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Affiliation Mercenary
Parent Command Independent

The GoldMiners was a mercenary unit known to be active in the years immediately prior to the Clan Invasion.[1]


The GoldMiners were one of a number of smaller mercenaries who were paradoxically employed by the Draconis Combine in the 3040's despite Coordinator Takashi Kurita's infamous "Death to Mercenaries" edict. Even with the Combine's public "anti-mercenary" stance, the Coordinator's son and Gunji-no-Kanrei Theodore Kurita held more pragmatic views. Making use of contracts subsidized by ComStar as part of Operation ROSEBUD and secretly routed through Matabushi Incorporated to mask them from the Coordinator and his hardliner supporters, small units of "independent contractors" like the GoldMiners were employed for minor missions such as pirate hunting or garrison duty on interior worlds which would unwittingly place them right in the path of the attacking Clan invaders.[1]

As of March 3052 the GoldMiners were stationed on Mannedorf when the world was attacked by the 304th Assault Cluster of Clan Ghost Bear as part of the fifth wave of Operation REVIVAL. Two of the Cluster's units, the 72nd Assault Trinary and 1st Elemental Support Binary, had won the right to participate in the assault upon the mercenaries, the Ghost Bears having decreed all mercenaries to be honorless dezgra, the bidding for who would destroy them had been fierce.[2]

For their part the GoldMiners prepared a trap in the Silvermain Mines, packing every nook and cranny with all the explosives they could find, intending to bury the Clanners under a pile of rubble. Unbeknownst to the mercenaries, the Ghost Bears had intercepted their communications and knew of the plan; furthermore they knew of a hidden Star League base beneath and behind the mine shafts. Elementals were sent ahead to open the entrance to the base's tunnel network. When the Seventy-second entered the mines the GoldMiners triggered their explosives, which detonated just after the Clan warriors managed to slip to safety through the hidden entrance.[2]

Convinced they had defeated the mighty Clans invaders, the overjoyed GoldMiners emerged from the rear exit only to find the Seventy-second waiting for them, promptly wiping out the mercenaries.[2]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of The Gold Miners


No specific tactics are known for this unit.

Composition History[edit]


A Company of 'Mechs.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Shrapnel Issue 12: "Death to Mercenaries: Rhetoric vs. Reality"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Invading Clans, p. 37: "Clan Ghost Bear - Mannedorf (DC)
