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Hey guys. Only have this build up on a small qld based forum, but i think this will be much more appreciated here, and seem to be able to get help alot easier :D

So i'll just start from the start and just copy, paste all my previous posts over, so bear with the epic first post :nyaanyaa:

Names daniel, recently off my p plates, so decided to get something boosted and rwd. Had a EG civic and was going to k swap it but decided i'd get something 4 door and finish the civic off properly and start again on it someday, maybe never if i like nissan too much haha.

Bought it off a guy on SD, thought it was going to be pretty straight forward as the wiring for the microtec had been done by TOP RPM on the coast. Wasnt so as a member off superglory found when he came to help with my gearbox wiring, the body loom has been molested and needs some time spent on it :(

Motor was out of the car when i got it and with no gearbox as he sold it for his sr box in his 180.

Hopefully get it on the road soon, still needs alot done, but i'll get there one day soon.

It started life as a genuine jap cab, plated as having a ca18i in it. parts list below

Car: 89' C33 Laurel

Engine Bay:

s1 Rb25det

Rb25det gearbox

Microtec lt12s

Turbo back exhaust w/ cat and twin kick up muffler

ASI performace r33 alloy rad w/ twin thermos

PWR intercooler, meant for evo but was 1 tube too high, snagged it cheap when i worked for pwr a few years back

Suspension: Tein HR Coilovers

My Mods: Work equip 01's (were meant for the civic) 15 x 9.5 +42 and 15 x 8.5 +52, need to order 30mm bolt ons to clear the 8.5s :\

Kazama rear camber arms

KTS rear toe arms

Roof wing (thanks to erin at jdm garage for the arms and whipping out a roof wing when i asked about one and making me buy it -___-

More to come...

As for how its going the list of things i need to do is extensive but i'd rather put it here cause it makes me feeel like i achieved something if i write it down

Motor and gearbox in

Dash trim back together

Radiator hoses

Engine loom connected

Install 5 stud, camber/toe arms

Find some s13 brake lines that run from booster along firewall to replace dodgy job old owner did

Navara speedo body mod

Mount intercooler

Intercooler piping made up

2x 90deg bends for piping to be fully done

intake arm, and pod filter, and mounted bracket for legalness

Reo back in

Front bar cut to fit and installed

Mount Radiator

Rad hoses on

INstall brake booster and master

Brake lines

Install Clutch master, hard line and braided line

Throttle cable in

Speedo sender in

tailshaft in

pop rivet Ally/checker plate where piping comes through bay, new neater holes

Get custom handbrake lines made

Install Gearstick boot/seal

Entire Rewire


Replace windscreen (cracked when i bought it), remove rust where windscreen meets roof


Pictures to come Of empty bay and bay with motor in



And 9.5's on...needs less camber


Also a pic of the new parts


So finally got somewhere with this thing.

Motor was already out from my place, De-greased and pressure washed the bay


Then scotch brited it to get it nice and rough so the paint would stick


got the front end up on stands, removed the subframe and sprayed it black, didn't come out nice and glossy so wet and dried it back to prep for the final colour


The paint in question


The end result. Not bad for a backyard job


Sexy matching Rocker and cam covers


New turbo setup some of you may recognize this :P gators gonna gate :D


Motor and box back in, turbo setup bolted in place.


Thats all the photos i have but the suspension is back in, front triangle bits in, castor rods back on. Just gonna work at it an hour or so after work every day, get brake booster, clutch master throttle cable in, then mate my catback to the dump pipe, tailshaft in and get this baby off to be wired!!

And a shot of all the rigs. We're trying to corner the market of nissan 4 doors :P


Little update again slowly getting there, picked up a cheap padded nardi with bosskit through streeter.


Got my silicone bends to finish the piping, now all i need is to make a stainless intake.


and a shot of the front, with intercooler


Little update, fitted my steering spacer. Had so much play in it, new one fitted there's no play whatsoever compared to a good 10mm of movement

Pic of offending bush


Also picked me up some rims So basically I low ball this guy 300 for a set of 4 of these. He says no, 400 with some spare unfitted tyres. Nekminut txts me again 350 with spare tyres. Rock up to his house after work, I see he's running spacers, ask about them, he says I can have them.

Then tells me he has another pair of them I can have for 200 extra. I say no. Nekminut he brings the white ones out (the "spares" dumps them on the other 4 and says 100 extra. So for 450 I get 2x 17x9 +22 and 4x 17x9 +42, 20mm bolt ons, and 2 matching pairs of spare tyres. And all the +42's all came with near new tread. Now to fit the good spares to the +22s after I refurb them silver.

Plan is to run the +22's on the front as steers, and run the 20mm bolt ons on the rear and have 2 pairs of +42's for rear duties


Put a +22 on the front this arvo quickly.


Dunno what colour to do them, kicking myself I didn't put a white one up to see if white would look good. Any opinions on colors? I was thinking silver

And thats about where it sits now

Gotta get my dump and catback on, brake booster, clutch master, throttle cable, tailshaft all back in. Then to do the little things like washer bottle and overflow, steering wheel back on, and get a set of r33 handbrake cables. Then off to get rewired, just gonna get the whole car looked over so all my accessories and the such work as it will be daily driven (hopefully if it doesnt draw too much attention) and drifted.I cant wait to finally drive it

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that factory rubber steering shaft spacer is piss weak you'll see a difference with the metal replacement

i'm liking this, also these too ---> Work equip 01's , need better offset not spacers :yes: .

i thought civic stud pattern was 4x100 or something ?

