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Download RESTBase source


You can do this operation from any folder where you have permissions.

Download from git:

git clone

Alternatively, download the zip from the project repository and extract it.

Install node dependencies


RESTBase has been tested with node.js version 10.

From the restbase project directory, install the Node dependencies using npm (part of nodejs):

npm install
You can also use npm install restbase but in this case, you should set the environment variable APP_BASE_PATH to YOUR_INSTALLATION_FOLDER/node_modules/restbase before run the server and be careful with slightly different file positions including server.js described below.



Copy the sample configuration:

cp config.example.yaml config.yaml

Edit the config.yaml file in these parts:

     - pattern: http://localhost/w/api.php
       forward_headers: true
     - pattern: http://localhost:8142
       forward_headers: true
     - pattern: /^https?:\/\//
  • You don't need to change anything nor worry about this section unless you run a private wiki (see question).
  • YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE is the base domain of your wiki (or identifier if you have several wikis at different paths of the same domain). For example, MediaWiki's base URL is It's used as an identifier path in case you use the same server for multiple wikis. For use with Parsoid in MediaWiki 1.35+, the domain must match exactly the host portion of your wiki's $wgServer configuration.
     # XXX Check API URL!
     apiUriTemplate: http://YOUR_WIKI_API_ENDPOINT
     baseUriTemplate: "{{'{domain}/v1'}}"
  • YOUR_WIKI_API_ENDPOINT is the location of your wiki's api.php. For example, MediaWiki's API endpoint is See The endpoint .
  • baseUriTemplate is the endpoint as it can be accessed from the Internet. If you proxy the traffic directly from apache/nginx to this service, you may use a URL like "{{'http://{domain}/api/rest_v1'}}". This is recommended, to avoid problems for people that can't access non-standard ports.
       - path: sys/parsoid.js
           # XXX Check Parsoid URL! .../rest.php is the default configuration
           # Parsoid/JS used http://localhost:8142
           parsoidHost: http://YOUR_WIKI_REST_ENDPOINT
  • For MediaWiki 1.35 and later, YOUR_WIKI_REST_ENDPOINT is the location of your wiki's rest.php. For example, MediaWiki's REST endpoint is See REST API .
  • In MediaWiki 1.34 and earlier, using Parsoid/JS , the parsoidHost: entry must correspond to the URL and port of your Parsoid server. If your Parsoid and RESTBase servers are on the same machine, then localhost is a valid URL, but you will typically need to add the appropriate port number. Parsoid/JS used http://localhost:8142 as its default.
       - name: default
         domains: /./
     backend: sqlite
     dbname: db.sqlite3
  • dbname: RESTBase will use by default a sqlite database for storing cached data. The file in the example script is named db.sqlite3 and is located in the same directory of the RESTBase folder. If you later want to run RESTBase as a service, you'll want to put the database on a different folder where the user running the service would have write permissions. For this you can change the line to: dbname: /var/lib/restbase/db.sqlite3 (and ensuring the user account running the service has permissions to write on it). Please note: You must manually add storage_groups parameter since they introduced storage groups for SQLite (see T225579).
  • In MediaWiki 1.35 and later you need to call Parsoid via your LocalSettings.php file in case the VisualEditor is not installed for the wiki:
    'vendor/wikimedia/parsoid/extension.json' // Add absolute path here in case of issues with your job queue

If you want to serve requests from multiple wikis on the same RESTBase server, you should copy and replicate the entire /{domain:YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE}: section, changing configurations as needed.

Run the server and Test


To test that it runs, from the RESTBase folder run:

node server.js

For testing, while it's running, on another terminal execute:

curl http://YOUR_RESTBASE_SERVER:7231/YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/v1/page/html/Main_Page

If everything is configured appropriately, you should see the HTML content of the Main_Page.

In a browser you can also test by navigating to http://YOUR_RESTBASE_SERVER:7231/YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/v1/ and you should see a page titled Wikimedia REST API. On this page you can test all manner of RESTBase methods and variables.

For other testing refer to GitHub.

