Subjects routinely control the vigor with which they emit motoric responses. However, the bulk of formal treatments of decision-making ignores this dimension of choice. A recent theoretical study suggested that action vigor should be influenced by experienced average reward rate and that this rate is encoded by tonic dopamine in the brain. We previously examined how average reward rate modulates vigor as exemplified by response times and found a measure of agreement with the first suggestion. In the current study, we examined the second suggestion, namely the potential influence of dopamine signaling on vigor. Ninety healthy subjects participated in a double-blind experiment in which they received one of the following: placebo, L-DOPA (which increases dopamine levels in the brain), or citalopram (which has a selective, if complex, effect on serotonin levels). Subjects performed multiple trials of a rewarded odd-ball discrimination task in which we varied the potential reward over time in order to exercise the putative link between vigor and average reward rate. Replicating our previous findings, we found that a significant fraction of the variance in subjects’ responses could be explained by our experimentally manipulated changes in average reward rate. Crucially, this relationship was significantly stronger under L-Dopa than under Placebo, suggesting that the impact of average reward levels on action vigor is indeed subject to a dopaminergic influence.
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Whenever subjects perform actions, they face two fundamental classes of choice. One concerns which of a number of available actions to perform. The empirical literature in psychology and neuroscience on this topic has been the subject of powerful and illuminating theoretical treatments, based on normative decision-theoretic principles. The other class of choice concerns when, or how vigorously, one should perform an action. This is actually of broader significance because in many paradigms in animal learning, such as free operant tasks, vigor is the only dependent variable. Much is known about how subjects behave in such tasks, but there has been little theoretical work examining and explaining these data.
One line of theoretical investigation has considered instrumental aspects of vigor in free-operant tasks (Niv et al, 2007). This account starts with two key assumptions: the first is that subjects seek to maximize the average rate of net utility per unit time; the second is that utility is decreased according to the cost of performing an action and that performing an action more quickly (ie, more vigorously) is more costly. Given a hyperbolic functional form for this increasing cost, vigor turns out to be determined by the opportunity cost of being slothful, where this opportunity cost is just the average rate of net utility.
In a recent study (Guitart-Masip et al, 2011), we tested this prediction in a qualitative manner by modulating the monetary rewards subjects could receive for making appropriate responses. We showed that subjects indeed modulated their response times based on the local average reward rate, ie, the average amount of reward they had received over the past few minutes in the task. On the other hand, we found that the size of the instantaneously available reward for the immediate choice had less of an effect, with larger offers being, if anything, antagonistic to fast performance. Although this finding is perhaps surprising given the coarser scale, Pavlovian effects on vigor examined in paradigms such as the monetary incentive delay task (Knutson et al, 2000), it is in keeping with the actual model that inspired the experiment (Niv et al, 2007).
Based on various sources of evidence (Evenden and Robbins, 1983; Floresco et al, 2003; Grace, 1991; Salamone and Correa, 2002), it was also predicted that the opportunity cost of time, ie, the average rate of net appetitive utility, would be conveyed by tonic levels of the neuromodulator dopamine (Niv et al, 2007). This idea is supported by a large literature showing that dopamine manipulations have specific effects on the vigor of motivated behavior (Aberman and Salamone, 1999; Correa et al, 2002; Mingote et al, 2005; Salamone et al, 2001; Sokolowski et al, 1998). For example, dopamine depletion in rat nucleus accumbens leads to less responding in a reward schedule requiring a large number of lever presses but not for a small number of lever presses (Aberman and Salamone, 1999). Indeed, the latter experimental data were a key influence on the computational model of Niv et al (2007). Other experiments have shown that dopamine depletion reverses animals’ preference from a high-cost/high-reward to a low-cost/low-reward option in multiple experimental settings ((eg, Salamone et al, 1991; Sokolowski and Salamone, 1994); for a recent review on these issues, see Salamone and Correa (2012)).
