Find all references to year 3083 - One link per entry (See Years Policy)
- June 23rd: The Mjolnir-class battlecruiser LCS Mjolnir arrives in the Inarcs system escorting the First Royal Guards RCT and Second Boland Guards LCT to arrest Duchess Tamari LaRue for treason.
- September: A riot on Cygnus results in the death of 83 people at the hands of Colonial Marshal Lon Donner.
- The Raven Alliance is created between the Outworlds Alliance and Clan Snow Raven.
- The 20th Arcturan Guards and Donegal Jaegers are re-formed using troops and matériel from the 25th Arcturan Guards.
- A petition from the Empire of the Stars enclave on Far Reach sees the Empire of the Stars join the Far Reach Collective.
- An attack on Kendall by the Eighth Regulan Hussars fails.
- The Republic's Military Materiel Redemption Program is launched.
- The Republic's Citizenship Priority Decree is issued.
- Isabelle Fisk is born.
- Morgan Kell dies.
- Tamari LaRue is executed for treason.
- Ari Humphreys is born.
- Gottfried Amirault is born.
- Vladimir Ward is killed while fighting Clan Hell's Horses on Rodigo.
- Ronald Ch'in becomes Loremaster of Clan Wolf.
- The Isegrim assault DropShip is launched for the first time by Clan Wolf-In-Exile on Arc-Royal.
- The Nuberu Anti-Aircraft Tank enters into service with the Raven Alliance.
- The Kinnol Main Battle Tank is approved for production at Aldis Industries on Terra.
- The Poignard Light aerospace fighter begins production in the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth.
- The AXM-6T Axman BattleMech variant is introduced.
- The TiG-40 Foxhound Gunship enters service with the Taurian Concordat.
- The Angerona battle armor is introduced by StarCorps Industries.
- The Gray Death Heavy battle armor is introduced.