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Body Contact

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Up to now we have described the motion of particles using quantities like displacement, velocity and acceleration. These quantities are known as the kinematics quantities. In this chapter we will study what cause these quantities, i.e. the agent that causes the motion. To do so we have to introduce the concepts of force and mass and discuss the three laws of motion stated by Sir Isaac Newton (1686). These three laws, hereafter will be named as Newton's laws, are based entirely on experimental observation and can not be derived from more fundamental concepts. This branch of mechanics, that study the cause of the motion, is called dynamics.

When a body affects a second body, we say that the first body exerts a force on the second. This means that only force can cause the body to change its state of uniform motion or rest. If you push a heavy box trying to move it, you may not succeed and the box is still at rest. The net force acting on the box here is zero since in addition to the pushing force there is another force resulting from the contact between the box and the floor (force of friction). The forces that result from the physical contact between the objects are called contact forces and the forces that do not require physical contact to affect are called field forces. The gravitational and the electromagnetic forces are examples of field forces. The direction of the motion will be different whether you push or pull a body. This means that a direction for the force must be specified to study the motion of the body, i.e. the force is a vector quantity. The unit of the force in the SI unit system is Newton, abbreviated N. In the cgs unit system its unit is dyne with 1dyne=10-5 N, and in the British unit system, the force's unit is pound (lb).



The law states that an object continues in its state of rest or uniform motion until it is forced to change that state by an external force. The frame in which Newton's first law is valid is called inertial frame, i.e., an observer in an inertial frame have to find the acceleration of an object, that moves with constant velocity in another frame, is also zero. From section 3.4 we can say that all accelerated frames are not inertial frames. The ground can be considered as an approximate inertial frame regardless of its rotation about the sun and about its own axis.


Inertia is the property of matter that resists the change of its state and mass is the measure of this inertia. Suppose, for instance, that you have two barrels of equal sizes, one empty and the other filled of oil. If you want to roll the two barrels along a rough, horizontal surface, the filled barrel would certainly, take more effort to get it moved. Similarly, if the two barrels are in motion, you would require more effort to bring the filled barrel to rest. Therefore we say that the filled barrel has more inertia (larger mass) than the empty barrel. The mass is a scalar quantity with a unit of kilogram (kg), in the SI unit system and gram (g) in the cgs unit system. Remark There is a difference between mass and weight. While the mass of a body is the measure of inertia of that body (the same everywhere), its weight is the force exerted by gravity on it (depends on the body's position).




This law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass, i.e.,
1 F12 F21 2

Figure 4.1 Newtons third law.

F = ma ,


where F represents the net (resultant) force acting on the mass. Eq. 4.1 can be written in components form as

Fx = ma x , Fy = ma y , Fz = ma z .

(4.2a) (4.2b) (4.2c)

The last law of Newton states that for every action there is an equal, but opposite reaction, i.e., if two bodies interact, the force exerted by body number 1 on body number 2 (F21 ) is equal and opposite to the force exerted on body number 1 by body number 2 F12 (see Figure 4.1), namely F21 = F12 Remark: Action and reaction act on different bodies. (4.3)


Free-Body Diagram: It is a diagram showing all the forces acting on the body and do not include the forces the body exert on other bodies. Strategy for solving problems using Newtons laws: (i) Chose a suitable coordinate system with the positive direction is the direction of the acceleration, if it is known. (ii) Draw a free-body diagram of each body of the system separately (iii) Resolve each force into its components according to the chosen coordinates. (iv) Identify the known and the unknown quantities. (v) Now you can apply Newton's second law for one body or more of the system according to the unknown quantities.

Example 4.1 A boy want to drag a box, that has a mass of 3 kg, along a horizontal smooth surface. He pulls the box horizontally with a force of 2 N. Find the acceleration of the box. Solution The free-body diagram of the system is shown in Figure 4.2, with the appropriate coordinate system. Now, from Newton's second law we have
F 2 a = = = 0.67 m/s2. m 3 N

3 kg


y x 2N mg Figure 4.2 Example 4.1 with the free-body diagram of the box.