A more speculative possibility is that tonic levels of another neuromodulator, namely serotonin, could be involved in reporting the average rate of net aversive utility, and, by symmetry, be involved in behavioral sloth. The reason for this is the (still somewhat contentious) notions of opponency between dopamine and serotonin (Boureau and Dayan, 2011; Cools et al, 2011; Daw et al, 2002; Deakin and Graeff, 1991) and indeed serotonin’s known involvement in behavioral inhibition (Boureau and Dayan, 2011; Cools et al, 2011; Crockett et al, 2009; Huys and Dayan, 2009; Soubrié, 1986). This leads to a possibility that boosting serotonin levels might have opposite effects on vigor to that seen when boosting dopamine levels. Here, we set out to test the effect on vigor of manipulating dopamine and serotonin in healthy human subjects.
To this end, participants were assigned to receive placebo, levodopa (150 mg) or citalopram (24 mg in oral drops, equivalent to 30 mg in tablets) and performed the exact task described in our previous paper (Guitart-Masip et al, 2011). The pharmacological agents are assumed to increase postsynaptic levels of dopamine and serotonin, respectively. We predicted that an increase in dopamine after levodopa administration would lead to a stronger modulation of the response times due to the influence of average reward rate. An additional possibility would be that an increase in serotonin after citalopram would weaken this modulation.
Ninety healthy volunteers were recruited for our pharmacological experiment (pharmacological subjects) using the subject pool associated with University College London’s Psychology Department. A further 25 healthy volunteers were recruited for a control experiment (tired subjects). They received full written instructions and provided written consent in accordance with the provisions of the University College London Research Ethics Committee.
‘Pharmacological’ subjects
Participants were randomly assigned to one of the three treatment groups: 30 participants received levodopa (13 females; age range 17 years; mean 24.07 years, SD=4.08 years), 30 participants received citalopram (17 females; age range 15 years; mean 23.6 years, SD=4.2 years), and 30 participants received placebo (13 females; age range 11 years; mean 24.23 years, SD=3.18 years). The study was double blind. All participants were right-handed and had normal or corrected-to-normal visual acuity. None of the participants reported a history of neurological, psychiatric, or any other current medical problems.
‘Tired’ subjects
The pharmacodynamics of levodopa and citalopram imply that a waiting period is necessary before they exert potent effects on dopamine and serotonin. Further, before performing the vigor task, subjects participated in an unrelated task that also yielded monetary reward. These factors may potentially cause fatigue and a lower interest in the task for the subjects participating in the current experiment and so temper the linkage to results of our previous study (Guitart-Masip et al, 2011). Consequently, to address this, we examined the potential role of exhaustion and lowered interest by recruiting an additional 25 subjects (14 females; age range 15 years; mean 24.2 years, SD=4.3 years) as above, who performed an unrelated task (reward-based decision-making) for an average of 150 min before performing the vigor task. We intended their performance to mimic the behavior of the subjects in our pharmacological sample but in the absence of any pharmacological manipulation.
Experimental Procedure for the Drug Study
Participants completed the vigor task (see below) 100 min after receiving levodopa (150 mg+37.5 mg benserazide) or 220 min after receiving citalopram (24 mg in drops, which is equivalent to 30 mg in tablet). To ensure participants and researchers were blind to condition, on the day of the experiment each participant was allocated to one treatment group and received one glass containing either citalopram or placebo. Two hours later, they received another glass containing either placebo or levodopa and waited for another hour before engaging for 40 min in a go/no-go learning task (Guitart-Masip et al, 2012b) reported elsewhere. On the go/no-go task, participants earned a minimum of £10 and a maximum of £35, based on their performance. Therefore, for all the treatments groups, participants participated in the vigor task 220 min after arriving at the laboratory and after receiving a substantial monetary incentive. Participants completed a subjective state analog scales questionnaire on three occasions. We did not detect any difference in subjective ratings between the treatment groups (see Supplementary online Material for details).
