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Free Rasalhague Republic

Crest of Free Rasalhague Republic
Free Rasalhague Republic
State Profile
Founding Year 13 March 3034[citation needed]
Dissolution year: c. 3070s[citation needed]
Capital world: Rasalhague[citation needed]
Controlled system(s): 84 in 3050
7 after 3052
Head of State Elected Prince[1]
Civilian Intelligence Rasalhague Internal Intelligence Agency (RIIA)[2]
Army Royal Rasalhague Army (KungsArmé)[citation needed]
Military Intelligence Mimir[citation needed]

The Free Rasalhague Republic was a nation that arose in the aftermath of the Fourth Succession War when the Draconis Combine granted freedom to its seditious Rasalhague Military District. The young nation enjoyed less than two decades of independence before being almost totally overrun by the Clans during Operation REVIVAL. A rump state of seven worlds existed as a de facto ComStar protectorate until the 3070s when it chose to merge with its brethren in the Ghost Bear Dominion, a fusion which ultimately led to the founding of a hybrid Clan-Inner Sphere nation known as the Rasalhague Dominion in 3103.[citation needed]


In the late twenty-third century, largely Scandinavian peoples wished to escape crushing Terran taxes and colonized the world of Rasalhague and several surrounding worlds. Thus was founded the Rasalhague Consortium, each world ruled by a varlherren, joined by powerful and wealthy families. Soon the Consortium morphed into the Principality of Rasalhague. The Principality was largely isolationist and neutral in the wars surrounding it, but eventually came to the attention of their expansionist neighbor, the Draconis Combine.[1]

Early History[edit]

In 2330, House Kurita's Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery invaded the Principality of Rasalhague, subduing it after enduring more than three decades of guerrilla war. The Rasalhague Military District remained the most restive province of the Combine as its original Scandinavian inhabitants resisted assimilation into the Japanese-dominated culture of their Kuritan conquerors. In 3004, a Rasalhagian bodyguard assassinated Coordinator Hohiro Kurita. During the Fourth Succession War, many Rasalhagians greeted the Lyran Commonwealth troops as liberators and helped them to capture many Rasalhague worlds before the war's end in 3030. However, Lyran Duke Selvin Kelswa wanted to retain the conquered planets in his Tamar Pact, and his heavy-handed treatment of their people thoroughly alienated them.


Following the Fourth Succession War, the Draconis Combine found itself in a precarious position. Poor leadership had led to significant losses, and the Combine could no longer ignore its outdated equipment and battle doctrines. The only notable successes had come from Gunji-no-Kanrei Theodore Kurita's reformed military units, elevating him to the status of a war hero and creating a leadership crisis within House Kurita. Meanwhile, with Hanse Davion having decisively defeated the Capellan Confederation, the Combine was the next likely target and needed to prepare urgently.[citation needed]

It was at this time that Comstar's Primus Waterly, decided to launch his Operation ROSEBUD. A plan that had several reasons for pursuing, in that Waterly believed that the more splintered the Inner Sphere became, the easier it would become for ComStar to push its agenda. Waterly was bitterly opposed to the Federated Commonwealth alliance, which she saw as a threat to a renewed Star League formed under ComStar. She recognized that by creating a buffer state between the Lyran half of the Commonwealth and much of the Combine, it would free the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery to defend a significantly smaller border in any future war against Hanse Davion. Waterly even believed that the creation of a new state might lead to the secession of the Isle of Skye, an event that would effectively sever the two halves of the new superstate.[3] Waterly brought her proposal to Dieron on September 3030 to Coordinator Takashi Kurita and instantly rejected. Unphased, Waterly then met with Takashi's Heir-designate, the war hero Theodore Kurita to propose the same.[4][3][5][6]

In exchange for granting independence to the Rasalhague Military District, forming the Free Rasalhague Republic, ComStar would clandestinely supply the Combine with much-needed military hardware, including BattleMechs. In addition, Theodore would receive ROM intelligence on enemy troop movements, preferential rates on interstellar HPG transmissions, the transfer of the contracts of several mercenary units, and finally the posting of Com Guard forces within Combine borders. Theodore tentatively agreed, bypassing his father.[3][4]

Waterly then had to convince the First Circuit to accept the arrangement. She did so by assuring them that all mothballed Star League-era equipment would be stripped of lostech, the advanced military equipment used by the Star League Defense Force. She also claimed that the Com Guard troops would only serve to protect innocent civilians, and would not act as the aggressor.[7]

