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eCommerce Blog

How to Reduce B2B Shopping Cart Abandonment

How to Reduce B2B Shopping Cart Abandonment

If you are struggling to reduce cart abandonment in your B2B e-commerce store, this article will give you useful advice to streamline checkout, offer transparent pricing, and enhance the shopping experience. Learn how to optimize website speed, provide detailed product info, and use tools like abandoned cart emails and live chat to boost conversions and sales.

8 minutes read

How To Create and Design Product Pages on E-commerce Websites

How To Create and Design Product Pages on E-commerce Websites

Discover how to create high-converting product pages that turn browsers into customers. This comprehensive guide covers essential elements such as product titles, high-quality images, detailed descriptions, pricing information, and call-to-action buttons. Optimize your pages for mobile, maintain consistent branding, and improve technical SEO for better search engine rankings.

15 minutes read

nopCommerce performance guide

nopCommerce performance guide

Developing nopCommerce we always pay attention to high performance rate for future sites on our platform. By today nopCommerce powers large stores that work extremely good, and our own store demo gets 100/100 at Google PageSpeed.

To gain the same result for your store you need to make sure that all the settings were made in a proper way. In this performance guide, we will show you how. Below you will find the set of practices with proven efficiency that our team formed in the last few years.

In brief, working on performance improvement consists of several aspects: proper nopCommerce settings, checking the customization that was done, choosing the right hosting and some other moments. Let’s consider them in turn.

10 minutes read

The Power of eCommerce mobile app for B2B

The Power of eCommerce mobile app for B2B

B2B buyers increasingly prefer mobile platforms. That’s why investing in a mobile app brings numerous benefits for B2B eCommerce: improved performance, accessibility, and user experience, which far outweigh the initial costs. A well-designed app can streamline processes, boost sales, and enhance customer loyalty.

This article highlights the importance of mobile apps in B2B eCommerce, covering key features, benefits, and steps for developing a tailored app.

7 minutes read

Why Staying on Old Versions Could Cost You: Reasons to Upgrade Your nopCommerce Store to 4.70

Why Staying on Old Versions Could Cost You: Reasons to Upgrade Your nopCommerce Store to 4.70

Even though updating to a newer version can seem time-consuming and costly, the benefits always exceed the expenses. Adopting a new version gives your online store better safety, higher performance, useful features, and more. In this article, we explore compelling reasons why upgrading your nopCommerce store to version 4.70 is a smart investment for the future of your business.

7 minutes read

Avoid the Spam Trap: How Warming Up Your Email Can Help You Boost Your Online Sales

Avoid the Spam Trap: How Warming Up Your Email Can Help You Boost Your Online Sales

Sending too many emails from a new domain may make Internet and email providers suspicious and lead to your emails being seen as spam. To avoid that unpleasant situation there is an email domain warm-up, a special algorithm that helps to increase your inbox placement, open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

10 minutes read

Enhancing E-commerce: The Significance of Full-Text Search

Enhancing E-commerce: The Significance of Full-Text Search

Did you know that 43% of all shoppers go straight to the search bar when navigating a website and are as much as three times more likely to convert than non-searchers? That’s why, speed and relevance are key to increasing sales.

5 minutes read

nopCommerce vs Magento (Adobe Commerce) Comparison

nopCommerce vs Magento (Adobe Commerce) Comparison

nopCommerce and Magento (Adobe Commerce) are some of the most popular open-source eCommerce platforms available in the market. Both have extensive functionality created to fit businesses of any size and specific features tailored for medium and large stores. Magento and nopCommerce both have free versions and additional advanced paid options. Below is a detailed comparison of the solutions by criteria of price, features, customization, security, and technology stacks and support followed by a case study showing changes in store performance after migration from Magento to nopCommerce.

6 minutes read

Power BI integration with nopCommerce: from data to dashboards

From data to dashboards: Power BI integration with nopCommerce

Timely decisions in eCommerce can make the difference between success and stagnation. That’s why Microsoft Power BI becomes a must-have data visualization tool for nopCommerce merchants.

By accessing numerous data sources, Power BI creates live dashboards and real-time reports for your convenience. Learn how Power BI can save you tons of time and effort, when combined with the robust functionality of nopCommerce.

10 minutes read

Mastering nopCommerce: expert strategies for efficient error resolution

nopCommerce error resolution

Whether you’re a store owner facing operational hurdles or a developer grappling with technical glitches, this guide provides step-by-step instructions and insightful tips to help you overcome these obstacles with ease.

From diagnosing common errors to implementing advanced troubleshooting strategies, check out this article and equip yourself with the knowledge and tools necessary for maintaining a smooth, efficient, and trouble-free nopCommerce experience.

15 minutes read