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Parametric Analysis of Four Wheel Vehicle Using Adams/Car: Jadav Chetan S. Patel Priyal R

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I nternational Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( Vol. 2 Issue.

Parametric Analysis of Four Wheel Vehicle Using Adams/Car

Jadav Chetan S.1, Patel Priyal R.2

Assistant Professor at Shri Sad Vidya Mandal Institute of Technology, Bharuch -392001, Gujarat, India . 2 PG Student at Shri Sad Vidya Mandal Institute of Technology, Bharuch-392001, Gu jarat, India.

Inspiring fro m the Multibody dynamics this paper has been carried out for estimating the dynamics of vehicle in motion. As there is more and more importance is given to the handling performance to the vehicle for its comfort, certain parameters like ro ll, yaw, pitch and, side slip angle etc., are to be studied, analyzed, controlled and adversely changed for increasing the overall performance and vehicle behavior. Here the focus is intended on the roll, pitc h and yaw phenomena of the vehicle wh ile changing the lane tack and its effects are simu lated at different speeds. Results show certain variat ion and it s effect. Hence this tool for mu ltibody dynamics proves more and more efficient for such conditions.

Keywords: ADAMS/CAR, Lateral force, Mult ibody Dynamics, Pitch, Ro ll, Tire slip angle and, Yaw. 1. Introduction:
The focus of the paper is to estimate vehicle response in terms of roll ,yaw and pitch effects in front -wheel steered, rear-wheel driven four wheeled vehicles in real time. It gives a measure of the lateral forces produced at the tire-road contact patches while cornering and lane change during vehicle motion which make the vehicle turn. Physically it represents the twist in the treads of the tires and body frame. It is very difficu lt if not possible to directly measure the yaw rate angles of the chassis in vehicle, hence indirect methods have to be applied to estimate them. Knowledge of side slip angle is a required for advanced vehicle control systems like braking control, stability control, security actuators and for validating vehicle simu lators. These controllers increase the safety of the vehicle, and make the response more predictable. The knowledge of vehicle dynamics can also be applied to decrease road damage caused by vehicles. The wheel hub is coupled to the vehicle through the suspension and steering mechanisms. Thus the steering and suspension mechanisms affect each others behaviour. While cornering, changes will be induced in variables ass ociated with both the mechanisms. The project endeavours to analyse these changes to estimate yaw rate rolling and pitch angle based on chassis deflection informat ion. This work has been performed to meet the objectives: 1. To develop a method of estimating ro ll, yaw and, pitch in front-wheel steered four wheel vehicles. 2. To instrument a vehicle and conduct on road tests to validate the estimation method. A model is constructed in ADAMS/CAR to simu late test conditions and predict the results for the t ests to be conducted. The predictions of this model are verified with experimental results from literature. An open -loop estimator that uses a three degree of freedom vehicle model is used to estimate results using real time experimental data from tests co nducted. We conclude that a three degree-of-freedo m model is a good start for use in estimat ion techniques of vehicle dynamics and performance.

2. Vehicle dynamics:
The basic informat ion required to understand vehicle architecture as well as dynamic behaviou r of front wheel steered, four wheel vehicles is its mathematical formu lation. It also explains how lateral forces are generated while a vehicle negotiates a turn, and their relat ion with the slip angle. Four wheel vehicle model is discussed in detail. This model is used to build observers (estimators) for estimating vehicle handling behaviour. A brief explanation of currently employed methods of estimat ion later al forces and slip angles is given below. Also, the system consists of the dependent mechanis m: steering and suspension system. The system shown here consists of rack and pin ion steering mechanis m and Double Wishbone Suspension. The vehicle coordinate system shown in the Figure is exp lained belo w: Linear mot ion along x d irection is known as longitudinal mot ion. Rotational motion about x axis is known as roll. Linear mot ion along y direction is known as lateral or t ransverse motion. Rotational motion about y axis is known as pitch. Linear mot ion along z direct ion is known as vertical motion. Rotational motion about z axis is known as yaw.

