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03 Elements of The Theory of Plasticity

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Chapter 3

Elements of the theory of plasticity

Subjects of interest
Introduction/objectives The flow curve True stress and true strain Yielding criteria for ductile materials Combined stress tests The yield locus Anisotropy in yielding

Suranaree University of Technology

Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

This chapter provides a basic theory of plasticity for the understanding of the flow curve. Differences between the true stress true strain curve and the engineering stress engineering strain curves will be highlighted. Finally the understanding of the yielding criteria for ductile materials will be made.

Suranaree University of Technology

Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

Plastic deformation is a non reversible process where Hookes law is no longer valid. One aspect of plasticity in the viewpoint of structural design is that it is concerned with predicting the maximum load, which can be applied to a body without causing excessive yielding. Another aspect of plasticity is about the plastic forming of metals where large plastic deformation is required to change metals into desired shapes.

Elastic energy

Plastic energy

strain Plastic and elastic deformation in uniaxial tension

Suranaree University of Technology

Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

The flow curve

True stress-strain curve for typical ductile materials, i.e., aluminium, show that the stress strain relationship follows up the Hookes law up to the yield point, o. Beyond o, the metal deforms plastically with strain-hardening. This cannot be related by any simple constant of proportionality. If the load is released from straining up to point A, the total strain will immediately decrease from 1 to 2. by an amount of /E.

3 2 1

Typical true stress-strain curves for a ductile metal.

The strain 1-2 is the recoverable elastic strain. Also there will be a small amount of the plastic strain 2-3 known as anelastic behaviour which will disappear by time. (neglected in plasticity theories.)
Suranaree University of Technology
Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

The flow curve

Usually the stress-strain curve on unloading from a plastic strain will not be exactly linear and parallel to the elastic portion of the curve. On reloading the curve will generally bend over as the stress pass through the original value from which it was unloaded. With this little effect of unloading and loading from a plastic strain, the stressstrain curve becomes a continuation of the hysteresis behaviour. (but generally neglected in plasticity theories.)

Stress-strain curve on unloading from a plastic strain.

Suranaree University of Technology

Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

The flow curve

If specimen is deformed plastically beyond the yield stress in tension (+), and then in compression (-), it is found that the yield stress on reloading in compression is less than the original yield stress. The dependence of the yield stress on loading path and direction is called the Bauschinger effect. (however it is neglected in plasticity theories and it is assumed that the yield stress in tension and compression are the same).


b a > b

Bauschinger effect

Suranaree University of Technology

Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

The flow curve

A true stress strain curve provides the stress required to cause the metal to flow plastically at any strain it is often called a flow curve. A mathematical equation that fit to this curve from the beginning of the plastic flow to the maximum load before necking is a power expression of the type

= K n


Where K is the stress at = 1.0 n is the strain hardening exponent (slope of a log-log plot of Eq.1) Note: higher o
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Typical true stress-strain curves for a ductile metal.

greater elastic region, but less ductility (less plastic region).

Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

Idealised flow curves

Due to considerable mathematical complexity concerning the theory of plasticity, the idealised flow curves are therefore utilised to simplify the mathematics. 1) Rigid ideal plastic material : no elastic strain, no strain hardening. 2) Perfectly plastic material with an elastic region, i.e., plain carbon steel. 3) Piecewise linear (strain-hardening material) : with elastic region and strain hardening region more realistic approach but complicated mathematics.

(a) Rigid ideal plastic (b) Ideal plastic material (c) Piecewise linear (stainhardening) material. with elastic region. material.
Suranaree University of Technology
Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

True stress and true strain

The engineering stress strain curve is based entirely on the original dimensions of the specimen This cannot represent true deformation characteristic of the material. The true stress strain curve is based on the instantaneous specimen dimensions.
True stress-strain curve

engineering stress-strain curve

Strain Engineering stress-strain and true stress-strain curves.

Suranaree University of Technology

Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

The true strain

According to the concept of unit linear strain,

L 1 e= = Lo Lo




This satisfies for elastic strain where L is very small, but not for plastic strain.