Note that N = mg , (why?). Here N is called the normal force, which is a force exerted on the box by the surface.



Example 4.2 Two masses m1 and m2 (m1>m2) are suspended vertically by a light string that passes over a light, frictionless pulley as in Figure 4.3a (Atwood's machine). Find the acceleration of the masses and the tension in the string. Solution The free-body diagram of the system is shown in Figure 4.3 (b), with the positive sense is taken downward. Applying Equation (4.1) for m1, yield m1 g T = m1a , and for m2, we obtain m2 g T = m2 a .
(2) m2 m1 (a) T a m2g (b) Figure 4.3 Example 4.2. (a) The m1g T a


Solving Equation (1) and Equation Atwood's machine. (b) the freebody diagram of the two masses. (2) for a and T, we get m m2 a = 1 m + m g , 1 2 and 2m1m2 T = m + m g . 1 2 Example 4.3 Two blocks are in contact on a smooth horizontal table. A constant force F is applied to one block as in Figure 4.4. a) Find the acceleration of the system. b) Find the contact force between the two blocks


Solution Applying Newton's second law for mass m1 : F Fc = m1a . For mass m2 : Fc = m2 a .
(2) (1) N2



N1 Fc Fc F m1g


a) Adding Equations (1) and (2), Figure 4.4 Example 4.3. with you get F = (m1 + m2 ) a , or a=
the free-body diagram of the two masses.

F m1 + m2 You can find the acceleration of the system by applying Newton's second law to the whole system. b) Substituting for a in Equation 2, you obtain Fc = m2 F m1 + m2

Example 4.4 A man of mass 80 kg stands on a platform scale in an elevator, as in Figure 4.5. Find the scale reading when the elevator a) moves with constant velocity, b) ascends with an acceleration of 3 m/s2, c) descends with an acceleration of 3 m/s2 Solution Noting that the scale reads its reaction force, and applying Newton's second law in the three cases, you get



a) or

F = N mg = 0 ,
N = mg = 784 N .

So the scale will read the actual weight of the man. b) or N = m( g + a ) = 1024 N c) or

F = N mg = ma ,

mg Figure 4.5 Example 4.4.

F = N mg = ma ,
N = m( g a ) = 544 N


One of the most commonly encountered types of force are the frictional forces: The forces that two surfaces in contact exert on each other to oppose the sliding of one surface over the other. This kind of force results mostly from the interaction between the atoms and the molecules on the surfaces. Consider that you want to push your textbook along a horizontal table (Figure 4.6). Regarding the frictional force, three cases have to be considered: Case 1: Before starting pushing, the book is initially at rest, and this means that its acceleration is zero. As the force of friction is the only force acting horizontally on the book, this force in this case is equal to zero.


N fs mg (a) (b) F fk

N F mg (c)

Figure 4.6 (a) Case 1: fs=0. (b) Case 2: f s = F s N . (c) Case 3: fk = k N .

Case 2: If you push the book gently, the book will not move and remains at rest. Here, there are two forces acting horizontally on the book: the pushing force F and the frictional force. For the acceleration to be zero, these two forces must be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. This force is called the force of static friction and will be denoted hereafter by fs. Case 3. Now, slowly increasing the pushing force, the book will begin to move when the pushing force reaches a critical value fs(max.). Once in motion, the frictional force is less than fs(max.), and is called the force of kinetic-friction , denoted by fk. It is found, experimentally, that the frictional forces fs and fk, between two surfaces, are proportional to the normal force N pressing the two surfaces together. i.e., fs s N , and fk = k N . (4.5) (4.4)



Where the dimensionless constants s and k are, respectively, the coefficient of static friction and the coefficient of kinetic friction. Remarks: 1- The frictional force is always parallel to the surfaces in contact. 2- The force of static-friction is always opposite to the applied force 3- The force of kinetic friction is always opposite to the direction of motion. 4- The frictional force, together with the normal force constitute the two perpendicular components of the reaction force exerted by one of the contact bodies on the other.