Behavioral Paradigm (Vigor Task)
The behavioral paradigm was presented using a regular PC monitor and keyboard, exactly as described in Guitart-Masip et al (2011). The layout of a trial is depicted in Figure 1a. In each trial, subject could receive a potential payout in the range 1–100 pence, as presented visually on the screen at the beginning of the trial. The potential payouts, Rt, were varied across trials according to a pre-specified function of trial number. This function was fixed across subjects and designed to vary over time in a way to minimize the correlation between the available reward, averaged reward rate, and the linear component (see below). The potential payout function used is shown in Figure 1b. After a variable period (750–1250 ms, later referred to as the Inter-trial interval), subjects were shown three visual figures and had to indicate the ‘odd one out’ by pressing a button. If subject responded within 500 ms by pressing the button corresponding to the deviant stimulus, the trial was considered successful. To keep participants engaged throughout the task we induced unexpected misses by lowering the time constraint to 400 ms in 20% of the trials. Subjects were informed as to their success on the trial after being shown a blank screen for 500 ms. Feedback was followed by another blank screen and the beginning of the next trial.
Subjects performed 458–472 trials within the 27-min time limit allocated. For payment to the subjects, 10% of the trials were chosen randomly, and subjects were paid the sum of the value of the successful subset of those trials, plus a fixed fee of £5 that was added to the amount of money that they had obtained on the previous, unrelated, task (see experimental procedure). Critically, this incentive structure implies that the faster they make correct responses, the more money they could potentially make.
Table 1 shows the average (and SD) money made by each group on the vigor task. Four subjects among the ‘pharmacology’ participants, and one from the ‘tired’ participants, managed fewer than 200 correct trials within the available experimental time limits and were thus discarded from further analysis.
Data Analysis
We fitted a log normal distribution to each individual’s reaction times (RTs) and removed any data points that were >3 SDs from the individual mean. We then recalculated the mean and SDs and repeated this procedure. Missed trials (trials without any behavioral response) were not included in the analysis. To allow subjects to get used to the task, we only analyzed trials 21–460. Participants who managed fewer than 200 complete trials (correct button press within the time limit) were subsequently omitted from further analysis.
Given the log-normalized data, we assumed a linear model for the contribution of different factors on the z-scored response times for each subject i.
with one response time per element of each vector, where ɛi is a Gaussian noise variable, and the columns in the matrix were given by the following variables that were chosen in the light of the results of our previous study (Guitart-Masip et al, 2011):
Rt: available reward for the subjects to win in a given trial.
: average reward signal, as given by where rt−1 is the reward achieved in the previous trial. This update rule is equivalent to the Rescorla–Wagner rule, which is used routinely in learning approaches to average reward reinforcement learning. The update or learning rate for the average reward αi was a free parameter of a random effects model fitted to each subject’s responses according to the algorithm described below. The update rate could range between 0 (equivalent to no learning) and 1 (equivalent to only using the reward in the previous trial).
Repetition of stimulus: binary vector indicating whether the stimulus in the last trial was the same as in this trial.
Linear: linear function.
Too late: binary return indicating whether the response was too late in the previous trial.
Inter-trial interval: pretrial interval while waiting for the stimulus to be presented.
Our key variables of interest were the available reward, Rt, and the average reward signal .
The model is similar to a linear model for linear regression, apart from the effect of the individualized learning rates αi. We treated it as a random effects model with a top level, Gaussian, prior N(μprior, Σprior) for the βi parameters and the learning rates αi (with the latter being transformed through a sigmoid to restrict their range to the interval (0,1) so that they can be treated uniformly). We fit the values of μprior and Σprior using a Bayesian Expectation-Maximization method, using regular linear regression as the inner loop for maximizing the likelihood with respect to βi. We made a Laplace approximation about this maximum to realize an approximately normally distributed (but unnormalized) likelihood proportional to , which was multiplied by N (μprior, Σprior) and normalized to create the posterior estimate of each βi value . This can be easily done analytically as .