Definition: true strain or natural strain (first proposed by Ludwik)

is the change in length referred to the instantaneous gauge length. Hence the relationship between the true strain and the conventional linear L1 Lo L2 L1 L3 L2 = + + + ... strain becomes L L Lo L Lo L1 L2 = 1 e= = Lo Lo Lo L dL L = = ln Lo L L Lo e +1 = Lo Eq.3 L = ln = ln(e + 1) Eq.4 Lo
Suranaree University of Technology
Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

Comparison of true strain and conventional linear strain

True stain Conventional strain e 0.01 0.01 0.10 0.105 0.20 0.22 0.50 0.65 1.0 1.72 4.0 53.6

In true strain, the same amount of strain (but the opposite sign) is produced in tension and compression respectively.

Ex: Expanding the cylinder to twice its length.


Ex: Compression to half the original length.


= ln(2 Lo / Lo ) = ln 2
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= ln[( Lo / 2) Lo ] = ln 2
Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

Total true strain and conventional strain

Increment 0 1 2 3 Length of rod 50 55 60.5 66.5 eo-1 = 5/50=0.1 e1-2 = 5.5/55=0.1 e2-3 = 6.05/60.5= 0.1

The total conventional strain e The total conventional strain e0-3 is not equal to e0-1 + e1-2 + e2-3.

e01 + e1 2 + e23 = 0.3 e03 = 16.55 / 50 = 0.331

The total true strain


The total true strain = the summation of the incremental true strains.

01 + 1 2 + 23 = ln

55 60.5 66.55 66.55 + ln + ln = ln = 03 = 0.286 Eq.8 50 55 60.5 50

Tapany Udomphol

Suranaree University of Technology

May-Aug 2007

The volume strain

According to the volume strain

V (1 + e x )(1 + e y )(1 + e z )d x d y d z d x d y d z = = V dxd ydz = (1 + e x )(1 + e y )(1 + e z ) 1


During plastic deformation, it is considered that the volume of a solid remain constant ( = 0)
+ 1 = (1 + e x )(1 + e y )(1 + e z ) ln 1 = 0 = ln(1 + e x ) + ln(1 + e y ) + ln(1 + e z )

But x = ln(1+ex ) x + y + z = 1 + 2 + 3 = 0 , hence Due to the constant volume AoLo = AL, therefore
Suranaree University of Technology


= ln

A L = ln o Lo A
Tapany Udomphol


May-Aug 2007

The true stress

Definition: the true stress is the load divided by the
instantaneous area. True stress

P = A

Engineering stress


P Ao

Relationship between the true stress and the engineering stress Since

P P Ao = = A Ao A


Ao L = = e +1 A Lo


P (e + 1) = s (e + 1) Ao


Suranaree University of Technology

Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

Example: A tensile specimen with a 12 mm initial diameter and

50 mm gauge length reaches maximum load at 90 kN and fractures at 70 kN. The maximum diameter at fracture is 10 mm. Determine engineering stress at maximum load (the ultimate tensile strength), true fracture stress, true strain at fracture and engineering strain at fracture Engineering stress at maximum load True fracture stress True strain at fracture Engineering strain at fracture
Suranaree University of Technology

Pmax 90 10 3 = = 796 MPa 3 2 Amax (12 10 ) / 4

70 10 3 = = 891 MPa 3 A f (10 10 ) / 4 Pf

A 12 f = ln o = ln = 2 ln 1.2 = 0.365 Af 10

e f = exp( ) 1 = exp(0.365) 1 = 0.44

Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

Yielding criteria for ductile metals

Plastic yielding of the material subjected to any external forces is of considerable importance in the field of plasticity. For predicting the onset of yielding in ductile material, there are at present two generally accepted criteria, 1) Von Mises or Distortion-energy criterion

2) Tresca or Maximum shear stress criterion

Suranaree University of Technology

Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

Von Mises criterion

Von Mises proposed that yielding occur when the second invariant of the stress deviator J2 > critical value k2.