||Issn 2250-3005(online)||

||December || 2012||||

Page 263

I nternational Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( Vol. 2 Issue. 8

3. Vehicle Model Formulation For Parameters Identification:

For simu lating the lateral dynamics of the vehicle a four wheel 3 Degree of freedo m model is used containing lateral velocity (V), yaw rate (r) and, ro ll angle ().The input of the model is the steering angle on the front tires. Also the continuum mass of the vehicle is modelled by three lu mped masses which are front and rear unsprung masses (M uf, M ur) and sprung mass (M s ) so the entire vehicle mass is: M t =M s + M uf +M ur. (1)

In order to derive the equation of motion a moving reference frame is attached to the vehicle with its origin at the centre of gravity as shown in Figure. Since the coordinate system is attached to the vehicle the inert ia properties of the v ehicle will remain constant Also as the result of symmetry assumption all the products of inertia are ignored .The state variables are assumed t o be lateral velocity yaw rate and roll angle . Using the above assumptions the equations describing the motion are:

, , Where: ,

(2) (3)


Where, Ms is the sprung mass, which is the mass supported by the vehicle suspension , ( Ixx )is the sprung mass mo ment of inertia about longitudinal axis (x), (Izz )is the mo ment of inert ia of the entire vehicle about vertical axis (z), K and C are roll stiffness and roll damping coefficient of suspensions respectively ( h s )is the vertical distance of CG fro m the roll axis, a and b are the distances of the front and rear axles fro m CG ,u is the longitudinal speed of the vehicle which is constant in vehicle maneuvers and Fyfr, Fy fl , Fyrr, Fyrl are the tire cornering fo rces of front right front left rear right and rear left respectively.

Figure 2 .Vehicle Model

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||December || 2012||||

Page 264

I nternational Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( Vol. 2 Issue. 8

The cornering force of a tire is main ly dependent on the slip angle vertica l load longitudinal slip and camber angle of that tire. In this paper a tire model in wh ich the cornering force of the tire is a function of the cornering stiffness vertical load slip angle and longitudinal slip has been used and the effects of camber angle and align ing mo ments are ignored. In order to compute tire forces the slip angles of the tire should be calculated as below:




(8) Where is the steer angle as the input of the model and t f , tr are the front and rear tread widths of the vehicle respectively. 3.1 Lateral load for its effects: Also, for obtaining the lateral load transfer some equations to describe vertical forces on each tire have been written. In this concept lateral load transfer is assumed to be the result of three phenomena which are body roll, roll centre height and unsprung mass. Lateral load transfer, due to body roll, is an follows:


(10) Where kf and kr are the front and rear roll stiffness and a y is the lateral accelerat ion Which is given as:

(11) Lateral load transfer, due to roll center height, is as follows:


(13) Where h f and h r are the front and rear roll center heights respectively. And lateral load transfer,due to unsprung masses, is :
||Issn 2250-3005(online)|| ||December || 2012|||| Page 265

I nternational Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( Vol. 2 Issue. 8


(15) The vertical load on each tire can be described by the follo wing equation s :




(19) Where W f and W r are the static load distribution on the front and rear axles and can be computed by the following equations:

(20) (21) 3.2 Lateral Force and Tire Slip Angle: While cornering, a vehicle undergoes lateral acceleration. As the tires provide the only contact of the vehicle with the road, they must develop forces which result in this lateral acceleration . When a steering input is given, the successive treads of the tires that come in contact with the road are displaced laterally with respect to the treads already in contact with the road. Thus an angle is created between the angle of heading and the direction of travel of the tire. This angle is known as the tire slip angle which gives an estimate of t wist of the treads of the tire. It can also be defined as the ratio of the lateral and forward ve locit ies of the wheel. The twisted treads try to get back to their original positions, thus producing the force required for lateral accelerat ion. This force is known as the Lateral Force (Fy ) or the Cornering Force. At a given load, the cornering force grows with slip angle. At low slip angles (5 degrees or less) the relationship is linear. In this region, cornering force is often described as F y =C. The proportionality constant C is known as cornering stiffness and is defined as the slope of the curve for F y versus at = 0.

