 89 Primetime networks, 22, see also Television Print media, 2 1, 196-197, 200 Program environment, 202-203 Promiscuity, 1 15, 77 1 Protection of Children Act 1978, 279 Public acceptability attitudes toward explicit erotica, 58-61 individual differences in responses to sex scenes, 65-74 mediating effects of others, 77 nature of male response, 74-76 sex on screen, 49-58 types of media portrayal, 61-65 opinion regulation of media sex, 291-296 representations of sex in media, 242 taste, 3-5

trusting media sex research, 245-246, 252-253,255,258,260 Rape index, 169 Rape likelihood scale, 75-76 Rape myth, see also Individual entries cultivation of antifemale attitudes, 132-133,231 interactive erotica, 145, 149 intervention sessions, 150-153 perceived impact of degrading portrayals of women, 125-126 perpetuation and portrayal of women in pornography, 116-1 17 violent sex and attitudes towards explicit erotica, 60, 76 X-, R-, and XXX-rated videos, 45 Rape victim, 147 Rapists early studies of pornography effects, 158, 160 pornography link to sexual deviance, 168,169, 170-171,173 violent pornography exposure, 165-166 Rating systems, 282-283 Reality, 4, 99, 229, 233 Reception theory, 108 Recipient-initiator ratios, 118-1 19 Regression analysis, 98 Regulation legitimacy and media sex, 19 nature of Britain, 275-282 mainstream media, 271-272 use of television ratings by broadcasters, 272-275 need for tighter, 269-270 pornography and impactof degrading portrayals of women, 124 Reliability, 54-58 Reputations, 190 Research, media sex and trust impact consistency, see Media sex, impact consistency representations of sex, 241-243 survey and archival studies, 244 Responsibility, 86 Restricted videos, 117-122, see also Videos Retaliatory behavior, 218-219, 222 Risks

R ratings, 40 Rape, see also Individual entries aggression fantasy instigation, 130, 131-132 viewing and male, 186 attitudes and erotica in nonoffenders, 181 male attitudes toward women, 138, 139, 140, 147 media sex effects, 219-220, 222 pornography sexual deviance, 161, 163-1 65 viewing hy teenagerdyoung adults, 101 portrayal of women in restricted videos, 118, 119 quantifying sex in themedia, 21 sex portrayal in media and acceptability, 64 social learning theory, 166-168 social/sexual implications for women, 7

sex-related and television, 36-39 -responsibilities and media sex, 90-93 Rock videos, 42, see also Videos Role enactment, 72, 144 Role models, 85-88, 96 R-rated videos, 45, see also Videos

Sexism, 67 Sexist videos, 42, see also Videos Sexual activity engagement trend in teenagers, 94-95,96-97 erotica and nonoffenders, 178-180 television influence, 84-85 Sexual acts, initiation, 113 Sexual arousal, 169, 173 Sexual attitude survey, see Survey Sexual attractiveness, 200 Sexual behavior depictions in film, 2 gender differences, 33-34 impact of media sex on young people,

Sadism, 143 Sadistic motives, 75 Sadomasochism, 65, 118, 181 Safe sex AIDS crisis, 12 comprehension of media messages, 107-108 television, 36-3 7 risks/responsibilitiesin sexual relations, 90,91,93 Sanitary protection, 206-207 Satellite television, see Television Satiation effect, 180 Scandals, 1 Scheduling restrictions, 13 Schema theory, 106-107 Script theory, 67-72 Self-esteem, 97, 204 Self-regard, 126-127 Self-role perceptions, 126 Serial dramas, 99, see also Television Sex appeal, 84,202 discrimination, 116 education program, 57-58 judgment, 107 portrayal types, 61-65 role inventory, 145-146 scenes acceptability and public opinion surveys, 292 individual responses, 65-74 Sex on TV, 30-3 1 Sex-role stereotypes advertising, 204-205 antifemale valuesheliefs and cultivation effects, 23 1 media, 111 self-regard in women and pornography, 127 Sex Talk series, 57

television beliefs cultivation, 98-100 Family Hour on television, 28, 30 role models and young people, 86,

scheduling restrictions on mainstream, 13 soap operas, 23 types, 241 Sexual coercion, 115 Sexual deviance early studies with offenders, 158-161 pornography longitudinal effects, 161-165 offenders and violent, 165-174 Sexual dissatisfaction, 229-230 Sexual experience, 104 Sexual imagery, 196-199,202 Sexual offences, 7-9 Sexual opinion survey, 73, see also Surveys Sexual Path Preferences Inventory, 69 Sexual personality, 73-74 Sexual relations, risks/responsibilities, 90-93 Sexual representations, 241 Sexual scripts, 81, 89, 105, 106 Sexual socialisation individua1responses to sex scenes, 67-72 model and influence of media sex, 88-90 sexual activity engagement by teenagers and role of television, 97 Sexual submission, 139

