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Mahsuri Script

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Working Title (Draft 3)

OPENING SCENE Scene opens to a paddy field, scarce and barren. Villagers are bent over in the fields, toiling. (If props available let them carry harvest baskets) Some of them look angry, some look scared. Conversation between VILLAGERS to be done rhythmically, almost with a ritualistic quality. Percussions (Im thinking a bass drum or similar. Traditional instruments would be cool) could be used to give a tribal/ almost war-like accompanying rhythm, adding a more dramatic effect. Percussions start playing three bars before VILLAGERS start their lines. Villager 1 Our crops have wilted, everything has died Villager 2 Nothing will grow! Oh, how hard weve tried Villager 3 Weve worked, weve toiled with our labour-weary hands Villager 4 But this once fertile field is now an empty, barren land Villager 5 We dont have a harvest, this cant get worse Villager 1 [in a scared, timid voice] Oh, you dont think dont suppose its the curse? Immediately, this brings a sense of dread among the villagers. Drums stop. Dead silence. Everyone starts whispering to one another. [slowly building up a crescendo, until the final line] The curse? No, it cant be real! But is has to be! This is a sign! The curse is real! What can we do? This land is cursed! etc Villager 2 [stands up angrily and wails] Were doomed, were doomed! Were all cursed! DATO KARMA JAYA enters stage and storms towards the farming VILLAGERS on cue at VILLAGER 2s outburst. Dato Karma Jaya [Fiercely] Cursed? Who mentioned the curse?! You know very well that whoever so much as mentions the curse will be severely punished according to village laws! All the VILLAGERS are terrified, shaking their head in denial of their offense.

At that moment, two men (WARRIOR 1 and 2) come running in, calling out Tuan! DATO KARMA JAYA turns to look at them. Solemn. As the WARRIORS report to DATO KARMA JAYA, the VILLAGERS continue to look scared, exchanging terrified looks with one another, as if affirming their previous discussion that their predicament is result of a curse. Warrior 1 Tuan, the Siamese army have defeated our last troops! Warrior 2 They have now encamped within our area! They are planning to steal all the lands plunder! Warrior 1 They show no mercy to anyone who stands against them! They are taking all our food as their own armys sustenance! Warrior 2 What should we do, Dato? SPOTLIGHT on DATO KARMA JAYA, HIS 2 MEN and the WARRIORS. LIGHTS in the background fade, hiding the VILLAGERS in darkness. VILLAGERS then scurry off the stage. (this it to prepare for the flames effect that would be played in the background later. Note: transition of spotlighting and fading of lights into the background has to be more subtle, not to draw too much attention.) Dato Karma Jaya [shakes his head and says in a scared and frustrated voice] We must not let their army feed on our farmers labour! It will only make them stronger! Bring all the crops and burn them in Padang Mat Sirat! Burn all the paddy fields! We must prevent them from getting food supplies! Man 1 But sir! That will leave our people without any food for themselves! They will die of starvation if the Siamese army does not kill them first! It is a death sentence to our village! Dato Karma Jaya [angrily] I am the village head! Do not question my orders! Do as I say! Scene ends with flickering orange and red lights (flame-ish effect). Maybe with some sound effects? LIGHTS FADE OUT

SCENE I SCENE OPENS WITH HIP HOP DANCE Dance ends. Dancers rest. Some could drink from their bottled waters at the side. Lead Dancer [turns to the other dancers] Alright, everyone! That was a great session! Thats all for today but well meet back here same time next week! Keep practising! All dancers start to clear out, bringing with them their props (sports bag at the side, radio in a corner etc) AISHAH breaks away from the group and stays behind. Dancer Friend [turns around when she realises AISHAH is not leaving with them] Eh, Aishah. Were planning to grab a bite. Youre not coming with us? Aishah Er no Im meeting someone here. You guys go ahead! Dancer Friend [teasingly] Oooh, a special someone? Aishah Something like that la. Dont be so nosy. Dancer Friend [sheepishly] Okay then, have fun! DANCER FRIEND exits, leaving AISHAH alone. AISHAH goes to sit on a bench, waiting for her friend, SALMAN. Sounds of traffic, people walking, talking hustle and bustle of the city AISHAH looks at her watch, stands up and looks up the street (slightly impatient). A guy makes a pass at her and walks on after being ignored by her. AISHAH sits back down. A couple walk by, holding hands looking happy, laughing. An old lady sits next to AISHAH. AISHAH smiles at the old lady, but is ignored. Background sounds slowly fade as SALMAN comes running into the scene. Salman Aishah! So sorry Im late! You know la, the traffic at this hour! Aishah [smiles] If you gave me a Ringgit for everytime you were late, I would be rich by now! SALMAN laughs and they hug. The OLD LADY looks at them disapprovingly, shakes her head and walks away.

Salman [as they break from the hug] Its good to see you again, Aishah! Aishah Oh, its definitely good to see you again Salman! It is always good to see you. Spotlight on AISHAH, background lights fade. Other characters on stage pause while monologue is played out. Aishah monologue [maybe sound effect of heart-thumping? Comical way to show how she is nervous?. Sound fades as AISHAH begins her monologue. She is free to move while spotlight is on her.] Oh god, I am getting so nervous! I dont know how to even begin telling him! I have known Salman for years now. He has been my best friend and confidante. Hes sweet and kind and caring its so easy to be around him, and Ive always felt so happy spending time with him! But it seems lately, he means more to me than just a friend It sounds so clichd, but I think I might be in love with my best friend. Ive been planning to tell him how I feel for a long time Well today this is it Im finally telling him! [nervous heart thumping sounds] Oh god, if only my heart will just stop trying to smash out of my ribcage! Spotlight turns to SALMAN, AISHAH resumes original position freeze. Salman Aishah is my best friend, really. Shes so funny and fun to be with! I can tell her everything and she wont judge me for it. So I really do hope shell approve of this girl in my class. I want to ask Noreen to be my girlfriend, but I dont want to be too cheesy about it. I know Aishah will help me out! So Ill just try out my proposal on Aishah first and see what she thinks! SALMAN resumes original position. Spotlight goes off, normal lighting resume. Maybe play softly the sound of background traffic to show clearly that were back to reality, not the monologue anymore. Everyone unfreeze. Aishah and Salman together Anyways, I have something important to tell you. BOTH pause for a bit, realise the hilarity of the situation. BOTH laugh. Aishah You go first! Salman [While SALMAN is confessing his feelings, AISHAH shows expressions of surprise, incredulity, excited, simple happiness] Okay. Well.. Erm.. I know we have been friends for a while now, and we have been hanging out quite a bit. But Id like you to know that every moment I spend with you becomes a memory that is lodged deep in my heart. To quote Lifehouse, Every time I see

