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Using Satellite Altimetry To Detect Ocean Currents: Chad Hammons ASEN 5235

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Using Satellite Altimetry to Detect Ocean Currents

Chad Hammons ASEN 5235

April 25, 2003

Introduction: Oceanography is a very young science, having only been studied for a little over a century. Scientists have already begun to make connections between the ocean and several other important aspects of life on Earth, but these connections are not completely understood as of yet. How the connections were formed, and why they have the effect they do is still being studied. One important aspect of oceanography is the study of ocean currents. Ocean currents have been tied to several important characteristics of the Earths climate system. Connections have been made between long term climate effects and ocean currents as well as short term events such as the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. There are also connections between currents and many kinds of life in the ocean. Ocean currents can be used to track human effects on Earth. Currents can be used to follow the spread of man-made pollution. Deep currents with longer lifetimes can even be used to track long term effects of early nuclear testing. Determining as much as we can about ocean currents will hopefully lead to a further understanding of how our planets climate system works, and may help accuracy of the prediction of weather patterns and long term climate effects.

Geostrophic Ocean Currents: Traditional Techniques There are three main methods that are currently used to detect ocean currents: anchored buoys, floating buoys, and XBT/AXBT. Anchored buoys take the Eulerian approach to fluid flow. The anchored buoys measure flow past a single point, and series of stationary points are used to estimate currents. Unfortunately, anchored buoys are very sparse, so only large scale currents can be resolved with buoy data. Floating buoys take the Lagrangian approach to fluid flow. Floating buoys are deployed with drogues that pull them along with the current. The positions of the floating buoys can be plotted to find the directions and speeds of the currents they are being pulled along with. Floating buoys, like anchored buoys, are sparse, and they must also constantly be redeployed when trying to detect a current in a particular location. Expendable bathyothermographs (XBT) or arial XBT (AXBT) are the third traditional way to measure currents. XBTs are probes that sink through the ocean measuring profiles of salinity, density, and temperature from a single column of water. The data is used to find the height of the column of water between the surface and some reference condition. Then modified versions of the geostrophic current equations presented below are used to find ocean currents. While XBT data is more available than buoy data, XBT probes are still relatively sparse and AXBTs are expensive to deploy.

Geostrophic Current Equations One function form of the geostrophic current equations is given by (1).

(1) where x & u are the position and velocity along track, y & v are the position and velocity cross track (of interest), f is a latitude correction term, and Ah & Av are friction coefficients. Ignoring friction and flux terms gives a simplified version of the equation (2)

(2) Substituting in the hydrostatic equations gives a more useful form of the equations (3) (3) For a more on deriving the geostrophic equations, see reference [1]. Equation (3) shows that the velocity of the current across track is directly proportional to the slope of the sea surface height along track. Equation (3) states that if you can accurate measure sea surface height, then you can accurate measure current velocity. It is this principle that can apply satellite altimetry to oceanography. Satellite Altimetry: A satellite altimeter uses microwave remote sensing to find a range from the satellite to the surface below it. A signal is sent from the satellite and the time delay is measured between when the signal is sent and when a reflected signal is received. This time delay is then corrected for several factors. The

shape factor of the signal is corrected for. The signal is corrected for the fact that ocean wave troughs reflect better than crests. The signal is also is also corrected for electromagnetic delays from the ionosphere. The ionosphere interference is frequency dependent and can be corrected for using a dual channel altimeter. For more on these corrections, see reference [2]. The result of the corrections is a highly accurate measurement of range from the satellite to the surface. The inaccuracies are due to other factors such as orbital error and geoid uncertainty [3]. Orbital Error If the Earth were a point mass free from influence of other objects, then the orbit of any satellite would be a perfect ellipse. Unfortunately, the Earth is a large, three-dimensional object with a distributed mass, and therefore, a distributed gravity field. Since a satellite carrying an altimeter experiences this change in gravity, it is impossible for the altimeter to tell whether a decrease in range is an increase in surface height or a decrease of satellite altitude. TOPEX/Poseidon, the most accurate satellite altimeter mission dedicated to oceanography, uses three methods to compensate for orbital error. First, T/P uses multiple ground-based laser ranging stations that find satellite altitude from a fixed terrestrial point. Second, in between ranging stations, T/P operators use a highly resolved model of the gravity field to predict satellite position. Third, TOPEX is equipped with GPS receivers to determine position relative to the GPS network, and a lot of work has gone into accurate determining position of all satellites in the GPS network.

