Drill H3
Drill H3
Drill H3
Learning Outcome: Perform Fire Service Drills Assessment Criteria: Explain Hose Drill H3 Reference: Fire Service Drill Book Practical Learning Objectives: Demonstrate the correct method of: Removing a length from a line of hose.
Preliminary detail: As given in PD1. Note: It will be assumed that hose has been run out as in Drill H 1. Get to work. No. 1 gives the order Remove a length. No. 4 gives No. 2 the order Knock off. Immediately the order is given, No. 4 proceeds to the first coupling behind the branch. When the flow ceases, No. 1 disconnects the branch. No. 4 disconnects the branch. No. 3 assists No. 1 to reconnect the branch at its new position. Having ensured that No. 1 is ready, No. 4 gives the order Water on. No. 4 subsequently returns to the branch, makes up the surplus hose and returns it to the appliance.