your face, my heart takes on a high speed chase. Youre the sunshine in my life -- just being with you makes me so happy. I think youre beautiful, sweet, kind, funny and smart. Any guy who gets to be your boyfriend would be incredibly lucky. Do you think I could be that lucky guy? Aishah Oh, Salman! I Salman So what do you think? Think its good enough? Will it work? Aishah [confused] Huh? Salman Its what Im planning to tell Noreen. Remember that girl in my class I told you about? Aishah [still confused] Erm.. yeah? Salman Well, I know Ive never openly admitted this before, but I really, really like her. I am planning to ask her to be my girlfriend but Im not sure of the best way to go about it. So Ive been practising that proposal you just heard. What do you think? Aishah [obviously crestfallen, but SALMAN doesnt quite notice] Oh.. er.. I I think it is good. Really good! Noreen cant say no to that! Salman Great! Im planning to tell her today. Aishah Oh wow! Big day for you then. Erm All the best! Go get her! Salman Awh you're the best Aishah! I should go now. Ive asked her to meet me in half an hours time. Cannot be late! Aishah [forces out a laughter] Yeah, you better not be. Salman [waves goodbye as he walks away and goes offstage] You take care then! I'll let you know how it goes.. wish me luck! AISHAH is alone now. She looks disappointed and heartbroken, on the verge of tears. THE GUY who made a pass at her comes back from the side of the stage he left. The Guy

Hey, pretty girl. Why the sad face? Aishah None of your business! Ish! [walks away in a huff] LIGHTS OFF END OF SCENE

SCENE II Sounds of birds chirping, or some other background sound to show that this is in the kampung. LIGHTS FADE IN (Setting of this scene to be figured out. But most likely on the porch of a house or inside a house) KAK SHAH is sitting on the edge of a raised platform (the porch) while AISHAH is sitting at Kak Shahs feet (on the ground instead of on the platform), crying, her head buried in KAK SHAHs lap. They were in the midst of weaving/ some other handicraft work depending on availability of props, so their weaving is left just beside them (to be picked up again later in the scene). Kak Sah [patting AISHAHs head] There, there sayang. Its alright. Heartbreak is part and parcel of life. Aishah [tries to stop sobbing, wiping her eyes] I know, Kak Sah [sniffles] but it hurts so bad. And I feel so stupid! I had really thought that Salman could have feelings for me too! You know la, hes always been so nice and charming to me. [bitterly] Turns out he likes another girl instead... Kak Sah Give it time. Youll eventually learn to let go. Aishah I dont know if I can la Or if I really want to Aih, Im just so confused. And I dont think I can ever face Salman again! I dont want to think about him anymore! [buries her head in KAK SHAHs lap again] Kak Sah Oh, Aishah [comforts AISHAH] Time will heal that wound. And being in Langkawi will do you some good! Just soak in the beauty of the island while youre here. It will help take your mind off things. After a moment of silence Aishah [in a manja kind of tone] Kak Shah Kak Sah Yes, sayang? Aishah How do I know who the right guy is? [After a small, thoughtful pause] Like how did you know Pak Zaim was the one for you?

Kak Sah [with a small smile] Oh, Aishah. Back in my days, things were so much simpler. I married my husband because hes a good man who never fails to make me laugh. The day he climbed the tree outside my old house to sing me love song, waking up my whole family at that, I just knew -- I knew I would be happy spending my life with him. MANIAM, carrying a basket of milk and eggs, enters stage, calling out to KAK SHAH as he approaches the house. Maniam Apa khabar, Kak Sah? I hear the handicrafts you are making are selling well! Tourists love them, eh? [He stops in front of the porch and notices AISHAH] Oh, hey there! You must be Aishah? Kak Shah here has told us so much about you! She was very excited that you were coming! How is KL? I hear theres a bad haze coming on right now.. not very -Kak Sah [interrupts MANIAM] Hello, Maniam. [to AISHAH] Aishah, this is Maniam. Hes our milkman. And a talkative one at that. You cant get him to stop talking even if you paid him! AISHAH looks a bit confused because MANIAM is an Indian name but the character is portrayed by a Chinese person. AISHAH smiles at MANIAM. Maniam Ah, but it is that same charming personality that gets me all my loyal customers, you included! Am I right, Kak Sah? Kak Sah [again ignoring MANIAM and speaking to AISHAH] He is also rather thick-skinned. Tak tahu malu! EVERYONE laughs. Maniam Eh, Kak Sah! Dont embarrass me in front of Aishah la! Youve just ruined my image here! Aishah Wait, wait, wait did she say your name was Maniam?! [emphasise on Maniam with incredulity] Maniam Ah youre wondering why a handsome Chinese fellow like me speaks like an Indian, acts like an Indian and is called Maniam, right? [AISHAH nods]

Dont worry la, youre not the first person to ask. Kak Sah here knows my whole life story but Ill retell it again for your sake. Kak Sah Oh, you just like the sound of your own voice, Maniam. Maniam Hey hey, Im telling a story here! [to AISHAH, in an over-dramatic manner] Anyways, you see, I was an orphan -- a poor baby boy, abandoned by his family. Left out in the cold, harsh world with terrible food that is the orphanage. Never knew where my real parents are. But dont feel sorry for me, because I was adopted into the most kind and loving Indian family right here in Langkawi, and they didnt care what my skin colour was. They pampered me like their own precious son. So now, basically everything about me is Indian. I love Indian culture, Indian food.. [cheekily] I also prefer Indian girls. AISHAH laughs. KAK SAH gives MANIAM a look of mock disapproval. Kak Sah And the whole village knows how proud Maniam is of his unique heritage. Maniam Of course la! I am the embodiment of racial unity here! Malaysia should make me the poster boy for all racial integration campaigns! Kak Sah Yes, yes Maniam. We all know youre special. [to AISHAH] Anyways, is there anywhere youd like to go on the island, Aishah? Maniam can take you there if it is along his delivery route. Aishah [excited] Oh yes! I would love to see the paddy fields! Its something Ill never see in the city! Maniam Alright! The paddy fields it is then! Ill be passing by when I deliver Pak Man his milk and eggs. Jom, lets go! KAK SHAH picks up her work and resumes weaving, smiles as she shakes her head. Kak Sah [shakes her head, sighs and mutters under her breath] Aih, Maniam, Maniam MANIAM and AISHAH exit stage as LIGHTS FADE OUT. END OF SCENE

