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Human-friendly process signals
- signal
- signals
- handlers
- error-handling
- interrupts
- sigterm
- sigint
- irq
- process
- exit
- exit-code
- status
- operating-system
- es6
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Check which JavaScript environment your code is running in at runtime: browser, Node.js, Bun, etc
- runtime
- environment
- env
- execution
- engine
- platform
- context
- js
- javascript
- is
- check
- checking
- detect
- detection
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Get bundle name from a bundle identifier (macOS): `` → `Safari`
Get the bundle identifier of the default browser (macOS). Example:
Run AppleScript and get the result
Get the default browser
Get the name of the current operating system. Example: macOS Sierra
Get the name and version of a macOS release from the Darwin version
Determine common OS/platform paths (home, temp, ...)
Determine (XDG-compatible) paths for storing application files (cache, config, data, etc)
- appdir
- application
- cache
- common
- config
- cross-platform
- data
- directory
- environment
- linux
- mac
- macos
- node4
- node6
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Determine XDG Base Directory paths (OS/platform portable)
Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar, image source and full styling.
- react-native
- react-component
- react-native-component
- react
- mobile
- ios
- android
- osx
- windows
- macos
- ui
- icon
- icons
- vector
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Display a notification (macOS)
Automatically opens your browser and iOS Simulator to preview Node.js email messages sent with Nodemailer. Made for Forward Email and Lad. Cross-browser and cross-platform email testing.
Get the passwd user entry from a username or user identifier (UID)
Netlify config module
Utility for caching files in Netlify Build
- nodejs
- javascript
- windows
- macos
- linux
- shell
- bash
- build
- terminal
- deployment
- es6
- serverless
- continuous-integration
- continuous-delivery
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Get the path to an app (macOS)
Utility for adding Functions files in Netlify Build
- nodejs
- javascript
- windows
- macos
- linux
- shell
- bash
- build
- terminal
- deployment
- es6
- serverless
- continuous-integration
- continuous-delivery
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Utility for dealing with modified, created, deleted files since a git commit
- nodejs
- javascript
- windows
- macos
- linux
- shell
- bash
- build
- terminal
- deployment
- es6
- serverless
- continuous-integration
- continuous-delivery
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