Find all references to year 3059 - One link per entry (See Years Policy)
- February: A Trial of Absorption begins between Clan Burrock and Clan Star Adder.
- February 14th: Clan Blood Spirit launches attacks against former Clan Burrock enclaves on Priori and Albion.
- February 27th: Clan Burrock is completely absorbed by Clan Star Adder.
- May 13th: Operation BIRD DOG starts.
- May 20th: The resurrected Star League launches Operation BULLDOG.
- July 1st: The Harvest Trials begin.
- August 13th: Clan Nova Cat defects to the Star League which leads to its Abjurement.
- November 15th: Most Harvest Trials ended.
- December 15th: Task Force Serpent defeats Clan Ghost Bear in the Battle of Trafalgar.
- Kai Allard-Liao leads the 1st St. Ives Lancers during Operation BULLDOG.
- Phelan Kell leads three Clusters against the Sixth Jaguar Dragoons on Labrea as part of Operation BULLDOG.
- Clan Smoke Jaguar forces in the Inner Sphere flee to the Homeworlds.
- February 23rd: Clan Blood Spirit retreats into isolation on York.
- May 1st: Task Force Serpent departs on its journey to Huntress.
- Clan Ghost Bear moves most of its assets to the Inner Sphere.
- Jacob's Juggernauts' contract with the Sarna Supremacy expires.
- Galahad Stables is founded on Solaris VII.
- The DropShip Irregulars mercenary units forms.
- Illegal mining operations extracting rare minerals are established on the Periphery world of New St. Andrews.
- The 4th Falcon Striker Cluster is reassigned to the Omega Galaxy.
- June Galaxy Commander Jin Mehta is killed in combat on Asgard.
- August Galaxy Commander William Perez is killed in combat on Luzerne.
- August 5th: Mikhail Ward is killed in combat with Shin Yodama on Outer Volta.
- Tanala Dyson begins the first of two terms as President of the Periphery world Wynn's Roost.
- Duke George Hasek becomes the regional command director of the Capellan March.
- Alys Rousset-Marik enters Princefield Academy.
- Capellan Confederation introduces the Hyper-Velocity Autocannon/2.
- Capellan Confederation introduces the Hyper-Velocity Autocannon/5.
- Capellan Confederation introduces the Hyper-Velocity Autocannon/10.
- Clan Diamond Shark introduces the 'Mech HarJel System.
- The BattleMech Vibroblade is developed by Draconis Combine engineers.
- The Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth introduce the Mobile Field Base.
- Clan Goliath Scorpion introduces the UMU.
- Clan Star Adder introduces the Heavy Large Laser.
- Clan Star Adder introduces the Heavy Medium Laser.
- Clan Star Adder introduces the Heavy Small Laser.
- Armor-Piercing ammunition for standard autocannons are put into standard production by the Federated Commonwealth.
- Clan Smoke Jaguar creates the Heavy Machine Gun.
- Clan Goliath Scorpion introduces the Undine battle armor.
- Bergan Industries begins full scale production of the Ursus BattleMech.
- Corean Enterprises (MacAdams-Suharno) begins fields testing of the Sirocco BattleMech.
- Malrite Company introduces the new version of the Mosquito Radar Plane.
- Tonbo Superheavy Transport VTOL is secretly deployed during Operation BULLDOG for the first time.
- Clan Cloud Cobra introduces the Stalking Spider BattleMech.
- Clan Wolf-in-Exile introduces the Pack Hunter BattleMech.
- ScolTek Associates introduces the Winterhawk APC.
- General Motors introduces the Savior Repair Vehicle.
- Arc-Royal MechWorks begins production of the Arctic Fox.
- Clan Wolf-in-Exile begins production of the Arctic Wolf OmniMech.
- The Beowulf BattleMech is introduced by ComStar.
- The Raptor RRV personnel carrier is introduced in the Free Worlds League.
- Kressly Warworks develops the Dillinger Police Vehicle.
- Federated Sun begins prototype development and production of Laser Anti-Missile System.
- The original combat VTOL configuration of the Maruhanabachi is introduced.