In the M-step, the parameters for the prior were optimized as
where the dimensionality k=7 and m is the number of subjects.
There is an analytical solution to this maximization with
The E and M steps were repeated until the changes in estimated variables between two E-steps were <0.001, signifying convergence.
Notice that our approach was not fully Bayesian in that we did not assume a ‘hyper-prior’ over the parameters for the prior. Having estimated the βi-values, we then asked whether any of them explained a significant amount of variability of the data.
Re-analysis of original data
In our previous study (Guitart-Masip et al, 2011), we used the same experimental method, but no pharmacological treatment and also no waiting or intermediate task (the go/no-go task mentioned above). We had also used a simpler analysis method. In order to compare our current results with the earlier ones, we reanalyzed the results of that prior experiment using the statistical methods described above. Out of the 39 subjects, we excluded 1 subject due to failure of the recording software.
We tested the effects of manipulating dopamine (using levodopa) on the vigor displayed by human subjects using a task developed to test how reward modulates RTs. This task was the same as in our previous published study (Guitart-Masip et al, 2011), requiring speeded responses in an ‘odd-one-out’ task, where subjects were rewarded for being both accurate and suitably fast (see Methods).
For completeness, we report results and comparisons among the three different sets of data. Set Dorig comes from reanalyzing data from (Guitart-Masip et al, 2011) using a more sophisticated statistical method (a random effects model) that we adopted for our new data, in view of an anticipated need to make comparisons between different groups of subjects.
Data set Dpharm was the main experimental focus in the present paper. Subjects were administered placebo, levodopa, or citalopram and after a fixed time period (which included participation in an unrelated reward task) performed the vigor task. Dpharm comprises data from the three groups Dplac, Dldopa, and Dcit.
Finally, we collected an additional data set Dtired to assess the effect of the key experimental difference between the paradigm underlying Dorig and Dpharm, namely the requirement for participants to remain on our premises for 220 min and engage in a learning task before performing the vigor task. This waiting period may have caused fatigue and decreased motivation in participants. To assess the effect of the waiting period, if any, we tested 25 subjects using a similar design: in effect these subjects participated in the vigor task 150 min after arrival for the study and after engaging in an unrelated reward-based decision-making task with a pay-off ranging between £5 and £20.
Table 1 shows for each data set the means (and SDs) of the number of performed trials, the number of correct responses within the trial time limit, the number of trials with too late responses, and the number of wrong button presses. There was no significant difference across groups on any of these measures (Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test, p>0.05). Table 1 also includes the amount of money won and the average response times for each experiment, which also did not differ significantly across groups (one-way ANOVA, F(147)=0.62, p>0.05 and F(147)=1.08, p>0.05, respectively).
To examine the factors influencing the subjects’ RTs, we used an expectation maximization variant of linear regression (see Methods). The regressors of interest were the available reward and the average reward history (vigor signal) and several nuisance variables (see Methods).
The most significant formal difference to our previous analysis was that, here, we fit the learning rate α used to calculate the average reward on a subject-by-subject basis as part of the random effects model, rather than using a single value for α across subjects estimated based on a maximum likelihood fit to pilot data (Guitart-Masip et al, 2011). Learning rates were individually fit in order to rule out the possibility that any effects of the pharmacological treatments on vigor were caused by undetected differences in learning rates. Our results, however, showed no difference in learning rate across data sets (one-way ANOVA F(147)=1.38, p>0.05) nor across the three pharmacological groups (F(85)=2.09, p>0.05)).