In 14 March 3034, the Draconis Combine recognized the creation of the Free Rasalhague Republic. The Archon Katrina Steiner of the Lyran Commonwealth was likewise obligated to surrender the worlds they had taken from the Rasalhague District, despite the strenuous objections of Duke Selvin Kelswa III, leader of the Tamar Pact, among others.[8]

Ronin War[edit]

"The Dragon devours its own brood," an insignia often associated with the Ronin (apocryphal)

Warlords Marcus Kurita and Vasily Cherenkoff openly revolted against the move. Many in DCMS refused to acknowledge the Republic's independence, having fought to defend these worlds in the Fourth Succession War. Some cited concerns for the safety of the population of the worlds that were ceded. Disobeying orders, these forces remained in what was the Rasalhague Military District. This would trigger the Ronin War, with these elements of the DCMS loyal to Marcus and Cherenkoff fighting against the nascent Republic KungsArmé and loyal DCMS elements under the command of the Kanrei.[7]

To uphold the Combine's honor, Theodore Kurita declared these renegades ronin (masterless warriors). The ronin uprising was a significant threat to the Free Rasalhague Republic. The inexperienced KungsArmé struggled against veteran ronin forces, and mercenaries hired under poorly worded contracts largely avoided combat while still collecting pay. This exploitation fostered long-term resentment toward mercenaries within the Republic. Even honorable units like the Kell Hounds, uninvolved in the Ronin Wars, were not exempt from this negative perception.[citation needed]

By May 3034, the Combine had gathered sufficient evidence linking Marcus Kurita to the uprising. Kanrei Theodore Kurita publicly denounced the ronin and called for their surrender, leading some to lay down arms. Shortly afterward, the Free Rasalhague Republic formally requested the Draconis Combine’s assistance in quelling the rebellion. With the consent of Elected Prince Haakon Magnusson, Theodore Kurita personally led several loyal DCMS regiments into the Republic.[9]

Battles between ronin and loyal DCMS forces were fierce, as the loyalists viewed the rebels' actions as deeply dishonorable. By 3035, all DCMS forces had withdrawn to the newly established Alshain Military District, having successfully eliminated the last of the ronin.[citation needed]

Clan Invasion[edit]

However, the gravest threat to Free Rasalhague's precarious independence would come not from these two great powers, but the unexpected Clan invasion of the Inner Sphere. By the time the Clan advance was halted in 3052, most of the FRR was overrun by Clan Wolf and Clan Ghost Bear. The rump state that survived became a virtual protectorate of ComStar.[citation needed]

On 21 August 3070, Ragnar Magnusson spoke to the Free Rasalhague Republic government on Orestes; acting on behalf of Clan Ghost Bear and the Ghost Bear Dominion, Magnusson launched what would become a series of negotiations to reach an accord for "all Rasalhagian peoples."[10] Meanwhile, the Ghost Bears pursued good relations with their subjects, creating the Ghost Bear Dominion. In 3103, the holdout Free Rasalhague Republic merged with the Ghost Bears to form the Rasalhague Dominion.[citation needed]


The Free Rasalhague Republic is governed using a system unique to the Inner Sphere and is directly descended from the government of the old Principality of Rasalhague. All positions of power and responsibility are either directly or indirectly elected by the people, even to the Nobles and the Prince of the realm. Express limits on term length and the number of terms the candidate may serve are outlined either in the FRR Constitution or the constitutions of the constituent worlds. No position is hereditary unless the son of the current holder impresses the electorate and is raised to the parent's position.[11]

The Riksforestandare, or Prince, is the political head of the Republic, the Commander-in-Chief of the Rasalhague KungsArmé, and the Chancellor of the Riksbank which acts as the government's financial arm.[12] The candidate for Prince must be a Member of Parliament and must have the support of at least three-fourths of his fellow parliamentarians to be elected. The people of Rasalhague do not directly elect a Prince, but they do have the opportunity to express their approval or disapproval of the available candidates in a nonbinding referendum that occurs in the weeks before the Parliament casts its vote. The successful candidate holds the office for a term of ten years and is limited by law to two terms. Additionally, the Prince has the Royal cabinet to advise him on events that would affect the Republic. This cabinet is comprised of the heads of each of the major government departments.[11] During his term in office the Prince's official home is the KungsPalace in the city of Reykjavik on Rasalhague itself, as well as the use of many other homes throughout the Republic including a beautiful manor at Molnlycke.[12]

Prince Haakon Magnusson traces his lineage to the original rulers of the Rasalhague in the twenty-third century as well as the legendary Norse kings of ancient Terra. Some fear that he may attempt to overturn the constitutional limits on the office of Prince in an attempt to make the title hereditary. He has also made a habit of inviting close friends to Cabinet meetings so that he can elicit their input on governmental policy decisions.[11]

