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Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 465-466

Paper Title Page

Abstract: This work presents a newapproach for nonlinear system identification of floating structures using time-varyingautoregressive with exogenous input (TVARX)–based Volterra model. This methodutilizes time series of measured wave heights as system input and surge motionas system output. Solution to the proposed approach is also proposed via Kalmansmoother algorithm. The efficacy of the proposed method is then applied in ascaled 1:100 model of a prototype truss spar. It is shown that surge motionobtained from the identification results has good agreement with theexperimental results either in time or frequency domain
Abstract: This Report Describe the Development of a New Polymer Nano-Composite Material that Tobe Used as an Altenative Material for Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Process. this New Type Ofpolymer Nano-Composites is a Mixture of Polycaprolactone (PCL) as a Main Resin, Montmorillonite(MMT) and Hydroxyapatite (HA) as a Filler. the Compunding Process is Done Using Single Screwextruder Nanomixer Machine. then the Compounded Polymer Nano-Composites is Crushed and Fedinto Single Screw Extruder which is Design to Produce a Filament. A Polymer Nano-Compositesfilament with 1.7 Mm of was Successfully Produced by Assisted of Water Bath and Puller Machine.The Temperature Setting for Heater 1, Heater 2, Heater 3 and Heater 4 on Extruder Machine Are78°C, 114°C, 113°C, and 79°C Respectively. the Spindle Speed for Extruder Machine was Set to 3.0Hz, while the Puller Machine Speed is 2.5%.
Abstract: In recent years, the high speed railway vehicle dynamics performances have been studied and investigated in order to determine the ride comfort of the passengers. Most of the time, these researches were involving expensive and high end technology of data logging system to record and analyze the data. In this research, a low cost data logging system (Lego Mindstorms) is used to gather the data from accelerometer and gyro during experimentation. The study about the behaviour of railway vehicle in term of roll and vibrations at three perpendicular axes during running at the curve track is performed. Actual field run of railway vehicle data collection is performed on the available high speed railway vehicle operating from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) to the Kuala Lumpur (KL) Sentral. The route selected consists of several curves which are important to study the dynamics performance of the vehicle. The results from experiment establishes the dynamics performances of the railway vehicle in term of passengers ride comfort. With the availability of the data logging system and sensors, the railway vehicle dynamics performance can be analyzed and monitored for future improvement of railway vehicle service and operation.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of radiofrequency procedure, the main components of the procedure, critical issue concern with existing cannula design and proposed methodology in design and enhancement. The literature on radiofrequency procedure has been reviewed. The main issue or problem in existing design related to placement of cannula to target nerves which are ability to firmly hold the cannula and adjustment of the cannula to the target nerve. This study proposes the fabrication prototype cannula hub using Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) machine. Essentially, this study may benefit a lot in providing alternative design of the cannula hub while promising a better performance of RF cannula.
Abstract: Topology optimization deals with optimum material (mass) distribution within a design domain to find optimal lay-out of a structure subjected to certain boundary and loading conditions. Topology optimization can be used to address conflicting requirements, such as light weight and high-strength/stiffness design. In this paper, a simulation program to analyze topology optimization of beam structures with seven different end conditions and three types of loads (single point load, two point loads and uniformly distributed load) is developed using MATLAB code adapted from Sigmunds 99 line topology optimization code. Furthermore, the program has been enhanced with a graphical user interface for ease of use. Using the developed system, it is possible to analyze the effect of different parameters.
Abstract: Additional of fillers such as silica (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3), zinc oxide (ZnO), Zirconium carbide ( ZrC) and Zirconia (ZrO2) would affect the properties of the polysiloxane sheet, that can be applied in various applications. Polysiloxane sheet composites are largely use today with various materials as fillers. The fabrication techniques of the polysiloxane composite sheets include micro-moulding, casting moulding and injection moulding. Application of different fabricating process, physical and mechanical properties of polysiloxane sheet composites. Thus, this paper complies various studies with regards to the various properties of polysiloxane sheet composites established by incorporation of different fabrication technique and fillers.
Abstract: The risk of injuries and fatalities is severe when bus superstructure fails during rollover accidents. This study deals with two stages of analyses which are superstructure strength having rollover analysis and occupants kinematic analysis. The validation process by correlating the strain results obtained from simple box rollover and simulation process done. The inputs from validation process had been used for full-scale bus superstructure rollover. A complete bus structure was developed and simulation was done according to the United Nation Economic Commission of Europe (UNECE) regulation 66 by utilizing finite element analysis software. Injury to occupant at various locations was studied as well as comparison study between belt occupant and unbelted occupants by using the Mathematical Dynamic Model (MADYMO) software. Analysis suggested that superstructure strength and occupant kinematics consideration can reduce fatality and serious injury in bus rollover accident.
Abstract: Compliant mechanism is a new design approach on industry, particularly on product development, which reducing cost, development time and introduction of new quality components. This paper is focusing on the application of compliant mechanism concept on car wiper by using shape optimization method to get optimum compliant design of wiper. Reverse engineering has been used to gather dimensional data in order to model the actual wiper as datum. Compliant wiper designs are developed by replacing the joints at datum wiper; hence the components of wiper were reduced to become single part only. The shape of compliant wiper then was optimized by using ASNYS to get the optimal compliant design. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was done on both datum and compliant wipers to examine the results. Simple physical and functional testing has been conducted to validate the functionality of compliant wiper. Based on the FEA results and simple testing, the compliant mechanism is able to be implemented at car wiper.
Abstract: Demand on High Speed Craft (HSC) is increasing due to development of inland transportation. Research of advanced HSC have been in good progress as the design characteristics of the vessel have much to be discovered. One of the important analyses for HSC is hydrodynamic analysis which includes resistance analysis to maintain good performance with low fuel consumption. In this paper, resistance and flow pattern of one type of HSC, Semi-Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull (SWATH) with advanced design is analyzed. In current research, Computational simulation using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) is performed with RANSE code in order to obtain catamaran performance in resistance. Therefore, the accuracy of CFD for Semi-SWATH is analyzed by comparing the simulation result with experimental result in both catamaran and SWATH mode. Volume of Fluid (VOF) Method is applied to analysis the effect of free surface on the twin hull. For both configurations, the investigation was conducted on the hull form with constant separation length and at different Froude Number from 0.31 to 0.68. The results were compared to available experimental results which were conducted in towing tank at UTM Marine Technology Center.

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