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Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 3:43pm
So, the minds are not at fault, it is the books to blame here with you? undecided


Cos minds wrote it too, whoever wrote it wants you to think in a particular way.

Do you think books wrote themselves?

They are not that powerful, why we say books are powerful is because they contain another person's thought, history or ideas and you have to adopt them especially when it is termed "holy book"
Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 3:39pm
So books are conscious and hence powerful enough to evoke different meanings from their contents? Or do you instead mean that the minds of men are powerful enough to evoke different meanings from the static contents of books?

If the books were left alone, it can't do anything to anybody's mind...
Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 3:29pm
Against a mere book made of paper and glue?

Books are powerful even if it's written on the wall
Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 3:29pm
So, because nothing in your life is permanent, even the histories of people contained in books should be reviewed? undecided

When the history changes from chapter to chapter, interpretation to interpretation I don't see it tells you to do anything right
Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 3:27pm
The choice to be guided is wholly yours to make. So, why attack a book for this? undecided

The book attacks you already, it's at least a thousand years old and you should live by it
Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 3:26pm
The choice to be guided is wholly yours to make. So, why attack a book for this? undecided

Attack is the best form of defence
Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 3:25pm
What is scripture that it should be rendered obsolete after a hundred years? undecided

Nothing is permanent in life...

Even Constitutions are set aside or reviewed from time to time
Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 3:23pm
. But what exactly is a holy book, though? Are they books that don't burn or books that confer miracles on those who handle them? What are they? We have seen videos of a Quran, a BIble, and even a Torah on fire, and all 3 of them have burned the same as other books. So, what exactly is a holy book for you to suggest it ought to be retired after 1000 years?

2. You can always write your own book if you want, but to insist that a book written by someone else should be banned, you should have a good reason for that, right?

It may not be banned but I don't see why I should be guided by a book written so many years ago by some people who have nothing in common with me
Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 3:22pm
. But what exactly is a holy book, though? Are they books that don't burn or books that confer miracles on those who handle them? What are they? We have seen videos of a Quran, a BIble, and even a Torah on fire, and all 3 of them have burned the same as other books. So, what exactly is a holy book for you to suggest it ought to be retired after 1000 years?

Any scripture shouldn't be viable after a hundred years...
Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 3:21pm
That is sort of the gist I got, too, but I didn't really get a straightforward/direct answer in that case since the opinions of the different Muslims on the thread seemed to change a bit at that point. undecided


There's one other christain zealot here, who claims that Christians exist even before Jesus Christ...

He said there were Christians in Genesis

I think the guy is really daft


Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 3:18pm
But here, the verse quoted in the OP asserts — a claim made over 2000 years after the man in question is written to have drowned —that the Pharoah eventually submitted to a god, making him a Muslim before his end. undecided

I am of the school of thought that "holy books" should be retired after 100 years...

We need new books written in our time obviously
Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 3:13pm
Not according to Islamics who instead believe that anyone who submits to a god — any god— is a Muslim, or so I have been told. undecided

Oh okay

I get you, I get maxindhouse too, this means that if I only believe in Ogun god of iron I am a Muslim right?
Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 3:10pm

The problem is Islam in itself a believer in one god is a Muslim (according to Islam) whoever agrees that there is only one God is automatically a Muslim but that's not the truth.
Pharaoh believe in many gods but he quickly released the Israelites when he realized that the God who sent Moses is mightier than all the Gods in Egypt.
Now to an average Muslim that submission automatically qualifies Pharaoh to be called a Muslim.
Muslims can't prove the OP wrong on this since fighting and killing fellow believers means nothing to Muslims so far both sides are fighting for a just course in their hearts. undecided

I get your drift...

Pharaoh didn't worship gods tho...

He was d god, he never knew there was another god other than him.

1 Like

Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 3:08pm

Luke 4 says you are Lying. Relying on the fact that the word Christianity "began to be used" only after Antioch does not negate that it had already begun over long since before the Word Christ and Christianity was born.

Exactly how you can not rightly say that Nigeria did not exist until Flora Shaw coined the name

Yes Nigeria did not exist until 1914 when the northern and southern protectorates were almagamated and the name was coined.

So who were the Christians in Genesis?

Pls I am waiting...


Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 1:42pm

Genesis and Luke 4 show you when Christianity started

There was no Christian in Genesis...
Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 1:37pm

.... but this is Quran sent down from heaven.... bearing witnesses that Pharaoh was a Muslim.

Well then... But historically, Judaism started before Christianity, and Christianity started before Islam...