The other Nobles of the realm have similar limitations on their terms and powers. The Valdherres (World Leaders) and Hertigs (Dukes) are positions in the government rather than traditional hereditary titles. Holders of these positions can lose them as easily as they earned them.[11]

The Valdherres are appointed world leaders and their terms of service vary depending on the constitutions of the worlds they govern. They are assisted in their duties by the Hertig, which are directly elected by the people of the worlds they serve. The Hertig have no specific duties other than assisting the Valdherres and attending sessions of the Riksdag.[11]

The Riksdag is the Parliament of the Republic. It is separated into four Estates, each of which has a specific set of responsibilities.[11]

The First Estate is comprised of the Valdherres and the Hertigs. The leader of this Estate is the Landtmarskalk, or Marshal of the Lands. It is his responsibility to set the agenda to be considered by the Riksdag as a whole. As such it is the second most powerful position in the Republic behind the Prince.[11]

The Second Estate is composed of the Planetary Representatives. These officials are elected by the disparate worlds of the Republic to ten-year terms of office, which gives rise to its unofficial though popular designation of the Peoples Parliament. Each world elects five representatives to send to this Estate.[11]

The Third Estate representatives are the leading clergy of the major religions within the FRR. This Estate historically follows the lead of the Second Estate when it comes to decisions regarding policy or finances, though they will take the lead regarding the moral, spiritual, or social issues affecting the Republic.[11]

The Fourth Estate is the province of the Republic's most important business leaders. The representatives are invited from a pool of individuals whose businesses have a net worth of greater than 100 Million R-Bills or own more than 10,000 hectares of land.[11]

It is the duty of the First and Second Estates to draft the bills that are presented to the Riksdag as a whole to consider and vote upon. To become law, the presented bill must be passed by three of the four Estates and then signed by the sitting Prince. A veto by the Prince may be overturned if the legislation is passed by all four of the Estates.[11]

Meetings of the Riksdag are scheduled to begin on January 1st of each year and last until at least July 1st. However, in times of crisis, these sessions may be extended or convened outside the scheduled times. The home of the Riksdag is the Palace Hall on Rasalhague.[11]

Provincial Riksdags are similarly organized and meet on the planets Skandia, Radstadt, and Rasalhague to address issues of less national import.[11]


Born and tested by war and rebellion, the Free Rasalhague Republic treads a fine line in the politics of the Inner Sphere. The Prince must balance the needs of his state against pressure from the two great nations that lie along his borders. The neutrality that was the byword of the Principality of Rasalhague is the professed goal of the current government, but it is a neutrality that must be measured against the political demands of the leadership of the Draconis Combine and the Lyran Commonwealth.[13]

Prince Magnusson, first Prince of the new Free Rasalhague Republic (FRR), is a shrewd politician known for being careful to not anger any of the multiple special interest groups that reside within the FRR. He has formed a government that professes to represent all aspects of Rasalhague's identity but lacks in number many of the Tyr that resided on the worlds conquered by House Steiner. The positions of power have been given to those that he knows and trusts. One such staunch supporter from the ex-Draconis planets is Tor Miraborg, Military Commander of the Radstadt Province and Valdherre of Gunzburg. This disparity of representation has been perceived by some as a snub and in response a party has been created of those so disaffected, the Motsatt Stalining Parti, or Motpart for short.[13]

The Motpart consists of members of the Riksdag who oppose the Prince, either on principle for his policies or in reaction to his perceived treatment of the Tyr from the conquered Lyran worlds. The leader of this party is General Christian Månsdottir, first leader of the Tyr BattleMech Regiment.[13]

General Månsdottir, until he won the right to lead the Tyr Regiment, was an officer of the LCAF. He was viewed by many as the logical leader of the new Rasalhague nation until Magnussen came forth with the treaty from the Draconis Combine that caused the initial impetus for the creation of the Free Rasalhague Republic. Though thwarted in his desire to become the new nation's Prince, the fame he won as a regimental commander made him a man who could not be ignored by the new government. The Prince appointed Månsdottir as overall commander of the KungsArmé and the Riksdag appointed him to the office of Landtmarskalk in 3042.[13]

The main difference between the ruling party and the Motpart lies in their attitudes towards the governments on either side of them. The ruling party wishes to appease all and tread lightly, while the Motpart would prefer to distance themselves from the giants to either side. The Motpart specifically distrusts the motives of the Draconis Combine and fears the Kuritans will one day return to conquer the worlds they ceded. The Motpart advocates a stronger military and seeks to pursue closer ties with the Federated Commonwealth, even if this would anger and possibly provoke their Kuritan neighbors.[13]