Example 4.5 A block of mass m slides down a rough, inclined plane with the angle of inclination is as shown in Figure 4.7. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the plane is . a) Find the acceleration of the block. b) If the block starts from rest at the top of the plane, find its velocity after it slides a distance d along the plane.

y x fk

mgsin Solution: The free-body diagram of the mgcos block is shown in Figure 4.7. Note that mg the x-axis is chosen along the plane. Figure 4.7 Example 4.5 with a) Now applying Newtons second law in the free-body diagram of the the y-axis, we get block.

Fy =N mg cos = 0 ,
and in the x-axis, we obtain



= mg sin f k = ma .

Substituting for f k = k N = k mg cos , we have a = g (sin cos ) b) Since the acceleration is constant, we use Equation (2.11) to get 2 v 2 = vo + 2ax = 0 + 2 gd (sin cos ) or
v = 2 gd ( sin cos )

Example 4.6 A worker drags a crate along a rough, horizontal surface by pulling on a rope tied to the crate. The worker exerts a force of 300 N on the rope that is inclined 37o to the horizontal as shown in Figure 4.8. If the mass of the crate is 60 kg, and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the surface is 0.3, find the acceleration of the crate.

F=300 N

60 kg

N fk mg

Fsin37 F Fcos37

Figure 4.8 Example 4.6 with Solution First we construct the free- the free-body diagram of the body diagram of the system as shown system.

in Figure 4.8. After resolving the applied forces into its components according to the chosen axes, we apply Newton's second law to get, in the y-axis


=N + 300 sin 37 mg = 0

from which we find



N = 588 181 = 407 N . Now applying Newtons second law in the x-axis, we obtain


= 300 cos 37 f k = ma .

fk = k N = 0.3(407 ) = 122.1N , so a= 117.5 = 1.96 m/s2 60

Example 4.7 A 2-kg block is placed on top of a 5-kg block as shown in Figure 4.9. A horizontal force of F = 40 N is applied to the 5-kg block. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the 5-kg block and the surface is 0.2, and assuming that the 2-kg block is in the verge of slipping, a) what is the acceleration of the system? b) What is the coefficient of staticfriction between the two blocks?. Solution Study carefully the freebody diagram of the two blocks (Figure 4.9). The normal force acting on the 5-kg block by the surface is denoted by N1, while N2 stands for the normal force acting on the upper block by the lower one.

2 kg 5 kg N2 fs 2g fs N1 N2 40 N 5g F

Figure 4.9 Example 4.7 with the free-body diagram of the two blocks. Note that the static frictional force is the force that accelerate the upper block.


a) Applying Newton's second law to the 2-kg block, we have in the x-axis fs = 2 a , and in the y-axis N2 2 g =0 or N2 = 2 g = 19.6N 2 1

Similarly for the 5-kg block, we have

Fx = F fk fs = 5a ,

Fy =N1 5g N2 = 0
N1 = 7 g = 68.6N , 4


where the value of N2 is taken from Equation 2. Note that, the two blocks have the same acceleration because the 2-kg block does not slip. Now, Adding Equation 1 and Equation 3 , we obtain F k N1 = 7 a , where we have substituted for f k = k N1 . Now substituting for N1 from Equation 4, we have