‘Original’ Experiment
The blue values in Figure 2 show the mean β weights (with associated SEs) for the six regressors for the data set Dorig. As in the original study, we found that the average reward rate (vigor signal) had a significantly negative influence on RTs (t=−6.91, p<0.001): the higher the average reward the quicker the responses. Note that the effect of average reward rate is similarly strong in the current analysis despite the fact that the mean learning rate across subjects is an order of magnitude higher, and the resulting regressor implies the integration of rewards over a much shorter time window (see Figure 1b). This effect of average reward is very different from the effect of the immediate reward that would be available given correct performance on the current trial. Similar to our previous analysis, we found that immediate reward had no significant impact on the RT; the β parameter for the available reward regressor was not significantly positive (one-sample t-test, t=1.82, p>0.05). For the nuisance regressors, we found a significant negative effect of the Repetition of Stimulus, Linear, and Inter-trial Interval regressors (t=(−8.72,−9.23,−2.98,−7.58), p<0.01) in keeping with our previous report (Figure 3).
‘Tired’ Experiment
We expected that after waiting for 150 min and participating in an unrelated reward-based decision-making task, the impact of average reward on vigor would be reduced, due to either fatigue or devaluation of reward. Indeed, although we found that the value of β associated with the average reward signal in Dtired was significantly negative (one-sample t-test, p<0.05, t=−2.21; red points in Figure 2), the value was significantly less than in Dorig (two-sample t-test, p<0.05, t=2.58). Effects of other regressors were similar in the two data sets, with only Repetition of Stimulus having a significantly stronger effect (two-sample t-test, t=−2.50, p<0.05). These results led us to expect a weaker vigor signal across the subject groups in Dpharm.
Effects of Pharmacological Manipulations
Having examined the effect of fatigue, we turn to Dpharm, with the results for placebo (Dplac, blue), L-Dopa (Dldopa, red), and citalopram (Dcit, green) shown in Figure 3. We first checked the effects on the Dplac. For the average reward signal, , we again found a negative weight implying that the average reward signal causes subjects to speed up, although this was now only borderline significant (t=−1.96, ∼p=0.06) for the control group. This is in contrast to Dorig, but consistent with Dtired. For the available reward, Rt, we found a small positive effect (not significant using a t-test, p>0.05, t=0.92), similar to our previous study. As in our previous data sets, this implies that there was a weak tendency for subjects to slow down as the instantaneously available reward increased. Regarding the nuisance parameters, the β coefficients of Dplac were nearly identical to those of Dorig, exhibiting no significant difference (two-sample t-test, p>0.05 for all regressors, t=(0.69,−1.02, 1.38,−0.26)) (Figure 4).
Comparing ‘Placebo’ with ‘L-Dopa’ Subjects
Our main interest in this study was to compare Dldopa with Dplac. As predicted by our hypothesis, and the original model (Niv et al, 2007), we found the L-Dopa group had a significantly stronger (more negative) effect of average reward rate compared with the control group (t=−2.28, p<0.05). That is, subjects receiving L-Dopa modulated their response times more strongly based on the recent reward history than control subjects (see Figure 3).
There was also a significant difference between the two groups for the Inter-trial Interval regressor, for which L-Dopa subjects showed less effect of a long preparation time (two-sample t-test, p<0.05, t=−2.17). We did not find any other significant difference for the available reward regressor, Rt (two-sample t-test, t=−1.86, p>0.05), the linear regressor (t=−1.10, p>0.05), or the binary regressors, indicating the repetition of stimulus (t=0.21, p>0.05) or a too late response in the previous trial (t=−0.73, p>0.05).
Comparing ‘Placebo’ with ‘Citalopram’ Subjects
There was no significant difference between Dcit and Dplac for any regression coefficient (two-sample t-test, p>0.05), and, indeed, all mean β values were very similar (see Figure 3). Comparing the coefficients for the average reward rate (vigor signal) across all groups, we found that the values for Dplac and Dcit and Dtired were all significantly different from that for Dorig(2-sample t-test, t=(3.25, 2.31, 2.58), p<0.05), while that for Dldopa was not (Dorig versus Dldopa, t=0.94, p>0.05), see Figure 4.