Internally, the FRR is divided into three provinces named after their capital worlds, Skandia, Radstadt, and Rasalhague. The policies of each of these provinces, and even the worlds within, vary widely from region to region and from one world to another. Many of the Military Governors that are assigned to these worlds have become Valdherres, though some continue to hold power by suppressing the local civilian governments.[11][13]

The political reality of the FRR is that of a man on a tightrope over a bed of broken glass. The Prince must balance the needs of his people with the reality that his decisions may cause issues with his larger and more powerful neighbors. The vaunted neutrality that is so precious to the people of Rasalhague must be balanced on the perceptions of the warlike leaders that populate the other nations of the Inner Sphere[13]

Rasalhague KungsArmé (Royal Rasalhague Army)[edit]

As of 3050, the KungsArmé had the capability to field almost 150 regiments of BattleMech, Armor, and Infantry as well as ultimate command of 62 local Militia Regiments and five Mercenary BattleMech units.[13] The total number could be further broken down into 15 BattleMech regiments, 32 combat vehicle regiments, and 97 infantry regiments (including 50 mechanized).[14]

The organization of the KungsArmé was patterned after the LCAF, with twelve departments that are headquartered in the Citadel, a large military complex on Rasalhague established under the old Principality and later expanded by the Draconis Combine as the headquarters of their Rasalhague Military District.[14] The Citadel had a fully equipped satellite command headquarters based in the capitals of each of the Provinces.[13]

Twelve departments were responsible for the day-to-day operations of the KungsArmé. These were the Command Council, Administration, Medical Corps, Warriors' Ombudsmen, Mercenary Relations, Reservist Readiness, Strategy and Tactics, Intelligence, Transportation, Justice, Quartermaster, and Military Education departments.[13][14]

The Chief of Staff of the Command Council and Provincial Commander of the Rasalhague Province was General Christian Månsdottir. The Prince was the Överbefälhavare, or Commander in Chief, though Prince Magnusson did not take an active interest in military concerns or decisions. Each of the Provinces also had a regional commander responsible for military decisions within their jurisdiction. These seconds were Generalmajor Margrethe Minuit of the Skandia Province and General Gustaf Mannerheim in the Radstadt Province.[14]

The actions of units such as Vinson's Vigilantes and the Dragon's Breath did real harm to the psyche of the people of the Republic. While officially operating within their contracts, the general distrust of the profession persisted for decades after the Republic's birth. Mercenaries were officially tolerated in places where the KungsArmé lacked experience or simply the bodies, though their general outlook did suffer precipitously under officers such as General Tor Miraborg.[15] Mercenaries were largely confined to reservations, only permitted to leave with escorts and on official business. Thus the general population is kept away from the hated professional soldiers, though the fact that mercenaries are forced to buy supplies from the locals at exorbitant prices did placate the populace somewhat.[14]


Though the current government has made some mistakes in its economic dealings and policies, its record in dealing with the business community has, on the whole, been remarkable. The Prince has used incentives, such as better pay and conditions for the laborers, hereditary positions for management, and seats on the Riksdag for executives, in particularly successful and critical industries. Tie this to severe penalties for individuals and industries that were unresponsive or resistant to the changes that were being implemented and the result is a carrot-and-stick system that has increased industrial growth and production in the Republic.[16]

Major Industries[edit]

Industry in the FRR is as much a balancing act as the relations between the neighboring giants on either side. Many of the corporations within the FRR are either a subsidiary of a Draconis corporation or have been damaged by the nearly universal fighting.[16]

One such company with split affiliations is Metals of the Earth. MOE is a mining, chemical, and synthetic production conglomerate located on Nox. MOE has done well under the new Republic policies, but half of its production is earmarked for the Combine. The rest has gone a long way towards repairing the war damage on Republic worlds. Though, if all its output could be funneled to war repairs it would go farther and speed up recovery on war-torn worlds.[16]

Another company that has done well in the new corporate environment is Swedenborg Heavy Industries, a manufacturer of heavy industrial robots. Under the Combine, this industry was always in debt and had constant labor unrest, while now the factories have almost tripled output. The company is also contemplating setting up a factory on Kirchbach for either BattleMech or Aerospace production.[16]

Though there have been many successes under the new governmental policies there have also been some failures. One prominent failure is Amau Electronics. Attempts to convert the major production facilities on Trondheim to support military electronics production have met with failure, though it does still produce low-end consumer items. At this time the future of the military production lines at this facility is uncertain and it is unlikely this will change without major investments.[16]

Defense Industry[edit]

The Defense industry in the Republic is healthy if rather limited.