So Pharaoh couldn't have been a Muslim, there were no Muslims in his era


Religion / Re: Pharaoh Was A Muslim by illicit(m): 6:04am
Islam was not around then, Christianity too...

Those Israelites were Jews, Jesus Christ too

Christianity started after Jesus was crucified, Islam started let's say 400 years later...


Romance / Re: What Guys Used To Attract Girls To Their Rooms On Campus In The 90s (Photo) by illicit(m): 10:43pm On Mar 11

Unilorin? That bush? Abeg talk of better school. Even though Uniqbuja was a glorified secondary school, we still like am pass una Unilorin. If you waka the walk way finish for unilorin, wetin remain?

U have not been there since 2010 obviously...
Romance / Re: What Guys Used To Attract Girls To Their Rooms On Campus In The 90s (Photo) by illicit(m): 10:42pm On Mar 11

No wonder the devil who called himself Buhari said that you guys are lazy youths. Your mates in China and Germany are revisiting what their forefathers used in manufacturing things, but here all you lazy hungry youths are revisiting what you guys used in fvcking girls in 90s. Useless youths

Are u sure I am the one u wanted to quote..?

Like do u know how to quote on NL?
Romance / Re: What Guys Used To Attract Girls To Their Rooms On Campus In The 90s (Photo) by illicit(m): 2:50pm On Mar 10
Since IBB, only that it wasn't developed compare to this day

That's what I mean, it's a baby uni, under construction for years, who even goes to UNIABUJA until Good luck Jonathan...

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Romance / Re: What Guys Used To Attract Girls To Their Rooms On Campus In The 90s (Photo) by illicit(m): 2:46pm On Mar 10
baby as how😂? Uni of 88'

When did they have a permanent site sef...
Celebrities / Re: BabaTee Says Affair With Ijoba Lande's Wife Was Truth or Dare 'One-Minute Doggy' by illicit(m): 12:45pm On Mar 10
Celebrities / Re: I Was Doing Yahoo With My Instagram Account Before I Blew - Protable by illicit(m): 12:44pm On Mar 10
U are in trouble then...
Romance / Re: I Have Started Selling All My Properties(pics) by illicit(m): 12:00pm On Mar 10

Who are your favourites in the industry

I have favorite songs but not favorite artistses...
Religion / Re: I Contributed ₦250M For Oyedepo’s Rolls Royce Gift – Korede Komaiya by illicit(m): 10:45pm On Mar 09
Three things I don't like engaging publicly are RELIGION, SELF ACCOMPLISHMENT, AND POLITICS.

People will always have dirty views or cannot reason out matters constructively - if you are not a kingdom practitioner you don't have any meaningful input to this story or news. That pastor who donated 250million knows why he did what he did and he as more coz that Cannnot be the last card in his bank account and non of you here can tell the pastor how to spend his money.

You see poverty is not good thing, your job is to pray and rebuke poverty in your life so that you can afford basic things of life - how much is 259million. Do you know how much some people pay as their thithe monthly? You will marvel, how many of you on this platform can boast of six million sitting pretty in your account?

You people should go and sit down and drink plenty of water.

And stop yearning dust.

So how did he get his money...

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Celebrities / Re: Obi Cubana Receives 50 Rams, 50 Tricycles For His 50th Birthday (Video) by illicit(m): 10:12pm On Mar 09
He doesn't even need all that

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Celebrities / Re: Obi Cubana Receives 50 Rams, 50 Tricycles For His 50th Birthday (Video) by illicit(m): 8:47pm On Mar 09
50 50

No cheating...


Romance / Re: What Guys Used To Attract Girls To Their Rooms On Campus In The 90s (Photo) by illicit(m): 8:46pm On Mar 09
You did not mention UNILORIN and u mention UNIABUJA a baby uni

No comment...


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Romance / Re: I Have Started Selling All My Properties(pics) by illicit(m): 7:55pm On Mar 09

WERIN e write bfr, u wan SPOIL DAVID career?

make david begin dey sell ie PROPERTIES SOON too..
this wan wey dey sell person else properrties

werin e wan talk be say e donb begin dey sell properrties and CARS; DEALER as music no favour am. kini dero nko grin

as e dey do her e dey run am on IG and X, na NWAKAIPE jr brov

Some people do rap music, some do trap music

He does the same genre with Davido

I mean crap music...


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Career / Re: Scenes by illicit(m): 3:02pm On Mar 09
I have announced it several times

I am not on Pornhub again check previous post

Yes I like to look sexy and it’s my style

Because I am working I can’t look sexy again

You can look sexy...

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