Comparing ‘L-Dopa’ with ‘Citalopram’ Subjects
The difference between Dldopa and Dcit for neither the effect of the available reward or the average reward rate (two-sample t-test, p>0.05, t=(0.65, −1.37)), nor for the Repetition of Stimulus or Linear regressors (two-sample t-test, p>0.05, t=(0.39, −0.79)) was significant. The only regressors to show significant effects were the Too Late and Inter-trial Interval (two-sample t-test, t=(−2.49, 2.08), p<0.05, see Figure 3). This implies that the Citalopram group was less spurred on by being too late than the L-Dopa group, while the L-Dopa group was less able to use their preparation time to speed up their responses.
The relationship between incentive motivation and response vigor has been examined in a number of experimental studies (Cools et al, 2005; Satoh et al, 2003; Wittmann et al, 2005), showing that for humans and animals alike instrumental actions are influenced by the subjective value of rewards in the environment. From a formal standpoint, at least three factors should determine the vigor or latency of a response. First, the task itself could demand an appropriately quick response, as indeed was the case in the present task, and as studied more systematically in active avoidance paradigms (McCleary, 1961). Second, subjects may exhibit a tradeoff between speed and accuracy, slowing down in order to perform more competently. Third, subjects may be able to minimize the opportunity cost associated with rewards that are postponed if actions are slothful.
In the context of our task, the first of these effects, and indeed any Pavlovian counterpart, such as preparatory or consummator appetitive impulsivity associated with the prediction or presence of a potential reward (Evenden and Robbins, 1983), or appetitive Pavlovian to Instrumental Transfer (Talmi et al, 2008), should depend on the immediately offered reward, Rt. The same dependence would be expected for a speed-accuracy tradeoff. We discuss the first and second factors later, as the theory we set out to test (Niv et al, 2007) considers the influence of the third factor, with the opportunity cost being the average rate of reward.
We replicated our previous finding (Guitart-Masip et al, 2011) showing that the local average rate of reward influences the vigor of the instrumental responses of healthy human volunteers. Here, because of the exigencies of the pharmacokinetics of the drugs used, and an intermediate task, our subjects were prone to tiredness. Thus, as any finding that reward-related vigor was reduced could be subject to alternative interpretations, we collected additional control data to assess the effects of the tiredness itself.
Our main finding was that the effect of this fatigue was reversed by the administration of levodopa—that is, boosting dopamine boosted reward-related vigor. This effect was specific to reward-related vigor and not a general effect on arousal as shown by the lack of effect on the subjective analog scale ratings. Moreover, among all the nuisance variables included in our regression analysis, the only significant difference between placebo and L-Dopa was observed on the inter-trial interval regressor, whereby L-Dopa decreased the effect of longer preparation times between the display of the available reward and the appearance of the target stimulus. If anything, this suggests that participants were less aroused after receiving the drug. These results confirm a theoretical suggestion that dopamine has a critical role in response vigor (Guitart-Masip et al, 2011), an hypothesis based on a wealth of experimental data showing enhanced dopamine levels increase movement vigor in both animals (Lex and Hauber, 2008; Salamone and Correa, 2002; Taylor and Robbins, 1986; Ungerstedt, 1971) and humans (Guitart-Masip et al, 2012a), and had previously been tested less directly (Mazzoni et al, 2007; Salamone and Correa, 2002). These studies implicate the nucleus accumbens as at least one relevant site for the invigorating action of dopamine (Balleine, 2005; Lex and Hauber, 2008; Parkinson et al, 2002).