Sexual values, 228-229 Sexual vignettes, 100-101, 102-103 Sexuality differences in evolutionary development, 236 sexes, 113 teenage probletns, 94-98 trusting media sex research, 259 types and what is media sex, 13-14 Sexually explicit materials, 132-133 Sexually transmitted disease (STD), 90, 9 1, 93 Situation comedies, 92, see also Television Slasher movies, see Films Soap operas, see also Television cultivation effects and media sex, 229, 232-234 cultivation of beliefs about sexual behavior, 99-1 00 infidelity, 35 sex on television, 23-27 sex talk and what is tnedia sex, 14 sex-related risks, 37 Social behaviors sequence theory, 296 Social conditioning, 36, 96 Social issues, see Advertising Social learning messages, see Messages Social learning theory erotica rewards, 232 media sex influence, 85-88 rape and link to pornography, 166-168 Social responsibility tnodel, 148-149, 233 Social science evidence, see Evidence Socialisation inadequate and sexual deviance, 170 gender and individual responses to sex scenes, 68-74 media sex influence on young people, 81 Socioeconomic status, 95 Sophies Sex, 57-58 Sports events, 198-199 Stag films, see Restricted videos Standard pornography, 16-17, see also Pornography Standards, 50-51, 268, 270 STD, see Sexually transmitted disease Stereotypes, 130, 227 Stories, 77, 126-127 Subordination male response to sex scenes, 67 perceived impact of degrading portrayals of women, 125 restricted videos, 120 slasher movies, 121 trusting media sex research, 259 Supervision, parental, 80 Surgeon Generals Workshop on Pornography, 289, 290, see also PornograPhY Surveys acceptability of sex on screen, 49-58 attitudes towards explicit erotica, 59 exposure to media sex and male ideas, 130 sexual attitude, 146-147 trusting media sex research, 244 Sweden, 164

Talk about sex erotica and nonoffenders, 179, 180 sexual socialisation theory, 89 television, 25, 26, 28 what is media sex, 14 Teenagerdyoung adults, media sex influence, see also Adolescents comprehension of media messages, 105-109 cultivation of beliefs about behavior, 98- 100 cultivation theory, 82-85 impact on youngsters, 93-94 music videos, 104-105 pornography, 101 problems with sexuality, 94-98 risks/responsibilitiesand sexual relations, 90-93 sexual socialisation, 88-90 social learning theory, 85-88 television sex and morality perceptions, 100-103 Television age-based rating system, 272-275 cultivation effects and media sex effects, 226-227 cultivation theory, 81, 82-86 mainstream and media sex, 12-13 morality perceptions, 100-101

offence to public taste, 3 public opinion of acceptability of sex, 49-58 quantifying sex, 21-22 satellite, 270 sex outside the United States, 3 1-33 teenage sexuality, 95 trend toward increased sex, 242 Tension, 96 Theatres, adult, 163 Themes, sexual, 4, 121 Therapy, 191-192 Three-tier coding system, 120 Tolerance, 296 Trends public opinion of acceptability of sex, 51 sexual imagery in advertising, 197 sex on television, 25-26, 28-29,35 Trial, rape, 139, 140

Viewing motives, 232-235 Violence acceptance and cultivation effects, 23 1 age-based television rating system, 273-274 individual responses to sex scenes and females, 67 perceptions and television influence,

pornography characterization, 17 sports events link to advertising, 198- 199 Violent sex attitudes towards explicit erotica, 59-6 1 conceptual limitations in pornography research, 26 1-264 cultivation of antifemale attitudes, 134 erotica debates, 16 impact on sexual behavior in nonoffenders, 176,181 instigation of aggressive fantasies in males, 131-132 media sex impact on young people, 6 music videos, 104-105 pornography and sexual deviance, 8, 171 portrayal of women, 112, 114, 117, 122 public opinion surveys on regulation of media sex, 293 television, 39 XXX-rated home videos, 45 Visual sex, 104-105 Visual sexual stimulation (VSS), 191 VSS, see Visual sexual stimulation

United Kingdom, 206-212, see also Britain United States consumer opinion about sex in advertising, 206 pornography regulation and control, 284 sexual deviance, 163, 164 public opinion of acceptability of sex, 49 Unmarried partners Family Hour programs, 30 sex on television, 35,36 soap operas, 23,24

V-chip technology, 275 Victimisation, 121-122, 130, 133, 227 Videos, 39, 40 attitudes toward explicit erotica, 58-61 availability of sexual, 2 home and explicit sex, 43-46 performance, 4 1 pornographic and viewing by young people, 101 Viewing habits, 99

Williams Committee, 284-286

X-rated videos, 69-70, 7 1, 165, see also Pornography XXX-rated videos, 44 see also Pornography

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