SCENE III Sound of wind rustling, maybe sounds of a buffalo (to indicate this is out in the fields). LIGHTS FADE IN AISHAH and MANIAM enter stage. They are walking towards the paddy fields (other end of stage). They are walking rather slowly (time to reach paddy fields when their conversation ends). Possibly use lighting to achieve effect of their walking. Maniam So Aishah, I hear you and Kak Sah go way back, eh? Aishah Yeah. Ive known Kak Sah ever since I can remember. My parents have always been busy and didnt quite have time for me. So it was Kak Sah who looked after me. Shes like a mother to me. I really missed her when she left KL and went back to Langkawi. Maniam Ah well, life brings us in different directions sometimes. Im sure Kak Sah really missed you too. She always talks very fondly about you. AISHAH smiles. More distinct buffalo sounds. (do they moo? Bellow???) Aishah [curiously] Ooh, is that sound from a cow? [looks around for it] Maniam [Laughs] I think thats a buffalo. What do they teach you city kids in schools? Aishah Cant blame us for it. Ive never seen a real buffalo before! Maniam Well you know, there was a time in Langkawi when there were more buffaloes than people! AISHAH laughs Maniam (cont) Anyways, here we are! The paddy fields! Padang Beras Terbakar Field of Burnt Rice. Aishah [quizzically] Field of Burnt Rice? What an interesting name. Why is it called burnt rice, though? Isnt that a bit erm inauspicious? Maniam Oh, youve never heard of the legends on this island? Well its quite intriguing. A curse is involved too.

AISHAH looks a bit skeptical. Maniam (cont) You see, these series of paddy fields was initially known as Padang Mat Sirat. But somewhere in the early 19th century, the Siamese attacked Langkawi. The then head chief, Dato Karma Jaya, was afraid that the Siamese army would get their hands on the villages food supply. So he ordered his men to gather all the harvest, dig a hole in this very field, and burn everything. Years past, and eventually new things began to grow in the field again. [lowers voice to create a dramatic effect] But they say that on a rainy day, you can still see the burnt rice appearing on the surface hence the name, Field of Burnt Rice. Padang Beras Terbakar. Aishah [her skepticism has turned into intrigue] Ooh.. and what about the curse? Maniam Ah, I would love to tell you about that too, but I have to get to Pak Mans house soon and deliver these [gestures to the basket of eggs and milk] otherwise he will get angry and set his dogs on me again. AISHAH giggles. Aishah Okay. Dont worry about me, I know my way back. Ill just wander around the fields for a while more. MANIAM smiles, waves goodbye and leaves the scene hurriedly. AISHAH paces around a bit, stops for a moment to take a deep breath, taking in the scene at the paddy fields. All is quiet except for maybe the continued rustling of the wind. Suddenly, FLUTE MUSIC is heard. Starts off soft but the crescendos. (Mahsuris Lullaby as the music? Slightly haunting/ full of sadness). AISHAH is slightly surprised. Looks around for the source of the music. Aishah Hello? Is anyone there? [no reply, so AISHAH paces around, still trying to find the source of the music.] Aishah (cont) Hello? [still no reply. (Depending on how the sound system works, it would be cool if we could make it sound as if the music is getting closer/ louder, or coming from different parts of the theatre like a surround sound kinda thing) AISHAH begins to feel scared. Panic rising in her voice] Aishah (cont) Maniam, if this is a prank its not funny! Im not afraid of whatever curse you said! Im going home now!

[Feels scared, and turns to go back the way she came] As AISHAH starts to leave, THE MYSTERIOUS MAN, playing a flute, comes out from behind a fence (or maybe the platform/ a pillar of a nearby house. Discuss with props.) to face AISHAH. AISHAH is startled and lets out a small scream. Mysterious Man [stops playing the flute, looks apologetic] Oh, Im terribly sorry. I didnt mean to startle you. Aishah [still a bit scared and wary of the stranger] Who are you? What do you want? Mysterious Man Im just a travelling poet I often wander around here, playing my music [continues playing the same tune on his flute for a short while. AISHAH still looks wary of him, but she doesnt leave, somehow captivated by his music] Mysterious Man (cont) [stops playing. Looks at AISHAH intently] I sense that you carry a burden. Aishah I dont know what youre talking about. Mysterious Man [looks away from AISHAH, gazes into the distance] You share the same pain that has been my torment for years now. Aishah What? Mysterious Man [doesnt answer AISHAH directly. But continues gazing into the distance] Langkawi is really beautiful, isnt it? Theres no desire in me to leave this place. My heart is bound here to someone I have loved for a long time someone I can only love, but can never be with.

[turns to AISHAH] You understand what that is like, dont you? Aishah [slightly shocked] I Er How did you know? Mysterious Man I share the same burden. I understand that pain. Ive known it for too long. [sad laughter] Its like a familiar old friend to me.