If Restbase Port is blocked


If you do not see the page (your browser says it can't connect), your restbase server port may be blocked. Do the following:

  • If you get {"items":["page","transform"]}, your restbase server port is ok.
  • If you did not get {"items":["page","transform"]}, then do:
    curl http://localhost:7231/YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/v1/
    • If you get {"items":["page","transform"]} the restbase server is not bad, but you cannot access the port.

To bypass the block, you can set proxypass to your Apache httpd configuration. See the Proxy requests to RESTBase from your webserver section for instructions.

Starting RESTBase Server automatically


Create a new user for the RESTBase service (optional, but recommended to avoid running it as root) and create a home folder for that user:

sudo useradd --home=/var/lib/restbase -M --user-group --system --shell=/usr/sbin/nologin -c "RESTBase for MediaWiki" restbase
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/restbase
sudo chown restbase:restbase /var/lib/restbase

For installing the RESTBase server as a service with systemd, run sudo systemctl edit --force --full restbase.service. It will open a text editor. Fill it with the following contents:

Description=Mediawiki RESTBase Service


ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /path_to_restbase-master/server.js

Replace path_to_restbase-master with the path to your restbase project directory.

To automatically start the RESTBase server at system startup,

systemctl enable restbase.service

To control the RESTBase server,

sudo systemctl start|stop|restart|status restbase.service

Proxy requests to RESTBase from your webserver


RESTBase must be accessible from the visitors of your site for some functions to work properly. Having RESTBase on a non-standard http port is problematic for some users behind a corporate proxy or firewall. To solve this, and specially to serve requests to RESTBase through HTTPS, you should set up a reverse-proxy on your webserver that would route requests at a given path of your wiki to the RESTBase server.



If you use apache, you can make a restbase.conf file like this, and put on /etc/httpd/conf.d of YOUR_RESTBASE_SERVER.

# Restbase.conf : usually on /etc/httpd/conf.d/

<VirtualHost *:80>
          AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode

          ProxyPreserveHost On
          ProxyPass /YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/ http://localhost:7231/YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/ nocanon
          ProxyPassReverse /YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/ http://localhost:7231/YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/
          # Alternate configuration like WMF to have URLS like //
          # ProxyPass /api/rest_v1/ http://localhost:7231/YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/v1/ nocanon
          # ProxyPassReverse /api/rest_v1/ http://localhost:7231/YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/v1/

          # MediaWiki is located here:
          DocumentRoot /var/www/html




On the general configuration:

upstream restbase {
	server localhost:7231;
	keepalive 32;

# Hack so nginx doesn't decode the / character in page titles, causing
# errors on pages with that title.
map $request_uri $restbasequery {
        default "xx";
        "~/YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/v1/(?<xrestbasequery>.*)$" "$xrestbasequery";
        # Alternate configuration like WMF to have URLS like //
        #"~/api/rest_v1/(?<xrestbasequery>.*)$" "$xrestbasequery";

Inside the server block:

location /YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/v1/ {
# Alternate configuration like WMF to have URLS like //
# location /api/rest_v1/ {

        proxy_pass http://restbase/YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/v1/$restbasequery;

Configuring config.yaml for WMF like URLS


If you don't want to get a fetch error when using WMF like URLS, you should add x-host-basePath to the spec module like so:

              - spec:
                    version: 1.0.0
                    title: Wikimedia REST API
                    description: Welcome to your RESTBase API.
                    - path: ./lib/normalize_title_filter.js
                        redirect_cache_control: 's-maxage=0, max-age=86400'
                  x-host-basePath: /api/rest_v1



You should restart httpd (by apachectl restart or some means). In a browser you can now navigate to:


(alternate url like WMF setup):


and you should see a page titled Wikimedia REST API. And in this setting, you should add below to LocalSettings.php for VisualEditor.

$wgVisualEditorRestbaseURL = "http://YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/v1/page/html/";
$wgVisualEditorFullRestbaseURL = "http://YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/";
# Alternate URL scheme
# $wgVisualEditorRestbaseURL = "http://YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/api/rest_v1/page/html/";
# $wgVisualEditorFullRestbaseURL = "http://YOUR_WIKI_WEBSITE/api/rest_";

See also