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Nah I've gone 5 stud now on the laurel hence the tri spokes

Civics are 4x100 but 96 Integra type r's come out 4x114.3 with 262mm brakes, before they went 98-01 went 5x114.3.

And I probably won't notice the difference in the steering spacer I haven't driven the laurel yet, previous owner said drop motor in and hook it up and it'll be fine, wiring loom was absolutely fooked, so had to pull it all apart again then decided to respray bay, go bigger turbo ect lol

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Thanks man :)

Was never meant to be such a long project but I'm glad I did respray that bay from that horrid red.

Bays midnight purple even though the photos can't quite capture all the fleck through it. Looks 100x better in rel life.

As for the turbo, its a td05, not quite sure on the trim but pretty sure it's a 20g. Guy before me made 200kw pretty easy, I'm aiming for 200kw on a low boost and then maybe a high boost a few psi more and hopefully get 220-230kw.

It's my first rwd and first turbo car so I dont want to go to silly to start with on power, and I plan on drifting it so nice responsive power should help me learn as opposed to a bigger laggy turbo.

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Thanks man.

Yeah it's definitely a td05, so yeah 18g most likely. Hope it makes decent power and comes on boost hard, I want something that isn't too violent when it comes on boost but I still want that kick more than a nice smooth v8 sort of power :P

As for windscreen, I'm gonna get reamed for it. I think the cheapest was Obrian glass at 580 fitted, racq was like 780 "with my customer discou t" gee thanks haha.

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  • 1 month later...

Bit of an update, it's Pretty much ready to be sent off for wiring now.

Brake master/booster and lines all back in ( f**k I hated life getting those nuts back on) lines hooked up, clutch master back in lines ran, nismo braided clutch line in, nismo gearbox mount in, radiator hoses cut to suit and put on, and got some scrap polished staino for an intake pipe, 2.25" no afm if this bitch doesn't dose hard I'll cry haha.

Now just gotta get my nismo low temp thermostat in, hook up my fuel lines, put my painted rocker an cam covers on and should be ready to roll once I get my rims back from work. Painter blasted and primed them, just have to paint them when he has the time, all for a carton of powers gold (eww).

And random bay snap


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  • 4 months later...

haha yeah i should but i currently hate the car.

Had basically everything in the bay stolen from where the car was being stored, highmount manifold, turbo, dump pipe, gate, intercooler piping, radiator, intercooler, padded nardi and bosskit, bolt on spacers.

Im only a 4th year apprentice so the cars just sitting in my backyard, slowly collecting parts for it again. I should of stuck to hondas, could of had a k series in my civic by now lol

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haha dans unite for vengence indeed.

Wasnt even my house it was stolen from, was where it was being stored, and i dont talk to the dude anymore cause from what i was told when you f**k the wrong people around they f**k your shit up. I call saying "hey i'm coming round to finish the last few things up" and get told "oh half your bays missing it happened a few days ago".

And yeah its not so much finding what i need more the cash for it, i'd poured every last cent i had spare into it being an apprentice, even some of my 21st money, so its more just saving it back up, plus tax back, but knowing your over 2.5k down just sucks a fat one.

Haha hondas are cool full stop :P , my little EG hatch was 960kg with a full tank of fuel and me in it, couple that with 100kw atw and it was fun little car to drive, and they are like go karts for handling.

K series at 150-160kw atw N/A is beast, seen them run low 11s on the 1/4 with a set of slicks bolted on, and just I/H/E and some cams and a tune

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haha what can i say. dans a good name :P

yeah fair call mate thats pretty tough.

hope it dont take to long to get the cash back up in that case.

i agree they are fun, and ill admit ive always had a soft spot for the eg civic. would very much like an eg6 with the vtec motor in it.

chased one through the hills here in adelaide once many years ago... absolutely stomped me.... couldnt even see its tail lights after about 4 corners....

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Dans where its at haha

Yeah its pretty well right, gotta get a new dump made to suit new turbo, get cooler piping done again too. And redo timing belt as that was fubar'd/cut in the shitstorm. Then its back to where it nearly was, pretty much replaced everything else now. Gonna run stock cast manifold with a 3076R, internal gate for a bit less hassle from the popo.

Eg civics are the bomb, i always wanted a honda after hearing a DC2 type r integra come screaming past when i was around 15. Heard the vtec crossover and just went, yep i'm getting a honda lol.

Went from a stock as a rock Eg Si (twin cam non vtec 1.6L) to having Ek9 Type R B16b, Hytech headers and Reinhard catback (122.8db at a 5.5k freerev louder on high cam) big intake pipe, JIC coilovers, dc2r front and rear swaybars, dc2r 4 x 114.3 hub swap with 262mm twin pot brakes, stripped everything, all sound deadening, firewall matting, a/c, p/s, heater boxes.

And yeah i've shamed many a car in the twisties, back when i had the stock twin cam and king springs all round with a dc2r rear sway bar, i kept up with a stock xr6t and golf gti through the local mountains.

Just awesome little pocket rockets, i miss driving mine


This video done on private road of course :P find another way home pizza boy ect


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Yeah I know dude I was suss on it and I still am. End of the day what can I do... I've stewed and stewed on it, nothing I can do. Moved the car on to my place and cut the ties with the dude.

But yeah 3076r, probs make more peak power than the td05? Still haven't driven this bad boy yet, so I'm pretty keen on it. Hopefully getting dump done soon, and intercooler piping. Gotta tee it up with the local fab guys

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