Aishah [after a small pause, asks timidly] Do you think it is possible to let go, though? Mysterious Man Well, all I can say that holding on for too long can be a painful torment. But for me, that is all I live for and it consumes my very being. An eternal torment Shes long gone but I still love her no less than the day I met her Aishah Oh, thats so sad Mysterious Man [Talking to himself more than to AISHAH] I still think its my fault though I was the cause of her death Aishah What happened? THE MYSTERIOUS MAN sits on the ground and beckons AISHAH to sit with him. THEY are at one end of the stage, and spotlight shines on them. Other parts of the stage are in darkness, and setting on platform changes. This is the transition from the modern day to Mahsuris Legend. Mysterious Man [sadly, reminiscently, soulfully] It was a long time ago. Longer than most people would care to remember. I just got off a merchants ship traveling from China and was tired. All I wanted was some good rest. As I was wandering around the village looking for a place to spend the night, I heard the most beautiful voice singing it was mesmerizing You could tell it was full of loving compassion And the owner of the voice has a beauty beyond compare. She glowed with a radiance like the moon surrounded by the stars in the night sky. I loved her the moment I met her. [Sad smile] She eventually became a very good friend of mine. But her heart had always belonged to someone else. [turns to look at the other end of the stage where scene is going to change] And she had always remained faithful to him Until the very end. SPOTLIGHT off MYSTERIOUS MAN and AISHAH. THEY both exit. SCENE ENDS

SCENE IV (part 1)

NOTE: this feels like a long scene, the dialogue could potentially feel really draggy. Have to revise scene.
SPOTLIGHT immediately turns to MAHSURIs home, showing MAHSURI and WAN DARUS. At Mahsuris home, showing interior, front porch and well. Scene opens with MAHSURI and WAN DARUS sitting on the floor of their home. MAHSURI cradling her baby son. Mahsuri [looking at WAN DARUS with deep longing and sadness] Allah has blessed me greatly to have such a great warrior as a husband, and I always knew that one day youd have to leave to defend our village. [sighs] I just never thought that day would come so soon Wan Darus Oh, my dear Mahsuri.. It truly breaks my heart to be away from you and our son. [reaches out to stroke the baby] But my fathers worried that the Siamese army would Mahsuri --soon reach the borders and attack our village. [she finishes his sentence. WAN DARUS smiles sadly.] Its all one hears in the village these days whispers about a terrible war coming. Wan Darus [with conviction] Well be sure to end this war soon. We have many good men fighting to defend our homes. Siam will never take Langkawi! Mahsuri [nods in agreement] I believe Allahs protection will be upon Langkawi this place is too beautiful to be scarred by war and I have faith that you will lead our men safely home. [small pause as they look lovingly at each other] WAN DARUS breaks the silence of the moment Wan Darus Ah, I have something to present you before I leave. [turns to take a wooden box (props?) from behind him and places it between him and Mahsuri. He opens the box and takes out an exquisite tudung. Shows it to Mahsuri.] Mahsuri [gasps as she sees the tudung. Places her hand on her chest to express surprise.] WAN DARUS leans in and wraps the tudung around MAHSURIs head gently. As he does so, he says: Wan Darus

I bought this off a merchant travelling from Melaka. During the days when I am gone, let this be a reminder of how the women in our village, whose husbands are also at war, look to you for strength and hope. I know you will be kind and compassionate to them. Mahsuri I will remember my duties. He then leans back to admire her beauty. Wan Darus [sighs in admiration] Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes behind your veil are doves. And your lips a scarlet ribbon. All beautiful you are, my love. There is no flaw in you. Mahsuri You are my strong tower, the centre of my world. I cannot bear to part from you for so long. Every day I shall pray and wait faithfully for your safe return. DATO KARMA JAYA comes in, but upon seeing that WAN DARUS and MAHSURI are still exchanging goodbyes, he waits at the door before interrupting. He looks slightly annoyed seeing WAN DARUS and MAHSURI together.

Wan Darus And I will count the days until I am able to see your beautiful smile again. [Leans over and kisses MAHSURI on the forehead] DATO KARMA JAYA rolls his eyes/ shakes head slightly, irritated by their show of affection. He clears his throat, interrupting them. MAHSURI and WAN DARUS both look slightly startled upon seeing DATO KARMA JAYA. DKJ makes eye contact with WAN DARUS, signalling that it is time to leave. WAN DARUS nods in understanding and turns back to MAHSURI. Wan Darus I regret that I must go now. My men have completed all preparation and are ready to leave for battle. Be well, my dear Mahsuri. [gets up to leave]

MAHSURI, wanting to see her husband off, also attempts to stand but DATO KARMA JAYA steps in and gestures impatiently at her to sit down. MAHSURI looks uncertainly at DATO KARMA JAYA and stays where she is. Dato Karma Jaya [to WAN DARUS] Do not worry about Mahsuri, my son. I will personally see to it that she is well taken care of. [smiles disturbingly at MAHSURI] Wan Darus Thank you, Father.

Dato Karma Jaya [impatiently] Yes, yes. Keep your mind on the war, son! Focus! Do not be distracted by Mahsuri and family matters. Now go! Your men are waiting for you. Remember, youll be leading at the front lines an important task. Do not disappoint Langkawi. [tone becomes grave] Do not disappoint me. music/ sound effect indicates threat/ danger. Lights go dramatically off. previous sound effect crescendos and stops suddenly as lights go off.

SCENE IV (part 2) Soft music starts playing (maybe the instrumental of the lullaby MAHSURI is singing?). MAHSURI is seen pacing slowly around the compounds of her house, gently rocking her baby. Mahsuri [on music cue starts singing lullaby (to be decided)] After a few verses the lullaby, the baby makes a sound. Mahsuri says softly to her baby: I know I miss your father too But hell be back soon. Dont you worry. Continues singing the lullaby. . DERAMAN creeps into the scene and hides behind the well. He is captivated by her voice and beauty and cant take his eyes off her. MAHSURI doesnt see him as she has her back to the well. MAHSURIs singing becomes softer as she realizes the baby is asleep. She brings him into the house (goes offstage). DERAMAN pokes his head out above the well and starts playing the flute. MAHSURI comes back out, searching for the source of the music. DERAMAN ducks back behind the well and stops playing. MAHSURI tries to look around (slightly confused) but cannot find where the music is coming from, so she goes back into the house. DERAMAN comes out, cautiously, from where he is hiding. Looks longingly in the direction where MAHSURI went. Deraman [sighs] Recites poem DANCE ROUTINE LIGHTS FADE OUT INTERMISSION

