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Crime / Re: Sales Girl Caught By Estate Security With Stolen Items From The Store She Works by Mubbyleey(m): 10:06am On Feb 09, 2023
This is how they ruin people's businesses... If we find out well well now, she fit they do pass herself


Sports / Re: Mason Greenwood remanded in custody until Nov 21, For Breaching Bail Conditions by Mubbyleey(m): 3:52pm On Oct 17, 2022
Fear Women!
Newton, shey women don show you wayo ni grin cheesy cheesy
Romance / Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by Mubbyleey(m): 8:47am On Oct 13, 2022
my expertise is female psychology, the stroke game may need a different champion. But I do have a lot to contribute on the subject. and it may be that we'd need to take that particular subject to the Sexuality Section. cause it definitely will be explicit.
We can't wait man, Sexuality Section it is then... But i don't think that'll be necessary tho since this is a red pill thread or page. And again, since anything can be shared here.

Just like satandeterrible said, Taking it to sexuality thread will give room to ashewo beer parlour boys to derail it.
I go with his statement that "Whatever must be said, should be said here."
Sexuality section will attract a lot of crazy simps which i agree with as well.


Travel / Re: Lagos Task Force Auctions Impounded Car For ₦400,000 As Owner Cries by Mubbyleey(m): 7:38pm On Sep 15, 2022
Lagos is the only state in Nigeria giving us Yankee vibes... We can as well say Lagos is the standard for other states to emulate. grin grin

152 Likes 16 Shares

Politics / Re: President Buhari Gets Update On Chad’s Transition by Mubbyleey(m): 5:30am On Apr 02, 2022
Nigeria matter just taya person... In fact, this life taya person grin
Politics / Re: Buhari Withholds Assent To Electoral Amendment Bill, Gives Reasons by Mubbyleey(m): 9:57pm On Dec 20, 2021
It's take divine intervention for this country to work.
I find this funny sha grin... We seriously need that divine intervention grin
Crime / Re: BNG Commander Stole Our Biscuits - Abia Filling Station Manager Narrates (VIDEO) by Mubbyleey(m): 9:44pm On Dec 20, 2021
Nawao...... that aside, mubbyleey wia u dey? U no dey share anytin again y? Hope you are doing great?
Lol... Yeah, I'm doing great. Thank you!
Phone got spoilt, then I ordered for 1 on aliexpress since October which hasn't been delivered till now. I got tired and started managing my old tab. I'm back now sha!
Hope you've been good?
Politics / Re: Buhari 1b$ Arms Deal Vs Jonathan 2.1B $ Arms Deal by Mubbyleey(m): 9:05pm On Aug 13, 2021
This present administration is really trying in making this country secured, if only past admins can be this proactive, then we'd have been more secured!
Culture / Re: Asaba Traditionalists Curse Those Sending Money From Abroad To Fuel Cult War by Mubbyleey(m): 9:37am On Jul 29, 2021

Y'all shouldn't bother wondering why Africa didn't progress over the years. Na curses!!!

Seems like Nigeria has been cursed! Nigeria need deliverance!!!

6 Likes 1 Share

Romance / Re: Fun Thread: Guys, Choose Your Poison. by Mubbyleey(m): 9:43am On Mar 30, 2021
The only thing i can actually deal with is number 21. (Dangerously Jealous and Possessive.)... Na to just dey avoid being with females around her, and keeping my phones and laptop locked. That can be managed!!!

But any other thing apart from that 21. Is no no for me because I won't be able to tolerate them.

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Romance / Re: 8 Nigerians Talk About Food Issues In Their Relationship by Mubbyleey(m): 6:04pm On Feb 17, 2021

Lol.. you read right! I detest it like shii

I don't like chicken too.
That's weird tho... Even tho i like you & would like to marry you, this revelation would definitely make me reconsider grin
Romance / Re: 8 Nigerians Talk About Food Issues In Their Relationship by Mubbyleey(m): 4:03pm On Feb 17, 2021
grin @ as per generational curse or" got me grin

Ive not really had any issues with any guy as regards food. Except on one occasion, when my ex came visiting. So we both met at the bus stop and were strolling to my place when I asked him what we should eat. He said bread and mineral would be fine as he had a proper meal at the hotel where he works as a manager. I said, me I want spicy food o. He said he doesn't want.

I bought his bread and drink and bought noodles with pepper and tomatoes with egg. We got home and he quickly devoured his own while I entered the kitchen to make mine. When it was done, my guy stood behind peeking through my shoulders and I said what? He said why did I make the noodles very tempting that hes going to eat o lol. I said which kind wahala be this? That was how we shared the noodles that evening. He ended up shortening my ration. Men...

I on the other hand, i don't like fresh fish so I'm praying anyone I meet will not like it cause he'll have a separate pot o.
You don't like fresh fish As in I don't get, why would anyone not like fresh fish?