40 0.2 68.6 = 3.75 m / s 2 . 7

b) Substituting for a in Equation 1, we get s = 2a 2 3.75 = = 0.38 . N2 19.6


4.1 Two forces act on a 2-kg mass. The first is F1 = (4i + 2 j) N , and the second is F2 = ( 6i 4j) N . a) What is the net force acting on the mass? b) What is the acceleration of the mass? 4.2 What is the net force acting on a 1800 kg automobile accelerating at 8 m/s2. 4.3 A boy pushes a 12-kg box along a horizontal surface with a force of 50 N that makes an angle of 37o with the horizontal. a) Calculate the acceleration of the box. b) What is the normal force acting on the box by the surface? 4.4 A block of weight 60 N rests on a T smooth, horizontal table. A rope 30o is tied to the block while the free end of the rope is held by a man such that the rope makes an angle Figure 4.10 Problem 4.4. of 30o with the horizontal, as shown in Figure 4.10. What is the force exerted on the block by the table if the tension on the rope is, a) 0 b) 40 N c) 130 N 4.5 Two blocks of masses m1 = 5 kg , and m2 = 8 kg are suspended vertically by a light string that passes over a light, frictionless pulley as shown in Figure 4.11. a) Calculate the acceleration of the system.

5 kg 8 kg Figure 4.11 Problem 4.5.



b) Find the tension in the string. 4.6 A 800-kg car moving at 60 km/h is braked and brought to rest in a distance of 50 m. Calculate the fictional force during this distance. 4.7 A 12-kg block rests on a frictionless horizontal table. A second block of 2 kg tied to the first block by a light rope that passes over a light pulley as shown in Figure 4.12. A horizontal force F is applied to the 12-kg block. a) For what value of F will the 2-kg block accelerate upward? b) If F=30 N, calculate the acceleration of the masses.
F 12 kg

2 kg Figure 4.12 Problem 4.7.

4.8 An object is hung from a spring balance attached to the ceiling of an elevator. When the elevator is at rest the balance reads 50 N. a) What does the balance read when the elevator is moving up with a constant acceleration of 8 m/s2? b) What is the reading of the balance when the elevator has an acceleration of 6 m/s2 downward? 4.9 A man of mass 70 kg is falling through the air with his parachute open. He experiences a downward acceleration of 2.5 m/s2. If the mass of the parachute is 4.0 kg, calculate a) The force exerted on the parachute by the air. b) The force exerted by the man on the parachute. 4.10 Two blocks, m1 and m2, connected by a rope, rest on a frictionless, horizontal surface. The blocks are pulled to the right by applying a
m1 m2 F

Figure 4.13 Problem 4.10.


force F to one of the masses as shown in Figure 4.13. Calculate a) the acceleration of the system, b) the tension in the rope. 4.11 In the previous problem (problem 4.10), if m1 = 2 kg , and m2 = 4 kg , F = 80 N and the horizontal surface is rough with k = 0.3 , find the acceleration of the system and the tension in the rope.

= 30o

Figure 4.14 Problem 4.12.

4.12 Two blocks, each of mass 5 kg are held in equilibrium on a frictionless incline by two ropes as shown in Figure 4.14. Calculate the tension in a) the rope connecting the two 4 kg blocks, b) the rope that connects the upper block to the wall. 4.13 Consider the system shown in Figure 4.15. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the 4-kg block and the table is 0.2.
1.5 kg Figure 4.15 Problem 4.13.



a) Calculate the acceleration of the masses. b) Calculate the tension in the string. 4.14 A block of mass m1 = 8 kg , rests on a frictionless inclined plane of angle 30o, is connected, by a string over a m1 m2 light frictionless pulley, to a second block of mass m2 = 2 kg 30o hanging vertically (Figure 4.16). a) What is the acceleration of the Figure 4.16 Problem 4.14. masses? b) What is the tension in the string?


A block of mass m= 4 kg is at rest on an inclined, rough surface as shown in Figure 4.17. The angle of o inclination is = 30 and the coefficients of frictions are s = 0.7 and k = 0.5 . find the frictional force acting on the block.

4 kg

s=0.7 k=0.5

= 30o Figure 4.17 Problem 4.15

4.16 A horizontal force F of 40 N holds a block of 2 kg against a vertical wall as shown in Figure 4.18. If the F coefficient of static friction between 2 kg the block and the wall is s = 0.6 , and the coefficient of kinetic friction is k = 0.4 . What is the force exerted on the block by the wall? Figure 4.18 Problem 4.16.