SCENE V LIGHTS FADE IN. MAHSURI is sitting on the front porch of her house. Her baby is crying. She tries to hush him but he wont stop. DERAMAN comes into the scene playing the flute. He approaches the house but stops outside (by the well). MAHSURI glances curiously at him (recognising the music), but her focus goes back to hushing her child. The baby stops crying soon after DERAMAN played the flute. MAHSURI looks up at DERAMAN, smiles and nods in gratitude. DERAMAN walks towards MAHSURI at the porch, but stops at a slight distance away from her as he feels a little shy. Mahsuri Thank you, kind sir. That is very beautiful music you play. It seems that this little one loved it too. Deraman It is my greatest pleasure. There are few things as beautiful and innocent as a childs smile. [takes a step closer to MAHSURI and the baby. Lean forwards slightly towards the baby and plays a short tune] The baby laughs. Deraman (cont) Your son has a charming smile. Mahsuri Thank you. He is the light of my world. [small pause as MAHSURI gazes lovingly at her baby. Then turns her attention to DERAMAN ] I am sure I heard that music a few days ago. Was that also you? Deraman [looking slightly embarrassed] Ehm. Yes. I have passed this road a few times already. I am just a traveller a poet. [said in an offhand-ish manner. ] Please forgive me for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Deraman. Mahsuri It is a pleasure to meet you, Deraman. My name is Mahsuri. My husband is Wan Darus. He is away at war-- defending Langkawi against the Siamese. And this is our son, Wan Arkem. What brings you to Langkawi, Deraman? Deraman Well, the poems and songs I write are mostly inspired by things I see and experience during my travels. It is often said Langkawi is one of the most lovely places. I had hoped that by coming here, I would find some inspiration. Mahsuri

Have you found what you were looking for? Deraman [looks at MAHSURI for a moment] That I did. Mahsuri [laughs lightly] I believe the beauty of this place will inspire any weary traveller. It is hard not to love Langkawi. My heart is with this island and I have never had any desire to leave. But sometimes I do wonder what the world is like outside Langkawi. You must have seen so much! What is it like? Outside? Deraman [walks over and sits beside MAHSURI by the porch] Its an amazing place, the world. So many colours, sounds and sights. People of different kinds! Myriads of languages and cultures and music! Mahsuri It sounds so exciting! Deraman [excited] Why, yes! It always is! Every place offers something new and exciting. It is a treasure trove of experiences. One of the best things about travelling is the new people I meet along the way. In Malacca Ive met merchants from China and India! Some of them have the funniest accents! Mahsuri [laughs] To speak the truth, I am quite envious of your life! But I do not think I would have the heart to leave Langkawi for any length of time. It would be akin to leaving a part of myself behind. Deraman Sometimes travelling can be lonely. I often yearn for a place I can call home -- a peaceful place where I can just find rest.. You are very fortunate to be able to call Langkawi home. It is truly one of the most beautiful places Ive been. Mahsuri Hmm.. I am lucky, indeed! Langkawi truly is my safe haven, my home. I love this island and its people. It will certainly break my heart if I ever had to part from here. [sighs] It is such a pity that there is war coming. My husband had to leave to defend the borders against the Siamese. He would risk his life for Langkawi but war... [pauses in contemplation] Have you seen war, Deraman? Do you know what it is like? Deraman [melancholically]

Ah.. war.. it is a terrible thing. It is not glorious, even in victory. It demands the sacrifice of the people, but gives only suffering in return. [gently] Let not your thoughts be filled with the sadness of war. You have to have faith that your husband will come back safe. And Langkawi will remain peaceful. Please do not worry.

MAHURA and her 2 FRIENDS enter the scene, proud and arrogant. They are gossiping. MAHURA struts in front while her friends follow her from behind. Friend 1 looks simply stunning on you, Mahura! Friend 2 It certainly brings out your beauty, Mahura. These jade from China must have cost you a fortune! Mahura Oh, its only a small price to pay. Friend 1 You are very lucky to be married to the Dato, Mahura! You can afford all the most exquisite jewellery! Mahura Well, I suppose [shows off the jade on her wrist] Friend 2 Mahura, do you know who that man is? He looks foreign. MAHSURI and DERAMAN turn their gaze to MAHURA and her friends as they approach the house. MAHURA sees MAHSURI and DERAMAN on the porch and does not bother to hide a look of contempt on her face. Mahura Well, well, well... We have some[contemptuously] company. Strange, foreign people are all you get in Langkawi these days. Friend 1 This place is simply overcrowding with riffraff. Urgh. Friend 2 But it seems some people dont mind mixing with mere commoners. Friend 1 Well, some people just dont know how to carry themselves properly. Mahura Lets leave, ladies. I cannot stand seeing our honourable family name be dragged through the mud -- being affiliated with the dregs of society. How shameful!

MAHURA and friends stalk off. DERAMAN looks bewildered at their rudeness. Mahsuri [apologetically upon seeing DERAMANs shock at MAHURAs hostility] I am truly sorry for what they said, Deraman. Please do not take any offence.

Deraman [angrily] But who are they to say such harsh things about you? Mahsuri The one (brief description of MAHURAs physical appearance, maybe?) is MAHURA. She is the wife of Dato Karma Jaya, our village head. The other two are (name & name), her friends. Mahura is my mother-in-law. I have tried really hard over the years to win her favour. But she never does see me as a good daughter-in-law. [pause as she contemplates her relationship with Mahura] I do wish I could travel like you, and meet new people. It would be nice to have more friends. Especially now that my husband is away It is easy to feel lonely sometimes. DERAMAN looks at MAHSURI for a while and realises that she is lonely. He attempts to cheer her up. DERAMAN looks around and sees a set of gongs (percussion instruments part of a gamelan set) in MAHSURIs house. Deraman [exclaims excitedly] Oh, you have a bonang here! They make very nice music too! Mahsuri Yes it has been in my husband's family for a very long time.It is such a pity that I do not know how to play them. Deraman [stands up and goes over to the set of instruments. Sits down in front of the instruments] Ill show you how! MAHSURI follows DERAMAN over to the instruments, sits beside Deraman, cradling her baby all these while. Deraman (cont) Go on, try hitting those metal pieces there. MAHSURI tries playing the instrument. When it makes a sound, she smiles, and continues to attempt to make a tune. Proper recorded music (using traditional instruments) could be played as DERAMAN and MAHSURI continue to interact closely with each other. Gently merge in SHADOW DANCE music. CUE SHADOW DANCE

