Got the Rhythm to Save a Life? Find Out How to Perform CPR in This Interactive Game

Would you know what to do if someone nearby went into cardiac arrest?

If you’re afraid of finding yourself in a situation where you’d need to perform life-saving CPR, you’re part of the majority. A recent survey found that most Americans lack trust in their ability to perform CPR without injuring the casualty, thinking special training is required.

But in reality? Far more harm comes from doing nothing. Knowing how to properly administer CPR is an especially valuable skill as a caregiver of someone with a serious health condition such as heart disease or an aggressive cancer like mesothelioma. People with serious conditions like these are at a much higher risk of sudden collapse.

Statistics show that 70 to 80 percent of cardiac arrests occur in the home or in public. Under these circumstances, Hands-Only CPR (or CPR without mouth-to-mouth) consists of just 2 steps: Call 911, then push hard and fast. But there is little time to act, as a person can lose consciousness 15 seconds after the heart stops beating. If more civilians knew how critical their role in an emergency, and how safe and simple CPR is to administer, we could as much as double or triple chances of survival among the 350,000 people who suffer cardiac arrests outside hospitals every year. Today, only 11 percent of them survive.

In light of American Heart Month, we’re testing just how well Americans think they know CPR. Although the rules are simple, it’s important to push in the correct area at a minimum speed of 100 beats per minute for the technique to be effective. This rhythm comes with practice, which we think can be aided by a little (likely familiar) music. Using this interactive game, try tapping in time with the beat to get familiar with what 100 bpm sounds and feels like.

Experts say there is nothing you can do to make a sudden cardiac arrest worse. Indeed, you could even save a life. Visit the page now to learn how to perform CPR, spread the word, and help beat CPR myths.

Author:Sokolove Law Icon.Sokolove Law Icon.
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Last modified: February 8, 2018