4.17 Three different masses m1 = 1 kg , m2 = 3 kg , and m3 = 5 kg are in contact with each other on a m2 m1 F m3 frictionless, horizontal surface. A horizontal force F= 45 N is applied to m1 as shown in Figure Figure 4.19 Problem 4.17. 4.19. a) Find the acceleration of the blocks. b) Find the magnitude of the contact forces between the blocks.






Figure 4.20 Problem 4.18.

4.18 Three blocks of masses m1 = 4kg , m2 = 6kg , and m3 = 8kg are connected by two ropes on horizontal smooth surface, as shown in Figure 4.20. A horizontal force F= 90 N is applied to m3. Calculate a) the acceleration of the system, b) the tensions T1 and T2. 4.19 The two blocks in Figure 4.21 are connected by a string that passes over a frictionless, light pulley. The acceleration of the system is 1.5 m/s2 to the right, and the surfaces are rough. a) What is the tension in the string? b) If the coefficient of kinetic friction is the same between the two blocks and the surfaces, find its value.



5 kg 4 kg

37o Figure 4.21 Problem 4.19.

4.20 A 8-kg block is placed in top of 60 N another block of 32 kg., which in 8 turn rests on a horizontal, kg frictionless surface as shown in 32 kg Figure 4.22. The coefficient of static friction between the blocks is s = 0.6 , whereas the kinetic Figure 4.22 Problem 4.20. k = 0.4 . A coefficient is horizontal force of 60 N is applied to the 8-kg block. Calculate the acceleration of a) the 8-kg block, b) the 32-kg block. 4.21 A 6-kg mass is placed on top of a 12-kg block. A horizontal force of 6 100 N is applied to the 12-kg block, kg while the 6-kg mass is tied to the 100 N 12 kg wall as shown in Figure 4.23. The coefficient of kinetic friction between all the surfaces is 0.3. Figure 4.23 Problem 4.21. a) Determine the tension in the string. b) Compute the acceleration of the 12-kg block.


4.22 A mass m slides down an inclined plane of angle 37o with constant velocity while a another identical mass rests on top of the first mass as shown in Figure 4.24. A cord attaches the upper mass to the top of the plane. If the coefficient of friction between all the surfaces is the same, find its value.

37o Figure 4.24 Problem 4.22.

4.23 A block of mass 8.0 kg is on a smooth, inclined plane of an angle of 53o. The block is pushed up the plane at constant speed by a horizontal force F, as 8 kg F shown in Figure 4.25. a) What is the magnitude of F? 53o b) What is the force acting on Figure 4.25 Problem 4.23. the block by the plane? 4.24 A block of mass 2 kg is projected up an inclined plane with an initial speed of 12 m/s. The coefficients vo=12 m/s of friction between the 2 kg block and the plane are o 30 k = 0.3 and s = 0.6 , (Figure 4.26). Figure 4.26 Problem 4.24. a) How far up the plane will the block go b) After reaching its highest point, will the block stay there or slides back down?



4.25 In Figure 4.27, block B weighs 80 N and the coefficient of static friction between the block B and the table is 0.4. What is the maximum weight the block A can have such that the system be in equilibrium? 4.26 What acceleration must the cart in Figure 4.28 have in order that the block not falls? The coefficient of static friction between the block and the cart is s .


A Figure 4.27 Problem 4.25.

Figure 4.28 Problem 4.26.

4.27 A man of mass 80 kg stands on a Scale scale that is fixed on a triangle wedge. The wedge is free to slide without friction along an incline of Wedge o angle 30 , as shown in the Figure 4.29. a) Draw a free-body diagram for the man. 30o b) Find the reading of the scale if the man is fixed relative to the Figure 4.29 Problem 4.27. wedge.

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