Find CUE for SALMAN and AISHAH to enter (probably several seconds after shadow dance starts). SALMAN and AISHAH are holding badminton racquets. As SALMANs dialogue starts, maybe music softens a little bit? Salman Come now, Aishah, youre never going to be good enough to defeat me! Aishah Dont get too cocky, Salman! Pride always comes before the fall! SALMAN gets into badminton playing position. AISHAH serves a shuttle. They start hitting the shuttle back and forth. Music resumes its original volume. At this point, the scene would have 3 components. SHADOW DANCE in the background, MAHSURI and DERAMAN on one side of the stage with their gamelan instruments, SALMAN and AISHAH playing badminton. Juxtaposition of both modern and traditional couples. Both are portrayed to be having a good time. SPOTLIGHT SLOWLY FADES OFF BOTH COUPLES as MAIN TRADITIONAL DANCE ensues from the SHADOW DANCE. Couples leave stage as spolight goes off them. Traditional Dance ends SPOTLIGHT on Mahsuri Deraman and the bonang. Mahsuri Thank you for teaching me how to play the bonang, Deraman. It truly cheered me up. You are a good friend. Deraman It is my pleasure. [gets up to leave] But it will be dark soon and I must leave. Mahsuri Oh, have you found a place to spend the night yet? Deraman I am afraid not. But do not worry, I will manage to find shelter. Sudden clash of thunder. Maybe sounds of falling rain as well. Mahsuri It looks like there is going to be a storm tonight. If you do not mind, you could take shelter in the front porch here until the rain stops. Deraman You are far too kind, Mahsuri. I am very grateful for your offer. Thank you. LIGHTS DIM SOUND OF RAIN CONTINUE TO BE PLAYED FOR A WHILE AS THE SETTING CHANGES

SCENE VI Sound of rain from previous scene fades. Snippets of sounds of MAHURAs and her friends gossiping could be heard. Such insolence! thinks she so kind and wonderful nothing but a cunning fox! And all the men in the village! praising her LIGHTS FADE IN In MAHURAs place. They are sitting in the middle of a living room, on the floor with a mat, perhaps. MAHURA is angry and jealous, while her friends seem more amused than angered. Friend 1 [in a gossipy voice] You know, Ive seen that travelling poet.. whats his name.. Friend 2 Deraman Friend 1 (cont) Yes, Deraman.. spending a lot of time at Mahsuris house these days! Friend 2 I wonder what they are doing all the time! It is such a scandal, do you not think so, Mahura? Mahura [angrily] Oh, Mahsuri this, Mahsuri that! I have had enough of hearing her name! Even my husband thinks she is so kind and sweet and gentle [in a sarcastic tone]. They do not see that she is nothing more than a sly little witch. You see how she captivates everyones attention! Even that poet.. that Deraman [with contempt].. is bewitched by her! Friend 1 Ahh, that is only because the men are captivated by her youthful, innocent looks. Otherwise, she is nothing compared to you, Mahura. Mahura That I know! But I cannot stand it that my husband keeps ordering me to make sure that Mahsuri is coping well alone. I am tired of sending over food and money to that good-fornothing, lazy girl! And my husband still visits her all the time! Friend 2 Oh, you do not think that --Mahura [almost screaming] Think what?! Think that my husband might secretly desire Mahsuri?! You think that he will be unfaithful to me?!

Friend 2 [timidly] No, that is not what I said Mahura But that is what the whole village thinks! How embarrassing! Oh, that horrible Mahsuri! And oh, my son! Oh, Wan Darus! How can my son be married to her? She is not good enough for him! Friend 1 Be calm Mahura! Do not let Mahsuri get the better of you! Friend 2 Yes, we can think of a way to stop her stealing your husband, Mahura! Mahura [scheming] Oh yes, Id need to find a way to rid Mahsuri from my life! But how how Friend 2 We need to accuse her of something Mahura [sarcastically] Oh, you are so intelligent. [snaps at Friend 2 in annoyance] Dont you think if I could accuse her of anything I would have done so already?! [more to herself than to her friends] That sly woman. She thinks shes so pure and innocent being so kind to riffraff like that poet just to show she has compassion. Friend 1 Hmph! Deraman I suspect he must have fallen victim to Mahsuris ensnaring charm. Hes been spending too much time with her. Mahura [Lightbulb moment] Wait, youre right, (insert name of Friend 1)! Deraman and Mahsuri have been very close to each other. Spending too much time with each other. It should be cause for suspicion! Friend 2 [sense of foreboding, not liking where the conversation is going] What are you saying, Mahura? Mahura [exasperated, condescending] Oh, I cant believe youre that dim! Im saying that we could accuse them of having an affair!

Friend 2 But it is a serious accusation! Our village law states that adultery is punishable by death! Mahura I know, that is what makes the plan perfect! I will be able to get rid of Mahsuri once and for all! DATO KARMA JAYA walks in with his two men behind him. MAHURA is seen hurrying to her husbands side. She pretends to look sad and troubled. Her behaviour is slightly clingy to her husband. Mahura Dato, (still havent figured out what wives called their husbands in olden times. But WILL FIND OUT!!!) you are back! Dato Karma Jaya [more like a grunt of acknowledgment] Hmm.. Mahura I have the most troubling piece of news.. It is about Mahsuri.. Dato Karma Jaya Mahsuri? Is she alright? Mahura [slightly annoyed at her husbands concern for Mahsuri] Oh, she is more than alright. But I suspect that she might be unfaithful to our poor Wan Darus! Dato Karma Jaya [anger rising] What is this?! Are you accusing Mahsuri of being unfaithful?? Mahura I do not lie to you. She is with a traveller, a poet who calls himself Deraman. Dato Karma Jaya [angrily] The travelling poet from Melaka? That Deraman? You are sure of this, Mahura? Mahura I speak the truth. I would not lie to you. Ive seen them together. They are always together on the porch, laughing merrily. They are not even ashamed of what they are doing! Can you imagine their audacity? Dato Karma Jaya Hmm [slightly unconvinced. Pondering Mahuras words] Mahura (cont)

Oh, and he has been reading poems to her, playing her music. Doesnt that sound like what lovers do? And worse still, I have seen him spending the night over at Mahsuris house! Such an insult that to our poor, loyal Wan Darus! Dato Karma Jaya [angrily] Spending the night with the stranger? Mahsuri has crossed the line! Mahura [almost drunk with glee that her plan is working] Oh she has no restrain! Even one of your men has seen her! Deraman spent the night at Mahsuris place, didnt he? DATO KARMA JAYA turns to MAN 2. With DATO KARMA JAYAs back towards MAHURA, MAHURA makes eye contact with MAN 2. Show it clearly that they are conniving and scheming to accuse Mahsuri. Or could just forget about the whole conniving thing and make it look as if Mahura is threatening Man 2 if the plot becomes overcomplicated. Dato Karma Jaya [Barely able to contain his anger. says to MAN 2] Is this true? Is what Mahura saying true? Man 2 I once saw Deraman entering Mahsuris house compound but never coming out until the next day. I remember it rained that night. Dato Karma Jaya [absolutely furious] This cannot be tolerated! Bring me Deraman and Mahsuri! They must be punished! LIGHTS FADE OUT