According to the original theory, the coupling of dopamine to vigor is instrumental in nature (maximizing the average rate of reward) and depends on tonic levels of this neuromodulator. However, Pavlovian effects may also have a key part, eg, a direct coupling between reward rate and vigor even in tasks in which this does not actually increase the average reward rate. Such a direct coupling can in extreme cases lead to detrimental behavior as described in animals (Breland and Breland, 1961) and humans (Guitart-Masip et al, 2012b), where vigorous behavior in the light of immediately available reward, in fact, can lead to less overall reward. In our task, an effective decoupling of the Pavlovian and instrumental systems could have been achieved if the inter-trial interval had been increased to compensate for trials in which the subjects responded quickly. This manipulation would place Pavlovian and instrumental behavioral tendencies in opposition. It would be straightforward to test for this, for instance, using a reward scheme based on differential reinforcement of low rates of responding (for an example of the use of this technique, see (Sokolowski and Salamone, 1994)). Our experiment tested a mild form of this in that it violated the conditions of the original theory by making the attainment of reward contingent upon a response being executed within a fixed time (either 400 or 500 ms). The fact that it is the rate of reward based on historical trials rather than the actual offer on the current trial that increases vigor can be seen in such Pavlovian terms.
The role of the instantaneously available reward, Rt, was puzzling. Using our previous analysis, as well as the more sensitive analysis in this study, we found that it had no significant effect on the RT (although, as before, the coefficient was numerically positive, ie, associated if anything with slowing down). This is in stark contrast with the clear and repeatable effect of the average reward rate . One issue for the lack of effect of the instantaneous reward is the possibility that it arises through interaction with a speed-accuracy tradeoff (for instance, with a tendency for subjects to speed up because of the larger reward being tempered by the fact that this might make them less accurate). However, as in our previous experiment, we found no between-subjects correlation between the available reward and the proportion of correct responses (calculated across subjects, r=0.047, p>0.05). This suggests that our main pharmacological effect is independent of such tradeoffs, in agreement with a recent study (Winkel et al, 2012). It is notable that Parkinson’s patients, with impairments to dopamine signaling, show normal speed-accuracy tradeoffs and merely a propensity to slower actions (Mazzoni et al, 2007). Together with our finding of dopaminergic modulation of reward-related vigor, it is tempting to suggest that dopamine is selectively involved in a coupling between average reward rates and vigor.
Our results are apparently not in agreement with studies using the Monetary Incentive Delay task or related tasks (eg, Cools et al, 2005; Knutson et al, 2001; Wittmann et al, 2005). In these experiments, participants must perform fast button presses upon receiving a go-signal so as to obtain monetary rewards of different magnitudes. Responses are typically faster for trials on which larger rewards are available. However, these tasks involve a categorical comparison between different levels of reward magnitude, usually involving differences of one order of magnitude and where local fluctuations in average reward are likely to be small. Future research with a variant of the Monetary Incentive Delay task involving both categorical levels of reward magnitude with systematic manipulations of average reward rate are needed to understand the exact relationship of available reward and average reward on response vigor.
The computational model by Niv et al (2007) suggested that average reward was coded by tonic dopamine signals. However, in this theory, the underlying decision problem is stationary, which is not true in our experimental test, and so the exact timescale at which the average reward is realized in dopaminergic signaling is not completely clear. Various ways for measuring dopamine concentrations across various timescales are available, including cyclic voltammetry (Gan et al, 2010) or microdialysis (Westerink et al, 1996). Indeed, experiments using microdialysis have shown that in the ventral striatum dopamine increases in a timescale of minutes when animals perform instrumental responses in free operant tasks (Ostlund et al, 2011; Segovia et al, 2011). Interestingly, satiation induced a decrease in response vigor, which was correlated with the decrease in dopamine efflux in the shell of the nucleus accumbens (Ostlund et al, 2011).
One important complexity concerns phasic dopamine signals, as tonic and phasic aspects of dopamine are directly linked (Grace, 1991) and both are affected by levodopa (Cools, 2006). Reward prediction errors induced by cues, potentially including the indication of the immediately available reward, are tightly coupled to the phasic activity of dopamine neurons (Schultz et al, 1997) as well as with the extracellular concentration of dopamine (Gan et al, 2010). Further, RTs are negatively correlated with phasic activity of dopamine neurons (Satoh et al, 2003). Therefore, one would expect a negative effect of the available reward on the RTs. However, opposite to this we found a neutral or positive correlation, making it unlikely that these short-term dopaminergic signals are responsible for the observed dopaminergic modulation of average reward.
