- Info
Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften
- Amiranashvili AG, Kartvelishvili LG, Matzarakis A, 2024: Variability of the Holiday Climate Index in Tsalka (Georgia). Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, 27(1), 77 – 90.
- Briegel F, Wehrle J, Schindler D, Christen A, 2024: High-resolution multi-scaling of outdoor human thermal comfort and its intra-urban variability based on machine learning. Geoscientific Model Development, 17, 1667-1688.
- Costa IT, Wollmann CA, Writzl L, Iensse AC, da Silva AN, de Freitas Baumhardt O, Gobo JPA, Shooshtarian S, Matzarakis A, 2024: A Systematic Review on Human Thermal Comfort and Methodologies for Evaluating Urban Morphology in Outdoor Spaces. Climate, 12, 30, 1-24.
- Dashti A, Mohammadsharifi N, Shokuhi M, Matzarakis A, 2024: A comprehensive study on wintertime outdoor thermal comfort of blue-green infrastructure in an arid climate: A case of Isfahan, Iran. Sustainable Cities and Society, 113, 1-18.
- Dogan Ciftci N, Şahin AD, Yousefpour R, Christen A, 2024: Effects of climate trends and variability on tree health responses in the Black Sea and Mediterranean forests of Türkiye. Theor Appl Climatol. 155, 3969–3991.
- Fenner D, Christen A, Grimmond CSB, Meier F, Morrison W, Zeeman M, Barlow J, Birkmann J, Blunn L, Chrysoulakis N, Clements M, Glazer R, Hertwig D, Kotthaus S, König K, Looschelders D, Mitraka Z, Poursanidis D, Tsirantonakis D, Bechtel B, Benjamin K, Beyrich F, Briegel F, Feigel G, Gertsen C, Iqbal N, Kittner J, Lean H, Liu Y, Luo Z, McGrory M, Metzger S, Paskin M, Ravan M, Ruhtz T, Saunders B, Scherer D, Smith ST, Stretton M, Trachte K, Van Hove M, 2024: urbisphere -Berlin campaign: Investigating multi-scale urban impacts on the atmospheric boundary layer, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 105 (10), E1929–E1961.
- Gangwisch M, Ludwig S, Matzarakis A, 2024: Modeling the Normalized Urban Heat Island for the City of Karlsruhe by Linking Urban Morphology and Green Infrastructure. Atmosphere, 15, 125.
- Gangwisch M, Matzarakis A, 2024: Composition of factors for local heat adaptation measures at the local level in cities of the mid-latitude – An approach for the south-west of Germany. Environment International, 187, 108718, 1-16.
- Giannaros C, Agathangelidis I, Galanaki E, Cartalis C, Kotroni V, Lagouvardos K, Giannaros TM, Matzarakis A, 2024: Hourly values of an advanced human-biometeorological index for diverse populations from 1991 to 2020 in Greece. Scientific Data 11, 76, 1-10.
- Hall TW, Blunn L, Grimmond S, McCarroll N, Merchant CJ, Morrison W, Shonk JKP, Lean H, Best M, 2024: Utility of thermal remote sensing for evaluation of a high-resolution weather model in a city. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 150(760), 1771–1790.
- Hilland R, Christen A, 2024: A Systematic Investigation of the Applicability of Taylor’s Hypothesis in an Idealized Surface Layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 190, 22.
- Ilgen K, Schindler D, Armbruster A, Ladwig R, Eppinger Ruiz der Zarate I, Lange J, 2024: Evaporation reduction and energy generation potential using floating photovoltaic power plants on the Aswan High Dam Reservoir. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 69: 709-720.
- Jung C, 2024: Recent Development and Future Perspective of Wind Power Generation. Energies, 17: 5391.
- Jung C, Schindler D, 2024: Global trends of wind direction-dependent wind resource. Energy, 304: 132235.
- Jung C, Schindler D, 2024: Introducing a new hazard and exposure atlas for European winter storms. Science of The Total Environment, 929: 172566.
- Jung C, Sander L, Schindler D, 2024: Future global offshore wind energy under climate change and advanced wind turbine technology. Energy Conversion and Management, 321: 119075.
- Kolbe S, Pfenning M, Schindler D, 2024: Wind-induced torsional vibration in a ponderosa pine tree. Forest Ecology and Management 553, 121638.
- Kolbe S, Kammel F, Schmitt A, Reiterer A, Schindler D, 2024: Mode coupling and signal energy distribution in an open-grown European beech tree. Forest Ecology and Management, 560, 121845.
- Kurz SD, Mahlke H, Graw K, Prasse P, Falk V, Knosalla C, Matzarakis A, 2024: Patterns in acute aortic dissection and a connection to meteorological conditions in Germany. PLOS ONE 19, 0296794.
- Laschewski G, Matzarakis A, 2024: Langfristige Veränderung der UV-Strahlung und Auswirkungen auf die individuelle Strahlungsexposition von Menschen in Deutschland. Gefahrstoffe – Reinhaltung der Luft, 84, 7-8, 187-194.
