About the Editors

Chief Editor | Nina Meinzer, Dr. rer. nat, Springer Nature, UK, ORCiD

Nina joined Nature Reviews Physics as Chief Editor in 2024, after five years at Nature Physics, where they looked after a broad range of optical physics papers and oversaw the journal’s non-primary content. Prior to this, they were an editor at Nature Communications. Nina received their PhD from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, studying the interaction of metamaterials and semiconductor gain materials, after which they spent several years as a postdoc at the University of Exeter, UK. Nina is based in the London office.

Senior Editor | Ankita Anirban (অংকিতা অনির্বাণ), PhD, Springer Nature, UK, ORCiD

Ankita joined Nature Reviews Physics in 2020, after a brief period as locum associate editor with Nature Reviews Materials. She completed her PhD at the University of Cambridge in 2019 on the electronic transport properties of topological insulators. Prior to that, she worked on the transport of 1D electron wires in semiconductor systems. Ankita is in the London office.

Senior Editor | Zoe Budrikis, PhD, Springer Nature, UK, ORCiD

Zoe joined Nature Reviews Physics in 2018, following a position as a postdoctoral researcher at the ISI Foundation in Turin, Italy, and at the Center for Complexity and Biosystems at the University of Milan. There she made theoretical and computational studies of the mechanical properties of materials, especially graphene and biological systems. Prior to that, she obtained her PhD in 2012 from the University of Western Australia, where she worked on geometrically frustrated magnetic systems. Find her publications here. Zoe is in the London office.

Senior Consulting Editor | May Chiao (喬乃梅), PhD, Springer Nature, UK

May joined Nature Reviews Physics in 2024, after eight years at Nature Astronomy as its inaugural Chief Editor. Previously she has worked at Nature, Nature Materials and Nature Physics. After working in radio astronomy, May obtained her PhD in 1999 from McGill University in low temperature physics, and then undertook postdoctoral research at the Cavendish Laboratory of the University of Cambridge and at the Solid State Laboratory at ETH-Zürich, investigating superconductivity and magnetism in extreme conditions. May is based in the London office.

The Reviews Cross-Journal Editorial Team works across the Nature Reviews portfolio, as the need arises, handling content in the life, clinical, physical and social sciences.