Could that have been a typo? Or tell me, what do you mean by "I don't like fresh fish"
Travel / Re: 424 Nigerian Evacuees Arrive From Saudi Arabia, Reject Plans To Quarantine Them by Mubbyleey(m): 5:47pm On Jan 29, 2021
I am equally too sarcastic to take any matter serious, cos I'm always on cruise control!!!
Good for you then... It's just internet, most things here ain't real.

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Travel / Re: 424 Nigerian Evacuees Arrive From Saudi Arabia, Reject Plans To Quarantine Them by Mubbyleey(m): 4:05pm On Jan 29, 2021
First and foremost, you failed yourself!!!
If you're intelligent enough, you'd see that my comment was just sarcasm.

Don't take everything you see or read on the internet serious.... Most are just cruise!!!
Travel / Re: 424 Nigerian Evacuees Arrive From Saudi Arabia, Reject Plans To Quarantine Them by Mubbyleey(m): 2:38pm On Jan 29, 2021
Was about to celebrate FTC for the 1st time ever...

Those two above me are joy killers cry
Glo failed me, Nigeria failed me grin

19 Likes 4 Shares

Nairaland / General / Re: Send A Shoutout To Nairalanders That Made You Smile This Year by Mubbyleey(m): 8:00am On Dec 29, 2020
Shout out to you guys... You guys really made 2020 fantastic for me. Some of you here can be pain in the ass at times but i couldn't help it following you guys because of the values you guys give out daily here on nairaland, through your comments.

Keep being you!!! These are the realest people on Nairaland... I learn daily from you guys & y'all always put smile on my face everytime i log on.

Romanoff, MJBOLT, naptu2, purples25, LadyTianna, Marvieduke, adg98, sweetmelanin, 9jatriot, Rosskivvy, thebosstrevor1, NGpatriot, Bonjovi13, Chiquitq, BitterSoul, makanma, TecM0, crackhaus, Oizee, lilyheaven, Psych412, dederocs, Navar, Magnoliaa, JoeEeL, obowunmi, LordKO, TheRedpillguy, emmaodet, Dpsychologist, GLYCOLYSISS, Yoighaman, Priscyized, layla129, blinking001, ibkonekt, Randy100, Fisher007, HolyCaligula(m), Regex, Drfinn, hfinest1, PerfectMatchNG, Pascopele, Leezah, donstan18, MrBrownJay1, acidtalk, LabuleofNigeria, Wolgrace, eezeribe, Newboss, nuggarito, Shugavee, Biglittlelois, swaggzo, Oluromantic, czarr, Zabiboy, WORDWORLD, purpinkx, Blackmoran, AussiePlayboy, Explorers, CaveAdullam, Factfinder1, ekaF, pansophist, bodybuilder, crackkhaus, bukatyne, 24kmagic, izzou, Fuadeiza, Omar09, BossDante, NwaAmaikpe, JONNYSPUTE, ColonelEmeka, TonyeBarcanista, SmellingAnus, Martinez79, Martinez39, ikp120, FROGMAN10, NiRfreak, deebrain, ThierryJay, Belafonte,, ubunja, Quinolone, Donshaga, Mynd44, tosyne2much, lalasticlala, Toks2008, olaboy33, Mzflexydeeva, Seun, CharlesNneji1

19 Likes 6 Shares

Romance / Re: UBUNJA's MISEDUCATION: (2020) Femininity. by Mubbyleey(m): 4:55pm On Nov 09, 2020
not "Weak" feminine women, it's SOFT.

Remember softness does not mean weakness. Water is soft but it wears away a rock. That's the nature of femininity.
Hmmm you're full of wisdom ubunja, this is exactly what women don't know, they see femininity as "weakness" whereas it's not... This ignorance makes them hate what they are, without them knowing "femininity" is a superpower!!!

In reality, we both "men & women" share almost equal amount of power. We compliment each other by staying true to our nature! This alone would make women accept the nature of things, instead of them trying to become men.

This is what they "women" are missing, this post is more an eye opener to women, especially to "women of understanding" because i believe most still won't get this. It's not their fault, they're just slaves to their emotions...

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Romance / Re: UBUNJA's MISEDUCATION: (2020) Femininity. by Mubbyleey(m): 8:36am On Nov 09, 2020
This is a masterpiece ubunja... No wonder why i do find myself drawn to feminine girls. Soft "feminine" girls gives men some sort of purpose, by trying to protect them, give them comforts, by always trying to impress them.

They "feminine girls" bring out the best in men...
I wish all women could cherish their "femininity". But bad economy is hindering men from during the necessary things, like offering protection, providing comforts for their women etc...

Poverty turns men into weaklings, and makes women masculine! I believe in an environment where men thrives a lot, there won't be such thing as feminism. Women will accept their roles and their reality.

But because of the inability of men to serve their purposes, women finds it hard to stay true to their femininity & their reality.