- Lv H, Gangwisch M, Saha S, 2024: Crown Die-Back of Peri-Urban Forests after Combined Heatwave and Drought Was Species-Specific, Size-Dependent, and Also Related to Tree Neighbourhood Characteristics. Science of The Total Environment, 913, 169716.
- Matzarakis A, 2024: Comments on the Quantification of Thermal Comfort and Heat Stress with Thermal Indices. Atmosphere, 15, 963, 1-4.
- Matzarakis A, 2024: Importance of Heat Health Warnings in Heat Management. Atmosphere, 15 (684), 1-4.
- Moreira AB, Silva Nóbrega R, de A Wanderley LS, Matzarakis A, 2024: Urban Heat Island Vulnerability in the City of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Weather, Climate and Society, 16, 105-116.
- Moreira AB, Wanderley LSdA, Duarte CC, Matzarakis A., 2024: Atmospheric Conditions Related to Extreme Heat and Human Comfort in the City of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) during the First Quarter of the Year. Atmosphere, 15, 973, 1-18.
- Mourougan M, Tiwari A, Limaye V, Matzarakis A, Singh A, Ghosh U, Pal D, Lahariya C, 2024: Heat Stress in India: A Review. Preventive Medicine Research & Reviews, 1-8.
- Parliari D, Economou T, Giannaros C, Kushta J, Melas D, Matzarakis A, Lelieveld J, 2024: A comprehensive approach for assessing synergistic impact of air quality and thermal conditions on mortality: The case of Thessaloniki, Greece. Urban Climate, 56, 102088, 1-16.
- Sander L, Jung C, Schindler D, 2024: Global review on environmental impacts of onshore wind energy in the field of tension between human societies and natural systems. Energies, 17: 3098.
- Sander L, Schindler D, Jung C, 2024: Application of satellite data for estimating rooftop solar photovoltaics potential. Remote Sensing, 16: 2205.
- Sulzer M, Christen A 2024: Climate projections of human thermal comfort for indoor workplaces. Climatic Change 177, 28.
- Wehrle J, Jung C, Giometto M, Christen A, Schindler D, 2024: Introducing new morphometric parameters to improve urban canopy air flow modeling: A CFD to Machine-Learning study in real urban environments. Urban Climate, 58: 102173.
- Wu S, Lin X, Bian Z, Lipson M, Lafortezza R, Liu Q, Grimmond S, Velasco E, Christen A, Masson V, Crawford B, Ward HC, Chrysoulakis N, Fortuniak K, Parlow E, Pawlak W, Tapper N, Hong J, Hong JW, Roth M, An J, Lin C, Chen B, 2024: Satellite observations reveal a decreasing albedo trend of global cities over the past 35 years. Remote Sensing of Environment, 303, 114003.
- Zafarmandi S, Matzarakis A, Norford L, 2024: Effects of clothing’s thermal insulation on outdoor thermal comfort and thermal sensation: A case study in Tehran, Iran. Sustainable Cities and Society, 100, 104988.
- Zanotto F, Grigolato S, Schindler D, Marchi L, 2024: Identifying wind-tree dynamics with numerical simulations based on experimental modal analysis. Forest Ecology and Management, 569: 122188.
- Matzarakis A, 2024: Klimawandel in Deutschland. In: Schneider, S. (Hrsg.), Gesundheitsrisiko Klimawandel, neue Herausforderungen für Sport, Beruf und Alltag, Hofgrefe Verlag, Bern, 33-40, https://doi.org/10.1024/86286-000.
- Matzarakis A, 2024: Griechenland: Hitze, Brände und Hochwasser 2023. In: Lozán JL, Graßl H, Kasang D, Quante M, Sillmann J (Hrsg.), Warnsignal Klima: Herausforderung Wetterextreme - Ursachen, Auswirkungen & Handlungsoptionen. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen - in Kooperation mit GEO. 384 S. ISBN 978 3982 006772, 24-28.
- Matzarakis A, Rösen C, 2024: Präventionsfeld Marathonlauf. In: Schneider S (Hrsg.), Gesundheitsrisiko Klimawandel, neue Herausforderungen für Sport, Beruf und Alltag, Hofgrefe Verlag, Bern, 192-198.
Technische Berichte
- Fenner D, Christen A, Gertsen C, Grimmond CSB, König K, Looschelders D, Meier F, Metzger S, Mitraka Z, Morrison W, Tsirantonakis D, Zeeman M, 2024: Metadata for the urbisphere-Berlin campaign during 2021-2022: technical documentation, Technical Report.
- Plapp T, Gertsen C, Christen A, 2024: Aboveground biomass at the Hartheim Forest research site 2023, Professur für Umweltmeteorologie, V1 (Public), 10.6094/UNIFR/231047
- Plein M, Kersten F, Zeeman M, Christen, A, 2024: Street-level weather station network in Freiburg, Germany: Station documentation, 10.5281/zenodo.10833090.