2) 2 + ( 2 3 ) 2 + ( 3 1 ) 2 = 6k 2 1
2 2 o = 6k 2 , then k =


For yielding in uniaxial tension, 1 = o , 2 = 3 = 0



Substituting k from Eq.14 in Eq.13, we then have the von Mises yield criterion


2) + ( 2 3 ) + ( 3 1 )
2 2

1 2 2

= 2 o


In pure shear, to evaluate the constant k, note 1 = 3 = y , 2 = 0, where o is the yield stress; when yields: y2+y2+4y2 = 6k2 then k = y By comparing with Eq 14, we then have
Suranaree University of Technology
Tapany Udomphol

y = 0.577 o

*** Eq.16
May-Aug 2007

Example: Stress analysis of a spacecraft structural member gives the state of stress shown below. If the part is made from 7075-T6 aluminium alloy with o = 500 MPa, will it exhibit yielding? If not, what is the safety factor?
z = 50 MPa

From Eq.16
y = 100 MPa

o =

1 2


2 2 2 y ) 2 + ( y z ) 2 + ( z x ) 2 + 6( xy + yz + xz )


x = 200 MPa

xy = 30 MPa

o =

1 2

[(200 100)

+ (100 (50)) 2 + (50 200) 2 + 6(30) 2


o = 224 MPa

The calculated o = 224 MPa < the yield stress (500 MPa), therefore yielding will not occur. Safety factor = 500/224 = 2.2.
Suranaree University of Technology
Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

Tresca yield criterion

Yielding occurs when the maximum shear stress max reaches the value of the shear stress in the uniaxial-tension test, o .

max =

1 3


Where 1 is the algebraically largest and 3 is the algebraically smallest principal stress.
max = 1 3
2 =o =

For uniaxial tension, 1 = o, 2 = 3 = 0, and the shearing yield stress o = o/2. Therefore the maximum - shear stress criterion is given by In pure shear, 1 = -3 = k , 2 = 0, max = y



1 3 = o


y = 0.5 o



Suranaree University of Technology

Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

Example: Use the maximum-shear-stress criterion to establish

whether yielding will occur for the stress state shown in the previous example.
z = 50 MPa

max =
y = 100 MPa

x z

2 2 200 (50) = o

o = 250 MPa
x = 200 MPa xy = 30 MPa

The calculated value of o is less then the yield stress (500 MPa), therefore yielding will not occur.

Suranaree University of Technology

Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

1) Von Mises yield criterion Yielding is based on differences of normal stress, but independent of hydrostatic stress. Complicated mathematical equations. Used in most theoretical work.

y = 0.577 o


2) Tresca yield criterion Less complicated mathematical equation used in engineering design.

y = 0.5 o


Note: the difference between the two criteria are approximately 1-15%.
Suranaree University of Technology
Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

Combined stress tests

In a thin-wall tube, states of stress are various combinations of uniaxial and torsion with maybe a hydrostatic pressure being introduced to produce a circumferential hoop stress in the tube. In a thin wall, 1 = -3 , 2 = 0 The maximum shear-stress criterion of yielding in the thin wall tube is given by




x o

+ 4 xy = 1 o

Combined tension and torsion in a thin-wall tube.


The distortion-energy theory of yielding is expressed by

x o

xy + 3 o


Comparison between maximum-shear-stress theory and distortion-energy (von Mises) theory. May-Aug 2007

Suranaree University of Technology

The yield locus

For a biaxial plane-stress condition (2 = 0) the von-Mises yield criterion can be expressed as

12 + 32 1 3 = o2
The equation is an ellipse type with -major semiaxis
2 o


- minor semiaxis

2 3

Yield locus

The yield locus for the maximum shear stress criterion falls inside the von Mises yield ellipse. The yield stress predicted by the von Mises criterion is 15.5% > than the yield stress predicted by the maximum-shear-stress criterion.
Comparison of yield criteria for plane stress
Suranaree University of Technology
Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007


Dieter, G.E., Mechanical metallurgy, 1988, SI metric edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-100406-8. Hibbeler, R.C. Mechanics of materials, 2005, SI second edition, Person Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-186-638-9.

Suranaree University of Technology

Tapany Udomphol

May-Aug 2007

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