SCENE VII While the lights are still out, sounds of someone running frantically is heard. (desperate footsteps and heavy breath). Two men are heard shouting, Stop, Deraman! Stop that man! This is orders from the chief! Stop! LIGHTS FADE IN Scene opens at MAHSURIs house. DERAMAN stumbles into the scene, torn and tattered, rushes into MAHSURIs house. MAHSURI ,who is in the living room cradling her baby, looks startled and gasps at DERAMANs sudden appearance. Deraman Mahsuri! Oh, Mahsuri! Thank goodness you are here! Mahsuri Why? What is happening? Are you hurt? Deraman [out of breath from all the running] Dato Karma Jaya. His men they are after me! Mahsuri I do not understand! Why are they after you? Deraman I do not know! But but they are coming after you too! Came to... warn you! Mahsuri Calm down, Deraman! We have done nothing wrong! There is no reason to hide! Why don't you calm down, and we will explain whatever misunderstanding this is to Dato Karma Jaya. Deraman No, Mahsuri! We must leave now! Mahsuri Only those who have fear due to guilt will run. My conscience is clear. They will not harm me! Deraman You do not understand, Mahsuri! They will not listen to reason! Hears sounds of people approaching. There they are! In the house! Dato Karma Jayas MEN enter the scene first, approach the house. Followed by DATO KARMA JAYA, MAHURA and her FRIENDS. Deraman Come! [grabs hold of one of MAHSURIs hands and tries to pull her with him. Note: MAHSURI has to cradle her baby with one hand so that her other hand is free for DERAMAN to grab

hold. Maybe before this, she could be using free hand to gesture for DERAMAN to calm down. ] But before they could escape, Dato Karma Jayas MEN burst into the house. DATO KARMA JAYA and MAHURA and FRIENDS right behind. Mahura [shrieks almost hysterically, pointing at Mahsuri] There! Look at that! They are trying to elope! Theyre holding hands and going to run away! Mahsuri [startled. In a confused tone.] Mahura? What are you talking about? We are not running away. Mahura Lies! You are caught red-handed! Do not try to deny the truth! You are having an affair with him! Mahsuri [still confused] Affair? There is no affair! We are only friends! Mahura Lies! This woman is an adulteress and a liar! MAHSURI shakes her head desperately in denial of the accusations. Deraman Please listen to our explanations! We Dato Karma Jaya [Angrily to Deraman] Be quiet! I have shown you kindness by allowing a foreigner like you to stay in the village! This is how you repay me?! By having no care for morals and decency? You have brought shame upon the village! [In a deathly quiet voice to Mahsuri] I cannot believe this of you, Mahsuri. You have brought not only shame upon yourself, but upon your whole family. The law is the law, and I must do what has to be done. [to his men] Take them away. They disgust me. Dato Karma Jayas MEN round up on MAHSURI and DERAMAN, blocking them from audiences view. Sounds of babys crying. LIGHTS FADE OUT

SCENE VIII Scene starts in complete darkness. This scene encompasses small segments, like fleeting images of a bigger picture not yet revealed. Each segment is played out when the SPOTLIGHT shines on a specific part of the stage, respective to the order of appearance in the script. When one part is under SPOTLIGHT, the other parts of the stage have to remain in darkness. Background noises. A commotion. SPOTLIGHT on MAHSURI tied to a tree, looking heartbreakingly dejected as the VILLAGERS give her snide, contemptuous looks. VILLAGERS are pointing fingers at her, throwing all sorts of accusations. Occasionally, words shouted by the VILLAGERS are heard more distinctly. Disgrace! Unfaithful! Shes an adulteress! SPOTLIGHT off. Background noise fades. Set the mood to something more peaceful and joyous. (with the help of music. Possibly could use the lullaby?) Also, maybe sounds of a baby laughing. SPOTLIGHT on MAK ANDAM and PANDAK MAYA. THEY both stand closely together, a loving old couple. MAK ADMAN is cradling a baby girl. PANDAK MAYA has his hands around his wife and daughter. Blissfully happy. Mak Andam Oh, isnt our dear Mahsuri simply beautiful? Look at her smile. She is truly a gift from God, the answers to our prayers. Pandak maya Yes, God has been very good to us. We will raise her well. Mahsuri is an incredibly special child, protected from evil and harm. Nothing could ever hurt her. Not even the greatest weapon in this land. Only this Keris can do her any harm.. I will keep this well my love. [takes out the keris from his side, holds it up] SPOTLIGHT immediately goes off as soon as PANDAK MAYA lifts the keris not threateningly, but in awe and reverence. MAK ANDAM and PANDAK MAYA leave stage. Douse the mood with tension, like in a war-zone, full of urgency. Again, music and lighting could be used to help create the effect. SPOTLIGHT on WAN DARUS, looking battle-weary.

Wan Darus (monologue) Langkawi -- my beloved homeland! For you, Id lay my life down a thousand times over. Id protect your people with my weary hands, Id proclaim your freedom with my dying

