Working environment
Not all phone calls are the same.
Every work environment has specific requirements for telephony and thus for the devices used.
- An office worker sits mainly at a desk, whereas a warehouse worker is constantly on the move. However, both have to be reachable.
- And in some workplaces, the number of programmable keys for speed dialling or as BLF (Busy Lamp Field) plays a major role in reaching suppliers, partners and colleagues, while in other areas it does not.
- In some environments, hygiene and occupational safety are the absolute focus, whereas in other environments, localisation is of enormous importance.
- It can sometimes even be essential to reach all people in a certain area with announcements.
- Talking to remote people in a room with many people on a conference call or concentrating on a conversation with a headset on are both everyday work situations.
As diverse as the requirements, as diverse the devices - Snom offers a fitting solution for every environment.