28 Likes 4 Shares

TV/Movies / Re: Bbnaija - Tolani Caught Mastubating by Mubbyleey(m): 1:37pm On Aug 02, 2020
I'm flabaggasted... grin
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Sadiya Umar Farouq: N-Power Volunteers Will Get Their Stipends Next Week by Mubbyleey(m): 5:16am On May 16, 2020


it's ok...
Romance / Re: The Real Reason Why Girls Prefer Bad Boys To Nice Guys. by Mubbyleey(m): 8:09pm On May 15, 2020
Nice piece grin


Family / Re: Does He Want You Or Does He Deserve You? by Mubbyleey(m): 1:48pm On May 01, 2020

I should consider myself one of the lucky ones you follow?

Considered. grin

So where is my goody bag?

Thank you for the compliments.
Nah, not one of the lucky ones i follow but consider yourself lucky for being different, for the way you see things from different perspectives, for being a realist, for having so much wisdom about human nature cos people like us are very rare & few in the society... I believe you get the picture now wink

About the goody bag; that might take some time cos who knows, you might have personality disorder grin

I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your posts, don't disappoint me smiley wink
Family / Re: Does He Want You Or Does He Deserve You? by Mubbyleey(m): 9:22am On May 01, 2020
You earned yourself a follower because of your high intellectual topics & posts bukatyne... I can see that you really understand yourself & you understand human nature. I could deduce that you're a very realistic person. I like realist a lot because they have the ability to see things from different perspectives & also because I'm too.

Consider yourself among the lucky ones...
Have a nice day!!!
Politics / Re: SSANU: FG Betrayed Our Trust On IPPIS by Mubbyleey(m): 5:53am On May 01, 2020

Who owns IPPIS and controls it?
How transparent is it?
ASUU brought a better and well transparent solution for the benefits of the entire nation, why are they rejecting it?
The fraudsters is the federal government who trying to steal as usual through third parties
Since you're asking all these questions, then it shows you know nothing about IPPIS... Make a research on what IPPIS is 1st, then maybe you'd understand what all this is all about. You wouldn't be asking all these questions if you knew how important IPPIS is...
Politics / Re: SSANU: FG Betrayed Our Trust On IPPIS by Mubbyleey(m): 5:40am On May 01, 2020

How can u call irregularities normal? So y didn't d govt fix d irregularities since it had already experienced it with parastatals& MDAs?
Seems like you don't get it, the irregularities are there cos it's a new system. Adjustments would be made. Those irregularities are there due to human errors, probably during capturing. Some people must've even given fake documents and information. That's why IPPIS is important, to flush the fraudsters out. Especially those with fake documents. Those fake information or mistakes could cause these irregularities. They should be patient, it'd be sorted out soonest.


Politics / Re: SSANU: FG Betrayed Our Trust On IPPIS by Mubbyleey(m): 5:29am On May 01, 2020

Then let them implement in CBN NNPC DPR FIRS etc
Eventually, all government agencies and parastatals will be captured too. Only bunch of fraudsters would reject IPPIS. Advantages of IPPIS are too numerous to be rejected.

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Politics / Re: SSANU: FG Betrayed Our Trust On IPPIS by Mubbyleey(m): 5:25am On May 01, 2020

The issue is IPPIS are not functioning very well, upon all the money spent on it...they haven't paid some workers now... even instead of paying you ya exact salary, they might pay you have of your salary or not paying anything at all.... NIGERIA is sick!
These irregularities are normal with IPPIS if they're just implemented, the government will definitely solve that issue... This isn't a big deal at all cos almost all MDAs & parastatals had once experienced this, so they should be patient. The government will solve this issue of irregularities with salaries.

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Politics / Re: IMF: Nigeria To Lose Over $26 Billion From Oil Exports by Mubbyleey(m): 5:18am On May 01, 2020

damn what?
First reaction mate!!! It's a scary thing for the government to lose this much in this global Crisis. It is well!

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Politics / Re: IMF: Nigeria To Lose Over $26 Billion From Oil Exports by Mubbyleey(m): 5:08am On May 01, 2020
Country’s economy to contract by about 3.4 percent in 2020 is still not bad compare to other countries... I believe Nigerians can understand why the government cannot afford not to loan "not a loan per sé" this money from IMF, the crash in oil prices is a global thing that affects all oil producing states. USA WTI is feeling the heat too, so i hope the Government can fast track this economy diversification of a thing...

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Politics / Re: SSANU: FG Betrayed Our Trust On IPPIS by Mubbyleey(m): 5:02am On May 01, 2020
Why wouldn't they say that when both SSANU & ASUU are so overwhelmed with fraud... Bunch of fraudsters!!!

35 Likes 3 Shares

Romance / Re: UBUNJA's MISEDUCATION: A New Year, A New Chapter. by Mubbyleey(m): 12:07am On Jan 07, 2020

Here we go.

Thanks ubunja... You're the best, respect man!!!

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