Figure 3. Three Degree of Freedom Automobile Model Since the stability control system has the ability to affect the vehicles attitude and motion, a function normally reserved for the driver, it needs to accurately interpret what the driver intends for the vehicle motion in order to provide added directional control (within physical limitations) as a drivers aid. Resp onsiveness, consistency, and smoothness are essential for a drivers confidence and comfort with the system. These are the guiding principles for our develop ment. A driver typically exp resses directional intent through the steering wheel. The angular posit ion of the steering wheel is the first measure of driver intent.

||Issn 2250-3005(online)||

||December || 2012||||

Page 266

I nternational Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( Vol. 2 Issue. 8

4. Simulation RESULTS:
The below shown figure indicates the model which is to be simulated for the estimation of vehicle dynamics and its handling. The model shown below is ADAMS/CA R generated model:

Figure 4. ADAMS/CAR and Full Vehicle Analysis

With reference to the car model here fu ll vehicle analysis is to b e carried out. Certain g raphs are discussed here.The graph shown here is angular v/s time for the rolling motion of vehicle chassis at speed of 40, 80 and, 120 km/hr.

Figure 5. Angular accelerati on v/s ti me for Roll

Figure 6. Angular accelerati on v/s ti me for Pi tch

Figure 7.Angular accelerati on v/s ti me for Yaw

Figure 8.Angul ar accelerati on v/s time for lateral acceleration

Figure 9.Chassis velocity v/s time for lateral

Figure 10.Angul ar Velocity v/s ti me for Roll

||Issn 2250-3005(online)||

||December || 2012||||

Page 267

I nternational Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( Vol. 2 Issue. 8

Here the lateral effect on vehicle handling is shown over here and its effects to yaw, roll and, pitch is mentioned:In scenario (a), yaw rate gain is reduced further than lateral acceleration gain. In order to accommodate the changes in both la teral acceleration and yaw rate, the radius of the path must increase and so the vehicle has a period of adjustment to a new, wider line in the curve. Most drivers notice this and instinctively reduce vehicle speed to restore the desired path over the ground. If uncompensated, it leads to a vehicle departing the course (road, track, etc.) in an attitude that is basically forwards. This is by far the most common behaviour for road vehicles .In scenario (b), lateral acceleration and yaw rate gain change in some connected manner and the vehicle will maintain course although it might need some mo dificat ion to steering input. Excess speed for a curve will lead to the vehicle running wide but with no sense of turning out of the curve. Such a vehicle generally feels b enign although the progressive departure can mean it is un noticed by inattentive drivers.In scenario (c), lateral acceleration gain reduces more than yaw rate gain. This leads to an over-rotation of the vehicle when viewed in plan. Depending on the severity of the mis match, the change may lead to a spin out of the curve. From inside the vehicle th ere is a pronounced sense of the rear end of the vehicle departing first but objectively the vehicle may not actually oversteer in the classical may simply mo ve towards neutrality. Vehicles that preserve yaw rate gain as they lose linearity are widely regarded as fun to drive and sporty.

4.1 Yaw, Rate and angular Accelerati on The vehicle is driven at known speeds, on a pre- marked course. Hence, by knowing the trajectory of the curve and speed of the vehicle, the yaw rate and lateral accelerat ion is calcu lated.

5. Conclusion
This paper aimed at estimating the dynamic parameters like ro ll, yaw, p itch and side slip angle in front -wheel steered, rear-wheel driven four wheeled vehicles. Side slip angle cannot be measured directly; hence estimation has been built to calculate side slip angle fro m measurable variables. A model was constructed in ADAMS/CAR to predict this variable for a candidate set of test conditions. Since the predictions of the ADAMS/CAR model were found to be in reasonable agreement with the experimental results reported in literature, it can be conclude that the three degree -of-freedom model provides good prediction capabilities for estimat ion of vehicle dynamics.

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||December || 2012||||

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