Some evidence about the appropriate timescale comes from the learning rates associated with average reward that we found through fitting the model. It is important to note that there was no significant difference in learning rates between the groups, thus this does not appear to be a route by which levodopa could affect vigor. However, whereas in the current experiment we found that the learning rate ranged between 0.113 and 0.154 per trial, implying a time window for averaging of about 30 s, in the previous study we used a single learning rate for all subjects fit on pilot data that was 0.012 per trial, implying averaging over 5 min. Due to limitations in sensitivity of the analysis used in the original study, we generated a single regressor for the averaged reward, with the learning rate fitted to the averaged response times across all subjects. In the current, more sensitive, analysis, we fit the learning rate individually to each subject. As shown in Table 1, calculating the learning rate in this way for subjects in the original study leads to a mean value consistent with all the other learning rates that we found in the current data set. We therefore suspect our previous procedure underestimated the learning rates. Nevertheless, we show here that the critical conclusions about the influence of average reward and immediately offered reward remain true.
We did not find any effects of citalopram on the impact of average reward on response vigor, nor did we find a significant difference from the levodopa group. One major pillar of the current version of the computational proposal that serotonin acts as an opponent to dopamine (Boureau and Dayan, 2011; Deakin and Graeff, 1991) is that serotonin is directly implicated in behavioral inhibition, behavioral quiescence, and waiting (Huys and Dayan, 2009; Miyazaki et al, 2012) as a contrast to dopamine’s involvement in behavioral activation (Cools et al, 2011; Guitart-Masip et al, 2012a). However, it is a possibility that the effects of serotonin on response inhibition are only observed when actions are taken in a context that includes punishments (Crockett et al, 2009, 2012). Furthermore, the involvement of serotonin in inhibition is typically complicated (Cools et al, 2011), and even the regional effects on serotonin concentration of single doses of citalopram are controversial (Bari et al, 2010). As a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, citalopram’s direct effect arises via locally increased serotonin availability. However, acute citalopram administration can result in decreased total postsynaptic serotonin availability, at least at the cortical level (Selvaraj et al, 2012), possibly through a presynaptic inhibitory mechanism (Artigas et al, 1996; Hajós et al, 1995). Despite these uncertainties on the effects of citalopram on serotonin levels, the inclusion of this drug may highlight selective involvement of the serotonergic system in specific cognitive functions. One possibility that can be tested in future experiments is whether serotonin is involved in coupling the average rate of punishment into sloth (Dayan, 2012). More complex predictions have been made about the effect of dopamine and serotonin in active avoidance paradigms where appropriately early responses are necessary to obviate punishments (Dayan, 2012).
One possible limitation of the current experiment relates to the fact that dopamine fluctuates with the menstrual cycle (Czoty et al, 2009; Jacobs and D’Esposito, 2011; Ossewaarde et al, 2011). This may result in increased variability of the effects of L-Dopa and may have had a deleterious effect when trying to assess cognitive effects of a pharmacological manipulation. Importantly, although increased noise could certainly have been problematic in the light of a negative result, the significant effect of L-Dopa that we found across what was a mixed sample can be seen as more strongly suggestive of the involvement of the dopaminergic system in the regulation of response vigor.
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This work was supported by a Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award 098362/Z/12/Z to RJD, the Gatsby Charitable Foundation (UB, PD), and a FP7 Marie Curie Reintegration Grant to UB (231115); the study was carried out at The Wellcome Trust Center for Neuroimaging, a facility supported by core funding from Wellcome Trust Grant 091593/Z/10/Z.
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Beierholm, U., Guitart-Masip, M., Economides, M. et al. Dopamine Modulates Reward-Related Vigor. Neuropsychopharmacol 38, 1495–1503 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1038/npp.2013.48
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/npp.2013.48
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