The company of Gorton, Kingsley, and Thorpe Enterprises (GKT) has BattleMech lines running at facilities on New Oslo and plans have been laid to add the production of Archer and Panther 'Mechs at this site. A second factory is being contemplated on Rasalhague but no definitive plans have been released at this time.[16]

The second largest military manufacturer, Benson and Bjorn, has expanded its lines for personal weaponry and armored vehicles on Spittal to handle the increased demands of the Republic. The Axel Mark I and Mark II tanks have been added to the production lines at these facilities. These tanks are internal combustion engine variants of the Lyran Rommel and Patton, and have been a welcome addition to the vehicles available to the KungsArmé and militia forces.[16]

Trade Relations[edit]

Due to the rather unique circumstances facing the FRR, trade relations with other powers in the Inner Sphere are fraught with unintended consequences. The current government pursues an Even Scale Policy in all dealings with either the Lyran Commonwealth or the Draconis Combine. Under this policy, every transaction with one state has to be balanced by a transaction of equal value with the other state. Though simple in concept it has proven to be difficult if not outright impossible in practice. However, considering the records and reports needed to track and monitor all economic traffic, imports, and exports to these two nations has proven to be beyond the capabilities of the bureaucracy to manage.[16]

One interesting feature, as far as the Republic people and government are concerned, is that though this policy has caused issues in trade with their closest neighboring realms; this policy has no impact or limitations on trade with other Inner Sphere nations. This has caused a marked increase in trade traffic with both Free Worlds League and Federated Suns, as well as closer diplomatic ties with these two realms.[16]

Though the close alliance between the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth may cause problems with FedSuns commerce in the future, it currently is not an issue in the mind of the Rasalhague government.[16]


The culture of the Free Rasalhague Republic is an amalgam of the original settlers from the Scandinavian regions of old Terra and the Japanese-dominated culture of the Draconis Combine that conquered them in the early twenty-fourth century. The Combine's attempts to dilute the native culture of the Rasalhague worlds were somewhat successful but failed to completely supplant the local attitudes and culture.[16]

The official language of the Republic is Swedish, but the dominant language of everyday life is a mix of Kurita Japanese and Swedish called Swedenese. This language has slowly evolved from a pidgin amalgam to a fully formed, living language over the years of the Kurita occupation of Rasalhague. Today it is a rich language with a deep history and respectable body of literature. Swedenese is difficult for non-natives to learn as a good foundation in both root languages is a requirement for fluency.[16]

The state religion of the Republic is the Lutheran Church or Radstadt Synod. One-third of the population of the FRR are members of this faith, though other Christian religions, as well as Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism, have substantial numbers of followers as well. The Modern Norse faith, a reinterpretation of the ancient Norse polytheism, is a growing sect and other small minor sects such as the One Star Faith also have a presence.[16]

The short-term goals of the Republic are to simply survive as a nation. The long-term goals involve increasing its military and establishing strong interstellar political alliances so that the FRR is no longer seen as an inviting target of conquest and raiding. Some of the current policies, such as the Even Scale Policy, do little to strengthen the position of the Republic but no change is foreseeable as long as the current leadership is in power. Though a minority, specifically the Motpart, would like to see a change in leadership, their influence is not strong enough to force the Prince to step down before his term of office is complete in 3054. At this time the Republic is surviving and in some ways thriving, though discontent with the current leadership is a constant and slowly growing concern among policy leaders both in and beyond the borders of the Free Rasalhague Republic.[16]

Historical Maps[edit]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Combat Manual: Kurita, pp. 16-17: "The Free Rasalhague Republic"
  2. A Guide to Covert Ops, pp. 72–23
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 ComStar, p. 59
  4. 4.0 4.1 Heir to the Dragon, pp. 217–222
  5. Historical: War of 3039, p. 8
  6. 20 Year Update, p. 64
  7. 7.0 7.1 ComStar, pp. 59–60
  8. Historical: Brush Wars, p. 90
  9. Historical: Brush Wars, pp. 109–110
  10. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 48: "The Jihad In Review"
  11. 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 20 Year Update, p. 47
  12. 12.0 12.1 20 Year Update, p. 46
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 20 Year Update, p. 48
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Combat Manual: Kurita, p. 66: "FRR-KungsArmé"
  15. 20 Year Update, p. 89: "Tor Miraborg profile"
  16. 16.00 16.01 16.02 16.03 16.04 16.05 16.06 16.07 16.08 16.09 16.10 16.11 16.12 16.13 20 Year Update, p. 50