breath. I go out to war with hopes that you will remain a land of peace, and that I will one day return to see the smiles of my wife and child. But I am disturbed about the things some of my men are saying. They are [in a slightly confused tone] doubting my fathers orders in sending me to the frontlines They think my father wants me to die in battle so he can have Mahsuri to himself? [firmly] It is ridiculous. The strain of war has probably affected them. [conflicted] But my heart is deeply troubled... I am not at peace. I had a dream last night.. I saw Mahsuri and a dark, looming tree I heard screams And the flash of a keris Something must be wrong! I must go back to Mahsuri! I have to make sure she is safe! WAN DARUS runs off stage as SPOTLIGHT goes off. Back to the scene of MAHSURIs killing. Background noises, commotion. LIGHTS fade in. MAHSURI, as before, is tied to a tree. VILLAGERS are gathered in the background, still throwing accusations at her. DATO KARMA JAYA stands a few feet away from where MAHSURI is tied, DATOs MAN 1 beside him. MAHURA and HER FRIENDS stand behind DATO KARMA JAYA, looking selfsatisfied. DATOs MAN 2 comes running in. He goes to DATO KARMA JAYA and holds out a keris to him with both hands. Datos Man 2 Dato, this is the keris stolen from Pandak Mayas house just as you have ordered. DATO KARMA JAYA has a deranged look on his face. He takes the keris and holds it out victoriously. Evil, deranged laugh? Dato Karma Jaya [deliriously triumphant] Finally! Finally! What did you think Mahsuri.. we'd never get it..(laughs) [drunk with deranged glee] Oh Mahsuri my mens sharpest swords and sturdiest spears have failed to even scratch your skin. But this! [relishing the keris] This will be your end Mahura [impatiently] Dato! Let us not waste more time. Dato Karma Jaya [hands over the keris to MAN 2] Do it now. MAN 2 takes the keris, goes over and kills MAHSURI with a single stab (wont be shown explicitly.)

MAHSURI cries out in pain. Instantly, the mood changes. A sense of trepidation and forebording. (Play of lights and music) SPOTLIGHT on Mahsuri. Background need not be completely dark, can just barely make out the rest of the VILLAGERS. DATO KARMA JAYA, MEN, MAHURA and FRIENDS now blend into the crowd. Mahsuri [sorrowfully, painfully, heartbreakingly, with her dying breath] You that have wronged me, spat and jeered at me, Till my heart bled with sorrow and pain from your wrongdoings Till my parents that bore me to this earth cried with no more tears Till my child was left with no mother Till my beloved husband mourn in emptiness for me I curse thee for the pain that you have left my family Till the next 7 generations, the land Langkawi cannot be toiled, There will be no happiness, no prosperity MAHSURI dies. SPOTLIGHT off her. Dramatic lighting (possibly indicating lightning). A roar of thunder. (would be really awesome if we could get our hands on a smoke machine and create a misty effect. Apparently in the legend, mist surrounded Mahsuri when she died) EVERYONE looks terrified. Villager 5 Look!! Look at Mahsuri! Theres white blood coming out from her! Villager 4 Proof she was innocent! Thunder resounds. EVERYONE scatters, full of fear. LIGHTS DIM. STOP all dramatic lighting effects and thunder sounds. Everything is quiet. SPOTLIGHT on DERAMAN in one lonely corner of the stage. Everything else is in darkness. Deraman on his knees, clearly overwhelmed by grief. Deraman [guilt-ridden, mournful, filled with deep sorrow] Mahsuri. Mahsuri. It was my fault I caused your death How can ones soul bear such torment as causing the death of one so loved? I can never rest in peace Mahsuri, you once said you will always be a part of Langkawi I will never leave Langkawi as long as my love remains, I will never leave Langkawi

Sounds of a few sets of heavy footsteps. Someone shouting from the darkness There he is! Do not let that adulterer live! MAN 1 comes into the spotlight, raises his keris over DERAMAN who is mourning on the floor. MAN 1 brings his hands swiftly down to kill DERAMAN. SPOTLIGHT immediately off as MAN 1s hands fall. Everything is silent. Total darkness. A voice reads out: For love is as strong as death Its jealousy unyielding as the grave It burns like blazing fire Like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love Rivers cannot wash it away SCENE ENDS

FINAL SCENE Mood of scene as peaceful, serene and tranquil as possible. Possible sound effects: bird chirping etc. LIGHTS FADE IN AISHAH is lying face-down beside a tomb. CONTEMPORARY DANCE. When DANCE ends, MANIAM comes rushing in. Maniam Aishah! There you are! [Rushes to her side and wakes her] Thank goodness we found you! Are you alright? Wake up! AISHAH stirs and sits up. Slightly confused. Maniam (cont) We were looking everywhere for you, Aishah! Kak Sah was worried sick! Are you hurt? [checks to see if shes injured in any way] Aishah No, Im not hurt. Im fine.. Maniam I see you've discovered the legendary tomb. How did you end up here, anyways? Aishah [stands up slowly, surveying her surroundings. Still confused] I Im not sure I was at the paddy fields and I met this mysterious man He was a travelling poet.. he played the flute He told me a story, a tragic love story.. a woman Mahsuri. [pauses as she tries to remember more] Where am I, anyways? Maniam [in a more serious manner] Oh you lost child.. how did you end up here? I see you've heard the famous Legend of Mahsuri as well. Well we are at Makam Mahsuri Mahsuris tomb. Thats it right there [points towards the white marble tomb] Maniam (cont) You know Aishah, this tomb was discovered by none other than our Tunku Abdul Rahman. He was serving as a district officer here just seven generations after Mahsuri is said to have cursed the land. While the land was still plagued with famine and poverty, Tunku Abdul Rahman became the first to discover Mahsuris tomb after it has been long forgotten and decided to honour her by building this white marble tomb in her name. Ever since then, Langkawi started to prosper again. The land became fertile, and the waters in the well became clear.

Aishah [in awe] Wow, so you mean its a true story then? And .our Tunku set Langkawi free... Maniam [with grandeur] And being the Father of Independence, he also set Malaysia free. [excitedly] It is amazing, isnt it? Aishah Yeah, it is.. But do you know who the man I met was? The one with the flute? I didn't get his name. Maniam [both in reverence and amazement. A more serious tone.] I have heard of him, Aishah. There have been many stories of this travelling poet. Many people have claimed to hear him playing the flute as they pass by Mahsuris tomb. But in all my years here, I have never seen this travelling poet before. Aishah Youve never met him? He said hes been in Langkawi for a long time now. I thought everyone in the village always knew each other. Maniam Oh, I know who he is alright. Ive just never met him. Aishah That doesnt make sense, Maniam! What do you mean? Maniam Aishah the stories people say about this travelling poet is that he is Deraman himself. Mahsuri loved the island so much, she said it would always be a part of her. Deraman has never left Langkawi because of his love for Mahsuri. AISHAH is lost for words. Maniam You know what Aishah, I think you've had a long day! Come, we should get you home now LIGHTS FADE OUT as AISHAH and MANIAM make their way off stage. THE END

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