Need help ?
If you need help with the module you can take a look to the documentation or come into our discord server.
You found a bug ?
If you found a bug you can just open a issue by explaining this one. You can report it on our discord server too.
Let's start
This is a little part present in our documentation.
const {Client, IntentFlags} = require("devland.js")
const bot = new Client({
guildsLifeTime: 7200000,
// here we ask to the module to cache all guilds during 2h
// after all events with a guild as target, the life time will be reset to 2h
connect: true,
// represent the auto-connect, if true you will need to provid the token here
token: "YOUR TOKEN"
//token is optional if 'connect' is on false, you will be invited to put
// the token in the next page (Connect Client)
bot.on('ready', () => console.log(`${bot.user.tag} connected`))
All cache options available for the client :
guildsLifeTime: milliseconds, //will unlock bot.guilds
channelsLifeTime: milliseconds, //will unlock bot.<type>Channels (ex : bot.textChannels)
usersLifeTime: milliseconds, //will unlock bot.users
messagesLifeTime: milliseconds, //will unlock bot.messages
threadsLifeTime: milliseconds, //will unlock bot.threadChannels
membersLifeTime: milliseconds, //will unlock <guild>.members
rolesLifeTime: milliseconds, //will unlock <guild>.roles
invitesLifeTime: milliseconds, //will unlock <guild>.invites
presencesLifeTime: milliseconds, //will unlock <guild>.presences & <member>.presence
voicesLifeTime: milliseconds, //will unlock <guild>.voicesStates & <member>.voice
enableAllCaches: //will unlock all caches of the client
waitCacheBeforeReady: boolean, //wait for all caches enabled to be completed before emit the ready event, by default set to true
fetchAllMembers: boolean, //by default fetch all members in a guild
checkForUpdate: boolean, //check for a new update when the program is up
// warning, for the members, roles, presences, voices & invites cache the guilds cache must be enabled too
All ws options available for the client :
large_threshold: number,
compress: boolean,
properties: propertiesOptions,
propertiesOptions = {
$os: string | NodeJS.Platform,
$browser: string,
$device: string
All presence options available for the client :
status: string, //dnd, online, invisible, idle, offline
afk: boolean,
activities: simpleActivity[],
since: number,
simpleActivity = {
name: string,
type: ActivityType,
url: string,
ActivityType = {
Game = 0,
Streaming = 1,
Listening = 2,
Watching = 3,
Custom = 4,
Competing = 5
All others options available for the client :
connectionTimeout: number, //how many time before throwing a error if still not connected, default set to 30000 (30s)
maxReconnectAttempts: number, //how attempts to reconnect the gateway after a error, default set to Infinity
maxResumeAttempts: number, //how many attempts to resume the gateway connection after a disconnect, default set to 10
invalidCommandValueReturnNull: boolean, //<interaction>.getCommandValue() must return a null value or undefined if invalid, default set to true (null returned)