With all of these corrections, the TOPEX/Poseidon orbital error can be reduced to an error on the order of 2-3 cm. This is greatly reduced compared to other satellite orbital error, which is on the order of 15-20 cm. Geoid Error The Geoid is defined as the equipotential surface that water would conform to if the Earth stopped spinning and the ocean was allowed to settle [4]. The Geoid is formed by changes in the gravity field caused by features of the Earths surface, such as ocean trenches, ridges, etc. The geoid can be a major source of error since it can vary by as much as +/- 100 m rms from the reference ellipsoid (surface of earth if the earth were a perfectly smooth ellipsoid) [3]. Accurately determining the geoid requires very accurate measurements of gravity fields. Several sources say measuring the geoid will require a dedicated gravimetric mission to be flown. For more information, see the future work section of this paper. Correcting for Error There are several ways to try to compensate for uncertainty. The first is to put a satellite into an exact repeat ground track. This means that the satellite will exactly cover the same ground track in a certain amount of time. If the data taken from the satellite spans enough time, an assumption can be made that currents will have moved around enough that the average of all the range data for a particular place in the ocean will result in a mean sea surface height for that place. Using that mean SSH, the altimeter can then accurately measure deviations from that mean, called the anomaly.

Almost every sea surface model currently uses numerical models to find absolute currents in the ocean [2]. These numerical models require accurate initial conditions of several variables to start the model, and then anomaly data is constantly fed into the model to correct it. Validation is difficult for numerical models given the sparse nature of buoy and XBT data, but the models are constantly validated against all available methods of current detection. Disadvantages There are several disadvantages to using satellite altimetry data to find ocean currents. First, satellite altimetry currently can not detect steady, unchanging currents in the ocean. Any topography caused by constant, consistent currents would be incorporated into mean sea surface height measurements. Second, validation of ocean currents detected by satellite altimetry is difficult. As mentioned before, buoy data is sparse, and can only be used to validate either a single position in the ocean, or a single streamline of a single current. XBTs are only deployed from certain ships which usually travel the same shipping lanes, so that there may be enough XBT data for verification in a small location, XBT data for large scale currents is usually just as sparse as buoy data. The disadvantages can be compensated for in different ways. Longer time scale data help detect constant currents. Very few currents remain unchanged over very long time periods. The longer the time scale used to find the mean SSH, the better the accuracy will be. Validation of a single satellite

pass can occasionally be made by deploying AXBTs along a single ground track of the satellite. Unfortunately, this is a relatively expensive procedure, and cannot be repeated often. Results: The result of applying numerical models to satellite altimetry data comes in the form of graphs of ocean currents estimated from sea surface height. Pictures (1) and (2) show processed results of TOPEX/ERS-2 data for the Gulf Stream current and the Gulf of Mexico, respectively, for April 23, 2003.

Picture (1) Gulf Stream Current for April 23, 2003

Picture (2) Gulf of Mexico Current for April 23, 2003

Future Work: There are two main areas for future work in using satellite altimetry to detect ocean currents. First, an accurate measurement of the geoid would allow the measurement of absolute sea surface height. Absolute SSH translates into absolute current velocity, rather than just anomaly measurements that are currently taken. A dedicated gravimetric mission was launched March 17, 2002 with the expressed purpose of accurately and precisely measuring the Earths gravity field. The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission will hopefully provide enough data to accurately determine the geoid. If the geoid

is determined, it can be applied to data already taken to study absolute geostrophic currents from prior years. Until the geoid is determined, reanalyzing old data sets can lead to improved measurements. As the time span of all the data taken increases, a more accurate set of mean measurements can be obtained. These new mean measurements can then be used to reanalyze older data sets to obtain higher accuracy. Reanalysis has led to reductions in error of measured SSH of about 12 cm in some cases [2]. Conclusions: If the connections between ocean currents and the many aspects of life it affects are to be understood, it will require accurate measurements of ocean currents that are highly resolved, both spatially and temporally. Due to the limitations on buoy and XBT data, satellite altimetry methods appear to be most promising. With missions underway to improve our estimations of the Earths gravity fields and to accurately determine the geoid, future researchers could find satellite altimetry data that can detect absolute geostrophic ocean currents. Once satellite altimetry methods reach that point, they will become an incredibly powerful tool for oceanographers.


References: [1] Emery, W, Physical Oceanography [2] Kantha, L, and C Clayson, Numerical Models of Oceans and Oceanic Processes, Academic Press, 1999. [3] Ikeda, M. and F. Dobson, Oceanographic Applications of Remote Sensing, CRC Press, 1995. [4] Lee-Lueng, F, and A Cazenave, Satellite Altimetry and Earth Sciences, Academic Press, 2001.


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