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Prophetic Protocol

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The main purpose of prophetic ministry is to EDIFY, EXHORT, and COMFORT, {to build up, stir up, and cheer up.} 1Co 14:3 But one who prophesies speaks to men for edification and exhortation and consolation. Prophetic ministry IS NOT YOUR OPINION, nor should it be harsh, pushy, controlling, critical, or manipulative. 1Th 5:11a Therefore encourage one another and build up one another,

Eph 4:15 but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, The individual receiving prophetic ministry should leave with hope, and a positive outlook concerning the word of God delivered to them. Prophetic ministry that is of any significant weight (importance) and length should always be recorded! This is both for the safety of the minister and the recipient. Sometimes people can forget and/or misunderstand the message and great problems can arise from misunderstandings. PLEASE do not take this lightly! THINGS NOT TO DO: 1. DONT PROPHESY NEGATIVITY. Example: You have a dark cloud over your life, I see it over youor the enemy is trying to take you out, I see a large snake reaching down from a tree and its trying to sneak up and choke the life out of you Prophesying negativity can lead to hopelessness, fear, and dread. Correctly PRESENTING revelation is critical. 2. DONT PROPHESY JUDGMENT OR CONSEQUENCE ICor 14:3 makes it clear that judgment and consequence is not the purpose of prophetic ministry! Some, not truly understanding the Old Covenant, including the callings and nature of the prophets during that time feel they have the freedom and responsibility to rebuke and punish. However, regardless of anyones opinion and or understanding of the Old Covenant, we are now under the New Covenant. Only the mature Apostle and or Prophet should enter into, and expect to be led by God into the tender

territory of prophesying judgment and consequences! If judgment and/or consequence is released during the personal prophetic ministry time there is a good chance it isnt inspired by the Holy Spirit. It may indeed be the immaturity of the prophetic minister. Correct revelation doesnt equal proper delivery or presentation. Jas 4:11-12 Do not speak against one another, brethren. He who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks against the law and judges the law; but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge of it. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; but who are you who judge your neighbor? Rom 14:12-13 So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this--not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brother's way. PROPHETIC MINISTRY TIME SHOULD NOT BE PERCEIVED AS AND/OR USED AS AN OPPORTUNITY TO CORRECT. Correction should be Spirit led and only handled by Pastoral leadership, not something initiated from personal opinion and perspective. Its unlikely that the prophetic ministry time is where God would choose to release His correction, especially if that persons leadership is not present, unaware, or wouldnt approve. Its is error to believe that Gods opinion is OUR opinion! Or our perspective is Gods perspective!

Gal 6:1 Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted. 3. DONT GIVE PROPHECIES CONCERNING MARRIAGE (especially who to marry or to divorce) Our understanding of the revelations we receive can at times be very limited and obscure, therefore we can make mistakes! 1Co 13:9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part; If we proclaim something from God that isnt correct relating issues of such great importance such as who to marry and or not marry, the timing and locations, we may unintentionally contribute to great upheaval and hardships in the lives of whom we are ministering. *If permission is granted to the prophetic minister by Church leadership then releasing revelation to the single person who desires marriage is OK. However, great caution should be taken! This is a very sensitive area to those who long for marriage. (Ministry should definitely be recorded)

3 4. DONT GIVE PROPHECIES CONCERNING THE LEAVING OR CHANGING OF JOBS/EMPLOYMENT If we proclaim something from God that isnt correct relating issues of such great importance we can unintentionally contribute to great upheaval and hardships into the lives of whom we are ministering.

5. DONT GIVE PROPHECIES CONCERNING GEOGRAPHICAL MOVES (SELLING HOUSE, MOVING SOMEPLACE ELSE) If we proclaim something from God that isnt correct relating issues of such great importance we can unintentionally contribute to great upheaval and hardships into the lives of whom we are ministering. 6. DONT GIVE PROPHECIES CONCERNING MAJOR LIFE DECISIONS (SURGERY, INVESTMENTS, ADDING ON TO A HOUSE, ETC.) If we proclaim something from God that isnt correct relating issues of such great importance we can unintentionally contribute to great upheaval and hardships into the lives of whom we are ministering. 7. DONT GIVE PROPHECIES CONCERNING CHURCH LEADERSHIP POSITIONS (Worship leader, Elder, Deacon, etc.) ESPECIALLY DONT PROPHECY ANYONE INTO THE FIVE-FOLD MINISTRY (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers.) If prophetic words (those that are assumed to be inspired by God) are given to someone about a church leadership position the person to whom the prophetic Word was directed to may immediately go to their pastoral leadership and demand they be promoted or recognized. Things to consider: What if the timing of the fulfillment of this prophetic Word was actually intended by God to be years down the road. What if the fulfillment of this prophetic Word was actually intended by God to take place in another geographical location, in a totally different church, under a completely different pastoral leadership. Think of the consequences if the person was promoted prematurely.

4 What if the person got angry at their pastoral leadership because the leadership refused to promote them and the person left the church filled with bitterness. What if the person felt rejected after being turned down by their church leadership and then began to hold resentment towards God. In these types of situations it may be best to say I see you have a leadership calling on your life or the Lord says Ive given you a gift of leadership If you feel led to be more specific and maybe you heard the phrase apostle or saw the word prophet then you could consider presenting it this way I see the Lord has given you a prophetic gifting or the Lord says you have a fathers/mothers gift and He has called you to build up the Church Or maybeI see you have an apostolic type of gifting to build up and Father/mother the Body of Christ I am not prophesying you to be an Apostle although the Lord may in His own way direct, and confirm you in that. 8. DONT GIVE TEASING WORDS OR STATEMENTS. Example: God has given me revelation for you but I cant share it with you now youre not ready, or you would really be surprised if you knew what God has planned for you, He has shown me but I cant tell you anything This can cause you to look super-spiritual and make the person to whom you are addressing feel like they arent worthy or that God is saying they are behind, and He is waiting for them to catch up! Consider the results, especially when none of the above is actually true. 9. DONT GIVE PROPHECIES TO CHILDREN/TEENS (under the age of 18 or still at home) WITHOUT THEIR PARENTS BEING PRESENT. The prophecy should be shared first with parents so they can judge the timing, method of delivery, and content of the prophecy. Remember, they are in authority and have both legal and spiritual rights and responsibility for the child/teen. 10. HAVE DISCRETION AND MODESTY IN THE PROPHETIC MINISTRY YOU STEWARD. SPEAK TO WOMEN AS LADIES AND TO MEN AS GENTLEMEN. BE CAREFUL IN YOUR WORDS AND COMMUNICATION IN REGARDS TO SEXUALITY, PERSONAL HEALTH, AND BODY ISSUES. Many of the above listed situations are weighty, and are given from God to seasoned individuals who are either in church leadership, or are recognized by the church leadership as accurate, trustworthy, and credible in their gift and ministry.

5 SOME FINAL WORDS If you experience what you think is revelation from God that falls into any of these categories Take great caution on how you handle it or DONT SPEAK IT, submit it to the leadership and let them judge it and handle the situation. 1Co 14:32 and the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets; 1Co 14:37-40 If anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that the things which I write to you are the Lord's commandment. But if anyone does not recognize this, he is not recognized. Therefore, my brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak in tongues. But all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner.

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