Concierge Services

Get Listed Fast on Nomad Stays

Want to get going quickly without having to learn our platform first?

Grab one of our Concierge Services and Nomad Stays will do all the hard work for you.

Our Concierges do all the data input for you, formatting of photos, refinement of descriptions, and even help you with your pricing strategy. We explain the regulatory obligations and help you leverage our free marketing and grow your brand.

You get final review and sign off on everything before it goes live.


Initial Listing
  • Once-Off Charge
  • Covers the Initial Listing
  • All Inclusions
  • No Ongoing Updates

$19 /mo

Monthly Maintenance
  • Monthly Charge
  • Monthly Updates
  • All Inclusions
  • No Initial Listing

$199 /yr

Annual Plan (Prepaid)
  • Pay Yearly - Save 35%
  • Monthly Updates
  • All Inclusions
  • Initial Listing + 1 Year of Updates
Key Features

Expert Setup

Fast Delivery


Frequently Asked Questions
  • How does it work?

    Quite simple really.

    You will already have been approved for listing on Nomad Stays by this stage so after signing up for a Concierge package, your Concierge will contact you to set a time for a video call.

    You will also put together all your potential photographs, list of rooms, current rates, marketing texts etc. for your listing. See our Preparation Checklist for the full list.

    During the call you will walk the Concierge through your material, and later upload it to our server. The Concierge will also ask you a range of questions

    The Concierge will then go away and start preparing and uploading your material.

    Your Concierge will chase you for any missing information as well as seek your opinion on your draft listing.

    When you're happy with the listing your Concierge will turn it live for you and our digital nomad members will see you for the first time.

  • Must I use a Concierge to get listed?


    The Nomad Stays platform is a self listing platform. You can list your Stay yourself and we provide an extensive Help Center to guide you.

    If you would like some help though, we have a team of Concierges who are available.

  • How many changes can I make?

    Generally you will update once a month.

    Our Concierges will help you upload your changes once you've worked them out. You can always make your own changes between Concierge sessions.

  • Will you take photos of my Stay?

    Sorry, no. Photo shoots are not part of the concierge services presently.

    We can guide you on how to take more appealing photos. Our Concierges will also edit your photos to make them look their best on our platform. And of course we will upload them for you.

  • Can you fix my mistakes for me?

    Yes we will.

    Technical mistakes are fixed each month (for those on ongoing packages) or on your initial listing (if this package chosen).

    Marketing and Price content is more subjective rather than mistakes. We can provide you with some suggestions or experiments to try, but the decision will be yours.

    Once you've made a decision your Concierge will make the changes for you.

  • How long does the subscription run for?

    Ongoing subscription run until cancelled. The initial listing package is charged only once without any ongoing commitments.

  • Can I cancel at any time?

    Yes, of course.

    Simply follow the link on your pagement receipt to visit the PinPayments portal and cancel your subscription. Future payments will be cancelled.

More Help